1 r';^ .) ■


WEDNESDAY, JANUARY A vtrtfd Dally Ndt P t o m R u n ■JL' - Per ths Wsek Raded ' --V- i) ' w r Jaa. 3, 1884 V-' 7 . W .3 M .U t» ______Ig (^H eeled : Tho ttoMM bataaeo tR wator Art*OC4* irCg^^I^KNTIMt - — tcGttolui la 114,381.81 •irtar total - '• " Mtoiia'r 'ef 'thi‘S S T ^ ’ ■' In Parking'Bdeters oollectiona aince. the beginning of - ' _ ’ ----- the d a ^ year of $88,83f.7& , ■ ' J . 7 M anche$ter^A\Ciiy of ViU njf Charm Total colicctiona ao far thia ^ _____ - . . ■■/ With ahopping at peak during flacat year of 81*3,714.84 have been VOL. LXXHL NO. 82 the'Chnatmaa aeaaon, ooUectlon^< made from jdt other aourcoa. (Oaealfled Adva on Page 14) MANGHESTElt'CONN, m vm D A vl JANUARY 7 .1M4 from parking BMtera on town atreets totaled .13.1*8.37 fdr ^ e LOWEST PRICES IN TOW^I*

month of December, about 1 8 ^ • . over the monthly average, a reiwn 1 by Tax Ooilector Paul Cervini COX ^ DRESS RUBBERS $1.98 ahowa. HEAVY WORK RUBBERS $2.98 Mr*.' Henry F. Taylor, Thia year'a December flghre la HARDWARE Texaa, were holiday about 837 lean than laat/ yehr'a.. _f MM---A ^ , of^llr. and Mra. Balance in . the Parklim . Meter 'MIW ^wWWOgWf WORK or DRESS ARCTICS $4.98 ,\ 4 Fund ia a^w 881,034.34v^There haa OOMPlJEtE SIZE BANOB and Mr. and Mra. Eltetrical Swollfs, A CHHlver, 838 E. Middle biiah'\aome dlaouaaion/of drawing Tpk*. fromi’"tiM fund to hmp finance a Took. plan ter incrcaaed,{larking at the DIAMOND'S PumeU Place area, Caraatp Mmia an^ Wartliy Grand Matron of the . Orvinl’a reppn indlcatea that MidNI* Tniiifrili* East 'X utani Star; Mra. Marie Wood* 145 J74.SS of ^ 8M.7QB14 due. in ond NAVY -jBBwr,- o f - | & « current jperaoiial and real property TIL St7 jlA IN ST. MANCHESTER W on a y Grand Patron Harold An* taxea haa ^ e n collected ao far dataon. of Stratford, and their HiildBUta Ottlcera, will pay their ofdelal vtait to Tenwie Chapter. ^ T ~ Ho. SI, Wedneaday, jan. IS, at ,8 V > : p.at. in the Ifaaonic Temple. The aieetina win be preceded by a ■ haired ham a»ipparat 8;8», reaerra>^ A t o m T a ik s tlona for wM«di muM be in by Snnday. Jan. 10. Paat Worthy Ha* tratm, Ifaiy Beaur^ard, Mra. P l a n V ^ e notanoa Thornton, or the preaent Wortliy Matron. Mra William Ley* I V i i Tyci^r^Yi^ds gett, be contacted for reaerva* , tlona A b o u t t b • “ ■ . - Bottom 6p Snug Fit bdinburgh, Scotland, Jan'T (/P)— Millionaire tin magnate \ The tittle Flower of Jeatia Antenor Patino yielded today to. love’s young dream and gave Washington, Jan. 7 (/P)— lloUiera Ctrcle Will meek tonight legall*f*l attempt to blow the marriage of his beautiful Tho United States and Russia at 8d5 at the home Of'Mra Joaeph , . ■ ■ / • . Barry, 158 Main St^' Membera are -year-old daughter Maria Isabela to a handsome young were agreed today on start­ “ Miaa Wlaconain" la greeted on= hw arrival at Bradley n eld by repreaeiitativea of tbo INsptUar Mar- remmdad to brtabf iii-old jewelry BngUshrasn. ■V------"■ ing proliminflry atoms-for- keta and Armour A C?o. W e groupj to of W , Pdrtanan, Armour biancb man­ and Flat Sheets The wsy is clesr for Msrim forMie A fr^ m mlaaioii. \r< peape talks in Washington; ager; C. R a fm , Armour (Uatrict rcpresehtatlve;._L. Blum, grocery buyer for Popular Marketa; L. A. Isibeik and' Jimmy Gdidsmlth, Whether you choose Lady Pep[^)rell Flat Sh^ts or Snugfit Rhceta, you get^he best sheets for long wear and service. Lady but the, important question Thorp, advertiaing-director for The Mancheater Herald; Mayor Sherwood Bowen; Miaa Marvene Fish­ ^ 3 0:y tsr-old son of sn English ho­ aea Donald McCarthy, Pepperell Snugfit Sheet covers are 1-3 stronger than ordinary fittra .. . are 100% reversible too. Only Lsdy Pepperell Fitted tel msn, the runaway lovers of timing waa still up in ihe K and Mra John Me* er ^(Mias Wisconsia); .Harry Stulta. vice president of Popular Markets; H. W. Roea, Armour aaaiatant Sheets have these two features. whose plight bad attracted world­ k 117 Birch S t, who recently air. . ■ ' ' / branch manager. P. Munson, a^lverUaiag managor for Popular Markets; J. Dolan, office manager for wide attsiitlon, to get married at The Soviets announce^ the apent a wiort furlouih at hia home, any on# of 300 or more registry hiaa left\lbr Camp Chaffee, Ark,, Armour A Co., and A. Ackvierland of the Hartford Tlnms. Mias Fisher will be at Popular Market agreement last , night in Moscow more economicel ___ ^Mbma bavia with the A Company, tomorrow, Friday and Saturday to meet people and demonstrate Wiaconain cheese as featured by Ar- offices in Scotland. Thsy already and the State Department quickly will be gearedxto the use of sromic 83d Arniy\pisiaeera ptwur A Co. ‘ \ have a license. confirmed It. weapons "if they are needed to / ShorUy after the eourt hearing, Russia said Its smbasbsdor In preserve our freMom.” Shieets and Pillow Cases ^ atlorasya for the young couple Washington, Oeorgi M.„ Zarubin, wants to ShaM Knowledge y f went to Edinburgh’s Registry Of- would represent it at the talks to He asked thst Congress»• Bm n fles and picked up the marriage set a time, place and subject mst- authority to "share vrfUi our Ailles 1 certifleates Isabela and Jimmy .ter for full scale negotiations. No rteln Uctical k n o w l^ c’’of these must have to wed. The lawyers ^ whs mentioned. ' thst is, how t0\use them.' t. i^ i c e To Menf You Owe ft To Your Wife To Show Her The Typ& 180 Type 144 Type 130 wouldn’t say what the plana were ^ e State Department, wlthlh AiJd to desi with OommunisU for the wedding. an NI;our, ^.announced Secretary at homeKSisenhower proposed that Nwouid "proceed at an early ciUzenshlpsbe stripped from ahy-1 CoIlirreMional LADY PEPPERELL XANNON FINFMUSLIN Fa|m Meets Osuple U D Y PEPPERELL Thera were reports paps hid date to^ave the procedural con­ one co n v ict^ n the future of con- versation^ That vraa another goed apiring to advocate the riolMt J FINE COMBED Pfe^CALE SUPERFINE MUSLIN met the young couple in secret hower^g State REG. $2.29 last night and given them his to the S o^ ta to get the talks overthrow of theFpvemment. G. E. going. ’This Is the cha^ge.on which top Afessagk toda; 83x99 .... • • • t a V blessing. ' R E O .i a .5 9 REG. $3.19 Time is ahortsfor DuUhs, who ia CMrnmuntst leaders have been con­ Republicai) : -Patino dashed . here last week victed. ___ ...i-. . - 7 2 * « » 7 2 x 1 0 8 ’ ...... inrom Paris when he learned that e x i t e d to leav^ w o weeks from the Way ______today for Berlin and the Foreign The President said his new five- $ . 0 9 his dark-eyed daughter with the • •ootatooe Ministers Conference^there Jan. 35 billlon-doUmr cut in government meut to^tnjrht opposition or .REG. $3.79 R E S . $ 3 .4 9 hour glaaa figure and the debonair, among the United Btatfs, Russia, costs—which he prbpoees with s specif^ points;, Eton-educated Englishman had Britain and France. 68-bllIlon budget for the fiscal 81x108 ...... $3.0 9 8 1X10 8 j...... REG./$2.69 4 ^ I Q /. sloped. 'r^VaprinkllngX of direct (TOP Marfa L Patino Dulles has been pressislhg for year beginning July 1—would put diasgreOment appU4< J lx I O S He sought to bar the mahiage, early negotiations ever sincence^Pres- running expenses 13 billion a year ^ers as the propose R E 6 ,1 3 ^ 9 8 RES. $3.79 ^ saying his daughter waa too Ident Eisenhower proposed,-in under what President Tnimsn'a,. of scheduled cuts-in .)__ 9 0 x 1 0 8 ...... /. ; r I s . $ 2 . 8 9 ^ 1 ytmng for matrimony. Gold- Dec. 8 address to the United last budget proposed. A come and bxciss taxs 9 0 x 1 0 8 ...... As costa are cut still furUi^r, 8 1 x 1 0 8 ______sisiith’s brother said he had ~an- tions, that the world unite to strii President’s oau for ethcr reason — he wanted a titled the atom of "lU military casing Eisenhower said, new cuts In/tax- rates. REG. 79c 42)^8'/i REG. 69e 42x38 husband for his daughter. iDa and adapt It to the arts of peace.!’ es "can and wUl be madc.’’^ u t he And RepubUoah appli REG. 59c 42x36 V asked that Congress act^no atop PILLOW-CASES ... PILLOW-CASES .. . own Wife la a French princess, a Under the Eisenhower plan, Elsenhower's backing of PILLOW-CASES ... descendant of King Louis XIV of atomic materials and know-how some reductions alresdy^heduled fafm pries suppmta w a s ___ „ Francs. Patino’s father, old Si- would be pooled for peaceful pur- for April 1—^in corpowion income ably scares in the House Agrfebl- taxea p d ia f e d ^ l excise, or nmn, waa^.a self-taught Spantabr posw by the United ifUtas* Russia turol Committee. \ Indian peisant who fought his s^ea, taxes on suon things as gas- and other nationa with a contribu­ oUhe, automobllsb, tobacco ’ and A-Plan Reactto4 Good way to the top in Bolivia’s turbu­ tion to make. An interiiatlona] First reaction to hto. plan foe lent tin mines and made himself sMucy, under United Nationa aus- sharing some atomic informattoa Sniig Fitted Bottom and Top Sheets one of the richest men in the icea, would control the pool. The Joint with AUiea was favorable. 7 ’ world. gope la that such international ef- House O n tha Only 4* hours ago Patino'Wffl' ftfft migM uRunuty laarurfoiT- attUMiB lo g s . Ttep: H o iie c iW :____ obtalJiod a temporary injunction trol of atomie weapons also. t by an major nidfo A t works. House Republicsn Leader, aaM it blocking the wedding for a week. Dulles has said he planned to "ocUlned.a program geaind to thd \- It donned light-col- 180 Type 144 Type 1 2 8 ; ’The lovers through an attomsy discuss the idea with Soviet For- orCd horn rimmed glasses to read hopes and aspiraUona dC, filed an objection to the injunc- cign Minister Molotov at the Ber- ;hu-'*4dc«sar...\...... —...... — American people for a ' ll5n'yestei^B^^^^^ fitted on peace Instead of war-* LADY PEPPERELL LADY PEPP8RELL Hn emferehee, ori^nally proposed ^ . Bpeerk . . PEPPERELL MUS_LIN ’This morning the couple’s sttor- But when th«..meeL- ■/ Seven thousand words in Iciurth. R»p. -A«i«»ODffTrBoi2i^ FINE COMBED PERCALE SUPERFINE MUSLIN ' nby anflounced there vfks ho Idhg-' Ing was postponed to Jan. 36, he it was one of the>longest State of whip or assistant leader, said tha er any need for him to contest the instructed Charles E. Bohlen, U. ENT DWIGHT D. SISENHQWER tho Union meassgey any President message "wiU prove to he hiatorie REG. $3.69 TWIN SIZE ^ ^ ^ ^ REG. $3^.39 TWIN SIZE ^ REG. n . 7 ll TWIN SIZE ihjunction in view of forthcoming S. Ambassador at Moscow, to take has delivered. in this new RepubUcan.-kra of eo|iK developments. it up with Molotov.. nomic and governmOntal feelDsiH BOnOM OR TOP $ V .85 B O T T O M O k TOP $ / .39 BOTTOM OR TOP Then PsUno’s sttomey arose to Yet Eisenhower lAly, sketched Last night’s Soviet communi­ broadly hiii .ptaha in^the farm, atructioa” A J S N U G R T ^ SNUGFIY . - -iaa , SNUSFtT ...... que, reporting talks yesterday and Rep. Rayburn ,t»f Texas, tha fOiBtlnned on Pagn Reuthel* Attack I***®*"’ eecurity, heidth. ---- . •) M. OMdsmUh. JS4t. .Thursday, between BoMlen. housing and tax fields. He said he House DsawernlH Leader, -pretty - R E G ^^89 FULL SIZE REG: $3.59 FULL SIZT RES. $2.99 FULL SIZE and Molotov, said Bohlen sought would send the lawmakers sepa­ well summed up for the minority. preUmlnary atom conversations : e s He said the rottngt made ‘Yew, if BOHOMORTOP $ 4 . 0 5 BOHOMORTOP rate messages dealing with these .69 BOHOMOI^TOP in Washington before Jan, 35 or in detail. Thb first two—on farm any, specific recommendationa oa i - i SN U SFiT/....v... w J S N U G F IT ...... SNUGFIT at Berlin during the F orei^ Min- and on lsbor—are to go to the major -subjecta" ahd added: "Wa A, •s Threat istcra’ get-together. / ces Capitol on Monday.. Tba otharx sUU wUl have to wait to' asa what At yeaterdaya meeting, the com­ / ■. Will follow later. PrerfiRnt Eisenhower’s program M ' " V X A munique said, Molotov told ^h len Detroit, Jan. • 7 ^NpTHER SHtPJidENTr get going and agretd to atart in #•. Page PVleot). 22x44 CANNON FLORAL Washing^.' ^ ' ffoal ftf SITOWW laar* l?*JP**‘® *^^“***Y compieUd in Rouae, said : ’There was no mention in the surrender today to face charges uL j ***‘ BAWA planu, the company is now "It’s not what is proposed but SLIGHT IRREGULA^ PATTERN \ communique of the Soviet objiec- J ear, and additional hiXtogs, in a position to implement ex- in the 1948. shooting case of CIO as .well as overtim e operations I pressed military aims to further what ia accomplished that la ■'/d )ul, Jan-7 ^P)— American and ROK leaders, meetins: Uon , that. I Eisenhower’s plan does President Waiter P. Reuthef Important One thing la certain ao $2.29 24x46 E^RA SIZI not go far enough. .The objection are to be reduced to a m i^-•'educe where ever possible man- Keftover Raps ^parately today, apparently flettled— at least temporarily— which threatened to involve far aa sccompliahmenta are CM- voiced Dec. 3l when Rusrf* first mum, William P. Gwinn;genH5L';i'“f;‘r£ .‘^^‘'' h' .de- cemed, the DemocraUc party la /i rift on the tense problem concerning disposal of war prison­ agreed to negotiate ths jilan, . . . waa . prominent Detroit names’’ in Bath ers. ^puth Korean President Syngman Rhee and Foreign era! manager, announced to -> fctl‘oW Wire Tap Law the party of responaibilUy PiaR- that it provided for. peacetime m ^ geih en t and union circles dent Eisenhower and tta.people WamsuUa “ „ At Rtal January Sala Prices Minister Pyun Yung Tsl dropped' :—’— '— ------atomic development but offered no Pen-one «uid his son-in-lafv, cart. day. ,i ^Inca the beginning of produc- tbsir threat, of violence to free w v . g Renda, who both buUt scrap metal During last year. PAWA haa Uon of the J-57 in Febhjsry. 1953, cannot look toward the R^ubll- restraints against atom bombs. esn party because it Is badly ''i RES. $17.95 ^ more than 33,000 unrepatriated I I ^ I c | l l 8 l g k a i g a s i Russia ssld the bomb’ should be fortune^ were cha^^ed yesterday been increasing its employment! major emphasis has been concen- Asked by GOP each toUl sn averages.of 500 : each; traled on increasing the-monthly split" ■ '80x90 -A ^ ifow s while "new Allied arrange- V - < « U U U l l t 5 i l ouUawbrofnihent Detroit h ^ e s " / Steady progress haa bwn made permit, wire tap evidence 'to-1m E xtn wide and ex tn long WonderfuJ Chatham quaH^ in prisoners' after Jan. 32, the dste By Clare Luce he might tie Dulles uo long enough would figure in the case'and might ' suit N eeA apeidaUato / and is being made in meeting the used in the'prosectition of spy siib- Uue, rose, green, hudter green, yellow, red end ^ set by the srmlatics for freeing nation’s requirements for this im­ (CeeUnoed ea Page Two) Wonderful Wanuutta quality, ao aoft RES. $1.49 ^ to force fiinr to retire from the even replace the-four “ John Dom" Gwihn said that, a lth ou g'h pectsr - -- ' ' them as civilians. | Washlngtoii. Jan. 7 jg«) — Am- now listed on the Wairant. ' Po­ portant jet engine, Gwinn said.The McCsrrau JoIm Attack A and heavy, that wUI last for years and ne^tistiona, bring In a substitute PAWA had attained lU overCall J-57, and original PAWA design, la 7 yean. Charcoal gn y,_. hunter green, FLANNEL BACK DRitk •Th# U. N. replied earlier that, bsssador Clare Boothe Luce 1 ^ lice, who "broke" the tong inves­ employment goal, highly slmied And Sen. McCsrran (D-Nev) REG. $15.95 ■ they should he released according the only turbojet engine to he offi­ called the - measure "one. of the aqua, copen blue, pink. cautioned top officials here there . (tienttniied'On Page Fear) tigated case wide open 'yesterday, employes such et/ "all to truce terms. There was’ no in- cially rated, in the 10,000-pound- moat dangsroua thiitga to Ameri 72x90 Have not^given any hint tooths around” machinists a n ^ experi­ thrust claaa. It is the nforf. power­ dicstldp t that . the OoAnHaists ia new danger in Italy of slowly identities of-the .other four. enced sheet metal w ooers are can freedom proposed in a ib u 1 0 0 % M ^ O O L riling Commlmist strength, it was ful aircraft engine known to be in time.” - Biillelins would .change their, all-out op­ - In l95i; Perron# and four as­ till being hired. Dasign and pro- production. position to the release before s learned today., — . sociates were charged with con­ uction eni^nesra ars also nesdsd. McCsrran, senior Democrat on f roRi tiM A P W in s ; J ’ 'v REG. ' Confera W’ith’PrcaMsnt S tho Red-hunting Senate Internal ^Flye Y w Guarantee Against Moth Damage Korean Political C o n f e r e n c e spiracy to smash union organising; ; Gwlnn satdi-tliat, with the erne ,|Ceatlaued ba Page IWeen) KfmeaWmtrn 4lame . . ■» -meeta, Mr«- i.iisa, who2Lcn.jiLetT.ae A, News Ti^hitg -Atr-Um J5st*olt'MIohlgaiHMovd-Co/ SocUrttysubconusiUee -amritaXoci .n ^ -4diaiman;-i,-did.jM>C- howsvar,. 'S?55js*^p:-i ■Gan.______Maxwell^______J>, .‘m ipr... , wU^ . J»^dei»L EUen- Ce*e*-frmw A^ 9hreg ‘ PmioQir. pleaded guBty ’ in' 'Mays ^ -AiMRRARCilOOWRIRWtR Army Commander, flew to Tokyo“ ItVA h(nower. is reported to be Urging 1M>3, and was placed on proba- flatly-riUa o u t^ e ' cKahce lie w'duTd’ TVeetover Air. Feroe Base to t fffnM*’^r*’** adth Qen. John -E. continued Al^rican economic and support ■F li#».ted. carefuRy aafst ”Maaa:.--- Jam” 7 "OW'Beiartfc- cam iiiHUafy aM^o m i y tb bbistm- its lidto AiiriM i Rilin guarded wife tim bill, r Hull ti. N. tttmmandeit ■ , ^ 'ChaihnaB of State Milk Regula­ Rends; who-has no police reem-d, tinaed from the air and ea 4M MORE OF THOSE WONDERFUL pro-Western government. Meanwhile Rep. KMting (R groood today for » An offlclalr IppVesman said the tion Board agrees with Gov, Lodge figured in the Kefauver Crime NY), author of a wiretrap hill y IRREGULARS $1.19 16x28 SIZE two generals were “smoothing out Neither Mrs.- Luce nor the Pres-^ Committee hearings with his private plane which ^ each ident,^ reliable sources ssld. be­ that move to date milk with day which has been ispprov^ by' s unheard fr e « ainre xusassy. CANNON HAND AND FACE SIZE a number of prisoner details and of. delivery la "reasonable’’ and father-in-law. The . hearings par­ House Judiciary' subrammlttce he tying up some loose ends.” lieves’' there ' is 'i any , iniimlnent tially ripped the mask off labor HbnidiJ^is Facing Fight OMy the pUet Saaioet Mlklto E xtn heavy weight ccfve|SLOf drui with threat that Italy’s already power­ announces board will iact ultl-colored borders. crisis caused by Italian Premier Chalrinan of Joint Congression­ munity from federal ..prosecution Pyun, with Rh6D*i .fcDCkinig’, Giuseppe Pella’s resignation can Cto. to haul scrap metal away from Editer's netc^At 77, fennwr. mer President Tlburcio Cartas An- to -Witnesses before congressional WEEKLY iW iriim RESi^NR^ Latex Foain Ironing Set l A , aa. threatened Tueaday to inyade the al Committee on Atomic Energy the company. The contract -was Prssldsat T|b«relo Oarfas of Hea be imlved q u icl^ without plajrlng Rep. Sterling Cole prsdicta Con­ dino, or whether, it is to have committees aa s .n>eana to get New MUford. Jan. 7 GH m n ■hlpmTOt a complete sellout! Cannon’s finest into Commuoisr hands. dnras,.stlU keMa tight retti m Ms "Hew P fsl” reforms pushed by more testimony out of them. Many reeignattto of Joaeph V. CtoumM R E G . $ 3 .4 9 (Coatbuied ^ Ifa Four) gress will take action tp permit (Coattaned on Fags FIftaea) booatry. Bat Ms former protege, towels at half price; The irregu- , However, she is reported con­ "greater diaclaeure" of atomic in­ Moderates,- the Liberal party, and have refused to answer questions ly,. Jr« as editor ot tho weekly V Y Q U A L IT Y llnd“^ b d tt»ey AM hardly noticeable. Deep tone' | cerned shout the lo n g -r a n g e President Joaa Maaoel Onlves, Leftwingers. under the constitutional protec­ New MUfeM Ylmthu-^paa ato f ' formation to selected number of has pushed a reform. prqgram.Jn HALE’S STURDYWEAR threat poSed to Italian ^m ocracy NATO Allies. . lOcnhsn attorney The conservative followers - of tion f gainst being required to give aeuaeed today. Put Hihsr Ftod- French Forces Set by the new, non-violent tactics the least develspad of all toe Carisa in his Nacionsl party see testimony that might subject them erlck 8. TtedaB, saM thoS aCsefe aaka Big Four foreign ministers to BU Fires Halperin; la the paper wtM.CswMRr WM adopted^ by Italy’s Reds. relesae Oeman war erfaUnhl Central Amerfeaa ’repoMlce ton the Liberals as heavily inlUtrated to proeecution. By exploiting Italy’s '. serious fast far the aM -etraag ama’s with Commimitils. These charges Atty. Gen. BrowntB has caUed porehaatag trsM Ctoto J. Raa* For Vietnimh Push Baron Konstantin Von Ncurath demi wsend revert unemployment problem and pres­ itrem Spandau Prison to Berlin. Action Is Criticized Uklng. Here’s Iks story of the sob-i bring angry deniaU from Uberal for legialaUon both'in the wire­ suring non-Qommunist unions to Impriboned Josef Cardinal Mind- sequent a y » aM wkat It porteods lesdera, who say they want. only tap and immimity flelda. tex cooperate in strikes, the Red lead­ for the foture. theth# SanM type of social .welfare RERIAWLAST .'Saigon, Indochina” Jan. 7 tS**— ;auhty’a former private secretary Boston. Jan. 7 (A)—Boston Uni­ Violent controversy about goth Vattam City, Jaa. f I ONE OF THESE N iw . The French braced thema^ves to- ers are reported to have gained reanmea charcli effieei, in Hungary versity has fired ;P « f . Maurice and labor legislaUon in effect in measures seemed certain to erupt to m p etfo expected attack in added-ihfluence and prestige-in after serving 4-yesr 'prison terra. By PAUL SANDERS the United States. The Liberals in both Housee. VaMcaa RtoBe i " • G. E. REFMOERATOIIS FULL OR TWIN BED SIZES - V At Sensational Savings . Halperin, who was' named laat No­ reaty. P. Rarto, U M from fSe Vletminli d vision Italv during the past year. . . Senate Internal Security aub- vember in an FBI re{>ort as a link Tegucigalpa,-Honduras, Jan. 7 also want revision of the conces­ Sen. Morse (Ind-6re), who eet grfiich drove across Ind^hlna to 'This opens up the grim possibil­ committee Jenner (R-lnd) says in a Communist eapionsge ring in (A:L_){Qiiduns, the iSasf-devtl- sion held p y the United Fniit Co., a Senato record for continuoua G«t Ywir CoRtMf HaRk HERE RES. $4.98— 54x761 "R.gul»r" HtigM only 1)7.9$ valu.L the Mekong River and the Thal- ity, she is said to fear, that the "aa far aa I know, the people in high U- S. government cUclet. oped of the Central American rb- the county’s biggest' concern. talk against a , MU when be op­ M>tEG, $ 4 .2 9 W IT H C " Z Communists nUght actually be pubtiea, is working up to Us 38. Ylw.l Thiindoy, J o R . 7; FULL BED SIZE . . . S d ^ e f just before C h ^ ^ « - Ooagresa seeaa mH aatiafled’r vriUi The university, announcement THK fruit company pays the posed offshore land legialaUon RUBBER BUHONS "EXTRA-PIUMP" only u . f l l$9.9S y.lo.1' The French said they believed able to take over the country in a job his committee ia doing. said Hal)>erin was dismissed ’'for hottest election fight in 30 years count^S biggeat wages for farnt laat year, haa.thrcateMd to fU- year or two if there is an unqx- •"KINe-SIZE" only ».9sl|$| 1.9 $ „ | „ .| 'en. assault in the Seno area Just Burrqje ahivers amne mere from the good of Boston University’ -^if a . coujl doesn’t prevent the labor, but the Liberals contend buster sn in st a wire tap bUl in OANGM IR _ m t h of the rebels’ invasion r * ^ . pected worsening of Italy’s eco­ winter ice and snow-aa northern after he fallCd several times to ap­ balloting set for next October. that Honduras y isn't, getting- the Senate. REG. $3.98— 39x76 nomic and political plight NewVoflt;Bpto''T was immlneht. ^ ; Italians atruggle to dig out from pear befoTf a school ieview bearA Charges , of "(Uctdtorshlp’* and enough Anpqclal 'return from, the But sonii Senators indlcatsd V. T W IN . BED SIZE . i , After almost two weoka of quiet Meanwhile, Prrfitdmt Luigi Fin- » 3 . 9 8 under .white blanket before new aaaig)ted to consider his “ fitness to "Communism" bounce osek and firm's ^operiiltona. - they might accept wiretap IsgMa^ *v . ' in tbs area humetpus patred claa^ audi today opened a aeries of for­ storma ,. . . Strike yete is' being teach...... forth dozens of tlines sack day. In this situaUon the charge in- Uon aa si dMtaatsfOl neeaaMtyl sa have been reported m Uw part mal talks in Rome with political taken piMhg some 4^08 ground Reached by telephone in Mexico I- 41$ Iwdo o* BMke cvlUbly; arose that the Liberals Sen. Jenner (R-Ind), HeCON Halc’a bwn bsand made..by a fiu^ous mill. 4g feqvrs around Seno. The Fruich leadqrs prior to calling a new Hehvy .quality unbisachad cotton with' j^ m ^ W ts filling, e x ^ heavy, diamond personnel employer of American City, where he went late in No- T h e big iasus Is whether the ware Influenced by Quatemila, ran’a euceeesat aa rfwisiiuui ot tha seams all bound. Will wear for yean, 0 9 , AirfUiea aa reault ot aUleraaUd «■ rnga! Xhras) country li to .contlnua in the grip « om- f t f t FIftaenj contract negotiaUona. V . (OM tiinoi aii fnga Sts) - of Its ntrdng msn..7T-ycar-old for­ aa Fogs ihrao) (Csdtktosi m ' l/r I v .-J •J'.- ■i.'. / ( ' h; . n ' ■ Y ■lit-. T if ./ f . ■ /'■ r . r ' V f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7. 1054 »r.' MANCHESTER KVENINC HEBALD, M a J ^ E S T E b ( CONN., THUtjSDAV'.JANUARY 7, 1954 Democrats Greet Mediation Panel Created "Rockyille^V ernnn New Yea r w ill be conducted by th e Post Sunday, starting at 9 a .m : A ll LkBk AmericaK Raltrs ^nezChonKe HEY: na id w ito are asked bo -taova-thahrs a o ra »-|>aperjr: magai* ln i (i, or -o a rd - boara on the curb or porch s^ re (Canttoned fram GfT^nzlAjgi KIDE - -thaY-can ba plainly seen froM- Ihe ______► Itiiit womiu, ■WTef A three-memb*!' m e d ia tio nM ., vice president piwpivwni in cnargR charge 0of-[-in indue- a u i- LqSfon trucks which w ill canvass ti f I t i 4 > te U i t v Undlord wiUi posed to tha, Eisenhower reqtiest the town. (Cdntlaned from Pnge ORe) hM M«n ie ud liif for the panel, with-the authority to sub-• trial relatirelaUona at ' R.