/ WEDNESDAY, JUNE IB, 195B Averan Daily Net Prera Run p a g e TWENTY-EIOrff IRajtur^ipBtpr iEtt^nitts, H^raliii ,F «P the Week Haded yTheW aathor Joae l i t -1885 rUfeesM of U. S. Weethsg Utmuao Mrs. Agnes Tangk, M Xadluttl H u oatt *<0B a t MMira 8040 Hu Oanter Graduate* Give Rd.; i3 in Ihlanak. U W. Omter 11,705 Fair and little change la tsmw CTuh nMeh psesm tsd the OaeBte 4ka foUowtaf.oCBoars for the IWSfl- Receives BS at.; Nancy WelngnHhar. KPD 3, peratore tonight. Lew 55-60. Fri­ AboutTow n Minstrel last weak wlU have an OS saason at their annual picnic Member af the Audit meetlnf hold June tth ait the home Rockville; Edward Adas^ day fair end warm. High S6-8B. outdoor supper fViday evamiu Gift to Classmate Butcher Rd., Rockville; Elmer Bureaa of Olrenlatlen H u CowiTiftBB OB M!l«lcna mitd at the boiM of Mr. and Mis. WlT- of Mr. and Mrs. Curten Moore, V' _____ Manchester— City of Village Charm tlu Oommiaston on rinwnco of the South Oover-tiy: P»eoloent, A r­ Hatfield, 68 Durant Bt; BlUy ,, liam Brennan, 31 Mt. Nabo Place. Malausky, 78 Birch St. ------— ------fe------North Methodist Ghnrdt eriltnooL0 7n case of rain it wiU be held at nold Thom:ieoh: Vice-President, This yharis graduating elasa at w in Uu church this ovsniiu 7:30 the Oommiinity % on North Main Willis Gay: Secretary Penny Rich- Mahoheetsr High School surprised b ir t h s YESTERDAY: A and «:30 roivoctlsoly. Everett and dsHghted one of their class­ V0L.LXXIV,N0.218 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE l«, 1955 (OtoeUfled Adverttstog w Page 33) - PRICE FIVE CENTS St. tar: Htaaorar, Allan'Ooe Jr.: Mem- daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy is chairmen of the hurahip, Riilh Rowley, sad Pup- mates, Sandra Newman, 57 Turn- HUl, 42 Baisabeth Dr.; a eon to sionary prorraid of the church. A heity. Betty Lundber;.'. A meeting bull Rd., by pramntlng her with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nlasnanakl GIFTS chairman of the flnance pm ip wUi The (ollourinf seniors at Man­ a lovely three-speed record player 81 Waahlngton 8t.; a aon t'o Mr. chester High School have been ad­ will be held Saturday, Jene 35th be elected- Members are reminded at the cottife of Mr. and Mrs. and Parker pen and pencil aet. to­ and Mrs. Donald Judd, 10 Drive to attend these organisaUonal mitted to the Teachers qoUefs of gether with graduation congratula­ OonnecUeut at New Britain: Joan Lverett Bsldhtf at Lake Kayward. G. , > meatlncs. All members wishing to a tend tions and get well wlslies. BIRTH8 TODAY; A daughter DU WIU WREOMTE HIS SIFT Barre. William Grimason, Sahdra Miss Newman hea been quite ill Lou Newman, Nancy Walsh, Cau*- eCiould contact I>c. a Balding or to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vriano, The Mary Ouahman fr o m of the Ruth Ro;vloy on or before Thurs­ for several we»ks end will be un­ Beoieid OonfrofaUonal Womenb ole Wennerfren, Joyce V/etherell. Bolton Rd., Vernon; a son to Mr. FROM HISSIFF ARMS day, Jtaw 33. able to attend Miy of the gradua­ and Mrs. James Higgins, 43 Maple ’s Reg toacue will hold its annuel dinner Patricia Wupperfeld, Richard tion functions. 8t. teSeht at, 7 pjn. at the HiUcreat, Giansante, Ponald Hattin and Mm has ''een very .'active In Bruce Wilkie. « DUpUcata bridge will be played DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Bolton. echool activities, has served on the Lwt our courtuoHSt oxpurloiieod pursounol tomorrow night at VFW Hall Student Oocncil. been a member Mre, Mildred Phiffer end son, 74 sUrting at S;OS. Winnara in last of the Round Table Singers end Haynes St.; Edward Adania, Up­ Thursday night’s game were ss Girls' Leaders Club and recsntly per Butcher Rd., Rockville'; Mm. hdpyuuwitli dud's Sift. ' '1owe: Mrs. Joseph Me Veighand was chosen the .eat captkin of the Mery Moes, Storrs; John Phelps, R. H. W. Spanglei’. 17: Mr. and cheerleeding sq'isd. 366 - Osklend St.; Mre, Mary Take Advantage Of The Cool Mra. Marvin Roeenblatt, 45 *a: IBie will enter New Britain Macrl, 163 Maple S t; Mre. Mary­ Mrs. lusb Ry^ler «nvemmeat in an, 2.0111x00. 3S O .l Spokeemen for these three the expulsion of the prelate and 1 This came a few hours after uled to m^et at Geneva July 18 STUDUAKER ECONOMY SIZE GLEEM ...... Rescue workers hauled the atomic wGr.war. I bP * ; unions wero------available not availablf for com-1 with Interfering with "rights of Wife Missing; ' news reached here of the \tatican’a with the Premiers of Russia, Brit­ PRINTED RUFFLED bodies of six passengers and , ment after the patterp-maklng 1 th* church.'*' grave' action. The Ronuin Catholic ain ai^ FVancs. Adenauer has A-DOOR SEDAN WILDROOT CREAM OIL WITH SHfMPOO three of the plane's lO-mem-- Btsenhower talked with the I NMU sent out its call, it waa Excommunication deprives a Ro- Church announced ita penalty of just .concluded talks [In Washing-' her crew from the flre-scarred neoamen before .Motoring in bright' Cities Bombed ' likely that they also would stand Catholft: ot the sacraments o t Oues Lacking excommunication cutting off the ton,with EisenhowerJ Secretary of NEW ULT HOME PERMANENT...... wreckage near the village of aunshlna to the highly secret vti- ’ Stats Dulles apd otijiera. BEDSPREADS and DRAPERIES ^ rg ro -lid Pentagon ,to meet with by their traditional "no contract, I the church. sacraments of the church — waa HAU corr U**9BDRIRV^QUEEN •AflOnsk tell* OsiiL SI«US*»|Nt CO Cuatro Mojones. But identi- By THE ASSOCIATEO PBE.SS no work” policy. ^ Msgr. Tato, auxiliary bishop of. applied because of Argentine Adenauer aaid; fleaUons were slow. his National Security Council' Hydrogen and atom bomh ”at- Buenos Al)*ea, and his associate West Palm Beach, Fla., June 18 "I would be e^>eci|aily gratified Comm- (NfiC), ■ ; Work stoppages by the 33,000 events culminating in the ex)>ul e in ie jiR S MANUFACTURER'S CLOSEOUT Paraguayan' security police tabka” wrecked thaoretical havoc members of the four unions would Msgr. Ramon Pablo Novoa, were (FV—Not one substantial clue had Sion yesterday of Bishop Manuri if the United States would take the surrounded the scene of the The scheduling of the NBC ses-. :'«atarday on the nation's key ciUee affect approximately 1,000 ships- en route to Rome by air today been uncovered 24 hours ^ter Tato. Initiative in this ciaktef"aiid„dis- :-95.each / REG. $1.00 crash and barred reporters titan led to an asaur.;qHlon among and outlying poomesiona in a his­ about half of the American mer­ after being expelled by the govern­ the mysterious disappearance of Legal Bovjrces here declared 'the cuss this question wito Soviet Rus­ Dairy Qussa Ns. 1 and the public. The Para­ armc members of the 'Preiddent’s tory-making rehearaal for diaastef. chant tiaet. ment headed by President *Juan D. excommunication does not. mean sia. The United. Srales . ia the t arty that thocrrtical military de­ wealthy', prominent' circuit Judge Owned and Operated By t Soral and one patchwork pattern. Not all cofdra and elses la guayan Air Ministry sent in As Presiden'.^ Etoenhower and Diaagreement over union de­ Peron. C. E. Chillingworth and hla wife, Peron ceases to be a Catholic. slrongeqt nation onjeartli'; Soviet AUaii R. Coe Jr. each pattern, itoee, Mae and geld flew m . Fall aad twfai elsee. officers to Inveatigata. fense and retaliate^ problems 15,000 top government offlciUs mands on an unemployment Insur­ Peron himself is a Catholic, as Therefore, they said, he can con­ Ruriiia fears her and her only and JEWELRY would be considered. causing a fellow jurist to theorize: lEAOPRE :488 Hartford Road Beaattfal eumpker eaeemble. dispersed tp secret hideawaya ance fund led to the work stop­ all Argentine presidents must be. "I think it was the work of a tinue to serve under .the -Argentine this fear certainly mfluenees So­ < Biut "Eisenhower said thJt Waa within a SOO-^mile rediua of Waidt- page recommendations. The Vatican announcement did Constitution inaklng Roman viet policy to a considerable de­ a misunderstanding. fiend, possibly the same fiend in­ ington, “Operatio: Alert 1965” Contract negotiations between not single out any ifiembers of tha volved In the Ferri abduction;'" Catholicism, the official religion. gree. MOTOjtS, In . "This is entirely a natter .of the four unions and two employer, Fdr Dad On His Day! Chrysler-Ptymouth Cars Area Trucking wheeled into high gear. / Argentine government by name; The comment was made' today , I'so Machine Guns Dairy Quaaa No. 2 CivU Defense and relocatiosi,” the froups had been going on for Ehren before uA churchmen were Figliting was underway between (CoDtinued on Fear) 358 EAST CENTER ST. OwneJ and Operated By Another Shipmentf President said. "No military prot^ ' 'Ihe CivU Defense phase of the by Judge Joseph S. White, who. -rL expelled Vatican ’sources, had .said shared an office. suite'" "With the Government House Guards and at- _ Al ElUn iem is essumed at all under this exercise lasted 26 hours, terminat­ tOiMittaued oo Fbga.Fonr) OPEN EVENIN08 EarrinfS, Bracelets, Necklaces, Scatter Pins. At Standstill as ing today but government partic* • that Peron was dangerouely close missing Judge Chillingworth. .,tacking soldiers. The attackers SOT Middle TurapUce Weet ’ fictitious situation. We are trylAg to excoquMunication. Both Peron 'were reported to be iwing .machine Eiby on the eyes slriply to see v/totther, under con­ patlon extends over three day* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferri 'van­ INDIA PRINTS ending tomorrow night. and his late iiMe, Eva, once were ished from their Miami home May guns. ' 15,000 ’ Strike ditions assuming the daotruct|on recipients of I^pal' decorations, 1 and no clue has been found con­ The machine guns and police ./ . .■. the governr.ieo". oouid continue The "enemy” assault oh 61 U.8. Ebwo: imunlostibn was applied to Bulletins AT LOW,'LOW PRICES.- SPEaAL FOR 3 DAYS O N LY^EG. f2.98 to functlor.*; c;ties. and territorieai left more cerning their fate. Bloodstains in­ men werO in public buildings near Breezy on the feet all Huhgarian officials who had dicated Jhey had been murdered. Government House. The machine Boston, June 18 (ff) — Heavy Declares ‘Martial Law* U-an five u UUom dead,” about News Tidbits from the AP Wires Oeleifnl India prints for bedepreade, couch covers, table dethe, trucking was at a standstill In any part in the trial and coovic- Ferri was to have been a witness gvms fired back against the at Ahead of the meeting Eisenhow­ twice aa many “ injured,” and mil­ tloii of Cardinal Mlndssenty in in a Newark, N. J., income lax shtrie, dreeeee. etc. v WHITE and INDIA PRINT Hassachusetta, Rhode Island and er issued a mock declaration of lions pf evacuees without homss Culled from AP Wires tacking planes. There was panic Hungary in 1949. c'aae against \AIbert Abastaaia, in the streets. Traffic’^waii halted Connecticut today • as 15,000 martial law to mobilise “the au­ or jobs. U.S. A id e s s a f e Today's Vatican text said: reputed hfa'd of Murder, Inc,, immediately. fteight haulers .were idle In a thority and resburcea- of the fed­ 'n e giant teet ia declined to Emergency Press Heod- 72"x90" SIZE ...... HANDBAGS wage .dispute. “ Aa in recent times In the .Re­ Judge White said he didn't be- Soldiers with rifles, with bayo­ eral goverament’’. to help get a test the rehabilitation and con­ Adm, Arthur W. Radford advises public of Argentina the rights of qiurters, O^retion Alert, June ' Massachusetts Labor Oommis- badly disjointed nation back In top sgainst indefinite continuance of l.eve hia colleague was kidnaped nets fixed, were swarming over the 16 (/P)—The State DepartmeBt trol machinery V hich would enable the church have been hami>ered in and possibly slain because of a city, aioner Ernest A. Johnson was try­ fighting gear. .. . the nation to rebcund from mass U.S. arms aid to Tugqelavla “w4th- ■\ ’ announced today that aU Anieri-. various ways, and Violence has grudge. - '••i At.lea^l .. two bombs apparently 72"x108" SIZE ...... 7" 1.59 - ing to bring both sides together— A spokesman aaid it was Elsen­ disaster and strike back at a:i out morf assurance Omn we now been done to ecclesiastical persons, c a n Embassy personnel la Pine TSx the AFL Teamster'S Union and hower’s view that a martial law aggreeaor. have as to where they will atand "If a person - or persons had a fell directly on GSvernment House Buenos Aires are ssife despite furthermore, as some have dared grudge against Jud^c Chilling­ and another fell in the street the .Trl-Stata Motor Carriers’ declaration was necessary to the pperattea Held Success in an emergency” . . .Police search to place handa Upon the person of bomtSag 'Snd shooting In t h e Council- national interest until Congress Despite sqme ccnfialbH and in­ for .22 caliber weapon and killer worth they v\x)uld have gone up to nearby. . Argentine revolutionnry rioting. Manuel Tato, titular bishop of the door and shot hiai. It la my Government House Js tite seat 90"x108" SIZE ...... Labor commissioners in Rhode - supposedly but not scattered — difference to the mock atUck .n who sprayed 14 shots’ from It into Aulon and auxiliary bishop and $35 MILLION FOR SHOTS 7.98 Island and Connecticut said they two teenage girls - heading for Emergenoy White House. June - vicar general of the archdiocese of ' REG. 95c ^ ; probably couldn’t arrange meet­ (Ooatianed #■ Page Three) (Conttnued on ^age Slxtoiea) school on, term's last dsy in Wash­ (Continued on Page’'Nineteen) (Continued on Page Foor) 16 i>P) — President Elsenhower ington. Buenos Aires, ings until early next week. ' “ And aa they have ’ prevented today formally ssked Congress CLOSEOUT! gEG. $2.29 mud $2.49 t ’oloa dalma Loehout Foroier Air Force qiajor has for 885 miiUon to tlnance hU him from the exercise of his juris­ proposed program, o| providing BOYS' and GIRLS' BOOKS V 'Ihe union claims it has been a g ^ to pay tl.SOO to Japanere diction, and have expelled him locked out of Job, while the Coun­ Rehearsal for Summit Talk girl who says he raarriod her ia free anti-polio vaccine to chil­ from the territory of Argentina, dren unable to pay for it. : FLOCKED TIER CUlirAINS cil says the work stoppage ia a O e ^ five years ago but didn’t the eacred consistorial congrega­ Hope Fades for 13 Men strike because the union pulled its u L]***!.- •‘* had wife in tion declares and.edmoni^es: men otf their trucks in seven car­ •Ituatlon DIXON WINS TVA ROUND for ^ hi Singapore as tsxi- "That ell those who ha've - com-, ' . Washington, June 18(AV-dk^ S I .69 30" LENGTH rier companies Monday. Last night 2,000 mittod such crim'ea.’"he they those S o trucking conceriw Joined 168 in Secret Session cabs return to streets, and govern­ Trapped in British Sub porters Of the Dixon - Y n t o s - 'I 34" LENGTH' ment marshals trucks to take chtl- who ordered that Such crimes be p o w e r , project won the first Tom Swift, Cherry Anns Series, Bohbsy Twins, Nancy others that had locked their committed, whatever rank they garages Tuesday night dren to schooL ,v round toitey in a House fight Drew and many other Utica. BrMd and coetly revisions' of hold, and the necessary «ccom- "over transmitting privately i t ­ The only point on which moth On Red Parley Strategy plicea, or bq they those who have Portland, Bn; land, J'une 16 (P>—gratings , were injured and are in aides see eye-to-eye is on the ship­ Prosrsm arq given erated electricity fiito the Ten- l«ffWaUve gtHUieid -by Itomo- induced the doing of such crimes—; A praxAice torpedo exploded and I hospital.’' ,,, j , nesaee Valley Authority (TVA) ment of the necessaries of life. The crimes which would not have been .. -u ...K Asked whether-the men died in VALANCES 5 9 ® *“ '* SPECIAL—REG. $1.50 - public was assured that food, cratic house leaden. . . . Barxain- r l ; ^ open the Royal Nnvy sub- j ^ btcauaa they couldn’t system. ' They succeeded In New York, June 16 (A)—^T7M«meet Soviet Foreign Minister V. Ing t ^ between A m ^canl-'committed without their participa­ A wonderful value la tier curtains, white with colored tleeked medicine and fuq) will continua to -West began today to unify i t s M.------Molotov.-- tion—have Incuired. excommunica­ marine Sldon today, 'sending the | escape, Thofhas replied: ■ knocking t t -of - a K oecret strategy for Big B our Ulks Motors Oorp. and CIO Uhlted Auto ohlp to the bottom of Portland | "As far as my information goes, tlon hil) 6 i/| mllUen w for titUp pattern er colored wl.th white. Bone riage. ready to haag- b# delivered. - ' ”Wa are going into meetinga Workers are adjourned untU Tueo- tion in latop semtentiae.. .and have n start by TVA Itaelf on n nenr Bed, Mae, grew , gfld. Not all eelers ia eaeh range. The union has instructed Its in San Friuic'soo and ^ e v a . with the Rusalana,”- one apokea- incurred all the other penalties aC' harbor with IS men trapped in It*-! I think that the loss of life is Uk#^ :t*lhs suet wdked-akout A s ^ STATIONERY 75e U.8. Sacretary of SUta Duilad day with both aides spparenUy generating plant at Fniton, members to report for wofk as man explained. "If ■ we make trying for compromise on union’s cording to their respective, crimes k,,ii ly to have been entirety due to the t . — arrived yeaterday for the meetings ^ tte r e d hull., explosion." - ' Tenn. ''!■ te w P Deaf, caehiaay esek known our plana beforehand, what demand fqr guaranteed annual amt crepe aelae arraas asl beet. (Conttnned w Page Four) here with tlia British and the ailt we 'have to bargain withT” wage. (Coatlaued oa Page Eleveo) Seven hours ^ le r the The explosion rocked tl)U south rrenoh. West Gertnany joins the doui explrelon the Admiralty aaid naval base and sent colunma DAG HOPEFUL ON II FLlERfi Ss liglit. they Soat. Hava The western trio’i talka in San Truck driver Is killed when his United Nations, N.V., Joae 16 PLASTIC GARDEN Closeout! Mott fomotis bowl tol conference tomomr'v and separate FranctMo with Molotov are de­ ■Jl hope had been ^ of dense yellow smoke billo’wlng ia fcaali-mT aa«r Saha doth ar British-German and Franch-Ger- Cal Motors Line tnjek and South­ the three officers and 10 enlisted | (S') — Secretary General Dag signed to act up the framework for ern Pacifle freight train collide Hanunankjoid hinted todny. he Ubar east waah fabries. HOSE uud ^ Y R E X on iho moricol ol Iho Three Quadruplets man taJia were arranged through the "Summit” meeting July 18 in UAG Chief Asserts , . . __. i An.ayewltnesa' aaid as the auba PL^TIC DRAPES Saturday, > near Centeryille, Calif., in South­ TOe blast tore s ^ r were about to move off. the ex­ expected the eariy release of 11 P® .^owosl prico Ilf History Geneva, SwiUerland, of Preaident ern Alameda County. . . . .ci|ineae end o f the sub while it waa moored __ United States fliers Imprisoned LAWN SPRINKLERS COLOR Die ill New Hayen Antoine Pinny, •'Fronch foreign Xliaenhower„ Brltiah Prime Minis'^ plosion rocked the Sidon "and minister, arrived by [lane early Communist guns on Amoy Are 58 ll.S. Ahead of Reds along aide the depot vceeel Maid In Communist China. Hawmar- -(• ■ ter Eden,* FSench Premier Iklgar shelle at nearby little ^ e m o y Is­ clouds of empke shot up from the and COTTAGE SETC today bad aaid he a-aa convinced stone.. I,t occurred ahortly before front of her." akjold was asked at a aewa eea- SIT Faure and Soviets IPremler Nikola'i land but cause no damage. the Sldon was to leave the harbor ference if ho thought vlaite to - New Havien, June 16 (JV-<)uad- “if we atay united, tt>at if the Bulganin. All four foreign minis­ Elwt Hartford, June 16 OP) — "She lay on the surface for REG. $1.00 to $1.98 Pr. ' ruplets were bom to a New Haven Atlaptio oomromity continueo to Cktholic parochial school re­ Frederick B. Rentechlcr, chairman on toipedo firing exercicea. the prisoners from their tonllles , WINDOW SCRUM S uud SCREEN WIRE ters will be in.Ji!$_California portedly will' be erected by St. - An Admiralty apokecn:an said about 30 minutes, but then nose­ would be useful In h)s etfsrt% to (fetiseily wH ler $U*^ wnUMUi here yesterday. Two of be a living - ree,ity, we can h o ^ metropolis to attend the 10th an- of United Aircraft Corp., today dived as the forward poatUon was Doii1][le S & H iSraen Stamps them died last nitht One died for that relaxat'on of international Jeaeph’e Church in Brookfleld at left DO dqubt he believe* the U.S. the explosion occurred in a torpedo get the men out. He said he did Aivarsary assembly o f the United initial coat in exceaa of 3150,000.. propellant in the forward torpedo flooded," thia .witneaa reported. SALE early today. tenalOn ahioh we all > aot;” Nations, beginning Mobdsy. Air 'Force U superior to Russiana. not. » 'Vienna neWapaper Weltprdsse re­ compartm mt. • ' "Men jumped from her decks into PRICE a At St. RaiphaiU’a Hospital, Mrs. British Foreign Secretary Har­ Molotov and his party, who bad One of. the world’* 'foremost the see. Tuge raced to the scene Given With Cash Sales All HonsewarCs— ' Kenneth Barnes, 39, wS reported old MacMillan was expected to ar­ ports Russian woman are efferlag authoritlea in aviation Mr. The 4>idon rsated on the aiu-face HOLDBACKS CAN RETURN arrived In Naw York hafore dawn for about a half hour after the ex­ and a diver went down but by that Emergency Press Headgonr* “ to he resting comfortably. The re­ rive later. . • , . yeaterday on.the Queen ElUabaUi, up to 83,900 in Austrian i^oney Reniachltr votc*d hia continued Baacment maining infant la deacrihed aa be- Adeaaoar Oe.to Degree to Austriana wiUlng to mairy plosion. then nosedived under 36 time she was completely sub­ tors. Operation Alert, June 16 IH : Our wUra stqck ef piasUo drams sad eettage sMs at eleeseel 1 ^ for San Jfpancisco lasf night faith in American alrpower at a merged." Day THURSDAY in "fair condition.” 'Waet Gentian Chancellor Kon­ ^Mtard thtca qtoclal cars on the them. . breas conferenc* held at - UAC feet of water. —lW goverament aaneoMafl to­ s four, all beys, were two rad Adenauer will join Um Big Franca annoqnoes she has re­ headquartera in E a s t H a r t f^ . His Seven other Crewmen escaped Yhoae who jumped overboard day It wUi arrange tho retolR O rat^’a "Chicagoan.” were picked up by rescue craft. %aMmtlw preiiSture. They weighed Three at lunch tomorrow. He was Although S iltof flew- in from called one of her key representa­ aUnd thus bolster* the poritlon of With onlj' alight Injurie*. th* Ad­ home ot any ol the 21 AaaeiteMi. about two pounds each, in Beaton today where ha raraived tives from Allied European Mili­ those who have defended the U8AF miralty aaid. The Sldon, one of Britain’s ”S" war priaoners who ebaea to atag Wartlngtbq jlyg ‘ hours beforb the "1 regret to e*y that three pf- claas subs, normally carriaa s crew ia, Cktmmunlat iCWaa aftor Hm RoMUktr! Beikic Bitei Stamps ncennetl G. Barrea, 83, the a Harafird degree. Soviet ..mlnUer departed, they did tary Command to hejp counter against recant attacks. | fathsr, la a cutter grinder on tba aaeurity precautions-and not meet. ^ new ■sttenaliat disturbances In ” The American puhUe has a fleers and 10 raUnge are deflnltely o t 44.. 8h* and har alatar Ship* Koreha War7 b i| t who now t o r i * , ware preparing to Itavo th* har­ changed thalr iiM J M t H A U c o n dBr tttlft at Pratt A.YVjhltnw #• ' ? at conplsts sseraey The Mta of th'e Weatorn Big French North Africa.. Attractive right to expect that we are not known to be m le e ^ and must be CEHOUSEgSON vtoleri of United A l r a ^ la Naith ______tfes prapanutoM tor Thras s flrat wocUi^ maatbv this former eoUate. dormitory heuse- being outotrtpped,” Rentsdilar de­ bor at the time eg the blast, a any who do oahte «M Valtod Stotea^iil hn MANCHimR ^MH* IlyiM WHIi Bath Sales THURSDAY Mrag. YYbMi hewag'teW ef-tlw tM a u N tlu nlMd at pgsrawtlng ------V m HUt, tha mother is teuud garrated In baae- clared, ”AU la .all, « • have j¥ A ?StT!^d^th4 Ada^a^^SS naval Hjekaeman said. a oanidlfiw t to. Itoii ^Mbeiseo tha House eg Commqne In.utndon. dsantoHe **(ig SKf GREEN STAMPS tosBt of har-home la San Joae, a ^ ‘ tiwT ■MglmTo« bSKt weak wtMBiriM Wastarnan W I m lim a Sfirtjba)' ^ Califorhla. (Canitontti «ii Ktototoiy);,^ ‘V gddltlon-eae offleer and (C ^ 1 » J ■ r I- iS'-


