Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 53(1): 115-123 (1992) 30 May 1992 THYSANOPTERA (INSECTA) FROM THE 1985 AND 1986 ZOOLOGICAL EXPEDITIONS TO THE KRAKATAUS, INDONESIA

By Richard zur Strassen

Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg. Senckenberg-Anlage 25, D-6000 Frankfurt am Main, Germany


zur Strassen, R., 1992. Thysanoptera (Insecta) from the 1985 and 1986 Zoological Expe- ditions to the Krakataus, Indonesia. Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 53: 1 15-123.

The Thysanoptera collections of the La Trobe University/LlPl 1 985 and 1986 Zoological Expeditions to the Krakatau islands in the Sunda Strait, Indonesia, include 26 species. Two species are described as new and figured: Mymarothrips bicolor sp. nov., and Apollolhrips karnyi sp. nov. A further five species are recorded from Indonesia for the first time: Ani- sopilothrips venustulus (Priesner), Apollolhrips bhattii Wilson, Panchaetothrips holtmanni Wilson, Plectrothrips eximius Ananthakrishnan, and Strepterothrips orientalis Anantha- krishnan.

Introduction by sweeping (235-D2B), 17 Aug 1985, LIPI (female). The 1985 and 1986 Zoological Expeditions to Paratype: Krakataus, Sertung I., by beating twigs in the Krakataus in the Sunda Strait, Indonesia, forest (244-CS), 18 Aug 1985, SMF (1 female). during August (1985) and September (1986), were carried out by zoologists from Indonesian Diagnosis. Head about as long as broad. Body and Australian institutions. A general introduc- 2-coloured, anterior part of body largely pale tion to the 1984 and 1985 expeditions was pro- yellow, abdominal segments V-X brown to dark vided by Thornton and Rosengren (1988). A brown, margins of head darkened; forewings report on the Thysanoptera collected on the white in proximal half, brown in distal half with 1984 expedition was presented by zur Strassen large circular colourless apical patch; dorsal (1991). setae on abdominal segments IX and X About two dozen samples of (Thysa- yellowish. noptera) were collected in 1985, and four

1 sample is included in samples in 1 986. One 984 Description (female macropterous). Total length the present paper. (distended) 1470-1550 urn. Head between the were obtained mainly by The thysanopterans eyes yellow, anterior margin and cheeks as deep sweeping vegetation, and in a few beating and as eyes width brown, mouth cone yellow; anten- cases Malaise traps. Many specimens are by nae dark brown, segments I and VII-IX a trifle of them have the antennae or damaged, several paler. Pronotum yellow with lateral margins Therefore, not all parts of them broken off. brownish, setae pale. Pterothorax and abdomi- specimens have been identified to species. nal segments I III pale yellow, segment III with the Lembaga Ilmu Material is deposited in small pale brown spot near lateral margin just (LIPI), the Forschung- Pengetahuan Indonesia behind subbasal transverse line, segment IV pale am Main, sinstitut Senckenberg at Frankfurt brown mottled posteriorly or laterally, otherwise of Victoria, Germany (SMF) and the Museum yellow, segments V-VII coloured as in IV, or Melbourne, Australia (NMV). uniformly brown, segment VIII somewhat are arranged The species dealt with below darker than VII or even dark brown as abdomi- families. Within these the systematically under nal segments IX and X; setae on latter 2 seg- as are the genera are arranged alphabetically ments yellowish. Legs pale yellow. Forewings . species under each (Fig. 1) white in proximal half including veins, setae and scapus, brown in distal half except for Aeolothripidae large circular white patch almost at apex, vein dark brown; hindwings simi- Mymarothrips bicolor sp. nov. setae in this part larly coloured, but the brown of a slightly paler Figure 1 tinge and the white patch not as clearly mar- in forewing. Material examined. Holotype: Krakataus. Panjang I., ginated as



Figure I . Mymarothrips bicolor sp. nov., holotype female, LIPI (right fore wing showing the colour pattern as seen by means of phase contrast. Drawn by Andrea Vesmanis.