~ — WiUlaca and Nursery to’ cancel tha scheduled cut in the poeiia wltnesaea and records and ^ Additional Tuition Students Chairman W illiam l^m as of the Ifrft fw» yM n, ww arrMted yea- corpbnta income ta x and excise I! Spns.,'Wallingford, .representing In- Aa E« Behrend taka tcsUpKMt)’ under bath, haaI duatry; and Samuel F. Curry, head Here /i -Another fiig Memberahip • Committee ;r*ports claimed they had killed 1 8 9 -tibopa 'ttfte r M r Mewiit and breach of . -i . ‘ levies/ They were Reps. Kean Tha way . Wea .opened ’for ,437 members hive already signed Between Strong Chiefs of ^the Communisl-led Vietmlnh in It i |ii~T •*-T - " ‘f"**)- attacking: IN Ji, Byrnes , . Jenkins been set up in an effort to head of the A FL bus drivers' union, eatablUhmehti 6f a^Plantland Snd; : . (Special)—.rFarm Bureau wifi be held Jan. 13s off a threatened strike of; i ((l}j rcpeesentlng labor. % up fo r 1984,. As a.i^sult the local one ambush. ' • tOhlo) ai^.Maaon illl) . " 14 0 Garden Center on Dougherty Lota ■ • Sc Vernon Board j at the Methodist Church in Dobi' COAL- COKE union members at four Pratt and W pOit should retikin the Howard -(ConManed from Page one) " r e *■ M ito e aay UlBB yictorta 8 chu> Passes at 67 / AgHculfiire Committee Republi­ Frank Ward, of th* Federal by the C. R. Burr -Nursery Co. i / .was! Bonville. The program will a U rt *t only iteckgfodna the poUticai sit-' Just' north of the Laotian bor­ Whitney Aircraft plants in the Jacobs' members)ilp trophy .which uation here, bfit make the country I Summer St..' attacked cans generally ataered away from Mediation and Conclltotlon Serv- last night when the Towa Plan­ • / w l^ e a tol lO a. m. and conUnue unlU about*3 der, In northwest Indochina. t a D ^ f W * ice. and P o rle y Hoyey, of the State they won last year; whose Red-bominated 'government 24 Hour Delivery Sorvke i Kuaiaka w hlla Kuaiaka waa comment on the price support pro­ atate. • \ / m atudCnts to : p. m. At a bualne** meetfng sebed- the target for undergrountL Com­ French flghtets and bomljera ktept Board of MedUtion and Arbitra­ ning Com m ission chapged the tot ’^is gives the Post two legs on expropriated thousands of acres munist activity. Much, of nun. ac- a hall door, beating him Welfare Director Dida gram, praferring to w*alt for spe­ State pammiasioncr of Labor on the south side of (>nter Street /•'■ High .Scliiwl, These I uted fo r the morning,'election, of up their round-the-clbck attacks ______d ia rt with her flat and John J . Egan ana K ta h k Brow n, tio n . who have jbecn attem pting to SATURDAY AFTERNOON ■ ! ■ k«!I1 " would be Added to the I offlcera and chairmen of standing the trophy, with only one more of f ru it compapy land, and by ! center* on the fruit company on rdada and rebel slrpply lines Suddenly; Held Tdwn cific plans next Week. ' b rin g about a eetttement. w ill con­ from Residence 3Sone A to Busi­ needed to fain permanent posses­ t t a iii a lta r ba turned add fled, pur* Re^blicana on the House Post regional director, of the Federal / * f. preparatory apd ; ,conimlltejsa will be held, northeast-pf Dlen Bien Phu. Ah- tinue on the caa* as aidea to the ness Zona II. . 2 : 0 0 F.M ^O O »$ ,OPEN 1 : 3 0 P .M , sion. • M u r Htn Into the Idtchen of hla 2 2 Office Committee received coolly Mediation and Conciliation Serv­ ■ ■ etudents In . the up- i 'At noon, the'Ladle*' Society of “ler Attack is expected there Offices for ifears panel. •» A public hearing on the tone / • per two grade* already attending, the Dob*onvHie Methodist ChUrch Having met every .quota set for MORIARTY BROTHER Mataadklcktiiirhim . ice, in announcing the creation of the Preaident'e endorsement of an change, request, nuule Jointly by the post thus far, Dumaa la hop­ . Vietmlnh DlvV 315 CENI'ER STREET ra ic e gave ifo reaaon fo r the Albert - E. Behrend, 4 1 . W alnut increase In postal rates. Chairmfui the panel yesterday, said it would Although Tue^ay’a day-long W H i t N o . 1 t u ie school. i will serve an bld-faahloned chicken Sion thousands from two T E L . M I * M 1 ||- B u r t N u rse ry and Greenbrooke Superintendent of Schools A. E. j pie dlnpeft, in g that 38 more Legionnaires can ■In answer to this,-the Liberals tlon of a little more than 1% mil­ other oirisions that have moved ••(kHnt at .tlM t time, but raid St., died dnexpectedty late yester­ Reea (R -K a n ) commented only meet w ith union and management meeting—wdiich resumed contract Homes, Inc., an .Vlexander Ja nis W IU) WESTERN ACTION FEATURE reply “our program is lOO per cent negotiations broken o ff Dec. — Chattorton, who reported to the ' A program is plennedTto dincu** be added during January to make lion, about 60 per cent of it illlter- up- on t h e ^ g French position. waa planning to evict Miaa day afternoon at Manehaatar M t- that “it's up to the compiittee.'* - Monday at 1 0:30 a.m. a t the State 3 holdlng.^-waa held Dec. and op- Honduran." . pfoduced no re e c lU , it shewed, 17 1 facilities of the ; what tho Farm Bureau 1s doing the Post a "one hundred percen­ ate. Living standards are low and The French High Command an* Schotaa ahd that the two had not morlal HoapItaL Rep. Gross (R-Ipwa) said fla tly: La b o r Dept. Mficea. IMsed by residents of the aipa. Split with Carlas on the reform according to aV union spokesman, 96 TIM HOLT i i **IIESERT PASSAOr J^n Opttler and and how to develop a more active te r." ^•g*e for farm workers .run nounced thatNn the last month bean p it good t'erma fo r the laat Town Dira^br of Welfare for " I ’m opposed to i t " Rep-. Hagen Progress Stalled Th is was the sixth time a kone issue is President Juan ManUel — Tha decision to set up the panel, fl| lt_U ie .company would-gtya-isi JTinripal jMlen Dtewier met with I organization 6n the county tesd around a dollar a (toy Injnosl; pf_ :thi paat aly yaara.-M r.-BM f*"d. change bed been reqiWffW.'^^^'THFt 'Tdleottville Rems are,now, han­ ^lvre,-a-N*eW )-irito-^wBir the-j-tlirnDtrati^: asa^bifie^^ cuana »,i85 ccr^ih^d in mopping * T , \ r W a lte r Ferguaon aaid parently^ didn't know the MU whibh haa bee-i draam froih.m em * on some m in o r p o ints at laaue, but A coiftnvTnee'XFbtn'Sbmers 'Tues-Ttommunlty level. Directors from waa at hla bfflca in the Muhicipal front portion of the lot.' for a diScuss th e problem. ’ the o_L.Yernqn A r^J^orm an dled through the Manchesier- Eve­ strong man s hand-picked candi- in *“ the•'■* fruit' —*■ company------operations. ■■ ® up actions along the River 25 attack came about 6 - p. m. "w o u ld incriMtae aoma' poatal ra te s bers of the State Board of Medlar no.t on the three m a in uaion de­ H H N o . 2 buiMittg.-Monday, and the- news mands. depth of 200 feet, wke.dianged to , J SchW-Blao faReartW- S tro n g ,:F rim k ‘NTiederwerfet^^^ nings MernM Riwkvtile- hnrean lo ; .dat«.,in lhe_lB<^8 -election*.. (Jalve*.. T h e way things aUnd no»r mllea jiorthwest,-of i^wrboa Miaa Schutea eame upon Of his dbath eame aa a shock to aa much aa 400 o r 800 per cent.” tio n and. A rb ltra tib n . was taken has given the country \Ul most Agree on Pay Iptereaao Business Zone on Majr A, 1950 tend tlon pupil* from Tolland and El- Mrs. Gerald Rislcy. rated at One M arket S t ., telephione Cartas, or one of his close friendtg, Since Dec,. U , the announce • THE AHSWER FOR|liGH GLOSS f Kuaiaka after leaving her flat in However, Rep. Murray of Ten­ aftojf ta-o m ediators fro m federal ANDY CLYDE COMEDY TREAT progrea*iva/*dm inistration In 20 is likely to be the Naclonal candi­ nessee, rahking Democrat bn the then to Business ZonS^ n when the -lington and is unable to accomo­ Dptooa Seateaced R o c k rille 5-3186. ■ye nt-sald, French and Vietrtejnese the houae. Ferguaon aaid the at­ and state agencies were unable to Th* two sides ^ in agreement re jnila flo na w e r* reprised la te r that date an increase in tuition stu­ years. A ^gh degree of press free­ date for president next year. wpops also rounded up 1.861 5 AND SEMI-GLOSS FINISH • tack waa broken off in the kitchen cbttunittec. aaid T go along with make' any progress Tuesday in af­ on. an 11-cent wag* inoraas* offer Ernest L. DotSon, 23, Mansfield dom has. been established. The Carlas seems to have a strong grip the Frbaident.” 'y e a r.*' ■ ■ / dent*. Principal Dresser revealed poultry farm worker, was com­ 8ons,m8pected of aiding the after. Kuaiaka'a wife telephoned fecting a settlement in the dis­ and a propoawd fraasing into the PLUS the projected, cnroUnicnt fpr 1937, first labor legislation — imvering on the one-house Congress, which m lnh^d seized hundreds of arms tfeepidice., Th e coipmiaalda. did not change mitted to ibUeshlre Reformatory pute. a 17-ccnt coct-of-Uv- tha e n tire a id s aa had been re ­ including' tuillpn siudriita and Nathan Hale FT A compensation for accidents while would make a new conalitutlon be­ in the V|iiiorim and Phycyen sec- >c*. The company also by Judge John H. King at. the aes- lOat Schutei w ifi bo arraigned The Internatlohal Assn, of Ma- quested, tearing a - feet'buffer ^LOilDS OF COLDREP CARTOOICS s Iroin Vernpr: .would, reach at work and working conditions fore the 1954 elections unlikely. tors. added insurance, health 35 aiba of th* Tolland (bounty Su­ 111 Town Court Saturday on the 14 to T ake Tests chiniata, A FU ' ia^biifiklxlg.'.oh' a tone on three aides of the tract. To Hear Edweatnr for women and chiidrra—ha* been ■That woruld nfle out Galvez as a -r-ElsewherVw the "delta tbday; contract offer described by th^ welfare beneflta,* a paid K perior Court yesterday. lie was enspted. candidate for re-election since the chargea. This peircsl of Jand remains in , WITH ALL YOUR PAVORltE CHARACTERS CTiatterlon spoke dl the mer- charged with aseault and aasautt vm Te>rted 50 Vietmlnh In another arreat reported today, company as a “final” offer. Jh* seventh holiday and o ther bedsflia. i chants’ feelings In.the matter since Starts Road-Building prwfnt consUtutlon forbids rc- “ * ‘^^Pturbd.nnd 79/suspecU For Police W ork Tha union's nwraberahlp, which Residence Zone A, confining the with intent to rape. election. H a ro ld W . Luaby, o f ^aat H a rt­ contract, the union says, d ^ not buqinesa to the inside portion of business is brought t«tb- the city "Helping Your Child in Arith­ Galvez also began a road-build­ included 22 (killed In •reKMMi*'’ meet union demands-'for^bmpul- has been w o rkin g vitta o u' a coni . Edward T. Briggs of this city metic” is the subject for Prof, fo rd wiaa' rmi.*ta* y e ro moving too fast, department's brand new skeleton. Robert D. Valentine to Guy H. B u rr’s have an eight-year lease • preset school accomodations and Edward H, Florence wa* given taught when they were going to chine he received for a Christmas Make no bonea about it. he in­ Rttaa and Xla ie Sim a, property an waa rejectad w b e ^ H f waa teamed /I snd had allowed Communists to Local Stocks on the property and a five year the other would build a new six months in Jail on charges of grammar schobl. Terminology and infiltrate the country. present, a recording of last Sun-, formed officers, the school wants Colipnhua S t. tha applicant wka not a Man News Tidbits option, Atty. John Mroaek said re­ school. He addc-d a planning com- operating an auto while intoxi­ cheater, re a ld e ift presentation have changed to such Carls*'is one of Central Ameri­ day night's service was made, apd lU skeleton back. The frightening knitting S iilHIjliilinS! QidtelalBi Heed rtanlahed By cently. mlttee might be necessary to cated and three montlia for (Operat­ a degree that parents'-flnd difflcul- figure set Eaat High back 8225 cit:: Sherwood G. Bowers to the said tha applicants Called from AP Wirca ca's outstanding foes of the left the ahut-in soldiers of the Arlhy Albert E . Behrend /R Mkldlaa realL laa. search the matter out for future ing while license waa suspended, ty In aasisting their children when wing of all shades. Elected preai- have heard the mrs.sage through only a few weeks-ago. Town of Hancheater, Baldwin, Bucceapfui tom orrow n ig h t w ill be CRASH VIGTIM DIES years. Interviewed at a latar data by a I p. as. pHnsa also fined 825 on chargea oi speed­ they aak for help. (lerit In. 1932, he put an end to a this modern way. One day a visit carman, Bberta. Concord Road*. hia aaaoclatea and a hoatof frienda thiae-member acraening commit­ Leo J. Flaherty, Jr., said he en- ing and operating an unregistered A abort business' meeting will long period of turbulence and to the hospital was made and * Oerttfleate of Diatributloa throughout the town. S ix thousand persona take part in Panama, ftaaaaa, Jan. 7 (M) B id Aaked , doi'sed Talcotl'S sentiments and motor vehicle and six monilis for precede the program and refresh­ luled the country with, a firm many there heard the m^esage. Eatate of Cattaiina Clgnetti to B o rn in Manchaatar 67 yaara tee. eonsisUng of two out-of-town HMck tria l of Sea. McCarthy (R- —The fininlng crash of a U .S.' poUea offld aila and E d m u n d Bfla) charging him with intimidat­ Ftrat National w o iut said the facts sn'ould be secured ii.viflg ah auto without owner's per- ments will be served at the cloae hand frcim 1933 to 19(8. MaJ. Pickup said h* will con­ IPe te r ClgnetU. pnmrtlea at ago and adueated in ita achoola, Navy pbotographle plane here inissio,n. . of the evening. ing U. S. citiMna in enjoying their of Mancheater ...., 83 87 and presented. He suggested tlie Wltholit relinquishing his grip tinue this type of mtmstry for the Raynea and Memoriid Sta. and at ha waa amployed by Chancy Broa. Buetach. peraoBnel director of haa ta ke s the Uvea o f sevea Wako Up N orw ich. rights miaranteed by the Constitu­ Hartford National chairman appoint a committee to Calendar Session Slated On the Nacioiial party, he left the shiit-lns. / O ak S t. fo r a period o f 38 ycara after • me a. One vtettm waa dragged The test to he administered to­ tion . . Foreign M inister Zafrullah Bank and Tru st ..., look into all the aspects of the The Short Calendar session of ALLOTMENTS .4PPRO.VED presidency in 19(8 and has directed A letter recelj^id today from Bulldiog Penait which he waa appointed aaaiatant alive from the wreckage aad morrow night is prepared by the Kahn aayt in interview Pakistan Hartford Conn. lYuat situation. , - . the Tolland County Superior f^urt Hartford, Jan 7 (Ab- Tne State the campaign against constitu­ Mrs. Catherine Bartlett, mother of John I. Hannon for alterationa chayity auperintendent of the died today. Three of the aevjen Finance Committee, meeting yea- To More Comfort CIvU Service Assembly of Chi­ would have ae ebjeetlaa to United Mancheater Tru st Brook.* moved the Vernon Board, wltl be held tomorrow at 10 a. tional reforms sponsored by both Mrs. Pickup, states that she will Without Naftfnr B«ckach« and additiona to a dweU|ng at 103 town in 1933 by the late General ether eurvlyora were reportied m. with Judge John H. King R e­ terda'y. with Gov. Lodge, aoproved •klknor X>r., 1800. cago. Buetach w ill ba the ex­ States m ilitary aid for India .. Pboanix Stoto Bank of Education write a letter to the GalVez' Reformistas and th* Lib­ 'oe ln Manchester for the weekend. , N*«»in*bG<’k»ehff,k)aBof pep«ndaner»ir, Manager Georga H . Waddell, and am iner. House . Un-American Activities nnd T r u s t ...... 57 63 la criUcal condition. Board of Selectmen advising them' siding. The following cases a^ allotm ents totaling *217,080. in­ erals. She Is living in the retired of­ V aoschM and ditiinM a m ar b* du* to alow, Director of Welfare in 1M 7, w ith V of the agreements with the ' towns listed; Annie E. Andrews \S. cluding 83.000 to the Fairfield down of kidner function. Udetora tar cood Tha addition of five new proba­ Committee Chalrfnan Vekte (R-IU) P in ■BMlee - The Liberals went out-of power ficers; home In Asbury Park. N.J., kidner function ia wry Imnortant to food adoption of the new charter. says hU committee la likely to Aetna Fire of Ellington, Tolland and Somers Josephine Sweet; Carolyn Kilpat­ State Hospital, Newtowi. to con­ in 1932. and haven't made much of During hia years of public aerv- tionary patrolmen w ill permit, the M 88 and wlljj rriake the trip here' with health. When aomc everyday condition', aueh - Personal Notices pMiee departaaent to p ut a fo u rth coma up soon with contempt ella- Hartford Fire 174 179 'w'hich specify 2-ycar termination rick vs,. Herbert C.__ Hutchinson;' tinue a program tinder which a showing against the Csria»-ma- frends..' The late Comrriandant aa >(naa and .train, caum this tynporUnt ice, he became w id ely khown and Uona against num ber of la st yaar’a National Fire . notice for tuition Btudents. Unless Mary Dukea vs. Robert T. Gilfcd- overcrowding is relieved by board­ chine since then. But this year they function t^o alow down..many folkaauffernas- waa invited to ait On examining crulaor patrol in oparation. 77H S 014 Frederick Bartlett, and his wife, sm s bacKach*--rr*l miacrahle. M in o r^d . uncooperative wttocaaea ..Sen. Mc­ Phoenix ...... po.slllve action is taken on the dcr; Default against Wills Jones ing out certain imdlstiirbed pa­ are well '■Organized, ably led by dcr.lrritationa due to cold'or wrons diet may- In Menunrism boarda .to aid in the aelection of 97 108 xver^ in charge of the Manchester L l i i i Carthy (R-Wia) calls meeting of U fe aai ladeeaalty lae. Caa. I --.<1 - High School needs bcfoic.Junc, it for failure to appear; Jane M. tients in private homes. young leaders, and hope to win the Cdrps from 1918 to ]92<). t;auaeitcttihs up niyhtaof frenuent paaaasna. ' memoir of Peter Btion, welfare dlraetora in oUiar citlea Senate Inveatigatioos subcommit­ Aetna U fe ...... 94 98 * will be necessary to weigh the Carlson vs. Edwin R. Carlson; Ifi.")*' elections, eithel for them­ Don t nealect your kidneyt if ihraa coadl. anuaryy 7.7, IM l. throughout the atate. Jarvis Orgaic^es tioi). bother you. Try Doan'i Pilla-a mild tee and sa y s moves to curb o r give Aetifa Casualty ...... 135 — Alee Calaet* r t r il Carejr possibility of giving them notice Howar(J W. Russell vs. Virginia Ja.sper MoLcvy, * Socialist, 1.* selves or teamed up with the Re- The Rhode Island Red breed of diuretic. Uted adrcntfiilly by mlllioni for we know God thoueht it beat. Ha waa an accompllahed v io lin - up part of its Red-hmitlag powers Conn. G e n a ra l...... 328 340 I'vaaaa DeCari* ■•berla aairBes L. RusSell; Algonquin Gas Trans­ serving his lith c'onsecutiv* term fofmistas; w e r SO year, r t a a m a iin t how many limea of termination at that ttme. chicken was developed around D o t n a tiveX appy relief from thcae diacom. abooM have eternal reat. ia t and fo r ye a n headed h is own Second St. ^Corp. “may be dlacussed." Hartford Steam Bo il. « 47 * 50 "T h e Captaln’a I *Th e mission Co. vs. George W. Lange; as mayor of.Bridgeport, Conn. Poverty and backwardness not We ndaa ou iuat as much today, orchestra ndil poration. tha Secodd S tre e t Oorp. Conn, U g h t Pow er . . 15 18 "Gea* Aatnr Weatera" aie* 591 pupils examined: '19 parents weo heme four Ameriean POWs Conn. Pow e r...... 37 39 gonquin Gas- Transmission vs. H a waa an honora ry member of fo r real astato: development, baa 4 CaHaaaa! ^ notified; first aid given 19;/ 7 Wa wiah Uk all of our nclif^ who a u ytd w ith Oommunteta . . . . Hertford Elec. Lt. ... 5 2 t 84 excluded. ' / Elisabeth Coleman; Henry , By-, bora, frtaoda, relatlvea for th* Hose Company No. 1 , South Man­ been formed, according to a enttk- M a jo r recording companlas and m i a r acte of and aympathy H a rtfo rd Oae Cb. .... 38 89 Mrs. Patricia Pochnert, dental seznshi vs. James F. Calhoiirt; Zma a 'X'. *ewn ua in our bereavement. chester P in Dept., and h is only fleato filed today in tha offlee of A FL American Fadanttion c t M u si­ So. New England Alice Olbrlaa vs. John Kubacka; thoM who aent tha town dark. cians agree ea 8-year contract. h.vgienist, reported teeth of pupils ' Wa eapedally thank fnternal affiliation was- with T e l...... 38 35 at the Maple Street. St. Jo.seph's. Edward H. . Smith va. Jessie C. the beautiful floral ' tea and loaned Court Manchestar, No. 107, F o r- Capital stock of the corporation w 'P "Z -' ■ the oae of cars. M aBatoctam g Cotepaalen. 1 7 S lA f rin t East and St. Bernard's. School Smith; Catherine. Skinner Sperry asten of America. .la 880,000 divided into 3,000 shares B*BS B I i r o ELRO Y "Craaylegs” HIR.SCH va. Elton E. Sperry. Xra. Aanla Blnok and family. o f 135 par value each. Am. Hardware ...... 12% 14 % * LLOYD NOLAN examined. M r. Behrend leaves hla wife, the Arrow, Hart; Heg. ... 38 39 Bills totaling $6,16.'>.01 w-ere ap­ Heal Returns I.aigging e former M iss Annie M. Asplnall, Tha firm wUl start buaintsa w ith 818,!^ capital. Signers of Hospital Notes Assoc. Spring ...... 25 38 ON OUR GIANT ffCREEN proved for'payment by the Bbard. Henry Abuza, Christmaa Seal whom he married in October. 1908; Bristol Brass 15 17 Sale chairman, said t a d m i t t e d 'TODAY: Wilfred Hit tbovt quoUtkmt art apt to tTATB ave preacribed lU T iU M * Ju st read a magaaine a rtic le on the meet at the’ V¥xV club at 8:30 a. m. at Red Men's Hall. There will be subject. / '. B o lo in , 419 Main St; Robert be construed as actual markets, y O hartfordO i 5 ’ »8S*. ^ A Saturday to start diriribution of ! installation of officers with Mrs. ^Deaths La$t Night Then she atarted liating- the ScuUy, 26 Fo le y S t ' Clear, Sharp, Steady UHFo coin card.*. Cecelia Robitaltle of Putnam as things that she and her husband B IR TH YESTEIRD A Y; a daugh- \ IS’lck's Service Center is donat­ the installing officer. had gotten O utsid e rs to teach th e ir ter to Mr. and M rs. Richard, Mlley, VHF RecepHen fram LIST US FILL TOUR By THE ASS041IATBD FRESS y ing all proceeds from the sale of 'The annual banquet of the Rock- Hoboken. Nv J.—-Jack Benpar, Jcldx becstne they had been sold oft Bo ltq n . „ LoFOND ■'r\ ^ t d m k distent stafiehi gas arid oil on Jan.“16 between 8 vltle Fire Dept, wfll, be held Sat­ a mind reader racelxed nation- the id ^ that parenta ciant teach DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; a. m. and 6 p. m. to the March of urday-evening. Ralph Gibson will wide publicity in 1950 "when he their own.childreh anything. Mra. Gertruda Lamb, Storrs; H. / Dimes.______;______be_ toastmaster, and Chief Furte headed a c u ll Known aa tlto.Zoom - — Ftra tr there-waa awimmUig.-sh r Ttiom arr K iSB ^ 'ST HuaSer'S^ kJ8RCmiEftS^ ^ JROAD R IT - t t n s i , As the result of City Council oTf Th(>mpRonvine will be the gueat ites, which pretBcted, among other aaid. She and Bob afe both g0«>d Mra. Valeria Oik. 135 W est it.. STEAK HOUSE S A L E S aad Tote, all dimes put into parking speaker. Dan Marley is in charge awinunera. hut evtryona toM them thlnga, that the wprld would end Rockville; M rs. Merlon Pasael. 34 NON 8 0 N . H A S S . T E L E V I -S I 0 N R A 0 I C SERVICE m eters during the Week of Jan. t7 of the^entertainment which will A p rU . . Bora ih^ Chlc^b. that their children would be better* 8 . Hawthorne St.; M n. Cora Vice. iva ra d 7 1984 •wim m er* i f they were! i>ut in e through 23 will be donated to the Include movies of. past fires. The Called for and Died Tuesday. ^ . 4 M in U C t ; Miaa E th e l R isie y . Hane' ef the Spas ot Foa March of Dimes. Other programs event will start at 7 p.m. proMRUy ot a s t r a Denvar-^Mrs. Alice E. swimming class. So for several Andover; M rs. Bessie Baldwin, 33 Shows Tharsday thru SatarAijr Ckaaael S (f«rmerly *) New Ha\es. 8;H I MU ORol'^llo MAHX SHOW for the benefit of the polio fund At the meeting of local Amerl- aummera M a ry and Bob paid fo r Ooraell S t tteaael M New BriUle, Ceea. . — You B.-'l Your Ul*'' can.Legion Post.held laat evening, / d ia r t e . 73, once a prom inent p ia n ist swimming lessons • / drive for 820,000 in Tolland County composer and former music CilSCHAROED TODAY: East­ CAU. MONSOM 1 2 2 7 (.tease U Halyalir. .Ua». “A WOBLD IN'A WKEE” will be announced soon. pIAna were started for the gala Then when it was time to think Jtoaa* M Walerbar). ( •aa: <»*• ■(H'lCK As A'FLAim cr, whose huabano, Gustav Schoct\ man baby boy, Coventry; Alroy Ckaasel Sl Spriacflelil, .Ma». ■ u UtyKNTION SIIOWTASB For Information oopcerning the party to be held Jan. 23 to cele­ HNE about piano leasbna M a ry toyad Thom as, 324 Lydall St.; iVflliam tie, .founded the music department ilh the itjea of teaching them LOBSTER SPEOlU. drive or to offer, vblitotcer scrvice.*X brate the buVning of the mortgage. of the Unlvefsity of Iowa In 1908. pienney, 349 Boulder Rd.; Mra. S:S* ( Tkaav tuonh T persons may contact their , town Plans were also discussed tor iMtmaImt til Hit IfM ■•ht'o yanro-fraat naw PRICES first two years herself. But iClara Noonan and dapghter, (*^'^.«J^AI>WAY * 0 M O ^Y- Sfylkif h (ha Swnlas nmr Sum thihrm C A U M I . f - W 1 4 Died Toeaday, ^ / - she^.was ‘talked out of that In a 12 FRIBAY NI8HTS *• WKSTKak THKAT- chairmen or Attbrncy, Robert F. tiatTon night for a ir new Legicm- Jenaen S t ; W illia m Know les, TFeB—: SonorA i^tacpcoach * ««»> TV PLAVHUCSE \ Pittsburgh-^Mra.' AmeUa C, h u rrT by frienda who assured her Aril J^DV The annual meeting of tlic di- GARTxooma Jan. 19. dren. hcfMlf, it would be a losing . *•'* "ft CIl^SBOAOH BROWN aM LYNCHl h r instant you see these 19S4 BuickB^-^ Auxiliary. 'Veterans of - Foreign battle. \ Lyness S t; Mn. Dora Ellison. 26 »!*• < *► HowuY iinonv tim k jectors of the 'I’ollahd County ‘ -The nrat scrap pd^r dri'vebf the ^ E R S Wars. D M Tuesday. Hemlock St.; Robert Agne.w, ^ I'NCLK ri'N'CLKB Sbe’a Y K lIlla g to Osacede 4-.t* < S> WORUl'jrK UVK IN*^ you’ll know v io ro t EEa t e b ’* " " ^ . forces and mere than 188 mem- 108 N . E lm S t jSSi JOIXT OKNK O'f Th* Weadlng’* ’ A M YULYES end the rhumba, ail the other klda (Mi WEATHEBMAN (U) FO( R STAR FLAVROeSR DPENIND MDNDAY, JilNUARY t1 be done just by warming ovef whfft Buick ETS bera o f the Maa Man aeetot were going to a "real” tekeher. - dr FINE FOOD , (*ac PH' . - r - ★ QUALITY BEVERAGES WHAT'S THE STORY. ttse Repalriag of tta. Better a nti-w hite te rro ris t oTgaataa- Now Mary haS read the thagS' A d ragn et—J ack Webb had before. Here is somefthing accomplished Klad D o m White You W ait tloiL Twetee terrerlate were tine article. "Don’t Let Your *:te ( () TEI^VISrON*ra*'S*IR by going far; beyond artful facelifting. * - ■ They bro^ht to market a .sparkHh^new- Ul MAFAS SliSEB T reported k ille d and a aunber^ ehts.Teach______You__ to______Drive.”_ With V C O X 'S SS. Larfa gnaartl^ra'^ the fright^^g LEXINGTON - epmieV with a famous naihe,>tne Buick. -.r. -'Main' -annn-Weto- -eaptar ed.- der!" aayit* An\erica*S"" foremost H J O t O W A K i : ... -V a. car wi^^^i^iri«Mcrj|«^(nf^^h^ authority on safety behthd the r SERVED Oi^r n 8ATV.1IQA7. new line of automobiles. " wheel.” 'And'.Mery -la w illfiig to------firFULL tiO fE -or i*!te(Mu^.MA*^^M n a - pdw«r fo rjtt weight NOW FLAYING < 2 0 9 Sprue* St. — Tal. concede, that , the "foremost auth- ••••••••••#••••••••••• P A IN T S 8Rid S T A N L E Y . .more pure thrill perjkdlar than any Buick ori'ty",te right. N*xt to luliano's Ifk iK y B u t Buiek didn*t 8top with the bolder, “But what bothers me," she : M NBOuaim n ra • . T O O L S / ever built. ^ " “ * says, "la th is: lathers an)’thing we fresher, swifter*lined beauty you see in • E „ t - - Phone “ (te> EMERGENCY parenU are capable of teaching I H e r e G o m e j Middle Tpk. ALFRED GIOIELLI raised-and lengthened fender sweep—in the our children tod%y?” 8n -S -8 l 8 | 'Ul NEWS A H EATHER A.nd they dicHill this witiioiit change of the .. u HALE'S O IL lURN fR • it's , a good question. I* 2* !S! KWTiOff Propriotor huge and back-swept expanse of windshield !. IH e G i r l s .1 1/4 :2* (U) SPOBTX 11'S • J( EXPECT ED price structure which, for years, Has made : S E R V IC E 1 (A ll rights reserved, NEA Serv­ ZjCf wcoiotw -j.’; 4:1* < ei BPO“ ■ll:*e (.MU NEWS .. ice, In c .) -*-in the lowered rbofline—in the host more HeaJquartws Techitiioolor IKTRIOFB-nlmt Buick the most popular car at its price^in FOR u .1 *w«* wwao " >*im FlFMl S! SSKVc’r'i'i'S J, glamor features' of exterior modernity^ J h e w o r l( ^ ;‘- CALL diM ( 1> WKATHEB FOaKCAlT ,* :a ( S» WOBLO NEWS T o S Iv . . . » IS! •Ml LOCAL NEWS They upp^ all horsepowers to theJughest M L.9-454S About^^ Town (U) FILM , , ...» ISil J M ? , _ We invite you to come inland inspect these S:U (H) CaVAADEB B A B l^ ^ Forsntten Villas*" , in Buidc history* ” / , / . Tl(e Cleaners group of the Sbdth 7:** < t) PI L8E OF T U t C nV 11 ». •'••-KVKNTR ROI'R m o v ib ’ ' great beauties,-these great performers, these /WILUAMS I CAFIAIN ' 11:2* ( SI t h e IJITE MOVIE “ Methodist WSCB w ill hold iU flrat . _ (#l» NEWS desk’ They engineered a hew V8 for ^ e Srecial great buys. Then you’ll see why the Detroit ry OIL SERVICE ^ meeting of the year 19^4, Monday 1:1* (tU WEATHEB »t:3* • •! N E W r Q Q F £ * M A K I 1 N llU ( Z> JM> IT YOVBSKLI ^ and in tbe'process came ^'jw ith new prerviewers are already paying, “Buick’s the at 7:45 p.in. at the church. (M) SOUN DALY—Nc! T.m>rr.w'i Daytim. HIshfisMe g a m j u a o u n r (Ul MABOB A JEFF; II'.