Anthony Marcus PhD

John Jay College of Criminal Justice Department 899 Tenth Avenue New York, NY 10019 Ph: +1 917-952-6490 [email protected]

EDUCATION 1998 Ph.D., , City University of New York, USA Research Specializations: Urban Applied Research, International Development, Anthropology and Crime, and Sexuality, Poverty and Public Policy, Social Deviance 1987 B.F.A., Film and Television Production, New , USA

CURRENT APPOINTMENTS 2013 Chair of Department John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York – Department of Anthropology and and Deviance Studies

2015-present Professor of Anthropology and Deviance Studies John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York – Department of Anthropology and Culture and Deviance Studies

2007-present Editor-in-Chief Dialectical Anthropology/Springer Publications

PREVIOUS POSITIONS 2008-2015 Associate Professor (Anthropology) John Jay College

2012 Prison Lecturer (Anthropology) John Jay College – Prison to College Pipeline, Otisville Correctional Facility

2010 Adjunct Professor (Epidemiology) Bard College – Bard Prison Initiative, Woodbourne Correctional Facility

2007 Associate Vice-President for Academic Affairs Kazakhstan Institute of Management Economics and Strategic Research (acting provost March 2007)

2006-2008 Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief New Proposals: The Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry/University of British Columbia


2004-2008 Senior Lecturer in Development Studies University of Melbourne/Melbourne University Private, Australia (joint appointment) Co-founder and second Academic Head of School of the School of International Development at Melbourne University Private – 2005 – Created Australia’s first entirely online PhD/MA Program – International Development

2002-03 Lecturer B in Development Studies The University of Melbourne, Australia

2000-01 Dean of Liberal Arts The American University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

1999-00 Associate Dean St. Johns University, College of Professional Studies, New York, USA

1998-99 Assistant Professor of Anthropology Hofstra University, New York, USA

1997-98 Research Associate Heroin in the 21st Century John Jay College/National Institute on Drug Abuse, New York, USA

1992-98 Adjunct Lecturer in Anthropology Lehman College, Hunter College, Baruch College, College of Staten Island of the City University of New York, USA

1990-93 Research Associate Critical Time Intervention – Public Health/Community Psychiatry Columbia University, Dept of Psychiatry/National Institute of Mental Health, New York, USA

FUNDED RESEARCH 2011-present Principal Investigator, Study of Honor Killings, Female Genital Cutting and Forced Marriage in the United States AHA Foundation – $120,000

2011-present Principal Investigator, The Bronx Community Connections for Youth, Seeking Alternatives to Incarceration – New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services Federal Formula Grant of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act A Pilot Project Evaluation of the South Bronx Community Connections Project – $68,686

2009-11 Co-Principal Investigator, Ethnographic Component – National Institute of Justice A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Red Hook Community Court with Center for Court Innovation – (with Professors Ric Curtis and Avram Bornstein) Ethnographic Component – $45,000

2009-11 Co-Principal Investigator, Atlantic City Pilot Study – US Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) in the United States: A National Study of CSEC Prevalence, Prosecution, and Services – (with Center for Court Innovation and Professor Ric Curtis) – Atlantic City Pilot – $60,000


1996 Principal Investigator, – CUNY Center for Caribbean Exchange Race, prostitution, and the underground economy in Special Period Cuba –$8,000

1990-93 Research Associate Columbia University Department of Psychiatry, Ethnographic Component – National Institute of Mental Health The Critical Time Intervention Program to Reduce Homelessness Among the Mentally Ill Research funded on salary

RECENT MAJOR PROPOSALS WRITTEN AND SUBMITTED AS LEAD PI 2013 Principal Investigator, New York, NY – National Institute of Justice – $999,749 requested – (short listed) How to Say Goodbye: A Social Networks Approach to Gang Desistance (co-PI’s David Brotherton, Ric Curtis, Travis Wendel)

2012 Principal Investigator, New York, NY – National Institute of Health – $289,000 requested (scored, but not funded) The Violent Victimization of Sex Workers in New York City, a Retrospective Life- course Approach

2012 Principal Investigator, West Bengal India – AusAID $900,000 requested (short listed, but not funded) A Social Network Analysis among Ultra-Poor Women in Eastern India (co-PI Chitra Raghavan; partnered with Trickle Up)

2012 Principal Investigator, Nassau County, NY – National Institute of Justice $490,000 (not funded) Trafficking in Numbers: Estimating the size of the trafficked population in Nassau County (Co-PIs Ric Curtis, Jana Arsovska, Chitra Raghavan)

