
本照片实拍于汇泊成都西村停车场 / Chengdu West Village 为您解决所有关于停车场的困扰 01 Solving Your Parking Dilemma

一体化停车场方案提供者 03 One - Stop Parking Solutions Provider 专业资产管理,提升物业价值,优化客户体验 08 Parking Asset Management, Property Value Enhancement, Optimized Customer Experience

提高城市综合实力,缓解城市“停车难” 10 Enhancing City Parking Environment

汇泊优势 13 Why WE PARK

战略分布 15 Our Presence

案例分享 17 Case Sharing

合作模式与目标项目 33 Collaboration Models and Target Projects

关于阳光海天 37 About Sunsea

战略伙伴 42 Strategic Partners

联系我们 45 Contact Us 本照片实拍于汇泊成都香槟广场停车场 / Chengdu Champagne Square 汇泊承诺, WE PARK, 为您解决所有关于停车场的困扰 Solving Your Parking Dilemma

一体化停车场方案提供者 One - Stop Parking Solutions Provider

专业资产管理,提升物业价值,优化客户体验 Parking Asset Management, Property Value Enhancement, Optimized Customer Experience

提高城市综合实力,缓解城市“停车难” Enhancing City Parking Environment

We Park We Inspire 1 本照片实拍于汇泊上海九院停车场 / Shanghai No.9 People's Hospital We Park We Inspire 2 一体化停车场方案提供者 One - Stop Parking Solutions Provider

楠焯资本 (LimeTree Capital) 是一家总部位于香港的私募股权投资管理公司, 侧重于各类尚未获得广泛关注、其价值有待进一步发掘的资产类别。目前在整 个亚太地区表现活跃,积极进行机构投资、风险管理和基础资产的前瞻性管理, 楠焯资本 以提升投资回报。 LimeTree Capital is a specialist private equity real estate manager headquartered in HK with a focus on under‐researched, under‐valued asset classes where we can bring an institutional investment & risk management process and proactive management of the underlying assets to enhance returns. 重 资 产 Asset-heavy 汇泊停车产业基金是楠焯资本 (LimeTree Capital) 旗下管理的基金,“汇泊停 车”是国内停车行业至今为止规模最大,投资及资产和运营管理团队最专业, 且持有停车场项目最多分布最广的专项基金,致力于为客户提供集停车场投资、 概念设计、建造和资产管理于一体的全方位服务。 We Park investments, a parking focused investment fund managed by 中国停车产业投资及资产管理先锋 LimeTree Capital, is the largest dedicated parking fund in China. We have Pioneers of Parking Investment and Parking Asset Management in China the best in class investment, asset services, and operations team in the 一体化停车方案提供专家 industry as we own and manage multiple car park assets across China. We One-stop Parking Solution Provider are dedicated to providing the complete solution that ranges from car park investments, design and construction, as well as car park operations.

南京紫峰大厦 / Nanjing Zifeng Tower We Park We Inspire 3 一体化停车场方案提供者 One - Stop Parking Solutions Provider

阳光海天停车产业集团创立于2006年8月8日,总部设立在北京,致力于提供 中国停车资产管理领航者 完善的停车资产管理整体解决方案。2015年,汇泊携手阳光海天停车产业集团, A Leading Car Park Manager in China 共同打造规模最大的停车产业金融平台。 Sunsea Parking Management was established on 8 August 2006. Headquartered in , Sunsea is committed to providing multiple services across the car parking industry value chain. In 2015, We Park Investments made a strategic investment in Sunsea to build the largest parking industry platform in China. 轻 资 产 Asset-light

中国停车规划设计研究院有限公司(PDI)成立于2012年,隶属于阳光海天停 车产业集团,形成政策、规划、设计、技术开发等多元业务协同发展的产业链 优势。 中国停车规划设计研究院 PDI was set up in 2012 by Sunsea. PDI’s strengths in planning, design, and smart parking technology provides the most comprehensive solutions for various parking needs.

南京紫峰大厦 / Nanjing Zifeng Tower We Park We Inspire 4 一体化停车场方案提供者 One - Stop Parking Solutions Provider

“汇泊停车”,中国停车产业投资及资产管理先锋,一体化停车方案提供专家。 致力于为客户提供从停车场投资、规划设计、建造到资产及运营管理和一系列增值服务。 每个项目因地制宜,引入国际一流的停车理念,提升行业整体收益、提供品质卓越的停车服务和 增值服务。 打造规模最大、结构最完整的停车产业金融平台,为中国停车产业资产管理前进的方向领航。

We Park,the pioneer of parking investment and asset management in China, is a one-stop solutions provider that delivers the most comprehensive and best-in-class parking services that range from investments, design and planning, construction, as well as operations management. We Park will customize and tailor each individual parking solution to each client’s needs, leveraging on both international and local expertise, to raise the overall benefits and contributions of parking to the property’s value. We Park has built the largest parking investment and operations platform in China, and continues to lead the industry in terms of thought leadership, scope and scale of services, and geographical presence.

本照片实拍于汇泊成都西村停车场 / Chengdu West Village We Park We Inspire 5 本照片实拍于汇泊成都西村停车场 / Chengdu West Village We Park We Inspire 6 “汇泊停车产业基金”,第一期资金募集共获得美国及欧洲的大学基金、社保基金和欧洲家族基金及其 互联网+ / APP 国内停车行业至今为止规模最大、投资及资 他投资者3.39亿美元的投资(逾人民币21亿元)。目前正在筹划募集第二期总计超过10亿美元停车场 停车O2O / Parking O2O 产和运营管理团队最专业、持有停车场项目 精准实时车位查询 / Parking bay search 专项基金。 最多分布最广的专项基金。国内首屈一指的 电子支付 / Online payment We Park has US$339 million (i.e. RMB 2.1 billion) of private equity capital dedicated to investing in the 定位服务 / LBS services “一体化”全方位停车场方案提供者。基金 parking industry in China. Our secondary fundraising aims to increase our overall investments in the 信息发布 / Parking information 着眼于可持续性长线投资,专注于整体持有, industry to over 1 billion USD. 大数据分析 / Big data analysis 追求稳健回报,长远发展。 停车位预订 / Parking reservation

价值评估 / Investment underwriting 增值服务 / Value Added Services 产权收购 / Acquisition 工程承包 / Construction 资产管理&运营 汽车美容 / Car care 经营权收购 / Acquisition of use 翻新改造 / Refurbishment Operations & Management rights 智能设备 / Equipment improvement 汽修养护 / Auto repair 中短、长期租赁 / 劳务输出 / Labor management 机械停车场 / Mechanical car parking 汽车分时租赁 / Car sharing Long-term, Mid-term Lease 人员培训 / Staff training 地面停车场 / Ground parking lot 新能源汽车充电服务 / Electric vehicles BOT、PPP、TOT 服务管理体系 / Service charging 停车地产开发 / 建设&改造 management 客户激励计划 / Customer incentives and Parking property development 现场服务管控 / Service control Construction & Renovation loyalty programs 投资 / Investment

We Park is the largest car parking fund in China’s parking industry. 咨询顾问 / Consultation We have the best in class investment, asset services, and 交通设计 / Traffic design operations team in the industry as we own and manage multiple car 环境设计 / Environment park assets across China. We are dedicated to providing complete 动线优化 / Optimized traffic flow solutions to our clients from car park investment, innovative design 智慧停车 / Smart parking and construction to asset management. We Park is a one‐stop 规划设计 / Design parking solution provider, focusing on investment and title acquisition of car park assets on an en‐bloc basis to realize steady investment return and long‐term development.

