
y : V.. ^• " :v\ ■ ' P-' ■% kGB TWEllf7-n>im THURSDAY, M AY 12.195S Afsrsgs Daily Nst PrsiM Rm The Westher 1 iOanrlr^Bti^ lEvfttUtg Fee the Weak BaSeS Fsiatoat ef U. fl. Waaflto . . _ .. ' ■ - - • ■ — / - — -—— May 7, 1SS8 Due to a coafitet of dateo, the' .. Mr. and M ra Andrew U Rlker,' Meroben o f Lakota Oounea N a % b o u t T o w n public aiqtper *af Rockville Xba- 111, of Boulder, Col., announce tha SI, Oagno o f Pocahontas, w i l l 11,631 ii^ 5 E £ blem Club No. S for Saturday. May birth Of a daughter bn Wadneeday, mast la a body la front o f the etoaSywlto soaM^MMbte PINEHURST It, haa been canceled. A ll Bwm- M ay-11. The baby; who has bean Leclerc Funeral Home, Sg Main g t, A iliitiM Mr. H M M m tr ef tha Audit riunMI lioiilae Aiutin Rlker, lathe tomorroww nl|Bight ' ' at 8 o’clock to pay ef CIreutotlea afteraeea. .High aear 74. The Mary McChire Chwm of tha ben a n aaked to return ticketa to M m ehe»ter-~-AsCity o f VMago Chorm K - - IS OPEN Second OongragnUonal Women’a M ra Braedt W. Bpellmaa. l i t fin t gnndchild of Mr. and Mra reqMcts to Diane Miller, daughter F*r 9»dlfyyn, Richard Peter, was born TONSKY Ml 18195 When Harry Layirrence, who selle u« aTot of fine lamb, mer on the grounda' of Intolarable a n in charge. The usual wide vari­ sent to Mra W. J. Bmigh, 35t at tha St. Francis Hospital Tues­ DEPENDABLE STORM WINDOW MAM” our nu^t manager, Charlie McCarthy, that the cruelty, with $12 weekly aupport ety of baked g o ^ will be donate Henry S t, who w ill make last- day to Mr. and Mm. Howard 1* aUotted for one child. by mernberi o f the pariah. minute reaervatlona Holmes, 18B Bldridge S t In Vienna to lamb legs this week are just like "butter balls," that they —------1 ■ ■ ^ 2 : average S Iba. each with some smaller and some around 7 lbs.. . . you can rest assured it’s a good time to buy \ Pinehurst Genuine Spring Lamb Legs. We l)ave native aqiaragus to go along with them . . . and.^h^ white Wsthington, May 18 ( f l ) — Vienns, Auitris, May 18 Potatoes or Idaho bakers, if you prefer them. Rib, Loin Surgeon General Leonard I'/P)— ^UJ9, S ecretary o f S tate Navy C liief Aboard NautUuts or Shoulder Lamb Chops out of these medium weight Scboele aaid today he eiqiOcta Dulles ' ariived in jubiiant Uunbs, edll, o f course, be equally tender. to release Polio vaccine madg Viennn today' to sign tha I. by Parke-Diivis Co. of JDe- Austrian treaty of ii^epend- This w ^ we have in* troit "almost momentarily." ence. It waa a gratifyinf mo­ /' \ creased our order for Scheele told the House Bank­ ment for the Aiherican diNo* Taylor to ^pU iee Ridgway as Arm y Cliiel W hite Rock ing Committee a thorough on- mat. who had insisted th4 Police State Ik# Naples the-spot inspection of. manu­ ambassadors of'the Big Four Chicken Breasts facture of Salk vaccine by powers reach agreeitoent on so you w ill be sure to fin d Parke-Davis has been com­ treaty terms before the for­ Seen Result pleted. Gen. Taylor enough' whether you eign ministers meet for-^the T t la likely that word la now at actual Signing. \ come in Friday or Satur­ my ofllee regarding Sndlngs o f the Late yesterday, the Ruariana Of Risk BiU day . . . chicken legs, too w ^ p (o f Kientiite) which visited accepted f compromise aoluUon and Native Fryers and Detroit end we will be able to an­ offered by the West on a key ieaua nounce the nleesa of Parke-Davis Wtohington, May 13 F ow l. of economic conoesriens, end tbe Washington, Ma^ 18 (/O— materiala as soon or shortly after way arae cleared for the signing An 'administration bill to let Gffi). Matthew B. Rid#ftoy, I return," Schccis said. on Sunday of a treaty to gfm the government bar potential I ^ ' s OMitw SUCMI ot Hun a " t«st WMk, and more Release- of Parke-Davis serum Auxtria’a aeven raiUioh people full critical of admuiatratm de- BMte an ammurout how bIm it ia to alwaya hava two or throe will permit limited resumption of freedom pfter li years of i^ tary spies and saboteurs from de­ ciaiona.to cut oaek the ground tanaHTof r a t h ’s v a c u u m p a c k b d c o l d c u t s in the nationwide program for vac- occupation. fense and- defense-related forces, haa aaked to be re­ dnating fln t end second grade the lee twoc, ready for a quick lunch, midnight anack or a picnic. In an airport statement, DuUea plants was assailed today As tired June 80 and w ill be anc- I f you e a )^ real thin aUcea of Bacon, you wiU Sad it in the H lb. school children. ■aid: "police state" and "unAmeri- paekagea of Rath’s wafer thin bacon. At HALE'S SELF SERVE And MEAT DEPARTMENT . Completion of the Parke-Davia I have tn.-veled to inahy cafii- »ceeded as Army Chief of can.” cheek will shift the actentiSc In­ tala on many misaionB. Never have Staff by Gen. M axv^ D. spection team to the Bu Lilly Go., 1 felt more atUafactlon than I now Spricesmen for the American T » l o r . Frstk FranW from Indianepolla. ' feel in coming to VIeima to sign Veterans Commltta* (AVC ) aitd lUdgway'a decision to leave an HALTS NiStaV uw rs Scheele called for a shutdown In Americans for Democratic Action the treaty whic:* at long last will (A D A ) urged a Senate Judiciary the day before the new mUltaty Rath, Itf Prixs ond MEAT DEPARTMENT that program to permit a rechack make Austria free and Independ­ budget becomea etfSctixra Wto dla- OROUND SnacklUiD at each o f five manufacturing ent. subcommittee to shelve the meas­ ctosed whan Preetdent plants. ure pending a ravlaw of govern­ H a n d y . ‘ \ CORNED BEEF “This haa toen a central goal sent the Senate, a nominattoay N t w ITS GENUINE SPRING LAMB AT HALTS Later, ihspeeton will go to of United States policy. It ’a ment aecurity programs by a M Taylor' to succeed him. Wyeth Laboratories, Marietta. partiaan commission. T o f l D 80UB CREAM achievement will ^ hsT -d by the 'White Houee- Praia Sapfetary Morrairs ready to oaf COFFEE 12 Ox. Can Pa.; Pitman-Moon, Zionaville, American peopie wtM have only Also joining In this request waa Btattbew B. Bldgway MaxWeS D. Taylor James C. Hagerty said JUdgway LECTLAMB H ^TSc 2nd., and Sharpe and Dohme, Olan Frank N. Hoffman,. legMaUve di­ S # i n a t i o « * U P ^ N *„nUratlon fOr the cotwage and rector of the CIO United Steel­ wrote a letter to Secret^ of the laanar hams. \ , \ B-S LB. AVEBAOE Aldan. Pa. steadfaatneas of the freedoinloving Army Stevens aaktiurfor retire­ Cases at 47 workers. ment on June 80. Rffigwaya term people of Auatrie.” Bill Passed By Htoate Scheele told the committee that Among Dulles’ welcomers were hnd untU Aug. 15,^ run. LOIN aa of this morning 87 cases of The bill, reqttestto by the De­ SnVIRDOIlARS..PAPER DOLLAltS n ilL A D Ie U W A U.S. Ambassador Llewellyn E. fense end JusUce . Departments, troves A t th< Pentagod, the Army In- CBEAM polio had been nperted among Thompson Jr., one o f the four em­ was passed by the Senate last V . ~ I* formaUon Sepnoe aaid that there DOLLAR CHECKS.... CHEESE: Ip k g a 81e LAMB CHOPS ^$1.19 chlldrea who received the Salk Adaa Rakert Caraey, right. Chief M Naval Operarians, aits ia the bassador* at the 9-day negotia­ year, but theHouse Judiciary had apparently been aome ndson- Tkia ngfct geanlae epriag lamb eemea te as aerura. He said approxUnately eeatral room e f the atoerie powered eabmarla* NaatUas dnriag tions, and Austrian Foreign Min­ Conimittee pigeonholed It. . derstand^. It aaid that as fa r as Bring them to Pinehurst this week, and , sad aave on froia Dobaqaa Piehtag Co. o f lews. Treat million chUdnn have been ■hikedowa trip, TUcedey. > The Navy, la releaelag this picture fat ister Leopold FIgl, Who also at­ It' would permit the government It could/datennlM tha only oom- RsdpMfsrilMM va^nated. Unified Arms Unit munlcdtion Ridgway had sent waa gLOO day vahiea: yaonelf to **aew" lamb. Waahtogtoa, yesterday, anii Carney la manning the bow planes con- tended. to bar from any "drtenee facUlty •cMy H> moles snockt Of the 47 poUo cases, bs added, tool. After Carney M t the Naattlne, the returned to port with i GredU# V A Help designated by the Seqeetary of De­ itlne form dtqiattoed to tha 86 receivsd vaceins nyumfactured / / ■ ■■ T.nitih Patties SLICED BACON ... .2 lbs. X' brekaa steam pipe. (U . 8. Navy photo via A P Witvpheto). *Tt baa bee4 particularly due to fense indlvlttuala whom It has rea­ itant general c f the A m y . S A LA D A I by cutter Laboratort^ Berkeley, Vfs.V9S.yt-, Poland, May IS (VP)— The Soviet Union and seven ited May 8. CAtlFIRNIA DIP I FHIURELFRIA SPREAR American help that we. are now in sonable ground to believe may en­ 4 lbs. 11.00 Mississippi brand. ALSO FROM DUBUQUE: cSiliL AU cutter vacclse haS a pbritlon to sign tho treaty for gage in sabotage, espionage or other European Communist nations approved today the dra^ Thla forp, used by any oMcer SCOTTOWELS I requesting a change of status, lltMjyi^CttMlChllN been withheld from dlttcihi ^ which Austria -has been waiting other aubveralVe acts. 6f a Kfeifurlty past which la to placie thelrm itltBry forces u n ^ R egu la r / (REG. SIZE) 1ji| IMnsftiltnIispMf j since April 37 pending a ooimlete dted A m y ragidattona on letlre- T E A B A O a ______:______. I lWtsei0*eSw4li* CANADIAN STYLE for 10 yaars," FIgl said In greet­ Mitchell , Cooper, Weshington a unified command. A Soviet spokesnoan told a news e m ir s t - H im b u rg .: Pinehurst 66c grade ■cientiSc investigation. 'There ing Dulles. "Anatria w ill now be lawyer testifying for the AVC, mant and requaated that, " I bs ra- lpLaHMRMasw(nM\ i ^itCtamnW^Cnsa have been ten cases o f poUo In ence/the treaty and’ other tlredat my current duty station on 8 IbS. ^0 0 . CHUCK GROUND . .2 lbs. 2 Rolls free end independent." described the bU as "mcradibly I w ill be atgnma nt 10 a.m. (4 U^Img 8dm^ JAfat luuR 0IN 8 nI Pm m GMOOMioori GI9RR8CM080r 90to 880R*H080Oe. Eilr ONf lo children who received the Eli Lil­ vague" and callod it both danger­ M June, 1858, by which data 1 sbaB ly-vaccine, and two wtio received DuUea alao waa in good spirits as . E8T) tomorrow and-pubUabed hnve completed over 88 yean c f wr L Ufpioo Ooioo Sooo AUs |o89 ot D toi ha arrived] from Paris at the UB. ous and imnecaenary. He sai<' it ^udoouR ood EIdo^ ilwroooHp ^J8o m <1^ pe«t e|» aaS Seitr Creah. W:fyeth vaccine. UiG NflDto*. aetiva federal commtaeioiisd sarv- ;apore iRiots A ir Force Base in the Soviet Zone would "result in an arbitrary Tho pmid^ir^ foreign minlatsra Reds Ice.” )( 1 ' S A LE lor o o e cklpay oroelwrs ev I gud eeS. e gw eeil^ Up 0 8 9 BACON lb. Except for the Cutter vaodns o f Austria 20 milaa from the cap!- aecurity control program over BUMBIf BEE IVNA f ■'X; ISM, Schssls said, the Incidenca literally milliona of American and detonao mlniatera of the eight In the blank roara provldad for ■/ V UL Warsaw. Conference nnttons ap- addraaa after retirement, Ridgway FRESHLY fUCgai AS YOU ORD^b-PRICE WAS TBe H LB.I o f poh4\ among those vaertnated A short time later, Forrign Sec­ Usans" who have nothing to OOMBINAT10N m haa hern shout what oould bs nor- with produring secret WMgK provwS'the treaty and tbe Unified IroiXGrasp wrota: "To ba reperted." SI _ rs^ May 18 —Th« British , ihoyed thousands o f retary Harold MacmUlan of Brit­ * deeialon at a 30-minute White Albacore 35c--3 cans ■ CSSoo^^thoidd oot ho otod ooloto.hool oodtr rithihondoos Bially axpsctsd, or oven less. ain arrived. FIgl triso was on hand building m llitaiy beset or s«rvtolng ’ Thera t iM been puWlahed re- a Ceuat at peg. Pi)n | _ In a l>p age review of the enttte s t « ^ h ( Gurkha and Malgyan troops into aniftrgency tlia araed forces in any on jblf iponiing.. poirts that lUdgway, on nfiroment. k.’ Hate's oterayt In k fm li pooHry: ROASTERS, PQWln to greet him. to were Sir Wllham aad IS Mom Far . A vaoctaa program, ScheSls told the as a continoilig^ w ive o f riotinr risept tha Haytor, .Brttiah^ Junbtofidor In *Oipitoto8yiUi Mntoal Aid ProvlArf would aooopt n peeitloa .in South r PKil RlCIPlt AVAtlAllE liSl STORE j anmarittsS ef hia esatlaa id etroeg. slaiid cohmy. The vkdenee n ff^ y liad ctabned the lives ol! Moscow, and Sir d eof^^W elH n - And C o b p w ^ d it is Tba treaty draft, designed to let Nani America with ttm lU lM r Intiaitol. , All Sweet,*... 28c lb. 61bs. ^ BROILERS. Abo X , t OonSdsnoe that the vaccine Is safe counter West Germany’s rpanna- Raporten making Inquiries nt . J A ^ A U ^ t Americannswsman Gene Symonds,^ gar, BritUh Ambassaitor in VIen- ty imneeeaaaty’r becauaahave / Pinesppie Juice W SU G A^IAR T end effective and that it will be h o f Dayton, Ohio and two ether strict lawn for punlahmm of es- mettt aa NATO’s 15th m a m b a r, Haiphong, North Indo«. Rldgwny's offtes wan told by tts m ontcroY souffle . s a l a d blearing to mankind.' persona. I f BO iMt-mlnuto hitch devakqiA yiaiinge and Sabotage)- we have provides for nnitual economic aid china, M|w 18 (VP)— 'The iron Qsnersl’s staff that RkOway was and cultural tochanges aa weU as not rsady to announce hls nttnra 4 Ig. cans 11.00 Eihidsle Tomstoea TIN E ^S¥fE R CHICKEN LEGS u^79c V. He remarked about "soma ob- A t least 34 persona have been Fatire Asserts the f o r e ^ miniaters of the UMtad anned gunNIs around eveiy miU- hand of Commimiam damped Clim ObiBwi ' ataclss. soma delays and soma dls- in ju ^ in the outbreak, touched States, Britain, France end Rns* tory lastallatim) and. we have a mutual aecurity of tne Red bloc. plsns. ■ 808 c a n s ...... 7 f o r ^ M A D f W ITH ASK FOB BREAST O' CHICKEN, WIN08, SACKS, M n There haa been apeculation that down OB the livea of IS mil­ Reporters making inquirlM nt (NEW ENGLAND |mrLB)\ ap^tntmsnta" But Dn Scheele o ff yeilriday by demonatraUons ala are scheduled to gather at 8 wMeapreSd Indtotrial aeourity pro­ aupportlng a bna strike. The riot- to Back a.m. B8T Sunday to sign .the In- gram for ptfretn el in every indus- Marshal Ivan Konev, Soviet deputy lion Vietnamese in northern Rldgway's offics were tolil ity the Can >EAS HEUMANN’S **riwra is sun every reaacm to depOndanee treaty liberating this defense minister, w ill beconM su­ Indochina today. General'a staff .that Ridgway waa hrilsve that enough vaoeina win be country from 17 yaars of military (.OOnttaned to Page Twelve) preme commander. Vletmlnh troops took over con­ not nady to announce hto.fhtura WNOU-IOG Diem^s Regm e But the Soviet apokeemen aaid plans. PARD DOG FOOD Pre*Cookad Lb. avallsbie to vacwiate the chUdren occupation—aeven under the Naria trol o f . the seaport of Haiphong 2 C o iti MATONNAItl Whole HAMS in the most suscepUMa age groups Srxt elected cabinet and 10 under the wartime AlUea. he cannot yet disclose details of from the French—their jest big TayUw win succeed Gen. Mat- /. This Is aa unusnally low price an this favorite dish. Ahoat 13*14 hefora the height of the polio sea- tha Command decisions or say territorial gain under the aenevq thaw B. Rldgwity on June 30.. Chief MlnlBter David MarritaU Parle, May 18 (#)—Aemler Ed. The rignlng ceremony will piit which of ]tiu eight naUon'a gen­ 7 c a n s Bhalae. ■ ' - sen. charged Communist influenca waa the stamp of le n lity on tha free­ peace aettlemant—end a new code Tnylor commanded tha 8th A r­ \ RUMRU REE apparent in the disorders. , gar Faure aak) today that PVance, Sen# Bush Raps erals wocdd get the top spot. Some of mdatence immediately went In­ my in some c f the Mttereat fight­ ‘'nub U usuaUy considered to be dom which ia effect rwas won last consldar the job may go to Mar­ (Sava tha labels on these. watch for later ads) troriimid-August to mld-Ssptem- lymonda. United Proas maihiger the United States aad Britoia aril] night, .when ambassadors of the to . effect. ing of the Korean Waf. Ho ia now do averything poasMe to support shal Konstantin Rokossdvakl, the Sound trucks broadcast an order serving aa Commander In Chief, YHUTE MEAT TUNA ^^ ""396 We have a larger supply ef Rath’a eae pound hana jSUa,. weda ■ krir., for Southeaet Ana, died In a hoqS- F w Powers agreed on n treaty Democrats on Rueetaa wnr hero who how head* ' :■( "Theas.reverses have not mvaU* tal here this monlng, 18 hours South Viet Nam* Preeiiier Ngo text. Within three months of rati- that all who'had hdpad and Sup­ Far Eaat Command, and Comman- , 2 . W ew evea got It haagiag ftom the Black Hawk sky keeka Poland’s surmad forces. ported the French end Vietnamese der In Chief, United Nations Pictsweet Frozen Dovalettes ...... 4 for dated the program, they have not after ha auffered head injuries In Dinh DIecn. fleation, thq 70,000 occupatton Soviet Premier Martoal Bulga­ Peaches wradeed it, nor do they in any way the start .of tho diaturbancea. Hos­ Speakinj to a crowded n e w oon- tro c^ of th% four nations art to miiat'report at once to the nearest Command. SPECIAL threaten its ultimate suebess. Ike Road Plan nin told the opening session of tha police station. His appotntmant aa Chief s f 4 for 81.00 GoldMedslFlour . .26’sfor^ GLOtUEHA pital offlclals said the 38-year*old ference, the Premier aaid he, UJS. be withdrawn and Austria's free­ Warsaw Coifference Wednesday BUCK HAWK Prehicnm lahereat' correspondent haver regained oon- Secretary of State DuUee and Bri- dom will be complete. Hundreds Flee to Dock. Steff is for a term of two years. sciouaneaa. East and West had haggle^ for Washington, May 13 (4)—Sen. the pact wUl be open to any other (Sen. Lyman L. Lemnltasr wlU BJiRTASUClU "Such dUBcultles as have been tlrii Foreign .Secretary Harrid European nation wishing to join Tba chill order, an abrupt PRIMm HARVARD NiifiiBEirrs Bendy Far AeMrii Macmillan had readied "total ac­ Bush (R-C mui) aaid today Demo­ change in an apparently lenient taka orar Taylor’s two oommanda PACTSWEET aneouhtaiad are Inherent In the and that the alliance wiU automat- early phases of any opUmUtic na- The government early today cord" In their coaferencea hare (Oeatiaaed ea Page T h re e)\ crats are playing politica with Vletmlnh attitude before the In the Far E u t IcaUy diasolva itself if any all- Lamnltser la now Commanding ORANGE JUICE BACON 65' tionwtde health program. Much ordorad Slnga|x>re'B own mUitary this Week on a unified poUcy in highway financing legialation In an Europaan aecurity ayatem can be march into Haiphong, started hun­ PEACHES BEETS MARINE acienUSo and medical advance has focco to report'fhr emergency duty. dreds of Vietnamese in hurried 1 Lb. Psekaga effort "to aabotaga the Preeldeht.’’ devised... flight to. the docks. (OonttauMd mm Pago. Twelve) 8 c a n s encountered stmllsr problems, Brltlah Army authorities said their Nrither France nor the 'Uhited I t waa not ascertained immedi­ Lg. 8is« Can “No natkmal health emergency troopa atending ready on Singa* States ’intends to tntervene In tht/ Ha referred to the Senate Pub­ Other stern VIetminh orders fol­ J W '. • Senate Dispute lic Works Committee’s action lata ately whether the deciaion to es­ lowed quickly over blerihg eound sonfronU this; country." pore uland, could go into acUon Internal poUtics o f Viet Nam," tablish a'unlfled command is to be For 81.00 day we will have plenty/of "cartwheels" or But Scheele aaid he wanted to immadlately If caUed upon by ctvU nmro declared. He empbealsed yestardty- in approving 8-5 a high- truck tos*hers. silver dollars, if you want them for change. ■ •’emphasim as strongly ag pos- authoriUas. 'way bill by Sen. Gore (D-Tenn) aa embodied in the main treaty or Halidiong’s people were tn- that the Wettem Big Three re­ Looms on Ike In a aSparata document. raicE BONELESS CHUCK ROJitT rible" that his catt fo r a tsri^rary Tha colony's worried nqw council gard lUet Nam aa a sovereign in­ aubatitute for tha Eiaanhower atruetto to stay In their homea ■ halt la the vaccination program program. The signing wlK be held In Po­ until g p.m. Bulletihs of mimatera-mat in emergency dependent state. France stlU baa land’s Parliament buUding, Ui4 searion at government bouse to 80,000 troopa In tba country and Sen. Franda ,P. Case (R-SD) They were told when they could Not 69e Lb.—But Lb. 62c /%■ an PBga Three) Military . Slash Joined the seven Demoemts on the apokesman said. Premier Bul­ walk on Which atrecta. from the AP Wirce' a diacuaa the worsening rituatlon. Aa Diem’s government depends on the ganin and other leadera of confer­ NATIVE SALE they gathered, freeh violence united States for majw economic commitee to form the majority, Thay were hiatructed to go to CHUCK IS THE FLAVORPUL CUT OF BEEF. X | Waahlngtoa, May 13 (SS — Over- stye Republioana voted "no." Floor ence delegations are dim to speak banka and changS their Viet- threatanad In the wake o&ths riot­ and mUltary aid. Sit a maaa open air meeting in the FLYINO OOJEOr 8TUDIBD ing by 800 irtriklng buimen and debate may begin next Friday, but nameae piastres intp Vletmlnh Fkure’a declaration on Vietna- probably will start‘ May 23. afternoon. dong, at 40 dong for obf piaatre. Hartford, May IS CTV—The ASPARAGUS M v*!^ thousand of 1 meoa soveraignty appearad to In­ NEUMANN'S JBF MlUfR H "Isuh" Bush, In an intervlew;-Tredlct- Soviet Fmnifn Minister V. M. ■Aicy were ordered to appear alfhting e f an nnidanttfleS flying HEINZ KOSHER ^ondwiefc Speciofs NeKffTidbits era which raced throughhdt yaater- dicate that nance and tha Unit the new fiaeel year leaded today ed a hot Soor Sght to reinatato Molotov la expected tb leave War- day and last night. Saturday for tha “ victory parade” ebjacf by three Tenyrille reel; 33c lb. on TV senrs: ad Statea -for the time being are for a new fight in the Senate. the Elsenhower propoesii; but he aavK tomorrow to attend a Vienna end instructed them to cheer. dsBte Wediweday night Is betog FRENCH SANDWICH coned from AP Wires Trade union offlelals, pi . __ stringing along with Dicm’a han- Deapite outspoken critlcUm declined to say whether be meeting of tha Big Four foreign They were t

end weekend at new ate when It gets around to votlBg would come on that question, but apokeaman said ha could not give They were told Wench colonial-, Dot. 15 Ox. Jar farm home In Gettyaburg. . . on the subject eome' weeks hence. reiteratsd that hia measure wiU details./ of Molotov’S navel ar- RIOrnNO OOMVIOT SHOT The manpower curtnllment plan lenta. “ lam waa deed forever end that the LOAF CHEESE U nlM State# plaanlng to releaae paaa the Senate. Majority Laad- peo|He'e great enemy now Wto Greenville. N. <1, Btoy lg m the entire record of aacret dis- won tha backing of the House ar Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Tex) Radio broadcast this yesterday as it paMOd 333-0 a bill , junlqua; • 'American ImperiaUem." -.-One of five riettog eenvleto aS Freshly Sllcgd As You Order annameat talks at London as ro' made the aame forecast in a. sep­ *lhe sound truoka, moving ahead toe P itt Oounty^Wi^ Damp' suit of Russia's publication of the to glvo tho Dafensa Departinent arata interview. "Tbe fourth meeting of the War­ Wolf son Claims Thlree 33MS8J08,(MO In nsw funds for saw conference of Xluropean' coun-r o f grim stddlera shouldering rifles was ehot todSL after tha mea plan it propoaad. The DemocraUe strategisU be­ with flxed bayonet*, blared the flrst locked tbsmeelvee taelde to ^ ' SOUPS Seitoua aoanenric difficultiee eon- the fis n l year starting July L lieve they WiU i » t I M eny^DjgiO- tries on safeguarding peace and Kiww iiibar Hate's teps boo food; Fish fo boko.lM L ; Bimta Dewa Ameadnseata security In Europe was held on ctiUUng order: cell Hock. *’riaoa Ctonp fltoh MEAT 8R0UF VERETABLE 8R0DF Sreattog -Spain, Yugoalavla and OraUc votes on this key test, "Ih^ery person who collaborated Paul Crawford said ba toot m F r t e ^ B a r lla according to a Ward Directors' Elected On succesatva aitd lopsided voice, ■ay aomp. Democrats thto may ISth May under the chairmanship fry or bioH— piece, slice er El eti. votes, the House beat down amend­ with the Wench end Vietnamese ptiseaer, Tlsaotoy g. Neiaaaa. tJ. 8. deputy foreign aid di­ forces must report immediately to whaa Neoaaa a'lrted baattag rector. . . Eaat Berlin radio claim­ ments which would have boosted (Osnttonai mm Page Fifteen) (OantteMd on Pnge Three) 2 F o r 2 7 c Chicago, May IS (4) — I.oula B.wamohg nomtotaa ao as to elect the the UU’a money total and mal the nearest iwUce station.” aaetber pstooaer, WUUe Bm at- GRANDMOTHER'S SUGAR HEART ing Soviet Blae to elgn Ita NATO- Wolfeott apparently landed three greatest 'hubiber of nbmlnaea. ‘ News of tha order, flrat heard.ln ley aa tbe bead wltb a peher. ^ e alliance treaty tonMwrow la talned military manpower during places on Montgomery Ward’s t- After/-'the announcement the the new year'at levels projactsid the northwest' psul of the city, Lower P^ieat This W eak on Pinehurst , Warsaw...... msmber board of director*, a tab­ meeting adjourned until 1Q;40. e.m. spread quickly,. Hundreds of Viet- BEAN’S BODY BBOOVERBlF Fresh FruH and Vegetables Albert Etoateta 4 M N gistttog XHT''tomorrOw when the reounnu' for June 30 of thla year. Grade AA StrieUy Preab Native Egga. Iceberg Lettuce, Native APPLE lE U Y ORANCEJUICE ulation of votaa cast at the April The President’s program, ap­ hameae streamed to the Haiphong Essex, May 18 (4)-Tbe body hie recommendation that atom 23 election ahnwed today. lBtion.of votes will be ’ announced UN Hits Illegal MIG Attack, docks In a last minute rush to flee iUparagus, Native Radiabee and New Florida Poitatoea f summing | proved without change, calls for ■et OUs Bonn. 44, e f UW Cefltee 21 O t. Jar 46 Os. T in bomba bo made according to Dr. Wolfaon received proxies for iuid the full elate of elected dlrec- Red rule. ' . « at.. HartfMd. WM fo a a i to Unua Pauling.. . Chaplain of “ Iron torn will be made known. an over-all out of 103JOO from that ASPARAGUS lk29c 78S,8M riiareaofWard stock. *Ihe figure by June with the Army to- Moat were Vietnamese who ap- 13:14 pm . today la the Oea- {Salad M e ^l Battalion" the Rt Bev. Oataa Ward (nanagemant alata jracalvMl Only half of the. 384 seats In tba Redtt Sabers at Fdull aecttCDt River. A aeareb b e m Tiny Rod Native Radishes II ffrnrh-r dlea in Fall Rlvar aftSr 1 - cabbage I Can far Mgliior, | proxies for 4,033,481 r iia i^ auditorium of the Ward'a heed- (OeatiaaeA aa Page Sevaa) (Oenttoaed en. lQW* Three) early yeaterday meraiag after 2 b u n c h e s ...... I9 e ^ ksnsnsnis Oossinf ^ 'long iUnoaa. Thla totals up to 8,824,878 quarters building were filled for I , ^ ------Bean, a aoa-ewiauaer, fto off • AvoeSdoa CORN 4 e» 2 9 c Italy^a Mario Soeibn beglna.elenr- aharea. To obtain thtao directors Munaan, Korea, May 18 (4) —^Jet w m shot down Md twojwere the . meeting today. Wolfaon at­ The UJf. command charged today Hamaged. It' called the U.S, re­ cabla endeer. R f d Rip* F*ncy 4's Tom *to*s ITALIAN lag np atrtto within hia own party, .WcUfaon would need 80 per cent of tended with Rittmeater and Frank port ot two MlOe dowhed.and two m attempt to aave his 16-montb the total vote cast plus thrsa Lieahy. 'former Notre Dame foot­ that Conununiat MlGe < made an Korea ^niu Vot^ "uimmwlmff’ attack on American probably destroyed, a "braaen wil­ Tory Hopes Hiked /> STOCK MARlunr OA1N8 , Baldwin and • -a -» • aaseae-a 19* m govemmant. . . Five prlsonars aharas. That wotild be 1,748,087; ball coach aad one of hia lieuten- New Yeik. May U (4)—Tha . i COLD DRIMKS L b . Sabrejete Tuaaday "over interna- ful prevsndon ot tha truth.’’ . M e PEPPERS _ 29c in punlShmant cells of Concord, Abe cast Vstea It aaid "Ghlnaae fighters rose to By Borough Gains stock nmrket advaaead tatay fas IMieiaua ApplM CucM m Rera'.^Tr.T.TV.'^fW 'l^ ■-diaan-raformatoiy.after JriPpHhopm ^.attapd- As Vet Attacks BilJ Qonal waters” of the YeUow Sea. :i)(AtiVE — " lo p in g radio daclared the Sabraa intercept them (the Sabres) end e a ily rtiaWngr la b raveraal o f to break out was foiled by alert- Ing tha annua} meetliig In person shot down one end damaged t'vp- •toe-ebafp-toH. ef-toA..p4sAtWft.. TftSTE BETTER neas o f 14-yoar md boy. also cast votaa for individual dl- baA. “Intruded over Northeast We Just cannot get over the phenomenal demand for SARA UBB Frozen Food Specials Hartford, May 13 (4)—A fonper ettna.” ... ,rx -- ■ irK4to’'ia*'tto'toets?'-«^" — days, aalaa weat to 'hrtw'iW "! Faith WiU be highlight e f rectora. Theca • votaa could con­ Fridsy the I8(k— Beware! A ir Force officer who m n t .18 live b(^«e tor victory In the May aad X potato la amet aeelleaa ef O p ro *B CAKES and the n«w Ifram fronf Florida tmder refrlg- RADISHES 2 B e h s . 1 3 c Peiping's broadcast a few hours Uitag Ksroan Btoee 28 pariiamtotary elections rose to­ aaaaiea''.af American Medical ceivably provide S' margin of dlf- months In Korea stood baCbrs the In the protest'the ,UJf. com­ the list wbUe toeeto osarity were.. arafiM ) Dairy ijeid Fruit Salad. Cakaa aeU at 7Sc and the Salad SNOW CROP Aaan.’a anmial meeting in Atlantic fertnea between two and three after tha UJf. eommand'a protest day, as the ToriM'chalked up atib- at 4Sc. Try Blue Bonnet Margarine .< ... it’a different ' SsMSu eilEEZ’IT For tha auperatltloU*. the Connecticut House of Repreasnta- to tha Military Am lstlca Commla- mand c h a r ^ the Reds were "an ■bmOI aad ai ldsm paaaed a palat. 9 * . City.. . . Flrb destroy^ two lum­ seats on the hoard for Tl^olfson. .ebronio vrorriera and the "just tlves yeaterday and pleaded with atential gains la borough counciL Save OB q>acW <1S e^tra for Ic pack) Selada Tea Baga Total ivSTRAWBERRIES utm. l i o a ; * 5 c F o r aton quoted the Reds’ official deavoring to utUlse" Korean bases eC St for onQr...... etc LEMONS 3 19c ber yaida and three bulldlhge last A fter tha inspectors (ff the eloc- being careful t y i^ " today la It to turn down a Stats bonus for conttots throughout Xtoidsnd and TO oun FMuaoN pon Vbn announced the tally; Wolfaon People's Dally aa declaring "Tues­ as a "privilagsd sanctuary/’ night In Brooklyn. Damaga was the most important day of the vatarana of the Korean War. The protist through the Military Wales. But p i ^ leadera warned Bean, Oeramay. May 14 (4V-* StaU Butter, the beat there ii^ for only ...... 73c W IN E S A P - astlmatad at two mllUaa deihura. said he definitely bad elactad thrae Connecticut haa more pressing day’s Incktant wto a premeditated against overrohfldsnce. SNOMfCROP year—Friday the ISth—tho det of aggraaalon." A m istice CuBunisaion told the Cbaaealtor Kaasad Admmmmmt tm - , , . Iowa State defcn who never director*. Theae would be himaelf, only one in 1488. needs, schools among them, said Raaulta from 888.boroughs that Alexander Pittmaater m . New TTie UJf. protest and Palping Chinese and North Korean mam- feraad Me caHato t ' SPINACH (««.) 2.kk35c coached the a^ool’a athletic Mrs. Elaine Mason, o f Bol­ State Rep. Stephen. Lioyxim (D- had finished countiny this morning give ap toe peat ef 1 APPLES 2 Lbe. 39c teams recrivad a surprise g ift o f a Y oilr burinea* cOriaultant, and Coventry). , ■ tndlo ■»■«» dityuted on tosaea In bars:“- It's easy to shop and ton w ill remember thla Mack tba eight minute air battle. Fifth A ir Force Sabre pUote sold gave the Oonaervatlves a nst gain W ar. A ^ ------G A L tF O R N lA ear from atudenta and friends.. . . BanSea Flbi*Oibbon, New York Friday. She drove her car Membera of the House cheered o f 810 aeata The Laboritee SNOW CROP ORANGE ond .Man walkilig railroad tracks, aSvartialng consultant The UJf. protest aaid tba Sa­ they shot down two MlGto and aasy to park at through tha ride ot her hiu- Loyxim's speech and complimented dropped 841 aeata to the Tories, b leat' aeared/by. aaake, landed in tracka A enanagament apokaaman said, him on what they said waa a sto- bres, attacked “ eome 85 mUea probably destroyed two more. They bafid*a workshop. William said they were attaekad by 33 liberals and Indepandenta. seat e f a G R A P E F R U IT J U IC E (.oa) 2 p>r 2 9 f ORANGES and was hit by a fnright t r ^ la "trs knew wa havai rix- dtroctora Stoveiiaon, S3, of 64 W. Middle care plea. ' southwest o f Slnulju..were obUg- . Thte to a i si maMty. 302 Main St. Dos. 39c Ntbriiaka, . . . U.8. to aeU Swltser- but wa ognt qsf hefinitely if we ed to defend themselves and’ ln so MIGa No American plana Was hit; The Labor Party tost control T ^ e . also has tba day en- Then th e' HouaA concuirlng councils la a.buhmar o f big elfh tta to eto b . ■ t ^ HO MAID 1 PINK, SEEDLESS land a |380,006 , qr sqven until Jha re- m v4 d In hia meniory. Ha fall with the Senate, voted overwholm- doing destroyed two er more MIG thty Mdds TL.JW .H AIC COM narthn which win eempleted." Ingly In favor -of granting tha aircraft while sustaining no lo » - Tba UJf. protest did not Bpedty including Lianldloaa, Bolto Opaq Fridays 'til 8:30 nrein a caraga toft and spralnodi FROZEN COOKIES oiMKt.* 25c M M K H f U a m l I N f Atoeas-f4i>i ha -Ineant tha hto

