Chemistry 190: Special Seminar in Chemistry “Science, Society, and the Skeptic: Becoming a Critical Consumer of Everyday Science” Fall Semester 2013 Monday/Wednesday 3:30-4:45 p.m. Kenan Laboratories Room B121 Instructor: Ms. Lauren Jarocha
[email protected] GRC: Mr. Trey Archer
[email protected] Office: Caudill Laboratories Room 010 Phone: 919-962-1694 Instructor Office Hours: 9-10 AM on Tuesdays in the Kenan Science Library, or by appointment GRC office hours: TBA Email policy: If you would like a timely response to your email, please be sure to put “Chem 190” in the subject line of all messages for this course. Science impacts our lives on a daily basis. We encounter the results of scientific research every day. We may not always notice it, and our science classes haven’t always prepared us to know what to do with that science when we run into it. Advertiser frequently use scientific sounding claims to try to sell us a product. The news reports on scientific research with the intent to inform us and sometimes even scare us. Movies and television use scientific concepts to entertain us. The question is, is all this “science” actually science at all? How do you know if you encounter solid scientific results when junk science and pseudoscientific claims are everywhere? It turns out that you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to sort through the noise and use scientific thinking to make informed decisions about your life, health, and technology. Course Goals for Chem 190: Students should be able to: • Explain the basic realities