We Park We Inspire 7 专业资产管理,提升物业价值,优化客户体验 Parking Asset Management, Property Value Enhancement, Optimized Customer Experience

凭借业内最佳的运营模式以及资深的停车场专家团队,汇泊使停车成为一种互动式体验,进而为其带来全 新的现代化设计与服务。通过改进停车业务,我们使您的物业不断升值。 With our team of seasoned investment experts and parking professionals, we bring the industry’s best in class solutions to our clients. We strive to closely collaborate and communicate with our clients in order to best meet their every specific parking situation and need.

经验丰富的投资团队 – 辨别优质资产 Experienced Investment Professionals – Identify Premium Investment Targets.

全方位的投资前期尽调 – 分析投资回报及风险 Comprehensive Investment Due Diligence – Analyze Investment Return and Risk.

互惠双赢的商业合作宗旨 – 最大化业主利益并降低管理风险 Win-Win Commercial Terms – Maximizing Parking Value For Landlords and Lower Operating Risks.

We Park We Inspire 8 专业资产管理,提升物业价值,优化客户体验 Parking Asset Management, Property Value Enhancement, Optimized Customer Experience

我们致力于 WE PARK is dedicated to

提高客户停车体验 吸引优质租户 提升物业价值 Improving customers’ parking experience Attracting quality tenants Increasing property values

获得较高使用率和租金回报 创造潜在机遇 创新停车服务 Achieving higher occupancy and higher Creating potential business Innovative parking services rental receipts opportunities

自助缴费机 月租车辆专用车位 女士专用停车位 在线轻松车位预定 轻松扫码支付宝支付 APS(Auto-Pay System) Dedicated Monthly Ladies Only Parking Online booking of Convenient mobile Parking Zones parking space payment via QR code

We Park We Inspire 9 提高城市综合实力,缓解城市“停车难” Enhancing City Parking Environment

专注优化公共停车服务系统提高城市综合实力。 汇泊在中国乃至亚洲首次引入绿色停车库概念。绿色停车库认证是由美国绿色停车协会颁发的。 该机构附属于美国绿色建筑协会,是国际高度认可的绿色建筑LEED标准的认证机构。 打造适合中国的绿色停车场标准,形成可持续的良性发展模式。 We Park is focusing to optimize the public and private parking systems across multiple cities in china. We Park is the first to introduce the green garage concept in Asia and also in China, following guidelines governed by the Green Parking Council (now also part of US Green Building Council that governs the LEED building standards). We Park is a firm believer in sustainability, and has taken the pioneering role to promote higher awareness of progressive improvements and green standards in China.

We Park We Inspire 10 提高城市综合实力,缓解城市“停车难” Enhancing City Parking Environment

We Park We Inspire 11 提高城市综合实力,缓解城市“停车难” Enhancing City Parking Environment

绿色停车库认证 / Green Garage Certification

绿色停车场认证是国际唯一针对停车场结构管理、 规划、设计和技术作出定义并制定可持续发展的评分系统。 Green Garage Certification is the world’s only rating system defining and recognizing sustainable practices in parking structure management, planning, design and technology.

缓解交通压力 / Improving traffic congestion

通过高效停车系统和快速导引,让车主以最快速度找到停车位,实现交通畅通无阻。 Efficiently designed car parks with proper ingress and egresses will enable driver to find parking quickly to relieve urban street traffic congestion.

优化城市功能 / Optimizing the city’s parking capacity

通过停车网络,提升城市软实力并促进良性循环,优化城市功能。 By increasing individual car park’s efficiencies and occupancies, we can increase the city’s existing parking capacity.

减少碳排放量 美化城市环境 / Saving energy and reducing the carbon footprint

车主能迅速准确地找到车位,并安全停放,从而减少尾气排放,降低环境污染。 When car owners can find a parking space quickly, this results in a reduction in emissions and environmental pollution.

提升公共服务水平 / Improving services for the public

解决“交通难”问题,还路于民,充分利用社会资源,杜绝随意占道停车现象,改善城市面貌。 By removing illegal parking from public streets, we are able to improve the urban landscape and improve pedestrian flows.

We Park We Inspire 12 汇泊优势 Why WE PARK 资金保障 15亿美元专项基金,确保中国停车场投资项目的顺利启动与运营,通过全面的分析,确保投资的准确性和收益率。

专业性 国际化的停车场设计、施工标准及智能停车方案,优化物业品质及停车体验。

一站式 从投资、设计、施工到资产管理停车产业链全覆盖,各业务无缝对接,高效落地。

先进性 先进的技术支持,提供包括但不限于自动付费系统/LED照明/自动导航系统/中央控制室等。

创新 引进国际先进的理念、技术与设备,从终端用户体验角度出发,不断优化,为合作伙伴提供最优质的停车解决方 案,并实现双赢,如:二维码付费系统 / 智能导航系统 / 车位预约系统 / 电动车充电桩。

团队 投资和运营团队的核心成员均为多个行业及领域,如:基金金融、商业地产收购及资管、停车管理运营、停车场 设计规划等的领军人物。

We Park We Inspire 13 Financial strength We Park is managing private equity capital dedicated to car parking industry of US $340 million USD, and will aim to be managing over 1 billion USD via follow-on funds.

Professional Our investments are made based on thorough research, strict due diligence and all-around analysis , so as to ensure the realization of our projected investment return. We can also conduct professional planning & design, provide refurbishment proposals and carry out construction works.

One - Stop & integrated We Park is able to provide accurate projections of potential investment projects at the early stage and Sunsea stands out for its local operation and planning capabilities. Clients benefit from a complete parking solution provided by both We Park and Sunsea.

Technical Quality Advanced technical support,include but not limited to Auto-Pay System / LED lighting / Automatic car finding system / Central control room etc.

Innovation We are committed to providing innovative parking solutions for our clients, such as : QR Code Payment System / No-exit pay / Intelligent navigation / Pre-bookings / Green energy charging for electric cars.

Team Members of our investment and operations team are well known professionals from different industries such as real estate, finance, property management, car park management and operations, design and construction, etc.

