PSY 918 Outline, W2017 Page 1 of 9 RYERSON UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY PSY 918: Advanced Social Psychology Seminar, Winter 2017 Instructor: John Turtle, PhD Office: JOR 1226 (Jorgenson Hall) Phone: 416.979.5000, x3094 Email:
[email protected] Course Website: Class: Wednesdays from 4-7pm in JOR 1200 Office Hours: Because of my current administrative position as Secretary of Senate, I’m at Ryerson pretty much every day from about 8am to 6pm. Much of that time is spent in meetings, but working with the students in this class is a priority for me, so I will do what I can to meet with you, speak on the phone, and communicate via email. If you’re looking for me in person, the 12th floor of Jorgenson can look like you need to get “buzzed in,” but you can just pull the glass doors to your left as you get off the elevator and find your way around the corner to my office. Calendar Description This seminar involves an in-depth analysis of current topics in social psychology. Through weekly discussions and presentations, students explore a topic or series of topics that illustrate cutting- edge research in the field. While the specific focus or theme of the seminar varies according to the instructor, topics may include the application of social psychology to marketing (persuasion), to law (forensics), to prejudice and stereotyping, and to perceptions of the self. Prerequisites: PSY 102, PSY 202, and PSY 124 For this installment of the course: We will take a “skeptical,” social psychological perspective on why and what people are willing to believe, especially regarding alleged paranormal phenomena (e.g., psychics); alternative health practices (e.g., homeopathy); and pseudo-scientific claims in the marketplace (e.g., subliminal messages), in education (e.g., learning styles), and the legal system (e.g., detecting deception).