Head about as long as broad, ante-ocular seta Ramakrishna and Margabandhu, 1931 are dark brown, 38-41 urn long, other head setae much darker than the new species and have dark pale. Length in urn of antennal segments of setae all along the veins of the forewing, the costa holotype: I 31, II 49, III 84, IV 64, V 59, VI 54, of which is dark in its total length. VII 57, VIII 19, IX 17. Pronotum 139-154 urn long, 178-205 um broad, subanteromarginal Thripidae setae as long as or somewhat longer (57-69 um) Anisopilothrips venustulus (Priesner) than anteromarginals (51-56 um), posteroangu- lar setae 74-86 um long. Pterothorax 300-318 Heliolhrips venustulus Priesner, 1 923: 89. um long, 270-298 um broad; hind tibia 218- Anisopilothrips venustulus. — Stannard and Mitri. 230 um, hind tarsus 103-1 15 um long. Forewing 1962: 187. 820-880 long, across middle 107-115 um um Material examined. Krakataus: Panjang I., by sweep- broad, before apex 1 92-2 1 5 p broad, distance ing (164-N), Sep 1984, LIPI (1 female). between anterior and posterior vein at crossvein Distribution. Perhaps of Caribbean origin, intro- 17-23 um, apical setae of posterior vein 63-75 duced to many subtropical and tropical islands um long. Abdominal segments IX+X together and several countries near the sea; foliicolous. 225-240 um long, width across base of segment Not previously recorded from Indonesia. IX 146-161 um; segment IX with seta S, 126-

1 29 um, S 2 138-149 um, dorsal seta 86 um long, Apollothrips bhattii Wilson segment X with seta S, 115-121 um long. Ster- nite VI with 4-6, sternite VII with 10-13 access- Apollothrips bhatlii Wilson, 1972: 52. ory setae. Ovipositor 355-375 um long. Material examined. Krakataus: Panjang I., by sweep- ing (164-N), Discussion. The new species M. bicolor is readily Sep 1984, LIPI (1 female); Panjang I., by sweeping (330-CE), 25 Sep 1986, distinguished from its congeners by the colour- SMF (1 male). Ser- tung I., Spit, by beating in the transition ation. The type species, M. ritchianus Bagnall zone (244-HM), NMV (1 female), and by sweeping in forest (1928) from the Ethiopian region, is a generally (245-L2C), both 18 Aug 1985. LIPI, SMF (2 females); pale species with orange and red internal pig- Panjang I., South Ridge, by sweeping in forest mentation; pterothorax at lateral margin, meso- (340-DD), 27 Sep 1986, NMV (1 female). and metasternum, abdominal segments I, distal Distribution. Until now known half of IX and all of X are yellowish brown; the only from the type series from Madhya Pradesh, India; forewing is very pale brownish at its base, the per- haps living on ferns. third and fourth fifth has a slightly darker tinge at the level of the cross vein between anterior Apollothrips and posterior vein, and across the broadest part kamyi sp. nov. of the wing. The two species from the Oriental Figures 2-4 region, M. bolus Bhatti, 1967 and M. garuda Material examined. Holotype: Krakataus, Sertung I.. THYSANOPTERA FROM THE KRAKATAUS 117


Figures 2-4. Apollothrips karnyi sp. nov., holotype female (LIPI). 2, antennal segment VI dorsally; 3, meso- and metanotum; 4, tergite VI. Drawn by Andrea Vesmanis. THYSANOPTERA FROM THE KRAKATAUS 119

Material examined. Krakataus: Rakata I., Owl Bay, by NMV (7 females), and by another beating broad leaved sweeping from low coastal vegetation (225-JI), 25 Aug plants (214-GG), 21 Aug 1985, LIPI (1 female). 1985, LIPI (1 male). Anak Krakatau I., West shore, Distribution. Circum-subtropical and -tropical; from Malaise trap (313-EM), 24 Sep 1986, NMV (1 foliicolous. male). Sertung I., South Ridge, by sweeping in forest (340-DD), 27 Sep 1986, LIPI, SMF (2 males).