CONSULTING 2014 Trial Preparation Shipsey Defense Attorneys, Portland, Oregon 2013 Trial Preparation Shertzlaw, Defense Attorneys, Portland, OR 2007 Positioning UNICEF Social and Economic Policy in the CEE-CIS Region Researcher – Budgeting for Women and Children Consultancy for Central Asia, Almaty, Kazakhstan 2007 Program Monitoring & Evaluation (Study leave research) ` UNICEF, Republic of Maldives 2006 Post-Tsunami Status of Women and Children Data Review Consultant UNICEF Evaluation Office, New York City 2006 Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor Australian/Canadian Red Cross, Malé, Republic of Maldives 2004 Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor Oxfam Australia, Guatemala 2002 Cross Cultural Orientation Trainer and Advisor Australian Volunteers International


2001 Editorial Consulting – Bowling for Columbine Dog Eat Dog Films, Kurt Engfehr 2001 Evaluation of Research Methodology and Editorial Consultant Intermediate Technology Development Group, Nairobi, Kenya 2000 Grant Proposal Reviewer City University of New York 1999-2000 Research and Editorial Consultant Routledge Press, New York

PUBLICATIONS (green stencil indicates student co-author)


Hautala, Dane, Anthony Marcus, and Kirk Dombrowski. 2015. “Predictors of Police Reporting among Hispanic Immigrant Victims of Violence” Race and Justice (no page numbers yet)

Marcus, Anthony, Jo Sanson, Amber Horning, Efram Thompson & Ric Curtis. 2015. " Pimping and Profitability: Testing the Economics of Trafficking in Street Sex Markets in Atlantic City, New Jersey ", Sociological Perspectives (accepted and forthcoming)

Marcus, A., & Curtis, R. (accepted and forthcoming, 2015). No Love for Children: Reciprocity, Science and Engagement in the Study of Child Sex Trafficking.. In D. Siegel & R. de Wildt (Eds.), Ethical Concerns in Human Trafficking Research. New York: Springer.

Marcus, Anthony 2015. “Obituary: Ananthakrishnan Aiyer (1967–2015)” Dialectical Anthropology. 39(2)1-5

Marcus, Anthony & Ric Curtis. 2015. “An Introduction to Faraway by R. Kevin Kline – Love, Sex, Friendship, and Faith: The Crisis of Adolescence Then and Now” Minneapolis, MN: Two Harbors Press.

Riggs, Robert, Sarah Rivera, Ric Curtis, Anthony Marcus. 2015. “Pimp”. In International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, Patricia Whelehan and Anne Bolin eds. New Jersey: Wiley Blackwell.


Horning, A., Thomas, C., Henninger, A. M., & Marcus, A. (2014). The Trafficking in Persons Report: a game of risk. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 38:1-24

Marcus, Anthony, Amber Horning, Ric Curtis, & Efram Thompson. 2014. “Conflict and Agency among Sex Workers and Pimps: A Closer Look at Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 653(1):225 - 246.


Marcus, Anthony & Ric Curtis 2014. “Implementing Policy for Invisible Populations: Social Work and Social Policy in a Federal Anti-Trafficking Taskforce in the United States”, Social Policy and ,

Marcus, Anthony, Amber Horning, & Ric Curtis. 2014. “Child Sex Trafficking: Toward an Agent Centered Approach” in Rhacel Salazar Parreñas and Kimberly Hoang Human Traffficking Reconsidered: Rethinking the Problem, Envisoning New Solutions, NY: Open Society Institute.

Marcus, Anthony, Popy Begum, Laila Alsabahi, Engy Hanna, Lisa Stathas-Robbins, and Ric Curtis. 2014. Is Forced Marriage a Problem in the United States? An Un-reviewed Discussion Paper Containing Preliminary Results from a Study of Intergenerational Conflict over Marital Choice Among Middle Eastern, North African, and South Asian Descended College Students at the City University of New York Report to the AHA Foundation.

Marcus, Anthony, Robert Riggs, Sarah Rivera, and Ric Curtis. 2014. The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the United States: A National Study of CSEC Prevalence, Prosecution and Services: Atlantic City Report. NY: Center for Court Innovation.

Marcus, A., & Aiyer, A. 2014. “Editors’ preface: themed section on unsettling anthropocentrism”. Dialectical Anthropology, 38(4), 383-385.

Marcus, Anthony, Chris Thomas, and Amber Horning. 2014. “Research shows that minor sex trafficking narratives do not reflect the experience of many domestic sex workers” United States of America Policy and Politics. London: London School of Economics and Political Science


Snajdr, Ed & Anthony Marcus. 2013. Anti-Anti-Trafficking? Towards an Ethnography of Human Trafficking, Special Issue of Dialectical Anthropology 37:2

Menzies, Charles & Anthony Marcus. 2013. Anthropology for a Small Planet 2nd Edition, Vancouver, B.C.: New Proposals Publishing.)

