/ WEDNESDAY, JUNE IB, 195B Averan Daily Net Prera Run p a g e TWENTY-EIOrff IRajtur^ipBtpr iEtt^nitts, H^raliii ,F «P the Week Haded yTheW aathor Joae l i t -1885 rUfeesM of U. S. Weethsg Utmuao Mrs. Agnes Tangk, M Xadluttl H u oatt *<0B a t MMira 8040 Hu Oanter Graduate* Give Rd.; i3 in Ihlanak. U W. Omter 11,705 Fair and little change la tsmw CTuh nMeh psesm tsd the OaeBte 4ka foUowtaf.oCBoars for the IWSfl- Receives BS at.; Nancy WelngnHhar. KPD 3, peratore tonight. Lew 55-60. Fri­ AboutTow n Minstrel last weak wlU have an OS saason at their annual picnic Member af the Audit meetlnf hold June tth ait the home Rockville; Edward Adas^ day fair end warm. High S6-8B. outdoor supper fViday evamiu Gift to Classmate Butcher Rd., Rockville; Elmer Bureaa of Olrenlatlen H u CowiTiftBB OB M!l«lcna mitd at the boiM of Mr. and Mis. WlT- of Mr. and Mrs. Curten Moore, V' _____ Manchester— City of Village Charm tlu Oommiaston on rinwnco of the South Oover-tiy: P»eoloent, A r­ Hatfield, 68 Durant Bt; BlUy ,, liam Brennan, 31 Mt. Nabo Place. Malausky, 78 Birch St. ----------— --------------------------------------- ----- fe----------- -------- North Methodist Ghnrdt eriltnooL0 7n case of rain it wiU be held at nold Thom:ieoh: Vice-President, This yharis graduating elasa at w in Uu church this ovsniiu 7:30 the Oommiinity % on North Main Willis Gay: Secretary Penny Rich- Mahoheetsr High School surprised b ir t h s YESTERDAY: A and «:30 roivoctlsoly. Everett and dsHghted one of their class­ V0L.LXXIV,N0.218 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE l«, 1955 (OtoeUfled Adverttstog w Page 33) - PRICE FIVE CENTS St. tar: Htaaorar, Allan'Ooe Jr.: Mem- daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy is chairmen of the hurahip, Riilh Rowley, sad Pup- mates, Sandra Newman, 57 Turn- HUl, 42 Baisabeth Dr.; a eon to sionary prorraid of the church. A heity. Betty Lundber;.'. A meeting bull Rd., by pramntlng her with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nlasnanakl GIFTS chairman of the flnance pm ip wUi The (ollourinf seniors at Man­ a lovely three-speed record player 81 Waahlngton 8t.; a aon t'o Mr. chester High School have been ad­ will be held Saturday, Jene 35th be elected- Members are reminded at the cottife of Mr. and Mrs. and Parker pen and pencil aet. to­ and Mrs. Donald Judd, 10 Drive to attend these organisaUonal mitted to the Teachers qoUefs of gether with graduation congratula­ OonnecUeut at New Britain: Joan Lverett Bsldhtf at Lake Kayward. G. , > meatlncs. All members wishing to a tend tions and get well wlslies. BIRTH8 TODAY; A daughter DU WIU WREOMTE HIS SIFT Barre. William Grimason, Sahdra Miss Newman hea been quite ill Lou Newman, Nancy Walsh, Cau*- eCiould contact I>c. a Balding or to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vriano, The Mary Ouahman fr o m of the Ruth Ro;vloy on or before Thurs­ for several we»ks end will be un­ Beoieid OonfrofaUonal Womenb ole Wennerfren, Joyce V/etherell. Bolton Rd., Vernon; a son to Mr. FROM HISSIFF ARMS day, Jtaw 33. able to attend Miy of the gradua­ and Mrs. James Higgins, 43 Maple ’s Reg toacue will hold its annuel dinner Patricia Wupperfeld, Richard tion functions. 8t. teSeht at, 7 pjn. at the HiUcreat, Giansante, Ponald Hattin and Mm has ''een very .'active In Bruce Wilkie. « DUpUcata bridge will be played DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Bolton. echool activities, has served on the Lwt our courtuoHSt oxpurloiieod pursounol tomorrow night at VFW Hall Student Oocncil. been a member Mre, Mildred Phiffer end son, 74 sUrting at S;OS. Winnara in last of the Round Table Singers end Haynes St.; Edward Adania, Up­ Thursday night’s game were ss Girls' Leaders Club and recsntly per Butcher Rd., Rockville'; Mm. hdpyuuwitli dud's Sift. ' '1owe: Mrs. Joseph Me Veighand was chosen the .eat captkin of the Mery Moes, Storrs; John Phelps, R. H. W. Spanglei’. 17: Mr. and cheerleeding sq'isd. 366 - Osklend St.; Mre, Mary Take Advantage Of The Cool Mra. Marvin Roeenblatt, 45 *a: IBie will enter New Britain Macrl, 163 Maple S t; Mre. Mary­ Mrs. lusb Ry^ler «n<l Mrs. Albert Teachers’ CoUega in tj^e fall and ann Kristpff, EcIm Dr., Vernon: A GIFT CERTIFICATE Pitched Battle in Center o uenos Volx, 39: Mr. and Mi's. Eriust re.ently was swarded a 1100 E^^ard' Ha^rfrn, 135 Biesell S t; Weather To Try On A JANTZEN Ungerer, S ilt. r. s.holarahip by the Manchester EM' Mre. Shirley Ingalls, Wallingford. Vt.; Bklmund Soueie, RE*D 1, W ILLJJT HIM PICK HIS OWN GIFT WIUtaUB J. Wright, ucation Association to help fUT' At 6:30 p.n_ tmooirow CXito thcr her education there. Rockville; Mrs. MSrgaret Grayb For The Hot Weather Ahead Scout Pack 153 of .Bowers School and son, 89 Woodland St,: Mra. Strike Peril will.mest for xAeir monthly pack William J. Wright, formerly of Eklna Kinnlson, South Coventry; Tiioeiing at eemmi Joimsdn. Each 13 Fulton Rd., received his Bache­ Mrs. Marie C. Avery, MerroW; LADIES! Revolution Quelled, family ia asked to bnng food for lor of Science degree In business Hospital Notes Mrs. Bette Randall and daughter, their family n fires will be pro­ administration st Hillyer College East Hartford. DOUILE OREEN STAMPS Hangs Over vided. All members and their fam­ commencement exercises held at. DISCHARGED) TODAY: Mrs. ilies are invited to coftie along to Bushnell Memorial Hall, Hartford, PatleiiU Today: ISS Dorothea Ritzen and daughter, enjoy rite- fun. Deceert aill be pro- Sunday. ' . a d m i t t e d YESTERDAY: 125 W. Center St.; Mrs. Jeanne All DAY THURSDAY, JUNE 1A President Declares lL-14 “DANGEROUS viMd for all by the pact:. He Is the son of Mia. Lilla Wright Geori^e Simmons, Coventry: WH- Dutton and daughter, 'GleSton-' Trade Fleet Hellandbysnd and tha late William Itsm Hart, 78 Phelps Rd.: Dexter bury; Mrs, Helen Whistler end CURVES”— New Jantzen Knit G. Wright, who worked at Cheney French, Coventry:, .Mies Joan daughter, 35 Marshall Rd.; Mrs. Buenos Aires, June 16 <AV—It seemed evident this after­ Mias Jeanne Morrissey, daugh­ Bros. Freiidit Station. ARMS New York, June 16 (IP)— Chine swim style . * a glam­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomss M or­ Clinton, Warehouse Point: 'Ross Maidae Wheelsr,. Coventry; Mrs. A “no contract, no work” noon that the government of President Juan D. Peron waB rissey, 128 Campfield Rd.. gradu­ Clark, 45 O’Leary-Dr.; Mra. Elsie Eleanor Lassen. 36 Britton Rd.; COMPANY orous knit fabric of acetate- The midweek aervl6a;)rill be held Melatien. 34 Park PI., Rockville: Mre. Shirley Prentiss, Ihurt Hart­ stoppage called by union sea­ piftting down today’s revolt. The State Radio announced ’hi ated with fappora Monday from Mt. Peron’s name that all but one .small unit of a revolting Naval Laatex-n.vlon with the added St. Joseph Academy in West Hart­ as usual this evening at 7:30 at Mrs. Monette Johnson, 114 ford; William E. H art 78 Phelps NASSJF men along the Atlantic and ford. the' Covenant, OongregaUonal Crestwood Dr.: Mrs. Mary Ap- Rd.; Lauire Miller, 11 Englewood “ HOUSE OF SPORTS” ulf Coasts today threatened arsenal had been defeated. It said the planes which bombed texture interest of exclusive lurch. The Midausmner Featlval jy. 57 Hillcrest Rd.: Mrs. Stel- Dr.; Stephen Crowley, 75 Essex tt^itie up half of the Am.eri- Government House came from the Naval base at P)j|hta Indio, new Jantzen Crinkelpuff shir­ The Dominican nuns and their will taka i^ece Wednesday eve­ Makalis. 113 Wells St.: Carol St.; Paula Casavant, Wapplng; ltU5 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER and had killed many civilians in the attack. ning of next week. r Cronin, 97 Lenox St.; Mrs. IdaMrs. Lucille Munsell, Cdventry; merchant fleet. ring!* | Crinkelpuff actually friends will offer their Father’s Day euchartaUc hour especially for Antolik, 24 Bldridge St.; Mra. -Mrs. Dorothy Fisher, East Hart­ Abo In Willimantic ^ a ' CIO National Maritime Itelps ahape the suit as it Archbishop O’Brien of Hartford Anna Carlsoii; EMst Hartford; ford. Union wired its “no contract, no By SAM SUMMERLIN Stmday afternoon at 3:30 at the work” recommendations to union ; / beautifies it. The* bra is care­ Girl Graduating locals in 18 ports after negotia­ Buenos Airer, Argentina, June 16 (/P)— Revolt broke out, Monastery of Our Lady of Grace in today against the government o f President Juan D. Peron fully boned aiid inter-lined North Guilford. tions for , a new contract were "While in Hospital broken oig. ' shortly after the Vatican excommunicated him ahd ot^er with curve-creating Pellbn . Reaction came flrst from J*hila- Donald C.- Hall, 42 Strong St., government leader.s. ? „ and the tummy is controlled delphia, where ah NMU spokesman There wa.s a pitched battle in the center of Buenos A^es received the degree of Master of Conatahee Brand, daughter of said the tmion waa withiirawing its by an elaaticiz^ inner panel Business Administration at the Mr. and Mra. ^ James W. Brand, | and planes bombed Governmeiit House, the seat of govern­ 109th commencement exercises of members from all ships In the. to give yoii maximum benefits IS^ Green Rd., wiU he unable to Pennsylvania, Delaware and New ment. Revolutionists fired mortars, machine guns and fihes the Unlvej|?Blty of Pennsylvania Jersey docks. o f famous Jantzen “ Shape- this morning in Philadelphia, Pa. graduate with her claas at the Hoi- m against the Presidential Guard. / listsi: School. Tuesday, June 31, for ■ A Ike, Cabinet in Hideout Duringf Drill 80 Mhipe In New York The revolt waa reported to .have'^- — ' -.....■■■ - ’................
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