Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 108/Wednesday, June 7, 2017
26340 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 108 / Wednesday, June 7, 2017 / Rules and Regulations Administrative Procedure Act (APA) certain archaeological and ethnological the imposition of these restrictions, and because this action is administrative in materials from Peru. The restrictions, included a list designating the types of nature. This action postpones the which were originally imposed by archaeological and ethnological effectiveness of the discharge Treasury Decision (T.D.) 97–50 and last materials covered by the restrictions. requirements in the regulations for extended by CBP Dec. 12–11, are due to These restrictions continued the CBNMS and GFNMS in the areas added expire on June 9, 2017, unless extended. protection of archaeological materials to the sanctuaries’ boundaries in 2015 The Acting Assistant Secretary for from the Sipa´n Archaeological Region (subject to notice and comment review) Educational and Cultural Affairs, United forming part of the remains of the with regard to USCG activities for six States Department of State, has Moche culture that were first subject to months to provide adequate time for determined that conditions continue to emergency import restriction on May 7, public scoping, completion of an warrant the imposition of import 1990 (T.D. 90–37). environmental assessment, and restrictions. The Designated List of Import restrictions listed in 19 CFR subsequent rulemaking, as appropriate. archaeological and ethnological 12.104g(a) are ‘‘effective for no more Should NOAA decide to amend the materials described in T.D. 97–50 is than five years beginning on the date on regulations governing discharges in revised in this document to reflect the which the agreement enters into force CBNMS and GFNMS, it would publish addition of Colonial period documents with respect to the United States.
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