Curtis, Ric, Anthony Marcus, Nancy Jacobs. 2013. South Bronx Community Connections, A Pilot Project of Community Connections for Youth: A Grassroots Approach to Pro-social Adolescent Development in a Neighborhood of Chronic Disadvantage. John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Lee, Cynthia G., Fred Cheeseman, David B. Rottman, Rachel Swaner, Suvi Lambson, Mike Rempel, Ric Curtis, Avi Bornstein, Anthony Marcus, Sarah Rivera. 2013. A Community Court Grows in Brooklyn: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Red Hook Community Justice Center. Williamsburg, VA: National Center for State Courts.

Acharya, Yogendra, Salim Lakha, Anthony Marcus & Popy Begum. 2013. “When Sustainability Fails: A Multi-Subject Approach to Assessing Microfinance in Chitwan, Nepal” in Jonathan Westover, Social Entrepreneurship and Microfinance, Champaign, Il: Common Ground


Marcus, Anthony. 2013. “Afro-Cubans between the Sword and the Wall: Racism as a Transnational Process” in Charles Menzies & Anthony Marcus, ed., Anthropology for a Small Planet: Culture and Community in a Global Environment, Vancouver, B.C.: New Proposals Publishing.

Marcus, Anthony & Ed Snajdr. 2013. “Anti-anti-trafficking: Toward Critical of Human Trafficking” Dialectical Anthropology, 37:1


Marcus, Anthony, John Giggie, and David Burner. 2012. America Firsthand: Volume One: Readings from Settlement to Reconstruction—9thEdition, NY: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press.

Marcus, Anthony, John Giggie, and David Burner. 2012. America Firsthand: Volume Two: Readings from Reconstruction to the Present—9thEdition, NY: Bedford/St. Martins Press.

Marcus, Anthony. 2012. “Reconsidering Talaq: Marriage, Divorce and Sharia Reform in the Republic of Maldives” in Chitra Raghavan and James Levine (eds.) Self-Determination and Women’s Rights in Muslim . Lebanon, NH: Brandeis University Press.

Marcus, Anthony, Robert Riggs, Sarah Rivera, Ric Curtis, & Efram Thompson. 2012. “Is Child to Adult as Victim is to Criminal? Social Policy and Street-Based Sex Work in the United States” Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 9:153-166 .

Marcus, Anthony & John Giggie. 2012. “Using Sources to Study History”. In America Firsthand. Marcus and Giggie eds. New York: Bedford St. Martins.

Marcus, Anthony, Ananthakrishnan Aiyer, & Kirk Dombrowski. 2012. “Droning on: The Rise of the Machines” Dialectical Anthropology, 36:1-5


Marcus, Anthony. 2010. “The Contradictions of Social Democracy and the Boundaries of Hope” Dialectical Anthropology, 34(3):383-394.

Aiyer, Ananthakrishnan, Anthony Marcus, & Kirk Dombrowski. 2010. “The Enemies of All Mankind’ and Will the Real Villains Please Stand Up!” Dialectical Anthropology, 34(1):3-9

Dombrowksi, Kirk, Anthony Marcus, & Ananthakrishnan Aiyer. 2010. “Is the Dollar ‘Too Big to Fail’? Dialectical Anthropology, 34(1):159-165


Burner, David & Anthony Marcus. 2009. America Firsthand: Volume One: Readings from Settlement to Reconstruction—8th Edition, NY: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press.

Burner, David & Anthony Marcus. 2009. America Firsthand: Volume Two: Readings from Reconstruction to the Present—8thEdition, NY: Bedford/St. Martins Press. Marcus, Anthony & David Burner. 2009. “Reading and Writing History, Using Primary Documents” In America Firsthand. Anthony Marcus and David Burner eds. New York: Bedford St. Martins.


Marcus, Anthony, Ananthakrishnan Aiyer, & Kirk Dombrowski. 2009. “Chaos in South Asia” Dialectical Anthropology, 33(3-4):1-5


Marcus, Anthony. 2008. “Interrogating the Neo-pluralist Orthodoxy in American Anthropology" Dialectical Anthropology, 32(1):59-86.

