Mark Lewisohn | 1728 pages | 12 Dec 2013 | Little, Brown Book Group | 9781408704783 | English | London, United Kingdom The Beatles: All These Years – Volume 1 Tune In – Extended Special Edition -

So…why did I wait so long to read this book? Well, it was you, dear readers. The guilt of not posting anything of real substance over the past several months finally made me take this book down from my bookshelf. I thought I could sit down and read the entire book in a weekend, but it The Beatles - All These Years - Extended Special Edition: Volume one: Volume One: Tune in to be just too much information coming at me all at once. Eegads folks…what kind of introverted, anti-social monster has he turned me into? So many details and yet so much more to learn, Lewisohn turns his readers into Fab Four junkies before hitting the halfway mark in this book. The Beatles are my sugar of choice and Mark Lewisohn is my candy man! One thing about the book that left me scratching my head, though, was that throughout, Lewisohn goes into great detail to describe pictures that were taken during the early stages of the Beatles career, yet these pictures are not contained within the book. Some of them are, but the majority is not. Hopefully, one of my readers can enlighten me on that fact. Also, the author really did his homework when it comes to the women that John, Paul, George, Pete and Ringo dated in their pre-fame days, mentioning so many of them by name and even providing details and quotes from them. Maybe all of my questions would be answered in the unedited edition. Never the less, this book is the bible for all Beatles fans and leaves me with one final question…why would anyone need to read another book about the Beatles after reading this one? And for that reason…. Filed under Beatles booksBook Review. Meticulously researched, well written, but an awful lot to take in. Hi David. I think it would be great to have all the questions out there. My bet is most of them can be answered by others, and the remainder will be a wonderfull conversation with Mark at Beatlesfest, blogs or podcasts. Do you dare? It would be great if Mark Lewisohn had a place where we could post questions that either he or others could answer. Mmmm, it would almost be impolite to put all the questions anybody has on the table to Mark. We have too many questions that can be The Beatles - All These Years - Extended Special Edition: Volume one: Volume One: Tune in with the author, the remainder are probably worthwhile. So why not put up a posting here with all the relevant questions and get Beatles-fans over here to discuss them. Maybe such a place already exists. tell Jennifer, however, that the photos she is looking for are not all in the extended version either, which puzzled me a bit as well. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Email Address:. Sign me up! Beatles-Freak's Reviews. Skip to content. Like this: Like Loading July 9, at am. David Thomas. July 9, at pm. Beatles Freak Reviews. July 10, at am. Rob Geurtsen. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. Email Subscription Join 2, other followers. Search for:. Beatles Freak Reviews Facebook. Blog at WordPress. Post to Cancel. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Mark Lewisohn on The Beatles “All These Years” Extended Edition | superdeluxeedition

Some authors choose a single figure and bore down deep, which has brought the count of Paul McCartney life stories to at least 10, with more in the pipeline. In the first of a projected three-volume work — pages of text that take the story up to The Beatles - All These Years - Extended Special Edition: Volume one: Volume One: Tune in end of — he retells this epic tale in a manner that, while ambitious, and at times even indulgent, also manages to be expertly controlled and propelling. Lewisohn has already pared back his original 1, pages — available as a deluxe two-volume special edition for superfans and unemployed cover- band guitarists. Those who never dreamed of pursuing the story further may reconsider, though. And what about the year-old with no interest in classic rock and a short attention span? Scorned by adult society as a force for evil and the work of the devil, black rhythm music out of America — and, before there, of course, out of Africa — was bringing harmony where once had been hatred. Aspinall, an early Liverpool road manager and later an Apple Records executive, passed on invaluable information and insights before his death in Among the other new material to which Lewisohn gained access are rare letters between Lennon and his hugely influential art school The Beatles - All These Years - Extended Special Edition: Volume one: Volume One: Tune in Stu Sutcliffe, between Lennon and his Aunt Mimi Stanley who raised him and letters from several Cavern fans these are particularly enjoyable and from former girlfriends. He also challenges some sacred strands of received wisdom. The two adults asked the confused little boy to choose — whom did he want to live with, his father or his mother? After first turning to Alfred, young John panicked and ran after his departing mother. In any case, the emotional truth of the episode may supersede the bare facts. If Lennon experienced the Blackpool confrontation as a dramatic moment in his life, what he believed happened surely carries more psychological weight than what may actually have taken place, or what Hall, a bystander in a back room, recollects. The producer has always related the story with his own self-serving bias, remembering that he took a chance on their sound. If nothing else, Lewisohn argues convincingly that Harrison brought into the band as a replacement for , and that Starr felt obligated to Harrison thereafter. Many, many other books will be written about the Beatles. Book Review Pre-Fab Four. Home Page World U. The Beatles: All These Years – Volume 1 – Tune In -