We Park We Inspire 14 战略分布 Our China Presence

轻 资 产 重 资 产 Asset-light Asset-heavy

西北地区 代表项目:西安产灞A15地块住宅、西安MOMOPARK NORTHWEST Showcase: A15 block of houses of Xi'an chanba, Xi'an MOMOPARK...... CHINA

华北地区 代表项目:中央电视台新址、盘古大观、CBD万达广场、环球贸易中心(EPC)、金融街购物中心、国投广场、首创禧瑞都、银泰中心、中国医学科学院肿瘤、天津中心、天津宝能金航城、津门公寓、燕郊富地广场、太原百花谷商业中心...... 超100个项目 Showcase: CCTV New Site, PanguPlaza, CBD Wanda Plaza, EPC, Financial Street Shopping Center, GTFC Plaza, Capital Land XANADU, Yintai Centre, Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Tianjin Center, NORTH CHINA Tianjin Baoneng Golden Voyage Community, Guinness Apartment, YanjiaoFudi Plaza, Taiyuan Baihuagu Commercial Center... OVER 100 PROJECTS

华北地区 代表项目:代表项目:北京顺迈金钻大厦、北京和乔大厦、天津融创时代奥城 NORTH CHINA Showcase: Beijing Shunmai Jinzuan Mansion, Beijing Heqiao Mansion, Tianjin Sunac Magnetic Plaza......

华中地区 代表项目:长沙华远华中心、株洲大汉希尔顿国际、长沙楷琳大厦、武汉海关院区、河南出版产业基地...... CENTRAL CHINA Showcase: Changsha Huayuanhua Center, Zhuzhou Dahan-Hilton International, Changsha Kailin International Plaza, Wuhan Customhouse, Henan Publishing Industry Base......

西南地区 代表项目:成都西村大院、成都香槟广场、成都蓝光金荷花、成都东恒国际、成都银泰中心、七彩云南第壹城...... SOUTHWEST Showcase: Chendu West Village, Chengdu Champagne Square, Chengdu Languang Golden Lotus, Chengdu Dongheng International, Chengdu Yintai Center, First Community of Colorful Yunnan...... CHINA

西南地区 代表项目:成都金荷花国际时装城、成都东恒国际大厦、成都香槟广场、成都耍都、成都玉林生活广场、成都金色夏威夷、成都蓝色加勒比广场、成都西村、成都第一城...... SOUTHWEST Showcase: Chengdu Lotus, Chengdu Dongheng, Chengdu Champagne, Chengdu Shua Du, Chengdu Yulin, Chengdu Hawaii, Chengdu Caribbean, Chengdu West Village, Chengdu Top City..... CHINA

代表项目:青岛世园会、苏州东方之门、青岛海信广场、青岛李沧万达广场、南京青奥中心、南京金融城、南京苏宁易购总部、上海虹桥机场T2航站楼华航服务区、杭州华润欢乐颂购物中心、烟台大悦城...... 华东地区 Showcase: Qingdao International Horticultural Exposition, the Gate of the Orient in Suzhou, Qingdao Hisense Plaza, Qingdao Licang Wanda Plaza, Nanjing Youth Olympic Center, Nanjing EAST CHINA Financial City, Nanjing Suning.com Headquarters, China Airlines Service Areain Shanghai Hongqiao Airport T2 Terminal, Hangzhou China Resources Huanlesong Shopping Mall, Yantai Joy City......

华东地区 代表项目:上海市第六人民医院、上海市第九人民医院、上海汇融大厦、上海万都中心、南京紫峰大厦...... EAST CHINA Showcase: Shanghai No.6 Hospital, Shanghai No.9 Hospital, Shanghai Huirong Plaza, Shanghai Maxdo Center, Nanjing Zifeng Tower.... We Park We Inspire 15 战略分布 Our China Presence

楠焯资本(LimeTree Capital)总公司 LimeTree Capital Headquarters

汇泊总公司 汇泊分公司 WE PARK Headquarters WE PARK Operations

阳光海天总公司 汇泊与阳光海天项目分布 Sunsea Headquarters Sunsea Operations 更新至2016年3月 As of Mar, 2016

We Park We Inspire 16 案例分享 Case Sharing

汇泊团队在投资、运营领域表现卓越的代表性项目: High-profile projects that well demonstrate We Park’s outstanding performance in car park assets investment and management:

上海市第九人民医院 中央电视台 北京首都国际机场3号航站楼 天津融创时代奥城 Shanghai No.9 Hospital China Central Television Beijing Capital International Tianjin Sunac Magnetic Airport Terminal 3 Plaza

上海市第六人民医院 北京CBD万达广场 上海虹桥交通枢纽 天津环球金融中心 Shanghai No.6 Hospital Beijing CBD Wanda Plaza Shanghai Hongqiao Tianjin World Financial Transportation Hub Center We Park We Inspire 17 案例分享 Case Sharing 我们的高级管理层成员在国内具有影响力的停车场协会和组织中身居要职 Our senior management consists of members of influential domestic car park associations and organizations.

上海大悦城 成都新希望国际 成都第一城 南京紫峰大厦 Shanghai Joy City Chengdu New Hope Chengdu Top City Nanjing Zifeng Tower International

上海万都中心 成都金荷花国际时装城 成都西村 南京苏宁易购总部 Shanghai Maxdo Center Chengdu Lotus Chengdu West Village Nanjing Suning.com Headquarters

We Park We Inspire 18 经典案例 上海万都中心 Case Sharing Shanghai Maxdo Center

● 10年长期租赁,业主一次性回收若干年的租赁收益。 ● 汇泊停车全面升级该项目,打造“旗舰停车场”,全面投入翻新改造,安装最先进的APS自助缴费系统、月租车辆电子标 签识别系统,及国内首例女性专用车位。 ● 作为万都中心的整体配套服务,焕然一新的现代化停车场为写字楼内入驻的世界500强企业客户带来全新的体验和享受。

● We Park is operating and managing the car park of Shanghai Maxdo Center by virtue of a 10-year management contract. ● We Park invested to renovate and upgrade the car park to make it a “flagship” parking lot. We put in place advanced APS to realize a faster and safe payment, installed monthly parking E-tag recognition system and initiatively provided ladies only parking spaces, etc. ● The upgraded and renovated Maxdo car park under We Park’s management significantly improves clients’ parking experience and adds value to the landlord’s assets.

女士停车位 LED照明系统 进出匝道翻新 Ladies only parking LED lighting system Renovation of entrance and exit ramps

自助收费机 二维码付费系统 月租车辆电子标签识别系统 Auto-Pay system QR code payment system Monthly parking E-tag recognition system

快速出口 先进的地面停车管理 Express exit Improved ground level parking

We Park We Inspire 19 经典案例 上海万都中心 Case Sharing Shanghai Maxdo Center

女士停车位 Ladies only parking LED照明系统 LED lighting system

改造后的入口 Entrance 支付宝轻松支付 Payment via Ali-pay

先进的停车支付系统 自动支付系统 APS (Auto Pay System) Enhanced parking payment system

虹桥开发区最高建筑,停车场建筑面积16,273.35平方米,地面和地下停车位总计358个。 Maxdo center is the landmark building in Hongqiao Development Area. With a GFA of 16,273.35 m2 , its car park has 358 bay in both above and below ground areas. We Park We Inspire 20 经典案例 成都第一城 Case Sharing Chengdu Top city

● 项目坐落于被誉为中西部第一商业街的春熙路核心,是集办公、购物、餐饮、休闲于一体的城市综合体项目。 ● 汇泊于2015年10月成功收购本项目全部地下两层共计268个泊位的停车场,并投入资金对整个停车场实施了翻新改造, 安装了绿色环保的智能照明,最先进的停管系统,极大提升了整体项目的整体形象。

● This car park is located at the core area of Chunxi road. It is a commercial complex that features a variety of facilities including office building, shopping mall, dining halls and entertainment venues. ● We Park obtained title to 268 bays located at B1 and B2 of Top City in Oct. 2015, and made investments to refurbish the entire car park by installing energy saving lighting systems and advanced parking management systems, which impressed clients and improved their parking experience.

