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DAVED S. CRATER DIED in NEW YORK » S ? ? R S K d l l . .. m i l VOLUME X X X X V lu; MATAWAN. N. J , THURSDAY AFTERNOON. APRIL 8. 19157 NT UMBER 40 PAVID S. CBAt ER'S FUNERAL, - DAVED S. CRATER FERSOKAL MEiSITJOJt, MATAWAN BANK CHARTERED. DIED IN NEW YORK Governor Fielder, State Officials and TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE MEK M a n y Friends in Attendance, r Mis.s IJtifnur nt Krcrholtt the Will Start in June With Sso.nno Cai»i>=i Horvrv StlUw4s8BB C » a n cn<|ed f o t week-end litre with friends . and $10,000 Swj>|ue.‘ ’ . Despitu thnt lie -is ju«t recoverini; < Work Done on T.ccii.it Avenue; r x p i r b d s u d d e n l y w h i l e from an attack of* illness nnd the in- Henry. P. Gbr'k of (Irodklyn spent Commissioner of Canking'nn4 ft:, Ih e Maiawan Tounshij* Commltteo WALKING ON BROADWAY. clcmcncy «»f the weather, Uovernor ...tslcr Sundnyijmro with his jiarcnta. stt.anco George. M.' Lttftiontc yesterday met tn regular session in the Township ^ ■ : ■ /■ ^ "• , — - • . ■ ' Fielder, v/ith big staff, and accompanied gave his consent for institntinK n now Miss■ Myrfie-'f.(n>n)paon «pcnt Wed. Hnli on Atlantic Avenue lasii night,' oy Ihoinfls P, Martin, the new Spcrc* noadny and tn-dny in New York City. bank iii Mutawan, The ajiplication for . Served ^Thirty Years as Surrogate of with Chairman Thomas KiiineU prc- tary of Stftte of New Jersey,.nnd other a charter had heen pending for some Mnnmouth County* andJResigned to Jarics B. Buyton of Trenton spent sidinE #nd'Committeemen- Stemler and • State, officials attended the funeral weeks, but the commissioner had la take ■.?.{-Become Secretary of State— Waa a Munday nil'llt hofh llie jjncsl of II. ||, Irown present,. On Tueatlay -nijiht Tuesday morning nf Dhvt(f. Sr-Cfatvr. time to consider whether there was nerd r vlieeder Among Democrats.' • -•'’nastroet. '. ■' ... ■ • Cheirrnan Sinnctt iiml. nlr. Brown to-r; Tlm services wero held from his home nt far another hunk in Matawan nnd .yes­ : Ro b e rt T.iniliiiE^rt ai>il lillison Denu Wther wl(li Clerk Martin went to thu Fr^hoM lit U o'doeH-with Rav, Hurry terday he deeidcd there was. The of Brooklyn spbnt; the week end with Township Hull with the belief tlmt it . David S. Crater, of Preohfdd, Secre- K. Thompson,' of the V^oodbt^y'JSpiseo- bank. will start with *50,000 capital OscarStcVfns. ' ' : was the rei-ular meeting nisht. After ..... tary of- State New Jersey, dropped fml Cburch/omciating/- Interment was ond f:;’,n,0(S() surpitiH, the stockholders waiting some time for Treasurer Stem- dead Saturday afternoon in front of in Maplewood Cemetery, freehold. • . ^'Hinrilman I1'. Thompium rcccntly payinK-$rJ0 per share, Five hundred -er to put in nn uppr.'irnnci’ ii m a .1is- 173 'Broadway, New York. Heart fail­ • A committeo of .Assemblymen ap« hn>l his I.rother. Hurry Thomp.sim of shares have been taken by 104 stock­ NcwVork,;ia hisjllcst. ' ! • : qoycred nn efror iii the nlgfit lind been > - lire was the cause