RSS as medium for information and communication technology Alen Šimec, Mia Čarapina, Sanja Duk Tehnical Polytehnic in Zagreb/Vrbik 8, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
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[email protected] Abstract - In today's modern time we exchange thousands of information with the environment. Over time various forms of information exchange were developed in order to facilitate our daily lives. Today we can use a different approach to exchange information such as correspondence by mail, telegraph, telephone, radio television and internet, etc. In order to preserve data and information they were transferred to a physical media such as paper, and we can conclude that it is a matter of technology that man has evolved over time to facilitate daily life. A term that encompasses the application of such technology is called Information and Communication Technology (English Information and Communication Technology (ICT)). Today, when we use the term information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT) primarily we allude to a new technology. With development of ICT came an increasing need for mass information transfer, as for individuals, as for many people. New technologies develop because of the need for a simple way to inform. One such technology that is becoming more popular is the RSS. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Summary Site (at the very beginning of creation, RDF Site Summary). RSS content can be traced through browser or RSS aggregator. RSS aggregator comes in the form of client applications or web application accessed via the web browser. RSS aggregators have the function of collecting titles, descriptions and links to subscribed topics, mostly blogs, podcasts, accounts, news, etc.