I Sdheol Rockville-Vemon .^ert Complif^ted; Rockville-Vernonj (^mneetlcut, sf Agricui- Anniversary Fete A bou t Tow n Work Insurance CssilBg Evcaits Come One — Come All / President Reports Skywatch Schedule The l(yomeiN.af the Moose will Held by Emblem liayinbnd T. Qfuiah, ohairman of Gfiims Rise Here hold their Installatloa of officers tha M th annual atr..wherry feati- State Tardy on R^ly; Friday, June 17 Northeast School Graduates Saturday Evening st 7:80 in tht vat committee, announces two ad- Sixth Aiiaal Stnwbtrn FitHnl (OSatfaiBed from Page Oae) Moose Home. Margaret Pusno sixty membera of Manchester iSiilmiir for iinsmplojrmeht in­ SPONSORED BY ST. BRIDGETS CHURCH Midnight • 2 a.m...... Volunteers Needed ditianat features for the 'festival ? a.m. • 4 a.m. . baa been elected senior regent, Emblem Club No. 251 attended surance In the Manchester area could reconvene and normal chan­ ...... Volunteers Needed tonweirbw from 8 to 8:80 p.m. on 4 (Lm. - 6 a.m...... Voinnteers Needed First Class Monday Night with other officers as follows: the first anniversary party last- the ' groende at St: Bridgwt’a increased from 442 to 479 in the Pollution Help Sought nels of goVhrnment be reeetsb- Margaret Johndrow, junior svenlng in Tinker hall. Prudent Friday EYtaias, Jaaa — to : 6 f.m . - 8 a.m...... Votunteere Needed’ Here's the- Church; namely a cake sale by 17 1:88 1 Uehed. we4k ending Saturday, the State ' ' -M.ltl I .1 8 a.m. - 10 m...... Clarence Hoar, BiU Evans grand regent; Louies Wlnchell, Mrs.' Ronald H. Oatea in -a brief women of the church, and pony MoekvlU*, June It - (8p«:i»l) -x t iA , P»ul Naijy, Cw«l N«ir. U u r- junior regent; Mary Johndrow, businesa session welcomed t h e Labor Depftrtmant-reported today. MUSIC—CAKEjiALE—PONY RIDES The Security Council, heeded by 1ft a.m. - Noon ...... Guy Mullen ride# for Uie children. TVmy RockviUs Junt 18 {Spoclsl).^sry trestmsnt plant was eompls- the President; is ths top sdmlnls- Noon - 3 p.m. . OraduatiOB axarclts will ba held 11 n Nlc61aU». gxiaua Parker, chaplain; Anne Boucher, recorder; members and guests, expressing ...... Etheleen Lewis PhyllW Reutter, Antoni IKdIak. 0 ’'Bright’s orchestra will fumiah The department In Itg Weekly Msyor Frtderick 8. Berger took ted in 1928. trsUve policy' sgency in matters 3 p.m. - 4 p.m...... Voinnteers Needed liilliaa Caron, treasurer; Ann Bab­ her appreciation of their coopera­ ADULTS 76&-CHI^DREN 25e ' For many yearn the pollution fo r the flrit elaaa to complete. iU Marilyn Schaefer, Barbara Scind r.Hisic during ths evening, and the report Also nothd that claims eoueption today to the ajinoimce- related to the nation’s safety and 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. , ...... Voliuteers Needed cock. guidfe: Lillian Caron, aaaiat- tion, and hoping that they would featival will be in the pariah hall control problem has been dlacua- ■tudlaa at the recenUy completed ler. John Schlaefer, Patricia ant guide; Franesa Andrews, sen-’ have a pleasant vacation until throughout ths state, after declin­ RAIN OR SHINE " ment by the State Water Cora- defense. Its members include the 8 p.m. - 8 pAQ, ...... John McCauley Sr., Evelyn Mc- mside stQry' from Schormann, C y n th ia Seekini, in case o f rain. sed in the city (uid Council mem- vies president, the secretary of cauley Northeaat Sdtool MMday at • p.m. Unel; Evelyn Shea, Argua; Edna Septamber. ing for seven weeks, showed an mteei(m that RockvlUe, along with bare Indicated in December that Dopglaa Seeking, Robert Son- defense and the secretary of the 8 p.m. • 10 p.m. . Olive Ray. Grace Anderson in the achool auditorium. Heif, pianist. Various gamaa followed, and increase. They were Op to 31,-. severxl other towns wUi be ordered the eurvey would no doubt ba tha Following a aelectlon by the gailo, Gretchep S p le lm a n , Girl Scout TToop 2 -will meet to­ moviaa ware ahown o f the Inatalla- Tht New Havjen Railroad will 717 from 31,078 o f the preening treasury among others. Addition­ 10'r p.m. - Midnight ...... • • Mr. andxnd wu-«.Mrs. «*-i,il-wbert omsunBenson first step in bringing the faculties al offtcisia sit in on its meetings school band, the openinc prayer Darlene We th ere 11, Virginia night st 8:30 in the Moose roomi. tion end Christmas party of the run a "Flower Garden. Special’ week, acoonHng to the report, to take action in solving their pol- Skywatch Post located on top of Manchester Police Station. Taakulka, and Sandra Zadarosny. bound gor the famous Botanical up to date. . AS their tasks are affected. Volunteers mr.y refnler at Cftv il Defense Headquarters, Mtml- erill be fiven by, the Rev. Edwin Badsteubner Post, Veterans of club by Mrs. Normal} Blanchetts. At the same time, 344 claimants .lution problems. - Demands Action Bill Savitt... Principal Lewis will also deliver Foreign Wars. Of this city, will be Mrs. Ralph Hibbard and her com­ Garden In Bronx Park, New York The bombers in the sir over the clpal Ihjllding, Manchester on Monday, Wednesday, Friday from A. Brooka. o f rthe Baptiat Church. City, on Thursday, June 33. The in the atate were reportM to have He said, "The Commission, ie 'hie State Water Commisaion Roy Auclair will deliver the wel­ the farewell message to the class repn^eented st the Department mittee were In charge of enter­ United States were not nil imag­ 1-5 p.m. train, which will be gaily decorated exhausted their benefits, bringing evidently eo busy with other promised mors aggressive acUon come addreaa for the yraduatinK of 1»55. Convention this week in Hartford. tainment end Mrs. Paul Gagnei inary. The Strategic Air Com­ Swimming RegMraUona Set with elaborate dtolaya of flowers the number of such exhaustions to msusrt that it has not had the last night against towns which mand -> discloeed that Stratojet elaaa and Patricia SchortmMn, the Members planning to attend are waa chairman of the refreshment have been "dragging their feet" Members of the Swimming pool In every car, will leave Hartford 11,528. This is twice as many sa LIKE LOBSTER? time to discuaa the aurvey we had B47s and B38 Superfortrcaaea fuc- this spokesman said, ths President farewell. ,w i asked to report at the Home, at 12 committee. The buffet table waa the 8,338 during the same period made.” oft pollution control. The Oommls- lished for .the employes of the Committee of the Common Coun­ at 8:43 a.m.yhhd arrive at Van ceasfully "radar bqmbed” Wichita. woul(l keep in doss contact with Electric Boat Divlslen, General Raymond E. Ramadell, aaeiatant noon. tastefully decorated with garden last year. . . then you’ll lovt Lobster a aion has asked the 8UU Attorney cil wlU be at the Council roonta Neat station^tistatloD-ln the Bronx at 11:05 The Mayor asld copy .of the Kan.; Birmingham, Ala., and the state governors so the martial BuporintendMit of achoola, Iwill give The local post wHi be housed st flowers add centered with a large report read st the t>ec. 29 Council General to take steps against Nor­ Dynamics Oorp., In Groton. The Saturday from 1:83 to 4 p.m. to a.m., returiun,ig from Van Nast at Twelvs o f the 18 unemployment a Is Princess. Whole Broil­ MempHis, Tenn. law regulations could be modified paper won the award of excellence tlM addreaa to the g ^ u a te a , ‘*Un- the Hotel SUUer. Harold Mc­ anniversary caks. Delicious party offices in the stats rsportsd in­ Meeting waa forwarded to Com- wich to make sure it carries out regiater all ohi' Jren interested in Laughlin will ba Installed aa, coun­ sandwiches, cake and punch were :304 p m : TicketsTicli are on sale now. Tha theoretical martial law dec- as Conditions warranted. for over-all effectiveness In the flnlahed Taaka for Youtha.** receiving swimming instructions creases in the number of claims ed Live Lobster, 11.50. miaalim Director William 8. Wise a court order and inaUlU a sewage Renwick J t. Jt*wia, eupervlalnf ty commander during the conven­ served. treatment plant. larati(m was taken after the The President came out with his Internal newspapers class in s at Henry Park. o American Legion Auxiliary received. The biggest hikes were with the request s atudy .be made imagined damage from yesterdSy’s statewide publications oontsst principal for the achool, will pre­ tion. ‘ Past Supreme PreatdenU Mrs. T td . Shrimp, Scallops and all e f it. Commissioner Director Wise mailial law declaration on the sec­ This announcement waa made y m hhold ita final meeting of the reported by Norwalk, 38 per cent; great sham attack on 81 major ond day of "Operation Alert 1955,’ sponsored by the Connecticut In­ sent the . Florence R. Whitlock The local post baa unanimously George H. Williams and Mrs. Meriden, 14 per cent;, and Middle- your other favoritsa, too. The report referred to by "Mayor said "W e are fed up with clUea this morning by Donsld Berger, George L. Grasladio, and Presi­ ^wasoron Monday at 8 p.m. In the {Kipulation and industrial centerl tha hydrogen age preparedness dustrial Editors Assn, and the awards, and the diplomas will be endorsed the Rev. Leonard T. town, 11 per cent (On the. other Berger was made by Bowe, Albert­ not complying with our requeati.” presented by Iforgan Campbell, who will be the bistnictor at the dent Mrs. Edward H. Carrigan, Legion halL ^ Special lunches and dinners Iiad been xaeeaxed, the spokesman exercise which started yesterday Manufacturers Assn, of Connecti­ Goode, of Rocky Hill, formerly at hand, Brirtol reported .a 18 per son and Asaoclatea and proposed He added Wallingford, New Mil­ member oJ the Board of l^ucation, dty'a pool on Fox Hill. St. Bernard's Cihurch in- tills city, of RockviUs . Emblem Club N «^ , said. when enemy bombers supposedly cut, Inc. There will be clasees for begin- dally. -Rockville spend $890,000 to Im­ ford. Branford. Danielson, Jewett for the office of department were present and brought leon- Chapman Court, No. 10, Order cent drop. Val Peterson, the Federal Civil rained death and ruin on the na­ assiated by liswla. nara, intermedletee, and awlm- prove the present setup and plan City, TerryviUe end Rockrille The Rev. Lawrence J. Lieclair of chaplain. * gratulaUons and best wuhes for of Amaranth, will prscede Its final The Hartford otfic# continued Defense edministretor, said the tion’s capital and 60 other key TOO U>NG mere; also, junior and senior life to allow 819,000 per year for main­ will be ordered to take action. St. Bernard’s Church, ^ 1 pro* The Tolland County Women’s tbs continued success of No. 251. meeting until September tomorrow to lead the etate offlcea in the DINE IN AIR-OONDlinONED COMFORT Anaonla. Derby and Shelton President’s action "will give as­ cities. saving instruction, if there la suf- number of claims recAlytd with taining the'plant. , nounce the benedScUon. During the Republlcsn Chib will meet Monday at 7:45 p.m, in the Masonic Tem- will be asked to appear at a pub­ surance that the authority and re­ flciant demand for these Instruc- 8,389. Bridgsport was second The proposed'changaa would al­ Rlchm<>nd, Va.. ((P)— Andrew H. rogram there will also be selec- st the Keeney Farm cottage, Som- ;>le, with a poUuck supper at 8:30, low the plant to handle a ..pi^pActty lic hearing July 8 to show cause, sources of the federal government WINS TRADE -PAPER TEST Adama told the court he had jiut ona by the school chorus. tiOM. ersville, 7;30 p.m., with Mrs. Julia with 2,983 and New Haven third -both military and civilian—are S All beginners must be at Icaat Swimming Pools it will be pAat matrons and par- .of two million gallons per da'y. In "W hy the State Commlaaion put off getting an automobile The following are the members A. Ksaney as hostess:. The speak­ tona’ night, Paat Royal Matron with.2,881. Princess Restaurant supporting the civil defense effort.’’ g-yeare-old, a*id Uielr applications 1910 the present treatment plant shouldn't taaua an order, regulat­ Weston. June 18 (IP)— Aiugwar^ driver’s license. The (u>urt as- of the graduating class: Norman er will be Mrs. Anns Mss Switaskl. >nrooD TMATS FIT FOR A n N a" In the event of a real atomic- must be signed by their parents. Mra. Maybelle Dowd and Past was opened with six septic tanks ing polluti(m for which eacli city for. excellence has Been won 'by irtained that his procrastination AUonan, Frederick ArU, Roy vies cksirmsn of the Republican MISPLACED WILDLIFE FINE WINKS. UqUOUS aaM BEKB hydrogen attack on this country. (Prnaent Indioa.lons are that the Open T^imc 25th Royal Patron Carl Petersen Mrill and six container beds. The pri- is r.eapoiisible.” . the ‘Scope, the newspsper pub- lasted 34 years. The fine was 825. Auclaiir, Susanna Bock, Carol Stats Central Committse. preside .during the initiation .of m a i n STREET AT PEARL STREET pool will open July J and swim­ BoUes, Frank Burkhardt, David The canvassers for the Norwich candidatee. Imyal Matron Mra. Sullivan’s Island, S. C. iJ^h-An W ffV IS SAVITT GIVING Campbell. Blaine Caron, Robert ming dacaes will start July 5. Globe Hollow and SalUra swim­ uninvltsd guaat was rsmoved from jJthough the s\vin>ming pro­ Diocesan Development Fund Herbert Leggett will . serve Casati. lAonard Chmielew'’ski, Rae Drive will meet tonight st 8 o'clock ming pools, conducted by the recre­ the clubhouse beach by the Coast gram this ysar la aponsorsd by the chairman of the committee, A aoe- Heart Unit Plan BenefiU KNITTING MILLSi Dubek, Stuart Edwards. Edward st St. Barnard’s Church HsU. ation IJepartment, will open for jal hour with refreshments will Guard and police; The gueet—a Evoy, Kenneth Frtedrick. Gail city, and not by the Red Croea, the Mayor Frederick Berger and'Jo- the abaeon Saturday, June 36. The 10-foot alligator—waa shot $20 FOR ANY OLD WATCH? local chapter will cooperate. follow ths business seeslon. Johndrow, Mayre Joalin, Claudia soph F. Nash, associate chairman houra will be aa followa: Monday- J- Keish, Charies Konarskl, Fred Lee. — Control Center hriday 10-12, 1-5, 8-8:!0, The pool < Rheumatic Fever Victims The Civil Defense set up a con­ and co-chsirman, are asking for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nleananaki Irene Lee. Patricia Little. Carol additional volunteers to sasiat In closet at 8 on Saturday, Sunday, Lukasiewski. Eleanor Manion.' trol center at the home of BJrnest and hoUdaye. of Forest Perk, Pe., announce the * Bacaust your old watch has a tradfi-in value! this projedt. Followinj; tonight’s birth of a eon, John Alan, in Mgn- A_ cooperative pi:ogram to pro-'» formed a (Ximmittee. ’ It com- -A Barbara Martin, Roger McKu- Raad, 7 LAwrence St., yeeterdey meeting, an active campaign will Swimming laoaons for children at noob, to taloe part In "Opera­ cheater Memorial Hospital, June Ylde low cost protection for vie prised reptasentatlves of the Con­ ba. carried on in this area. wUl be given in two scssionr. The necticut Pharmaceutical Associa­ * Because Savitt is out to make thousands ef new customers! tion-Ivy,” and planned to man it first aeries o f lataona begin on 14. Mrs. NleSenskl was the former tims of rheumatic fever has been for the entire M houra thle after New Arrival June Biokmore, daughter of Mr. started in Connecticut through the tion, wholesale druggists, Connect­ A son was bom y e ste r^ y at the Tiesday, Jidy 8, And wUl run for icut Medical Society, State De­ * Because Savitt knows that once ypu buy a watch here with P.O.M.G, noon. ^ , three weeksi The second series Will and Mre. Frank Bickmore, 81 taee .Tereer-nimaeA ratAew B e d CliacH (Shrill efforts of the Heart Association The '^Irws-ora for the control City Hospltal.Lo Mr. and Mrs. John Washington St. The pa tern a l an(f the Connecticut Pharmaceu­ partment of Health and private Service, you'll ba a customer fot lift! Hanaford, i t Park St. begin' Aug. 8, and wUl alao eon- center were Lawr-mce Ho«?e, Ar­ tir.ue for three weeks. The tesnona grandparenti are Mr. and Mrs. Jo- ‘THE PRODIGAL” Charcdil Broiled tical Association. The program physicians to work out details of thur Ahrendt suid Frank Andrews, New patients include Mre. Fred aeph Nlesnanski of .Wljkea Barre, Which has been under considera­ the program. Surette, 83 Vernon Ave., and Mrs. trill be ^ven every weekday B»om- C ieen iew ae4aai CeWr IS:M with PhlUp Audlbert, Henry Mar- Pa. Dee Derrea-EMfee!■ W jae tion for nearly a year will make This is the Brst program of Us John Zagurs, 53 Reed St. ing and anyone who ivieties to sign le “ Tlw MareeAen" t:MWritiW Heavy Steer oham and Hubert Leonard acting up majv regiater at the swimming It possible-for many more rheu type in'the country which Involves aa intelligence olfirera for thj 1 p.m. Bar Besm —CaitomiT matic fever victims to secure the the normal channels of distribution All Taloott^Tlle and Vernon newt pools during the first week of op- George Vincent Lawler, eon of Kaijr Ffte rerklac alerti eiatlon. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lawler of necesstnr medication to prevent and is'being watched closely by IHAT ARE SURE TO PtEASE... Tha oommunloations officers Items are now being hnndled Through The Mnacheeter Evening The pool aUff will be aa followa: Hillstown Rd., was graduated with recurreiit attacks of the disease Heart Ass(Klationa in other states were Ernest Read. William Wil- Globe Hollow—Pool Chief, George honors from the University of with dw icc M V sfr tiMi .^and subsequent additional heart for possible adoption. Ih c initial Inok and Charloa Hollister, end Hemid Rockville Bhreau. located -MEN'S LENO-WEAVE at 1 Market SL, telephone Bock- Krauae; Instructors, Jan Hurley Connecticut, Sunday. He majored r>age. request for the medication must AP durbig the alert meaaages were and Ronald WatU; Life Guard, in economics. asd PoMe. Rolb b Ritter* \The previous high costa of the come from the patient’s private rtUe 5-8L38. received and sent out pertaining Georg* Dormer, Salters — Pool m ^ ca tio n created a hardship onj- physician and is handle by the to the influx o f some 4,000 vehicles, Chief. Art Lallme; InaUructors. many'families and made it impos­ drug store In normal fashion. evacuated from Hartford, one of Sku-le S. Rohan o f the James X Richard CXvena, and Thomas Me sible for some rheumatic fever The program is being set up on the target dtiea li. the aute. Rohan A Son Agency, local in­ \kt 9rove Namara; Ufe Guard, Eleanor surance agent, la attending the victims to secure the protetctlon. an experimental basis for a two Traffic at the rotary In Panclera. O pss dsily st BOOB — GOCKTAIL LOUNGE Acting upon recommendations ••Hi: WINIS AND UQUOt vUle woa atopped for 10 minutes Local Stocks summer insurance school spon­ year period and will alao serve as sored by the Connecticut Associa­ Baaia 4—rarmiagtaa »^ )AchtsAp-y79 ___ made by the Council on Rheumatic a research project to determine when the Yellow alert wee re­ Maa. tkra Sal. Fever and Congenital Heart Dis­ SHIRTS the extent of the rheumatic fever' VALUIS < ceived ehortly after noon yeeter- tion of Inaurance Agents being T ag PLAYBOY o r THE,, Gsotstieu Pnndahed By WESTEBN WOBLO ' to s le • WsthsiifieM. Coes. ease of the American Heart Asso­ problem in this atate. It is known day. During the alert period, mem- held at Wesleyan University, 15 DshNTB A Middlebraek. las. Hospital Notes Middletown. June 15 to 17, Mrs. Italarias ciation in reference to studies that many children and adults in bera of the Welfare Division, war­ Bill Btawa Barbara Hart which proved that dally dosage of the state are victims of the disease dens, and other staff ine.nhers re­ lp.aasrtoes Alice J. Rohan will attended the TBE HAPPY TINE session tomorrow. Aaaa XI Aalir • the dnig over a period of years which leads to a high percentage WhIMts ported t o ,^ control c«\ter at in­ OBckatd 7-eilt (nrmlasUaV would prevent additional attacks of the heart disease in later life, -Hi::: HOW CAN SAVITT GIVE Bill Aaked Cariala: t:M. MaaSari; f1.M; tervals. In the known rheumatic, the but heretofore there has been no' Splelmas-Holmes Flret National Qaak Olaf Erlandaon, RFD 1, Rock­ Twenty-nine young people In TstvThara. 9X. Prl.-Sal. St.tt. ot Manchester .... . 30 35 Sperial ratvi far sraasa. TirkrU aa Heart Aasociatlon with the help way of ascertaining the number Miss Shirley M. Holmes, daugh­ ville; JoAnne Sadlaski, 48 Hollis­ grades 3 and 4 from the Buckland aala at Oalar Traaal Ageacy. LYNNBROOK Hartford Nattonal ter Unfteld Whltcher. 81 Mhool traveled by but to, Old and approval of its local chapters of victims. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ed­ Bank and Trust (X). 32 35 ward Holmes of 1S5 lAst Main Garden Dr.; Mrs. Alice Bennett, Sturbridge Village, Mass., on June $20 FOR ANY OLD WATCH? Conn. Bank and iTs Bush Hill Rd.; Robert Cobb, 8. They were accompanied by their 'AVe., helped when she could, but Bt., became the bride of Arthur Trust Co...... -74 79 PtOOf 3.23 215 .Hillstown Rd.; .Mrs. Rose teacher. Miss Miriam Thayer of Three, Quadruplets she is employed during’ the day. . \ E. Splelmai. Jr^ son of Mr. and* Manchester Trust . . 65 TELEVISION Mrs. Arthur B. Spielman Sr., Newmann, 180 E. Mtln St.. Rock Ernst Hartford. The father, a ellghtly-buUt, lir-J * Because the factory is contributing part of this big trade-in allowands **^7.79GAll South Windsor. Isst evening st the rue. IneersDee Oompealee vllle; Gary Begin, Olaatonbury New Haven light-haired maa, told reporters Methodist Church. Aetna Fire ...... 75 78 Mri. Mary Stevenson, RFD 2, Am The Past Chiefs of Memorial after the quadruplets were born •n-B WHtSKIU IN IHiS NOOUa Hertford Fire ...... 173 183 * Because Savitt is making up tha diffaranca for YOUR ^ood wiil. A * AND 7 YtASS OtD The Rev; Carl Saunders, pastor dover; Misa Gerda Woelk, 17 Temple, Pythiiui Sisters, will hold that he had been greaUy worried of the church, performed the National Fire ...... 106 111 Garden Dr.; Robert Carney, 1? thsir final meeting of the aeeeon PROGRAMS (CoHOniied from Page One) about, his vvlfe's condition. double Ting, candlelight service. Phoenix ...... V> . . . .' . 90 • 98 Oxford St.; Joseph Trueman, 62 tomorrow night at the home of Nervously removing his glasses * Please ndtf SAVITT pays the federal tbx. ifidso Bvsrydsy—AU Rights Rsserved-7-H. T. Dickinson A Co., lne,| Extra-quality shirts at an extra-low factory price! San­ BMARaiFF The eoloist, George Collins, Lite ena lefleipeitY le a Ooe. McKee St.; Mrs. Martha Storey, Mrs. Frank Perkins, 28 Autumn deaths last night he commented and cleaning them several times forized, air-cool cottort-leno weave In white, blue, maize, sang "O Perfect I avc” and "The Aetna Life ...... 240 250 21- Drive G; Lyle Neddon, 18 St., starting with a picnic supper “It war Ood’B will." while being interviewed, he said: tan. I, K IN D * WNMKtr AetnaCssuatty ...... 248 Lord’s Prsysr.” The bride, who Banks St. at 6 and followed by a meeting at The Barnes’ have another chiidp "I repeated the rosary over and was given in marriage by her Conn. General ...... 530 560 ADMITTED TODAY: Walter 8 o'clock. Mrs. Etta Perkins will Dominic, 2.. over to myself when they took her OOP / K)T A . T T father, wore a gown of Chantilly Hartford Steam Boil . 90 95 Jeaanls, 4 Malden Lane, Rock sasiat the hostfSs. to the operating room. Outside of WNMXteS m THIS NOOUCT lacs over satin with a mandarin Travelers .:,... .2590 3880 rtlle; Miss Mary Nelson, 78 Now! For a limitid time Otandard references say quad­ that I’ve been in a fog, too tired to 100% NYLON SHIRTS. . .$1.59 avcAtsolo '' collar and chapel length train, . PeMie UttUtiM . Haynes St. Among the divorces grsntsd In only we are offering FREE ruplets occur on an average of know much of what’s been going once In ev er/ 551,271 births: . the top of the gown trimmed wtth Conn. Light Power .. 19 21 BIRTHS YiESTERDAY; S u p e r io r C ourt Hartford, this on.” daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Victor week were the following: Carolyn i"VQew Motorola Portable or , After an X-ray exarjinatlon two MEN'S a row o f pearls. Her Veil o f French Conn. P o w e r ...... 44 46 Ckh^ Radio with every TV Barnes said his pay at the Pratt MEN'S SWIM WISTBURY RESERVE Illusion, fell from a band o f ae- Hartford Elec. Lt. . .. 58‘i, 6 0 4 Daley: 806 Charter Oak St.; a N, Wood, now of West Hartford, weeks ago, Mrs. Barnes hnd been A Whitney plant averages about i mAMMT t v i quins and pearls. Hartford Gas Co. .. .. 37 40 ton to Mr. and Mrs. Marcel fron} Leland T. Wood Jr., 43 purchase. ' told that proiiably she would give 875 a week, and that he has just The mMd of honor, Miss RU ...... 2 4 4 Knleder, North Coventry. Bralnard P)., on the- groundis of birth to triplets pufehased a new car.. to mo Dorssn W slU of 53 Ward St., s BIRTHS TODAY: A daughUr intolerable cruelty; Isabella D. Closing at noon SaLurdgys Dr. Benedict Biondl, ■ the family NOOF bOT Pp.. New England close friend of the bride, wore s Tel. 42>.4 44Vt to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Porter, from James Hamilton, on the during June, July, August physician, said it was likely the JACKETS ^ t a n e k HEMINGWAY HELPS DiSTIUEO m MARVIAND gown of^squs crestelet with lace RFD '3, Andover; a daughter, to grounds of habitual intemperance, birthk would have been delayed, TRUNKS Maanfaolarbig Ckusosslea 4 VCARS OtO bodice and jacket, and carried Mr. and Mrt. Ernest Cox, 27 View allowed 318 weekly eupport pay­ and the Infants would have had cniarlotte, N. C. (A5—When. Bar­ Allied Thermal SALES aad bara Blake, 17, a high school stu­ pink roses. The bridesmaid was Am. Hardware' ...... 35 St. ments for one-t-ehild, and Iris E. 277 IROAO a. better chance of survival, were D18CHAP.GBD YESTERDAY it hOifpr the fact that Mrs. Barnes dent, needed help on a theme about Miss Janet Spielman of South Arrow. Hart. Heg. . from Glenn E.-Thurston of Roek- SERVICB PINE CREEK Windsor, sister of the groom, .who Mrs. Mildred Potwine, Ware vtlle, on the grounds of Intolersbls was unable to obtain .outside Ernest Hemingway she telephoned Asso. Spring ...... TELEVISION RADIO $ 2 '. ^ tllAWNT BOUtSOM wore a gown of pink crestelet. house Point; Thomas Fay, 707 cruelty. f % . , help to assist'-bqr in caring for his home near Havana,. Cuba. $ 1 J 9 Bristol Brass ...... MI-9-11M After a lon g cemversation, with a net skirt and jacket end Collina ...... Middle Tpke.; Mrs. NeUie-Souppk Dominic and in hiir-Jiouse wprk aoi*™3.32 also carried pink roses.— RFD 8, Caventry; Mrs. Ruth W il­ during her..c. pregnancy.^- ^ ... PapB” advised Barbara to ,judge TRADE THAT OLD MATCH Em-Hsrt ...... 33 Vi ■roNIOHT Cbaaaai B, N tV jU v ta , Caaa. titt ( Stl) GBOrCHO MABX SHOW Mrs. Barnes’ sister, Mrs. J. T W '.y o u r theme hard, cut, out the 4 YIAItS CX.0 Robert W. Spielman, of South Fafnir Bearing ___ ley and son, 112 Elizabeth Dr. L'haaacl IS HartlaM, Caaa. (ll-tS-lll SOLDIKB PABADE .2 TOP NOTCH HITS! (N) I AM THE LAW Jlihk.’ Windsor, brothsr of the groom Landert-Frary Clk. . Ruasell MacDonald, 26 Cottage Chaaael It' n u a fi^ Ma.e. celllnl, occupant and owner of the ■ - 'A c'baaael M Naw BfltalB, Caaa. (U) TALES OP HANS- CHBIS- two-faniily house where Mr. and " Site did and came out with a was best man and Martin Spiel- N. B.,Machine Co. ,. St.; Barbara and Donald Cush Chaaael U Watarban^'^aa. TIAN ANDEB8 EN “TIDHT SPOF Mrs. Barnes live on Quinniplac top grade. man of Ellington, cousin of the N. Eastern Steel .... Ing, , 16 Frestott Dr.; Mrs. Ann Glager. Rogers Cbaaael U BefyeAS,.**«*«! • :M ( t) BUBNS A ALLEN SHOW NOW FOR A NEW BENRUS! Hums Marshall luid daughter, 130 Haw­ -Cbaaeai SI SprtagthM. lU t i. (11) T-MEN IN ACTION groom, was usher. North and Judd . . r. .- (MAt)^ CLIMAX _____ X- A recepUyn followed the cere­ Russell Mfg...... thorne St.; Raymond Wafren, ^ AGAINST 111) rOUB STAB PLAYHOUSE mony at the Italian Social Club Stanley Works ...... RFD 3, Storrs; Ross Clark. 45 AiM < t> KID’S SHOW (U) HALF BOCK DBAMA * Sqyitf gives you $20 as a trade-in ^towance\toward the purchase of O'Leary - Dr.; Mrs. tTrginla EODIR^CANTOS SHOW , a PICADOR on Snipsic St. The motber o f the Terry Steam ...... THE HOUSE” (It) MATINEE TBEATBE____ i any new Benrus regularly selling ;fe r $49.50 uj^, federal tax included.. WHin o t so t* bride wore a light blue print Wheeler, 40 Strickland SI. i l l Torrington ...... - Guy Madiaoa ( » l BAB M WESTKIUi faEA- 5TH 2 J 9 sheer gown with'WhIte accessories U. S. ^ v c lo p e com. . DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs, TBE "A Law maa la Bara” Agnes Tungk, 48 Hartland Rd.; SuBday: 2 Color Hits! ' (tl) DNCLE ED’S rpM CLUB * Choose from many new *55 models, including self-winding watches. lOOF bOT and the mother of the groom U. S. Envelope pfd.^. 75 i ;U (Ul FILM BHOBTS h i :: Fully lined cotton-twills, poplins or rayons. Fine (ijuality Dan River fabrics. Brown, tan7 ^anna Sadloski, 48 HoIlisfer^St.; “WOMEN’S WORLD” I I \ i I :\ a x*Aw oiD . • chpee charcoal gray ailk with Veeder-Root ...... t;tt ( M l) aOWDY DOODT TOWNE C LEA N EI^inL :! Variety colorful prints or solid colors. 30 to maize, charcoal grey. 38 to 46. pink accessories. Nancy _W*lngartner, RFD 2, “TALL MAN RIDING” NEWS AT SIX ALL PLAIIt GARMENTS r 38. The bride attended the local Sparta, 111. (rib — A, windstorm Simmons, -Coventry. (U) HALF HOl’B DBAMA iiilii Hi MEN’S IRREG. MEi^S IRREG. PbOOF bOT t i u (It) BIO snow Dism uo IN WEST INDIES high school and is amployed- at uprooted a tree in front Of the Tom "The Laagbara" SUITS ^ DRESSES LIGHT COATS the. Krause Bakery. ’The groom PHiNu .v-iritl Thte home then shifted direction (It)tEBUL TIME ' i OIL ana GAS iilii! Iiilii NYLON NYLON l' attended Ellsworth Memorial -and righted It. Tltree days later (M) THE EABLY SHOW ' ■■PeUlraal PallUc." A ntoastte Heathig SpeetsUsts tplil iilil High School and is a graduate of high winds toppled the tree for ' (H) TWIUCHT^HEATEB ARGYLES WRIGHTS the class o f 1956, University of OIL HEAT SOX ^ ( ' WNHI Ob • G ib . second and final time. Coat. From t:M ( t) BPOBTBCOFE % OFF (It) MEWS * WEATHEB > . $ ^ . 2 5 2 0 i MANCHESTER TODAY S P. M. (U) PHONE YOUB ANSWEB ENGINEHUNG. Inc. bCtt*^"2.99 4tl> SPOBTS VIEWS ) 244 Main SL — TeL la -B -liS e ■ CASH ond CARRY t ;4 ) ( t) WEATHEB TOBECABT • YlAJtS OtD l-lf.,' i lAROfST ScmiN Sitt ( t) WOBLD NEWS TODAY PersdniU Notices UFOND a t) HOVIB MUSEUM Silt I M I) DBAONET-Jaeb Wabh. ^asT Hartford (U) KOMEDY KOBNEB (It) STAB TONIOHT A’.v .V - / - // I . (tl> WOBLD NEWS TONIOHT (It) VABIBTY THEATEB M8;MAIN STREET (Corner Haynes) MI 9-9084 ”1 S 1 l» t Gins ^ , (U) HALT BOUB DBAMA ? / Taalla la ‘Oei Baan Karly'. Nne< BROTHERS •:lt I g) TELEVISION THKATBB > Plenty Free Parking— Pick Up and Delivery Service In Memorism Faainra Ptclara Sbaam Piral . JUIBSinrART 111) AOB OF fXlOBT In loving memory of ICrs, Anna STEAK h o u s e ! AUTO (IMI) FOUB STAB PLAT- Aceto Who died June 1C. 1847. NOWI BNDB SAT. (U) BOVB DBAMA F ! POLO CLUB Beyond the gare our loved oae MONSON, BfASS. WESTERN STORE ^ _ (ft) TBE WBISTLEB Findf hnpplneiH and rest Toiiight 8:50 JUNE/UUI80N U :th( t-tl) VIDEO THEATEB MEN'S POCKET And there-is comfort in the thought ela Main SL—Opp. Center Park Benrus $49.50 Benrus $59.50 Benrus .882.50 S I 2 .8 5 Thai a loving God knows b^st. HobIs ot Tluroe Sana o f F ob (It) WBESTLINO Bennis 849.50 CSttldM —TONIOST— (It) VABIBTT TBEATBB ' Old Watch 20.00 Old Watch 20.00 Sons and daughters. Kdnaad rerdaia Shows Thursday, Fridny, - fim M il Every , Day t-8:S0 (N) PLAYHOUSE 0> NTABS Old Watch 20.00 Old Watch 20.00 ^ s t 6 . 7 5 ricaa fUmsMB, U r K I l Thura^y S-trilO . (U) MB. DISTBICT ATTOBNBT In Memorism . Ssturdny aad Sunday Milt (3MI) WILLY-Jaae Havae Egyptian'' :,.i You Pay S29.50 You Pay S29.50 You Pay S39.50 You Pay S42.50 CpI. Kenneth M. Church, June II, Auto SappUes, Tools, ^ (U) EABLY LATB SHOW Remember This Date Ago 84. - -...... —tad kit— llltt (IMt) NEWS POLO SHIRTS RED CROWN QuickC* ann quieliy came the ckU. ■ ‘Tam a's ,---- Sportlag Goods, PaiBts, (II) NEWS i ■ Your sudden death surprised us all Hidden Jungle’' ..,„Teys, Rikes, Whsel Goods, (U) NIUHTCAP EDITION Dear to ^ocir hearts your memory Is J U N E 18th ^^2.89 kept. » Co m * KaNr Aad Simdoy Affsniiooa Flshlag Taekle. Onfbosrds li ill (it! e*Vbow ' Ws smiU with the world but ' will KN40Y THE OFB "Sairtt al Wa.) Palat” l i Pay S(fviu DEATH VALLEY DAYS. "CbiuBBagaa Far Cbttat’' iC: The thlnin you used to nay and do, with CaBilari (It) CLUBHOUSE (U) PBBVUN T" And wonder why you had to. die. TAL 00-7-5884 (U) FILM SHOBTS ll:lt (It) DATEUNE EVBOFB B«s omc#Dp#pr mammae Without a chairce to sa;sy good'bye. The pietura with a (tl) WBATHEB < ('— M ) WrEATBiOl______INCLUDE Federal tax GILBEY'S Badly missed by hihis mother and T:M UOPSSCOU t :t f (tl) LITTLE SHOW lliU («> SPOBTS Bk«w fUara al 8:89 DOUBLE TREAT father;' D o m p m t f t r OaU os about your party. Wa elrifcInH force eeeend X:lt (It) SPOBTS BULLETIN BOABO U :lt ( t> THE WBISTLEB 1- Arnold and Frances Butler • wte Is 1BBMB8UB havo apeclal party ratea. to nenel t:U (IMS) JOHN DALY—MEWB (tl) TONIGET-eiara AUae AT SS: 3.70 Always 1 CARTOONS (It) ABOUND ( I) NfOHTCAP TBEATBB f o m : M OpN MEN” (tl) MOMUOaTS "Beadeavaet with AanIa” ft • TERRY KNITS ^ In Memorism T:U E D I r.i.K \: i" \( • ) rn;i id nt -,I[R L'

t • Al; I .^y/i "1

ItANCHESfER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1956 PAGE XIVS MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN« THURSDAY, TONE 16, 1986 Andover the pressing need in th* near fh- voted to transport rsUrdad chil- Rockville ture for oddlttonel school facllitleo; Dyeing Worke|v Andover. Honors Retiring Nupse dr6n to the Lbngtsjr'Oay.Loniftsy School. W ork, Adenauer Aske AboutTown Strike and it was voted to again contact Ramadell wot 'instructed to con­ Cancer Ihive Area Trucking Obituary th* seleotmen and the Board of tact Reps. Luther IVhite - and Vote to End ^act Sloop, Pliasr evolution Quelled, Veteran Nurse Education Unit Finance, atresslng need of ade­ Franklin' Welles, and Sen. Robert U.S. Prod Reds The eommitte* of Oranganton quate buildings, especllally a High Keeney, conceding the passage of In Com fort Nets $7,000 At StandstiU as and women in charge of arrange-, School, to take par* of tha ever- legislation giving additional school Providence, R, I„ June 16 UP)— menu for the 8'.*ammrry Fietival, Without NoftiilgJ Lauded by 100 Asks $673,620 increasing enroilrtient. aid. An official o f thk (?IO textile work­ Nasrtas ksAacC*. has Thursday, June 38, from 6 to 8:80 Morgan Cam pbell/pf the Trans­ ers union lays delegates from 30 '-adwaadMlia __ 15,000 Stride Funerab Foi' Arms Cut in Orange Hell, will have a meet­ Nr*. Nelisoa Read to Retire President Declares Mancfaiisler Cancer Unit - -y portation Committee rerorted fol­ New England dyeing and finish- lion, tmbtfimal as«t* sr ^ ledar Ht m esS ing tonight et 7:30 in tee hall to The teachers committee report­ strain. And foto wlieaatasd driak na»i«iN F leet At School Fete School Budget lowing a conference with Donald thg plants employing 10,000 per­ •amstinMa suffar mUd kladdar irritallaa Elects Heads, Hears (QoMtkmed from Pag* One) Mrs. Frieda Runds (Ooiitlaaed from F^kg* Cae) make final plans. ed that Mrs, Nelson Read waa re- son* have voted to terminate ...with that ru llm , oMMsfoitaUe faallns. (OMiUBMd from Fas* Om ) Cumminga that the committee had The funeral *f Mrs.’ Frieda Fag* ' stepp^ in last night. No furiher ning. to be presented te the Board , Upon the recommendation of — tendinc te incraaas tha output ot tha to t night, appreciation for her faithful probably will tduch dft .a demand nilee nt kidne, tubes. not U * thero, however. Lutheran Chui:ch,« officiating. President Eisenhower in hU ad­ 343 CKimiiilt St., with aliout SO in talks were scheduled After the of Finance, for t e e 1968-1956 Campbell. It was voted to purchase for funds by tha Manchester The management -group said, breakoff of negoUatlona. Andrew Caspar, serving aa mas­ for wage boosts. 8e If natslns baehaaho makas von faul It was not known immediately however, all companies will remajn Burial waa in E u t Cemetery. dress in ^Aprtt 1988: That is, oon- attendance.' The mestibers oontrl- achool year. a new station wagon. Bids. had draesed-eut, mlearaUa...wlth rastiHa,slatp« where the Pieaident waa at the Branch of tha Amarican Chpeer When NMU negottatlons with ter of ceremonies,.presented Mia* The budget is divided as. follows: been asked,' and the contract wfss The'J^oord ' voted to hire Mrs. A conference to Work out details Ises nishts...don't walt,..trv DonnVptUi.,, Qk-What area in tha United |hut down until workers return Bearers were Harold Helm, Ed- troUed /dtoiniUMMiR and th* us* isited a variety ofAaSiea and home set tha same happ, ralltf mlHietta haea an- time the trouble started. Moat Society this year, it was ap- o f m fM of the means thus saved th* two employer groups b re k * Danehy with a rose corsage made general control, administrative awarded to Standard Motors for Margafet' Small of this city, -ms ot new- contracts was scheduled States leads in average family in­ also to the struck firms. wrin Wirtalla, Raymond WirtaUa, made cake ai^eoNee wet* served by Mrs. Gladys Jlllson. JojradforoTartO Vasts. GatDosa’ariUa Marl •verr day he leave* Oovemment for,tee benefit of underdeveloped down, a spokesman for th* AFL salaries, 815,100; sa]art«s-of.«l*ri- Plymouth Belvedere, 8-paasen- library clerk, at a salary of for next Monday, com e? houncad by Dr. Edward Besaef. ^ Meanwhile, the teamsters union Carl Wirtalla, Raymond Lavsy for dessert. The club has bed a House about noon or shortly after. nations." - International -Organiiatlon of A poem, written by Mr*. Doris cal asalsfants, 85,50; other the motion of John G. Talcott Jr., New Haven, June 18 OP) —A MasuchuaetU'\^employetia. group, Not Blockihg 33,000 members o f psssinger and - Howard Sprenkle, former chair­ Hoi|>ital in an .< ffort to determine workers to gather Immediately at complished by Sam Jopes of the Thomas Ferguson, reelected trea­ any dtoarmement plan be man of the Board of Education, supplies and expenses, 8600. that starting next September, the chtege in claasification of the New the OGT heaquarters, about 10 Chicago Cuba? surer and aecretary. respectively. said last night: ,‘'We had no al­ accompanied hy en effacRv* ays- dry caigo ships apd 6,000 on tenk- Operation of plant, salaries of Whether heart disease is inherited ara. The other three unloos have paid respects to'M iss Danehy, teachcra in the classrooms be In­ Haven Railroad's common stock blocks from povemment House. A—Jones became the first Ns- In. her annual report Mrs. Helen ternative than to Phut down. The New Officials tem for inspection in stetse agree- preceding an briginal akit by Mrs. janitors, 831,700;y. fuel, 813.000; structed to turn-out all lights Im­ or tec result of/enyironment. has been approved by stockholder* It will be remenjkered thkt the gro to hurl a no-hlt, no­ Ahem, executive secretary of the union called the strike and yrt had jn g to i t Th* SCvietsT^long shied approximately 5,000 men on ships waters light and power, telephone, Specialists r ^ ln g the study be­ Graduation Gas Station in th* thrs* cstegorias.'Biztjr-two George Munson. The part of the mediately upon the conclusion of at tee reconvened annual meeting. workers principally broke up an run game in the major leagues. tumor, clinic, stated that 110 no other choice bscauhe if we con­ away from such ins^Uon. How- retiring school nurse was played 89JM)0; other supples and ex- lieve that if op identical twin of a Probation offio4* throughout comptnis* own th* ships invoivsd. the classes, and the departure of The e^mmon stock was changed attempted revolution against patianta went through the clinic tinued operations in UieYac* of the aver, lisat m onte/tea Soviet Union by Mrs. John Hutchinson and an penaea, 86,200. victim of hMrt disease shows On* SKceptlon to tbs "no eon- the pupils. from par^ value of 8100 into sharas GardS '-n Peron Sept. 38, 1981. Q-^Why can wei- aay that a during the past year. Slgmoid- strike it would cost us moire money thp stata qhsduled to take effiee proposed a new plan providing for r. elementary aupervitdr waa ■ por­ Maintenance of plant', repairs by heart involyemeat,- it could indi­ Before ZBA tract" .situation a still*live . The Board was Informed by s without par value. The annual cannon Are was directed against person who ia standing still on ^ a tCopie examinations for. the diag­ than to be Idle." July T will etfil do ao, aooording a control o o m with some inapsc- to trayed by Mrs, Henry Wroblinski. contract, 81.800; other supplies and communication from Ifanafield cate an characteristic. meeting haax^n adjourned un|M nosis of polyops were given to tlon rlghtA. Western reaction waa agreement between the Masters. the mechanical school, of the' earth's surface is traveling In The union called management’s Other members of the-'cast; all ei^pensea, 85,000. that no, funds were available to ThoiMoms of cases Will he July 20. wheh , stockholders wrlll three dlfecUbha without moving over" TOO' pie^le Tii the' cnwc, to to *n mterpretatlon of- a nswly- teat* t m propoaid rspiCsenfad a Th*‘ Zoning Board Appeals Metes and niots and tea ’]tos- DEWEY-RICHMAN Naval Academy on the edge of shut-down action a "lock-out." ot . former pupil* whom Miss Danehy Other accounts, school library supply Instructors for any addi­ studied, Mwever, be'ore the doc­ con.sider and act on a proposed prevent cancer. / pesecd blU setting up a State •Mion by Russia but that it ■enger and dry eorgo shjp eom- 167 MAIN BT. Bueno* Aires. .. himself? The drivers now are paid 81.6^,; will meet Monday night at 8 p.m. had cared for, iiiCTuded Mesdames supplies, 81.600; health aalaries, tional pupils. Th* Board had tors reqte any conclusions.' stock purchase plsn^or employes. Mounted police wepe seen mov­ A —The earth'spins once around Dr. Besser stressed that the an hour with eight hours of over­ cAdult Xwohatlon •yetem by ito left much area fop dtoagree- In |he Municipal Building to hear ponies.. . . ' William Dunnack,' Steve Drain, 89,300; health supplies, 82,520; ing in that direction. its axis dally; it travels around its overall progikm of the aoclety time at time-and-a-half guaran­ sponsor, Mr*. Gertrude F. K«-.ltoff,. an application from the Esso Harold Corthell, Lawrence Shee­ transportation salaries, 816,800; Motorised troops were in the orbit at a speed of nearly 67,000 consists of maintaining the clinic teed each week. RfpuhUcan State representetiye Better World CUasate O ted ' Standard Oil Co. to build a gal-~ Queen M sty C as cels han, Lester Billings, ‘ I.«ater transportation supplies, 814,400; center of the city. miles per hour; and the solar a« a major project and trying to The union seeks a 35 cents an from PlainvlUe. Looking forward to tee Big oUne station in Manchester. BouthompUm, I n la n d , June 16 Thompson, Edward Whitcomb and attendance Khf. and enumeration I AIR-CONDITIONED Radio Mitrr, apparently aieaed system as a whole dashes through educate the public as to what can­ hour increase with the eight hours It had tm n reporten .the pro­ Four meeting generally, Adenauer EUao originally scheduled' a {If) Britoin'a wildcost seamen's Mias Suaan Birmingham. Also Ed­ satoriea, 8400; auppUes, 8400;; tui­ space a t about 43,000 miles per ■aid "I believe that we are justir bv revimd of gunfire swept Norwalk, William J. Conley, ifiven to deaf-blind .Helen' Keller, directed by Mrs. J. Tinsley to Andover Onter recently,' was To Legion Confab through' tha Wea, business houses A —The black Jewfish aometimas a truckman employed by t^e Aceto for permission to erect a had brought Abba^id 150 recruits surprised with a housewarming waigha as much as 500 pounds. Two Arrested first woman in HarviM liistbry to whom tee seamen called "scab Hohmann. asaisted by Mrs. George pulled down t h ^ iron shutters. St. James’ Schoo Vallerie TransporUtlon Co., ' was rsceiva an honorary doctorate. free standing lighted ground sign yesterday afternoon. Tea w m - labor." Anunold, will begin a 3-week sea- MfioiM iRttrwfod Ir Ambulances r^oved castialties arrested yesterday on charges of Thirteen others, including for­ at 199 Spruce St. in Business Zone served knd she was presented with Eight delegates have been Q-^Is it true that Mark Twain Some 1,100 New York - bound eiofi on June 27. It will be held on from the Plana de\Mayo, in front l a reckless driving and breach of the After Chases mer Harvard President James II; and three from Bezzlni Bro*. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays many gi?ts; Among those present elected to represent the local CERAMIC LECTURES of Government Koine.' A detach­ is a pen name auggeated by an Gets Eiicyclo Furniture Co. to locate street pole passengers began disembarking Bs were Mestjamea Roy Darwin. Clif­ American Legion at the First Dis­ peace. % Bryant Conant, U.S.- Ambassador tee Mery’s loudspeakers blared out from 9 to 10:15 each morning. . y ment of about 80 trooM was seen expreaaion used by Mlsslaaippi Police said Conley, a picket dur­ signs at Adams St. and W. Middle ton HornA Steve Ursin, Ralph trict Convention, which wrill be High speed chases of two differ­ to the West German republic, ajAO "Personal Religious Living” will Due to lock of time, rushing into the builamg’s side boatmen ? ing the shutdown of the trucking received Harvard honorary- de Tpke.. Center and Adams St., and the new*. Ransom, Dimald Richards, Francis held in Manchester Sunday, June In part of a com n^lty propam ent motorists by two different be the theme of the course in piU ROCKRAFT CERAMICS, door, apparently to reinforce the A—Yes. When Samuel Clements firm, attempted to block a private fircgi. Hilliard St. and W. Middle Tpke., Minor, DeWi^t Boyington, Dons^Id 26 89 Purnell' Place. Maadhester, entered journalism, he chose the to broaden the, aducatlonaT op­ Manchester Police officers on E. grim , Series. Etoch family enroll- . ' aoldiers defending it.- (G o v ^ m e n t truck from leaving the truck de all In residence sonea. Clough, Geoige Palmer, Frink The delegates are: Robert'Peter­ Coan.^ will te unable to fill any pen name Mark Twain from a call portunities of thphomes and young Center St. after midnight last Ing children in the school will be House is known aa tha pot with a load for Hartford. Also, Roger Olcott to asking e v Location Changed Senkbeil, George Freeman, John sen, post commander; John Cer- further cerainle lectures. later- nsfd by MissUaippt pilots in taking people in the Manchester area, to­ night resulted in the arrest of both presented with a book, “Let’s grow Roeada, or Pink House.) In Fairfield, Joseph DeAndrade. tension of perausslon to have a Up." V. Phelps, Max M im er and Min!A vini, post adjutant: along write ested orgaalzatlons may visit soundings on the river. day a complMe 25-vblume set of drivers on chargea otoloua enough, Ellington Buses were reported converi the F u n l^ Wagnalls Universal 37,.of Stratford, a driver employed free standing ground sign at 403 T h e staff will include Mrs. Betty VanHone.*-"' 'I'Btorl Petersen, Henri Pessinl, the pottery at may time. by th# National Transportation to require 8200 Donds. W. Center St in Reoidence ?one For Dawn Dance CSiarles Wlgren, Francis Miner, on the center of the city carrylnj Standud Encyclopedia waa pre- James D. C^irran, 39, o f East CHarence Goodrich, clerk; Mrs. Q—Is there any region in the Co., waa struck and Injured by AA. Manchester Evedjng Herald An­ Ctorlton Burke, and Francis Leary. Ceramically yours, workers in response to an appeal irld Ui which people drink rein sentedr Lo the Bt. James Parochial Hartford, was purimed at about 2 Farm Club Plans Hazel Floyd, first grade; Mra. from the labw federation. SebiW, by PloMmond Ikpto, truck entering the company Alexander Jarvis will - request, a Because of tec limited capacity Doris E. (Aaroberlaln, second dover rorreapondent, Mrs. Paul These delegates were named at de^H; m ilk? . grounds this morning. a.m. by Sgt. Milton Stratton from permanent variance to the zoning the Legion's post meetli^ on June HOCKRAFT CERAMICS Within a block or two 6f Gov In Lapland, reindeer are anager of the First National Walker St. to tee Post Office. Set for Summer of the Manchester Counfi^ Club, grade; Mr. Chambcrialn, third-and PfsBsUebl, telephone FOgrlm enunent House, curious throngs Store at 297 Eaat Center Street, The truck ' was imrated by line for a abort distance on the and because of the clamor for fourth grades; Mrs. George Arnold,, 2-6858. 14, Flag Day. ^ hered\or milk. They are thehe only only/ Stratton said he reached speeds eastern aid# of Lenox St. He will ducked behind walla and into door­ in cooperation with the publishers James Occhipintl, of Paterson, N, tickets by,high school Btudsnta fifth and sixth grsM Mrs. \ milk -^ vln g animals whichIch of 60 to 65 in ain attempt to catch ask to be allowed to buUd within ways. trying to get a look at the of the encyclopedia. J., who' told police that DeAndrade Ellington June 16 (Special); A tee midifight-to-dawn dance spoil-. Hohmonn, seventh and eighth to. .total stand A ^ c weather, jumped in front OT his truck as he Curran, who waa charged with op­ 10 feet of tha street line in the shooting. The gift was accepted, in behalf erating a motor vehicle while un­ new agricultural club h as been sored by two local groups has hod gradaa attempted to drive into the com­ area. This to 18 feet cloaer then re­ Worship services have been plan­ The plane bombing of the -Caaa ' Q—Where\M'e' the ties! pf the school, by Jkther George der the ihfluence of- intoxicating formed In towjr under the leader­ its site changed from the Coun­ ____ * ___ ' ‘■i ’ Hughes, principal. Kevin Doherty, pany yard. Company employes quired. ned under tee direction of Mrs. Roeada was Juat before noon. The bones of ■ the numan liquor or d^igs and released after ship o f Lucieri Lallberty Jr. Other Jarvis requests will be to try Club to the Masonic Temiile, It mtched batlle - at Government president; GUbert Saegaert. vice who are on strike have a picket ‘The members who will be work­ was reported today. - Max Reimer a n d Mrs. Julian A—They arev b^ved to be line at the terminal. ----- posting bopd.j_ allow parking at the rear of 16 Kraewaki. House continued iiito 'the'afUr- those — three InWimber —which presideht; Miss Elaine Vesco, The seaigeant said he notiped ing on dairy and beef projects have . .’Die dance and buffet. WKMisorod Father Day Suggestion- aecretary; and Miss Maryanne Locust St. in Retldence TSone A; To Attend Convention m pn, with revolutionaries firing are located within\he middle ear tee erratic manner of operation of elected Carl Etoston, prealdent; and for permission to complete by the Rotary Club in conjunction Muccio, treasurer, represented the Repreeentetives from the Nathan inaehine gun,* difles and mortars. compartmen^/ ‘To Perform Tune the car and then started after David Charter, vice president; Clif­ apartments in the basement ot with tee Manchester Parent 1985 Graduating Class. Curran. ford Nieman, secretary; Robert Teachers Organization, will take Hale Jayceea who .will join the four family dwelling and use them Connecticut motor caravan leaving Q—Is /4here a coiinactlon be­ Patrolman, Samuel Maltempo Pease; treasurer; Jtm Barrows, re­ for living quarters at 98 W, Center lace Friday night following the porter, and Larry Easton, recrea­ lancheeter High School Senior fo r thenationsl conference in tween .the naming o f the\Amazon By Local Man pursued Ridiard A. Pinard, 21, of St. in Remdonce Zone B. S A PAIR OF South Coventry, at about 7 o'clock tional leaden Ball. ~ • Atlanta, Ga., Saturday morning in­ River and the warlike Wonjen of Suffleld Heii^ta Corp. will re­ clude Joseph Speetgens. Coventry, So ^^hey Say Household Hints tela morning from Parker to New Other members of the club are quest periptooion to use a triangu­ A member o f the eomiiiiittee GcMk legend A march written and arranged Clifford Gottler, Edward and Jean working on arrangements for the president; Stewart Hoisington, A —Yee. The Amazon is St. The ofRcer said he hit speeds of lar ahapedrpieca of property at the secretary, and Mr. and JMn. Ken­ by the late "Ebbie” Welman, who about 50 t«~80 m:p.hr while -chas- Rote. dance aaid today that 206 eouplee lived to have been given lU ham* isr of the ahopplng Center on the neth Simpson, of Andover. Simpson Q—What is distance be^ for many years resided in Man­ ing the driver. Plan Hayrido -itner o f Lenox St. and E. Center had already aigned Ug -for - the by an. early Spanish explorers gget Lime Been Scremble chester and at one time waa direc­ The PTA unit of tee Crystal dance, thus causing tee, changa in Is state director from the Andover- tween-kome platirpid eecond hdse IngredienU: 3 teblespoons ojive P ln i^ was charged with oper­ St. for parking. The land to noW in pn a diamona? / Orellana and his party were atr tor of the Tali Cedars Bend, will Lake School will hold a hay ride site*. Coventry chapter. oi/or becon drippings, 1 medlum- ating a motor vehicle while his 11- Residence Zona A. - The local chapter will have two A— It ia X27 feet three and three tacked by. a band of Indians which be played Sunday In. Hartford'a pense waa under atlspenaion and July 19. Hilliard Estates. Inc. will ask eights inches. included many women warriors. slz^. oplon (finely chopped), 1 Elizabeth Park by the Insurance Receive Degree Optimists pep up any party^ says votes to cost for the candidate for gree^pepper (finely chopped), 1 reckless driving. He is being held permission tONj^ a 50 foot strip national president. They will return City Band In another of its week­ pending-posting of his bond. Mrs. Helen Quinn received, her of land (fo r m ^ y Eklwin Rd.) for a -sTiter So do pessinM s. by stay-. Q—Who is called/the '^Father Q With what specific offense clove garlic (minced), 3-4 pound ly concerts. Maltempo reported Pinard said master'a degree from''Springfield ing home. en June 25. ground chuck l>eef, 1 teaspoon entering and leaving ' business New Members of American postal - was General Billy Mitchell of This concert will be the third in ha had not had a llceno* for some College recently. She did under- Iproperty on W. Middle'Tpke. at salt, 1 tekapoon (or more) chlli a series of aeven sponsored by the /-I New members welcon)erted Bane said he AppUcaiions concerning build­ \ Peter Arroyo and teelr-three chll- $ 3 0 9 .9 1 gklllet. Cook onion, green pepper to an excellent example of Its type. had twic^tried to atop the driver chllihren who receive Holy Com­ and garlic In oil over low heat, It to adapteble for both marching munion at Maas. ing for housing car* wilt b* made HOMETOWN \ dren of the East Harlem Protes­ of a vail type truck

_ — ,

EVENING HBB4LD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 16,1866 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BIANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY,'JUNE 16. 1965 PAGE SEVEN 8IX pray to CM ftr forgivemM aafl off the air or turned ovar Oitlr 'hMTie begins—«nd the Emw never trgag to teach us about Todemptloa fn m tha aaataat. laaM; tMUfortnlal «B hrlag against him, thsy Flag Day Program sin. From experiende they have tir atrangtii. and murt leant to «INHIAL WBMB-S49 w a m - 141# CD Drill in State facilltlea to Civil Defense for Legislature Antics atarted^ ’ |Banrlf»raaen- tion ' propoaal, under which tha I evolution In CSUna, but merely a by the pqpllt of Mrs. Paul Adams' mediate help. And that la the con­ Wilmington, Del. (F) — When AN auppliafl by tba radio man^w 'ouraameat trip over Connecticut, the^ State mation. He eaid It aixswjld'' thet tetlvei* has lieen aaked to be on ite Watorburv, June (F) — dition In which all of us Uvs day Alice BlUabeth Carmine waa bom, WDRC—Disk' Dorby taxpayara would maraly pay for traltoroua plot In Washington, third .grim at the 'Verplanck manta and ara aubjact to.chaofa Civil Defeiuo director said the even wltii five citiee uiMlar attack, beat behavior. aaya ground Ikther'S D®rCla?^ PubU*h«ra after day and night after night. she became tha fourth generation ^^WGTH—Sgt. Pr.olon of Yukon reaulte of yeaterday’a - alert' drill American Braas Go. »VHUid£octobir 1.j m aoma of tha ahotx. Aa agalnat our D. C. School on ft a f Day. witbout Bottea. Connecticut could cate for tU With a realiaatloh of the desper- for four faihtUaa. Alice haa four WHi^-^oolo’a Studio Party werf "•xcellent" neede exept for m40cal guppUea State Rep. Saunuel Frank made'' haa been broken for a 52,500,000 ' ' WHEN YOU CARE ENOUGH TO SEND fear Of the back door approach o< Aa for Lattimore himself, he re­ Marilyn MlQer announced the STtalBg ^ Bxcart ateneas Of our plight, ws must great-grandmothera. l«s Sariric* Polka Boa Lao J. Mulcahy reported all end fire control Bpparatua. the request of 'lia ctrileaguei yea- flexible ihetal hoSe end tubing THE VERY BEST 1. £bttr«d M th» aocialiaad madiclna, adiich la ia- mains what he has been all along program, which qMned with the Rovuo . ______lUncbMMT. Cona.. v reading of the go^raor's procla­ t TO. Yaalia ^ ^ WGTH—FoetaoUa Civil Dafenae gtatlona were man­ CD Y0lunte4ra worked through terdey after noting that following plant at Mattoon, lU. Ralph. a raallaUc, the difference ha' aver consciously played the ^ WOTH^ale of Natto Slagle Cojpor ...... •'» families gathered for t)ie profp'am, Tcl. BU-9.9351 Mto. Fan 19lE -H m Fan 99a In principle between pdying for Oonpnunlst game is something which followed a picnic supper in MEMBfiROF „ For lafennatlea OUB M l 9-9979 ‘miAY-Nlght Watch THE ASSOCIATE® PRls! .^WGTH-EdVrard P. Morgan the real blow for tha elimination already been punished. If he is al­ laches.’ Well, Uncle John liked maker’s Dance," the VlrginiB ______I R ovlow Ita ll aarrlc* cUant of N. B . A . Bar** WKNR—DotroU TO. Yanko WRAY—Nowa: Night Wateh... of all suaplcion of government together Innocent, aa he may well women with mustaches. Big ones. Reel, with mothere and fathers All We’D Paint thr High H7IU-GllderaloeTa lea, tnc. Said it gave them a "contlnentar partners, and "Good Night Ladies.' WTIC—Woman In Houaa w D r C—M oods for Romanes lidbUabeTa RtpraaenuUvaai Tha patemallam which, of cdurae, be, an injustice has bean done SHEER DR^S Plaeaa-^ W GTH—Book Hunter JUUua Malbaira Bpaeial Afcney — I look. One day he took me to a AthloUca l g :W — would be to atand back and which cannot be repaired. In Ten Paint tha Low W HAV-Now o: Night Wateh or Carnival and they hiid a bearded *‘UHAT--W oatoni CarsTaa member „ either case, tha thing has gone lady there. When Uncle John saw WTIc.^Jane Plck.no cmct®ATiowa. low the children, of parenU ao firaazy^sKaar Painting and Paporhanging WCCO-Rocord Rovlow WPRC—Moods lor Romanes unenterprialng aa to be poor, to far enough. that bearded lady he blew a gas­ WKNB—N.wo: Sporto ■t:TII—Donee Time TBa Harald M d^ ket. Jumped up on the platform A Thought for Today MI 9-0495 WTIC—Just Plats BiU Saauaita no financial ~ be expoied to polio, and datighffull WDRC-Nows —Nows: Night Waste arrora appaar^ la ^ and chased her around till she Ed Davis J. Korin WGTH-Bob and Ray Bhow —Jane Pickens YCTSaSnnS* andLBd otbarr raafmraad&i laa tripped over a rope and then he Why \Ve Get That Way « StlS— in Tliaba Maachaatar i^anlaRBt'aalBR BarBeraM. TR 6-4466 MI •-1805 WG !— D a n c e Tolerance Not The lasue grabbed her beard. It came off in Even A-righteous man eome- WHAT—Wostora CaraTM his hnmk It was a fake beard. Well, WCCC—Rseard Rerlow u:ia- , oplay adrartlalBS c l o ^ timea behaves in such ways as to - KEYSTONE WKNB—Baacball R.quoot Matinoo W HAYVNewar Night Wateh Monday-1 f. m- Mday. ^ Aa, after too long a lack of it, Connecticut sir, the Carnival men rtm up end make plausible the explanation w n o—Lofaaao Jonoa WTIC—N ------For Tueaday—1 p. « . Monday, WDRC—] the American people begin started hitting him on' the head that he is in the grip of an evil DECORATORS WIHtC—Cal Kolby ftor Wadaaoday—1 P- with tent stakes but Uncle John WGTH—Bob and Ray Show WGTH developing the virtue called toler­ force not himself which haa gained 9>' u iu —y Yankee Just stood there holding that fake possession of hls body. Llaten to TraAY—Han of Rocordo w i j A V — : NIgbt Watch ance, there are oceaMonal times beard with teera running down WCCC—Rocord Rovlow 'I C —8i ------daad&^10:SD _ ^ By A. H. O. this cry from St. Paul, as trans­ WKNB—Baseball Koqucit Matinoo DR( day «t puMlanUoB except daturday — \vhen tolerance- Itself becomes both cheeks. Saddest sight I ever lated by Phillips; "My own behavi w nc-uao Radio Lano W G T H - S p o r u ta.. m. high-handed and oppremlve. saw. our balfles me. For I find myself WORO>^ Kolto ll;Sa— The most important speeck of Aik Ymt Dtilir WGTH—Bob and Ray Ibaw W HAY—Kite Wall Thursday, June !• There seems to^ be euch'an oc­ not doing what I really want to do W TIC-Starllaht,l the closing night session of the will be possible to bar to parties •l4S— W DRC—Cal Kolby casion down in tha Connecticut tile privilege of ascertaining and but what.I really loathe... It, is WHAT—BaS of Roeorda n- 1995 General Assembly was never an agonising situation, and who WWC—Raeord Rovlow n :t»- A Very Considerate Attack town of Darien, where a big heard in public. It was not made debating the .position of their own To PImm Ut W HAY—NIte Watch on earth can set me free from the Amaxing little price WiOIB-BaoOball Boquoaf Matlnot W TIC—Starlight Serenade a senator or a representative, legislators behind closed doors. wno-ioau Radio La«« '•OperaUon Alert" yaaUrtay estate la on the market, and clutches of, my own ' sinful na­ for this gala drees! W D R O ;^ Kolby_7^_ W DRC—Dance Orcheetra\ or by anybody elected to o0ce to But. like many political prac­ ture?" Crisp, sheer nylon with WaTH-Vob and Ray Show was an attempt to acquaint the where a church from Harlem is mind the state’s business. It was tices which must be tolerated, and 'The truth of the, busjnees Is that all-over Velveray that t m - padpla o f UiU naUon with some a prospecUve purchaaar, plan- made behind closed doors, which which iometlmea have some posi­ loolu so fresh and cool. WHAY—Nowa opened, once or twice. Just enough tive use-, the cauciu cart, be abused. even the most moral man urgently WCCC—Gc^ Kvonlng Good Musle Pastor Attendii thing of the poasible realities of ning to use the asiate. If it can, needs help in the mastery of him­ Sculptured neckline, VnaiB-rjifmt: SporU a full scale atomic attack, and for Sunday excuralona of- the permit a few members of the Ob adjoartimcnt night. In the cap sleeves and full, public see th e orator involved, Senate, It was abused, und the self. With profound wisdom, the full skirt. Navy or Tswa ^Oratory what might be done in the feed of church membership. There is a standing up on a chair, in th e result Was, through -u half- first epistle of John tells us; "If Brown, sites 12 to 20. flf—News; Wlsnoor I t move on to put into effect a new midst of people who were elected ^ opened dooi\ a dIsIllualoBtaig we are silly enough to refuse to Iport Spotlight tovm soiling regulation that representatives, th e better. to' 'View of .the real power, and' the admit that we are sinners, then Yoir Noxi ___ Jood Evonliig Good Music The Rev. John E. Tost will be In Although It was conceded that we live in a World of Illusion and WKNB—Dinner Date gg cities were ruined, and mil- would forbid, the non-reaidentlal harangue them about eomething real Seuate. And when. In the Sage-AUen, East Hart­ WTIC—Strlmly Sporu Worcester .Sunday evening at­ or other. c lo ^ g minutes of the seselon, truth becomes a stranger to ue.... WDRC—I i^ o T o tending the New England World Uona kUled; in the imaginary at­ uae of the land In question. Apd For -if we take the attitude, *we ford, is open Tuesday WCTH-Plano PortrhlU The subject of the speech in in both houses, all pictense„was . through Saturday from PniOfi|rtloR Peace Oratorical Oonteat, which tack, and although there were immediataly, of course, the cry of question U not known. One has to suddenly dropped .and party have not sinned,’ lye flatly deny Will take place in Wesley Method­ God’s diagnosis o f‘'our condition 9:50 BJn. to 5:50' p.m,, W HAT—Supper Serenade i Inevitable traces of confusion In racial prejudice hea been raised guess that it had to do with the leaders who had bMn elected to WCCC— Bv.nlnc Good Musle ist Chtirch. uuF cut otirselvea off from what Friday to 8:50 pja. some of the response to the alert; And, as one of the town officials question of a state, primary, which ■milling began handling blUs W KNB—Dinner Dote Winners of the four Annual Con­ the orator in question, aq a party they had~no light to touch — He haa to say to us." WnCr^uest Stor ference Contests will compete for J flCM miut hope that, in the event concerned omifesses, the thought W DRO—Guy Lombardo leader who has had extraordinary handling thMn, sometimes, in Wa cannot keep from falling W GTH-BUf Stsra the award of a 560 acholarahip at of a real attack, everything would would be In their consciences, even succeaa in controlling the conven­ the very iandnble aim of trying Into sin, but the good news Is that Boaton University. Miss Beryl Syl­ ' W H AY—Supper Serenade go aa well aa it did yesterday. if it were hot'Mhwd tion eystem of politlca for good to g4t good moaanres passed — there Is help which enables us to vester of Scituate, Massachuaetts rise and walk again. With Paul W eeC-Good Evenlna Good Musle For yesterday it was, after all, But aftsr exam ^iig their rbh- nominees, naturally fears and re­ tho cyaieal admission of whero wioNrB^agaboad won the contest awards here in sents, and did not want peaaed. the power tenlly was was flaun­ we may exclaim: "I thank God wnO-ThrM Star Extra * South Methodist Church a few something of a fkiry tale. sdenewf “TT"gbod many Darien there is a way out through Jesus W DRO-j/wrelfTtomaa , Preaumably, his harangue, coming ted before the whole state. W GTH—Charlea Norwood weeks ago and will represent the The Preeident and the key ad- people have satisfied themaelvee at a time when the time left to In their xedl to use their power Christ our-''llii»rd.’’ bv our own d ^ :ta- New England Southern Conference. ailnlstratlvs figures lii govern­ that they would be against hav the session itself could be measured they «Md not reellxe, of course, Alcoholics Anonymous have much W HAY—Supnor Serenado The Rev. Mr. Ppat will attend how braxenly they . were flaunting W CCC—Good Evening Good Musle ment received a three hour notice ing this piece of property used In precious minutes, had the pur­ W KNB—Evenlna Serenade this gathering In hls capacity aa pose of making sure that the mea­ It. And,- in truth, the power they W TIC-Theater ol Melody Chairman of the Conference^ Bpard o f the impending attack on for a w ^ e n d camp site by any sure did not get the votes it seemed to flaunt waa. In this W DRC—Tenn. Ernie W GTH—rultoB Lesrta of World Peace and a membair of Washington. That was moat con- church, or by any group of peo­ needed to pass. s. moment, exaggerated beyond lU the Inter-atate committee which sidento of tho imaginary onemy. ple, and that it Is the proapeetive This speech, delivered behind real condition, ao far as much of Supper Serenade arranged for thia youth program. close doors, was certainly t ha the business of the session waa W CCC—Good Evenlna Good Musle ' Tho high officials took to thoir weekend Influx of several hun­ “W KN^EvsnlniKNB —Evsnlna Sercaads" longest speech of the closing day’s concern^. Even in the last minute W TIC—TOsatsr ot Mslody oars and made their way to their dred people, out for a day in the session, and quite probably th e madhouse they helped create they W DRC—Tsnn. Erate secret emergency centers, some country, which dlsturba them most eloquent. could not get aome of their own W GTH—J. Vandercook distance from Washington, with­ without regard to the question of If'it s purpose was to kill the pet measures through. They cm ^ 'U h a T—X unpsr Bersnads irlmsry bill, it succeeded, either iM ll tho .ending of the session, by w e e r—Good Evenlna Good Music TRUSSES4IELTS out any traffic difficulty. They who the people happen to be. their maneuvers,-by their sudd^y W KNB—Evenlna Serrnadt MEN and WOMEN >y lining up tm votes right, or by W nc—News ot World didn’t encounter a single section Knowing th,j; social and proper­ consuming tlms so that no real naked ixierUon of their own rolee, W DRC—Tenn. Ernie of road craipmed with refugees ty liabite of ^Fairfield County free flght on the lasue Was possible, by a caucus unspeakable in Ite tim­ m W CTH^abriel Meatttr Arthur Ibig Sturts and other people trying to oacape communities, we tend to believe when it did get to the floor, arhong ing and purpose. But that w m tlW— the elected people supposed to their peak, and is likely to be fol­ W HAY—Supper Serenade A EXPERT PilTEBS A Washington. That was very con­ them. And, if they are aincere, W CCC—Good Evening Good Music handle it. ■ - lowed by a decline. W KNB—Evenlna Serenade siderate of the general public. we believe they are, the point t^ lC —One Man's Esrally This, then, behind closed ITORC—B R Murranr Some taoura after they had this; If this were not a Negro doors, waa, for that moment, the W GTH—t'. 8. Marines' reached their secret emergency church, their opposition, which government and the policy of ■lie- W HAY-^Poilth NaUoaal Homs . AiR-COMOmGNING eanter, the high figures In gov­ would certainly etill exist, would the proud state of Coaaecttcut. T O U R S ^ W CCC—Good Evenlna Good Music It was nothing the peopio « o M W KN B —Evenlna Serenade FOR EVERY BUDGET ernment took to the air and to be a routine thing, and treated aa W TIC—R ^ Rogers see, except, by a Chnqce narrow ^ C R U IS M _ \ W DRC—The Whistler PHONE tdeviaioa to inform and reassure aiieh. Because It does happen opening of'a door. It was noth­ W GTH—Official DeleCUva M l 9.3585 the nation. This was nice of them, be a N*gro church which is in­ ing-tha people ever would hear.. •iia - ? “ AimCKITS ^1 W HAT—PoUsh NaUonal Homs WILLIAMS ASSOCIATES and nice of the imaginary enemy volved, they face accusations W M t the people got, when they w ere—Good Evenlna Good Music got eometbing, was no discus­ W KN B —fcvenina Serenade Refrigeratioa Servloa bombs, too. For^these imaginary racial prejudice. Because of that sion of the itoue at all. In fact, W TIC—Boy Rogers bombs had apparently accom- the pressure against their policy the majority leader w h o had W DRC—The Whistler FOLEY W GTH—Official DstecUva pUshed the oourteoua. miracle of is heavier than it would other­ Just taken part la this prolonged •ita- i . puining 59 American otU^ wlth- wise be, and they may even lose discussion of the Issue, behind Steamahlp and Tnvel Ageing | . W HAY—Oule's Studio Party closed doom, made t h o .. state­ 1 W TIC—Nat. Open Golf Tournament out doing anything at all to the against this partleular proposi­ ‘ S« CHURCH STREET W DRC—Disk Derby ment, when he got out In tho W GTH—Sat. Preston a t Y u k o n BMLOWSTV natlon'a transmitting and poi^er tion, a fight they could certain­ open, that there was ao time to HARTFORD 3. CONN. systems. ly win against any. other proposi­ discuss it. JA-2^188 TcleTisiBB Procraaui SALES and SERVICE We do not wish to make mode tion. There, of course, was one of the . 'll. evils of the 1955 session, a little On Pare ot the mock ajert, although we In this particular instance, we more pronounced than usual, this S p ^ i a l confess soms sympa^y with the think all ought to be able time, iMcauSe Uie institution of the 21" Bendix CtMinoIr TV. Modal unimportant Washington civil de­ agred\ Xipon two things. One ccucua itself became a device for KST2IEU. Complato with UHF GENERAL aad VHP' aad tanna rotor in- fense official who was fired on that the propesed use of this par­ using up precious momentsir in which legislation might have re­ atollmant. R«B> O C the spot tecause he labeled it all ticular land should not be denied ceived some sort of due.' T V S E R V I C E $589.95. NOW TX f F sF;# a farce. But H was not a farce to this group because it happens The Senate, in particular, spent 1089 Tolland . Tpke.. Baeklaad It was the beat human beings and to be a Negro group. That is the much more time. In this session, Daya « • AJE NIghta URs9 3 Plus Paito TEL. MI S-5090 human Ingenuity could' do in face great principle this nation d (^ g business behind closed cau­ cus doors that it did in the open. TKL. m S-6164 " : — Membar ot Talaa Of the. Imaginary prospect of striving to put into operation The same evil also kbtslned. to a , real atomic attack. We have to all of its living. The second thinfg lesser extent, in the House. There, j„ d o these -things, because we would .upon which there also ought tp too, numt of th e real deciaions \ be nejgligent if we didn't But the be agreement is that thia group were reached behind closed doors. It ao happened that many of ^he Buick for the price of a smaller tar, so moro n ^ n teem which comes out of should not be granted the pro decisions thus taken in secret were , such a tmt is not that wa can posed use of the land Just because good. Nor will we ever reach a and ihbre people art g ^ h g this bigger buy ' you buy another pcicka^e of any survive an atomic attack, but it happens to-the q ^ egro group condition of. politics in which it for their money. DRIRV QUEEN ^ that human policy must imme- This would bs carying tolerance • Iftl. NATIONAL. OAia---- V...... OUllR...... 0 1 ¥ IlortslNf.^O lO rss INI^O. . bow make aure that one never oc­ over beyond Its own purposes un­ They want the bigger package of sheer auto­ curs, against anybody by any­ til the virtue Itself became an in­ mobile for the money that they get in Buidc justice.. We dp not need lo worry body. his 19 « Buick>->a‘ 2>door, 6-passenger —bigger in power thrill, in roomy edmforV about auch a thing very often. Spe c ia l Sedan. in r^ipg steadiness, in structural solidity. Free For Some Or For All? But when it does occur, the AMESITE DRIVEWAYS T W r WANT YOU TO READ THE INGREDIENTS! A a was to be expected, - Mrs. frieinds and advocates of toler­ '.It packs a walloping 188-hp VS engine under They want the added prestige and pleasure ance- should be the first to try to a ppWER'ftOLLED ■ ■ - . " . •/ ..... ■ •' . Oveta Culp Hobby, representing the h b ^ r-is carried on a strappinil 122'im^ of owning Buick styling and size — and the tha Eisenhower administration in set the record straight. » MACHINE SPREAD wheelbase—rides with the luxury cushioning added safety and sureness of Buick road­ her capacity aa. Becretary of ability and handling ease. Hsalth, EklucaUOh' 'and- Welfare, Four Times Shouid Be Out of all-coil springing, Uie solid rtead in ^ of a ' -1 baa attacked the Democratic pro­ TYie goveitnment .has lost once full-lengtib torque-tube drive, the extra safety They want,tooi the spectacular performance Then youU discover TRI-K[UT ^ o y M m C / p m ' posal to have the government pay ’ more. Judge Luther ' Youngdahl ant^ silence of tubeless tires. ■ and better gas mileage of Variable Pitch ‘ for all po^io ehots, after- the Na-i has ben sustained once more, and JUNF Dynaflowf-yours at modest extra cost tional Foundation program Is Owen LatUmon apparently It*8 big and brawny and rotid-steady and I ' • tl ~ is achieving such um azihg soles success completed, aa a "back door" ap­ escapes once more, , as the rm it roomy—each seat cushion measures over five And they Certainly want the ohoioe Buidc proach to Bocialised medicine, like­ of a four to'four tie in the Fedtral offers of a car in every price raiige,'with SPECIAL ly to lead, If adopted, to demands Court of Appeals at Washington. fjcet in width. ■ITflA VAL9I each one the buy in its field—the low-price ^ s.-* that government also step In apd The tie result of the appeal the \fet this beauty—arthe price we shmV here «ike over responsibility for other Bovemment took from the de­ Spe cia l, thestqiremely-powered CeNTURYf proves—delivers locally for just about the • What makes one margarine.toate better than all the rest? What his packagje. Only the makers o f TRI-NUT use the exclusive Danish na^cai proipauna.______^ f cision- of Judge Youngdshl.-throw- the extra-roomy S u p e r , and the custom- *IhiB was to be expected, and It ihg out the key indictments ' the price of the well-known smaller cars—even gives that one margarine, TM-NUT Margarine Plus, iU exUa quality process which makes it possible. built R oadmj^ tbr. Is logical. government k^d obtained against helaw some ihodels of those same cars. 9 HNDAI and value . . . lurprisingly wonderful 6svor? And iwtica whaFs not an tlM packaval Unfortunately, like everybody Lattimore, haa the effect of sus­ W h y don’t you oome in for a visit and ice TRI-NUT uses no artificial flavoring, and no preservatives (such as Mrs. Hobby was v a ^ e on taining Judge Youngdahl's -det Iskk Ssist At S s «l« Ts Nm Isst-SsIsrKWM how miiCh real automobile your money can ' TIm Mswar la richt an Ht# TRLNUT p «d («ffa l how the limited program the other margarines made of less expensive, oils must use to attain claion. That, for sure, is one reason why Buick sales Eisenhower administration favors, This is, then, the fourth time— buy hfereP ■ Read the list , of ingredients and "remember, the key tq ..6avor ia even acceptable taste and “ keeping” qumities.) go higher and higher imd higher. M ore and which is to pay for shots only for twice on deciaions by Youngdahl, Dm$ b ttmimi e» XosJmuttf, oXboud m «Wm toe the oils. In TBI-NUT there are only wholesome, delicious oils from Don’ t settle for margarines that m|Wt be artificially flavored and those who cannot afford it, would twice on decisions by the Court cm tiitr Stritt, more people are finding that you can buy a coconuts, peanuts and palm kernels, t r i - n u t also contains fresh preserved. Read the small print on the pacluge! Then you’ll buy bar worked out. Her. best anaw’er is, of Appeals upholding Youngdahl skim milk (not powdered) , and ViUmin A. These ingredienU mean .that responsibility for determining —that the-Department qf JuaUce only TRI-NUT Margarine Plus fo r your table. Your whole family Who can pay and. who can't would haa been .thrown for a loss In its more Havor, a better lasting margarine for your money. will m joy its natural flavor and aroma. . . die way iUgsU and lasts. TODAY bo turned over to the States. That attempt to . convict Lattimore, ThHH o f tivB y oa r B uk^ N o -other mgrgarine maker has that list o f finer ^gredients on ‘'Something wonderful it going onl” Try TRl-NUT today and aeq. would relievo the fgderat goyem- whom McCarthy -once described , 4Nk I- Bicnt of the problem, and might as a 'chief Russian policy agent !.WNMPIinM.A»IOMeMtil AM WItf StlKK WKl SUttO 1NM- produce 45 different answera to in 'this'country, of, the crime of T O M O R R O W It. But' tha question is whether jierjury, allegedly committed dur­ ^here can ba any good answer to ing his long ordeal of many days J U N E U d B d I T It, and whather tbs prtndpla in- before the- McOaritoi Committee v ^ a d Is aha^ aaopgh and Im­ of the Benqte. G O ^^N MOTOR SALES, Inc. Bxetusive'Danish proeestf gives ihat better iaete oiVk^heprieB portant , anoogh to Justify the NiRhliig hqt ever indicated ttiat t Dairy Quaua Nil 1 Dairy Qimm Ns, 1 f sseisa t t saparstiag tbosa who iMttimere waa, eyan: if dleloya^ XEi MAIN STREET ~ M ANCH tirai . OiiBid had OaotaM ^ - s ^ * s r SSB pay a ^ tbass whs wuit pay as impoftoat •• MeOuthy anet ABaa R, Osa Jr. iig tfds psrtlealar pmpoM. allcgad hint to ba. Aa for tha ■pTMaeBtoWwl .. ■h vfhMBMVUtfl*.- 4m m tiult chargaa.tt f3» T r

; , ...... I ,.

-I :L. ; ' l .y ' . ‘d \ - - / 1. .■


August, M/Sgt. Vall suggesU that entered the building through her I Salvation Army Enlistments Open. gU man in this area desiring to Superior Court cellar, which adjoins th r itore. Bolton serve in Europe contact the local She climbed through a trap door to Picnic Saturday For Europe Duty Recruiting Station aa soon m po*' SentenceB Two gain entrance from the cellar, and Bible because the overajl objective while within the building,, pollto Strawberry Festival 21 Dugs Found Unlicense^fX of 7S man. firom. the greater Hart- said; she took all the h w dollar , The SalvaUon Army Sunday M ^ 9 ^ John M. Vail, SUUon ford^Army~Recnilting Arto. can­ A local woman arrsated In April and quarter coin* in the cash re- I school picnic will take place this not he exceeded. \ giater. ' ? Given by the COUPLES £LUB coming Saturday at noon. ’The en­ Oonunahdpr of the locaj United rtceived a auspended aentence In Mrs. K<*wcdy, who waa also ar­ Wardens to Continue Check The .office In tho Hartford Poet Hartford Superior Court yeeter- tire Sunday school and all depart­ States Arniy, Recruiting Station, Office arlll be open dally from S rested a second tinw later in the By JAMES MAKLOW * Thay’ll give their workers be­ ments will leave by bus for Maah- Beautifu! biiips for every room. Modem, CoVontal and announced t o ^ the reopening of to 5 p.m. and till noon on Satur­ day, while an East Hartford man day on'April 1. was found g«'ilty NORTH METHODIST CHURCH tween 82 and 825 for a maximum ' amoquet Park, Pomfret, returning Boltoa, Juno 16* (Spoclal).—A ^iA , Isft Tuesday to attend the cnlistmente for d\ily with the arrested In Manchester in March ih the local court rnd fined 826 bidlt-in ^irotocUon*. Roadblock* In many caaea the companies will This wilt be the first enterpflse ing a check for unregistered doge complete qualifications as a Red will enable men In this area to entering and larceny, had the a week-long police investigation, pi^ much less than 826 a week. The for tha new leader Alton J. wiHi 3-Woy for $14.9S •ign up on a "buddy packet." Men ------.tojrmei:. charge nollcd but waa waa found guUw 1» ttie Superior muat b* cnrarcom*. And tbeira 1* In town. AH'ough 11 least 300 dogs Cross certified inatruetoir. Court yesterday cm a serious Bot a trua fuarantaod waff* at all. totil a worker actually gets also Munsle, and all teachers are re- ware llcenaed before the May 1 desiring to sign up with their ''X MOVmO DAY found guilty of the latter charge deplends upon ths state where ^he eated to he present and support School Field Day buddies can bs^guaranteed taking and sentenced to the State Farm iiorati charge. \ a H yoa cow ootl Coma bock for socawis l ’ Tha rObdblocka: * deadline, two daya of the current Tomorrow will be Field Day at He was sentenced to from one 1. Tha plan dlaa unlaa* the led- live*. All atatea pay unemployment Seir own class. James Munsle will Open Until 9 P, M. Thursday and Friday tovestlgatlon have reeulted In de­ basic training togsUisr and can be Waynesborg, Pa. (P) —Moving for Women, suroended, and placed Insurance but they vary In amount have charge of games and recrea­ the SSementary SchooL The day­ further guaTsml***! tt>* same unit th* library kP Wayneaburg Col- on probation for two years. year and one day to ifve year* in ADULTS 75e — CHILDREN indor 12.3Se «rai lovanunmt tha compan- tection of 21 doga whose owners long program of athletic evenu the SUte Prison in Wethersfield L a tM t as deduettbla expenaes and duration. tion. Plans wore, finalised last S L E E P 586 >fata 84. nsgleoted to tsffister them Ude assignment In the European leg* proved no problem. Ute 500 She was arrested April 1 by Lt. Some give the Insurance or 16 night by the committee, Alton J. planned by the Student Councils Theater. Tha duty tour in Europe students, half of them coede, car­ Raymond Griffin and . accused as a t yesterday's court session, Strokrbarry Slwrteaka, Toa. Coffoa, MHu oa thalr income ta»e* the contrl- HOWARD'S C EN TER Tel. MI 6-6SS8 and atafi members. George ried about 80,000 vbhimea abhut the result of a break at the Bart­ bntlons they put Into their fund* weeks; none gives It for more than Munsle, Mrs. Francis McCarthy, ^'*with these dgurer as a guide Leenlaekl and John Sentelo, will wlU be approximately 80 months. 26. The companies agree to pay Mrs. Edith Maxwell, James Mun- In vitw of the limited quotas three block* and up a steep hill lett Soda Shop on Spruce St. Moyies wnulr.' he bettes if they for Wld-oir worker*. and the Investigation to continue, And all members of the student Police said that Mrs. Kennedy Miot leM film and more actors. their unemployM people for no sie and Major John Pickup. Town Clerk David C. Toomey has body participating. for th* months of June, July and to new quarters. • • States Maat Accept Pisa ai— a—s— a— — Wi»* fc i i i 1 Tha plan dl**. unleaa atatea more than, 28 weeks. They state fMt In an order for an additional Competition in all types of amUalnlnc two-thlnla of Fort and their case this way: . a u ^ y Of dog Ucense tngs. A pen­ handicap'' tacea a n d traditional Their unemployment pay, added alty of 2S-ceilt8 Is charged for dashes will flilt the morning hours. workera aay they can, U Udd to the State unemployment in off, collect both the pay from the each month beyond the May 1 date Two softball games will flU the Burance n worker gets, la whlrii dogs licensed, afternoon echedule. P o p ■ 1 c 1 c a ^p an le. and U»e ^ him up to 60 to 65 per s n e Pbrnwrly Dropped will be on sale during the day (^pon^sai/es. (fow i take-home pay when he Special For Father's Day The Board of Mectmen voted rtL “W l« £ r..r“ip.S'- under the management of seventh ing. Here is an example i laat night to formerly discharge grade claeaes. Jones, who has dependents and /■ — M r the Bchool Building Oommittee works for Ford in Michigan which igpolnted laat October. A Town Mancheeter Bvenlag Herald Bol­ ' rules or Uwa. varying from a t^ paya up to 842 for an unemployed NATIVE ' MMtlng on A f ^ 4 directed the ton corrrnDoadent, Mrs. Joseph | - to State. agalMt S^vln* “ worker'With dependents. Is laid off, IC BelecUnea V dtad-jirge and du- D’ltaH*, tel«plHMie MI 8-6846. employed worker any sUU to sixty-flve per cent of his old take- mlza.the Oommittee. Action had or In aome ca*M full From lOLTON state Inaurance, If ha la collecting home pay would be 855. BROILERS E c. been tabled by the Board pending payments from his old company. He colIecU 842 from Michigan dsclsiona regarding an architect Deaths Last Night * ^ rd has 140,000 workers *»t- and 813 from Ford. No matter how fbc new planning auUiorlzed at the tered over more than 25 states little a sUte pays, neither Ford •sine town nweting.' OM has 850.000 worker* in even nor OM will pay more than 825 EXTRA LEAN. FANCY IMPORTED DANISH 'The 6elect:nen have reappointed By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS a week. Even though that meant Miss Carolyn Robert was pra-y Herald note Joaeph Stefanik aa special oon- Richmond, V*. — Herbert D.l more st ataa. . .. an imemployed worker wound up T atsMe for RoaOdsle for another eix Brauff, 64. editor and publisher Michigan h is 56 per cent of sented tha lat Annual Elks Ford’s workara, Ohio 11 per cent, getting lees than 60 or 65 per cent the committee. Looking on Is Ed- BKmtha period and have accM>ted of the Wilson (N. C.) Dally other sUtsa n.smaUor percentage. of bU old pay. ^ Ads for Cum Scholarahlp Award yesterday aon M. Bailey, principal of the| p u bond for that post. Tlmea; president and publisher of I Michigan Is axpacted to approve. during ceremonies at the new high school. , Oompiahits of speeding viola­ the Vsndergrlft, P*., News; pres­ ffigs home bn Bisaell St.- Miss Robert was chosen as.thel lOILED HAM tions on R t 85, a state high^^ay, ident of the Washington IN. C.) ' But enough of the other statM Seen Debt Cu to bring the total of Ford work- r The 81.000 award was present- moet worthy student for the have been referred to the State Dally News and the Havelock I aia above tha two-thlrda mark Dead Fined ^ to the Manchester High School award by the local high school Traffic Oommiasion for study and (N. C.) Progress, a weekly news­ must also give thalr blessing or XoulsvlUe, Ky. — Mrs. Ivy senior by John Dyons, left, caialr- authorities. Money for the award action. The Oonimbaion will also paper, and vice president and a maiiNDf the Elks Ix>cal Youth Ac- eSme from proceeds of the Elks make a survey of conditions at the director of television station I fits plan ends. . -x On Drivii^ Count Bakier Priest, trearurer of the. Intersection of Rt*. 6, 44A, Bolton Tha companies will set aside In United SUtes, in LAUlsville for a tlvltlebv Committee, and Albert Pancake' Festival held Jan. l8 at | J B I n i f c s y e WNCT at Greenville, N. C. Born trust fun&i five cent* on each MewrfNlght, also a. member of the Armory. Center Rd., the old Manchester In ChktUnooga, Tenn. Died Wed-1 litU e Rock, Ark., June 16 (dV-A speech, said she gets many st«- Bd. and Lake 8t. Uct., with a view nesday., hour’s work dona by 0 *41^ em­ Dead man wda fined 851 and given gestiona about the nation’s mon­ to recommending some means of ployes until. In the case of Ford, 3, at on* of the parks In New CHICKEN — REEF — TURKEY Indianapolis—George A. Bangs, a one-day suspended sentence in ey. traffic control at this point. 87, president emeritus of the I the fund raadMS 55 mllUon d ^ UtUe Rock traffic court' on a One man, told her he was tired of M aeses^chedul^ Britain. Leaders of the local chap­ FISH STICKS GOP .Womea to Meet lars, and. In tha case of OM, 150 ter making preparations are: Ig­ American United Life Insurance I charge of dninken driving. the huge national debt. Why not, Anna-Mae awitaeki; vice chair Co., and for 40 years a lawyer In I milUan'doUars. Court offtplals said latw they he asked. Just print currency on nacy WlerkUckl, executive secre­ P I E S '" «| man of U.e Republlan State Cen­ In case of lay-offa they’U pay For Fatbe^E Day tary, and Stanley Opalach Sr„ 2 5 7 Grand Forks, N. D. Born In Le | didn’t know that Doyle E. Oulllck one side and sell the other side for tral OoiaicUtee wlU be guest Sueur, Minn. Died Wedneadiiy. their unemployed workers out of WM killed in a car-tiain crash. advertising ? president •peaker a t the meeting of the Tol­ \ those funds, reducing thalr -pay­ A professional bondsman who Another person wondered why The faithful of theXjohn’s land County Women’s Republican Bay llhore, N. Y.—Ernest | N E W P A C K Greenwood. 70, Democratic con­ ments by 20 per cent If the funds acted for Oulllck said his case women’s portraits do. not appear Church will gather on J'Mher’s niPABTIAL TREE IRAND Ckjb on MooAy. Tba meeUng will drop to 18 per cant of tha maxi­ was called originally May 23, he on currency; Mrs, Priest said dol­ Day Sunday, June 19, at the 8:30 be held at the Keeney Farm Cot­ gressman from Suffolk County on I mum level and stopping payments was found guilty and alloUred to lar bills once had a picture of and 10:30 Masses expressing their Denver (#)—^Fyaidt-GouW, Q ty V2 G A L L O N tage Ih Somersvllle at 7:30 p.m. Long Island for one terpi, 1950-52,1 altogether If tha nmds drop to 4 go free with a certain amount of George Washington cm one elde spiritual thoughts to God the CoustcU candid te, la a nan who Kosher Pickles Mrs. Julia A. Keeney. National and former headmaster of the] per cent* time to pay his fine. and his wife Martha on the other. Father and their earthly fathers won’t take no for an -answer. He and State Committee Woman, will Dwight School of New York City. I BJven If all tha roadblocka are The 85! to pay the fine was But this was dlsconUnued, the In filial prayer, for both the Uv took a caanpaign poster to a be hoeteee tor Ih* Born In England. Died Wednea- j overcema lald-off workers get none turned over to the court yesterday, treasurer ' deadpanned, -because ing and the dead. tavern and caked proprietor Lionel Ohib Touia Garden day. X of this money until this time next three days after Oulllck died. "you shouldn’t let money come be­ In the afternoon at 3 all • are Zlnn for penniaaion to tack It up. Highland Park Market Misa MlUlcenl Jones of 'Tolland Yonker, N. Y. —Thiteas F. I year. The plan can’t go Into opera­ tween a man and his wife.” ' asked to return for a program Zlnn said no, he didn’t want to Rd. was hostesa to the Green Boyle, 58, a pioneer cameraman in I tion before next Juna d. W E E WHlBEUNGr presented by the Church School n k e sides. Thumb Garden Club Tuesday the early daya of the silent screeii, I A trua guaranteed wage plan SIX GENERATIONS Gould' returned the next day 12 1 7 H IG H L A N D STh Ml 3^278 JACK DEVANNEY, ______children, and together with them night. About 15 members of the former Yonkers policeman and ln| assures workers either steady em- Muskegon, Mich. (4T — Patrol* express their respect and homage with his poeter and one for his op­ OPEN AU DAY SUNDAY. 9 A.M. to 9 FAI. club sponsored by the M*nche*ter recent years special aecurities offi­ /ployment or approxlmaUly fun pay man Donald Robbins was Just NlchoIasvlUe, Ky. (d>) — Mrs. to Dad. Each father,-present will ponent, Bosmy MapeUi. YWCA toured the lovely garden cer for Golumbia University. Dled| for as much as a year If they loac about to wave Harry Bacon's car Elisabeth Walker ho'pe* she soon receive a souvenir. A social, pre­ The poeters were tanked on the at the B. J. Holl estate. Miss Jone’s Wednesday. their joba The Ford and GM plans through a safety Inspection. It will see her great-great-great pared by the Friendship C1 u b, tavern wall. i home, where the roses were at do neither. hkd passed everything. But Rob­ grandson. The 91-year-old- Mrs. will follow. Hostesses are Mrs. their best, the laurel was never Called ttappl«sueBtol.Fay bins rleclded to look Insjde. Walker has never seen the son of u n io n s h o p a t u n d e r w o o d her great-great-granddaughter, Bernice Pastula and Mrs. Doris more befuUful and.,peonlM had ■ Company officials have described The automoldle had no ateering Grisel, president and vice-presi­ reached their peak. " Hartford, June 16 OP) -s Some ^thelr agreement as a aupplemental wheel. (hUy the horn rim was left Mrs. James Ingles, of Kokomo. Ind. A six-generation meeting la dent Mias Jwiea apoke to the newly- 3,000 employes of the Underwood pav plan—that la they g^ve their for steering. X Bacon explained the The children of St John’s are •rgaalsed club at lU May meeting . toi'd.oir worker* a certain-limited ivheel had come, off: "So I use this. planned by Mrs. Walker with nim Corp. have approved a new S-year I and his mother, grandmother, also preparing for the annual Chil­ at tha Community-Y on growing contract which Includea the union i Makes everything you .bake and fry nmount at money for a limited time I t work* O.K.” PbllceTold him to dren’s Day of the Polish National . annual plants from seed. It was shop. A union shop ‘ requires em­ to add to whatever state unem- let the cso- stay where it was until great-granomother, and gr® ' great-grandmother. Union of America, Saturday, July from thU talk that last night’s ployes to Join the union. A spokes­ ploymeat tnsuranee they gat it got a ateering whMl. . party originated. After ta rin g the men for the union called It a jS larden, the club enjoyed refresh- "revolutionary development" and < m enu and a lively open discussion added it is probably the largest RICHER LOOKING on dried arrangements. A local firm in the State with a union garden enthuaiast spoke to the shop. The agreement covers one group on collecting and preparing lodge of the AFL PoUahers Union, |/C | I lanU auiUble for drying for wln- and several lodgesi of the AFL I BlnER-TASTING ?er use. Members were enthusias­ Machiniata Union at tha Hartford tic about holding a fall show fea­ and New Hartford planU of the \ \ 25th ANNIVERSARY turing flowers grown and dried typewriter and, bualneaa' m arine | this season. concern. MORE APPETIZING Strawberry Fete i MAKES FATHER'S DAY The Lediea of St. Maurice will serve atmwberry shortcake at the Community HaH Saturday from 5 than foods made with GIFT BUYING AN EXTRA to 7:30 p.m. Reservations are being 'T rH h CAMbTll 1 ‘ taken Toy Mrs. Msftln Lynch', Mrs. Whltmaa, Sehrafft, P. A S. ^Keeney Hutchinson, Mrs. Thomas any white shortening! PLEASANT EXPERIENCE ' ™ pfaneggia and Mrs. Anthony Ma- i neggla. The committee has an-! Arthur Dnis Stortt ^i nodneed that tlckeU Will also be | Candy Cupboard A availaUe at the door. / To Match Past BccelpU HANDSOME T O M SH E A Members of the Executive Com­ USED CAR MANAGER mittee of the Congregational Church have announced that pre­ NECK liminary reporU . on the Yankee^ Street Fair held June ^“Indicate NOTICE . Its succtoa will match last year’s THE OFFICE OF DUST OFF record return. For comfort On Father's Day and They expreeeed deep dpprecla- DR. N. MARZIALO tion and gratitude to members and all summer long! friends of the parish for their Co­ 474 MAIN ST. operation In giving time and Ulent WILL BE CLOSED . which made the successful event THE possible. They were also especially FRIDAY, JUNE 17 ' ' 'grateful to.merchants and towns­ H u lile s a people who entered, displays and THRU TASTY GOLDEN-BROWN CHICKEN! made contrlbuUona to the affair. MONDAY, JUNE 27 TaUag Bed Oo*e Coarse Never beforer-could you get fried chiclcen so ^ DEMI-JAAAAS V. Ruth Shinn, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Byron H. Shinn ■of'~Rt, beautifully, evenly brown. Fluffo naakes it taste better COOL AS A PENGUIN than any fried chicken you've ever fixed. In'crinkle. Crepe and Handkerchief cloth. STEVE T1IRKINGTON GORDON "RED>‘ RUDDY PuU over or buttpn styler. SAUSMAM BAUSSltAN AMESITE DRIVEWAYS ^ "$3.95 - - X ■ • I . . EXPERTLY INSTALLED Base Grading — Machine Spread — Form* Set “ Bbllod Also regular length pajemaf in summer - Aleol ParklBg Lote — Teaal* O arte — Walks . RICH-TASTING CAKES AND PIES vtotght fabrics. yacation Time Is On Its Tern* Arranged M tleri^ “ 10% FOB CASH TBANSACnONS NEVER POSABLE BEFOREI - ^ $3.95 ALL INSTALLA'nONS SUPERVISED BY No sM d t* mitt OHf tMs b«eouM ol - 3 for $2.75 and overdrive. A beautiful green finish. $795 and heater. $895 ' “ ' -'1951 DeSOTO Convertible.— Radio and tPAC A WALKING SHORTS . 'Reg. $2.50 and $3.00 .1952 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr— Radio and heater This car, heater, autonatie drive. Has a new top. NECKWEAR has only 25,000 miles on it and a nice ” LOW SUMMER-PRICES Plain or fancy weave patterns—in regular dark green,finish. 1949 CHEVROLET 4.Dr.->-Radio and heater. No money., . or Bermuda lengths. Including Pure Silki $945 down. '1 . NOW IN tFFECT $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 $6.95 $1.19 each 1952 CHRYSLER Saratoga V-8—Radio and heater. 1951 CHEVROLET Bd Air, Hardtop.—Very clean in* REDEEM YOUR < FLU FFO C Has power brakes and nower heater and . JEDDO HIGHLAND CONNECTICUT 25 airing. ^ IUyD .power glide. . 3 for $3.50 COKES JOO COJtL$24JI5 23 A TERRIFIC lARGAIN. Pound for pound, W e Have Many More to Choose From .:. Sto^ In and See Us Today, Par T o n ' HERE'S AN INTRODUaORY OFFER THAT'S Long Length Order yourm today. Price# are *fer Cash on Dlellvery. REAUY SPECIAL Now you can buy fabulous Fluffo’s the most exciting food value THE M l NEW, BRAND NEW 1955 KYMOUTH. ERIGES CTART IT 11519 SPORT PLANNING TO CONVERT? ~ new Fluffo for nearly one-Sird off regulaf you've come across in years. It’s avmlable HOSE See Fluid Heat's Line O f price. Think of it! You get this rich shorten- in mpst areas. Redeem your coupon at To Wear with shorts. BODJSRS — WALL FLAME — WARM AIR UNITS 't '~r. ' PRESSURE BURNim *. _ ing—yellow from wholesome carotene— yrour dealer’s i^aw-^and b^in using this 75c and 81.95 aim the Latest t-Ton Air Conditioner new yellow shortening for bj^tter-looking, (NEEDS NO WATER) and save money, too. Just redeem the H ^ o m e n s w g a il ' coupon (recehtTy mmied to you) .at your better-tasting, mnre appetizing baking 857 MAIN STREET ' DIRECT CHRY$LER.FLYMOUTH DEALER i dealer's-and begin cooiung with Fluffo. ^nd frying. Get golden Fluffo today. 171 UNION STm itOCKVILLS— TELTRomont I-338S. FOGARTY BROTHERS COAL COKE — rOBL OK. I f , «|6 BjM>4b BTIUCiBC -» TKL. r V . ■ • - r’ .... ■ ■ ft 4i" ‘ • * '■ I ’ i . -.1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. BIANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1965 PAGE ELNVEN^ IUNCHESTEE e v e n i n g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN- THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1965 ftAOBTEN puts with the church. Moet of conatitutloiial eonvantion .to eiiil their plane le ft Buenos A t r a n or to obtain • few addMiahal L a P m a a , as by t h e j ^ highly cevatad by undarwritere, a tifg the chureh were selaed In tha meeting when it had enothar pro­ c.edlatore were setting up a oon- hUda. Some pariah dfficea and them - have been - released . after Rom an.OaUudteiam’s favored Both the churchmen end Argsn- clothes for our journey." government, prase. tU said Iheea Brais-Co., Umon ferencs' In Waterbury tomorrow Cooper Granted ilfe Ineuranca agent must show Unes. One OeUioIlc source said Although he said h , w leh ^ to acta were committed PereR ad­ i Colum bia posal to eubiAlt. SEE meeting rpoma of Catholic action brief detention. statue as tbs country's official bgr The International Union of ^viUt American V r im Oo. offlciale that a high pareentaga of the poll- MO B. And Gilts Peron Bocietlea were seeled and placed ' Tho ^ureh-etata feud broke oitt r s ^ o n . rarsljT, if ever before, had native herents ia an effort to aten 9 fpv- and repreaentative. of the strik-' emment pressure egalnrt the Mine, Mill and Smel'.ar Workers insurance Award Mea sold by him in ‘previous yeare in the open kwt November when government dscres Ordering clttsena been expelled from the Ftiii to Sign Pact United Auto Worirars (C IO '. under guard, ha added. church. CIndi aesiUi a w i*^ inereaM of LOANS Reporta received here Indicated Peron accuaod some members of t^s rsmovsl o f tho two expelled .country. 20 cents an hour and improved % M union >-truch all Waterbury hava remained in force, Mr. Davis Id martgagas and preatas from their jobs seld the' HeM laoomnmalcado tho present poatUon of the church The newsman who tntarrieered Children to Register Fridfay said. Tliis enoouragea tha agent to that police may have visited most the clergy of soaking to under­ Ansonia. July 16 (F>—OffUafer pf holiday and vacation Im efite diviaione of the company Tuesday, Williem Cooper. 75 Green Manor mobiles. acUho was taken under en old When their plane landed in Rio there as vary eerious. But he de­ them aafa} the churchmen appear> write insurance programs well Froi of the 1,500 catholic parishes in mine his regime. Tha church deni­ under a . wage reopen ng dauae In ICUng 2,000 euployas. American Rd., has besn granted ths National ‘SpanUh. colonial law which cm- de Janeiro, Brasil. Magr. Tato told clared that the Argentina people, ed to be under the watch of tho Amarioan Brass Co. and \inlon rep­ adapted to the policyholder's needs TONNEcricuT V a l l e y the country. Authorities an­ ed the charge, t a contract that expiree Juue 80, Braes has cloaed do>-m tta iremlaea Since then, the. government had powered authoriUea to ra­ a newsman that he and Msgr. No­ ’ ’tradiUonally religious, do not ap­ two men on the plane "who had For Water Safety Program resentatives have failed so far to Quality Award, one of tha highest and clreumetaneei. Resiiy and InvcstBieiit Co. nounced the arrest of another I9S6. It has set June 23 as the end said it was prepared for a pushed through le^slatlon permit­ move or nd pricste held to voa had been hustled out o f the prove of Peron’s etUtude!" evory aqieet of detaoUvos." honors accorded In the life in­ Tha National Assoeiatlon of Life 14 Enet Oentnf BtnM (Oeattaoed tram PagU O ie) aponsibla for clashes last weekend proijiiisial priest, the Rev. Domin- reach egreement In a bargaining date for a strike vole. eompleta shutdoarn I6r tha dura­ ting dlvoreb in Argentina, lifting have vtotei T duties. country vrithout even a ebahte St Magr, Tato denied the Peron Underwriters and the Life In- Tel. M l-0-4538 between CethoUca end Peron tupriprCanlcfalli, after a search in Ouetomer—Tour aesnw v e rj ia, Jun« 1« ( 8p*ciaiy—*TOndh«m High School. They »r* Bsesian on wages and other ,bene • Milt woriesrs currently receive tion of the e tril». surance profession, it was an­ tax exemptions from church prop­ High ch tertes said ’ ’The ArgenUno police kept us government's charges that Catho-^ Sog Burence Agency Managelnent As- aa praaerfbed by the ■ Sacred porters. A t least 39 persons were the parien house at Marcoe Pax taid o f watcMar yon out hair. GiSl Aldrich, ElicabeUi Bernltt, fits for worker- in the Ansonia a starting vrage oL 11.63 an iwur. nounced today by Samuel Davis, erty, banning rtUgious education last night I not know that Incommunicado In prison, « ht lie demonstratora In Buenoa AiriW lUgtatratten night for the ewlm- sociation, jointly conferred ths OaiKMU." injured in the street batUee. In Buenos Aires province. He was Barter—It e l A ^d>atraomethn«i Bett>. Ann Falk, Jo An Clarke; plant. The local plar.t employs some An Indiana youth was urested Manager of the Prudential In­ In publlo aohools and baiting sub- Magr. )htol^ to end Mbgr. Novoa had said, ’’refusing us permission to had burned the Argentina flag and adiig program to be held at the 1,600 peVsorte. for yelling at policeman.' Maybe surance Co.’s Hartford District. award to the Prudential r^ireaant- A p<^ee official said that hand- ths 79th priest taken into custody etonsd the plant of Jha n *w »l# # r I snip o ff a bit c f a custontera ear, Edith ^Hinckley, Dorothy Jensen, TT.ay . agreed yesterday that Read Herald Advi. OP o u s t e r ' sidlea to church aehoole. It plans a been deported until koure after eommunicats with our superiors -Oonmunlty each ia acheduled for rW LL bills criticicing Peron and defend- In Paron'e seven-month-long die- 3 Gloria Lpiaseau. Oa'endolyn Tib- either party could request another Meantime, federal end etate ha just had hey fever. To achieve this (UstlncUon, atlve. 9u«ibe Airca Argentina, Jiute 16 fViday from 7 to *:30 p.m. in Yeo- blts,, Evelyp Wolff, Terrency An­ (P)—A apedal Argentine, airliner BMUia llall. thony, John 'i^eraon, Kennth Gar­ flawr toward Rome tM}ay with two \ f ' / V r / i Thia ta the ninth year that both rison. John ^ m o n d and Vlctoi^ Roman OathoHc prelates expelled llic Recreation Council and the Wolmer. by Prealdent Peron's government. OPEN EVERY THURSDKY and local chapter of the Red CroPi The graduilloirexerclses will be ‘tiM two Prelates, Magr. Manuel have offered courses in swimming held Wednesdayr ^ f "T ato,. auxlUary bUhop of Buenos FRIDAY EVENINGS’TIL 9 and life-saving to the youth of the Athletic Atrards Aires, and' his aaatnant, Magr. community. The Red Cross Water Athletic awards for. the year Pablo Novoa, were put on -the Safety courses ake the child from were presented to the following lo­ NEW ENGLAND Rome-bound plane yeaterday after the l^'lnnert' class through Senior cal students ..during an assembly F O O D M ^ P K T T being held overnight by police. f r u it s L ife Saving. Ti 4 minimum ageMs program held Friday sventag at They had been taken Into custody and VE6ETKBLES aix years or a child eligible to en­ Windham High School: 'I>aek, Tuesday night, a few hours after ter first grade next fall. More Mati Koiva; baseball, Terry An­ the government accused them of than 800 Red Cross cards have thony; numerals, Jimmy O o l^ Inciting riots and ordered them dls- Really been asrardod to children for swim­ Francis Baker; certificates of ma­ nieaed from their church poets. ming skill and 1,000 certificates jorettes, Dorothy Jensen; girls' for partWpation. - . Leaves SIckbad m o w h . w u - o ^ ' " " ' ? athletic letters, Jo-An Clarice; Dol­ Santiago Lula Cardinal Copellq, Mias Jo-An Clarke will be the f\ ' phin Club awards, Jo^An Cikrke, primate of Argentina, left his sick­ Inatructor assisted by Paul Pepin. Betty Ann Falk, Betty Bernltt, and Miss a a rk e vaa aaflstant last bed id resume active church lead- Barbara .Woodward. year and will attend the Red Cross eridilp. Aa auxiliary biehop, Magr. Xipiatic School' before assuming Recently appointed delegates to Tato had been performing many of her duties. IMul la a senior life the Recreation Council from varl' the Gardtaal'e duties during hie aaver and wlH also oirve'as life­ ous local organisations are: Volun­ Ulneaa, aftermath o f a fall nine guard this aunmer. Both of these teer Fire Department, Walter months ago down an elevator joung people ttaVc-attended local Card, and Saul Caroline; Boy shaft, avrimming classes for many years. Scouts! Reginald Lewis; ChthoUc O SHOP »»i SAVE■ ■ ' ■ WIT t- ' ; Accompanied by'Antonio Cardi­ Beach Begtstratlon Ladies Society, Mrs. Walter Whea­ W e are the ^New England Food Market operator$ > covering the Ma'nchester trading nal Caggiaao,’who arrived here FATHER’S Beach reglatraUcm 'w ill also be ton and Mrs. Joseph Jaswinski; area and are a part of your'community. W e live here, we spend :hare and help in the from hla archdlocea# In 'Rosario, held the same lime at the same Sisterhood of Chestnut Hill Syna­ Cardinal Copello called on Foreign place. Membership is open to all gogue. Mra Milton Kaskowlta and progress of greater Manchester. W e invite you-to shop witn us and we assure you Minister Jeronimo Remorine last year-round residents of the town; Mrs. Saul Blum; Ladiea’ Society of that our buying in large quantities makes it possible for you to buy at greater savings. night to ask official word, of the to summer residenta who live here Columbia Congregational Chbrch, two- expelled churchmen. The at leaat one weeh>; and to immed­ Mrs. Howard Thayer; Women's Here you will find everything you hope fo r^ Q U A U T Y — SERVICE — VARIETY*->end, Cardinals talkad to.Remorino for iate families o f non-resident tax­ Guild, M ra Russell Speahnan. of course, .LOW. LO W PRICES! Give us the pleasure of meeting you and we will serve about five minutes but there was JUNEISth payers having real estate aamssed Group to Phnric no announcement of what they at 11,000 or more,' or personal - 'n e Columbia Assn, will hold a you to your entire satisfaction. ~ were toW. property aMsessed at |S00 or more. picnic supper Sunday from' 2 to 6 ArgenUno newspapers carried bunch Other persons may use the beach p.m. A meeting will be held at CUT FROM HEAVY pictures and stories of the de­ Treat Dad* to a royal feast on Father’s Day. Pamp^ his prinedy palate with all the foods only ea guests when accompanied p. m. The picnic will be at the WESTERN STEER parture of the two prelates but he likes best. And you won’t have to pawn the “crown Jeweb” to do it—not when yon coma by members who stay with theiA ‘‘pasture” home of Mr. and Mrs. there no' official announce­ to POPULAR for foods fit for a king! We have them alL-and all are tow-priced to help yon Five guests per family are permllT John Hughes. fTioee who are ment yeaterday of-their ouster. ted, except apeclal arrangement planning to attend the picnic are Three pro-Peron afternoon newi- feast for the least on Father’s Day . . . any day . .. every djvl Yes—when eve^r price to a with the gate attendant. Tiie ifuest 1 asked to contact Paul M eM clc ,. papers declared they had fied from tow price yon Just natnrally get more for.yonr money—« fhet proved by onr KING SIZE fee la 2S cents per person. Recent VMtoN Argentina. SWEET VALUES for FATHER’S DAY FEASTING. / And Sarah Savage. Oavid Bee­ Dr. and Mrs. Dan Dale Alexan-1 Raid Priests’ Bomea be. Kenneth Ives, Arthur L. King, der of Newington and their two children have.been guests of his PoUee meanwhile raided all the Enn Koiva, Thomas Leet, William homes and offices of parish Macht, James Maddalbiii; Richard twin b ro th e r^ d hit wife, Mr. aiid 120 Nagy. Ia>ui Soraccht, Jan Tasker Mra Maurice Alexander of Heb-1 ‘ prieets in Buenos AicSe and its 8 auburba yesterday, seeking evi­ and Dean Upson. ron Rd. recently. The claaa wperlativeA were: - Dr. Alexander is the author df| dence to support govemfuent Best'looking boy. Louis Soraccht; "ArthrMii and Common Sense," Juicy —- Flavorful chaigae tKel Uie' church re- pretUst girl, Miriam Forbes; published in l 8Sl. -.j class arguers. Joyce Person and On his recent return from a lec­ Dean Upson; most musical, Yvonne ture tour to California, Dr. A lex -1 Notice Kccleston and Jan Tasker; mo^. ander received a letter from Lon­ FRED JACKSON JACK DEVANNEY curious Carol Kaakowitz; most don, Ehigland, enclosing a W iaFitk Halfwtll Uglit Meat -. Manchester BVMdng Henda Ce-i WAYSIDE MARKET CJiilSen under tlk years oT age KATIVE l^KEftG 489 MIDDLTtPKE. EAST to complete apartments in.baser \ -arc admitted free; and a maxlriuin lumbia correspondeat; Mrs. Frank ment of four family dwelling and Marehisa. telephoae AC 8-3454. ROUTE 30 ' JARS Skri Tlay Sine far Balede Caa FuU / o f 14 la LETTUCE to use eaid basement for living Ohank Half all their children, except those who ^ OAKLAND RD.. W A PPIN G uarters at 98 West Qenter FOR are 15 years old or older. They Street. Residence Zone B. Loksitr 6 Os. Caa SoUd Head 9c Baby F(hhI must pay the full rate. Boy Finds Dog W elter Kompaaik for permia- Nyartfie S p ecif safety and courtesy rules Sion to erect addition to garage PbWrI Spam ikt fyeah Pork Lb. 59e have been set up. They are: (1) which Is not located in furtheat Wkult Olanis LanhGhtpt u. 7k Do i*ot rpread blankets on ithe After 10 Months I SWEET LIFE 16 0*. quarter ‘ of corner lot at 256 HUNTS IRAND Q m vJIm m a One Layer f Shoulder Cut Lb. $ a l l i r i M 1 ^Ht 2 Lb. B a r 29e beach or othe.-.sv.-ise appropriate iLots of Lean Meat Can Woodbridga Street. Residence O llllH O I Narwegiaa A VealGhept 59a an area so as to make access to Saul't Ste. Marie. Mich. UPt- Zone A. . t4 Os. the water dlfficuR for swimmw X NO. 2 Lialr&Hsast Pure Pork Lb. 59c Bobby Lawson, 7, of Center line, Pasquala Aceto for permission Muttarri / Bot. Fork Ckopt Fresh Rib - Lb. 49a when the beach is crowded. (2) Do PURE to erect free standing lighted CANS jio eatiiig or drinking on the beach. Mich., has his pet, Sniffles, back || SWEET LIFE ground sign closer to street liite Faaaiag IS Ox. Park Livar Freshly Sliced Lb. 17e (8) Use the trash receptaclea pro­ now. But for 10 months the black Tan than 'rigulatloiis allow at 199 Fruit Cocktail Fioklai Bread and Butter SlicailDaeoa vided. Bottles, cans and. papers Rich In Body Cans SpHRc , Street. Business Zone U. *and white mongrel dog lived here. and Flavor Sugar discarded on the limited beach are Sniffles got lost while Bobby and EVAPORATED M IIK Dillon Realty for permission to SwaatOkarkiat ’a’ Spies Freriily a emfety haaarc. (4) No dogs are his parents were vacationing. Bob­ park new and used cars on Lbo. allowed in the beach or picnic by's mother Wrote a pleading letr property located to the rear o? Ground For Cream Style Reg. 395-299-311 Main Street, Busi­ OhoiriiM 2 For All Beef **^Ie beach will officially open ter to th%SauIt Ste. Marie Eve­ ning News, enclosing a picture of ness Zone in and Reeidence Zone For Cold f Ham burg nn Satruday. Mit-ibers of the Com­ Choice Quality Cana B,. • sTA^K iif m munity Beach' Club membership Sniiriea Pa|Mr.fiipt Drinks V Pkge- Many people saw Sniffles, but JESSO CORN Dwight Purnell for permission Oomtiiittee Mm. L^ola Bitpk, none could catch him, He ate with to attach carport, to dwelling WHITE MEAT CHUNK STYU Mrs. Charles Randall, lira. Alfred which will be .5' from rear line -r Fresh Soracchi. Mra. Donald Tuttle and aA antiaircraft, battalion or with-!| the workmen at the coal docks, i which Is 24:5’ closer then regula­ Mias Jean Natsch. tions allow at 36 (Canterbury Halibut Steak CUs* Night Exercise* The Lawson’s made a 350-mile I trip, but Sniffles chose that week- j Street, Residence Zone A. The gradua'km class of the Bessini Bros, Furniture Co, tot Horace W. Porter Sch«ml held end to be absent.-They came 'a few weeks later-to-find Snlfflea permission, to locate eign on Lbs. Clasa Night exerciae* ' Tuesday WHOLE KERNEL EIMONDMO^U^^ etreet pole adiiUiwest comer Qoalitjr living In an abandoned‘'house.'He evening. The general chairman of Adams Street and Middle Turn­ Skinleao For fled when the grown-ups walked In. — pfbgram was Jan Tasker; clasa pike .West, Residence Zone A, president: Msirilyn Nauiiiec was •TTien Bobby tried It alone. Sniffles, PAUL WHITE Besslnl Broe. Furniture Co. for see. the announcer: -Toyce Person, dlrec- got the scent and bounded Into] permtssion to locate sign on Bobby’s arms. - tor; Tommy Leet. stage nranager; TURNPIKE SUPER MARKET etreet pole northwest comer Cen­ CANS " -David Beebe, alage assistant, and CORN ter and Adams Street, Residence American IN.U1UE.S mUNG LOSSES Richard Nagy, properties. 99SUMMEltsf. . Jk»e..AA.4—-...... •______White - -Tiw-class- readers- were. Jayce ...PlUladelphla...UR)-,=3Sie - blgges. Bessini Bros. FUmiture Co. for Person, claisa will; Leonard King, financial lo.'ier in Philadelphia' PER MARKET permission to locate Kgn en ^iperlatU'ea; Miriam Fo'bae', automobile arcldenta ia the guy 151 MIDDLE TPKE. WEST . street pole at the intersection of _class history; Betty Ann Elliott who gets hurt. A Temple Univer­ HiUiard Straet and Middle Turn­ and Ann KoiVa, indiridual histor- sity survey shoa-.ed personel in­ cans FROZEN FOODS SAVINBS pike West, Reaidsnee Zone A. Freshly Ua c f each student. _ juries in car mishaps resulted in FOR A TASTY AND Roger Olcott extension of per­ LtlllMlllM‘7;f% l2 r « 22t Lama Daaaa b i 35a The motto of the Class of 1855 "out-of-pockot losees, a large pro- | TEMPTING STRAWBERRY SWEET U F E mission to have free standing Sliced portion of which are never re­ s h o r t c a k e : Is “Seek„the Truth." Members of ground sign at 408 West Osnter ttis class are Shirley .Mien, Judy covered.” I r m m i m Ir B oiled Ham V M n v n M H i •-Oc.-Oaaa Street, Residence Zone AA, Caa Dr. John F. AdaUw, director of ] 27e Orih 49a Haaay Orakam ^ Beaudry. Barbara Beck, Cecile Joseph Then extension of per­ ★ DEUCATESSEN ★ it DAWY FOODS ★ Brouaaeau, Janice Culver, Y\"oane Terople'a Bureau of Economics and Ifi-Oe. A i f 29c Sweet Life In itiit Oo|||m 4-Ofc Caa BIRDSEYE Business Research, igid the study Zirax Fruit Syrup mission to have repairer’s license EccMKon.' B etty'’ Ann Eailott, j at .322 McKee Street,' Residehce Eiuaator ^o.T^ 25a Miriam'Forbes. Carol KaskbwiU, also dirclosed ’ thal Ihe wlstence lO-Oc. Pkg. Ckaratai b.. 39a Fieh Stieks Zone A,. ■ • -----' Amer. by Bm Hiee Lb. CraauiCkaaaa Heavy Marlljm Naumec, Joyce Person. of Insurancs matcnaHy.. Improves I 1 Dologaa 35a Niblttt Mtxlcoru with Peppers 2 caM 29c Sweet tifetaffedforivee lee Bex—Jar 45e William Rice for permiaaion to Imported __ Play Presented the chance of recovery" frora'in- LGB. DORANN attach garage to north side of Drup Cookiaa Ceceuut 49a ' A play entitled "Elmer" was jury losses. Driaualiaa B«g 9ia Liiikrwurst Top (Quality Lb. 55a DlauOkaasa Daaitb PKG. dwelling which will be > , ■ pinsenUd by the'clnss. Members of Swaufou Chiektu FrieassM If-Ox. Caa 35c FanlOepFeMi 7 Tan Oaas S 1 J I Fatata Faffs lO-Ox. Pkg. 19e iW trom side line which Is 4H ’ closer than FNahlyCmeeS Lb. York State ’ Lb. ' tte cast included David Beebe. regulations allow at 190 (Chest­ Ckaraaal Ugktar Fiat 39a larkaaua Drill bispoaable 79a Luxury.Loaf 49a SkarpOkaaaa 19a 'Dean Upson,' Yvonne--Ecclcsion. WINDOW SHADES nut Street, Residence Zone A. Janice Culver. Judy Beaudry, Carol Joiui Messenger for permission Freshly 8liee« h. 49a Marsarlaa TUtoeQaalHy Lb. 19a ' ' KaakowiU, ShirlcJ' Allen. Sarah' W ASH AILE to erect dwelling whidi will) be li!. Savage, YViUlam Macht, Kenneth NI6HUND PARK INARKET TURNPIKE SUPER MARKET 28' from rear line which le 2* Ivea. and a nondescript dbg. Joyce INTERSTATE cloaer than rsgtaatlons allow; Beraon was student director and ; 317 HIGHLAND STREH H i MIDSU TURNriKE WIST ANCHOR-HOCKING LARGE CRYSTAL CLIAR A Q U A SHADE alab to project bay ^ KITCHEN QUEEN ★ 'Jan Tasker, stage setter. NEW ENGLAND front o f (h a lin g 18""t:K)SW to , Ushers for the evening were Ce­ ; 7 C Made to Order FOOD MARKETS 'X' etreet line than., regulations al­ W M t* cils Brpussesu. Barbara Beck, . B A e fS With Your RoUeta low on lot N o .) 236 Mountain f,onia Soracchi and Janbes' Mad- Road, Residence Zone A A .. SBeeU itai.Mii. John LaCroix la the eighth EDMOND’S SUPER MARKET JACKSONS WAYSIDE MARKET AU persona btterested may at­ FMI 1-fc. srada taacbsr. L A, JOHNSON GREEN CORNER STORE tend thU hearing. ____ _ Oraduatioa saarcisas wUl be held 99 SUMMER STpBIT . MT. 30 — OAKLAND RD.. WAPPIHG,^ ...... BONINO BOAIU> OF APFEAUI WITHHANDU . . . SPECIAL WSdaeedsir. . PAINT OQ. 409 MIDDli TURNPIKE lAST William H* Stuahi Chalrmaa Thirteen local studenU are mem* 699 Main SL, TcL MI-MiOl CtariM a TowM. ■aeretoqr h tn o f /the tradusUng daas a^ i'-y'- .1- 1 4 ' '■ J- / •• s \ ■' ■ A '\ ^ \ V •

ItANCHESTEE EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONK. THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 195B ^ T W E L V E Section Two THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1968 iRanrt|rrfiitrr lEvritUtS' l^^raUi THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1968 Paget 13 to 24 awarded . the boys last night at Jacobs, Peter Steffano, Robert ager of a big ranch, and arranged iv e iU r y the home of Anton M. Lassen, Carr, Richard Breault, Eldred Cowboy Career for spare-time work there dunii^' Gi^dma StroUs Fish Comi^ttee chairman. Harris, Arthur Faiyell, Robert his senior year in high school. He . 11ie> Derby will end July 1. A Nelson. John Morgan. Started as Game lived at the ranch, part of his 150 Miles in Test Tear Concluded' grand prize of a set of swim fins Baseball letter reciplaiits Include duties being to drive ranch chil­ and pair of water goggles donated Michael Greenwood, Richard dren to school. Health Group Shopping Center Agents By Garden Visit by James Ferrigno, will be Barth, and William Smith. Truth Or Consequences, N. M. 9^ Now iw has a full-time ranch Spokane, W uh-, J u n vlB 9 ^— awarded to the youth catching the —When Mike Kirk, 17, was a tod­ Job. He plana to. work until he is Grandma Wjdker (Mrs. T o m Certificates for basketball and drafted. He's saving hla. money ROASTING CHICKENS largest number o f fish between baseball went to Philip Rose, David dler Ih Clnctnnati add Indianapolis Names Head Municipal Officers Meet and Zfter he completes his mili­ Court) was home today after an ' oovaiitiy. Jun* l * (Special)—A June 4 and July 1. Fraser; basketball certificates to he played cowboy with the other tary tour h(q[>es to "get started on experimental, 150-mlle walk dowp ■ Chicken ia a favorite with Father and our caatbmera ■ — ------. ' ■ ; hlgUy inUreeter « Fhthei's Night Show contains branches of New York program; Mra. Dean G. Wiley, con­ land the Etchers. Poet. .. However, Stewart said Bach svas Mra. Burton Hansen, is chairman By-lewe ware adopted which Btores, a bank, theater, various re­ not a promoter or speculator and iz a t io n ; Mrs. Earle W. Rose, o f t h e Young Mothers Club tail outlets and a dlx-story busi­ ways and means; Mrs. George . Maacbeeter Evening Herald state that the chief purpoees of had been inte’reated in the Charter Father’s Night program to be'pre- ness and-..professional building. , . Darelius, pubUcity and project. Coventry coireepondent, Mrs. C. the society shall be: (1) to work Oak area long before the hleflnnur sented Saturday at the Nathan H is' representative here yester­ H m first fall meeting will be L. Little, telephone, pngrim 2-S2S11 for the conzervetlon of mental became - a serious consideration. Hale Community Center. Assist­ day was; W. fe Stewart. He arrived . In any event, any contract Sign­ marked ^ a trip to a nursery. ing with plans are Mra. Marion health; (2) to help prevent nerv­ SPRINGS TO ACTION ous and mental disorders end men­ In town about 4 p.m. and was con­ ed between Bach and. the town The yearly projects will Include Gregery, iDa. Duane Follansbee, ducted on a toUr of the (barter tal defecU; (3) to help raise the would ^ be designed u< protect maintaining the i4>pearance of the Mrs. EUlsworth Greenleaf and Mrs. Condeea fia Sastaga Oak site by Town Engineer James * Green at Lake and High Sts., and Winston-Salem, N. C. (A^—In a standards of care and treatment against speculation, M ^ortland W iliam Hotchkiss. This activity H. Sheekey. aaid today. ' ' wk.ifiwg the Inemorlal wreath for will/cooclude the group's mMtings petition filed with t h e clerk of for. those suffering from dny of ■?! Superior Court here, Exectrom these disorders end defects; (4) Later he met with the officials .The next atep toward thlB . the Nathan IW e monument In the until faU. Sessions will be resumed in the heauing room of the Munici­ Fuilenwider Springs asked that hiS to secure and disseminate reliable posed sale of the property will Nathan Halo Cemetery on Menu the first Tuesday o f September. pal Building. Meeting with Stewart name be changed to: : Information on these subjects; (5) taken Tuesday night when the^ mant HIU, Athletie Awards last night were Mayor Harold A. Board of Directora IB expected to Bedrean Derby Winner Athletic awards presented boys ^ectrom ^llenwlder Springs to co-operate, with federal, state, Caldwell. * T^rklngtftn, Directora Harry authorize General, Manager Rich- -M Rltiiard Bodreau, 12, with a at the Robertson School recently and local agenciee or officials and Firato, Jacob Miller, Natalie Mc- ard Martin to enter mto negotia­ with public and private agen'ciei catch of 7S fish was first prize Include letters to all Grade 8 mem­ Intpeh, Pascal Poe and Gilbert tions with Bach. bers of teams. Ortlficates were whose work ii In any way related winner In the first week of the Barnes: Devel«>pment Commission This authorization was unani­ second month' of Blueglll Fish presented^members of the basket­ to that of an association for men- ATHLETES FOOT GERM members ThonUa MeParUand. mously recommended at an m- Derby. There are 35 , children ball, baseball teams. tAl health: (6) to work for the formal meetmg last week of vari­ Grade 8 boys receivtifg~Easket- H O W TO KILL IT. chairman, and Robert Beach, vice registered and 269 fish were Mtablishment of a mental health chairman; Planning. C^mmUalon ous town agencies and c^clals. . caught from June 4 to June 11. ball and baseball letters were IN ONE HOUR clinic In Manchester. In fuftjier- member Dorothy Jacobeon; and n Robert Loyslm, 10, was second James Kalber, James McCaifery, ance of the foregoing purpbeee. Bruce Watkins, president of the with a catch of 74 fish and Rdbert Donald Winiamson, Roger Carpen­ Membership In the society Is ter, James McCammon, Ellsworth •■ter lUa t* •■!«■« IrarlMl srran. 'Chamber of Commerce, and Mrs. Mldette, age 11, third with 40. Kill* it •■ caatacl. Oct OreaiclMS. !■• THE KINO OF ROASTS open to all who accept the pur­ Strawberry Mart , Reapectlva prizes o f three, two Smith. Martha yStevenson,. executive vice ■Isat-dryiac T^-I. at aar 4 m poses of the organisetion. president of the Chamber. and one silver dollars Were jpasketball letters went to James I Teday at X. W. Bale Cerp. Dcas rC R V:TAMir,S Pf^orf/^SM Chairman of the By-Laws Com­ Officlale Impreceed Sales Total $3,000 RIB RORST mittee .was Atty. Jay Rublnow, Today McPartland said the offi­ \- assisted by Dr; end Mrs. Winfield cials at the meeting appeared to Wednesday's sales at the Man­ Moyer,. Rev. John Hannon."'Rev. have been favorably impressed ^ O R T . George Hughes and Mrs. John La- chester Auction Market totaled to ^ M S A T S during the. discussion____The De- $2,980;12. Today's" meeting will' menzo. SpRciol Inlroductory OfferT 7 " CUT lb velopment Commieaiqn ia general­ bring the strawberry market at 59^ ly credited with Interesting' Bach the Charter Oak St. mart almost in building irahopptng center hefe. to the halfway mark,! Bach, who wqa scouting the cen­ Yesterday’s records show that a TOP qUAUTY SKINLESS Andover Motorist Slagle Peosy Blue Rhythm tral Connectiew^ area for .g site, total of 277, 24-quart crates of Crashes into Wall has been In contact with town offi­ berries went at a high o f $12.50 FRRNKFURTS By JOSEPH A. OWENS v the area ask for permlseton to tour cials for over a Vfai'.’ and a low of $7.25. The' aventge Coventry (S p^lal) — "Oarden- “ Beauty Bank," and many passing Bach, who has bMn taken on for the day was $10.19 per crate. !b Andover, June 16 (Special) motorists slow down each time a tour of all avalluie locations STEAKS Ing." aaya one of the moet pro­ Walter Oetby. 57, Rote Lane, es­ they near the property. in Manchester, has d^ided on 30 lb caped with alight injuries at 9 ficient amateur cullvatore, "wears The cats, all 24 of them are acres'of land In the Charter Osk o'clock lest night when .-the car away the aches end pains and, nsimed and as might be expected, area now largely used fte^ recrea­ FANC Y IRISKET he was operating louth' on Hebron more important mental stress.'' play an important role in keeping tional-purposes. Any dei^agreed 49< Rd. climbed an. embankment, on would include the cost ^ relo­ DON'T I t is no small wonder that IN SHORT SHANK the panoraro.a of flowers flourish­ iZ c k c d down several young ma­ spring end summera|)ring curious ing. They keep the gardens free cating those play areas. Still plenty of wear left !■ ple trees and glided into a stone visitors ak weU as fiower lovers to of moles and field mice, two "of In reporting on last night's shoes when brought hera far PIGNIOS CORNED expert repairing. wall. — the hlUeide home of Mr. end Mrs. Mrs. Schneble’s arch enemies be­ meeting, McPartland said Steww According to State Police, Ostby Vincent Schneble on South St. If fore' the advent of the two dozen explained to the town officials hi WORK d o n e W HILB first cUmbed the east embankment passerbys aren't attracted by the Baby Blaze C'rysler’s Imperial felines. firm's method « f operations and YOU W A * T _ ...... to hie right and then eroased the beauty of the gardens, the 24 fe­ "A walk through the yard clesirs assured them that Bach was not BEEF road where he continued up the lines who roam through them are plants,'but hard work this spring the cobwebs from the mind," con- interested in speculation but In west embankment and was brought ment dimmed, Mrs. Schneble m experience, I know the gar- AM YULYES sure to set as the magnet. fener has-To be cruel. Shut your has erased practically all traces of I eludes Mra. Schneble surveying the building. to a halt ^ the wall. Mrs. Schenble) an enthusiastic now the proud developer irf more frui^i of her work. AccoMing to McPartland, Stew-i SHOE REPAHUNO than 300 separate rose bushes in eyes end out. It'll hurt at first, the damage done by the big winda 01 THE BETTER KIND CUT FROM HEAVY WESTERN STEERS . The vehicle suffered compara­ woman, moves ‘ about her well Cause for wonderment as to tively minor damage. bUt had to be eluding many of the e x c 1 u a 1 v but the finished product will be PICKLE and cared for planted areas dally to patented variety and "old faahlw- much nicer. Whether the Schncbles are hot en- lie St.— Across Fresa , towed away, police laid. see how each plant is^prdgreiuring^ ed" ones. The latter^ IS. the n ^ h "Cut thfe top back If-you ^-ant ^ w e d with special planUng ahiUty Monal Parldng L *t A t the time of the accident, an­ Her abundant knowledge of hortir PIMENTO LOXF other vehtcle;,xWas heading east smaller rose used in perfun^ Its your tree or ehrub to eprded out to is the pine grove on . a hill Just | CHUCK culture comes from experience, and fragrance. In many rorarlana’ above the house. and the Oatby^>psrated car nar­ here lies the real story of the each Bide end trim the sides if you A Dog levorsi liilroduco your dog to rowly mlsMd I t . JudgemenL overahadows tM beau­ want it to g|Tow tall." They wpre told th&t because of I V Schneble gardens.. ty of the 'larger M d mor^ popular a water spring treies would not I FOR THE CRADUATl)UAlfE ^ Polio* arrested Ostby on a About 11 years ago Mrs. Schneble New horns owners who immedi­ Charge o f speeding and he wtti be speclM. grow. However, since the water I was In poor health. Her doctor ad­ ately try to beautify their, prop­ flowed down the hill flooding their ROAST a r r a y e d In Andover Town Court Rosea are but one ^ r t of the erty by transplanting, trees are FOOD^ALE vised that she spend plenty, of time June 27. State 'Patrolman Joljpr expansive beauty which surrounds driveway frequently, they knew out In the fresh air and suggested often Impatient and pull them up that something had to be dope to H ALTS SI Spersh and Auxiliary Patrolmen the 150 to 200 yey^-old white, too soon thinking they have died, HOBOS STYLE she start a fiower garden. correct the aituatlon. Plnea trees, Sot,, JURR Brindley and Lord InvetUgated the In true acorn to oak tradition, home of the co)4>Ic- Flowering' asaertz Mra. Schneble. Her. theory shrubs of all k ln ^ now. past their 4-incheS tall, were available at the accident\ her first effort consisted of a small Is, “ It can never be given too much LOYAL ORANGE FAMOUS FRISKIES season, dogwood trees, popplea time from the* Forestry Depart­ POTATOJRLRD patch, dotted witji a few stones time, but it cei» be given4oo little." CONVENTION C01 petuniu, peb^es, dnd. Just about ment ,for one-cent each as pact of | dewey-ricHma'n which she called a rock garden. Her husband, an executive With a soil conservation program. every other /Gower that can be a Xk% Dog Food Thbt Guords Agoinst "^Hidden Hunger^ Compared to her present la ^ h eve grown froiy either a seed or bulb. the Underwood Typewriter Corp. Today the evergreen pines stand I : TVAnteiinas catching spread, she says It hardly Including rare types of iris, abound In Hartford, spends every free majestatically. all 20 to 30 feet warranted that classification. she admits having minute he has working in the gar; tall, and it has been Judged that Read Herald AdvA. lOOK m iNIS SPKIAl ; 35< The Oreea Thumb Ralee thinking, before she had den and shares hla ' wife’s view-r In another 10 years they will have | Installed or Accounting for her success or practical experience, that point that "The more people who value aa lumber. "luck", Mrs. Schneble, a Uans- pioesible for a novice to becomp Interested in growing flow­ Oh, yes, the Schnebles w e r e | /fffiWDCfoiy 3-aN PACK! i Repaired planted Virgmian by way of the catalog boauUes.” A word ers. the more beautiful the -town .given one-half of their initial out­ midwest, advises unskilled grow­ of warning from Mra. Schneble Is, Will be.’’ lay back by the State aa a divi-1 UnderWrItera Engineered ers to "plant simple inexpensive ^nd. •r •rtesry/Ftsd cad>•# SIMM “Sure they Will grow, but don’t The hurricanes last fall hit the things the first year and cultivate expect them to look like the iMc- Schneble flower beds, trees and Garden clubs from throughout! Frozen your own fconfidence." tures. Genuine knowledge Is es­ ------Potterion's Borrowing a quote from S 1 r sential.” / VEGETABLES PHONE Bn 9-4537 Winston Caiurchill. the green She has also found that plant' NEW LOW'PRICE I Food thumb speclallal* expiabia she ing inatructiona accompanying iPi oau— awmiai-gi »g rsk 136 CENTER ST. learned the hard way, by "Mdod, BIEilBEB TELSA purchaaca are for generid ereas or SWEET LIFE sweat and tears." With disap­ even for the section where the HG FLAVOR BOTTLES pointment, despair and discourage- product was prepared. Failure FANCY. ~^~”^MEWCROR^ ^" LaoMHaiR 2 Cana 27e with 'some of her ventures prompt- ad Mra. Schneble to quiz a veteran SWEET LIFE nurser}rman who in turn said CUCUMBERS doz. common lense was oftpn the heat. Judge,'along writh a little free Caaa r advice from men like hlnuelf. TRADE.IN AUOWANCE Eoeh fk a e n-ia ■ I e a ^ (g SraiM JaicR 2 S7 PLUS DIPOSIT Since Ihllt.'. time, Mrs. Schneble ne­ FOR ANY OLD WATCH NATIVE ver passes up an opportunity to XTRA LARGi "27s" RIRbS EYE diaciiaa plants and flowera with REGARDLESS OF AGE. MAKE or CONDITION men and women who have had ex­ Come to Oaudet’e and choose n new watch from dozens ef perience in the field. ino^la '. . . all fully guaranteed both by Bennis and Gandet’a! Pkg. r RADISHES ea. Fiih S M s 19 Let’s make it a wonderful party for Dad on his day! It’U Hurt, But Any oM watch will be taken as down payment! Om CUD fw only 2 ^ whM CANTALOUPE Cblckea, Beef, Torfcey' With HiHfts of finerjr, an extra special Father’s Day din­ Dltcuaalng transplanting of smsll LIBERAL TRADE-IN ON OTHER FAMOUS MAKES BrocIi - ...... ner and all the attention we can give him.‘ Let’s show trees and shrubs and the cultiva­ Pits BhrS c him how much he means t6 us . . . because wg love the tion of the aame pieces, tjie lady ytv Buy twt «t rtfulir prktl NATIVE LARGE SWEET 2 7 ;|gardner claims the one'sure-way '■HI 9 way he says “No” when he means yes . . . because he to achieve the desired effect is by GAODET JEWELERS ARBiOUR always has the solution to our problems no matter how pruning and cutting back. People, and 1 was no different hopeless they sMm to us . . . and because : . . well, he’a 785 M A IN ST„ M a n c h e s t e r LOOK FOR THIS RARERIPES lb at first, can't atand to snip off the 1^- ^ncGHERRIES our Dad. .... ends or tops of their ahruba. Now, u.s. oovr. siatf RuRch 6 e e • • a I ^i|Mkees 55c CHEEZ WHIZ H iaia HAMRURG \ N i i i n s ir s PICNIC TIME! •r HOT DOG f#> MEXICORN Let’s have a picnic! But first let’s go to Klein’s where yon can find the finest frankfnrta, the best tastin’ ham­ TOPROCfBlRRAMRirS 8 Os. Jar Friskies Dog^ Fbpd Guards Against 2'l^29c burger; the largest and mpst tempting aitay of cold cuts NIW MIRACIE SHOtTININf in town. Everything you need to make your outing a I* BOBDEBPS IT A U A N ^TY LE NIRLETS big, big tuccass. So, if the weather’s fine, stop jtt Klein’s SRATEi GNEBE CORN fiisrL______•■■'■A A -.. ; 63 c I" with C oopM . Saturday, June 18H ls z/ 8 Ox. Can 2 ??^ 29c BEST NIGHT SPOT IN TOWN :|(Cau8ed by a lack of certain food elements 1P.M. to 7 P.M. essential to iiormal growth and health.^ W e’re one of the most popular night spots In. town on Friday evenings. Z »rea of homemakers enjoy the con­ In dog foods, as in everything meat from choice ateaka, .chops venience .of food shopping at Klein’s, where you can Bsqptist Church Grounds else, you get what you pay for... and roasts. Every single ingredi­ sh(H> relsxed in the cool of the evening. W e’re open until no mere. Gut-rate brands ars no ent is certified by U. S. Govern­ P.M. 8:80 and there’a always a place to park. So, why not 577 EAST CENTER ST.. MANCHESTER ment meet and food inspectors, 0PENTHURS.TIL8^^-FRI.TIL9 batgain. You may think you are make every Friday night your family dropping night. , ■aving a few pemjiea a day, hut The gpvemmentseel on the lebei (TO IE HELD RAIN or SHINE) these foods cannot fos/ribly give is your guarantee of this. You’ll be so glad you did. your dog Friskies’ protertion Consider fo r a moment— isn’t against “Kdden Hunger." PaoplR C M M frcNR RRor ORd fo r ADULTS . The flavor your dog’s iove and'affection CHILDREIi Friskies prpvii^ your dog with worth the extra protection .of I r c o u m our RMOtS h Tr u p ! • IM T COFFEE INCLUDED CANADA every known food element he Friskies, the fobd that guards you like I ( I * needs.. .gives him rich, red hone against “Hidden Hunger” ? • NO RESERVATIONS NEEDED Z . I*U Altwi Mltt^et Ce. DRY The name J I BMnrnOGISABlALTBYDOS- ' SJOK^ OF MANCHESTER, INC K u sn rs Hontmait Strawbairf Jan WillBa SaM . RXSPTOOBPOOfBISRrWTni FOm STORE ait DEUCATCSSEN Cali Oakas a a i laa Oraam Sticks Awailakla ' you-know A •fkivc: for every ras'i-

BC O NO M T ' M A C M i m FREE DELIVERY FRRI FAIICINf UI cENm MUTpei,r(Ju:i -Mi’'-; jUHsiimuiMRtwiiMire■«.ar!^HWa>ieM * ■ 1' 7 V '

t , T ... A -■n '■ ' * ■ " iv .J" ^ ' . r-'* - k . .y.v ‘ -I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTOBg C0 H3?m TH U R SD AY, JjLJNE 18, 19SS PAGE FIFTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CX)NM« THURSDAY. JUNE 16,1968 FAOB FOURTEEN fiscal bills that Ribicoff called for :I B a l Boyle a spsclBl ssssion. GOP to Submit “I still sxpset,” ths Governor said ysstsrday, "that thf special A& P S U P M' Ej^Opera Star Wants ssssion snd reform IsglalsUon w ill Reform Plan to be on a bipartisan basia l-,am M A R K f i Take a trip to Thriftland! You’ll find Savings to SUM the joUit tsglsIaUvs lasdsr^ ship Will sceapt rteommenfistiona Special Session from all groups. To Live 150 Years' “Thors will be no DsmocTStlc OPEN .f Ha.tfocd, Ju n e .U (#>—lUpub^ MB as such.” i N I I ! BY HAL BOYLE leea Why should anyone say Ueok. Waders eay are draft­ RapuMIcsns . have announosd N ew Y o rk , (JP) — BtM iy people song Is borlng.„hiarely herauae It ing . program of reform In legte- that spsetal tiaucuaaa of House and may wonder why ecienee la try- Sanate memben have been caBad la aither Jaaa or operatic? lat^vo nroce»T^ and will eubmU 9 P.M. lac to find a-way to prolong the Dedaoa Seag Oreatoeae for Tuewley and Wednesday at sverage lift ipan to 150 yean—but “Any aong that moves you to it at the Bii^al eeaeion of the the Btdte Capitol to ooaMder the Bot Marguerite Piaaaa. joy ^ r teare hea greetheea Bach CXmnecUcKt Genera' AeaSmbly buelneee of the epactal eesstaa. , Thursday “Hie gnateat fear 1 have U that next week. thing In . life should bo enjoyed Their annoemeemeat yesterday X won’t Uve long enough.” aald for what it la. OAS' VIRM HELD the young alnger who turned froth “But so many •people had seen came just two dayc before a meet- and Friday opera tobecome one of Atneilca'o me only wearing crlnoUna and lav of alt legislative leadetolon New Haven, June Ifi Uft—A top aupper club enteriainero the reform ouestkm. called by ■uperlor court jury yesUtday wigs they wore getting the idea Democratic Gov. Abraham A. SeUttteTUne that I was old and fat.” awarded damages e f 958,415JS to •*nwre are ao many things to Ribicoff. ths setates of Mr. and Mrs. O iarlw Mies Pieasa vary definitely is The Governor reaffirmed his 40, and so Uttle time to do them neither. She Is , slender, dark­ Bpstoin of New Haven, killed in a [ S h w In. rd like to Uve 160 years—and stead for a btpsrtiaan spprosdi. gas explosion Jan. 51. lt 5L The 0UBTOMBR8’CXlRlflR . ^ A*F Invitee you to take ■ trip to our own 'niriftlend.l The haired, black-eyedi and hat a At YHday’e meetlrg:' ritti the die traveUng and sUU having fun.’.' complexion like a freshly plucked jury found the New HavSn Gas COMPARE... before doing your wook- Hoar t# BCnke^ Dud Olnd! polnte of intereet ere too numcroue to mention end no Mias Piaaaa, who was named Oovemor a roport on propoasg ro* Co. negligent In the gas^taaln leak tour le naeasmryl AAeP promlaee viiKon e penoreme et ity rose netel. forma will hs subanlUod by tbs Y o u ii^ o o ThU Sunday. June IHh, Ie Fethec’e Dey. And If yrm’re PlfnnbU teld a fte r a fro n t, porch ai>d c e rU in ly A singer and danter since the b la st. T g fMiC for fether, why not let him ecleet tfae.meklngt hlnuelf throughout the yeerl TeuH find mervtloui variety end Evaporated Milk preeenti a flne-looking facade, has Oonnecticut Putfilc Expenditure . . . every depmfment le penulUe for prudent puresjl Ttkc a number of good reasons for want­ age of 3, came here from New OMuicU. a privately flnanoed re- . . . at AStP? Orleans to carve out a nauBlcal PBBiNon B^ibonr v h t x o b y ^ markoting. . . you’ll M anazed! V s V o i d 1® yeursdf by the henfi . . . make ASeP your first stop en deals ^wltb techmcal poUtan Opera, turned to a night legislative operationa. senatorial noniinatioih In 1959. your total food bill by shopping at A&P. Check the prices . . . club act In which she sang every­ act in a Broadway play, have her N i i t l i v M 2 4 1 ' BUY SUPER-RIGHT MSATS . S . O N E SUPER-RIGHT, Fully-Cooked and Flavorful own TV program, try the movies. The GOP announcement said Its compare them with what you pay elsewhere... then come see.. . thing from Puccini to fast pulsing But Mie haa no with to go back top. legislative leaden have begun LdIV PRICE ONLY. . . AS ADVtBTISlDl lass numbers. permanently to the llm ltat'oni of. wriUng Mile “aimed at prevenUng T w M i f l a k M tUlTANA CAN come save ... at A&PI — A&P-Ktw- 11 QT 14 OZ , The eyebrows went even higher pure opera. npeUtlon of the chaotic closing \. 'when, in the miMle of her set, Tt doedn’t offer you either the house of the ^ General Asaembly SporM f iM taR tM d iiifif 4 k m 2 5 ' lew FrictI CANS p iaa a changed her eostumes pe or the money,” ehe eald last week. . HALE'S Cooked Hams right on the «opc, behind the pro­ "Ths Mils which ws will Ubo- fTO nkly. ScDtt Papw Tow ilf 2 «oui35' vocative bsBTle?' of a portable Between engegementa ehe fUcs ducs duiipg ths spscial ssssion Headquariors ALLSWEET . . 2 p peat NewUwFricel JAR dant of the American flnuff Oo,, IsglelsUvs buslnsss snd Mimlna- D l r k l a c fan n in o 'S i s o z a « c would be as painful to watch as tion of a iMt mlnuts log ja n of Salad Dressing BONE IN ______I c often fliee to meet her on week­ riLHivn tMAasedtumi j a « A O W ax BediilM oNA 2 ^ ^ ' 2 5 * - r i an elephant trying to . pkip rope, ends when Bie 1;; on tour. Mils in the closing houn of the LB But not In the case of Mias Ptassa, ■eeaion,” the announcement added. Miae PiasM is ao cheerfully hap­ W libit G rtM I m m s a m 2 4 1 ' UB40Z Block Style who has a panther grace and py In her sueeees I aaked her If It was because the regular em- b eau ty. ■he could sum up her philosophy. ■ton of the Genanl AseemMy CRUSHED CAN Tender, Tempting ffbe proved ao popular with the ’The most Important thing ie to failed, to pass eeveral important 0 N A&P SoiMrkrciut 2 19^ C o rn ed siw H ash Broadcast-Can 2 7 A&P Pineapple ■ophlstieated patrons of thb Hotel hnvo happinoea in your heart,” she Eating. jiNote the Pierre’s OotilUon Room the man- replied. “But you can't have hap­ fancy SlNrimp Miom *cSS31' J U I C E ^ 1 Q T 14 OZ‘ . agement presented her with agold piness unlaia you have peace, and 1 QT 14 OZ thrifty pricetl key to her duite. — you can’t have peace unless you LET US FILL TOUR AliP Tomato SoiCi 3 ^%23' l O n i l l T O . UBBY'S A ^ C A N S Miss Piaaaa says the change In have harmony In your home. CANS style has been good for her per- “1 do have that, and I feel It Is Orange Juice A jMoally as weU as financially. to have happinese In your heart,” GranalotSd Sngor Uo43' r 95' DELICIOUS, NUTRITIOUS AND ECONOMICAL POT ROAST ‘Tt has given me more free­ ■ho replied. “But you can’t have LB Shank’ Half ■ i K 5 5 ' dom ,” she aald.'=% "T h e y are a l happineee unteee you have ,peace, W aldorf Toilot Tlssuo . 3 sotu23' M ixeil P ickles ' r r s i Z O * CUT FROM HEAVY WESTERN CORN-FED STEER BEEF ways tailing sn opera singer, ’Oh, and you can't have peace 'unless JUST RIDUCiDI PKG RM II I^MI U lU l 9 M U B C C ~ you can’t do that—It lanA digni­ you have harmony In ydiir home. O w O w a T o a MC9 WW \ Educator Crux Butt Half fied .’ “I do have that, and I feM it ie CALLED FOR AND “But many people are afraid to the most wonderful thing In the WBsiMn and A l DELIVERED PROMPTLYI Sim ayfiold Postry j^our G i e e n P e a s STANDARD 2 CANS 2 7 ‘ \ enjoy themselvea because of con- world. So I’m net fighting any­ Vfnvr AppilQIlW S Sensatieneliy Friced Boneless Chuck Butt Portion one." AT NO EXTRA CHARGE| ventloBs that are reaUy meanlng- AGED CURED — LB M o x i c o m 'HANT CANS - Sharp Cheddar tiona of Protastsntiam are to hs PINE PHARMACY Center Slices Ribicoff Signs Bill used again this year. Ths chll- D aily Dog Food 4 c ! ^ 4 9 ' O ur O eiii T ea B ags?r,39* CALL M I-f-9814 .Roost 'sHoereuT u drtn will be InvUsd to rogieter 34 O Z i POPULAR BRANDS for the sdiool starting Sunday, AAPfirtitJirilct BOT 27o W hole Hams LB On Absentee Vote Juns It. Qns of the teaching staff PRICED FOR CONN. CTN will speak to the children and ASPWheltltmNKen 2A» 23‘ I W I V l WILSON^S LUNCHEON MEAT CAN 4 # I Lean, All ■ RarUsrd. "June 19 (ffi—Gov. parents on the annuel Methodist I Beef-Lb 3 4 * 3 lbs1 « 0 0 Abrahaifi A . RlMooff haa signsd al Student Day eervice, JuHe 39. - 10QUASI J tc YUKON-ASSORTED FULL MU almtd at eUminatlng posalMsI Mrs; Ruth Bogue, churCh aec- GolvaaiiM Polls SIZf “ w fraud In tbs handling of aW ntss retaiy wlU serve as regiitrar for Fresh Sea Feeds Now In Seaton SnOAl hr MTH||’4b&T 2 ~ ’ “ 2 5 ' P r u n e J u i c e DEL MONTE JAR 3 1 ‘ FLAVORS-CONTS. QUARTS. ballots. " 1 the school. Transportation ar- , FISH AND CHIPS WITH OUR FRIALATOR A A P A m o Souco ^CANS SUPER RIGHT-TOP ROUND or FACE RUMP Ths maaaure inaUtutas broad raqgsmenta will be handled HANDI- Ai,c chsngsa In ths stats’s absentss throuib the church office, which Our new sanitary procMie gives Vou a delidooi, eriapJ KolloM s Corool P A K K O A # ballot law, Inctudlng Dis; sUmlha- is open . daUy through noon. LUNCHEON 12 OZ tlon of the so-caUed agent In ik t Iden brown fo^ ■ Seals in the flavor! Coma la and I S U S O Z 2 g c T o m a t o e s ST^DiiSp 4 |L CANS 4 9 c Other members of the faculty S/ them! FRIED OYSTERS AND CLAMS PACKED.| Holion toorafoos . MEAT CAN handling of abssntas ballots. arc: kindsrg^an, Mrs. George Treet bYPrem TJndsr the old law, anyona couM Hatxeabuhler 'and Mrs. Gerald ITO TAKE HOME. CALL MI-9-800S. obtain an absentss bsUot for dis­ Chappell; primary, Mre. Edmond tribution to tbs' person desiring to Folrom and M n. Herman Gard­ Roasts use i t t ner;, junior, Mre. Ruseall Jaquith. COMMUNITY RESTAURANT A&P T u n a wHitseur >rcm 29‘ Finoopplo Julco n .«- u 2 "*'^ -— 5 3 * Ths new law stlpulatea that only Anyone living In near proximity |14S NORTH MAIN CTREET MANCHESTER! or FRYERS the person who wants to use the to the church la welcome to at­ Groon Roans **^» lonoTom atoM *’**“"* 4 ’««»* 4 9 * ballot can obtain It from the town tend this schooL RIADY-TO-COOK LB c le rk . Broilers v i M o r g o r i n o 2 ' 5 1 ‘ P i n o a p p l o ' ' ” 3 5 * Other provielone of the new MU: 1. raimlnata the notary public Graham Crackars 33‘ NlUStO^d AM eMi MUD smt te tju g * as a wltnsaa to the signing of an RROILII-5-8 LBS absentee bsUot However, the par­ F. Label Din Gherkins rM.33* CrOnborry Souco 2"*—37! RIADY-TO-COOK LB son signing tbs bsUot may face Turkeys perjury charges If somstMng Is MARY SAYS "Time ^or Roasting P in etop p lo tevMMMlMMTC 1U MM CM 32* Choc. Strip# Cookias '•-*• 2 5 * found wrong with It C o o k ia s Itolm Sn> CnM twSHrt tlW W MS 39^ " ^ UaH MH. MVI S< Mpt " * 2 6 * SMOKID-SUPER-RIGHT FATHR’S DAY 2. A ltar the procedure for count­ FRESH KILLED ing sbssntse ballots. ,i j 0 y cumjlic, MVI IDt SACK . W 6 4 * ' SHORT shank' lb Mib. Mildred Allen, seontan-of NATIVE 6 Lb. AVfr - Sparkl# 4 **** 25' Picnics stats, w ill brief officials of fosrp CAPONS Crisco Dutie.icoMDAac 1 ^35* clerk and registrar orgaiUsatione | Ann Fago Mayonnalso 49‘ A ll on the new law tomorrow. M ayonnalso '*“ ^ 2 9 * MORRKIX STEER BONEUES8 PEBRFOOT FAESU ' ^ N o p k i n u 2 ««•»•« 27* . Bacon Coed LB T O ilo t T issu o •*ew.»«*"V^««'»«»'4**i“ 3 9 * Other Jtme Farker Vah itsl Church Slates TO P SIRLO IN L . 7 9 C MINCED HAM Fruit Cocktail iu m m s m 3 3 * M BOLCiGMA P r a t a i n B r o o d «««•*«» LowiecAieeiu wAr.2 3 * Vacation School I 7 M 0 Z « A C CCT rEOtd TOP AND BOTTOM ’ROUND A ftP SocktyB Solmon “ CAN 12 OZ Frnnkforts P o u n d C o k o t toitt«M«eA*Kioe«eia ww 49*~ so oz 2 AC. WELCH'S ■ BOTS' A Vacation Church Sdiool wlR j CUBE STfA KS xb. 8 9 c Lb. 3 ^ h A3 P FryH Cocktail Grape la k e ha' held In the North Methodlet CAN 4 0 . \- ■ Fresh H addock Fillets KADVTOHOIlerFtY I Broakfost Rollc J*"* ‘"**“®* *“ *** 2 5 * Church again this year according » 130Z « 1 C Underwood‘ •; to an'libnouncemcnt^by the pas-' lA M IakofiBtaiis ^ can $ , 4 * > / ' Fresh H alibut Frankfurt Rolls am 2 1 * '\tor, the Rev, John E . Poet. .The CUT FROM M ORREU’S STEER REEF -1 f o z f 7 C Reg. Size 1 CANS aciiool wdiich w ill be directed by P M C m S t M i X MTTYCaOCKU Deviled Hum Sondwich Rolls J**' •* 1T* SHORT 1 w o Cherries Freeh Lobster M eat the pastor, will commence June 27 and close July S, meeting daily I SIRLOIN Alum iiiM nFoii 5 OZ 0-11:30 a.m. with-the exception of t w a J u ly 4. STEAKS Boned Chicken iUET CAN BINC-SWEET SUNNYBROOK GRADE "A" Oassea for children 4-14 w ill be I Sum woot Prum Juico Q0A«T 3 2 ' provided. The cooperative texts U S mjc FANCY WESTERN LB product by the major denomina- Educator SehiRos WG . S L IC E D 1 LB 14 Oz' CAN Yes! We fdove LOBSTERS^Todayf ITOZ IQ C A&P BRAI A&P-Our Finest Quality 1 QT 14 OZ - Fresh Eggs GrooR 6 i^ Poos ^ CAN . . * 2 18 OZ CANS 1 5 * -CAN U S M XC ^ U C ED ProEon Food Specials ^ PorkayM orgorino - w g 4 0 LARCE e d e Healthy dieU requtra freeh frulta ehd vagetoblee . . . get youre at AJiP end enjoy healthy aavinta tool A i BIRDSEYE , KOSHER SIZE DOZ M . Hoinz CkHl Souco to fraahnaee, quality end aiie • . - coma aaa for yourself! ttijoy natuie'a bounty to the fij}),,-. . get ypur ffiere of ferm-freeh, ptck-of-the-eroi> values at AdePI _ 12 oz M g c JUICE C on's Puro Fruit Syrups LOT 14 OZ ^ * 7 ‘^’ 3 5 ' SOT DELICIOUS, SERVE FRESH c r e a m e r y - * ' I 'B c Ovange Jtiice c a n s n u a A « c . A&P BRAND AG P Croufli Stylo Coru 2 m C A N S*# WITH ICE CREAM-JUMBO lA ' FROZiN F O O D YALUBSi Butter SILVERBROOK PRINT 65' SOZ M C DOVALETTES 23 c MAXW ELL HOUSE. •V SULTANA BipiN |uotloiiodTurkty CAN - T , Straw berrlef- . (vmfhonymozin 3 Stuffid Olives tOVi OZ JAR MILO FLAVOR , ', , ‘ luttorM ilkBiscuH s 2 ; ^ 2 5 ' B U T T E R I.AND O’LAKES 1 Lb. Carton 6 9 c COFFEE •v-' LARGE SIZE Libby's Lem onade Muensfer Cheese lb 41 9 U B O A C *. LIGHT MEAT .Horskoj' Ckoc. Syrup ~ J 7 0Z LB 22-24 LB AVG £A ^ CANS 4 7 1.09 Agen Chopped’Broccoli S w iss C hao s# ^.toeimcjtuumMaowiCHU'' ta 5 9 * JELL-0 3«..25e Tuna Fish A&P BRAND m CA^is f t O r A p ricotN o cto r HCAanDfucHT CAN 3 7 ' Brookdole Cut Corn Chod-O -Bit na (vtrr oiiiit utc 2 ttLa» 7 3 * 14 o z m e T o m o t o o s »ri«»w*»«Aier*a«UK ie 3 9 * R a n o n O S »»irirteiti« 2 ^ 2 9 * NABISCO RITZ 35c 120Z . Aim Pago Kotekup SOT I V / Agen Lim a Beans Slicod Chaos# '* t» « 2 9 * Hiblets WHOLE KERNEL CORN I CANS P lu m s aiAuwvaim 6 ***2 5 *^ letaiH.MueiAtiviuacietAei 219*^ C r o o m C h a o s # •«'»w'>«r''iL*D«LrH.* •ttf««3 7 * Croon Stylo Coru ...... : Agen Cauliflow er T9SS CAUFORNIA— 7 “ Orion^ifkins ^ 2***23* Now Cobtogo 3 LBS lO e avao zA cc „ Kollogg's Rico Krispios W6 ia iK y llic e SULTANA, Lomons 4 l9^...’'~---'Pop~Corn"^**'"**^ 2 "■*"*** 29* M e o t P i e s P o tato es - Ann Pogo Founyt lu tto r ' 1 ? 3 Z ' , Pecan Meats Sunnyfio{d Driod Roof ASSORTED iC HALF IONA I CANS _____ NEW STORE HOURS JN EFFECT: ' Green Bedhs FLAVORS GAL ■ c PKG 2 5 ' - Cold Stroum Pink Salm on ^^ 53' 2 .4 9 OPEN DAILY UNTIL A P.M.ASK AlO UT OUR UNIQUE 12o z A C C HUDSON . PKGS THURS.OBdFRL UNTIL 9 P.M. DEUVERY SERVICE Libby Comod Roof /rim emn ti ttH M iMnaMC UfMtt Aw'II mC •n.ith. a Wt iHawriU DM tlcMil. tA iiM n e a ' CAN O S PAPER OF 80 A A P Cidor Vinogpr -. ‘ 1 9 ^ QUA«T , m o o t F lo s ****''*'* fNrtM, TiriH* taM 2 * ** **** s7 * M o Z O la O il ' Nan 3 5 ' au«an67* Unit Liquid Stored 21‘ l u v a o z M c SECTIONS. UB K ail Syrup eunMauuia ivtiiCM23* RolioblolViu(ioonS 2 T V D ih h a r 'WMtM'tcaicxia.niaKCY.peraiuT -m yg* ‘ c A ta 4 / A&P BRAND I CANS A D\/’C f o o d 9 u s 2 EC M ott's Applosuuco ^CANS 4 0 Moots & Egg YoHo^ 2‘*“,41* SHIM §Yt ntozui fOOOS Croem Ckaees ■o * k n 's 4 a o z c f f c ...... w h ite'h o u se ' I I LB . fau (ar one fiiird .mare dtljcjeM 4rmki '«rftli| Zerax . . . |u«t aM Masala Oil v ;**^ 2.11 /\i\.V OMART - Jvict awoi riunMe 2 Dn m 'SS' Sgieedl cmewue^rmn 2riw31' %■ ■■III M ieeev alivarietks “ ’ CANS»to ' wiiar md let.. .'t pinr maliM a e^lenl Ctiaiw ef Qrin(a, liman 9 NON-FAT I PKGS .Ima^ Fruh Punch, Strtwbarry, Eaepbehy. limwi, Charry, ertea. . law iM i MMooH mm im uui...aaa tm rWi Mfcks M«»eail* Wex SiMS *~"*ie«w«*1' M"MANCHESTER'S MARKET OF QUALITY" ’ 1 d inU T S0A9 luwwwMMiwaTWMUM I iamST VLB • rEdrOA S y r u p s wei«»iTi>uveata' p«rAia29*, [ DaidlDOfFoad 1 2'****«29 Mnemi IWIMI iwnwea Im ll* mmwi 4««sy F n n « N « 1 Uaes laefniwa w«iwaI7' Super J^ arkets ^ BT HBTANr nOSTBW Im a ll* 1 South Main St. Mitchell 3-6920 SHORTENING CAN FLENTY dp PRK PARKING FRONT AND REAR 09 MARKET

■i. ■. * > ' '•»•••. \ .

-U • >1 '. • .- i ■/ V MANCHESTER EVENINis HERALd !^ MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1965 I PAGBSEVBMni^ VAGK SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JUNE 16,1966 acting Mayor Abe Stark to aay by radio duriitg rehearsal ;• "I pray to Reheanal for Summit Talk M i l l i q i i s God thafa never wW be a real Eevine-Jarvis Wedding alert," Injured^ as 61 BIIIO .WBE0M8 DAB A U riRST IfATIONAL SUNR MARKETS West in Seel'd Sdsion C A U US IMMEDIATELY Cities Bom bed Adrian, Mich. UO—^Arthur Kap- nick's family suggested 'a ahotr On Red Parley Strategy gun remeito for the nuisance of66>n9666et Ington late Friday aaemoon. univers*!., Practically every child 000 dead, 2,579,000 Injured and from an ex-GI in Maryland, who ' Adenauer, who will stop off in fears the dark and aome never get 6.733.000 displaced. k MI 3-5194. iMidon to see Eden w-hen he flies In Chicago,' Civil Defense offi­ had lost his divorce papers and oyer It. wanted new copies: "rbe case wa# References Furnished On Request ^ ' ' homeward ^ tu rd ay night, will No ubt all Of us at one time cials termed the test successful. entitled Foster Vs. Foster. I do not i | have a private talk With Mac* or another have been afraid in Almost thrse-fburths of the city's' remember the girl's name." Millan at Wave Hill Friday eve­ the presence, of, - real risk. When, 6.600.000 inhabitants thsorstically ning. Pinay Will be host' to Ade- escaped death or injury. MEANS JUST W HATlT SAYS! however, thoro is fear or dialike ' nauer at a luncheon at the French- of something about, which - the Lack of preparedness was re- consulate in New York Saturday danger to aliijbt --(or which is en­ sponslbls for 110,000 "dead” and ^Whan you .ivMcrt ot your First Notienol Stera, you 'MUST b« in the series of two-power talks. tirely imaginary)' the reaction is ji04,000 "injured" in Kansas City. The conferences here began on called a phobia or obeession. This, In New Orleans, one of the seven sotisfiRfi or avary panny you poid will b« chRorfiilly rdfundod.' An optimistic note. too, to common. The person with cities which did not know in ad­ k^acMillan told the House of a phobia, unlBce a nbrmal person, vance whether it would be a target Commons yesterday, before he area or supporting city, the make- ’/ in That's what w« SAY and that's axactly what wr M IAM I has excessive difficulty in over­ believe blast k ill^ 36,023 and in­ left Lemdon, that Western hopes coming the emotion, and indeed PLUMP and MEATY for pwee were now soundly occasionally this can be the sign jured 12,619. ^ SATISFACTION GUARANTilDr bued ond that there appeared to of a real mental disease in vriiich In Buffalo, N. Y., an A-bomb "Cholco Frosh Noiivo ^pidtry — Diraet From Form to You" be a new look in diplomacy and the aid of a psychiatrist is heeded. theoretically wiped, out 140,000 HENS - 8-14 LB AVG LB Soviet attitudes. Of the many kinds of phobias persons, about a fifth of the city's 505 Main St.—^pon Thnrsdoys UntR Y:00 F.M.— Td. MI-9-1098 Adenauer Nfore leavteg for fear Of height and looking down population. iVlSCEiATED Boston expressed himself as hap­ from a high altitude to probably - A t Flint, Mich., sirens were being py o\’er his reception in Washing- the most common. Cbie correspon­ prepared and thus not in working = SPECIAL . ton this Week.' .U.S. official dent wrote: "Since earlteat child­ order. Without warning devicat, sources appeared satisfied the hood whenever I found myself on 57.000 people theoretically died. West Germans will not be wooed the top of a tiUl monument or Detroit counted 57,600 ‘‘killed' away froip the Western defense looked d om from a ateep monu­ X Baluamaim Photo and 64,800 ‘‘injured.” Roasting ^ ^ i n o A l Quaiu^ Uaiuea! Ceitsviiie Turkeys community and into neutralism by ment or looked down from a steep MRS. JOSEPH D. LEVINE Los Angeles fatslities.were liated the Russian invitation to estab­ mountain or cliff I alWaya felt at 584,000. plus 502,000 Injuries. lish diplomatic relations. TENDER - FULL IREASTED fear that I woula fall down, Mias Joyce Dane Jarvis, daugh-Ybert Cbrtottonstm, wore^M San Francisco reported 199.000 Moscow Visit Predicted that fear wav. unrfasonatle be­ crlnoUne ballerina length dress persons would have been killed and IVISCIBATID HINS The New York Times, In. a diS? cause in moet cages there was a ler of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jar- 177.000 hurt. Chickens "" >59 with whit* hat of lace trimmed patch from Washington ' today, secure barrier ori fence on the vh,, S6 EVa Dr., and Josepli D. with velvet. She carried a pii)k Kansas City reported aucceas- 4 LIS. OVEN READY WEIGHT LA M B LEGS said tho West German Chancellor spot to prevaht any accident.” Levine, son of Mr.-and Mra. E. colonial rose bouquet, . ful "evacuation" of 250,000 before L.. and President Eisenhower, during Thia Is csUled :icroph^ia and. as Wilbert Chriatianabn was best the hypothetical bomb dropped, We know you’d want to give Fop the keys to a their talks in Washington, had DEUCIOUS,,TENDER, YOUNG, mentioned, so comrnon that it New,Britain, were married SSatur­i man. with 600,000 fleeing St. Louto. new Cadillac but if you must be practical you know ! edtoWssrsen 6s6sq«o agreed on .Joint policies to be fol­ must be considered' as - almpst day, Ju.ie n , in West Hartford. The couple left on a wedding "Deaths” in the two cities totalsd LB lowed' In their aeparate talks with he’ll be happy with Lynn’a Tempting Fried Chick­ FRESH normal. . ^ s bride wore a white organdy trip . to Virginia and will be at more- than 200,000 and 215,000 in­ en. Um-m-m so good the smile will tell you what GENUINE SPRING LAMB the Russians. Ibere are many other obees- gmm, trimmed wrlth satin ' em­ home after June 2t3. jured. 0 7 « The Times said the dWo govern­ sions: Agoraphobia—f«ar of be­ broidery and a hat trimmed with The bride graduates, from Man­ The indifference of many New a hit you made. ment chiefs-agreedj/(l) Neither ing along in *n open apace;^ctin- orange blossorw suid sCed pearls, chester High School snd attended Yorkers.to the bomb test caused BONED AND ROUED IF DESIRED 'would make any ^nreement with cerphobia—abtiOrmal feav of can­ ’.’ith shoulder length veil." She car­ HarXt College of Music. The brlde- Buy the Paris you Like Best ^ JUNE IS the Russians affi^ng the other cer; ciaurtroplila-^fear of being ried a white cdloniM rose bouquet. g.'oom attended the Naval School nation without m ol consultation; clbaed in; myabphoUa'-^-abnormal The matron of honor, Mrs. WII- of Civil Engineering. Breasts - Legs - Wings- Livers u 3 9 ‘ (2) Neither wmid open the ques­ dialike or fear of filth or dirt. The \- Lam b Fores tion of GemiMy’s prewar eastern latter aeema'to be present in tho*.e HALLMARK CARDS DAIRY MONTH FRYERS or BROILERS K ^ C Leonard Incandella, Frank Nau- YOUNG, TENDER, SOFT-ABATED 1 . territory now held by Poland and who are consti^ly^ ecivut these taken yesSeftay to Fenway Park phobias? They constitute a dif­ in Boston to see the Red Sox play Des Molnw —Tho program Kansas City. Boston won 9-6. Matt of the Iowa Funoial Directors and ficult'problam in treatment. Per­ LIFETIME BELTSVILLE haps the first step is for the i>08- Mpriafty served as chairman for Evangeline M ilk 4TaS49* Embalmers Aaan. Included atten the Kiwanis Cluo. n 5 LBS. dance at the Des Moinea Commu­ ses?or of such, a phobia to want nity Playhouse production, "The to get ;'over it. Sometii-iea—even Boys who made the trip were PORCELAIN FARM FRESH PRODUCE YOR GARDEN FROZEN FOODS ‘ Three Angels." though 'the procesa to difficult— William- Cockerham, Don Warner, PILLSBURY Cheese Spreads 2 ^ 4 1 * Low Calorie TURKEYS FLOUR 2-LB LOAF 3 5 * FINISH FANCY BRISKET , ; : ‘ / i f Chateau Cheese Feed FLGRIDA LEM0NADEcIS?;2^'i27c 1;^ 27< Appearing In Person ,and 100 Red Ripe, Sweet, Juicy Broccoli 2 <0:OzpkgsJ |5c Prlie Winning 1985 BAKERY TREATS Grand Nntlonni Baby Limo Beans ^ 2 43c lUctpe Book '* Corned B e e f# TEXAS 'a«y r tMM«I ar'IlNl P o tato es peiNOieeiso ^ y o z p k g s 3 1 c Mrs. Winlfrefi r.t i»liw *ric* wid Lusdeuf, Juicy and Tender • iMrd tor to atot Both For 7 4 c ^CALIFORNIA ' FOR SUMMING SAUO AtfALS MAKES LIGHTER ORESSING AT HOME McDowell BISQUICK HAMS » 63' Sweet and Juicy CH O ICE or PRIME BETTY ALDEN sFfciAL NATIVE ICEBERG ’ Wesson Oil Q T I T L 67c 16 OZ. CANS 8CNCRE8T Salad Favorite , ^ Regular Price 1 8 c LOAF Lettuce Vinegar finasT^ber’ qtitl ,|9c “Fuir^ith Food” SMALL BEAUTY PEAS 2 r., 4Sc BEEF RIB ROASTS Lb. 59c > NATIVE - Solid Head* TV STAR ..X 46 OZ. CAN DEL MONTE - Cabbage FAVORITi SUMMIH BlVtUAGC ' PINEAPPLE JUICE i 25c CHICIUN PARTS - IrM khit Tr#.l _ , _ _ ReOiPrke 1 2 c > " FRUIT FLAVORED SYRUPS o t ^ Young, Tandar,;Crisp 91/2 OZ. TUMBLEB PETER PAN Legs Lb. 79c Breasts Lb. 89c ^rn or Bran Muffins 19c Green Beans PINT JUG 4 7 < SUPER NORTH CAROLINA. ZA-REX CREAMY PEANUT BUTTER 33e "Sofnelhine DiHerenl in Donuts R*fl Pfkn I S c ‘ _ '• M AK ES 33’A % M O R E ^ FIRST NATIONAL MARKET Cucum bers Long, Grapn, Crisp SHURFINE SUNLIOHT BUTTER “•lac Apple N' Spice Donuts 297 EAST CENTER STREET CREAM CORN^ , " 2 20e NO SCUFF5I NO STUAKSI A A Delicious Family F*v6rito • R*fl Pfk* MANCHESTER MRS. FILBERTS OLEO 45e BIG GROCERY VALUES Mrsp Winiffod SdcDownS PILLSBURY OlKE MIXES » . 29e . I c s SIAAONIZ tFLOOR WAX .11 ...... ; I •> II-I a White, Yellow, Choeointe Cherry Pie "“'V A D * PINTCA^'I ,QUARTCAN JUST RIpUCBD SUNSHINE U 5* 8 9 < This FRIDAY and SATURDAY NABISCO - LB PKG 3 3 * Frozen Foods : , FINAST RiViRAGIS sakus Honey Grahams FRIGIDAIRE OREO SANDWICHES Ly. Pkg. 37e tIRDSEYE Baking Owcolate wo 47c ■ Mrs.' Mebownll wiU holp you CIN6ER ALE Htnhty't Cocoa ^ i«rcAN35( Nestle's Eveready Cocoa O-OZ CAN Z 7 . ' JUST ADD‘m ilk - NO EGGS with your coohin^ probioms. M|gigg|g Nisni's - smi-s««i «-oi too 2 5 c /n ip s tis f SALMON < FILLETS- 0 “’X . i9 , e i,' ALSOi ^ la , Orw i*., Root tom, Umon 8 U m *. PIllSBURY'S UKE MIXES LiiM Ricli.y, Swsipmilla wid Tom Collins Mix ■"f Brownies SUNSHINE C < ^ IM 7H OZ PKG 3 3 < Selected Fresh Whit*, Goldtn RIRDSEYE „ ' 28-OZITLS Swanson Boned Turkey K>*c^,29e 17-OZ PKG FRUITS and VEGETABLES N.B.C. OREO 10V. OZ PKG 3 9 « or Chocel*!* fudg* 2 9 AUTOMATIC 3 centonts only M z r Swa^on ^bned Chicken »4>icah 33 c Sandwich Cookies Watch “Fun with Food” FANCY FISH STICKS 7-Minit Angel Pie Mix ©into 33c THE GKAND NATIONAL FLOUf^ 4 , Hershey BAKING Chocolate S-OZPKG 4 5 c tiilij SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUES LaRosa Sausage sajSu i>moxcan43 c WASHER XtiUt NATIVE SQUASH PIUSBURV'S BEST FLOUR ^ steAkees BOXES Galo Cat Food 2'?ia*27c OOZCAN EKTKA FANCY tABOE ’'s..Cocoo.:-_xX-^ iW iiT U F E ____ef 200 Calo Dog Food 2 ”iXS'27e 5-18 lAG 10-LB BAG WNHC - TV - Channel g 2 WE RESUVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 01 6REEN CUKES X LEMONAUE F w 27c CUT-RITE Strongheart Dog Food 3 .0% 29c 9:30 A : Mr to 10 A/M . TlilSDkYS ^ NEW WaxodFifsr. Krispy Crackers »«««•- “ »»o27c o llvwWattr AcHen ' Upde Ben's Rice ' m4>i "io23 c 125-n O C c Register at the store with MRS. McDOWELL For • fisotovyr IM nf 6REEN CABBA6E M ROLL 4b J Vanillq'Extract M^n-s i-oiiu37c FIRST rMATIONAL STORES • Sniridry Spin ‘ FANCY CALIFORNIA FREE TV RECIPES iiiii • IxckNivn SsIsct^hDfal NEW POTATOES Babo. cleanser Peter Pan WoodbuiV Dial , Dial Pels Naptha Puss N' Boots kretschmer's ill ' Paenut lim ar Wtiae* C tm 13-O Z M R 31c luhr P e d e l Seep Cemplexiew Seep liieteiit Grenulei ' "Cet Feed 2 M4DZCANS 23c Smoolhy or Crunchy FRESH LIMES Mrs. Filbert's Margarine * 2 H I QTRS 57c CANS 9H-OZ JAR 3 5 c 2 REGBARS^ 2 3 c 2 JMTHIARS c 17-02 PKG 3 1 c 2 150Z (^ANS 2 7 c CALIFORNIA 2 33c 3 tosiMs ' 2 5 c 33 . h f d . L E ip S Snappy Golden Cookies Lipton Frosted:^ Bju White Dash G r i sc o. 'V ke Creem Mis WBSTRRNX,- Mm THURS. UNTR. S F . M. 7 Nekee D eg Fe e d l^nr a Stripe* and Lonion Ring* . Pep C em Venitia Cheeolale- INOOBPOBATED FRIDAY u n t il 9 P.M. 763 MainlSL—MI 3-5680 c S . 3 3 c i K 9 0 c ■ WINESAP APPLES 3 19MOXGANS 2 9 e •O IP K O 1 9 c 4WOZ PKO 3 5 c AOIWWl 2 5 e 2 AOtPKGS 2 5 e S p Z PKG 9 c 2 Id^CANS 29c i .A-' ¥ iMbiV.I Re»d Bsvaid Adrs. Ns' ■ t'

^,it A Y ■- V <4- .,1a .1 -y EIGHTEEN MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTEB. CONN^ THURSDAY, JUNE 16. 1955 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCH^TER. pONN« THURSDAY. JUNE 16, 1955 ./.'■■•I i.*.. PAGE NINETEEN , • ' ^ BUGS BUNNY morning, but her huahand had Mra- Ooolldga—WMl, and what altended the aeirviee. On hia return did the preacher aay? How did he Florida Judge, treat the aubject? Anawar to >e Fades for 13 Men Eighth District Heads Ask ru.IT ahe aaked him; , Calvin—He waa ag'ln tt tuMrrMt Sense and Nonsense hM . OocfUdgh—W hat waa ttM T m o s T o f t TIMI Wife Missing; MANCHESTER 1 -.'Cir aermon about? The moat eloquent Hhea are not $7,000 to Purchase Land 's • ______. • vouv* There are five ■U(ea of Brandy .My wren houae ha« been Uaed Calvin—Sin. written — or apoken they're worn. ACROSS tThere*-— T r a p p e d in B r it is h Sujbi 3S4countlte TONi and Water. each aummer for the laat five yeara t TexaiArat Clues Lacking Voters of the Eighth School and7he line in the event rbpairs are The f i n t la “Brandy and Water.** by a tree frog, but never by a in Texas (Ueattaned from Page Osa) Utilities District at their annual needed. PUBLIC MARKEI BY DICK TURNER admitted to The aecond la “Branny and Wat'* wren. — Joe I'Bhyrock, Willow CARNIVAL. 7 RaM eoufae (CaatlBMd from Page Oaa) meeting Wednesday night'wtll be . But besidqa'providing the easy the — on circuit Portland, alxml midway along 8 0 3 -8 0 5 /v lA IN STREET war." , ‘ Springe. Mo. . June It, 1145 CDTestEnds^ asked t6 authorize a 37,000 appro­ access, the purchaM wmuld give The third, “Bran Warr.*; • Sailing Britain'a aouth coast, is a base pensonal belief we have a fiend in' priation for the purchBM of about !Um district land for an adordered by Stock day, the N. Main S t frontage of Elmer Diddle, Galneavllle' R. D., poetry S3 Ancient Irish **— - dter Ststef aftar The Japanese aurrender in proactied the Judge’s sand ratories and crime';<}etection aingle or atay married. teila ua that he haa laughed moat in Texet 23 Compound Affray udik in the English Chan- The A-bomb" "attack" got think the price is reasonable and the Buckland area, which it is be­ DAY' at Paul Whiteman,'a announcement ethers SOOrtanef 81 Pedal dign equipment to local auUwrttiee, but have said they can make arrange­ lieved will sooner or later aewer' 11 Oriental naL4KlUr a loae of 75 Uvea. under way af 12:10 yesterday a a^teac.iiu Mid there appMred overt the radio aaying; “We will 2fSnakes- haarinf 56 Beverage Sixty-four Royal Navy men afternoon when Chief of Police ments to finance the necessary ap­ inCo the District. The fellow who apenda a quiet guitar 41 Bird's heme 54 Alder tree to be no federal violation and no vaeatlmt at . home may not be now devote two minutea to abao* 25 Drcedful died In January, 10^. when the Herman O. Schendef^received word propriation without any IncreaM' ‘There would also be land left lute alienee broken only. by the 12 Edible agents had been acxiged to the in the tax rate. The rate is now broadened, but he won't b e . flat* rootatoek sub Truculent sank after a col- that operation ‘Ap^e Jack* had' nnection ‘The land ib now being ap- 'I s Leakage gown's 14 air-raici sirens blasting. untouched. BuHdozere were being with future plans for the' Dis­ praiMd and the engineerini^' de­ “A atory about Calvin Coolidga 30 Rub out Poettand’a disaster aald: Diner—Are you the waiter who haa mwaya pleaaed me greatl]^ “The expioalon in HMS Subma­ Operations director Ray Urqu* used today to search -the heavy trict's sewage system. A 'Dis­ tails are being worked out by took my order? aaya Carolynlyn Wella, author of in* 40 Leaves hart reported texlay that two spe­ (/rowth €jt sea grape and other trict trunk line sewer now runs Hayden. Griswmd. destitute rine Sidon occurred shortly before Walter—Tea, air. numerable be!eloved booka for young r 0 a.m. this morning, when she waa cial messages ..were received yes­ tropical undergrenrth for evidence. through the property in question annual meeting, which 4^ill Diner—H m , atUl looking well, and old. 43 African worm then on the surface alongside her terday by the cotnmunicatlona op- If the motive was revenge, offi­ over s 10-foot right-of-way. be held in the Hollister Street Chuck Roast aee. How are your grandchil­ Mra. Coolidge had remained at 45 Before- , parent ship, HMS Maidatone, at eratora,' atationed at the CD Head­ cers could find no clue to it. The However, the full 1,300-foot School auditorium etarting at dren? home from church one Sunday 46 Brother mooringa in Portland harbor. quarters in the Municipal Build­ Judge was strict but fair, and for length of the rigjit-of-way borders ■:30, will also discuss other rou' MAKES A N ICE POT ROAST 40 Embellished TTBb nor “Before ahe .sank several people ing. . many 'years had handled no crim­ the Hockanum River. This fact, Tine busineM, including setting is 52 Looked. want down to try to effect rescue The firat meaaage from state inal cases. He was a member plus the narrowrness of the'right- also being called to hear routine flxcdly of a pioneer family in this area OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. w illia m s o u r BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE operations, which were greatly headquarters aaked for the police of-way, precludes easy access to reports and set the tax rate. 55 It U the hampered by imoke aa a result of department (o send a police escort and was wealthy. Besides the FRESH DRESSED EXTRA FANCY Isrgest state in r tlw explosion. for a ceJnvoy traveling over Route seaside cottage he owned a home th e----- 30 to the Charter Oak Bridge in in West Palm Beach and other it would have been so much more and .concern to parents can seem NATIVE M IL K M RONELESS ■W6 6Y6S 1$ MOT A l t “A number of her crew, Includ- fun for XU if we could have done like smotheriiig interference to' y o u MU3HTHAVK CANTTVCgSEE N ' SORqunded „ Ing aeven men who are In hospital Hartford. property. KMOWN5UCHA THATHE/CANT fl'M A SIT gAFFUED, JASOM.'CANt N JMSIJT The second message also con­ (iov. Lfsroy Collins ordered the all (hoM things alone. grown children. Ciuzy BRtP6E WALK, ORW A M y- |«BCM TO PiM DOyJM THE FAMOUS YOU dSOOTH, MiSTAH 57 Nullify f f suffering from slight injuries 1MXII.P BREMCf *THIMeiTILLIGET MAJOR f ->» OEM ME06S M Poker stakes (none serious) escaped from the cerned the pc|ltce. ,A5^oup of offi­ state patrol to enter the case and 'From the • very first they It nUght possibly kMp other NOW WC'Ll. HAVE ISAViMS SUGSECTED RVIMIS CLUfit cers were eummohedXo Route 15 report djrect to him. The sher­ weren't satisfied to know their parents from doing too much for HIM OEP THAT TM * EVES IS VMMtTE — D07VN vessel tefore she sanlt Ih 35 feet TO VARNISH TH* VARNISH? WILL ••\IIOLBHCe DEP6MOSOM6EI- WW rw o f water." near the Howard Joluison's to as­ iff’s office had jurisdiction, assist­ ■on was happy, but they had to a newly-married son or daughter. L-tMOLEUMOVEK/ you KMOLVAO IMS BVe-TO-EYBlF • 00AM SI400T OMTIU 1 Rubber trees sist directing traffic. share each happiness. (All rights reserved, NEA IT'S RUINED-* VOOSEESTMB VOMlTES, The statement then listed the 13 ed by police from a number of HE /MIGHT A S TH6 EYES ARE MOT 2 African river offlcSrs and men unaccounted and Today, heads of the fire, police. surrounding towns. "They showered tu with pres­ Service, Inc.) t Veal Roast OB DERS EYES.'* WE U.. WALK rALL a.A C k/'*— T-KNt.a,aeMeiL 3 Zoology, M id ‘'they were believed to be ! welfare, medical, radiological, eup- "I hope tbls Is only a kidnap­ ents. Each -week they bought us CROSS n; IT'S TMS FIRST — -TMASS THE OMUy " L i ' termination ply. and'Other CD divisions must something new for our home oT' NOW.' FAM O US SAVlliy X iD the iqbmerged submarine." " " ing,” said Sheriff John F. Kirk. TB i'd9UeSTlOM IM A *i can’t aee why they don’t make him head of the dapart* 4 Ontario (ab.) 9T Among them was an enlisted fill out reports and hand them in "We are still at a loss aa to what something new to wear. Moat r HAVE YOU TRIED OUR P A III RECOLLECK, 5 Bom to Manchester's (?ivll Defense Di­ people would say we . were lucky. j e e Will Conduct POULTRY? * 5 0 0 tOMTBST.'v/ JlST MOVl// ment— we do all hit work for him anyway!” man of the Hoyal Canadian Navy, happened and aa to what motive P etty Officecer JU. McLeod. rector. Fred G. Edwards. The men they might have had.” But I felt I was being smother^ mbet tell what they would ■ have The ta)!. thin, 58-year-old Jurist and that my husband's parents had Town Bottle Drive FARM FRESH CHICKEN RREASTS Father’s Little Helper BY AL VERMEER done in case of a real attack, and hia wife. Marjorie, 67, were a strangle hold on ua they would' PRISCILLA’S POP and what they would have in­ last seen by friends in Palm never let go. _ Lb. 79e UAC Chief Asserts structed their men to do. "They were ed'‘gi|^' to uathey A new kind of drive-in whic^l CHICKENS Radio., pperalorg have b e e n on Beach Tuesday night .•J'l.'"'**'* - ported mlsslng'frpmXii*** ocew- made.us feelobligated to spend a deposit bottles will be gathered by CHICKEN WINGS '7 /o n d e r m o w U.S. AlieaH orRe^is duty without a break since 11 slde summer home st nearby great mmerce\/with or MEDIUM SIZE u. S, Grade **A** FTwey CAUOMT communications headijuarters. Hie Slender clues baffled state, our frienur test: Robert Brown, Robert ance of the widely known and CAPONS FRYERS SWIFT PREMIUM • ship in the air and I. for one, would highly respeirted couple. they insisted on buying everything W. H arry Englan<};/Ir. 'will be LAND O’ LAKES bo unwilling tft trade our position Werner, David Barloa', Richard Jpdge ChilllngworUi, a native of ■he needed. I would,have enjoyed .lor that of any other nation." Tru<:el, Roger Laine, Robert picking out her baby‘things, but it chairman of the drtVe, a new $1.79 $1.98 •P Cc^aller, Bema d Walsh. Marshall West Palm Beach, had been coun­ L b. 5 5 c Rentschler expressed his opinion ty Jueedy, Edward Kirkliam. Wil­ it that I didn't protest. bers feel it will Serve two pur­ liam Howes. Stanley Best. Daniel Judge for 32. controversy in an approximately State Attorney Phil O’OjnneU, "Then, since she wqp the only poses: househ^ers can get rid of 2,500 word statement addressed to Lan^e, Richard Fieldman, and grandchild, they wanted ua to their deposit pottles and the Bunce GENUINE SPRING <--- •, . { L rekta, Sherman FivozlnHci. assisting in Ihe investigation, l," Calves Liver “'^jTSe j^rieao Cheese l k 49e the first cycle, he said. No exact grbup were students who have Kirk aald. P - T n i l M t MIECItSt AHAXXHO **'\WiV& MOM knowledge is yet available on the studied piano from one' to (five The veteran Jurist wore eye­ COOUE> tt BEOMUSE. TWfc BUZ SAWYER ANK advanced Russian developments of years, who ranged from seven to glasses, but none were found, al­ IE SURE TO VISIT. OUR lA KER Y DEPARTMENT QttAVtTV TWAT VOE NIEVILP ccrtwvvoii ,v«vwct vjivoma ncperimentsl work conducted thirtPpn years of age. though no clothes were misting MELMAC 'WWOL'O ^ Bixvpenmental work conducted and the Judge's wallet,, wdth about FANCY ASSORTED ^ |M||||| BWOWc] The following participated: from 1950-1055 Is resulting in new Beth Tangerone, Joan (Tuster, 640 in it, was on a bedside table turbine types again emerging In Jean hlartih, Mary Ann Dubaldo. in the house where they slept England and the U.S. but he in' Francie Smith, George Walker, Tuesday night. The beds were un­ indicated in this field Russia con­ Miriam Kerin, Judy Beebe. Fran­ made. tinues to be an enigma. ces CurtiiK, Tim Keith, Barbara .—DSicers scoured the area for ■ IJ It was Rentschler's first meet Groff. Rihh'"NGIode, Diane Zapad- clues while Coast Guard and' Air ing with the press . since Oct., ka, April Coughlin, Karen Jones, Force planes searched the beach f 1052. Lynn Morton, Susan MacDonald, and W TO S L E E P ilU B THE eAlW. iMR.MEAGER HAVEHORSES i 1 THWK HE'S TET0E& More than 500 factories were come. the chief. That's how Dev*, whose husband’s parents were so *MW£(50TASOtt!7-WE HMALOTTO lEARNEOTOTAU(?j MTMHEAD-EVEN screened in- making the award. ereux Elmes got to be fire chief of 'interested in their son's marriage The citation waa presented to this community of over 2,000. He and so "go north cooc jew el, eur sue <3ur' ujwemw/uu , THAT IMflfllR WILL/LASR MAV WtXB LEftf A QUAXTIR MANdrUPinC MINUTE 1 A new OP FLEA SKIS / AROUND MERE--I MTNO l k SalmoR Steaks L b . P k ^ 6 9 e lit' TOWARD CNKIZOZO I ) GENUINE VINYL PLASTIC Jesse Coffee 79e REA HELP 4 ^ FROM -ite OTEN. Mr HUZZ^e I If THIS NEW MOUSE KICKS OUTTA NOTHiNe - - • , ^ $ a fn n ! J LiKT F E L T B A 5 E ' Y Im s e ora sMondt — no chip! ie cracks WONT SPEAK lb ME MWHT AS WELL <30 HOME/ '^bAZPOOOES UNOLEUM BY THE YARU 1 HAVE NOTHIN' FANCY SiUCTia - — - Tb UYE roe f THAT JBjr.flie yard.-narlM lized and 4 Cups ^ X” iitelr 11.59. S P E C IA L ^. Yd. spatter pattem» 8q. Yd. 49c . 6 X 12 FELT 4 Saiicers . L e ^ ^ i e Fruits and Vegetables CERAMICTILE VINYL UNOLEUM U n sw er to lASE RUGS $3.95 YTSTERDAYiS 4t/.« X 4H**. ' Q TILE f X 16 heavy wdigbt 6A.06 U.S. NO. 1 M AINE SEALED RIPE w err PUZZLE An colors. Each Vto 4 Dinner Pletes W' Do It ITottnelf 5 c e a c h iftnt qoaUty. F m lE 7 2 IS X iSjnrat quality 61.1 AS uil 1 5 9 Wo da wnaile Sic wark 9 x 9 — lO c E o c h felt baa'^rags. 1 6 4 Bread end Butter POTATOES TOMATOES 5 1 1 3 ± aaibtiy and a t low p e e k . AB wMk gaanatoed. IS X IS alaa $14.95 ^ Ow 3 IS 15 15 5old EverywherG $15.95 y j Q F L IN T ^ la a t . BY MICHAEL OILALLEY THE STORY OP MARTHA WAYNE Back To The Store BY WILSON SCRUGGS STAIR TREADS FAMOUS BRAND ^ CONGOWAU • tWfd to i< eto Aad ether famoue jr ' , 10 Lb. Bag 49c Cello Pkg. 19c 9iili'^9c#K li FUSTIC W AU TILE TMSfT CHy., SBCOKOLimBR.FNEKFLOElOpr braada Sq. F t. O G 1 Year Guarantet^ SOUNDED L IKE 1 Y * . ^ 1 noCMS THE HOUflB ANt< HilRtA THE :zi ' iV i" X 4'4“. Each ■ S i c IZ n TMtHOWfiiOF OWE OF THE XOUNE DOCTOR TO THE LAEO&iOBV' Ve kUIRER COVE 9 x 9 RUIIER TILE llaPNHAOBg. NM.0MM7CV AtOM(B D D i L OVRYlfllRNU im m to m t. STORK HOUBMi Mml Fri. 6:36 A. M. to a P. M*—Mat. U atu • P. M. BUDOBT TERMS ARRANGED . QUAUnii jEVKE FRESH CAUGHT ^ t o m t i t m , WOD/ % r L b. MACKEREL t m r TILE-ON FLOOR COVERING i U 2 AlboEy Aveh HiEtfEwl f Opp..ChMlEEt St.) 'Fiee IsrimslE >7- JA 2-7503 SWORDFISHv. F R m HMinUT • ■ FRCSH - \ ifr.eiii94tfi

'X ■ i i k . -* ■,■■ ■ > ■ \. ■ I . :-.'l

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 16.1956 PAGE TWENTY-ONE ^AOB TWiSNTI IIA^OHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, tX>NN.» THURSDAY., JUNE 16. 1955 ' h t H E Trail Yanks by Two Herald Angle I960 Summer Games Rome by IOC By ,EARL W. YOST Believes in Starting ’Em Young Decide -.Friday Stumbling on Third Base Line 161 Golfers LauncH Bid Bombers, vIVibe Lose; Bporta Editor ' Final Day to Register "Where to Hold ■n TIP FROM TEDDY Yphens to end the , game in the In Annual Open Event Giants Slug Liubs 7-2 Thumpin' Ted Williams of the ninth. For New Grid Program fast-moving didn't Waterbury’s Jimmy Pisraall • W inter Games NATIONAL LEAGUE AMOBBIOAN UEAOUE hit a home - run yesterday sf Ur- gave the Ladles' Day crowd some­ Bra VranciKO, Jun« IS (IP> — $th « eaUbUahad •t«r_ranra> Then Standings luxm at Fenway Park for the bene­ thing to hoot about in the seventh By PAT BOLDUC ^wlnnliGT tewn^ playoff champ* aa New York, June 18 (P)—M ra -f (M. Louis brara thret horns runs YBSTKBDAY'B BKSI.'LTfi Today marks the final day which there are. Gone Littler, Mike Sou- « W L Pet. W L . Pet, fit of 33 Manchester youngsters but inning when he robbed Lopes of s NsttoMi Faria, n* 16 (41—The Intel- w4ll aa, charactar award* aAd OoITa biu« ribbon tournament, the ager MarJy Marjon's Iwsiar than to bsat PiUatrakU t - * •"<» rincliuiatl I. Bmotirn 1 the Midget Football League appli­ 'chak. Bo W iningfr and others of Moriarty Bros ...... S 1 A67 Manchester Motors ... 3 1 .760 delphla MaiAsd Rw MUwauiiee he did collect two singles In four base hit. The fleet-footed Pier- rational Olyunplc Oommiftee. acholarshlpa. BSth annual United Btataa Open, ..official trips to up his season New York 7. Chlcagrt 9. (IOC), today awarded the 1960 cation blank wrill appear on the the younger men, as well as i>er« Msdlcs . . . ^ ...... 1 2 .600 Spencer R ubber...... 8 S .600 a one-legged man in a-^sack race Braves 4-0, sail was off with the crack of the 81. Lnul* 7. Pmsbuifh 9. Coachea are reminded that hia gate underway today with 161 batting average to .388. But the Phlladfiphia 4. ■ Milwaukee fl. •' summer garoee to Rome. kport page. Intereated boya, agei haps the leading amateur in the Ifan. Auto Jvts .... 2 3 ,400 Vblice A Fire ...... 2 2 .600 UisM days what with keeping his Billy Hbeft iron his'ateUi wMIs 'f bat. Running at top speed, hs players come before personal luat biggest nots of interest was the Awierlrs* i The voUixg-T-moet important In 9 through 12, are urged to fill out players launching a bid to win the lineup. exrBrltlsh Amateur Cham­ Grssn Manor ...... 2 3 Mancheeter Optical ... 2 4 ASS beattiiK th« Yankees. altlMUgli lunged St Lopes' sinking liner, Detroit S. New York 8. for gloiy, and no ''baiting" o t the within range sight of Ted tipping his cap to the the world Of aporU-^waa taken aa the application and return it im­ crown worn by ^ Furgol. a man pion Harvie' Ward Jr^, of San needLng relief help fr o * . Babe caught the ball and made a com­ Bo«ton 9. Kahaae City 8. offlclala la permitted anytime dur­ of the Neiy York Yartkees and crowd after a fine ovation in the Waehingtnn 7, Cleveland 0. the climax of Uie week long IOC mediately to the neareet fire ata- who may prove tough to dethrone. Francisco. Bert BaakcrvlUs's second home Waddell Field was again the holding off the Cleveland Indians. Birrer. The Tigera wrapptal up plete somersault for the putout. ing or after the game. And neither bottom half of the eight Jnnlng Baltimore 8-0. Chicatn 8-2. r-ieetlnga in the O rcle Interallle, tion or police atation. Aa has Seventy-two holes o f comiwU- First threesome booked to tee rvti btart of the game in the bot­ scene of another American Uttle He reslly had a workout last their aeorlng Yrith Jka DeWng And The catch made fans forget Willis STANDINGS' . . are the coachee or playere alioiared when he retired from play after Nalleeal „ an.'lnternatlonal house in the heart been previously 1 mentioned . the Uon lay ahead of 'the Held of ISO off was the lesser knovra, Ted tom half o f the sixth innlnc gave night, Juggling players snd shuf- Frank Houae MtUnff back-to-badk Mays’ grab off the bat of Vic past two /(lays, the Police and Flre- to ride their opponenta either b y ­ professlonala and S3 amateurs, Gwln of Fort Worth, Ralph Arnold Laagua duel last night, blasting out a single which drove Wertx In the 1954 World Series at Brooklyn . 44 of PaAt. Manchester Auto Parts a lO^l vic­ pUchers while apIlttlM a twi- homers In a four-nw fouth. Eddis Chlcsso .. ..33 men'a Athletic Assn, and the Rec­ word o t gesture. concluding with the exacting dou- of Englwood, Colo., and Bob this time wRR Spencer Rubber nip­ in one run. Boaton’s 9-6 victory the Polo Grounds. New- York ..S t Loa'ng cities were Lauanne, tory over Gresn. Msr.or Isat night it with Baltimore. Tne Sox Robtnson botnsred twlea for the reation Department plan to or- Hope to Expand . Me round o( M Saturday. * Most Moore, Fairfax, Calif., set for 8 ping Manchester Optical 1-0. The over Kansas City was minor com- Another observation about tbe Milwaukee ..39 Switzerland; Budapest, Bruaeels, aJt C9iarter Oak Park in a National lori the first 6-5, but won t h e Yanks. ..24 ranize two midget grid teama thla Although present plana call f6r a f the experts predicted the win­ am. PaclSc Daylight Time. parad to aesing Williams dig in at ■'new ' Williams '.was that after' Detroit. Tok.vo and Mexico CHty. Little League game. The wiimerr Spencer victory moved them into nightcap 2-0. Tlist p u t. the Sox Ended Loatof Strsak Decision Tomorrow fall if the Interest,warrants. And only two teams this year, P F A A The better known players, for the piste and rifle base hits past Jensen homered In the first with At. lywl* ... ning soore would be over par 280 spotted the Manor club five runs two games behind the American WaMilnffton endad a swven’fa m e A decision on the winter games youngsters are again reminded officials and the Recroation De­ the most part, were scheduled to a second place tie with Police A the ‘‘William Shift” - as employed ...... 19 fo r the route. in the opening frame but came League leading Yanks, who lost loalng etraaltaa young Dean Stone Ted on base, the handsome but | • A m erless will be reached tomorrow. that they cannot participate in partment hope to expand to at tee off during the afternoon. Fire, and pushed the Crucians into by the Athletics which was de­ ...... The great..the tiea^ireat and bsick to win in a see-saw battle to Detroit 8-6, and a length ahead three-hit 'the T rlf x. It w ra onlx,' controversial slugger didn't shake | n -w York‘ . 39 ' The 1956 Games will be in Aus- the program unless they have the least four teama in 1906. A t the the hopeful were ehUred,* ranging ■Tree-Trinwned Oourae tho ceUar. ' of the Indians, who lost at Wash­ the third victory and third eom- signed by Lbu Boudreau, then Jackie's hand but he did give hlm|Chii;*so ...... 34 consent of their parents or guard­ moment, P F A A offielala are anx­ that featured power hitting' by akibMr ^ the Cleyeland . Indians...... SS trslia. In accordrae with an un­ from 68 year old Bobby Cruick- The rolling, tres-tiimmed lake FirabaUlng Skip Marsh ' hurled ington 7-0. plete gama o f the seaaon tor the a pat on the back side. Who can | y,', ...... 91 ians. Also, before the season iously awaiting, to learn o t the both teams. Four doubles, one Ted'^ppln gth le hat waa ice cream written Oiyn;)ic rule that r.tmmer ■bs«k o f the old timer division, course o f the Olympic Country the first shutout of ths Season Long - BaU Threat lefthander. Johnny Groth and Itoy ever yecall even seeing this io,the > Roeion !!!!...... 27 gets underway all boy» must b* resultsi from the application now triple and three circuit wallops on.lhe apple plr...... 2 3 games must be in Europe at least Ben Hogan of the present bra fO Club is the scene. while allowing only three singles. Trailing 5-4 in the first game, Sievera hotaered for the Ncta, adw' old Wllllsms? ^ S examined by their family physi­ appearing on the sport page. I f a were pounded out in ons o f the 'Hie Manchester delegation com­ BOSTON NOTES K*n«*» ».uy ...... 22 two thirds of the tirtie, the return a 17-year-old youngster from Furgol won the Open last year most exciting end beet played Lit­ Eleven Optioal batters went down Marion pulled centerflelder Min­ scored six rm s la the fourth to I Baltimore ...... IS to Europe WNiS almost a foregone cians. All contefits are governed sufficient number of boya ara In­ Washington, D. C., Beane Deman. with a 4-over-par 384 at Baltusrol nie Mlhoao in to play tMrd and beat Bobby FatlarT The TYtoa had prised the anniisl Klwania Club Lo.u Boudreau of Kansas City TODAY’S GAMES■ Eeto / i'’- by National High School rules plus terested in the new project, an tle' League games to date. swinging. Marsh struck out the trip to Boston for s major league jis t U iia l conclusion.. . I,ending Amateur in New Jersey, and while the St. moved third baseman G e^ge Kell won five in a row. lisd plenty of confidence in start­ (p(*hit—i>»p4 free substitutions; open meeting wrlll be held In the Jos Lesansr opened the contest side in the third frame and again game. Matt Moriarty was not only Brooklyn *1 .■cinclnnsll P.o-Y.e is believed unofficially to Few of the sideline observers Louis pro could hardly be expect­ for Green Manor by reaching first in the sixth.. No one solved his to first in place o f young Ron Jack- Rookie Rudy MkMtrein gave the ing pitcher Ray Herbert: When the (7-2i »» Nuxhsll IM I. hrve won on the third ballot. An Open With Prayer near future. Silver City officials could settle on a single favoriUt ed to win it twice in a row, he son so he could keep plnch-hltter Brooks fbur 'ntts, and, bad tbsm chairman o f the A??eir but also Red Sox led .8-1 in the third, no P n lla d e l^ i* » l Mllw^dkee—I>ick»on During tha past two days w » wrlll be present to explain their when BaaksrvlUe hit him with a pitching for mors than one hit as made all arrangements for dinner (9-4 ) VP. Buhl <3-4 >. unofficial tabufSlion gave Rome The list o f so-called solid threats ratered this one sharp after tak' pitched ball. Dave K « ^ y got on by bp showed aa excellent display of Bob Nleman in the game. Nieman, tou t Out on taro aaletkia until the one t^-ss heating up in tbs bull. New York. *t Chtc«B0—Mon»*nt (0-1) IS cn the first ballot. Lausanne. have related many of the Impor­ program and answer all quaatlons. Included Furgol, the defending ing top money in the International hurling. a long-biUl threat, played left ninth, when Juakx Gilliam hom- and tickets and topped, the day off In fact the bullpen brigade was V*. Hacker ((M l. ■ 14; BudApest, 10; Mexico CJIty, 6; tant rules' governing midget foot­ Movies o f laat year’s Piwaut Bowl an error, and Tony FriCeUa fol­ by picking up the tabs,. PItUhursh «t 81. 4 -oul* (n iflit)—Sur- Chamidon; HoBan, hoping to be­ event at Washington last Sunday. lowed with a single to score Less- The lone run was registered in field. ered aftsr a aaJk. Cart ErsUne hatless and basking in the sun ss Detroit, 6, and Tokyo, 4. ball. There, are '99 basic standards ( staged in Meriden last fall) and Boudreau, one of baseball's mas­ konl, (8-8) H»(ram come the Brat golfer to win this Only five players, Hogan includ' net with the firtt run o f the night. the second inning. Larry Bates Nieman wound up hitleas, hut waa the loaer aa Qua Beu aingled. was Tom Dowd, Red Sox traveling Ameetoa* Tokyo Dropped in the Meriden Conference which ter strategists both ss a player , npyplanil »» Wsihlnjrton — Lpmon will lUso be fhown. event five times; Cary Mlddlecoff, ed, have scored successive tri­ Dave White smariied a towering sole second after ha opened with a Nellie Fox tied it at 5-5 with a doubled and homered for three of secretary. Tom took up a seat in Tokyo, with the fewest votes, was organized six years ago. All with Cleveland and later aa man­ Section 1. adjacent to the Kaivaa ( 8-8) »». Port»rfle)d (7-7). There's little doubt that midget Sam Snead, Byron Hselson, e all of umphs in the Open. drive oa^ the left centerfield single, went to third on a passed homer. And when reliefer Millard the Redleg rims. It r a s only the Chicago St Balllroorp- (nlfW)—' wins dropped out, according to ah games open with a prayer and ager of the Indiana, Red Sox snd a t y bullpen . . . Ted Willlama football wrould prepare many feiKe end four runs wepe in before ball, and came home when Butch Howell went 3-0 against Harry 14th defeat o f tbe eeaaon for the I Trucli* (8-4) V*. B.vrd (J-2). • uirofflclal report, after this first close with a cheer. And officials Dodgers. now Kansas City, will have to con- kicked fir-.t baae and second .base I Dolrolt *t New 'York—Lary (8-8 ) v*. Ferris Fain, Detroit first baseman, and Yankees' catcher Charlie are authorized to bench unruly youngatora for high school oom- an out'was registered. After Ken Dabrowski singled with two down. Dorish. in the seventh. Marion round of voting.. On the second bal­ Firo runs la this ninth broke up osivs a new shift to keep Williams after each half inning on Uw way I Bvrnp (9-1) _ _ ,,,, SRvera, -go atumbllng on third base line near plate after Fa)n was members. Parents must keep petition, Thla was certainly provai) Burnett tripled to right, Dsve Meanwhile, during the other half brought on Sandy Consuegra to I Kanaa* City at Boaloti—Boyer (l- l) lot Rome wea believed to have re­ ratlred on run-dpwn play in aecond inning at Yankee Stadium, New a 2-2 ball (?ama fc-r.the Giants, from drilling balls into rightfield. out lo his ieftfleid position . . . , V*. NIsOn (Id ). away from the playern' bench, last fall in Meriden when 24.df Jau>Fracturing Left Hook Haskell scored him with a smgle. of the six innings, Tom KeUy was pitch. Sandy got out of the frame, ceived 27^two shbrt of an abso­ York yesterday. Sllvera Is poi.sea lor inrow to intro in vain attempt Auto Parti came back with two but was tsggril for a run-scoring arith rellsfsr Paul (.Hat hitting a Yssterdmy the A's boss had sec­ Seats for the Manchester group lute majority of the 67 members players and coachea. , y. the 42 high school performiua also pitching a fine game. He Al­ double to start the rally that ond bdaeman Hector Lopez playing werelt) the grandstand anwere to catch Ttfcers’ Jim Delaing advancing from secon3: Flay,began Many awards are ' given the were product* of the midget nms in the home half of the first lowed only four hits and struck out single by Braby Young in the present. Lausanne was belived to when Fain attempted to score pn catcher Henry’ Housers grounder to on Baskervllle's first homer and eighth that broke a four - game brought hia fim t major league a shallow rightfield. First base­ icieally located—betnt near the have received 20 vot*^. young AH Americans at the con­ league. And the Red Raiders came By Peacock Stops Macias seven. In most cases he would have victory. Paul Minner loat it aa the man Vic Power was back on the concession, sta-ita and the'< rest Yaler^ Harvard first baseman. Eddie Robinson. Foreground is Ysnk pitcher John clusion of the season, 8om« of up wrlth their beat team in favtral picked up five tallies in the second gained the win pitching Uke he did, (TMcago winning string. It was not possible to detennine The MhAaeloff family of Minneapolis believes in starting its golf­ Gianta moved to arlthln H i gamaa grass and shortstop Joe OeMaatry rooms. Vrtiethi^r Detroit and Mexico O ty Kucks. (A P Wlrephoto). the prizes are presented to the years. to Uke a 7-5 lead. Mike Simmons but he waa so unfortunate as to In ths nightcap, Mikti Fornielaa Los Angries, June' 16 (AV—With started the flreworke with a two- ers young. So, Pamela, 7H> is watched carefully as A e preps for breezed along for six innings on of the Bruins. moved over to the right of' secemd were dropped a f’.er tbe firs^ badlot. the National P«ie Wee golf ehamplonahips at Orlando, Fla. The little bo facing a pitcher with Just a f^alsy Dsfeated base. Old No. 9 didn't try to punch In Crew Race In addition to Tokyo, or after the a Jaw - fracturing left hook, Billy bagger. Mike ChuriUa followed little ra>tu. on the ball. The two a 1-0 lead after Fox had swatted with a single, but it looked as miss shoota 66 fo^ nine holbs. 'In k in g on are, left to right, Deell, 3; his second homer of the night. But Herm WehmeisrWehms stopped the a hit through the gap between sec­ secont/ballot. (Sweetpea) Peacock knocked out Paulette, 6, and Giiidera, 6—all of whom play regularly, too. pitchers now have idepUcal 2-1 re­ when Fomielea lasiied his first Bravaa on aix hlte. Gene Cooley, ond and short each time he batted On the third an(i la-t bellot cn- Original Four-Man Team though both runners would be cords fo r Uie seasoe.--^ New London, June 16 (41—This Recall Vander Meer’s NtOiohSl Boxing Assn, bantam­ stranded when Burnett bore 'down walk to open the seventh, Marion loofckig for Ma ninth victoty, laft but instead defied the shift Twice Sport Chatter offlcial fif.'ures gave Rome 35 votes Neither pitcher walked a man, traditional old Whaling City, weight champion Raul (Raton) and struck out the next two hit­ called In Billy Pierce. And when arith his fourth rad a teammate on first when the at stake, and that one devastating not one went for extra bases. Both It was the third appearance in foucth pUkCf. probably any other part of the ball ite Wolves \/ere unable to field a when his long fly bail was dropped. Cox, Figure^ijpeal, te im againrt the Telcos. teen years ago today the baseball You proba'jly vouldn’t wwnt to Court is currently celebrating its 1950 in New Orleans. The K to ^ batter hit a grounder at punch assuredly delayed the Sweet- After Green Msmor tied the left fielders, Joe Prignano o f Spen­ 24 hours for Sandy, who also saved A1 Schoeodlenst and SoUy He- park. tion which has more successfully Sport Schedule catch him bar«-handed even now, shortstop Poe Wee Reese. Musial, cer's rad Bob Moriarty of Optical, mua holaiared to get the Cards world had something a whole Iqt 10th unnlveraary. The original and Hia Court alio drew national pea's chahee of a rematch for the count at ’ 7-all, the Auto Parts Tuesday night's game for the Sox. wNthstood the swirl of modern publicity when a atory toncem- beading fo r third base, cam4 be­ helped out their respective pttcH- rolling, but Bill Virdon's taro-run For anyone a^o likerf to see ST. JA.MEH’ 4;y O entry in the four-mra team, featuring the In- title, for X-rays show the right took a one run lead in the fourth. Fox wae the hitting hero, get­ times — the 90th Ysle-HsrvArd Tonight more ekclting to buzz about than ing Its feats wAi written in 1951 tween the ball and Reese. He did Jawbone is broken in two placea ers with.nice running catches on ting 3-for-4 in both games while clout put It away in’ this asvanth. home runs, and this is one fan | Twilight League v.ill hold a prac- comparahle Eddie Feign*'', thP, This set the stage for art exciting Won’t Join Cleveland Regatta in 104 years. First NaUona! vs. Trust, 6:15— the Ic.igih of Brooklyn’s lead over king of 'softball, will meet .the in Life Magaaine. And Feigner re­ a little Jig, blocking Reese's view. It took Peacock two rounds to fly balls. Larry Bptes started a stretching his hitting streak to I I Paul LaPalme aavad Li’is Arroyo'a who doas. there were enough to tlce tonight at 6 o’clock at Mt. and dramatic sixth inning. In the Amerlcs’s only remaining four- Charter Oak. the National League and Cieve- Silk City All Stars Sunday, June ceived pictorial coverage in U fa A s the bml raproached MUsial, he discover there was no use boxing pretty double play when he picked contests. Fox fops the Sox at .323 seventh victory by cutting off the aatlsfy the average appetite. Lebo. top half, John- Pontillo led off by mile college crew race will go on Lawyers vs. Aceto A Sylvester, liuid a chances of overhauling the Major League 26, at 6 o'clock (|t Mt. Nebo. The May . 12, 1952 under the headline, continued to third base. Reese, not thb Mexico City boy. Gettbig no­ up a hard grounder, touched sec­ Pirates a run shoK at 6-4 in the Oxark Ike, Gus Zernlal blasted reaching second oh an error. Has­ now. ' *tsgc at 6 p.ni. (EST) when the 6 — Verplanck. Yankees in the Ameiitan. host team la^comprised of the lead­ “A Pitcher Who Need* Only bring able to see the ball In time, where in the feint-and-Jab business, New York, June 16 — The’JpPiretee. Prceee betted .25? in 51 ond for a force on the runner from Bocton made it seven o u t . of top of the otvtr th. tw o into the nets for Kansas City, RESL’ LT of the Church Softball On the previous’ night, in the kell produced a run-sepring single games. The Pirates said there Was veteran-stocked Yales and the Friday, June 17 = L e a d e r s = ing f>erformet;a in the Rec Softball Three Teammatea." kicked It for an. error. Wasn't this he started a slugging bee in the Cleveland Indians, battling to re­ first and threw to Bill Lange to eight In the other A1 game, beat­ Mel Parnell aron hia first o f the League game acheduled last night sophomore-ladAn Harvards line first arcllght game ever played Interference T to knot the score at 8-8. and took no money Involved in the trade. ’ Nasalff Arms vt. Elks, 6;15— League. \ The King and Hia Court—aoft- third, and 2 minutes, 29 seconds complete the twin killing. ing Kansas City 9-6. season for the Red Sox, with help failed to rek:h the aporU desk up on the Thairtea River for the at Ebbfcta Field, a slender young Ho. Interference on a play of third on a passed ball U d wild tain their American Lqague cham­ The trade splits up the brother (Charter Oak. American l.c*sne Along with feigner, considered ball's greatest show and featuring later Macias was cotuited out. pitch. A t this point the winners Friday night at Waddell the up In the National. Brooklyn lost from Tom Hurd In a four-run again this morning. .. • upstream pull from the railroad anclnnatl Reds southpaw named Batliuz (iMMcd nn l23 at bate)—Ka- the King of aoftbali—la a must' this sosi. comae only when the pion title, and the cellar-dwelling act of George and Gene Freese. Kansas a t y ninth. Jackis Jansen Anaaldl'a vt, Norman'a, 6—Ver­ liiic. Dr-trolt. .372: Kuenn. Detroit, one of the countVy'a leading pitch­ Macias weighed 122 Peacock pulled off a double play, Basker- and coming Police A Fire nine will to Cincinnati 5-2, but stayed 11H bridge to Itertlett's Point. Johnny Vander Meer had pitched for every member of th* family basin snafs Interferee physically 12m . It was Macias' first defeat Baltimore Orioles produced t h e Gene is the Pirates' second base­ hit a taro-run houMr in the ll-h it planck. ,:i45; Power, Kaii.-aa niv. 3i7; -Fox. ers, the fabulous\Ck)iirt wrtll . also vllle to Mike Simmons to Churrtl-. be the guests o f Manchester Mo­ games to the good aa second place NORTH ENDS will hold a base­ From vantage points ashori* Man. Motors vs. Police A Fire­ his second successive no-hit game, Chlcagu. .3^: Lnllar. Chicago .311. regardless of age or sex. with, the InfieMsr. There should be in 15 fighU, Pea-.ock's 25th victory only important deal as the major man. Doth hail from. Wheeling, Boston attack, as artnteas Ray feature catcher Meade K 1 n z e r. la. Auto Parta then got the third tors. The vlsltori will be trying to Chicago lost to New York's Giants ball practice tonljht at 6 o'clock snd afloat, thousands of eyes will men, 6— Waddell. the first and only time up to thlyj Run*—Mantle, New York. 50; Smith, a rule cevMlag a rituation of this against nine defeats. He earned a league deadline for trades passed W.Va. 7-2. Herbert lost hta sixth. minute that such a feat has been - p-vetond,’' 47: Kallne. peiroit, 45: first baseman Jerry •Jones, and Idad. Under the present rules, out and BaskervUle sewed up the bring tho Motormen back to the at the West Side and, Saturday be focused on the demonstration Medics vs. Moriarty s 6,—Char­ — I- t I e-o .... 1* ..on I (.oodiftan, Boxton and Bauer, New rematch for the title., at midnight last night. rest o f the league^ and move into accomplished. Oiances are it will York. 42 shortstop Mike Meilicke. The seven MnstaTs was a leglMnsate piece of victory with his game-winning The Indians, seeking reeerve afternoon at. 1 at Mt, Nebo. of a primitive form of propulsion ter Oak. inning contest and the,Court's'en­ shot. first place deadlock while the over a four-mile stretch of wtater <7YO vs.,- Herms, 6:15 — Mt. never happen again. Ruiiff _Battr'd In - Kalinr, Dr(rolt and strength, acquired veteran out- Gate to Intmortality Y<»rJu- H- Jvnsen. Bou­ tertaining show lasts approxl^iMte- • *^Q !*^e batter llfta a fiy ball to for third base, was thrown out. In addition to extra-base hitting, crew from Manchester Motors will A T O f - NOTCH independent only a short distance up river Nebo. ' ' ton. 43; Bfna. New YorE, 4ft; Zmrtlt, Lockman was credited with a hit. firider (jeno Woodllng and utility Bantly^s ^ Score be trying to make their first place Only five days before, on June Kansas City and Vernon, Waahln^on, iy two houi's. When y w 'see the left field. The runner on third base both teams came up with s o m e Norris Digs Up Sponsors softball attraction will be. offered from the Electric Bokt Shipyard, Sunday, Junqrl9., Court play you isee aoft^U played W hy? An out resulted from the Infielder Billy Cox, an ex-Brooklyn lead more comfortable. 11, the 23-year-oId faatballer from tags v p and hbads for the plate fine fielding plays. In the fourth Dodger, in exriunge for a pair of loc'al 'fans tomoirow-night at 6:30 birthplace of the ultra-modern First National vs. Elks, 1:30 illtfi—Kallne. Detroit. 81; Fox, Chica­ at its best. as the fielder touches the ball. play. inning, Billy Whitesell made the SpcBcrr (I) at Charter Oak Park when the atomic submarine Nautilus. Charter Oak. Paterson, N. J., had set the then go. 71; Stnltn. <'leveland. 69; Kuenn^ veteran utility outfielders—Wally Over Motorm eii Boston Bees down 3-0 to open Uie Defeated A ll Amei The fielder drops the ball, la the A. It waa scored a hit because gem of the ‘season as he speared a sb r h po s e rbi But Where Are Fighters? Manchester Auto Parta play hoot Freshmaa, JV’a RsMte Beaupre Motora vs. Tniat, 3:30 Detroit 67: Mantle, New York. 66. Westlake and- Dave Pt^e— and a I.Ance lb ...... 9 0 0 8 0 0 0 gstte to imm'ortality. He com­ DoUblea—9'tnlgan. Kansas CUy. ^15; Laat season, the talented four- batter credited with a eacrlflc fly Locknma reached first base safe­ looping liner hit into the short­ Prignano It to the strong New Britain' North­ Before the big event, there will — Charter Oak. bundle of cash.. Hareh p ...... J 0 6 I 0 0 0 pleted baseball’s greatest double Jensen. Boston and Power. Kansas man team played twice agatkst All and a run-batted hi? ly and there was no fielder’s choice stop hole. Whitesell moved quickly A hitch developed, . however, INTEBMEOIATE LEAGUE Batea ** .,, ...... 8 0 0 0 2 0 0 western aub. Hank Peducker, one be a freshman contest at 4:49 Herm's vs. .North Bkids, 1:30— City. i3; Rivera. Chicago. Hmith, American pitcher Kenny Low in A A . He would be—If It was ruled Involved In getting the out. Just to his right and made a back-hand­ fftsuMllngs Gleaaon c ...... 2 1111,00 By HARRY GRAYSON 4have been arouiul for a spell, feUss of the state's leading pitchers, will p.m. (BIST), and a junior varsity ML Nebo. by hamstringing Uie Dodgers 6-0 Cleveland and Kuenn, D<‘iroit, 13. WITH MINNIE MINOSO when Clox went to hlS-home in ...... 2 0 1 11 0 0 0 before a howling, eapacliy throng Triples—ManlK. New York. 6; Ka­ Phoenix, Aria. The first ■ gAme that the runner from third base bad basemnnlng. ed stab of the ball Just before it '• W L Pet. Cowler cf ., ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 NEA Sports Editor like Tony De Marco, the welter­ race at 5:15 p.m. (l^ T ). Both of CYO vs. BA's, 3:30^Mt. Net llne, Detroit. 6; Stephens. Boston. Fojt, Written foe NEA Service Newport, Pa. Billy was reported DorabrowakI hurl for last year's itate National ended up 1-1 but the Court Vo would have aeortd. anyway. Oth­ Q. How many bases does the hit the turf. Police A Fire . . . 1 0 1.000 Tt ....2 0 1 0 0 0 1 New York (N E A ) — Jim Nor­ weight; Floyd Patterson, th« light- Softball Congress champions. Pst these will be ever the two^mile Follce A Fire vs. Bantly's, 1: of nearly 39.000 which rode with Chicago and Carey. New York, 4. When Minnie Mlnoso put* on to have srid he didn't want to re­ Beckwith 2b . ...0..2 0 0 0 1 0 ris has a new sponsor for the Vandy's every pitch. Home Ruqs—Zernlal. Kansas City, the second tilt 4-0. Two other A the baseball suit, L no think bf erwise. h would Just be an error. batter get if, on a three and two Friday night's action will see port to the Indians. Paul Richaids, Bantly Oil...... 1 0 1.000 Toritenaen 3b ...... 2 01000 heavy; the lightweights; Ralph Boldvc will be on the mound for distance, upstream from the Sub­ — Wear Side. iu ■ ...... Dupont a ..... Wednesday Night TV flghU. ’That waa a nivht Three York. 14: Rohineon, f American pitcher* met defeat $ anybody except myself. Q. How many are enrolled in pitch, the ball strikes the plate thp Medics battling Moriarty'a at 6 Oriole general manager, said he 'Fontlcelli'a . .... 0 1 .000 ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dupaa, Frankie Ryff a n d Olaco, the -ost team. marine Base to Bartlett's Point. m a t w as a n ig iii. m re e nanas r.p'^VY^jrk, I3: jon». n, Bn.ion, Kalinc, U w . hand* o f the Oour A manufacturer of men's toilet­ were on. Kand- to increa.se the din, Detroit" and n.—. Brrfa. -j.-, New v..i. Y ork ,'11. ,, ’ ' me nanas oi mo v.aurCourt in O il That way I ’m not worried o f baseball's HaU-of-Fame7 and teunds into the stfpds? o'clock. .A. win for the M e d ic s didn't know what was wrong with Roy Motors ... 0 1 .000 Totals ’ ..... “ “ Andrade; and Raton Madai, the Yale, with aix veterana in the ora, n. 1 " _yp, ■ - . 22 1 4 18 4 0 1 ry articles joins, the brewery in Mexican bantam.” B i m a t w i n Russian Challenge because one of anything was Stolen Bases-~-Mino8o and Rlyera, fornia. and in Reno. Nev., Lep\ anything. win would move them into a first Optical (#) H.ARTFORD r o a d Grille boat, a more impressive early Chlcagn.’ fr; Kallne,. Detroit and IJunter, Cox. ■ _____ . putting on the show for free in potated out that the fight jam kot never enough to satisfy. Lairy Haney, another All American un­ So the first Ume Z come to hat Q. To o Giants' Joe Amalfltano Q. What is the record for pitch place tie with the Gas H o u s e Hank Greenberg, Indians' gen­ Bstilly Oil walked aiway with a ab r h ' po a e rbi softball team wiH meet -the Rain­ season record, and consistent ad­ NVW .York .6 J»'n.;ten,_Bo - 8ton. Busby, derhand twlrler, was shaded 2-0 ers hitting home runs in one sea- 13-4 victoiy over Roy Motors at hevnolde 1b ...... 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 the Living Room A. C. is suffering from other tUnM addi­ MacPhail,' the father o f nightllg h Chtcaco and. Mantle, New Vurk, 8. to big league baseball—in 1961 at was on scpond base. WWtey Lock' Gang. eral manager, was trying to reach Ke)>ler 2b ,...... 3 0 1 bow Room Sunday morning at 10 herence to forin in two and a'half Stirs Fund Drive P ltc n i^ (baked bn 8 deciflionfli— by'the fourman club. And in Lynn, Aato Farta (IS) . the W est Side Oval last night in Kelly p .... 3 1 0 0 “The history of the program in­ tion video. /T ball. There w^s so much other3 the Ctoinlskey P s r k ^ I wasn’t worried ■ man ra p ^ ^ * single. T o Am alfi ■son? the third baseman by telephone ...... 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 o'clock at Robertawi Park. Grille weeks of training here, is favored Wynn, Cleveland, R-1. .889: Donovan, Mo m ., lost season, the visitors tano, it appeared as though' the A. Wes Ferrell hit bine for the ah r h po a e rbi U:e Intenhediato League. Steady Carrier ...... 3 0 0 dicates that more than 19 million "You make a matchAnd toll the preliminary hoopla, including a Chicaso «nd Ford, New York. 7-2, ,77S; like yoTd think. Smith 3b . . ; ...... 4 1010 0 1 last night. Cox has 72 hours-to Blanchard rf 1 1 0 0 pla'/ers are tutfed to ba at the to repeat laat-year's triumph and drew the second largest crowd shortstop would get his hands on Senators. Jim ‘^obbi o f the Braves pitching by HHI Adems and Dana ...... 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 people watch these matchea^eek- fighter, 'You're. fighting 'rad Hal Schumacher of the Giants -Byrd Sold Agabi ...... 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 time since 1934 and 1935. man Bingham,.' execuUve director *—BCore, Cleveland, 107; crowd to outdraw the Court in BaakcrvillP p ...... 4 2 3 1 3 0 4 Buck 3b ...... 2 0 0 With spembors sprouting all over fighter just nodded and want to and Ernie Koy of the Dodgers Turley. New York, 98: 'Lemon, Cleve­ oral bam. The ball went through each hit six 40 pace the National McCarty rf ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 The Orioles, in another' deal, victory. Barry c .... 0 1 0 0 MANtHENTBR TRL'ST will Harvard w ill send out a c re y of the United States O l^ p ic As­ ...... 1 0 0 7 fi 0 0 the place, the question arises as to work.- Tbdayxthe first thing you that the ganie didn’t begin until land, 81: Pferce, Cttlcafo, 58; Garcia, the Bay State City was wheii Ted the Infield and Amalfltano, trying League. M. SImmona lb ,...3 1 1 4 1 1 0 sold- Harry Byrd, righthanded Bantly'a stsuted oft with two Salvatore b 1 0 0 meet First Natlo«ial Bank tonight which includes five sophomores,in sociation, gave Russia roundabout Cleveland, 87 Churllla c ...... 3 1 1 11 0 0 -0 ...... 0 0 0 0 what they, are' going to do for hear is th O :, 'What's tha guy nearly 9:30.' \ 'Willi'ams and Cleveland's Bob Iwski, tion-baseball contest several years D.~8tmmons 3b ....0 0 0 0 0 1 0 but in excess of the glO.dOO waiver singled; a base on balla and a b Salvator* fanned for Barr)- in 8.


AatoRiobilaa for Solo 4 THERE 0U6RTA BE A LAW! By FARALY and SHORTEN Household Scrviesa Itwwla Btacka i Help Wanted— Mala 86 Boats aad AeeoMoriM 46 mttyhoM Goods 51 Baalnas LdditioRs Boiasst For Bala 72 Houses For Sale 72 Suburban For j 75 Waatoff—Real EatoU 77 Legal Notie* Offered IS-A For Rent - 64 XeSjl CHBVROLBT MoO«l “ 310” Mortgagsa $1 EXPERIENCED COUNTER MAN MANCHBSTBR-CWonlal. Would MANCHESTER—See this S-room WAPPING-Six room ______AT A COURT o r PROBATE Classified for work on Saturday.- Lynn GAB RANGE» , W M M lt, good cen- Ilk* • home of diatlncUon? home locatad on a c^utet.raaiden- baths. No central haailng 880 W;ANTED—Two or three family M OevcMrr wRhta oirt ferth* ~ Club Coupe. Ucht blue color. CURTAINS, laundry or Just Iron­ Accept our offer. If you’re not STORE fX)R R^frlT—S’ 4”xSF 0"; M CtoTWjtiy OB the IRh M r M g Here** your opportunity to pick W c N O O A U W K m MOUNOitO ing dons in my home. Will pick Poultry Farms, 505 Main Bt. AT BARSTOW’S diUbn, $48. Ml. S ^ . also ana-car garage. Miquir* c have one with four badrooma tlal street in IjTo. Mancheeter. Oil frontag* on black top/road. Full house. Writ* Box G, c/o Herald. up e nice '54 Chevy et a eavlnM InD. WKMeNT U TtR up and deliver. MI. 9-5817. satisflsd with the solution to your Mm. Vrbanettt, S12 Main St. of brick conatnicUon. Bast locai- heat, shaded lot, 110’ x lSO*. Ckm- pripa $8,800, Omtact A lice Clam- HON. BLMOiui Ttnucnc- ID DO CO-8IOM1R OM MECHANIC-., 105 real aauta, nu-.., arranged. Main 8V,«Mancheeter. SI" WaaUnghoua* pictur* tuba. Coventry, Conaectleut, CLASSIFIED ADVT. Building—Oontracting 14 Burk or Mel Redman, there’s no - Thomas Colls Co., 281 Broad Bt. Used In fresh water only. Honses For 'Rent 65 Mlttan Agancy, Raalton, Ml School St.. MI 0-8651, 9-9081. T Oonsult Howard Haatinga, on th* uteetate DEPT. HOURS 1»S4 CHE WON'T TAWt, tiful baby parakeets, guaranteed H I 8-7770. landacapad lot 00* x 124’. Fira- to Uit AdmtnMralrtz Main St. S0.'Tm»l'SN0Rl«t('^ “ jeOUNTRV' Tee-Nee Trailers $89.96 up frb* and without any eulgatloe, directs that pu! e« be stventven eroT POirCLASSIFIED ADVT. CONNECTICUT * sin^ng canaries, pppptea,’ ham­ plaea, (riThaat aluminum aiding, TW O-FAM ILT FLAT, 0 rooms up. Five rofim ranch consisting C*M0N.BIBH<^ M O F O R ^ < W* alao buy proparty for caa' thie order by l _. ta a BCWB- MON. THRU FRI. 11953 CADILLAC convertible, lus- ANSWfBf. MASON — Fieldstone a sPeeUlty. sters, tropical fish, M t foods and Lawrence Plycraft, 16’ x 6’ FRiOIDAIItIC—Good running con- S ^ arbsn For R « t . 66 O nco aeraana and aterma. Chll- 0 down. Cantrally located. Write o f threy bedrooms, full bath gaper hartag a^eti I ta aold d l» .48U.VA?; Sailing or buyteg contact let, and by Msttag a cany thereof troQs black finish with contrast­ Bmast Toth. Ml. 9-8207. | MORTGAGE EXCHANGE supplies. 995 Main Bt. MI. 9-4273. dltton, $25; kitchen refectory ta- dran nttand Bowara SchooL Prie* Box P. c /o Herald. 10:.1d A. M. V-bottom runabouts with , 4 chaira, $20; wiimback Uv- with^. ihower, Youngstown STANLEY BRAT, Realtor on^I the publle em peat In eald Toms it ing white wall tires. Full Cadillac OMn 9 a.m. to S'*'p->»-.. dally. -34 Grova St., light 112,000. Madalln* Smith, Rani- Covantiy neareet Am pla^Wfeere the SATURDAY 9 A. M. J rbpni chair, $10. Easy iron- kitcHw. Livin|X room with BRAE-BURN REALTY ; etpripment throughout. Looks ss PALMER AND CARNET, mason 27 Lewis Street ’Thursdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.' 8, and deck, hardware, M\id mahog­ liouaakiaaping'APAi’tlnant*. Alao tor, MI 9-1*43. MANCHESTER—Year old ranch, MI-S-6378 deeeaeed laet d ^ lL ____ .. contrsetors, Fre* estimaCea. No H. Green Stamps. *r, $35. MI 0-0370 afU r 6. singla light houaakeaping roqpia. two badrMnu, tile bath, hot finp^ace, garage in basement, I ELMORE TORKIMOTON. Judge. I clean as a new one. See this any seats, ”b a ^ rest, floor THREE BEDROOM gnrriaon co­ TOtTB COOPERATION W nX ; beauty at Center Motor Sales, 461 Job too Mg or too small. MI. Hartford Inqulr* first>floor. watar oU haikt, large lUtchan with nditioned heat with oil USTINGS w a n t e d — Sing)*, 8-4798 or i^ k v ills TR. 8-4744, ONLY AT Baratow’b—one Wetting- lonial, nttndhed ovarMsa garage, dining area. City water and BE APPRECIATED I Main St. racks, phis f glass covered. two-famUy, thraa-famUy, buai­ PUPPIES FOR SALE, $5.00. house portable sewing machine. ANDOVER CENTER—Furnlahad bath and, laNmtonr, hot Watar oQ busier, large lot, 260’ x 180’. Buaineaa Opportunities 32 aawaraga... Cloa* to achoola. neaa property. Hav* many caali 1050 8TUDEBJVKER Land Cruis­ STONE, BRICK work and conersts Vernon St. West. Third bouse. OnIy1$299.^ Some buyl Regular $M.'0B. only $30.95. 2-room apartment. Large and hoot, flrOidaea, oaautifuny lapd- 818,500. Gaoton Realty Co., 165 ced right. Easily financed, buyers. Mortgages arrangad. er. Dark green. Radio, heater, woric. Call ML 8-5451 days. M l. bright Tel. PI 3-6048. \ capad lot, ccnvanlant locaUon. School St., MI 0-3S51, 0-06S1..' Please call George L. Oraaiadio, Dial MI-3-5121 3-5042. Valentino Belluccl. PACKAGE S’TORE — BsUbUshed A. K. C. REGISTERED English FRANK’S 18 BinriNG AGAIN— M.it—I— to I iiM, I iiin ,|i ■i.ii 11^. nm lall at once for appointment. M anchester whitewall tires, overdrive. . One business. Reasonably priced. Jeiros— ^Trades ii. L. R. HUMa. ML S-4ISS. Realtor, ML *6878. 10* Henry Sprlru-er puppies. Wonderful Fath­ Good used fumljture and aimqu**. BROAD BROOK—5-room, custoi owner car since new. Further CARPEN’TER REPAIRS. Alters- Rockville. TR 5-565,3. Has a large etock on lumd and MANCHS8TBR-gU room Cap* Street. er’s Day or graduation gift. Call SoBiiner Homss For R*tit/6Y built ranch, 8 cloaats. large It: McKi n n e y inspection will prove this car to Uons, etc. Guaranteed work. very low price, MI OtOW, 430 Cod afitti nttnehad garage and Wsntod—Rcsl Esteto 77 D a te B ook be nn excellent buy! Barlow Mo­ CARVEL STORES Availsbld to Rockville, ’TR. 5-4987. BARSTOW’S room with fireplace, large k it^ n h c c /i No Job too small. Rockvllls, Lake 8t, Manchester‘S HOUSEKEEPmO COTTAGE on ishad racraaUan room. Price with knotty pin* eahineta. ' Lost AiMl Found tors, 435 Main St., Manchester. qualified persona, in Connecticut Lake Champlain, Vt. Available BROTHERS, Jnc. ’ lElOOOfltAV 'TRemont 5-5709. WAN’TBD—Good home for cocker lust North of Post Office tJOO. Alao OCod aalacUon of board heat, .basement | LISTINGS WANTED strawberry faotivaL Mamtion CMSCTieM area. These highly successful spaniel, black and white' Male. ONE FLOOR MODEL Lewyt July 10 to July. 30, from Aug. IS n o w ^ d naad homos priced from I.08 T —Sum o f money in change rive-in ice cream store franchises 7% mil** to Bradley FlajS. 13 MI 3-6060 or MI 9-3931 Amy qtad^ 4 to 0 pjn. bag, Friday. Finder call MI FIRST, CHOICE MI 9-1063. Cleaner, -Very reoimnahiy priced. to end of season. For pai^cu- tlS,800xto S3S.OOO. The EacoU We have several cash clienta TesRarrow Florists— ^Nurseries 15 2rs now available. Carvel stoi*** Kemp’s, Inc. / lars contact Mrs. Wm. wutach, mllaa to Eaat Hartford, 7 mil** to V-7327. Reward. USED CARS g?6M Hlg)i it . W, lO : BIgalcw-Sanford. No’ -develop­ interested in Cape Cods, Annual atrawbany faatlvaL Cor- are delivered to you complete In­ BOXER PUPPIES—’Thoroughbred 18 Englewood Dr., Manchester, ment. 814,300. Aaeoclate Real­ nerston* Club, St. Bridget’s 1XJ8X—SUNDAY, Vicinity of St. '7lmJu.Hr SPECIAL WEEKEND aale.~Flow- cluding our own exclusive pat­ stock. Reasonably priced. Rock-' DiaHioiid».-W atchs*^ - GAS R A N O E -16” TV Set and M l 9-5923. ranches and CoTonials. If you 1958 PONTIAC .erlng annUal plants, 8 dozen $1. 6 eu. ft. - Refrigerator. - All in ty, Broad Brook. Telephone (jhurch. Bridget’s, 2 keys on ring. Please Catalina Hardtop. Ekiuipped with nx.*mLLtjfn, ented equipment and apecial for­ vllle TR 5-4956. . Jewelry 48 501 H n jJ A R D ST. — 6-room BOLTON—Custom buUt six room are planning to sell your prop­ j^Lsrge ’Tuberous Begonias, 75c mula products. Training, super­ good working condition. $75. Windsor Locks NAUMial S-47SD. ranches, carport ameaite drive, Satarday, Job* IS phone MI jS-8109. all extras. In tip top condition. MU. It, THREE-ROOM COTTAOE^-Routa Dutch Cok>nlal\mtuatad on ap­ erty please call ^and .ll. Geraniums 3 for 81 and vision, adysrtising and merchan­ ONE ADORABLE KTTTEN—Nine LEONARD W. TOST. Jawtltt, re- MI $-7^7. 44; Coventry. Coventry PI prox. s acre*. 4-enr garage, Youngstown kitchen, outstanAng MHS class of 1045 10th anni- 11495 ' up. Evergreens and shrubs at FOUR-ROOM HOUSE with at­ veraary dinner daitoa, Rainbow LOST—Dark brown leather bill­ [T»II. mCLUtl SIWIS4MS .Tssram dising methods. No experience weeks old. Used to small dog. pWrs, adjust* watchas «xpettly. 2-6729. chicken coop and'^-ftuit treea. til* bath with colored fixturoa, fold. in vicinity of Town Dump. - reasonable prices. McConvill* necessary. Chotc* approved lo­ Will give to good hom*.^ MI Raasonabl* pries*, bpm dally. MODl^aiN DINETnC SET, torch Property In exc*U*nt\ condition. tached garage on South Rd., Bol­ spacious living-room with pafteled FRANCES K. WAGNER Club, Bolton, 7 p.m. 1953 DODGE iM p, cedar chest, studio couch, ton, for sale or for rent. MI Reward. BU 9-1303. Greenhouses, 302 Woodbridge St. cations ayallabl*. From $9,000 9-3838. Thursday evanlng*. 13S Spruce WATER FRONT COTTAGE at For anpolnUnant pleaaO^ contact fireplace wall, largajUning area, Realtor • > Sunday, Jane 10 -----— ^ Coronet V^S 4-Door Sedan. Light Telj. MI; 9-5947. Open until dark to $18,000 down payment requir­ -/ ■treet. Ml. SHST. living room chair. SS Oakwood Coventry, Columbia or Andover Elvn^lar, realtor, MI 9^4409. 3*5125. After 6 p.m. caU JAck- full basement, excellent reelden- Mancbeatar Lodge of Elka 2nd FOUND — A place where you dan blue.’ Completely checked and and all day Sunday. ed. Writ* Carvel, 96 South Central' Rd. ■'■■■’ Lake for last two weeks in July. son 3-50S8. tlol location, large' shaded lots. MI 8-1157 ' annlveraary, Coon A Fox Club, Automobiles for Sale 4 Automobiles for Sale 4 Business Services Offered 1$ Av*., Hartadalc, N. Y. or phohe Livestock-Vehicles /diZ MANtiBESTBR-Exc a p 110 a a I Prices reduced for quick sal*. secure a complete line of knitting ready to go. Call MI 9-1119. 110,500—Slx-Rooai Capa Ood, four FOR PROMPT eourteoua aarvle*. Coventry. yarns an(h accessories, stamped $1295 White Plains 6-6ino, collect. Garden—Farai—Dairy WE8TINGHOU8E r * f r igerator, S-badroom ranch; hot watOr WUl consider taking your houa* 1953 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook sedan. 1947 PONTIAC 2-Door Sedanette. GONDER’S T.V. Service, STgilAbla WE BUY COWS, calves an Gorman Motor Sales. Buick ened. Air Mibled engines, sold and .. WANTED Evargrean trass, moaUy $1 • rocker; also, three tier table in­ COVENTRY LAKE - AU yaar with lavatory on first floor. Full Aimoaneemciits $1395 ter. call MI. 9-4421. fruit trass, 49e *n., hadges, 10c work in this area but must have FOR THOSE WHO yean. TTh* tracks, on a roadbed et Sales and Service, 285 Main repaired. Capitol ^uipment, 38 laid with Mother of Pearl. MI homa Phone Major Pickup. MI. round home>vNorth*aat Sbofas. alx bath on second. Hot water oil heat. AT A CXnntT o r pr o b ate heldm bricks, were In exertlent ctmdltlon -atreet. Ml. 9-4571, Open evenings. 1955 FORD Fsirian* Victoria, Main. . . Experienced housekeeper SEX-LINK PUl '8, 13 weeks *a., cheaper by the hundred. STS S-0759. large room* ranch type, 100 ft. Attached garage.. Approximately at Covrntrr within and (or the piatrlct SOMETHING NEW at Dairy Quean 1947 OLDSMOBILE - FOR A JOB to suit horn* owners Burnaid* Av*., Graanhousc'. 9-7787. ENTERTAIN n( Corratiir oa the lOth d with On motl,lonT^' Rf>b«rt''WUHam NFlion LakSviaw, O raT (JP>—Oanturiea In good running condition. throughout. Small down payment. ing. J. P. Fay, 404 Wetherell-St., A ^ clo s For Sale 45 spin-dry washing machine-, $25; sible. Call Willimantic HA master bedroom and larga abet- MI 9-4543 guarantee on new work, and fre* allowed on field. Foot of hill on or.R.r.n.ut rv.r.a.*. Na yo w .** 1 •• 'Corehtry,~'CohhMti(rat v^wwiiaiy, Easy terms. Douglas Motors, 333 1948 PONTIAC Convertible, good Manchester, MI. 8-2330. MI 9-6416 S-plece dining room sat, $40: ra­ 5- 9I46. ' closed porch, elaborate recrea- tarad front porch both overiooking Administrator on the Inteetata estate o( ago tha Arab* and Turk* culU- FOR MEN WHO car*, visit All cars carry a 30 day warranty estimates, eall Manchestsr Roof­ ROYdiU AND Smith-Corona |^rt- Avery St. After, S p.m., Thura- Main. -r—■ tires, good running ..efcler. En­ dio. $5. MItchcU 9-6329. ion room, wall to wall rugs, tha lake. Insulated, steam beat, BOLTON — Excellent neighbor­ Arthur Walter Nelson, lata of Coventry vatad Meditorrataean aage as a Dante’s Barber Shop. Plenty free stamped on the bill of lale. NO HANDY MAN In yeur. home? ing and Siding Co. MI. 9-8983. BOOKKEEPER • Typist, exper­ able And standard typewriters. -..day and Friday. All day Satur­ hood, six-room Cape Cod, one un­ within said dletrlcl, deceased. . remedy for aeha* and pains. Today mu-king at Manchester Plaza; gine just rebullU-^ Apply Roy FOUR-ITVE-’ROOM Unfurnished all appliances, draperies, fur­ on* car garage. Lot 100 x \ 385. This Court doth decree that six 1952 CHEVROLET, all metal sta­ Call Ml. 9-2278 and get those lit­ ienced. Permanent position in en­ J1 mskea of adding machines day. - - ELECTROLUX—Complete attach- Apartmeht, houee. Mother, fa­ finished. Wooded lot. nearly one this aam* aag* is giving Loko East Center Bt. Your choice may not he listed. Motors, 155 Cehter St. ROOFING, Siding and carpantn. niture and many, many extrad. Wall landicapad. Must be oaen to months from June 10, 1W6 Mi allowed tion wagon. 8 passenger, fully tle Jobs done. gineering office. Apply in person, old or ‘tented. Rspalrs on eU menta including floor polisher, ther 'and two-year-old daughtar, b* iqppraclatad. Asking $18,800. acre. Knotty pin* kitchen cabl and limited (or tha eredttom of said Ckhunty fannara a haadache. We have several others from which Alterations and additions. Csfl- makes, Marlow’s. ^ ASPARAGUS, fresh cut daily, for esteie to exhibit their claims aaalnat WANTED—Ri^s to vicinity Inter­ equipped, absolutely faultleae con­ 1953 BUICK Super, fully equipped. Ing*. Workmanship guaranteed. or Write Manchester Tool and De-^ 4M months old, muat sacrifle*— being permanenUy transferred to Close to school and on bus Owner Vt, 2-0801. nets. Formica counters. Patio The saga has taken ovar an to chbose. dition. Douglas Motors, 333 Main M. AND M. RUBBISH removal. ■ign, l8o Hartford Rd., Manchi fr4*sing and canning, six bunches need cash. MI 9-8935.' and outdoor flraplace. 7 Brook­ the same to the Aidrolnletratar and di­ asUmatpd 200,000 acres o f grass ns! Revenue Office, Hartford. Dynqflbw. whitewall tire*. Osage Ashes, yards, attics, and cellars A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn IDEAL FOR SUMMER COTTAGE . $1.09, IS bunches $2.09. Nativ*,^ Mancheeter vicinity. July 1st oc­ ine. ’This is worth looking rects that public notice be giren of St. ♦, ter. . ON STATE HIGHWAY and beau­ field Rd. Direct from owner. this order by advertlalns in a aows- rang* land and la stUl spreading Hour* 8-4:45. From 60 Oak St. Bank Rates c;»hm with green top. Excellent cleaned. Call MI. 9-9757. Street. Ml. 3-4660. __ _ —Five-burner oil - stove with atrawberrtc* are now available'’ cupancy dealred. Mitchell 3-5107. into. For appointment, call . tonditlon. One owner. Priced low tiful lake frontage, 5-room win­ MI 9-9509. paper havin* a circulation In said dln- there as in other areas ot OragOB; MI 3-6097, W ANTED—Waltreaa. Mu . ovenT and four-hole ice • cream ' for frecsing, at reduced prices. bict. and by potUng a copy thereof on CERTIFIED RAT’S ROOFING CO., shingle and t - Musical Instruments 53 RELIABLE GENTLEMAN dealrea MI 9-7816. terized home, automatic heat, Washington and California. for quick sale. M I 9-0538. neat and good appearanc^ lUurs freezer. Both for $.50. Call MI Come over to th* Farmer* Outlet the public sign post In said Town, of ■ SOLIMENE. Inc. LAWN MOWERS aharpened and built up roofs, gutter and con­ four or five rooms unfurnished. nice ehade treea. 30 minutes drive Coventry goarest the plaee wbers the Range exparts aay the aag* can USED C A R S , 6 p.m.-l a,m. six n ig h t;^ $45 aal- 9-8498. at 811 E. Middle Tpka. and sec Reaaonable rent. Prefer subur­ deeeaeed last dwelt. . Personals 634 Center Street repaired. Also bicycles repaired. ductor work, roof, chimney re­ USED PIANO, In good condiUon. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE on Waat from Manchester. Aaeoclate Real­ Read Herald Advs. ELMORE TURKINaTON. Judge. b* kUlad by opraying arith i, 4-D, Auto Accessories—Tires 6 pairs. Ray Hsgenow. MI, 9-2214. afy plus tips. Good wdrklng con­ for yourself. MI S-74t41. ban. W riU P. O. Box 83, Rock­ ty, Broad Brook, (jonn. Windsor Manchester—MI 3-5101 Can MI 1-7958. ditions. No phone caRa: also wait­ BOLTON~BuUdlng stone, veneer, Kemp’s, Inc; Sid*. Telephone Xd. 3^8830 after WANTED—Ride from vicinity Del- Direct Dodge and Plymouth Dealer Ray Jackson MI. 3-8325. ville, Conn. Locks NAUonal 3-4739. mont Street to Hartford, hours 1953 Studebaker V-8 5-Pas^nger TRAILER and two rooms at­ ress, part Ume, >6"^m .-2 p.m. fireplace, wall atone flagstone. 4 p.m. No agent*. Coupe—I^ io. heater, auto­ DOOHS OPENED, keys fitted, Also Slate flagging. Bolton Notch^ HoaschoM Goods 61 SEE NEW Davey Crockatt 8:30-4. Tel. MI 8-6223. 1649 CHEVROLETT.two-door sedan, tached, automatic washing-: ma­ Appear In peratm* 7-jO Evenings. WANTED—5-6-Rootn Rent for $0500 MODERN 4-room house. fuUl matic drive. One copied, vacuum cleaners, irons, Quarry. MI. 9-0617. Prompt ds- Ukuleles. Price $1.98. Kemp’s. 'YF(X>DBRIDOE ST.—Brand new excellent condition. Price $325. chine, $1,250. Rasy terms.. Ver­ guns, etc., repaired. Shears, Roofing and Chimneya 16-A Walnut Grill, TYValnUt St., Man­ family of three adults and 11- cellar, oil hast, ameaite drive, I WANTED—Rid* to State Office owner...... $1,295 livery. FURNITURE—W* nr* buying and KEMP’S. .. alx-room single, breeaeway, at­ Can be seen st Leo’s Gsrsge, non ’Trailer Court, Talcottvllle'. knives, mowers, etc., put into con­ chester. yaar-old boy. Please call MI large trass, near bua and shon>i!y;| Building from Chestnut St. Hours ROOFING—^Speoialiaing In repair­ selling good used furniture. Jenea tached garage, f iraplaee, hot DISCOUNTS DISCOUNTS DISCOUNTS Coventry. dition for coming needs. Braith- WOOLEN REMNANTS slid rug Furniture, 80 Oak St Ml. 0-1041, 9-6618. y/ canter. Carlton W. Hutchina. ML 8.-30-4:30. Tel. MI 9-5628. ing roofs of all kinds. Also new G tl^ TO TRAVEL water M , Ul* bath, lava- 1M(^ Willys I^ardtop—Ra'dio, heat­ waite, 52 Pearl street. strips for braiding and hooking. UPRIGHT PIANO, reasonable. toiy, knotty pin* )Utchen. On 0-6133, 0-4004. 1952 BUICK Special two-door, Auto Driving School 7>A roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys A FEW 1954 WeaUnghouse "Frost er, hydramatic. Excel­ Twice a year we ehllat girl* from Jen's Rug Shop, 65 Talcott Ave., M l 9-1646. boa-JliM. Price greatly reduced. radio, heater, tutone green apd lent...... : ...... Save MAN SCHOOLED In accounting cleaned, r »a lre d , 26 years* ex- Rockville. TR. 5-5706. : . Free” re|rigerators at big savings Houses For Sale 72 TOLLAND— Savan-Room Ooitmiall Automobiles for Sale 4 grey. In excellent condition, .lake AUTO'DRIVING Instruction. All irience. Free estimstes. Call this ptea to tour New England B x ed en t valua GqodchUd Real-' with sun . porch, four badrooma I lesaona on Insured dual control and with 35 years experience in at BarSiow’a just north of Post Manchester Discount Supply Co. new. Douglas Motors,. 333xMain. diversified accounting including SoWley. Manchester MI. 3-SMl. Sunr^ner R ^ rts with lu. Circu­ Office. Wanted— ^To Buy 58 MANCHESTER — Green Manor, ty Co.. Ml 8-7825 any time. IH batha! fun cement cellar, hot 1946, ’47, CHEVIES, Fords,______cars, standard or automatic. 1953 Willy* Station Wagon—Heat­ C.P.A. experience will. do book­ lation .Building campaign. No ex­ CEDAR POLES and good fUl for alx-room ranch, living room water oil heat, two-car garaga I Bulcka^^ OldOTobUe*. jO om pleU ly j 194J CHEVROLET, 1946 Dodge, Capable experienced -Instructor*. CHIMNEYS CLEANED and re­ HOURSt er, overdrive. Clean . . . Save keeping and accouifting, prepare perience necessary. AU expenses tale.' MI. 3-7644. BUYING, selling antlmcs and 18’ X 18’, twin ais* bedrooms, ex- ■ m acres. An exceUent buy. I MON.. TUBS., WED.. SAT. S A. M. to S V.VL rmamdiUoned throughout. Two 1941 Chevrolet. 1948 Nash. Trans- Cordner Auto School. Ml. 9-6010, paired. Flashing. Ehccellent rec GAS REFRIGERATOR In good Calient cloeet apace, Ule bath, A. REALE, Broker 45 WEST CENTER ST^ doors and four doors. No down financial statements including paid plus salary. Applicants must variety. 8 Griswold St. Open daily Owner leaving - stata Price! mUESDAY, FBTOAT, t A. M. to t P. M. portation for per week. Doug- JA. 7-3680. ommendations. Tel. MI 9-0348. SAVE a T* Barstow's on Westing- condltipn. MI 9-0489. Offers the Followinjj payment. Good credit la our only state and federal reports, audit be free, to travel this week, qeat S p.m. to 7 p.m. Thura, 3 p.m. to fireplace, aluminum combination $13,500. George J. Coleman, laa Motors, " : Main St. 1952 Studebaker V-8 4-Door Ijind- house fans and air conditionera. 0 p.m. windows, attached garage, patio. requirepoent. As low as $5 M r criiiser—Radio, heater, auto­ WOMEN MOST careful drivers. all accounting record, install ays- appearing and between 18-25. See In Homes RockvUle, TR 5-4045, TR 5-4710.1 tems, budgets, etc. Tel. MI. Mr. or Mr*. Crawford. Hotel Terin*. BeauUful extra large well land­ Six room aln|1e, including extra week. Come,in today. See Bob 1951: QLI^SMOBILE^-Radlo. heat- matic drive. S h a r p ___ Save NeVer too old to learn. Female in­ Heatinr—Plumbing 17 BLACKSTONE automaUc washer, WANTED—Wood Stove for chok­ EAST HARTFORD---Looking for OlLver, at Center Motor Sales, 461 structor. Standard automatic. 9-7367. Hartford, In Hartford before Fri­ scaped lot. Muat be eeen to bt lot— $12,800. All convenlencea er, Hydromatlc. Must be seen. MATHTUB ON LEOS^ toilet, ped, Ironer and rtryer model. ing. CalLMIS'SSSS. appreciated. Near schools and an investment? Nice apartment MSfiTBL ------.MI 9-7224. Duanhsured car. M ahrMYJriv- days------1951 Mercury 4-Door Sedan—Ra­ SANITATION SERVICE. Odd Jobs. LENNOX FURNACES add warm eatal lavatory, combination sink Kitchen Aid dishwasher. .AU floor bus line. Price 115,500. Owner Six and ^ duplex, excellent— house with very Urge income. I ing School. MI. 9-6541. air .(heating. Earl Van (Camp, MI. and tub. MI 3-7379, 6-7 p.m. samplea, new and fully guaran­ WANTED—Good , clean' electric 1950 OLDSMOBILE 88 Converti­ dio, hegter, automatic drive. Albert B. Bouffard, 91 Birch St., WOMEN — Girls, over 14, for transferred. Call evenings, MI $10,5(00. Easily financed. Owner sacrifle-1 Manchester, MI. 3-4987, Coventry, 9-5844. / teed. Very low prte«*. ABC Ap­ refrigeratora LaFIamme Appli­ Ing due to 111 health. Full price I J GOOD WILL ble, Hydramatic, good- condition, Glean...... $795 MANCHESTER Driving Academy strawberry picking. 6:30 a.m.- A’TTRACTTVE Wrought Iron Rail­ ance Co.. MI 0-6868. 0-7930. PI. 2-7356. ___ _ „ 11:30 a.m. Free transpoftattonr pliance Co., 31 Maple St. ID. Five and five flat. Ideal—$16,500. 833,000. More than 40 other} new powder blue paint, royal blue Manchester’s oldest, most recom-t ings and columns, custom made i-1575. ^ USED CARS top. new slip-covers, also whlte- mended, your sqfety, our . busi­ MI 9-7626. MANCHESTER lisUng* o f all kind*. CUU the 1951 Ford V-8 4-Door Sedan- -R a- MELODY R A D fO -’i'.V.. phono!*. * Moving^Tmeking to add beauty to your home. Val­ ManyMop* Listinga Singles Ellsworth Mitten Agency, Real-1 j s / w^I tubeless tires. ’Bargain. ness. License guaranteed. Stand PIPES BURST Rooms Without Board 59 dio, heater, overdrive.- . $695 Night calls. Guaranteed' service. S t o r a g e 20 START EARNING pUbsUnUal in­ ley W’eldlng, Glastonbury, ME 16 Lydall St.—Now vacant alx c and Doubles ton, MI 8-0030 or Mr. Higgins, I McCLUREPIMmAC, Inc. MI 8-7926. ard or automatic. Mr. Miclette MI 9-2280. 3-9118, collect, 8 a.m. to 0 p.im WATER DAMAGE r \ \ your personal inatructor. Dial PI. come immediately. Avon Cos­ ONE PL£A8ANT furnished rdom. good eised rooma. NOw heating MI 3-8609. Atis’TIN A. CHAMBERS (Coi metics has vacancy for capable Thousands o f Dotlara Cooking privilegea. Suitable for plant, large porch, one car garage . Street 1941-40 OLDEiR, Cbevrolets, 9'ords 1951 Studebaker 5-Pasaenger 2-7249 any time. ANTIQUE^ Refinished. Rwairing local and long distance moving, Call MI 0-1010 LAST CA a ON THIS SKOAL! other good transportation. Good Coupe--Radio, heater, over­ woman. Call MI 9-2614. ■ Worth of Furniture one adult. Ml. 0-3884. with ameaite drive. Sensibly priced MANCHESTER— Be* thU 7-room .✓ •^Manchester done on an-vy furniture, ’rieman, packing, atorage. Call MI. 8-5187. COlilBINA'nON Carriage-Strmier. Between 5 and 7 P. M. Cape Cod. Living romn, kitchen, I credit enables us to accept 85 drive...... $595 AUTO DRTVINO Instruction from At Your Own Price — $12,750. This U the 3rd and loiat weak w* aro aMe to make tU s ettor! W e aold ^ / MI 9-4545 189 South Main St. Phone MI. H i^ o r d CH. 7-1423. EXPERIENCED SALES PERSON Reasonable. MI 9-7635. Here's What Happened BEAUTIFULLT fumiahed spacious dining room, den witb firepUea down. Douglas Motors, 388 MaiA your hoih*. Insured dual control 8-5643. mod- twice: So be hero early to get yawal Oir supply has car. Laraon Driving School. Ml. —Women’s wearing apparel. When I opened my store one room with complete light bouae- BOLTON older home' of ’ seven 75’ X 300* 'lot. Fruit and shade Open Evenings Until 10 dt. MANCHESTER Package Delivery. SFAL0IN9 MADE WEIGHT D iSrO N 1950 Studebaker Pickup ’Truck. 9-6075. COMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart Good salary. Tweed’s, 739 Main Boatg and Aceessories 46 Biornlng I got th* aurpriee of my keeplng facUlUea available. WiU rooiha an lot 309 x 214 ft. Oil tree*. DetaChra garage. $14,000. Light trucking and package deliv­ St. rent single or doubt*. OiUdren ac­ New Ranch Home* on Rout* < Best A Co.. BU 9-2731. 1953 NASH RAMBLER Super SU- R. Wolcott on wringer and auto­ ilfe—3 pipes burst and all o f this 2 miles past tha Notch, with Im' heat, 1% baths, two porche*. .tlon wagon.. Beautiful two-tone MORTLOCK’S OR!VING School. ery. Refrigerator*, washer* and cepted (llmitad). Centra). Reason­ 1961 CADILLAC ConverUhle. Many Others at Lowest Prices matic waslhlng machlnea, e le c !^ atove moving specialty. Folding ALL. BVlNRUDE . motora. In. Stock nice furniture, nnd appUnncca were mense lota Tho homes include Madena* Smith, Realtor, MI SPECIAL black top over'red body. Radio, Lost confidence quickly restored YOUNG LADY for, part time of­ ail Wet 1 immediately phonc<| niy able. Mrs. D or^ , 14 Ardi St. SIX ROOM (Up* (3od. twq famill Beautiful blue finish. Radio, heat­ Small Down Payment ranges, vacuum cleanera, motora, chair* for rent.M l. 9-0752. frbin 3 Ht.p. to 25 in d u in g 26 h!p. fife'pTa'ce. ‘basement garage, plea- 0-1043. heater, whitewall tires. 7,600 by S' skilled, courteous inatructor. fice work, Saturdays, 7:30 a.m.^S du)Hex, an older house and four] EIG. er,' Hydramatic, plus four brand Low Financing Rates small appliances, weldings 180 Simplex. Barstow's, JuM north of Insurance agent and of course re­ PUEA8ANT furnlahad room for a terra walls and selling for 814,700, milee. ‘The ideal low cost trans­ License Uicluded. Insured, dual p.m.. Apply ’Tho*. Coils Co., 251 Post Office. MI. 9-7234. \ CENTRAL—Ranchlik* Home, 5% acre* of land. EUclualve with $ 12.00 new whitewall tires. Just pic Main Street. MI.- 9-6678, ’ ceived a aetUaihant, so now I'm couple or two genUomen. M with $2,700 cash required. portation car for the budget- controlled standard and hydrams- Broad St., Manchester. 'going to give you th* beet, biggest rooms on first floor, fthiahed bed­ Manchester Associat**, Realtor*. tur* you and your family taking Uo cars. Ml. 9-7898. Painting—-Paperlnf 21 High >t. MI. 9-9331, 9‘0S64. 8-7488. DOZEN the summer vacation in this G.M. minded family. ’This is Just one CHORGHES MOTORS HAND AND power mowers aharp- bargains you avtr saw in your LAKE PROPERTIES room and atorage on second floor. of the many beautiful staiioii Id. Saws “ ’ *** ••’.d aet. Plckrup. Read Herald Advs/ Ufa. Mr. Albart Firaplac*, oil heat, two-car ga­ masterpiece. "See it. drive it— PAINTING AND paperhinging. ROOM FOR rant, near the Center. DOZEN buy it” from Barlow Motors, 435 w a g on s we always havt on hahd. Stuijebaker Sales and Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 . 9-2350. BUY ONE PIECE Gentleman preferred. 85 Footer On Bolton Lako-^We have thra* rage and *workehop. Price Barlow Motors, 435 Main St., Expert work! All insurance cover­ cottages for sale. On* la completely $14,200. Madeline Smttli. ReiU- Lots For Sale 73 Main St., Manchester. Service , — PLOWING and harrowing, 184 age. Call Wm. Dickson k Son. MI. PRESS 'O PE R A ’TORS 'and As­ OR BUY A St. ML 3-8047. Manchester. BICYCLE REPAIRING, aU types, semblers Needed. Apply in per­ Notice 3 ROOM OUTFIT winterized. Two:cottagee for salt tor, MI 0-1*43. LOVELY, WOODED acreage wlth| L O O T 1 DOZEN TD A OUSTOBOBR Woodlai^d St. Tel. MI. 34092. J. 9^ 2 0. - R(X)M FOR rent. Conveniently lo­ on' Columbia Lake. . 80 Oakland Street English a specialty. Now opep 4 -Moriarty. son. Engineered Metals Co., 10 So Reasonable You'll cabin, on CUmp Meeting Rd., Bol­ PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, 1948. p.m. to 0:& p.m. Manchester Sealed bids for transportation cated at 19 Jehnoon Terrace, on* EIGHT‘ROOM Older home, steam Open Evenings Until 9 P. M. HUliard St. THINK YOU’RE GETTING beat; bam, garua. chicken coop, ton. CaU Roe* N. Osano, ML ] •oWlNO BONUS MPi Whitewall tires, CadtUac fenders, Cycle Shop; 196 West Middle Tuni- of pubUc school pupils for the . IT FOR NOTHINO mlmita from Main St. Woman T. J. CRIXnCETT S-445I. THIS WILL PLEASE DAD and other extras. Ehccellent con­ MANCHESTER — T. V. Service, EXTERIOR PAINTING only. Free Real Estate Broker/ about % acre. T » aettle estate. plke. Ml. 9-2W8. estimate. MI. 9-1383. 'EXPERIENCED' .auto' mechanic, school year 1955-56, 1956-57. Here’s 2 Examples only. MI. 0-7968. dition. Asking 1295. May be radio and T.V. specialists ainc* Lewi* St. N«ar hue, echool*. shop- EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR^ 2 N D MI 9-9483 1934. Charter member of Telsa. top wages, good working' condi­ and/or 1957-58 over specified I Hava Hundreds More Phone Office MI 3-54J6 BOLTON—Building lots, OQ*' acral seen at 71 Wells St. or phone MI LARGE DISPLAY of tricycles, tions. Apply in person. A. G. Olm­ PLEASANT ROOM for one of ' or Residence MI 9-7751 dlstrict. Now vacant, $13,000. and over 160’ front each, eatab- Ml. 9-6660 or MI. 3-4607, p a i n t i n g a n d Paperhanging, routes wiU be accepted by _ the 3 ROOMS COMPLETE two. Private entrance. Parking, 3-5268. chain drive trikes and bikei: Re- quality work, reasonable prices sted, Inc.,.17l Union St. Rockville, a L. Gradtadle, R*altor. ML Uahed, residantlal area. Priced j 1954 PONTIAC "8” 4-Door. Two- Tolland -BpanTof Education at the Blond Bedroom Suite hear Main St. Call after 4. MI MANCHESTER — ExceUeiit value SPECIAL MORTfiJlGE -tone-gray-finish.- Radlo.'hbateiv ■ telUt like new, vcry_xeaaonable. ^FURNITURE— Repair Service: and prompt iervice!' “ Free 'ealF office of the principal, Hipks Me- —-.... to seU. Warren E. Howland, Real­ 1951 FORD STATION WAGON- Ml. 9-4695. 46 Lake St. ExtenaMH.' $30.00 DAILY. Sen Luminous liv in g Room Suit* 8-8905.^ '*'• $13,000. (jape Cod, firtplace, hot Hydramatic. This car wdll have Complete repairing, refiniabing, mates. Fully insured. Call Bert morial School, Tolland, Connecti­ 5-Pc. Dinette Set MANCHESTER—Six room Cape, tor. Ml. 8-8600. Ml. 8-8711. , Country Squire. Radio, heater. Plante. M l. 9-6965. Door Plates. Write Reeves, At­ water heat,' oil, plastered walla to be seen to be fully appreciate. restoring on all ty]M of fundtare. cut, through June 24, 1955. Five Philco Ref., Norge Washer VERY PLEASANT. Furnished colored tUe bath, aluminum storm detached goroge, ameaite drive, LOANS Good condition. Loiw mileage. Zigmund Gosds, Prop. Formerly tleboro, Mass. Free Sample and Asking 6850. Call Owner, Hart­ Barlow Motors, 435 Main St., BOY’S 26” BICYCLE. Good con- routes ranging in length front 14 , Bengal Range. TV Set Front Room, tile bath and show- windows and sdfaena. ROaidanUal two oeramie tfl* bathe, fireplace, ELEC T R IC S of Watkins Bros. Td. Ml. 8-7449. Details. Resort Property for Sale 74 ford JA .5-3406.! Manchester. diUoh. Call MI 9-9746. Bonds—Stock»— t o '64 miles are open for bidding. Mohawk Axmlnster Rug *r. 881 Summit St., after 4 or aecUon. MI. 3-0000. H. B. Grady. cabinet kitchen laundry facUIfles Ehich successful bidder will be re­ MI 3-tllS after 8 p.m.~ In kttiAeh and basement, dor- ASSOCIATED . HAND AND power lawn mowers IF YOU WOULD LIKE $100 Sealy Mattress with box. spring, ATTRACmVE SUMMER HOMES 1950 CHETVHOIJ?r four door de YOU CAN’T SEE these from the 1945 HARLEY DAVIDSON Model Mortgages 31 a week, are not afraid to meet quired to furnish • a performance convertible bed with mattress, pi AA ZONE—FIRST time on markat m en , storm a**h, nicely land­ BLACK POINT BEACH' CLUB— street. 1946 Dodge, maroon, sedan, 45 Motorcycle. Good condition. aba^ned and repaired. Work bond at the time of sighing the TWO FRONT, Furnished Rooms jSeven room home of colonial de­ scapedTot with outdoor fireplace, ,MORTOAOEGO.’S‘ luxe with radio, heater,, power- guaranteed. Gall for and deliver: FIRST AND Second mortgages people and do not mind working lows, lamps, tables, dishes, {Mta Funtlahed 4-room 3-bedroom SHAVER glide; signal lights, new white 1647-1948 Oldamobiles, two-doors, May be seen at 267 Highland St. an extra hour a day, then drop a j^ntract. Specifications, includ- and pant, allverware, linans, bed for light housekeeping. Adults sign featuring three badrooma $U4|00. Wairen' E. Howland, Real­ ranch, finiahed interior and extra 1948 Plymouth sedan, othera from after 6 p.m. - Ideal Grinding,. Shop, 278 Adams bought for our 'jwn account. Fast, 1])$ route descriptions, may be ob- only. ' Apply 10 Depot Square, deiL'iwo full baths, .rocraation tor. Ml. 2-6600. _ SIf.TSVALUr HTFO. CH A.48A3 well tires. A local one owner car, St. CaU MI. 9-3120 or 3-8979. confidential service. MahCbester line.telling us your age (35-45), spread, linoleum and other items lot. Prie* 48,000. Large, new low mileage, excellent throughout. $35. Look behind office. Douglas tw ed from the principle’s office Apartment 4. room, two^ fireplaces, Garwood Investment Coup., 244 Main street'.’ ; education, whether married or 3 ROOMS COMPLETE BRAND NEW 8 badroom ranch. furnlahed. 5-room 3-bedroom BONUS Center Motor Salea, 481 Main St. Motors, 333-Main. in Hicks Memorial School during heating syatem and one-car at ranch atyl* with fireplace and Why not give one to the June Ornduato! ML 8-6416. aingle. Write, Box R, c /o Her­ Mahogany Bedroom Suit* FURNISHED ROOM with bath for Hot irtter oil heat, ceramic Ule Wanted Autos— Household Servlecd any school day. The ^ Board of tached garage. July 1st oceupan. flntahed interior. Insulated. Can i952 S’TUDEBAKER Commander, ald. ' Sectional Living Room two, with light housekeeping bath, fireplace, attached garage, Motorcycles 12 Offered , 13-A Eklucation resetvea the right to > cy. Elva Tyler, Realtor. MI. be converted to' yitar 'round. L oti in .good condition $650. -May 1m 7rPc. Dinette Set privileges. MI'0-4776. 0-4460. - amaaito drive. Large lot, con­ seen at Nichols Manchester ’Tire, GAS STATION ATTENDANT— reject any or all bids. Bids must- . • WeaUnghouse Refrig. 70 100 f t Price 410,400. W AN’TED—a e a n Used Cara. We FLAT FINISH Holland window FUIl time Job. Muat be experi­ venient loeaUon. Bwialbly priced ALL ALUMINUM FOLDING 295 Broad St. be submitted on or before 5:00 WeaUnghouse Elec. Rang*' MANCHESTER—$10,400. Pleasant Large custom buUt 6-room 3 - 1 are always ready to buy your used ahades, made to measure. All enced. Salary and commisaion. P.M., E.D.T., on June 24, 1955, at $18,600. A, R, VmUe and Ob. WesPhsc Laundromat Wanted—Rooms—Board 62 3-famUy, 5 rooms each aide. M ML 8-4188. bedroom OaUfornia Ranch style STORE 1953 FORD custom 6, .four door car or truck. FOR CASH. Try metal veneUan blinds at a new NEW STORE Apply In person at Van’s SeSvlce Board of Education SPECIAL low price. Keys mad* wblla you Firth Broadloom -Rug Grady, Broker. MI. 8-8009. built of flat stone, has large sedan,, lustrous tutone, green our famous five-minute cash btiy- SUtlon, 427 Hartford Rdl Tolland, Connecticut ROOM AND BOARD for 2 girls, FOR A DISCRIMINATING home coversd PaUo, garags, gucat AUCTION ' ing service. All makes—all mod- wait. Marlow’s. Gqld B ond' Riattreas with box radio, heater, m any many extras. FOR RENT spring, spar* room, mapl* l^room agaa 4 to 4. Monday to Friday (jOLONIAL, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, aeeker desiring th* beet you muat houos, built on doubl* lot Auto­ FOR RENT Local one owner. Owner’s name eU. “ N«P dickering”- W E BUY! for summer. MI 9-3 5 36. oil steam heat, good condiUon, ga­ sea our excluriv* lUUng at 849, matic oU foroed warm air heat M6d«rn o m AnHquBS Open 6:30-9:00 every day but FORMICA counters, plastic 'wall set, 3-pc.'maple sofa bed set, pil­ on request. CeMec Motor Sales, tile, asphalt, rubber, vinyl, Unq- rage, treea, vary central. Near Middl* T u i^ k e West. Nothing Being sold with slsctric uUIl- 461 Main St. . Sunday. See Barlow Motors, 435 LOCATED AT lows, blankata, lamps, tabl* and CutitroRy LoiMiit«fand. linoleum and other Itema. make thU one of the flasat homes water front a spacious *x- 1939 BUICK 4-DoOr Sedah in good Tenements 63 in SCaacheetar. TUa 8 room brick qulsitely furnishsd 6-room 3-bed- 7 pjR. running condition. Excellent Tile Shop, Buckland. MONTHLY PAYMENTS MANCHBSDCR-CUstom built aU Business Services Offered 13 Ideal for OflOee, Beenty Parlor, Aa Low as SI6.57 front CUp*' Cod (unfinUhed UR- room ranch atyls, - cathedral I 1,500 Ft.-F^or tiras. On* owner cafT* $50. ’MI WEAVING of burns, iboth holes TOR R^OTT—After July 3, 5-room roonf expandaM*. Cape Ood. Oa­ stoin ) ka* 8 master aisa bed- ceUlng, two baths, autwnatic oil Drug Store, ete. Free atorage until wanted, free Writ* ENInffen Town HoH 3-6772. and tom clothing, hosiery runs, duplex, all improvements. rage,, lovely large lot, all conven- rooma, Uving room, dining room steam heat, plus guest, house ALL TYPES OP TV SERVICE delivery, free set upj^, our own Box N, c /o Herald. EEG. $13.95 bendbagE repaired sipper re­ Per Infbnutlon'Cell leneea. For further InformaUon and a com^eteiy equippM G.E. with -bath, tool, houee, two-car | Coll M l 3*8934 or reliable men. caU Frances K. Wagner, Realtor. ^Anctioiieer—village Peddler Radios and Phonos placement, umbreliaa . repaired, YOUNG WOMAN School teacher kitchen (inrtudea fan, dUposal, garage, nicely londacapiOd, fri>nt- Avallkbls At All Tlmea men'a ahlrt coUere reverted end , No Payments To Banka MI. 8-1187. dUhwaaher). Breeaeway and I car I Robert Fluckiger M l 3.6910 Ml 3.7723 — Ml 9-U90 ; No Jinance Companies deairas to share baauUfuUv fur- ag* 115 f t , privat* beach and o 1" aluminum tubing f Ffci99Rd SRWRrt oRd repfeced. Marlow’s Uttle Mend­ garage all set oh a park-Uke sit* dock. "'P rice 433,500. Other Philco Factory Supervised Service * Phone Mr. Albert Now—CH 7-0358 nlabad apartment, oantraliy lo- ing Shop. with 175 feet of'frontage. For an llsUnga. Rentals for July and | $ R p ^ TdRks ClMRMd After 7 P. M.—CH 6-4690 catMl, near bua Une. Write Box Price $13,000 Call W ILL HILLS—M i 9-969B upointm ent to inapoct caU th* August. eSacBB phiatk) seat aad bsiek See It Day or Night U, c /o Herald. ^ Formerly of Benaon’a Direct From Owner JarvU Realty CU., 084 Center St. p l e a s u r e B E A O l — Furnished I TV and Appliance ' If ycu have no means of trans- MI. 8-4U2, evenings ML 84085. M cKin n e y 4-robm 1-bedcpem noac water ] a At this prlca-.Buy two! .------REWAOE DISPOSAL OO.'i porlaUoh, T u aend my aUto for Six Room Cape Cod. -^~in Business Locstioiis , MANC»E8T]BR-SU room two front, 10 ft - rigbt-oif-way to I ' MI 8-5808 you. baths, three^bedroonu, built-in water front Included. Asking j V AND M rubbish removal- and For Rent ) 64 atcry horn*, largo P9r^> AUCTION N o ObUgaUon ^ price 45,000. I odd Jobs. MI. 0-6085. drawers, recreation room, flre- watar oil h*at, good- eu* lot, d*' REAL ESTATE— LAND or4 RUH.DINGS A—L—B—E—E—T— 8 o f f ic e s u i t e , axcallant d*cor, pll^ , Bendix washer, amesite taclied garag*. Itolng offored at SAUNDERS POINT—L m * 6%- a C«r monufacturert know how complata fadlltlesjstreet and rear room 3-bedroom aabcl* rtyle ■T AS ONE UNIT/ 43-45 Aliya St.,' Hartford drive. Screens and storm win­ $11,000. Imme^at* ocemancy. To Fra* Parking Cor. Allyn and parking. Rental 878. 851 Center inqwet please phriia Howard R. with 100 f t frontage' on beach WANTED! to build can. Dealera know how. i t ML 9-1880 or Ml. OHIO. dows. Lot approximately 60 FOR RENT SATURDAY, JUNE tl, 1955 it 1:19 F.M.' Trumbull Haklngs Agency. MI 9-1107 any and water front, large fire­ Two-room office, suitable X 150. place. insulated, automatic oil I (ON THE PREBOSES) to tell them. Banken are special.-' AIR OONDmONED efflca-100% time. OiB Clork Typist and O b b S t e n o . for profeoelonaJ or bualfleM MOVING—Nic* walnut dining set, hot water heat Interior fln-j office. . • ista in car finaheing. single gray bedroom set, ruga, Main Straet location, parting. Ap­ 172 East Middle Turnpike BEAUTIFUL 3-tamUy 5 4 flat, *X' iahed in cypreee wood. Excel­ 8S1 Hartford Read CORNER SPRUCE aid RISSELL STREETS, . rocker, porch chaira, drhpaa, cur ply Martow’s, SIT MMn tt. Close To New Higth School ceUent condiUon, garage, ideal lo- lent view. IPric* 411.000. 7 - 1 ALL ALUMINUM FOLDING (1 ) Positions are permanent. M l WOMAN MANCHESTER, CONN. t a l% spraads. Mtscellaneoua. caUon, immedlato occupancy. CUU room 6-bedroom furniriud, near SKCIAL We offer you advantages and OFFICE SUITE Phone MI 9-9125 (2 ) 5 ilay, 40 hour week. j^RAIN OR SHINE) n o Canter 8t. MI 9^70. A. Reals, Broker. M l T i MO after beach. Price 411,500. 7-room ' economies that you cannot afford S p.m, flimiShod. 4-bodroom, baaement (3) ^ Surroundings are pleasant and cheerful Rod Estate — e o ^ f * of Facing Main St. Heated, 6 87600 FIVE R(X>M8, oh* floor, naor bearit, excellent view of j to pass up. Get the facta, flgurea 0 ROOM ranch, I bedrooms, attach­ (4) weeks vacation offered. WANTED AsiiiglofiwtlliiHi . .ooms). NORGE REFRIGERATOR and rooms available, will divide to copper plumbing, insulated, storm water. Price 413,400. C H A I R s n . 9 9 Cornet Tel. MI 0-0937. suit tenant. Moderate rental. windowe fuU cellar,, automatic ed garage, radiant hast. Near )>ua, REGINALD HUNTINGTON (5 ) 10 days sick leave. for ClossHIdd D*pcHtti|Mr Q r* Hiroa family dwoliRg (13 roams) and details of our plan. Then you , achool and ahepntng district, Available July 1. Contact heat, 00' lot, large trees. Subur­ REALTORS (6 ) € paid holidays. TAVERNS «Nid 94»iMral MHc* work. oinI a Rva family dwdlhig (22 rooms) can decide .with your own best Thrpe Only ban. Carlton W. Hutcliin*. ML $15,500. Georg* L. Oraaiadio, Entrance to'B lack P'oint Beach REG. $7.95 Beiinded and described as tollowa:—Northeidy by leiM new or BURTON’S, fac. ’ *4188, 8-4M4. * Realtor. MI. 0487*. , MIANTIC, CX)NN. (7) GFoup insurance, bhie ^ross. I Meal locatioa*, serving G-E Swivel Top a A mast for ike keasa ar travaUafl beer, saacks, pixsas, grind­ Apply Miss Chilew. formerly of Phllomeaa end'Louie Scheller, one hundred feet (100- ' ^ interests in nound. LARGE CUSTOM built four room TEL. PE 0-5342 feet); Easterly by land now or formerly of Sarah McUnacy, ene Vacuum Cleaners, $49. * CORNER OFFICE fronting Main GREEN ROAD — Fiv# room a Highly poMebed aInmIaaBs tobtog ers. Well equipped, good ranches with 3 bedrooms. Built raneb, roomy lUtelten, ttlo bath, a P m abla Sanm plaatle seat and back______lease, low isatala. hundred forty (160) feet; Southerly hy Biaaell Btreet, one hun­ CHAMBERS FURNITURE St. and Purnall n . Wip. RuM Como Ir oRd discim Hm posMoRS wifli us. dred (109) feet: Westerly hy Bpmoe Street,»one-hundred fortjr now, 643 Main S t ' - in ovan* and'oounter top rang**. garage, 10$’ lot, blA elevation, SnlntrbSR For Sal* 75 view ^M burbaa,ow M l,*00. (Jart- — ’SyTJ 1 Tavern gro ieee over $80,060 (144) feet. j . A t The Green Priosd at $10,700 with Othar Ta\’em groeses ever FIRST NATIONAL BANK SPAC20U8 Professional Office, ton Hutdiiri*. ML 84188, BOLTON — New six room spUt-l ^ MANY OTHER SKCIALS Terwa: 10% ef sellinf price must be paid in CASH or hy • mortgegee avaiUbl*.' Op*n daily level, beautiful flniahad recrea-1 Hours: 10 to 5—7:80 to 8:30 Ground floor. Main 8L Ample tor inaction. Heaael aiid Peter- $60M 0. OERTIPlIiD CHECK at thM e f enle. WehMKie o f selMeg price OF MANCHraTBR tlon rown, garaga, amaslto drivs, FOR THE ENTIEE FAMILY parking. MljS-0800, maa, file., BuUdera. ML 04001, Vmt Bhrtker Infomatlsin must ho paM by CASH or OERTIPlED CHECK an or before iiv E R A L QObD used refrigara- MAN(mBBrrBR-B01/rON AREA. two baths, U with ebower) I ■ a S-OSM or 111 S4WS1. tora. In good working . order. ML 94404, C. R. BURR CO.. INC. July 10, 1050. AdJustasenta wUt ho asade no e f date e f traaefer. FAST" - FRIiNDLY SRVICK 8 THREE-R(X>M OPFKEl SPACE Ranch Immes, IS.OOO, 811,000, YouagatoWn kltdien, firtplaca.l •y Exchtalve with Ksmp'a, .Inc. ______(ralsad kaartta) baaunfuUy daeoc-| PhoM an »-tfU^>AI*aBber Fe«*tal Dspt |u. —W in renovate ta suit tanut. WELL. BinLT HOUBB-Idaal for 413.700, $18,950, 414.000, 419,500. DISCOUNTS DISCOUNTS — DIStOUNTS lit OAKLAND STREET TEL. MI S^161 Mnnehester Aeeeriatsn, GEORGE L iO. AUCTIONEER Corp 416.400, 416.400, 415.906. Savena alad. Lanajot, U4 x Mb WMO. RofMof*. TWO USED WasUngbeus* Laintdro- SeccBd floor, Maacheatar Satdng* larga family. Five dowa^wo up. MANOHEaTBB, CONN." ■

'T' ; t • d

-r t . ■> - 1 y - THURSDAY, JUNE 16* 1665 Avcniffo Daily Net Pnaa Run ' The Waathar TWBNTY-FOUB f JL r^r Far the W4*k Ended rateeaet ef S. WMther Bmaai jlHatu]|(0t»ir lEtt^ttitts H ^ ralii Jmm n , 1868 , Pair aad eeel 00U New York, June .17 (/P )~ held in the church hall Monday service. . H m Ml* of poultry part* U aaoUiar Muunple of lookinc ahMd in '' I night at 8:15. All, the men of the man, entered the ArmR/hut^ Jan­ have thrtr Snal meeting of the tb* food buainMa to make it easier tor the busy housewife. 408 kLUNOTON BOAD \ EAST HABITtmD Montevideo, Uriiguey, June 17 (/P) — Roman' Catholic Ifocelgn ministers of the pa'rtsh ate invited to this meeting. uary and completed baaie training aeason tomorrow night in the form three leading western na­ Antoine Buysse, our meat man who has raised thousands of .fine Refreshments and entertainment Army Pvt. Edwerd P. Msrcl- at Fort Dlx, N. J.' Ha attended of * mcnlc supper at 8:30 at Cen­ Churches in Argentina were attacked by. rioters climaxing chicksn* since be came hern'from Belgium in 1020, can qualify will be provided. eenuk, son of Mr. jmd Mrs. Joseph Manchester High school. ter Springe Park. yesterday’s revolt against the regime of President Juan D. tions have agreed on all pro­ as a poultry expert . . . BUT 'm E MAN WHO RBALL.T PUT cedures for the forthcoming CaEnCKENS “ON THE MAP” IN A BIG WAY. was the person Peron. 'This was confirmed indirectly today by Peron hlm- who thought o f SELUNO FRI^H CHICKEN PARTS. Our cus­ ■elf. In a broadcast td his country- “summit” parley with Rus­ tomer* like the idea, and they wiU be glad to buy breasU and m... P.™ b.,™,. Con,„«.,U|p^p^ sia, a British source said to­ 1 ^ this week at this low price. '. for depredations against the day. They- will be taken up $3 M illion Oil churches and counselad prieata to U.S. Tallies Cite Illegal obey police orders. with Soviet Foreign Minister WHITE ROCK FRES|4 WHITE ROCK FRESH He promised the .go”*mment By Coated Clerics V. M.-Molotov for discussion Drill Tips in CHICKEN BREASTS will not allow any further depre­ n San Francisco next week. Results of CHICKEN LEGS dations against churches, he gr.ve Vatican City, June 17 (^>— Activities of lb. 79c lb. 89e . no detcJls, but unconfirmed reports Pop* Piu# XIT today re­ New York, June 17 (JP)— Gulf; 43 Safe reaching Montevideo had it tbati affirmed his goodwill for ths . six or seven churches in Buenos The Western Big Three, pre­ M ock Test Roman Catholte clergy and paring for high level talks A r m ^ d e s Fryers . . . Broilers NatUta Fricassaa Fowl. Aires had been set afire. people of Argentina. New Orleans, June 17 l8)-rA Blames Navy with Russia in 8 hope that i., The 78-yttr-old head of. the $3,000,000 oil drilling" barge cap­ Emergency Press Head- Peron s|>oke to Argentines by ' chuifeh expressed his sent!-' Soviet peace moves niay be sized sending meet of the 43 llfe- Washington, June 17 (flPV" radio for IS n;iinutaB, at noon Ar­ ments in a lengthy, quickly sincere, tumejd to Germany’s Jacketed workmen aboard into the uarters, Operation Alert, Russia was reported today to HO T DO G ! SALADS WITH gentine time (I’d a.m. E8T). TtiM Sune 17 (JP) —Thia theoreti­ called private audience writh problems today. rough waters of (he Gulf of Mexi­ have expelled three Ameri­ LAMB feilowed up a einillR' broadcast the two Catholic prelates ex­ co. cally bomb-blasted ' nation last night in which hr announced The three foreign ministers were The tug Delilah picked up the can military atthches who Extra Fine Quality / E;^-: pelled by Argentine authorl- to take up their new ally and found its farm and industry Light bright fruit salads, My the revolt waa ov^r, that the Navy Ues. . • men without injury. . • were part of the embassy the experts . . . especially was responsible for it,^ and that World War II opponent after The barge, Anastasia, owned by potential sufficiently intact HIGHFAlimN, theeeRine- The prelates, the Auxiliary morning session on procedures for staff in Moetow. Infijrmed hurst frankfurters! Tim* with a touch of mint. And, Argentina wa* uiAler a atatc of Bishop of Buenos Aires, Msgr. the...Amerlcan Tldelands Co. was today to avert collapse and officials said the Soviet For­ of coursO, asparagus U a •iege. the Big Four talks which begin en ‘ route to its first drilling Job was w h ^ they were only Manuel Tatd, and his asriatant, Monday in Bin Francisco and cul­ support a war effort despite eign Office declared them picnic Or family fare. Now natural either in salad or hot In today’! apeech hq expreaaed when it capeized 4:45 a.m. (CRT)' with butter. ThU week w* Msgr. Ramon Pablo Novoa, minate in the summit meeting at mock casualties numbering they w * aocially acceptable » v,oondolencea to relatives of those were, closeted with the Pontiff about 45 miles south of New Or­ “persona non grata” because offer more wonderfully t«»-, Ito died in yesterday's air attack* Geneva July 18. leans and six miles south of Grand 14 3-4 million. of alleged improper activi­ at the best Ubles. “ Franks” in hiS'Veticaa apartment for The iBIg Three foreign ministers This was th* aaaeasment o f gov­ are cooked. Just need heat­ der i , about 40 planes whlcli’ struck, one hour and 25cminutes. - isle, La, ------ties. . ily the Government House. began urtr morning session short­ A Ck>ast Guard - edtter at th* ernment officials at the start of ing. Serve them with beans, The Pope has been described ly after 10 sm . in the Waldorf- this third and final day of "Opera­ TIm phrase in diphunatie lak- or with Pinehurst Potato Genuine' Spring Lamb This rambling building in the Plaaa scene reported to ,Eighth i^oaat guage miiahs they are no longer de Mayo in central Buenoa Aires as deeply grieved, over events Astoria Hotel. tion Alert 1955,’’ designed.to test Salad . . . or have a picnic lb. 1^8 at 69c and in Argentina. Guard District headquarters here welcome to stay la the country. SELF SERVE AND MEAT DEPARTMENT houses the prindm^ government West German .Chancellor Konrad the barge rested on its side in 38 the nation's (jivil Defense pre­ SH Ib. Bise^ (for the small and put them “on a bun.“ Adenauer came to N*W York to paredness and Its ability to shake Hi* tiire* Americans were va- Vac pak cold cuts from Rath family) at t5c lb. offices, including^efOn's own. feet of water and appeared heav­ KL • Hiers wa* no relial le s*timate of cesa of law ia suspended in Argen­ Join U.S. Secretary of SUte Dulles, ily damaged. The cutter claaalfied off the devastation suppoaedly portad to be Lt. OoL John 8. Baa- HALE'S FRESHLY PREMIER deeweeeee•*■*■•*•••■•**• the total oaaualtlea in Bueno* tina under the state of aiege, British Foreign Secretsiy Harold the barge' aa a hazard to navigS' wreaked in Wednesday's'warn nu. son who had baea la the Soviet GROUND MEAT DEPARTMENT Aires or other peris of Argehtiaa, Peron sought to blame Roman Macmillan, and French Foreign Uon. clear assault. Uaiqn eom* 10 months; Oapt. ’Wil­ YOU a N TASTE THE DIFFERENCE but they were unqueaUohebly Catholic priests aa in pert respon- Minister Antoine Plnay at lunch. Buck Frolick of New Orleans, a The federal Civil Defense Ad­ liam R. Stroud Who has been as­ Fruit Cocktail fRlGHT, FRESH heavy. ■ible for tbe start o f- m rebellion. Flanked by New York motor­ aea diver, said he was under the ministration (FCDAU reported that signed to Mbacow.about IS months, COFFEE At tha time Pe^oh spoke today He ha* been aeeking for *even cycle police, their sirens scream­ barge patching leaka when It be­ 414‘hillUon persons were ‘ 'saved” and Capt. yralter Mule, attached “All Pinehurst Beef is Top U.S. Choice .. . , When you direct communicetiMia with Buenos month* to c u r b powers of the ing, Adenauer arrived at the Wal­ gan to list. ’------^ from''death or injliry by simulated to the embaaay ainee March 24, >> Lg. 'Stee Can evacuations in 24 of the 41 cities carve into a Pinehurst Rib Oven Roast or fizzling tender Lb. Aires hsd been blacked out for 15 ichurch in Argentina. Yesterday, dorf-Xetoria Hotel at 11:50 a.m., "Nobody seems to know why the 1853. Just before the revolt began, Psron subject to the make-believe at­ steak, it’s hardto find where there’s any .room for in^ hours. and went to his apartment to rest thing turned over..” he said. “It tack, , ■ . I All three were aaaistant Army Peron promised Justice will be was excommunicated by tbe Vati' hefdie meeting the three foreign attaches a t tha embassy. provement. ~ 1 . / was Hating for a while before it 24 MIUIoi Homelees ; meted out to ithos* who tried to can. , V ministers. went oveV. They called for crew Thar* was no Immediato word as stage the coup againat him, but Pcron^declarcd his government But 24' millions were calculated The chuck or shoulder of beef makes a tender juicy ^ t A erod’d, gathered at the en­ boats but did not get them in time. to be homelesa refugees. These to whether the Americana had al­ O’LAMB daclared all this wiU ba dona under trance to the hotel, broke into ready left Ruaala. "The barge was listing at a pret­ personi), FCDA Administrator Val roast and we sell m»ny of them. Recently, however, the the law. Practically all due pro- (OMitia«ed cm Fag* Fear) applauee eben tbe German Ghan- Two Ousted as “Splee’ f i ' ty low angle when the crew got off. C. Peterson said, would be "the demand for the extra lean round steak type of row^t has crtlor stepped Trom his limousine. Most of the men l^ped into the most pressing problem" of the The latest Soviet move cbBies sl­ pushed chuck into m ond place in" the “hit parad^’ If He amiled,' waved and fo^ td for water but some were still on the home front if the synthetic war it a year after. Ruaala expelled you like a very lean roast, ask for TOP ROUND, RUMP photoigrapiiera. The ministera side w)ten-4he (rescue) losUcame." were real, ’ - ' other American embassy at- SWANSON'S BONED agreed to have their photographa Ivy LeBlanc, skipper of the res­ The’^asualty count, sUU incom­ tarties; OR SIRLOIN TIP ROAST. We cut thenymy size. taken with Adenauer on the Star­ EDUCATOR Leaders, GQVernor Pick cue tug, said "we got all the men plete and coming in slowly, sup. It July 8, the Soviets forc^ light roof before tbe luncheon at posed S.200,000 were deaid and SWISS STEAK, too, is especially tender and delicious v/Uch DuUes waa host. Adenauer'* pretty quick." • th* djparhm of Lt. CM. H. Felch- 6,5SOiOOO injured in the continental lin, assistant military attache, and when madD: with Pinehurst Top Round Steak- CRAX CHICKEN arrival came shortly before the United States, not counting the toll TENDER RIB LAMB CHOPS ...... Lb. 7fe three foreign ministers broke up MaJ. W l McKiimey, aasiatant air Special Ses^on Agenda in territorial cities. attacMe. ’ 1 Lb. Pkg. . 5 Oz. Can their momiiig meeting. Some 6 million workers wqra It's Boty for junior M)H 9o tkiko The conferees were rnCm before­ Ike Victorious presumed to .be among those cas­ Both mJn war* charged with at- OPEN P. S- Just'call our? meat manager, hand on whether tbe group would ualties in thei55 continental cities. tempUng "to carry out espionage You Get "Farm~Presh" Hartford, June 17 (^)—Repub-^and make it retroactive to Jan. work,” FRIDAY Charles McCarthy, if you want a spe- , « toko on Mior'f Gay wifh . licah and Democratic IcgialaUve vrnen it went beck to S per cent. approve the date Adenauer will go However, Civil Defense officials to Mobkow on a Soviet Invitation. In Fight to Tie oomed beef or fancy Rib Oven Roast Poultry'At Hale's leader* meeting with OoV. RiMcoff Limit en extension of tbe unin calculated that only a "surpriaing- The State Itopartment rejected NIGW Atenauer imm made it clear that ly low" 6 per cent of the coufi- the Soviet ebaigM, and aald it was cial thick steak, a ’dUt of tendercure today rtached aigreemant on 88 ooeporeted bualncas tax to two UNTIL IPUl^iy Sake Mikes 29' i FLUMP FOWL, Lorg* ..... ^ ...... Lb. 43e itema to be acted upon at the ape- years and provide for county nUo' the date must yoUow the Geneva tiya mantaecturing capacity waa obvioua Russia traa ousting Fdch- for Father’s di^r... ntions. oonferen^ Dixon to TV A lin and McKinneAln ratoUatlon for 8:30 pial aeaaioB oCthe General Aaaem- Bsaaionl'Bueiilmwer is tb meet I WMie • Q m m h r n . • YeNoUr Z biy starting Wedneaday. Apfwopriato 818,000,000 to per­ (Coatdi*ed en Page TWulve) th* eariiar U.8. edmilalon ot three ROAITIN^ CHICKENS ...... Lb. S3c SCk that high letef'o~.'(Of Skippar’s Dock) "BRIGHTWDDD” PDRK ngenda include ...measures that Jtme 8, ^ deadline for the five rctary o f State Dean Acheson be They lost by a standing 188-169 making a peace treaty with Tokyo. ‘ Herald Phato would: Continue the salea tax et 8 The big day finally arrived today for Manchester High THURS. month aeaaion. invited by the administration to vote their fight to allow the 'TVA Dispatches say 'th* price ia with­ REDS RAF UJL “ A U O n r steakburger tips . Miye catsup or rel- NIGHT CHOCOLATE per cent for the next two years New iegialative reform nu ait in on its drafting. to start work on a generating drawal of U.S. troops from Japan Bchool’a class of 1965. Tile cap-and-gowned graduates, with (unless UUa l^lalatitm ia enacted plant at Fulton, Tenn. This would 90 days after the treaty became Principal Edson M. Bailey and class officers at their heed, liwaien, Joae 17 (JTH-tS«»emr irti . . . or'pour hot atewed SAW tomatoes CLMIBISCUE urea, which wo*...:.d laiv* the effect . Knowbtnd, the $ ^ t e Republi­ Radto today cnOad Amarten’a over your bumra^ ^ . . Get. Arnold or UNTIL CHIPS the tax automatically drops back c t outting OenerU Aaaembty worti can leader, n id he believe Eiaen- have provided the power which the effective. march up Main St. from EducaUonal Square to th* State.Thea­ BDSTDN B U n ter for graduation exercises this morning. “OpaimKan Alert” an effort by to 2 per cent on July 1). Guard For Japan ^ Raymond's fraiu or hamburg roils at Pine- 8:30 Can Ike geveraaeant to intimidate hurst. P kg. . Reinstnte the corporation tax fOenUnnad *■ Page Twelve) (Ooiithnied on Page.P'oiir) ^ (Con^ned on Page Fifteen) That would be a measure for thJ -V neutralization of Japan. American the pnUle late more expeadl- / . ------5 ^ troopa there and in Korea provide ' taree fer arrsamrete. *flrhla large Healthful Fresher by^ at present the concrete evidence aeal* alhwilaH** with aU Ha far Vegetaiilas . ' of American deterrent power and Bolee aad elatter. to evidenriy Japanhi real protection against Record MHS Class oalcalatod to taitaMdato tha From Becker military attack. popniatien akd to eeaspel them Beets .... .,,..bch. 14d Invents Screen for 3-D When the United Statee and to kellme to the toerttabtllty et moat of its W c^d War II allies, atemio war' and to become re­ .Spinach ' ..lb. 15c C WITH 4 9 L IS conciled to the enlsaeal egpeadl- Beet Greens . ,1b. 18c CoBoentmted—Servea 8. signed a peace Jlrcaty with Japsin, For Oooldea, Sauce, Brownies COUPON andwich Specials , By LEONARD ZEIDENBERG a aeparate agreement was negM- tnre on arliiameats." iifshtnt Salad Cabbage ea. 19c An. idea that has been geataUng ated saying these American foi’ces Asparagus in 'the mind of ji local man for a f may remain in Japan aa long aa. a ' 'MOCKTO CAP OAE FIRE SUGAR HEART HALE'S CARRIES A moat 85 year* haa floally emerged danger of Communist aggression Soma 330 graduating seniors o f f said should have lost. iU meaning" Rewrre, M ., Jane It (FV—An IMXWBU G reen Bm h s COMPLETE LINE OF in a- form that may^ prove to- be exlata and the Japanese are unable Manchester High School received j expert trOOMe - skoottog team Summer Squash CREAM STYLE MINCED HAM the easieat and beat Way yst of ... . J. . Tvi _ _1__ I Mt.-Sinai.” He said he thought of to meet it effec'tively. their diplomas thU m orni^ " ( "Old World” not in terms geo- prepared to move 400 poonde of Celery producing the illusion of dsmth in Tha State Department made no powerful expleeive to the center diUonal cDr^moniGD sX th# StatG ] in*Teimis of *‘g world Peppers ?. MceORMICK’S movies and colored slides. It iS a comment bn the Tokyo reports and ef an intense nat«m) gaa well CORN new type of curved screen 'Sdlich Thsater. It was the largest grad-1 that lives in the spirit of you or fire todny to na effort to saoff Salad Mix „ SPICED HAM providea 3D without distortion and . fOontlaned eu Page Three) uaUng class in tha school's his- us — ‘if w e^^ noU conqlier you, out the tofemo. I'lie crew^ kead- Calif. New - 2 Cans S P I C E S a n d without tha aid of any other equipu Wiy. you will conquer uA*. "By N e w ed by tomed Paul “Red” Adair, UfMTfP TMM Potatoes ment. ^sirmsui Sherwood J. Robb-of - World,” he .added,*:!' " ! mean a reported after . an explomtory The screen—an odd4bap*d piece thef Board of Ektucation awarded.world that... has been trying to trip to the oeaier ef the btose. EXTRACTS that proceeds from flat aidea into the’- diplomas St the c)smlx of the | develop a new and glorious way of that H would probably, be a Crisp Green.. Buys a concave, center^ia th* product two-hour program of music and life the way of You an We. ■laeek before the well ebuM be CUCUMBERS. of Andrew L. Riker, 480 Spring 8L, News Tidbits addrMsea that was attended ' by "In the spirit of You or Us,” he recapped. ■ parents and friends of the gradu­ ' 10c and 3 for 25c TOP ROUND STEAK u. 89c a full-time engineer end .a part- Went on,'“ we shall all perish, but '1 Low time inventor. CuDad from AP Wires . ates, - in the sp irit'of You and We, we 15.000 TRUCKERS IDLE BAKER’S 4 i l l It conaiata of convantional bead- Tha graduatM who in their ma­ Red Ripe can all live and prosper. All can­ Boatoa, Jnae 17 (P> — A tow Colorie MiW instant ad-screen material held in a verti­ roon and white caps and gowns, not be masters and conquerors, all S TOMATOES BOTTOM ROUND ROAST 79c small- trucking flnno to Mnsm CHOCOUTE cal vaip by horisontal rods bent Many Latin American news­ had made a colorful procemion aa .cannot be Russians or Americans, box 21c • f firff pPIC6 I into the proper ehape, and a wood­ they marched to the theater from chasette, Rhode . Island and Con­ KEEBLER M uniu MOUSi Ceffce papers are expreasing 'auppeti et Communists or capitalists. But all necticut were reported eperat- Ripe. Canteloupes a m ' FLAVOR F n a K awai l»«— smmmI h eir* en frame, painted silver. Riker Argealtae CetboUoa in their.con­ Eklucational Square, heard the can be partners and citiaens." haa bttiU the screen in two eises main address delivered by Salom ing today bet some 500 other Red Ripe Watermelons flict with President Juan D. Risk aaid he first learned of eompaniee employtog nearly 18,- dab Crackers INSTAI^IIIX fry, bral. Biiy « chimk, dka .„ -one-about 40 inches by 28 inches, Peron’a regime. . . Lure o f , parade Risk, author and lecturer, who America from hii| teacher in Byria FRENCH'S which ts kbbUt the MS# of the con­ told them the world's salvation, ilea 000 drivers stUl were Idled by n Sweet Red Onions n e PerfecO Dinner Bisenit brings-thousanda-lnto-Cbadeetowr who told him tl»t this country work stoppage. ventional home-movla acreen, and on 180th anniversary of BstUe el' lii -America teaching its Ideail to was ‘?a-land o f peace and-good.wiU Large Slicing Onions 1 lib. Pkg. 1 Lb.* Pkg. the other about 25 Inches larger. Bunker HIU. all men. and work and opportuniUea" and a U.S. GETS WINTER GAMES Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Applied For Patent Three teenagers sre charged OUzk, a United States citizen '■ Riker, who la manager of tb* frith homicide in shotting last born in Syria, said he had come to (ConUnued-pn Pag* Fifteen) Paris, Juae 17 OWTIie skltog ‘ Pratt and Whitney Airoraft'e Meri­ night of another youth as he this Country to escape the bitter­ resort of Squaw Valley. Gallf., /rS A^iiV/ ITS GOLDEN! MUSTARD den plant and In charge of inq>ec- walkbd along Brooklyn Street ness, poverty and bigotry of the today was selected by the totor- GREEN BEANS Lb 19c tlon at the Aircraft’s Southington Group of persons’ o t Latvian and old world. But now, he aaid, “I naUmal OIJrmple Committee apd Nmtii' Haven plants, haa ap­ Lithuanian descent parade through have a feeling we cannot escape Ships Strike Eiiids; (IOC) .to stage the t t « wtotor plied for a patent on hi*, invention, Omaha depot waving anti-Rueeiaa tbe old world.” games^ It will be the aeread (WITH and ia excited about its posslblli: time the winter gamee have COUPON) LFTTUCE 2 Heads 25c hauuere aa train carrying Russian We are in e contest.” he said, Seatmeii Log Gains libs. 63c Uaa. delegation to San Franctsco pulla "either, thanks to Russia ai\d hsr come to th« UaUed Statee.. la He firat got the idea mpvles 1SS2 when the summer Olympic* 2 ^ 27® in, - Communist ideology, the old world [ ------Cigarettes — Popular Bronds could be given the illusion Young loAthcr testifies in CSii- shall pull America down into all New. York. June 17 (P) —A ma­ ..were held hi Um Angelee. tho CUCUMBERS 2 r. 19c while a student at Yale, cago. circuit court that her hus­ thoae oceans of blood and hate and. jor segment of the maritime wtater games were held at taka NaUsco Oreo Sandwich Cookies ...... Ig. pkg. 37e the heyday o f the ailenta. He Placid. N. Y. band boat'her-twrlce because she vwiom, or America la going to find striko'on tlve Bast and Gulf coasts l^ eclal low price on PlUsbury Cake Flour (White, chocolate and' Reg. Size $2.05 Ctn. King Size $2.15 Ctn Frozen Food Specials thought' then that tie three-dl- left dirty dishes in kitchen sink the courage to trust Freedom, and yellow) down 4e to ...... 28c VBNOWCROr TOMATOES Looea Paeir -Lii, 25c menaional affect could lie obtained Orson Welles brings epic aea story show ail men everywhere (if they has” been settled by agreement on BACKS AUSTRIA PACT ■with nothing more than a p roperly of Moby Dick to. Duke of-York’r will Bse) how they can work, and employer-financed unemployment Washtogtoa.: Jnae 17 (P> \ It’s Tuna ‘Time . . . BumblebM White Tuna 37c can. . . Bum-’ ^ One Pound Tins Pipe Tobocco BRUSSELS SPROUTS' It Os. 33c curwd Bcrten. thisatre in atag* version writteu live .and prosper Just ms nien do benefits for'seamen. Sea. Sparkmsui (D-Ala) told tho hlabea Chunk Tuna 2 cans 53. . BANANAS 2 Lb. 29c He made a few aiMtebes, but by Qraon Wellea, produced by Or- here, irrespective of church or Ths National MarlUma Union Sesato today the Soviet Untoa “W a w a s o r . „never got further than that as the class or nationality. (HMU), which represents mostly “ seems aow to bo Impimseattog mbra immediate poad-^aduation soil Wellaa and with two h v roles a-fC GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH OASH SALES acted by — that's right. "We now have no other chote* unlicensed seamen, came to tsrma by aete the w h t* thqy have WAFFLES 6'' 2 Fed 35c . problems of eaming a flvlitg, get­ Ruasians say they would like to ahead of ua, either America ia to last night with th* operators of used so freely” la the paat. If'$ aasy fo park . * PLUMS d» 3 9 c ting married and raiairg a family become Ilka the old world, plagued passenger ships and frelghtsra. Bparhmaa. aettog to the ahsiaea SNOWOROF ■nraased in on him. [ see improvement in Athene’ reto- Ooas with Moscow-and Soviet and crushed with militarism, ar­ A "memorandum'of understand­ et 8c*. Oeorgo (D-Cto), «nd assy i a shop «t What -evived his interest in his maments, colonies end taxu, or the ing*' provided that a Board. of man m t the Faseig* ~ WAX BEANS - 18 o*. 23c ourvad-eotesn idea was the flock aatsUito atatas... Coihmunlat East Cantaloupes iwsi», e.ch33 c HtiakI Ptwts Germaa govarnniant aaya it whole world must become I Trustees endeavor to teach agree­ Osafunlttosv urged n Pinohursf,. 302 Main MINUTE MAID «g ae

L ’.N. ■ ■■ ‘ ■ ■ ’ ' ‘ ‘^'L - :V r; V - . .-.J : ..J.