3381 PROOF





No. 96





That a bill be introduced for an Act to amend various Acts, and to amend or repeal regulations, administered by the Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation; and for related purposes.

(Better Regulation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill).

(Notice given 11 May 2021)

2 MR to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act to amend the Children’s Guardian Act 2019 to embed the Child Safe Standards as the primary framework that guides child safe practice in organisations in ; and for related purposes.

(Children's Guardian Amendment (Child Safe Scheme) Bill).

(Notice given 11 May 2021)

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1 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Territorial Limits) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate on the motion of Mr , "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 24 October 2019—Mr Paul Scully).

2 Firearms and Weapons Legislation Amendment (Criminal Use) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate on the motion of Mr David Elliott, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 26 February 2020— Ms ).

3 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Bill; consideration of Legislative Council amendments. (Mr ).

4 Budget Estimates and related papers 2020-2021; resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Mr , "That this House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers 2020-21". (Moved 19 November 2020—Mr speaking, 8 minutes remaining after obtaining an extension).

5 Address To Her Majesty The Queen; resumption of the interrupted debate on the motion of Ms . (Moved 5 May 2021—Mr speaking, 18 minutes remaining).

6 Reference to the Independent Commission Against Corruption; consideration of the message from the Legislative Council dated 18 September 2019. (Mr ).



1 Petition—from certain citizens requesting the Legislative Assembly and the Government ensure that the final draft of the Firearms and Weapons Legislation Amendment (Criminal Use) Bill does not criminalise legal firearms owners and that citizens of New South Wales are not subject to the loss of civil liberties because of the Bill. (Mr ). (Set down for debate on 13 May 2021).



1 Residential Tenancies Amendment (Reasons for Termination) Bill; (Notice given 23 March 2021; introduced 6 May 2021—Ms ; lapses 24 September 2021).


1 MS to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to make further provision in relation to sexual offences to adopt a communicative model of consent.

(Crimes Amendment (Enthusiastic Consent) Bill).

(Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 September 2021)

2 MR to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act amend the Water NSW Act 2014 to make further provision regarding flood mitigation; and for related purposes.

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(Water NSW Amendment (Flood Mitigation) Bill).

(Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 September 2021)

ORDERS OF THE DAY (for Bills)—

†1 ICAC and Other Independent Commission Legislation Amendment (Independent Funding) Bill; resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Ms , "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 6 May 2021—Mr speaking, 3 minutes remaining; lapses 20 May 2021).

2 Government Information (Public Access) Amendment (Recklessly Destroying Government Records) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Ms Jodi McKay, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 11 February 2021—Ms ; lapses 10 August 2021).

3 Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment (Ministerial Code of Conduct—Property Developers) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Ms Jodi McKay, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 18 February 2021—Ms Melanie Gibbons; lapses 20 May 2021).

4 Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment (Publication of Ministerial Register of Interests) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Ms Jodi McKay, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 18 March 2021—Mr Adam Marshall; lapses 19 May 2021).

†5 Property Services Council Bill—awaiting second reading speech. (Reported 23 March 2021—Mr Philip Donato; lapses 24 September 2021).

†6 Government Sector Finance Amendment (Government Grants) Bill—awaiting second reading speech. (Reported 23 March 2021—Mr Roy Butler; lapses 24 September 2021).

7 NSW Jobs First Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Ms Yasmin Cately, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 25 March 2021—Mr Adam Marshall; lapses 12 August 2021).

8 Canterbury Park Racecourse (Sale and Redevelopment Moratorium) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Ms , "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 25 March 2021—Mr Adam Marshall; lapses 18 August 2021).

† Bill forwarded from the Legislative Council

ORDERS OF THE DAY (General Orders)—

1 Rotary Club of Centenary; resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Mr Lee Evans—

"That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Rotary Club of Sydney for its centenary. (2) Acknowledges Rotary is celebrating 100 years in Australia in 2021. (3) Recognises all the humanitarian and projects Rotary does to improve peoples lives in Australia and around the world."

(Notice given 4 May 2021, moved 6 May 2021—Mr Mark Course speaking, 1 minute remaining; lapses 5 August 2021) 3384 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

NOTICES OF MOTIONS (General Notices)—

1982 HUNTER REGION - CODE ONE INCIDENTS MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes New South Wales has the second slowest paramedic response times across Australia for Code One Incidents. (2) Notes ambulance services in the Hunter Region are running at or above capacity, particularly on weekends. (3) Calls on the Minister for Health and Medical Research to review the minimum operating levels and employ more paramedics. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

1983 NEPEAN BLUE MOUNTAINS LOCAL HEALTH DISTRICT - COVID-19 PANDEMIC RESPONSE MR to move— That this House: (1) Recognises like other locations across New South Wales, Penrith has had to face the challenges that come with the COVID-19 Pandemic and health has been at the forefront. (2) Acknowledges the management and leadership by the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District with Kay Hyman at the helm during this enormous challenge has been extraordinary. (3) Notes in the face of such unique circumstances, Kay and her team have shown their ongoing commitment and dedication and they are to be commended. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

1984 CENTRAL COAST COUNCIL AMALGAMATION MR to move— That this House: (1) Notes the recent appointment of an administrator to Central Coast Council represents a failure of the Government's amalgamation policy. (2) Notes a recent study of all 128 local government councils in New South Wales found eight of the ten worst performing councils are merged councils, including the Central Coast Council. (3) Notes Central Coast Council residents were never asked if they wanted an amalgamated local government council. (4) Calls on the Minister for Local Government to grant a full inquiry into the Central Coast Council amalgamation and grant the people of the Central Coast a referendum on the amalgamation. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

1985 MID COAST COUNCIL REGION - REGIONAL SENIORS TRAVEL CARD MR to move— That this House: (1) Commends the NSW Nationals in Government for supporting regional seniors through the $250 Regional Seniors Travel Card. (2) Notes the Mid Coast Council region has already received more than 770 applications for the card since they reopened in January 2021. (3) Notes in 2020, the card eased the burden of 19,223 seniors in the Mid Coast Local Government Area. (4) Notes this is a $4.8 million investment in the Mid Coast Council area alone. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021) 3385 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

1986 PEP-11 EXPLORATION LICENCE MR to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the drilling of oil and gas poses a massive risk to the New South Wales coastline. (2) Calls on the Government to formally express a recommendation to the Commonwealth Government that PEP-11 be cancelled. (3) Calls for the Commonwealth Government, who are the final decision makers, to not renew the PEP- 11 exploration licence. (4) Acknowledges the Pacific Ocean and its marine life is too precious to be put at risk. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

1987 WENTWORTH FALLS - ILLEGAL LAND CLEARING MS to move— That this House: (1) Demands the Government explain the illegal land clearing at the proposed zoo/hotel/crocodile park in Wentworth Falls. (2) Condemns the Government for its shoddy processes whereby local environmental protection standards are tossed aside, setting a dangerous precedent for development in a World Heritage Area. (3) Demands the Government respond to concerns raised by the Blue Mountains Conservation Society and local residents about this absurd zombie development application. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