Marcus, Anthony & Kirk Dombrowski . 2008. “Social Change, Civil Society, and the State...The Struggle Continues” Dialectical Anthropology, 33(2):1-5

Dombrowski, Kirk & Anthony Marcus. 2008. “Green Zones, Green Lines, and Green Lights” Dialectical Anthropology, 32(4):1-7

Marcus, Anthony & Kirk Dombrowski . 2008. “A New New Deal” Dialectical Anthropology, 32(3):1-6

Dombrowski, Kirk & Anthony Marcus. 2008. “Beyond The Backdrop State?”, Dialectical Anthropology, 32(1-2):1-5

Marcus, Anthony. 2008. “What’s Changed (since 1975)?” Dialectical Anthropology” Dialectical Anthropology, 32:7-8

Marcus, Anthony. 2008. “Reply: What’s Changed (since 1975)?” Dialectical Anthropology, 32:17-24

Marcus, Anthony. 2008. “Reply to Herzfeld, Rubenstein and Kapferer”, Dialectical Anthropology, 32:107-111

Marcus, Anthony. 2008. “Breaking the Consensus on Climate Change: A Critical Commentary on the Work of Hans Baer, Kay Milton, Barrie Pittock, and Andrea Leigh” in Hans Baer (ed.) The Impact of Global Warming on the Environment and Human Societies, PASI Research Papers #1, Melbourne, Australia: The University of Melbourne.

Marcus, Anthony. 2008. StreetCity: Rehousing the Homeless, by Rae Bridgman. In The Australian Journal of Anthropology 19 (1)


Menzies, C. R., & Marcus, A. A. (2007). Towards a Class Struggle Anthropology. New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry,1(1), 14-39. (republication)

Acharya, Yogendra, Salim Lakha, and Anthony Marcus. 2007. “Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions in Nepal” International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability 2(5): 85-92.

Menzies, C. R., & Marcus, A. A. (2007). Renewing the Vision: Marxism and Anthropology in the 21st Century. New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry, 1(1), 1-5. (republication)


Menzies, C. R., & Marcus, A. (2007). Renouveler la Vision: Nouvelles Propositions pour le 21ème Siècle. New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry, 1(1), 6-11. (republication)

Marcus, Anthony. 2007. “Thinking and Rethinking the State in Post-” University of Melbourne/School of Social and Environmental Enquiry Working Papers in Development #3. . (National Library of Australia archive site

Marcus, Anthony. 2007. “Studying and Writing History” in David Burner and Anthony Marcus America Firsthand: Volume One: Readings from Settlement to Reconstruction—Sixth Edition, NY: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press.

2006 Acharya, Yogendra, Salim Lakha, and Anthony Marcus. 2006. “Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions: A Term with Multiple Meanings”, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability.

Marcus, Anthony & Sulikah Asmorowati. 2006. “Urban Poverty and the Rural Development Bias: Some Notes from Indonesia” Journal of Developing Societies 22(2).

Burner, David & Anthony Marcus. 2006. America Firsthand: Volume One: Readings from Settlement to Reconstruction—7th Edition, NY: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press.

Burner, David & Anthony Marcus. 2006. America Firsthand: Volume Two: Readings from Reconstruction to the Present—7thEdition, NY: Bedford/St. Martins Press.

Marcus, Anthony & Sulikah Asmorowati. 2006. “Urban Development, Rural Visions: The Urban Poverty Project in Indonesia” University of Melbourne/SAGES Working Papers in Development #1. (National Library of Australia archive site


Marcus, Anthony. 2005. Where Have All the Homeless Gone? The Making and Unmaking of a Crisis: NY: Oxford: Berghahn Books. (1500+ sold)

Marcus, Anthony. 2005. Malcolm X and the Third American Revolution: The Life and Work of George Breitman, Amherst, NY: Humanity Books.

Marcus, Anthony. 2005. “Drinking Politics: Alcohol, Drugs and the Problem of Civil Society in the United States” in Thomas M. Wilson, ed. Drinking : Alcohol and the Expression of Identity, Class and Nation, Oxford: Berg Publishers.

Marcus, Anthony. 2005. “The Culture of Poverty Revisited: Bringing Back the Working Class” Anthropologica 47(1).


Marcus, Anthony & Charles Menzies 2005. “Towards a Class Struggle Anthropology: A Review of work from Canada, Mexico and the United States” Anthropologica 47(1)

Marcus, Anthony. 2005. “Whose Tangle is it Anyway? The African-American Family, Poverty, and U.S. Norms” The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 16(1).

Menzies, Charles & Anthony Marcus. 2005. Renewing the Vision: Marxism and Anthropology in the 21st Century. Special Issue of Anthropologica, 47(1), 3-6. Marcus, Anthony & Yogendra Acharya. 2005. “Local Culture, Local Power: Microfinance in Nepal”, Melbourne University Private Working Paper Series. (National Library of Australia Call # Nq 338.90091724 WOR Copy: N pbk)

Menzies, C., & Marcus, A. (2005). Renewing the Vision: Marxism and Anthropology in the 21st Century—Introduction. Anthropologica, 47(1), 3-6.