车牌识别 LED照明系统 大数据分析系统 License plate recognition LED lighting system Big data analysis

在线支付 车场翻新装修 停车优惠推广活动 Online payment Refurbishment Parking promotion

We Park We Inspire 21 经典案例 成都第一城 Case Sharing Chengdu Top city

拥有268个停车位。 The car park has 268 bays in total. We Park We Inspire 22 经典案例 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院 Case Sharing Shanghai No. 9 People’s Hospital

● 创建于1920年的上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院,以口腔及医疗整形外科蜚声海内外。 ● 汇泊自2015年11月起,接受院方的委托,经营管理瞿溪路以北主院区地面停车场,以及甫落成的瞿溪路以南九院新翼地 下停车场,共计泊位391个。汇泊不仅为九院安装了最先进的停管系统,并特别根据医院的特殊性,对停车场做了整体重 新规划以及施工。

● Established in 1920, No. 9 Hospital is affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University. It is a world-famous hospital for its departments of stomatology and orthopedics. ● Since Nov. 2015, We Park is authorized by the No. 9 Hospital to operate and manage the surface and underground car park within the campus of the hospital, involving 391 bays in total. We Park not only installed advanced parking management system but also conducted re-planning and construction based on a hospital-specific solution to meet the ever increasing parking demands from patients, doctors, hospital staff and other visitors.

车牌识别 车场翻新装修 大数据分析系统 License plate recognition Refurbishment Big data analysis

在线支付 夜间停车 Online payment Night parking

We Park We Inspire 23 经典案例 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院 Case Sharing Shanghai No. 9 People’s Hospital

拥有391个停车位,地下车位149,地面车位242。 The car park has 391 bays in total, 149 of which are underground bays and 242 are surface bays. We Park We Inspire 24 经典案例 成都西村 Case Sharing Chengdu West Village

● 成都西村,是“以文化创意产业为主体、以现代服务业为核心”的文化艺术及创意产业集中发展园区。是由成都贝森投资集团运营管理 的大规模、复合型文化创意产业项目。 ● 项目定位于以院落办公和特色文化商业为核心的创意生活集群,配套有创意文化空间、现代写字楼及体育绿地等综合业态,于2015年5 月全部建成并投入使用。西村停车场分成6个以运动项目命名的区域,并图文并茂,配以令人耳目一新的相应标识来突显整个项目运动、 活力、健康的主题。在所有电梯厅还设立反向寻车系统和线上支付系统,树立了现代化收费管理的标杆。 ● 西村停车场积极响应美国绿色停车委员会(USGPC)的倡导,与其致力于 “保护地球环境、创建更宜居社区”的初衷不谋而合,因此 我们首选西村停车场,投入大量资源和精力,旨在将其打造为国内第一个由该协会认证的“绿色停车场”。GPC已与国际高度认可用于 评定绿色建筑的LEED 认证机构,美国绿色建筑协会US Green Building Council(GBCI)合并。

● West Village of Chengdu is a development gathering enterprises that uphold “modern services” as their core values and focus on the development of art & culture and creative industries. It is under the management and operation of Chengdu Beisen Investment Group. ● The project demonstrates a pleasant life and work style by housing creative art & culture space, modern office buildings and sports & green fields, etc. It was completed and launched for operation in May 2015. The car park of West Village is comprised of 6 zones named after different sports. Each zone is well equipped with signage aligning with the theme of the entire village, which is “Sports, Vitality and Health”. With the Car Parking Navigation and Online Payment Systems installed in all of the lift halls, the car park no longer designates any attendant to collect customer’s parking tariffs. ● In a time of growing desire for more livable communities alongside a rising concern about our planet, We Park takes the initiative to follow guidelines by Green Parking Council (“GPC”, which is an affiliate of the International Parking Institute and has been recognized by US Green Building Council, which is well-known for its concept of “LEED”, the most widely used third-party verification for green building), to devote considerable time, resources and efforts to make car park of West Village the first car park certified by GPC in China.

绿色停车 大数据分析系统 车牌识别 Green parking Big data analysis License plate recognition

在线支付 车场翻新装修 反向寻车系统 Online payment Refurbishment Car parking navigation system

LED照明系统 女士停车位 新能源汽车充电站 LED lighting system Ladies only parking New energy vehicles charging station We Park We Inspire 25 经典案例 成都西村 Case Sharing Chengdu West Village

LED照明系统 LED lighting system

车牌识别 License plate recognition 反向寻车系统 Car parking navigation system

女士停车位 Ladies only parking 全天候24小时中央监控 24HR CCTV

总建筑面积约20万平方米,项目总投资约14.5亿元人民币,拥有1,046个地下停车位。 The car park of west village has a GFA around 200,000 m 2, having 1,046 bays. The developer invested RMB 1.45 billion in this project. We Park We Inspire 26 管理团队 Management

曹文伟 - 合伙人兼中国区首席执行官 Mark Cho – Partner & CEO China

● 持有美国西北大学凯洛格商学院(Kellogg School of Business)工商管理学硕士学位,宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学 院(Wharton School of Business)经济学学士学位。 ● 楠焯资本 LimeTree Capital合伙人,汇泊停车管理有限公司中国区首席执行官,负责汇泊产业基金及汇泊停车在中 国地区的全面投资、资产管理及运营。同时还是楠焯资本 LimeTree Capital 投资和管理委员会成员,负责中国资本 战略、投资、资产管理,以及中国整体业务的运营管理。RICS皇家特许测量师学会发言人,亚洲上市房地产协会会 员。 ● 曾任德意志银行睿富基金RREEF亚太区首席运营官,亚太区管理委员会成员,中国区总裁,任职期间仅在中国地区 就完成总额超过10亿美元的房地产项目交易。加入睿富前,先后任职于咨询公司Monitor集团任亚太区首席运营官, 美国国际集团及Intuit,任职期间在亚洲及美国担任多个业务开发及战略职务。 ● Mr. Cho holds a Bachelor of Economics degree in Finance and Management from the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania. He also holds a MBA degree from Kellogg School of Business, Northwestern University. ● As a LimeTree Capital Partner and We Park CEO China, Mr. Cho is responsible for making significant development strategies for We Park Investments, including but not limited to asset acquisition and management contract negotiation, etc. He is also in charge of We Park’s asset management business and day-to-day management of We Park’s headquarter and other affiliates in China. ● Mr. Cho is the spokesman for Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors in Greater China and a member of Asia Listed Real Estate Association. ● Prior to LimeTree Capital, Mr. Cho was China Head of Real Estate Deutsche Bank (DB). When he was working for DB, he has completed over 1 billion USD amount of deals. Before joining DB, Mr. Cho worked at Monitor Group

as the COO for the Asia Pacific region as well as for AIG and Intuit in various business development and strategy 本照片实拍于汇泊上海九院停车场 / Shanghai No.9 People's Hospital positions in both Asia and in the US. We Park We Inspire 27 管理团队 Management