1989 MYANMAR MILITARY COUP MR JAMIE PARKER to move— That this House: (1) Condemns the military coup in Myanmar. (2) Recognises the November 2020 election was a landslide victory for the National League for Democracy. (3) Calls for the release of all people detained by the military including Australian Professor Sean Turnell. (4) Calls for targeted sanctions including travel bans against coup leaders, their associates and family members as well as the suspension of military ties. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

1990 ROUSE HILL HOSPITAL MR to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Government have made fanfare announcements about Rouse Hill Hospital at the 2015 and 2019 state elections only to have it cancelled in 2016 and 2020. (2) Notes over 120,000 people have moved into the north west growth area since the Government came to power and the area desperately needs a hospital. (3) Calls on the Government to implement a local community stakeholder group to plan the timing, size, scope and location of the hospital in the north west growth area. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

1991 NELUNE FOUNDATION - 21ST ANNIVERSARY EVENT MS to move— That this House:

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(1) Notes on 10 February 2021, New South Wales Governor Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC hosted the Nelune Foundation to celebrate its 21st anniversary. (2) Notes support of the foundation by: co-founders Nelune Rajapakse and Anna Guillan AM, Professor Boon Chua, Professor David Thomas, Richard Haddock AC, Charles Curran AC, Bruce and Nicky McWilliam, and Tony and Lisa Karp. (3) Commends the Nelune Foundation for its work providing practical support to cancer patients. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

1992 WEST DAPTO HOUSING AND SCHOOLS MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes the construction of new houses, the sale of land for housing and proposed new developments are going ahead at a rapid rate in the West Dapto area. (2) Notes the growing needs of the West Dapto area are being ignored by the Government, especially the need for new schools. (3) Calls on the Government to commit to building much needed schools in West Dapto now. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

1993 HOLOCAUST REMEMBERANCE DAY MR NATHANIEL SMITH to move— That this House: (1) Notes International Holocaust Remembrance Day is commemorated annually on 27 January. (2) Thanks the New South Wales Jewish community for its contributions to the harmonious multicultural way of life in New South Wales. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

1994 POWERHOUSE PARRAMATTA PROJECT MS JULIA FINN to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Government approved the Powerhouse Parramatta Project late on the afternoon of Friday 12 February 2021. (2) Notes the approval occurred before the Minister for the Public Service and Employee Relations, Aboriginal Affairs, and the Arts was due to appear at the Powerhouse Museum Select Committee. (3) Calls on the Government to preserve both Willow Grove and St George's Terrace. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

1995 COROWA DISTRICT LANDCARE - YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES PROGRAM MR to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the importance of the Government's $1.5 million Youth Opportunities Program and its objective to keep young people engaged with their community and help to drive projects 'they can be proud of'. (2) Notes Corowa District Landcare received $40,000 under the Youth Opportunities Program. (3) Congratulates Corowa District Landcare for its commitment to improving the regional environment and precious wetland areas in regional New South Wales. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)


That this House: (1) Notes that for the TransGrid electricity network construction and community consultation, Minister for Energy and Environment has said: 'My clear message to TransGrid is that no concern is too small'. (2) Notes the intense frustration of landowners in the Kyeamba Valley at the consultation process so far. (3) Calls on the Government to ensure that respectful, genuine consultation and a genuine assessment of alternative network routes takes place in the areas to be impacted by TransGrid projects. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

1997 FIXING COUNTRY BRIDGES PROGRAM MR to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Government on accelerating the opening of Fixing Country Bridges Program, which provides funding local government councils to replace ageing timber bridges that matter to the local community. (2) Notes regional local government councils currently maintain more than 1,800 timber bridges throughout New South Wales, some of which are now more than 80 years old and reaching the end of their life. (3) Congratulates the Government on the $290 million allocated to 424 projects across 54 local government areas under Round One. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

1998 WINDALE SOCIAL HOUSING REDEVELOPMENT MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Land and Housing Corporation is one of the major property owners in an area of Windale rezoned by Lake Macquarie City Council. (2) Notes media reports indicate the Government is exploring opportunities for redevelopment in the medium density zoned area. (3) Calls on the Government to ensure the needs of current Windale social housing tenants, as well as the needs of people on the 10 year wait list for the area, are met in any redevelopment. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

1999 AUSTRALIAN CORRECTIONS MEDAL RECIPIENTS MR to move— That this House: (1) Notes four Corrective Services NSW officers have been awarded the Australian Corrections Medal, as part of the 2021 Australia Day Honours List. (2) Congratulates Kieran Shea, David Harrower, Vesna Mijatovic and Shaun Danby for their distinguished service and leadership. (3) Notes Corrective Services NSW is fortunate to have these officers' combined 100 years of experience working with offenders. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

2000 SMALL BUSINESS TOURISM OPERATORS MS to move— That this House:

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(1) Acknowledges small business operators across New South Wales within the bus, coach and tourism industry continue to suffer significant impacts from the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2) Acknowledges many tourism businesses are facing Australia's slowest recovery and will be forced to cease trading without Government assistance. (3) Calls on the Government to consider offering vehicle registration and Compulsory Third Party relief for businesses in the tourism industry. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

2001 AVIATION TRAINING PARTNERSHIP MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes on Friday 5 February 2021, the Minister for Skills and Tertiary Education visited Bankstown Airport in the East Hills Electorate to announce a new partnership between TAFE NSW and local training college Basair Aviation. (2) Welcomes this new partnership which will ensure that a career in aviation is more attainable, providing more opportunities for thousands of aspiring commercial pilots. (3) Recognises Basair Aviation College located at Bankstown Airport in the East Hills Electorate is the largest flying college in Australia and this partnership with TAFE NSW marks a new era in aviation training in New South Wales. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

2002 ORANGE REGIONAL CONSERVATORIUM MR PHILIP DONATO to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Orange Regional Conservatorium has been operating for the past 30 years and presently delivers: programs to 17 schools, over 700 individual student lessons and ensembles each week, music programs and community outreach to 1800 individuals each week and produces 40 concerts every year. (2) Notes the Commonwealth Government have committed $10 million and the Orange City Council have committed $5 million in funding towards the construction of the proposed new $20 million Orange Regional Conservatorium facility. (3) Calls on the Government to contribute the final $5 million in funding needed to commence development of a modern facility, which would cater for the growing number of students and programs. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

2003 CROWN RESERVES IMPROVEMENT FUND MRS to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Goulburn Electorate was awarded $792,000 from the Government's Crown Reserves Improvement Fund for a range of improvement projects for Crown Land reserves and community facilities. (2) Acknowledges the Government is providing $51.7 million in 2021 to support 705 maintenance and upgrade projects on Crown Land reserves across New South Wales. (3) Thanks the Government for its investment in the fund which is essential for the wellbeing of communities and the environment, and to support recreation, tourism, business and local economies. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

2004 NATIONAL APOLOGY 3389 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes 13 February 2021 marks the 13th anniversary of the National Apology to Australia's Indigenous peoples. (2) Notes there is much more to do to act on the intentions of the Apology, including reducing the over- representation of Indigenous peoples in the criminal justice and child protection systems and lifting access to housing, healthcare, education and economic participation. (3) Calls on the Government to reaffirm its commitment to supporting First Nations people in the Australian Constitution and to take concrete action towards Makarrata with First Nations people in New South Wales. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