*• ! 51 '*ttr food - , beautiful buy!” ' H fTUR STILL AUVE 7 GO DANCING _ <«ll r r s A FACT •M, i XI NTBIKIC it TRIfH Power^Head Pistons that;hoo8t gasoline IkHL-C lO O M Er 1:U (W) WFATHKBVaNI **♦* ^ P O ratE OE HOTHINO • i m - ToRlglit, FfMciy, SuM nlay 1:1* ( *> SrOBTOMAN'H CLVR mileage in every engine. - ~ \ WtiHnb«tt«r oiitoinobilM or* bwiil Buick will build rttem 1 Berila. Jaa. 7 A dolf 'lUEMOCTBEAimrnt (je> Dor-GLAs E D iraaos AND' H itte r pm i Pa ul Jeseph Oeeb- . i Tb THE MUSIC THE NEWS ^ X V ; , « : . ■ : O P E N U N T I L SERVICES GUGSlNTDEYiimO! (Ml FILM .UU8 bate are aet efflelally dead yet. (Ul o m o E B|(.Mtj , SON, Iwc. That Interpret The Wishes It toraed-aut todaiy. Tba Cea- tM URM Bl-M Uil Tilp L. A. D. •ell WEKE KNI» UjlUFIOE 2 MaI r St-i-TeL M 1-3-512S ALTERATIONS FURNEFAIRS ON DISPLAY JAN* iff!. tral Regtatear'a office In West 1:U ( MU NEWS Cl(ABA VAN. — John Of The FimiUr MASTER o r THE KEYBOARD .Camnron 8'_ Miifiji***'’i**” 3UBageiaeBt. t BerUa. wbich la keeping tbe reo- 2 n d H I T ! ,4 •M) I'U CANTEEN, Jan* Fro. Building Supplies ef A ll KladB DRY 0LEANIN8 RsC rifRiw toiR ^rds of all daad in. Germany, man BYEIN6 ^saM the Fteehrer aad bis propa- FIN E FOOD o LEGAL BEVERAGES C O A L — O IL H M l. A l " JOHN B. BURKE mlalaSer are not la tkeir EXPERT workmanship FUNEKAli HO M I MAPLE SUPER SERVICE STATION f 8 7 EAST CENTER 8 T. Net migration into the Vnited '" .. V ...... REASONABLE PRICES MOTOR . TEt. m-S-BBSi":. Sta te s betwaan 1940 aad 1980 wa.* about aUgbtlydvar a mlUibn, about ' t’-c v K i - m ; m I 2 8 5 MAIN STKERls-w MANCHI AMBULANCE RERVlClS a quarter of tha nat migration bt- twaen 1900 and 1910. :n I I - ( • ti.. > I Road Service '* A . . . X Ai^rmrtiGG l i f V.' V .1: t : :n- ■’T-' fv- )'f |,y 0 : i-; ,./ 1...- \.-f i I ’• f" <-[ /•- ) ' k'" I >IANCHE^TER EVENING HERAjUDt MANCHES^R. CONN., THUR^AY, JANUARY -it diallengnd vntu. Da Oaaparl wka / h e r a l d , MANqHfesTER, CQNN^, TH tR SD ii^A N U A R Y 7. J954 in time to attend Me w^eddlng of atibhs .and for such Mbnfed. Ha Idniaalf amieadad hla his son. , [ts'bf its Charter aa will detaA taat^^ bin advlaari|-r-' iWr' in Korea,- our ye^rasentb^ UW F to Hold |o -achieve- untvershl dls- baiia-vM that ttia Cbnimimlata Jbri are in cc^sAwSth iSif^/tciiksk^^hedule a'rmhmeaC snM laZt wing paikw would "obll^fmunl me. agaihT but ohiy throuflT and mhktog upsstble m ^ of tlioaa:^8M,000 vatu wha» an •'ihtwTuediary," on U»e ques> ^ ' .' Friday,' iaa. A - - — worldT at pease under Slid If they wmra ever, counted. tloti of resuming Uje conference lltdhli^t-3 mm. . . . 4., i .. ,.. Anthony. Eilinskaa ★ * w- 3 a.m.-4 a.m...... -'The cbipn\lttee In charge .pf the IrUwr New membera of Parliament took • oliHiteera ■ NMded, * Feb. 3 dinner meeting expect with­ about a b^crence. A. formula 4 a.m.-d a. m..,> . • • « a a • a a a • » .yoluatecih N eodeiL un office on the basis of the incom* which may M ^e.thU poMible has in a few days to make ah an­ • a.m.-9 a.m...... ’Volunteera Needed.. nouncement eorioemingytne prin­ I - ■ . KxenA plete election returns. It is ad­ been devised. . B a.m.-Nocu\/'- • •. •/...... Dorothy Belcher. At' a meeting held Wednesday . at IM evening at the home of Dr. and cipal speaker aa w ellia the pur- mitted that, now, nothing can Under- this formula, the COitu Noon-3 pjfi. ... Iak> Pleclty, Caotu, ai 3 p.m.-6 |i.m. ,.. Mrs. Charles Jacobson, the Msn- 'p<^ of this m>Un|^/^ ' chase Uiem out of office. But, aa munlsts would be meused from V... .Volunteera Needed. a p.m.-fl p.m. .. Raymond K. C^iment. chester Chapter ‘ United World the investigation of the challenged making the- formdl apology for. 8 p.m,*l0 p.m. .1. ...OUve Ray. Grace Anderaim. Federalists IUWF) appointed a CONTrS votes has progreased, it ¥ ■ R e ­ tliielr remarks Ambaipador Dean 10 p.m.-Midnight Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Benaon, committee on arrangements for a U/S., R | i^ ia Agree '''' Curds. Gifts, duced a aurpriiu. Da O a ^ ri, |f Marlon Taggart. dinner-meeting at the Manchester first demanded. It #ould be dd- GJountiy Club on Feb. 3, Jewelry and Imports these votes 'had been countiNl, „ , . i .. . ’ register at Civil Defense Headquarters. Municipal C^-Chairmen of the. committee To Atom Talk M Oak S t—Manctieeter would have gklned froih them, and insulUi alsq, Anijl the thing that Miildlng, Manchester,\pn Monday^, Wednesdays and Fridaya from are' Dr. Charles Jacobson -and Dr. would jiaihed enough to give would enable thei' conference to/tv- p.m. ^ \ E. A. Diskah. Asmting'ars'Mrs. ■ ;\ (^atinuetf from Page Om ) X' ^ TWB AbSoCUI______^ ^ him the bweflt of the new election tun^ again >ould be agreemeht^ on Charles Jscdbton, arrangenwnts;. 4 m Aaaoctated Pren to ex3uiitv*Hr law he had rigged up for himself. Slid maUciiUy be awarded 65 par* emt Manchester Chanter is pi(e of the there waa time enough to make WASHAILE 'T^dt Mretce'cHent uf M. K. A. fle iRra charmUig GUM dt\Sunivau. oldest of -the 350- actiyd- Miapters. cf the. aegta in the Chamber of arrangements for formal ajorntc **^^ehera fteprewuitattrea; , Thd 4iIot, except for-the fact that no­ HoU Plan on Rockledge Membership in UW F^open to any cotuMiiA PYRdinruN '.V Deputies. popl negotiations. ' “ JMiu Hathewa B ^ial d c e ^ — Kew body has .yet devised the happy American excepty^taona Com­ M IC A Made to Order Tort^orfc, ^hlcaiD.ChlcaiD. mtrnitDetroit andand.Boal Boatoo. munist or F a s ^ orientated. It Officials who were sisked recall­ MEMBER^ AUDITAt BtIRRAU OF Perhaps, in all this, 'there ending.: .-v ■■ ■■ \ The Board of Education stands ed that Special Ambassador Ar­ 9 Z s 9 v WItk Your Ropera CyCULAT~~~itlONS. some working ot a moral re^bu- to gain tha use of about 13 .acres haa .worldwlde/tontacts. except In thur H. Dean traveled light to Pan- ; Communist rountries, throvgh the The Herald Piintlnir Odrapahy.' Inc., tion. For De Gaapkrl'a elecUdn law of land adjacent to the Highland ews iuiymes world m ov^ent for World Federal munjom, apparently expecting to aaaumee no ftnanctal Teapocstbiiity tor was not really ..a defenaibift thing, Dark School,-.on Porter Street, if Gove: arrange a Korean peace conference *■'1 tnempMeat- erroea appoartav tn ad- With the 'Chinese COrftmuntsfs In LA. JOHNSON vilttaemenu and other aeadinc matter and represented a achepie to gsab a proposal made by E. J. HoU, de­ ■By J. P . is owned and run by its la The llaneheatcr Kvcntaf Herald. Ckinheclicut short order. He negotiated fruit­ more parliamentary /power than veloper of Rockled^, and ap­ ■'tMper-Marketa May members. Its to;- administrative lessly for seven weeks, then w’alk- PAINT CO. Haplay adrerttolnc elodtnc hourat the people of Italy>dgbt vqte to Soon Be MechaniiMl" ^bo^ is its National Assembly ed out in .protest against Commu­ ^ Moodar—1 p. m. FHdar. proved tentatively by the Town At a recent eales ronveatioii ^ Ic h meets annually and at which 6M tbin S U Ttl. MI-9.4S01 Tueaday—1 p. nt. Hooday. him. And it is ppwble, too, that if nist insults. X or Wedneaday—1 p. m. Tueadav. Yankee Planning; Commission aqd some . . of grocera large qnd small. all members are .represented. Be­ Thuraday—1 p. m. Wedneaday. this law had ^en iiaed that fact B>- A- H. O. town Dii-ectors last night becomes one, speaker stole the show tween assemblies, the organisation . Friday—1 ^ w—1 p. m. l^raday. say . . . and stirred them is run by the National Executive 6r Baturday.^1 p. m. nlday, would have^reatad aa much a reality. laained deadnnet 10:S(> A Hi. eaeh trouble, al^^ strtfg/in Italy as aU . . . this salesman, Council which is ooihpoeed of mem­ ' An enterprise of some im­ The iMue probably /will be Weiss by name , . i spokd of of pubncatlon except Saturday — exists bers elected by the Assembly snd m. portance concluded its argtunent decided Anally Jan. lit wTien the new bivention , . . deigned to of members designated by the But, Mgardleia of the eitisteace Board of \pirectelection, on the basts of testimony of an economic expert No. 3. this newest Mwem wo feel sure by the UWF’s Seventh General As­ { '’Bant \and West are reported le vbtes cast, and that he lost it If yOur widow has to go to work to support her­ of celebrated Importance. Holl proposed the relocation of'' will foster Mg broad smiles sembly, Chicago, June 1953, fol­ ^ ready t«r enter the Berlin cohf on the basis of actual evmts, in- a highway that now runs beside or her ihate need lows: self and your family before your youngest child is ARMOUR'S This celebrated expert tMtifled now . , y/Joat grab themselves a ieltce wlUi’.propoelUons wlUch. duding his own concession of de­ the Highland Park School to a "Modem warfare imposes crush­ age l8 , ^ e could lose income benetils from Social ; the eurfaedy would appear to that what the enterprise was ask­ point east of the present location. « .lair V/ . while all the raas, and ing economic burdens and threat­ \ STEER feat. And nothing, apparently, can chops and Jars . . . go whirring !f|r apart u erer. ing froifi the aUte commiaaion Devdoper'a Propeaal / ens to destroy the rights, freedoms SMurity amounting to $13,608.>lay we show you be done about it The .sovereign by-in air . . . you reach out deft- snd lives of Americans and of all lE E F I The Ruesimiui are expected to waa indeed essential to the con­ Under the proposal, Holl would > , pteklng up . . . the plekles, how to prevent this loss? / - will of the Italian people, ex­ give the town about ecven acres mankind. . i / mihmit a plan fOr the tipiflcation tinued survival of the enterprise /soap or haah . . . yet oae thing pressed at the polls, has bMn itself. He produced facts and of land north'Of the echesri. H "As men in'the past created na­ <#Oennany ori^coAdiU^ that the s’.ajis the same, ah me . . . we tional governments to provide the negated. The rightful winner is figures to sustain his analysis of would get from the town -atlU muM pay the cask! RICHARD S. / FRANlt P. FULL Buhppean Defense Cmniiiunity pro- the situation. He spoke the lan­ four acres of land now held security local governments could the actual loser. But ItsUan of­ not assure, so we must now create CARPENTER / SHELDON CUT for rearmiiur Oermany be ficialdom doesn't cviui dare pro­ guage which has become ^typical Water Dept, nearby. Holl a limited world federal govern­ abandd1^ H o v ' Oemtany be of his particular brand of expert­ extand Motuitain Road a Rhee Drops Threat ment to give all people the protec­ MILK-FED ceed with the recount and finish ness—each brand having its own feet southward. The TpVv-n would ChartegM Life tjnderwritera |p)pced in\me M u of a neutral. it up. There is no chance of rolling tion against war which Is. no individual professional lingo. He extend It from that >point about To Free Prisoners longer within the phwer of nation­ I 134 EAST jUENTER ST. — Mitchell 3-4178 ’ The W e^ fs expected to offer a back events, so that what ia right was, we suppose, from the point 000 feet to Porter Street. HoU al "ovemments. i^'* for Europe, in- and4ion'eat can be set up In place of view of the enterprise, ita cll- would sewer the,entire length of "To this end, ■we call for the sup­ SUPER MARKETS I which the Euro* of what was wrong sind insc- mactle witness, offering a high the new street his expense and (Conttaned from Page One) port and strengthening of the S U E R lE E F jpean lletenae <^b(imnunlty will be reputation for expertness in con­ run in the wAter line far as corate. Perhaps this all means that junction with facU which wore necessary. SEMI- Ididuwitly preaenibd not aa a force Indian custodial troops in the Ko­ there should really be no political moat favorable to the enterprise The rel^atlon agreement would rean Neutral Zone. •ONELESS apabtat Ruaaid, bu K u an aaaur- crisis in Italy. Yet the crisis tn Its request. Perhaps the cbm- make accessible for school pur­ Taylor issued a cold, brief state­ l x ' a ^ to RuaaUu \ exists, And must be faced, and the mlssion In question wrae . Just as poses a parcel, east of the school, ment at l^eoul Wedneebay night TtiH thin^ which dividea the two impressed as it. was supposed to now owned by the Water Dept.' that Eighth Army troops were 0 . miscarriage of the democratic be. • / a^jpacted propoaitioha' la that we as well as the seven acres to the pledged to protect Indian troops process which may be solely rc- Only some unworthy cynic on north that HoU proposed to giv# against an attack. NATIVE favor the rearmament of Germany spo^bte for it is frosen into the the sidelines—like ourselves the town. _ Pyim had threatened to attack within the European Defense Oom* FRESH record of Italijui events and can­ mlght be' expected to remain un- The plan Is the third for the re­ the,^ Indians because of a roster nUnity, while Ruaaiit denntnds Umt not be remedied. moved and unconvinced. location of that highway and the check or head-coi'nt of anti-Com- \ the BDC project be dropped. Oar troMMe is that of toag orte which, in the opinion of those muniat priaonecs, during which 133 11-OZ. DECORATED POWg asked and were granted -! j^ut this diviaion could be made m em ory. And in that mem­ concerned, stands to benefit both TUM RLER W I U RE ory, over quite a few >a rs of repatriation to Red China. Shoulder ' C A wpmewtaat less real than it aecma. RMiponsibiliticB Meet the town snb'HoU moat 8/ watching the Coancetteut scene, Since the new proposal for the President Syngman Rhee met GIVEN WITH THE j Jto addition to that oratory— Those Democrata ia Congress with cabinet officers Thursday to eal Chops Cut'/Lb. 9 Y C fUa particular export has never highway follows the path of least X.' laBCh, aa that of Chancellor Ade* who criticised the Prestdant's con- failed to produce the kind of topographical reqistanK, both consider the Taylor statement and PURCHASE OF 2 JAI ■ afterwards Pyim said in an tnter- Inaue^which proposea that Rua- PUltpUon of Democratic legiala- case and the kMd ef testlm bar Holl’s section and the town’s wiU ... ARMOUR'S STAR {aid Bhotad regard the EDC as a tors 'bn the graund that the con­ which happened to coincide with be less expensive to build than uteSteakT^ru 69c the hitm oU nad desiree and po­ either of the other two proposals "We are now making new ar­ PEANUT lUHER {sxiaranteb of - limitation on Oer- sultation came too late to be any­ sition ef whoever It was hap- Btudied. ' ^ rangements as a test and if the CONFIDENCE Lean C O e * n i ^ armament, and therefore aa thing more than a *T>rieflng ” Tiened to bo employing him as an The Town Planning Commis­ arrangements pass the test we do TO START YOUR SET OI Fresh Lb. . Wn aaaurance. to Russia rather than eXMit. not have Jo use force against the would,' bf course have been the sion gave It their tentadive ap- Indians." ’ REAUTIFUL TUMRLERS, Freshly {a threat to Ruaaia, there are cer> very, first to run and hide from Wa are not suggesting that the brovaL' Four members of the . The arrangamenU. heaaid, were Ground Lb. ___ M ^ d go forward and ccmquer any* body elae propoaea. \ / / brought Into a situation which' e u n E t involved the determination of phing. Bpt^pne thing that aeetna U>«.Psn)pcrstflvWho. did public. .ipoUey, .Juia .mirprised any .-1....^.: WE HAVE FUXED OVER SOOiOQO PRESCRIPTIONS ~ ‘ “lier autofinatlcaily a^Muled to actually attehd the Whlta Mouse one by coming up with facts and' Russian feara of it is the briefing apparently found It a figures and arguments which up­ aventual American program for a pleSpant experience. It was, ap- set tte case of his client. Miracu­ pddueUon In the number of Amcr^ lously, the facte ahd figures have parehUy, a ctvlUsed combination always come out right. Prescript ion Pharmacy / MOUR STAk ARMOUR STAR a r m o Or i t a n , ^can troops placed in Europe. It U 5>f full acceptance of responsibility V i ' A t least, he has heea .eenslat^' f a ! ’- ' -- 901 .Main Street ■'^In g "su^geated that the oh the pwt of, the adminlstrsUon eat. wklch Is aa admirable vir­ l(eat can retain its EDC program with a full and proper courtesy to, tue smoag experts of any kind. DdBSONVILLE FIREHOUSE Tel. Mitchell 3-5321 and , ^r;at the aannrttme delay ita ipo- M e pouticarbppoiHwst ir^ - far as we"knqw,-this partm^ J l w |entihl effecUveheaa by pbetpon- just a briefiaig, Mnce there w ^ ular expert has never allowed him­ self tO' be hired by clients who EVERYFHIUJIY N ie H tr/ RECIPE FOLDERS, COOKERY CHARTS any\entry by Germany for free discussioh^of various points. / would expect the kind of opinion ik^EESE SAMPLES inted pekpd at a year or aoi It was not an attempt to,^cap­ it la not natural for him to ^ve. ADMISSION $1,00— EXTRA CARDS 2 TOR 2Se Fellowa of The Amrricah College'of Apothecaries there is no hmrance that France ture” the DemAcr^ta, ■ or to In- This Is in contrast to the behavior RMS LEAVES ORANGE HAU AT 7:1S ^ PORK SAUSAGE SAMPLES \ >1*1 raUfy t)u^p>MJ^ in Its pms- fiinge upon their ^llUcal liberty of some experts in other fields. ★ >RANKFURT SAMPLES form anywa> there might be We have seen experts in the plan­ in any way. At the isme time, it ning field come into Connecticut, ★^ CCOUPONS O U ON VARIOUS i t e m s "i<^al gain for the project, rather would be stritngc if it did not make make certain recommendations \ loss, in miloringxlt 80 that it It possible for Uiehkflpal comment while In the employ of some city leas m>jectionablAx to both or town and then, a few months A i llO li r cn the Eisenhower prdj^c^m to be 1 lub. ice and Ruasim both more Intelligent ahd re­ later, now retained as an expert by some private interest, testify EAST HARTFORD 1 Lb. Ron r The main point is that EOC may strained than It might, have bMn against their own previous recom­ CAUGHT PWg. L i , fto^pteaenred aa a formal tn^U^ otherwise. mendations, quite smoothly and TELEPHONE 6-3231 |lon, but ttet Its meaning ah togiiUier'' ‘wilSout' ii^aiting Fnr,st)»age iHUhs tie birfore us aB- or untrod, : ■' < ■* •r*dly.Micli Airways, fac., InHnw Wliila You Aro Chemgin^ OverteChaiMii something none tit ^ e iqrigina cheapening either one. The New Tearr ■pbUeas from the lo^ of the project Wouldf quite, hand tit God, sw eet j u ic v ( a r n o u i T ^ ARMOUR ; “^ignli* that t^lon g Ahot pos' Is thine and mine, O friend. 16 oz. tin I Light Opera. Diplomacy for some ilgnif^knt agree' c PURE PORK I f It were not such a serious Let us walk gladly, friend; ' 3 7 at tha BerlUi' conference Perchance Some greater good than CHANNEL YVilG IS , / . 495 FLORIDA^ ^nlata. The diplomats gathered buslneaa, the negotiationT' about we have known i / t t V * may not c h d ^ to put their holding a Korean peace 'confer­ Is waiting for us. or some-fair hope ( a r m o u ^ ence would quMify for light opera. fioWn |3lM .iin21c TRN6ERINES . in Ufelr. cheeks and Shall yet return, O Friend. .. ~~ CONICikt AN Cbaniiel VHP 7.59 (th their ;fnutual way toward This 'conference about a con- 'i -■ but if the will to ferenc^e waa broken up.'bn Dec. 13, Let ui walk ^'ickly, friend: . FANCY BEAUTY happen to be present, when our representative. Arthur Work with our might while lasts 1 Lb. ( a r m o d r I W;, Uesn. Walk«4..,nut in protest our little stay. B I M T f f iS . 4 5 9 P k ». fictlopa necessary, And help some halting comrade on *i-r ly « t hand, and E^DC can, ever Communist "insulU” in which the w ay;. . l 9 c BOSC become everybody’s the United States was accused of And may Cod’ guide us. friends. UHF emd YHF Wiro ChimMy Strm , W ol Mounts, Inuilatm, Uahtnlna Ar- Ity and nobMy'a enemy. having had advance knowledge of -'-^tJlHsn Gray.' rostdrs. and Evorythinq You WIN Nooifor Chongo-Ovor or . ConvorgIm for President Rhee’s intention. last -Sponiored By The Manchester BAKERY DEPT. PEARS Council of Churches. • UHF. FRE$ Infonnotioa How t» InstcA-Yoursolf. Plooso Do Not Phono C o!m ARMOUR) oz. tin etiofi Won..Bat Lost summer, to liberate the North Dow® and So# it in 0|iorotion. Pick Up o Copy of Hlnta on UHF. * C Se m e H iIn g 7*sw ! Korean prlaenera held by South y ^ p » O^' tbose maddening situa- Korean troop*. We had heard thU AH Morchondiso Now and Gnorontood. Immodioto Exehonoo or M a m w *. MAR MW ill Whii^ known injustice 0 PASCAL charge before, and not been quite PHONE CHEESE /CAKP ■WMI bdlMltwdiad haa now come fum M bn Unuwd Rttumod Motorlol. [ARM0Uir» 80 insulted about if. We had pre- WASHER MI-9-4531 A4ARCO WALTERS qOJTONS tall cans, 4 9 c ' 'wKjk regard to the last I . 3 ^ c . CELERY ■ It to. nnw y ^''******^y denied such knowledge. 'A aew taste I ' we' never could dbny. REPAIRS ^ ' ,r, young and gay] actually won thrill! Come la however, waa that we made no ef­ and try It! I ^ring's elec- fort to recapture th^ prlaoners af­ Prompt, Ecenomicd /■/,-- / . '$8;98 " eh a majorit/ ter Rhee had releaied them, . AOhsUy got this G iM ranfM d m But this Ume, Ambassador Deaii white pique stops trlm- have s’s i so^tnsulted that he broke up ^ n g •'ith flying asucer butto'ns marching' to the 0 PUIAR^ppra Yuraday through S a tu ^ y 23 Now Pfiofc Avonub, Hartfotd. WiUto^t t h e s .U l« n « get back ia thU country 18*. Crater 8L, Cor, ef Church • : » A. M. t « 5:89 P. M., Fridays te'8:M P. M,'*"' W»ono“ Hortfoid 3-046$ OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 * * * - * * * ■ * * * - ' ■ ' * * * * ,* * if it- ★ "» ■» ylr ■» it, ir ie * ir * -k j* * *' * -k. * i r - * f 'A A . • J3L? .*5 ■I -A- ' •*1 ~ f’ ■ ■'•.'It ' 'J ■ ' 1 /- ■) ■: <-■ ,''\V‘ / 1 m. , y ■ ’w j''•> y-r— ;■ V ' Jl 8 • V- '■[- ...I’ J j,.-' ■ V*' H ' ' ' ■ . ' /■' ^ ' ' h erald MANCHESTBE EVENiyd? H , MAI^CHESTER, COTm^ THtJRSDAY. JANUAKY-7. 1984 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, V a n UARY 7; 1954 **uneoop«rattTiii^^A, ■ -beforf f ikoCiUMit j|iJio»L\texi«^ JkMnld muB.*.nua-. -X-- imihc4 4 dtbrii«>ivfa^ to v w in it Manchester YW queatlo^ concctjilni; OammMnlam Valeii|ine Hailce in Pngfeaaing; tiM Jean«r Cominht«« in Boston. ^amqu6^ tn a6t Q X/utuu! Thtf Mancheater ' YWCA ^ Kaa 8 t. Margaret's Circle, Deughtera III achadi eouraea, nUUiiie>y,, of IsabellA will hol^ its second an­ early i^itaa dccoratfon. alim- M ji^ Jones Gives nual ValenVine Dance on Saturday aiitOH. 3(UL t —(Spcdl^Y —TlM»iW*H«r Thoman/Bantley, Mr. and Mib. dance for ihildren.. taught by Miss A stimulatlni^iatk'^ oa •■Winter O’Bright's OrcheatrA B n s s will locally. T te ■nteeUMn 'nn* WiUUiid Hand Ann and Alwlne ver^^ Bfigem, q t the faculty of Gardens" wSs/presehted by Miss be optHmat qiiere wQI be favors — S P E C IA L *’ linnnrarf the oonaidteUon of fall l^ldaa, Henry'YVrek, Carlo Quag* the Hartfoi^ School of Music, will Millicent Jones, of Bolton, a mem* for sJl. \ 0 her of the/Manchester, Garden A WHOUt CUT.UF LYNN POULTRY FARMS «w k plana on and Flora. lla d»d three anonymous cards. be held n\ Monday afternoons, Mta Frances *« « • ■ ,'Foxetoft AMB LEGS / FTA Unit To Meet starting Jan\ ll. aasses for boys -Club, Wednesday roommg At the Dr„ the chalimaA and her com*- .Midi i»at rt3t/ifa^,0t Tuesday's 3 5 Community T «t the Homemaker's gleet and ancne etorm.. TlM PTA ISxectitlye Committee and girls, ag^ to , will beHn at inlttee.mnimera are: Mta Edmond : SbFT MELTED Both roads are ready loif a nnai meeting, postponed from last eve* 2:30 p. m„ forfoAi girls, ■ ages 5 - to 8 -. at Holiday progiiram sponsored by.tke Kicly. regent; Mrs. Leo Banwtt. N 8:30 p. mv. and\for the older group, Manchester YWCA, .Mm WUUam DcHan. Mia MlcMel xiudoT *" •** fiading and etting la thb spHng. J be held tonight at the low, OWBrYW . OVEN READY 69c ages 8 to 10, at 4 :3 0 . p. th. At a speaker’s .tabB attractively GormsA Mia John LappeA Miss 29 Chock bsrtpiUaUon of a drain-to tnurry/cc"®?* A QUALITY CHICKEN $1 GENUINE SPRING iha"' WmnW titaalBlb ' T>emlflW tWlMn > tf^raHerbert A. Beeaetle SllnutasUcs be offered on decorated with plants and winter Aims LaGace. Mia Richard R < ^ , ^ ,oluw l ^ tha broA undid'. Demtng road Monday evenlngg for 10 weeks. be< gardena arranged from cuttlngA Mia Joaaph Faikowskt. Mm Leo* , '■fouasd much interest among the •Herbert Bessette, father of comp®*^ i'Mrs. bolln . Ibnney of Loomis ginning Jan. 18,\at 8 p. m.. with Miss Jonea.demonatratetl the basic' JohnsoA Mrs. Stsvs % nA MrA I svofkers. The cast metal pipdls MralA Robert A-A. I^ ith ^ Instry. metboda for the successful potting Jossph Tonskt, Mrs F r ^ Brunoli, X B feat f In cte high andraoi'aomeirtiat ^ died Tuesday night at his w h Y *? *^ i v ™ home in Woodstock Valley. lor. and cafe of houas pfantA ana m a« and Mta Joseph Pulchiopek. - alder. Milllhera, with ths snpbasia w auggMtlona for their iibes. Her Tickets may be obtained from, K AN ECONOMICAL AAEAL ' It was deUvered in Sf^iions ' He was bom in Winooski. V t in -UP POULTRY 1881 snd'ls survived by his Wife, hats for Esatee. will be taught ^ gradoua manner and her knowl­ members of Um committee. BONED AND ROIIED IE DESIRED • sshlcb were bolted togethi^at the Mia James Dissell. on Tuesday edge of the sub.lect prompted many iUY THE PARtlYOU UKf liS r aite. Manufacturer’s represenU* Mrs. Mary Vincent BcMmt'te: 8 15 three sons, four daughters, twenty* mornings at : , begimdng Jan. ques|lons from her latereeted audi­ nmm.'TOB'B s c h o o l s e t MAKE A NUTRITIOUS tlvdi supplied iafor^tion ahd 18. "X . .. ■ ■ ■ ence. BREASTS^ LEGS - WINGS - LIVERS toida'necessary for thevjob. one grandchildren and. a sister in A aeries of eight lessons in early t,Qmb for Stew HOME MADE.SttW BurHngton, Vt. Miss Jones extended a cordial Hartford. Jam 7 Hb—Hie sub* Well Big ia t lip ... Aaasiicsn „decoraUen. indudlng invitation to' the^ •‘Y" group to je « s -tif bd Viugbt ai i 9 -week B A C K S ^ NECKS-GIZZARDS Btavene BroUMfra, successful In ' addition to lirs. Tenhay, stencilling, will b8 taught by Mrs other'^ s'unrivlnz children in this Visit her home ahd greenhouse qt schoei opening next Tuasdsy st the .Udders for the contract to dmi Marlon Cooney bn the second and some future date.. Anyone Inter­ .Netionel Ouerd Building i t Rrein* WM* iMibry— O n « Ih oiiU Cut Spocld for Yow Cookli»g Nooiii \ a well at the Community Hall, area iiiclude Mrs. Theresa'Bemt* fourth Wednesday mornings of ested in this'.trip is requested, to CHICKENS forequdrter Lajmb Chops srd FleM ire:-Procedure in exem* ve set*up thHr ^Tig .at the rear sen of Manchester. Mrs. Mabel each mohth, from 8:15 to' 11:49, conUet the *‘Y” office in the Com­ 'A* H lb AVC Bemtsen and William Bessette of Ining automobile drivers, the V BROILERS- “ ■ -BOASTERS - FOWL 2 3 S the Hall. George Wippert, beginning Jan. 13. munity Y Building. motor vehicle lawA Investigation. FRESH TENDER MEATY member of the advisory commit* South Coventry. Registration and payment for Rib Lomb Chops Fimeral services will be held at Inspection of motor vehiclea and tee 'on the improvement program' theee classes should be made at the The 40-hour week hiss been testing eyes. The more ‘han 85 FARM FRESH EGGSilAILY YOUNG FRYERS OR BROILERS LB at tIMHalL wm act as selectmen's S t Philip’s Church in Warren- TWCA office, 78 North Main SL, established as standard iii' ont*' ElAVOREUL ville- tomorrow at 10 Am. with stiidenu scheduled to attend are summm HE repres^tative on the }ob. "betwem 9 a m. and 3 p. m. Mon-> two rouotrles—the United States inspectors attached to the State Loin Lamb Chbpsi W EU TRIAAAAEO nm drUling of the well is the burial in the parish cemetery. day through Friday. - Membership and New Zealaud. \ FH^hds may call at the G ^ h n Motor ViMctee DapL. CLEANED ALL WASTE REMOVED LB initial step toward installation of in the YV/CA or Recreation De­ y'- rest rooms at the Hall. - It is Funeral Home in Putnam ttsflil 1 0 partment win be required of all BNAST PLAHER tonight Hoped that this may be accom- participants. Persons interested ,-U / \ CUT FBOM HEAVY W lSntH CpRN PRO STHR BIIF pushed/undar vthe. budget appro* are urged tO register, promptly In prlation for miBrovements alio* MancliMter B V e ■ l n g Herald order that c la s s ' may start on Sliced Bacon - * **• •- — V catad this year. Boltoa correepoodeat. Mrs. Joseph the dates scheduled. ^STFLAVOREUL Chuck Roost BO N E w r Residents of the Rosedsle sec* D’ltalU, tdephom MUtebeO $->3548. tion appoared at the selectmen's L A R G I ^ M P meeting Monday nig|it to request Advertisement- BU Fires Halperin; Liverwurst chuu aONILISS a statement of n ecess^ repairs New classes starting this Satur­ 'X- il Chuck Roost to Plymouth, Unnwood and Colon* day, Jan. 8 . in Ballet. Tap and TENDER MILK La EINAST - A FAMILY FAVORITE ^ . lal roads to bring them lip to Adult Conditioning..