Distribution. Japan, Taiwan, Sumatra, Java, Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan) Vanuatu (= New Hebrides), Tonga; florico- Euthrips hawaiiensis Morgan, 1913: 3. lous. Thrips hawaiiensis. — Priesner. 1 934: 266.

Panehaetothrips holtmanni Wilson Material examined. Krakataus: Anak Krakatau 1., from Malaise trap on outer cone (213-SJ), 18 Aug Panchaetothrips hohmanni Wilson, 1975: 186. 1985, LIPK1 female).

Material I., examined. Krakataus: Panjang by sweep- Distribution. Southern States of USA, Pacific, ing low vegetation (235-EU), 16 Aug 1985,"LIPI (1 Japan, Oriental Region; floricolous, polypha- female); Panjang I., NE shore, by sweeping (235-BH), gous. 1 7 Aug 1985, SMF ( 1 female). Sertung I., South Ridge, by sweeping in forest (340-DD), 27 Sep 1986, NMV (1 female). Zonothrips karnyi Priesner Distribution. Until now known only from the Zonothrips karnyi Priesner, 1926: 260. type material from New Guinea; foliicolous.

Material examined. Krakataus: Anak Krakatau 1., by The three specimens are regarded as Remarks. sweeping (215-EL), 22 Aug 1985 (LIPI), 1 female. belonging to P. holtmanni because of the forked Distribution. Indonesia (Java); recently sense cones on antennal segments III and IV (not recorded from Rakata I. (zur Strassen, 1991). mentioned in the original description because

only segments I and II are present in the type specimens); the weak and pale seta S, on hind margin of tergite II which is about half as long as Ecacanthothrips tibialis (Ash mead) seta S 2 (not as strong and long as); the subbasal (antecostal) line on tergites II—VIII with many Idolothrips tibialis Ashmead, 1905: 20. posteriorly directed small notches; and the dis- Ecacanthothrips tibialis. — Palmer and Mound, cal campaniform sensilla on metanotum being 1978: 156. separated by more than two of their own diam- Material examined. Krakataus: Panjang I., by sweep- eters. However, in none of the specimens dealt ing low vegetation (235-EU), 16 Aug 1985, LIPI (2 the with is there a minute seta midway between females). Rakata I., Owl Bay, by sweeping low coastal posterior ocelli and the eyes as has been vegetation (225-JI), 25 Aug 1985. NMV (1 female). described for the type specimens. Distribution. I ndo-Australian Region, Japan,

Mauritius, Rodrigues I., Tanganyika; fungivor- Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood ous. Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood. 1919: 90.

Material examined. Krakataus: Anak Krakatau I., Elaphrothrips curvipes Priesner from Malaise trap at outer conc(2l3-SJ), 18 Aug 1985, LIPI (1 female); Anak Krakatau I., from Malaise trap Elaphrothrips curvipes Priesner, 1 929: 206. NE foreland (213-PK), 19 Aug 1985, SMF (1 male). Material examined. Krakataus: Sertung I., Spit, by Distribution. From Japan, New Guinea, the beating in Casuarina forest (244-AN), LIPI (1 male and 3 females), same locality, by beating a Casuarina Solomons and Australia, westward to Pakistan, tree (244-IO), NMV ( 1 male), and by sweeping under- also S. Africa (perhaps introduced); florico- story in Casuarina forest (245-AH), LIPI (1 female), lous/foliicolous. all 18 Aug 1985. Anak Krakatau I., by beating broad

leaved plants (214-FD), LIPI. SMF (2 males and 1 Selenothrips rubrocinctus (Giard) female), and by another beating broad leaved plants

(214-GG), NMV (I male and 1 female), all 21 Aug Physopus rubmcincta Giard. 1901: 264. 1985. Selenothrips rubroeinetus. — Hood, 1913: 150. Distribution. Southeast Asia inclusive of Indo- Material examined. Krakataus: Anak Krakatau I., by beating broad leaved plants (214-FD), LIPI, SMF, nesia; fungivorous. 118 R. ZUR STRASSEN

South Ridge, by sweeping in forest (340-DD), 27 Sep transverse lines around setae S,; discal campan- 1986, LI PI (female). iform sensilla on tergites I V-VII situated further cephalad than setae S,; lateral parts of tergites Diagnosis. Mouth cone 1 .7 times as long as pron- ctenidia with 12-20 setae laterad of seta S2 ; otum; discal setae on pronotum thin, not wanting. Abdominal segments IX+X together thickened; mesonotum in median third with 161 pm long, dorsally without sculpture, seta S, sculpture of anastomosing transverse lines; ter- on IX 69 um, S 75 um, dorsal seta 55 um long, gites II— VII smooth in median part between the 2 92"urn, S, 77 um long. Ovipositor of seta S, on X 2 setae S , no transverse lines around area 2 260 um long. setae S,, discal campaniform sensilla on tergites IV-VIII situated further cephalad than setae Etvmologv. The species is dedicated to Prof. Dr. S,. H.' Karny (1886-1939), the famous entomolog- ist who for decades studied the Indonesian Description (female macropterous). Total length Thysanoptcra. (distended) 1520 urn. Head, pro- and ptcrotho- rax dark greyish brown, metanotum along mid- Discussion. The new species A. kamyi is separ- line with narrow longitudinal paler area, tergites ated from A. bhallii Wilson, 1972, hitherto the medially and sternites grey brown, tergites lad- only known species in the genus, by the longer ing laterad to almost white. Antennae dark mouth cone (220 pm; in. 4. bhallii 140- 160 pm); brown, segments IV-VI immediately behind by the normal shape of the discal setae on pron- their basal margin each with narrow, transverse otum (not being stout and thickened): by the whitish band. Legs pale yellow; wings brown or different sculpture of the mesonotum where the greyish brown. Body setae pale brown, those on transverse lines arc often anastomosing (instead abdominal segments IX and X dark brown. of hardly anastomosing and running very Head about 1.4 times as broad (160 um) as closely); by the smooth median part of tergites long (115 urn). Dorsal surface densely sculp- II-VII between the setae S[ (instead of short tured with anastomosing transverse lines, setae transverse lines around the setae S,); by the short, not longer than 18 um. Mouth cone location of the discal campaniform sensilla on almost pointed, 220 um long, surpassing hind tergites IV-VIII, situated further cephalad than margin of pronotum, maxillary palpi 69 um setae S, (instead of further caudad, as in.A. bhal-

long. Antennae about 410um long(length of seg- lii).

ments II and III in the unique specimen not exactly to measure), segments 111 and IV bottle- Astrothrips globieeps (Karny) shaped, each with stout, forked sense cone with Heliotkrips gtobiceps Karny, 191 3a: 125. 57-63 um long branches. Inner and outer sense Astfothfips globiceps. — Karny. 1923: 331. cone on segment VI (Fig. 2) arising from long Material examined. Krakataus: Sertung I.. South linear base, that of the inner cone 1 7 um, that of Ridge, sweeping in forest (340-DD). 27 the outer cone 29 um long, the free distal part of by Sep 1986. LIPI (1 female). the inner cone 3 1 um, that of the outer cone 26 Um long. Distribution. Melanesia to southeast Asia: folii-

Pronotum 155 um long, 161 um broad across colous. Just recently recorded from Sertung I.