2005 BIG SCOUT DAY OUT MS MELANIE GIBBONS to move— That this House: (1) Notes Scouts is an important youth development organisation in Australia. (2) Notes on 30 January 2021, Hume Region Scouts held its Big Scout Day Out. (3) Acknowledges this day is important in promoting and encouraging scouting in South West Sydney. (4) Commends Scouts NSW for its continued efforts to get involved in communities while also developing important life skills for young people. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

2006 CENTRAL COAST COUNCIL AMALGAMATION MR DAVID HARRIS to move— That this House: (1) Notes the current financial position of Central Coast Council. (2) Calls on the Minister for Local Government to initiate an independent inquiry into the current situation which includes examining the financial position of the former Gosford and Wyong Councils pre-merger, factors post-merger and the role of councillors and the executive. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

2007 BUDAWANG SCHOOL MRS to move— That this House: (1) Notes with concern a minority view in the South Coast community that work should be halted on the relocation of Budawang School. (2) Recognises Budawang School is a school for specific purposes which has outgrown its current site, making this relocation to a larger purpose built facility urgent. (3) Notes the Government is finalising the planning to relocate Budawang School to the former Shoalhaven Anglican School site, delivering on its commitment to the teachers, staff, volunteers and the students of Budawang School and the wider community. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

2008 CENTRAL COAST - BUSHFIRE LOCAL ECONOMIC RECOVERY FUND MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Central Coast suffered $163 million economic damage in the 2019-2020 bushfires. (2) Notes the Central Coast received no funding in Round One of the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund.

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(3) Calls on the Government to ensure that all Round One and Two applications are considered for the next round of funding, as not all community groups applied in Round Two after rejection in Round One. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

2009 ROYAL NORTH SHORE HOSPITAL INTERNS MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes 45 nurse interns have started at Royal North Shore Hospital as part of the North Sydney Local Health District. (2) Recognises these interns are part of more than 1,000 new interns who have begun working in the NSW Health system in January 2021. (3) Acknowledges they joined at a time of a worldwide pandemic, they will play a vital role in the health system and thanks them for that. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

2010 REGIONAL ECONOMIES FUNDING MR to move— That this House: (1) Commends the Government for providing ongoing funding to stimulate economies in regional New South Wales. (2) Recognises the COVID-19 stimulus packages which are funding projects at many showgrounds in regional areas, including the Dubbo Electorate. (3) Highlights the $317,000 the Government provided to replace perimeter fencing, the installation of a security gate and landscaping work at Dubbo Showground. (4) Recognises the importance of shows to rural communities and the impacts the COVID-19 Pandemic has had on the regional show circuit. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

2011 WESTMEAD HOSPITAL - PALLIATIVE CARE WARD DR HUGH MCDERMOTT to move— That this House: (1) Notes Westmead Hospital is the largest hospital complex in the Southern Hemisphere, however, it does not have a dedicated palliative care ward. (2) Notes palliative care is underfunded by the Government and palliative care in Western Sydney hospitals are under resourced. (3) Calls on the Government to create a dedicated palliative care ward at Westmead Hospital and invest more resources into palliative care across New South Wales. (Notice given 16 February 2021—lapses 17 May 2021)

2012 WOMEN IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT—THE HON. SHELLEY HANCOCK (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2013 SWANSEA CHANNEL DREDGING—MS (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2014 CROWN RESERVES IMPROVEMENT FUND - KEMPSEY SHOWGROUND—THE HON. (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021) 3391 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

2015 JUPITER YOUTH SERVICES—MS (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2016 INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT—MS (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)


2018 COMMUNITY BUILDING PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM—MS (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2019 MANILLA FISH HATCHERY—THE HON. KEVIN ANDERSON (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2020 NEWCASTLE PERMANENT - FLETCHER BRANCH—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2021 JETT HANSON - TRACK ATHLETE—THE HON. LESLIE WILLIAMS (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2022 REGIONAL EDUCATION INVESTMENT—MR DUGALD SAUNDERS (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2023 BROADMEADOW RAILWAY LOCOMOTIVE DEPOT—MR (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2024 USE OF THE TERMS 'MOTHER' AND 'FATHER'—MR (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2025 TAFE NSW FUNDING—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2026 REGIONAL ACADEMIES OF SPORT—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2027 EARLY CHILDHOOD LEARNING SERVICES—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2028 DARLING POINT SOCIETY END OF YEAR DINNER—THE HON. GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2029 MAITLAND PUBLIC SERVICE - STAFF RELOCATION—MS JENNY AITCHISON (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2030 WESTERN SYDNEY INFRASTRUCTURE AGENDA—MR NATHANIEL SMITH (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2031 ANZ ASHFIELD BRANCH—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2032 WORKPLACE SAFETY REFORM—MR PETER SIDGREAVES (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

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2033 CAMPBELLTOWN SPORTS STADIUM—MR (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2034 MOSMAN SCOUT GROUP—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2035 MINIMUM AGE OF CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2036 ROTARTY CLUB OF BALGOLWAH—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2037 SCONE TAFE—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2038 GRACE'S PLACE DOONSIDE—MR LEE EVANS (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2039 PETERSHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL - PEDESTRIAN SAFETY—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2040 COMMUNITY@3 FUNDRAISER—THE HON. LESLIE WILLIAMS (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2041 LEGAL AID NSW FUNDING—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2042 NEUTRAL BAY PUBLIC SCHOOL - FUNDING GRANT—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 17 February 2021—lapses 18 May 2021)

2043 LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION—THE HON. (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2044 CENTRAL COAST COUNCIL AMALGAMATION—MR DAVID MEHAN (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2045 COFFS HARBOUR RACING CLUB - COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIP RACE MEETING—MR (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2046 HUNTER SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT PRECINCT—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2047 WOMEN CANDIDATES - LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS—MS ROBYN PRESTON (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2048 ORAN PARK FIRE AND RESCUE STATION—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2049 TWEED HEADS SOCIAL HOUSING—MR (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2050 TRANSPARENCY WITH RURAL COMMUNITIES—MR ROY BUTLER (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021) 3393 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

2051 BOUDDI COASTAL WALK—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2052 STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2053 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2054 MYANMAR POLITICAL UNREST—THE HON. LESLIE WILLIAMS (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2055 SYDNEY CASINO LICENCE—MR JAMIE PARKER (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2056 MEDOWIE SCHOOL BUS SERVICES—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2057 CABBAGE TREE BAY ACQUATIC RESERVE—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2058 NATIONAL APOLOGY ANNIVERSARY—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)


2060 GOULBURN TO CANBERRA COACH TRIAL—MRS WENDY TUCKERMAN (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2061 FAMILY COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2062 MANNING RIVER ENTRANCE—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2063 IMAGE-BASED ABUSE—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2064 RADIO DAY—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2065 KIAMA ELECTORATE - ROAD AND HIGHWAY UPGRADES—THE HON. GARETH WARD (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2066 CARINYA EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTRE—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2067 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS - OPPOSITION'S POSITION—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)


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(Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2069 GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES IN REGIONAL NEW SOUTH WALES—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2071 WAYNE HOPPE - ARMIDALE FAMILY HISTORY GROUP—THE HON. ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2072 NATIONAL CORRECTIONS DAY—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2073 WEDDIN COMMUNITY NATIVE NURSERY—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 18 February 2021—lapses 19 May 2021)