Menzies, C., & Marcus, A. (2005). Renouveler la vision: marxisme et anthropologie au XXI e siècle— introduction. Anthropologica, 47(1), 7-11.

Marcus, Anthony. 2005. “George Breitman, Malcolm X and the Third American Revolution” Introduction to Malcolm X and the Third American Revolution: The Life and Work of George Breitman, Amherst, NY: Humanity Books.

Marcus, Anthony. 2005. “World Systems Theory” in Tim Forsyth (ed.) Encyclopedia of International Development, London: Routledge Press.

Marcus, Anthony. 2005. Development Fieldwork: A Practical Guide, by Regina Scheyvens and Donovan Storey. In The Australian Journal of Anthropology 16 (3).


Marcus, Anthony. 2004. “Asynchronous Learning: Putting the Social First” International Conference Proceedings of E-Learn 2004: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Acharya, Yogendra, Salim Lakha, & Anthony Marcus. 2004. “Microfinance Business in Rural Nepal: Local Reality and Emerging Issues” Proceedings of Emerging Issues in Business and Technology.

Acharya, Yogendra, Salim Lakha, & Anthony Marcus. 2004. “Sustainable Microfinance and Poverty Alleviation: Understandings of Small Farmers in Rural Nepal” Proceedings of the Eastern Business Education Association.

Marcus, Anthony. 2004. “Movement and Development: Introduction to a Special Issue on Migration and Development” Three60: The Melbourne Development Forum, Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne University Private 2(2):1-4.

Marcus, Anthony. 2004. Migration, Mujercitas and Medicine Men: Living in Urban Mexico, by Valentina Napolitano. In The Australian Journal of Anthropology 15(3).


Marcus, Anthony. 2004. Cultural Diversity in the United States: A Critical Reader edited by Ida Susser and Thomas Patterson. In The Australian Journal of Anthropology 15(1).


Marcus, Anthony. 2003. “Imaginary Worlds: The Last Years of Eric Wolf” 11(1) 78-94.

Marcus, Anthony. 2003. “Shelterization Revisited: Some Methodological Dangers of Institutional Studies” Human Organization 62(2): 134-142.

Burner, David, Anthony Marcus, and Robert Marcus. 2003. America Firsthand: Volume One: Readings from Settlement to Reconstruction—6th Edition, NY: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press.

Burner, David, Anthony Marcus, and Robert Marcus. 2003. America Firsthand: Volume Two: Readings from Reconstruction to the Present—6thEdition, NY: Bedford/St. Martins Press. Marcus, Anthony. 2003. Gramsci, Culture and Anthropology by Kate Crehan. In Social Anthropology 11(3).

Marcus, Anthony. 2003. A Social in the United States by Thomas Patterson. In The Australian Journal of Anthropology 14(2).


Marcus, Anthony. 2001. “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Negotiating ghetto role models” Focaal – European Journal of Anthropology 37(2):23-39.

20th century

Marcus, Anthony. 2000. “Collective Guilt” American Anthropological Association Newsletter, May

Marcus, Anthony. 1999. “Eric R. Wolf, Scholar-Activist “ Against the Current, #81, July/August 1997.

Burner, David & Anthony Marcus. 1999. Turning Points: Making Decisions in American History, Volume One: 1619-1865, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.

Burner, David & Anthony Marcus. 1999. Turning Points: Making Decisions in American History, Volume Two: 1865-1998, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.

Marcus, Robert & Anthony Marcus. 1998. On Trial: American History Through Court Proceedings and Hearings, Volume One: 1636-1865, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell. (ed.)

Marcus, Robert & Anthony Marcus. 1998. On Trial: American History Through Court Proceedings and Hearings, Volume Two: 1871-1991, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell. (ed.)


Marcus, Anthony. 1996. “Afro-Cubans between the Sword and the Wall: Racism as a Transnational Process”. In Anthony Marcus, ed., Anthropology for a Small Planet: Culture and Community in a Global Environment, St. James, NY: Brandywine Press.

Marcus, Anthony. 1996. Anthropology for a Small Planet: Culture and Community in a Global Environment, St. James, NY: Brandywine Press. (ed.)

McCaffrey, Katherine & Anthony Marcus. 1996. “Introduction: A Small Planet” in Marcus, ed., Anthropology for a Small Planet: Culture and Community in a Global Environment, St. James, NY: Brandywine Press.

