Changing Men and Masculinities in Gender Equal Societies? Conference in Roskilde/ Denmark January 28th – 30th 2009 Dag Balkmar PhD-student in Gender Studies (Critical Studies of Men and Masculinities) Tema Genus Linköpings universitet 581 83 Linköping Sweden
[email protected] 013-28 66 32 Session: E or D Language: English Taming the beast - Swedish motoring magazines and techno-embodied masculinities in the making Abstract This paper explores the discursive production of ‘techno-embodied’ masculinities in Swedish motor magazines on cars and car styling. Such media configurations draw on how users style and reshape cars, often in ways that emphasise speed, potency and racy looks, meanings not only translating into traditional masculine gender ideals, but that also constitute various hybrid body relations. Three examples of figurations are analysed in more detail; the so called Muscle car relies on a ‘liveliness’ associated with the untamed wild predator animal, as simultaneously promising and threatening in its nature; the Sleeper car looks very tame and quiet but with the potential of so much more; and the Volvo car represents the peoples car in a Swedish context. Even though the interest in car customizing is traditionally a male dominated arena and symbolically linked to cultural notions of masculinity, the analysed motor magazines are not an all male domain. The third example (peoples car) explores how the female car-builder/car figuration may both reinforce as well as undermine the often taken for granted relations between men-masculinity and cars. Female pleasures in cars is not simply inverted or rejected into something ‘different’ to the traditionally masculine desire for potent cars within this context.