李青源 - 首席运营官 & 首席财务官 Li Qingyuan – COO & CFO

● 持有美国芝加哥商学院工商管理学硕士学位,新加坡南洋理工大学一等荣誉会计学士学位和新加坡特许会计师资格。 ● 拥有超过17年的房地产和基金管理经验。之前她是专注中国的房地产私募基金平台嘉实地产的首席财务官和联合创 始人及汉威资本的执行首席财务官。她也曾服务于瑞士信贷的香港和新加坡分行专注对房地产企业的高收益投资业 务。她也曾服务于凯德置地的新加坡,上海和北京办公室多年,从事多项业务包括:架构并管理中国私募基金业务, 领导中国财务团队和对华北区域的投资。 ● Ms. Li holds a Bachelor of Accounting (1st Class Honors) degree from Nanyang Technology University of Singapore. She also holds a MBA degree from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business in the US. She is a chartered accountant in Singapore. ● Ms. Li has over 17 years’ experience in the real estate and fund management sectors. Previously, Ms. Li was the Chief Financial Officer and a co-founder of Harvest Real Estate Investments and acting CFO of Harvest Capital Partners, both of which were real estate private equity fund managers focused on China. Ms. Li also worked at Credit Suisse’s Hong Kong and Singapore offices primarily focusing on high yield debt investments in the real estate companies. She started her real estate career at CapitaLand, in its Singapore, Shanghai, and Beijing offices covering various senior roles, including structuring and managing its China-focused private real estate funds; leading its China finance team; and deal sourcing in northern China.

本照片实拍于汇泊上海九院停车场 / Shanghai No.9 People's Hospital We Park We Inspire 28 阳光海天管理团队 Sunsea Management

闫亮 - 首席执行官 Yan Liang – CEO

● 中欧工商管理学院工商管理硕士(EMBA)学位,2004年毕业于对外经济贸易大学。 ● 凭借丰富的企业管理经验和对停车行业前景的预判,于2006年8月8日创立北京阳光海天停车管理有限公司。 ● 中国停车产业链深化、创新的推动者。2010年创立汽车服务品牌EasyCarLife。2012年,成立中国停车规划设计研究院。 ● Mr. Yan graduated from the University of International Business and Economics in 2004 and completed the EMBA degree programs in China Europe International Business School. ● Mr. Yan’s extensive experience in domestic parking industry provides him an acute insight into the development of this industry and motivated to found Sunsea in 2006. ● Mr. Yan is the pioneer in setting up an innovative domestic car parking industry chain, and to that end, in 2010, he established EasyCarLife to provide comprehensive services for car owners. Mr. Yan set up PDI in 2012, which provides extensive planning, design, and consultation services to both new build and existing project developers and owners.

刘保君 - 营销总裁 Liu Baojun – CMO

● 北京大学光华管理学院工商管理硕士(MBA)学位;2004年毕业于对外经济贸易大学。 ● 北京停车行业协会常务副会长;北京市交通委员会专家委员。 ● 阳光海天的创始人之一,近十年的停车行业从业经验,拥有上百个房地产项目的停车场建设规划及运营管理经验。 ● Mr. Liu graduated from the University of International Business and Economics in 2004 and holds a MBA degree from Guanghua Management School of Peking University. ● Mr. Liu serves as the deputy president of Beijing Car Parking Association, and he is also a member of Beijing Transportation Commission. ● As one of the co-founding partners of Sunsea, Mr. Liu has more than 10 years’ experience in car parking industry, 本照片实拍于汇泊成都西村停车场 / Chengdu West Village and has participated in over a hundred car park construction and programming projects. We Park We Inspire 29 阳光海天管理团队 Sunsea Management

蔡超 - 运营总裁 Cai Chao – COO

● 清华大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位;2004年毕业于对外经济贸易大学。 ● 阳光海天的创始人之一,曾任职阳光海天首席财务官、副总运营经理和首席运营官。 ● 拥有丰富的项目管理经历,掌舵全公司百余个项目的整体运营管理。 ● Mr. Cai graduated from the University of International Business and Economics in 2004 and holds a MBA degree from Tsinghua University. ● As one of the co-founding partners of Sunsea, Mr. Cai has served as Sunsea’s CFO, deputy operation manager and now is acting as Sunsea’s COO. ● With his extensive experience in project management, Mr. Cai is in charge of operation management of Sunsea.

祁志远 - 创始人,总裁 Qi zhiyuan – Co-founder and President

● 2004年毕业于对外经济贸易大学。 ● 先后于阳光海天担任后勤总监、副总经理、汽车服务事业部总裁、工程中心总裁等职务。 ● Mr. Qi graduated from the University of International Business and Economics in 2004. ● Mr. Qi has served as Sunsea’s Logistics Director, Deputy General Manager, President of Automotive Services Department, and Construction Director since 2006.

本照片实拍于汇泊成都西村停车场 / Chengdu West Village

We Park We Inspire 30 专家团队管理团队 ExpertManagement Team

王轶奋 - 首席投资官 David Wang – CIO

● 持有美国哈佛商学院 (Harvard Business School) 工商管理学硕士学位,德克萨斯州大学奥斯汀分校 (University of Texas at Austin) 化学工程专业工科学士学位。 ● 曾担任凯雷集团Carlyle Group房地产投资部中国区董事;之后又担任瑞银集团全球资产管理(香港)有限公司 UBS Global Asset Management (Hong Kong) Ltd. 环球房地产部门大中国区主管,先后主持完成总额超过6亿美元的房地产投资交易。 ● Mr. Wang holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in the US. He also holds a MBA degree from Harvard Business School in Boston, MA in the US. ● Prior to LimeTree Capital, Mr. Wang was the head of Global Real Estate, Greater China for UBS Global Asset Management (Hong Kong) Ltd. Before joining UBS, Mr. Wang worked as Director at the Carlyle Group, focusing on real estate investment in China. ● While working for Carlyle and UBS, he has completed transactions with a total value exceeding $600 million USD.