In Progress

Marcus, Anthony & Amber Horning. ND. Street Teens and Moral Entrepreneurs: Ethnographies of Sex and Commerce. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers (5 chapters written -- under contract for delivery early 2016)

Horning, Amber, Chris Thomas, and Anthony Marcus. eds. 2015. Third party sex work and pimps in the age of anti-trafficking. Springer (under contract for delivery early 2016)

Horning, Amber, Chris Thomas, and Anthony Marcus. ND. “Tales of Pimping: Risky Business, Media and the Anti-Trafficking Campaign”, International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminology

Horning, Amber, Chris Thomas, and Anthony Marcus. ND. Teenage pimps from high school hallways to entrepreneurial dyads: Pimping honed by youth based institutional processes and anti- trafficking discourse.

Marcus, Anthony, Dane Hautala, and Kirk Dombrowski. ND. “Looking for Bias: Gauging Xenophobia in the Violent Victimization of Latino Migrants on Long Island”, Ethnic and Racial Studies (under review)

Marcus, Anthony, Alana Henninger, Popy Begum, Laila Alsabahi, Engy Hanna, Lisa Stathas, and Ric Curtis, ND. “Between Choice and Obligation: Migration, Marriage and Family Conflict in New York City”, Journal of Family Issuesy (under review)

Marcus, Anthony. ND. “Complimentary Research Methods Used to Gauge Recurrent Homelessness in a Critical Time Intervention Experiment Design”, Qualitative Inquiry. (revise and resubmit)

Bornstein, Avram, Rachel Swaner, Ric Curtis & Anthony Marcus. ND. “Tell it to the Judge: Community Courts, Legitimacy and Hegemony in Brooklyn, NY” Political and Review. (revised and resubmitted)

Martin, Yolanda, Joshua Eichenbaum, Ric Curtis, Ernie Drucker, and Anthony Marcus. ND “Strength in Numbers: A New Model for Pedagogy for Student Research training and Education in the Social and Behavioral Sciences” Journal of Diversity in Higher Education (under review)


Marcus, Anthony & Amber Horning. ND. “Black is the Color of Pimp: African American Masculinity, Racial Stereotyping, and Systematic Bias in Anti-Trafficking Enforcment”

Marcus, Anthony. ND. Culture, Agriculture, and Development: Modernization in the Maldives Before the Flood

CONFERENCES ORGANIZED 2004 The Australian Anthropological Society – national co-convener of annual meetings in Melbourne, Australia 2000 “Latin American Migrants in New York City” – co-convener of a two day international multi-disciplinary conference at St. John’s University, NY 2000 “Bricks and Clicks”: Business and Information Technology in the New Century” – a one day conference bringing industry and academe together to discuss the relationship between technology and commerce, New York Hilton

KEYNOTES, EXPERT TESTIMONY, AND INVITED LECTURES 2015 Opening Address – Society for the Anthropology of North America (New York, NY) 2014 Expert Panelist – Anthropological Political Economy Seminar (Canadian Anthropological Society), Canada 2014 Expert Witness – U.S. Federal Court, Portland Oregon, USA V. Christopher Graham 2013 Expert Witness – U.S. Federal Court, Portland Oregon, USA V. Chris (Cool) Wilmer 2013 Continuing Lawyer Education – Public Defense of Human Traffickers, Federal Public Defender’s Office 2013 Invited Lecturer – Slavers, Pimps, and Traffickers, Yesterday and Today, State University of New York, Brockport, History Dept Annual Lecture 2013 Invited Panelist – From Prosecution to Empowerment: Fighting Trafficking and Promoting the Rights of Migrants, University of Southern California 2007 Expert Panelist – United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Seminar on Definitions and Measurements of Urban Poverty, Bangkok, Thailand 2006 Keynote Address – The Contemporary Australian City: New Ethnographic and Narrative Accounts of Life in Australian Cities, Melbourne, Australia 1999 Invited Lecturer – University of British Columbia Current Affairs Lectures, “Drug Wars of the Twentieth Century”, Vancouver, B.C., Canada 1999 Invited Lecturer – International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Carnegie Action Project, “The Politics of Crime and Drugs in the United States”, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

PANELS ORGANIZED 2015 “Roundtable: Choosing to Fuck for Love or Money: Unpacking and Situating Divergent Sexual Ontologies of Youth” Eastern Sociological Society Meetings 2013 “Honor Killing, Forced Marriage, and Sex Trafficking: Ethnography in the Tracks of Carceral Feminism” American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, (with Amber Horning) 2011 “The Dream to Tell My Story: Ethnographies of Pimping” – American Society of Criminology annual meetings