2074 200TH ANNIVERSARY OF GREEK INDEPENDENCE—MS (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses )

2075 PREVENTION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROGRAMS—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2076 MIKAYLA WEIR - APPRENTICE JOCKEY ACHIEVEMENTS—MR MICHAEL JOHNSEN (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2077 ELECTRICTY TRANSMISSION INFRASTRUCTURE—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2078 SYDNEY'S NIGHT-TIME ECONOMY—MR PETER SIDGREAVES (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2079 HOUSING NSW - NEILL TERRACE PLAYGROUND—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2080 ROAD SAFETY PROJECTS—THE HON. PAUL TOOLE (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2081 CHILD PROTECTION AUTHORITY POWERS—MS ANNA WATSON (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2082 MOLONG COMMONWEALTH BANK BRANCH—MR PHILIP DONATO (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2083 NSW SENIORS FESTIVAL GRANTS PROGRAM—MRS WENDY TUCKERMAN (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2084 WALLSEND AGED CARE FACILITY—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2085 JUNEE SEWERAGE TREATMENT PLANT—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2086 NSW PARLIAMENT WORKPLACE SAFETY—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)


(Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2088 PERIOD POVERTY INITIATIVES—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2089 NORTHERN BEACHES COMMMUNITY CANCER CHARITY—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2090 SILVER CHAIN GROUP DATA—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)


2092 PUBLIC PARKLANDS—MR JAMIE PARKER (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2093 LILLIANE BRADY OAM SCHOLARSHIP—THE HON. SHELLEY HANCOCK (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2094 CENTRAL COAST COUNCIL PETITION—MR DAVID MEHAN (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)


2096 AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY - BLACKTOWN CAMPUS—MR STEPHEN BALI (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2097 METRO RENEWAL PROGRAM—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2098 WESTERN SYDNEY AEROTROPOLIS LAND REZONINGS—MR GREG WARREN (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2099 CENTRAL COAST COUNCIL—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2100 PUPPY BREEDING CONDUCT CODES—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)


2102 TAFE STAFF AND FUNDING CUTS—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)

2103 WORLD HEARING DAY—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 June 2021)


3396 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

(Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2105 FIREFIGHTING RESOURCES—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2106 DINE AND DISCOVER VOUCHERS—MR GURMESH SINGH (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2107 HUNTER SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT PRECINCT—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2108 DUBBO ELECTORATE - WOMEN'S AWARDS—MR DUGALD SAUNDERS (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2109 CENTRAL COAST COUNCIL—MS YASMIN CATLEY (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)


2111 ACCESSIBLE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2112 MEMORIAL AVENUE UPGRADE—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2113 KOALA STATE ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING POLICY—MS (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2114 OUT OF THE BOX YOUTH SPACE—MR CHRISTOPHER GULAPTIS (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2115 CAPITAL GAINS TAX LOOPHOLE—MRS HELEN DALTON (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2116 YOUTH JUSTICE REFORM—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2117 JOHN HUNTER AND NEWCASTLE MATER HOSPITALS—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2118 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE REFUGES - PET WELFARE PROGRAMS—MS ROBYN PRESTON (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2119 TAFE NSW RESTRUCTURES—MS JANELLE SAFFIN (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2120 NSW WOMEN'S WEEK—THE HON. GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2121 ELECTRIC SCOOTERS TRIAL—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)


(Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2123 CENTRAL COAST COUNCIL—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2124 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE—MS WENDY LINDSAY (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2125 PALLIATIVE CARE WARDS—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)


2127 UNITED HOSPITAL AUXILIARIES OF NSW—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2128 SANITARY PRODUCTS IN SCHOOLS—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2129 NORTH WEST GROWTH AREA—MR STEPHEN BALI (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2130 ENERGY EFFICIENCY SOLUTIONS—MS ROBYN PRESTON (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2131 PLASTIC POLLUTION—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2132 CONSENT EDUCATION—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 17 March 2021—lapses 18 June 2021)

2133 NSW PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF ROTARY—MR LEE EVANS (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2134 CONSENT EDUCATION—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2135 BALLINA SHIRE COUNCIL - COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM—MR GEOFF PROVEST (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2136 CONSENT EDUCATION—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2137 WATTLE GROVE - 30TH ANNIVERSARY—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2138 MICE BAITING SUBSIDIES—MR ROY BUTLER (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2139 HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

3398 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

2140 HUNTER REGION - RENTAL VACANCIES—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2141 YOUNG LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEERS—THE HON. ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2142 RELIGIOUS SERVICES - COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2143 WOLLEMI PINES DECLARATION—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2144 COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY GENERAL—MS JENNY LEONG (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2145 FOYER CENTRAL—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2146 RESIDENTIAL (LAND LEASE) COMMUNITIES ACT 2013—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2147 YOUTH WEEK—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2148 BEACH EROSION - COMMUNITY CONSULTATION—MS LIESL TESCH (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2149 RETAINED OR ON-CALL FIREFIGHTERS—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2150 HATE SPEECH AND SYMBOLS—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2151 STUDENT SWIMMING ACHIEVEMENTS—THE HON. LESLIE WILLIAMS (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2152 NATIONAL CLOSE THE GAP DAY—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2153 DINE AND DISCOVER PROGRAM—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2154 ALBURY COURTHOUSE UPGRADE—MR JUSTIN CLANCY (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2155 MX DOME - UNPAID CONTRACTORS—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2156 BOAMBEE EAST COMMUNITY CENTRE—MR GURMESH SINGH (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2157 GREATER NORTHERN TIGERS RUGBY LEAGUE TEAM—THE HON. ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021) 3399 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

2158 TOURISM INDUSTRY SUPPORT—MS JENNY AITCHISON (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2159 CANTERBURY HOSPITAL—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2160 WALLSEND HOSPITALS—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2161 ELECTRICITY LEGISLATION—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2162 MX DOME - ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2163 JOHN OATES - BOOMI SPORTSGROUND COMMITTEE—THE HON. ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 18 March 2021—lapses 19 June 2021)

2164 NEW SOUTH WALES FLOODS—THE HON. STUART AYRES (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2165 STATE EMERGENCY SERVICES - FLOODING RESPONSE—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2166 CROPPA CREEK RECREATION RESERVE—THE HON. ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2167 POLICE FUNDING—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2168 SYDNEY START-UP HUB - 3RD BIRTHDAY—THE HON. GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2169 GENDERED VIOLENCE PREVENTION—MS LIESL TESCH (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2170 FIXING COUNTRY BRIDGES PROGRAM—MR NATHANIEL SMITH (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2171 EMERGENCY SERVICES - FLOODING RESPONSE—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2172 T-TOWN YOUTHMADE MARKETS—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2173 STAMP DUTY EXEMPTIONS—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2174 BOYS TO THE BUSH PROGRAM—MR JUSTIN CLANCY (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2175 PORT OF NEWCASTLE - CONTAINER TERMINAL—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