of dcuth. pointed by Speaker Godfrey. attended holders. Some m onths uro J, I1, Sm ith made and the meeting was over. Tho Mr. Cmtcr, his head bent auuinst the thu ftihfirnl 'to reprrw.u the iiouse. Mim Dorothy ifimnis of No\vnrk li»» of ^aurel Sprlii(;o, is, J., eamo to Matn> regular meeting i* on the Hret - wind nnd snow sv'eepinK up Hroudway, 'M-en upcmliiiS mifernl dnva with hnr wun \\ith tlio view of starting u trust 1 'hosc on the committee were; Astern* Wednesday, but i.t tliu I'eliruary meut. suddenly ntraightcned up nnd then blyinen Runyon, 'riio^sor,, . i’cucwkV mint, Mr«. A. II.M o rK n . , vonHiany, After intervlewlnj; it num. ing it wns decided to hold tlm MurcIi . dropped lw Die Kuiuwulk. Me \va« rnr- lldrHck, XinKcr nnd Van Note, r .hot. i of, personK lie enpchuloil Im t-ooUl MiBH J tn r ’a L 'ffirt nf Phllndclpl.u. lueethig on the Tuesday ' ni^lit, ' rJcd into u nearby store, nmi nn amlm* 'I fie committee which, attended from teoire tlm riecemury capjtat, ■v“8 lll<- w n t ot yitm Kathryn Tcrlmno which wns dono. fieea'usu oi lliin' JancuburRcaij, who nrrived ohortly niter* J hu Seimtc comprised Aekarann, Colgate •cverii) dnyn U ie p i»t, wt-ok, «u<l betinn canyn»»lnf| nmonK thosfl lio change for that night those' presont ward, pronounced Mm deati. Tho body mid knmstty. ; : .V ' ■ Miwt Ktitliryn ;«’erlmnc in lipcndini! to be '.iileitslj'ij, Tiie nmdu the mibtake. , - \ : • .•"'VifBiroi’novcd tu u nnlirnatntinn. imd M*> , Forniei* C3ovc^*npr J3k .S, ou)«vs, For* s«!icr.‘;5;iJh,irii«U' tt;S3 not i>/Opitiuii-t sovomi, day* : .wttS'/riior. -Miss Uavid J. Ilnmiasey "I ClilTwooi!, Prater’s femUy m Freehold, \voro notl« mcr Unltwl States Konator Jnmon SmiLli (dr geuine so rmich inuney, and Rftur Tfrhunc In fJackciwiitV. , who wii; clcctcd Constable ut thn last , fied. IckiitlticuLiou wan established by nnd other very ptortiihmit men frmn a\\ [ h eiin d i-.overed the territory wlthiti a Koruna Mtiyof; ft,' I), ItculMtnn ct- fileotton, was puiisnt and ijualllltiil for ft railroad pn«a. !»«irta of tho State and eot\nty were in rntliuR of si* miles from Mntnwan (t lomlwl III! ItrlncUo. I'rntcrmiy 't!<im«r thu o^'eii. i{!(t bundamai arc Darvcy . Thai Mr. Crater4 hud been ill wua utteiujAticc. ; Thoro wuh u profunlun of w i" I'ceideil to kivo up tlje ,.Mir. ' ui in-Nyv;,.Vr*rk Aloniifty eveniviu. ■ * . ytllS'.vagKun, Qtiiirge 1'. Keller und \Y1I- shown by Ibrco vials of medicine and floral gifte. ' . ItttistoliltiK ft tHist enmpiuvy; ijiij,, )n Its limn INlWi-rn. Coridtatilil llennuiisuy . of titMclit, which were NlUa jillsalictli S. Cli.ll, i>f I.|,e Kiiu*! fctvSd (ij.iiblnlii n ehurter fur »• 8(nte Tlio |)nUbeur*jfa Were Ktttiu^Trcuiiurur wn« given ait ardor or, » New York .;,.?u«nd in * \vliitji i'?»E **q wpb Kdwurd 15. Omaaotip, Chnrles I-\ Me* Hcliw.i, TiirryiDH-n; N; V.'i 15 itpeihllil^ .hijnli, which later eoul,l be Kttrr^nderMlj'. cioUiliiB house for r unifvrin nt h coh|. > fof». ( "■ ■. .■ her itoRtcr vnention with tlio MIm m lionnld, County Coll.ictur nf Mun- f.i!