Mark Lewisohn born 16 June is an English historian and biographer. Lewisohn has been writing about the Beatles since When he initially began researching the band, he "found that it was a deep and rewarding history that was, for the most part, not very well researched by anybody else, so I just found a career by becoming a Beatles expert, I suppose you would say. Writing books and consulting on TV series, and ended up working for them. It's ridiculous. One thing just led to the next. His book The Beatles Live! The book was in the form of a diary, listing chronologically every recording session the Beatles had at Studios. It included details such as who played The Beatles - All These Years - Extended Special Edition: Volume one: Volume One: Tune in each track and how many takes were recorded in each session. The book featured an introductory interview by Paul McCartney. The Beatles: 25 Years in the Life included information on what each individual member of the band was doing on any particular day between and This book was republished as The Beatles Day by Day in The Complete Beatles Chronicle was published in and went one step further, detailing the band's entire career in the studio, on stage, and on radio, television, film and video. This is essentially a guide book to all the Beatles-related locations in London, including Abbey Road and the London Palladiumfeaturing maps and photographs of the band at the locations mentioned. A revised version of the book was published in early This led to him being invited by the former Beatle to write the liner notes for several of his albums, namely Flaming PieBand on the Run: 25th Anniversary Edition and Wingspan: Hits and History. He was heavily involved in project. According to Daniel Finkelsteinwriting in The Times inLewisohn was responsible for identifying comedian Jasper Carrott as the source in of the famous remark, " Ringo isn't the best drummer in the world. He isn't even the best drummer in the Beatles. InLewisohn announced that he had started work on a three-volume Beatles biography. The Beatles - All These Years - Extended Special Edition: Volume one: Volume One: Tune in Beatles story has been told very often but, in my view, rarely very well. I'm writing a wide-ranging history and my aim is true: to explore and comprehend what happened in and around the Beatles, and to write it even- handedly, without fear or favour, bias or agenda. A rock and roll group came out of Liverpool and shaped the last half of the 20th century the world over, and their music transcends changing times. The whole extraordinary story needs to be fully recorded and it needs to be done now, while first-hand witnesses are still with us. In autumn Lewisohn toured a one-man show, Hornsey Road, around theatres in England, also stopping at Dublin and Edinburgh. Although the Beatles are Lewisohn's area of particular expertise, he has also written on a variety of other subjects. One of his best-known works is an encyclopaedia of comedy on British television screens titled Radio Times Guide to TV Comedypublished in and updated inalso available online as the BBC Guide to Comedy until He has also written Funny, Peculiara biography of Benny Hillpublished in Lewisohn is Jewish. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. English author and historian. This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. January Retrieved 14 January Travels In Music. The Guardian. Retrieved 25 October Archived from the original on 17 The Beatles - All These Years - Extended Special Edition: Volume one: Volume One: Tune in Retrieved 7 November New York Times. Retrieved 31 December Tune In was bigger than War and Peace, and the next one will be its equal or more. It's an immensely researched and complex history and won't be out until it's done. Hang in there — it will be worth the wait" Tweet — via Twitter. Retrieved 14 May The Jewish Chronicle Categories : births Living people English music historians English male non-fiction writers British Jews. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Lewisohn in