8. -10. klasse + ungdomsskoler

Foto: Scanbox Entertainment

The Whistleblower

En spændende film om Bosnien og menneskerettigheder


Land Canada/Tyskland, 2010

Sprog Engelsk tale med danske undertekster Censur Frarådes børn under 15 år

Original titel Instruktion Larysa Kondracki Varighed 112 min. I alt: 2 t. og 15 min. Niveau 8. kl + Fag Samfundsfag, Historie, Dansk, Geografi, Engelsk Temaer Kvindehandel, Kærlighed, Kønsroller, Politik

FILMMEDIET SOM IDENTIFIKATION Når vi bruger film i interkulturel undervisning, åbner vi den enkelte elevs sanser, nedbryder stereotyper og nuancerer holdninger.

8. – 10. klasse

The Whistleblower


Salaam Film & Dialogs landsdækkende filmfestival og skoleaktiviteter koncentrerer sig om to vigtige omdrejningspunkter, som vi ønsker at gøre tilgængelige og anvendelige i en skoles hverdag og undervisning.

DEN INTERNATIONALE DIMENSION I På baggrund af filmoplevelserne skaber vi UNDERVISNINGEN Med film fra alverdens lande personlige møder, som udfordrer stereotyper og levende, personlige oplæg skaber Salaam øget og nuancerer forestillinger og holdninger til indsigt i verdens kulturer til fordel for et åbent og fællesmenneskelige eksistenstemaer. globalt udsyn. Vores aktiviteter med film og dialog Kulturel bevidsthed og forståelse er

kan bruges i alle fag og bidrager til udviklingen af nødvendigt for alle børn og unge i den danske det vigtige internationaliseringsarbejde i skolen, folkeskole uanset etnisk baggrund (…) for at som også bør omfatte 3. Verdenslande. kunne begå sig i globaliseringens tidsalder. Den internationale dimension er en tværfaglig Interkulturel undervisning kræver en dimension i folkeskolen. Det betyder, at den skal grundlæggende erkendelse af, at kulturer indgå i alle fag og inddrages i undervisningen, når bliver skabt af bestemte samfundsmæssige det er relevant. Fælles Mål II, og sociale sammenhænge. Skolestyrelsen

Undervisningsministeriet SALAAM BETYDER FRED OG BRUGES INTERKULTUREL KOMPETENCE Vores erfaring og SOM HEJ I STORE DELE AF VERDEN Siden oplevelse er at film er en magisk nøgle til kulturel 2004 har Salaams flerkulturelle filmfestivaller nysgerrighed, bevidsthed og forståelse. Især på turneret i landets biografer og vi har siden grund af mediets formidable evne til at skabe 2006 samarbejdet direkte med skoler og identifikation hos den uddannelser Danmark rundt.

enkelte. For slet ikke at tale om alle de muligheder, som filmens æstetik og musik byder på. God fornøjelse og arbejdslyst!

FOTO: Nicolai Perjesi

UNDERVISNINGSMATERIALE: Dette materiale er udarbejdet af studerende fra international linje, Blaagaard/KDAS

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8. – 10. klasse

The Whistleblower


Background information

- The Film – Short summary……………………………………………………………………………………………….4

- The War………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………….4

Writing Tasks

- Task 1…………………………………………………………………… ………………………..……………………………5 - Task 2……………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………5

The Human Rights Race (Game). …………………………………………………………………………… ……………………6

Project work on the film……………………………………………………………………………………… ………..……..…….8

Glossary………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..……9


FOTO: Scanbox Entertainment

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The Whistleblower

The Serb-dominated Yugoslav army lashed out, Background information first in Slovenia and then in Croatia. Thousands The Film – short summary were killed in the latter conflict which was This film is based on real events that took place paused in 1992 under an UN-monitored in Bosnia in the 1990s. American police officer ceasefire. Katryn Bolkovac is sent to Bosnia by the UN to Bosnia, with a complex mix of Serbs, Muslims monitor the peace process and report on the and Croats, was next to try for independence. human rights situation. During her stay, Katryn Bosnia's Serbs, backed by Serbs elsewhere in finds out that young, local women are being Yugoslavia, resisted. Under leader Radovan caught and sold as prostitutes by criminals, and Karadzic, they threatened bloodshed if Bosnia's the local authorities do not seem to care about it. Muslims and Croats - who outnumbered Serbs - Gradually, Katryn begins to find out that some of broke away. Despite European blessing for the her colleagues in the UN peace keeping forces move in a 1992 referendum, war came fast. are involved in the ring, and as she Yugoslav army units, withdrawn from Croatia gets closer to the truth, her own safety is in and renamed the Bosnian Serb Army, carved danger. out a huge swathe of Serb-dominated territory. The film is quite critical towards the UN and Over a million Bosnian Muslims and Croats paints a very dark picture of the human rights were driven from their homes in ethnic situation in Bosnia after the Civil War in Ex- The War cleansing. Serbs suffered too. The capital Yugoslavia. The former Yugoslavia was a Socialist state was besieged and shelled. UN

created after German occupation in World War peacekeepers, brought in to quell the fighting,

II and a bitter civil war. A federation of six were seen as ineffective.

republics, it brought together Serbs, Croats, International peace efforts to stop the war

Bosnian Muslims, Albanians, Slovenes and failed, the UN was humiliated and over 100,000

others under a comparatively relaxed died. The war ended in 1995 after NATO

communist regime. Tensions between these bombed the Bosnian Serbs and Muslim and

groups were successfully suppressed under the Croat armies made gains on the ground. A US-

leadership of President Tito. After Tito's death brokered peace divided Bosnia into two self-

in 1980, tensions re-emerged. Calls for more governing entities, a Bosnian Serb republic and

autonomy within Yugoslavia by nationalist a Muslim-Croat federation lightly bound by a

groups led in 1991 to declarations of central government.

independence in Croatia and Slovenia.

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8. – 10. klasse

The Whistleblower

In August 1995 the Croatian army stormed areas in Writing tasks Croatia under Serb control prompting thousands Task 1 to flee. Soon Croatia and Bosnia were fully Write a short summary/review of the movie "The independent. Slovenia and Macedonia had already Whistleblower" as an article in a newspaper.

gone. Later on Montenegro left. In 1999 Kosovo's The article needs to be between 200-300 words

ethnic Albanians fought Serbs in another brutal and a maximum of and A4 paper.

war to gain independence. Serbia ended the Below is a list of different reviews, which you need conflict beaten, battered and alone. to use as a model for your article. You can use the Danish reviews as inspiration and the English reviews as a source for relevant English words.

Reviews: Filmland: http://bit.ly/salaam_filmland (Danish) Politiken: http://bit.ly/salaam_politiken (Danish) Filmz: http://bit.ly/salaam_filmz (Danish) Rolling Stone: http://bit.ly/salaam_rollingstone (English) Film Journal: http://bit.ly/salaam_filmjournal (English) Telegraph: http://bit.ly/salaam_telegraph (English)

Task 2 Write an article focusing on one of these topics.

The article needs to be between 400-600 words and a maximum of two sheets of A4 paper.

2. (PDF http://bit.ly/salaam_human-trafficking) a. What types of human trafficking most widespread in Europe? b. What types of citizens are exposed

for being victims of human trafficking?

3. Find information about the real-life Kathryn Bolkovac. (http://bit.ly/salaam_kathryn-bolkovac) a. What have been the consequences for her being a whistleblower?

5 www.salaam.dk FOTO: Scanbox Entertainment 8. – 10. klasse

The Whistleblower

The Human Rights Race How the game is played (Basic idea: ‘Alle mine

(game) kyllinger, kom hjem’) Pupils are divided in two groups; 3/4 of pupils Introduction and pre-activities (Before the game is are Victims of human trafficking, and 1/4 of

played) pupils are Criminals. The group of victims is standing on a line. The line is situated 50  Discuss the meaning of the articles; 4, 5, meters away from 5 posters hanging on a wall, 6, 12, and 13 of the UN Human Rights which each represent an article from the UN declaration. Human Rights convention. Between the 5  Explain the rules of the game. poster and the victim’s line, the group of Equipment criminals is standing, ready to catch the victims. A person is standing beside the victims and To play this game you need: reads out loud from a card, an action that violates the articles from the UN Human Rights - 5 big signs which each have a United declarations. Nations Human Rights declaration article

which state that a certain action is illegal on When the action has been read out loud, the it. victims have to run to the right poster with the article that illegalizes the action, before they - A number of cards (8-10) that each state get caught by the criminals. Victims are caught different actions that violate the 5 Human when criminals touch them anywhere on their Rights written on the big signs. body. When a victim is caught the victim - A football field or another large area that is becomes a criminal. around 50 meters long. If a victim gets to the right poster, then a criminal converts to be a victim. If more victims

get to the right poster, then the number of victims that are standing by the right poster converts the same number of criminals to victims. The victims that are standing by the right poster choose which criminals that are

converted to victims.

Victims and criminals are not converted to members of the opposite team when caught before the next round begins.

The main character Katryn The game is over when all cards have been

FOTO: Scanbox Entertainment read, or when all criminals or victims are caught.

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The Whistleblower

After-activity Cards with violations (could also be used for class

discussion/group work) Discuss the violations of the Human Rights,

which are written on the cards. A person needs a new A gang forces you to

 Could these situations happen in kidney. Your kidney is work as a prostitute real life? Why? Why not? removed against your on the street, without will so it can be sold to paying you for it  Where do these kinds of actions a person who needs it. happen?  Identify scenes from the movie, You are working in a You are reporting a including situations where the story warehouse against crime to the police, violates the above mentioned your will and are not but are not taken Human Rights articles. paid for it. seriously because of your gender and social status. Signs with Human Rights

- Article 4: No one shall be held in slavery Your home is invaded You are held trapped or servitude; slavery and the slave trade by gang members, in a cellar by criminals shall be prohibited in all their forms. who steal your money for over two months - Article 5: No one shall be subjected to and rape your wife. without knowing torture or to cruel, inhuman or when you will be free.

degrading treatment or punishment. You are a killer on the You cannot travel run and the police will because your country - Article 6: Everyone has the right to not give you the right to will not give you a recognition everywhere as a person a trial. passport. before the law.

- Article 12: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home nor correspondence, or to

attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

- Article 13: (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence

within the borders of each state. (2) FOTO: Scanbox Entertainment Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

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The Whistleblower

Project work on the film 2. Human trafficking research questions

(English/Social studies) - How does human trafficking work? How

are persons transported from one country This assignment is for further and more detailed

work on the film. The pupils will in groups work to another? with one of the two main themes listed below, - Why do you think that human trafficking either the role of the UN or human trafficking. occurs? The main themes include a list of subtopics as inspiration for the pupils groups to work in-depth - What is prostitution and how is it

with. different from prostitution as a result of

The final product will be a presentation from human trafficking? each groups, this can be done as installments in - What are the laws concerning human the classroom or a class presentation with the use trafficking in Denmark? of the appropriate presentation tolls, such as - What are the laws concerning human power point or a white board.

trafficking in Sweden? How do they differ Additionally to the final presentations, each from Danish law? group has to hand in a paper outlining their work with the themes. This paper should be

approximately one to two pages and include a summary of their project with the groups own considerations regarding for and against the

assignments specific topics.

1. The role of UN – Human Rights

- UN Human Rights on trafficking - Are the signing countries legally bound? – Compare to EU, EU Human Rights Convention, and “The European Court of FOTO: Scanbox Entertainment

Human Rights” ”Do you know this man?” - Katryn interviewing two girls - The power of EU - Peace keeping soldiers in Yugoslavia –

Srebrenica Massacre - Should UN have more power?


2. Human trafficking research questions 8 www.salaam.dk - How does human trafficking work? How are persons transported from one country to another? 8. – 10. klasse

The Whistleblower

Glossary Massacre Horrible disaster causing death Declaration Formal statement or chaos.

Legally bound Being forced to obey by law to Human The illegal act of transporting do something. trafficking people across borders for the Convention Group of people who discuss, purpose of prostitution. so they can agree on important Illegalize To make something illegal issues.

Immunity To be exempted from Intercepters To stop or check Prosecution. prosecution

To make legal charges against Divide To separate Residence House, dwelling

Victim A person who is deceived or Unwillingly Reluctantly. Against free will cheated

Violate To break Invaded Enter forcefully

Slavery A state of subjection. Cellar Underground storage room

To be subjected To be targeted Servitude Compulsory service to

To be exposed Prohibit To forbid

Degrading To lower in dignity Links

Recognition To recognize http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.sht ml Arbitrary Fake, false.. Relevant internetpages:

Interference Blocking a path, a decision, or http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human- to get involved without having trafficking/what-is-human-trafficking.html - On been asked. human tracfficking. Correspondence To make aware, or to communicate with someone through words or letters.

Reputation Social status or public opinion

Massacre Horrible disaster causing death or chaos. Legally bound Being forced to obey by law to do something. Convention Group of people who discuss, 9 www.salaam.dk so they can agree on important

issues. Immunity To be exempted from Prosecution. prosecution