The Fremont Street Experience

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The Fremont Street Experience The Fremont Street Experience Design Criteria Manual ' '-- -The Fremont-Street Experience"Limited tiability Company 425 East Fremont Street Las Vegas Nevada 89101 Voice: 702/678-5600 Fax:702167 8-561 1 È., iE T\E , ri I' ! at è.: fè: ,' Ë-€ -iÊ -a-- -+ Ë-: H : THE FREMONT STREET EXPERIENCE 4 lntroduction design ccntext vicinity map plans 9 Pedestrian Mall Development goals and objectives street zones plans sections 16 Design Criteria Outline air rights right of way materiat paving 3 alley gate and sales kiosks street levelsignage Diagrammatic Sections upper level signage and canopy 52 Submittal and Compliance Requirements TABLE OF CONTENTS THE FREN{OI\*T STRTET EXPERIEÌ\CE Iq l?.?Z,the Ciry* ol!g¡ Vegas and the Fremont Screet Experience Limited Liabilitv. compa,ny (FSELLC) put in modon the creadon of a'unique arracrion as the.stimulus for revitalizatioñ of Dcirvrrorvn. The objective ivas ro give lorm to a lively commercial and entertainment center. The historic image of Fremont Sreet has been rhat oî a sreet of tight This /1 gnage !a¡ graced post cards. movie scenes. and peoples'minds. If is elsence of I the rvorld's impression of Las vegas. It is the spirk-rvhich is norv being used to t.urn_on a new sensory experience, e.rtending the vitaliqv of Fremont sreer into the.Twenty-tìrst Centur,v, ft. mall area has been vierved as rwo planes of exhilarating illurnination (the c¿sinos) and trvo planes of darkness (thè sky and the ground). The nerv idea is simply to wrap thé entire a¡ea in right. souná, and motion; to complere a stupendous piosceniuin as a grand stage foi urban rhearer. The Fre.mont Streei E.rperier¡ce consisrs of five componenrs: ¡he Celesilal þ'auk. rJre Light and sound sllorr', mall improvemenrs. a þarking,'rerail strucrure. and ongoing special events. DEsIGN CONTEXT CELESTIAL VAUUT stretching-sope 1,400 feet arong.Fremlnt from Fourth to Main sueets, the celestial vault creates the impres-sion of a spectacular,'Foyerìo thË casinos." to nearty.too t¡e vãuirliìuppoí.å å"är, slender corunnsT:i$ {ry^t in'height, fpaced about 200 feet apart. The vat¡It is an ãrching web of delicate structural members supporting ã lanice covered wittr tigirìi. The lattice is paftially Eanspa¡enÌ to proviae ãa¡ime shade uut p..*ii trrä"ãn"ålà"w of air. earty m evem-ng the dappledshade-of day gradually gives way to fust, the ap.parent-twinkle of srars.i¡ the early eve-niig, an¿ itrËn to thã sfectacre of brilliant illumination at night. LIGHT AND SOLTND SHOTV The Light and Sound Show has been conceived as a sensory experience of ilnpressions, appearing ou.rn."¿ i, ã ü"rìét o"i'Àou.o,"o,, lnterachon':fI:-:Tl iltri:rt sound, and effect to entertain and amaze. presented nightly, the Ligùt and sound show is impressive in its siate rù;ii:'-ä .n-rãroó.j, iu audience in swi¡ls of illumination and sound us it prays"oã rcroíi iö on the Vault's "iï"o.h"u"y ilig!: it" 11lge-s lqReur surface, appe:aring and disappearing ii I¡ght accompg._¿.u.y music :sI -or and audio'éffectsl Fuily coitoüeãby technology, the Light and Sound Show presentation'can be readil! vaned:.9T¡,"1._. to rncorporate special themes and promotio-nal events. A coocert haú qualuy souncl._system.enhances the sensory experience as sound and music punctuare the illumination effects. MALL iMPROVEMENTS Fremont street has become the exclusive province of people as a pedesEian mall; vehicula¡ trafñc no longer impedes rhá fretfú;"fplrü;t iil lmong the casinos. This new environñent cðmprises ipatterned Ëroun¿- plane accented . by shimmering granules plus landscaping ana räuif ;i;;.it.. ''-.- PARKJNG/RETAIL STRU CTURE The eastern er.d or rhe Fremont street Experience is anchored by a new parkins à :truclng çe¡¡¡ining 1,400 spaces plus stéet level retail .p"... Iirpõ;;.å;ü8 \, lourth. steet, implemented by the city simultaneous wu rne Fremont street Expertence, lacilrtate convenient access from the Srip to the downtown and readily available patking. SPECIAL EVENTS S €{.,r.ire special events schedule of festivals, holiday cerebrarions, and lr-1e^:ntertarqenrcomplements The Fremont street Experiá¿ce. unden¡¿ritten Þy the. participating hotel/casinos, rhese special eïents will exoand the entert¿rnaent context of the spectacular com¡nércial complex. DESIGN CONTEXT \* ;¡;í:i::,.: lli F R E M O N T .- ì-ìí i'¡tL T SITE AREA î' =\ ø riiã \i,-: 4'L: =-!- 6 ^^.il The Fremonf Slreef Experience is located in the historical heart of gaming in Las Vegas URBAN CONTEXT PLAN r--r I L_L I iI ¿t I F I I t : L OGDEN AVENUE L CARSON o aÎ: 0l TIJJ ilL l tr il o ol (D Ë l a9 I ú. urÞ [lJ 4! F tl OF z uJ t_ ul >[r () E H, EErl-HEFMo 5 .â. il The Fremonf Sfreef Experience is a pedestrian mall extending from Main Street to Las Vegas Boulevard MALL LEVEL PIAN ltl-ri l[ l I I tItt--rnrI t l HU HH HHLill-¡l OGOEN AVENUE ¡t-tf Itl-- E CARSON I 'EHuEgfEËHEËFËãF ffiE FIUHE FNMB ^ô. Ì{ The Celestial Vault frames The Fremonf S/reef Experience ROOF PI,.AN The Fremont Street Experience represents a nerv vision in the on-going evolution of rhe historic heart of Nevada gaming. The physical character of Fremont Sreet has changed over rime, formed early on by modest buildings, augmented by ever increasingly elaborate graphic identifìcations, made more notable with the addition of high-rise towers, and now enhanced by the inclusion of a unifying element -- the celestial vault. The spirit of evolurion that has characterized Fremont Street is its basic strength, an experimentation and e.rploration spirit that results in a continual variery of experiences. This crireria is i¡tended to reinforce that spirit of evolution by outlining a series of goals to underpin the next generation of enhancing additions to the environment. Design proposals that reinforce the following goals will make positive conrributions to the Fremont Srreet Experience. l. Respect the historic development of the Fremont Süeet mall area as the iconographic capital of gaming in America. 4 .t Encourage distinct figurarive development of signage and lighting -! in concert with The Fremont Street Experieace, specifically the illuminatioo show compoaent. Funher en¡ich the concept of the "Foyer to the Casinos." ,t l. Profoundly activate the u¡ban envi¡onment and, specifìcally, the srreet edge. Der.elop urban design strategies related to the following specific focus areas of the immediate viciniry: . The inrersection of Fremont and ìvfain Steets. The Fourth Street corridor development. lvfid-block focus on Fremont Street berween Fourth Street and Las Vegas Boulevard. l¿\ The intersection of Fremont Street and Las 9r ,a Vegas Boulevard t, 6. i¡ relation to event and performance areas. 7. Nurn¡¡e the magical ¡mbiance of The Fremont Street E-rperience. PEDESTRIAN MALL DEVELOPMENT É, trj f- t- ]- l- lr, z ar., lu UJ uJ t! t! E (J 0a É. t-- t-- l- Ø @ o U' z o ? an= ú. O =l- Horseshoe Golden Nuggel Four Oueens CARSON .^. il 10 The FSELLC has been designated as the reviewing entity for desigrr approval of -a building improvements proposed within defined Administration A¡ea. The boundaries of that area are illustrated on the accompanying diagram. In general, the area extends the length of Fremont Sneet from the east side of Mais Street to the west side of Las Vegas Boulevard, and on the crossing street right-of-ways for a disrance of 150' north and south of the Fremont Steet pedestrian mall. Proposers of construction irnprovements occurring within the defined area a¡e required to submit designs for approval as stipulated in the S UB MITTAL tu\D COñÍPL IANC E REQ UIREMENTS section.. ADMI N ISTRATI ON AREA DIAGRAM The pedestrian mall area comprises the most compact com¡nercial disfict within the Ciry of Las Vegas. The gaming facilities a¡e conveniently adjacent to each other in iìn organiz¿¡ion that eocourages an individual tO visit several casinos in a single trip to the downtown. Immediately beyond Fremont SEeet to the north along Ogden Street are other gaming venues that reinforce the sense of Downtowu as the historic heart of Nevada gambling. To the south along Carson Süeet are various civic and commercial facilities. The th¡ee parallel steets, Fremont, Ogden, and Carson, form a compact ciry core, with the perpendicular sEeets serving as corutectors and as gateways to The Fremont Street Experience. Ttie core is comprised of several "districts" which are intended to have discernible purpose and character. Conceprually, the districts are identified on the accompanying "DISTRICT CRITERIA DIAGRATV" on Page 13. The Fremont Street Experfence adsrinistration area comprises the pedestrian mall on Fremont Sueet from ñfai¡ Sreet to Las Vegas Boulevard, and extends north and south ofFremont Street a distance of 150 feet. This Section describes the purpose of the Fremont Sreet pedestrian mall and its transverse interceptors. The downtown core comprises two Development Districts and four Design Focus A¡eas. The attributes of these zones are as follows (numbers correspond to the designaûons on the "DISTRICT CzuTERLA DIAGR-âuV" ou Page l3). 1. PEDESTRLAN I{ALL: The heart of the downtown core formed as the "Foyer to the Casinos;" a pedestrian envi¡onment primarily covered with a shade lattice, intended to facilitate convenient passage among the casinos; the urban stage upon which is presented a spectacular ef illrmi¡¿¡ien and sound. Development . in this District shall conform the criteria stipulated in the Design criteria Outliue Section.
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