«! ra trust; etmipany ditrler ssstiriii not to exceed S'Jfl, M r . Center bad spent fast Friday mouth; John H. Ctmkj editor of the clnr'K- ■ | c‘ ' night »i thn luimnof hin daughter, Ktr«. R«*d iJank KeKdntcn dcomo fiteele, of W. j, Uitmmi «^,| (in i, iissithraulTof Thoiiifis G.. Haight, ItM Hentley Av«* KntoiUowji; Frank P. Mci)erinolt't of lllnir Anidemy, Iliilrstown, sptmt their nue, Jerwy City. - Mr, Jlateht is tho b.lixHnothi Acltin C, Uiirttihfit'iK', of K iimIit vncutlou iWth Mr. imil Mr«. W, wife o( Jndjte of iho United Unekenai\ck|Hurriiti(iteJnHe[>li L |Doh(\* H. Dmiraii, l){»trb‘* Court «.»l Now Jersey, bny, of ^rcolmtd, u\y.\ Town Clutk Mins MnrK-iret flruwuif Trontun Nor- »S ??rS K »s.”a: fuiturdnv Mr, Crater went tn New York nle.ton If' ' , 1 ^ Av,’|lut!' wllU-h la used liy people koIiik {'Imrlcn 11. IbiU’lu'i', iif'FreehtjId.. mill Kcliool io niicmilnij hnr IjKsti-r. viien. l!' 1,1 l,n- ••• nl"' • • .ln..hlu-p|mrt|,ilu•* , j ‘ -1 **•♦*■*|,nv,,. ■ |H»!ipan III„f l\ Jam es ii, Wuni fllld Vk Hti un iii# way iiuino tt* Freehold Am<»ny the mes«ii“vn *>f uympnthy lion with her I'sirenls, hr. iiml Mil,. , \ . blK.i Mm H. ( , irttef lo tho Committee lit uhhdi !h*« when gtih’ken, He had been apparent' were ntic Trom J*r«W?nt' Wilfum. witli ‘ 4, II, Mp.'.ce. ’ ^^'buHwii'iii'i I ii r • ''"Her wuh iiumkt'd for authorising Hiir. Jy perFeel.1v wail when hcfcfljjuivy City as (ti>verpt?r hml appointed Mr. Crnt.or ] (lordon WliUe ru^urntld'tu tlio Uni> Ins ie tor f ii ^ Vl':v KtllUviutg.it, to linpvove dial ronil. tlmt nuirninu» . , : / . iu ffoT&ary l»' Htntcln 10 la. veruity of ,, VVednvcduy Inspeaor fm.n IIMI Male HunliinH Mo.iTho wtnli tins' I n n i-nly i-lilpletml I.ait rvjitcmber obliged to ?n* uftnr «p5ntllit,n. syvei’til (S!i"s ^ ujjj ter tho MvlhoOtoyfcpiscOf;RI JJpflpltul K«mercw|*y Ictt hltn a cojtipanM t\ uly !.Tk7,'!i^n1V' 11 I ■n'V,,l’, ' ,9‘l " ftcr n,1<1 ti" ! t’wiimiltm- Iiiitliorl.ed thu ex- ooiihIi), Mr?. C-lilirli.il C. HehpL'k, , . lokhig Into conditions imido » W r6 'ptnditiiro of »!5<> more on it for Von Un Brooklyn, having been attacked Uith Vonr man he retired, :. Conover llurliiw, who is nttondlng nr' U ii*," 18 °je l;i11 #*'t« tltn m od dretalng it eimlers, Mr. Kill), ■ appcndiuUiN. For wvprfll duyn it Wat Mr. Crftier «tah> itni|ur«tionahly the of nnotiier bank, and this h ; wan not jo wai'g|iii was also ['ivir. *S(HI for olli-r thought an (fpcratlaii nQuld havo to be tlio ; University ■ »( I’eiii^ylvoniu, U OernocraUc ^bBiiir* nnd h6 uolcctod thu „ . „ , w ind, Of, UmmltiloMttr .UM p«U i rimilnlnliliidUtrlet. ' i o a t'J^ ia * n*:, a v*‘U» ^*d thn»iti;h hi» six'wilnuR,u‘n‘^ nB hUilin "ttflter."tiatiT viiinilnnvacation with:witli: hi*his performed bytiiu *ntm&Kod to avoid U. was #way ai.lhe ll'tin and up,in Ills r«. j TlmOominlttu^cs'.deu togooVflPtlid The bwdy cf H r ;C p tc f vra* received wide uefiuninluncwhip In siH pftru of * ^ r> ani' ^ Tt' J!ur!«w, iSSLSte-W * ,w? u}‘ <h,» townihljt road# on Dnturdnr.
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