anterior margin, 212 um broad across widest and Rakata I. (zur Strassen, 1991). part; surface with often anastomosing transverse lines of which 40 cross the longitudinal midline, Dorcadothrips trifasciatus (Priesner)

and with about 60 short discal setae which are Taeniothrips trifasciatus Priesner, 1936: 323. not thickened; hind margin without pronounced Dorcadothrips trifasciatus. — Bhatti, 1978: 169. setae. Pterothorax 298 um long, 270 um broad. Material examined. Krakataus: Rakata I.. Owl Bay. Mesonotum (Fig. 3) in its median part with same from Malaise trap (223-AJ). 27 Aug 1985 (LIPI), 1 type of sculpture as on pronotum; metanotum female. without campaniform sensilla. Hind tibia 200 This is first um long; forewings slender, 875 um long, 98 um Distribution. the record of the broad across scapus, 38 um across middle, species since its description from Sumatra. Wai anterior vein with 3+6 (-7) subbasal setae and 2 Lima (Lampongs); perhaps foliicolous. distal setae, latter very close to tip of wing, pos- terior vein with 20 setae. Megalurothrips formosae (Moulton) Abdominal tergites II— VII smooth in whole Taeniothrips formosae Moulton, 1928: 298.

area between the 2 setae S 2 (see Fig. 4), no short Megalurothrips formosae. — Bhatti, 1969: 241. 120 R. ZUR STRASSEN

Ethirothrips stenomelas (F. Walker) Nesothrips brevicollis (Bagnall)

Phbeothrips stenomelas Walker, 1859: 224. Oedemothrips brevicollis Bagnall, 1914a: 29. Ethirothrips stenomelas. — Mound and Ralmer. Nesothrips brevicollis. — Mound, 1968: 140. 1983: 57.

Material examined. Krakataus: Panjang I., by sweep- Material examined. Krakataus: Ranjang I., by sweep- ( ing I 64-N ), Sep 1 984, LI PI ( 1 female-brachypterous). ing low vegetation (235-EU), 16 Aug 1985, LIPI (I Sertung I., Spit, by beating in Casuarina forest (244- female). AN). 1 8 Aug 1985, LIPI, SMF,NMV(1 male-macrop- tcrous. 1 fcmale-macropterous and 1 female- Distribution. Pacific, Indo-Australian Region,

brachypterous); same island, forest , sweeping (245- India, Madagascar; sporophagous. by L2C), 19 Aug 1985, SMF (I male-hemimacropte-

rous). Anak Krakatau I., by beating from broad leaved

plants 1 Haplothrips certus Priesncr (2 4-FD). 2 1 Aug 1 985, LIPI, NM V ( 1 fcmale-

macropterous and 1 female-brachypterous).

Haploihrips certus Pricsner, 1 929: 1 94. Distribution. Old World tropics and subtropics; Material examined. Krakataus: Anak Krakatau I., sporophagous. from Malaise trap on outer cone (213-S.I), 18 Aug 1985, LIRI (I male). Nesothrips lativentris (Karny) Distribution. New Guinea. S. China, Taiwan, Sumatra, Mentawei Archipelago; on Cypcra- Rltaehothrips lativentris Karny, 1913b: 129. ccae. Nesothrips lativentris. — Pound and Palmer, 1983- 48.

Material examined. Haplothrips ganglbaueri Schmutz Krakataus: Sertung I., Spit, by beating in the transition zone (244-BP), 18 Aug 1985, Haplothrips ganglbaueri Schmutz, 1913: 1034. LIPI (I malc-brachypterous). Anak Krakatau I., by beating broad leaved plants (214-GG), 21 Aug Material examined. Krakataus: Anak Krakatau I., bv 1985, LIPI. NMV (1 female-macropterous beating grasses (214-EF). 21 Aug 1985. LIPI (I and 1 female- brachypterous). female). Distribution. Old and Distribution. West Pacific, Oriental Region; New World tropics; spor- graminicolous. ophagous.

Plectrothrips eximius Holurothrips ornatus Bagnall Ananthakrishnan Pleelrathrips eximius Ananthakrishnan, llolurothrips ornatus Bagnall, 1914b: 376. 1969 296.

Material examined. Krakataus: Panjang I., bv sweep- Material examined. Krakataus: Rakata I., Owl ing low vegetation (235-EU), 16 Aug 1985," LIPI (1 Bay from Malaise trap female). (223-AJ). 27 Aug 1985, LIPI (1 female). Anak Krakatau I., from Malaise trap (313- Distribution. Oriental Region; sporophagous. CN). 24 Sep 1986. SMF (1 female).

Distribution. Described from a unique female Machatothrips antennatus (Bagnall) from Madras, S. India; fungivorous. Okajima (1981:319) gave Adiaphorothrips antennatus Bagnall. 1915: 594. an additional record from Sin- gapore. Machatothrips antennatus. — Mound, 1968: 133. Remarks. Material examined. Krakataus: Rakata I., S. Face, by The two specimens from the Kraka- beating (224-GL). taus differ 25 Aug 1985 (LIPI), I male. to some extent from the type speci- men but nevertheless are regarded as "belonging Distribution. S. China, Malaya, Singapore, W. to P. eximius. The body colour Sarawak, Indonesia; sporophagous. is uniform dark, there are no yellow tinged portions, even the legs are dark brown, only the distal parts of the tibia Meiothrips menoni Ananthakrishnan are somewhat paler, the tube has a tinge of Meiothrips menoni Ananthakrishnan, 1964b: 99. red.

Material examined. Krakataus: Panjang I., bv sweep- ing low vegetation (235-EU), 16 Aug 1985," LIPI (1 Pygothrips vicinus Okajima male). Pygothrfps vtcinus Okajima, 1990: 97. Distribution. Oriental Region; sporophagous. Material examined. Krakataus: Sertung I., Spit, by 1


beating in Casuarina forest (244-AN), 18 Aug 1985 La Trobe University at Bundoora, Victoria, LIPI. SMF, NMV (6 females). Australia, and to Mr P.A. Vaughan. Research Assistant Distribution. Ryukyu Islands (Japan), Java, on the Krakatau Expeditions, for mak- Thailand; sporophagous. ing this material available. Thanks are due also to the participants of the 1985 and 1986 Expe- Remarks. The epimeral suture is complete in ditions for collecting the specimens, and to the these six females whereas it is described as many sponsors for having rendered the project incomplete in the type material. possible.

Strepterothrips orientalis Ananthakrishnan References

Strepterothrips orientalis Ananthakrishnan, 1964a- Ananthakrishnan, T.N., 1964a. Thysanopterologica 118. Indica — I. Entomotogisk Tidskrifi 85 (1-2): 99- 120. Material examined. Krakataus: Anak Krakatau I., Ananthakrishnan, T.N., 1964b. A contribution to our from Malaise trap (313-CN). 24 Sep 1986, LIPI (1 knowledge of the Tubulifera (Thysanoptera) from female-macropterous). India. Opuscula entomologica Supplementum 25: 1-120. Distribution. Hawaii, Fiji, Taiwan, Thailand, S. Ananthakrishnan, T.N., 1969. Mycophagous India. Not previously recorded from Indo- Thysa- noptera — II. Oriental 3 289-299. nesia. (3): Bagnall, R.S., 1914a. Brief descriptions of new Thysa- noptera - II. Annals and Magazine of Natural Streptothrips mirabilis Priesner History (8) 13: 22-31. Bagnall, R.S., 1914b. Brief descriptions of new Thysa- Streptothrips mirabilis Priesner, 1932: 58. noptera - IV. Annals and Magazine of Natural Material examined. Krakataus: Sertung I., Spit, by History (8) 14: 375-381. beating in Casuarina forest (244-AN), 18 Aug 1985, Bagnall, R.S., 1915. Brief descriptions of new Thysa- LIPI ( 1 female). noptera - VI. Annals and Magazine of natural History (8) 15: 588-597. Distribution. This is the first record of the Bagnall. R.S.. 1 928. Preliminary description ofMyma- species since its description from Sumatra, Wai rothrips ritchianus, a new type of Thysanopteron.

Lima (Lampongs). Annals and Magazine of Natural History (10) 1: 304-307. Discussion Bhatti, J.S., 1967. Thysanoptera Nova Indica. pp 23.