2008 “Copyright Abundance and Course Material Scarcity: Intellectual Property Rights, Civil Society, and Education in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan” American Anthropological Association, Annual Meetings (with Stephanie Gliege) 2006 American Ethnologist Invited Session: “Critical intersections of anthropology and history, culture and class: working within and against the writings and teachings of Gerald M. Sider” American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings 2006 “Comparative Local Thatcherisms” European Association of Social Anthropologists biannual conference 2005 “Towards an Anthropology of Hope” American Anthropological Association, Annual Meetings 2005 “Hearts of the West: Development and Hope” American Anthropological Association, yearly meetings, Washington, D.C. 2004 “Without The Homefield Advantage? Women, Men and Subordinate Masculinity” session organizer and panel chair – Australian Anthropological Society Annual Meetings 2004 “Moving Anthropological Histories” session organizer and panel chair – Australian Anthropological Society Annual Meetings 2000 “It Takes a Village to Advise a Student” session organizer and panel chair – the National Academic Advising Association Northeastern regional meetings. 1998 “Heroin In The 21st Century” session organizer and panel chair – the American Anthropological Association annual meetings. 1998 “Identity Construction and Politics in Post-Industrial New York City” session organizer – the American Society of Criminology annual meetings 1998 “Politics and Identity in a New City: New York at the Millennium” session organizer and panel chair – the New York State Sociological Association annual meetings. 1998 “Moving from the Margins to The Center: Redefining Workers and Identity in a Moment of Economic Disorder” session organizer – the AES/CASCA annual meetings. 1997 “Counterflows” session organizer – the American Anthropological Association annual meetings.

CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION 2015 “Education on Both Sides of the Wall” Respondent May 21st Occasional Series at Prisoner Reentry Institute 2015 “Sex-Trafficking, Ethnography and Policy: Why Can’t They Get Along?” Society for the Anthropology of North America, New York, NY 2014 “Black and White and Read All Over: Considerations of Race in the Identification, and Prosecution of Sex Trafficking in the United States” American Society of Criminology Annual Meetings 2013 “Narratives of Child Sex Trafficking and Street Sex Markets in New York City and Atlantic City, New Jersey, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting 2013 “Marriage, Forced and Otherwise: Inter-generational conflict over marital choice among North African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian New Yorkers” European Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Budapest, Hungary ( Alana Henninger first author) 2012 “Moral Panic and Market Forces: Value Price and Profit in Domestic Adolescent Street Sex Markets” the American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Chicago, IL 2012 “Divorce Maldivian Style: A Social Network Approach to Marriage, Governance and Economy” International Network for Social Network Analysis annual meetings, Redondo Beach, CA 2012 “When RDS Fails: Trouble in Atlantic City” International Network for Social Network


Analysis annual meetings, Redondo Beach, CA (Ric Curtis first author) 2011 “See Spot Pimp: Pimping and Powerlessness” the American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Washington D.C. 2011 “Issues in the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children” American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, Las Vegas (listed in program under Ric Curtis) 2011 “Commercially Sexually Exploited Children and Young Adults in the United States, American Ethnological Association Annual Meetings, San Juan, Puerto Rico 2008 “Copyright Abundance and Course Material Scarcity: Intellectual Property Rights, Civil Society and Education in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan (with Stephanie Gliege). American Anthropological Association, yearly meetings, San Francisco, CA. 2006 “Comparing Local Thatcherisms: The Making and Unmaking of a Homeless Crisis” European Association of Social Anthropologists, Bristol England 2005 “Hearts of the West: Development and Hope” American Anthropological Association, yearly meetings, Washington, D.C. 2001 "The Roots of September 11 in the Middle East" Invited Lecture, State University of New York at Stony Brook History Department 2000 “The Culture of Poverty Revisited”, invited presentation at conference: Perspectives on Race, Gender, and Class, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1999 “Drug Wars of the Twentieth Century”, University of B.C., Vancouver, Canada. 1998 “Unsettled and Nomadic: Law, Anthropology, and Race in Early 20th Century Cuba”, commentator on a paper by Alejandra Bronfman, Hofstra University International Scene Lecture Series, New York 1998 “Deep Play on Dope”, American Anthropological Association Meetings, Phil., PA 1998 “Where Have all the Crack-heads Gone?,” New York State Sociological Association Meetings, New York 1998 “Justifying the Margins, Revealing Codes: The Performance of Homelessness”, Canadian Anthropology Society/American Ethnological Society Meetings, Toronto, Canada. 1998 “Going Global”, panel discussant, Society For annual meetings, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 1996 “U.S. Politics and the People Without Housing”, AAA annual meetings, San Francisco. 1996 “In the Shadow of Rodney King: Afro-Cubans, Race and Class in a Classless Society,” Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Toronto, Canada. 1996 “Between the Sword and the Wall: Race, Culture, and the State in Contemporary Cuba” American Ethnological Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