lUNGHESTER EVENmC HERALD. liAMCHESTER. CONN« FRIDAY. MAY 18.196B MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY. MAY 13,19S6 P A G l bm. but thdao .. contest began' wnrming up an a MATINEE DAILY Ti’ilmn leoauee df "poUtieel. an- Labor Party laadar aecuasA Gie Gtenney Elected Kerra Bonus Voted Abovtt 'BlWll |1*lay* lead Role '. Deers Open Itolly ZM os he did teat weak, “ the vaedna serlM ef inoeulationa can ba com­ pedlsaey." be laid. Ihdtad Btotoa of laUrforlng. 1710 oannat be expected to prevent all pleted.. rzt this bin must pass, it outfit The Holy Fainlly ICothen Orclo Lnbcrltos also daniad Oenosrvatlve NCOHA Officer - Fwitameenee 1:4S B e t r o t h e d Salk paralytic, polio." Meanwhile, the number >of «on- As Yet Attacks' Bill to ^ limited to veteraaa wbo In Hdiue Debatd olalma.tbiat a BociaUst victory D ^ e s PoUee ArreaU has elected the following offloera would piit Britain back on mUon- -But he added that it la.expected armed polio coses among peraotos ___ In Korea itaelf." _ for next aiaeon; Mrs. Reiiart Hal- Tbraa lockl man wem elecUd to that changes made in more recent vaccinated with, Salk polio .vaccina (C iMM vag* o m ) He charged that some oervlea Uaey, lender; Mrs. Robert Brna- Hartford, May 13— Rep. Ray Ing. . / ■M totsaoim i rose to 67 today.' people lived a "lusb" life U Ai* Warren, Manchaater. played a part Woodrow Wyatt, parUamantary office in tha Northern OonnecUent Polica reported Sva arrosta ware Shots Set Iota ’’will have stepped up the vac- nick, co-loader; Mrs. Jemee Mc­ undaraacratary o f atata In the " OR HaU A a n .,'la c., a t tha organl- la CtaMoaSeere ooS Oeler In Vienna to Iron Grasp made yesterday. dne’a effectlvaneas." At laast four addlUonal suspect banns. Oov. Abnhsm A. Kit) rope aad that some veterans who Gee, secroteiy; Mn. Carl Lonii in tha debate landing m to 'the action of tbo House of Ropcooon- labor government told a i " nation’ a brat annual meating,. in Henry Boucher Jr., 16, 113 High Dr. Scheele- repMted an’ aaaur- casaa were under InvesUgation, the' bss sold iM will t)gn it. wtu be entitled to the bonus en­ berdo, troesurar; Mm. J, B. Wtfle A Warm, Weetwtal 6iHTl 8L, Rockville and Lsonard S. Public Health Service Mid. Osrrying a M -a^on doUir bond joyed “ a Sae BUKSwoa vacation tativoa yoatorday in ovar-rldlng raUy in Blaoford Praridant___ Hartford Wadnoaday night One* that there ia' no -cause for CALLED FOR AND aad Mra. LssUe Bojrt, repreeenU - hower agread to top-lyvel Big " A M m C s i s d FlolosaJ, 23, Itn > 3, Ellington, were For Issue alarm if children who have re­ Three new cases—two in Idaho iasua, ths mMunn m o OMm psjr* at Hm taniayers expaaae." ■; Mrs. Gene Andralai, pnbllei- Gov. Rlbtooff’a veto of n claims Edward (Haaaay oA tha W, G. 'reaty In Viet Nam DELIVERED PROMPTLY Three talks with Ri only to dlaanay Co., waa elected eecraUry. WHh MehotS Te both arrested after a chase by Zb- ceived the Srst shot of -roccine and one in .WyonUng—^wera added monts of flO a mantli up to a Rep. Gardiner 01. HaU (R-WaU- ty; Mrs. WUUam Martens, wnl- bUL to the conarmad list. OOa of the The bUI, which posaad agairi by help tha Totita win ly 36. Lee Wood Jr., Of the L. T. Wood trolman Raymond Peck and (ObnltoMb from Pago ;Om ) do not get a second injection with­ AT NO EXTRA CHARGE maximum of 30 month* of mirlot lington) Joined Loyaim. He Sold fere; Hue. Edward 0*Brian, Hbrar- Shews liie siie to ^^(OMtianed t o e m ^ ^ Om ) (€ fasaarag* One) charged with raeklasa driving on Idaho caaaa caused death, making for .about 30,000^ tJoBMctient moa vatarana who served in Bnrope a votn of 175 to 67. would pay “ Praridant Eli ii' bos no Co., end Nicholas Hmcheff, ef Wil- in two to four weeks, aa origin­ iaa, aad Mrs. Raymond Quiab, faith In top-level W yattde- Uema Oil - Co., were named > dl Tolland Tpke. and Oaklono St. ally planned. Sya faUUtJas raported aft#r use of aad woaioa jaw> aorrod in tho lived a Ufa o f RUey." oontnet ckairman. 31AOO to Mra. Ella P. Kenyon of parantly had wavered on making Pock nkid PoloseJ attempted to y tha vaccina. Three of the deaths, the town of Scotland for Injuries dared, "AU he^U _ to de la to rectorA . - . dso "lA m i TAxr ity. Aa lUa a* of tha Salk vaccina iteelf." Delay Haroeleaa PIME NIARMAOY anaod mrrttm botwaan Juno 37, HaU obarged the b(U was "po- with Stertlei SarJen ns preciplfaled thalr choice to Sea oq try to tiam Boucher At one point and wart in Idaho, one la Louisiana IMO. a a d ^ ^ 37. IMU. Utical an the way through" and racatvad two yaara ago la a faU prevent tha y fromWin- Herbert T. Krechevaky, general Wa wars and wa ato convinced Ha' said Dr. Jonaa Salk, inven­ 4 The foUowtsg nMRibone of MsB' nlM the manager of Kay Petroleum Corp. She'ira l ;l f • 6:16 lock by rUtto* live under Rad rule. ' forced an oncoming car off the and one in Hawaii. CAU Mi-y.yti It ia^m saato tppa bonus (Ivcn added that paasaga-wtu lead to de­ a bam at tha. tMvsrrity of road. , that the vaccine is an invaluable tor of the vaccine, has reported ohoator'Lodge m Edu wore nemod The Governor, in The Uva DaUy Mail, o f East Hartford, waa alaeted ■ Tba Vtetmlnh order threatened contribution to the nation, the that a delay of Ove weeks or long­ Sixty-two o f the 67 caaea ware to y ^ d War n votorans in IM7. mands for bonuses for veteraaa of •S driegatne to tho StaU EUta* eommoB the aama point, de< Sob. “ SBMha Siaaal" - CeteT Normrii P. Lao, It. Attleboro, paralytic. Flfty-flve folIo#ad use n £ t Kraa llnaacod by b M million aU futdre wars. his Wto, doubted that any raown- presldeat of tha new organisation. Impriiwnment or death for thou­ Maas., was arrooted by State Pa­ world and to puMiic health,” ha er before the second injection (ioBvetttlon to be bald June 10 and dared: the Amoricaaa baFr said. “win not interfere with develop­ of vaccina made by Cutter Labora- -(Mlar bond issue. How long afb we going down 11 in. Now Britain: Mnurico Gau- r ib ili^ Jty tha iBUU had Been chip] ^ in on our aiactlona, than sands.^ If they did not denounce trolman Burner Neal and cbargtf toriM. Berkeley, Calif.; 10 were the road until such time as we demoHatratod, Dr. Scheele said the health serv­ ment of a Mtiafactory immunity Gets Aci|Muted Loyaim pisadod to awed tbs biU det, Joaetfi RayaoidB, Dr. Geot{;s the w lan a must have dotw eo themselves, they could never know w ith.. operating a motor velUple ice put safety above rapid distri­ among persona given the product back to tba .Finance Ootnralttee are in a real mane 7 If there erer Rkp. Warren, apeaklng on tba without a Ucensa. Ha was relaoaed leveL" of Eli. U liy Co.. Indianapolis; and ceuiouatu, Albert Igarrar. Jamas floor as clerk of- tha lagialativo too/ hey, by their eogenMse, are Int^yng y dal^ ^^B^ When othem would.. bution of. the vacciiie. in ordering and received strong minority itq^ was a time when the state sbould MOKoough, EdweidK Barr all, helping Sir Antho^ Eden." after posting a $35'bond. Dr. Scheele Also repeated a sug- 2 foltewad use of vaccine made by caU a halt, it’s now." Clahna Cbmmittaa, - rejected the Thousands of VIctnamoo# had the recfaeclf - because \of ’’pnm^ port. Ohailas FhntlcaUi. AKsknatas are T4 Taka Got tOe At different times, Thomas Mor­ lems .of manufacture." N geaUun tha^ community clinics Wyeth Laboratories, Marietta, Pa. ;A w r He said It wlU take 4 more Those who favored, the WU John - aam ok, Jooaph Biksanatte, Govecnor’a infarenco that the 00m- I treaty repara-' worked and halpad in dosens of rison, 61, of no certain address; and other facilities could be used mlttaa had not examined tho caaa BDCCATOBS id MEET ways whila Haipkong was tha war­ Moved Rapidly years to pay off the Worid War ealled.lt “a Udcen of tlMi^precla- George England, James Taat. hey had prom- and Irwin Hayes, 56, of 5 Ford St., Ha aaid the conunlttee and the to complete the vaccination pro­ ' When moat birds moult, the tion of the people of penneetlcut okhanstrvely enough. tutor Hartford. May 13 UP»—About S«> O AK GRILL m u m fht they Onally time port of entry for .mountains of were errested by Patrolman John gram among school children if main feathers drop off in pain, n bonus and that the 33 milUon Jose^ Picaut, John Lyons and oducatom are /Sxpactad to Utaiod D.S. 4rar suppllea sent to the public should raaliM' "that we dollars be aotlmated tba Korean to those Who went out and risked Roger Maoelone. In tho dobata. as DemoemU insUtence. Mahoney and'charged -with intoklr, moved rapidly from tert tube to schools should ba closed for sum­ one from each w i^, so that the their Uyes for tbeny” porting tha veto kept tha annual ropreoentatlva aaaam- as for Austrian Frtnch--befora the fall of Dien cation. They are being held pend­ mer vacations before the antiro bird retaine balance. 1- bonus wW cost “would build three My of tha Connecticut Education ■w Blan Phu and the . tiirrander of : plant operation in 1054 to brldfse acroaa tba Connecticut The bill was psse'ed by a voice to know tha datoUa o f overeignty and Susanna B. Mareal ing posting o f bpnda. . . a-oetfe production in 1955.” vote. Another rebeersal will ha held dent, which they said had Aaeociatlon (CXA) here tomorrow. IMIIIH I I of occupation North Viat Nam at the Oanava ------— ■' river." x tonight for momhora o f Bt. Mary's It was Announcad today. conferanea. He adm the health service aver 'provldod, Warren tba Nnation's c t^ boun-Mr. S lid Mrs. Jean U nareri. Sick, wounded aad diaaUad vat- Epieciyal Church BO-00 : Cluh E in Tba CEA announcamont -aaid lea at* thooe axining before the Cheer* At First «naturally Ndealrea the vaccination Ho4sa those detail*, 47 ' Avondale Rd., announce the r arana, be oald, are entitled to Hie forthcoming muolcal revlow. “Gee- that up for discuarion' WiU bo such Anechlusi, the F oiled union Red Bloc Supports o f as manjr. children aa posaible utmost beneSts and Ore gettias tha ban^ which led to a riU engagement of their daughter, There had been.^eare wben the before the odaet. of -the polio sea­ GIBBONS ASSEMBLY Winnera Eligible utfit Mlnatrol.” undor tho diroetion tha bam, mutern a* new aalary goals, logto- Happineeei HiUer.'s wk* Reich.' the thepie \ at ike groan clad Vtatmikh troops started them from tba federal govern- of Mra Olive Recavo She requeata batwean twd DANCING Mias Suaanne R. Marcel, to Rich­ son, but said are also desirous CATHOLIC LADIES OP COLUMBUS latlon and fetlrement, an wen ak u to the cltyi Unified Anus-/ Unit nMnte tha foUowlng and man to ha at tha had, ha said,' baah/pleead. at an Nathan Hale Sper WednsMtW night. A summer wedding ia Iwing Walking or pedaling blcyria carte, (OanttoueS from Page Oaa) facture ahd testing process.” Kenyon’s slip and faU,*ln which plkynod. . • . ’ As the recheck proceeds on a government to band out money to Atty. WilUam FltnOerald, diair- Hungtrford, Tom Wobtr, Harold he e le c t ^ ’rite cafeteria waa'buetllng with they h ^ a d what they hastily “ 1 came frem Texas si eoupie el y iM . able veteraaa" be deciased. Case and Interlocutor Roy Norris. sba suffared apparently permanent . and Oalar of N. A. Bulgenin, chaiinun of tha plant-hy-plant and \ lot-by-lot ---f men of the Jeycae eponsored -TOen- injury tO/6i^arm. Sctlvlty in the ofterno^ a* all ■craped together — food baskete, beck," says Mn. VnUtlMbatg al Many repreeentatlvee oppose tba age Roed-e-o, announced today A general rehearsal wUI ha held at The Teat's Bast Pietare clothing and household furniture. Council of Minlstere ol the Union DSsi*, he aaid, ’ ’vaccin^wlU be Stomford, Conn., “so I'm laaffir a toe Scouts exercised theik ability Buckley School ixpopay^^MOa at o f Soviet SociaUst Rkpublica ahd cleared for use." \ that tharo will bo two winnera, o’clock for oU dancora. mambere "A Mob C d M Fslw" to tastefully decorating-thesUblea the Bu^ey School from 2 to 4 They were leaving centurias-old arw New Eaglaadar. I eoulda’t b^. * both eUtfble for tho state contest. of the choiwand aU paopla help­ p.m.; RolMrtaon imd Buckland homaa and rice lands. head of tha Soviet driagation. Dr. Scheele Mid specialXatten- gin te Hit all tha Mrvieed aadatems- ' ing out bHwid tha scanas. Anyone Toiry/llopes Hiked BIOHABDTODD with colorful pansies and tt|" *1The meeting considered clause tion haa been given to -the Cqtter Fashion Show Local winners wUl receive a prise Schools and Second Congregation­ At tba docks there were Joyful JEAN PBTEBS fragrant lilacs and pretty fa' by clause the treaty of friendship, laboratory since a team of seW- that the Yellow Pages ef the Stai»> o f |3S for firet place and $10 for having ckdhlng of tho “Gay ’90" A delicious supper was aoje. al and St.XBrldgat’a Churches, in­ shouts from those boarding landing Producod by Corot CowboU ford Telephone Directory nbkva to* aacond place, donated by tho Men^ am which ho is wlUlng to lean la By Boroiigh Gains side at the Community T from craft In escape from fear. The Cooperation and mutual assistance tiste from the National Institute M **fHEY RODI WOT* With IfiBS Huldah Butler, princip between the People’s Republic of Health- arrived in Berkeley April treduead me to. cheater Automobile Dealers Aasn. ed to laavo it at tha church Of the school, as the invited guest. 1:30 to 4 p.ni,: Bdwera and Helua- French-manned landing craft took WESTOWN oftlca. BOBEBT VBANOn then;: eastward to Don Son penin- Albani.k, the People’s Republic of 29, but so far, "There are no con­ “ My laundry, teievieiea lepair '"' 'Hie Menebester Inahrance Agents , (Oenttnuod treui toga Om ) Immedtotely following the sup­ Streat Schools, outride at the have undarwxlttan tba analgnla for BIciMH 1U4 StifWae Seyien DONNA BRED ere/School, from 1:30 to 4 Ottla. ’Riera U.8. Navy tranaporte Bulgaria, the Hungarian People’a clusions which can be drawn from ■hop, diaper eerviee, eO matfy, niasMAcy . Sma F«H*e per, the mothers and daughters VERFI4NGK SCHOOL AUDITORIUM bakery — I dieeevered ail of thxa in codtastanta and. ongraving of tba PoUah National Alllanca Grbup “ A Man Aithar Fraay bTABIS suit and West Side Roc. Keeney waited to take them to South Viet Republic, the GermanDemocratic Um Cutter inspection. 'iforthempton. Moriey, York, Reed­ adjomiwd to tha auditartum wheira Nam. Republic, the Polish People's Re­ He said tha scientlOc team has the Yellow Pages. Tbay'ra wiBAe^ • i i r 4M Bartferi Rd. (Oer. lb«ae) ‘ nua for tho wlnnar. ■ No. IbSS wUl hold a regular maaty ing, Ipawioh, Dudley and WalaaU. jDalled Peteri* •BUtle TaxT* “OEIX 3405. DEATH ROW" n delightful protfam was preaant- treat School and Zion Lutheran ntnOarald atraaoed tka nacos- ing tomorrow night at 7:30 at H ChurM troops In the gynarium of In the shift from French to public, thA Romanian People's Re­ returned to Washington with a Tuesday, May 17-T 8 Ma fol,’ too. I IOe* dasling wito peebla T S L M IM iM Lord Woolton, Oonaervntlva par­ tiu C:aa.U:U “SEMINOLE DPRISINO" Sd. It was opened with a color public, the'Union of Soviet SoeiaJ- large volume of data which will be who edvartis* ia the Yailew ngee.” alty of fllUng out ah aapUcation North B t AU mambairtaro e — ' ty chairman, hailed the ronilU as. guard conriatlng of Linda Reichen- the W ^ Side Rac. from 2 to 4:30 Vietminh rule, Haiphong waa un­ bliutk and b ra tfn g It to thu writ- to he proaant as there la Impoi CHiiOPCN Fittr p.m. In case o f rain tMa Saturday der a strict French curfew to pre­ ist Rcpubiici, and tha Csachoslo- aubjaeted to detailed s t t ^ . He How about you? Need help la a . encouraging but warned; *Tt wOl >4 « l-qlT-ia 1.". .t pi ij «ri . iach, Frances Nylin, Gloria Truk said he could not predict when the tan taot, which Is to be tfvan by bualneaB to be tranaeeted. Includ­ S n t 1 pm . GreU BMa I ' M,. Violet Powers. Karen Sibrinx tha faaUvals scheduled for the vent looting. vak Republic. hurryT Find it/Hl...fad it lM to , need luatalnod hard woiic during Waddell adHowan Schools Will be In Haiphong's northwest quar­ "The delegatlbn* of all the coun­ Cutter studies would ba completed. tyRESHMENTS Q TICKETS Tic SdMCt Finds tha Jayoaa wlvas on Monday, May ing the peering o«U of dividend the next fortnight to secure a euid Susan Williams with Roberta the handy Yellow Pages at ppar'* lb, nt 7 p.m. in room ISM of the cheeks. .1 y P rairie" Johns playing the march. Troop postponed unW Saturday, May 31 ter the Vietminh took over the 10 tries represented at ^ e conference Dr. Scheele told the committee'. phene book. httfi acboid. worthy victory at.thk general elec- million dollar French owned ce­ announced their agreement with NiwWayTo Uon." . o o v i a r 67, unw the leadership of Mra. Mrs. Helen Fitapatrikk of this Ctom Sibrins,-Mrs. Vam* Hooker Senior TroopXis planning to bold ment plant. It waa one of the the text of tho ob^e treaty.. TastardaFs dacUmu took place a military whletNn Woodniff Hall richest industrial prises to fall to "It was daeldad that tha signing . Do lane One town yesterday morning atundod la 401 bormigha. Thcro were more and Mrs. Helen WlUlama, per- X' Bangs WItk mslt Off Facial Hair the first maatiiig the naw-axacu- formed an amusing dance called of the Canter ^ _ _ tha Reds ih the north. of the treaty would taka place in Science-hei diMevered a new pink than 6,700 Conaarvativo, Laborlta, LASAGNE Oiurch on WednS^y French aoldlers there — from the building of tha Council of BWM4n Anto- ederleu ceimctic for women that tlve board of the Connecticut Fad- Uboral, Independent and Oommu- "Hokay Pokey." FIT FOR A craticei of Damocratle Woman'a Tba higblitfit of the progmm Juno 1, at • .o’clock, Kiato Vhl be Franca. North Africa and toreign State of the Polish Poc^a’a Re­ tafeir woHe e# enterrewine teir nl*t candidates in the field. The SERVED BABLT offered and rafraahnMnts sarvod. legioAnalres --- hid moved out public at 10 am . on 14th May. frem epper Up end ckie |e ailaalei. Clubs bald in Hartford. Plana were aloctionB wem fought mostly on was a fiyup ceremony of the The whist is being held to ralee Thii new wav U elM batt for mclt- made to held an aU day affUr In . e BAVIO U • CHUNDEBS •STEAK BroWniea. -under the leadership of slowly. And the Vietminh, carry- The conference decided'to Mt up CITIZEN local tasuea. MANSFIELD o BBOnJCBS • SPAGHETTI funds for the troop’eX trip to a-t unlSed command of the- am ed ing «ff Iherd-te-remdvt heir an let*. tha fall, at which it is hoped Adlal eTDBTELLINI Mra. Joseph Lucas and Mrs. Lome ing Red Chinese ~ hand grenades ermi, and andcrarms. It lut bcra Campaigning for tho Kay 36 D R I V E I N Europe next year. TidiaUNmay be as big as bowling alley lO-pina, forces: of the countries rignatoriss thareeaUy twted end proved SMdi. BtevonaonwUl bo the dinner spoak- IHcken*. Mrs. Robert Johns con­ obtained from any member/of the er. Tha next masting of tha board lee fhnlW k'l TAKE OUT SERVICE ON ALL FOiHM ducted the inspiring candlelight quickly cordoned off the plant. to the treaty." \ cslljr mfe end peret I* hiaMjr effet- troop. ___ tWe aad tcMarkaM; wUl be a garden party on Juno b at f dwecTiow u »3l»wiWMaiiTtf | 3 ikremony welcoming the BrowiUes — LEGAL BEVERAGES — FEATURED AT BIG SAVINGS IN KEITH'S 56ih SPR(NG new caemetie ii celled KEET. It’a tha home of Mrs. Beatrice Rooon- 1ST Bl'N! into Intermediate Scouting Fol tlM ayw faciei feetilp kair renlever thal, preridont in Waterford. lowing the fiyup the Girl Scouts pad camel in ercem or. lotion tarai. SUraM Urnagam - Shelter Wietere CHARTiR o A k r e s ta u r a n t Failew eaiy-directleni te malt eg ITAIjAK AMERICAN HOME COOKING of Troop 40, under the guidance of A b o u t T o w n anwaaled kair the daiatjr. famiaine Pvt. Joaaph C. Nsmchlck. son of MANCHESTER 136 CHABTEB OAK ST. 1KU MI i Mrs. Johna. Mra. Harvey Wahn X.- way ...fa r leeg lawiag tmeetkneii. Mr. and Mrs. JosaM C. Nsmchlck. y M »:ee quiet and Mm Andrew Raicben- H a lt tytice Sale ^ 70 Indian Dr., win gngradnata-4hts- Dfuve “ JUSIESaOM o r kAMtAS".. . annual meeting , o f . the H'f'in’N NcTTOJ ~n a a U i t t t t ;ie o r . weak from tha Teletmowrlter Op- awaJda. The 'evening’ s program South School PTA will be held ,at amtion Qoutaa at the Mutbaastara “«ca ef the roeu" waa closed by the mothara and tha school Tuesday. May 17. at Signal School, Camp Gordon, Oa. I ThU te rarie" dai^tim ringing ‘Tapa.’! 7:45 p-m. Following the business t o n ig h t aad TOMOBBQW meetii^ end election of Offlcere, EvOryona la ramindad o f the Saul Silvarstein. president of DEODORANTS MCUUOUAUTV TIm Greater Hartford Home PTBST DRIVE-IN SMOWINO MAItklMOVta Bcmiomica Club’s annual picnic folk danoo fastivala to be held this Rogers Corp.. wU! speak on *Tln. •adayl l U Y will be bald. on Tuaaday at the Bafrimrl ' • I.AR06ST SCattN Saturday afternoon In dva neigh- deretandtng Among Nations." and .-:'V Buena Vista Country Club, Wart TELEVISION borfaooda. I t ia hoped that many will ehoir colored Sims of hie trip Hartford, at 6 p.m; A mueloal pro­ H3rtford parents and frian u | :t i o n ! yoB fo rfMht to :\ 6:30. THE RAINIOW cu n SILVER “ By KeM ef Caorae" .r . •'' X Celar CtaeawSeepe CTANEK'S for TV or Rb- Fatbars from Mabchestar who elossd to ths TUESDAY, MAY 17.4:4$ F.M. \ ^ L a st D ay will a t t ^ tha S3nd annual FiUh- •hew Slarie SsU A.Caitieae am' Day at Connecticut College for Nitfday sv sB iif, dio ropoirs. ' SECOND CONGREOATIOI^ CHURCH Women, New. London, tomorrow AUSPICES WOSIEN*S LEAGUE are Aaron Cook, father of lEUxa- 2 CARTOONS J 277 M OAD of HOUSE’S Savings bath In tha claaa df 1650.and Jean M ay14,19SE.AM fHths M1-0.11S4 Great verity heoartiald aad oMseetlaxaem articlea. In tbo claaa o f 1958, and J. L. OALEOaad Solo HoBM|oRod Food^ Soda Ror! Handley, fathar o f Mary Ann in R q b b Io b sf Clott of T [ L t V I S I 0 N RADIO SBBVICB e la a s e fim . COME EARL^, COME LATE, COME ALL! .'.t 1940-R sf MsHchssIsr Ohaaael A New Baeea, Ceaa. Mrs.. Marietta Wilaon, ^aatdmt Moaael U Nurtfeid, Oeaa. of the. Glaanors Group of the S T A T E O H l9 h S e h o s L ^ Chauei U rUMMj, Mom. •:to let- ■> YBB UTB OF JULBY \ South Methodiat WSCS, urgaa NOW tlini SATURDAY Cbaaael------to New -SrMala. ■ I. Oeaa. U » n B E B -A BAYXOND -B a r / ROYS* lINik BBd UNUND V ' each mombar to attend the pot' fheaael nt Wstetbon^CeeWi ' Ceaa. SUPER (U> IM bDk BNYABT TmCATBS* luck supper Monday at 5:30 pm. "Apeabti* ef Bobber" and to bring hW cuUnary epacialty IM) Y m m S r AMESITE PRIVEWAYS with her. t * V fW IH) BMJ; BOBB DBAXA / IL\ti rm*: iBsnJ w m i •iW ( » OCTDOOS ADVENTUBB EXPERTLY INSTALLED SAVERS! ''(urtrannEBN rtATBot'SE •iN v55m ^«B *rai InmBY Maj. John Pickup of the 8al‘ (Wt BAX M WKSTBBA TITBA. tao GradiBg «««>biaa, Spread — Fum e Set -> rawer BeSed Maiijr art wHhbblg. vatiott Army roquira all parson TBB—"8eea*-4aIMe" Ala*: Farklag tfota — Teaala Coarts — Walks . BflvkwtM . nel woikom to moot at tha Var- (U> MATINEK THKaTEB-"te “ HetHepe Af Ibe PWas* UOn..^lbb« rNCTOM** **ChANni BmmImIb** lb% FOB CASH TRAMSACTtONS SATURDAY ONLY! SlsbBttolO. \ pianck School tomorrow at 6:45 X^VOB o r r S t n w N Teiaea Arraaged It Deotred . tfp o o r p m .' . w l l n YOUB TBOUBUt _ BOTO FILM ALL iHSTALLAnONS SZnWBVlSBD BT Beg. $039 J« BiM < SAD HOWDY DOODY iTBOBAB Off BTABb • Mrib ifalvln Z. Jochimaan. 4Z lATE MAY4NEB r", <' d 'i- u. SAVE $1.00 On fbJI nni b U i Valuta. Jarvia Rd., will be "^een of the IM) EIN YIN, YIN DEMAIO BROTHERS May" this evening at tba May Ik>Io • see ( S) COBUM ABCBKB \- ESTABLISHED IbSb \ iirII a Lsrgb Group of . w 111) NBWS A WXAnEB We H. EN8LMID Mart (ff. the Kahlar Group In Wee- <»> AUNIOB CaOSABOADS CALL NOW — a n y t i m e ley Hid) of the South Mothodlet COWBOY j m n ocAB COTTON or 1' minoue apron tbo boys', and •:U (M) ABBIAI. W S x . Aeroas fYoue Greex Hakaal girls will and many grab-uto gifts IIS) BIO ABOir that will delight thorn. Many love­ (M> n x BABLT saow—" S A V E $1.75 On SM 6 and $ t M Valaaa. hod ef the Oiaiks’’ Opoo A l Day SolBrday RAYON DRESSES ly- hand-mado gifts, home baJud •;N I •) APOBTOCOPK foods, plants and 'other Items will EARTHA II*) NBWA WKATHKX Moat aU sixes 9 to 16. 10 to 30— . 9 9 be'offered for sale. im: riCYA f o b b ii am t A6i> OBAB FBOBBB ,OnJgM jg|J|13J» Valuae. ISI) SrgBTA TlBWi\ M ■ pluAluA hAlf hi aiaa*. Formerly up to V^jjL SAVE $2.50 iiW ( S) W BATn» fobrOMKASTV tfe Lmt* «r* ’Iba Mancbaatar Aaeociatlon of • :« IS) n R NEWS TOIMTD»r Childhood Education hold Its final OS) XOVIR MUABCM mooting of tho season - yoatard^ MB MIBB (U> WOBU> NBWA TONIOBT .XU k Nltot New ‘ 8YOBT6 — BMab “ Ylfer" aftomoon at tba Monchaetar Groan Mon. tkm PH., eenttonane , ^ fesM ve. BAwarde l eaeee beihaol. and elaetad tha following ALAN DALE . 5m[? i from 5 pm. to closing UFEYtXB slate of offloom: kfra. Mary PRIOR OlO Hutchinaon, president; Hlee Marj­ Niehols **S?gr lt,M (I b Tfaib For GrMaBtion) C-: orie Z,ridboldt, vice pcerident; Mrs. ItAM) PBBAON TO n B S O N - liijil A SMALL GROUP OF- III ||| 'A SMALL GROUP OF Sisdb 26 to 81 waibt. I Cbrrlne Pockett, secretary;. Mlaa TttlELESS TIRE .—B. X. Xoirew Iststview Louise Tracy, treaeumr. After dio- P'r -CTTSWW P ilSl COTTON urH! cuaeing tentative plens tor next HEY KIOMESI V RbjroB, Docron, WooL tera*. the date-of the ftret.HMrting HEADQUARTERS ycNiDaiiliuy! was set for Oct A ' M 6 DEAL! PLANTu-396 BEGAD ST. R0BES«.d I TEL, MI-b-4SM All over, men who know 6ne whidcey are I , SUITS SAVE $1.75 On bAbS and f7,W Vnlaaa. Bunaot Council, Dogroo o f Pooa- • TOMORROW • BMaU Steiw—loss MaIa Bt. hontae, wlH hold jts monthly m oot TEZ^ 30-6-4647 dtooeing Carstain as the outstanding value Tremandous values DUSTERS i ing Monday at A pm . In Tinker U:4i lU) Tm ^YK I in the market. Hlii Hell. Nomtoatioa of offtceri and 7446 ( I) FB O nJn LOBBY "Deabl* SAVE $2.25 On lAbb aad bbAEValnaa. SATURDAY KIDDIE $H0W Ilf) CLViBOUAX (M> n x L ~ It’a made from pretoiium-prioed grahu — other Important mattom of huri- lit) FIlUirilNSXOBTS _ ness will bo on tlM agenda, and a STARTS 2 PJR. ^ DOORS OPEN liSO r . . ... <••> APOXTa expensive, exclusive nwthods—with 129 V4 Price Vf'Pricc good attondanco lo hoped for. fits }Sl llll* III) MOONU quably oontroli from grain to bottle: 1 I- L ^ .11 itia oa> - ______BOABOI L‘ i‘ikiJ:nli‘.J i : ‘ 'll, SAVE $2.75 On b l W and » 1 J B Valnaa. liU < t) X. IN SqUABK OAB- U:U I«I) 'A|y .Yi{:, BE Dr. Edward A proeldont - 1 Mur' No wonder it’s toe ti^ of Eaotom Naaartnt OoU«6^ wui oast) DALY ^ gNB II iM 111 BAOOB NO. t l4 - whiskey buy — the whii- doUvor tbo meesigo at tho 10:45 i i » w WB UVB I R E X A L L W lU ) AM] key you can atgg with, Am. eervioo Sunday in the Church IN ICl) Bftrio b u o i UitiN t) m of the Naaarono. Tho IU>______SYOBTSrs p la B ■Try it —todayl AFWBMBXBVAVANB- Mato QNatet-wfll otng. n 1;M ( $ 3 * 5 $ 3 4 5 "SHERIFF OF TOMSSTQNE JONB6 4]t QT. Forr . ■ -A ■ • lU) A YBB liAto) DOUOLAA_ jtAA BimABDA ■ SAVE 5 5 c On Beg^bbo encB. 6 pnire |14b IU>_ TMBm a t IB e YBB YBi U R $19.98 and $29.98 PLUS ,TAN Keftb'e la aooad An Day Maaday, Opax T»Mday Tbreugb ^ Always Ampta.ParUag At Keith’s. Use O y .PHv^ ParUag Lot Adjoining The Sterr. No Meter Paibtog t e 8 - COLOR CARTOONS ^ 8 (Ml Satoiday From b AJd. UxtU St36 PAL Gpax Thursday SAVE 6 5 c On Beg. Ibe seek. B pair* |3Jb

ROYS* SHOF ^ A BIG LAFF COMEDY O" MANCHESTEH A s m a l l © R O U P O F ]i|| ^ 'I X T R A JOHN B. BURKt m SHMUFPS BAULOON BCBIBRS Y M td COTTON RLOUSES $1.98 I AWARDS i CEJiOliSKSOT RONNO CONTEST C u d 2-; HOUR AMBULSNG:!: .SHiViCf Mostly long slaavao. Formally up to 35.93. , -ijiii Seal i-ui? B 0 1 V B QARITAiRS IR O t. BISTlUINI CO., INC., N {V Y 0N (, R* V. •iW N.fliilltfY. N 9140/. 7 f« m ru i 89IIITI