Published privately by the author. Delhi, 1 In first report 1 a (zur Strassen, 99 1 ) on Thysa- March 1967.

noptera recently collected from the Krakataus Bhatti, J.S., 1969. The taxonomic status of Mega lit ro- 25 species were recorded from the 1984 thrips Bagnall (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Orien- Expedition to this island group in the Sunda tal Insects 3 (3): 239-244. Strait. The second report on newly submitted Bhatti, J.S., 1978. A preliminary revision of Taenio- material deals with 26 species mostly taken on thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Oriental Insects 12 (2): 157-199. the 1 985 Expedition to the archipelago. The new Giard, A., 1901. Sur un Thrips (Physopus rubrocincta material contains a further 15 species not pre- nov. sp.) nuisible au Cacaoyer (Thys.). Bulletin de viously recorded from the Krakataus; eight of la Societe Entomologique de France 1901 (15): these species are also additions to the known 263-265. fauna of Indonesia, of which two species are Hood, J.D., 1913. On a collection of Thysanoptera

even newly described (Mymarothrips bicolor sp. from Porto Rico. Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 1 nov., Apollothrips karnyi sp. nov.). Two species (12): 149-154. J.D., 1919. new Thysanoptera are recorded here for the first time since they Hood, On some from southern India. Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 7 were described long ago, i.e. Dorcadolhrips tri- (4-6): 90-103. fasciatus Priesner, 1 936 and Streptothrips mira- Karny, H.. 1913a. Beitrag zur Thysanopteren-Fauna bilis Priesner, 1932. von Neu-Guinea und Neu-Britannien. Archiv fiir are represented Fourteen (58%) of the species Naturgeschichte (A) 79 (1): 123-136. by only a single specimen. The corresponding Karny, H., 1913b. H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute: percentage for the 1 984 material was 36%. Thysanoptera. Sapplemenia Entomoloi>ica 2: 127-134. Acknowledgements Karny, H., 1923. Beitrage zur malayischen Thysanop- terenfauna. Treubia 3 (3-4): 277-380. The author is grateful to Professor I.W.B. Morgan, A.C., 1913. New genera and species of Thysa- Thornton, Head of the Department of Zoology, noptera, with notes on distribution and food 1


plants. Proceedings of the United States National Ramakrishna Ayyar, T.V. and Margabandhu, V., Museum 46: 1-55. 1931. Notes on Indian Thysanoptera with brief Moulton, D., 1928. The Thysanoptera of Japan: new descriptions of new species. Journal of the Bom- species, notes, and a list of all known Japanese hay Natural History Society 34 (4): 1029-1040.

species. Annotaliones Zoologicae Japonenses 1 Schmutz, K.., 1913. Zur Kenntnis der Thysanopteren- (4): 287 — 337. fauna von Ceylon. Sitzungs-Berichte der mathe- Mound, L.A., 1968. A review of R.S. Bagnall's Thysa- matisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse der Akad- noptera collections. Bulletin of the British emie der Wissenschaflen in Wien (1) 122 (7): Museum (Natural History), Entomology Series, 991-1089.

Supplement 11:3-181. Stannard, L.J. and Mitri, T.J., 1 962. Preliminary stud-

Mound, L.A. and Palmer, J.M., 1 983. The generic and ies on the Tryphactolhrips complex in which Ani- tribal classification of spore-feeding Thysanop- sopilothrips, Mesostenothrips, and Elixothrips are tera (Phlaeothripidae: ). Bulletin of erected as new genera (Thripidae: Heliothripi- the British Museum (Natural History'), Entomo- nae). Transactions ofthe American Entomological logy Series 46 (1): 1-174. Society 88: 183-224. Okajima, S., 1981. A revision of the tribe Plectrothri- Thornton, I.W.B. and Rosengren, N.J., 1988. Zoolog-

pini of fungus-feeding Thysanoptera (Phlaeothri- ical expeditions to the Krakatau Islands, 1 984 and pidae: Phlaeothripinae). Systematic Entomology 1985: General Introduction. Philosophical Trans- 6: 291-336. actions of the Roval Society of London (B) 322: Okajima, S.. 1990. The Old World species of Pygo- 273-316'. thrips (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae). System- Walker, F., 1859. Characters of some apparently atic Entomology 15(1): 87-99. undescribed Ceylon insects. Annals and Palmer, J.M. and Mound, L.A., 1978. Nine genera of Magazine of Natural History (3) 4 (21): 217- fungus-feeding Phlaeothripidae (Thysanoptera) 224. from the Oriental Region. Bulletin of the British Wilson, T.H.. 1972. Apollothrips hhattii, a new genus Museum (Natural History), Entomology Series 37 and species of thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) (5): 153-215. from Central India, with a synopsis of related gen- Priesner, H., 1923. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der era. Annals of the Entomological Society of Amer- Thysanopteren Surinams. Tijdschrifi voor Enlo- ica 65 (1): 49-54. mologle 66: 88-1 11. Wilson, T.H., 1975. A monograph of the subfamily Priesner, H.. 1929. Spolia mentawiensia: Thysanop- Panchaetothripinae (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). tera. Treubia II (2): 187-210. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute Priesner, H., 1932. Indomalayische Thysanopteren 23: 1-354! IV. Konowia 11 (I): 49-64. zur Strasscn. R.. 1991. Report on the Thysanoptera Priesner, H. 1934. Indomalayische Thysanopteren (Insecta) collected on the 1984 Zoological (VI). Natuurkundig Tijdschrifi voor Nederlandsch- Expedition to the Krakataus. Treubia 30(2): 171- hulie 94 (3): 254-290. 184. Priesner, H.. 1936. Fiinf neue Taeniothrips-Alten von Sumatra (Thysanoptera): Treubia 15 (3): 323- 328. THYSANOPTERA FROM THE KRAKATAUS 123


Synopsis of the Thysanoptera species from the 1984-1986 Zoological Expeditions to the four Kra- katau islands in the Sunda Strait, Indonesia. (For records from the 1 984 Expedition, see zur Strassen 1991.)

Anak Panjang Rakata Sertung Krakatau

Aeolothripidae Mymarothrips bicolor sp.nov.

Thripidae Anisopilothrips venustulus (Priesner) + Apollothrips bhattii Wilson + + Apollothrips kamyi sp.nov. + Astrothrips globiceps (Karny) + + + Dorcadothrips trifasciatus (Priesner) + Elixothrips brevisetis (Bagnall) + Lefroyothrips pr. fasciatus Moulton + Megalurothrips formosae (Moulton) + + + Megalurothrips usitatus (Bagnall) + Panchaetothrips holtmanni Wilson + Retithrips javanicus Karny Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood Selenothrips rubrocinctus (Giard) + Thrips florum Schmutz + Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan) + + Thrips leeuweni (Priesner) + Zonothrips kamyi Priesner

Phlaeothripidae Dexiothrips madrasensis (Ananthakrishnan) Dinothrips sumatrensis Bagnall + Ecacanthothrips andrei Palmer and Mound + Ecacanthothrips tibialis (Ashmead) + + Elaphrothrips curvipes Priesner Ethirothrips stenomelas (F. Walker) + + Gigantothrips nigrodentatus (Karny) Haplothrips certus Priesner + Haplothrips ganglbaueri Schmutz + Haplothrips vernoniae Priesner + Holurothrips ornatus Bagnall Hoplandrothrips flavipes Bagnall + Machatothrips antennatus (Bagnall) + Machatothrips biuncinatus Bagnall + Meiothrips menoni Ananthakrishnan + + Nesothrips brevicollis (Bagnall) + + + Nesothrips lativentris (Karny) + + + + Plectrothrips eximius Ananthakrishnan + + Pygothrips vicinus Okajima Strepterothrips orientalis Ananthakrishnan Streptothrips mirabilis Priesner