2004 Melbourne University Private Working Papers in Development (founded with Michael Webber) – ended 2006

2006 University of Melbourne Working Papers in Anthropology and Development – ended 2008

2007 Social Research Working Papers – continuing

2007 New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry (founded with Charles R. Menzies) continuing Volume 7

EDITOR OF JOURNALS New Proposals – Editor-in-Chief 2007


Dialectical Anthropology – Editor-in-chief 2008-present

REVIEWER FOR JOURNALS Identities Dialectical Anthropology Social analysis Ethnography Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies Anthropologica New Proposals Antithesis Crime, Law and Social Change

REVIEWER FOR PUBLISHERS Routledge Press Springer

HIGHER RESEARCH SUPERVISIONS PhD Thesis Completions (University of Melbourne) 2010 Jules Corboz – The New Poor: Downward Mobility and the Neoliberalisation of Public Life in Uruguayan Squatter Settlements (with Mary Patterson) Won award for best Anthropology thesis in Australia 2010 2009 Barbara Wigley – A walk on the darkside: an exploration of culture and dynamics in humanitarian and crisis organizations (with Andrew Dawson) United Nations Professional Appointment Geneva 2009 Ben Killingsworth – Motherhood, selflessness and the practice of reflexivity: the reproduction of class in the maternal realm (with Andrew Dawson) 2007 Muhammad Nadeem Malik – Policy and Divergence: The Case of Decentralization in Rural Pakistan (with Salim Lakha) Senior Lecturer and Coordinator of Development Studies, University of Melbourne 2006 Julian C.H. Lee – Dilemmas in Democracy: Islam, Politics and Activism in Malaysia (with Douglas Lewis) Senior Lecturer Deakin University 2006 Yogendra Prasad Acharya – Sustainable Microfinance and Poverty Alleviation: Understandings of Small Farmers in Rural Nepal (with Salim Lakha) Sessional Lecturer York University

EXAMINER 30+ Doctoral Confirmation Committees (University of Melbourne) 5 Candidacy Examinations (CUNY)

Masters Thesis Completions (All University of Melbourne) 2006 Denise Cauchi – Humanitarian Protection in Development 2006 Marilyn Garson – Current Conflict, Humanitarianism and the Risks for People in Need of Food 2006 Martin Momoda – Beginning at the End: Autonomous Learning in Rural Laos 2006 Richard Ragland – The Militarization of Humanitarian Assistance, an Emerging Crisis: The Afghanistan Case 2006 Aishath Azza – Safe Islands: Migration as Development in the Maldives


2006 Deanna Sverdlov – Identifying and Ameliorating Poverty in the Pacific: The Case of Fiji 2006 Sarah Quillinan – A Drop in the Ocean of Suffering: Gender and Refugee Resettlement in Shepparton, Victoria 2005 Jennifer Riley – The F Word: A study of Feminist Consciousness in the Development Industry 2004 Sulikah Asmorowati – Constraints to the Implementation of Bottom-up Approaches in Urban Poverty Alleviation Programs at the Community Level 2004 Raj Nirmal Kafle – Decentralising Governance in Nepal: A study of the Experience and the Vision 2003 Isabelle Dos Santos Dos Reis-Flood – Women’s Rights as Human Rights: An International Law Perspective

Supervised Eight Honours Theses to Completion at University of Melbourne

MEDIA APPEARANCES 2014 Interviewed in Slate Magazine for “Conflict and Agency Among Pimps and Sex Workers w_the_market_for_underage_sex_actually.html 2005 “A Few Furlongs Short of a Phar Lap” The Australian 01-11-05, quoted as an expert on nationalism 2005 SBS Radio, Australia – Interviewed on politics and economics in contemporary Cuba 2004 “The Myth of Monogamy” The Age 17-09-04, quoted as an expert on marriage, kinship and gender 2003 “So What Planet Are You From” The Age 23-09-03, quoted as an expert on gender relations 2003 “Has Anyone Ever Told You…” The Age 29-03-03, quoted as an expert on gender relations 2002 “Life in The Gulf” a one hour radio discussion of expatriate life in the Arab Gulf States for Triple R radio, Melbourne, Australia 1999 “War on Drugs” half hour interview on public radio in B.C. Canada 05/01/99 1997 “The New Heroin Use” quoted on illicit drug use New York Newsday 11/5/97

PERSONAL INFORMATION Nationality: USA, Australian permanent resident Languages: English (native speaker), Spanish (fluent), French (reading), Russian (basic conversational) Countries of work and research: United States, Mexico, Kenya, United Arab Emirates, Australia, Cuba, Guatemala, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan