69C Pitched Battle in Center O 'S Reg Uenos
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/ WEDNESDAY, JUNE IB, 195B Averan Daily Net Prera Run p a g e TWENTY-EIOrff IRajtur^ipBtpr iEtt^nitts, H^raliii ,F «P the Week Haded yTheW aathor Joae l i t -1885 rUfeesM of U. S. Weethsg Utmuao Mrs. Agnes Tangk, M Xadluttl H u oatt *<0B a t MMira 8040 Hu Oanter Graduate* Give Rd.; i3 in Ihlanak. U W. Omter 11,705 Fair and little change la tsmw CTuh nMeh psesm tsd the OaeBte 4ka foUowtaf.oCBoars for the IWSfl- Receives BS at.; Nancy WelngnHhar. KPD 3, peratore tonight. Lew 55-60. Fri AboutTow n Minstrel last weak wlU have an OS saason at their annual picnic Member af the Audit meetlnf hold June tth ait the home Rockville; Edward Adas^ day fair end warm. High S6-8B. outdoor supper fViday evamiu Gift to Classmate Butcher Rd., Rockville; Elmer Bureaa of Olrenlatlen H u CowiTiftBB OB M!l«lcna mitd at the boiM of Mr. and Mis. WlT- of Mr. and Mrs. Curten Moore, V' _____ Manchester— City of Village Charm tlu Oommiaston on rinwnco of the South Oover-tiy: P»eoloent, A r Hatfield, 68 Durant Bt; BlUy ,, liam Brennan, 31 Mt. Nabo Place. Malausky, 78 Birch St. ----------— --------------------------------------- ----- fe----------- -------- North Methodist Ghnrdt eriltnooL0 7n case of rain it wiU be held at nold Thom:ieoh: Vice-President, This yharis graduating elasa at w in Uu church this ovsniiu 7:30 the Oommiinity % on North Main Willis Gay: Secretary Penny Rich- Mahoheetsr High School surprised b ir t h s YESTERDAY: A and «:30 roivoctlsoly. Everett and dsHghted one of their class V0L.LXXIV,N0.218 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE l«, 1955 (OtoeUfled Adverttstog w Page 33) - PRICE FIVE CENTS St. tar: Htaaorar, Allan'Ooe Jr.: Mem- daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy is chairmen of the hurahip, Riilh Rowley, sad Pup- mates, Sandra Newman, 57 Turn- HUl, 42 Baisabeth Dr.; a eon to sionary prorraid of the church. A heity. Betty Lundber;.'. A meeting bull Rd., by pramntlng her with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nlasnanakl GIFTS chairman of the flnance pm ip wUi The (ollourinf seniors at Man a lovely three-speed record player 81 Waahlngton 8t.; a aon t'o Mr. chester High School have been ad will be held Saturday, Jene 35th be elected- Members are reminded at the cottife of Mr. and Mrs. and Parker pen and pencil aet. to and Mrs. Donald Judd, 10 Drive to attend these organisaUonal mitted to the Teachers qoUefs of gether with graduation congratula OonnecUeut at New Britain: Joan Lverett Bsldhtf at Lake Kayward. G. , > meatlncs. All members wishing to a tend tions and get well wlslies. BIRTH8 TODAY; A daughter DU WIU WREOMTE HIS SIFT Barre. William Grimason, Sahdra Miss Newman hea been quite ill Lou Newman, Nancy Walsh, Cau*- eCiould contact I>c. a Balding or to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vriano, The Mary Ouahman fr o m of the Ruth Ro;vloy on or before Thurs for several we»ks end will be un Beoieid OonfrofaUonal Womenb ole Wennerfren, Joyce V/etherell. Bolton Rd., Vernon; a son to Mr. FROM HISSIFF ARMS day, Jtaw 33. able to attend Miy of the gradua and Mrs. James Higgins, 43 Maple ’s Reg toacue will hold its annuel dinner Patricia Wupperfeld, Richard tion functions. 8t. teSeht at, 7 pjn. at the HiUcreat, Giansante, Ponald Hattin and Mm has ''een very .'active In Bruce Wilkie. « DUpUcata bridge will be played DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Bolton. echool activities, has served on the Lwt our courtuoHSt oxpurloiieod pursounol tomorrow night at VFW Hall Student Oocncil. been a member Mre, Mildred Phiffer end son, 74 sUrting at S;OS. Winnara in last of the Round Table Singers end Haynes St.; Edward Adania, Up Thursday night’s game were ss Girls' Leaders Club and recsntly per Butcher Rd., Rockville'; Mm. hdpyuuwitli dud's Sift. ' '1owe: Mrs. Joseph Me Veighand was chosen the .eat captkin of the Mery Moes, Storrs; John Phelps, R. H. W. Spanglei’. 17: Mr. and cheerleeding sq'isd. 366 - Osklend St.; Mre, Mary Take Advantage Of The Cool Mra. Marvin Roeenblatt, 45 *a: IBie will enter New Britain Macrl, 163 Maple S t; Mre. Mary Mrs. lusb Ry^ler «n<l Mrs. Albert Teachers’ CoUega in tj^e fall and ann Kristpff, EcIm Dr., Vernon: A GIFT CERTIFICATE Pitched Battle in Center o uenos Volx, 39: Mr. and Mi's. Eriust re.ently was swarded a 1100 E^^ard' Ha^rfrn, 135 Biesell S t; Weather To Try On A JANTZEN Ungerer, S ilt. r. s.holarahip by the Manchester EM' Mre. Shirley Ingalls, Wallingford. Vt.; Bklmund Soueie, RE*D 1, W ILLJJT HIM PICK HIS OWN GIFT WIUtaUB J. Wright, ucation Association to help fUT' At 6:30 p.n_ tmooirow CXito thcr her education there. Rockville; Mrs. MSrgaret Grayb For The Hot Weather Ahead Scout Pack 153 of .Bowers School and son, 89 Woodland St,: Mra. Strike Peril will.mest for xAeir monthly pack William J. Wright, formerly of Eklna Kinnlson, South Coventry; Tiioeiing at eemmi Joimsdn. Each 13 Fulton Rd., received his Bache Mrs. Marie C. Avery, MerroW; LADIES! Revolution Quelled, family ia asked to bnng food for lor of Science degree In business Hospital Notes Mrs. Bette Randall and daughter, their family n fires will be pro administration st Hillyer College East Hartford. DOUILE OREEN STAMPS Hangs Over vided. All members and their fam commencement exercises held at. DISCHARGED) TODAY: Mrs. ilies are invited to coftie along to Bushnell Memorial Hall, Hartford, PatleiiU Today: ISS Dorothea Ritzen and daughter, enjoy rite- fun. Deceert aill be pro- Sunday. ' . a d m i t t e d YESTERDAY: 125 W. Center St.; Mrs. Jeanne All DAY THURSDAY, JUNE 1A President Declares lL-14 “DANGEROUS viMd for all by the pact:. He Is the son of Mia. Lilla Wright Geori^e Simmons, Coventry: WH- Dutton and daughter, 'GleSton-' Trade Fleet Hellandbysnd and tha late William Itsm Hart, 78 Phelps Rd.: Dexter bury; Mrs, Helen Whistler end CURVES”— New Jantzen Knit G. Wright, who worked at Cheney French, Coventry:, .Mies Joan daughter, 35 Marshall Rd.; Mrs. Buenos Aires, June 16 <AV—It seemed evident this after Mias Jeanne Morrissey, daugh Bros. Freiidit Station. ARMS New York, June 16 (IP)— Chine swim style . * a glam ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomss M or Clinton, Warehouse Point: 'Ross Maidae Wheelsr,. Coventry; Mrs. A “no contract, no work” noon that the government of President Juan D. Peron waB rissey, 128 Campfield Rd.. gradu Clark, 45 O’Leary-Dr.; Mra. Elsie Eleanor Lassen. 36 Britton Rd.; COMPANY orous knit fabric of acetate- The midweek aervl6a;)rill be held Melatien. 34 Park PI., Rockville: Mre. Shirley Prentiss, Ihurt Hart stoppage called by union sea piftting down today’s revolt. The State Radio announced ’hi ated with fappora Monday from Mt. Peron’s name that all but one .small unit of a revolting Naval Laatex-n.vlon with the added St. Joseph Academy in West Hart as usual this evening at 7:30 at Mrs. Monette Johnson, 114 ford; William E. H art 78 Phelps NASSJF men along the Atlantic and ford. the' Covenant, OongregaUonal Crestwood Dr.: Mrs. Mary Ap- Rd.; Lauire Miller, 11 Englewood “ HOUSE OF SPORTS” ulf Coasts today threatened arsenal had been defeated. It said the planes which bombed texture interest of exclusive lurch. The Midausmner Featlval jy. 57 Hillcrest Rd.: Mrs. Stel- Dr.; Stephen Crowley, 75 Essex tt^itie up half of the Am.eri- Government House came from the Naval base at P)j|hta Indio, new Jantzen Crinkelpuff shir The Dominican nuns and their will taka i^ece Wednesday eve Makalis. 113 Wells St.: Carol St.; Paula Casavant, Wapplng; ltU5 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER and had killed many civilians in the attack. ning of next week. r Cronin, 97 Lenox St.; Mrs. IdaMrs. Lucille Munsell, Cdventry; merchant fleet. ring!* | Crinkelpuff actually friends will offer their Father’s Day euchartaUc hour especially for Antolik, 24 Bldridge St.; Mra. -Mrs. Dorothy Fisher, East Hart Abo In Willimantic ^ a ' CIO National Maritime Itelps ahape the suit as it Archbishop O’Brien of Hartford Anna Carlsoii; EMst Hartford; ford. Union wired its “no contract, no By SAM SUMMERLIN Stmday afternoon at 3:30 at the work” recommendations to union ; / beautifies it. The* bra is care Girl Graduating locals in 18 ports after negotia Buenos Airer, Argentina, June 16 (/P)— Revolt broke out, Monastery of Our Lady of Grace in today against the government o f President Juan D. Peron fully boned aiid inter-lined North Guilford. tions for , a new contract were "While in Hospital broken oig. ' shortly after the Vatican excommunicated him ahd ot^er with curve-creating Pellbn . Reaction came flrst from J*hila- Donald C.- Hall, 42 Strong St., government leader.s. ? „ and the tummy is controlled delphia, where ah NMU spokesman There wa.s a pitched battle in the center of Buenos A^es received the degree of Master of Conatahee Brand, daughter of said the tmion waa withiirawing its by an elaaticiz^ inner panel Business Administration at the Mr. and Mra. ^ James W. Brand, | and planes bombed Governmeiit House, the seat of govern 109th commencement exercises of members from all ships In the. to give yoii maximum benefits IS^ Green Rd., wiU he unable to Pennsylvania, Delaware and New ment. Revolutionists fired mortars, machine guns and fihes the Unlvej|?Blty of Pennsylvania Jersey docks. o f famous Jantzen “ Shape- this morning in Philadelphia, Pa. graduate with her claas at the Hoi- m against the Presidential Guard. / listsi: School. Tuesday, June 31, for ■ A Ike, Cabinet in Hideout Duringf Drill 80 Mhipe In New York The revolt waa reported to .have'^- — ' -.....■■■ - ’................