t . j . i ^ 1 V \ .y /

ICANCHESTER EVENIRO h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, MAY 18,1956 P > ^ P I V * fJ fiftF O U E KAKCmSSt ait ErBNnre HBRALD. KARGHESTER. OQNR. ffODAT. MAT 18,1988 offlcera and directors,. Looking prlvata ear, taking tha. 5:88 train today empatulated n jf • w John A. Omlg was raaloeted it might ga.on to bigger end better Chinatown and a visit to the Bm- thinge for the benefit o f Manehee- put it 1b tip top Bhapco pira State Building. .In the after­ It la a strong vote of coofidencs fm- day to aid a SouUi Wti president of tba-Mandiaater Aa- ths araa. d I v Om n d to ■ atridcoB whUa vtaiUnc hia UOB for the Help of Ratardcd ter’e retardedi youngsters. Vote Stuns Taicott, Citizens noon. they trill go onjthe Circle Lutheran Digtiict Children, Inc., at tha third anhuai Line boat tour. FoUowiin JUnnrir, j TsUaad Man Arrested «M WblMt to w««t« At 354 Bucklaad 8 t ytmtarddy / . . , . X. ______■ ; PoUce are holding Robert *. E. to n o o ii. / ,1 ^ ' night at the the group wlU visit the Kodak ex­ BunoTcenter. Rockville, May IS (SpeclaU —hvaatefe of this ppporttmUy to see hibit at the Grand Central before It 35, of Triland at the Staf- Bdinay Ddlay, 40, aoa Of Idra. Concert Sunday Vpeettlng^the plena of the School Om originals. i^rings Barracks pending a WDRCr-Toaa. Bamay Oaloy, auSerM/h aolxuro * I other otfican alacte^ for the For oTcr yoan wa have returning qome on the 7:50 p.m. WCTH-jrv5»L_ . dkout S p.m. PoUca y k n oalldd, ^ I coming year art: Jaama Mulraady. 20 Building~ Committee and the Board ‘niose needing transpbitatlon ttoto, amring to Hartford, at session of the Tolland and within miniitoa IiL Waltar The P»aaWa"t! Mary Cblpltta. eec- boon giving aa honcat' of Education plus dampening the Should telephone Mrs. Oscar Kray- 10:1A :y Trial Justice Court to- *‘^5£i5sr£,@ fc,diiudd CaaaaUa and PAtrolmoa A lfred Ooncert hy the Hartford I rotary: Wallace Tracy, troadUrer; opinion on wkether to rt- spirits of schoolgoera and parents, eig in the Manchester exchange fff The glrto wiU be accompanied by Aight'x WICWB—grentog MmMdo ^ District the Board o f nnance in a sur­ Mia. Ri^ E. Petit in'the Rockville Kent was picked yp by police to w n o —Ooea. Senator' Rittar and John Mahoney iw LM «ue wUl takajMra. Chartea Potter, director for pair or replace. 17 adults, including Isadcra, troop' DAVY CROCKETT jf odBi WDHC—Temi. Bmio apondad with the inhalator, which place Sunday evanlngltwo yeara. Mra. A lb ^ Roy, diroe- prise vote last night denied the eicchange. committee members and parents. Auburn, N. T. yMterday and W Gtlb-G. Heattcr is atandard oqulpment in all at 7:80 u«l teitheraaltor for one year. John R. McBl- requested 150,550 appropriation .to BapUat Nates Grass Fire BrougBt to toe Stallord Springs ln L % e tn it Church. The annual meetli^ of the A truck from the Fire Depart­ Barracks bji County Detective Ar­ Uu ' w hat aiM ir Sercaado cniiaera. / \' I raevy remains on the boeyd of dl- purchase property suggested ea WKKB—Briratag •rrtaado \ ' More than * \young people I rectors to complete the two y«ef the location for the proposed new Baptist Church' was held last ava­ ment responded to a stiU riarm thur Kees and Stanley Nasitka of '^CSoutiw rmcnU wnc-Ono Man » toaaw X Daley w u rtvioad after tiia in* To P. AITKIN CO. High School. iling at the church, preceded by a yesterday aftemaon where a grass the State Folws. COMES TO BURTON'S l halAtor waa appUed by Mahoney- from the Auguetd^ Lutheran | term to which he Wee elected Inst covered dish supper. WORO-B B. Wamn* ^ Churchee o f COnnecUctit..wilIe c U ^ .B sing (year. Stunned by the action, John O. fire et the property of Frank Jan- He allegedly ^strie $80 from a WGTH—Armed FOreca and CasBcllA He was tahan hy \ Hentlag — Cooling — Skfimt Motal Work . Pastor’s classes will be held at ton, 10 North Park St., had aUrt- home where hex was 4tayt» to Qidah'a Ambultuico to Manehcator the following enthems:\ "Long| a delicious pothick eupp Taicott, cbifirman of the SBC, said the church tomorrow and the ■ srst,^ WHAT—Soa* Tliaa X , Hast Thou Btood, O ChOFrii of Ipreceded the husipou meeting. The ^ L L A N D TURNPIKE TELEPHONE MI 8-6^ 8 today, "the School Building Com­ ed to spread toward Chestnut St. Tolland before gotog to New Toric. WTIC^---- C—OiMb ^ MtHtaorUl HoimiUI and later ra> junior age group of young pecnle Hie fire'was extinguiahed before Upon Investigation BOUce aay it WDRC-^Artbnr7;^rey v Dicot qioTOd to St. rrancia Hoa]^Ul in Ood," Scendlnevleh Choral;V‘Be( following committee planned and cat n sresiotis tr mittee was appointed by the town. studying for church memberwlp has been learned he l i not support­ TOMORROW OovUcr rreatau 1VGTH—CooBteroair \ Thou My Vision." O Albert Pwr-laervad the supper In the attractive It should be asked to report beck any damage had been done. •:U-^ H artford. teteevsMiicin tran msskm teeww ara asked to attend the 3 p:m. Loetjea-Bahler ing his chUdren. A aoOond charge WHAT Seas tiroo atm; '‘Worship," j3. Shaw; "BurslyldlalBg room: Mfs. John/R. Mc- IX te the town only, not to the va- class. The juidor high and/Acnior of. non-support has been wtored. ---- lU o M d M n * W n p - m 3 SInatta _ \ the Lord Is in OUe Piece”, Coke-|Efardevy, Mra. Lawrence 'Oordoa, rtoue boards. Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam O. Bahler wint^Artbar Godfrey 0 1 ^ h||h studento are asked to attMid of Princeton St, Elmwood, an­ Bond/wM set at $l,00a-imd has m^SSm WGTH—Counterear Jepbbott; "Laudamtia"." Proth- Mrs. Mark Petenon. Mrs. Wal- Osastraettea Delayed to. class at 8 not been posted. fSSSSi ''Round Ms PaUs the late Tracy, Mra. 8. J. Benson. Mrs. "I can't speak tof the epUre nounce the marriage of their mwau add— ■ - V' hospital Notes Public Meettog daughter, Thelma Anna to WUburt WHAT-So Broudly We Hail \ t " Drees; and "Psalm 150". R o b ^ Byrne. Mto Stanley Wal SILVER LANE group at t w time, hut I per­ Hie newly formed Rockville and ^Advertisement— WTIC—Friday vita Garrovay k. dron als^ Mra. Harry GigUo. Bou- sonally feel the Board of Finance, Luetjen, mm of Mr. and Mra. Wil-' *1fekf-rW€_^ _ „ _ WDRC—Diek Derby Pnttm to Today t.TS7 Veraoh Taxpsyera Aaaa. has Uam O. Luetjen of this city. The RockvlUe's store, hours: Open WGTH—Red Box re. Athletkv The chorus will ba directed by Mpiets cCSUlscs, tulips end paaaiee BUS LINE has delayed the actual construc­ called a public mmttog for Wed­ aU day Mondays, closed Wednes­ ■Mia** ADMimOD TDWnCRDAT: Mra. ^ Sebednle Betweea ceremony was performed April IL WHAT-So Proudiy Wa Hall ITancaa . tdncoln, 37 C. Middle .vid E. Hugbson, otgenist and l.wera used table deeoraUeas. tion of the school. - It is unfortu­ nesday sventog at 8 o'clock at the 1956 at the'Sion EvangeUcal Lu days. Open daily until 5:80, FriX w n c Friday vita Garrovay Tpha; Mta. Doris Potter, 185 fiol/ Choirmaster of ths Pint Lutheran . Craig eamnded thanks and Maadteeter and Hartford nate, and I add the Board of Fi­ Siqierior Court room te diaeuas theran Church,' Carteret, N. T „ the days until 9:00. ' WDRC—DUk Derby Church.-Nsw BritaUi. Charles 8. praise for asridee to the retiring * nance did not ask the School the propoeed rite for a new hirii WGTH—Red Sox ra AtbleUca .lister Bt.; Mrs- Gcrtnaine Gauthlar. Meaday through Fridayi S:M Building Committee's'..opinion or Rev, Karl O. Klette officiating. :H- W W. Middle Tpke.; KAthlton W e k e le y . o rg an ia t iend choimme- school. ESerl Krause beads the They are now Uvtog at 95 Grand AU TakottvUls aad' Vernon uaond tUfim WHAT—Brletal PoUeh Oab ter of .Emanuelnaaucl Luthsraii Church, I Bk to 11:45 pjB. Leaves a did It request any special detailed Rockville branch' and Francis news items nre new hetog handled DAVY CROCKEH J l^ rB*MtaU JR ^cat XaUaN w n c—Friday with, Oamway PranMewiec. Wimmanttc: Jofdpb Xve., this city. wtU accompany the aingiag. Thai reports.” Dtebenaon the Vernon section. through the Manebeeter Bveatag aagio L a InASi^ WDRC g erry CeaaO PianUnida, East Hartford; Mra. DM tart her M br I gaarter of aad a quarter after WIN W IffW v W ^W Vlx|^W I JCOlbT WOTH-Aed Sox re. AtbleUca meditation for the service sriU be each hour. Addlttoaal aervlee Herman O. OUdn; accrete^ of rX TedaF* Kvente The Little Profeesbn of '55. HaraM BoekvUle Baieaa, looated «om aa CUMiaar Vnawto •tU- » ' \ > Ruth BocUach. M» W. Middle led by the Rev. Ingmar Levla. j the Board of Finance, Issued a at 5 Market S t, telsphoae Berii- WHAT—Brtatol PnUeb CMt l>kA; Duano Randall, Saat Hart> 33ie Frank Badstuebner Aux­ righth grade club at the Vernon -! , x • - V- pastor of S t Paul’s Lutheran | Why pay sear* durtag rush ^heurs. atsitement today on the action. iliary, Veteramr of Foreign Ware. Elementary School, will hold vUle TE. 5-8185. **f e k t -jU U «« Haccfda “ , wW OjamSay ford ; lir a . Ethel jCUnkhainer, 181 But It failed to give any subeton- Summit S t; Mary Caret Dyer, 45 Church, Aneoala. B a ta rd a y i 5:45 a s n .; 8:19 a m ; meets tonight at 5 o'clock at the ffXMl sale this afternoon and early COME ■ Hittf . i r o S^35uS5Lll lUqMtt ItotiaM WGTH—lle^lta^'AlhltU ea IM AUSTAW S k . M M tlal riaeon for fh|th| deeiaiotodeeisioto It 'VFW Home. iDecUon of cfficara evening. Proceeds will finance a ------Ua Laa* _ . Fairvtaw S t; Mra. Mary Appltby, 7 a jB . to 5 pja., every twenty I Sm>p **traATi-Hlte Waicb 54B Chestnut St. For each gallon of. gasiriiiie I merely ^ d the vetq r the coming year will t i ^ place trip to Boaton and charitable work. OootiM' Fru i ati w n c—Friday With Ganaway burned, a g^km of wrater Is | n d an te e ; 8:15 pjoa. te l l i 45 p ja . moueaMaraa in the BeK ininterests BIRTHS TESTERDAT: Sons to sea er i iriag the hnrineae atarion. New Patteata FOR RENT WDRO-Amoa a* Aady form ed. every half hour. of theXtowh, A communKy pothick supper New patients at ths City Hos­ 5 aad 15 nuM. Marie Prejeetere— COME—6M how bo looM I •! lUeorda w a rn -R e d Sox TA AUileUed Mr. and Mra Dudley Ferguacsb The Boerd of Finance baa been ' Bariev •s«B- Ooventry, and Mr. and Mrs. Thom* FRANK LANGMACK^ Agent WtU be held at pital Include Walter Draycott, 9 N. eenad er eilent alee 55 mm. . Baaaaat IbUaaa WHAT—Kite Watch naday: T Am. to 8 pja., evsry aaked to epprqye a 550,550 appi^ the FtoBt ’ Oongregatlanal Church Park S t, and Hies Patriria Rice, elide prejeetere. aa Eentlay, 8S1 Oanter S t; Daugh­ ^rUUIOtt for the purchAM ofi tiiG M lteb^ 9-S650 48 m Uratee, 18 p ja a a d 11 p jB . of Veram Omter tonQ;ht at 6:80. Broad Brook. r ^W gtSi—Bed Box ra AlbteUca ters to Mr. and Mra. Owen WcUas, Olk-Aberia propeHy at the corwt, lofn OMneU, Degree of Poca- Expaariwi WELDON DRUG CO. COME—yooH w o t 1^^ Glaatonhury; and Mr. and Mrs. tE U Z lM D ® AU9TATS IMSBBAMCS CBM^NT For farther InferaMstiew of Weet St. and Regan IM. TWa itas, meets tcidiBht at 5 o’riock Tha Roelkville Industrial Founda 551 Mala SL-TeL MI-S-5S31 Rt>-l Itt WEST HIDOLB TPBNH EE ^ .’W ins Berrnado site aeta the entire project back Diliy PREE^EUVERY young frontiersman! Fringed ovs at World ereaado ^oeeeC aeveral months. The SBC wUl now DAVY CROCKETT cotton twill jackdt and pants. Ur AUTO GLASS-INSTALUD ^ i r e l b aUrt studies of silea 4Bew. Sanforized washable suede TekrWoB ProenuBa kT-Nita Wal^ ariMt one. tocommend it to the COOl^SRIFTCAP “ ■ hi Sen GLASS HIRNITURi TOPS^ 0 NORMAN'S B o ^ of Education and if it r s set I brown color. Sizes‘ 6 to 12. Ob Page liaa Kay celvw approval from that unit, re­ Supsrb equipment for Indian fighting. Made Complete price for the suit MIRRORS CHrt pMcB oBd Door) TOO turn ihe. request to the Boerd of, of genuine cOqnfkin. , without acceasoriea la |5.98. y FlnsBoe and if It pasaea that nCTURK FRAMING (di typos) Board's scrutiny tha votwra wiU es» see bHe *M yes elMrie. decide iU fate. Membera of the Board- of Fi- WINDOW ood PLATE GLASS oted last night Include BILLY BO^ DAVY CROCKEn Thrifty Cleaners JA lX W SIEB i InetellaMae Is Quick, Easy and Eeeaemlcel, - G e o n e ^ . Wumo. Clarence Me- D f l l R ¥ SEERSUCKER PAJAMAS OONTBACTORSi W E HAVE Df BTOCK C U ^ . F ^ e r lA & Berger. Henry MONDAY, flTUiSSDAY, WEDNEBDAY---lli8i AJM.te 9 PJL ZELAN JACKETS AND LAUNRlReRS G. Otoodt. Hhhert Vahan and Rob­ THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAtUBDAY—9 AJd. te 9 PAL Waahahle, 5 to 13 , . ert Pigeon. Stur^, duraMe, water-repellent. Tailored with MIDiaNE CAMNETS ood SHOWER DOORS elastic aides in sizes 6 to 12. in blua, aqua, yeUow ftGDldClil f a n c y nanMCR or grey. $1.98 Opea Batafdnye Open Tharedey Byaatega ^Pbr -the Neiv Home A quick imparUal ^fipU of resi­ SUBOIER SQUASH dents today sbowsa'GuK ths Jarge E 8 TINATEB OLADLT OIVEM as'weflasOld m ajori^ or dtlaens-iuMWWed 1 he 3/tke. Ue FAmiON Bring them in for' Thrifty clesaiBg mon Pleas yasterday: A jury BLOOD ORANGES tomorrow o r call and % e ’B pick ceniaiMr wiik gsl- broiigh in a verdict for the driend- them ap. / vsniied isner psit ant in the action brought by PHARMACY Cbaries S. Lathrop et al vs. Walter 46t Hartford Rotdvi-fConitr of McKee)— ToL Ml 9-9946 r t C. Hieking. In the trial started on Come Wednesday, by LMlle Gann et al SWEET JUICY TEMPLE R IN G - DIN G S vA John Tisdale, er al. the caee ORANGES Save! IJI wssiinally settled before going to ' ■ -t~' ■ ■■ r ,; ■ ■ ' v' .Jv.: • S & H Grten Stomps the-jury. • \ , Additional caeca are bring heard today by the court. OPIN THURSDAYS UNTIL T Free^livery Fund At $5,158 The /clever short pajamas, with match-mate skirf FOR A a PURPOSES REH.TYPE ROTARY POWER MOWERS The ifloel Ripley Fund now tot^ ':5i,I93 as the reault of $375 • w heelchairs ^ HAND MOWERS raised to a benefit beaketbell game Dairy Qirmi that ^ wraps and - ties in a wink . 10 G A aO N ^ \ Wednesday evening. This amount 981 MAIN ST. • ELASTIC STOCjKiNGS la conaidriwtoy to excess of tha Owned and Managed Br '.V • CRUTCHES \ RB«. $i2.n ^ LAWN^ BBd 11,300 first ariced for aid of this \ A i o . 9 5 FERTILIttR SPREADERi l l irear-old rarehral palsy victim, AUanB.OeeJr. ■ / . - DoTYofowit Cleaners • RED PANS > and win assure continued caire for 455 Hartford Road •CA N ES ,.X^ , I f G A aO N LAWN ROLLERS .z the boy, i LAWN RARES Te VlaK Art GaOeiy^ .. • RACK REST A The membera of the Tolland •POAMRURIERINVAUD GARDEN CARTS O o u ) ^ ^ Aaan. wUl visit tha new, Dairy Qaifi N|. 1 LEFT RUtnSH iURNSRS art gSIn^ at Tale UnfvefUty to RINGS New Haven Sunday, to view aome OwalM and Managed By CANDY STRIPE 'SA of the paintings of the rid masters,' PROMPT DEUVERY TO YOUR^HOME A U KINDS OP UME AND GARDEN and also cantemporary samples. Al Elhto For lounging, slewing, too, knee i ‘ ’ • n A guided tour wiU be cenducted 507 Middle IhrapOce WeeF panta and shirt in rose, turquoise, , CBWiplBto ood Preoipt ProserlpHoo Sorwieo 449 HARTFORD ROAIWFEL. MI 9-4597 FERTILIZERS — RONE MEAL — VIGORO By liuaa Jeanne Hawea at 3 p.m tangerine and mauve\ 32 to 38. ,AU membera a n urged to take ad GOLDEN yiGORO-^GRICO LAWN PERHUHR V scons FERTILIZERSFARMCANUU MatdriQg skirt ‘WE8TOWM ' SHEEP MANURE — ACID FERTILIZER -n ''raAXM Acx; ROSE FOOD RIGHT « • HulfoM RoM—(Curaw of MoKeo)-Tot HI >-MM HG#— GLa BMAMB maaagmAm^J rav ww^ ywwwm pwpovw wqmw yvwiy y n w modern fish-print! RABY DOT spray' racempieiidedby Hw Sfott ExlMsioli.SBirvk# Shirt top and romper shorts and a quick, wrap-around skirt. In tur­ $0.98 quoise, rose, tangerine or mauve. TOMORROW SATURDAY SEED POTATOES... 82 to 88. . * WHITE AND YEUOW ONION SETS LAST bAYOF . Matching skirt Trucks aii4 mm in th# cBipIoy of Ike Town o f Man- FUa UNE OF VEGITAILE AND I Chester will coUset rubbish on the EAST side o f town on ROWER SEEDS. ONION SETS Monday, May 16, 1955. - GLADIOU. GLOXINA. lEGONlA ANDDAHUARULiS . ‘ LEFT' DOLLAR DAYS xYon are, therefore, regnested to pU ^ your barrels or POLKADO7 •incr aenterislk on the lawns in front of houses, near the AT I sidewalks, but not onjthe sidewalks. POTHNG SON. — PEAT M O S Shoi^ paj'amas and blouse with matching skirt, sanforized and AD rsceptacles or aeaterials should he N s ^ on.the KARP'S GUTLET STORE : PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE - ENJOY A REAL VACATION colorfaat. In mauve, turquoise,' I lawn the ^ght before, as trucks and seen wiO start in rose dr.tangnrine: 32 to 38. I designatsd arsus at 7:00 A. BL RI|D lATHS S3.S0 obR Bp FROM HNANCIAL WORRIES ...... i l j.'m, IJI.Jjir llliLilH.WWMipwvWJ.Jil.iiU .p l, IIIIII...... SSfE-: yma’ra .pOm o te MO OAHH IM N t .. TOMORROWj OMLY ateit could free y rif hroiaieeeaiR-teanhlee dw-4ha :^-Ji3Uzast^ ^ ^ 5 ^ 8 Matching a i d r r $ 3 * 9 8 ’ f MSY 1R IlSr LAWN FENCING — VHNDOW SCREENS • raat af yaor Ufr. OaaT put U atl! Oet tha aariaga MEN^S RANTS SCREEN WIRE— KOVEER RED ROROIRS • haMt nawl Wrill ha glad te M p ya* QWn yaur aa- SHOES ARMY TWILL, TAN OOUJCTION mEPUU AS FOLLOWS: ROSK TRELUS ■t Orap_ to . tadayl . T Rsg. pries up to 88J8 er GRAY iuiEA ' ROUNDED LEFT 08 adverflfed b l a z e r STRIPES MANCHESTER GRKN b TOMORROW NerHi by Sew fliW hiier 5 M Vume* TewB Lines $coi ' In L ife Includes boy shorts and scoop neck ONLY $ O 0 Vbiro ii Toum Ubb* blouse and full' skirt. In tangerine, |9WWf1l kitfWfj Towb Ubb mauve, rose and turquoise. Sizes changes from a podcet-tail beach shirt te -----■ — 32 to 38. V h K . FINE ABBOKniBNT w«6t by South ~la todked-jn tailored blouse. Washable combed cot> ■ --- Straots. . 5aVimUs bahk y tool in mttveloaa multicolors. 80 to 38.' • . ; setW F iimsiiBfi TURNPIKE EAST ) glatchtog Bklrt TN I O M M ISRS RUILDINO ' KARPY OUTLET 4 ^ E NOTE: Rubbish wiU be coDsetsi m aU highways witbia I the Bbovs described "AURT TO 9 P. M e-A at. UBtB f :M : ; ..M Maaafur: /'V I . ^ :4 ' = ...... / v.i'U ■ VXiL'. /■ - *lSuVj.'iL h'\ • MANCHESTER EVENINQ HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY, MAY 13,1965 F A G i t t V E N ICANCHESTEB E V E N m a h e r a l d , MANCHESTER. CONN, FRH)AT. MAY IS. 1988 the added dlvlsiona into full ketloB. dent Of Doara A Oo.. ainca 1MB Other committee members aaid U af «»d H ; « a ■loair. for contaat to coma a Aiy or tafo af* Entered T^lls History Mayor tim^ches Annual little League Drive Senate Dispute the new program empbaaiaes mo­ tor tha “llrat*. rohia. and bagla and great grandsoB of too founder to tiM AosM aa Oroodles of toe Mg farm aquipmaat manu­ bility and atriklng power and haa mwti bapln tkdr BMMnal routine of ra- New Tork. Died Thursday. dynamist for Sikorsky Division of torical OoBtaat a t DanI*Bo» tkia tha United Aircraft Corp; and cou­ Ing trimmed g7,0(i0,^the Navy 6,800' The committee - had followed eub- Uon a^alaat a Ruaaiaa paaoa of* nawad courUhlp and a new family. Blraaintham. Ala—Ooi. Karl! and the Mnrlne Corpt 13,0^.*nd itonttelly the budget recommen- Bunday. Tha oonUn^ vdheh is open m e e t i n g sin of Igor' I Sikorsky, famed in­ fiiaaiva Tha raault haa baaa mara* T to 'yaat^ the robin arrived aa Laadgrbba, 79, raUrad.-Tlco prasi* the Air Force increased by o.OOO. datipaa HOLLISTER ST. SCHOOL^ t ceiling of 5,000 feet, tad could lift FLAWS IN BIU. rea r not, thla worid'a ataap coat over any night-shirt and ran way aad ia character rolaa la Siam. only one man. But., said the de- get. bAt he^ddied: outside, bui they don’t taste the same on tbo iiukk,’* Auatrla,/and for the kaighta, daardtild. out onto Waat 67th Straot. It was ^ ■ AUDITORIUM* Hartford, May .13 (F) — Leglala- Died Wednaaday. aigner, it |ii:eaaged the UUnn to *T7iat’a a taam; you know the Uve CommlaatoBM- Robert J. Wall aa .for/tha p rop a ca »^ Tboufh nmfad they may be, aftar 1 o’clock and there wasn’t Claveland—Joaaph P. Olovar. 96, come., budget won't be I^anced.”^ r m ttU lA he cruel biting worda. anyoB# around. I did sab one fal­ PDO CONSIDERS RB^jl^BSt has aent a Mil to abolish capital that may be lit it far Rua- head ef aa advbrtiaiiig agaacy aad A ir Reamie Work Next WaMe Re SkbH punlehment in Connecticut back to For w ktt hurta you. hurta me; low but ha was busy toklag the axecuUva bead of the Natieaal Maitford. May 19 (FI Conaac- that la mdfely noUca that it Look an the world with pity, / Helicopter development proceeded Chairman Cannon ( P ^ o ) of the thy^Judiciary (Committee for "re- ROGER OLCOTT bacmaa ua^to be throwing aoma white wall Urea and tha aocas- Wheal A Rim Assn. Died Thuraday. tlcut’s PukUe UUnuaaUoBamlaalea ADMISSION FREE slowly from the Ume that the Si Apprapriatlona Oopuhittee replied Pmra.*.' Wall eaya the meaeure, Jtojtknae with diagtiat, juat thia to •orlaa’ off his new CkrtillaC so I haa taken under agviaaimnt poaltiva ptopoaala of our own into lembar korskya started in the early thlr- that the next way Would be decided favorably reported by the com- didn't disturb him. Instead I want ARMED ROBBBBS DUPED appUcatton o f S,.. ties unUl the Korean War began In three or four daye—‘.‘at meet A mltlee, contained several technical 403 West'Center Stfeet the praaeht world aituation. roat la aweateat when it’a over OB Broadway to a Bar but It You Ars Cordislly Invitsd cruakad. - Seymour, May IS UF — Whan The Use o f the machine in air -with no chance for gettug Dverslghte. waa a mlataka. I had no. sognar two nnnad gunman asked Jaaaph Mar autooaity t o haul rescue work behind enemy lines, sat down With S ladlas who aaamad matoriailamniarmiB frakan vai rorunnoxFortland, lato all A diamond ia not lovaly Kennedy, paymaster of tha Daroy transporting casualties out of U Tht Way Tkey Ft . t o reoognlaa me whan the Bar- Caatiags Co., for tha 93.000 pay^ Ipamtatallle state. Ww PUC held battlo areas, and in the r a p I _ In to# rough JniM as it grows; taadar came over and banded ah La pubUe Juartng on Uw syipUbatk* X': B^ora Weald War X^eoa of But.you chip and chop and cut it : roll that had baaa daUverad tothe transport of equipment by air into toair cheek fo r 914.00. When ha factory 10 minutes aariiar. Xau- battle-zones tended to make the tha\ artlDery praebce rangaa Then It la its baan^ akowa; Thera's n place to lay up traasurs found X didn’t have any money nady said, ‘TValt a aacoBd.** Tha ■ development of apcclalized types ■- y-. malntofted b y Japanaaa Where there is no moth or rust. with me ha took my aya*glaaaaa poymaatar told pMica yaatorday of 'copters speed up, and the raan-J ■uAar ^ armlia ^kpa Igcated near Mount But I asked you to ramembor, for security. Thbjc me four hours he sUppad through a door toat ufacture of JirodueUon model* to feel my way boaae. Fuji, ona ofsiapdn'a great tourlat Tha rose is sweattot when it’s locked it aalf aaid called pohea. Th- Boomed. . . . fM ^y. hlay IS crushed. bandits, apparently roaliaing thgtr Mr. SUcoraky told the KiwtaiSns aUiwcUctto'sK^Ilinr the United mlataka, raced away in n edr. that hla Ann expgcta th a t. the atatoa, looM ^ tar ranges for tka If wa coi)ld but lay up kindness Deatha Last Night greatest use for the machine in Bereld Photo. Coaiiat ^laa o f itpOroopa l^ a p a n , algnad Tender mercies, patience, too. the future will be for short haul annual- Manchester Little League Booster Day 1 / Mayor Harold A. TurUngton officially Oa^to_ / . . the tbniaty of of A agraamant b y which It If wa could but love like Jaaua air transport in congested areas. drive for fUnde yesterday afternoon when he United In a container held by Jackie Simmons. Trusting Him. to guide ua through By THE AS8O0IATBD PBBSB He described an eight hour air trip Iba wltnaaew > k e «»pelred obta^Md tha uaa of tois range. Simmons la a Little Ijeaguar with the Aceto and Ivastor team. Looking on are Little League offi- Than wa'U love uioaa 'who deaptsa Boston — lAchaal E. Mannaasy, 'i S S S S J S S from Lqe Angeles to New "York in ciala, left to right, Ernie Dowd, preeident; Ray Lavi ■ecretory; Jim Arthur, treasurer. Sunday all fora tka Sanato Foteign Ralatlona ’TJf* s^*callad Jhpanaaa BMf Da* us 86. poUUcal editor o f the Boston an air liner, and * three and one Little Leaguers in uniform wUl canigwe the town for funi Every home will be covered. Last year Contmittoe on tha mibjact. It la toise Force, Um tula tha Seeking always to ba juat (Hoba for more than 60- yaars. half hour trip liome to Stratford to eupport the program for boya S to 12 Bom in London, Ibigland. Died more than 91,000 was realized in the bouse to. house Proved on ji a s s imtaidarad Ukdy tkkit the V n it^ naae give f0k4ha budding ^ Wien it ia, W# wiu remambar from New York. This inconveni­ years of age. The roaa la swaaUat whan it’s Thuraday. ence w ilf'' be eliminated in the Btotaa wtn baat Qta'heldlag nr a their conatUn^a* forWda them to crushed. Tucaon, Aria. — Charles Deere ArHNir Oiiif future by the use of abort haul air Unltod Natlona Charter poaaaaa, haa baan aharlng thia Wiman, 63, o f Molina, II1„ prast- transport. Such air transport is blades governs the top limit, which story, 4-room dwelling and artillery range with ua. Christ was crushed and In tha now being used by Sabena Airline Mr. Sikorsky estimated would be on High S t, 99.000. saaton nant yaar,'«r aa^ !» To Joseph Roesetto for l-et< Now, iuddanly, all Japan aaama ernahing ^in the congested lowland area of somewhere neer 600 milei per 1P67. Ih a propoaat n d g ^ gat the Spilled Hla Mood tor you and me. Europe using Sikorsky 8-55s which hour. This can be changed only if 514-room dwelling on Amott FIBRE votaa in caught up in a cruaada of protaat Look up now and seek his praaanca /carry eight passengers. convertlplanes are developed. 914.000. tha CN Ganatal Aaaambly even againat our uaa of this range. Tha And Ria glory you wUl sa»; Speed Limlfbd The helicopter's great advan­ without our anpport, ao wa might only thing which ia new In our use Draw up close and whisper to Him, The heliappUr la limited, as ia. tage, however. Is its ability to land World’s jio s t useful vehicle! “ Savior maka me mora like Thee the propell^ driven aircraft, ai' in a very limited landing area, aa wen go atang with tka propoai* of tha range is that we ahiftad. RUGS\ like tha rose I need the crushing to the specd'Vhlch It can attain. which in this day of crowd^ traf­ tlon anyway. '■ recently, to ,uaa o f larger guas To make me what I m^ht to be,” PLANTING TIME The top spee^ of the. whirling fic will be a blessing i6r air ^ Aa for tha timl^ty of good there: Bacauaa o f thia, wa also , Alta West Laws. travelera. shifted the locadlm and diracUbn SpoBsorad By Tba Mancheater fHanda o f the Untied Nationa who CknmeU c f Churebaa. o f our firing idightly. Tat sudden* ado affaid t ^ a Ohartar Review \ '8 w ig 8 ly our use of tha ran|;a has ba* Gessrons aaaaibn might produce auggaatlona STAFFORD WORKERB RETLTIN Giant PANSIES 60c Basket WoodworLin{ Public Records af Ohanga which Riuba would coma a jfraat pUbUe isaha in fltofford Spri ga. May 18 (IF— Bwd fapitwra oato, that aaama to ba baaed an a Japan, the aubjact of protaat The Stafford ’.Vbratod po. goes Waeranlee Deed ' cwiana aaanmptieo that ] avary- meetings, political spaaches, and back into operation May 83 aftar • C3>arlea Barney and Alda E, SdRlIllly. Tlw Uiikeiial ‘Jeep* iWfU— TiIIWm , WIUi llii will kicDen el Ih tak|.TlM !'W cerfiet loedt up to NMlh|. With power It Wp. Plantntrfiasr /_ SfiilT tr*)" 2-wheel driw for noraitl 4-WhM drhw, tho 'loop' cBrnbi 60% hilf a ton ind pullVhtivily toidid pHos nubHa power for mop typos af tklng la tha woM la gobig to ba aditoriala. more than a month’s Myoff, says V Barney to Joseph J. Pets and Con- Plant Bcparlhtandant Bdwlr Scott. 22 Years Of The B est\ atonce Petx, property on Wetherell highway drivioi late 4-whtol dri«a gtadst.iooa through mad. oand.toow, traUan.oaoretf tha ipad. It doesn’t maka sanss, obvious* indutlriil or firm aquippont the aama next year, or in 1M7, aa Tba .plant, an «fniiata o f Dunn TraninlsBttd be^n g ]dant»—SalriA Petunias, Agers* S t whaa iha going goto tough. leu ur loR aorth, oa or off tbu road. ir la today. ly, from any litoral point of view. Worsted Oo., Woonsocket. R. I., tiuB, Verb6Ra, Marigolds, Asters, Zinnias, Dahlias, etc. ‘ Building Permits It ia alao kaaag an an aaaump- So our Army keeps on firing Ua waa ctoaad April 4 whan 130 am- Last Day Tomorrow! To Grover I. Mitchell for rear tion which la not saltogathar aballa, and anhouncaa it will keep loyea, aoatly woman, refused to DWYER PRODVCTS Idition for truck tad trailer aka a pay cut. However, a large ^^Yansplaated vegetable pUnta-^Toowtoes, Peppers, Egg* std m e at 553 E. Center S t, DeCORMIER MOTOR SALES, Inc. on firing tham, to tha and of June. West Street, Bolton ‘^4-WIEEL DRIVE \ tonaUa. Thia aaaumptlon la that majority of the amployas have in­ plants. Cabbage, Lettuce^ Cauliflower, etc. . 9S,W . 23-34.MAFUE STREET— MANCHESTER Ruaata would bo mora likely to op* One rather doubts that it will. dicated they would ratutii to worlc MI 3-5326 'T o\ A n d rew Anaaldl for 114- Wlffillll poae changas la the United Na* What is in prograas is anethar accepting n dacranaa from $1.17 9ee«he X a^- tlona. atrangthening the Ualtod manljastatien o f natural Japanaaa to 91.06 an hour. Wiara ia no union . ^iRANIUMS 68e For asd tSe Pot IB representation at'the plant. • flLlU...wirM’slir|M iik^ Mationa, than anybody a to. It ia impaUtnea with the mare presence \ lEODING SIZE 35$-^.f«r,$V00,. SeiienetaeMraafteeelSInmM y et to ha aaan what a n a ^ thia o f American trdopa on Japanaaa .....— . I .Hi ...a... r . -tV ' I . MOW9 ORA99 Ask for a demoiutraUon..* ^ aaOen would muator to any raal aoll. Tha fact that these troops are / 9^ 9Tiu TL&w— t . TRIMI a O M strsosth*niiig of tha UnltadxNa firing aballa in a cartoin area ia HAltDY PLANTS, mostly 35e—3 for $1.00 S. CUTS WHDS bdkC. rAotarican firianda of Ntha marely toe hook upon which this 4. rm V ttlZiS UAVR9 Bifls6rTSfii6tAs1nIglit'do a p ^ groaring sanUmant la hung. Flowering'^ shmbe, trees, evergreens, ntoonUin TaureL 9. MMCMM 7URI> tlon of their worrying on that / American policy in Japan has rhododendron, apple trees, shade trees. 9iA. OL CohsdA. baan indulging itself in a fantasy. go t o tha only change in the It haa haiiavad that if it was Fertilisers, insecticidca, lim^ peat moss, vegetable, 7 ^ ; Cluutar America aaama to favor lenient ahd ganarous.to a d^ flower aeda and window bosdM' Wh err the First in /Fashion oCfiGlally la ona which would ra* fasted enemy, it would ba repaid is First to Moke Its mova the veto againat new mam with affection and gratitude, ' bara. Thia haa baan uaad to create which would welcome the idea that GLADIOLI BULBS Offea MU Dos. 59c of new Appccroncc in Manchester a daadlock againat all new mam* Ji^ian should be a aort o f Jualor ~ 0 \ bara, during tha cold war, and wa partner to the Unltod States.^ WINDOW ROXES ood llllNS PILLED. have thraatenad to try to uaa it to But the people of any country, t ; prevent tha aeating o f Oommuniat Japan or anybody else. Cannot be CORET CASUALS China. But tha pdaalbtlity ia that, capable of liking apron atrlngs. See the muiad-stripe dc- by tha ^ a tha Charter Review E^ieciatly, they cannot like them 887 Main Street 3-piece Cojdnial Bedroom Herald Advs. aiga ia thia high-atyled aaaaioa te held, thia reform to if the apron atrlngs are those of a • X rug.Thea look at the price wtoeh we^^graa may ba meaiUng- nation but recently met on the \ Perfect Tor Summe^ottages, guest bed­ tag. How k it poaiible for loM, aimply bacauaa tha joint field o f batUe. Japan will not, and WOODLAND GARDENS rooms, youth r o ^ s . Maple finish on Mockads againat new membara of cannot, be happy uaiil, tor bettbr such a focd-lMUBg dor- 168 WOODLAND STREET — Tel. MI 3-8474 « solid maple and other cabinet woods. In­ 1 1 9 - 0 ^ iMOVES UGLY 9 T A I^ FROM ALUMINUM, tba Unltad Nationa haa ended be* o r . for worse, it haa idl Ua cluded are a ^-inch dyesser base and sMc, revert- m t o e that tima. ^ sovereignty, aU Ite dignity back ibie rug to MH DAILY UNTIL 9 F.M. mirror, 28-in^ chest and bed. Eeg. 9195M' / Thera are ioaUy important again. Whlla it was wbaedllng im adl for juit eH a m e l e d A n d s i Y el p a n s i n s t a n t l y : Changaa which ought to ba con* toward raatoration of ./> its ' j X JOHN J. ZAPADKA 9 k 1 2 tu Buy Open S ^ k ! atdarad, debated, and voted upon. aevcraignfy, it was ^ad in con­ FAMILY SAVES TIME — SAYiS ENERGY — SAVES HANDS ' Thaoa are changaa in tha dirac* cede ua an occaatohal artSIery Dressers .49.50 \' bon of giving tba United Natlona range. But now that it is close to. Chests . . . 4 ... .89;95 W USE d r V o r i n w a t e r 4r USE BpTH SIDES OVER imd OVER AGAIN aharper law againat aggiaaalen, complete sovereignty, the sound B e^ -24.55 * PO U SH in CAST DION ■k CAN B^JtlNSED OUT AND RE-USED of American guns bodm|ng\ovar AFTER and a poUea forea with which to -* REQUlRii^NO 80A F anforca that'IOw. Japaneaa a ^ hacomas an ugly * CLEANS bVENS EASILV It la ridlculoua to try to my, and hateful, sound, juat as would Build that ndw parch here * FOR REjM<>ylNO WAX LINOLEUM, ASPHALT TILE aad WOOD nUOOBS - i n ItSB, how any nation would ba tha aound of Japanese guna FAMILY vote on amh propoaala In Iggg or practicing over American soil. U MANUFACT|UREDLNUFACTURl FROM SHjCON CARBIDE 1M7. Wa ouraehraa might rot* for Thera ia no villainy in this. ./• XSN O If^^XTOXIC l aad WATEBPROOF them. W a. might toll ouraalvaa Ikara to hot really antl*Amari HAS AI that wa wart doing so only to caniam in it. It U just tha way a ahaw up Rnaaia'a obetructtonlam. paopla must feel, under tha dr- McKinney’s AY SAVINGS LOAN FOR OVER 40 YEARS. Akd than we might ba caught by cttmstoncas. iof fntroducfbry a aurpitae vote from Ruaaia, ne- oapttng aomathing . oanatnictivc. Wkitinf is open Ask the fblks who have financed.their homes her»-^here were 274 1 ' DUtrtbuted by N o one knowa. And ax/oam will BSiOl . famiUea :last year—they will tell you . . . Savinga. and Loan makes THE ABEASIVE BIATERIALS CO., BOX 1913, HARTFORD 1, CONN. aver kkew. If a Chartoi' Review We think we have a priority on daaaloa la not hadd. ' ' tragedy, we human balnga, be­ prompt appraisals, liberal valuations and prompt dedsiona. cause we are so obvieualy san- tient We know w* have feel­ all Bay .'X CoRipiBRUee At VIsrbs ings, becauae we can feel them, Wa •RcDHraga horns dwaarship emd balp Tha ■bwaiBaa In Vianna te fnd we tell each other about them, •tMMU TabJes y— o u SmfwB^W miOOOOiO W md «¥G aaaaaaMyOOa ' ■aasjBJDAG OINI^OFa NOW ON v a r ended, and tha Auatrian treaty ia SB* we have expriMsiohs on our Cama ia and saa its whan ya« oia ptaniiing to bb nlgnad Sunday, to'tha and, face, and a way of walking, Saturdays to buy, hnNd or rafincmca w borne."" waatotB diplomacy abraiik from boVted down. We -■ assume these Choice , of Styles. YHE FOLLOWING LOCAL GROCERS: taking raqwBaibUlty for blocking things are for ue. and wa never tha aigniag of tka treaty, and pro­ aaaunM, that they nUght obtain Baan tryinQ to ftgurt a way to odd tho comfort of opah porch poned a cempremlse an the last for other members of our world. to your homo? Bring yOur problem to ui. Wo'ro old handi at -selv* NELSON R. BUCK HIGHLAND PARK MARKET BROGAN’S . ’ 2450 182 South Main Street 317 Highland Street. RED & WHITE s t o r e gofryel it had laiaad with Ruaaia If we- do assign feelings fo some Bust Mis Hours: ing thorn . . and at advising you how to got tho most for “your 95 Pine Stfect . _ Thia compromlsa waa acoaptod by of the co-inhabitants of earth, wa Three Table styles in this group, all with Monday, Tuesday, Friday . HILLTOP MARKET _ . monoy . whoro to consult a builder . . how to-financo your proj* turned leg and stretcher bases to match PETE’S GROCERY Ruaato, M tha Tyaat’a fUrtotioa always do it by imagtntog. flrM. oct. Yoii'll find our lumber yorrd and now,"onlorgod store brimming 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. ' 234 Oak Street REIZER’S MARKET-.- . ^ with toe poaMMlity « f holding up that they are human beings, and the 29 X |7-inch end table shown below. A 464 East Center Street Hitchcocks Wednesday and Saturday. 219 School Street the t r e ^ in order to prevent Rua- then giving our own feelings to over with carefully chosen stocks of lumber, millwork, hardwaro, 38 x-18-ineh Cocktail Table and a 29 » 1 7 - WAICREST CLEM GROCERY^ KOCUMB QUALITY MARKET ela from prapagaada baaeflt to-ft tSiem. Thia n a y at- may not ba an mason suppliesv paint, laddarg apd tha tools you'll noad. . ii^ Step Table complete the group. Reg. / 9 A. M. to 12 Noon 379 Eaat Center Street • ROBB’S GROCERY |29'.95, ----- __ 3M Center l^rMt _ / 217 Center Street ’ was over. ^ccuiwte procaaa. - -r------Thursdays------—Maybe you Mver aaw ai - LARAIA*S GROCERY - to fact, the effort of the West The temptation ia, of course, to 2|93 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. rug ..with so many colors EDDIE’S MARIUIT Why not drop in tomorrow . . consult with us no mattaf how big 183 Spruce Street SPRUCE STREET MARKET to pump aaw oOBtrovarsy into oM* turn the robin of this particular or small your building or repair naads. You'ra always walcoma at interwoven . , . yet‘ ao 100 North Street . 115 Spruce Street Mamas at Vianna merely i moment into a human being, aad Reg. $26.00 Wood-Seat amart. See WAICREST ' - - LUCAS-FOOD STORE to ntha propaganda baaaflt the to translate. his experience into McKinney's. ^ M o ^ h i» a diatinctiva now and you’ll see how FIRST FOOD STORE 265 North Main Strait TURNPIKE SUPER MARKET Rtamaas obtitnad Tb tha human tome. Well, we won't do it iumed-taindle back. nttractive your •46 Center Street 151 Middle Turnpike Weet Frans Mnadmator eocknagei aatchea 9-4539. Black with gold aten- MANCHESTER PUBLIC . of ear dIplomaU, toe Rus- WeU just state the facte. Well room can be fo^ l!r ” MARKET VALENTE’S GROCERY re abaoat uhbahavaMy 1ft our raadere turn the' robin into Fraaa RaekvIBa, Stoei^ W lUtauitlei EntmpelM MM. eila. . .noU ttle. FLOYD'S MARKET 1 Bion«L8treet 805-807 Blain Street' 405 Center Street thimigkoat the ooaftr- ■ person, if they must. ■•'J At tooaa paiaCa wkara wa He i* a robin who summers )dvings ^ GREEN CORNER STORE MERRILL’S MARKET NEWELL’S MARKET pafhapo half hoped they would within the balBwiek of one o f our pT, 489 Middle Tunipbe Eaat 84 O atod Street 328 Green Road . karfaa , aad tfem provide fellow member* o f the AaaociaUoa - I * \ ^ MEMORIAL CORNER STORS vlMbia fl^'la._toalr pronounced 0f Aeeoelato Bltd Watahere. For J. W. HALE CDRP. HNEHURET g r o c e r y , INC. (Self S arre)-^? Main Street >^302 Main Sti% t 352 Main Street objaettra -^ilMkg ftoadam . t o , a number of y a m he has been A * U/FP i r CP.-.DOLTGN NOTCH ^ vAuatf%|bay fbUowtogv.* certain rouUne. He ^tlMt,JaAaMrla wpuM npptar o n ' t t o northern f**- MSMb A andest feOdw alwaya' ‘4 ^

. J i v;; ■I

\ ; y MANCHESTER EVENING HEBAU). Mi^CHESTEB, CONN., FRIDAY. MAY 18,1955 / PAGBMINK \ UANCHESTEB EVENING H E R ^ , MANCHESTER, CONN,, FRIDAir, MAV 18,1985 ^iW SbjBXIGHr slnca the„ organisattoe o f tha the church. A toast to the mothers fbldars; Hr*. HarryBafekteA tabla i l S S S AA Groups Meet Pan^et Success ^ by Miss Sandra Osborne waq r«> decoflMlons; MTa. V irgil L. Hfert- church to 1884. A total o f 888 Imvs B onor Local Arm ed Forces Reseiwists- eight to U yaar-oM boye uqglnir been eonflimod ovsr 81 years. A sponded to'by Mrs. Bdward^ Os­ aof, Ucketo; and MTa. William N. EUingfon W apping them t o have their sena anroU. Me AfeUiodist Men born. > / • dboidwta. publicity. Speciiaty^J^ H e«dlines Show FANOY WORDS Here Tomorrow nfil call of rtssiis win Da coit- At Babtist Church Iton / ':• says rKa^Cub pragriu.i Is one «f ductsd to detsrmliie which clfeas Followtog a flute duer by Mrs. Asslatlng Mra. Bdward L, Oa- Coim <^B^ects the tnaans 'ou r sons have o f ax- Electing Officers 1 Robert M.‘' Joints am Roberta borna, aupper chairman, wars Mra. Birthday' Noted ■ifeilng' thfempelvM to a good ' \ has tbs bast representation. Recog­ Joasph A. Kowell, Mrs. IVank M. MEN'S 4 WIULOUIMS rrom reports recelvivtd to dats, nition will be given to the oldest Tha ascondi ah|i^''^^otMcr- Johns, the Senior Youth Group aaement Room Cost, 0 ^765, and wholefeome asannet. not ony to practically all Connecticut Alco- Conflnnand present as wsU as to Daughter, banquet,it, ^toonsored" by prestoted a uhlque.-.m)d clever pup­ Lister and Mrs. ^Walter MacBvatn. their parents and friends but to The regiilar monthlymeetliw of pet show which Entertained both At Gliaiige Fete Adorns for Post holies Anonymous groups will fesod the ctasBea with the best attend­ the Community Baptist Church, tbs wnole oomnumityt" the M fe t b o ^ Men’s Chib o f the adults end children alike. VETEBAN LAWYBB DIBS SUITS delegations to the public, meeting ance. IS held last evening. One hundred EBA Gmnts Fortoleslsa - a South M ethod Church hrUI bo sponsored by the Manchester Following the reunion service TTie evening was brought tb a , ^School poses Miss Itahehy Ellington, May 12 (Special)— Wa|i(dng. May 13, (6|Mclal)— held Wedneaday^vcaing at 7:30. mothers and danghtsra attsndsd close with,the benediction by the At a meeting Norwich, May IS (FV—Frank N. 9 U A L IT Y Yhe. Orange celebrated Its 88th grantad pernUaeioB by the Zoning ■ This is to k* tB Important bosi- School tomorrow a)/8:30 p.m. churrii vestry and in the par^ and anjeyed a dslictoua ham oim'it. Neubert,.minister of Gardner, 74, veteran attorney, died land OiniiicU'of Secondary School htos feseslon vrluTAIdBliCB o f offi­ the chproh. f ■ BdIIO^ M »r 1 » aysteni between annivenary thia wsek with a spe­ Board of Appaals to continue the A man and wiman from Bos­ house so that' class m*>nbeni can ner and ths program which yesterday after an extend^ Ul- ' parts of Me buildinf. Mndpala held in Bos(m reofnUy, cers for the ensuing nesa. He had practiced law here C L iA N t D o f Mtao MttfMOt the varioi , . cial meeting in the Town Hall Principal Henry J. Adaxns o f BUs- use of (^onaet huts on his Wtod- ton, as well ^ two Connecticut mset and renew acquaintances. lowed. The entire. evening was under Board /rnembera preiMnt laat Wednesday night with all the past sorviUs Rd. property. Tki Board After the meeting will men, will f5^ r e fe speaking pro­ The tables were sttractively e cbslrmsnship of Mrs. Henry for a number of yean until he re­ ppwaiy u adiool BuziM in tbia worth Memorial Htgb Bchbol Was ALWAYS! Pictures bf many o f the 88 cTfesess night included Chairman John J. masters who were present con­ sUpulatod that'the appUcaUon w«a get together to do soma< gram caremly planned to present will be dlsplsy^,^ and ether pic­ decorated with white and purple t Anderson, ably asslstsd hy Mrs. tired because of poor health. .Ho le m M cD ei^ tt, Mrs. Pearl JeveU, elected vice preatdent o f the Obun- survived by his widow. Funeral ALLOARMEMTS .txm, bocam* known jjaot nicbt ducting the program. ch. conttogant on tha same provision which ts necessary bsfore a coniprehenaive picture o f. AA tures o f spooiai htptorical intsrsat lilacs and aaaortsd tulipa Indi­ Bdward B. Kirkhamt-. nibgram; ' ^ tlw B on d y B , e , Hyd., ttatad I works. ’’ lie reunion committee hrs made The sapper of ked hsm pro- wlth r ^ i« but her Most nual event'on June 4 at thi Con- served by the Home Economics has been the secretary of the Con­ ceded an 'totera t and varied wUl wtift h er.a |ih{i>y necticut IntersriioiaaUc Athletic FORSALE 11945 preparation to . acoopanxldfeto an jpregatliinal Chnrch and Commu­ C tonm itt^ Esirtha Kltt, fabulous feUge, Manrheeter E< overflow congrejaUon so .hat alt program era^sd i presented by nity Kall-wiU'be as big as ever. Conference ;toce 1860 and Was a the Senior yYouth Group of. the To Meet Tneeday Bcreeh and TV personaUty, will m erber o f the EUgtoUity Commit­ Weaning oorrespoadsnt,' n m ULASHuis Reunion Planned will be able to take part In tm a lio a w a it ie ^ e fcin* - Children's specialtlea this year The American Legion Auxiliary ■u nJiiM, toiephona service in comfort Amplifiers wUl BfU EI| B. TambUag Jr. BLSgt Jeaeph B. Oeoturo church. , ' Aasenent include a new attraction, a minia­ headline the final atage show of tee of the ClAC previously. ' tlLM I9.2BM The tovoeathm was offered by LAWN MAKING tncA will meet Tuesday at the home of He ia a member ef toe ExeouUve 3 -U lA ^ i w r ______( sfwoelntp additlaiaf(GlakaroDm ture ttain. ride. The very popular Mrs. John DeCMril o f Sadds MiU the season, at the State Theater, 8-18 Rol. Cpa. For Confirmandsl^'S; ^ honored are M.Sgt. Alfred B. EUaiabeth Neubert Her mother, the-low meriy-go-round swings and pony Board « f toe Coimecticut Aaaoda- Sgt Eli B. Tambllng Jr, 295 Mra/Jtom .Neubert, acted aa toast- IS FUN WITH A to A B!l Rd.^at 8 p.m. Hartford, Saturday and Sunday. Uon of Secondary Bcfaoohr, has I B. H. Hyd. ^ 4 V gallon can hebe seated. Arrange­ N. Main St., U.S. M a ^ e Corps, Curtie Jr.. Air Force Reserve, bidder, "i bid . oh the Mdes will also be.featured. Several Aorch. Sermon Famous for her beauty and talent. ments have bean made to include Windsor Looks; M.Sgt. Thomas mistrcaa tor the evening’s pro­ X.. o f . _ , of sbeolrock booth games will be provided and A Right Time for Everything," been a representaUve on the New The Rev. Paul C. White, Ph. D., left, and M. 8 ^ Joseph E. < ^ - gram. A welcome a’as given the SPREADER Miss K itt haa entertained In Lon­ Xhiglaiid Council o f Sooondary D. D„ Ed. D., secietw y of religl- thoee in the vwtry to the roll call. Stsbbins, National C-uard, Hart­ nartltleas was fraSL One oMOr.bid lupervised by George Smith, will be the topic of the Rev. Ken­ don, Paris, Belgium, Turkey, 1953 MERCURY Everyone is welcome, whether s tiire, 245 Woodland St., Air Ns- ford; and M B^ Edward W. Ar­ mothers and daiightera by wSB received foK 1800. nttncxthe 3avid Binning, Roderick Mont and neth Johnson’s sermofi Sunday in School PrineipA for eight years, oui education of the UnUed toith- Frank O. Carpenton^tiring Greece and Egypt.- Earths Kltt’a hsui had varied experience to the r. B, H, H m« q. eran Synod'of New York^qnd Now Oonflrmsixl of Concordia or not. ttorial Guard, are alnong^uUtand- nold Army Reserve, Simsbury. Hre-reeistaBt nuUmal for parti­ Philip Dooley. , the Cqpgregational Church at I $1745 Ing armed forces reaemsta , who Trophies will be pretrented/'on dent e f the Women’ s Society of A children's booth and vfishlng repertoire of songa will include school prObMs of nelghlMrinc England, will behest prea^erat The general committee plan­ tions. A oom i^^^^te of Aug. 1 10:45 a.in. "Cest Si Bon.” ’’I Wanna Be will'be honored/durlng the Armed June 8 to the best appearing junlts was stipulated by tl^Board in its well featuring articles of interest The Youth Fellowship will mset ststea, and had.served in the Mew i a Confirmation Itounlon at\Gon- ning the ' reunion includes Mrs. Evil,’’ "African Lullaby," "My Jereey and Rhode Island ariiool IKS FORD TUD08 HUS eordla Lutheran Church, Winter Fred Winsler,^ chsirnwn,. Fred Forces dsy ^ ponule in Hartford in the-Military Division, command­ iMt night. to tho -younger set will be conduct- : ths. Green Sunday evening at Fordefeutle, radls, haator. m r o H S T s i R M ^ 17 at T ed by Brig. «artw lck Oollege, One- the 118th Fighter Bomber Squad­ civilians. mtly coUeCfing items for ths day, Mra. Harold Green of Hamp­ ous Saturday and Sunday. sent notices to toe parents of onta. N.Y., '^Md a member of the program. because of the man honiii lost in Very cltoa, A ct aeW. m i K Y M O U T H ron since August 1946. He was the. current procedure of tbe next/,.T,wwt / fiveIlV< daya, Saturday Others who will be Slnjlarty RomWe oleno behind this handy the general budget needs of the Rd., -is 111 a t home. ; 1SK FLYMOOTH FORHOR S11K Ultherap Church in South Aih^-1 through Wednesday; will average isdon- Optional equip­ to suggest to the townspeo- noirihem New England. He was rougl ment, pcceieotint, state linta buggy,.. Apply Scotts Ilka a parish and the extensive renova­ a student of A1 Brundage, the na­ Act fast for this one. ~ ^ 1951 DODGE lean lands. \ to 8 degreea above nornud wll pie. ‘Aeae l wUl te d^ActiflMd tion programXnow in Blaadweter E v o n ln g Herald • B s t t n i c i V |Wagarsr*-Dr. As this is the first Confirmatloitj spnd IOm I taze«, U any, miser... save Turf tulUer and with the BBC jfh. a joint meeting tionally known aquara dance caller 5 5 9 5 Weather Saturday and Run- tood, as wall as your tinw. tho diurch. \ .j ■ Ellington correapmident, Mra. O. hero to Connecticut 'l •Hcarinf \ Reunion since Oct. 18,1836, a large foUowed by rising tomj^ra- •DRUGS • FOUNTAIN SERVICE aiMItienal.' Two tone/ on May 27 and win appanntly be The latest accdmplishmwtt in M e^ m s^ S-88U attendance Is anticipated. 'There point and whHewotl thas JwHsr-iy.ff ir* medel-|18.feS considered with a ^ w to using It la hoped that a good crowd t / Aid Cords the beginning of next week. • COSMETICS •VITAMINS that program haa been the pfelnt- will atteito thia dance, which will have been 80 Confirmation classesj Bonie normals for the period arq extra at usual laq. factary TUtF BUIIDBI* areas in the basement now being Iqg of the sanctuary, just recently • GREETING CARDS GUO. wind up the season- for the adult Weekend Specials 1951 CHRYSLER /. as fouawst Boston 58, Providence • l A l Y H EEDS prices. .Cewslste toed brixMmt pms celsri designated as classroom m>ace completed. ^ , FINE FHERMACY S 57, Mantweket 52, New Raven 57. which will be available for other Las;txAdiilt Dance Square Dance Club conducted by •84 CENI EB STBEBT I Impsrial Hardtop. G 1 T O C slkhkeM turf, strmuttiswi fash le siaka Honor'AdeHaliOoinla ^ toe RecreaUon Department R, H,jAuto. #I#T# Conooid, N. H „ 55, Burlington 58, ske.r pinse- rsc4 use upon completion of the addi- This Virill be Adelia. N. Loomis TEL.M1-8-88M Portland 58;^^Eas^rt 48. Green­ Freeccfptiena Called For a ;^ Delivered^—Tel BO 8-8181 'j tlOB. ■ / » ■ ' At Rec Tonight 1951 PLYMOUTHTUbpK ...... | S 9 5 X |2J 0/S 0Msqfl-|^,fS Night at the Grange as It meets m e n t a l o a s e s i n c r e a s in g ville 50, Caribou 49.’ Oonstmctlea ______at 8 .b'clock at the Oommunity Hartford, May 13 (feV-Dr. John 11950 FLYMOUTH At Boston the ixinnal maximum LAW N SEED ^Ae Board also indicated inter­ Hall/- Miss Loomis joined the lo­ 1951 STUDtlAKER PORDOR ..... / $ 5 9 5 temperature during this period is est in cafeteria and Utdten facUi- Th# RecreaUon Department -la J. Blasko, Stats MontSl Healto P-20 DIA 4-Dr. cal subordinate 68 yeara fego. and planning its final Adult Squara Commisaioher. says a study of ad­ R,'H. 88 and'the nbnnal xpinimum tern Co0 n rillA SFEDTSCDLAR peritd Is cromMd wMi allHeas of tiea It wns agreed that claaaroom has been one of its outsMthng perature is 48. \ , DANIEL’S PHARMACY persnnifet^grais seeds.' sixe as prdvidiHl in the IWSd addi­ Dance of the season this evening mission trends indicates that ad- tf49 OLDS 95 PORDOR ...... $445 oee,.iirive aiiv Diiy^ new mercury workers. She w|U be honoM in from 8 to U o’clock. The dance mlssions to Cbimacticut’a mental RalnfsU during this period win CONVENIENT OFF THE STBEBT PARKINa tion to the school should be rc- a apecial program arrangeo^^ by on the average tetsi 2 to 5 ts*tha 8 am . to 18 p-m. Daily Ineiudtog SoiMUy. quasi[uested fo r the proposed addition.' xvfll b* at the East Side Recrea­ InsUtuUons diming the fiscal year 1949D4SOTO f ifes,alfeasqft.|t.8g Mrs. Hazel Floyd, local lecture) tion Center and will featura Dick begtentog-Jitor X will total 4,500, A i U-1949 HUDSON TUDOR ...... :...TOS [ChMtOm 4-Dr. I of an inch with Otowen WE HAVE IT! ^[he :Board also was in agreement Dreea Bevne Tamorraw [ginning of tho weekv that construction costs be eco- Pasvolsky aa guest caller for the an all time record. Blasko says I k, H. ■■ Ratdiffe Hicks rAena at th evening. ^ the figure would represent, a 23 nomksH. keeping in mind future University of Connecticut will be' Larsen's " - maintenance costs. . - - ’This dance wlU he open to the per cent Increase over the pre­ / the scene of the Tolland County public and therefore it is not vious fiscsl year and a 88 per cent Material for benches for the MANY 0H IR S TO CHOOSE FROM i w DODGE X 4-H Dress Revue tomorrow at necessary to be a member of the boost over 1848 admission- |Bus.Upe. m i U O m U B B H T HARDWARE><. two ball fields at the school will p.m. Twenty local girls are par X Moriaiiy Brotbeb*Fhone Ml 3-5135 bs purchsaod by the Board In ac R. H, m'sunmMUMumnm ticipattng in the largest group of s I lAClUlD RY DILLON'S WARRANTY 1 84 DEPOT SQUARE ; cepUnce of the FTA offer to fur- competitors ever .enrolled, some m m u i r H t i .31$ CENTiR STREET mah tbs labor fmr their construc­ BO 8-8874 tion. 230 ix>ys and girls 'from Clothing 194R DODGE Reports were Heerd that corres Clubs In 10 county towns. t^^fuatom'A-Dr. RANGt pondeaca is now pending on Instal- Mabchester Evening BeraM I 1 b . i l A 77 latitm o f toUet doors in the wash­ rooms and on u key system for Bdton cerrespondeat. Mrs. Joseph njEL OIL D’ltalls, telephese Batchell S-S845. the school lodes. It -was voted to D iS O D O GASOLINE , have rust removed from the metal em Um O b, iM . firedooF at the entrance- to the Advertisement— $225 service tunnel under the addiUon ^tosUoii’Wanted. care for and the door givsn a coat of not children to.m y. jiome in Belton tnhibittog paint. A moUon -was 'while Mother works. MI 3-7055. SALES and SERVICE lm i DtSOTO / BANTLY OIL carried that Board members ,nbt t n BIAIN STREET MANCHEST^ Custom Clb. Cpe. ' -iM. \ 1 . |\C to attendsnoe at mee'ings be no­ iB, H Auto. ' 'I \\ I i;i I I tified of any adjourned meettog t HOUSE’S S aviiigs^ ^.Specials By the secretary. Ttie Board also U OOLOB8 TEL MItcI.rll V 4S9S FOR YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR IRRESPECTIVE OF MAKE voted to request am-'invent-'iy-'of CHOOSE The Home Of Fine Used Cars 1953FLYMOUm equipment on hand: be suLmitted TEL ROCKVIl LF S-21 77 OR AGE TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF m iS by each staff metnber annually on H a n c h e s t e r . I Hardtop. B ,^ $1445 June 1. AWNING COMP^ SUITS ~ In an ottort to fireo the prind- - i . ^ 6 — M t h - 1 ' M R C < 1 ’H E N ’S B e£ t ^ 1 trora' clerical work in order 388 WEST CEBXEB j All wool flnnndfl, nhariuddM and fancy worateds. Sixes ■t more time night be spent in 35 to SO. Regnlntn. loags^^orta, 810018 and some short 1852 fo rd Mainllns 4-Dr. Yourbeitauto GE On*81A8Beit .Alsataoom supervision and help T SAVE 25c andHong fetrate. -toe teaxdilng 'staff, the Board R. k* ...... $ 1 1 9 5 I insurance buy ii ■ _ the possibility of pro- 1851 Olda Dlx, 88 4-Dr. lilUfe^ di^cal ssristonce next ' On a 82JK) Belt On^4$M to 888.00 VaMee There is also 'some interest K' |IL H, Hyd. $ 1 1 9 5 1 SAVE SOc SAVE $10.00 sort of intor- \ 1851 - Mercury Station Wagon. -X .service seeorplione / SAVE $13.00 On 888A8'tM0iMW V s l ^ T O O W N A IB, H. • i • .. ^ $ 5 9 5 SAVE 75c OH a 81.50, 8>J>0 apO 83JW BeU FRANK LANGM A^ Agent 1851 Buick Spec. Hardtop. ' ^ -• ...... — SAVE $16.00 On 878A8 to 8 8 ^ 8 Vfetata^ H, Dyn...... $ 1 1 9 5 1 M licheU ^ / : how modi you can n v t ^ i- j 1950 Olds Dlx. 88 4-Dr. AU 8TATI IN8MIANCI CpMPAMV V Bitt ALLSTATE t o p Y A tV E O 111. H, HyA $ 7 4 5 1 i860 Olds Dlx. 88 4-Dr. TX MEN’S Insurance... I R, H. Hyd- ...... $ 7 9 5 F MEN’S T s i ^ E T S c On 8SJM) Wa B u y now for.nest jfa U ^ u d SAVE! Wool gRbardint^ F l^ K LA^GHACK. Agent I U80 Btttck 8psh_4_-PlV.“':'''J'"^ ' Shctbuidsand ttpeOds. IRj.'H* • Vo M ltchc^9-5650 V SAVE $1.00 On 88J5 Wfl j.850 Nash Ambsas. ■ , /SAVf^SlO.OO On 841J 8 to 888.08 Valuea R, H, HyA.-.,....^X. ■ $ $ 9 5 1 THE BEST *U 8 T *ft IWeWfeAtfCI COMPAWT A9 1852 Pontiac Dix./8 4-Dr. in HEARING! SAVE $1.25 On 88.08 Wnllets SAVE$13.00 t e 88838 to 888.00 Vnbren m R, .H, HydyP. H 513451 V.. ■ 1 Guaran teed Used Cdr I860 Pontiap W . 8 4-Dr. ' S ^ V E $ 1 . S ^ SAVRSI^ 0(U. 88138 to 81830 Valneo lR ,H ,H y ^ ..$8951 On 8 7 .^ WMlets 1848 Ambaas. 4-Dr. NO FIXED DOWN PAYMENTS R,H,;...... i. ” ” •••$3451 11848 Olds £>lx. Conv. Men’s | a H. Hyd. .v.^.,...$395i Wool tweeds., Shetlaadn and corduroys. Sixes , 35 to 50. . 1847:01dfe Dlx. 2-pr. ■* \ . Regulars, longs, shorts.. || Eatdest Term s •^ Banik I R, H. $ 3 9 5 1 '5 1 K A ISE R SAVE $l.k#V On 88A8 and f7A8 Sweaters '5 3 m e r c u r y 4 .D R . :-D oer Sedan. Badio, heqter. J 1847 Pontiac 8 C l Bed. SAVE $5.00 On 81838 to 8X138 Vninao • Hercematlc..,:.,-^..... | r ,H. Bern rimrpl Spe- ^ 3 ^ 5 m ;e. heater, ^ 1 5 ^ 5 IKI DOIOK 1952 DOME IKI FLYMOUTH elal low price. SAVE $1.50 On 87AS aai 88A5 Ssseaten SAVE $6.50 On $80.00 to 88038 Vahien . '4 8 N A S H 8-Door. Dyaaflow, radio, beater. Ceroaat 4-Door. Chill CoNpOe Bloe. n4hK 1948 Cadinse 80 4-Dr. Ssper 4-Doeri Ba- C | A C Lew mlleaga. Test C O O C OyreatotlrMadte, C O O C heater* A .ele*e ear $495 I R. H, Hyd...... $ 3 4 5 ] '55 FORD CUSTOM drive H for for '54 FORD H 8to aad heater. # beater. Very Mean. 1848 Mercury Clb. Cpe. BLUI CROSS SAVE $2.00 On 88.85 and $18.88 Swenters Mm’s i(W% wool and 60% dacron, 50% wool gabardine, Black, ww tires, radio, heat- . . - — ■ i/ATUNTIC RANCH WAGON K H. *$3 9 5 1 NIARING AIDS rayon and wool ffaumd, disrkaldn and plain and fancy «fS baW by OARAM SK- Badto,bMter. A C 1 A O C '4 9 U N C O L N worsted. ■ 1956 Chav. 210 D al Ray. R, El fUMBfeMeWMB... Ml kMMl CbkUSft. cF- Safest mataHab *53 F O R D realeharpmr! CONVERTIRLE $195 1 9 5 2 1 ^ 7 0 SAVE $1.00 On 88JB aad 84A5 Sleeveless Sweater* b w iHuaaaihlp, wM 1951 BUIQK Pig. Spec., two-tope. Very, very I •Bl T8« -4“ IfiTIBH.. . ss'W 'lentoll CONVERTIRLE 1953 MERCURY I low mileage. $20451 Fordontatic. Bfedhi, heater. Custom 4-poor. 8U8W At 8LM FK YU8 sfewMsf cesll * IH N i l NnKNT 'SO MERCURY '51 DdSOTO 4-DOOR Blvlera Oeupe. Bed aad biack, 8-Doer. Overdrive, ratoe, beater, Loaded wHb 1 TROUSERS / , BEAL 8HABP! am. J 4 9 5 fUBy eqalpped ladadtng else- power. A real buy 11853 Olds D lx 88 (tonv. - a sraAiO •* T1>« DaWWe fisr mnEiTSiMiss $ 7 9 5 seat cevere, new C 1 A O C R. H,-HyA P. Steertog. ' Ckki9KrV« ttrea Drive It for tor $1195 km ee eemwtiwi Sixes 28 to 50 waist. $oai8 longs and shorts. n a s m is TINT. '49FLYMOUTH "* $1495 I P. Brakes ...... $2295 wHIi eef msdicsl erseelte- JEWELRY 2 MOR *51 MERCURY 4-DR. fi9K sr rsrrkm sf terns sr It's Tim e To limilMlMTEE MeroomaHc, 11850 Olds Dix. 2-Dr. On 8138 te 810.08 Vfetaia Special de htze. A C '49 FORD 4-DOOR I B. H, Hyd. . . . „...... - $ 5 4 5 SAVE $2.00 CMTIT i m H U M MIQ ggvtontor. j | 9 9 3 MMVIDUAUY HTTED On $1A8 Jewelry Badle, heater. $ 2 9 5 1953 CHEVROLET Rananborl hm% fAm t of MtsUndiis SAVE 50c l l i IliAB Valneo 1949 FORD 1949 Pontiac Coupe. H. $ 5 9 5 ( W k J * n a i Y GUARANTEED MLNfMEUZaSEniMS IKI FLYMOUTH 4-Doer. Jet JHpek. power glide, radto, heater, wUto walls, ' ^ ^ e EASY IUD6 ET TERMS foatirai Dilt iifffitoralor flat REV0LYI1IM wUfeh YOU CAN iO C T YOUtl- MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM. OUT THEY GOI 4-Oear. Btadk, sverdrive, rndle, 4-Door V-S. Oeaspletely equipped 1941 Ford 4-Dr. R, H. ... $ 4 9 SAVE 75c . 'lta $ 8A8 aiM 88.80 Jewelry u r (sr wc wn ds b far heater, cleaa priva ahd gnaraateed f o r '^ A O C ^rtolsbtop 3 , 3 9 5 C0«R m OR MWIS TODAY LONG SLEEVE y w }. dtsay sbaa aad aiadalsr r LOOK TODAY . . . tUY TODAYI this paa aaver'for BsUca e f amUes. ^ ■ 0 7 9 SHEVES! A K km FRH POUn wUh PRIVATE CONSMTATIOIIS SAVE$1.00 On'88jie Jewelry Wfecr plaaa shswlap sxtra CA U MI-9-A281 C om to G.E H oodm orttn ood soo thif bidoHftil SPORT SHIRTS far atoraps; faadiy MiNCHESTER I A babWaa. Addraaa FERSONAL nodd of Holo's AppBooco Dopoftanot. At. SAVE 75c On88A8VahM ^DOir BYAM. Msr.. BattfMfe MORIARTY BROTHERS HEARIN8 SERVlOE OtfeM. m ftoaklla Avr, . ' "Oa Iba Laval At Center aad BtoadT RMTOR SALES -kr. fewviea. CBssd afefett R oy M otor s. In e mt MANOBBSTEB OAK ST. 0.883.VaM.. YOUR UNCOLN-MERCURY DEALER ■'Your OM imeUle o SAVE$1.00 iomme nwignin i a O A K $ T . O .H 01ISESSON UstBii to StotloB W HAY ovo^ M glif 9:30-10. 241 NORTH MAIN ST. C2 LOCATIONS) 155 CENTER $T. COM (NEXT TO HALBV) ENTRANCE II M ~ SAVE $1.25 0.8M8 VM... C oTBBr W est CM tar BAgTBBIBS r- OOBDS COMIH £ GIVE AW GREEN STAMPS CAMBSr. Ncwr JaOCY 301-315 CENTER STRBT - ML3-5I35 OFEN f A.M.-9 F.M. ' B ig M ti fisr AH Itoitea ) St Sto «r' DHM. ficvT ron i. KOOV • l a u M i s - u s i ^5? TIL. Mt 3-5113 DssoiimyMouTH i TsL M I > ^ 2 7 ’

'4 ' A'

: 1' . / ■ , v.' J. L P A G E t U m i N UANCEtBdTER EVENING m cgA^Pr MANCHESTBB, CONN, FRIDAY, MAY 18,195 EVENING HERALD, KANORBSfER; CONN.. FRIDAY, MAY 13,1956 TEH >W- thejMaeial aanmincewet «f hem ehalym a' Monday. Hd iw as suc­ Students Disimss Society Observes^ Wolfson Clfliming^ Hie^ ahaMhoMeni voted fa the ceeded by John A. Barr, an urbaa Jail oil oWhci^il Theapiniui in ALT Festival uty; G O P W om en ’s C lul^ AveryrWottsan eonteet toe oontibf man ot 47 who took a with Guest Speaker A ^ F e a t i m i l Three Directors oC tho eoapany. Ward's fa 1882. On Display Here Bike Safety l^ules 21s| Anniversary Iho battle, waged for' oight Barr, who w a vies praiMant Golden Gate V : ''- ' ’ea t M rs. P reseott ,Bush '(pens tv W montha, nittad tho 4S-yaar-old tad aaeratiM. rallaved Avery as MAX AHNERT,. Mantfer—MI f-8585 (Oentlawd ftona Pfago O i^) WolfBon against g l-y e a r -o ld praaidfag officar during the long Oausing consideriMbMl I I 1 I Ov attontten ' Bieyd#^ aafety rules were re­ William Datfan .sriU be the mas­ Saweti Ia A^-ary. debate a t the Medlnah Temple eea- OM Main St today/ oppoaite the ■ ■ M ga-n B A a C C OONHBCTICUT CREATIONS. IN- ad emphasised by Igt ter of fcersmoniu at tha kttgll- PMKott Buih of OtM n-fuofliorIniitendiothotM iBlttit Bach aida antarsd a full alabi of aiosi. Rla stint aamed favorable State Theater, is the “Jail on R O S E S OLUDINO t h e HEWnepORNLBSS Two Dramas] Socisty's 3tit annual 'b a - a ta in his* long drive to capture rOTTEQ . Wliisler of the Police De- quet which will be hrid Eunday af­ Iclv w lf« o f U«hm . U.8.TT fi Senirtorsenator be tW returnedMtUrBld to tlMthe 0Bdngte te «t« « t •MC- control of the big mail order and nine candidataa for the nine plaeea comment from m ay spectators, WheeU” demoAstmtion truck. The BEAUTY." Uon time. on the Ward *)oard o f dtraetors. a d a iMadkhalM from Wolfson. truck wUl also bf on dlsptoy aU njmt at a asaembly of uppe»: By ALEX GIBELU ^ ternoon at the Oarden Grove. jiBm OoniMcUeut, apotie ycstar* retail merchudlsing concern. UPRIGHT AND 8PREADIHO TEW8, Beaidu a chicken dinaef, which fiy oftamoon at a lunchaon maat> > Mts. Henry Ludotf, preeldent of The figure announced for the Tho inspoetors of aloatlon Wolfaon la t o ^ y to taka one day Saturday at the same .ate- grade ehlldra at Bowers School ‘the eighth aaual drama^fuU- the Hartford County Rapublica prepamd to announce the vote, fa place as a director. The aaeond Tha eiM on Wheels'' U being EVERBREBIS PINES, AEBOEVITAE, GLOBES AND will be urved at I ifm.. toe Sul- ^ of tba combined Women's Re- Wolfwm side — 1,738,888 — was HEMLOCK PRIVET. .Thursday attornoon. val of the A s s o c ia te d ,-k ittle sty's oburvace of Ahe anniver­ iliean auba o f Hdrtford Gotm- Women's Club, prssided at the close to the number he claim s on terms o f shares, foy each aide. placa for his sldo ibsoxpoctod to qmneored by the UtUe League Robert atovenson o f tha aixth meeting. Gueeta at the head table' E a^ share ta godd for nine votes to Alpxader Rittfaastw m , program fa Manchester. Thuters opened last niliitt at Avei- sary win include outdor gamu a d irtUch Wta attended by eeveral arrival lit- Chicago this monting m u i ^ m BEGONIAS, UANNAB, DA H L ^ o l a h k m i grade introduced Bgt. Wlnsler, antertalnment / ire dl the MancheeUr Re- were Mrs. Claranca Baldwin a d from Haw Tork. He aald be would — one for oach director’a post — K, Hew York City ta^Unent Emaet Dowd U the UtUa League >XED AND BULK. Memorlal autUtoHubi ,ln Hart- Mra. MUdred N. Allan, secretary B U U M i CHIlJDBENWGlUtDEN---io]aBl who answered eeveral questions Muaic win b* provided by toe publicdli^Women’B Club. She talk­ win threo directors. under the cinnUlative aystem. counsellor. The third—if he prosidMit, prepared in advace by sixth grade with two psmmiem by com- o f state. three—will be given to Aa anM i^ FLOWERINO, VEGETABLE, ANNUAIB, Dubaldo Broe orchutra, a d two ed aboutstbinga to do, eec and “ We have 1,800,000* shares, the « Many vstea Pmxiaa Tha pubUc ia invited to mcplore Heycle pdtrol leadem petugpoui the Winsted“ Poot-j stadeato ^ toe Dubaldo Music bear In WabhRigton, D. C.. men­ Ward itianagemcnt four million,'' Following the announcement Fits-Glbbon, Hew York City table Jail. Admission is free, rLMlTS\PERENNIALS -EAN8IB8, An original aafety song wu -vartising woman. iig h t ^ u b end the Ashford Play- Oshtu vrill give u lu . In addition, tioned the oumuuUnc women ehe the Hew T on flneneler told news­ each aide ia allowed 24 houre to truck is 88 feet long and 8 T B C E C MAPUB8-.8PKCIAL R1K>i^88,81LVEE, ■ling by a group .of aixth graders BtudMto o f toe G utnide O. Tyler had met aa theNrtfe of a public re-cumulate Its votea-^ 1«, spread Included in the truck from Miss Booth’s room. They V erp,- IKsaster Scenes men as he arrived by train flom TH e k S p o k . ^ a n d f l Ow e r c w i^ School of Dance wUl preecnt two official, and told am t eome of the East. the votes to elect aa faifay direc­ teeXimdlsexe such wsapons a the wero directed by Don B^pel, a Buskin, the M aebes- | danu numbers. her dutiea aa a Senatb<[a wife. He already has conceded. he tors u poaalbls. Maliy Take Tour 'drunk-o-meter,” a claaamate, who composed the Hlgh il Dramatic Club] The main speakers at ths dinner of Fihn guns a d hahd- ilch to the.Hew Eng-1 OUTDOOR EXHIBlf Mrw Budi aald that l£hKpwi|dit ca 't win commad of the huge Spdkeanum rspoirtsd tils . b 1 g l a w n music' after tba cla u wroU the iMU be JuUus Dubaldo a d Romolo Xiaei^iower, wife of the P rtrtto t, firm this year.' maJortW of ths votes In the form cufffc Also, and^Khat U probably F U R N IT U R I l^ fla d Dramal la at the top of her lift acenee of "OU- Manchester Memorial Hfapital nian Vrill be a Meu said at t Ges.a religiods.^ TTv pany officera that would-wouia be u-In- sidea a quick indioatlon o f. how patatamel in the various d s ^ r t- J a ^ h .Theologlcai BemttUiry worthy of a place in futival with announcement experience through m a y directors tfasy can seat, but manta explainad CMhpHCatod I of^faeriea a d associate professor mere experienced actfaig groups,. \ is in her TS’a, is the moat enter­ ^ atalled if he won conl^l of the Death Take^ wo . . ■ \ taining because she is extremely daughter'a life in the cofporation. He has withdrs'wn some juggling a d checkinc: is re­ equipment to interested vlaltora; h>< pruUcal theology on the facul- The characterluUomi of “Pud," THE OFFICE OF young in ttought a d action. holocauet th fa^te but. said he would pro- quire I to arrive at the predse A number of floral anogamenta ^ty of the Rabbinical School of the played by William Brown, and aant Iw M achester florlaU beauti­ DR. ROBERT S. Bbw Social Eveata OUtown, U-aJL" w u poee imofatment of a commtttoe Bufaber. Vetcrau/Editor^ Semfaary, will be the guut spuk- “Gnumy/’ 1>y Imlme Becker, were during Graham's cruaada in Hous^ to aearoi the executive field for a The maagpment'‘has claimed it fied the lca a d aumpUon o f the adjodnied etock- The second session was held fa Koapltal Week. catlonal .work, w u director of While the form of the preeshta- mings' “Bata CaauB," produced DeoMnstrattan by Mr. Va .VIbberti B ax« strictly formal as to tho, atam bf “Mr. Texas'', Redd holdera* meeting v.'Hl''ahow how the auditorium on the eighth floor wintsrAHth his .wife. Seminary's Field Service u d Ac- tion, like the hat of “ThejSolux,” ptau will preunt tonight at' to^i by East Hartford's Cue a d Cur­ a d aervice at table. They Harper a d . Cindy Walker. much strength each aide lAdcmong of the Ward GHQ northwest of One recent study Shows Hie tfii'W l E. H eatssy, 8L polit­ UvlUea before his appointment hm of the story's most/fabulous Avery Memorial fa toe Ass<*^*^ tain group a d “ Airtight AUM," are lianaUy set for 8 o'clockiand AdmlSalon to the film is fret a d the owners of t!'e 711 millitm dol­ Chicago's loop. average American m a . walka 8 icaldditor for more thaii 80 years, vice chacellor. chkcacters, defiu axat descrip­ Little 'Rieater Drama FasUval. a diwnui produced by the Center-ln- are proinpUy at 10:4S. Mrs. There was a ahakeup in the cast, miles a day a d the average wom^ 4fad al his home fa Boston. tion, Ht was highly entertalnfag. all scats are on a “flrat coine' lar company—the atockholden He hu alto urved u pruident TIm play, a original by Mrs. toe-Square Players of Hartford. that Washington is baaia Hie only item on the agenda too. Avery stepped out aa Ward r .10, / Morga's >st'article. “Are Peo­ of the Rebbinicsi. Assembly Credit tor the clever adaptation TKs toree-n l^ t FuUval ends to­ ferred to -u the poorest ple Thing Of the Cold War"—w u goes to Carolfae Briggs. Ruth Rowley, 2 Guard St, wUl America fa 1936 a d is # former ha. one of. th ru a e a tonight. The morrow. 1I5S OHEVROLET theater city in the world. . The written April 1$ and appurtd in vice president of the Synagogue Smoelk Performaam m a in Wohlngton prefer to have Sundmr Globa of April 17. While a narrator carried the TftitedenF eau also facludu A lia Council of America. R. doe Jr, Mrs. Rowley, Peay There are more tha M.OOO sthnulatlngXdiscussions on world GOP Women^s Club Hannaaay’a column "Round He is pmsently a member of thread of the stoiy. the costumed spcclu of Uu that u t f uthsTA MOOR SEDAN affairs. She said that in all the M U N ^ OUPON AbOnt" appoarwd fa the Globe u actors filled fa wiUK^alogue. R lchtif, Hooks JUmaton Jr. and the C o u n t’s administrative epm- Mike FormicA MODEL 218 ttpw aha haia M a in the nation's last Bunday. mlttce. u well u -of the Executive It wu in every svt^ a smooth ffapltal she haa\never once s e a a Pick (^ficcrs Here eovm d presidential a d superior performance production mahagu is John Oouttoll ot the New York Board of The Ashford Playtrs* pressnta- MortlmU, Frank CTawshaw fa fa tetdge table. \ of both major polit- lUbbia He wu chairma ot the X Mrs. Rush wTlteiB a weekly ayn- Mrs. John G. Rottnel, 488 B. Ical -ffor more -thsh SO tloii of the familiar play, "Tbt charge of lighting: Bturton E. UNDEK N E W O N L Y Joint Pfayer Book Commission of V sU at," w a the Other competfag Moore, Sound aiul muale; a d Doris dicatad newapeperXetAimn of a enter SL. preeldat of the Wom­ H O U , .. ysam 4 the United Synagogue and the Rab­ 4 1 RVEwria. t h r a t i Sr ! mi Baling, properties. / fylANAGEMENT IDEAL FOR BASEDALL, STOR^ EVENTS, THEATER! parfOrmace laat nighL Bon-poUtical, n on -p a k lsa type on an’s R efaiM ica Club o f M a ch es­ Ha wnto hikeopy fa long'had binical Assembly a d last present the doings of WUMiucton wives. ter, Is'grating tbs use of her untjl ha w u MNyhea hs leambd Groups competihg tonight In- lUfa Gay fa stage m aiugu, aa- a member o f that committee. olude Cue a a Curtate of East sfatod by Robert MarU^, Merrill She ww encouraged w her hua- heme/for the aatud- meetfag of Special O ne D ay f GCNUINEGERMAN to uwo a typewrite^. OFFER SPECIALS bad in this •ad&vor because he the iilub Wednesday aftamoon, A s a w ldely-k ao^ . poHtical Hartford sslth E. E. Cummings ______—- home./Anyone desiring transpor­ “Eata Claus;'' 'His Center Thes- FOR MEN ONLY felt the wooMn at home would be May 18. SATU RD AY O N LY! e pTM. ‘ . Super Powered wvitar, HaffBcsay numbsfad among BEAUFRE interested, flhe is .tiie mother of The guest ^>eaker .on this oc­ his friends PrssidsnU froOvC^e- tation (hpvhl contact Malcolm faans with “ P a v a e on Main This ad to Sfortii 25o toward five diikksn wtw find Washing­ casion will be Mrs. Aiinx Switaaki land tOTVuman. Robertson, JunloiVwarden. or one Strut,” a original hy Ruth Row- We Spufalfae la a haircut en ar before June GLOBE NRD BATHS ton a city where there are plenty of Hew Britain, vice ohalrma of o f the other Officers. As the serv­ ley; a d the Center fa-tha-Squarc WOMMirDiESS^ ... Playars with "Air Tight AUhl;” by M O T O R S , I of acUvMea j i keep them Iniay. the State Osntoal Ooiptidttee, who IMPORTED BINOCULARS ice etarts xt 3 o'clock in the after- Sites I8H ARBORVITAE Walter Hackett I / M I ' C b a r b e r Cawysler-I Vrgea Simport of Ike is well known to the okib members. nOb^ it. is suggested that thou The coffee hour at 1 pan. wtU be Condiiicl Service fin in g to attend leave Madiee- ■ Thru more presatatioos are M A N O U 1 W InVW d SHOP 888 East Oenj Quite naturally her husband's A G ood N O T $ 1 2 . 9 5 MhMuled Saturday night. 8 ^ - 5 0 strongest supporter, ahe admires followed by the election of officers ^ notTqter tha-I:30,\. t gas Bast Middle Tanmbfa IS OAH ST. o m f and nspects his ,J _ a d other businin. Aa a kihuse- P a ih er’ R The Frtee Yen Wewld- At MfliBonic Home Open Dhlly 8 A. ML te • P. 1 mat feature a “swap” party Is 8 1 - 7 5 moralil character. 6be bases her Expect to Pay. opinlai on S4 years of married proposed. The iremberthip is being D a y G ift z: Or tkmOv ManebsfU^ Lodge SebrbblL , ta ana Ml Itfc. Bhe urasd the su|c>ort of contacted, and if a y have been Z REGULARLY 8U8 Dtrlght D. zSaenhewer for Presi­ overlooked or dealro further In­ BUT O N L Y Ho. laTAJVJk/Jf., will conduct dent of the tlnf hd States ehould formation. they may call Mm. John the devotional service* at the Ma- Eack aoBle Homt fa W aU loford. Wor- ha ba re-noininatad.ln 1068, com- J. Wallett, 188 Waranolte Rd>, or /:■ partoig him with Abraham Lincoln Mm WUllaan 8. Davis, 88 Con-' Hiiprul Master Ik ic 8. Anderson weU s ta c e Dr. win axtsnd grestingv.and introduce fa fats honest endeawors, ths Rev. Everett A. Murphy, mfa- 2 $ % O F F .''Made fa tater or tha Talcottvine Oongrega- / Oerwiaay* tkmal Churdi: who will pr*««k Jam u W . McKay wiU fur ON ALL FRUIT TREIS nk(h O fg a music dad accom pay SIRVe SOMITHINO 8 U 8 I R I Mm. Eric Anderson, who will fav. WE W ILL ALLOW OHl ETWO (2) PAIRS TO A ^ CaNli a gRiiiiMB « f ywNrNky. Tilte a leiiuiely drive to diii fine old latMunM in or vnth aeprao aokM. OOUPOH UNTIL OUR SUPPLY IS OOHE. ONLY wit htheir famiUu ' / ■ / ■ N ___ IM PA IR S. West ComwalL Loogeit of Conoeoicot's three remamiog covered bridges, ^ a n d 'fr tii^ jA r e cordiaUy invited a OptfaeDy O rood Matehad Leaaoa o Pbr Bporta Eveata a Accurate. Crystal Clear to attsod service ad oiMwrve (OFFER G O O p n u MAY 28 m ^ l ) built in 1763 and rebuilt in \ ^ \ . a n o t h e r g o o d ir a v e l t i p . Whenever yod’ie Gavdeii Sales • Ineofaparabfa Ufetjm e o Vacatieiifag e SimpUfled Focuatag the work tUst is being done at the e Fer Raefag o Adjmrt to Your Own Eye on 8 trip, phone abaid and be sate phone back and leaaiore. fates after 312 OAKLAND ST. TKL. Ml 9-f4M At BO •atnudfaifB...8 canriag knife, 0 natbi rcight Soper Power Medel e BM Watching Stiagth 6 i^ . and all ^ Sund^^ And remember— cill by numbtx-IFa twice ai fud . "H it's For Tba O oidoa— W a H ovt It” • Large iMafVlew • 240 Yards to IJHW Yards fork and mcar In matchinf Towle \ ' ' \ f No BlaocMlwf SoM at This PrIe* Afttr Sertwdoy! Sferling with the jpwebasa o f 8 Ba] 1 M M touihM * N ttw ■fifllMfMi T«toplM ift« eom p m iy 46-pc. Sat (servioe for 8 ), Doh’ t Miea g r e a t b i n o c u l a r SALE! Take ia Pair WItk Ton SIgktaeetog or to a Ball OasM ■ ■ , - / A 9 5 $ . 0 6 V A L U E ! W MAIN ST. (Ctr. Asiliin) % B lA JI 9 HARTFORD. CONN. \ WEIKBND SPICIALS v 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. — 4 HOURS ONLY — 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. • RASPMULYCHEBKSOUAlf • DATENUT MEAD r i N A N C I N G / • BANANA CREAM PIE NO! We hai POTATO • CHOCOUTE CREAM PIE NICKS, • SHORTCAKE BISCUITS Special Bveiy Friday Wo SpccfaHxe fa : Birthday Oakes. Wedding unloaded a and 8 pan. to 8 pan. Cakes, CoeUe T ram sto- TeL BO 8-8818 I I o f . . ^bpEN TUESDAY Mmi SUNDAY 7 A.M . to B P.M. .•I ilcii nu* - if s NOW In/STOCK! BAKE Towk’t own ebony-finish utiiity tniy...peifect CORNELL SHOP ^ Vnc. for serving and storing...at no extra duugei 4M BABnOBD BD.—HEAR McKEE STREET. BABY CpCKS •t JOSEPH B. LDEA8, Frop. and timker THOUSANDS OF BABY pCKS will r X '- ' y " be given away ABSOLirTELY fKEL / Ths purehsss of sTiomt is ono cif the msjor svenfs I". COME EARLY AND IE SURE OF OETTINO YOURS!... . th # Ilf# o f 0 fd m tly . ' y/ . d ^ ^ m ' ' X lot - thVf NEW WATCHES" F - > y 1 0 'Y o u c h o p s # '■ ■ f .'■ PAHEIINO sad R Your neighborhood for its d#sir#bllity; MUM iRvir yw m&i MOW! ^ BABY CHICKS - Only $3.50 Pep Week E Your houto according to th# n##ds of your fo m ily * TRIM /■ • /, -WIJ V • Ifo deani fdyiM ot Yaolf M o ffcaaa R ' W XT A : autod, tiMr* •Necarrylaffeharfe ^ waoineiett, locomotived s m I oNfar E PER PERWN E y lOH €0ST>-Coow ta aad let I? ■McbanisRif have diffetcaises, ■ • NelBl«eet,. aexhow you the aaadl diBweaca there ii to secare the difoity CWn n oBC MMM ■KKICtSe .. A W hy not bo s i careful in th# financing? end rkhaees of this qeeli^ w atch u aa important'' ptj|rdia8e. DOORS 0 P U |||A . M. You f it al tliB piictf you RHd to hardw ood. Let m help protect jroor ■west* leive kautlfuly tonjghtl. V KATIUl MillY-W hen yon At th# First Nstiohol Bank, you m#y choose a mort* see Treeenre Isle Philippine Idfaatpoom tttfadforkt Ip fe u tw Mabognay.yoawill faamadiawiy B i led fu e cA i a»eJ SAT., MAY i 4ih [open all day MONDAYS gag# plan adapted to your individuai situation. g ferin .2 fableipooni 1 butur knife recogoiM the chnrecter end $ knivM-—^^tmtviet fork 1 w av ipoM «AAw>yrmrtinina. fee m me mee mceemf _PLEASE M ING THIS ../....u.-,-— ■ . OPjEfeL..PRIDAY....SYEfe!ifetGS».iJfelTtL ..ft - - ^ ■/ -. - ■■>-/ - < Pirns 8 earvlag plee## mmd atiUty tray at ■# cnlra eoetl V m US110 MSTttll ^mmlet hf m emmet ...... PLIM RRma YOUR - lt*e Easy w HaUlr-ead 1 : 6 u p c ^ ¥ ^ PLENtV OF PARKING IS Beautiful lOwi# Pattciat to Choose fvml'' bdiaS, it’s eh to easy teem ed m f mi^memem pWNCARTON-orlOX ' i STERUNG tahe^ideea. tmmde mmimeemUemitf T h s YOUR RARY CHICK COUPON 1 mm m eeimmt^e NaMo HURRY AS THIS I.etwtHi Aray, Mevy, { I FIRST NATIONAL BANK lOARDS — PANIUNa— mdeikwU.t.f!pA«sa. Little & McKinney I ‘ I OPNER EXPIRIS ON MAY 2t JEWELERS—SILVERSMITHS MOULDING — MANTB. STOCK DEMAND THIS PROTECTION AS OFFERED HERE 15 WOODBRIOGE ST. CoJnc; O f MANCHESTER #68 NAiN ST., MANCHESTEB ; PEM BAL DEPOeiT INSURANCE OORPOBAHOH. I GOOD ONLY ON ABOVE DATE I ROCKVILLE GAUDET JEWECERS PHONE MItcheU 8-8020 MANCHESTER LUMBER INGl ^^Pw w nta Maat AeeempMiy ChUdiwn,^^^ 255 CBNTlSR STREET PHONE MLlsIlU \ Yfi MAOr 8TBEET ~ MANCHE8TEB . MANCHESTER. CONN. SINCE 1900 THE KNOWN "NAME, 1HE ,KNOWN QUAIITY M INI I I I '',' .ij mfWrnmmmmmMmmmm II' . ' ’ ' ■ J . ~ . 'll . 1 'X . ,1 . \ ... . f p 7-: , j., ;v "' ■


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, QONNi. FRIDAY, MAY 18,195S IIANCHESTEE EVEITOiC HERAI^. MANCHESTER, C0NN„ FRIDAY, MAY 18,1965 PAC d iitfa a t Staff membera axpira in' Auguat—including that ef Aton.' Police State atrictlonfi In tha town ehfrtcr m Friday th« 13th I k e N am es Robert Carney, chief of naval opr Coyenfay drewB. WUUmanUc, Orenlar, See Senate Action against'Issuing gamral OMlgitton !w 0^istiict •trUoiis. Mrs. Judate. yArrange G dt G Annual Meeting bonds for ths trestasaat plsatT Carney came in for atten' Setback tournomant ’construction. ftdr montoa ago when crauncni Seen Result era follow: Mrs. Myrtle On bonds Issue EGGS Gen. Taylor about toe Imminaiice of war in the liiw Pu/po8\Trip Planned WUUmanUc, 589 poinUT; AUGRAMS Far East, tnada at a supposedly ^ date, 558; Mrs. Marjorit Cluq>8«U> la expected Proposed Rate state Senate DEUVERSD TO YOUR DOOR «fr-the-reoerd■ dinner, .were at­ 531. ebon, possibly on a MU tributed to him. VIgoroua faaction Of Risk Bill EVERY THURSDAY y S n c c e s s o r Mawkeetei; B «ra ia « Herald that would permit to both from 'the White House and By Pilgrim FeUpwship Unit honda for -iMdition to Honae F ife Ooveatry correeponfieat Mre. C. L> Issue general obUgaUi State Department followed pubU-. (Oeattoied fr in g e Oaa) tha construcUra of a treat- Pkoim im 34R49 . (CraUaneA^era rage One) * UtUe. teleplMM Pngrlm 8-98SL A l a r m S y a t e m P e f M t e d cation of those reports. Coventry, lilay IS (Special) —^Auatlh the community. H t is a ment plant News Tidbits Chiefs of Staff are not restricted try wldch by any pmaonakle dafl- ...... OILMIRNER General cf toe Army Forces in the .About 80 Fllgrim Fellowelilp mem­ former tnissionary In <3hlne to The MU, which wae pafieed by In Qoae Vole; to a. single term. Gen. Omar Brad­ nlUoh might he celled ‘dsfenea’.** Ahich thexlpcal church and Sunday toe Houae of RepreseiiteUver ssv- sraim mooK CalM from AP Wires Far East and toe 8th Array. ley served two aucceaslve terms aa G s said It would mark ”aa close bers and aavan adults of the First UN Blames Reds ' SBtVICI Rldiway'a two yeslr term aa School senctfunds to support the aral weeks ago, has been b ^ up POUITKY rARM ' Mffl Tax Rate chairman of the Joint Chlefa 4ub approximation to toe pcdlCe Congragational Church win take reUglous mia^onary program. unUl recently in tha Senate Chief of Stett wotod have expired Thera waa Hkculation that aUte . . . aa.w e have yet aeen a two day "Tour with a Pur- CALL BTORRS, OONN,. In A atonny M^minuU aaaaloa Capt Eddie Rickenhacker, prea- next Aiiguat. Adm. Arthur Radford, CoUeotioa For MIG Attack tnitte* on CtUaa and Boroughs. Ident of Eastern Airlines, predicU prraosed." The North CciVentry firemen wlU Um a m ro iMt Re reached the mandatory army chairman of the Joint abUtt, a BalU- p M ” to tha ' White Moimtaina in The committee ties given toe MU' VflLUAMS commercial flU^hts at SA08 m-pA. retirement age of 60 last March 81, Eugene N. Fe 'New Harapahhro by bus next Fri­ have a paper craectlon In their fi favorable report, find the Senate at tiM M niM Bt hMdquarten, might he renamed, for - apdthsr more lawyer epp for ADA, (OsuMaued fSera Page Om ) >M *w b y D O w o r Walter Maboney in the apan of the next half cen­ hot the'Army retained hint on ac' term. Hie term, like tooeS^of toe tm American, day. .. district tomorrbv^ and Sunday wlU Vote on It either today or early \' OIL snivici tury of aviation.... Chicago Joinsj ttPS duty wito approval of Praid- said “it would a._ starting at 9 a.m. rach morning. next week. and Atty Waalty C. -ary*t aervice chiefs, also expires In procedures to the kers of etir' *rht tour la the annual activity the planes ware Red Chinese, New York City and aeveral other dont Elaenhower. of tha group/ to aid toe young The firemen will ee^e a public The eutooriaaUon eontalnefl In 1951 NASH / SS m 111 naUon." acknowledged by toe Peiping radio. MI-9-4548 Eastern cittse in extending Day­ Ridgway will retira on leaving than cooaaaiider in people f r ^ u religious as well as roast beet dinner W ediwed^from toe MU is nfieded to remove re- M a a x mill nUa. too low to brine “ The demanda of 5:39 to 7:30 p.m. in tha Churth It did not specifically charge either, ta the needed revetme for the $1M>' light Saving Time from flea to six aa Craef of Staff. chief in the Pacific, met Pree4dent •n educational viewpoint. It will RAMBLER montba... Slight earthquake rat­ dom And aecurity that toe MIGs operated from Ko- dSa budart approved Uat fell, ec> Ridgway has not aara *ya to eyo EUrabowar when the latter itoade added, "that tha Oe give toe group g the experience refin airfields. tled Tokyo today nt 10:58 A m I with toe Elaenhower administra­ his trip to "Koraa following his mountain climbing,niitnMnv allowaiinu, timatime fpr*nr HecKler M chct. Proceedt wtU he a o r d ^ ^ t o SMTD Oonunlariooer tha 'people' against for tha general fund. But U;seld, "The faft toet you STATKNI WAfiOM , W . a Hunt. , ^There 'were ae reports at tion's declrton to cut back Anhy elecUoii in IMS. Tbs President ap­ fellowahlp and fun within the age... PreeideatEisenhowerurgeaI there la no evidence that a i . The Ftremcn’e Women’s A are now.- endeavoring to utUlxe the r TT“ *"*^ thia mill rale manpower. Ridgway has contendad parently made his dedaion to ap­ irotectlon will be afforded by i framework,’ of Christian faith lli- aU. Americans who can to taka ad-1 repeatedly that a h w c and other ary will have a food aala durii) armlsUce to provide a privileged vM d fl«a.800, computed point Radfbrd to the b'gh strategy ng unUmlted authority for away from home, and aid each sancttiary In Korea for your air­ TIRE SPECIAL ; a i t ^ Bete« 166.000.000. vantage of Armed Forces Digr to] new wsAMna would require mom, poet aoon <*fter that meeting. todlvtdual by group aducation A s the supper. . *1)000100 better aeqnalnted with] Inveatigation and acreentng of all Te Crafer Degreaa craft; aimnfir to that enjoyed by flefisgo DeOanBler Bnseell F . $1 id Hat llftupe U the Uteot not fewer, ground forces because Radford, who has made a num­ Americana employed In private In­ to how to Interpret-what is sera the armed components of our na-| of a neceasitY for dispersal. ber of mtaaions aiiroed '.rith diplo­ Uriel Lodge, A F and AM, wiU iir aide In utilising bases Nm-th " I...... HRST LINE 0UNL0M1RES ______with wtUch the SMFD dustry." ^ ' i. WhiU traveling and aightseeing. toe Yelu River during toe pefi- tlonal power for,peace'*... Michael j Etaanhower, at a news confer- matic efflciala, appeva to bava -The adults accompanying the have a Btatra. communication to­ CM Wednesday. May X8, 'toe The chairman also annoimoed rfnnT‘^ ‘"*“*” *** worUne. Hennessey. 88, political editor of | ence, once . referred to a "paro­ Sen. BuUer m-MD), author of morrow at'7:96 p,m. in tha Mason­ o d > f hoeUUUes, U becoming sp­ CbaMbcr of Commerce wlU hold that Benjamin Shankman wlU o f­ With iaa a a i 1« caOi w bead e l been* involvd In no aerioua,*1)ob- the bill, aaid/that Defenae and ypqtha wUl he Stewart A. HIU- 6.00x16812.95 tkx Ihe Boston Blohe for 60 yaws, dies | chial” view ahrat retention of hiea" such aa hava enmarted tome ic Hall, Merrow. The Rlrem Lodge it to tha world.” its annual meeting et the Man- fer an Interlude of orgen music Am (M d ^ S ^ leA Haeal yeer, Justice Department wltnewiM h -” -* mak Hite Margaret E. Jacobson, No. 1 of New Haven will conduct irotest charged tha "KPAY following toe speaking prograM t a ia i avaneble te cover d e p ^ - m. Bostoiv.. * ground forces at current levels. of the other ohiefa and brought the Rav. Truman O. Ireland, Mr. cheater Country CSub. Arrange­ 6,50x16 $16.95 Plus T u BEAUPRE ; Boston Gov. Herter s u y Eisanhower uaed the term-**put>- tesUfied tim no mass acraening toe feltowcreft degree. C T V ’AlKorean People’s Antty/ ments for the dinner meeUng'are |uid will accompany Etnu' Lorent- / m e ta l expedltaree thla year wUl muttarlngs froci ths White Hocae, program was contemplate^ ....a ^and Mrk Clarenca J^.. Bradfleld proposed•$S60-s-yesr pay raise fori chlal” ae meaning special or SUte Department or Defenae De­ , There will be a Special communi­ ChineseVolunteers) had comi^te,.George Depormier, chair-, who wtU aing the national he fia o a a i—H eU due texea are limited. that toll legislaUon; if enacted, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Buser. cation May 38 when toe eSme de­ moved Jra from Manchuria and 6 ^ x 15 $16.95 P.» TAX atate emtdoyes... French author­ partment. Fellowship has already man of tha Afrangamente com­ iem.‘ OTHEB SIZES AT FROPORTIONATE SAVINGS MOTORS, Inc: paid. ities send 2,000 policemen to would 1 ^ applied only to a limited gree will be conferred Oh more China Intb Korea aa aoon as committee has arranged for Thla would leave a deficit of Taylor, a 1833 gradtute of West funds to cover to* coat of mittee announced today,. Hie Uat Chiytlsr Tlymsnth Oani • Northern A]garls ,ln an attempt to numbtf of plants. candidetes. bombed oiit runwaye. were re­ of lionored gueste was also re­ lial hour In the dowiMteire TOUB D01XAE8 HAVE ^ORE CENTS HERE «S aM between the 1180.881 av^l- Point, la a native of KayteavUIe, Spokesmen for both the CIO the ^/They will hive a food 158 East Center St. / quell fresh outbem u thera... Rep. Mo. He aervad a tour aa deputy Te Visit Parento paired after toe armistice. vealed and includes toe Rev, Fred lounge prior to the dinner from 9 / able to pey anpeneea and the 8184,> and/toe'AFL preVibusly have teetl- aale tonpnow from 10:S6 a.m. to Donn (D-Conn) asKS House Army chief of ateff in charge of Phshcart Express Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Motycka Net Nett: Bed Leade R,.. Edgar, Cteneral Manager and to 7 p.m. * M E N EVENINGS / 6 ia bodfiet umroved at the fall ]msh through to passage his I agalnet the bill. a p.mTtB tlw South Coventry fire­ will have spending the .weekend *The protest aJmerted toe Sabres Ruseetl F. 'Broderick, chairman , i/A IA a SERUICE ■ / operations prior to going to hit house to\rot$e further funds to­ Mre. Richard Martin, Mayor Har­ m a t S ^ the taxpayera. ureet(iig 'Army engineers 'elnblett said the biU creates no with thenti. their son, John Mor were ettacked omr InternaUonal old A. and Mrs. Turfctni^n, Mr. of toe ticket committee, reported t — * Bi(ht’a meeUnf waa called present command. Another of Back in Business Dlnlatrative machinery end falls ward the irip\expenses. waters and declared toey-h|d not vey means of protecting * his poat-World W ar H duty tours tycka of Phillips Academy, Ando­ and Mrs. Matthew Mortorty, Atty. that reeervationa for the dinner sTOV V n liJ STHTion 8e eodalder three pointa: Accep­ land Sound area... Ooni to classify industries and Jobs to Sunday ilurinc the , meeting ver, Mass. approached Oommiodat territory. have been going Very rapidly. Those tance of nocUedge and Rockledge was as superintendant of toe Mil­ from 7:80 t6 9.T0 p.m. in the Peiping radio bn^cast again and Mrs. Harold W. Garrity, Mr. PubUc UUUttes Commisah Paris, Ky. (P)—’’Walkin' Bob' which It would apply or to set " Hoepitallsed and Mre. Bruce Watkins, William of toe membership and their UuUee . ' I ’i7 Hartford Rd. Mane hester ,C onn . itary Academy at West Point. Kingsbury Hohra flbna will be Um Red Chinese charge that toe Addlttoea Into the Dtatrict; to vote ume. heariags June 8 Waugh's Pushcart Express "adequate and fair stqjidarda for Residents who are petiente at B. (Mfky, exeeuUv* vice president who wish to attend toould make on $56,000 for a propooed addiUon Taylor, 54, came out of World ; fudging loyalty.” shown and final plans made for Windham Community Mamorial Sabres ^‘intruded overGortoeast TELEPHONE Mltchfin 9-8066 posed water contract bet W ar n with a reputation aa a hack in busineas between of the Ckmnecticut Chamber, RabM reservations soon. Calls should ha to the firehooae at Spruce and <3ieater, N .T « and /OreSiiwlch and Oartlale. fktisens •TT)e miUtair threat and tha the trip. Rospital include George G. Jacob­ China.” made to either the Chamber office an of derring-do. People’s Daily, tha RedaXpfficial and Mrs. Lson Wind'and Jules M. Vtaeoea Sta. and for equipment Water Co. 815.85 to buy Bob a new/two- poMihUity of aabotaga art very SuadayA Seimoax son of Ripley Hill, Arthur Witoey, Graubard. toe guaet opcaker. or directly to Broderick. for moderelaiar the alarm ayatem Eisenhower wrote in hia hook, real,” Hoffman aaid. "But it would Mrs. Walter VanAradaie, Mrs. paper, said "Chineae flghtere roes ISISIOR Rescued from SkUl Row in C8d- «Cruaade in Europe,” in reference whefled, rubber - tired puUieart . Tha Rev. Truman .U. Ireland, which would be moved from Pine cago, WilUam Wo<^onetime prom­ after the old w h eelberr^ he’d be a poor kind of aaeurity program pastor, win use "Hitherto and Harold ,M. Turner and Mrs. Henry to Intercept them and ' • t. to the addition: and to aet a to Taylor: which itself would be moving in Heraaftar,** as hia Suiiday woi^ Frink. one and damaged two.” inent attorney, a o ^ from cone- ,*Tha risks he ran wars greater uaed for years coUapaed. ■MISL tax zata to cover the piatrict'a ex- haek trail and M. being held fori Boh often travels tow 18 milea the direction of toteUUrtaa prin- ship asrvlea sermon at 10:45 e.m. Setback Reeaiie "These era toe facte,” said P) pandltnraa. than I asked any other agent or between toe communltws Iq five clplee." • In tha Congregational Church. There were 12 andv one-half ple’fi. Daily. drunkenness. ./. Uranium favor emissary to undertake during the •It caUed the U.S. A ir Force re-'- The RoCkledce profMrUea, be­ sweeping Arlaona as people'qnlt- hours. He delivers ordem of almoat Thera will be adult - and children Ublee.of setback in play Wednes­ tas developed K. J. HoU. were W8T/* anything for indlvldnlae, frequent­ baptism during th* servicas. day lilght at t)wv Nathan Hale port that two MIGs were downed thig Jeha s m taking out tor hills Taylor went into Italy tocretly and two probably destroyed e to the Diatrict without in search/Of radioactive rocks. ly aeattering henditote for mer- Tlh(t~ elmUwn Faator*a Cottficil community Oenter.\ Priaaa ware dlROMlOlt. ahead of toe inveaion by Ameri­ chante as he gcra dlong. wfEmaat Metifiay fit 8 p.m. in th# awarded as follows: ^ "brastn wilful perversion of to# Catskiir Game Farm a When the aooond agenda iUm can forces to sound out Italian He has been kitewn to turn down S c M vaitty.--;_- Women’s first Mrs. Mary Mott, truth." ahowad $148,500 could] Morriiei BsdogUo on a quick sur­ Tha A ir Force relaaaed an- '* S&S8£iJRL*U waa brought up, tempers became from texea on thla] rides offered by paaeing motorists, , 'Mllehg Jhtwker •' WlUimantlc; second, Mrs. Charles •htatfil render. saying, **No Jhanka I’m in .Tito RaV. EdwiuVl Smith, a for- Jscobsen, Stafford; third, Mrs. largad prints from gun camera and with the $82,881] film showing two MIGs burning Frank SdielbanpQug, aecretary over froih last year, would Later, when Taylor’s 101st Air hurry." Stt A^teined jihe views J»eld Mbout turned off from Broad 8L into toe building’# driveway when toe earshot tote toe waU.--—The car a j^ peciauy in toe HipHcatira of :mod' at 1:47. pm. . \/ \ b y . the/Oommlssioneni. should be done. >•••• "-- - ^ fered damage of $800 and damage to the buUdlngwaa eeUmated at 8600. Mrs, Meson was admitted era arms to the hatUffield. \ 'iesr & / S sid the District has been McKlimey, MMkniey Clash Ths average aevra-inch lead «y '5 T "A d e -1 to St. Francto Hospltol after to^Acddent, Ridgway asked for retirement a Mag time for action on Herbert J. ' on June 80. pencil will draw a Una more than \ '• laUoB. After consideration, lelde Rd., Ipdll Inaurance man, The terfiis e t toe oUiier Jofat 85 miles long. Riesd Herald Adrs. t I Ontmtilssioners felt it was bast sterted. to A s k , a question about day at Manchester MemoriaJ^Hos- .the Dlatylct te proceed with what theimll rate ahauld he if the pttel. / Btfys Hit by Car I swB'Pleiu. Sprucs/St addition vme not a dead O b it u a j^ He was bom In Lehighton^PA, Gtvsp Beaaew d was reopened. on April 19, 1908, a son/of Barry Slightly Injurec His rosaoiu: (1) The lease on I thia point Mmhonay leaped to P. and LUlian Haman l ^ e r . He "7 ... M m St. ends Doc. 81 this yter. In- feet and shouted, ‘Tlila la en- had lived here for the past four fitoailons are that it may not be 'tlrdy out of order,** meaning dla- years- ' . / Two youngsters were treat'd in tWHwsd. No one knows what cuaaion of a motion aUeady voted l ^ t f i s the emergency roc»a at the Man­ MANCHESTER LITTLE LEAGUE nts, he ’leaves chtaB the J. P. Stevens Oo. >rill on. Besidea hia ,{ ...... three aistora. J. Walker chester Memorial Horaital last maks of the the Ftne S t M ^ h n e y again attempted to and other indications that Booth Of West ^ ford, Mrs. Harry nlfht for inlwies Incurred when sHc the aeme question and Ma­ Mrs, Timmaa H. Watora Murphy , of Hartford and' Mrs.'fra. Ed- ee eeiiiiiMr ><«n—I wtm>. OeUMa) •eviiwi^. steam for ths whistle wiltAot long they were struck by an .automo­ zcifU “I---- tMM a*S M MM*. H «ra- honey again Jumped up with the MrA Hatherine R. Waters, 67, ward Menaaten of Manchester; NwwL Twe Mne seM a»S wMoweN Stm wee be avaliahle./ ■ame objection. bile. Both wars released after re­ - <8) The Dtatrict/ihust have a of 146 GrisWoldvUle Rd., Newing- two brothers/Luther A. Miller of at ewsl lev femry sr*<**- McKinney then asked if a tax Mlladelphta-and Clyde R. Miller ceiving treatment ■TOW N fbacUoulng alarm/system or fire teit, mother of Wilfred, W etefi of for the addition could, be voted In toe u.S/ A ir Fttrce at Tampa, Keith Robbinr, 10, eoa Dr. htsursace rstee/mmy rise by at later. The Oommlaslonsrs agreed 4 l BtosSIl S t, died suddenly at and Mrs. E. M. Robbins, 25 West- XO per jetn t within the dis- Fla., and'four nieces. u m im M that a apaclal maetlng could be her home Wedneaday night She The funeral will he held tomor­ minster Rd., and Norbert naegart, celled for such a purpose. hkd been employed by the New U , aon cf Mr. and Mia. Gilbert (8) _ building will be row .afternoon at 2:30 at the Wat­ See, Drive amt Biiy riERGURY McKtaney c r than^ m edL*'m oUoitJ*n|^*n* JAundry for-the peat 8 i kins FUAtoarHome. l u M. center flaegart, 31 -Westndnlster Rd., the UndWwriters, so years- wore retuzntng home on their bi­ constiuctlon must lie au­ which waa aecohded to lay a 3H St„ with toe Rev. Paul O. Prokopy, mill tax rate. G ryk moved for Besldea'' her eon, she toaves. her paator of toe Zion Evengellcal cycles when toey were hit by a car /, f iiA V f IT! to house the alam ays- huaband, Thomaa H. Waters of driven by an unidentified fervkte- M b if it is moved an amendment apUrifying a 3 1-4 Lutheran Church, ofticiating. -HOUSE COLLECTION Newlngtoh: a daughter, Mrs. El­ annerently fell aeleep/st <4> The location at Spruce S t mill rate, and tlds aeeonded. Burial Will be in East Cemetery. Amendmeut mer Chriatenara of Hartfoirtford; a toe wheeL ’nie accident oocprred la already owned by the District of Hart- /Friends may call at the funeral yerterdey efternoon between 4:80 and a purchase of land new the The amendment w ia voted on brother, Frank Hayden home from 7 to 9 o’clock tonight. Moriarty Brothers*Phone M l3-5135 Crater to tie in with problemetlcel first and waa carried h^25 to 24, ford, and two grandchUdren. and 5 O’ckxk. toe CMnmtosioners voting agalnat The funeral will be held tomor- Keith auffered ottenaive facial 301.315 CENTOt STREET centreksstkxi of a consolidated RIOT FLARES OVER FUJI mm Bra fracture BcWebenpfittifiieid-later that an Pasaage of the amended motion Hartford. Burial, will be In Hoto- o k ■■;r| alarm syetem can he located any­ vms then merely a formality. anum Cemetefy. the boUhig protaet agalnet the and both tmya were VeporCed do- where and need'' not he situated Follorring the meeting, the Friends may call at the funeral Amertcna Army nrtng the alopee ing nicely' ttlii afteefioon. ‘ ■ « near fire heedquertera. Commissioners said they would home today ftom 3 to 5 and 7 to of sneiqd M t Fuji for artUwry DISCOUNTS DISCOUNTS By naked if the Oominii, have to go to work cutting out 9 p. m. . ■ • practloe. The newspaper Aealu In the Ghannel Islands, near DISCOUNTS aianfra could not he apsointed eer whet they belieyed were eaeentlal reported 86 injored In a clash England, a vartsty of cabbage r n group to seek e decuten ffom iteirfa from the budget to make it Harry F. Miller between JajMnese polloe and lant is grown adiich reaches a ilw Btevras Oo. on whet K u ld be agree with the funds that would Harry F. MUler. 47, of 87# Can aame 60 deinoiistrmtora. who Seight of 10 to 18 feet with a Brae with tea. Pine 8 t fli now he availajhlp. ter St., operator of MUler'a Service tried to force their May into a strong stem which is . used for then roav and said Station on.,Cente.r St., died yester­ reatrletod area. raftere in thatched cottages, Manchester Discount Supply Co. .1 ate ht the worim for a town I dspartm m t He said the head 45 WEST CENTER ST.' I eouM he vtsualised ae be­ Chain of Events -era VT rara s wrrae e • » . WHEELBARROWS LITTLE LEAGUE- . •cM banpfliw made an a U a ^ sue him.end toe drttor took off at to earakdn the Msue further. O A a high rate of speed,... REG. $14.95 Oarlaen passed a ,,tod light at r.i jeettra waa made from the floor DISCOUNT PRICE lirMabenay teat'this waa out cf toe Intersection of Adams and To ImploRt Rrmly hi Hm boys of lbs coimmMfty Center Sts. snd a car, s t e c ^ -fU r • AO Hetal ^ jS i e r protesting that the Oom the light on the right ‘Aien toe a Ritoher Tiled aad Handle tbs iderolf of AnMik«iri5M, SpwrtsmcMsbip. Hob- gBsMonara should be > given driver made e right turn on Adame to esplaln further and an' Street and went south, on WbiMctl * 8 tfty. Loyalty. Coorafo ood ROv o t m c o tbot nte, he and the ROMd. decided When toe car turned, neariy turned over from the humpa at the tboy 9row to bo Roor, stroogsr, boppior boys — oainsiMiald be taken. C < / C The item wps Ubled by a stend- tntersectian, police said. - hra vote of 88 to 8$. according to Then he made a turn into Oval food. dooB. boBltby NiBB — ibB elfin B t of toBiorv tea count tekea by SriMibenpOug. Lane and hit the car parked in BaSovea Veto Illegal the driveway. Barker said. jOlMXINDtTIONED FOB YOtJB COMFORT ■•V., -- . T3m aaereUiy then aaid he be- PoUee aaid investigation showed (MadeSy one ef AsMriea'e Largrat Maajrfart^rers Baasd tee vote waa illegal and the that Carlson had no Ueenae. He whera name we are*** ellmrod *• OraradaMonars would take steps was charged with reckless driving, »Bad out They apparraUy baaed operating a motor vehicle with­ MANCHESTER TRUST iS p E TOSEa FOR $17.45 ‘ opinira cn the fact that dis- out a hcense and operating an un- DISCOUNT With FREE ' i of tee matter was shut off regiatered motor vehicle, , — m a i n o f f i c e ^ e car he was driving is owned 888 Maiai, OpfosMs 84. Jasses* C hon* SPECIAL Gram Catcher r this Item would not be i'n- by Joseph Reed, 28, also of 74 HNE LENOX nURUOY GIVE GENEROUSLY TO UTTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL wltbout further action by Cottage St., police aaid. m lAST crnnii rr. I S S r A ilSrorate in the praaent budg- Reed told police he had driven to NonSl BRANCH T ^ H E G e r r ,0.t«agltecWraDeelg^Fmm»8^ oryk wriud if n fi 1-4 work aiid then allowed Carlson to 15 Na« Mate. Om m c OaUasi S*. Opaa Bvwriags 0 ta S Lawn Or A Ceanpaaioi/ “Tilm m in^ ^ ^ ___ „ would be sufficient; te return the car. Maxt te n tO A i t t e U ptonned ex- On thla admisaion, Reed was ar- REXMI IRUOS ****'®% SDS XS JUST ONE OP* pUR MANY SFJSOIAIBl S ONE OF THE BEST INVESTMENTS YOU CAN MAKE rastad end charged with operating' I fiw tea-COiQjnU- without a license, eUmirlng a minor ONE STOP BANEING • FREE PARKING AT BOTH O^TICES fte aaid to', operate an uninsured motor RE JIR|! NOW O P E N -M m OPENINI U Y II d i s c o u n t s ibfid yahlcla and opitridlng an unregts- DISOJUNTS — — DISCOUNTS tarsd meter vahlcla.

; ■■■ - V.- {

■ 7 -. ■<: ■t*i‘iiii«m >^! ii tiiiii ^ w fw w ^ ” 7- V t^p'^JT^ss^ . ■ ‘;- •'* ■ f ' ■ » \ ■ ■ ■ ' - . ■ / X X • \ •X-- ■

MANCHESTER EVENING HERAJJ)t BlANCH^TEB> CONN.. FRIDAY, MAY 18.1955 P AG EflFTSlB r \"' h a n c h e s t b e e v e n in o MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 18,1955 m ore bankruptcias — Francas M an -r How long did it all governm ents in his country, a South Viat Nam . A ' spakaam an R a t o a n . yo u r w ife to iaarn to drive a j Eighth ErttMtnt an suras a m ile square in one af for D lam aald Saritar tala waak BUOfi BUNNY Stngapora's w aatarn auburb*. power which Diem ignored thia Friend.— It w ill be ten., iem Bush Blips V o ic e o f A m e r ic a ; Faure Asserts w eak in nam ing a new cabinet tha Prem ier was ssklng ths in a lingerie shop in M ontreal, this autum n. D avid M arshall, tha chief m inis­ ^N a 'W rtttaa* Pact French to bitbar taka thatr troops A T LOW PRlbtB r ACIOM . 40 High c a r d ter In this B ritish coienyta haw Local S}acks- ' \ ■ , / ■ M U T t M ! Sense Rnd Ntonsense Canada: "Sven if Tou’ra Built ilO a ssff gaidto Broadcast Made A naw ering questions, Faure said out or m eva them north to South • u n s t a t u M M Like a House, W a H ava tha R ight Too ------m any ,people . d t looking itifb a iU .K . Dem herats on Labor Fro nt G overnm ent eald in a Alliira to Back he and Duliea had unified their Viet Nept'a boundary w ith Com ­ \>M M .«W (iOOCr —• » M a i p d t • n H a m M e m v , Foundation fof .Tp u -” for w ork wr han n a they I a J o b , rfV- H flillla- broadcast last night that the Vio­ Ideas about' V ist N am but had no m unist-ruled N orth V iet N am . Artfmrllnig Slmi Th*. drcu* |>rt>prt*t«r -iM kcd suburb. O ne m orning they reoaivad d l M a l s s lence "cloaely conform a to the By Mrs. Switaski H O U R S 5 9mmee$... M a n i a r - ~ dlMaadaw >- Diem^s R egw e '‘w ritten contract." H e added that AHHfTWm'.. I m ora thw i usually w orriad aa ha in the m ail 'tw o tlckata far a p ^ Burse Ike R oa^ Plan Com m unist technique in eeekUig to although both the United States I faced tha troupa on Frida y. ular show Ih tha city. W ith a a ln ^a [CARNIVAL BY fitCK TURNER 44 U U it stand fom ent induitrial unrest” and France want to m ake the M itO O O i l i n e : 4Ha waa pt T e r m i n a l Tha rioting' broke out whan M rs. Annam ae Sw ltaakl,' vice 1 Proprietor— OanUam en, aa you aneastry (O m Utanad^ntg^a) chairm an of the Republican State ersas Pnga O aa) Diem governm ent stronger, they T r all know bualhasa ia aery bad Jus^ “Ouass b h o sent them .'* DOWN about l.OOO Chinese students Joined C e n t r a l >m m lttaa, waa Ona of Ftsst N aUeaai H stai can have differences about how LOOK Tha pair had m uch am usam ant tUa bad four 0 at Manebastar ...... a qow. Last week I could only In a dem onstration supporting a three w om en aeleefed to m ake a 8i .poSUlcal facUona In this should be done.' in trying t 6 identify tha donor, t u b ro ta agntaat the G ore M il o n Bgsl a ^ e by SCO employes of th* Hartford NaDoM) m anaca to pay you all half 'wk*aa UBxlst 31 D e v o t e e tIChamical. paasag*: baenusa it incradsaa b l^ > broadcast fo r tha "V oice of A m a r. S o u t h hava bean da- "W e m av have different degrees A - 1 L o X r Thia w aak thinfa hava been epah but railed in tha e ffo rt Th e y |rs. T ru s t,^ ...... 78 I n s t a l l e d F r e n c h i n 1545 D Iem 'a m a jo r reshufflo of h it gov­ hom e lata jilglit. sUU trying to B u r a n Attire Manobastar Trust ... FOR SAML I looked w ith groW in* aiixiaty at ISGoU mound B a p r a a a n t ' o i h w ill be m ore than offset by . Ra This w alkout Had been called Switaakt, who la wall known w and now living lO Frano h R lv- ernm ent this w eek m sa "not un­ guess tha l& n lity Of the unknow n It Asiatic srootod b s a . -----34 a a a e c i a t e a I the angry faces round" him . Than, host, they found the house stripped d U nit of W algM H u r r y publicana w ho w ill View the Gore to protest the diem lasal. of four M anchester Rapubtican wom am iera. be depoaed. favorable.** B u t ha added the South New you c*a e b a m aU at wiping hla forehead, he kingdom 35 drivers. , The Singapore bus reproaantad tha A tla n tic atataa. , F i r a ^ . ,2 have indlcatad, hi r, that thqJ Vietnam ese govanim snt w ould be of every article of vnlua. A nd on 7 Confederate 34 Poker sUke ^ propoaat as m uch better than a r d F i r e •••.,.,1 5 5 155 .. jraur drag aeads at Wm. h m i $m I I w e n t o n : the bare U bia in the dining-room ItTiar workers* union ordered iU m em ­ During./the program . w M 0 request for< w ithdraw al "N ow you know !" a Smell S2Aga 56 Employ fUsenhoarar proposed a Ig-hU - lbs w aa introducaC aa a chief function has been to appoih of itb ' axpaditkm ary force, from Z. 1 three are fterculea, the strong 25 Inthralled S 7P a i ^ earlier yesterday drove irickata A etna Casualty .....2 0 6 . m an;. Dave Dauntiesa, tha Uon agQualiflsd / l I N a v e l 23 Intc— lion-do)tar, federal-atata program aw ay from the Hock Leajrram isea ivota" paraoa baeSusa of 1 Conn. General ...... 470 450 tam er; and Strangler Sam , tha ggltor — Did you ever w rite M British ^ l l ^ o n s u i 41 ^ e a g l e SIAlso \ a 10* y 4a r p e r i o d . with Are hoses. X aSoclatlon w ith/m ends * » H a rtfo rd Steam Bk>U. . 54 ' . 45 I a ll-ln w re a tle r. anything before? strsatear I called O o rc^ bill "com . bors In. bar. voluntary -J^Yqvalera ...... 3360 24S < p . Authoress T - O h, yes, I w ro ti The police set up barribagqa to w o r k . 4h a / ; w a a M A n f F r J IT r nr ptetcljK Inadequate,” Saying ^ e prevent the students from rein­ confession stery.dnea. ; j ^aenbowar plan would make >aopla o fgb ra ign aktraetfaD ta tha M an never recognises a dictator Editor — D id the adifdriw nd it SSSaina' forcing atrikara around the H o ^ Cohn, lig h t Pow er ..1 5 31 M lndi^usl m uch m iwa m oney available for Jnttad -Stataa m aintain, cooLaet tin advance. To fthe average fel­ b a c k ? / Lee D epot but the studanta alter­ w ith (Haada or fcln t^/te the old Conn. Fow er • • a SrS 44H 44t l i g h t s (sb.) the tO .O ^m ile interstate system ed through. H arU oi^B lac. L t ... H ) low, before the, weddlnjg, she Authoress — No, he cam e all / of tajbw n^, w orld. M ra. 8w ltaSM \Vm ied that 65 50 I oeem s no m ore than a sw eet girl— the w ay from NeV York to Ban The m ob tore a Chinaaa volun­ w V k n m ore intardatad tban aver H artford^as C o„,.... 40 HERE! dAMoMdan it . - X , B a m Coatreveralal a Naw Im gtaad ' ' ^ I P ipe' D rw m s. . . Franciaco to m eat m e. teer policem an from a truck' yes­ Tiefora because m ore and m ore 8 Leave It U A C B T 0*8 ta m ake ahepptag aad paM dag eaaier. Th a rear af ear atare la a m ^ t Mindsnao The Tr!iaim t's\program W ould terday and beat and kicked him to people -era traveling and baeauee T e L 42 44 far parktag. A O yoo hade to do ia "D rive U p— Step O st" . . . You eever had It so eaay. - A yoo ng couple that had received If m en acted after m arriage as ta At this place allot abobC 34 blHiona, including death. A Chinese student Vfpi currant events have m ade us m ore tlFaminlna • ff 25 bUUons o tfm ra l funds, to the lag as w en a> shepptag Is a pieasnre at A C E TO ’S. W e ll Iw aeelag yea! I m any valuaue wedding pres­ d v-'n " courtship, there 1 r p T B killed whan police dred on^tha aw are of thspaopla in other lands A llied Tharm al . . v . . ; 70 50 e n t established their hom e in a would bo fewer divorces— and] appellation V f IntaratiUa m ra tm in the lO years. dam onstrSibr*.' A t least 15 p o She said wa w ant to know Srat Am . Hardw are 20 23 Ot t h i s , 21 b lU iw w ould be raieed • OPEN SUNDAYS SPiCIAL • OPEN SUNDAYS • g < tICbiefgodof llcemen were injurad. / about tha people, w hether they are A rrow , H a rt Hag. 45 \-- theEddas by a bond iasua— the m oat rontro- receiving adaquata food, clothing, Aaao. Spring ...... 85, 51 MAJOR HOOPLB ‘.venrial fe a tive of ttfe Elaenhow er B E SU B H t o T B Y m PfM LTED DANISH ICE OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLI [ o u r b o a r d in g house \ with 44 CoUegc chaer achoota im d aUo w hat they think Briatol Brass l 4 - 30 44 Dentist (ab.) p l a n , of us In this country. C o U l n s ...... «..1 1 5 .126 KOESSLER’S f r o z e n i ^ b s G ore aald U s bill W ould allocate Town Taking Bids Upon being questioned on our ( FFTT-TT// HDW'C M 44 Fluff E m - H a r t ...... 28% S l < BOILED HAM SOFT 0HNKS 1 6UBM r r i * 0 urrc VBUW AASifl' \saaty In M. 410>0(N >,000 In fedcral-a t a t Am m canlsatlon program for par- FaA iir B earing 60 — FAMOUS FRANKS THKT T — Ort— M eH-HBH— m oney for the interstate netw ork OKPSAL *H9 SKBAK VAdAAtOOM AM ' IP rr HADHfT 0KSM POK — you (?EPBe,iiooooeT.TDTW \ Nevada On Cabinet W ork BodS W ho com a hare front other Landers. Fra ry^ Clk.k . . S O 82 ; aad COLO CUTS O i / N AM OLD SUMDaysUT 1 M U C H SLADK1Di4K,MY PIldAMClAU SI Cushion In fiva years on a g i^u a liy in- countries, M rs. Sw itaekI sUted N . B . M ach. Co. . ,..85 41 L b . $ 1 .3 9 C^iECK— If TM A TIT? that w * try to Interaat thaaa In- TO TH'dHOP m VDURC ' NOnCCASLC/ (% poerEe,v(» w e m m m c MDoUy craaalng baata. N r Eastern Steel . . . 5H 7H A prroM 'm ’sroR ry HeOUriBHINEft nr F u r t h a r , r ha said, these funds General M anager Richard M ar­ dlviduala in becom ing citlsena so N orth and Judd . «H \«iP EiW TICE , ALLw eieeasees (COOPED ME CM tHAt CMeCiC Madisonb 8 HOiV He w ould be controU ed under the praa- tin stated .this m orning tlM t bids that they m ay •ubaaquently'^ be­ Russell M fg. ...Z 5 n rilT » SEHINO 90MC- '-jrpw cAR O M uy YOU GOT FDR VOOR ^ WORD/ was' ’ 5T ent program of cooperation be com e voters, th iV tb y having a free THavifi HAWpy TO I TH ’ BaN TdW R V4ELt, IP VOUAflE CTRGAKHZldG T O i on case w ork and caM nSts for tha Stanley W orks . ./ .* 4 . 57 ACETOT5 DRiyE-nt tween the atatca an^ Federal B u choice ia the governm ent She w as Tarry steam ...... 130 ISO X APPECACH evBCy' , AMOaTTH-rHCM A PARADE TO THE BANt^. _\BAR8ECDE , , d u r t a g ] reau of Roada, and under the pre new high school w lU be taken in asked to dlacuaa tha num ber of BOOY/ SUTKOOUCe f A -»,-rM A T 0l B O / 'O f coiftM hd llkd i to M e D addy put up tha aeraan doer— his tbnm To rrittto n ...... »5 4 26H FOR THE HNEST TH’COAT/ ' I. COO>Jt ME IM AG one vailing form ula of allocation be, the M im icipal Building Friday, wom en now holding im portant U . 8,'Envelope Com . . . 55 101 ^THE. now ha hap TW O doera to tlam l'* UEuebarisae tween aUtaa. X poUtioal poaltlona. Sira. Sw itaski . 199 SPRUCE ST; IN FRUIT And VEGOTABLE8 win* vassal J u n e 3 a t 3 o'clock. H ia estim ated U . S. Envelope pfd. . . 71 76 ______f i o n i f H e aald that under the PresI bid for these item s has bean aat felt that Praaiaant B taenhow ar had Veeder-R opt . . . . 52 . 55 X dent's plan, eonatrucUon on the a t $ 380,000. bean aa inaplratlm t to tha,w om en i Th e above quotattona are not to Tha CAnsara BY ^ VERMEER Intar-at^ highways would be The bide w ill be for dassfoom of Am erica to be IntaTaatad in- be construed as actual m srkeu. ' PRISCILLA'S POP handled by a fadeipl highw ay cor equipm ent In tha hom a-m akii^ poUtica by appointing w om an to poratiOH . w hich .W ould have eole laba, biology and chem istry I s I m , fils e sb in tta ' WHAT '-s T pow er to daclds w here the m oney IH s . Sw itaski is Jaapooalbla for I N D J O F . A > shop w ork, w ardrobps, ..dotliaa ibe dlractlon of all ^p u b lica n w a a a p a n t . storage, etc. ■■ X Johnson said, "this sm acks of a M artin aald that m ost other W oman's acUvlUaa tntpughout systam /of govariunant wa never schools include the coat of thia Ckm necUcut in her capacity aa havaXem bnice^ in this country," squipm ent w ith tha total construe- rice chairm an of the Republican and aald he. w ds "astounded” som e Uon cost. B ut M anchester should State Central Oom m lttea. She R ^b U ca n sknatora favored It save m oney on these Item s beenuae calves no iialary and spends Ava to l - s . throegh the separate .M d it w ill, ■lx full daya a w eek at her w ork. ■ ; ■ ^ ------Last year, aha m ade ah average of h r be able to use pre-fe S rib a ie d equta- Troops Stand m ent w hich la m uck leas expen- f o u r appichtm par week before , A v e . , , w om en's organiaaUona in tha atate. Bcirgaiiv buys lik t thtSE don't ^crit... , m Singapore Rio ^5U6HE got yours t4^uy Grants Crodtt iHanl REFERS (OM rttesM d from Paga O m ) SWS T O T H E ARK M APE-M O T bOftM c h e c k :* R ritUh-ow ned Singapore T raetton — bSSs h *— CO . Th e y slab prom ised to pull out \ - AsYVip For Gu* BY V. T. HA30LIN BY JERRY SIEGEL and MIKE ROY m ore uaione in the next few daya ALLEY OOP KEN W P ^ I X ^ Th e B ritish A rm y ahd A ir Force HHW ABOUT THE . put reinfeirced guards on the ir es- M R Y L o 0 ge ceN§aou§AMai. X HAVB TAKIN HM Y NOW! SAVE UF PM 3FES 6 0 R M T H E R E ? tabllsluncnta here to w ard off at tvHBN He. ttev iv n ... MONBV/ NOW FM M K T HE DOM E ID •ONNA TAKB tacka. Airm en arm ed w ith auto­ . OONT want you TO OiK NBR UPS/ m atic areapons m anned roadblocks (KARMP UNTIL. AfiTgft t MAV* , leading td -kasts and carried, out PINI8HKD WITH OLgiNtiA m obHe patrata in the surrounding RICA'S MOST FAMOUS m r e a a . 7' ' ■ “ X ' ' , ' ■ ; - - * c k 4M s -Che,-d rX—-MF- . , 4 \ , The Army also announced that It had cloadd Ml eckools for military 1Z famlltaNwwlee Ole rioters yester­ day SW M British children bclKg driven Mane in army thicks. \ PoUc* raeckad the initial oul- - Jbreak by Shng on the -mob with i R M O I I V U S Sten guna and tear gai grrenadek. 6 6 /rn,un s / , y but BHUlk officers said last night X . ' ^ ; tha dem'ciuilratorn atill controlled ■fiSttsis— —i— t— M BY EDGAR MARTIN iissiA... stta ; BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES All Tt^thcr ^ : V X ; BY RQY CRANK BUZ SAWYER / Rag; 123.50 Deluxe Filing Cloud v v e V i , ^ V 0 « V ) W % a w > W K % A goarnmws > ^ r DORY .VOO TW NM f « » U M l N l E WIMMI CONTROL! 1 9 on the TW fc O X V ilTl v t n v t W m O H p H lL HMMEteOlgOaNDlO i VHX9fS\b W ¥ K . t « N o e * •niHaKYW Niw -\ 8 8 9IOBDUI? PAV NPSE0VEX! TBva coMPtifa T H k & B V G T H W V R O M

'A $7 a month ■ y BY PETER HOFFMAN X JEFF COBB BY LANK LEONARD MRTBE HES :R THAN YOU m ic k e y FWN K's Orar! YOU MEAN ^ . e ■ ■ ' \ 2o" cutting width, iH H.P. 4*cyclc .TWENTY YEARS THMR, SERdEAHT/s wanted)HAVE PA6S^ £asy-Start engine, front and side FRAUD f SINCE /^ TMS — ' HAPPENr ^ mmM fmp/rs -m ; " y$ptui^ay and'$undqy Only f Am tetr/m jumtf/smiemfM c ' eje’etiop chute preventi clogging. Plaiat M Warmal aiwariag akrub badge tar beauty aita grivac^ STta S v lT B jw a t a f ^ ^ aammar aad fplU Make yaur aalaettow fram Now ii the time to buy, and laycl tba .Varied aaaartaMRt abotra, o tt SALE AT GRANTS SASEMENT RED WEWj ELA ““ *'**"’* f r o m lata apriig uatu lata taS. I " f FLOWERING QUINCE Z"”' r r n " ‘ “ r " BAMBOO RAKE Jutt In'from Holkindll BY MERRILL C. BLOSSEK 6 7 e CAPTAIN EASY Will D4W40II Escape? BY LESLIE TURNER fr e c k le s a n d HIS FRIENDS Who'a Loyclom? BRIliALWREATH - (iUkr dtftTl hkD V doh RacgoMieg \ OgARtasuM paRW Bpor SecKourA stutmz air auiar aa th4 aifiaaaT 1 aoroMi h^ ...h4'.p i to A cuotoms >DUK. tm * * , NCtaO VW A SWABir CHW4- MOCK ORANGE- " SpMiat ^ /ug> iKY A ow ee AMP OAtaV NMUMS-- MfTAL UW N GMAIR saor seeawL w r N r d io fs T 4UAHS **^™ *^^ ------— ^ SlUrOAMAN - H4ILKC b e a u t t b u s h Eeg. 588, ^ a t ^ A . 0 7 M M aCUM YDUR. ptaat welt knaw a ta S I O R N T O 1 ^ — Oeldeu’yelleW blooms ta raHy apriag raakea lawn i»r irar*h ^ " AOOASr CUSSRBM J*. G U M D GUDIOLUS o m e g R SN IllH PORTA |T$OCKCRANi HONEYSUCKLE ^ bright ida ba^ la aummar ^ fata F0L0IH8 nm BULBS TiBLE . A N P C g M D K S FH iKSPIREA-rS**"'"* K a U G r U P Y H e g . 1 J t . V a a t h e m e r a a r e u L ROSE OF SHARON " W e 1 .7 7 SOLD iN MULTtPLiSS OF THBg* or ONE VAB|EW. , ^ >.'

-J :4 -- / \-

MANCHESTER EVmHNO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY; MAY 18.1968 MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, MAY 18,1966 Fa c e 8 1 V IIWEEN ^McjPonou^ Adams P^ce High ta 7-1 Win over Bristol Chewin’ Sam Jones Pitches No Hit, No

THE I PoUlics in Lead Reese Has Glove ^ei^y and Mouth Wide Open F ^e Run Eighth Friune Threfe-Way Tie Pitching No-Hittcr Indian Gtotpff Stops Herald Angle For 6 ^ Lead In Latest Ring S Breaks Up CCIL Game nr Pirates; B ^ves W in White lulphur EARL W. YOST Miiy 18 (*>—Y< FMtaSapiil*, Kay. U aK-Vver«>lns o f the Governor’s AportunlUea With two down In the by Mike Sotichric, New York, 18 !t*B getting ao that only somstims ■Ido* th* Dppotntinmt at tb* SM Pot. IntUsl Inning, Co-(3aptaln Moo Sperte Editor waM, and Fetor Annnsl Littls Lssffus BooBtsr Dsjr wltl b« hiM Snodsf, Btat* AtbMio Com- lie. Sen. Donolow says Morbardt blaated a long triple to *' lievlagig ita Mifing filng today guys, castoffs An just come close. ^ mMot( ia in s, pc^tlCa h u tteyed Ion is a move in the HsU ...... 000 ri^tfleld but Cb-Ckptain O arie BLUOOEB GETS HEAVE-HO Yteevea—Saturday on (%m>noI 80 goiij: into the second round fo m will CRIITSB4 sU MCtioiis o f Msadisstcr for eontri- ■ rol* ia th* adatlniatration of direction, but 1m is 100 per> JSOO JMinaon was -a victim Fairing all tha .players In or­ o?*^heho White'^ I t * 'Sutphur Sutphur SpringsSprli 'Tijothpick che' Sam Jones, r 6*4 rig^ithander wlio it against t ^ method of invest!* Meriden ., the Dodgers pl*y ClMiitnatl. Tb* Open. butioiis to htlp kooB tho Littk LosftM basebal! progtaRi boodat la th* K*y*toa* sut*. Windham .400 and SUve Cooper grounded out ganised haseball last - seaaon In ^ Yankees meet petimt Satui rosy Cleveland gave on. because of a sore firm, added to tha Xemben of the OonuaiMdoa *r% 'k a t^ . Donolow, who presented a JfiO unaaststod to first base. Leading the batting, department The trio who shot 44s to be efac aUto, YooBffBUrs win start R isk in g thdr rbiinds Sanday bill in th* State Legislature last Bristol ... Channel, 8 and the following strokes ahead of par after the first trepd by hsnr 'ing'Pittsburgh’s Pirates without l y m k in appolatodi by th* Oovilroor off in the aecond, Hobentbal was grixiled old veteran who answroved by the February calling for an Investiga* safe at first on an error and Mos- to the name of Neal Cobb. Cobq, rmM4 yestoimy wero in sharp age a 4-0:^ctory the Chicago Cubs yfistsrday. /■ tion of boodng only to have it By FAT BOLDUC <3ty, Sunday, Channels 18, 19 eontrSet to their closest pursuare. c^ltctM to kelp d e fr v tho season espennes. This year loog rthw tMng% it wee thes ' ■-r?” ''"- ' ...... / “■ Seaate. Through the y Righthander Mylas McE ser was hit by a pitch. But on an posted an tmposing .482 average ahd 55 Wilt carry the game be­ Bohdaianta have very pigeonholed in committee; opposes attempted aacrifloe, Bobtw Sweet In barii-d tha trio by one etroke there wiB be three Little Leafoes and two Fsmi Loafocs first'no-hlttw rinoa last June i$ Qrandafi snMidkad MatMoesri plteh. a probe by the Athletic Commis* and reeerv* BUI Adams _ with Ovstvlew,. Fla., In tha Claei tween the Red Sox and 'ngera.. were a ta n rd ' two decades aio, In MllwMiKto. when Jim Wilson [itieal trtunu. Aad laat^fiUl, Oov. Coach Tom Kalloy’s Indians to ipped to the pitriur and Adams D Alabsma-Florida League. For Bonny Oermano continues to lead operating with 800 hoys partlieipsting in the program. ' Conley, now 4-1,/'gave rix Mte oqt* M. Leader, a/Demociht, ■ion. Johnny 1tovoitA.miA Henry Ploard. stopped Phltsdriphlq cold 2-0 for - vx "Regardlees of ahat the Com­ one-sided 7-1 triumph over Bristol ireed Hohenthal at third. Mosaer Ma‘ outstanding hatting accom- in the r io ^ car point atandlnga The 44-year-old Revolta, winner of An eoRehes, numagera, nmpirca a ^ l e ^ c officials aerre the l^wvcs. WUech' had boon to Enkine’s>’■ imi*./ids*./ Hnnk.HankAsroo’s pledged ta hia caaiMljpi that his yesterday afternoon and with an also forced at third by Mc- filata^lent, Cobb recetved a silvbr wlthoat pay. Tho whoMiearted eof^jieration of aU home second-inning NWier and Sandy party would cl*aajip what he de> mission uncovers os reports, it for Arivers'et Rtverride Stadium. the PGA In 4935 and, 44^vear-oId since 1945, Setting trials will b* accused of political mo* assist from Windham, moved into Dofiqugh to end tha threat. t fiatterned after Ma own model The usual raCe card will he pre-^ .Picard, who. won the title four owners wiH be appreciated. tto Boston Rod Rt. Amotoa' blast m file fourth took scribed *a nspubBcaa atlsnde of ■ole poesesalow.of first placa in the \ Morbardt Oenaeeta from the HlUerich A Bradrity Co., sented Saturday night starting at Browne and the Philsdetphia care^of to* only other eoorlng. V . bcndag ia tives,” says Donolow. “This in*; years later, are old partners. vesUgation, a most necessary oaSv'^^ CCIL. With one out la tha fifth, Mbr- martUfae'turere of famoua Louis- 8:15.: National League sluggers They won thfes straight inter- before Joining'the Brave* in Danny ^^onnelTa toirifle atop of x\ It waa noshratiae td awst per* While notching Ida second hardt ersahed a 8(K)-foot triple to. vtlle Slugger bats. are far ahead of laiit year's home In ’5l. Now he’e with Balti­ Duke Snider’s /smash halped lejsport when must'be run by a bipartisan com* Cobb’s name and pest perform­ natlonri four-baU' mateliSB in ntitte* selected froih the Leglsla* ■iroight win, tha cool, hard-work­ deep centwfUld, Chuck McCarthy, run pace. The homer total 1935-87, more. check BnoUya in a rookylltofor oho** the Harold ing McDonough kave lip four hits veUran a p o ^ editor of the Bris­ ance end sliver bat didn't hold any through the first 89 games stood At that time, by contrast, Sou- Ihe most recent no-Mt .success Depdey, wbo .got JaeU* Robinson Jobnb^a^luUO Medera* Sght fiasco ture. That is tile only way to while striking out seven end Walk­ tol Press, stated that the Mt was charm over Bernie Glovlno, Man- on A Rop up to end It with to* . spaifc to kiadle a full do a fair, thorough and uncom* ehaater’a lone umpire in pro ball. a t’ 198 oompared to 140 in 88 chak wasxjttst t i : ^ f to swing a before WUaon’s was the 6-0 Job promising Job.” ing two. He didn’t issue a free the second longest one h e'4^ seen garnet in 1054. .Prior to the start { » lf club altoougn no was. only No-Hitter Revives a lad named Bobo HoUomaa besee Toaded. . iavesUgation of bosdng. pase until the sixth inning when by a Bcboolboy at Mussy Field. The East Side arbiter, in hU flret of. the current inter-eectional I ive yean oM. hung on the Athletiea for the Cleveland couldn’t do much of termed W offlcial report that SnqieMiea ‘ VaJost Aetf Morbardt waa out at home trying MSSon of calling ’em for bread Houth and Oyes wide open. Pee Moon otf second Bristol scored its lone marker, games, 4eama in 4he Western Di­ Souchak,. former Duke Univer­ Browne in 1958. Bobo did it in hia apytolng agatoat McDermotL iriw (A was rlrugged; before the Others, including former Com­ Starting hia first varsity gams to stretch the Meut into n foiir- and butter, had a run-in with Mr. vision of the National League sity footbril end from Berwick, firat start for the RL Louis club, Slanted just four Mts in Ms Na^ ■^looking” and Auuied box* mission Chairman Frank Wiener, base at Kbbets Field. Cardinals’ 1! at first base nplaclng Norm Ho- b s m r. CObb the third game that he but won only two. more that aea­ . (Olovino) worked. When Cobh's dropped 31 of 38 gamaa to BUAt- Pa., aUrted piaybV f®>t f®** * Memorable Game performinc* atnoe.;^ Joining ^la the Oomnhwwealth for SO a Republican, say. the suspension henthal, wrho oauffht for the In­ i^ tol's tally cams in tbs sixth \ ern rivals..Of ths first 19 one UveUkood Just three years ago aad aon while losing sOven. From Senatora in a 19lri .wlntM ■ p*nH. Tastarday's -victory, Sweet dropped the throw. Mon­ collegian from OMo State, is mak' the spmdy Thorpe at firat But .vAffter walking flret three Over toe pest two eeasons, '.poimcsiMy^ racket busting at* Lios Angeles—Johnny Summer­ York. .321; Vanien, plate. The batter hit a teiriflc line aeaaon. ing him first full swinr of the pro eSnrinnaU. YahkeeS* Bob Tttriey for toe major Favor^ocky M ar^wo 0mlth, CtoTeUsda third in five outings, coupled vrith ger’s sscttflo* sdvsnesd both man drive off 4he leftficld.wall. The ball The legendary pitching totUa Cub catcher Art WtUrit did not s to toce Mm, he struck out TTuck* he* hSd two one-Mtten. League leed with 47. but walks toraey, a ai^ h ally known foot* The ramany questionable fighU lin, 198, Detroit, outpointed Toung ths Whlppotff lo T win over Hall, ■nd XayaU walksd to load the circuit after getting out of the Air matched the Rada* 286 pound Fred expect the pUy and mieaed ^iree in order preserve So have RoUn Roberts aad baH star and coach, ind a news* Jack Johnson; 207, Los Angeles, a«v«lsad. tSerra- bounded )hff the wall and struck Cleveland'a Bob Lemon, the con­ Force eight...... '' months i.\ ago.\ got him in trouble. lOckey Vernon her^ to which Phlladelidiia fight movsd the locsts a half game bases. But McDonough boro down ths fielder in the back. Then the verted outfielder. Is weU on his Toney against Chicago’s 220 pound Vaughn’a toae. _ hia no-hlL no-run vletoiy, (AT Porterfield. Othtra, Uke Iww ■lagled home tN flret run after a p^iermsh. The Oovemor ap* and national television audiences 10. q>we’|l tell yorwhatyM»4li thla man claima ahead of the Warriors in the race to get Garry Gfeger on n swing­ Thomson, the British Open Tto Cuba want out in order iri dette, W am n 'Spatan, MUiA Ger- gsp ^ My was preparing himself for Jofaiistawn, i Pa.—Johnny Bki> ball, as if it had legs and eyes, way to another 20-gsme winning champiott from Malboutne, Aus­ Jim (Hippo) Vaughn. For niiw In- Wtrephoto^. \> walk and a wUd pitch. A walk, have bedn exposed are not the only Nsw fork . May 18 the CalUqraiaIqinia ccoda providiM.th Ita girotaodj tesltae, aM T for league honors. Bo^cluha have ing strikeout and A1 Monlco on a seaaon at a pitoher. r Bob hope# niaga the two buried MUass baU, the 19th when ToOey struck Gia, Bob Lemon, BUIf Pierce, stolen base, Ed Fits Gerald’s In­ reasoiu f ^ the investigation and banks, A41, Flttaburgh. oui^inted never has boon, much sectionrmder butta and enta and grounder to first. bounded over the fence in fair ter- tralia, is making Ms aecond tour WMtey Ford, Curt Blntouma, Billy Glenn Flaiiagea, ISdH, St. Paul, Rom BeAed id—gemal. Kaaaai Otr won thras games M t the West -ritory vrjtjiout striking the ground. to make this hie tevenUi 20-game of the United States gold. traU. but Cincinnati finaUy won in the Lsnrry Doyle. Fted •Mwikle Want field single and aq error aeored an­ The Commissioners, Alfred suspension ^ boxing. Donolow tairiied to the choice of bloodHowlng freely: aad Verooti, WaabtBStm, >7; Nlimtman. Hartford nine tu ^ dropped two Ttn men went to bat in High’s* lOtta, 1-0 when Vaugto yielded two out on n fiy and CY WUllsms LOee end , EreMne/hav* pitched other in toe fourth. TN third run 10. Moses Ward 170, Detroit, he says) the referiw la f e r ^ What’s your decision? A home run better campaign and already Neither he nor Finsterwald have Klela, an attmnsy i^ o served with and others ha^charged that cer­ Cockell, the rotund Briton, CUMun. M; KaliBfc D«M«,.22; VloA- compared to one/for the Red and Mg oiiht inning whsn it tslUed hsa racked up eix wins. He’s one safeties. foimsde ' ' Ungle on«-Mt came off Art Houtteman, wN re- th* Kefauver Senate Oime Imres* stopped Jimmy Welch, 909, Co* fighter moot deserving of a title ktop a bout in .the vary Brat gui, Kaiuas Ctir. 9 . . five tiUMS on Uirss MU, W o sac- Is the answer. \ cracked first money veL ' „ ^ tain managers Oi^y say are unfit luaabus, Ohio, 2. Hits—Kum. l^WolL O; KaUm. D*- White. Testem y'a loss dropped They claim averytlunf possible of seven American League hmrl- While Revolta and Picard did And, it waa tha great Jim Until Joqes tossed Me'brilUsnt Moat/ recently,- It’s been Bob plaeed-Score after toe stxto. tigating Committee: Chainnan to be in sports are favored be­ fight with Rocky Marciano on id because of A cut, the fight olL BBilIh, Clmr.Miid, St; T«mon, the Bell Towners Into last pla^. rtflco- fielder's choices, a sknifiee, Thorpe who drove in Dm Redlegs’ Job yesterday the Oibe-Rcds battle Turley. Bt^Feller and Don New- TN leading active major leaguo JaaMS Crowley, member of Notre Moqday night A1 WelU, th) .Ucally is ruled a draw. It Milatten, Avila, Clevcliiid aad happens in Class D—^the bottom ert who won 20 or more ^ m es In yeomah work to keep in sight of cause of political connections. Hie Red and White, which stolen base end a aaerlfle* fly. of the barrel in organised ball— six different aeaaone. ' Walter the youngsters, two of the gamAs winning marker. of 1017 waa the last ho hit game In Gomto, Ml with noe-Mtters. Naw- eonaocuUve-game streak came to Dame’s famed Four Horsemen, and Charges, as yet unproven, are be­ champ's manager, .simply m no difference wglch man is craahed 10 MU off Bristol's A1 Cooper crossed the plaU on pinch- Larry Kopf. aSoond OncUmati the cubs’ WriglM Field, then oonibe, all with one-Mttera. New- aa end In toe game aa Eddie Yost, Paul Sullivan, veteran Pittsimrgh to do his abare in 0Mnentin|: ' _ In the event of a draw, and thf aforementioned bit . must Jobnaon had 12, . Lefty Grove most recent, greats, 8am Snead ing made that inormipetent Judges Rhody Rams Blast Mais and I^ipet& Boatoa. Koenn, at- Scharmsr. broke into the acoriag MtUr Ronnie Brault’s eingl*, and have bean a one in a million Ai)ua- eigbL Eddie Flank eeven and Cy and Ben Hogan, were back among pUyer up in the lOUL'ringled to- named Weeghman^Fark. ae ,ka faced Just 27 Cuba only last Washington tMrd baseman with a-, ■ports writer, have been woridng SM referees are used apd that tiona between the two tha efimpiofi would, nf course, re­ nil and Flaisan and Power, Banana Adame’ liner to left raecuad Ho- .Tuesday at caucago. But like toe string of 438 straight games, was' quietly to eliminate aOeged un­ Hah speaking nations. tain hlsS^blA Toung. Bob FeHer and Woa Fer- the also-rans. x.— ____ boxing ta Pennsylvania . i ^ con* hentlial and Mosaer. Braiilt, in ths RETURN WELCOMED teU six each. .With the dreua /T h ey were among nine who were resL he mieeed. •tdeluied by tonriUUs. savory characters from the boxing Connecticut 15-10 Not untU now, howeimr, have In BuocbeAag rounds, thsr* Is a troit aad Carer, game for the first time thU sea­ It was on toe seme mound at scene. trollM Iqr racketeers and p l « ^ tied with „ Thumping Tqd Williams offl- gone from Madison Square five atrokOs behl^ although they Meve Up In fises,- ■ten. we eeen an adequa^explanation difference. M the mah who'is.|et- Horae Buna—ZernI uas Citr, Mae Too Tough son, tallied as Col* reached on a rially returns to beaebell and the beet per 70 by one atioke. In all, Wrigley Field yaaterdey that Sad Ths WMts Sox moved to wltoin Klein, a soft spOken man who ting the Mood is ahead on potets fielder’a Choice and MorMires fly dfo' boxing moves hack in with a Bam made It, although hattfiy can wield a. big sUdc effectively, Th* job of the investigating Kingston, R. L, May 13 (JK^— of tha reason for gWhig the groat t LoUar, Chicago, : DMrolt SM Boston Rod Sox today and there bout tonight between Eduardo 87 of the 47 who toed off for the Jets two games of tos first-place TriN , committee would seem to be to Rhode Island blaated out 22 hiCs, State of C a U foc^ vrith lU first when the r«feM steps im he is the nUe, New York, , [cman, Chlee- to cenUr sent Adams home with are not any happier parUea than 72-hole touroey were under par. matriilng th* briUlaace of New- on n walk, three riniJes and Jtm won’t name names, but claims the winner. If the wowded warrior is Bau«r,' Ntw th* fifth run of the inalag and sev­ Lausee and Tiger Jonea. Jmtee comto’s Job. But you can’t knodc commission )ias refused to renew g ^ documented evidence to prove four of them home runs, to out* heavyweight dumpionshlp that Haaebaatav ^<7|^ the eight American League club is a Spoiler who upset Sugar Ray Tfc* >«ern „ _ HOLE-] 'NB Rivera’s two>-run double In the Wg or deny such charges. It appean slug ConnscUcut’s baselMU team amounts to Anything since the behind on the ofndal score carda, ,8mlUi, Clevciand■Miimso, BO a a rbl enth of the conteet, Vrhlch waa owners. Williams is stlU the great­ FVUr Tbomeon. Aajuell* 5 ^ 8 ^ a no-Mtter. ninth Inning. Harry Dorish waa a mimber of licenses of managers he ia the loaer b y \ gnookout. In , renam.rik « Kalin^ Cole, a* ...... ,,.*1 0 0 T a 0 0 plsysd in tbs good time of two Robinson several months ago and T o D e b a t e Issnes Yesterday wqa Wayland unable to meet standards estab­ to be more a Job for detectives 15*10 yesterday. gaslit era. ijtAeems there are rulqa Jusbr. S^sWaston. 4. Mo^rdt. et ...... 3 0 2 s v est siagle attraction in the sport may stUl have enough to eurpriee iStraughah's btttoday and ha gave Jonea made it tough on Mmaelf, toa wtaher, chaekfng Baltimore than Athletle Conunlssloners. UConn Co-Captain Tom O'Con* A them tkar MUa- that were only ■hort, a boxer I s ^ naceatailly Bivera, Cbicafo and Johnson. } b ...... 6 0 0 2 6 hours and five minutes on n Abner .Doubleday is credited with M m r RvrolUt. Skokie. Ih. ^ and toe scant 2,918 fane, Iqr walk­ over toe last three nmlagi with lished by the commission. He is whipped Just because he is too cut­ Inaton, A beautiful baseball afternoon, x Laueee. Ths bout wlU be tele- iMmseif an axceUent present Ha confident that, given time, boxing neU waa touched for 20 hits in aix waltlng/0> be diig up by a smart ■ i ? S inventing. . . . Ever-since Ted-an< Sen Francieoo, May IS (A)—TheYqefmpromlae of 20 feoL” -9f« * Imw an the elfhth ing toe baaea fuU with none out Mlk* Fpnilelee after rcUeving and two*third8~inninga - JopenMr who can read, as WeUl up,Jn_the re f a optnion>4o remain mtcuns--^ir]riin, COavaland. 90.. . - n a t* TBrenten nounced last fall through a maga- cssL hi • the nlntfar- atactef Jack Harshman. Sau can and will be cleaned up enough SCHOLASTIC BASEBAIX Dorish and Ccramrin, ___ w, i f ...... i i 2 0 0 E. J. (Dutch) Henirom »34-4S managers of toavywelgtat cham­ Simpson, to toe amuMment of hoM arid shot an ace. Wayland waa to wurant public confidence in the East Hartford 7 ]^keley 4 imdoubtadly can. on puMie display, as is Bin, Nfw York and Goierraan. Sweet. 3b ...... 3 0 e 2 1 ’The ksMTs feUed to threaten 'sin* arthste that he was quitting National League PuMlrisl ^ v e 8t LoiBs Then N dug deep and iiirsw Rofovte lost iL 'Wa ,do not have a copy of Cali-; elsewhere. «y. >0. 1.000. Kanit. a ...... 1 1 1 0 5 after netting their run ta the sixth heaeball there have been reports A) Srollh. Oearillj^ V*. n S -u pion Rocky Marciano and Ma Eng;, most of toe writers, both Am r-1 playing a round; with Art Wilkie Boston kickoff up Its first real qxxl. Weaver 14 New Britain 10 In their first 11 games this sea­ —Score. -Clevctalid and Cyr. A )...... 1 0 0 0 o Orote p a e ^ along the following liric Brit. Oek FSrii. lU. 3643-47 liSh cliallMiger, Don ODckell, ap­ loan and BriU ^ yaid he would I Sr.'TMs to Me first ace in about 36 Just one mora pitch outride tN Although Leader’s sctlon in sue* Hartford Public New London 0 son the Plttsbprgh Pirutos iMod 28 fornla Commission's official hook- As it happens, ws are Odd, It er. New York. 67: hilUvan. Boaum and' Adaais, i h ...... 4 J 3 10 0 McDonough, mixing a ale* from many reliable sources that humorous Incident about the play­ Jedile maju. Jr., KUewtbe strike sons while fanning Dick storm to a long wMla, smacking *Mt at hand, hut A man who has never has been neccaeary to inyoks ''eDonoasb, p ...... 6 0 1 0 2 curve with Me feet hsU, retired the temperamenul slugger would Uke. N.Y., 3966-47 pear today tofore toe CaUtotiUa toriy hto appeal, if necessary, to| years of playing golf. One ean’t 15 Mta off tore* A’s pitehsra. Vic psndlng - Mxing for 90 days has Windham 10 HaU B tchers. Only Max Surkont a Lemon, aeveland. 31:_0*rcla. Clevs- ing manager w)io eeat a rookie to AlUsaa, West palm Beech. Athletio Oommisaton to debatA the toe hlMieet eouroes — atarting off think of a bettor v ^ -t o oriebrata Iroat, 'Robarto Clemente and SehOnstle Tenqis i>b Purkey hurled the full nt waded through the . volume In re­ this rule in a title fight on Isod aad McDermott, Washinston, 23. the last I I batters in succession. W back. Although he didn’t as 3919-47 'sonk TNmaa to become toe font RasoM, attsmpttog a ooms-baok, BMt with the approval of n ^ coast. Western referees are ni ...... ;..lil~7Tol7l3 2 4 centerfleld. then waa dlamay^ teauei. of rules, tto weight tff toe' with nurident Eto«whower and a birthday, eepectkUy when-you waa Jarrod for soven tuns to toa / pecple there are dissidents, tnclud* HaU S Windham 0 ginnings. / cent days a ^ studied its more Baltins—(Bamd n * 3 ^ t Bati, - BtleM (It Tuwdiak walked ta ths ssvanth murii as suit up once during aa the youngster let the first WeltMl. Hereher, Ps, rlove* and toe rise of the ytng for dropping down a Mt to Gov. Good­ rare Just 79 yehra young;. CUh t® burl n no-hitter in 40 yean amaxlng characterfsUcs claims easily intimidated by blood. Bui NeirYork, .4*1: Ban ah r k po a a rbl but was out sttempUng a theft of ib r i^ ^*'*re were more Jehira]^ B ^ P lttibi^ and toe first Negro ever to do it fin t -ter* Innings. Gens Stephens there’s a rule or in thors there ie a first time for everything, It*. '.3jHl':' ' miwauEeJ^'.'364; SB ...... 2 1 1 0 4 2 0 second on a nlc* throw from Ho- ball hit fall safely In frent of Grow Pkito, Conshohockea, toe 15-round title fight Monday win KMgbt of Cthfortiia. and JscUs Jensen homareff for ...... 4 0 1 6 0 0 1 words written about WlHiams than him for a single and let the n*** nighL / ■ . CookeU Mma*)f, rather uneonad- The ToiMament Committee did la toe in^ors. which might weU hays been writr we always say, and wouldn’t it ba -^"LmtsMT** henthal to Sweat. Kelley waa more ' anyone ehS^^ Jn Florida. BeaebaM V^e«^^ood.W -« (kansM) Bnake Up Ossse four of Boston’s five rune to to* ton with Rocky's tbbder nose in ducky if Monday night were to see than pleased with the way Hohen- one sail over hie head for three No one looked tor *ity blood-let- eualy honeeL myreiy said: not have, to make Shy deOUIon on aecond. Gua SuMal’s ninth and —ilder,’ Brooklyn. SI; Aaron, Kayais, writers and f^ u r e and magaslne bases. . . Tlte manager,’JpTompUy -*OUrer. brumtastoo. Del. ‘ "I . have no opimon. As long aa The lone btoer National Ltsgns *1SM o monV- • h*'Bler. _DBliss. Te*. Osiidsll broN it ^im in ths ISth One of WeUl’s prolilems, it will Pteture, for instance, the turmoil Bima .Batted In-Antder, Brookl Moaleo, from th* bench. raphers for Ted to return. 'They ell position .himself. . . On the first Al«saB*er. SL PeUrabarf. fUl too cfsigreeelonil record. other fellow to there, that’s all The match was resumed at toe ■■ Ike Driock won it with Nip in PlecmUUy Circus upon receipt Ua, Broot' “ ' - n. rl . pitch the Mtter dropped a etagle Briefly presented. >-• the fighters toer*/iAtoiL” aixto with Ray Gordon emerging with s home run ril Ed Roebuck from Tom Hurd. - be recaUed, waa to appoint * Foody, , tee,' 3b Although MUeae iq .five, tripe, ’’ len the etinny south without any Loa Barboro. Deal, N.J. Bdto fighters apparenUy wound —Ms first Mt In 24 a t b a ts-^ a t tvorthy c)iaUenger who. did not of the news that th4 Empire’s ring irracr, the first time tM* epring that be concrete copy and blank rolls of in front of the manager, who two Jlrarar Dtraarct, KiiraMaha toemaeivea remained In toelr re­ , toe winner by one up. It to fine to minutes later watched the next flective camp* to train for actual severe aparring drills and imow that theae two sportomen K ve Milwaukee a 2-1 idstoiy over figure to be around long enough herd had' blooming w dl slaabed York. 40: Ba- Toiau ... 4 37 10 4 1 has foiled to connect. Johnson film. The suspense is now over nymuh. Dei. ooklyn. The Dodgers, i to reopen the gash which Elssard RocI ^ b noae into segments, forc­ a Brault _____ ct to hit. turned In several fin* fMdtog and WlUlams, the long and loose batter drill one far over Ms head Bob fombaL toeXjasue* involvedi tie or no heavy acUon to In would not let a matdi of this sort Tennie Team 'Win* Charles put Jn Rocky’s bugle In ing the referee to halt the bout in b aipu> oqt for Gresar to )daya. attM id bass ptven swinging left-handed batter wear­ fo r an Inslde-the-peurk homer. The use/ of eight-ounefe glov*e. proepecL / . fmid at toe fifth by a defaulL Sun- N vs :io*t two straight, a real Sth. ‘•Tou busher, you.” the manager S H r l i S r ^ 'n*aaarr. as CaUfqcnia law requires fi^aU Preaaed for a pndlcUon onto*l(Uy Ray and Walt Rumaey wlU ■lump after winning Xt of 24. ths latter’s most recent title de­ the third round, but that Rocky’s 000 306-7 ohsuwes flawlcaely. Sweet’s ths**- ing unitorm No. 9 le back to tor­ glove had been raised in v lcO ^ screamed at the rookie, as ho dlvlelons" . ■ ove; 147 poimus, LUb*. Inriead fight outcome, and anawering a match strokes In toe 86-hole fiaato Rain postponed Phlledelphia Sit Over CCIL Foe 92 fense hers last summer. Only a BrooUro aad Bemiiakl. m. game hitting atrealt waa also ment rival pltcliere. Baseball needs Ainbld Palmer.'Lairob*. P*. S-H-riS hairline scar remains, but nobodg because he liad won the first two gSSTt. strapped by Scharmer wtio totaled .Ted.'WiUlama and to do the Red slumped weerily down bn tl)p Sera Sna**, White B u lp b tir___ of toe.irix-ounce gtovaaa oprimon in quesUon deUvered In reserve, toe of the Govaraor'a (hip. It riiould be Cincinnati and'New Y®sk at SL can say for qertain that it.will haats. Tou nuy bet that Rooky ------i * Moaser] four strikeouts and two wafiu. bench. "You got that centerfield eo Sprinsi 3M9—« other statee for title AWtehes. 26-year-old Rrittoh champion » good match because both golfers Louis. UclMnasli,' Manser fouled up that pobody could play repUed: - . I have won upset matches in order In V toe American, Mabry Mc­ Oosrii Matt Maetorfa High ten­ not start gushing again the first will not do any early Iqgflng. York. 4;; abt ptayers Ued wllli A LOirlfS^eaterl. 1 Moriiardt, Coopef, batting fat tha WERE AND THERE Roared IWeapprevel nis eqtiad defeated Briatol S-t yes­ Urns it la hit squarely. The BriUah camp is yelling foul Jtun*7-4nlder. Brooklyn, t, poMUSli A Soliarate. - U6- eleanup'jipot. Moemr and Adams Weekend baseball schedule on It!" M erriano’e manager, A1 WeiU, ^ Alwaya OMBllSext to gain toe final round. Dermott and Washington broN There waa speettotion that if upon learning that the fight is to Furuio, Brooklyn. 3; Klussewski SMabi Donoosb 7, Seeamer 4: by each hadHwo Mte for the wtnaere roared diaappfdval of the eight *Tve always been cimfident TdI x ,,, —------' Glevsiand's winning striMto st six terday aftoraosn to tN Bril Town fetU Clnctanatl aad Aaron. MUwaukee, Sebarrae^ (Moaser). win,” ., meaning, he exptolned,/that " TMa aftBheon at 4 will h* the games by a 8-0 oounL baa tint for its eaoond straight triumph such g cutie as Archie Moore, the take place in n ring only slightly while no SeU Ttowaar was aU* to ouncera. John/BImpedn, for Ooek- and third of. to* Mere 175-pound- champy ever got the larger than n phone booth, pving Louis. I. column with two runs gat mote roan one aefoty. ^ ell, ekpreeeed thto for those who have not oriU to defend Ua titia ngalnst a the three subsequent sessions, re- PttUbi^ ^ U .431 U room to run. ta to* field and tagged loser Nel­ Mark Solomon and Bob Winaler Ctodnaan . Simpson mM he wanted to com- good and ccmttnued.to propheqy x|l>Nn able to play on S M ^ ^ . Itol- son King and Vern Law for 86 3-6, 6-3, 4-3. ______strong field In the ISdt annual Eirdless of speeds, unltsa "bump* rwiadollAis If ;SS ^ promto*. * iiaif.muiii7.t A>n«i. rate lowing tola ^ rn am oit wll) be toe Mts, one Ted Tsppe’e homer. ^ t t i p m e n t New IkigUad MUrooUeglaU Bell- Boi^on, May W) ^ Ted WU-stafldng with the press today, WU- g" hegbuk Thto does not Include the theater I Major Calcutta. Now to toa time It*! clew SI a ciyitid why fostune m iles on the lag Ansa. Dtaghys. Chaai|iioiialiip Uamd waa due Arrive from Ml-Tliams was axpeeted to hold a little Clrvelend ”We feel that a 24-foot ring ■ At MUwauln*, Gene Conley Jerry Lane, rookie pltcNr for IKSFOltO After the 83 etartlng qwU aro Chlerin • 3 Would to to the adventoge. telsvirion and radio rovenu*. I to ^ ek your p4wtner. want aU tN way for to* Braves, toe dncinnatl Redlefs, didn’t ]drid man who drives an OK Vised Cw. The red OK FmaM on the Thames River her* Uhl today to _ hia Boaton Rad batting:tlng worlworkout in a locked park x l filled, a driver still can got Into NewTerfc • TOdaYs comwiralon aasrion waa thU weMcend. sox beeebeUXQontract aad begin with Coach Paul Britreibsr throw- the linetm by making a qualifying 'Detroit CookeU isnd a Ig-foot ring favor- Under toe N(UA rules, coUege hoiking up to e duel with Carl a home run In 188 Ipntogs In ^ Tag tells him be can drive wth confidence in a H eadquarters conditioning workouts. (MSTOWNEVd Wuhlnston aMe tq Marciano. So wApropoto a aet for 11.4um.'Fiyr. Rriktoe for 11 innings. Eraklne first year to pro baU. That waa for Tarry Gloag* and Tbd GeifepL run faster than the slowest ear in Konwi City it baaketbaU teams are aUowed 20 Blueflrid, W. Va., of toe Appato- cw that’s impected and scientificalfy recondi* ' a couple of* expert MdpWrs. dsid - His pfona was seheduled at Lo­ WtUiams said ha la 15 pounds the field. It the ”bumped’’ w wm Boiton apring practice seielons within was Bfted.for a pInchMttsr and gan AitTOrt . this morning. Britlmore Roebuck canM on In tN ISto Chian League to iMt. th* femlHerity with ham* sratera over hie 195 pUyteg Weight. HeTl IBOORSEOilN an eariy qualifier, care beMnd tt TODA1 80:day period. tkmed fof pt^ormance, safety and value. Ifs were expected to gtv* the' OedeU Tha big aliigger announced by be working haid on toughening move up and the “bumper” takes - ' '' — ^ warranted in writing by. the dealer. Sales, Seryiee, Rentals the edge. Chest Guard Uchnd MXT. telephone Wedneiday to Gen. Mgr. Ms hands for Mttliig and on run- the vacant spot on the enA--" -'""T ' PhllsdUpble ai CiecienaU—*-Wehmeltr Yale and Princeton Teams by one point a year ago. Jo* Cronin h* would play again. n l^ to oondition Ms Rga. ' McGrath set the q u ^ f ^ rec­ (94) Tt lUdBlk 404)* • MXT.A 1954 NaUoiial FlnallsU, How soon he gets into a ^ on de­ Clubhouaa chief John^ Orlando ord of 141A8T-mUee An hour fo r Rotary Tillers Gorden Brown, Harvard, Rhode lUand end pends on Tad alone according to one Up and 141.088 for four Upe PuSbuMk 'at Chleaso —UtUefieK In Three Gdntes Saturday SoM only by on Autherizod Chovrolol Daolor baa 12 uniforms, 16 hats, wrist *x- ThfU are rated Mgh, followed Cronin and field boas Mike Hig- arciaerB, golf gloves and other last year th tha earns Hinkle Spe­ (93) V* Rqto (1^. . ^ ^ ARIINS Tractors thra* other oonmetltars, Boston cial he win drive tomorrow. New York et St Louia—Goran (14) items in raedlneOe for th* ar­ V* Lewrtnee (14). New Haven, May 18—Tra-q,Nts. FUppih^ to* team toi last ROTOTILLIR lOLINS . UMvenrity, Bowdoin and Tel* T oaa’t even guaee when Mill be rival. _ araatteea avarag*. could win the Ooest Guard.Acad* ready,” H i g ^ said. REGATTA ON XAF (nevelaad at Weahlngton (alsht) — diUonal Yale-Priacetcn rivalry year withrito a. hririthy A49 M I FLANir JR. emy Ahnniii Bond, anHenaatlo of Only One- Wh* Knew* BEAUPRE Syracuse (NEA)—The 68rd fo wm bd’ renewad to New Haven tor Sophomore L eig h ^ Ford, a] th* New Englend dingby crown. ‘ThdUtheonlyohewbo knows,” terc^egUte Regatta win to hel^ momw when tN Big Three ato- righthander who has N m a stand­ ROTO HOI IIAVIR 4-WHIB. letee taka up 1066 oompetiUon to out hurler for toa TIgcro rid* This ohampionShfo will deUr- Cronin adde.7^’'' su.,'- .. ■ Yesterday*s Stars on Onondaga Lake, June IE canlll (0-1) V*. Nixon (44). min* the iWo New BnglMid USA , hesriian, lacroeee ' and temria. son, or aeirior veteran EmetxwUt CARTER CHEVROLET CO. Ine. —Higgins put it this way: MOTORS, liK. Detroit York—Oromok (91) Yala’a henvywaight and Ught* qoahAers for the NsOafial flnela ” 7 ^ have to wait untU ha ntehing, Sam Jones Cube—' t a b h e e l s o b e b n piteh against Yale's Ken MecKon-l POWER MOWERS* quysIsr-FIyMMutk Oara C h a ^ Hin. K, c . ( N ^ ^ Wright crews bid for EAJLC. si*. 311 MAIN St. . MANCHISTiR to he held bore June 21-23. telle me he’s-ready and when he Walked the baesi full in the ninth, sprint tlUea, «n d toe varstty traifi M 0T04I0W IR — RIO M.-JACOISIN doM, I know ha’ll mean i t He’s then fanned th* next three battora 854 Eaat Center SL Coach (toorge Barclay says NorOl With MacKenrie on toa mound It's a long, long time CaroUna’a 1M5 foothaU team wUt team defonda its HeptBgenal f6r~ T ri*r toe Junior lefthander Marty Marion, manager of tha that kind of n ball player. He to register th* first no-Mtter ef OPEN EVENINOS diampiensMp at Prinoetoa. , lOLINS — FOUY — GOODAU GMcago WMU Sox, piaytid \fiOt bee to get used to se«ng tha ball the season and the first by a Negro have more bench hut wtU lack ex-, wiU N after Ma fourth win ef tN SUNIIAM — JANI — MOW MASTIR MUOMS at ehorUtop for th* - fit thrown. It’ll take Mm aoma time. lA the majon, b e e ^ Flttoburgh perience. Local Sport campaign, agalnat three sfnee you've seen a price this tow Louis (hrdlaals: I don’t know how long, to get so he 4-0. His last sffort was to toe EU’s can follow th* ball again. That Hitting, Cue Zaniial. AthleUca— 10-8 defeat of CohimMa 10 days GARDIM RAKIS ^ HOIS — KRTIUZIR takes a little doing.” ipionship oompetltian age when he etuok out nine, al­ belted two home nuts, taking tha C h a tter Tale golf course, with to* boat LOOK AT THESE spRmion H osi— s p r i a o i r s — s p ik ir s Winiams wns schedulsd to hold major league lead with . 10, that lowed two waUu and eeven Mts. A press ooaforsnet at noon in Fen; ^row* bom* four of the Ala luns in EU’a Mfondtog team honors for Ik^om or* Colin Gracey wlU N GRASS SIIDS — CARTS — ROUIRS vnty IBrk. CHENEY TECH’S baasball toe third straight year. battorymat*. COMPLETE a 12-7 defeat by Boston. team met Hartford Regional Tech USED OAR BAROAINS A last of hsssbsll's .400 Mt- Th* haeebeU gam* with Ptinoe- Tale ia tied for first place with tsrs (ha bsttlsd .409 la 1941) with thto a fte rn (^ at ML Nebo at 7 ton marN toe first ef tote* an- OOUP SCHBDUIX o’clock. It’s toe final home con- Harvard at 4-0 to loop oompeU- RADIATOR a A4Flifetiin* avsrsge, mads his Hartford. May U (F>—Prasident countara with to* Tiger rivsie dur* tion, and has a cam pai^ standard R entals dsetrion to rsturn to ths gams at tsst for toe Tachmen who have tog to* current campaign. TN Joe Donato has announced a aehsd- split In two outings. of 14-7. Prtaoeton is to aecond ■X Poww RsRgfB ■■ Rotwy Tlhis tha tlma a dtvorcs aetUsmeat was ul* o f dates,for 18 evmtsAC ths- oontast ia for etandtog in to* plae* to toa league on tour irtos SERVICE complstsd ia. Miami. ConascUcut sectloa of the FGA Eeatom lnt*rcoIIs|lato BeeebeJl and two leeee*r and la 11-5 for tN 19S1 CHIVROLir 1952 CHIVROLIT P ow of M owofv PgrHHMf S|NoiMlBt$ Tad appaared in good spirita beginning Monday with a Fni - PLATOBOUND superytoon are League race, and mairtu toa last xwrarall aeaaen. whtn ha M t Miami lato last night n*eded for too aummer at Robert- konM contest for toe BuUdoge ua- SpHio Oties —^ lefew lep tedders Amateur Tournament at mit ■sh,Faifc*an(l WadS^ gchopl. Dk B-Deer. Sport CeupSk — posing for pletans aad chat- River and ending Oct. i l wtth the ttt' acUen' is resumed en J um 4, Soedere DiRb Heeirie Heeeeere •CUANING IfiW'MteS persona may contact Jtm else with Princeton at Yale Flelfi. Bsdle, iMter, Pepninrhard* tlng with newsman. aaslstaato chempionahlp tourna* Hsnllo at-tos East Side Rec. After signing n . contrnot. and inant el Xockladg* C o u i^ Chita; Yale n«(t week plays three away $ 8 9 5 tap. A real bay* W eta r Pw npi — C hoie S ew s — ShM Sew s •RIFAIRING games, opsntog ’Diasday with Am- m. P M tH d e l 4 fioraBALL FmAOnaB gamaa; NrsL at Amharst; at Dartmouth .Ihnlirib—OL Bridget’s and Com­ on Wsdnssday and wtth Harvard munity BfRtot Church of Boltoa naxt Saturday at Cairihridge. IfSO OLOSMOMLE 19S3 CHIVROLir TIRM5 ^ H A 0 I5 W . p|MON5TRATfOH at Robertson Fark at 4 ffclook: 1953 CHIVROUET fiunday morning—Hartford Road TN acourgs of Tala’s football IwnB fortnnse last fSU. Royco FlippN 4-Odsr. MUIPHTS lOWLINH MLEYS GtUlo and Bolton Lake Houae at Q. la there any dlfferenee OenvetOMe. Charter Oak Fato at 10 o’eloek. as well se Dick Emery and BiU W: 2-Desr. 'B t:$ f I Agnsw WtU form tN hard core ef tween National and Amarican C A P I T O L IdtOtia IlMtlMUt T See, Drive and Buy ” I? $ 6 9 5 $ 1 5 4 5 UMFOUBV DGBOOL foT'Vohm' toe Ttosr’* baaebaU effort hers at $ 1 3 2 5 tsar Littto L tsg^ sxMten « Tale Flippto, off to a stow A . Nana. T N y asu SMda to PIN SETTEIS^ i |*m next Friday night at fas Wast start at tN ptato, has found Ma WB HAVB IT1 EQU iPM Earr CO. Rsc nt 7 o’cloek. batting aye ta recant anoountorsL :*nat' BIAUPRC TN Prineston ssoondbsstmsn, to I are 3a m nem ntoun 1950 SrUOIIAKIR M E lElHO INSTAUED tN 4-0 wMOswash ef Army, IfMCHfVROUr 88 MAIN S T R E ^ 'lE L . lia S-7958 FhU Wobipsrt of ths Univsrsity IOUR8 7 to 8 — THUBS..7 to 9 MQ MORI PW ROY H I^ < ~ m Fraiiictoes and MUtep tripiad sad batted a pair ofi . Q — in how ssaay aaa A^toear. MOTORS iff SoBtliwsri T*x*s ~ abrides. Against Harvard, to tN Das*y Vanes win 20 Moriarty Brothers* Phone Ml 3-$135 TOO V gHMs for toe Dodgsrsf A q i-sa lS - MMsr, .ItAKES WMOWBBS AM9ENCENffiOIBa wumhmtCR: t w fil...... ItaMUtoM’a first: tan to sis to 1 4 stsrtik A — IN se — $• to U 301^11 OMfOl flu ir $ 4 9 5 •HABFE^ Aim BEflUMD. MSiAsrcwmin; CONTJ ' N 'toM «fi DvsS. . I S A i t M , . 7

f . . f ■I'. . ..’A :Fr:* 1 .. MANCHESTER EVENDIO HERALD, MAI^CBESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 18.1965 > A G E ■'N;' EIGHTEEN IIANCHESTER EVENIKO HRRAU). MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, MAY 18, l96S ArUdfs For Ssk 46 Hoosdield Goads 61 M uksl Instrionants 68 F hcB bIs ^ 72 fW Bate 78 i o t o F o r ' ^ 74 Salwalwui 76 f e a t HUM US-SteceUant aoU eon. WANTED MUSIC ttatrasMBtal nnteL Ooaw .‘ .MANCHESTER VBRriON —New five roen ranch, Q OVIBNTItT -A c to r’a OoM Ba- BROAD BROOK — THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! 1 ^ FAGALY and SHORTEN Btudmas Opportoaltito- Htig Wsntod—Bisis 86 Box* "Ktds Psta 41 dlticner — top drasatag, riuedded attadiad garage, firoplaea A w ^ I'----- . .. J lots, 80 X lOF ranch, toll cellar, very lot ABtoasobOsa tar Salt 4 Reliable, Honest Peisen ptoto Itoa of toatnimeete.< Rental large 'YEAR OLD' Germ an She and seraanad. ML 34618. TO TAU OVER . appMad to porahaaa ^ to a . R n*o- Garrison ' Oolontal of • darful km. B A H Raalty'Oe.*ML JA. near beautiful aehoM and LON# un CHBVROLBT S . _ ■I(Mn O im YOUR OWN BUSl^tESB EXPERIENCED automohUe mt; fioDma coatom built trt oonUnetor 04M7. l a S44S0. aewer dlatrlet, 18 mlna tix to chanlc. steady wonwork. exceUi malt. Vary good with ch imPAi^TALANCB aenttoX dteT irim arrB aebr^ C i n t i f M ~ door Station Wagon. All metal, From Tour Home — Writ known SO. S4306. tor and Bimb' M att^a JDirie tor penonal UM to 1866. A 34’ Uv- aa d3B numitaa to IN TIR nA TtC LM Ifie^ radio and. heater, PowergUde. L M ^ MAUy M8ANT Tisncfr onandlng national company now conditions. Apply to MONTHLY PAYSfENTB tog room terioa on to a IF x 3F MANCHESTER—Six-room Qipa. LARGE LOT to Bolton. Ctil ^ and 38 mlfiotoa to Bruno MsssOU, a t 816.13 Studto, m iil^ a a ^ ^ 37180. attachad garaga aoraanad-gtagaad Only en imbellevaNe N.OOO mllee IT ivhdi kb. i^ . on PRKSPIICH ■ D w i r looaing for rallaMa man or wom­ r e g is t e r e d EngUsh sattors, two SCREENED LOAM —...... - ...... acraenadltd pegen.poieh. two Two »3F r mmaator aster mortgaga. Aeaodate RaaL M M ' Mai. 46% ^C on Ode autatainding car. Taka It an to own th eir own husihegs- 77e Motor Balsa, bsfors 8 pjn aO Q M PU R E ACCORDION, exceUent oonditten, bedrooms and a third amaller ana ponh. large oaMnot Wtehan, d Brook. Tal. Windsor fliJB WUh FauXBillill^ A i w r t m n m t w o c r " f w r i D months bid. DspendsMa pate and ROOMS Of b r a n d oeramte tUe bath, firaplsea, fia- for m rids. Barlow Motors, US will aecure excenant locatiOliS for ifiite our exceUant hunting stpek. CsU Rock- ' PEAT HUMUS 12* haae. irithicase. fteaaenablai Bath and lavatory, dlntiig roou. [A. 84718. c l a s s i f i e d A D V T ./ our attractive dlaplay and nier- SALESMAN. Promotion NEW FURNITURE. Idud racmatlra room, SoraMn, Resort Prspsrty for Sate 74 Main Bt, Mandisstar. organisation itds sn vUle TR. 8-7401. ■ft 3W p s B ^ St. ML 848M. unusually ■ la i^ cabtoet' kltehra; s : d e p t , h o u r s / chandtetog lUtite atfUng a nation­ Apartment, Beautiful Waattoghouaa Elec. Ra- breaktoat ar*a dtlhw ashar.^ Kniealy landaoapad lot. 816,800. ON ROUTE 88, IH uU ee off WU IMi CASIUUiC. el«an, n,000 ally ■ advSrilsad product now an- oofnlhg to our ' Sup^or Quality f r tg t^ to r Warraa B. Howland, Realtor, MI W sBt^Bssl Estets 77 1 JOWISM •;1I A. M. to 4:80 P. M. Wa rsqutrs a m im sd man metropotltan nUUtlsa Wlthto right bur OnMB Highway, ntw fiva m ilw . MuUo, aU ndaitl ORMONfAr A U .'IW I^l DONT WAMAMj joying JWlandULaalos acroaa tha Uvestoefc—VchfriM i2 Beautiful Bedroom Suita R o o m s Without Board 59 o t new acbool and hua line. 8-0000, MI S-87U. toofua and b ra. automatic baat, ■htft. i» . u L M -m t. m sdMMi country. If you qa01fy, wa 'wlU with Sacogh '• t o earn Beautiful living Room Suita U SttN O B 00 17400 yamf Lincoto and PLEASANT room for one or two. 34’ X 34’. breeaeway. Fine ENQUSH COLONIAL, to very 4a* laka frontage cn Chaffee. BeauU* . COPY CLOSING TIME a t. Mr give y te WE BUY Obws, calves and beat Baairtlfui Dinette Set . lo t 16 F X SOF. Owner tearin g a re a fUl iliade treaa. Very reascnabla 499 Hai»BL.T6L Mt*f*4ltl unite. This la ateady, M srenro m Isadcre to catUa. Alao horaaa Fiaia Broa CsU DUREIKO Beautiful ’’Da Luxe’’ Range Paritiiig. Private entrance. CaU rirsMa section Off Porter St. Cus­ FOB CLASSIFIED ADVT. INS FORD Victoria, radio, haattr, »ed. Uialr cuuw, , __reUaUe sefs-buy after 4. SO. S-I8N. Bxeeptienal buy a t .831,000. tom toiBt, 7 rboma, hot water oil AaSgclata Realty Broad . Brook. SCortgagea year-round operation wii TaL ML S-7408. > / . laetead of Weetlnghouse Elec. Re­ TeL Vnndaor Locks NA. 8-018. MON. 1HRU FRL Formodatic, braftd now white aohitely no aentog: canvaaalng or used cars. ‘ aa v ^ bs seUtog tor M I 8*1208 frigerator If you prefer heat, fireplace, aun room, cabtoet eaU C te^a T wan tiraa, vary clean ttroughdlifc^ With a stateprlde rspu BEAUTIFDLLY fmolriMd apaetooa CaU WILLIAM McBRIDB ' kUeben. IH batha, g*rage. Price s a .34871, 10-.S0 A. BL Douflaa Ifotors, SIS JOdh. aolidting requirM, as we com- t^ ^ ^ F honesty and fair deal' RockFille TR 6-6462 Ruga Lamps, Tables, Unolauni room with compute Utfit housa draaticaUy reduced tor Immedl StraaL SATURDAY 9 A. M. idetely 'aet you im la business. Ponltiy and BnppBai 48 and'Few OUier Articles kaapliH facUltlaa availablo. WlU MI 3-4816 For AppMnfment Sidwabaa For Sate J fS Honesty and- dapandablUty are ing. pjtfVicHa ai>toim>Ute •sp ri'' ate aale by Oa Reuben T. Me INS CADILLAC, Model «s 4.door. lenCs/Bot nsCssMry. Apply to BROAGBRBASngD Bronse tur*, EVERYTHINO rent riig te Or doOble. ChUditoi ac­ J . WATSON BEACH A CO. Canii i^ancy. MI. 8-7700. BOITON'jLalriCront ARE YOU OONBIDERim F " Beautiful dark green finlrii. Fea* mors important than past bual- THE UNPAID cepted (limited). Central. Raaaon- BEIJJNQ YOUR PHOPERTYT yoom OOORBAXION WILL naaa axparience;\ AppUcaats must Ml to Mr. B ebters. s u m man- kaya. Fresh, frossn, 10 to 28 Hertford JA 3-8HS room hama " BB AnSBCBAlKD turing power ateering, radio, heat­ r, Mortorly Bros.YU[^lSA Schaub’a Turkey F arm . AXmiRAL vacuum cleaner BALANCE PRICE abia, M ^ Ottotay, 14 Arch St. BOLTON CENTER; Bolton Center fully taaulal We win amrakw your proparty er, hydranatio tranamiaelon> hav« MOOT immediately availaUe, : ONLYI478AS S8000-FOOR laiga notoa, |taM » Rd., aevan room custom buUt spUt traa and wftaout any ocHgaMcn. which to aacured to.vavy. salaMa iR d. _ ite attachm ents, alao four f.Mtx ONE PLEASANT fimiahed room. fiaidetone f 110,800. Gaa- Guaranteed M.OOO milea. Tou’U SCaiOOL boy to worii 13 tif ^ Maka offer.^ML 3-428*. Free storage unts wanted. Free ad waUa, aU hot w ater beat, eXr teVkl hooM, 3 fuU baths, to very ton Raalty 1 180 Icbool Wa alao bey propatty for ctab. marriiandiaa. There are as frpn FABM, Bahnii Rd.< Oioktog privUtges. Suitehle for caUant condHtoa. Vary central^ select location near churches. Lot Dfol MI-3-5121 feel migh^ proud to drive thta chie* fees, or equipment to ns ill cleaning iriant delivery. Free set up'by our own St. s a 84M1; sa o-om. s a Sdh^ or buying eontact GREEN STAMPS maaterdece from General tu* Diy Cteanera, 88 W F ri^ chlci aU sltM , draaaed ■ lie man. one a d u lt Sfl. 84SS4. Cartton W. Hutditos. S a 041SS, X 380. A homo yeu win bo 8-88SL TANLET R ealtor Motors. Bartow Motors, 4N Main TU s is definitely an of and oven GIRL’S 38“ bicycis wtth basket, to awn. Open ovary after- . BRAB-jgUW r ea l ty Cj!VTn w ■;i . A M to axpaiid into iifstime Write Ne PaymenU To Banka ROOM WITH aU ceovanleiieaa and at.. Manchester. BARTBNDER-rPart g ^ . condition; |li. ML 84Stt. S74 Summit St ML 34. or phone PL 3-6711 for r—0% ibbm ranch home, I-S-037S todspendanca from a Saw hbura avaUable character er Ftoanea Companies OFF PORTER ST. —You wiU en­ X Iriinent. Roydan P, Imlth, car garage, patio with outride Loi4 aad Fooiid XMS FORD F. S milk or cleaners Please . reply mdudUng referancM . P . O.- TSS, ArticiM For Sale ' 45 OF^ON lawn mewsrs, wheri Phone Me Immediately joy living to this exceptionally at- place, 817,M0. Open for in- ABOUT TO SeU yoor property? WdHchester tleUvery truck. Also IMO Ford number for local mtorvTew.' AU d ieR er. iMttTOWs, lawn apraadera aad HARTFORD CH-7-6S6S NICELY FURNISMBD room, vary tractive 6 room home on quiet mection afternoohs and aventogs. Inlmedlate action aasund. A. J . ckup. Keeney's Garage, Buck- repUsa wttl. b« kept to atrictoat LOAM. DELIVERED, IS >prd. lawn rottars. C. J. Mdrrtson Paint After 7 P.M. 01-64690 clean. AU convanisnesa. Private eetaMiahed etreek with good MANC aw Ilattag, Echo Mountain Hbtoaa, Tunnel Oatto Co,, Raalton. c a 0441*. LOBT FARAXKirF yellow aad cenfideaoe. Box T, Herald, Gravel, atone, washed aaaA tei- Cp,, 8 « Center at. / SEE It Day Or. Night rsridsnee. F or a genUaman, SIS neighhon. Uring room with fire- room good Rd., Vernon, off Leiko SL. StoU' evaa.JA. t4>**. Plumbing & Supply C.> ehartranae. Call MI. Vs044. mediats daUvaiy. Hot mix aS- j If you have no means of transp6r< Spruce St. Idace, laifa' kitchen, dining rocrii, thM usbout. w ater cheater. RockviUe TR. 8-787*. ISU arUDEBAKKR Champion 4- JIM I ARE TOU waatiiw a friendly dte- PA D ^RS WANTED phait. Nttssdorf' Band aad Mwm SET OF SANE GAAT books, 84 tation, I’U send my auto for you: three bedrooms, full bM*wiOnt, oil drive. n r RsuuDY to sell. Oxobang* door sedan. Radio, heater, In position doing a ^ b that nets yen' ^ M L 8-740S, X volumsa: moviiw picture camera, No obUgatioa . > hot water heai. Price M4800. leUent loca- BOITON—Rail neat randi with real estate, arnagad. ABBoiiiicaBiaito _ leas than |1M a waakT (Hd Una Oonault Howard good condiUon. Ml. S-SSts gtter A complete. tten. See this tor ly $14800. /' TBMPUITBK CHABBONNEAU ■ -A- p l e a s a n t r o o m . Oentieman MadsUna Smith, RadBor. ML four rooma,.large breeaeway and \ TAMBt.FLA. profit plan requiring personality WOOLEN REMNANTS aad rag .W rite B ra preferred. 84 High St. 8-1843 or 8 -lia . Phone Barbara Wootte Agency, ovetolaed garage. No baouaent Agency, s a S-1107. aoM BIHmo NSW at Dairy Queen INS CBSVROIXT sedan two tone profit nkm fequMng personaUy strips for braidtog and hooktog. 187 HOLUSTER ST. - 4S4S ALLYN ST., HARTFORD s a 8-7703. Aakfam price U 813,200.------Should No. S Dairy Queen Sandwich and Uue-tvory. BKtra clean, S3W nettsM mwwwei wseKew more than sales expertence. Tel. Jen’s Rug Shop, 88 Tatcott Ava., i r tetevlrion consols V^URNISHED ROOM for te n t n ear MANCHESTER qualify for GI lean. Stony more WANTED—Four room bome, 1*000^ Dairy Queen D U ^ r^ tf. Dairy Stom rO A . 8-34S7. RockviUe. 1R. I4nw. complete with THOR SEMl-automatie wsrii'er, Mato St Oenttoman preferred. I COTE 8 ROOM home Uattoga to Bolton. T. J. Qrpeki 811,800, aUo 8 o r 8 room hemoi liSrOHRYStER Quean, SDT West 1 I Turnpike. nsw U, ccnvqrter, $86, SU. years old. Good running order, i a . 8-3178. 8 Haael S t ipproxlmately SH acres, broker. SO. 3-641A or reridenee to 813.000-|1«,800. Several, cUanto WELL /PAJRONIZBD SlacttlCsi WANTED—Stock boy, afternoons RICH FARM loam, baled hay, and 8-2068. $80. MI. 8-381*. Six romn Caps Cod, in ex­ garage. Wonnarful wot for Bolton Center. S a *-7761. with aubatantlal cash. Carlton W. W M FOR Men who care, visit DanU’s iN l OLD6MC»ILB W -door ^ flxit shop with tools, paita/and and aU day Saturday, Apply Man h ard w ^ deUvarad. SO. 84201. PLEASANT ROOM a t Center, haat- cellent residential section. Has dren. ElVa Tyler, Realtor. Hutchins, s a 84183, 8-4M4. Barker Shop. Plenty free park- radio, heater, hydramatic.x Full Auto Driving School 7>A Business ^Tviees O ffend' 13 Roofinx—S id in x 14 low rent for sale at reascnabla Chester PubUc Marttet. OlgUtyfeoe., R ^ 44-A, Bolton. I SEVEN year old 8 rilbtc ft. Frigl ad, hot water, kitchen privUegeal price. CaU 8-1678, 8 to 8 . ^ ^ |wax6 with smesite drive, LAKEFRONT HOMES FOR pjROSCPT courteous sarvlea, 4.R 0 0 I *na- . . 'W price S8U. Only tSS down. Tradea HAND AND poator mwn mowers LOW PRICES, easy terms, en fine 'W slehf daira refrigerator, good condltteni Mi. S4387. and bank tarm a. B runner Pack< DRIVINO InstrucUcnB from your MAN TO ASSIST in furniture de- FOR SALE—88 gal. drama, in good 860. ML 84883. ^ is house iriosded with ex* aalltog or buying real aatate. cadi home. Dual-control Insured car, aharpanad and -ropalred. Work roofs ot an types including Bira JswM ry 48 SCANCHESTER—Four room home, Itbn Laka—Nice five room win- Johnsen Buildtog Company. MaiL. aid. RoekviUa Rd.. Taleottt^a. ' condition. $2.80 each. F or further ___ , trss end must be seen to be 80,8M, lh a foUowiiig homes are a homa Large basemeaL P a jc a d in ii ML S-51U. Open Wade: anaT httra. atandard or automatic. CaU Man. guarantoad. CaUNnr and daltvar. pastels. McKinney Lumber. Bel toformation caU the Herald, phone [s e v e n IT. Westtoshouae refrig cheater, sa 8 ^ . chastar Driving Acadamy. PL Ideal Grinding Soqp. 8TS Adams ton Notch. SO. 8^B»; Help Wantod—Fcmallt 85 fARD W. YOST. JawaleV^rw short way out of town. Four room fieldrtpne fireplaca Right on the 'tU t . SO. 34121.. orator, alao Blackstiona wasbtog water.jQood teeatlon. Price 810,700 waaXMm^pta't be discouraged U S-78M. Toll trae. St Can sa78%30 a s-ssri. EXPBRIENCED PAINTER want adjtoS^wrtchm^aitoPffl- machine. MI. S4W6 ranch hnotaway, garage. ItoU,------need extra TWO WOODEN com btaatiea doors, ROOM ON West aids, with private ’ price |ll,BM ; four room homo plus I tochldee and drapea Occu- WANTED—A er B sent lota Win IMS PLTMOUTO ' club coupe. PART TIME gsntral office worker ad. Bayberry Rd., QlSrtonbury, porch, fan price 8*,8*0i atx room I pony to w eaka care. Leoward’s Shoe Store, SSI Radio, haataf, goOd lirea, two AUTO DRIVINO Instriictioo. AB SEWING MACHINE repairing — Hcstinx-^hiaibiBx 1^ for afternoons. NX 8-8STS. MB. S-TJ68. 1’ X 0’3M” , and 2’0*’ x WlU range, whita enamel. family. Parictog avaUaUo. SO, pay HIM. s a . 34881. M«tii a t M»erlsHiee in oorrsctlye tone Miia. BpoUeea. Lika new, leaaona on Insured dual control courteously and axparOy done. fit Green Sfenor ranch. SO. Stroat"M L 0-4807. tour burner table top. Stoerilrat 84S82. . T. J. CROCKETT ranch with two-car garaga. priced rwttfig with PoU-Parrot Gnide>iRtte cart, atandard or automallc. Work guaranteed atIt -low coat. LENNOX FURNACES and warm below replacement cost; four Columbia -Neat four room WANTED—3-famUy houaea. Alao SI.JM Terma* and bank rata fi Y0UN6^V0MEN! WANTED. — Driver for wholaaale 342IS. ^ohdltion. SU. 24218. . R ra Elstste Broker cottage with porch. No heat abotn. They helped my chfldren. naneinf. Brunner’a Packard, Capable experienced tnetructois. ABC AppUance Co., 31 Mm I^ St. air heating. Earl Van Camm: MI. IteStiiy and supply Phone Office MI S-6414 room borne, lekefront, year reurid, 84 bedroom atogie. CUento wait­ B E A U m 2 am aura they will yours. Oordner Auto Schoed. ML trOOlO, MI. 8 -isn . 84144. ROYAL AND SmKh-Cotong port- GaiBsa—Fsrai—Dairy .. MAPi M j DINEFIX witii chinirl sale price, 8S.8W; new four romn b u t could be wtateriaed. ing. For prompt and confidential Rockvm# Rd., TalcottviUc. Open /I Befoirforo T ^ T a k e Any Job ^oarden Wasted 69*A| or Reiidence MI 9-7761 Owners a n aaking"813,760 hut any My Jimmy’s feet were bad a ye^r Wednesday and Thursday until t. JA7-SSM . khla and staadSrd typewntara. P ro d acts______W closet, 88Q; m ei^ platform rock­ ranch homes with garages and servica. Contact A. Reate; Broker. /ago, today he la rarin’Jo FURNITURB Repairs. Sarriea: m n ^ o t Inveatlgate IfBN, experienced. Eati AU m altea o t adding mariitoM er, Ito; ^ Blu m i^a bod, |io. WANTBD-Two elderly ladiea to] built to appUancaa, sal« price, raaaonabte oCfsr wilTba cenridered. s a . 8-1818. M OTORS, Inc. FBMALB IN8TRUCr(Xl-Iasttuc- Oomplata rapatring, raUnlriilng, ' aad layiiur. Nusadorf Sand ia>PlEB Mdciwtcrii, RomeiT, s a . '84114. EIGHT BOOM older heme, atsam 8108M. We also haVo many m en Cohunhia Laki ItSS PLTMOUTH 4-door Cranhrook Movinx*—Tracldiix aold of ranted. Rapura oa aU GreentofB. Alao otbar varittics at Uve to my horn* in Venion. Rock- heat; ban, ^ n g e , cbleken coop, cottage with four O ijitet pijm emu Cara eedan. Radio, haatar, automatic tlons given from your' homo on rsatolng on aU tyim U furniture. Storax* 20 TELg^iE PHHONE O WORK? Co. SO. 8-74M. makM, Sfartow’a. riUe TR. 8-*007. ______ot all tirpas priced from WANTED—M acre lot with at least tranamlaalon. Two toiM green fin­ insured dual controlled cars, Zlgmund aasdi,lTop. Formerly 831 Waat Canter JL Fhbne > a ONE COT h ^ , ope clothes' hmn* about % aero. To aottlo MJWO up. CaU The EUsworth la t- Downstairs - is wtoterissdv^ Large 100 fL fronL Vernon or Soi. TOnd- S it Eart Orator SL AatoaBobBaa for Sjste 4 standard or automatic, M. A M. ot Wstklna B ros^eL ML S-74«S. ThSro are opentoga now tor both S4U0. per, kitchen set, ’tocuum clean4r»| Lswla SL Near bus, schoote, tea A gei^. Realton. Sa. 34**0, peixhea beautiful sor, near parkway. Can sa ish. Driven but U.OOO miles with AUSTIN A. CHAMBBtSrrOpO., named aad stogte women to tha ROOM AND heard for geatiam an. plug district. Now vacant, , (WEN EVEN1N08 a naw car guarantaa. Tou won’t Driving SchooL IQ. S4S41. local had long diatonca u a tk ig i SaksneB Wanted Sl-A RED CEDAR ctethM polM to- two floor lampo. Su.'^ 8-18*2. hua line. Fraa parktog. S a | or Mr, HIgfaa, Sa. 8-MM. siWy priced a t 810,5(X>. •-0483. CERTIFIED USED CARS M ACHEST ^ - T . V, Bervlee, toleiAxme company’s Ifanchester staUed. CaU ML 047S7. \RHUBARB FOR freestog, II tba| Georgs L, GrastaiUo; Raaltmr. ML seen to be appreciated. o wrong on this car aaya Barlow AUTO IHUVINO matrqetlaB from radlq and/T.V,i / t :v . Iuwclallats siaoa paCklag, Btoraga. CaU Ml. S 4 ^ ^ office as Rhubarb note, 6 for SL ONE USED easy qiin dfy wsaber,| 64878. ; THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Slotors, US Main S t, Manchaatsr. HarifOrd C a 7-1481, SALESMEN, Sonotona Corp., Elm a and Robinson straw- your homo. Inaored dual control 18S4. Charier member of Telsa. ford, N. T ,,.a^ Ure one Maa- ATTRACnVE wrought iron raU> to exceUant wotklng order. Price | T. J. CROCKETT car. Laraon Driring SriiooL' ML MI. 8-MW o r IfL 34607. OPERATORS for sals. O’Connor, right. Kemp’s, Inc. SCANCHE8TBR—Largo S T .^^C E CLAMPET 1 9 6 0 Stndebaker IMS CHEVROUET8, two door, four MANCHESTER Package DSi^vkiy. : cheater area rSaiduit to represent togs custom made to add Apsriiasata—Fbts— colonial, brooMway, two car at-1 ■Real E state Broker 8-sora. l4|bt tracking and packsSs'daUv- Good pay, frsqum t raises, ]Aess- to your home. ..VaUey Wi SL M l. S4*SS. door, radioa and haatera. lSf7 [G gardens and towns, ,them axcluatVelv to this territory. EXCEPTIONALLY O ^ Vjriue to Tencaiaits ______M tacbed garaga, amerite drive, rae- O ffers / y Champioii S-Paasen- ChavTolat aadan, mechanically ax- Ury. Rafrlgerators, waNjmrs ‘ aad ant working conditlona, tratoiitg Opmplete tratotog provided for Glastonbury. ME. 2-0113, S a i Phone Office SO S-S416 MORTLOeX'S DIUTINO SdxMl. walla buUt. Trees re- 3 p.m . PREMIER AND Robinson straw­ used Frigidsire refrigerators, fivX rtatio n room to kaaam snt. 1H | m Starlight Coupe. cellant. Douglaa Motors, 3SS Main. Stove moviiig anaclalro, FCldtog withfuUlwy- Aentirivoftsalabal saUii« to aatab- berry pUtnte. Wm. SdcNaU, lOS or rix foot sire. KsmFa Inc. VERY SPAaOUS Ite ea room baths, cabtoet kttdien, disliwaab- For 87,860—U ko’ cbaffoa four I qr Reeldence SO 0-7751 Loat confidence rndckly rastend loved, laitd cleared aad removal chalra te r re n t ML^ - t o r m e n t to private Bsme over- ^ E S T O W N Clean.^-^96. 1SB3 MERCURT 4-door McMerey. by a akUled,. bouneonS InatriKtor. of rubbish. Arthur Gay, ML Apply now at our employment ushed .cUeatele. H m right man Avery h . Ml. 84664. ar. Nicely aitnatad on'tot 1*0 x| room waterfront eettago with! Llcanaa mcluded. Inailrad, dnal 84278. offles, 806 Main S treet from 8 A. M. will operate hia own franchise looktog Bolton Lake. VetYaxenlc. 300. 132,OM. W arren E . Howland, convenleatoa BOLTON U H Plymouth « PANSDBB. EIPARAGUB. fresh cut I G.E. 7 FT. REFRIGERATOR. tti.ee grounds. Private entrkape, l^ to r. sa. 84*M. Sq 84711. l A R M A C Y equipped, low mileage. Xxoel* haater, Marc-omatlc. Tou can’t controUad standard and hydrama- to 4:00 P . M-, Tiwsday tr o u g h Notice daUy, Evaigreens, choice selected. | G o ^ condition. ML 34T6S: bath, modem kitchen, ample It Can Be Youra tm ears. ML 8-7SM. / PstaUiiyi-PspsriBX 81 Friday pr caU MlSs Conway, our gtotoeat caU CH. .T-40TD, Mr. For 16,006—SCaiiehoater, five reoml lent • BA VS ten this beauty from a 'H model. GARDENS PLOWED. -M2348SS In accordance with the' requirs- Fern Gardens. 178 Fern St. cldaete and linen ctesste. HeaL SCANCHESTER—E x o ep tio aal bungalow atyle, nice conditian.| «83H artfai (Cor. McKaa) Guaranteed only 17,OM actual PAINTINO x AND Paparhanxiag, employment representative, at ONE YEAR OLD w aririag ma> •lartrietty, hot water, curtains to- throe-bodrooro ranch, bet water On South Road. Modem CaM- 196S Btudebaker V>S Commander Manchester MRcheU S-4107 to ar­ mente of the Zoning Rigulations !, In good condition. Itoasen- Very bmall 1 ^ toraia ranch, aet pleasingly back Sport Coqpe—14one,' radio, milaa. Imagine younelf .behind Motorcycles—-Bi^jcl^ 11 quality wCrk, raasonabla piricas of. the Town of Ifanchester, Conn., chine ctadsd, |M JO par taonth. s a heaL'fuU crilar, trees.' near boa the wheel of thle car. . Barlow aad protopt service. Frek estl- range for an appointment. Situations Wanted— TRANSPIANTBD tomato plants. able. sn. 84*74. *4471. achooL atorea Excellent condi­ from tha road. 7 rooms, double'at- heater, automatic drive. COMPLETE robblah removal, ala the Zoning Board of Appeals will T ri. s a 9-4187. 12 Glenwood Ot. — ,k ■ .1 II I. I II 'I'l II I I I ■ Ttie 811.000—So.-Ooventry. four garaga Only 0 yearwtM, Motora, US Main SL, Mancheatar. mitesi^^ FuUy insured. CaU B ert F e n a lo 38 hold a public hMrtog on Monday, tion. Only 113,900. Cartton W, room ranch, attached garaga ------owner . . . LARGE DISPLAY of tricycles, cedar clothes polea, S-TS44. PUMlta. MI. 84888. CIDER MUX. Antique Shop, Route! ATTRACTIVE 8 rtem haated, turn, Hutching MTSidlSS. *46*6. cellar. Lot ISO* X 250'. Uvtag room U68 Ford F-S Victoria Raidtop— iN l CADILLAC convertible. Model Cham drive trikes iuid htkea. Ra- THE SOUTHERI^ May 23, 1856, a t F P J L to the • and 44, Bolton. Antiquea botightj labed uartraanL . Private en- Vary good eoadlUoii. Good loL 22* X 14.0'. Tlio antieing Bound 43. A light green beauty with aU hunt like new, vkry reasenatde. BULLDOZING aradlns excavg- VAUfAPER removed, steaming, YOUNG PERSONABLE married Hearing - Room, of/the Sfunidpal Goods 61 and sold. Open daily and Dirt iMd but no winter prob­ . artane,_mdio, heyar, jeon- woman, nine ycara eimriance to tiancea. Every convenience. Park­ FIVE ROOM cotenlal. OJI. brt a rippUng year-rotind brook can tln an tal wbaOL Ixiw thoae de luxe CadUlac extras. Ml. 8-UM. u Lake St. Extenaihn. tlon, loam.^rraval, peat. Call for 88 eingte room, two or more ff N e w ENGLAND , Building on the following appllea- -* nliws. MLL *4a*0.' ing. Suitable for 8 ad i^. Write water heat, dUnxwal. dtekwaabar, lems. ha heard through the open win- Selectronic radio, heater, hydra' Satimstea. Nuasdorf Censtructlm S ad ,. Evening accommodations. aU ktoda of oCfic« work in a book ttona STATE HIteRINO ALSO. VERY GOOD BELDCTTDN - m lia a g a ...... S iA M BICYCLE REP Ammo, an types, Co. Phone 8-7408. Eve. MI. atora, as private secretary to ad- Box K, Herald. screenad porch with awntafa For 111JOO—Warehouse FotoL dowa Priced a t $33,8()0. Some Ite i Marcnry 4-Door Badan—Ra- matlc, power wlndowa, power S0..8-818S.: TELEPHONE COMPANY John Banfiinl /or permiarioa to. of ratisadlUened trievlalen sete| baaemant pwtly knotty plao ptih smart buyer will snap this up aeats. Baccellent tlrm. Nearly new ’8448S. ■ vertlatog mansgar e< targe appti tract gasoline Service statioii. to>- Mschiaci^ «Bd TOols 82 PRIVATE FOUR room, bsat^ Inlaid riikber tite, lev*ly yard. 3$ ° 8% room ranch. Excellent con- dto and haatar, Meyeomatlc p a in t in g a n d papethaaglng. DOJfB PRESSiNT incorn'e faU u cg company, brsndi, and to oiu fitm $39 up. Furniture for the en­ dlttea. Easy financing. quickly, (ten NOW. VITTNEirS drive .i .saas tan.t«9. Full leather upholatery. INTERLOCKING weatherstripping gether^wlth likhta and rign, on IDEAL FOR ALL town pr subur- furnished apartment with ^ Bowen SL Direct trwn ewaar. No Show room- condition. A certified Middle Turn­ Expert work. AU Insurance cover­ short of yror nseds? Add extra girl office St a ntw car dealsr’t, north ride Of ToUand ‘Dirnpike, sure home. AppUancee and TV. water. Buaiaese coWIe only. ' (teU SIRS. PRATT last Studehakar V-S Commander pike. ML'8-30M. caulking, etc. Kenneth Cariaon age. CaU Wm. Dickson A Son. ML dollars to' the family tocom«'by wants part time wort: eveninga. hea dweUere. 2-OT Town-Trac agentg Sli. *406L______, Fdr $14,300—Manehaeter. 6 room OABDIN CENTIB S3,000 mllee. Compare anywhere. R.F.D. No. 3, RocktWs. TR WMt of No. (aouth.of WUbur CHASfBBR’S FURNITURB, Pearl St., one minute from Mala Oofantal, attached garage, cen­ Hardtop—3-tone, radio, baat- CniMt Motora SiUea, U1 Main S t 848S0. becoming an Avon representative, MI. S-4SM. CroM High dots all your lawn and garden sa. 848I8 or Sa>60M tor ap­ ' MANOR-Six room ranch, ^ Andover P I 3-7506 TOOaad TUtimika a* ar, automatle drive, ex­ B-88W, or TR. S-SMg. Peracnel interview required. Call rayL BustasM Zone A tT b aO rean woriL NeUonaUy known Brigga A tral tocatlon. RBGUTERBD NURSE, ag« 21, ds- n . ^ - te ot. Approval te re- pointment. bath, fireidaca. axcaUeat •.Vanra TUwa U cellent ,•*•,••••••«•*.sisas 18S4 FORD CRESTLINE Victoria sess Services Offured IS INTERIOR AND exterior painting. ML 8-2814. quested. Hours: 10 to 5—^7:80 to 8:30 Stratton 4 cycle engine. Price qmrs Bert Lathrop at Sllvaretom’s ML 84SM. BbsSae, made . to measure. AU month. Sea Frank Bwhs or Mtl RfON'S, Inc. Notice MANCHESTER Sse JERRY FAY; I XTORB witii 7-room tenement aad metai vanettsn bUnda at a i MAPLEM ja tK EHOilUB desk and 0-1 garage. Pariting fadhtlea In­ tom buiU, SH yaan eld, many GOOD W ILL ’Frailer Camp, Bolton. Redman about ' «' 3nd mortgaga Edwin SL Hinds hia been New eaateas torilt 8 bedraam piece vooDi s a . 84813. featuraa 6houId ba saan te bo| MELODY RiDIU phono’s. toW price. Kajrs made while you granted a variance of the Bolton ranch type heme with attached Lske Street ' \ quire M l (tenter SL, eacoad floor. Can CH-6-M87 I I ll I I ■ II I HI II ■ appredatod. C*U owner. s a 8DC room owantood CMw w m s T O P ISU x OLD6MOBILB, g ^ club mgkt calla. service. watt. Mariow’a. WOMAN TO for two chU' Zoning Regulations permitting USED CARS - ^ iSL 8-33M. garage aad rear perch, large PURKITURE -W e pro boytag and •-B68* weak Saga after 8 p.m. Any Ood,^KX w ater, beat. oU. ton cel­ coupe. Good condition, Pieea I call ^drsn days, 8 V a . 846T4 sftsr him to build a garage by the ride Uvteg rnme. dlaetto area In tenttota JooM or Phone IQ 8-7029 tima Saturday aad Sunday.,Shotixl lar, fmnlaea, laifa breaaeway, after S p.m. MI. 8-17U. FORMICA counters, ptestie waU 8 p.m . Hotisas For Rant 46 McCLURE roNTIAC. Inc. Sarrioe, avaUabla tils, asphalt, robber, vtoyi, ttno- CONNECTICUT of hie bouse with one corner of the kltchea, enstom htott rakteete, ./WucBICDnig m80 Oak SL l a 8-ioa I by appplntmanL No agante. attadMd garage, ceramic tUa wma cottvaitfcna, leum, cork tile. Headquarters tor garage two feSt closer to tha tot eeraarie tUe bath, faU cellar, I FOUR ROOM Capo Ood, lease re- and lAvrti^. Truly a weni MORTGAGE EXCHANGE WANTED—Women ul care for con- line than the mtoimum soning re- hot water haeekeerd radtottan, VACtftJM Cteaaar, aprigbt,^ typa. SCANCHESTERr-Now I bedroMal Can Ooodchild 873 Main Street 18S3 pADUXAC. Model U hardtop. aopervtoad servica. “d^-ym irarif.’’ ML 8-2S6B. The valascent Prefer ooKto Uve.to. 'Wachmente, exceUent caalltt^| Marical lastraaients I qulred; not to project. Call Meri­ Mandiester No dealen. Phone MI. Ttte Shop, BndUand. qulrem uite aDow. \ ample eieeet epaea WUl daea den BBv^yBTW efte^^ raacb, fuU basem ent, a boma for Co. 3r7038 any .tim e. GARDEN CENTER 27 Lewis Street MI. S4187 or 8-USS. 120. JA . 8-1802. MI 9-4546 BQLTON ZONINO HOARD OF rate te entt buyer If yen act you. E A E Raalty Co. s a *48*7, M ./o .' T. D. ROJ IN I )WING AND harrowing. IM APPEALS qaiekly. Shewn ter appriatment IUIALL STUDIO upiM t piraal I -Sa. 84480. ' ______' THREE BBDROOSO garriaon co- l O f f # Week Special On : Ivory with wl red extras. May ^ fpodland St. Tal. kcC S-4083. J Bundtox—Contractinx 14 Hartford ' JiUluS Streng, Chairm an "toy. ■ ' cendltton. Kemp’s. In a| Subarfastt Fog Rent 44 lonial, attached ovsMlsa garaga'I 0pm Evenings Until 10 be seen at 71 Ci Drive, or "M oriarty. Hdp WaRtsd~l Byron H. Shiiin, Setrotary BRAND NEW S bedroom ranch. hath aad lavatortr, naX water oU 81RST AND Second mortgages Ssw*SimpU From A Ysrd I HEW, THREE room raim ent phone NBW OQNSTNUCnON, reraodal- bought tor our own account. Faet. Dated at Bolton. Conn, SUy IS, C d i M l f .1421 I Hot water eti heaL ceramic tfla heaL flreptace, uaautfh^ land-| ]8tt-U OtDaat Chavntata. Forda DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, tog andvrspaiimg sxpsitly dona EXPERIENCED butcher, 1865. with garage. Heat and hot water. bath, finolaea, attadwd g*rage, Bcitosd lot, coavanlrat Yocatica. ISU DODGE V-S hardtop, oopiad, vaetrnm cleaneis. Irons, eonfidenttal sarvtee. Sfanebester week, exceUent w S ilh o u s fft -S titc h Seven miles from Manchester, 877 olbar good tranaportatlan. Good Estimates gladly given. Robert U. Investinent O a^., 844 Mato atraat.- amealte tnlve. Large lot, eon- A. R.wnkia. s a *4100. 'grey and blue, radio, ;er, guns, etc., rspsind. Shsan, Alsxsndsri SO. trU nt, tlons. Marv’a Food Z- month. Couple only. PL 84090. voalent location. Seaaibly nricad FLOWERINC SHRUBS^ credit snaMaa na to aoeapt N imauc. Looks i like knives, indwsts, stc., put mto cen- 4 0 . 84418. M ata St. a t |18)S0a. A. R . TRlkte and Ideal tM Ofilea Baanly Paritov I YOUNG COUPLE with, one child I Lots fv Bala 7S REO. W y S r------; , REO. $7JM HiniBON, good running coH' PAUfER AND CARNEY, msaon Drag Storo, ete. MxIONNEY M O S. urgently need 4 or 8 room unfurn­ YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 811001 ISH PLTMOUTH hardUq* con ditlon. No dento. Good tlree. Noeda HONEY WAGON. SepUc tank serv­ contractors. Free asttmatee. No PAPER HANDIND ' f. O . ■bK , 17S " SBWBKAOE DISPOSAL fXL ished rent. Sa. 9-40N. down. No closing costs, take over BOLTON-Bundtog lo ts. ______se ra job too big or too s a veitlble, ' radio, heater, tutone pemt. First IN takes It. 4 Earl ice. Installing, rspeirlng, clean' TBLBPHONB I Far tetenaattan OaU. WINDSfW. 0 0 ^ . 00 year Gl mortgage en braadi PINK DOGWOOD $6.75 paint, white well tires. A real St. MI. 8-OlU. Ing. J. P. Fay. 404 WethereU St. S478S or‘ 'RodtvtUa TR. 84744. 1SS-1S8 P snrt S t. TeL aa-S-SS8B now houM. SCova r i ^ to. Baautt- i^ ll SILVER MAPLES $5.45 snappy doO. At Brunner’s low Manchester^ w . 8-SlN. M |.f- 3 2 M I y OUNO OOin>LE dealM 8 or 4 fill Spencer Baishta Sa Wladaor. Others to 61740. price of S388S. Brunner’a, Rock- ISU MERCURY club coupe, radio, CABINET SfAKING. funiiture re­ M l 3- 7723- w M | f . U 90 rooto apartment. Call sa. 8-12M. Phteteiq tSw ? ------TSSCtTSif* fS S U ^ “w - la (Md abd! vin# Road, TaloottvUle. ' (^pen haater, overdrivSi vtry claan, LGAM pair,^ antiques and helriooma ra- 3lN0NCrwnERN througbout. Douglas Motors, sn stond, general woodworking. Ex­ BOVtOH, Lakafront—Four rooml Wad. evaninga ‘til 8. pert wotfcmahriilp. Reascnalde iBqgiiias. Property Fwr Sate 70 year round home, large glaaaed to I limited number Isrts BBPORB YOU BUT a used car Quality top soil. Ask about rates. Eatlmateg gladly rtvan. FOR SALBw BO AUXANDER STRUT pcctdi, two-car garage, plaeteredi PoffadRoBM $1.98 And Up W H I T E PINE t o r $ 3 . 0 0 Saa Gorman Motor Salaa. Bulck 1S64 FORD V-S. Custom 4-Ooor French’s Wood Products, Route I VERY DB81RABUB ootomacvUd frails., large lot. Price buOdinr eitee overlook* Salas aad Sarvlca, 8N Mam aedan, black. Radio, haater, de our quantity prices. Proippt Junction 84 and 88. SU. 84018, property, one biock from Mato SL |l0,«fo. Gooddtild Realty Co. SCL | Over 1466 to freaa AH colora 'Good for hedging. Very nice plaata A geSd b«y. atroet. ML 8-U7L Open avaninsa. froeters, signal ilFite. imder- MI. 8-1884. CUSTOM BUILT A ROOM AM IRICAN COLONIAL LOM sq. ft. wtth amealte p( 8-7810 any tim e. entire Connecticut valley. [ oveihteiamtog. l>'' coated. A-1 condltlan only 7JMK1 delivery. Sacrifice. Phene Owner, SSn CHEVROLET four-door miles. Going m the service. Na GENERAL CONTRACTOR, sltara- IMPORTANT MESSAGE I SBC ROOM Capa (jpd, an plastered Lake Bt, on Box Houn* Pkm kaawnrat Iraatty ptos Mareatien roans with Srsptecs and hoe. Zhetra dean. Radio,- beater, reasonable offer refused. Can'ML tioas, roofing, siding, esmant w allx fiiU oeUw, exiaxcaUant cendl-1 F A N $ I E $ BUlsBS work. Special on ftotshTng 8 rooms bar, F satailag Uvtag racaa wHh StMlaee a a i waU to waU car> low mileage. One owner. Bee this 8-NU. M Jarvis Rd. Phone MI 9*2401 or ; -Oaktoet hm iBii O-E slak vAtli gaibage -“-f— • ani tton, ' alee aeeUOn. F irap laee,| tain . “Black Beauty.*’ 18U Chevrolet upstolrs, fl.000 ^ m. - Free eati-« To A lt tnfondihg to W ork on Hoesob Far Balt nt acreaaa and storms, hot water I FERENWAU GLADIOLUS, DAHUA, CANNA. TUBEROUS ISM CHEVROLET, hard top Bal riwrt 3 lavateilsa and asastor batk; aU fcet water Imrii club ooim. 1800 Packard two- WUlimsntk ACademy 8-3283 mates. RockviUe “TR S-Slii or T tU heat; on, lovely woodOd lot, I door, food ntotor, good body. Only Air, two toiM gray, radio *and 84164. antansatte washsr aad dryer; Euee eemktoatien etodm MAKCHESTER fenced to. Garage. Only |14B)0.| Sm JERRY FAY A N N U A L $ BEaONlAg, LOJES. M INIATI^ OLADCL SN down. Bimmer'a Packard, heater plus many axtraa. One Shad# Grown Tobacco i: tam ee and wtaSaw pwatage; garage aad teel 133 Bskhrin Road . Rttiry.. Hurry, (tell GoodchUdl owner, vary tew mileage, excel ROTOTILLER SPBCIAtiZINa m carpentry re­ drive; awmpffinanjr wMi -On Premises Or RockviUe Rd., TiloottvlUa.e. Open 7-room ranch. Chbica rsetdanttel Realty Co., Roaltoc*. (teU s a | Wednesday aad Thursday until V. tent condiuon. Wonderful gradua­ pairs, alterations, gsragsa. WlU fa r I S-7030 any tim e. $ 0 5 tion gift. 4 0 . SMS3. FOR H IR E also do that amaU jobTRockvina OaBi a a 3 -fisE saction. Large lot oomptotely land- Phone MI 2*7^9 RHODODENDRON ANDROMEDA $ l J t 5 4 5 A 5 18U. *47, 'U , CHEVIES. POTda, TR. 84788 after 8 . Bod and wWto Hybrid. BuKka, OldamobUae. OomiHetsly 1817 CHEVROLET sedan, good Lawns and Gardens Plowed MEN plaro and patio. Open front patio od, -(two unWwWtod);OM?*.®?!*. Rocraatten] condition, priced very «dMsp. Ml iwUh flower bed. Aluminum comU- - roeoadltianed throughooL Two CHARLES KING rora^ hot water hsaL oil. flro«l um ariitcH cuiiiFB $1i.Q D doors add four doors. No down S-40M. Roofinx and CUsiiMys It-A i 4 4 9 MaiUon storm p£3*: ritad dsrmer; plasEtr waUiJ Road hlghwayt i - $ 6 R m m a payment. GoofS credit la our only 1840 aew--8iMK£8 . la cross-! Ltvtog room with flrsplaost Ptosl combination atoems and .stesens, tens andjpkheled den, unusual kltchsa-(Untog twaon 1140-1:00; 0:00-7:00. i^?RBSdtwnSBL';oAn'ideseuaa7;SKfdb -l-V*--r —* I'-i-s-l... Ins nofa of aU tistitch for hsadtome good Near achoNa aad. bus. 84078.______■ ■ [ FERTILIZER, GRASS SEED. INSECTICIDES, TOOLS, HANDI-CA*^ WM. Coins m today, 4me Bob Aiito A'cccasorisB 'Tfats f Whether you’rerou n a heginner beginner at I _ -lUe This ia assy analand| room cmnoinemm.combination. Automatic wi-dish- A a l ^ 818,300. (teU OoedekUd ALL TYPES OF TV SERVICE rooCa Ontter . work. CWmnaya YOUTHS BUHDINO LOTS, lOF x SfO*. Ntoal SW EEPElSir^^ HOSE, PEAT MOSS, TRELLISES, BIRD BATHS, GAZING | Olivar, at Center Motor Salae, Ul. rnpalrad. sewing, or a aI expert,------you ean.tjirol-- rhvthiMe emhiMdary for the nov-|waaher. Two hatha laundry rwm- Realty Co., Realtors, any. tlraa [ Slam i t . CHECK T o u r car’s axhauat aya- . Radioa aad Phonoa partanca w n o aal Can MUIUPHY'S o u t th ie t ' Sl^toOteaisto , _, rocraatlon ML 3-7020. mUsa aoutbaaat ot Mandiaater. GLOBES, LAWN CHAIRS, WINDOW BOXES. tem. Mufflers, pipes, clamps and ■ulcklv from. lust. Iroom. Three bedroom*. . price 1750. Easy tsrma ML| WK HAVE ON band several older Available At All 17m^ Hawley. ML S4SIL RESTAURANT — BO W UNO ALLEYS — ORHJ. oaolly and quickly trom. just, -i export, brackau avallahte at Ward’s taw FUIep Factory Superviaed Servica W hsthor yon ar« «14*14 yair oM or an adolt, yard! . , , Pattra Na 3936 eontatoa hot Sara By Appototmsnt—No A gnts AA ZONE—FIRST Urns on m arket 84418. model care whidi nead aoi prlcea. Low coat' Inatallatten. SOvea room homo of ootenial de- work. No reasonable offer refused. yon rnnst fomish your oMployor with n SO* Pattom No*. 1440 la to elsra lL . f „ 'g 1.4 yards of (ten Ownor 1C 0-IS47 BEAUTIFUL ons aero, to Onaad. l Montgomery Ward, Mancbaator. CaU WILL HILLS—SCI 8-868S Roeflnx-SidiiV II 14, 16, 18, 30. Site 1*. 1 ysni ^X % atteni; color disrt; stn - feotitrtog three badrooma, ^ £ U v d s U fL No money down E-Z tprms. Come Formerly of'Benaon’a CIAL SECURITY CARD when a n N ^ for BUY OF THB. WEEK den. two fun baths, recreation route 88. Nice atevation Ugh and I m aad look llimn over. Soltmane, TRUCK SPLaSH guards. State ap­ FOR-THE BBMT te fBeiMad b o tt worit with any Shod* Ttobscco Grower. Cards SS^ack fo r oaito ■*7**;^ I m aterial roqul?*®***** room, two flr^lacea, Garwood dry. Pteaty of sun and abads. lac., Dbdge aad Plymouth Dla- proved—heavy fabric ralnfarced TV and AppUance F o r th is p attern , es®4 35c to I eotoe, your aan)a< heatira system and one-car at­ Trout brook aad pond to roar. up roofa, ahmsta roofs, snttsra May bo obtained at the SOCIAL SBCUBTIY F a r S a le eolaii, your name, addrase, mM ^[-* w as and the pattern number 8 Bedroom SpilUoviil' trihutors, 8S« cantor St.. Man- Good hontisg and flatiiw. OiBarl robber protecte agataat fiying COSfPLBTE REPAIRS by Stuart conductors and raof rapim eaU a^rj^ and the patternnmn^r to CABOT; THE MAN- 4 mllee from center of town. tached garaga. July 1st occupan­ ehastor, SO. SdlOL gravel. For risgla or dual wbad R. Wolcott on wringer end anhW CteMhim. SfL S-7707. tt no aasw O FFIC E, 490‘C apitol AvimBC, H artfo rd , n ex t iPlrsflace, garaga large lot Bx- cy. Priced imdsr 130400 tor im-l axcavaUpn oomntotad. Idaal fori trucks. 84JT aaC 'Mentgemary AUTOM ATIC FH 4 S i m U S tO K INSTALLED BVW ^ HERALD. m ediate sole. Bhra Ty>or.- B osltor. 'ranch or opm j isv*l heoss. Oeti 4 door, haator, nwtie wariUag nwchlneS. electric caU SfL 8443L to the Conneriicot State EMplayMfat Servico. eoBrat leesdtea. Wkrd,ard, Manchester, raagee. vaepum cleanara. motors. Yon can rexistcr for work at the local CSE8 I N 30 DAYS. N O M ORE PIN BOY H EA D A C H E S S A m AMBMOAK NHW ML 0-4410. - ______^ jra^plaxa and'lot’a go. ML| lad Ugaal nghto. Driven smsU sppiuncea. welding. ' 118 ROOFINO, SIdliU e a ip a ^ g r- A^IEBICAK ioBK SO. N. T. BAB REAUrr OO. SSR miles. Uk# new Sfam Street. SO. 84878. A ltentioM Office, 806 Main Stroot, Msachester. Ml 0-6307 or IP 04400 0780* 9 7 VB ROOKS, floor,! TOLLAND TURNPIKB AT ^UNCHESTER-VERNON TOWN LINE Bob Olivar m sa. Wo Bw bB pfBBBBlflBB AbF iBfD R$i xidltional 35 canto BtCBPimULLT w*ft7 Tkaikrs tor Sals ' t-A $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 BBCll frith let Dlamaad Laki A PHONE MI 9*2623 / ra Salaa. 481 ANTIQUES A. A. OteB, tee., P p rfp aiB Sin aellsr. 1 -j ^sijM teitora B trad t ML k48K>. -C I BM $10,000 of our pat— of lovsly designs—plus * |Stt pat-1 6T 1st, Jwn trsssTlkib^ bestitilW vtow. Out af td rs own- Op e n d a il y 9 a . m . t s t p . ml SAT. sad SUN. UNTIL #J ■P^tLW T' ML This ad te, tbs pubUe tetarset te g ,: aghten. The spring wd or. win jHB tor toastira of oeiLi ML tssue is flUsd with; m na darsetiatia nrtsted In haok-i RAY7I ROOFING OO.. S M i^ and Ouly.tfs a ospyl taUt up roofs, gutter and . een- TMI llU O l TOIACCO M y sty lsx M ate. SlSS:£S duetsr work, roof, ddmnsy re- 1 ^ t . car'IS ' jrag, F AND M PfMra R ^ lijipww. ML 34UA i ^ O M m n W A L add jsSa ML 84888. Ray Jaekasn m m i'.ii i, r

■ 1

\ y HUDAY, MAY IS. 19i Aven^re Dally Net Prees R u b h n w i ^ leri ; X. - ' tea Weak Badto I a f V. S . „ X ^ HUmdiPatfr JEttftiittg / May 7,^xei»' Today, acial t wrad ahawe Tha Am aiican l<*gUm Band ariU. Joint Clubs H ear 11,631 Ugh ia appar dPa Taalght auat at tha Iioglon Hoina tonight Wins Scholarship la«r la appar fWa Ttouarraw at If o’clo^ for rriMaraal and to Mmsbar ad tha Aadit V maka -piarn for tha Haniiortal Day Talk by G ideon ! Buaaa of Oratoattaa l e ^ l a W a O. * t « « I ibNi u -BManpnwnt, M anche$ter^^.C ^.of ViUago Chmin parada in Manchaatar In tha mom- A ■ ■ ' .!■" XOOF, at lUwMater and Eut tng and In RockvlUa in tha aftar* • '------• / Hartford othor ancamp- noon. The paod w ill alao maneh te Tha Joint aarvlca cluba^ Man* I manta fM n- Vum dlstrtiet In a aur- chaatar will hold' thalr annual I Putnam on Juna In H artford ont V0L.LXXIY.N0.191 (TWELVE PAGES) M a n c h e s t e r . C O N N .. s a t u r I ^ m a y i 4, 1955 aa P * g * PRICE CENTS prlaa «M t- to NtamHc U>dga Tuaa- July 17 and in Darhy on Aug. 17. maatlng on Tuaaday toanlng, May | dajr OTMte- Aajr mambar daairiac 24, at tha MMiimanar Country! IN O U R d o m e s t i c s DEPARTMENT ' ^on or Information may Club. Rapraoantad/wlll ha graupai tl*altoar. Tha t o meatlng of tha from the Liana, Itotafy..l^ahii^| H artford w nty- Ooimcil Aux- Exchange and ^roptom iat ClulNr| H e a v y QUALITY Ifm. ttiU M c'D aU ey of Wll- lUary, VTWV wiB ^ hald Sunday and tha Mandieatar Jimlor Chdm* I R e d V ie w s Mmantte • ama gn a ta d a divoica at 3:S0 p.m. in tha Town Hall, bar of Commarca. , FLAT SHEETS aid CASES ^XJ*S. Frees Serum fM B Ddmard M. Dailay 8r., 76S B. ItodcviUa. Lodal dalagataa ara re* Speaker for the evening ba| MATTRESS COVERS anddia even years. / | 0 8 ••■•••«oaaa • • • *. a a aaaM a ll hsoM . aad fun bad alaaa.. in School 1*81 amat tonlgbt at 7;30 at thk getthSr food to tha church Mr. Gideon.is M t known to the I Vienss, Austm, May 14 2 p.m. public for hia ImUiant defenat ini RB9 s$2 s89^^ix1 0 0 • • • • O f A ...... a $2 s11^ (/P)— RussisVv. M. Molotov,' • A ■ • _____ the Betatabraa murder caae ini Wariiington, May 14 (flV - flying her* for the historic Aufuat 19S;k PeteUbella waa an I RB^Ps 0 0 €**"*4 2 x3 0 4 0 c cCs HALE^ OWN BRAND After a week-long halt for Local Shots Slated ■/- aocomplicn/ o f 'WUUam Ixirralnal A u strisiLt^ty signing, was Who la new. awaiting execution In | safety rSehecking, the gov­ expected to-teil the Western the Wetnerafield State Prison for ernment has turned loose 0t adiaal ehildre* foreii^ ministers today how STURDYWEAR MATTRESS PApS with toe Salk p ^ vaectoe wUI the muitler of a Hartford motorist I UDY PEPPERELL SUPERHNE MUSLIN enough Salk polio vaccine for thb'Kremlin feels about top "over a millioB more" school b eito la piwm Twaaday toeiatog Police ^rag Away Strikers in Singapore X RIO. $2.9f— 72x1pt ...... $149 Bag. |Mfi. W.x7GTwhiBa«SiBe. $ 2 .5 9 aeeardtog to Dr. Mlafealaa A . levd Big Four talks. T o p Soviet ]Ef^t Allies Mias Maael B. M . OhrlaUana, G roup Sets D ate children. Maralala. taw* health affleer. Bectatary of State Dulles held a SIS W. Center St awarded RIG. $3.2f—tlxIO t...... t...... $2.49 Sovaral atata baahh offleara ap* With federal reatrietta*. with-. brief meeting this morning with Bag. $448. 84 X 78 Pan Bad Msa. S 3 . 4 9 ravad immediate tosumptlon of a flOO truatea acboianfhlp to Hill* O f Fashion Showj . drAmi freaa too adaalalatrattaa Biitiab Foreign Secretary Harold Brass Set Let Us RIG. $3.49—90x101...... $2.99 qaaUty eraaa bax*a8tehad pads filM with pure white cottas IhaA lair msM vaednatlbn programs af the Salk v*eetoe maa*2Bc- yfectfuian and France's Antotn* Sign Treaty yar ODllage;' / . B on raotiving word yaaterday that Ptnay to prepare for a latcf con­ Ulsa ChmUima. daughter Of wUl lanadar a |N»a white. Wrapped ia ratawhla plasUe hag. torad by Parka, Davia S Oa.. •Two Weaka With Pay” , a faah*| RIG. 49c—42x34 ..... • • — $9c cO. tha Public Health Sarvied had toe towaa ia toe atata are pro* ference with Molotov. \ li^., and Mra. Pater R. ChrisUaaa, ion show w ith a vacation thsma,| cltarad U batchaa o f vacciha mad# eeadlag with * aaw acbednle *f Waatera informants felt certain Tito Parley la A aanlor ht Mandieater Hl|ti win be presented tor Corel Casuals, I by Parka, DavU A Cto., Detroit. vanrhiatlaaa, Maaday, childrea tha poker-faced Soviet diplomat In W a rsa w School;/She is presidanLto tha tinder auspices m. Gibbona Aa*| GET YOURS DURING THIS SALE! One lot a f Parka, ,Davia vabelM la MerMa*. Watettouj, New wMld seek a different tort of con­ dramatic dub, and has/toen aC* aembly, Cathblie Ladies o f Cclurn* I LUY PEPPUElX OOHGED YARN was kept back fo f fuU tatormanoo ■ a re a aad East Onuaby wIB ra* ference than that envisaged by Moscow, May 14 (/ P y -S o - Warsaw, PolanltL May 14 so review of its teats. \ tiva in tha Spanish ouh and on bus, Tueaday, M ay 17, a t S p.m. in i REG. 11,49 EXTRA HEAVY FLANNEL BACK DRILL aoiva tha abata. la sddittaa to the West for the Big Four heads vieti Communist party boss (fl*) —The Soviet ijnion and Soma o f the statea -wUl atarh boater atadaats, iaaeaia* o f state this July. tha nawapai^ and yearbodt th e . Varplanck School audltorUim. I ^ PERGALE Nikita Khrushchev and Pre­ seven East Europ^n allies ataffa. Sie is {damUpg to Mudy in Joseph Garmanof Corel Casuals, I Monday. School la out fo r the wUl bo^glvaa Taaatoyla ^ R IG . $3.09— 72x101 , • a ■ • < toaaoaoa* $2,19 The informants said word haa mier Nikolai Bulganin _ will tha medical aaoitoktial program 887 Main St, has divided the fash* IRONING BOARD COVERS weekend in most plaeaa. fast MartfenC Wf*t Hartford, trickled out of- Moscow that So­ established a u n ifi^ toilitary at mUyer. ;r ions he wUl display into' three [ Saeaad Shat Stated Mmttard, Slaeikary. Wladaar, viet Premier Nikolai Bulganlni- meet Yugoslav Preardent command today to riv^l the RIG. $3.39—tIxlOa $179 Bvety ahlpataai s eaatoleta aallaat! Win aattaat Ughtar weight types. The first w ill bo clothing for In San Diego, CaUf.,however, SafSald. Norwich v^aad paaaiMy L Is ready to accept the princi­ Tito in Belgrade lath this North Atlantic Treaty \Or- Furs aavara amny Hates, Elasite sllp-aa extra heavy weight authOfiUaa sehedulad aacond ahoU fknaiagta*. \ ^ - r travel;. faahlcmeA o f disciplined RIG. $3.19— 90x101 $34)9 ple of the Western call to expion month, the Russian govern­ ganization and made So^et cottons and nca*wrinkle fabriu wUl m any baaed up to tr fmg. O# to today for. flrat and aecmid. grad* new trails of negoti.Uon in quest ara. Vaccina from Cutter LAoora* ment .disclosed todsy. Their Marshal Ivan Konev the su­ eaw to manage. R IG .79 c"-42x3IVa ...... 49em . Bag. $8.48 Latex Faaaa Iraalag Baiaid Pad aad aaver aeta 8L78 aat. o f peace. •nie aacond aw w ln g w ill be o f tociea, Berkalay, CSUf., was uaad note, Wteconatn, Mlimeaotn, lovi'a, 2. Prefers something more com­ talks., will precede the Big preme commander. \ play t o ^ including shorts, slacks,.^ fo r tha fln t round. Utah, Colorado, Ariaona. Oregon, prehensive than the West’s idea Four^ East-West confereifce The eight slUes signed a 20- \ tp o il dreinea and bathing Suita o f O f 2d,300 San Diego young­ Washington, California. Maw for a three or 4-day conference expected this summer. year mutual security and friend- ' baby duck,\ denims, wilnkli*to*d I sters who raeaivad tha flrat in* Mexico. Some also want to Alaika. .between the beads o f government, . ‘The announcement, carried by aWp treaty and a protocol placing cottons, JeraSys and lastex, which HdC G R IIN STAMPS eetilaUon, four davalopad polio. Dr. Michigan and Utah had con­ if they are to fulfill adequately the the soviet'government newepaper toeir military forces tmder a sin­ are eom fortol^ care*free and gay. J. B. Mnsbaw, city-county hanith tinued their inoculation programs job of charting a course toward Isvestia, came aa a surprise to ob- gle command. Thirdly, Mr. Garman w ill assem* ikJSIKIUUccu GIVIN ¥nTH CASH SAUES director, voiced h ^ thia would even after the natkwwida sua* I^t-W est- unaerstanding. servera here and abroad. Indepen­ A summarized text of toe agree- bla lovely feminlha dreases using I MAMCHM TM I.COim* sat deter parante fr*m sanding pension...... ' 3. Intends to press demands dent Communist Tugoslavia has n)ent—outcome of a three-day other disciplined \cottons,’ aim* children for aacond ahote of.Parka, Halted Pendihg T«*t that Red China be represented at been estranged from the Kremlin conference here—was read to re­ thetics and silks, au\easy to packj Davia vaccina, T h a inoculationa came to .a sucks conference. since 1948, MthquJh relations have porters by Soviet kpokeaman ■ N.' Tv \*- ...... : . . _i. . 7 U.8. Surgeon Oanaral Leonard temporaiy stop a weak,ago pend­ after toe signing ceremony. They and to travel with. \ • \ -V. V ■ • ,■■■■■ . .'•* ' The Western allies sought to bettered in receht months. A aoclal hour with itoresbmeata | .....—__^ • •...... ■ - ■ ------' ■ ■ ~ ^---- A . Schaala annouhead lata yaSter* ing a jBlant-by-pUnt raappraiaal make certain things clear to the announced Konev’s headquarters ' day that a health aerviea team by Public Health Scrrlce Special* ' Moacow’s announcement pro­ w ill follow the showing o f ,tlis.'sum< Kremlin when they proposed the voked surprtee and' speculaUon in wiU Be in Moscow. He te deputy mer styles. ^ had. completed its rachack o f 4,* tete of. vaccina manufacturing meeting eariier this week. Soviet defense minister. 250,000 cubic eenttmatera of tha ■nfaty standards. 1. It was to be a short meeUng. Belgiada today. News o f the announcement Deputy commanders w ill be the Parka-Davia prodoct Ha said Parke, Davis was the first o f five 2. The chlris o f government defenae ministers or other mili­ aoma three-fourths of tUf total pharmaceutical firms to be vtelted should themselves not. negotiate reached Belgrade in the early morning. hours. Only a few. Bel­ tary leadera of toe parUcipating RICOXDS already had been used, but that health aerviea teams. EU U Uy but mifely direct their foreign nations—the Soviet Union, Czech­ •'over a million more ohlldran can * ' Oo. of Indianspolte was next on nuntetera bow and where to pro­ grade newepapers were able to get \ oslovakia. Poland, Hungary, Al­ \ BOW be vaccinated” with the ra* the list and govammant scientists ceed toward the goal of eating it Into print. ,, bania, Romania, Bulgaria and Per Pm m d 3 9 c V maindar, beginning at once. On# wars reported alraady at work Bast-West tensions. No U4. Oomment ' X Haw One Added Dally East Germany. ' ot takas one cc of tbe vaccine.. there. 3. The talks should relate pri­ (The U.S, State Department had West Sees Little Change eaUmated 81h mitUon chi)* Parke, Davia vaccina produced marily to Europe. Thus they hoped no comment on the development. Dreacbed strike pickets ara dragged narayvby r M ] wha taraed fire haaeS am them to get toe (West European diplomats be­ Sioi^ I^ O w Own Vault Poffrerton's Of Our Storewide• ..'I ■ • Sale . * • . - -the first from nmv on, tha Surgeon General to stdestep the Red China issue. But aouixes in Waataington and etrlkers away from the eatraace at a, hue etaUaa In Malaya, yesterday. The vtateace ere- lieve toe adtual sigiung of toe ISO CENTER BTBEET tbree-shot aeriaa. said, will be aporoved or rejected Molotov has been attending the London said Tugoslavla~had in­ atad by the strudag Baamaa aad deaaonatia|ors ea*ae4 death of aa AmartoKa pact in Warsaw does not change which raCaivad Parka. on the baste o f reports auppUed Warsaw Conference where Russia formed Britain and the U n i ted REGULAR $1.00 HRST QUALITY 60 GAUGE SHEER others. The Britteb moved tbeueaads of Meel-bahactad' traopa late esaergeacy peeltlea# aa toe vtMeaee the existing situation-—the Soviets The Premises Davis Serum inciudad Maw Hamp­ by the company and in tbe Ugto. of and aeVan East European Com­ Statea of the impending 'Visit and contoiued to sweep tbe lelaad eeleay agpia yeaterdtO^ (A P WIrepketar. / have been in over-all command shire, Vahmont, Rhodt^Iahtod, Con* munist states pledged to help each assured them it refiected no change, ■ X, ■ _ _ of the military among theiC-xaU:/ FURS STORED TOR 3% OF YOUR VALUATION Bacticut, V|rgUita, M iciu i«n, DU* (Oanttaned oa Pago Phra) other in peace and war. in tbe Tito govemment’e policy of eimes fo r iibfne time. But toe NYLON HOSIERY The Warsaw meetbig. in effect good relations with toe W est) SILVER MKT GRAY pact gives the Riisaians a legal W ith datte aeaiMi-llh la aaw aaaMmr. akadeiti jtoiafpaDed heal aad strengthened Molotov's hand when The Isvestia announcement said: framework under which Soviet Minimum phorge $ 3.(M extra wear. Shart, it proclaimed an Bast European •TVlUi the aim of further im- troops can remain in toe satellite •OX OF aad laag leagtha. security aUtenca daeignto to coun­ ptovemente in relatlona between nations through individunt treat­ $ 1 . 4 9 ter the North Atlantic Troaty Or­ the two countries and ^ U i the aim ies between the'TT.S.S.R. and each ganisation. of strengthening peace, the gov- satellite country. Politically the UNTRIMMRP .SO Molotov te axpacted tb .discusB A rm s FUR tRIMMED CLOTH COATO ...... $2.00 TE A L GREEN 1— Yd Uia Soviet Union and Eastern Communist nations have C U ^4)U T SMALL LOT tS & ‘'^and‘'and other E4at i governittfht of TugOslavla Ex-Wife been linked through the COmin- priori ' a^Sbincr nrraoged (or tonight have decided to hold a meeting of in the Amaricail nuSassy wjicra ( form—the.' association dominated ' on th4ir reftreaenUUves on the iviet by tha Soviet Union.)' X- ha > will gat together with S^ra- Tv LADIES' HANDBAGS tary of State DuUea, Britain's highest level.” Donald E. Plummer, about 27, .was accidentally ahot to Each at the deputies will com­ \- Yugoslav Ambassador DobroVije mand forces to be alloted by his Odd aalara ha alaatie an leather hs|^ CStiDA lap haadto / Harold Macmillan and fVance't Washington, iy 14 (flV * death early today in a atru$gle with his divorced w ife, Delores, JSKHAU COM X Clcvdsiid, M sy^l4 ■Democratic National (Hiairman dined Friday night with U.S; a lim iie d nation to the unified command. aad aver the aaealdar Antoine Plnay. ' UJS. officials belie' after he broke into her home and fired at her with «^45 caliber Pfiul M. Butler today *i Charge d’Affaires Walter WalnU' The precise nature of East Ger­ MaNCNOTmComa ■IJICtb iachPiaallax the Eisenhower adminiatration The four foreign ministers are disarmament agreement may automatic, police reported. S1.88 offlciaUy gathered here . for to- ley. I t waa aseumed in Moaoow many's contribution is to be de­ SUN of "mis-handling” the Salk DpUo vaccine situation. Butler eventually be negotiated with Plummer, who has a long policev cided later. / spoke o f "heartbreaking conf^op" and said "a thorough morrow’a signing of the treaty which wUI pledge Austria’s Inde­ (Caatianed aa Page FIva) Russia even though "^orld record and who served nine months A preamble to the tre^y^, government inspection in the in jaU In 1951 and 1952 on a declared the eight nations decided'" pendence after 17 years mlllUry wide atomic controlb seeRi a \ ginnllw could have avoided tote charge of assault with a danger­ Navy Studying to Intensify their measures tor de­ Glasses CLOSE-OUT LOT OF GIRDLES - eonfusicm.’* occupation. long way off. ' \ ous weapon, broke a window in hig fense in face of West Germany’s Tlie Democtatio Chairman struck The answer to why Russia final­ Publication of proposals made wife’s home . at 212 Center. S i admission to the Western alliance. b Thre^wn ly agreed to .clear toa way for an And athar fauadattoas. Brakaa aisaaisaa aadand etylaa.etyi TYahw. frsaa eut at toe admlntetratioa on tote Ad Unit , States by the Soviet Union and the West­ shortly after 4 a-iUv today. Atom Seaplane The treaty takes effect when 8545 to 81X48. |P4 OK CO d C Austrian aettlement apparently ern Powers at a U.N. Disarma­ ''As police rerohstnieted'the story, the last participating nation has and other Mtmte In a speech pre­ lias in the ’’neutrality agreement. Cieaa-oat price. . S3.95 TaT. pared fine a moating o f the Fed­ of ment Committee meeUiig in Lon' he went to his w ife’s bedroom and ratified it. /. erated Democratic Women of .This was toe price toe Soviets Willingness to don showed today that toe two threatened her with a gun. appar­ Senators Told 'Die first of the/ll articles Ohio. demandad aad got fo r okaying sidec are sUU ( v ape-i''' toe ently stolen train a service statioh declares thkt the .particIpaUng na­ He anld U J . Surgeon General FraryvWorkW Austrian tndapeadenoe. \ key issue of anforcements. where he formerly worked. tions . undertake; in conformity Under the agreement Austria te Adjust Method Washington, M sy 14 (P)—-The \ Leonard A. Scheele, head of the Informants aaid that even If *nt Shoot Toa* with the United Nations Charter, p m to promise to make no foreign sgreement waa reached on all Navy, first to use atomic eneigy ‘ COTTON CREPE SLIPS PufcUc Health Service, ”bas pro­ Ne May 14 m - x "Don’t move or I'll shoot you;*’ to refrain from the use o f force in claimed hte faith* in toe . vaccine! ___ mUttary sUisncea and to permit no New York, May 14 — Tha other points, the issue of safe­ for: propulsion in its submarine Internatloi^. relations and to do Ffata eaadked eattea pXaaa. Shadaw'ptaaf, an agliia triia. K a iraa* fire bomb was thrown foreign bases on her soiL he sgid. le _qMr — Sw pw* and no one w «l quarrel with hte Americah Aasociatlon of Advertto- guards to prevent an agtrreeslve rrifled, Mrs Plummer made a NautUus, saya it te now working toe ir utmewt to solve international iagragairad. 7 / ■ . . ■ an oifica It te a,tiU. luncartaln how this InKAgahcies, one six groups In- nation from secretly preparing an •MCwT^SawSSSr' rove. Plummer fired. The bullet toward a nuclear-powered aia- ^estions' by peaceful means. worlcto and form er -uniqn Stew­ heutrsUty wUl be proclslmed and ^fod in a government .antitrust atomic war te so vital that there larely mlased Mrs. Plummer’s side plane. Another article declares that In ard v t toe strike-hound Lkndars, gugraatt^ by the big powers. 'Ih^ could be no overall agivement MaaeSXtodt.^ / PHea $2.9B “But it is difficult to under- kotion, says it has adVised Tha and lodged in a bedroom wall. She | Rear Adm. F. R. Furto, Chief of case of an armed attack on any atand,” Butler added, •* . . . why ,Frary A Clark Company of New Big Four aro expected to agree^to Justice Department foir more than less It also was resolved. grabbed at her ex-buaband. They; Nava]' Research, told toe Senate one/ or more 'of the participating UNION toe government didn’t takq toe Britain in tlte to rty mornlnff^liours Issue a declaration r e c o g n l^ g n year.it waa ready to adjust its However, American struggled fo r * few seconds and; Appropriations Committee y^ er- stetes the other signatories will ■ alt lUp to aiatdk Saudi aaadhna. large. P tIm $2.9a leadertoip In the beginning and Auatria'a status after the treaty activities as raquirad by law. some European leadera arp^known toe gun went off again. | day "Our research haa also Inriud- provide immediate help, incluittng 6-EAUTOMTiC toua avoid toe mtehandUng that The homb-^a gaaoliiia or kero- comes toto force. Ninety days after The AAAA yestarday answered to bellave that it may ^ possible Plummer slumped to tbe fioor; ed design studies of a nuclear- OPTICAL has occurred. . . aa>a filled mUk bottle wrapped to that happens, Uia occupation troops a civU antl'truat suit filed Thurs­ to work out plans w lth^e Soviets The bullet entered the front of hH powered seaplane.” He added: (Centianed ea Fnga Five) e white towel—broke the atonm to' stabUlxe or perbajis cut' back , (With Oandet Jewaiars) • r , r • The govemmant yaaterday sig­ of the four powers must puU out day aigslnst it. The American throat luid came out toe back of ‘’Nuclear-poweiad a i^ a ft offer naled a llmttad raaumt'tion. after window but only cncked tha pi«s Iff tilthe countiy. Newspaper Publishers Assn; toe siso of forcM^eployed In the hte neck. / /U » CHRISTENSEX ture window nt the homo of Mr. the obvious advantage of prac- Baby Shop Specials Picture your o ^ dining table fiet in this lovely:,HARK« a week-long euapmsion for a Naatral Balt (A N PA ); The Publishers Aamcia- European arca^^ tote limited ap- Mrs. Plummeir called police. Ucally unlimited range with a very WASHD Ucaaaed Dptlolaa and Mre. WUUam . Leho at S3 OU^ proato did Prove poesiblei infor­ safety rachack rf tha program for To^'oday's announcement of Bui tion of New York City;,The As- Pltuitoien was alive when police high epeed, and a seS-based air­ 785 M AIN ST.*-*Sa 8*8128 ERWARE i .. 80 pretty . .. 80 glamoroua . . . bo co lor- inoculating milUm first and belt Rd. They were steenlng at gaiilp’s planned vlrit to Yugoelavta eociatod Bualness Pubjim tions; The mants aay,M would have the at- arrived biit died shortly after­ at 3:04 a.m. whan the incident ec- craft offers pecuUar advaptagea fu ll The. unutusl 4ocorstive techriuiuo originated in —which Western diplomats aay Periodical Publishers Assn, and fect oI nrang.: fears of war in wards. ‘ as a vehicle for exploring'nuclear Bulletins they have bee* aaticipating^ie The .Agricultural PuMtohers Aaan. BUropaXnd reducing Etest-West, 4 Mrs. Plummer was granted a mA im Immi ALL DRESSES Butler Meo criUciaad' adminte- propulsioa in ains’Caft-" fro m th e A P W ire s FYaneR and j8' brought to dazzlmg brilliance by Harker, traUon plans for s«*uring equit­ Baehad In nad Saw Fire considered pan of the drive to -'The government is seeking an tansipm divorce tote week on grounds of S iica l to 3 and 3 to' 6s; Awakened by the crnckl'ng of ’ Control Organ He made no estimate when such Am erinn ceramisti. All th e,^h . loetrous body ci^or, able dtetribUUon of toe Orik vac- velop a Sqrt of neutral belt injunctim to abolish the "recog- intolerable cruelty. a plane might be. completed. o a • NO W $1.19 tbe pictura window, they rushed \ ..ia .Stota Departenant relaasad Its mut woftr A RIG. $5.91 0 elna-for commercial use, after the into toe Uving room where they , la tended Murder, SuMdo- In addition to the Navy, the Air TRY NORFOLK S NEW •the snowy white hlgllligiU a^f the Gadroon border aiXi present free school profraip to (Oaatfimad oa Paga Five) (Oeattaaed oa Page Plva) Hate yaaterday toe text o f dtearma- Poilce tbeorixed tost Plummar, GRAHAM DRAWS CROWD ../..V .... NOW$4.29 saw toe firs. Tliay brought it un­ ment proppeala which have' been Force, the Atonic Energy Com- London. May/ 14 (4^—Hna- EOUSE PAINT DISCOVERY RIG. $4.91 protected" forever Undra^ bright, clear glaze . . . oven GcmpiGiM* der control aa firemen arrived. The In a erase over tbe divorce, in'eiid- mteeion an0ha Labor sweep, Labor got . almost aerial survays." The agente also Moriolcn, Japan, May 14 •yta Tha C-E waahbaakct ia ahraya fiUed U atar VOUBMOMKT Maw. Jean Pierre Aumont could be raachad. He to {tenonnal The votes o f this populous county's dock wotkers, cotton min two-thirds of. Lsncatolre’s seats. would ba aaaured unrestricted com- Fof Taylor at Army Chief A bus, crowded with acbool chil­ -ftawiac .tsmiauemly canyiax away list, taap aacx" a— • ALL BALB8 FINAL . Two youpg Brooklyn touga kaat, assistant at Landera... whjoh haa ^HOUSEWARES SPECiAlS rsb^ and liaak -55-yaar-oid Mrs. bands, sheep farmers and small In 1951 the Conservatives elected dren on aa exeursioa trip, ever-' Kuai tad liafat paftklat. Saad aad aik asteaiati* S3 members ot Parllamsnt, toe turned in a river bed today, caliy ajaetaa tha htttaai af tha i ••.•■••I la Riosa OUavito aa she te tnroute to (Osattoaae Paga Fiva) town metchante may be an im­ (CoaUaued aa Page . PI v4) . Washington, May 14 (#) way’s opposition to cutting mill limy lakat, BiUk GIBBB IjUBpSa RB|f*.'$$ad8 aoeeaaaaeeee aNOW $1.98 am portant factor in toe May 28 elec­ Laborites 81. —1 IdlUng 12. TIdrt}- other* wer* ticket agency for ptane ■aserva- Speedy Smato confirmation ap­ tary manpower, said be was sorry laJarTO, moot at them not ser- a autm rata* tlons back to Italy . . . Sen. PurteU tion for a new House of Commons. Nine Conservatives elected in to see Ridgway go. He said Rldg- A GROUP OF T-r" A D I jAKXB ZdBBlpS • a • a.#** 8*.* tea a.ajp a a aaa *20^^ QFET ... 1951 had Slim margins. Ths adgs peared likely today tor Frealdsnt lomly. win Mi kNaWc b— hQjiHng enactment of reciprocal Experts in tha Conservative and Eteenhoarer’s nomination at Gen. way bad “won the reapeet and con­ ■■Win •• a»*»— *v Newsm aii W arned Labor Party ranks balteva ■ they in Bolton East, for example, waa Leom ilzer Named Mi^iteMa ■MlaD.a 20*Pca GIbbb LuRcheon Sets. R ef. S2.79 •*J.Now $1.39 trade act bacmise it providas •toae- Maxwell D. Taylor as Army Chief fidence of Oongress." SKABOH FOR FOUR MEN .. aa«uy psataetten to domestic in­ can predict toe votiiv results in only 355 votes and in Rochdale 454. But Russell said that in choosing a H it reaa* GJRLS' BLOUSES many other areas in Britain. But . W hy te the dacteipn o f this coun-, U.S. Far East C hief at s ta ff. StoalngtoB,.>Mny 14 (F)—Die- Mm* eadw Iiiiuaal Colored PyrexJBowI Set*. R ef; $8.50^. .,^ * aNow $2.49 dustry.” , T o A v o i d R i O l A r e f t Taylor, how Far East command- Taylor. Eisenhower, had picked eeVery of aa IS-foot shift ea th *' w*M ■iheit. *— ■ ~ l*^to* from. Thnlland this old’ducby te doubtful, aa usual. try's three n^lcn voters often so viMMly ewtalMl Mr- la eattaa aad ayiaa. gtota 7 to lA important In a nation with 35 ar, wag picked by Ifteenhower yr- "one of the best soldiers we have beach at NaprUree Pelat la tha Valaaa $148 to 8848. Maw $ 1 . 4 9 » $ 3 . 1 9 ' GieBOeOp R e f# 10^ .aXaaa.*-aaaaaa'aa,aapa*d«aaaa aNOW 5C and a man wha-wUt-aMUukaikdWev avtoff Cblcaffo'hoarital for na- ______...______, J *ro «1 Cte«- /wrawafaBiM pill' W iliii 8BHhafi;ss; cuaaraw . . . Singapore, e ff n tend ahd aea search today BIS caMttn omt t*% « M U U « U CtSTBM w nyaitiS vatkiti AIX SAUES PINAL tiva land as two oapnrata hoaltoy aatd today American newsman cal at aevoZ&i areas which, can. that the withered Llbeiter ■ara cMSti. «a*a«ily itSta. VMf cMktt art Mae* M a*w «ajl—< MajrMiiiaiec Sets. R ef. $1.89\« . . * *•«...... N o w 98c once was a powerful political {area Lemnitser was tourii^i front line Urea June SO, a month and a half, Son’. McCtellan (D -A rk ) snid in for four Stoningtea nsen lart m —t m CM barah aa- little girlM. . . . Loute Wolfaon and Gene Siunonds, who died at toe awing either way in the voting- before his two-yaar term as Chief separote Interview he. belierea sees en Fishers Islaad, N. T. Vm •jngly g ift m W*w bMlaaS O IB L8 D EPT— Xad PLOOB aasodatea to battle for control of here. In dtetricte where they have Instnllatiaas today wbm ha learned wstsr IgvMI itil Si*. ataltwaito. Covered Ceiidjr Dish* R ef. 69c % * a»• • • .N o w . 35c hands of n mob of strikars, typical except that, while there la of Staff would expire. - Oeneral Ridgway had tlie con Montgomery Ward A Co. atatoHag been warned by police agninst prosperity alsawhere la Britain, no candidate of their own. those Preaident Eisenhower has nomi U befate serve ss vast blocs o f uo' nated him to he U B . Far ICast aad Bldfway CrISeal et Ike Flea fidenoe o f Congreaa and toe Am ri •:-DULLES TO R EPO RT Csiiii Is today lo sss fftf nsw G .f m tS -ftO * Wathhtg Sydom Cendjr Diah. R tf. 29c aate**** *'* •••**8*88aa a^fOW J5C by far flrat meeWag with members going Into toe troubled sraa. Lancaahlre tiM a depression. Tha Ridgway, who has been critical can peopia-who would have liked to Washington. May 14 (et.i..gee» of too Board of Difaetprs aa fig­ Police Commissioner Nlgai MoT' axparta have not fully aaaaeaad the committed, independent'voters, United Nations eonunander In O d m Ivtry Iveiileg PRE-SEASON SALE—GROUP OF. When the rival election uente chief. of.toe Bteenhower program to eut see him continue aa Army chief of rotary e f State-Dalles vTOl mnha Celery IMslla R ef. $1*29 a.8*alaa*«aaaaaaoaaao aNOW 89C ures of election Inspactora support ris ssid ailegatlons that police rs' affect that vdll have,-.. - hack the ground forces, said there staff.” But he said ha thinks Tay­ a teievisiaa report to the ao* WoIfSon's claim of winning tores dlo cars stood by while Symonds, Within its 14 SS square milaa, of Oldham—^Laborite Arnold'^ea- He aaid "it te « great honor" to Sst It A f Our Bsclrical OspataiMit UbHI 7:30 dale-and Conservative Frank Bat' take over toe dual command from Waa "no significance wbatsoev^' lor te w ell qualified as Rldgway’s Iloa Meoday night oa tbe roeoaS Rfled Bowie# R ef. $2.49 aaaaoa*a*4aoaaaaaa NOW $1.25 ' at toe ittgaJwatSi United Praia nunager for aouto- Lancashire la almost a Britain in NATO Bseetiag la . SWIM SUITS BiU aDowtoff Hartford, sating son—maka their house-to-houae,(jOM Maxwell D. ITaylor, nomi­ in toe ajinouncement now ■ o f hte succeaso? U'NERAi ELEC'RiC 0 «h St. EatroBcs OpM Uatl 9 F.M. FrMityii aaat Asia, was beaten' into . un- miniaturs. It has toe giant port of Sen. Hlckonlooper .. (R - Io w n ) sigaiag of the Aastrloa Rdieh Dish* Rof* $1.59 .a*a.*iaaa**8aap%#*#*Now 79c akna or in eoqjunetion with naigh< ooosriouaneas "aro not corraeL Uvarpool, teaming industrial can­ pilgrimages through toe smoke nated by the Prsaldeat to become roquast fo r roUrontent. Big aavlaga. Slaaa 8S to 8S- blackqnro atreets' of that mill Army CBUef of Staff June 30. He said ba has "plana to ksep aaid he rogarda lUdgway's ratlro- aad tha proposed B ig Four 1 lA>PtlANCt$J $ 5 .95 Aad $8.95 bariBg eomanatyaa, or towns "Wa hav* tha full story from toa tors auch aa ManriMstor and Pres­ VataM to $1848. Maw ReliBh ix ^ a R ef* 98c • * a a a* a**a«***8**a* */a • N o w 49e ton, holiday resorts suchaaBtodi- town, they search particularly for It waa tha second time ia tern busy" but added he couldn’t an- ment oa having no particular stg- •■g- ______thaswaalvas. to aat up davalapa time Stiaoiu leitt toa American aiflcaacei Me poted that Ridgway and Indnstrlal commissions on way pool with Its glngarbraad hotels, liberals. If they can convince one than two months that Lemnitaer noimce hte plana now. BURNSIDE Club and drove in: a tixi to hto He has not denied persistent re­ Bad roachad the retiroment age in FIVE TRUCKS CSAI ^ Hasko HosteaS Tray. Reg. $3.98 ...... '.Now |2.98 to lUbieoff aftor paaatng Ganazal bema to pick up hto eamara toon and alaapy rural vlltogas on the or two of toeae, they feel their had Inherited dual commands from ports that he *111 becoipe k.eor- March and was ^ ttln g at the end Weet Haves, fU y I4u On-rTw* i ) A a s a m l^ .. . Xdwt inwlenr ta tt o f into toa riot asaa.** be said. edges o f hills and SMors. evening te weU spent.. . Taylor. oasa Wat* iajaiad hi ' Hsfiko Trsy (Set o f 4). Reg. 62.49 .Now 61.49 OMhnm symbollaes Lancashire's ' Only last April 1 he took over, poratlQin executor# after hte rotlre- at the current fteeni yanr before PAINT CENTER praaaat gariaa vlMtm of UBfevar- Marrto gav* this varaion at Labdr’s grsatast stHugUi is in new appropriatiaaa beceaie edfec- 645 BURNSIDE AVE. ahlo woatoar and Atesa^ Enargy Thundays Incidaat' tbe liuhtetrial em a,^ ISMiCmerta econsn ic troublaB. WhUe new from Taylor as commander pt sM h o< Sv* hag* 8fi T k Hssko Trsy (Set of 2 ). Reg. 61.98 • eeee**a* Now 98 ' “ ® M n n aa RuaileU O W Mv*. UKHAUcott V Oenmimlon pUnnlaf waathar Symaada* taxi warn atonwd at nad rural ra ^ tf aerpeeeamUva mawifactutlng induatrtee proper VJB. SUi A n a r hi Korea aad U.S. m ^ R w Oiaega Aaa,* 1 EAST HARTFORD Seaata Armad Sarvioaa M a m c h w * C p n w Mduateem t: evaluation bafor* auadnUig It toe who ayepelh*—4 with XMg- « 9) « •) ( i mi XXg* Xwa) (4 ») m | A > 4 2 9 5 i iiji' III i y •' / 'j ' " j . 7