谢飞 - 投资总监 Xie Fei – Investment Director

● 获得复旦大学国世界经济硕士学位与武汉大学国际经济与贸易学士学位。 ● 超过10年的房地产投资经验,先后供职于美国知名私募基金CarVal Investors及国内著名私募基金中信产业基金CITICPE。 ● 负责和参与超过人民币50亿元的投资和资产管理业务,代表项目包括恒大地产Pre-IPO投资、上海城隍庙豫园时尚、北 京嘉盛中心、万科沈阳万科蓝山开发投资、上海虹桥1号项目整体夹层融资等。 ● Mr. Xie Fei holds M.A. in economics at Fudan University and B.A. in International Economy and Trade at Wuhan University. ● Xie Fei has over 10 years’ experience in the field of real estate investment, before working as senior position in US PE - CarVal Investors and Chinese famous PE –CITICPE. ● Prior to LimeTree Capital, he was previously responsible for the investment of project assets with a total value of more

than 5 billion, including the acquisition of Beijing Grand A Office Nexus Center, Evergrande Group Pre-IPO Investment, 本照片实拍于汇泊成都香槟广场停车场 / Chengdu Champagne Square Yu Garden, etc. We Park We Inspire 32 专家团队管理团队 ExpertManagement Team

彭英豪 - 资产管理总监 Charlie Peng – Asset Management Director

● 负责所有投资项目的业绩达成投资目标收益,管理区域资产管理负责人,日常资产管理决策。 ● 超过20年房地产各个类型,包括办公、商业、服务式公寓、住宅、物流、酒店等资产管理、物业管理及酒店管理的经验。 ● 加入楠焯资本前,彭先生曾担任悦榕中国基金的投资总监,SK中国的资产管理总监,并曾在高盛集团担任高级资产管理经理。 ● Mr. Peng is responsible for meeting underwriting performance, managing key assets across China as well as making day-to- day asset management decisions across the overall Fund portfolio. ● Mr. Peng has over 20 years’ experience in the field of real estate management ,including asset management, property management and hotel management. ● Prior to LimeTree Capital, Mr. Peng was Investment Director of Banyan Tree Capital, Asset Management Director of SK China and Senior Asset Manager of Goldman Sachs.

蔡良裕 - 运营总经理 Larry Tsai – Director of Car Park Operations

● 台湾停车领域的知名人士,停车行业拥有逾20年的从业经历。 ● 台湾停车行业系统自动化和场站无人化的践行者和有力推动者。自2003年起,就职台湾最大的停车场运营商和设 备供应商嘟嘟房,是该公司高级管理层的核心人物。 ● 2006年,蔡先生主导建造距离台湾桃园国际机场2公里一座含有5,500余个停车位的停车楼,为机场来往旅客提供 一体化全方位停车服务。 ● Mr. Tsai has more than 20 years’ experience in car parking industry. ● Prior to We Park, Mr. Tsai was Deputy General Manager of DoDo Home Parking, the largest car park operator and equipment provider in Taiwan. ● In 2006, he initiated the construction of a car park tower 2 km from Taoyuan International Airport with 5,500 本照片实拍于汇泊成都香槟广场停车场 / Chengdu Champagne Square parking bays to provide complete parking services to travelers by connecting such services with customer’s credit cards. We Park We Inspire 31 合作模式与目标项目 Collaboration Models and Target Projects

汇泊停车重视每一位客户的需求。我们不但投资收购、设计建造、管理运营各种类型和规模的停车场,更能按照客户需求量身定制合作方案。汇泊重视长期合 作伙伴的利益,更渴求全新的商业机会。我们的合作形式多样且操作灵活。

产权收购(资产及股权方式) PPP(政府和社会资本合作) TOT(移交-运营-移交) Acquisition (Asset or share acquisitions) Transfer-Operation-Transfer 政府通过特许经营、购买服务、股权合作等方式,与 通过收购资产或者项目公司股权的方式取得停车场物 社会资本建立利益共享、风险分担的长期合作关系。 项目竣工交付后,我方接管并同时获得停车场项目30- 业的产权。 Cooperation between the government and private 40年的经营权,经营期限结束后项目移交回业主方。 以产权或者股权方式,收购单个停车场项目或包含多 investors. The government will establish a long term Following completion of relevant project, we will take 个项目的投资组合。 cooperation relationship with private investors through over the project and obtain operating rights for a term Asset ownership of car park assets acquisition(LUR) franchised operation, service outsourcing and joint of 30 or 40 years. or acquire shares in project company; applicable to venture etc. to both share profit and bear risks with one car park or car park portfolios. 1 private investors. 2 3

We Park We Inspire 33 合作模式与目标项目 Collaboration Models and Target Projects

At We Park we value our clients and understand their different unique situations and requirements. We offer a range of various collaboration models in order to maximize value to our clients ranging from various form of investment models and partnerships, design and construction, operations, and other parking value added services.

长期租赁(10 年以上) 中短租赁(3-5年) Long-term Lease (10+ years) Mid & Short term Lease

期限:10 - 40 年 期限:3 - 5 年 模式:我方通过租赁获得长期经营权,投入资金对停车场进行改造升级,包括灯光、 模式:我方通过租赁获得停车长3-5年经营权,派驻团队对停车场进行经营和物 墙面、智能停车引导系统、自动收费系统等,并对地下停车场进行专业化的经营和 业管理,到期移交给业主。期间根据约定,可以配合业主为地上商业消费的客户 物业管理。 提供停车优惠服务。 租金收益:1)固定租金模式,每年或者几年一付; Term:3 - 5 Years 2)收益分成模式; Model:Obtain car park operating rights via a lease with the owner, lease term 3)固定租金+收益分成模式。 will be 3-5 years. Hand over the car park back to the owner upon expiry of lease Term:10 - 40 Years term. As agreed, may provide parking discount to customers of ground retail Model:Obtain car park operating rights via a lease with the owner, invest in car shops. park refurbishment such as lighting upgrading, car guidance systems, auto pay stations etc. and carry out professional management and operation of the car park. Rent payment : 1) Fixed amount, pay every year or pay in tranches,4 5 2) Profit share, 3) Fixed rent + profit share.

We Park We Inspire 34 合作模式与目标项目 Collaboration Models and Target Projects

学校和医院等 机场及火车站等交通枢纽 商场及酒店 CBD、商务楼及综合体 公共机构或组织

Transportation hubs such as Public organizations or Shopping malls, department Office buildings, business and airports and railway stations institutes such as hospitals stores, & hotels commercial complexes

We Park We Inspire 35 合作模式与目标项目 Collaboration Models and Target Projects

We Park We Inspire 36 关于阳光海天 About Sunsea LEADER OF CHINA’S PARKING ASSETS MANAGEMENT 中 国 停 车 资 产 管 理 领 航 者

阳光海天创立于2006年8月8日,总部设立在北京,并在上海、广州、天津、杭州、重庆等20余个城市设有分公司。业务涵盖停车咨询、停车 金融、停车地产、停车场规划设计、工程施工、智慧停车、运营管理、商业平台开发等领域,致力于提供完善的停车资产管理整体解决方案。 2015年,汇泊携手阳光海天产业集团,共同打造规模最大的停车产业金融平台。 As China’s leading car park operator, Sunsea was established on 08 August 2006. Its business covers fields such as car parking management services, asset management services, parking lot planning and design, construction and refurbishment, smart parking, car park commercial platform development etc. Headquartered in Beijing, Sunsea has over 10 branch offices across China in major parking cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, and Chongqing etc. In 2015, We Park made its strategic investment in Sunsea to jointly create the largest car parking financial platform.

停车产业生态链 产业资本+资产管理+智慧停车


We Park We Inspire 37 关于阳光海天 About Sunsea LEADER OF CHINA’S PARKING ASSETS MANAGEMENT 中 国 停 车 资 产 管 理 领 航 者

上海/天津分公司、 青岛项目部成立,东、 大事记 Milestones 被授予“北京市大学 西、北部基地投入使 接管17个高端项目的 生实习基地”荣誉称 用;EasyCarLife易 停车场外围秩序管理 号;荣获“儒风泰山 车生活事业部开店数 和物业助理,同年与 成为北京停车行业协 杯”中国青年创业成 量达到10家以上。 山东五所院校共同设 会会员单位、北京物 功案例五十佳称号。 Established shanghai, 立“阳光海天班”。 业管理行业协会会员 Sunsea was awarded Tianjing branches and 8月8日,北京阳光 the "Beijing college Take over 17 high-end Qingdao Porject 单位。 海天停车管理有限公 率先通过ISO9001国 students internship projects in the parking Department, Eastern, Become a member base" honorary title; won lot outside the order Western and Northern 司正式成立。接管英 际质量管理体系认证。 unit of Beijing Car the "Rufeng Taishan management and bases were put into 特公寓等4个项目。 parking Association Sunsea took the lead in Cup" China Youth property assistant. Set use, EasyCarlift Sunsea was set up on and Beijing Property passing the certification Entrepreneurship up "Sunsea class" Department shop 8 Aug 2006,and took Management of ISO9001 in car success case fifty best jointly with five number reached more over 4 projects. Association. parking industry. title. academies in Shandong. than 10.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

We Park We Inspire 38 关于阳光海天 About Sunsea LEADER OF CHINA’S PARKING ASSETS MANAGEMENT 中 国 停 车 资 产 管 理 领 航 者 大事记 Milestones 乔迁新址,扩张战略布 合伙人队伍组建,同年, 局,以北京为核心,全 荣获“香河园街道先进 青岛分公司成立,阳光 国各地共设立近20家分 基层党组织”称号;被 海天获得“优秀停车场 公司,近150个项目分布 北京市人民政府授予 运营商”、“优秀停车 全国35个城市,与汇泊 进入3.0时代,致力于提 升级成为停车场一站式 “北京市敬老爱老为老 场规划顾问”奖项,同 基金携手。 Relocated, expanded 供完善的停车资产管理 解决方案提供商,控股 服务示范单位”荣誉称 年,阳光海天旗下 strategic allocation, taking 整体解决方案,打造全 收购北京企保保安服务 号。 EasyCarLife易车生活汽 Beijing as its business 新中国停车产业生态链。 有限公司,成立中国停 Built its Partner team, won 车服务培训中心成立。 center, established a total the "Xiangheyuan Street of nearly 20 branches, 阳光海天成立十周年。 车规划设计研究院 Established Qingdao Advanced Grassroots branch, was awarded having almost 150 projects Entered into the era of 3.0, (PDI)。 Party Organizations" title, "excellent parking in 35 cities across the to provide one‐stop Upgraded to One‐Stop awarded the "Beijing operator", "excellent entire country, entered into parking asset management Parking Solution Provider, Service demonstration unit parking planning a strategic partnership with solutions and to create a acquired Beijing Enterprise for the elders " honorary consultant", and set up its We Park to build a new new parking industry chain Security Service Co., Ltd, title by Beijing Municipal EasyCarlife service training parking industry chain in in China. 10‐year and set up PDI. People's Government. center. China. anniversary.

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

We Park We Inspire 39 关于阳光海天 About Sunsea LEADER OF CHINA’S PARKING ASSETS MANAGEMENT 中 国 停 车 资 产 管 理 领 航 者

规划设计 建设改造 运营管理 互联网+ / Internet+ 增值服务 Planning & Design Construction & Renovation Operation & Management 停车O2O | 精准实时车位查询 Value-added Service 停车场标准化设计 | 交通规划 | 工程承包 | 翻新改造 | 智能设备 劳务输出 | 人员培训 电子支付 | 定位服务 | 信息发布 社区4S店 | 洗车快递 | 司机管家 功能设计 | 空间设计 | 改造设计 机械停车场 | 地面停车场 现场服务管控外围管理 大数据分析 安保系统 | 自助仓储 | 汽车充电 Traffic Flow Design Contracting Refurbishment VIP定制服务 Parking O2O | Real-time Online 4S Store In the Neighborhood Car Park Planning Smart Parking System Labor Management | Saff training Searching Auto Payment Door-to-door Car Wash Service Function Design Mechanical Bays Surface car park Onsite Service Control and Location pin-pointing Security System Space Planning Refurbishment supervision Information Sharing Self Pick-up Storage VIP service Big-data Analysis EV Charging

We Park We Inspire 40 关于阳光海天 About Sunsea LEADER OF CHINA’S PARKING ASSETS MANAGEMENT 中 国 停 车 资 产 管 理 领 航 者

项目案例代表 / Show Case

1.中央电视台新台址 2.北京盘古大观 3.北京环球贸易中心 4.北京银泰中心 5.北京三里屯 SOHO 6.北京西单大悦城 7.北京CBD万达 8.北京国投广场 9.北京香格里拉大酒店 10. 北京远洋未来广场 11.北京公园大道 12.北京SOLANA蓝色港湾 13.北京万通中心 14.北 京金隅大成大厦 15.北京JW万豪酒店 16.北京金泉时代广场 17.北京新光天地 18.北京奥 体中心 19.天津嘉里中心 20.天津津塔 21.青岛世界园艺博览会 22.青岛合肥路永旺广场 23.青岛海信广场 24.青岛万象城 25.南京青奥中心 26.南京苏宁易购总部基地 27. 上海大 悦城 28.成都香槟广场 29.成都银泰中心…… 1.CCTV New Site, 2.PanguPlaza Beijing, 3.EPC, 4.Beijing Yintai Centre, 5.Beijing SOHO , 6.Beijing Joycity, 7.Beijing CBD Wanda Plaza, 8.Beijing GTFC Plaza, 9.Beijing Shangri-La Hotel, 10.Beijing ocean future Plaza, 11.Beijing Park Avenue, 12.Beijing SOLANA blue harbour, 13.Beijing Wantong Center, 14.Beijing Jinyu Dacheng building, 15.JW Marriott Beijing Hotel, 16.Times Square, Kimcheon, Beijing, 17.Beijing Shin Kong Place, 18.Beijing Olympic Sports Center, 19.Tianjin Kerry Center, 20.Tianjin Tower, 21.Qingdao International Horticultural Exposition, 22.Qingdao AEON mall, 23.Qingdao Hisense Plaza, 24.The Mixc Qingdao, 25.Nanjing Youth Olympic Center, 26.Nanjing Suning.com Headquarters, 27.Shanghai Joy City, 28.Chengdu Champagne Square,2 9.Chengdu Yintai Center......