3400 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

2176 SMALL BUSINESSES SUPPORT—MR GEOFF PROVEST (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2177 O-BRIEN CENTRE—MR PHILIP DONATO (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2178 WARWICK FARM - HOUSING RENEWAL PROJECT—MR PETER SIDGREAVES (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2179 WESTERN SYDNEY AIRPORT - INTEGRATED TRANSPORT SYSTEM—MR STEPHEN BALI (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2180 DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES—MR GURMESH SINGH (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2181 RACISM NOT WELCOME CAMPAIGN—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2182 RSPCA ANIMAL SHELTER FUNDING—MS WENDY LINDSAY (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2183 ELSIE'S REFUGE—MR JAMIE PARKER (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2184 TRANSPORT FOR NSW - FLOODING RESPONSE—THE HON. PAUL TOOLE (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2185 CENTRAL COAST - HOUSING SUPPORT—MR DAVID MEHAN (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)


2187 WENTWORTH AVENUE OVERPASS—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2188 EDMONDSON PARK - ON-DEMAND BUS SERVICE—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2189 RUTHERFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL - BUS SERVICES—MS JENNY AITCHISON (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2190 MANLY FLOODS - STATE EMERGENCY SERVICES RESPONSE—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2191 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES ASSAULTS—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2192 EMERGENCY SERVICES - FLOODING RESPONSE—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2193 PEMULWUY AND WESTMEAD HOSPITAL - BUS ROUTE—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021) 3401 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

2194 CROWS NEST CENTRE - DEMENTIA CAFE—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2195 TEMORA CRICKET NET UPGRADES—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2196 GLENDALE HIGH SCHOOL - ASBESTOS HAZARD—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2197 THE PEPPERS - SOLAR ENERGY INSTALLATION—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2198 PLASTIC POLLUTION PREVENTION—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2199 STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE - STAFF AND VOLUNTEERS—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2200 MOTOR NEURON DISEASE—MRS HELEN DALTON (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2201 SELECTIVE GRAZING - NATIONAL PARKS—MR MICHAEL JOHNSEN (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2202 ELECTIVE SURGERY WAIT TIMES—MS YASMIN CATLEY (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2203 INTERNATIONAL NURSES DAY—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2204 RAILWAY STAFF RECOGNITION—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2205 STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE FUNDING—THE HON. KEVIN ANDERSON (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2206 FLOODS RECOVERY—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2207 ELECTRIC BUS TRIAL—THE HON. GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2208 NEWCASTLE TAFE JOBS—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2209 REGIONAL ART SPACE—MR DUGALD SAUNDERS (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2210 PERCIVAL STANLEY BROOKFIELD - CENTENARY OF DEATH—MR (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)


3402 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

(Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2212 CANTERBURY HOSPITAL—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2213 ROOF REPLACEMENT PROGRAM—MRS WENDY TUCKERMAN (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2214 SNOWY VALLEYS - BUSHFIRE REHABILITATION—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)


2216 PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES - PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYMENT—MS LIESL TESCH (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2217 WEST WYALONG TAFE - CONNECTED LEARNING CENTRE—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2218 COVID-19 PANDEMIC - HOMELESSNESS RATES—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2219 STUDENT TUITION PROGRAM—MRS WENDY TUCKERMAN (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2220 HAZELBROOK PUBLIC SCHOOL - CONCRETE SAFETY BARRIERS—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2221 REGIONAL NEW SOUTH WALES - JOBS RELOCATION—MR DUGALD SAUNDERS (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2222 GRIFFITH MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES—MRS HELEN DALTON (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2223 GRAFFITI REMOVAL DAY—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2224 DINE AND DISCOVER VOUCHERS ACCESSIBILITY—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2225 DINE AND DISCOVER PROGRAM—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2226 VALE MICHAEL GUDINSKI—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)


2228 UNITING AND THE FAIR TREATMENT CAMPAIGN—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021) 3403 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

2229 MOUNT GRAY - NEW RADIO SITE—MRS WENDY TUCKERMAN (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2230 REINVEST CLINICAL TRIAL—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2231 JUDY WARD RECOGNITION—THE HON. MELINDA PAVEY (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2232 CABBAGE TREE HARBOUR LANDSLIP—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2233 NEW SOUTH WALES SENIORS FESTIVAL—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2234 BALLINA ELECTORATE - HOUSING CRISIS—MS TAMARA SMITH (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2235 STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE - FLOODS RESPONSE—MR GURMESH SINGH (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2236 PRO PATRIA CENTRE—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2237 CENTRAL COAST COUNCIL - FINANCIAL SITUATION—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2238 ROADS INFRASTRUCTURE - FLOODS MITIGATION—MS (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2239 TOWNSEND PARK UPGRADES—MR CHRISTOPHER GULAPTIS (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2240 SMALL BARS AND VENUES SUPPORT—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2241 LIFE EDUCATION—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2242 RIVER STREET BRIDGE—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2243 LINDSAY CANE - ROYAL FAR WEST—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2244 INNER WEST - LIVE MUSIC AND ARTS SPACES—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2245 MOREE FREIGHT SERVICES—THE HON. ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2246 SEASIDE SCAVENGE - BALMORAL BEACH—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

3404 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

2247 SYLLABUS CONSULTATION—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2248 RETURN AND EARN SCHEME—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2249 CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)


2251 COVID-19 PANDEMIC RECOVERY - MAJOR EVENTS—MR GURMESH SINGH (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2252 GRO EVENTS—THE HON. ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2253 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION REFORM—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2254 ANIMAL SHELTERS FUNDING—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2255 MARRICKVILLE STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE UNIT—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2256 REGIONAL NEW SOUTH WALES - CONCIERGE SERVICE—MR GEOFF PROVEST (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2257 CORRECTIVE SERVICES NSW - AVL FACILITIES—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2258 EMERGENCY SERVCES - MOREE FLOODS RESPONSE—THE HON. ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2259 KILLALEA RESERVE TRUST—MS ANNA WATSON (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2260 ALBURY WODONGA HEALTH - CLINICAL SERVICES PLAN—MR JUSTIN CLANCY (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2261 HOMELESSNESS AND ROUGH SLEEPING—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2262 COVID-19 PANDEMIC - ECONOMIC RECOVERY—MR GEOFF PROVEST (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2263 AMBULANCE RESPONSE TIMES—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2264 SMALL BUSINESSES RESPONSE - FLOODS RECOVERY—MR PETER SIDGREAVES (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021) 3405 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

2265 REGIONAL SENIORS TRAVEL CARD—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2266 NSW WOMEN'S ALLIANCE - NINE POINT PLAN—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2267 COASTAL AND ESTUARY GRANTS PROGRAM—MS WENDY LINDSAY (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2268 ROUSE HILL HOSPITAL—MR STEPHEN BALI (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2269 CENTRAL COAST ELECTORATE - ANZAC DAY COMMEMORATIONS—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2270 TUGGERAH RAILWAY STATION—MR DAVID MEHAN (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2271 EAST ORANGE HOUSING—MR PHILIP DONATO (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2272 ROTARY CLUB OF SYDNEY CENTENARY—MR LEE EVANS (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2273 LUNA PARK GHOST TRAIN INCIDENT—DR MARJORIE O'NEILL (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2274 SHEPHERD CENTRE—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2275 MICE PLAGUE SUPPORT—MS JENNY AITCHISON (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2276 ANZ BANK BRANCH REGIONAL CLOSURES—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2277 WAGGA WAGGA ELECTORATE - INLAND RAIL PROJECT—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2278 GAS-HYDROGEN DISPATCHABLE POWER PLANT—THE HON. GARETH WARD (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2279 NORTHERN CENTRAL COAST GROWTH CORRIDOR—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2280 KINGSWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL - IN POPPIES FIELD—THE HON. STUART AYRES (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2281 BAY WEST PRECINCT—MR JAMIE PARKER (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2282 REGIONAL HIGHWAYS INVESTMENT—THE HON. PAUL TOOLE (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