-Kegister nmv Actiou Is Criticized { . FINAST QUALITY standards- of scctptsnce by the by calling. Mitchell 8*1335. Flora B. Johnsim School of Dancing. AU WASH JttMOVEO All Beef Frankfurts 49< l e d p e e f ALL LEAN STEER lEff town. The selectmen wUl fur­ (CoaOniiad From Page Ooe) CLEANE LB 5 5 c ' l l the statement upon iibpec* 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 •oooeoooops'oo' FRESHLY SlICB) tion and discussion of the roads vember. Halperin told the Boeton SELEaED WESTERN in quesUon. Teen-Agers Topic Herald: fresh Haddock i » 4 9 « Beef Liver P0|dl Shatter Buga Meet "It is very mveh to bf regretted i \ ' MrA Nona Pittman, leader of Of Talk at W addell that Boston University has sue*; the Student Camera Club at the cumbed to tha.wajx of hysteriA Mackerel “ 2 9 « achool, devoted the flrst meeting lAST manipulated by unscrupulous poll* / yesterday to discussion of poinUcs "•‘Good Mental Health for B o ji UciaiiA It has done a dtaacrvlca RAN READY on taking a good snapshot- Using and Girls" will be the topic of a its own good name and to the cim .Split Mackerel “ 45* ^A collection of 'pMurea a* ex* speech by Dr. John I. Numberger, of academic freedom." / pies, l i f t Pittman stresaed tte Halperin said he went to Mexico SUFIR MARKET neS^to get Clqse enough to thS cf T ile Uiuveraiiy and the- Hart* "because my wife has been U1 be* ttO O KSlO l * GRADE A . 1>^GE SIZE sub;; ford hutitute of Living, at the cause of the pressures."^Mis ■wife..! 104^ I H STREET, HANCHESTER"" Pl^tcfd out elements Waddell-leh SchoolS< on Monday, Jan. Edith., is on Isave.of absence from of good deposition and the 11, at 8 p. m. \ the Brookline SenooKsystem.system. The Home-School Council of FRESH EGGS . <>oz63c neca^ty of tbrasing on the sub* The 4 T-year*oId. Bred director of ^ Large ftw Parkiag Ana Jeet alont eltaSnatli^ details .that Mancheqter High School,‘which is sponsoring Dr. Numberger, aa- BU'a Latin Asheriran regional Cloverdale Eggs UIGC Size often clutter an ot^rwiso good studies has been under suspension ii For Customar’s Car pictUTA nouncM today that this meeting i s . free and open to the pubUc. since Nov. l 8 , the lay after his \. .Ttw next meeting club, name wiur'cad fromxn FBI report nronnooooiooui open to seventh and eighi Pafenta of achool-ago chiMren are zWiSE BUYS Brookside Rutter 9isK^ciiAMEiY urou 7Ac especially invited to attend. - by Attj/-Gen. Brownell bofore'the BUDeerPOOD^ students, will Bnd meml Or*' Numberger ' ia a - disUn* Senate ^ Jenner 1 Internal Securi^ f u e s m F/SU Hand with'cimsra and film, ^Bhed authority in his field. At svbcomniittee In Washington. IN MEATS plan to take ahapshota ahd de Institute of Living he is re* The FBI -report listed Halperin CONN.GBAOB;A / LOW PRICES ON velop them during the club period; associate in cUnical ao one of several one-time gi^era- OENVINB »n »N G -4 (Hnr MEATED 8 8 Now Aeeonats Added i^^J> ment officials who were "parttcl- I- psycHiq^ and director of resi> e b m : ; ^ ^ S T s I The hanking program' at the dcncc tn d ^ g . At the Yale School pants in this (spy) operation or •'YOR” GARDEN FROZEN FOODS school found shout 30 new sc* of Medicine he la professor of were utilised by principals in this FILLETS OF go cdunts opened yesterday. A- total clinical medteipe, neturology and ring for the purpose of obtaining SWIFT’S BBOOKFin^ W3 0 R oasis of $218.83 was deposited by 141 data in which the Soviet ia inter­ LAMB LEGS COD T psychiatry. Goverdale Margarine PRINTS cbUdrcA ested.” B u H t r In pla talk heNylU dMcuss the HADDOCK / Preposed‘Cookie Treat pfobisinB of menOkiyBealUi.' of Also named in the report were I|£AN. WELL TRIMBtED e U T T t* Cheesa Feed . ' *'nast l» pkg 49c Gn^frujl Sections "^ast 2 SS*29c A pleasant sequel to Tuesday youngsterA especta^Nacn-agsrs. the late Harry Oexier Whits, FLOUNDER i n night's dance wag enjoyed . by He wtlf alao offer najfeauXqugges- Gregory Sllvermastcr, LaucMin Q iiktr Oits 8-L8 . Fkg. SWORDHSH ORAiNGE J Golden Rose Tea > pkg c Currie, Victor Pyrlo and WilIMm u n u s u a u ^ 01 39 Peaches eriSvij 2 SiS 55c eighth graders yesterday ss they tions in promoting and ft) .Invltsd the seventh grade in -a t ing the good menM health of fbqir Ludwig Ullman. Halperin held AR€ A H FROM TREE-RIPENEO FLORIDA ORANG government po^ts In the Office of CUlRK ROAST Golden Itose Tea Bags of u |4c RkhuMmd Pears 2F-OZ CAN 33f ^ 10:30 to help eat cookies on hand. chibfren. At pie end of his speec Strategic Services, .the'State De- H. 0. Oats l-IA. Phg. r OY$TEi$ MUSI TRtAT. On* 6-or can makai^^ The students' advise it was no UmF WUI bp allowed for questfons. FANCY BRISKET H lC t Apricot Preserve m.ra«i idoz mr 27c Chora at alL This apeecK la a part of the £tment and the United Nations. SCALLOPS Grape iiBcp ij-ozin 3le /V FBI/ leport said. Halperin FIL L SB U B ^ • 1H pinfr'of poft Orange Juic* were particularly-grate* yearly Tprogrian o f the Home- lOZ’CAN 2T« fUl.fbr the surprise gift of Mrs wasXmember of the Communist M arnalade ■ orangi i6-oz jar 2 1 c School Council and the major party” w/ the time he servMl in PancakB s WUUam McDonald, mother o f one m aking event of. the year spon* 17 ft. CHOPW 3 1 ^ ORANCIA of the students, who srrlvod at the goyer ent the report lOZCAN QZ PKG Peach Preserve miraml jar 29c BImnM JaM 'GRAMFRUIT jiw d by it for - the comniunity. A added.,/‘b in 1842 he pisaa- jm l i p a CORNED BEEF 12 2 21e achool wiib->punch to "go with" yery shoit^bualneais’ meeting ivill Raspberries I8GZ ed on informatib fo an espionage BIROS EYB s iic B * 3 0 1 ^ N 3 3 * jar mm FINAST the cooklCA precede Da' Numberger'a speech. courier." . W allis M it^ 14-Ot. Fkg. THE fUNOINO OF Ao AST FANCY, PLUMF Grape Jelly ^ «-oz I 9c Tomto J 2 CANS 23c Short 0 y X lfO H | . . ‘OHSM^^Donstiosa Uatod X MalperiH, who i t B U COD FILLETS IMULAi o r nm C N CUT Although a caah' tqtal IS XSowa rqyefy live to be more than since 1849, was "repri Ve r m o n t m a id r Cot L a ftiP a w fl IA / - Crabapple JeNy \ ” uoz jxr 2 1 c Green Beans w<^oNo CUT 2’ctS^35c 25 nded and L b .t li9 . 41e Available as yet, Mrs.-'^Haro yean Old. , severely censured" last. I for an •Z. 10-02 PKGS Porcheron acknowledged Sfrap 12-Ox. Rottls TENDER, We l l TRIMMEDt PTR^SHLY GROUND Green Beans Clover Maid Honey jar 29c Wax Beans *> CUT 2'?In? 3 5 c aeveral contributioha to BIRD’S EYE March of Dimes yestsrdi^. Fi SWEET U F E SirlsiaSliak LA Uaa Hamburg Lb. Mayonnaise \ ^'nast i6ozjar21c Richmond CUT Saab wlU he turned over t o t I MACKEREL ni^ETS 2 '^ 5 2le MEAN, JipORT ffilANR n tr-Oz treasurer, |fn. Robert Bid daon,- Hn H a lil .B^M. H r - PRIZE . . . Lb. Pkg. 4fe LOW PRICES ON Finast Ketchiip 2 l ^ ? 3 7 c Sliced Stab FINAST A CANS who wUl make the re p c ^ cash •k 7S-OZ 4 ia bl 17-OZ oUU.- / ■ OLUB toakai Piaiilci IS rMh SbiaUari - LA 53a FRESH FRUITS 6t VEGETABLES ^ Baked Beans - FlNASt- 'X CANS 43c CANS Otfta aoki^ledgcd yebterday UBRY’S ; BAKERY GOODS linnst «iAM sTni Xom 2 27c . Include: Keehey H ptchln^. Rich­ y M 'r A i Onir B^f' Cut From Hcl vy Western Com*Fed Steers 16-oz ard C. JohtkMdn,Mr. and.Mrs. Roc* ir r i FKIfD SCALLOPS >Baked Beans 3 CANS j DC Finast ^Mmu mNn (am co Cndle^ M. P. •. LovegrovA N. \ FLOBIDA • JUICY SWeX - VITAMIN C, BITTY ALDBN \ P riM rta i* 12-Os. Jar 7-Os. Phg. 53e D6I Pkkies ;tfqsHER%YLi 32-ozja«27* 'Xoeber, AmyXross, Mr/and Mrs. ROASTING CHICKENS / CAMPBiXL’S Extra Large Rkbmond Peas Roy Brightman, Mrs/ Gsrtrude FIRST FOOD lO O i .WHCi^LE WHEAT jumui pac jar4 9 c R a ^ r , Mr. and Mrs. H. Pster* Orte of our customei^waB ttaittd hojr nhe prep^r^ such fOHATO SOUP Fancy Temple Stuffed Olives' ^ ^ Somen^ Peas sen, Oscar Krsyslg, Mr. and Mrs. SPECIAL .^Bdward Vercelli, Walter Zutteh delicious chicken aiid thl^ was Her.answeri “It’s not the Oaffaa Lb. Fkg. 32a F/S// Grapefruit '4'-29' Boiled OniMS oac i6ozjar23c FeKsway P ^ /■ Marry J. Pellerin. . ORANCES __ 22-0 ? LOAF recipe fuse that makes it good;, it's the wonderful Okott Cana 43e. : CHICKEN OF THE SEA Dried Beef IFINAST JH OI jar 45c Also R.;D, Valentine/Mrs. John chickens.'* ^ PRice 21c finast Peas P. JsnseA Robert B. jaain, E. J. LiptoR’s Taa H Lb. Fkg. 65a CHUNK StY’LE . 17-OZ Roser. J. OpltA Anthbny Comtau, VAL-VITA / Doi. Swanson Oikken iozcANj9c Green Giant Puas CANS Gordon Tates, Mf. ^ad Mrs H. TUNA Gra|iM “'!S «r 2‘“ 33 2 ROGER LIFTOVS F lits Noren, Tony Anaaldi. Mr. and ic o n A 19-OZ West Center Street* SUOED PEACHES V A S q y , FIRM, RIPE No. C o iilS e POUND CAKE Baimuat lONED Chicken /sH oz CAN 3 3 c Irish Potatoes 2 CANS Mta. W. M. Ener, Mr. and Mrs. 403 MltcheU 3-YS53 Taa Bags 48 Count D ANJOU John Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. TaRMlaas CvUo Pkg. , - LBS C a r o / 39-OZ 19c ^EADY TQ EAT ^ Deviled Ham UNDERWOOU'S 2^ oz CAN 20c Finest PlMH|rfcill 2 CANS UFTONTi 2 9 OzT Can sW Eirr U f'E FANCY Pears' 3 «op.ia37c 35' ' F a n c y , WASHED «nd CLEJ4NED Comd •EEF Hash IROA^AST^ 16-OZ can 27c Sauerlfraut .iRNAST OitiM Sm |i Mix 1 BONITA 2 ^ 27c /■'. Fkjr*. Spiiaah - Olio Pkg. e EACH HERSHEY SYRUP 19 7-Oz. Cor 25c ciuowiiiian'-iFRESH CRISP 2 pkcs 2 S Apple pie Limerick Beef Stew w-pz CAN 39c Fmast Squash 2 S S 2 7 c ^ SWEET LIFE. ■ s o u p F A C ■■■\ \ FANCY, FIRM E N F ^ O R Anchovies rolled or flat '2_:c^)5s :25c \ FLOBIDA - PASCAL Tomatods ^ ’ 2 £m45c QdniM Bad Hath 27a 2 1 6 Oz. Cana 3Sc Orapat Lb. 19c .. FRESH CRISP STALKS 'P**' Codfish Cakes , lEAROSCE^y* 1 'c:a« 3 3 c Pep Cora wnasT^ »6GZc^ om(g 19c SWEET LVE . "su c io YHI EXIfilA-LAAOE OAUFORNIA 0E«^t"*'maSkj^^ ti^CAN:39c '------::.X jmozEN^oos; - ^ francp:a*« ic^ _ ' Margiripar rXka.X, ' ‘^~~r-ABiBOR ETI^ ' SAME L A I G i tow ' * * 'Steak'' Sdwm'^wcM ^^ :rss^ 2 9 c nwEiST UFE Ov e n jba|(e d INDIAN RIVER, MIXED VEOTOBLIS 180Z LOAF S Lb. Bag "FINK^ SEEDLESS” TO Ofc c • *• SAME LO W PRICE Norwegian Sardines 2 ^cans 27c X-Pilt Cake Mixei m-ozmo |9c : Baaas 2 88-Ox. Cann BTO 3 39 IlMIEtlAICE ^ , <%A » 8rq|tfralt For BIRDS EYE .YELLOW -. MILD LBS White M*^l fuM CHUNKLEI 'A^T CAN / Y e Augel Soft f a c i a l 2(xSo39c DEL IfONTE. ASPARAGUS CUTS, Onions e x t r a l a Bg e ■<. . ‘i Tomate Catsup EVANGELINE Richmolid Apricots wrdlED CAN 29c Daiuty Puddings 3 17c 19e FUMHgjMF JMMMT BaisPaars 6 For 29s P 10 Or- Fkip' 39c PRIDE OF OREGON— SNA^ TIME FAVOaini Fmast Blueberries / ■ I4-OZ CAN 27c Oerox Bleach — M.«iTi |9e -DEL MONTE SWEET. JUICY E Y A P l M IL K 2 Fw '27c STRAWBERRIES:. liABISCO PRIMIUM / Fmast Cherries ""^uGHT sweet -woi can 2 5 c Spanish Rice - 2 3 ^ Tamata SiMaa 3 ^ 2Sa Taigariaas Don. HEALTHFUL * NUTRITIOUS ' 18JH . Pkg. . 45c > LB PKG 27. Citrw SalajF ' izozcan 2|c I Post Cora Fitti CHEAL * *Of RKC 6c ARTHUR SMACHETTI. PPopriMot Racommandad by Th# Anwriesn Mndical Aitn. DEL M O N Ti^-•v’ '-T •m > ■ - iHf SUMMER, ST. -fa . MI.3-8080 UIBY*S /"' finast • IMWimSMOOTHY o.of «U NCHY^ ...I J- PEANUT BUTTER UOZ JAR 3 3 ‘ JALL'fcANS I ,STORE FIRST [ national STORES HOURS '. r ' ^ 1 « »t' ; l| iiL « Tn «s.i Sot. V* S o.ni. to 4 p.mv-Wed., Thurs.,. Fii.,- S o^n. M f p.in. dihato Juice 29^' ■ / lAM m ae-oz. c a n L U X - l a r g e 48-OZ. CJ4N BREEZE SPIG & SPAN r V i D E SILVER OXYDOL OPEN SUNDAYS S A.M. to 1 PAI, w • J...;. - .. iJQUS DfTItGiBIT J- n.n • MaiWNNO LGEPKG ’3 1 c LB PKG 2 ^ " LGEPKG 3 0 f ‘ ' LGE PKG / / LGE PKG 22-OZ IZ^bZ O Q - CAN 0 / C CAN %5 o c LGE PKG 3 0 c


> \

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANOlESTER. 0 N N , THURSDAY, JA ^A R Y 7, 19IM M ANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1964 -???- VI W H M E -- M 9 H etH ron TneBUFllr ba w duty at the-hdar- W T H T -k lig g aSm Betrpfthed F R u u l t y ing jrbont on the second Roor of W O N O - I4 U t the MiiHtctpat RuUdingtrom March W IH U M M i M iU y Radio 9 V H A T ~ in M ai^h o f Dim es / Avaii^le in Marc T to March 5,-from-Maroh“ 1 Enetera standardHiiM - O rrflk-iijM Reports ;lncreage March 13, and on March IS, last Mflff cfil yiFR h s s ,.. In r i’ s :.rr- -'4. ■■ — day for flllng .returns. ThO/tOllowlng program schedulea rails— "Cam paign L ^ l The agcntAwill be availebleito Reports were received'today by Maaeheeter Maidente who want are FuppUed lv the ra(8o manage- WTII" National •'•nuiiei Homeno '^8 LoedlJ,0eai^i^iM (i8ter Milp ftlUag- out their ineoBM tax answer questions on income tax menu and a n subject to change: The Herald fi|om a nuiuBer of Man- y xBv M rs/% vlhe forms will be able te get It at the from 8:lS.a. m. to 4:48 p. m. They - wtthoitt notice. chgater residents who sre experi­ MIUER'S S IK » Municipal Building eeriy in March, wUl not work any Saturday. encing interferehce on their tele^ ,0»««8hT> J m * T i^tKl ^ pint. In tha loc^ FHrdiquaa. Tha according to an announcement by Hop ■ : __Hebron,' Jali/T (Special)—Mra t Revue M itry 8. Kttctoln* wlB he « n a .c « w ^ /% the Director of Internal Revenue. ’Tourists spend abobt. 34 million WTic^ii'**'*,' Nits Watch vlakm screen s when tuned to .sossnnu Frederick iS^he has bem appoint Agents of the revenue depart- dollars a year in Bermuda. WTHT'~KgPorRp JfRHPl ^Channel 8 In New Hsven; ed chairman Of the lociid March " Complaints were received from flframonlaa to he COnductittl L,.*^Hdnu, prastdaht. ■•'..y 'WDRC—necom Shop several areas in town ihcludihk Dimes ^ v e which stprts in WONS—Jack Downtr / ncKU Sorzr •>'1 tha tNUt Mfijter’a InataJUntj Comlnr Bvanta Tollsnd Turnpike, HUlisrd Street, near.i 'Ilia*. / \ : WUcon of Mai> ^«ra will ba n doubla4iandar itura, WIIAV,-Tl%Uia Hop \ WTIC^Um'V,!m*pSu^ * Forest Street and Hartfbr«L Road. e campaign will he carrl4d oh JesAel MUlar'alCoaharDlU I baaketball gnpia today at tha Rob- w t : ______^UM There is also cbnsidcrabls radio AaalfUng W ilt^ ^ ertaon School. Tha local girti wUt the midi If^ moanS/Of coin ■WTU. CotiBtiy Mtiate ...... - interference ia Ue Forest ;Street- [Wkshi Fidiitt «s«sTs||f CirUnyoHI ^ y n ^ d ; pi«y tha Eaat Skdiool girls of Rock- to be sent to aU residents. llWijEirtter Biiys for LesrlHomy •Recora Shpp and Garden Drive area. ot 8oamf^,\0. lack Downey joiuuonXand Oovan of ville at 3:15 p.m. in thb first game This U the B«aM pltaBM^ by.Mn. John Maloney,; qf ' Maloney’s oh D . It c - John A. Msrkhan), M wecessfully ‘§i!&sr as; ■ /. Center Street, epd WIHiam SUnek. Andovar. Mrs. The local boys wilt play the Eaat W a y —Polka Hop ■ SfXyXr”U;’'^"ll® iiomblower :.l ; Rlnhay arlR be t School boys Of Rockville imme­ in previous* years. / WflC^WIdder Brown of Broad Street, two of Manches­ ., i- WTHT-Joe GIrand . t^|j|ONS—Music for Relaxation V d t^ r officeni to bb diately after. Cheerleaders under Mra. Wythe w ill be' assisted by T U l W P l l I X w 5 r C—Recerd Shop ter’s blggep- television daslera n duda^Overaber, Raymond direction of Mrs. Marion Seguin her mother. Mra. Matid Bland, and ' ITO NS-Jack Downey W HAY-News: Nil# Watch ' '' when quMtioned by The Herald, OTIC-Eddie CamV ■aid that; since the changeover ChickM dar: Ibcturer, \ Mrs. G. Ray: will participate in both gamea bw M ra Ralph V. S ^rd. w^o wUi ^ WHAY-J>olka Hop _ , ’ Johhaohf ataw ^,"^fllift WUln -KTHT—lloraUn Ikirnbluwer from Channei 6 to Chahnet 8 Jh You don’t Jiavf to con^dt • crystal ball Kow much you ^ riaht nova. liie Executive Committee of sUend 'To Some iff^lhe hecesiaiy de­ ' WTIC—Woman lii Hoiiaa I" ‘he Air •ssiataat 8tewff«L Andre XJebman^ Parent-Teachers Assn, will tails-. A caSflparty is being planned // ^ H T ^ o e GIrand New Haven, they have received, Just comptra AAPs current priew on scores of items vyith last year's. As for the rest of. 1 1 ^ WDRO—Record Shop' ^ ^ W 8-rM uslc for RelaxAttoir ctaaplain, Mip. tX\ Irving Loomis; tonight at 8 in the Robertson fo r February, . date to be an­ coihplaints on interference oif their '“V • --^.pifMppcts look equally bright. Naturally we can’t predict wholesale food WONS—Jack Downey ^ X ’ ^ h t Watch / necretary. H n . W ^ter a Haven; S^ oO l, nounced. and there may be other- nor^#nin9 supper at 8 p.m. w ill 'bb\d the Fund Committee’. the yniveraity of C o n n e d 11 c u t H f e r k c r s In Oj r WTHT-Joe GIrand • jjWONS—Starlight vymphony “GlMMt Bffecte" tonight at 8 in the /Robertsda neering. He is currantly stationed School of Law, He will continue hia Display WDRC-;-MaaBry. TUton REGULAR TRIM LB , DomMtic Swiss Cuts ’ » veatry with the £.adies A s h l. fur- ’The meeting WiU foUow the 10 T o C h i F r o m ! mool at Wright-PatterSott A ir Fone WONS-8ky WHAY—Nile Walrh ”The -present condition should Tender, Soft-Meatad FarKy Spring ^YIAft A O ^ IB 71e "IS ' *»4f‘ > • nishing coffee and dessert. \ a.m. service at the church, nhd wUi practiee til association with \ the LI. WTIC—Three RingNswa'' C^leTsLodge, d A M , wiU BMe, Dayton, Ohio./ firm of Davis. Lee, Howard knd improve within two to three covered dishes to be brought^ be in regard, to the gift of 81.000 Cut from heavy western \ ^ e ^ WHAY—Spotlight on BporU OTHT—Valentino C A N N E D FOODS, haveXanavexA stated Ml lunication Sat- A. September w e d d 1 n g is Wright of Hartford. ji nest In ' WTIC—New* . WDRC—News ‘ months.” Stanek said. ”At pres­ w ill include hot dishes and salads. urdayXat t;S 0 p. the Mason- from N, Henry Oellert of'^atUe, WTHT-^Joe GIrand ent there is overloading in various planned. WONS—Newt LAM B LEGS OVEN-READY LB YEUOW 1 LB 13 OZ There w ill be a film shown at 6:45 ic JJiA. Ml ’The entered in memory of his late wife. Mrs. BLOCKoLuvik LinuLn.CH^CK / WDRC-i-Newi l l i U - areas. The condition wUl be m. arith the meeting to b«rin at WONS—Newe W HAY-Nlle Watch Iona Pooclws CLING CAN E A c n 2 r « c h 2 5 ' PEANUT BUTTIR appr w ill be conferred. E d n a L ouIm Gellert. Mra GeUart Desigi S': 11^ OTIC-W orld News worsawhen the station (New Ha­ :S0. + I on dve^ Kdates. . ’There will was born here, daughter of the WHAY—Supper Serenade WTHT —Sports Report ven) increases its kllowsta from LB d n d o i ^ / f i a t j . l b , WTIC—Strictly Sporu A A P F o n c y P ^ Pettr Pan — Creamy Hcsh Anthority to Speak be a reheb df^ the degreo w ork la te Ed w in T . Siaith.» "She w a s s WDRC-Dwlght Cooke . 100,000 to 800,000 In another Seuf£, OfbruL in, YEAI ACO CAN EACH 2 5 ^ 2 ro, 4 5 ' Miss Margaret Thomas, man­ P O T R O A S t Wor( lonship — W THT-Joe GIrand WONS—Strictly Jaxx tom orros p. m. here. graduate of Bacon Academy, Col­ C hirlts We Lathrip WDRC—Jack Zalman 11!:«•- year.” lO T U O Z Cnineh Styl* ager of the Greene Herb Gardens WONS—Palteraon HEAVY STEER BEEF, TOT BOUNe, Gropofruit Juico Ival .Q raugers In stall chester. She had lived in Seattle WHAY-NIte WalcU He said the InterferMice om Hil­ R o o s t s CAN EACH 2 3 ^ « c „ 2 1 ' In Greene, R. I.r an authority of for many years follbwing her mar-^ FOB Mdferiaf S :m - OTIC-SlarUghl Lullaby BOnOM BOUND, FACI BUMS I I * Mi 33* sugh' bom M onday UABIUTT INSURANCE WHAY—Supper Brrenad'e WDRC-Dwighi Cooke liard Street is ’’local.” UaMON' IITUOZ national importance on herbs and riage. Her husband is a prominent WTIC—Let George t\i R WONS-SirIctly Jaxs Moat complaints he has received organic gardens will speak Tues­ ( r . and S a lte rs a t Slate p f O fficers AND REAL ESTATE lb WTHT—8. Gammell Iroilors or Fryors * ^ * * * * * * P r " CRUSHED CAN e a c .3 3 ^ « c H i r Chester Metnoriai\{fo 9ita l. bu^ess man in, Seattle, president Cutting done in our own' I'« J - . since the changeover Monday day at 1:30 p.m. at the Booth- of a gas compnny, 190 East Oeatar S t, M l 0 OQtl WDRC—Guy Lombardo WHAY—Nile Welch , L e e U e K . V. shop fropi the rough stone WONS—B ill Stem O TIC—Starlight Lullaby from 6 to 8 have been ’’ghost FtESHlY A&P Crooffl Style Com ^ 2 EG. 3 3 ^ 2 K, 2 r Dimock Memorial Library. Andover, ^ Jan; 7 (Special)— Incom e fri>m the g ift w ill be S :4 * - WDRC-Night Owl - effects,” on S. Main Street. Loon Hamburg OBOUNO M iliU ry memorial aervtke for r i b e : L b . A v f . to the finished memorial. WHAY—Supper Serenade WAXIO PAPER The local Garden Club Invit^ State Executive Committeeman used to* help pay the minister’s WONS—Strictly Jaxs ’The jcurrent trouble. Stanek /ot Corporal Leslie ' ichards^ JV.. V WTIC—Three Star Extra u c , s r visitors because the subject presumed dead by the Army, will salary anntially. During her resi­ W THf—George Hlckx said, ia in the station ttaelf. He R o n ^ s Stow Boof FruHCoditallM om E ’ EACH z r C ut-Rite Thomas’ talk li\ of /^tal Ira Wilcox'and his associates in­ l b MIM be conducted Sunday at' 2 p. dence het^ Mra Gellert was k WDRC—Lowell Thomaa I urges all Manchester Residents Importance to the public stalled the newly elected officers member/of the Congregational PO ROAST MANCHESTER WONS—Dinner Dale in the First Congregation^ 7:aa— . who are having this current inter­ Top Roim d^^ubt Stook Tcm goriiM Juico EACH 2 7 ^ u 7 , 2 3 ‘ * u 3 5 * Her topic will be “ O rganic C hu rch . Grange Monday night C h u rch . WHa V —Supper Serenade Engagement ference to Write to the N«w Haven TOI.S* Gardening in Practice,” deecribing / PeraonnI Mention WTIC—Theater of Melpdy His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laa- _ the officers iiutaUed SHOE REPflin MEMORIAL atetion. EACH 2 7 ^ u l - 2 5 ' the importance of compociting and WTHT—J. Vandercook O noPtillM borrios caf lle K. Richardson. Sr., M Ripley ^«are the fo llo w in g : E . L . W hlt- Mr: and Mra. Joseph Ous, who W D RC-Fam lly Skeleton ■ BIake>Beebe \ ^ IM r o o B B o I o | m 63‘ mulching and the use" of the flnkl cqhsb, nuuU^; Harmon Cochrane, moved to Westchester to COMPANY^ WONS-F. LewU. Jr. Thomas R. Blake, 61 Orchard PASS LEADS TO COURT H ill request that no flowm be SPECIAL. DOL^^RVALUK^ t ! « — — g r o c e r y V A L U E S . . . Facial TiBBuet product in foods, ^ e re wijl ibeA iL Instead they requem those, overseer: Mi^ct Skoog, lecttuer; py their newly built house, St., Rockville, announces the en­ Boston. Jan. 7 (8V-John D. Kir- questlori and aiiswer period^or the a A. AIMF.TTI. Prop. WHAY—Supper Serenade to send money \whlch Althea Hendty, treasurer; Anna have Uved wHh Mrs. O ust’ parents. 10—Rok^ O F CHARMIN TI s W e $ 1 .0 0 OOR. PEARL aad HARRISON W TIC—Theater of Helody gagement and approaching\mar- non, 17, got into municipal court Full of Juice-Latge Size YIAR AOO-DOZ 4Sc m «FM S‘ WTHT—Quincy Howe i l l 14 oz assembly. j/ hsve been spent for flowera Undhotm chnplahti; Max Asher, Mr. and Mra Cariton H. Jones, STREETS riage of hta daughter. Mias Mary today on a free paiss—charged / Eiborto PoockH aaf Miss Thoom will sdsd show here, previously, pending the com­ liijlim umQiT WDRO—Beulah . with larceny. CAN be iKven to the local churm in atewardV Robert Kaliy, assiatanu 12— PACKAGES OF ASSORfED Opposite East Ceaaetery. WONS—Meet the Star Frances Blake, to Daniel C. Be'ebe, Slides of */«>ur of/Uie country pletion of their new home. Mrs. He presented a free pass to the 1 U 14 OZ memofy of Corporal Rlchardten. steward; Virginia l^ U e. Cwreei I d i - son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold\c. FLA. ORANGES " " » z 3 9 = AAP Fruit Cocktoil including yudta t^organic gar­ Ous is the former Betty Lu JoneA J E L L C ^ ' $1.00 WHAY-eSupper Serenada < Beebe of 55 EAro St. cashier at the Fenway ’Theater last L'. S. No 1 CAN ’The Rcy.. Tiiunan O. Irelud Mary Nichoisqn, Poi TELEPHONE Ml-a-6907 WTIC—Hewa of World YIAR A 60-1I LB BAO Blc IM 9 dens. Mm Geom E. Simmons, tine Coveil. Flora: Mary > . CWuing Events V or Ml-S-8889 The wedding (tote is set for Sat­ night and went In to see ’Texas 1 LB will oowmm.tte services. Attent M A m W ’S WTHT—Starr from Spaca Bsdm an.” Iona Tom atofs , ______club horUeuItaplBt, was in charge ing will be\sNMegation from thl ladies’ assistant steward; There will be a meating of the 4— LARGE >KGS. OF FA c IAL WDRt;—Chorallerx urday. Feb. 20, M 10 a. m. In St. STANDARD CAN WONS— Gabriel Heatter A few minutes later. Miss I of thoTVOgima arrangements. Eagieville 'Volun^r Fire Dept. Thompson, gnte keeper and Executive Board of the PTA Sun­ - O p e n S U N D A Y S Bernard'a Church\Rockville. POTATOES A SIZE BAG . T I S S U E $1 .0 0 Buy Direct aad Save Moiiey ItO — ' ■ Marion Grace, the cashier, had him 15 35^ rill include;.,.:. Mr*. Boy Scouts TVpopNS7, the 4-H ~lkoog. Executive Commiti day evening «t the home of Mra WHAV-^Supper Serenade . Fresh Clean Stock A A P W holo Kornol CoiiicAt atreated. YEAR AGO-S US 49c KRISPy CRAOdRS 'Itoae, Mra. Harold Hills Town Committee. andCthe Nation,- years. ■ / Harvey Lippincott. Tlioae attend­ w r it ;—One Man's Fam ily FBOM THE FRYING PAN WTHT—Starr from K|iaca Cottonwood. A rts.. NJan. 7 (8V-^ She told poUce the pass was x ; Mrs. yStinmons. ’They ivill al Guard with m ng ^uad divi­ Past Master Henry S k ^ , lor- ing nre naked to bring along in­ WDRC—E . R. Murrow \ WMU.C AGP Foncy Poos “ I formation avnilable for the mooth- PSluI D stsi’s Jail break last Novem­ among the items ip her handbag - . CAN [ ■ Sunshine A ^serve refrmments comprised of sion from WillimaiHlc. mar Steward H arn^ .'Cpchrana, WONS—Men's Comer lu sU orgsnKaUy produced foods. Ar- ly PTA bulleUn. . ■ ••••- ' / ber would still be good today if his which was stolen the previous day. YELLOW ONIONS 5 19 1 1B140Z ’Treasurer Althea ^cn^y and WHAY—Polieh National 'Homt car hadn’t broken down. / AAP Fruit Salod lUNCaM I t r rangenumta will be made by club M nachester .New Arrival WTIC—Roy Rogers CAN bach 9 3 Evening Het^ pastX Chairman of tM Executive ’The 31-year-old Indian flagged SURPLUS CURE OFFERED memtagra using bare branches or Coventry eeneapewdent, Committee George Nelaon made Report hka been received of the WTHT—City Bylina . 1 QTUOZ evemeens. birth ot a abn to Mr. and Mrs. WDRC—Meet Mime down the next automobile. W orcester,- M assr, J s i i 7 (iP| — SOPJL IflifUL in, '5 4 / lono Tom otp^ce CAN 2 SOB 4 3 ^ Charlea L.' Little, teleph^ PR- Its for 1953. \ WON)— H erald A u- tending school during the houra TWo teen-nge burglars who pulled Maachestdr Evenlag HeraM He- REGALO |totmd 9ie Gock M ra ueerge Correapoudeet, Miaa SUMW "i5u5r^ FANCY WAYRE$T /• - M P Whitt Tuna Fish CAN « c h 3 2 ' and on the days when school is in three Jobe by candlelight were in / P k o r M o o t s . BRAND 4 0Z "FItO' tetepkoae Ig Ttai 2 -6 78 8 . HArrlkoe 8-8889. ~ N A T I V E — ■ - 7 • VARtOUl 3 san CM* J J ' acsaion, including coverage for in­ ; ail today,'crossed up by tell-tale / Anebovios tramural sporta, gym and other candledripplnga: lAIELS i r o . 2 5 ' plwMeal education nctivltles. . Between..J935 .and\ 1940 about v a n d a l i s m U O S T L T ' Ltfaby’c Meaty-^Rich , WHU' Offlcera said red candle dripy' live per cient of the population of YIAR AOG-«AN B9c They are also covered while par­ CharlottmrviUe, Va. IP>—Road Cuto Dbg Food 2 r o . 2 5 ' pings were found at the scene of the United States movM to other sign vandaUem in Vii^nia la coat­ FSANCOAMOIIOAN ticipating in school-sponsored and each theft One ' burglary whs l(To broil or fry). LI. supervised activities either' away ■tatea w hile between 1940 and ing the taxpaycra 890,000 a year, hash CORNiD Blip ; Doily Dog Food l U X F U K i S solved. ’The youths were arreCted 1947 about 10 per cent of the peo­ tha Virginia Ooum^ of Highway 4 r o . 3 5 ‘ from school premises or after ahd confessed to aU three. SPAGHETTI t 2 7 c LibbYs./Aome Com-on-the . U aU N O A U jU f ■ to pick up the girU im G g MI i g after practice. F A N C Y F IR M Matt W , Acdtland of the office'of B&M Oveii-Boked. Beong GREEN GIANT PEAS 2 CANS '* 39' 3 MMlth Education Welfare, region TOMATOES Yfcg. I9e f-i. -* —nanUUve of thi Fed eral 13 0Z J*«C UM\7QZ 0 h m C ' Itrtw etm- la IJIII M 'll ttmuif W. SM.. mt-UUAtn la Utf , Agency, Was at the Rob- CANS O I CAN Behoed Tuesday to inspect GOLDEN CBISF 2 J k 9 rsesrds of public school en- Red 'Kidney, Yellow Eye or CaliforniR Pea Beans bak^ to No Rizataff n9ijid> 'm i eC local pupUs and to in- 1 .SOUTH STREET — PHONE Ml.3.6920 CARROTSh. ■ . , , O N to Y kg . Ihs laquaM by the town 29c perfection in B&M's own "down eesf" brkk ovens. ue^AeuuK I l f ' fsdaral aid to educa Manchester's St^per Market Of Quality l P’ANCY TEXAS FAI FKE MIM MILE MON. 1 ■ nm\,f^r}•w}ryr. ■ L log of t&s A uxil- t o f P .M . BEETS FLENTT OF" FREE PARKING IN THE KEAR •MW Ooventry Volun- a l-erUI Iw 18 ii\. /- ■£ -1 ■ V \ -. . ’i (■;: :LV1' . ■ ■ r -;(• ..I > ' ■/■■■■I. \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANGHR s TER. CONN., THURSDAY; JANUARY T, 1964 MANCHESTEB EVEfflNG HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. JANUARY 7, 1054 -•V >LKS BYj^NTAmEFOX FUNNY BUSINESS JIITHI :^lf you kqow the where-, class are of French Canadian ori­ French playwright and • actor. r 1 when the ^atlvlties were Inter­ tug '93, and five COlL titles were^ Ocalgna were drawn by Sandra i vagttablo rupted by an^ttendant, who said: you do With these .lama? ■ , k^uts of any such maUrlal, dropped games to' Meriden, Wind­ Wolteradorf. Cynthia Punlap (both gin and brought in French. C3irist- Moliere, was presented by it group / ••Abstract I IS b Johnny — I'd maka than^' a ^ added to the record hooka ^At ham, and Middletown. mas cards which they or their V. Attendant V-Gentlemen, I've contact Mlaa Marlon Caaey In of whom Were also authors of of, students from the DepL of ••T bttar been sent to aaK^ou to make leas MHS. Tha rifle team coppe^t their' 23F, Middletown edged the Indians poems used), Florence Mlzak, fstnilies had received. 'TheSe cards Speech end prsma of the Uni­ W~“ r" . " ‘ L i u ' second CCIL, champiohship in as for their, flrai .win,. ASdU, .when were passed around the class and MDowar nolae. TTie g'unt ' in ' the next The first issue .of Quill will Karolyn. Kaye/:^.,aiKl .Frimciae versity of C^iiinectlinit at tha Sock . Sign ok a fruit atand In Penn- many years with a aeasonal .rec­ bS' issued within . the next ^ b Huaao, Dooley, and McKnlght Obrenuki. J/"' various forms of 'French greetings rT ~ room says he can't read. and Buskin meeting, Dec. 16 In the Host ^MJan't read? Well, tell aylvanls: "Ck>d Help Thoee Who ord of eight atralght wins, being' month If enough material can >ad thk Hgers to their triumph In Cynthia's poitoi was as follows: were copied to be used la ty on the him he ought to be ashamed of Help ThemsHyes." defeated only W the alumni i he found. ; —-r r— ^ /th e iaid.few_aecnnda on Dec. 30. -- FIBST CHRJS'TMAS . French CJhiistmss cards wnieh was assembly^ hall. ‘Joan^ I think Wf'd g tt our hair bpbbad ag8inr*| 1 squad, Sneed passed Middletown to a He was so good, that Uny Babe . . . I a class project. •Tartuffe” which .Is also known himself Why, 1 could read - A wager wasLlald th a tJt-S M a ' 21-16 first period lead; Morhsrdt He lay upon the hgy i Patricia Eddy, Teresa Pantsleo, T n P f l when t was five. The rill^eam then placed a^. ’as '*ihe Imposter,’ French Yankee peculiarity to aninr^ ono ond in/^tha Connecticut High and FarreU hit for the Indiana to And watched them Come and Pat Wiley, Arlene Perras, Robert classic written In the 17th Century p question by another. To sustain ^ 1akin presented "Hupkleberry narrow tha gap to 36-35 a t the in- bring thelr^gifta Tyler. Camilla Frey,, Norman Ho- OUT OUR WAY RY RL w il l ia m s UR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR H O O FL^ 44 And so forth B , Schobf SU te Hlfle Championshipa whkJi tells the story of a man ..., . . . , / ' Oae. la, a.MlUloa __ finn" .to Manchestcr'a JUOO.. 4th, termlssloq. - _v._ w------That early OHatman Day.-^^— —| hentbaL Marietta Gagnon, Leonle —^ w the assertion a -doini-Eaater wax'" told ln~N«W'HKVen. ~ - 9th and Sth gradera. " ' , Whs isMts tne people to bHuivs 4t ScoUish alder hi N There goes the greatest optimist Interrogated: \ ' Tha golf team, coached by Law- TTie Indians could gamer onlv Latullppe and Richard Johiison that he could do no evil "and is* T | ^ WD SrmHft HILL -.,1've met in all my life. Bettor—1 v ^ t you ^giva me Palpt and Pow<^, the undir-. two field goals in the third period. He never Cried, sw^Mt little Child, cleverly converted American ...... l*aa...... § He keeps ^he motor running'White reniiaJgaijy. aervlng hla flrai yaar claaamen'a draMatie olub,- present­ '.fci ...... Fttlot.Puoia,_. WM > A i*nOtve Christmas cards into French"oiies pracUcally a Saint Htn/ever.. ?W> k y | He’s waiting for his wife! ed "Meet Me in S t. Louis," in May. third quarter mark. „ Perhaps He knew that Ood had by designing the interior to In­ VAST666MEl>iTOfOURPOPUiAC£------so Gibbon M * plain question. \ CCIL, and atayed there to add an­ 14 At Alwamte Concert he is proved sinful and eorrupUble. Ui “ -^F . O. Keman Yankee—I kin do It, mistef, ^ The fourth quarter was a rough placed , r clude the correct French greetings. VMtTd fC a eU56&«.'~MlU.lON6, 01 Looks fixedly B other ahlnlng trophy to the office In the i^alc department In '53. “Hard work Md happiness go' Another _weli knqwn and out- Some students originated the Instead of beinX played on the Bettor—Then why la It fhat. tussla and with three minutes left A guardiaq/itnr above. ‘\y ‘''4 v stage for the meeting, the play Homes A^spSMr$tAtMHS. Chirrehtly hla su'ojects play as the action tobk’ place so idliM^bat only Mf^chester had only four hoops. Sweet Babe . . . HC. was so good. She is also the Parade of Youth Include trigonometry and solid mas project, a story on the real close to the audience. onb game of 15 agia g a i^ t leagtie ed an evening of music lor the Sandra’s poem was; meaning of (Thriatmas was trans­ BUGS BUNNY Uncoln and Waddell PTA. At the heir-time, Windham led Comeapopdeht forJdanchester. geometry, Latin IV, (he knows all The actors wore no make-up and opposition. 29-17.-(Jaquette led Windham with . THE Bir t h o f p e a c e Sock^and Buskin has claimed about things like "venl, vidl, vicl" lated from English into French. the effect was very enjoyahlc. / Equals Hferi{len used a full cmirt press A hymn of praise of glorious giv­ n'ghts, but It just proves what a (9irist est ne” which headed the joyed by members of the club lOlPON April. ing . . to the National Honor Society, in religious display. country team to an undefeated to brat Manchester 50-43 at home, good sport she is! • his Junior year. along wftp the cast Once again, the voices of the A on Dec. 18.' * __ For Thine eternity. Tne story of Christ was read In \ Barbara Person, '55 season to cop another title. Led by L«at year, she was elected a As another estrs-currlcular ac­ n Pete Close and Hoger Turklngton, Capella and the Boys’ and Girls'- Bd ‘rdpUietti led Meriden to a member of tha Current -^Affairs the French Bible b.v means pt the ---- — ------firat qu tivity, our toast of the campus opaque projector. This was com - ¥■- \ the harriers defeated Weaver and Club and continued her member­ has been active in Senior Hl-Y. As pared to the English Bible ver. \ IjQoW ASdUT Windham in a dual meet in ship In the Y Teens for the third a freshman he played in thS frosh alon. 21-22]^jPefeats Hartford, and placed first In all consecutive yesf. ■ Dccomber. Intramural basketball league. In Singing the most beautiful and \ their other meets. symbols love, hope and. Dramatics has always interested hla sophomore year he played for j s a ^ s ^ ^ Student Coimrll Elections Johnson. Farrell and Morhardt^/ famed Frencji .Chriatmae carol. 1^14F on Court Led by Junior Pete Cloee; who faith Bettr a great dflsi; As an under­ the sophomore squad of the inter- "Ontlqiie pour Noel"/and reciting The school-wide election for of- ! this lead to two points in the classman she belonged-to Paint placed first, the squad, won class league, and 'the foUowing Theonhlle Gauthiers lovely. . / ■------and PoWder for two years. AIm on yeat swliched to . the Junior entry. "Noel," telling 'about tha .birthi of 13-L4F .defeated . J1-29F ^ 77-99 ALLEY OOP An Offer And lY V . T . H A M L IN her Mst of extra-currtcirtafsctlvl- the victor among (h-* a>.> nth.r •'‘criflen piiiiea away in me iinai ----- our minds to-TTlee. Tha fact that the Green Manor Christ, were added features of Lhe to a lopsided game In' the freeh- championships In New Britain tles are Somanhls Advertising team in the “Y" basketball project. .men homeroom luisketballiuisketball leanueleague WE c a m ,. - e t o n t^G M V O U , can(fi dates. period. Morhardt took scoring hon- i Co-captaln for next season is Pete Staff for one year, GIrU’ Choir as League presently occupies the cel­ Sandra Stevenson, ^56/ Eefc. 29 at the West Side Rec. 19- Ndmmfi_EXCEPr s fresliman, A CanelU Choir for . CTose. lar position In the league standings 14F lost only one game thU/vpeason ^ o u e u e ? ’ y ACHANCE10 wereotterlor elected In the fallih. ando.„.»r® In- 14 In glad acclaim of Christ, our ^‘'*"®»“ . . *‘"« '‘n‘>J-« Cercle Fran- GErO^OMHKT TU.CAN6 Coach Dick Danielson, in his is no fault of our Legionnaire, and are breathing down the neck ROCK PILC WITH seventh year leading the soccer cluded Gary Bogll. vice president; had 12 and 17 ^inU res^^ -Lord.Lord. cals" for the last two years, of who haa been, consistently Scoring of 15-16F to the race' for the\lp WEixTAKE \ RoseRm s FrcchSttc Frechette., secretary; pomto- respecuvely. ^.^ich she has been 'ia secretaire" Diesel Film S h ^ ii WHOLE 6MNa.' CARE o r teaffli saw his charges climax a and . for Meriden. A king whose birth was peabe. In league^play.. crown. Their big «pin I*, riqny/ James Tatro, treasurer. day, Jan. 9. at the Bejl Town. both years. Kohen, who scored Iff pointsima w ■1HM7 very , impreeHve season winning Joan Msnkus ..Tills year Bette's subjects in­ Dick received ^ e of the greatest the eXTL .championship with a Forty-six members were Induct­ contributed ’the honors any Cqnnectlcut high To T rade Students break his own single gamenv toUl third poem; clude: English IV, French IT, U, S. of 47 points, set two gamto• ■"OO. ,\ 9-3-1 record. In the state champi­ ed Into the National Honor Society History, modem history, and A school boy can' receive when, in on the locals downed Glastonbury at the Induction ceremonies held in t h e CHRISTMAS RRAVER his Junior year, his classmates In betwesn. Koher.’s talUeil4^ Al H ospital Painted As I lift my eyes to the heaven Cappclla Choir, EngUsh Is her "The Cummins Diesel" was the Johnson’ mansged to score 11 teknts In the' seml-flnals, but. lost a April. . Offlqrrs . of the club are « above, , f*vortt(r’ «,iuand 4t i-Isn't n , mijany wonder elected him to attend Nutmeg heartbreaking battle to Hall of | James Tatro;Vlce-Prea- 7 B v A rt Stllirim tB that-the w«»mi inay .flng i^c-flalf fpr writing. paTuriol i Rqisr West Hartford lii. the flnals. identT Andrew Ansaldi; Secretary, ^ 1 Rodrigue who U 21-29F'a leadii* Barbara Field and Treasurar, ^ ’ pe,ce and love, ; ' ' j »Td"»c la a big hit on Bette's list / b? te. ® ‘he skillfuI wo^k necessary to per- scorer, tallied 17 points, whUe Bill — II ask that mankiiid, not Just you favorites. She plays the piano contorence at Storrs the highlight «" experimental car, planiS^ SteVens acored JO points. T.ai.a«.«LSS«.«i. Thlrto^* Rises'** ag^t four { attended Mtae Marjorie Burr, head' dietl- "L*- (very well, tod) end enjbvi llsten- In the second game of the twin ""'"JtiSlSsatia inr to records s greet deal. “Rhan- wins was the final record for the Boys’. J and T Olrts' ! " Stale .^ at5, tha Uni tian at Manchester Memorial Hoe- *‘"8 Ood'e carols 'lound t(n- MU 13-17F £SJi .over 17.1IF by a 69- Tha polieo dai^artmant haa InvKad ma to attand thafr basketball team to’ the 19,93 sea­ Ital, invited art students of Miss seled tree. sodv ln Blue” IS about “It’* with Cummins Motors of Ohio decided 122 count. Chi ■> Bofgtpl SCOriNl son.. Co-caplato Marshall Aitken versity of Connecticut, held late in trafHc trainii^ school—thay want to famHIariio tho boya June. Jack Witham was elected to Slope Hehdereon to .decorate the _ ■ X . 5>®!"; P»*!4/»4..f5rloll« slde.j«has the a new and superior car must Jilgh for tha . with 24 poiiMS / . with-my typor shattered the .old- todividuaL scor­ windows and doors of the hospital * P™y. •" the stillness of (Thrist- tnatrumental vdrslofl of "geptem- asr year and as ah alternate this be conatrucled to surpass th e ' followed by Dale Brown who CHRIS WILKIN, Planetcer Let’a Go! BY RUSS WINTERDOTHAM ing mark set to '52 by "Pinky’’. Ho-; the Christmas' 'sea^^n 'igaTn "«» Eve her Sonv" is tons in pooular di.scs. A/te,. .fVwteoi u 0 ^ race’s sUff competition. j tallied 19 pbtou. Charlie Pickman, henthal as Coach Wilfred Clark and took part in the governing this/year. They'remember the Child Mary For her pst peeve she Usts in­ After school Dick haa a lob! A plan Wm drafted and approved | who hag been, leading 1T-18F te‘ BOOTS AN Ah-hh! '4 As* *4 J..9*’ M A ^3** 49* 1A oa9 a a* ' AAA ^.2 .*aZ1 ___ 4- # ^ 'A BY EDGAR MARTIN wound up 32 years as mentor: . - r«7*.r-rPr„^ i Mbrnl.ng studenU painted from ' ^ sincere people. where he really ‘ cleens up, ’ for he after much^eseSrcl'i, By this plan scoring aU year, was high for the O h tme Manrhaster’s swiinn^itog tsam , 112:10 until 5 In the evening and-, R««n«mber the g o o d .l^ did. do, _ What. Is her most embarrassing *"***/* h»l!a as- the slowing effect >-if gravity on a lokerp with 10 points. She official Custodian of Barnard diesel's speed could be lersened by p u h I t e e r i .•TWft X Y . lost a hard but well fought battle 1 1 1 afternoon students from 8 untir, ' * * ^ ‘*'i***y- moment? It happened, when ahe p aha Austin and BUI Calhoun Hy VarslH^ M Club Was held to | ^ ;3q gn wedhesdSy, Dec. 16. 11 ho tnai on this one gloRous went on a picnic with some college School, He can iisiiallv be found designing th# engine longer and X aO r for tbe.CTCIL crown at Wlndjhnm.in '4 AA AA^AaI 4...*' IM ^ sqored 8 potols and 6 points ra- V0)VL YHO March' blit during'tbs icasbri nine Febrviary.-Anrta -Onglladwie w n»|-^ty^^ts ''partlctoatlnr friend*,.nd«„(fb4>sPt.togetJn,a *“ c-u>oe hut^^nonower.. stetdivety to help supply toe sroiL WOOCfRCm J records weed broken,. two' which ch^n Miss H of lO^- 1 Francine Obremskl, Karolyn Kaye, W*/'skuU smile with oiir brothers and . for.tetting It Wa'sn'f flat on ?*** don't locate him there ti^ After monthsm< of painstaking pre- tog punch needed to overcome the were shattered twice.. The annual J" Lewis. Emma Stephens. / all over the*ea^; the bottom, cauaed it to turn over Station on Mpin Street,, [eision___ workwot and testing, tha nsw scrappy losers. Seven wlna^and seven losses was ft JuTO*. Ed Mlndle, ^bert Ahd’ value, that smile at-its jnice as well at going In tor a dip'head where our ambitious notable of the | car was ready to prove its wqrih Bob Abrams, 'S7, the final yiirord for the MH8 1-rsc- School kdd Vas iTw:(*ell. Joan Winters. Barbara " leas leRR WArih worth, "f y first herself (jt* was only April, week holds a second Job. in^the qualification runs for the- ball toanL A>.five gqiAe winning larKMtcrdwdevertotopr(^atiRk.e. Cynthia Dun- I pray that 'mankind wni pray too—br-r-r!) If he hauDsns to tip his hat and j 1950 Indianapplis contest. Seventy with me In the-foture Bette has two big null a^rabbit.out.of It, or If lie sud- ' cars entered these trial raete, and streslt Triudy." In the Ifceasoh kept jinp/Cirol‘ Johnson. % Wlchman. D dttie M ariuo, ’52 hoped ktgh, hut the- Ihdian slug­ iV* ' Miss Helen 4 lPrtd t*,ck. Nits. Gratton, Eleanor That men - tha-deiAb of God’s love dreams—to- „ go to college-'and »..» to denly produces 12 bouquets of 90 were aeefqNed Amokg thete gers fell to third place In the CCIL. OoM W9a ell In** **n*^r' ZZ x?*itF** Z i --- ABrnBiT, Jteidert, ABTjr Mary z-BnaBKiwi, Parroakian, .vancy Nancy : will see; travel'. She would like to go tO'"®"'®*’" ^'xim your vent pocket, was the Cummins Diesel, which An uOpaL Pete WJgren jwbduced crowned by_j9iBs WTOHrWrote;-Hancy--^M(M*ltell.“ Jtoncy-MiM*hMl.“ :-M«rcto M m rtoiT W ^^h^ to.-God tk e te ;k ^ JCurope-someday.- A s • tor- a s her:**®”'^ hO--*ilatmed,.foj-.,,Dlck- ls^sn-set,sniaw-quM Uyii^ recoKt-of-ovee- H a R - D a n e i n g J o b ■nntbfi^ieiiaaffm priTO.- t o l t V vMary Mpriarty, Ja n e t' ■ Pineeei coUege'plant go, she jiavs *'I like ; s”d spends soma ISO mlIes"pie>‘'hour. ' '53. Mgsbhall Aitken "led the run­ Ct^editorshlp of the Nigh 8 ^ 1 Mrhltney. Ruuln Ftogles, BUI ■ That God will emUe dawn and His Wellesley,- VasMif, and Trinity *TMTe tlmfs^ practlqing slelght-of- At th«r outset of the big race, the ners" eg/Icaptalb.. The Irack team World went to two ^ b le ^ rU v Knight, Rlclterd Mc(=omh, Ronald | children bless. Collegh" in 'Washington. ' D., C. I’ll ■ hend. , new diesel was to the lead as it -;it is always such a pleasure to placed ^ the ujlper half of the ^rolyn.Bengtaon and Pat.Campv gtetnhilber, DUi Stevens. Gretohen And if through the world's din take the first one that takes me!" 'IVe resllv hate to mention this,' speiL down the. Hack for a i>aR M hear from our . MHS alumni. Re­ Bchooln prbduit At the-CC3L meet, . T.X J •/,, I Palmer and Phyiito Sleiida. ,, God cannot hear. With her friendliness, good sense but Dick is one of those crazv-; Ui# $200,000 ip 'pri/es. It was tbs cently, Miss Jeanne Low received a the ConnecUftUt |-elay»"-8nd the The., annual ^ y ^ and Girls , The hospital loWiy, waa decorat- "^at I’ll pray my prayer each year of humor, and fine personality she mIxed-up b.asebp'1 fans'who Is still 0>Uy experimental ear in the con- letter from Miss Dottle Marino, State' meet to New Hi^yen. week, sponsored by the RoUry . e>- to Miami; where she worked to the -TIM E i V e e a r MAUIfuC 7 kOTICI MW •TTiey couldn’t gel by HiUl pt West ager as the atu ts took over the men and Santa Clauses were also i.Nan^'Weir, '64 ' w*’"t school he will attend/ - f. Hr.i*.,bt-j«ar.,which-sii41), .ba..gorg»tt#i» 4«-a ^A ■■ - -- _ .resolutions and tfie beat part of CAMERA .. audip-visual 'slu______make Just mna.or tw» rrrr.cm M ifM m : ^r- - Uafiiualte^^toiiatm# . balcbs,' N;; M. ■ ’ ’ Tlli! ProJeiUonist CJiub. and BY t^ESUErYCKNESI’^ K E ^ ^iER AND HIS FRIENDS Gehiiiq gidn Award and the cnarke M-Sdal ■broughf to tVe alftsbtion of ath- and really stick to; thenv! ' Such received discussion .6n the theory B Y M e r r i l l c . b l o w e r ' Booster. Drive SoeccM -' C lbse-C saiii^ dents and .teachers - that the Unl-^ this elite itttle item; s definition qf guests, the Fretfunen.'^-T-Taena. THE •{0 Jann Farrell; the DAR Aivard as tr)dng riot to forget or argue of color. Before beqtoning We held a dance recently at the Wad­ and the A-meri(;an Legion Award to rT he second ahniial Booster.Day vertdty of (Connecticut will perform with your brother or sister. a. double petunia; Petunia- la a canaieT ixjucek.9 N»Nf STPAIGHT_ I IweLve N'A b o w / . Drive was held to June, and the careftmy; ]Mtoted out that h i'so ­ flowerTike begonia'. .Begonia is dell Schota under tha dtrsetion of {^ / m m ------‘■ '0 Prisenia Torrance; Ctvitan Club The freshmen basketball squad this.Mrvic* to classes desiring if. cial life. It is onc.^of the principle thktg Oinrt M1SSBS — Mr. and Mrs. Arthur LsHme. mem- 'n JK iyu el INVENTED WILL ICCCP I A w a^js.ere given to. two Juniors. aucctoa qf the drive; wns well If the Senool sends >n the neces­ meat like sausage. Sausage and IN COKES AU- ^ showm in the amount of extra­ o f, MHS, coachM by Charles I t's good seeing Valeric GaviS tools of the female of the specie. battery is. a crime. Monkeya crime bera of the Educational Syrtehi s< Gary Soflf and.Rose Frjechette; Besttls, lost, a dost decision to. sary tape, the college will be glad back' in Bcljoor again, following He Commenceif by showing its ■ C -, SEASON / curricular activities to '53. In No­ to duplicate different recorded trees. Trees a crowd. A roostet Manchester. ' and . tkA^jlons .,(-lub' COmnitrcial vember, the Tag Day Drive-was the'flym en of East Hartford hrr 'ileaye af. absence due 'to an practical Importance to life as it crow'd and made noise. The ndise Twelve couples attoeded the Award-to^ancy Smith.— High' by a 46-^39 score last Satur­ pieces that would be especially appendhf Operation. . There must held to raise money for new hooks helpful to' EngUsh and foreign lan­ has been painstakingly noticed is on your face. Ukc eyes. The aipiare dance which -waa . held to Mary LdU Poster won a trophy day at the Verplanck School Gym. be some kind of a "bug" among and usqd; as early as anclenb man eyes- is opposite the nays. A horse tty out the new equipmaat for tha for One -of; -her entries In the to the library. A total'of'$173.11 guage classes. If the riftordlnga do the Junior girls, ’cause now Putee was collected ln..tJM homerooms, Leo Mazzoli turned in a brilliant not ppoVe satisfactonr they may ahd extends'Us.psychological pow- nays. A horse - has-a colt. You ProJsctiontkt Clubr \ Scholastic •Writtog Contest. Gold and Miss lone Fellow's homeroom, exhibition of set shooting as he Handley and Olga Brondola are ers even to the -minute insects by catch a colt and go to bed and All the members of both' groups keys were nwasded to . A1 Guay, be eras#l and the tope reused. both over at Manchester Memo-' way of plants. 25M, collected the' most money. made 8 out of -16 shots from the Several classes at MHS are tak­ wake up with double petunia. that attended agreed that the ptf- ■ Janice Murpbeyl Maiy ’Lwi Potter, . Scledwe Fair WInaers outside. . Hie 1.8 point, totsi waa rial Hospital convalescing from As in the evolution bf.;^#!! scien­ (Just tiy.and remember that one!) ty was excellent . Rueeell Taylop and Roger Turklng­ ing advantage of this licrvice. appendix operations. >ul of us tific thought, theories of color Jim Ferguson. "55. / ; iTie annual Science F air teas high to the game, '^ust above ■ ' Judy H ozzer.'56 Now that the New Year ia here ton.. Scolastk; Art Award#-were h^Id in March under the ro-chair- Manchester’s Leo. C y r who tallied from MHS- asnd over our best were brought to light then'-cte* most of us make teme r*al frantic given to Elaine Duncan, Cynthia manship of Julia MortaHy and 17 points and Bob .Lizxsri who wishes for their speedy recovery. out in turn. He explained thrt, resolutions. Maybe making new SOMANHI8 STAFF HAS FARTY Duiifap, Eldward Qriinason, Car­ Edward Pcrealulia. Rtefcr Peter­ hooped \6 points. It w*** Mszsoli’s the agreement of our present ag* friends, was one of yours, ^ to g . a olyn Jansen, Jam es' Jupos, Donna son took top honors in the aenlor' Unstoppable set, shooting which C hristm as Party ' K ^n though we didn’t have too is. a. combination 6f several of the snoh'Won't help..Just test yourself- The Chrietmas party M. the So* LaViaU. BUI Ludwig and Verlle division to the affair, which was proved to be the. margin of much real, .tenter weather over former. This, of course, is th« do you fMI totff any of these cat­ manhis editorial 1^(7 was held at Morrison. - • held at Waddell Salmol. victoryr.- , vacatloiL hv the looks of things' Quantum, a '‘combination of the egories wotedhe Uni varsity of Nanev Weir's house on Pine straag c ^ . imtT m» t— I.C T. p tb er awards ■ gfvan throughout H eld hv Y -Teeiis VIC r L.1NT Many projacts fflmd. the agenda' East Hartford led 2a-lS.at the we're due to r some. T h e past wave and individual energy mass­ Washingtonr/tempus Snobs.; The Dec. 18, 1833. BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY THfc STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE Pam hpeaka Up the year included the writtog for the y-Teen and Hl-Y cluba at half, but a great. last quarter few days an(l' nights, thanks to es theories. Its iihpdrtance in Sealer Snob so old-snd wise, views . Deebrathms followed the Ck2ls%) BY WILSON SCRUGGS aw ar^ for the contest sponsored MHS in '53.-- In January, the surge by the local frqeh made it a To celebrate the holiday season. this cold spell. haVe been perfect science- is tremendous as its asso­ high school ' life £hrqugh cynic mss theme and sandwidMS ahapni by the Red Men and Degree of for Ice akating and loads ‘of MHS ciations with other phenomena as bells and CSiriatiaia'tress wni« lAlNLntoAnTKMooaka- 2 CMdY eSLEVi MR.|hMVIU.S I kLOyP. THDCSB A MAN RNO aR n ctADBuyv Senior Hl-Y sent fOur representa­ Vary exciting game. The lead Freshman T-Teena held a (Jhrist- eyes. At snubbing she ITIRNS TP a o iv ItNVLLfO WOULP POANVTHNS WHQNB. j l mp AT THi COPE. XMfCAgKI r..06CAUSB-M«I KNOW Ha - Pocahontes, won by Gail McCann tives to the Youth anJ Oovenw udiich E. H. held at the end of the mss party to the Assembly Hall on students have been taking advan­ multiply daily. quite smart, with four years-prac- served.' ' ' -!>j I HOLOf, WC AMP TSexv CTU, VIC POSSNY THROW ” none TMS w oes BU.V w s naHT.„NOu rWTSLUNG and Betty Frasier, Donna LaViste Dec. 22.-At that time Uis-8ervl<^ tage of It. After ake.tchihg.the basic atomic, ties as an art! The AthleHe BSsht During the evenings gitts .wwOi took top honors In the-'oratorical linent General Assembly to H ert­ Srst half waa. a complete reversal iPLU. up: MANywEPPIIOMS. MdHtrvfOaMP-H FOR M S N M ^ ESCkPt MARSN..HSR0/ 1OI/R6 V0U-4M (Ot^Thr o te v so u r ford. Six Y-Teen girls attended of the scoring of the previous Comtolttee carried on its ptoJrot of cause, he demonstrated the uses pf His muscles bulge, his chest tof^Khaagcd and tnltlatlsna ‘ CHKK.Sk^OUriHI WK.WkVNS'5T^ lUE FOOUOHTDMSff contest and Pat Wupperfeld was buying and wrapping gifts for chit- Speaking of weather, here's some infra red and uitra'Violet lighta hsiry, of books and classes hb’s p8hc^. wiwtgtCRiviNftBYamp.sou fMK.WW«f«STM awarded the flrst prize in the can­ the conference St SUver Bay, Lake week when Mnnchcatcr led by 17 OftF-SFACMS-aUT WNK Gaorgs. N- diiteiF Uto aummagp...•t'th e same period in tha game: dren at the Vernon Orphans' news from sunny Xrizona. JUcky Hie speaker polpted out that, since ■post . wary. His glaacs is afton . The rttanenaun was 'THOUOKriTWOULP|l|kUN-R30«oe ^ SOUR MAM ODWAWP [TH«r0WHATXUKS/ cer "Lights On” contest. The Thom Home. Paquette, a recent studlent -of the vision of man U so poor, ws quite disdaining for snyone who’s one ha(lAgreat daM-ai fyi, NAaWWfHHXaAOVvgUAONTgp- IVtRSeUHAVBTD. STSSKSSSSS' McAn Bronze Shoe Awsrde.-w^ In Febninty. the Hl-Y and only n late rally by E. H. pulled Teens Jointly- sponsored the very game oiit of tha Are. Chairman of the Service Com­ im s, writes that nothing quite cannot sea but a. minute reaction, not in training. The Fresh Bash: ■’tef eucs MS iPioue hsw aau/ Sir’S- given'to outstanding igriMtn apr- mittee .is Lynn Wnltersdorl. Linda tops the city of vlUags charm,, its of the color spectrum. This being Red beanie perched upon his knad. nle Alerngnyond Mai Cpts. Bucceasful, nnntini DnuWb-Y Prom. Charlie McMsun* was second in Olnny Hanley, '95 - Toth, entertainment chnionan, di­ people and its high school. By the' true It.is.only poMible with the aid A' snobby sneer 'hides feav tehfl prahiatJes. which ptay a tbs Inring department for the rected several games wMch oon- way out in Yuma they go to of .the above mentioned lights to K ltty'R ynn, '55 winners with nine points; Dana dread. He marches by ‘aaaUi tote part Jn -tha ilvss of many MHS eluded with the pressnce.of Santa sdiool from 8:30 until 4 and lUcki view these eblort ^ higher and cilQg hooka. This fledgtog Oaob w stndanUL igars more than out- Austin helped, out to n kwtog For 29 ycass Uopd A. Griffin Claus, wHp» dlstrtbutsd gUta to. all. Is taking bassbsU for ona of Kls lower-frequenCiaa. This'he demon­ sno(A.vAosks. (Pretty tricky-, dnoft Btandtof to '98. The.itopepclass- cause by setetqff- Ux pojnts for the "S(Mita’* for the evroiog was major subjscta Sounds pretty strated with the use of various you think?) men'a oraroatic chib. Sock aiw Rns traveled lm fr V !}-• \ ■ ■ ■ I ' < ) . \ ' • " ■ ■ ■ MANCHESTER t^VENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONK , j THURSDAY. JANUARY 7, 1964 ...... :T W ® t V I 5 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1^S4 ‘W' 4^ Ex|»^rt P ippiii/yg Bin Form Y':

into t... Pitching Main Over the Burrels -Nucatola Levies Blast ' * ‘ . . . ir . ■ of fqrtt Eridf Surprise Giricy Probfem Cage BA’s, Legioti Baseball, Grid Before Cage Writers .fn> ■■ n ■•* id 59 Tekbptts Facpfi ,Task est Fai > By The A a ^ ia to d Rrees ./question in my mind that these fcl- In Firat ^mjMiign . ***^* *** National Baq^ lows are hurting the' game. They ■Victory - starved Manchester > , Merchants, Schoolboy X-Gountry, Pfiracmitd Gets 62 to 51 kalball Association coaches are not spend their time griping to the As R^lleg ' Mniliager Hlgh\ has a CCIL gante oh the i "*»»♦ «» c o n fl()*^ . jA mis- Oene Jobmion Is fl«^ heel rM today they should be following officials, encourage their plaVcra doCketv ^ tu rd a y night as J»ke con«mUted on $lm floor UMMl* shooter with Ms nor hiofirr.^w fii." Nod Aces at Yj a severe tongue lashing by d man to tto Ukiewise and incite the ciOwd launches the second' half of the i ^..****‘* ***'•’’“ •'*‘’‘''**“ " ‘'*"8 rt'iieat- Who sbouid know. / by their actions." New York, Jan. 7 (J>)—"From Alan Cwle Con set or .drive fiWB Bunee Registers 22 • • • what I know o f tpe Reds, our moat current schoolboy hoop campal^ ' "* to tee if a re- the outside. Every am at hie shdto Important Job will be to get .the Prospects 6f winning their sbeond P“ *'''»»«»t is b e ^ sent into the _ JOHNNY NUCATOI-A, a coi-,' LEAGUE RULER give officials U idrnilcal to thoee eif his ttoo* Football, i^ccer Made Headline^ p'itchlrig,u, especially right-handed gainegame are siiin,alltn, lorfor tnethe Indians hit - Y*’’*'----- / / ^ ' hrothrr*brothers w1i»wlm pteee«Bfi"WBIpreeafie i ; t»th Tallies, Barnard 24 lege and .protesalonal referee for , the . right to hand out technical pitching/ straightened out.” the road to stack up against the high quintets are--«ehool.'EiMIc Wojelk hoe th* V tKAIil'K 20 yearS’ told New York basket- fouls again.st coaches for abusive lltinaaVafmn __ • . _ • as-. # / ' i___ m . was one of the first state- Ings of an outntoaKhg otar, By BAM. TOST collapi^ aeveral' yarda from the finally beating AI Whitney after Miller's, with CQiefhii jerry Chag- Passsr* ItaiMar* lit. STANDINOM / , bail writera yesterday that the language. The officials also may "rhat rlv^^Rri l*‘i*^®\’*®‘***'* •"d arch- throwing up' a tone defense at Phllllpa MU llU menU made by Birdie Tebbetts finidi line and died two day* later three triea. Sflnrpe was runnerup non on the ^mbund. won the blue SebmeUke ...... ill IM W /L P e t.. fUturo welfsro the league de- eject a coach from the game for Bristol"haJi won five in a row has yet to break Carl Silver is a good ball hoji- - i; TIm ftUow with th« long whit* in Hertford Hoapital< soon after his appointment aa Cin­ to the tormer nchoolboy coach l.i ribbon ii^the Rec League. Gloajos ...... in lOti Pioneer Parachute...... IF 1 .333 pends u ^ n the ability and wUling- ; constant griping. Nucatola ad- •nd limii % aeMoii rroord of 6-1, / * defense dler and h u a fair shib^ from-tha iMtfil AiMI the Mythe bade farewell 1051 and 1953. Sharpe teamed with MilancM 117 It* . . . „ a 2 cinnati manager, following the con­ /Or. Charlie a .Robbina, a pracUc- MiUiidaii Pete Aceto, an ail Dummy ...... 13 M •S Moiiarty Brothers .«67 HM. of N B A authorities to control I nutted the officials have such losing only to powerful Weaver/toakes^ivay for a good fast break- outside, W he sometiinM fifflfl at midntfbt laat Friday aad the Don Manchester to gath the Town around athlete, edged WiUis Kll- North Ends ...... / ..4 2 f.667 clusion of the 1953 baseball season. Ihir phyalclan in Philadelphia, ac­ ■ power but said most offfclals were one ot the top quintets in the stgto. lng/6ffen.se and the locals have not blca too much. . , new baba in dlapera appeared counted for the only ‘national DoublOa honor., itttilck, another mail carrier,’ M Totals ...... sn UT 43$ iTii Quey’a Tydol 3 3 JJOO . There s nothing wrong with fearful of taking suciy drastic ac- Tebbetts followed up his words the Town Table Tennis title. rieb rhOiaN iCi . Hilinski's Sunoco / .. . . .3 3 .500 professional barketball, the play­ with action by autoorizihg the pur­ ^ e game will be staged in'the bgen getting back to defend. Man- A player in toe gamq today moat the neene heraldihy in 1954. / jTame to a Mancheater man. Doc Maurice "Hippo” Correntlang T. Martin ...... J(KI tfit 14S tion because of e r d ^ reaction. Chester has missed many easy added, hia. ninth and tenth na­ Handsome Giaham Holir.ea was MrCont ...... >3 113 lOK Silk City 2 4 ..333 ers are the best in the country and chase df four minor league pitch­ bn a constant threat. That la am Sporta in Manchebter during the Ruth McIntosh hold the- ..T ^ n In the two NBiY games played ers, all righthanders. rf.“ whotoas al-'' hoops because the liall handler did tional champKmahipa in winning Men's and Women's DiiVk Pin Manchester's Only active proles- p., Metjiaan ...... iM M toa Green Manor v/...... 2 4 .333 / the game is played, at a higher last night, the miladelphia War­ ot the weakneeses of the bofieb. paat 12 montha prodticed aeveral Sullivan lit .M. .10.1 ready knocked off soide Bristol not take advantage of Indiana' Indlvlduala and teama w^ch cap- '11ib National 20 and National 30 Bawling champlonshipb by virtue atonal fistic campaigner. The ciorttr ■R^nile Olasa/^,♦ el.* ., i-.i 1 A -107 level, than eve* before.” said the riors d e f e a t ^ . the Jfllwaukee scoring records. Chpt/(toorge Olit- Sqdm) boys have good 'defOMtva Backus...... IW t14 114 veternn official.' " • * P“ «- ■cutting by without a 'aefending op­ tured ,ehamplonahlp. / , kilometer racea. of successes in tourneys last Ma-. Lnd lad won several bouts, includ­ Hawks 77-1^ for ■ the second ritasNI from AtUnta, Bill Powell ska. Harry Dudzinekl'. Soc f^ekas ponent. cbillty, others fair In . close ' tor ing two main events. Totals M3 $44 $73 l t « Parachute moved' into ■'Some NBA coaches are more (14-0) was oought from Charles­ shots, but they lack thb all around Kancheater, a City of Village t Back to baaketbalL sen. Correnti w oif out in a field of . .r straight n ^ t. The Fort Wayne and Charley . BalUbrgeon, toe Bell The other team .can’t' ^oro- Charm, la without qdeation one o f ; Kaaaiff Arms competed in the 20 at tbs Wpst'Side Roc Uneowith schoolboy teama at Manchester iindisp^ed possession of first Interested, in trying to make mon- Pistons snapped a three-game los­ ton, George Zuverlnk (13-8) was Tqwners have been hot anil cold all es.senUals of the game. place/in the V Senior League keysvMt'of the officlals-.than build­ Acquired from Indianapolis and when you have the hall. 'Thafa the moat actlvoytommunltiea in conneCUcut Baaketball Aaaocia- Tom Ketlysecond. Miss McIntosh High this fall enjoyed great sea- J. Martin 104 34R ing stregk by trouncing the Balti­ Season but Mit-aya had/enqugh to cne ,of the fundaincntnl les.sons 'hC Codch Elgin Zatursky Is in hia standing!! last night with a 62 to 51 ing a winning team. There’s no Jim Melton (H>-I0) was obtained first y

\- ■ ■'7 vr-ib-- / '.. 1^ ' ‘ ' ■■ / - ,-l'~ J ■'■• .' L'y.l j ' i ' -- >. I ■■"'/. >;V f- ■ V I ' j,

tv^fy -V - ' ■ ■ ~ ■■ •.' /

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7,1964 Huweho^tiood* S AYfe »300~ m AatciM iilw for; ffato 4 Aato Aefeaeoitea-—Urea 8 Ba^Mas lSfiwicai Offered 13 Heto. W«iitcd!--Femali 35 ..H6lBWaBt3» . Articles for Sslrzz:,/I5 , HqiMM^old GPPto SJt;: **^ "?i*9 *® **' *0*Xa room, prlv- SIX-ROOM itagle, oil hot water MANCHESTER GREEN — Three ^ entrance. Private Ntth, pteture' - heat, full cellar; centrally Ideated;’ LU'CTIME BattMee. . aeN-ebaiC' IS f u r n i t u r e bedroom .TtmtaL'PaBB/Stiag^^ lOUfKCCl' TV Service on all makes. "M atiw Female -"-rW IG NEW, abmalUiif dif* USED WASHING machtatt, nlrig- JiJjot^telamiooe, parktag; Mt. ■37,6(>0 full Price; 33,600 ca«i rOr The next year a eimiiar . 1948 ijNGLISH >O R D tne^ C year cuaria^.^ m .K a^r AU. work cuafants4id » days; . iandsekped lot, shade trees, (jtay teteiit.^B6a : ths htw tripl*«Ma eratwo, motors,’ vacuum iela)uisfs,' ITLY SHOPWORN >4QM aftar : 6.q.te,..— .:qmcad,- Bxelusiva with A C B < 33,000 cash needed in lAiUma 4% was made dn TIS irfe. iiT Victor car. tie demonstrate. Bui' Channel I Y a(l antenna to .re* THE NEW YEAR aluminum comMnatlon wtadowa— Realty. MI. 3-8393. Reuther. a co-official in the CIO 1176 jwiH take i t away. the coat. Oole Motors, Mlti \ SALES Nsw^ and used appliance parts and GOOD SHAPE mortgage. Warren E. Howland, channel 4 unit. $19. Wm. also doors at graat tavtags. CaU many other articles. Stuart R. f u r n is h e d ROOM with private ■ ■" ( ^ ^ ----=--- r— preeldent's United Auto Workere 9-OUO. 'Brien, Rockville B*4Xl. entrance, shower, -eontlnuous hoi Realtor. MI. 3-8300, or A, R. union. K CHQRCHES MOTOR SALES / •/ '-WITH ' \ MEN AND w o m e n for frrt demonatratlon, BUI Tun* Wolcott, A*l Rspalr and Salea, 130 WHAT YOU GET^ LATE. MODEL seven room house WUkle, Jr. MI. 0-4333. aky. MItchsU 0*0006. F Mata St. Phone 0-3378. water. Refined gentleman pre­ end garage. Consists of large llv. fatAllrtff more then ^CMSSIFIEDADyr. . MOTOR SALE, new mdtor gu ONE DAY Special, JanuSn AComplate ” Modsrn" I4 Pfece ferred. loi Chestnut St. tee, .10% down. Chwvrolet, R___. convert channel 6 to chanin Th4\grcateA taming potential ing room, dining room, bedroom, LYDAli, S’TREET — Cape $200,000 ere outstandinjr In both Ml-9-9483 ROYAL ^ D -tad ,.„,U vtagR oom Outfit V tiled bath, kitchen, knotty pine buUt about 3 yekrs;'4 rooms, othra-: __ (CMitfaaaS lnaa-pBfa Giw) - Incidents.; ■ - tTv . ~ DBPT. HOURS . Memiry, Dodge. . Plniiouth, 313.05. Place order now. ' a g o o d j o b ^ the sales ftelo. USED rU R N nuB E bought and (F Compilale ’’Modern” / 12 FURNUMBD r o o m neitr liOa. able and standard — - sun room. Upstairs, two Md- mlc tile bath bn first floor; Heat­ 1 * Of mater recommendations Eiaeit , 8:16 A. M. to 4:80 P. 9U4.M. Pontiac, Buick, Olds* 8-7167, sold. Tho/tVoodahod, 11 Mata , Bedroom Itatflt 1 . atoree. Oenfleman prefei-red./MI. premier to succeed Giuseppe Pella Itsa 8ALX4C, Rad^o and heater. mobUe, $174JS. Motors, train you to become All malba of ^adding machines atraet. MltcheU 0-S104. ■ ^ rooms. Amesite drive, etc. Price ing ducu to 3 unftnlahed froma on hower'made to Congrezs today, ta- i Motor recmtly overhauled. Com* In 1054 many girls Uke youis ,4*lllpg. said or rented. Repairs on all A Complete "Mtidern” : 17 313,900. Jacob Nusadorf, 37 Deer­ 2nd floor. Semi-Open stairway, at the controls of Ilaly'e sputtering eluding many to be apelled but in MUchsU »4M0. “ Kitchen Outfit government. ' - . Elopers Can Wed, COPY CLOSING TIME pistely WinteRsed. Priced for self wUl recogmie the advant­ makes Marlow’s. ^ ' LAROB f r o n t Eedrrom with field Dr. MI. 9-,7408. . fireplace, hot water heat (oil). future measagea: quick sale; Tel. hll. >4044. 3 : Household. Scnriccs ^ ages of tolnlng their friends fre over 21; own a car 1060 8ERVEL Refrigerator, And Other Artielee Present mortgage (about $3,300) <,The;70-year-oId President's con­ Strong, economy — Measurea... FOR CLASSinED ADVT. like kitchsn prlvllegas for /loupls.'CO or ferences wbre expected to continue Offered 1S*A as Operators at - the telephone — ^ __,ve a desire to succeed, with ’TRADE-INS Accepted on| Schick, dew. Phone MI. 34309. To Complete Your Home two girU. Inquire 1 0 Garden MODERN 4 room home, cabinet being amortised $66.So monthly In- will include flexible credit and MON. THRU FRI. IMO CHEVROLET Fordor, radio, Trail^ for Sale \ 8-.A thq most emulated profeasionaV Remington, SimbHU* rasors. Also through the weekend. He probably Tin Tycoon Yields com|>any. How about yop? W S8|866 Drive after 0 p.m. / kitchen, plastered wrHs, oil burli­ eluding taxes and insurance. (Con­ public debt pollclee; tax adjust­ Red Cross Says PidiRc heater. In excellent conditUm WEAVING of biuna, moth holea' lUing organiXation in the Eastern cutting heads for all rasors.. Riti* ANTIQUE MAHOGANY drop leaf er, full cellar, near bus, school, will make no choice until next 10*.S0 A. M. 1047 UBBltTY' Trailer. comjjSelely and torh clothing, holaery runs, venient location—$12,700. • Walton week. ments to spur spending; lOane end throughout. Interior clean. Origi* fiimisKM Including IT’* T.vA For • .AgSa 1.6-38, no experience Jnited States. We would be hsppy sell’s Barber Shop, Corner/Dak table, gracefully I'lroSd legs with N O W 1665 TWO ROOMS, well'fiirniabcd pel* shopping center. Onl. 33000. Carl­ W. OVanfXRealtor, 347 Mata $t., (Conttaued . from Page Oaeb SATURDAY 9 A. M. handbags repaired. Upper re* Flaaaclal support Extended guarantees, expanded Social Se­ Response b A ^theliei naljet Mack finish. 9$W. Douglas ler information # call \ML neceasery. Bl*h school grsdu to arrange.a personal interview. and Spruce.' casters. Drawer iiyana end, Site friendly terms—Held un­ ' **®"'** gentWman or couple. ton W. Hutchins. ML 9-6133, 9-4394. Hartford 2-7a8i,' evenings Man­ curity; revised plans for agricul­ Motors, 393 Main. - placement, umbrellaa repaired, open-43 X 49, ctaaed —43 x ‘ io. chester MI. 9-7130. Aa a demonstration of Ameri­ declare: "The petitioner has • In­ Bloodm pbfle. ' Coitiioji il.'. atca preferred. BEAUnpUL Selectioq »974. Hartford 33-5847. gram” of defense orders for cordingly, I ask your lordship to chapter are bn, duty every night 806 MAIN tralntag. ^ * s a v e 340,-'Extra long 80” inner- 46-4690 V ML 0-1443 or MI. 3-4379. Ubn aa to working children, med­ Motor Salwr, 431 Maii^**^ shades, made to measure. All 1093093 ,0„jOBNERAL------Electric range, Italian factories as well as a plait withdraw the interim interdict. ’ this week at the State Theater Aatp Drivinr School 7* A venetlsn blinds at a new (Second spring sleep set. Now $70.80. How* See It Day Or Nigh/'^ PLEAMOT Furnished room. Light LENOX STREETT—Only $10,800 for HENRY'STREET Area—Five-room ical expenses and widows' and (3) Intensim sale^irainlni^ ard’r Sleep Center, 839 Main St apmment size. Ml. 0*3313 fer limited economic aid. Lord Pre-ston Cooper, the led- widowers with dependent children; where the Blood Program ai— Lost m d 1950 Stud^bidter Champion price. Keys, niade whila you If 3TOU have no. means of transpo^ cookfng^vtleges i* desired. Ml this 10 .year young, stx room Cape Cod, garage, wooded and No specific figures were dis­ DRIVINO Inatmctlona from your It.Marlow'a' Mondayv Tuc^ay, Thuraday (3) Management/opportunity hous^ NeSr new school, conven­ fenced lot. A nice i.eme coittaplete robed Lord President of the Scot­ for business, a break on deprecia­ Titera la No SutaaUtute." ia bataf rOUND-Kitht wi _ ' o l d CoUie. 2*Dooif—J&D; Bind Heater.' boms. Oual*cohtrol inauren car, BOY^SHOB Skates, sites 4. 2 am ^ENBRAD ELECTRIC Heaters, tatibn, Til send my auto for you: with everything for only I closed. But respbnslhle. Informants tish Court of Session, then lifted tion, research and retained earn­ and security, regular 30.09, While they last |4.90 No obligation! ient, to bus line. $2,800 required to 313.000. 8ho«m In an effort to recruit blood n ^ « , brown ^ i t e . Cidl Doc Clean. Sifiall down payment. standi^ or automatl'i. Call Man Rug sivamng and ■iday 6. Very gaqd comlition. Price n Warren Ef Howlatva. Realtor'Mi! said the combined program would the injunction. : ings. But scheduled, excise and aonable. Phbnq MI. 9*9747, ^ each,, or three for Old. Brunner's, tOOM FOR R l aaatime present mortgage. Exclu­ .■i.aaMi * o itTit.,- i S ’ total about 300 million dollars donors for the January visit at Warden. Full p i ^ 8775. chM t^v Driving Acae'emy. PL call Manchester Rug (4V Free 'employe inauiqh'ce. MI. o;6i8l. sive with A C B Realty. ( ^ MI. 3-8600 or A. R. Wilkie, Jr.. 0 . The entire proceedings In the corporation income tax cute the Bloodmobile. ' / 2*7340, Ton free. Rockville Road, TalcottvUle. Open A—L—B-E—R_T—S 9-4389. during the nertt six months. This Jammed courtroom took only two should not go int(/effect. Zi>BT->PlnI( _____ l^aaaes _ Ooi, Mlttaell 34662. 0/4.m. to 4 p.m. DEEP WELL fitJempster*’ jet 0-2303 for appointtaent. The next Mandieater Bleodaio* Work laranteed. Will pick up (9) Ford auto bMus plan. . evenings ’til O.” 43*49 AtLYN 8T. — HARTFOl would be. some 40 million dollars minutes. It wae over so suddenly Budget — It will move closer Maea Del It and Haynes Sti., CIld|tCHES MOTOR SALES water pump and^^gallDn tank l^RNISHED Itoom neii/Malh *t. bile Day will be oh Monday, Jan. BALLARD’S iMUVlNa SCHOOL- and iver. PEIUCINS St . T-Modtrn 8)4 room SIX ROOM Cape Cod. Bath and leas than Italy got durihg a simi­ most of the eudience wag unaware to balance, but a dehjt limit raise VrMajr. caUlCL3- with someDi^ ... In^good cOmU- 1 PIECE Mahogany dining room EASY SWN-DBY., M a j ^ prefened. PteSqa ML lar period ‘ last year. /X ..— 35, from 5:45 tofl:80 p.m. at Wobd* V / MI-9-9483 FalluM comes In saying—"Can . .. --1 - . ” er 9 p.m. colonial, 4^ached garage, amesite lavatory. Completely -tamlated; it had e-ven staned. "" ir nteded. - Certified by AAA and Board at tion. Call Ml. set, including drop'leaf Duncan wringer washer, almost 0-2170. 0 Hasel St. ■ / ^ h ln g windows. OH steam heat. Foreign aid speclallsU lit the ruff Hall ta Center ChUreJt. It ia ,_jn Collie with U t^ - not do.” Phyfe extension.table, with heat ______. . V drive, bOautlfuUy landscaped ykrd. Patino ia Londoa Agriculture -^ BupporU should WT PONTUC a u b aedan. Fully Education. Wa ottar trainlw. ex Kemp's, Inc., Main St. Storm windows and acreena. Qa- Elsenhower administration believe None of the principals In the reported that retponxe to'the donor, taf. Stray^ from Q»yen< ^equipped. Priced to sell today at Bulldiiiy— Cqptrmctint 14 THREE PAIR-bf girl’s white figure pads, also six chairs, china closet TWO FURNISHED room fb i^ lt^ Lteslrable iOcaUon. Reduced in become flexible, but without sud­ appeal haa been apathetic. perlence,' lateat metboda. UnetaeU hirt press operators. Success comes in saying—"Can rage. Lot 63 x 150. Private sale. this amount should be sufficient runaway romance of the heather den price drop*, to stimulate con­ Uwtinc Rink. Rdww^ only $379. Cfoter Motor Salea, 431 0*3949. \ , ■ /fl*day week. skates, siseS 3 and 3. CaU MI, and buffet. Excellent condition. 30 GALLOlToi^i^^ housekeeping for lady,w /cottaS #k'^ Suburban Realty Co., Resi­ A startling reaction to tha donor n . 3-7M9. ----- Numerous benefits. do,” . 3-9479. tank, almost new. O st 10 Hannaway St. / on , 541 Main' Sf. Phone - MI. Call MI. 9-5080 evenings for ap- for this fiscal year, provided a country were In the courtroom, sumption. Existing surpluses Main St. ALL KINDSS W carpentry work/ Apply inI perperson. New Model Laun* $160. CaU MI. 0-33T5. 116. polntnjent. appeal was reported by one of the MORTLOeX'S Driving School. LoU after 7:39 p.m. 0-7763. After • pta. follow-up program can be devised Jimmy ahd Maria were reported in ritould be "insulated” from trade volunteera on duty, 'who. -was un­ i W --PASS : BOOK Ko. RaasonaMee fqtaa lotcheU >43^ dry, 73 SummitSum qt. \ GAS refrigerator , white gas 0-6949. for the 12-month period beginning hiding .on the outskirts of Edin­ channels through such programs 1040 NASH—Ambasaador, a d6ot. confidence quickly restored by If you want to w and develop MANCHESTER—New ranch, qual- able to recruit / any dmtore, but Jlotlca_____ 1 ia JunbgMRvea Heater, -^radior' overdrive-. Any and qU ..rsnge, pair skis,. .ttuee Legal N otice ITER—Adams St., near next July 1. _ ‘ ___ burgh, n tin o flew to LoiKlon' last as relief, and. emergency .atoek-^ Book No. m x ^ issued akiited; uourtauusr mstructora. En­ ta munung /tw o YOUNG LADY to train fdr lofttae your ttlet awmy. apply Friday and but; zoifMhr, new-CathoHc cburch. -lly construcUoiv,' no development, night. piles. -wha repoiteitt tha bltef or A ciMi reasonaM^ o f f a r cooeidered. dorsed taachlM methods insures rooms upataini. ta new q<^^mcs, cashier. Steady fuU time work. coats.’ .'size 4,. 13 and 13, hew AT .Mrs. Liice has reported during donation. SaTtiM BaXpof Saturday. Hotel Bond. Mr, Comen, anddresees. CaU MI. 0*9490. liORNBLOWER S W£BK8 t FURNISHED RpO^S with kitch­ Stx rooIns,^.garagS, hot water oU large kitchen, three bedrooms, Phone Mi*8^9». safe driving. Rasults gnarameed. 31,000 MO up. A ^ roOfii^/ndtag, Full store benefits. Vacations with full celler, wooded lot, centrally her round of conferences here ' Patino hadNibtained the injunc­ Strees Placed on Air Arm -ThE Jb .betag/AhowR. Room 423, This ia an excelleht op* * EfrUheate o( Liimllcd Partnerthip en privilege 0 ; v-9092.. heat, screens, storm windows, tion «n the grounds tbatrhlr dtugh- 4^- IQtcheirFTOS;------altak aUoiw.nBildlttahs aiuicafj^h~ payr-Must b6“retur*tr ^dWHg- Wrtuhlly.------ThR undn-aiinpd. hartna tonnrd " a T W ^ A C H OP located. Only $13,300."Carlton W. that Russia is potrrinpr'mtlllbhs ol Defense—Emphasis is on hu- through the courtesy of the the­ i S S to aaidbank for pay. 1941 Chqvrblet TudDr-*|14S wtoMEN’S om ei Ice Skatce, white, sizes UmUrd Partnrrahlh undar th« laws n( amesite drive; Fenced yard. Tilie dollars into Ital.v to back up its ter's legal home is "where cle y weapons and air power. Some /. meati t ^ tha amoiyt dt depoeit. try. ReasonaMe, Afree /estimates. uret. Typing helpful but not es- 8 and 1, in good condition, also the Stair of Nrw 1 ork. and drslrlnz t<». HOTPOINT—BLACKSTONE B E D R ^lit St And hot water. Escott Agency, Licensed Broker. Hutchins, MI. 9-5U3, 9-4694. ater mm^ement, xperifleaUy and 1940 CbevrO^ Tudor-^995 FOR SAFE and Oourtcoua Auto CaU RockvUle 541U, eentiai. W. T. Grant Co., Mata St., dream of/turnlng it Into a Com­ parental' consent isxrequlred for in|irraatlon on use of atomic graphiehlly states as Ita theme, black, sizes 7 and 3. in fairly du bualnria le Ihr Slafr of Oonnrctirut CLOTHES DRYERS Nrar Center Foster St., or Ml. 333 High St. West, 'Manchester, munist State. under 21’s to wed. ^ tU a h law WMpoM should be shared with t Driving Instruction with insured Manchester. aa a Umiied Partnerahip, hrrrby err- ,3*3M7. MI. 9-7683. ^ MANCHBISTKR—Nearly new brick that only donors, thentaelvag, can IDOT -PASS BOCfC No. 73231. 1039 PlymouWSBadaa—$79 good condition. Reasonable. Ml. HaMicapping any moderate permits marriages from the age of friends. Oontlnental defense is Notice ia herpny given that Pass dual control car call Larson Driv­ SPSlClAmUNG ta pdstum buUt ga­ Female 0-3870. fS Tremendous and frame, six—3 unfurnished, 2- supply the blood nemled to keep ing SchooL Pbooa Mitchell rages, Stanley q^rhead doors,- Jiia namr of thr firm undrr which car garage, full csllar, hot water lU l^n government which at- 16 without family approval. being strengthened. The United Book No. 'nz31, issued by The 1940 Ford ConvsrtlMa—$179 SALES GIRL for Tqsio and rec­ Gitoationa Wanted. thr Parinrrahip la cenductrd la Horn- Savings Now .TED room for one or ATTRACTIVE FOUR room home thie vitally Important prograin' ta 0-6079. cabinets, Moel^tUe celltags. ai- ords. Ekperienced preferred. CaU bhiwrr a Wreka. bath. 93 Foatet St. Ml. with garage, amesite drive, large oil heat, fireplace, comMnaUon t^ p ts to counter Communist po- Marla and Jimmy - met at a States should participate in de­ operation. / Sayings B|IM of Manchester has -y - coronation party in London last veloping the St. Lawrence Water­ baen loat-^ and application has CENTER MOTOR SALES twatlona. adqmona. CaU Frank for interview. Ke»pp s.. Inc. MI SECRETTARIAL Position /wanted -principal placr of buainraa la corner lot, shade trees, oir heat, Storms, huge corner lot, city con­ liiical promiaet, the Ambasaador "There la no eubsUtute," by <0|| AUTO DRIVING Instriietloau All OoBtols, ML 3*6680. DianoiHls—Watchi at 40 Wall Sirrrt. iiorouch of Jlanhai- [b c a p p l ia n c e CO. veniences. Excellent financing. 4a said to believe, is the realiza­ June and it was love at ffrat sight. way aa a security meesure. The bem nuide to iald bank for pay* 401 Main 8trpet\ by experienced o iriness college If". '1'^'- Vounly and Stair of Nrw electric stove and hot water heat­ or chemical formula. ■/ lasaona on tnsurad dual*eantrai graduate. QualUied ip do short­ Jewelry 48 X® ” nr officr and placr of hualnraa -9-1575 21 Maple St. er,/natural wood cabinet kitchen. Terms arranged. Getto Co., Ha: tion that Italy’s virtually barren But in accord with Latin custom, services’ fringe beneflte Aould be ment of the amount of deposit. — Al* Volunteera from the loeaKStafr 1041 CHEVROLET club ''pbupe, car. CapaMe smariaheed faatruo- r e l i a b l e Wo m a n for fuU time hand, typing, or /nookkeeping. 1" Connrctlcut tr at 7» Pearl Sirerf, Vacant. Neal-stoiea, Jius line and ford 5-8193, 0-1015, evenings 3-: treasury wW not allow govern­ there was always a chaperone used generously. Aides, Nursing Service, .CanteeB tor. Ootdner Auto Sdwol. Mitch* additions ahd new baby aitting Job sventaKs, vicinity LEONARD W. YOST. JcWaler, re- Hartford. Bdiordsrs Wanted 59-A ManchesteXMI; 3-6946. ment leaders to spend much around. ------Atomic energy-for-peace pro­ LOST—PASS BOOK No. 70439. radio, heater, looks end runsYoM. Available immedfately/' Phone MirB.. adjusteadj watchea expeiuy. 3. Thr namra and rraprrtivr placra ^BEAUTIFUL 6-PIF.CE walnut din- new achool. Ml. 9-8025. and Motor Corps are tawag their Nonce is hsrsby given that Paaa Original .Jet black finish. Good all 94010. :tion. Dormers, greb es, Deepwood Drive. MI. .0-3093. 0-8902. -- . / money, / • In December, however .the girl posal—A truly constructive Soviet Reasonableenable prices. OpenO dally, nf^rraldrnce of the Urneral Parinera tag room set. Best reasonable of. ROOM AND Board for gentleman. MANCHESTER-^ff West/fcenter. turn in being staUmtedta the thea­ /Book No. 70480, iqsued. tqr The tranqxntaUon. Douglas Motors, and rooms finli d at fer aiccepted. MI. 9-7934. / Mrs. l^ ce has stressed also, It eluded her family and joined Jim­ reaction would hold great hope# ter lobby to pass out Blood Pro- / Savings Bank of .Miuichester has Me prices. Work ship GIRL FOR General laundry work. Thursday evenings, i n Spruce Charira T, I.K>Verlnc. MO Park Avr- On bus line. Home cooking. Ml. $11,900. Attractive flv i/ rooms, ^ 4uid,' that a satisfactory solu­ my in London. TTtere they planned for peace. / Business Scnriccs Offered 13 atea.- xGood wages and hours. Apply in stneL MltcheU 0*4387. Y.**'- York. Nrw York; Ralph 0-1443. MANCHESTER oversized garage, rouble lot, city gram information .And to receive been lost arid appUcanon has iteed. Frve estl Dog»-~Binig--:P sts 4 i HornMowrr, .7 l-oulaburf S<|uarr. B-.r- tion orlta iy’s long-standing quar­ their elopement to Scotland. They Foreign affairs, foreign aaeist- donor pledges. M. Alexander. Tel. person. Maple Dry CUeaners and conveniences, many extras. G. I. been made to said bank for pay* WINDOW s h a d e s made to IMI. Maaaachuartta; Paul B. Sklnnrr. rel wm) Yugoslavia over Trieste ia hired a car for a 400-mlle dash to ance and trade—U. S. i>olicy in- Those who have been working at ment of the amount of depoeit. 1950 Ford V-8 4-Door Sedan '0^7716. Launderers, 72 Maple St. —___ CANARIES.^ GUARANTEED sing­ 17» l.jikr Shora Dlivr, .Chlcaso, llllnole; Machinerjr and Toofe .52 Three new ranch homes in nnd F H A appro^d. Gatto Co., rital/to "prospects for continued Edinburgh on Dec. 12. eludes readiness In Korea and sup­ and installed. Venetian Fuel and Feed Prrcy W Brown. 3U0S ChcalnutvHllla, R.OOM AND Board GenUem’ao'.. Hartford 5-9183, 5-1018, evenliiga this volunteer duty title week In­ —Clean^ Low payments. ers, aU /colors, also fsmalea. WE BUT-SeU-Trade-Rent power central location. All with full m^erate rule in Italy, Papa Pa^no aped to Edinburgh port of its free government: con­ and curtain rods. 34 hour CABINET MAKING—w i iaso\ do WAITRESS WANTED, days 10:30 MI. 9-o^it .'-''‘'"'y'** Hclihia, Clrvrlanri/ MI. 3-7875. 3-3989, Manchester MI. 3-3946. clude: Mre. Ruth Bayer, 5trs. Nor- AnnooiieaBoms EsUmatea gladly given. to 4:9Q daily. Sundays oft. Must be SBIASONEID Hardwood for stove, Ohloi Jamra J. Phrlan. Jr.. Mrtamnra mowan, chain saws, tUlera. gar­ basements. One has fireplace. /Until the Trieste"'probIem is In a desperate try to find his tinued help against Communists ntan (JommoUo, Mrs. Jean Tlnney, Only 8945. all types of carpentry work, fireplace or furnaces. CaU Leon­ Mlchlftan; joaeph T. Walkrr, Jr., afci Solved, Mrs. Luce and other Amer­ ^ g h ter/a n d talk her out of the in Indochina, retaining Okinawa, Window Shade Oo., Rout# modeling, alterations, sdditioi able to type. Apply Cavey’s Res­ TH E, He w m a n (the8t e r Pet tUmmnnd Strrri. Chratnut' Hill. Haiaa- den *ractora, outboards, power Ready for immediate occu­ Mrs. 5tee Vennard, Mra. ICai^ ODDS *N lafDS Sale going on now Bolton Notch. MltcheU taurant. ard GigUo. Ml. 3-7083; ^U w iiat William R. Rovrnaky. / Ril tools. Tarms arranged. Capitol MANCHESTER ican officials are reported to be­ -maniage. But even with a battery support of the European Defence guerlte Wallace. Mrs. BeUe ElUott. at Howard!ls, 630 Msdn S t Sava CHORCHES MOTOR SALES etc. Good workmanship and Cepter, ,005 Main St., invites you Tenements 63 pancy. lieve, Ih^re is little or no chance of prittete detectives he couldn’t Community and the United Nc' aonable rates ^ Estimates gladljk to visit peu of aU kinds. Connecti­ jntih Avrnur. Sr.w York. Nrw Y o r k : Equipment Co., $3 Mata Street, Miss Barbara Kloppenburg, Mlsa UP to %. . MI-9‘ 9483 WOMAN FOR mar-Ung in clothing SEASONED Firewood cut any ' ’rrrlll. Orran Houa/Road. that Rsdy wiU approve member­ catch tions. Military and technical as­ Lillian Laraon, and Mrs. Kay WIRING INSTALLATK of sU given. C a U ^ ck Ai PI. 2469S or cut bred Parakeets. MI. 9*4273. tired length. >17 cord. Will R .r.p , No. 1^, C'apa Kllaabrih/M ainr. Apartments—Flatf types. No Job too Pater and • related work. Apply ta per­ ALLIS CHALMERS Tractor, model T. J. CROCKETT, Broker Seven room older home on Main ship in the proposed 6-nation sistance should continue to friende Thompson. John at MI. 3-9760. Hours Monday through Friday, 10 Uver. Bob Kiirtz. MI. 3-8107. i.^51 Ffrrlgo. 230 Car^Avrnur, C. good COndiUoa with plows and FOUR ROOMS for rent, new furnl- street, has four bedrooms, full economic’ assistance in most places 1990 CHEVROLET Fordor, fully Pantaluk. 40 Foatar iL PbcUe son. Fisher Dry Cleansers, Broad-' to 8, Wednestey doled at 3 p.m. HtstUMd Park, llllnoia; PaufJ.- Kaklii* 244 Main Street European Defence Army. Manchester has fallen grievoiialy ,St. 27US Swthinston Road, Shaker Hrlphta mower harrow, not water ture. ()utet neighborhood, 375 bath up lavatory down, oil heat, except Korea can be reduced. The behind ta mataUintag Its monthly aquiinP*R. A. Parker and Mrs; G. O. equipment.... Genera^ Alteratlona and additions. GsU- WE BUY. Cows, calves and Boroutjv of B/ona. Naw York. Nrw appued to purchase/price. Rep- AutomaUc hot water beating sys­ Health—The government can WANTED-^Rideto Mata St , Hart- p a r t y p l a n . House FING Co. BuUt*up s t a r t e d t o Lay pullets. 96 sex front rooms, suitable light manu­ A daughter waa-born Monday at Hartley Act should- be amended said in an Interview he was in- Hours 3-^ 4:80 p.m. Ml. 3-38T0, $5 down. Douglas MotonK AM ■7^ links. 100 New Hampshine Reds, / I'nj'lk*. UljnoU; ftrorga T. /?7vnn' WflOrinr Apparel— Purs 57 MI. 3-4679. • snd bath expandable dormer, Navy’s F4b SkyraV fighter and' along lines to be proposed; unem­ Mata. POWER BURNERS and Range roofs, gutter work, roof, chimney V SHOP. V Rnchrlir, K>w facturing, large office halls. Apply Youngstown kitchen, hot water the Submarine Base in New Lon- lined to go Along with the pro­ Help Watilcd— Male 36 also 7 lb. capons. M. M. C!ook, York; mnrnaa B. Cannatt. Mahtatnna Backer, S3 Oak. Boeing's, .707 four/engine tanker ployment insurance should be ex posed leglslmtioii. Sen. Watktaa KAN TO F^untUh equipment/for Bqmera anertly cleaned and^ repairs. Free estimates. Ray Hag- / Farm. Wayland. Maaaachuartfa; Paul M ^IU M GREY coat,' amall Per- heat, two car garage, amesite transport. It la alad alated to aei ve doirro Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yost mo heatar enow, MI. 0*2214. Ray Jackaon, French Rd;, Bolton. IN LEISURE AT MANCHESTER of 57 Epaulding Circle, Elast Hart­ tended, to 6 >4 million persona not (R-Utah), another gubconimittee Laundryette' in Springfield. Con* acrviced. Let us servica and re­ H DavU. »X Stmry f-anr; r.lrmlaw. aian coUar, three dresses, three OFFICES FOR RENT, 1-2-3 drive, combination windows and all other aircraft ' now covered end Social Security tact Rev. A. L. Parker, 313 Tylsr , and. runs pair your waablngjnachina or re­ MI. 3*0326. CiH A^ElVS FURNITUI Illlnola: Lulhar Daarborn, 735 Vallay blouses, size 13. Cktmplete 130. Duplex. 6 and. 6, centrally lo Venetian bltndjS. Lot 90 x 150, cor ford, forpierly of this town. member, alao Baid he/Would sup­ $399. Doug P-ART TIME school bus driver/^p- Road. Glanroa, Illlnola; liula J. rroaa, rooms. Centrauy located on Main to an. additional 10 million. port IL St., Springfield. Fbona SpztngfiCld frigerator. Metro Service. Mitch Articles for Gale 45 ' At The Green 1001 Jarkaon Avrniia. Rfrar Foraal Il­ Coat zeparatcly, J13. Mi. 3-9313 St., near Pott Office. Plemy of cated. Steam heat,-oil rired, auto-1 ner of Virginia. Road and Charter Housing-!—A progriun *vill be eU 9-OSSS. Idy a ty Cab, 53 Purnell I*i;a^e. llnola; Harry A. .Traak. Zio Varnon mornings. matic hot .Water, nil ,elty utilities. Oak Street. AH memcers of Hose Company A bill under w hl^ witneaacs c __' _ / Avanue. Girncor, Imnola; HatflaM parking space. Ceijer Springs presented incIudingL low interest could be granted immunity and r gB b v i R ooflof 1 0 -A Full price, $14,800. 0iarges/ leveled No. a,-SMFD. ^ar«-requested lo ^Fiecibnastar. ESTABLISHED Laundry^ and dry For the BEST buy in Tractors, Trainer Bik/s, D o U . Pina sir/at. winnrtka. iiii- HUDSON SEAL c04t. size 12. Ex­ Realty Co.. 470 Mata St. Cal) Ml. long time loans dnd aids fbr Slum then required, under threat of ABtoBwbileB iqr Eato r, blue finish. fa MANCHBSTEB T, V* Service, cleaning route AVoilaHe for right 9-8229. Covei Tel. Mitchell 9-8991 meet at the corner of Foster and clearance. radio Uid T,V. specialists alnca ROOFING—Specialising ta jrkpalr* VENETIAN BLINDS CMriagee. Hbhby H o rs e b o y s for,yi**,; ^ oid wiit^or.'l’ cellent condition. Very reasonable. ve.mry, Routh 44-A. 3',i year East Ce'nter Sts. at 7 o'clock to­ contempt to testify about espion­ good ooMitl l/throiyhotit. D ^ tag roofa of aU kinds, A uk> new ■ man with neat appearance and Call Ml-3-4865 MI. 3-0987. old, four room/ expandable, like lu R ^ t h c r.^ttack (?bnservalibn—The government 104$ FORD super. laaa Motota, 1934., House sai vlce call $J.0O. P **"’ !Jllln«l": John J. Slarkham. ?.7«''N.'Hake AIR-0()Nd /t I O N ^ ices under night. to proceed from there to age or Communist acUvtUea was / Radio, naater. Ia^< ro^s. Gutter work..jCmtauieys willlnsmess to work. Good working FINDELL MFG. CO. new. Hot watef" oil heat, artesian should continue to construct major passed by the Smate at Ite last MltcheU 0 $M0 diay or night conditions, paid holidays, commis­ roiif^cuon Will design to suit. -'iV. targe"^.' ,u x , the Watkins Funeral Home to pay flood control and power projects tbroifldiout. O o ^ , JM M a d ^ C^M 1948 CHEVROLET Club coupe. Ex cleaned, repaired, 26 -years’ ex* 485 East Middle Turnpike 70 X 350 30 day (Caatinasd From Page one) session, but no action was taken irlence. Free estfaiates. Call sion and boQua. ^pply in person, Cnoated on Main St., corner W.ada- ©ccunancv Full nrlce S12 2on last^cespects to Albert Behrend, too big for local development and $409. Douglaa,|tetoea, y S Msin. .cMlcnt coMtUm. Call MI. 3-3311 OCHIPLBTB. Repairs by Stuart R. Also Reconditioning .Rooms without Board 59 Worth. Phone MI. 9-9779. Ml. » ' ‘^“P«"cy. I|rice. $12,200. Suburban for Sate / 75 whjB wks an honorary member. by the House. Wolcott on vrrtager ana automatic Sowley. MahetaestOr Mitchell no phone cafla. Rainbw Cleaners, - _rtn.r» sh_ ,...... Othec liatinga Available strengthen its agricultural con­ after 9 p.m. ^ — 60 Harrison. St. Tapes snd Cords by Yard 9-9819. terminated by Briggs shortly servation and flood ' prevention This bill would provide that the ______TOD washtag machines, vacuum clean­ 3*9361. Open D a li/10 to 9 fftrtth zr)/ th^y sr‘ Kpeelsl PSrtn-r» VERY',CLEAN, comfortable room VERNON-In. iTe village of Tal* Attorney General must be notified, S“ *i niher after the committee hearing^ Pvt. Robert W. Heim recently proipains. Bea Oorman ___ SAUiE yo. efab coups ers./ motors, smaU appliances. 7:30 to 3:30 P. M. for gentlainan. Private hon.c. Call AUCE CLAMPET cottville,T6 room dupls^ on }» \Tbe - Detroit Times said today even though Congresn would b a r s / Bales and Bwwim. tSo Mbsm TWp.MglN. to work ta gas station DELTA-DE WALT, power tools and Realtor 10. -for o\*ersea« duty ta' Japan. ■ Inghweys — ‘Phe ' prospective bestw. good pstat. very W e i ^ , 19(} Mata St., Rioae MI. pajt time, one to work 6 p.m. to '^ * V « i ’nier»~s1)m-«> tiam.i1 sr» sJ1 at 3 if Spra'ce St.' acre lot. near bits ling; excellent the pk-oaecutioh will attempt to the right to ovemilb him if atraat MltcbaU 9 4 9 7 L O ^ ave* 9*6378. Hcating-T^ntinibiiig t7 acoesKriea. Salea, service, demon­ ■uI ^ I khI Ip irsoMrl Ih* Psrtnrrship Suburban for Rent 66 Phone MIr9-4543 H^is the son of Mrs, John Klein, half cent gasoline tax cut should" Full Price 3190. Bhmner 16 p.m.. and one to work Satur­ buMn^ii* snd ilzn th- firm nam-. neighborhood. 4% morteace may prove that the conspiracy to kill objected. ntaga. stration. Terms arranged. Capitol CR08LEY S ILVADOR refriVera. 439 Center St. be canceled. The government' X d, Rockvmo Rd., Open eve days and Sundays. Must have ex­ Equipment Co.. 38 Mata St. "TO- nsm .a and rraprcllvv nlarra of be assumed. Call Owner MI. 9-9705 Reiither, then president of the 'tU 0 p. m. COMPLCTE Hand and power, lawn iJENNOlt Furnaces and warm air for 0‘,i cu/ftv, 20 pound freezingcMi r/aWanc- of rhr Spacfal Partnrra mho ROOM FOR RENT. 63 Garden St. ROCKVILU:,Lo:., 24 Grovev»rove StreetDirect — / . ______should continue its central role ia Ships from those of the Vikings heating, ggrl Van Camp. Mltcbell perience. See Van for interview at (init. Glendale combination oil-gas Hillside House. Two room furn- YEAR'S Bargain, 8 and'6 - VERNON, Valley/View Drive —. CTO United Auto Workers, had federal highway work. FOR A GOOD UOed ^ or a new mower sales r ‘ service. Motors BAILEY'S Antique Shop, 382 Mata G-ii-ral Partnora arr: 3-5874. Second Lt. Alfred F. Brodeur, to those of the 18th (tentury are' OidamoMle wtm Itocint '1383 PLYMOUTH 4 door. Radp, t u ^ and overhauled. Pickup and 0*6844. / Van’s Service Station, 437 Hart range, dual oven, like new; ma-/ Alfrad^ R._ Ma.var. Hurl Towara, ished apariment with/ private, duplex, two hot walef heat furn Peterson built ranch home with two motives. •on of Eugene Brodeur, 31 Finley Post Office—Recommended pos­ on exhibit at 51ystic Seaport Myo- contact A1 CttalBno, at ford Road. street. MltcheU 3-9003. Moderatety I Greenwodi, ConnacttciW r '' F. ' Dawav l a r g e Fr o n t Room far rent on bath. On bus line. Chfldten a(/- aces, storm windows and acreena One motive Involved an attempt tal rate Increases , should go heater. Looks and runs good. CSU dSnvery aervlce. Gibson’s Garage. priced items ta china, glass, tin­ I.varall.Kvaralt. 940 Pirk'AVcnua Park Ayinua. NawNaw1?or7 York. full cellar, oil 1*3 acxe plot. Dozen St., recently completed the basic tie, Conn. rtieater Mothf flsiaa. MI. 0*0733. Ml. 3*6013. A PLU|itelNO Shop ai your door. ble, seyfing machine, complete at*^ Naw York, llanry B. Daat^rn. Ssm West Side. .Gentleman preferred. cepted. Inquire first flbor rear, both sides, large lot, tyvo-car ga­ fruit trees. Price $17,900. Extra by gamblers to control numbers Infantry olTicers course al Fort through. / . ' $4194. No Ojhe loot. New wortt,^ altera- ware, pewter and.fUrnitura. tachmeriU, win^ chair, ro»€ mud • Barbara. Call- MI. 3-4403. apartment 14. , j rage. Immediate occupancy. Only adjoining landscaped lot avaU- and horse betting in all automo­ Bennlng, Ga. EMucation — TTie federal gov­ 1044 SUPER SIX Hudson/fardor GONDBR’S T.V. Service, avaUaMe tiona; copper (Sptagv fixtures, hot WANTED-A CARPENTER. See 111,900. Phone Barbara. Woods. bile plants; and the other involving : Wm. Kanehl, 319 Center St. able. The'Escott Agency, Licensed ernment should help etetes unable St.«mprOR$-& Embimidirjf 1044 CBBmXJCT black sedan. Radio, heater, fa any time. Antenna conversions. yni^r automaUc heattra. Youngs* ^ ALUMINUM 'tables, mahogany/’coffee Agency. Phone MI. 9-7702. Broker, 266 High St., West, Man­ labor dispatos. t6 bdlld nee'essitry schools'. town sinks sold. EaUtaates gum y ^ {5!**^; j '’-* }Ml/A»ior Si‘rv;i, 'rW esto The Manchester 4-H Dairy. Club tudor, radio, beater, . good condition, 3250, MI. 0t3617 be­ I%Uco factory supervised aervics. COMBINATION t^ le, floor tamp, mlsceUaneous 10, ^lnol«: Hrrbrrt I. Msrkhsm. 5811 Leial Notice THREE FURNISHED RoomsT firat chester Ml. 9-7633. The Times said it will be con­ will meet tomorrow night at the pletaly overtaauled-1 given: C. O. Lorentecn. ML WANTED—TV aervlce man. State 8. Dorrhvsicr Avrnur, Chlrsfi, 37. H- floor. Rockville 5-5450. New tween 9 and 6. Tel. ML 0*1480. ijrems. ReaOonable prices, CaU ______f tended that some of the alleged brakas.' Ori|Jnal Jet /'0*7636. ./•/-■ experience and wages expected. WINDOWS and DOORS llnou; Drsn p. PrsncI*. The Whllrhsll fSiarUr No. - 14440 CRESTWOOD DRIVE home of Charles and Nancy Wil­ I, <$909. anytime after 10 a.m.}Ml. 0-1007. Aparlmrnt Hotrl, ms K. Driawsrr _ R£8KRVE DISTRICT No. 1 conspirators were in the plot for cox, 472 Keeney St. At .this metk- Douglas Motort, SSS' FUEMACES Vacuum cleaned, oU Write Box M, Herald. FIVE ROOM ranch house, in Bol­ W onderful Yeket^ Style btuners serviced. For expert aqa GUARAMTS^kO Plumbing snd TRIPLE TRACK and , “ • I'l'nolir; Arthur G. Rrport ot condlU.>n o( Flrrt National ton, three years u d. Furnished. Six room Cape Cod with dormers. Ranted—Reil EsUt* 77 one motive and some for the other. Ing members will receive InfofmIK 1&48 C A D IL L A C ATTENTION Ladlea! SUp-covers Lilly, 11 ^ N. W-oodbtnr Avrnur 'Oak M nk ot lianchratrr. In thr Stair of A well built custom house of s lx ,,_ .. PerronfS vahislied from hie 104 1 ______1041 prompt aervtCa caU Bob Cait- hesttag. Alterations snd new Park. Illlnola; Hrijry K. Grrrnr,' r F.d ! Connrrtlcut; ;al Iho rlogr of. bualneia Oil heat. $100 per month. Ml. tlon on the new premium book con -^ « Model “6^. Black. A beau- DOUBLE TRACK and drapes custom ma^«. Re-up* finished rooms with tile bath, fire- IF READY to buy, sell, archange fashlonabie home. lit auhutban Chavrolet tiidor. ,____ srright MltcheU 04440. wotlk-iPennA. glsss electric- snd Help Wanted bolstering; Beqatlful tebrics, No. 1 ; Crawfordvllle. Indlsni. ivanklln on DfC, Jl, 1953. Publlihrd In rranonir 9-2195. test and blanks for- dletribullng to ftfo* car. Lovrinileage. $18.yS apd up 7 ^ ’*'**’ Shorr Drive. to rail, made, by /'omptmtlrr of the place, cornel* cabinet In dining yet' estate, mortgages arrangafl. Groue Ph Items. occupancy-'^$12,900. / lege-educated son-in-law, CJarl EXl., ___ . ’X burin,-8,,. Inrludlnz actliis home. We have a walttag list for clean. New white loving—Tmckiiig— or demonstration, .lust give us the 41 Oak Street R.C.A. COMBmATlON mahogaiiy M br^rr, drairr and undrrurltrr. ahd In process of cnllecilun...f 1.987.951.40 all types of property. Mortgages Rt'nda, 35, also a fortune hunter, The office qf Tax Collector Paul wau Uras; — my cars are hon* '43 NASH SEDAN, fuU price 1123. ALL KINDS of antenn^ work. Call sctlnz aa a broker. Unlleq Slates (tovrrnment FOUR ROOM Apartment and bath. in scrap metal; Peter Lombardo, sally I -’47 Studebaker. 1 Ion pick-up, full Art Pinney, TV ^tenna Spi Storage 20 name of yoiir ^prospect and let us Tel. MI-3-8177 ' console automatio. Beautiful -con* In commwllllrs. - ' -; nblizailons. direct and 69 Vernon Ave., Rockville. Evenings and Weekends arranged. For courteous service. CerVipf toda.v began the task of Iteed. See Bob Oliver, Special- jlo'the wdVk for you and believe . dltion. Kemp’s, Inc., Main St. 51^ inmate of Leavenworth Peni­ preparing tax Uena to be placed ; Center Sales,-461 Mata St. price $107. ’31 G.M.C. package de­ 1st, Salea and Sendee, Very fair I!?.* sniount ^ capital , futnlah'rd .^aranteed ...... 1.443.155.13 Call WlHlsm McBride—Ml-3-4816' ^ MI. 9-2392. livery, fun price $1099, only 10;000 ^^ANGh e sTEUI— r'sekage DeUv* me our prices ■ are low. You -wlU JiJl ^fwlribulrd by rarh 8pr- dlgaUMis of States and tentiary as a carrier of counter-- bn the property of persons who. prices. Tei. Ml. 0^1772. ery. Local light trucking snd ,36 Months To Pay clal Partner who U mul alao a Ornr>al .pnllticat stibdivlskms $93,511.34 J. .WATSON BEACH ^ d CO. PIJIVATE OWNER wanU 7 of- 8 felt money and Clarence Jacobs, -19M PJttSCARD Sedan. 1043 Nash miles, '60 G.M.C. panel delivery, be doing your friends a favor. Partner la aa foUoma: Other bonds notes, and de- failed, to \pay thflr taxes on the ____fuU price $133. 1043 Pack- new paint. fuU price $888. Low ANTIQUES Reftaiabed. Repslring package deUvery. i^friSsrstors; And if ’we sell your prospect f l a g s t o n e ;. Stone for walls, ‘ Alfred R. Meyer ... gmnoo .... bentures .. iVi;304;C7 Wanted to Rent. 68 Hartford 2-21J:S roqm, 4 bedroom house in good 43, ‘Tecumseh, Ont., televisidh' shop 1952 tax list. " : F. Demrey Hrerelt residential nelghborhot^. Call ard/fuedan. 1040 i^ k a rd sedan, down payments. Etesy terms at done on luiy gurniture.^--^e|nan washers and. stove^' moving s PRESTO—* a check for you from houite fronts, fireplaces, etc. Bol­ 200.000 Coijiorate slocks Unciudlnf owner once involved in alleged specialty. MLTMTBa;----- . Henry B. Dearborn ...... 82:900 ■ tt9.S00.0l> stock of reder- TWO RHJCENTLY appointed town v , . —,7,— ^—;rr 9-4561. between 6 and 5.‘ alien smuggling. price 3600. Don’t let these Ibw Brunngr Packard, Rockville Rd., 180 Southith Mata Fhone $3 to 490 for each aale. Get all de­ ton Notch Quarry. MI. 0*0617. Arthur W.'^ Wakr.I. y ...... ,al Reserve bank) ...... 1 5 . 1 0 0 . 0 0 ^ th children, each in ^ N C H M ’raR. Meat Side--* Six Helen Davidson Lodge, No. '98, tails by writing. Save Money, Box l*sac C. Elatnn. Jr...... 1 0 0 .0 0 0 The •formal charge said the fpiir Daughters of Sco.tia. will hold its Ices fool you, we can savg. you TalcottvUle. Open evenings ’’til 8 MltcheU 8-toto. AUS’IIN A. CH.AMBER8 CO., 50.000 Loans and discounts t in- room single, clean throughout. CONBIDBRlNd 8ELLXNO —Mlreds of dollars on any Car or P. m. * - . ■ W, Manchester Herald. A GOOD-BUY! Window-, shades, Herbert I.' Markham ...... 100 .00 0 eluding 5 iHtncovrrtiafii) 4.554.005.54 n««d Of s 5 or 3 rpoiR rent men^and four "John Does"--did monthly meeting, tomorrow at 7:45 local snd long dlstancs moving, TO RENT , Dean D. FrAncii ...... Bank premlsrs ownrd 5$3,* for immediate occut.aiiqy. Addrossi YOUR PROPfllRTTf truck. Wa do a terrific volume of C3HMNEY8 deaiied and repaired Venetian bUnds, shades reversed, Arthur Lilly 100;WI0, and kitctian, open etaircase, 'down, •‘felohioils.ly» wickedly and with p.m. in the Masonic Temple. ..kflM psclrtas, storage. CaU MltcheU ACCOUNTS Receivable clerk-typ­ blinds're-taped. Arrow Window 45.000 400.00. fumllurr and, fls- replies to General Manager, Mu Without obligation to you, we" salea at a vary (ow profit.' See low s t u d e b a k e r Commander, by an e x p e r t^ years experience. Henry E. Greene 25.000 turrs 1134.400,00 ...... 3i7.soo.on atairs, three bedi"3omb and bath malice aforethought” try to kill Margaret Porter, Chief Daughter, ^5187. Hartford 6-1423. ist, good hours, good, pay, bene- Shade Co.. 240 North Mata St. Ml. '19.9M.6S nicipal Building, 41 Center— St., will appraiae or make yoii a cash Brunner, new—today—|ooigi|t or white sidtwaUs,excellent condi* ChUl Howley/Manchestcr, MltcheU 1 rranUlln^B Kvjuia TOioOO Othfr ass«u ite • e 9 e » a e a g g V up. Steam oil heat, screens and offer for propmy. Jteuther at hla home the night of v/Hl preside. Otw fargughgut HU. 0*7024. —/ 3-53SL . flU. CaU Ml. 9-7063. 9-6047. ■ ■ a N % UicatisB Phone Ml. 3-5281. > I»hoB4 iV(ytta$e,.;MLJtf iOL. t o t a l AflBBTB ; . .-TV ;$ iiei»;90; ^ - - - r - T — W ... / Btorm windows, porrh,-one oar ga, you- Bell,~/^ i -. • - ...... 1040______^ FMiiting-'^^Papi^^ 21 amount of rtipital fiirnlkiied__ _ -V MABiuriKa WANinX)—3 or 4 'roomis, heated rage.' CJqnyenleni ti achoola. and BRAS-BUBM ,Mld S«u^-..canUlUU«r; !»>. .eaeh-Sp-^i- Dtotsot JUpq*ite.pf;-iaittrk_, - i iii'- -IliHir' - Financing--arranged.' - oonditkm tiiron^qy^ ____ cls| Partner who. la alao General , duala. neiteershlpa; apd __ :■tend furnished.—Centr«a^' location. PblWC A «fo FAINTIHG,: .;JPs^ring; ■ jrxafllags A V ay.**..; -TDrifcnttfofi* ‘;..;..'.T'.'....'.n;903.964;06 ' Parking'Ihg'for for X ears. Call ' MIf;; .Phone Fiancee K, -Wagneir, Real­ guaraatee, $405. No dowh 'pay- UHF’'cbhverii 447.030.77 to rent 5 or * rooms unfurnished. s e v e n SAl this past week-end •loner of the Manchester Girl Reports were given by all offl- 1951 Studebaker Champion 9-10()3. of thU l 8t day of Drcrmhrr. 1963. ExceUent character and credit, PRE-WAR Six room Ctepe' Cod, have alnii exhausted, oui iisti Scout Council at the annual meet- cers and committee chairman THE SAVI|}g S RANK Ghsrlra' T, Ixivrrlnc, AL DEPOSITS ., ...9 7.151.537.44 large ahade trees, artistic stone 5-Pa88. Coupe—R.. and H, Pennsylvania Lifetime road FURNITURE RefiniShtag, antique ' 'HortfoirNI, Coiiii.. to ; Ralph tiornblnwrr, er liabtlUles...... | 44,475.90 references available. Tel. MI. . Inga, on falrl priced clean homes lag of the council, Tueaday night allowing the forward taovement of ^GD. A nice car for only hazard guarantee. Tske BIX furniture s’ spcclslty, chsira caned DECXIRATE NOW. Guaranteed THE LEGION HALL. MANCHESTER. CONN. Panl B Sklnnrr. 3-59te anytime. walls, no development, centrally in 311,000 $15,000 bracket. Call at. the hoine of retiring commis- Girl Scouting in MiBnehester. ,, 20 Fiuit end Vegetable and ruahSd. Anson F. Th«xp. workmanship. FuU inaursnee cov­ OF MANCHESTER Prrpy W. Bromn, LIABILITIBS located, oversize i^^T*ge, afnealta today to UM.yourjiroperty. Free sloner Kvallne Pentlend, 84 A d c-' Memberaliip S t' 1,490 1995, Low bank rates. months-ito pay. . erage. Keystone Decorators. MI. (On Leonard Street, off Main Street, Oppoelte State Armory) Jamr8 J. Phrlan. Jr., CAmAL ACCOr'iCTr® MOTHER ALONE with 4 chUdren drive, many extr'aii^.'only 112,900. Stenp-One 2160 Phone MltcheU 9-9733. i?.!;;*’** "L Walkrr. . Jr,, Capital Stock: Common . , appraisal./The Itecott Agency, lalde Rd. The registrar, Mlsa Emtly i ..... 9-1809. , William n . Rovrnaky.V _ stock, tout par 50o.000.00 uigently needs at least five room Carlton W. Hutchins, MI. 9-5132, Licenacd Broker, 23't High 8t. 1 COLE MOTORS SATURDAY. JAN. 9.1954 at 10:30 A t| L ...... 133.000.00 Other officers and committee Smith, reported that the total CHORCHEB MOTOR SALES IJaroW K. Vrrrlll. Surplus ...... ' rent, near hua and school. Native 9-4394. West, Manchester DO. 9-7383. chalrnien, whose names were pre-' membership of the local organ­ If you need a n*w' oet of kItehaB.''' L'^iloleum. Asphalt 'nie, Rubber TUe iBspectloa—After f A. M. no Sale Day iX -- f ^ r lr a R, prrrizo, UMIvided profits ...... 37,011.35 of Manchester, t.ji give refer- ____ towels or a gift for that coming M I - 9 - 9 ^ - 436 Center Street Taul J. Bakin, Reserves ■ (and retiromenti •anted by Mrs. L. V. Carlson,! ization is .now 1,490. cqmpated Mortgages' 31 ment account for preferred', ences if so deaired Children weU ATTRACTIVE FOUR Room home ARE YOU READY to sell your kitchen shower, you'll want this Mitchell 9^0980 FURNITURE— CHINA. J |VER-JFEW AI4TIQUES 0 « * A, GlairbFook, Jr., fO.OOOOO disciplined, not destructive, Can 1" very fine condiUon. May be chairman of the' membership nom­ with 596. five yeara ago. ^ 1043 FORD CUSTOM tudor. radio, FIRST AND second mortgages y'.arlr* 8. Barzrnl. stock) ...... home? Wa have buyers waltini inating committZe and who were' ' Pastor O r i E. Olson, of thq pattern. To mohe a set easily and heater. Beautiful njupon finish. HAROLD HENRY . \^Fiiio SorfoctifM of Vi \Ctooii Rwiiisliiii^s MANCHESTER Ivimard O. McDonnrll, pay up to 330 per nfonth if all.fa- ' purchased with or without furni- Tor 4, 5. 3; 7-room atagles and 2-3 ^ 8944 quickly Jiwt embroider the words bougta for our own account. Fast, HORTON ROAD. A Walirr M. Glhlln, t o t a l c a p i t a l AC- accepted. Include Mra. Herman Emanuel Lutheran Chureh, cler­ New sUp covers; Runs lUte new. USED SNOW -nres and tubfeS;3:90x Mitchell o iu m 699.011.38 cUitlea are included. Desire quiet ture.'imm'etHate occupancy. Call farailiea. Oatto Hartford IIA3 ta eoay-to-do cross stiteh, thon 13. in ^ excellent condition. MI. 9-9452 V Plastic Tile confidential service. Manchester home that extends Ilomard K. Bull*r„ COUNTS ...... Petersen, first deputy commission­ ical representative on the council Douglas Motors, 333 Mata St. Cheny taU chest, 4 drawer ptae ek^t, few ■mall Oriental rags, i.rorzr L. Morrta, neighborhood; yard for chUdren. Madeline Smith, Realtor. MI. 5-9198, eventaga S-EM. kCancbea- Hc.t.