We Park We Inspire 41 战略伙伴 Strategic Partners

IPI (国际停车行业协会) - 创建于1962年,是国际领先的规模最大的停车行业协会组织,其使命是提升 停车行业专业度并推进停车行业迅速发展。 The International Parking Institute (IPI) is the largest and leading association of parking professionals and the parking industry. Founded in 1962, IPI's mission is advancing the parking profession.

Tim Haahs 是一家领先的工程和建筑顾问公司,专门从事停车场和混合用途结构的设计,并提供全方位 的结构工程服务。Tim Haahs荣膺诸多建筑奖项,并被评为所在行业类别的“最佳公司”。 Tim Haahs, a leading engineering and construction services consultant, specializes in the design of parking and mixed-use structures. Tim Haahs has been the recipient of several architecture awards and has been awarded “Best Company” in its industry category.

安纳波利斯市中心停车场结构 Annapolis Town Center Parking Structures 两次霍普金斯广场状况评估 2 Hopkins Plaza Condition Appraisals 克莱顿州立大学停车/安全性改进设计 Clayton State University Parking / Security Improvement Designs “波形”混合使用停车设施 “The Wave” Mixed-Use Parking Facity Alfred L. Dupont医院 Alfred L. DuPont Hospital 医学和牙科大学[美国新泽西州] University of Medicine and Dentistry [New Jersey, USA] Mabarak中心停车场结构---巴基斯坦拉合尔 Mabarak Center Parking Structure [Lahore, Pakistan]

We Park We Inspire 42 战略伙伴 Strategic Partners

沃克停车咨询公司是全球最大的停车咨询与设计公司。总部位于美国,目前已在全球多个国家完成了12, 000多个停车项目,因其卓越品质与杰出业绩页荣膺众多奖项、享誉全球。 Walker Parking Consultants is the largest parking consulting and design firm in the world. Headquartered in the US. Walker Parking Consultants has completed more than 12,000 parking projects across different countries and has received many awards and accolades for their work.

查塔努加[美国田纳西州]机场总体规划] Chattanooga [Tennessee, USA] Airport Master planning 安吉洛州立大学 Angelo State University 美国加利福利亚州萨克拉门托市 City of Sacramento, California USA 美国加利福尼亚州圣莫妮卡市 City of Santa Monica, California USA Alfred L. Dupont医院 Alfred L. DuPont Hospital 萨利姆医院[美国马萨诸塞州萨利姆] Salem Hospital [Salem, Masschusetts USA] Multonomah运动俱乐部[美国俄勒冈州波特兰] Multonomah Athletic Club [Portland, Oregon USA]

We Park We Inspire 43 战略伙伴 国际一线风险投资与国内知名产业基金共同注资 Strategic Partners Co-financed by the world's leading venture capitalist and well-known industry fund.

与众多领先的停车管理公司开展战略性的深度合作 With many parking management companies to carry out strategic depth of cooperation.

200+员工,80+开发人员,7*24h的技术支持 200 plus employees, 80 plus technicians, 7*24h services support.

管理层有停车行业的专业经营和来自全球领先公司的管理能力 The management team is comprised of experienced professionals in parking industry and leaders from top international companies.

聚焦于智能交通、智慧城市、停车产业升级 Focuses on Intelligent Transportation, Intelligent City, and Parking Industry Upgrading.

项目案例代表 Show Case

本照片实拍于汇泊上海九院停车场 / Shanghai No.9 People's Hospital We Park We Inspire 44 联系我们 Contact Us

公司官网 / Website:www.huiboparking.com 公司官网 / Website:www.sunsea.net

上海总部 Shanghai headquarters 北京总部 Beijing headquarters 成都分公司 Chengdu office 上海市徐汇区漕溪北路331号中金国际广场A楼305室 北京市朝阳区西坝河西里28号阳光海天总部 成都市高新区中和镇中柏大道龙祥佳苑三期1栋2单元10楼02 Room 305, Building A, CCIG International Plaza, No.331, Caoxi North Head office of Sunsea, No. 28, Xibaihe Xili, Chaoyang district, Beijing 1002, unit 2, Block 1, Phase III, Longxiang Jiayuan, Zhongbai Avenue, Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai TEL:0086 10 64477877 FAX:0086 10 64477828 806 Zhonghe town, High-tech Zone, Chengdu TEL:0086 21 6428 3286 TEL:0086 15575918436 上海办公室 Shanghai office 北京办公室 Beijing office 上海市徐汇区漕溪北路331号中金国际广场A楼305室 南京分公司 Nanjing office 北京市朝阳区西坝河西里28号 Room 305, Building A, CCIG International Plaza, No.331, Caoxi North 南京市建邺区江东中路313号中泰国际广场3号楼2单元2604 No. 28, Xibaihe Xili, Chaoyang district, Beijing Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai Room 2604, Unit 2, Block 3, Zhongtai International Plaza, NO. 313 TEL:0086 10 64477877 FAX:0086 10 64477828 806 TEL:0086 21 6428 3286 Jiangdong Road (M), Jianye District, Nanjing TEL:0086 15005140575 天津办公室 Tianjin office 天津分公司 Tianjin office 天津市南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场A4写字楼 天津市南开区卫津路与万德庄大街交口中凯国际广场14楼1402室 西安分公司 Xi’an office A4 office building, Magnetic Plaza, Binshui West Road, Room 1402, F14, Zhongkai International Plaza, Nankai district, Tianjin 西安市高新区科技路50号金桥国际广场A座一单元1305室 Nankai District, Tianjin. TEL:0086 18513612557 Room 1305, Unit 1, Block A, JinQiao International Plaza, NO. 50 TEL:0086 186 1213 4706 HighTech Road, Gaoxin District, Xi’an 青岛分公司 Qingdao office TEL:029 84508107 成都办公室 Chengdu office 山东省青岛市市北区敦化路328号诺德广场2号楼606--607 成都市青羊区贝森北路1号西村大院1号楼401-2室 Room 606—607, Block 2, Nuode Plaza, No. 328, Dunhua Road, North 长沙分公司 Changsha office Room 401-2, Block 1, West village, No. 1 Beisen Road, Qingyang wing, Qingdao, Shandong 湖南省长沙市芙蓉区马王堆中路79号东方 district, Chengdu TEL:0086 18653229723 新城(东玺门)M4栋920 TEL:0086 28 6889 0060 Room 606—607, Block 2, Nuode Plaza, No. 328, Dunhua Road, Room 920, Block M4, Eastern New City, NO.79 Mawangdui Road (M), Furong District, Changsha Hunan 本照片实拍于汇泊上海九院停车场 / Shanghai No.9 People's Hospital TEL:0731 84131989 We Park We Inspire 45 联系我们 Contact Us