3406 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

2283 CANTERBURY HOSPITAL REDEVELOPMENT—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2284 MANLY ELECTORATE - ANZAC DAY COMMEMORATIONS—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2285 WESTMEAD HOSPITAL - PALLIATIVE CARE WARD—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2286 SYDNEY METRO TUNNEL—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2287 NURSE-TO-PATIENT RATIOS—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2288 NORTH WEST ON-DEMAND BUS SERVICES—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)


2290 TAMWORTH ELECTORATE - REGIONAL EVENTS—THE HON. KEVIN ANDERSON (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)


2292 DINE AND DISCOVER NSW PROGRAM—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2293 LEETON DISTRICT HOSPITAL STAFFING—MRS HELEN DALTON (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2294 RURAL ACCESS GAP PROGRAM—MR DUGALD SAUNDERS (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2295 NEWCASTLE REGION - REGIONAL SENIORS TRAVEL CARD—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2296 NSW ARROW 2021 STATE SAILING CHAMPIONSHIPS—THE HON. LESLIE WILLIAMS (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2297 REGIONAL ROADS MAINTENANCE AND UPGRADES—MS JANELLE SAFFIN (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2298 BLAZEAID FLOOD VOLUNTEER NETWORK—THE HON. MELINDA PAVEY (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2299 RICHMOND RIVER HEALTH—MS TAMARA SMITH (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)


(Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2301 NEWCASTLE RENTAL VACANCIES—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)


2303 TEACHERS PAY—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2304 COMMUNITY WAR MEMORIALS FUND—MR PETER SIDGREAVES (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2305 EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY PREPARATIONS—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2306 STREET SIDE MEDICS—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2307 BERRYS BAY - STAKEHOLDER WORKING GROUP—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2308 JOHN STREET SPEED LIMIT—MS (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2309 COBAR LEARNING CENTRE—MR DUGALD SAUNDERS (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2310 SUMMER HILL GROUP HOME - COVID-19 VACCINATIONS—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)


2312 TOM JENKINS - ATHLETIC ACHIEVEMENTS—THE HON. LESLIE WILLIAMS (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2313 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PREVENTION—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2314 COMPANION ANIMALS FUND—MS WENDY LINDSAY (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2315 KOSCIUSZKO NATIONAL PARK - FERAL HORSE MANAGEMENT—MRS HELEN DALTON (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2316 WARRINGAH FREEWAY UPGRADE—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2317 CENTRAL COAST REGION - PALLIATIVE CARE BEDS—MS LIESL TESCH (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

3408 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

2318 SPEAK OUT CAMPAIGN—MR LEE EVANS (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)




2322 DINE AND DISCOVER NSW PROGRAM—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2323 DOGS NSW—MS JENNY AITCHISON (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2324 QUEENSCLIFF SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2325 EMPLOYMENT OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)


2327 GREAT WESTERN HIGHWAY UPGRADES—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2328 WILL CLARIDGE - LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER—THE HON. ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2329 RANDWICK HOSPITAL CAR PARKING—DR MARJORIE O'NEILL (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2330 NEUTRAL BAY COMMUNITY CENTRE—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2331 CENTRAL COAST COUNCIL - COMMUNITY ASSETS SALE—MS LIESL TESCH (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2332 FEMALE TRADESPEOPLE - FEE FREE TRAINING—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2333 STRANDED AUSTRALIANS IN INDIA—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2334 COFFS HARBOUR EDUCATION CAMPUS TRADES HUB—MR GURMESH SINGH (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)


(Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2336 ACCELERATED INFRASTRACTURE FUND—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2337 VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY FUNDING—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2338 GRAFFITI REMOVAL DAY—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2339 BATLOW CIDERFEST—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2340 MOREE BOARS RUGBY LEAGUE CLUB—THE HON. ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2341 VAPING REGULATIONS IN SCHOOLS—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2342 LOCAL LAND SERVICES RATES—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2343 LEGAL PATHWAYS PROGRAM—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2344 BALMORAL SAILING CLUB UPGRADE—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2345 PALLIATIVE CARE FUNDING—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2346 NEWELL HIGHWAY UPGRADE—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2347 TUMBARUMBA TO ROSEWOOD RAIL TRAIL—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2348 CRICKET NSW THE HON. GABRIELLE UPTON to move— That this House: (1) Notes on 23 April 2021, Cricket NSW hosted its 19th Annual Awards Evening. (2) Congratulates this year’s winners including Belinda Clark Medal recipient Rachael Haynes and Steve Waugh Medal recipient Sean Abbott. (3) Thanks Cricket NSW Chairman John Knox, Chief Executive Officer Lee Germon and the Board for their leadership in making cricket more accessible to women and girls across New South Wales. (4) Commends the Member for Vaucluse's local Eastern Suburbs Cricket Club including President Jim Maxwell AM and Vice Presidents Peter Lovitt and Matt Lawrence on both their cricket excellence and strong community outreach. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)


3410 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

MR to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Government plans to forcibly acquire three family homes with only 90 days notice to expedite the building of a carpark in Riverwood. (2) Notes this four level carpark will be built in a residential area and there was limited community consultation. (3) Acknowledges the George River Council passed a unanimous motion requesting a deferral of the acquisition pending further consultation. (4) Calls on the Government to ensure that genuine and fair consultation with community and home owners is held, and Transport for NSW fully explores all possible locations of the carpark. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2350 LED LIGHTING UPGRADE PROGRAM MS STEPH COOKE to move— That this House: (1) Recognises the Government's commitment to improving school facilities with the recent announcement of Tranche 1 of the $158 million LED Lighting Upgrade Program. (2) Acknowledges this program will deliver better classrooms and learning areas for students, and reduce school energy bills. (3) Notes 14 of the Cootamundra Electorate's 82 schools are included in Tranche 1. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2351 SNOWY VALLEYS COUNCIL DEMERGER DR JOE MCGIRR to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Minister for Local Government received a report from the Local Government Boundaries Commission on the proposed demerger of Snowy Valleys Council more than two months ago. (2) Notes the delay in releasing the report, and in announcing a decision on the demerger proposal, is causing considerable distress in the community. (3) Calls on the Minister to immediately release the report and make public the decision on the demerger proposal. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2352 NATIONAL VOLUNTEERS WEEK MR PETER SIDGREAVES to move— That this House: (1) Notes 17 to 24 May 2021 is National Volunteer Week. (2) Acknowledges the 2.1 million volunteers in New South Wales who contribute more than 240 million hours of their time annually. (3) Notes the nomination for the 2021 Volunteer of the Year Awards are open until Friday 9 July 2021. (4) Calls on Members to share information on the awards and encourage local nominations across seven categories. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2353 HEALTHWORKER PAY AND CONDITIONS MS ANNA WATSON to move— That this House: 3411 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

(1) Calls on the Government to provide free hospital parking for health workers and eliminate the parking profiteering from health workers. (2) Calls on the Government to stop withholding 50 percent of the tax savings employees make from salary packaging. (3) Calls on the Government to grant a fair pay rise, preferably above 1.5 percent to health care workers. (4) Calls on the Government to negotiate in good faith with the Health Services Union to modernise health awards. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2354 MAJOR ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS THE HON. PAUL TOOLE to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges and thanks the Commonwealth Government for its continuing support and shared vision of major road infrastructure projects across regional New South Wales. (2) Notes that in the 2021-2022 Commonwealth Budget, the Commonwealth Government has committed $3 billion for major projects, including commitments for the Great Western Highway Upgrade and Princes Highway Corridor. (3) Notes the strong partnership the Government and Commonwealth Government has in delivering important regional projects for New South Wales. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2355 CAMPBELLTOWN HOUSING AND INFRASTRUCTURE MR GREG WARREN to move— that this House: (1) Notes the number of new homes forecast to be built in the Campbelltown Local Government Area due to the Government's Greater Macarthur Land Release Policy. (2) Acknowledges infrastructure in Campbelltown including roads, public transport, education and health is well below community expectations. (3) Demands the Government give current and future residents of Campbelltown a guarantee that their infrastructure needs will be adequately met. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2356 ALBURY ELECTORATE - SPORTS CLUB GRANTS MR JUSTIN CLANCY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Government for its support for nine local sports clubs and associations with financial grants of up to $1,000 each through the COVID-19 Cross Border Sport Fund. (2) Congratulates the recipients of these grants: Albury Smallbore Rifle Club, Albury Wodonga Table Tennis Association, Border Districts Showjumping Club, Coreen Daysdale Hopefield Buraja United Football and Netball Club, Corowa RSL Club, Falcons Hockey Club, Howlong Football Club, St Patrick’s Junior Football Club and Tumbarumba Adult Riding Club. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2357 WALLSEND ELECTORATE - SCHOOL BUS SERVICES MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes students in parts of Fletcher and Maryland are unable to access a school bus service. (2) Notes Transport for NSW has been considering an application to update the bus routes.

3412 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

(3) Calls on the Minister for Transport and Roads to approve the new bus routes so students can get to school safely. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2358 TAMWORTH ELECTORATE - REGIONAL ROADS NETWORK THE HON. KEVIN ANDERSON to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the investment by the Government of $31 million in regional roads in the Gunnedah Shire since 2019. (2) Recognises the invaluable contribution of the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads for a safer and stronger regional road network across New South Wales. (3) Acknowledges the tireless campaigning of community members for whom this Government has delivered results. (4) Calls on the Government to continue to invest in regional roads to build a safer and stronger regional road network in the Tamworth Electorate. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2359 TIMBER INDUSTRY DELAYS MR PHILIP DONATO to move— That this House: (1) Notes there is a widespread shortage in availability of timber for the construction industry. (2) Notes the timber shortage is causing significant delays in the construction of building frames and trusses. (3) Notes there is a lack of tradespeople in rural and regional New South Wales. (4) Calls on the Government to address these issues, which are causing significant delays and hindering potential economic growth. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2360 TOURISM SUPPORT PACKAGES MRS WENDY TUCKERMAN to move— That this House: (1) Notes the New South Wales visitor economy will get a huge boost through Destination NSW’s recently announced Business Events Industry Support Package and Tourism Industry Marketing Support Package. (2) Acknowledges the two programs will provide opportunities to bolster regional New South Wales’ visitor economy for the benefit of local businesses. (3) Thanks the Government for investing more than $2.5 million in tourism support. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2361 BLACKTOWN YOUTH SERVICES ASSOCIATION MR STEPHEN BALI to move— That this House: (1) Notes Blacktown Youth Services Association's (BYSA) amazing mentoring and services to over 700 per annum vulnerable at-risk youth in Blacktown. (2) Notes BYSA is no longer funded by the Government to pay for staff or operational costs. (3) Calls on the Government to immediately fund BYSA or risk losing a vital community organisation and leaving 700 vulnerable young people without support and alone on the streets. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021) 3413 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

2362 TELESTROKE SERVICE MR GEOFF PROVEST to move— That this House: (1) Commends the Government on the roll out of the innovative Telestroke service. (2) Notes the service is already supporting patients at Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour, Lismore, Orange, Dubbo, Bathurst and Shoalhaven with the most recent service rolled out at Grafton in April 2021. (3) Notes the service will expand to up to 23 sites across New South Wales by June 2022. (4) Acknowledges this is an innovative way NSW Health is using telehealth and technology to provide new and life-saving services to the bush. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2363 BINGO INDUSTRIES - CLEAN UP ORDER MR to move— That this House: (1) Notes residents of Minchinbury and surrounding areas have been bringing notice to strong odours emanating from the location of Bingo Industries, situated at 1 Kangaroo Avenue, Eastern Creek. (2) Notes the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has issued Bingo Industries with a Clean Up Order with a deadline expiring on the 27 April 2021 at 5:00pm. (3) Notes this deadline has now lapsed with no solution to rectify the odour issue from this location. (4) Calls on the EPA to shut down this facility until such time that a permanent solution is found to eliminate the odours. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2364 NATIONAL COMMUNITY LANGUAGE SCHOOL DAY MS MELANIE GIBBONS to move— That this House: (1) Recognises National Community Language School Day is on Saturday 15 May 2021. (2) Notes this day promotes the work of community language schools and the importance of language education. (3) Thanks all of the community language schools in the Holsworthy Electorate, and across New South Wales, for the work they do in keeping their languages and cultures alive. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2365 MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY CONCERNS DR HUGH MCDERMOTT to move— That this House: (1) Notes the New South Wales manufacturing industry is an integral part of the economy which employs thousands of people in the Prospect Electorate and throughout Western Sydney. (2) Notes the Government has failed to ensure the New South Wales manufacturing industry is adequately supported and to ensure jobs remain in New South Wales. (3) Calls on the Government to address the price hike in the Emergency Services Levy, Goods and Services Tax and Stamp Duty payments for small and medium sized manufacturing businesses. (4) Calls on the Government to address the serious concerns raised by manufacturing businesses in Western Sydney. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)


3414 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

That this House: (1) Acknowledges the 50th anniversary of the fierce rivalry between the Manly Marlins Rugby Union Club and Warringah Rats. (2) Congratulates both Clubs on their proud history and community engagement over many years. (3) Recognises the positive impact that sport and in particular club rugby has had in communities across New South Wales. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2367 NEWCASTLE ELECTORATE - HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS CRISIS MR TIM CRAKANTHORP to move— That this House: (1) Notes Newcastle is in the midst of a housing and homelessness crisis. (2) Notes since coming to office, the Government has sold over 90 social housing properties in the Newcastle allocations zone which has undoubtedly contributed to the current crisis. (3) Demands the Government invest more in frontline homelessness services and deliver more social housing in Newcastle. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2368 MOSMAN HIGH SCHOOL - STATE SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION MS FELICITY WILSON to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the State Significant Development Application for a major upgrade to Mosman High School has been lodged and an early contractor awarded. (2) Notes this project will provide 16 new classrooms, a multi-purpose hall, a modern rooftop play space, a new library and several new facilities that nurture student engagement, particularly the new theatre. (3) Thanks students and staff of Mosman High School and the Member for North Shore's local community for their commitment to and involvement in seeing this project through. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2369 HILLSBOROUGH ROAD UPGRADE MS JODIE HARRISON to move— That this House: (1) Notes Hillsborough Road is congested, dangerous and in desperate need of an upgrade in order to cope with large volumes of traffic using this State funded road daily. (2) Notes a business case for the upgrade of Hillsborough Road has been completed by Transport for NSW. (3) Calls on Cabinet to urgently give consideration to the business case for a full upgrade of Hillsborough Road. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2370 HIGH STREETS REVITALISATION MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: (1) Recognises the impact the COVID-19 Pandemic has had on shifting community perceptions of local high streets, to places where people gather, socialise and do business. (2) Welcomes the Government's injection of a further $15 million into revitalising high streets and local town centres across New South Wales. 3415 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

(3) Notes 19 local government councils have been successful in securing funding to transform their high streets, with a total of $8.2 million awarded to local government councils in regional New South Wales and $6.9 million awarded to local government councils in Greater Sydney. (4) Congratulates the Government on its commitment to creating well connected communities with quality local environments. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2371 WOMEN'S SAFETY NSW MS TRISH DOYLE to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges Women’s Safety NSW, as the peak representative body for Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services, has not received an increase in core funding since being made responsible for coordinating the Government’s Safer Pathway Program in 2016. (2) Notes Women’s Safety NSW is therefore not adequately resourced to meet the extra demand from Government for timely and high quality advice. (3) Calls on the Government to correct this oversight and allocate ongoing and sustainable funding for Women’s Safety NSW and all local Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services across New South Wales to ensure they can continue to operate effectively. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2372 SHOALHAVEN DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL THE HON. GARETH WARD to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Government has committed to invest $434 million to upgrade Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital. (2) Notes local doctors, nurses and medical staff support the upgrade. (3) Notes the Government has invested millions into upgrades at the current site including the emergency department, cancer care centre and carpark. (4) Notes the Government and the Opposition supported the upgrade of Shoalhaven Hospital at its current site at the 2019 State Election. (5) Condemns those opposing this upgrade who would undermine and delay improvements to health services in the Shoalhaven Region. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2373 WENTWORTHVILLE FIRE AND RESCUE STATION MS JULIA FINN to move— That this House: (1) Notes Fire and Rescue NSW Station 057 Wentworthville was established in 1920. (2) Thanks the hard working staff of the station for their commitment and dedication to keeping the community safe. (3) Notes the station is the only metro station without a gym. (4) Calls on the Government to support local firies with better facilities. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2374 THE ENTRANCE CHANNEL DREDGING MR ADAM CROUCH to move— That this House- (1) Thanks the staff from Central Coast Council and the Government for meeting with the Member for Terrigal on 30 April 2021 to discuss a long-term dredging plan for The Entrance Channel.

3416 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

(2) Notes all stakeholders including Central Coast Council, the Environmental Protection Authority and the Maritime Infrastructure Delivery Office must work together to ensure The Entrance Channel is regularly dredged. (3) Thanks Central Coast Council for submitting a funding application through the new Boating Access Dredging Program. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2375 CANTERBURY HOSPITAL UPGRADE MS JO HAYLEN to move— That this House: (1) Notes sixty senior doctors have written to the Minister for Health and Medical Research calling for urgent upgrades to Canterbury Hospital. (2) Notes they describe conditions at the hospital, which has not had a substantial upgrade since 1998, as 'third world', 'grossly inadequate' and 'shocking'. (3) Calls on the Government to listen to frontline health workers and urgently commit to a full upgrade of Canterbury Hospital in the 2021-22 Budget. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2376 COOMA CORRECTIONAL CENTRE - WOMBAT BURROW TRAP DOOR PROGRAM MS STEPH COOKE to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the partnership between Corrective Services NSW and Snowy Mountains Wildlife Rescue that sees inmates and staff at Cooma Correctional Centre build life-saving wombat burrow trap doors. (2) Notes these innovative devices are helping to protect wombats in New South Wales from a debilitating and potentially deadly skin disease. (3) Commends all involved in this program for their efforts in helping one of Australia's most loved marsupials. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2377 SUICIDE RATES OF OLDER MEN MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes one in five men who die of suicide are aged 60 years and over, with men aged 85 years and over having a higher rate of suicide than any other age group. (2) Notes there has been more than 1,700 local suicides recorded since 2003 in the Wallsend Electorate. (3) Calls on the Minister for Mental Health to provide much needed resources for mental health at a local level where they are needed most. (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021) 3417 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021


1 Report of the Joint Select Committee on the Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020 entitled "Inquiry into the Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020", Report 1/57, dated March 2021. (Tabled 31 March 2021). (Resumption of the interrupted debate, 8 minutes remaining).

2 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled "Legislation Review Digest No. 29/57", dated 4 May 2021. (Tabled 4 May 2021).

3 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled "Legislation Review Digest No. 30/57", dated 11 May 2021. (Tabled 11 May 2021).


Date Tabled Committee Report Title Date Due 18 November Legislative Assembly Assaults on members of the NSW Police Force 18 May 2021 2020 Committee on Law and Safety 19 November Legislative Assembly Protocol for Homeless People in Public Places 19 May 2021 2020 Committee on Community Services 24 March Legislative Assembly Final report into support for drought affected 24 September 2021 Committee on Investment, communities in NSW 2021 Industry and Regional Development 31 March Joint Select Committee on the Inquiry into the Anti-Discrimination Amendment 31 September 2021 Anti-Discrimination (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020 2021 Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020


Date Lodged Member Petition Title Minister Responsible Written Response Due 4 May 2021 Ms Prue Car Edmondson Park High School Mrs 8 June 2021

4 May 2021 Mr Greg Warren 180 Appin Road – Gay Family Mr Rob Stokes 8 June 2021 Property 4 May 2021 Ms Jenny Leong General Lachlan Macquarie Ms Gladys Berejiklian 8 June 2021 Statue 4 May 2021 Mr Edmond Atalla Rooty Hill Road North – Mr Andrew Constance 8 June 2021 Pedestrian Safety 4 May 2021 Ms Jenny Leong Landlords Register Mr Kevin Anderson 8 June 2021

11 May 2021 Ms Melanie Gibbons Ash Road Sporting Complex – Mr 15 June 2021 COVID-19 Testing Clinic


Date Lodged Member Petition Title Minister Written Discussion Responsible Response Due Date 5 May 2021 Mr Philip Firearms and Weapons Mr David Elliott 9 June 2021 13 May 2021 Donato Legislation Amendment (Criminal Use) Bill

3418 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 12 May 2021

HELEN MINNICAN Clerk of the Legislative Assembly


Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales