Bottom 6P Snug Fit and Flat Sheets Shieets and Pillow Cases Batfi

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Bottom 6P Snug Fit and Flat Sheets Shieets and Pillow Cases Batfi 1 r';^ .) ■ { WEDNESDAY, JANUARY A vtrtfd Dally Ndt P t o m R u n ■JL' - Per ths Wsek Raded ' --V- i) ' w r Jaa. 3, 1884 V-' 7 . W .3 M .U t» ________Ig (^H eeled : Tho ttoMM bataaeo tR wator Art*OC4* irCg^^I^KNTIMt - — tcGttolui la 114,381.81 •irtar total - '• " Mtoiia'r 'ef 'thi‘S S T ^ ’ ■' In Parking'Bdeters oollectiona aince. the beginning of - ' _ ’ ----- the d a ^ year of $88,83f.7& , ■ ' J . 7 M anche$ter^A\Ciiy of ViU njf Charm Total colicctiona ao far thia ^ _____ - . ■■/ With ahopping at peak during flacat year of 81*3,714.84 have been VOL. LXXHL NO. 82 the'Chnatmaa aeaaon, ooUectlon^< made from jdt other aourcoa. (Oaealfled Adva on Page 14) MANGHESTElt'CONN, m vm D A vl JANUARY 7 .1M4 from parking BMtera on town atreets totaled .13.1*8.37 fdr ^ e LOWEST PRICES IN TOW^I* month of December, about 1 8 ^ • . over the monthly average, a reiwn 1 by Tax Ooilector Paul Cervini COX ^ DRESS RUBBERS $1.98 ahowa. HEAVY WORK RUBBERS $2.98 Mr*.' Henry F. Taylor, Thia year'a December flghre la HARDWARE Texaa, were holiday about 837 lean than laat/ yehr'a.. _f MM---A ^ , of^llr. and Mra. Balance in . the Parklim . Meter 'MIW ^wWWOgWf WORK or DRESS ARCTICS $4.98 ,\ 4 Fund ia a^w 881,034.34v^There haa OOMPlJEtE SIZE BANOB and Mr. and Mra. Eltetrical Swollfs, A CHHlver, 838 E. Middle biiah'\aome dlaouaaion/of drawing Tpk*. fromi’"tiM fund to hmp finance a Took. plan ter incrcaaed,{larking at the DIAMOND'S PumeU Place area, Caraatp Mmia an^ Wartliy Grand Matron of the . Orvinl’a reppn indlcatea that MidNI* Tniiifrili* East 'X utani Star; Mra. Marie Wood* 145 J74.SS of ^ 8M.7QB14 due. in ond NAVY -jBBwr,- o f - | & « current jperaoiial and real property TIL St7 jlA IN ST. MANCHESTER W on a y Grand Patron Harold An* taxea haa ^ e n collected ao far dataon. of Stratford, and their HiildBUta Ottlcera, will pay their ofdelal vtait to Tenwie Chapter. ^ T ~ Ho. SI, Wedneaday, jan. IS, at ,8 V > : in the Ifaaonic Temple. The aieetina win be preceded by a ■ haired ham a»ipparat 8;8», reaerra>^ A t o m T a ik s tlona for wM«di muM be in by Snnday. Jan. 10. Paat Worthy Ha* tratm, Ifaiy Beaur^ard, Mra. P l a n V ^ e notanoa Thornton, or the preaent Wortliy Matron. Mra William Ley* I V i i Tyci^r^Yi^ds gett, be contacted for reaerva* , tlona A b o u t t b • “ ■ . - Bottom 6p Snug Fit bdinburgh, Scotland, Jan'T (/P)— Millionaire tin magnate \ The tittle Flower of Jeatia Antenor Patino yielded today to. love’s young dream and gave Washington, Jan. 7 (/P)— lloUiera Ctrcle Will meek tonight legall*f*l attempt to blow the marriage of his beautiful Tho United States and Russia at 8d5 at the home Of'Mra Joaeph , . ■ ■ / • . Barry, 158 Main St^' Membera are -year-old daughter Maria Isabela to a handsome young were agreed today on start­ “ Miaa Wlaconain" la greeted on= hw arrival at Bradley n eld by repreaeiitativea of tbo INsptUar Mar- remmdad to brtabf iii-old jewelry BngUshrasn. ■V----------------- "■ ing proliminflry atoms-for- keta and Armour A C?o. W e groupj to of W , Pdrtanan, Armour biancb man­ and Flat Sheets The wsy is clesr for Msrim forMie A fr^ m mlaaioii. \r< peape talks in Washington; ager; C. R a fm , Armour (Uatrict rcpresehtatlve;._L. Blum, grocery buyer for Popular Marketa; L. A. Isibeik and' Jimmy Gdidsmlth, Whether you choose Lady Pep[^)rell Flat Sh^ts or Snugfit Rhceta, you get^he best sheets for long wear and service. Lady but the, important question Thorp, advertiaing-director for The Mancheater Herald; Mayor Sherwood Bowen; Miaa Marvene Fish­ ^ 3 0:y tsr-old son of sn English ho­ aea Donald McCarthy, Pepperell Snugfit Sheet covers are 1-3 stronger than ordinary fittra .. are 100% reversible too. Only Lsdy Pepperell Fitted tel msn, the runaway lovers of timing waa still up in ihe K and Mra John Me* er ^(Mias Wisconsia); .Harry Stulta. vice president of Popular Markets; H. W. Roea, Armour aaaiatant Sheets have these two features. whose plight bad attracted world­ k 117 Birch S t, who recently air. ■ ' ' / branch manager. P. Munson, a^lverUaiag managor for Popular Markets; J. Dolan, office manager for wide attsiitlon, to get married at The Soviets announce^ the apent a wiort furlouih at hia home, any on# of 300 or more registry hiaa left\lbr Camp Chaffee, Ark,, Armour A Co., and A. Ackvierland of the Hartford Tlnms. Mias Fisher will be at Popular Market agreement last , night in Moscow more economicel ___ ^Mbma bavia with the A Company, tomorrow, Friday and Saturday to meet people and demonstrate Wiaconain cheese as featured by Ar- offices in Scotland. Thsy already and the State Department quickly will be gearedxto the use of sromic 83d Arniy\pisiaeera ptwur A Co. ‘ \ have a license. confirmed It. weapons "if they are needed to / ShorUy after the eourt hearing, Russia said Its smbasbsdor In preserve our freMom.” Shieets and Pillow Cases ^ atlorasya for the young couple Washington, Oeorgi M.„ Zarubin, wants to ShaM Knowledge y f went to Edinburgh’s Registry Of- would represent it at the talks to He asked thst Congress»• Bm n fles and picked up the marriage set a time, place and subject mst- authority to "share vrfUi our Ailles 1 certifleates Isabela and Jimmy .ter for full scale negotiations. No rteln Uctical k n o w l^ c’’of these must have to wed. The lawyers ^ whs mentioned. ' thst is, how t0\use them.' t. i^ i c e To Menf You Owe ft To Your Wife To Show Her The Typ& 180 Type 144 Type 130 wouldn’t say what the plana were ^ e State Department, wlthlh AiJd to desi with OommunisU for the wedding. an NI;our, ^.announced Secretary at homeKSisenhower proposed that Nwouid "proceed at an early ciUzenshlpsbe stripped from ahy-1 CoIlirreMional LADY PEPPERELL XANNON FINFMUSLIN Fa|m Meets Osuple U D Y PEPPERELL Thera were reports paps hid date to^ave the procedural con­ one co n v ict^ n the future of con- versation^ That vraa another goed apiring to advocate the riolMt J FINE COMBED Pfe^CALE SUPERFINE MUSLIN met the young couple in secret hower^g State REG. $2.29 last night and given them his to the S o^ ta to get the talks overthrow of theFpvemment. G. E. going. ’This Is the cha^ge.on which top Afessagk toda; 83x99 .... • • • t a V blessing. ' R E O .i a .5 9 REG. $3.19 Time is ahortsfor DuUhs, who ia CMrnmuntst leaders have been con­ Republicai) : -Patino dashed . here last week victed. ___ ...i-. - 7 2 * « » 7 2 x 1 0 8 ’ .......... inrom Paris when he learned that e x i t e d to leav^ w o weeks from the Way ___________ today for Berlin and the Foreign The President said his new five- $ . 0 9 his dark-eyed daughter with the • •ootatooe Ministers Conference^there Jan. 35 billlon-doUmr cut in government meut to^tnjrht opposition or .REG. $3.79 R E S . $ 3 .4 9 hour glaaa figure and the debonair, among the United Btatfs, Russia, costs—which he prbpoees with s specif^ points;, Eton-educated Englishman had Britain and France. 68-bllIlon budget for the fiscal 81x108 .......... $3.0 9 8 1X10 8 j.......... REG./$2.69 4 ^ I Q /. sloped. 'r^VaprinkllngX of direct (TOP Marfa L Patino Dulles has been pressislhg for year beginning July 1—would put diasgreOment appU4< J lx I O S He sought to bar the mahiage, early negotiations ever sincence^Pres- running expenses 13 billion a year ^ers as the propose R E 6 ,1 3 ^ 9 8 RES. $3.79 ^ saying his daughter waa too Ident Eisenhower proposed,-in under what President Tnimsn'a,. of scheduled cuts-in .)__ 9 0 x 1 0 8 ......../. ; r I s . $ 2 . 8 9 ^ 1 ytmng for matrimony. Gold- Dec. 8 address to the United last budget proposed. A come and bxciss taxs 9 0 x 1 0 8 . .... As costa are cut still furUi^r, 8 1 x 1 0 8 _______ sisiith’s brother said he had ~an- tions, that the world unite to strii President’s oau for ethcr reason — he wanted a titled the atom of "lU military casing Eisenhower said, new cuts In/tax- rates. REG. 79c 42)^8'/i REG. 69e 42x38 husband for his daughter. iDa and adapt It to the arts of peace.!’ es "can and wUl be madc.’’^ u t he And RepubUoah appli REG. 59c 42x36 V asked that Congress act^no atop PILLOW-CASES ... PILLOW-CASES .. own Wife la a French princess, a Under the Eisenhower plan, Elsenhower's backing of PILLOW-CASES ... descendant of King Louis XIV of atomic materials and know-how some reductions alresdy^heduled fafm pries suppmta w a s ___ „ Francs. Patino’s father, old Si- would be pooled for peaceful pur- for April 1—^in corpowion income ably scares in the House Agrfebl- taxea p d ia f e d ^ l excise, or nmn, waa^.a self-taught Spantabr posw by the United ifUtas* Russia turol Committee. \ Indian peisant who fought his s^ea, taxes on suon things as gas- and other nationa with a contribu­ oUhe, automobllsb, tobacco ’ and A-Plan Reactto4 Good way to the top in Bolivia’s turbu­ tion to make.
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