' y : V.. ^• " :v\ ■ ' P-' ■% kGB TWEllf7-n>im THURSDAY, M AY 12.195S Afsrsgs Daily Nst PrsiM Rm The Westher 1 iOanrlr^Bti^ lEvfttUtg Fee the Weak BaSeS Fsiatoat ef U. fl. Waaflto . _ .. ' ■ - - • ■ — / - — -—— May 7, 1SS8 Due to a coafitet of dateo, the' .. Mr. and M ra Andrew U Rlker,' Meroben o f Lakota Oounea N a % b o u t T o w n public aiqtper *af Rockville Xba- 111, of Boulder, Col., announce tha SI, Oagno o f Pocahontas, w i l l 11,631 ii^ 5 E £ blem Club No. S for Saturday. May birth Of a daughter bn Wadneeday, mast la a body la front o f the etoaSywlto soaM^MMbte PINEHURST It, haa been canceled. A ll Bwm- M ay-11. The baby; who has bean Leclerc Funeral Home, Sg Main g t, A iliitiM Mr. H M M m tr ef tha Audit riunMI lioiilae Aiutin Rlker, lathe tomorroww Bightnl| ' ' at 8 o’clock to pay ef CIreutotlea afteraeea. .High aear 74. The Mary McChire Chwm of tha ben a n aaked to return ticketa to M m ehe»ter-~-AsCity o f VMago Chorm K - - IS OPEN Second OongragnUonal Women’a M ra Braedt W. Bpellmaa. l i t fin t gnndchild of Mr. and Mra reqMcts to Diane Miller, daughter F*r 9»dlfyy<ied Fries Sm Us N r M '... League will meft tomorrow at 8 Summit S t Andrew L. Rlker, 680 Spring'St of one of the membera ------- IV ............. .... .. p.m. at the home o f Mra OuStave UNTIL S:30 LXXiy,NO.lt0 (TWRNTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., fSIDAY, MAY IS, 1855 (Clawlflti Aivartlalag sa Phgu U ) Ucholtaer, 100 Waehlngton S t LaAea of the Church o f tba A »- RMarvatUW for the Women's William Powers,, S3 Cakwood PRICE nVE CESira FRIDAY NIGHTS Mra Stuart Wolcott and Mra atunpUon w ill bold their final Tood Club dinner . Monday. May 33, at Rd.. has been admitted as a patient JamM Copeland wUl' be boateeeea oala for the eeason Sunday, May Sunset R ld n olkb, East HartfoM, at the NewlngteA Veterans Hos- IS, In the utility room when puiv w ill does Monday.'May IS. Tha din­ pltaL timate Wltheot OMIgaKea OsB V- A divorce wae granted In Super­ chaaea may be made after each ner and program la ppen to mem- 1*Tendcr Genuine Spring Butter Balls ior Court thla week to Doloree 11 Maaa Mra Foater WilUama and ben and gueata No ticketa will be Sec. DuUes Plummer from Donald B. Plum­ M n. Jamaa Bailey, co-chairmen, add at the door, CheCka may be A k>n, Richard Peter, was born TONSKY Ml 18195 When Harry Layirrence, who selle u« aTot of fine lamb, mer on the grounda' of Intolarable a n in charge. The usual wide vari­ sent to Mra W. J. Bmigh, 35t at tha St. Francis Hospital Tues­ DEPENDABLE STORM WINDOW MAM” our nu^t manager, Charlie McCarthy, that the cruelty, with $12 weekly aupport ety of baked g o ^ will be donate Henry S t, who w ill make last- day to Mr. and Mm. Howard 1* aUotted for one child. by mernberi o f the pariah. minute reaervatlona Holmes, 18B Bldridge S t In Vienna to lamb legs this week are just like "butter balls," that they —-----------------------1 ■ ■ ^ 2 : average S Iba. each with some smaller and some around 7 lbs.. you can rest assured it’s a good time to buy \ Pinehurst Genuine Spring Lamb Legs. We l)ave native aqiaragus to go along with them . and.^h^ white Wsthington, May 18 ( f l ) — Vienns, Auitris, May 18 Potatoes or Idaho bakers, if you prefer them. Rib, Loin Surgeon General Leonard I'/P)— ^UJ9, S ecretary o f S tate Navy C liief Aboard NautUuts or Shoulder Lamb Chops out of these medium weight Scboele aaid today he eiqiOcta Dulles ' ariived in jubiiant Uunbs, edll, o f course, be equally tender. to release Polio vaccine madg Viennn today' to sign tha I. by Parke-Diivis Co. of JDe- Austrian treaty of ii^epend- This w ^ we have in* troit "almost momentarily." ence. It waa a gratifyinf mo­ /' \ creased our order for Scheele told the House Bank­ ment for the Aiherican diNo* Taylor to ^pU iee Ridgway as Arm y Cliiel W hite Rock ing Committee a thorough on- mat. who had insisted th4 Police State Ik# Naples the-spot inspection of. manu­ ambassadors of'the Big Four Chicken Breasts facture of Salk vaccine by powers reach agreeitoent on so you w ill be sure to fin d Parke-Davis has been com­ treaty terms before the for­ Seen Result pleted. Gen. Taylor enough' whether you eign ministers meet for-^the T t la likely that word la now at actual Signing. \ come in Friday or Satur­ my ofllee regarding Sndlngs o f the Late yesterday, the Ruariana Of Risk BiU day . chicken legs, too w ^ p (o f Kientiite) which visited accepted f compromise aoluUon and Native Fryers and Detroit end we will be able to an­ offered by the West on a key ieaua nounce the nleesa of Parke-Davis Wtohington, May 13 F ow l. of economic conoesriens, end tbe Washington, Ma^ 18 (/O— materiala as soon or shortly after way arae cleared for the signing An 'administration bill to let Gffi). Matthew B. Rid#ftoy, I return," Schccis said. on Sunday of a treaty to gfm the government bar potential I ^ ' s OMitw SUCMI ot Hun a hit" t«st WMk, and more Release- of Parke-Davis serum Auxtria’a aeven raiUioh people full critical of admuiatratm de- BMte an ammurout how bIm it ia to alwaya hava two or throe will permit limited resumption of freedom pfter li years of i^ tary spies and saboteurs from de­ ciaiona.to cut oaek the ground tanaHTof r a t h ’s v a c u u m p a c k b d c o l d c u t s in the nationwide program for vac- occupation. fense and- defense-related forces, haa aaked to be re­ dnating fln t end second grade the lee twoc, ready for a quick lunch, midnight anack or a picnic. In an airport statement, DuUea plants was assailed today As tired June 80 and w ill be anc- I f you e a )^ real thin aUcea of Bacon, you wiU Sad it in the H lb. school children. ■aid: "police state" and "unAmeri- paekagea of Rath’s wafer thin bacon. At HALE'S SELF SERVE And MEAT DEPARTMENT . Completion of the Parke-Davia I have tn.-veled to inahy cafii- »ceeded as Army Chief of can.” cheek will shift the actentiSc In­ tala on many misaionB. Never have Staff by Gen. M axv^ D. spection team to the Bu Lilly Go., 1 felt more atUafactlon than I now Spricesmen for the American T » l o r . Frstk FranW from Indianepolla. ' feel in coming to VIeima to sign Veterans Commltta* (AVC ) aitd lUdgway'a decision to leave an HALTS NiStaV uw rs Scheele called for a shutdown In Americans for Democratic Action the treaty whic:* at long last will (A D A ) urged a Senate Judiciary the day before the new mUltaty Rath, Itf Prixs ond MEAT DEPARTMENT that program to permit a rechack make Austria free and Independ­ budget becomea etfSctixra Wto dla- OROUND SnacklUiD at each o f five manufacturing ent. subcommittee to shelve the meas­ ctosed whan Preetdent plants. ure pending a ravlaw of govern­ H a n d y . ‘ \ CORNED BEEF “This haa toen a central goal sent the Senate, a nominattoay N t w ITS GENUINE SPRING LAMB AT HALTS Later, ihspeeton will go to of United States policy. It ’a ment aecurity programs by a M Taylor' to succeed him. Wyeth Laboratories, Marietta. partiaan commission. T o f l D 80UB CREAM achievement will ^ hsT -d by the 'White Houee- Praia Sapfetary Morrairs ready to oaf COFFEE 12 Ox. Can Pa.; Pitman-Moon, Zionaville, American peopie wtM have only Also joining In this request waa Btattbew B. Bldgway MaxWeS D. Taylor James C. Hagerty said JUdgway LECTLAMB H ^TSc 2nd., and Sharpe and Dohme, Olan Frank N. Hoffman,. legMaUve di­ S # i n a t i o « * U P ^ N *„nUratlon fOr the cotwage and rector of the CIO United Steel­ wrote a letter to Secret^ of the laanar hams. \ , \ B-S LB. AVEBAOE Aldan. Pa. steadfaatneas of the freedoinloving Army Stevens aaktiurfor retire­ Cases at 47 workers. ment on June 80. Rffigwaya term people of Auatrie.” Bill Passed By Htoate Scheele told the committee that Among Dulles’ welcomers were hnd untU Aug. 15,^ run. LOIN aa of this morning 87 cases of The bill, reqttestto by the De­ SnVIRDOIlARS..PAPER DOLLAltS n ilL A D Ie U W A U.S. Ambassador Llewellyn E. fense end JusUce . Departments, troves A t th< Pentagod, the Army In- CBEAM polio had been nperted among Thompson Jr., one o f the four em­ was passed by the Senate last V . ~ I* formaUon Sepnoe aaid that there DOLLAR CHECKS.... CHEESE: Ip k g a 81e LAMB CHOPS ^$1.19 chlldrea who received the Salk Adaa Rakert Caraey, right. Chief M Naval Operarians, aits ia the bassador* at the 9-day negotia­ year, but theHouse Judiciary had apparently been aome ndson- Tkia ngfct geanlae epriag lamb eemea te as aerura. He said approxUnately eeatral room e f the atoerie powered eabmarla* NaatUas dnriag tions, and Austrian Foreign Min­ Conimittee pigeonholed It. derstand^. It aaid that as fa r as Bring them to Pinehurst this week, and save, sad aave on froia Dobaqaa Piehtag Co.
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