* a b.ess Uiat vAn prose off the colorful and omuatag 34034 after 9 p.m. InvestmeiU Cerp., 244 Main street. a welcome the min­ t o t a l l i a b o j i t r s a n d - „ 9-1642 dr MI. 3-46’^. er; Mrs. L. V. , Carlson, second for the past year, spoke briefly. MIt,chell.9.2529 Manchester, Conn. brass woodbex, reproduction Hepptei^te card table, 2 repro. Jantfa J. Wataon, Please write Mrs. E. E. G. Dizn- ter .hUtcheU M9Mir make in a few hours, requires very fruit and vegoteblo stomp-oao., NO CASH NEEDED- 'tt Packard, MI. 3-9415, . Mabbgaay Salem rheots, Camasten Amer. Orleatal rag (9 x 12), ute you .step inside, DanIrUT. Brrzin. CAPITAL ACOOUNT8 ...5 8.435.013.90 coast, 104 West fl(., Rockville. deputy ,commissioner; Mrs. John Miss Pentland. retiring com­ Hrnry Hornblnwrr, II, MEMOBANDA little upkeep, and it. looks jw freoh Patters Na 2180 contataj color 4 dr. sedan. ’40 Packard, blue mahog, drop leaf table (repro.) slet of 9 Wladaor sty!% authogaay custom built 1041, 3 Assets pledged or asstlnied CASieWATTING for any type real Boyie, secretary; Mrs. A. B Sund*. missioner, outlined.the many ad­ bedrooms, living nalph llorti.blnw^r, Jr.e , WANTED—Three room ' motiern, R ^ L BARGAIN. Btebtlful CaiM you have to aeU. First and qulat. treasurer; Mrs. TtibmM Fer­ and charming. transfer for 20 UtaUfs; hod-iron , I960 Packard, 4 dr, sedan. chairs, niahogaay bookcase, aest of feak steads, 4 post mahogaay ;j«Ty w,. Puccifiil, % to- secure lutbllUies and for vances' made in the local Qlrl transfer for day-.namoa ta croon room approximately Harhld K. Carter, , other purposes nicely kept furnished apartment. guson, assistant treasurer; Mrs. Scout program, during her two Pattern No. 8944 U ta aises 12, double bed._i)Bgie mabogan.v bed, mahognay slaat to'p desk, n - TrliUn Anirll. (a) Loans as shown aboba,. ^ u n Z * * ’amZiT*^iJk * i ■•®**‘* mortgbg* money available, stitch; and tronafllntag and lonn> IV- SEPTIC TANKS 17xllH . fireplace, semi-open Including heat and hot water. Will- groun^, Also listings wanted. Call The Edward Moriarty, registrar. years in office, and expressed her 14. 16. 18. 20; 40. 42. Sioa 14. 4% 2 .I.* ** hi trade for one pro. hlgkboy, stanilaid portable sewiag mack., dressers, Trigidalre, Glntma. are after deduction of re- yObda of .S9-tach. dertag direc-Uono. of these beautiful Packards Low AND Kenmpre washer, gaa raage, tea uragoa. sweeper-vac, etc. Sat. stairway. baths, forced hot William J. I,a«4or, Jr., denrea t i ...... ■ tag to pay $78 to ISO per month. approrimately $68.00/monthly will' Johnson BuUdtag Company. 953 Mr. and Mrs. 'Albert Gaines, appreciation for the cooperation WANTED to BUY I air (oU), Kreens,- storm win­ f i^irgr T. Flyiin. L N. NUlISm Knlgbi. Cashier of the Call Ml. 9-3336 between 3 and 3 pay aV charges. / . *I Mata— . St.- MI.— S-.T429. Eventaga MI. For .this. pattern, send 30c ta Send 25e in cotaK jfpur KoAritt? P*ckard ELECTRONIC soma lamp. Oriental decorative Items, few etephanta, some sterling •bove-naiBM bank, do solemnly sa'Car chairmen of camp committee, o7‘ everyone In'-the organisation. Rd. Open -evenings 'tii dows. Ample closets, drawers JL- Oantirll, p. m. 4-r-9-qoif Oordon Fogg, chairman of finance The annuil dinner of the Man­ coins, your nams,' address, sisa oddresi and ^he pattern;^ . PLU6QED SEWERS flatwnre. also mise. sterUag hoUoware taelndlag Repousse piteber, Paol.H. Devi*, that the above statement is true to NEAT AND CLEAN: 6 room Gxpe 9 p.m and cabinets. Over-sized garage Mahlon O., Bradirv . ^ tha beat of my kn'o#le "■ committee; Mrs. John Kovalcek- chester Girl Scouts will" be held on desirsd. and ths patient number to ANNE QABOT; TMt HAK> EN6INEERS ether sliver, sfemware. Umoges 7 Ro.val Vienna plates, Coalport N. WILLIAM KNIGJIT. Cashier. Cod; a tew.feet from the btu line: WB HAVE huyera riglif now for to SUB BURNETT. Tm F MAN- C ttK SR R SViCNING piteber, brass, flas-linens, including fillet and cqt-work cloth and connected to house with breeze* Luihrr Drarboyn, and Mra J. 8: Brown, organisation Tuesday, Jan. 26, at 6:30 p. m. at llNSURANCE way and rear porch. Sagstone 'f>ula J. rvoa*. Correct—Attest: must be seen to be appreciated. singles, and twa*rfamily ’ homes. CH BSra» BVENIMO HERAUK 1U8 AVE. AMBBI^iS. WMbiM OleaMS « napkins, white Spanish shawU sheets, etc. m Ik . Iritchen Hems. JJsrry Trrra,. CECIL W tJ(GLAND._ Busintais Property committee'. Mias Eveline Pentland. the South Methodist (?hurch. This Needed for long* term patio. Lot 75x150.' beautified May we have yours to show them? IlM AVE. AMERICAS. NEW YOER 88. N-Y*. / ; ■‘****®"“ hutch, wall tapestry, other offerings. Also Halfirld Smith GEORGE C. LEBgfCT, QaJl / program committee; Mrs. Paul annuel event la held for the pur­ research and develop- Clifton P .T a ilr r . Jr.. Wnj-ARD B. ROGERS. for Sale 70 Try us. The E ' and E Agency, YORK 88. N. Y. Preaenting the S w fic# Tasks. Dry WeUs. Sewer ** •*®X drapes ond S poir short drapes, flamepraofed. form­ .with flower beifi and shrubs of­ Directors. T:JIE JOHNSON BUILDING Adame, pubhe relations Commit­ pose of acquainting the public ment 'contract. Ap^y fering privacy. If you gpe look­ Realtora, 3l0 blain Street, 5lan- Basic Fashion for '53, FoU and Oobot Noedtareik 8 t IAms faetejfai^^Orijw Wstcrw S AGENCY - ■ • erly used at the Legion HalL Luack-^-TrackmeUi' A lfr^ R. Mry«r. ^^j^a of Connecticut. Cminty of Hart- STORES AND Offices wUI ba built COMPANY chester. Tel. Ml. iM3$^. .>4410. tee; Mrs. Edmond Morancey staff with the Girl Scouts’ and to teow ing for a home this is one you S' i^ V 'y BTrrrtt.. Jirogreas made Winter, la a completa guids ta for pnppot! Bwotn' to and subscribed^fqre jn* to suit tenants ta a fast growing 958 m a im STREET and office committee: Mto. H4r- mut| see. Priced at 310.800.’^ ’L ©'•■’born, ' ai town, spot , tor PRIVATE PARTY Would like bert McKinney, training commit* year,; Anyone intereated may pur- planning n practical. ’ aow-ta|ita)a etairoidery Pill NEW TM CO. WRITE lOX L/ ROIERT M.|R6I0 A SON; AUCHONEERS Arthur W. Wakelryl tWa 4Ui day of January. I9M. ^ J Phone Ml-3-7426 wordrobo. Gift pattani ta- McwiwiEr ISOS. *•* ^ PHOJ4B MI‘ 0-710$ WALTON W* GRANT -Elalnn. Jr.i kareby cartlfy that I am not an o l^ a r drug etore. C9U ACB f ' Evtntagf Jfl-9-0018 buy" 2, 3 or 4 family horn# from Mrs. liennan Petersen, glee ehass tickets for the dinner at the 1.55 St., Manchester H ^ rl K M^khamk tar full pairtieulata. JO , ow w . Write BoKjQ,lla*fid; Girl Scout office. 983 Mata St, aid* tbs book. Boad $5 OUWOSAL e o . .RAkMONO R- REID PHONE m ^ l i H REALTOR 0«*n D., fVahci% '^ ■ lS»;Un fUarl S t asL M y*4U m e-« THE HERALO BMNCHE8TER, OONNt U4l Mala at*. HaiMM«,’2*7i84 O. LHly. Evaataga, RtasMth. iCl-t-71M 9. Evans, i C fn o tt M. J o a S r ■A-: 'V • ' I ■' > >• • Vv VT^3 V —> 7f t-v. '■ t ■■. y- f' .;’^*- J ■ ?'- f ■ / ■ '■ I/; y ' ),.■■■' -4" ,4 I * d . - V / ( r- ■ "I I )• ./ THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, MBi Average DaHy Net Preaa Run m mfAAm IrraUt i ~>- For the Week Kadad *1*7^ Jan. », i 9m iMHv tor tbf 'coihtiig 7«v. Tba Bamttily naoting of-VTaalir Emanuel Brotherboot wilT Hdid o r Oehter.4^ui$h .Houae. Harold ThOmaa J. l^ y .'Jr., wboaa fwhiMBta ndll bo awv^ follow* ington Mo. 117 . wlU .ba, bald itg moath^T maattag. tomorrpw. bt Ealla of Oakland 8t„ who apent w in. and daughter. Hve at- 489 ■ . r - -11,090— ln f tb# MMUag. tomorrow nijitit at 7:<5 in Orange TiSO p.m. in L u^er Hall of Eman­ hia vMtfonJaOt aummer in South Oenter St., la returning to tha “ nrir,:M Hall. .All mambera are rOqueatad uel' Lutheran Cnurdi. The guaat Amertea, will ahow 8-dlmenaloMl United Statea after aarvlng in Member ef the Audit h'lN, MtOrdmr Ml*. M *pb Farr, of Ook 8t« to bb on time, aa Past Dtatrlct •paaker' will ba ToWn Haaagai- oolored alidea Ihrery member of Wertheim, Germany, with the ■awnn ef ClrculaUena FUm itmmtMty WM coUod to Wotorbuiy y*^**'* MaOter Archer Hough and hia Ridiard Martin, whoae aubject will the club ia urged to reaerve the 194th Field Artillery Battalion for Manchester*—-A City of Village Charm ; irt •


/ FoodlsYoirM / Importint Family PiljD>t''‘'^linibG d O ut and W sllgcd D o w m M K E 88RE YOU / THESE At ^Sellout’ /. rSeouI, J a n , 8 (.flP)---The. R fipubU t o f South^^ K ^^ re s te d Its charge.s that attempts are beingfhade to sellout V- that nation in the light of armistice terms And “an appease­ A ment of Cbihmuhi.'im.” The stateihents yiere issu^ bv the WasbinytOT^-Jaii^ « y ROK Office of Public Informa-w / —^__ Democratic Leader Tm t Ummi a inrior game for thooe ioeg whiter i ear, with ita jaace-gay tion and described as the first of j B. Johnson of Texas said to­ meeeng^ wee found at the bottom ,ef e amaU e—' da the M g Snr conntry. M milea sonth of Mon- a series that "presents a highly i g _ . //W _ ' JL * day Senate Democrats—who For a tender o0«w roaat there M/nothtag^ finer than Pine- terey, Oallf. Of a model appareatly datlag from late /Twentteo, the hulk has been there authoritative point at view and isl m W W m W agm ^ r i W WB hnret Chaloe Grade Jar aotoe ttma. Judging by the height ef the iknib outnumber Repubticans by the front loorboardo. Let ama- a true expression of public aentl- ' / ' • lOVEN) tour aoaaarlo writera give their .taawere to . the It pooeei WJio were the preeuraably Imppy ment. one— will exeiriae m “veto” N get there? Those small roimd holes, two li,;- The article said; power on individual itenu of *"!T^***. *'■..*"^.*?** “S”; one oa the i kullet holes? If to. who was the "heavy' have been-buaiiy and futllly chae/ Embroiled WHO. HPMI oSHl BflOlB? ' / ^ Ing the w’lll-o-the-wisp of peace all legislative priigram. ROAST Byrd Wants Actloa \ 4* ALL H m RrmmAs TAUCAN With an aggressor that does not Hofe's\ even understand the ebneept.^’ i And Sen. Byrd ID-Va.), who fmWuM CA SN A nO N FreshJ^a and Vegetable^ "President Rhee now faCes re -!In Politics _ _ _ _ gave indirect support to too P ru ­ LAMB LEGS. VEAL ROASTS, peated criticism for falling to ‘co- o • t ' dent in too 1953 poUtlcai cam­ operate’ and for not modifying his ; 5*lgon, Indochina, Jan. 8 paign, said ho will try to ■»—tp RUMP ROASTS OF REEF. MILK fresh Grou^ Never. • > 3 R o l l s position,’’ the.statement said, "but,(^)— New political troubles the flrat congressional veto da ROTTOM OR TOP ROUND ROASTS BEET :\ i«.25e\ he cannot accept au .appeasement | bothered France today in her Eisenhower’s request for an ia- 3 Cant of Communism that would doom crease In too 275 bUlioa dollar Made from freahly chopped Oevernment Inapeoted Beef. . . his country. / Indochinese backyard. Budd­ debt limit. The Prerident re­ Coffee KALE 15c Truman Explains to Writer Criticise Attitude of U. S. hist Thailand next door was newed >t when he outlined his pro- "Also terribly disillusioning to making overtures to the granv yesterday to Congress. ^oleans is thfe United States’ attl- Buddhist Indochina kingdoms ' ^ lle Republican Leader Know- HAMBURG CUCUMBIRS 15c Washington,. Jan. 8 (^E*)— -intervleUr: "There h«s been a lo t'th e 80th Oongresii, had not done. toward Kofean-Japan rela- o f ‘Cambodia and Laos, and M of Ca)if6imia waa urging M- C Former President Harry Y®“ saying that the and l skid it might be. / 8. patUsan support for what ho lb. lb man defen«iin■£*;* SISiST^icn^ ernment for the prosperity and An *eement J, Meankhan, in charge of ftrpok- Norodom ..Sihanouk. quit Plinom Th* man jr, /brroMed CalW Rockefeller* Cinderella r^jih af she ever had demanded lo welfare of the indtvMUal citineB.” after a |20 iry lp#t night, lyn homicide' detectives’who have Penh for five months last year In a This wax an allusion to Eiaen- KKAFT / investigated the Schueter caae. voluntary exile which he ended mance appeared close to set-imillion dollars from Rockefeller, identified' hi ax /Jooeph R. said he Would communicate, by hower's propoaaU, for expanding With Rich Dad ReiUy. 30. ol ' Second SL, Jersey Assault ive only when France promised corn/ tiement today'. Hia lawyers have - insisted that Social Security coverage, adwmee Til 8;30 p.m. teleimone with Phoenix Police and plete Independence within the The coal m iners daughter an- she did. Ih e y have said that last VELVEETA Dellctene ”Cheloe” Beef City, N .J, / „/ auggeat questlohs to be' put to plahhiag for public works, federal Many shoppers have Joined the “Friday Night Shift” and ' Edinburgh, Scotland. Jan. 8 French Union for. Cambodia. But nounced she was accepting the fall she Bret accepted the Stj, reinsurance for health pbms, ax- D etocti/u Leon/O ir’and Louis Reilly. Meeiiahan asld th a t if any­ Detroit, Jan. 8 (Pi — Wayne toe details of that “independence" reputed 5 li million dollars offered million offer, repudiated 4t, and they say they love it . ,-:;TThe ..honeymooning young Tlmitnum aaklR«llly;'toldk ia rtl them he osec tended- nnemploymant »■— 2 Lb.Pkf. PIMEAFPLE ^ ’Wldsmiths; — dark-eyed former thing tangible ~deVelope fiom the County Prosecutor Gerald K. have not yet'beeh worked o u t' by her oil millionaire husband, then asked for 10 miuloh. knew Arnold Schuitcr, 34, who questioning, detectives wilt be sentjJJ’Brien skid tot ^ :y that gangsters, Wlnthrop Rockefeller, for -his free- long-Ume housing loans aad ahim \. / Marla Isaballa Patino and her waa shot to ^ t h March 8. 1952 to Phoenix. France, one official in Saigon London said the offer accepted clearance, and federal aid for stats SPEARS husbimd Jimmy — came put of who sought to ielse control of the said, ^eeeS "no inconvenience” in dom. ■ agam today was “not prectselyT M ore Vo/ues . • • and. Willis Simon.-* notorious Reilly was seised in a downtown ClO-^nlted )A“l® • Wotkerr. were The acceptance was expected to saiool building needs. hidibg today Jo report they had bank bandit and Jail, breaker. any "actord belu’cen Thailand, SH million. He said it consisted of Significantly. pm-hapA there wafi PINEHURST 20 O i Tln ’ hotel bar last night after Arthur reeponeible fbr .toe 1948 attempt on Cambodia and Leoa—but only so pave'the way for a divorce. The reached an understanding with Schuater had spotted Sutton and -the life oF CIO President Walter couple haa a son, Winthrop Paul. 2 minion dollars in cash "and the almost no criticism of the Prcsl- BHURFINE 8 SIEVE ' . her m^ti-mUHonaire daddy,_who long a s it doesn’t affect their, income of, certain funds.” /Ipped off p^ce. Sutton is serving (Contianed oa Pago Two) Beutoer. / » \ membership In the French Union. Rockefeller; 5. ■ '. / SPECIAL GROCERY VALUES tried to 'klock their elopment. ^m M ere DieCouated Rockefeller’s attorneys have de­ (Canttaned on Page Fsar) P E A S 5 c $ i : 0 0 Details Kept Sectet The blonde Bobo made the an­ scribed toe offer as of 5H million Bulf*details of tha understi O'Brien discounted previous re­ (Ceattaineg oa Page Two) nouncement in writing to her law­ ports that gamblers had made yer, Leo G. Fennelly, with instruc­ dollare, plua her choice of a 3800,- wefe secret, Tbe smiling 18-: TMt RIbI SurBiHilBl 000 trust fund or $70,000 a year .STAtE tu im Sa^wieh Speciall^l^ Reuther a shotgun target bec'ause tions that a copy of the letter be . old bride,' looking a bit wi of his successful campaign to cut sent to. Rockefeller's attonieys. income, plua "fringe Lb. 77© PENIHIT BinriR >Ar“ V j 7 * | c LAND O'LARES cause of a., bad' cold, cut down gambling by workers in auto . Ephraim London, another of her $100,000 for debts and furnishings, Pickle am Pimiento LOAF 49e ' quesUons oil the subject plants. ‘ ■ lawyers, told newsmen she never and ownership of the Park Ave. \ / 30-year-old son of w e^hy Lon- Named Victor The prosecutor top men in po­ News Tidbits had objected to the amount of­ Cooperative Apartment ah'e occu­ froM the AFiVins Gid e w a l k s a l t s u N s w K T .L m I BUTTER , don hotel man, would /tell neWs- lice investigation uf the attempted fered by. Rockefeller hut- had ob- pies. - 32c Bag ' PRIM man nothing more tbi ^ Culled froM AP WJjreS -Jected.to certain terms of the pro­ In Quarters AM “••49c “They both se e n i^ dog tiled,V assassination, said racketeers came The Rockfeller' lawyers declined PRUNE JUICE ik w t l * ■ within an 'byelash of gaining* cbn-‘ posed settlement. / comment today until they received and w e' are very^ bappy • to have A-TAUI. DATE SET TENDER FRESH . / ,. Lb. - trol of the UAW prior to Reiitoer’e In her letter '-t6 Fennelly, she the copy of her letter from Feit- ^'Waahiagtan. Jan. 8 (F) fts this amicable sblutlon.” /. Red Peiping ■ Radio. say* Q>1. stipulated .-she Was" accepting the hieUy..*^_— - ^ ^ THURINGER CERVEUT 65c ; The romantic young couple had election as president of the auto Mmimfry atsasle talfa hafins in - CALO DOG FOOD ©rXAT FOOD ~... ©am Se SP^RS^ union lii 1947. Claude Batchelor had helped to offer provided ' these objections Reporters and photographers Secretary sf State DnSes and CARROTS 2 2 managed for daj^ to elude repPrt- Philadelphia, Jan. 8 modern science , badly perouade other Americaa* to fore­ were complied with. / Can , , eriM-ahd .the pm ale sleuths ^Uv- ' b'Briep said . Rcutherfa election had' been,advised Mrs.' Rotoefcller Soviet Amhaeeafiar Gcqrgl M. INSTANT JELLO PUDDING—3 for 9c STRICTLY FRESH The Post Office Department, 8bsken. eliminated a lot 'of toe - racketeer sake Communism long before he This was not expected to stand ZamMn will begin next Nandfiy, w y fendcrqrrjwn Ian .tin baro^Antenor Patino had after an exhaustive survey of Washington set out lest yeat bperatlona within the vnlqn.\ himself went, back on.thsnt'i^. in toe way of a settlement, how- " wagon ^ versus Facilities made time and motion first official reveiacion of toe line segregation -program -to South SHOBIW WORK WEEK KENS older. / , mechanized trailSpprtation for "tudles in the central city area, the proxeruUon wilL take ip its Africa's most moderate group of: LatiB AmaricBB Rultrs Bridgeport; Jaa.. S .un-^Ywa-. The elder Patlnp relented yester- native leaders. ORANGES CAMPBELL’S ~ For Frying. BrolUng, Baking center citv mail deliveri/ Has timed the horse-drawn yxag^ efforts to convict the-'accused thousand Bridgeport Bmm . Ohb . ' ,day . and withdrew a demand for wqqld-be aaaasaina. Former Police Lieutenant Louis workers empleyefi In tha I GULDENS A'Seottieh cwirt'-order-Torhidding CTBrito reported toe' mei^ '*b7 ffl)ouMer» of- Bt.'Ixmlf * -tbirilf pM nm to wniiw I' ... ; -the. B ianlagei and roung -iRAiMla Attenmu to supdUnt the horfe- ‘ « ^ * ! L ^ .. v*:,'4-diD'-.-wsril” Week- ' * «Wi Jlnltay flnaHy w ere'w ed 4ate pet Jury tocotm ectonfAi^i^^ City are as. common as - ^kes Mifh p1tot'«t^rim enti.'TlM to wer'e U lnce^'e' shooUrtg, April 30, YttlS,' ' Monday;:a‘ esaspany. i No.'ll SIZE CAN yesterday Afternoon |n a Registry lots Of comparative sUtistics be­ indicated that toe gambling issue, of What bappehedi., to IdOO.OOO anaennerd today. Baannaa af n Tiw 19 ))>*• • . - yop will return for 'more . . . of these fim; qnnilty Office in the Itttie torder village of about the’hbrrid taste 'Sf’ the wa­ (^eenlesse'ransom mobey .. , One JURm Tim MILK ter.-: . - ■ . -// cause this thing has been going, on merely served to bring together drop In Ito orders the Kelso, S2 miips south .of here. for 80 years. labor leaders knd racketeers and wwk aftef'toe tlhglP accident in No- Pro btern laid oH 8S4 emplsysa In ana GREEN MOUNTAIN 2 L g V J a r t Each Fragile Isabela 'and dashing About every four years, effi­ set the stage-for ensuing events. winch ehe'loet both legs, RebeOca her. 2 r « 2 7 e B S W g E l • Jimmy held their first news con­ ciency raperts„arin«t with chsru, Their decision made the hardiest Gross makea ptoaa from hospital Prepared To Suit Your B e i^ of them weep: ' . . The real objective. O’Brien said, . ■ ‘ ference today in the fashionable time-piedes and othbr modem par­ was . to get the pqwer to force* wheelchair to resume her active Editor^ noto—Even his werst/high-ranking Army officers and McCARIMY ANGUNO . 1 0 •There’s Just better way to POTATOES , Lb. Hag 3 5 c .ewcMM George Hotel juat before a wedding aphernalia set but to prove thst po management to agree to deals that newspaper career. enemlee admit Presideat Jose/Replaced them 'with men more Waahlngfria. Jaa. 8 ( W© tx p tc tio hov© 11-12 LB. SIZE luncheon. Jimmy twitted the re­ thw horseless''buggy is..far su^- get through narrow back‘streets would be far more profitable and Enthusiastic New Zealanders Velaace Ibarra of Ecuador la sympathetic to him. Increases in hero of tho Soanto T-Vodv.SKRAN , 5 0 4 b. lo g '99c ■; porters About their failure to catch rior to the percheron for trans- to the rear entrances of business resnectable than gambling opera­ break through police cordon and ontotaadlagly honeet maa. Buld pay. and other beneTits followed for eoheoasaUttee asM today up with the elopers in a 9-dsy pq^tion. ’x establishments. ' tions.' get within 10 feet i t Queen Eliu- they say, he Is also ImpaisJve aaS the officers Bsaa McCarthy ; (R-W)a> M chase over the Scottish Highlaads. Gives Horse laugh What’s more—apd here’s the cw disclosures, including re­ beth II aL Stratford Railroad Sta­ sioieBt. Here Js the story elf tlw ; Ei Comercio, one of the coun­ gUng for a 8$89.fifi 4 Pkgt. ,. Isabeli^ in a plain black tailored vEach time they’ve been beauty of it all—no worry about ported w|Lry tipster contacts with tion . . . Greece is reported, unhap- way Ibarra riias Ecuador, a coun­ try's foremost independent papers, Uon to flaaaro its srork MMa CANNED HAMS » 9 5 the horse Isugh Slid gone poHce, .shed fresh light today on ,py .over fact U. 8. is sending her try wkere the man who wlaa the has supported Ibarta in some ihat- this year. l im it e d s u p p l y (Coatlaiied oa Page Mgkt) besten men, their faith in (Coatiioed m Pago Five) the .method of operation in the too much anna for storage apace support of the Army, wins the ters, hut has beqn mostly critical. available in that country. support of tiM people. NO. 1 SIZE CAN A favorite meat for every meal. drive tq/cracl; the Walter Reuther Its cloayre in November wax .FIRE BITS WARBi^SMi shooting mystery. Former. Italian Premier Alcide ordered by the government after Fnaaa, Roma. Jaa. S l«»~A Thesfe were of the cloak luiil De Gasperi confers Mrllh Preindent By PAUL SANDERS Mg Sonth Rorena Navy wnppt PrMiitr Craam Stylt Jorge Mantilta, director of the house .frdi of tend aad cMdBgg Luigi Einsi'idl' as chief of atnte Quito, Ecuador.'.Jah. 8 paper, organised a solid front of READY WITH A GOOD SUPPLY AGAIN: (CoBtiaifod am P ageE ighf) contlauM hia-efforts to resolve Three' times electril, President of burned tonight—4ho sMTn Mff* . ^ i / / u HEINZ . Prepared With Care With Choice Grade Beef Oil Burnei:" Fires No. I Italy's S-day-oid -political crisis Ecuador and- twice kicked out by toe nations’ preaa in refusal to gem ftm aiaee the dtanatmanflm CORN . South -Korean cabinet drafts Army revolU, Jose Maria Velasco print a government statement which destroyed ameh of ftw Boston, Jan. 8 Cff»—Fires stort­ worth, further reports that a, new gaa. 111.,' in a crowded twp-famlly MU providing up to death penalty Ibarra again has set up a' strong denying a' report of .a cabinet enn*a doumtonn n m m tb agw ' KETCHUP ing from impriiprrly handled or study of thousands of fire deaths bouse, Woodworth said, took the foe graft or corruption In dto- man regime. In. this little South crisis' and lambasting the Ecua­ No cnanaMleo Worn inpeetedT^ iCom 14 Oz^ B ot. defective oil stoves are causing from known cause in homes rer lives of one adult and four chil- pensing foreign aid funds. - ' American country. dorean preaa in vitriolic terms. heavy losaea of Ufe in American veals the Oil stove-oil range fires dren, including a . baby of six Cravat - Capets National Education Assn. Ex­ His opponents; charge he has The paper was reopened at thq. MOvne m sm irBM homes this winter, according to . as the largest single killcj:. He months. ecutive Secretary William G. Carr junked the Constitution by arbi­ Slid, of December. Wanhiagtaa. Jaa. t (F) —Um BEEF preliminary reports to the Ns- urged'utmost cate In the choosing I» • recent Massachusetts fire, trary edicU and illegai acts. -The government statement origi­ Stoto aad Daiips warmly, radoraea Fresident Eisen­ and using such equipment. ' d mother summoned from a near- . Dallas, Tex., Jaa. 8 IP)—When nally was given out M paid mat­ DEUCIOUS BIB CORNED BEEF 3$$ tlonal Fire Protection Assii. The a local service club held ita teath hower's proposal for state-aad na­ Efforts to concentrate dpower in •nM .baday thty _ ... association describes such biases . Woodworth emphasised that’he* by neighbor’s home by oqe of her tional. conferences on education- hia own hands cut short his two ter earmarked only for several children, found her baby burped aanual loud tie conteot, these newspapers. El Comercio waa not as the natl.on’e No. 1 winter fire is not speaking of the oil-fired fur­ were tfie srinnera: . . . State Highway Gommiasioner previous presidencies, in the mid­ Army tlmdf^^ ^ NO WBSTE BONELESS BRISKET / killer. nace, with its many safety con­ tb death ih its high chair beside G. A t b e r t Hill ia told hb miist dle. *30s and again in the middle on the original list. But general a flaming range. J. F . Dale, who wore a miala- refusal of tha hewspapecs to carry - Oil Stoves Bear Blanto trols. Such furnaces have one of ture humaa spiae and pelvis place State seal and license plate ’40e. the safest records qf any kind of Woodworth, who served iu ax- identification on his State car. Both times the Army applied the statemaht, under MantiUa’s leBoniM Data, described as far from six tant fire chief and fire marshal made of white plastic with red rub­ Ica'derahip, brought an Army- MARSARINI complete, reaching the associa- hmting. ber. "nerves" bristling from lt.‘ Gov. Lodge aepda letter to Leg­ the boot - and sent the 8-fobt, be- \ Seafood Su^gestiom: , 1.. xi__ # - ■■ ®^ Portland. Ore., looks pretty islative Council director express­ spMtacled chief executive- into backed gbverhmear demand that Uon’a headquarters in Boston Since toe fim of tto year, heij^m when he taUca about fires in .|S. C. Crabtree who won the |B~ Comercio print it or elaa. slaca mid-Novembef; shows more lisU eight children and two adults **store-liought” honors with a ing himself in favar ef beane.fmr: exile. Both times he was aent north homes. And there’s a reason. State veterans of Korean conflict into Colombia, acroM toe nearest ' Freedom and rtPutsUon of tiie .2 pkgs. FRESH WHITE SCALLOPS ... 69c than iV5 person*—mostly children dead, in New Kngtond alpae.' in A fireman ultimately gets used colorful cravat ouggestlag ah-' I -killqd by oU stove range fires lii such oil stovq-oU atract laadeeapea. ... Democrat State Chairman John frontier, then went to live out 'his press wqrs Invofred; Mantilla Five to finding bodies ot adults in ruins M.. Bailey asaerta Gov. Lodge’s exile in Argentina. argued. Ms refused CO. h a d d o c k - - SWOGDFiim OYSTERS — COD theH homes. children died, he r fire of burned homes. Woodworth ex- And . A. Deaa . Campbeil who Tha aaaocIaUon’a fiammahlerof th at tirpe in • had the loadeet tie. It exploded. .aipouaal of date milk capa~is "aa «9 Army Meu fired statement. PoUcs then. 59c ,AnoUi4r suoli elaettaa bU for votes by a part- Two days after his thnuguration HALIBUT-^BOSTON BLUE — M A C K n a 'Mqnlda engineer. Mile* E. WoSO- (CeiH—ai an Pfiga PUc) time governor.” ia 1953, Ibarra ^m issed some 90 <« •ir. . ■ * ' - J w i: *'■ - . ./!i f i > 1