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Springfield Leader County Leader Newspapers SPRINGFIELD, N.J., "THURSDAY, JANUARY 30/ 1»84-J* Cites indictment Board changes suspension ByKENNETH SCHANKLER the meeting for public comments on Helcne Teitelbaum said she. felt Taking what President-Stuart the resolution, a practice Board Majeski will be paid a prorated Applebaum called "the dqe step we the board's action, which essentially salary amounting to $5,708. Attorney Yale Greenspoon said is now leaves the matter in the hands had left ourselves open "to," the standard procedure in matters of Majeski will as6Ume Brown's Springfield Board of' Education of the courts, was the appropriate responsibilities as the seventh- and this nature. 'Only two residents chose move. • . Tuesday altered the suspension of Jojiddtesslhaboard. _eightkgrade music—- teaeher-^at- music teacher Ronald M. Brown Gaudineer. He will also teach drama Barbara Pollack noted-Brown's Teitelbaum said the PTA was to gifted and talented students. Brown will not be paid during his long service to the district without working to establish a "tasteful" suspension The board had any prior incidents of misconduct. and "inexpensive" program on child Also appointed was Jill Pensabene suspended the teacher with pay Jan "I would like the board to abuse.— . • 13 as a resource room teacher,, Hef seriously consider 19 years of ser- Teitelbaum said, however,- that Applebaujn said the board's action vice by Mr. Browji.lLPollacksald. -. appointment will take erfect Feb. 19.' the PTA's Interest in a program She will be paid $22,889peryear. resulted from Brown's Indictment . Another resident-said the board's predated the recent incidefiTT last week on charges of sexually proposed action had the effect of The board, meanwmTe, has begun assaulting a 13-year-old / male A motion.to approve a Feb. 11 interviewing candidates for the "afflicting an additional financial session for the purpose of conducting student lat the Florenco M penalty" on Brown.;. ; -.position of Superintendent of an In-service day for distrfdrsiaTf Schools. ' • ' Gaudineer School Applebaum_said the latest action members regarding their respon- The alleged victim is g-speclal was the. last the- board would take sibilities relating . to missing,- education student from Union while the matter was still pending in A replacement-is being sought for neglected and abused children was Dr. Fred Baruchin, who accepted a Brown is accused of assaulting the court. .•;••..••;• '• •-•— held for consideration at a later child on more than one occasion The resolution, introduced by , paid 18-month leave of absence in date, according-to acting Superin- exchange for his resignation last betwenNov land Jan 3 board member Pletro Petlno, cited. tendent Leonard DiGiov'anni. The board met for 45 minutes in month. FOLK SINGER and story-teller Jim Albertson entertains Brown's indictment following- an . In other business, the board DIGiovanni has been acting as closed session a_.t th.—e star„„t„ o„f. investigation by the Union County Megan Smith and Billy Harrison of Susan Barasch's Tuesday appointed Mark Majeski as chief—school administrator since third-grade class during an assembly at the James" —Tuesday's-special'-meeting—Brown—-prosecutor's of flee, a music teacher, effective Monday. 1 Caldtoell School, The assembly was sponsored by the and his attorneyJaober.t Margulles—-j .... Jan. 1. .-;••• -Caltiwell P-T-A. —;—~-— ^ ———^— werepFSsetfrthldsib After introducing the resolution, changing the suspension, the board,' Inquiry nearly complete with Brown in attendance, opened ..'•'.;• •' , ' : V ,. ' . • '' •;. • sixfdied ByKENNETHSCHANKLER -wiH probably be implemented, not moving the firehpuse," ; ; ^ thejUrtlbn CountyiProsecutbrfs certain aspects of the work to be If the Fire -Department were . Offltfe'-iebmpletes. its/inquiry; Into'. performed,were still being looked relocated, Reed said, the space in . working-conditions at Springfield Into. <"•,"•'•' ; .' • •'•• -.-,..•. :•'.'• • the existing building could be used police headquarters, the Township Among .the possibilities being ..for;'..office space or. the.. Police Committee: Is dlscusding plans for considered Is a proposal by Town- Department.1 ;'.. 3t:^£iish|pxBng!nM:Haw}ld Reed to build- up... ..„-_.-„_.:;va- newjlrehbus, ^e^ntheiprbperty^oe <<m -the 'prpperty oif :or's,offlce,.sald the •the-. <forii'»t4v.•Raymond;;'Wi...m««/i ; Chlshoijm.\~\.*.iu..n PfvthVJ prpl. fcS^^S^ he Is conductlngi' which he School, . ; •••" ' J :-'^mptv*t± Irthe-heititiflna" buiiaiWii ' randan luve ^ to construct t An architect, hired by ujecom^'* irret^wo .mlttee, designed ,;r<!novationB"v.to^ •update the mtuiicipal buildirig and • ; rouriJnqML... -. i :, .,.yi^i-cp^^i^*,iniai,w,eek/^Wienie^ r/JAUmto'te^.ni^^r^''~''hea!^.''''''ahdf'' ' . ,. ." wouJd not'preclude |Jerr safety;violations.discovered In the what'action'mlght.be terthcomlrig forming .the other; repairs .-oh'-'ttje' Spririg' of .1985 by the .pccupationaLul ^frSm;tHe.prjosebutor's.office. "I'm citftvent municipal bulldiiigi'. ;:> Safety. Hazard Adininlstratlpn. >eful tb have our portion of It done. ; Reed said 85 percent of the plans During a surprise Inspection,last rtKis-week, ^v-:--:'^'-•.•-•'•.. .-'' ;. already^hiade by the townshlp-wpTild spring, OSHA discovered exposed ;f^My imissfbii'is 'ibiwport to the_ be implemented, Regardless of asbestos, a lack,,'of heat and airV 1 ; : prosecutbf,! '' Wiener : (sald. Any whether the Township Committee condltloniriii a.ndl'an unsafe stair- action, he said, would be decided by decided on "moving thefirehouse or way, among other unsafe conditions, the-:.office': of Prosecutor' John Sfimler, • .',,, ;-\ '.'.••' ••:'-:'' ...In; the.-• meatime, discussions! continue on what type of work should ication denial asked be done on township facilities:; LAYUP—Peter. Kozubal, of the Jonathan Dayton-Hlgh_SGhool-|unlor—varsity^ , .Originally,, the township' had E & T Amoco, a Hillside^Avenue V The application has been on the servlce^tation, may^haVe tb irtfile board's agenda for several months, basketball team, drives to the basket during a game Tuesday against Governor planned to add a third bay to the : Livingston High School..,::;,;.,, -(Photoby John Boutslkaris); Fire' Department to accommodate an applicatioppa n tp^extenp nd itLdally^ butThas,been postponed each time new flrefightlng- equipment pur- operation by three hours, because officials of-the-statipn's ; 'chased last spring and renovate and Springfield Board, of Adjustment parent company were unable to - - Attorney Howard Schwartz, in a attend the hearings,^ ,: ^ the existing-Municipal of- letter to Vincent D, Paraganp, the -Therboard has^yet to hear -any ' jury selection starts fliifesandPblice'D'epartmerit.' •.. attorney for the applicant, said lie Mayor William Cierl said Monday,; advised* the bpard^to dismiss iai ByKENNETHSCHANKLER had testified that Ghanem un- Mehza saidhe'believedGhanem to derstood the language, Menza said, t although^ most of those plans; 'station's application,. : surroundingneighborhood. Jury selection in the murder trial be "feigning"' a • lack; of un- of Palestinian alien Hanna Ghanem "I rnust conclude that all these derstanding of English and that he - is continuing, following Superior people are lying " believed the defendant to be "in- -'.'• Court Judge Alexander H.;Menza's On'the issue of Ghanem's com- telligent" Town mourns seven heroes -r—rullnjg-last-week-that-Ghanem was' -petenccr-Mcnza-noted^hB-snspcet- "There is no doubt that .he is competent to stand trial and that his : :r : was Involved in a business with his. competent-to stand trial and-he :'.-: ':-PvC- 'By;TJMOTHYOVWENS' :! - :•• draw the nation together. "We pick presented it. to Sister Marie; Anna, Miranda rights, were observed brothers, drove an automobile and -understoodMsrights^Menzasaid, '••;.•' Leqs.jAan nine hours after the upandwegojon^" . .: St. James School principal. • followinghis 1984 arrest. , wen* to Atlantic City on a number of "I repeat," Menza said. "There is ' . -CJitastropKias^rthe Springfield Commltteewdman Jo-AnnPioper, In other business, the committee ,; About. 70 jUrors are expected to be ocassipns to gamble. —no doubt in my mind that he un- ,'Townghlp'Cprnmlttee joined the rest: ; :who is a teacher,; said that: the;: introduced an amended zoning questioned before a panel.of 12 and "The man plays cards," MenzaS derstood-his rightsandthere is no- Vpf: th^nation In honoring the seven proscence on the Ill-fated flight of ordinance, incorporating provisions two alternates Is selected; The said. "It takes a certain degree of dpubl in my' mind!that he waved ;. Astronauts killed Tuesdaywhen the Christa McAuliffe, who would have tb clear the way for the Construction . process b,egan Monday. ' . sophistication to play carp's." _^hbse rights." '. ,' space shuttle Challenger exploded been the first teacher to. go'Into of a planned unit development. The Ghanem is charged with the 1982 .'Shortly^ after liftoff from the Ken- : space, had special perso'hal ordinance was approved 4-1, with murder of Sylvia Karlsberg in her: ,|iedySpace'Center. .'.•:' significance—, . '•"'LL_ : -Clnr.t.flissei)ting, A second moasur8r —Milltown-Road-liome-in-Spr-lngfieldr •; ; >:.Maypr .William Cieri, 'who Xn~ "Being a teacher arid looking so amending thp township land sub- The accused was arrested in 1984. Conirdet-sefilenrenis n ear •'; :4tr.ucted that township flags be flown 1 forward to tnhTday, it has been so', division ordinance,, was .also in- ; Menza's office said the process oi i 'it-Jhalf-stsffr''tor"an appropriate
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