www.huiboparking.com 本照片实拍于汇泊成都西村停车场 / Chengdu West Village 为您解决所有关于停车场的困扰 01 Solving Your Parking Dilemma 一体化停车场方案提供者 03 One - Stop Parking Solutions Provider 专业资产管理,提升物业价值,优化客户体验 08 Parking Asset Management, Property Value Enhancement, Optimized Customer Experience 提高城市综合实力,缓解城市“停车难” 10 Enhancing City Parking Environment 汇泊优势 13 Why WE PARK 战略分布 15 Our China Presence 案例分享 17 Case Sharing 合作模式与目标项目 33 Collaboration Models and Target Projects 关于阳光海天 37 About Sunsea 战略伙伴 42 Strategic Partners 联系我们 45 Contact Us 本照片实拍于汇泊成都香槟广场停车场 / Chengdu Champagne Square 汇泊承诺, WE PARK, 为您解决所有关于停车场的困扰 Solving Your Parking Dilemma 一体化停车场方案提供者 One - Stop Parking Solutions Provider 专业资产管理,提升物业价值,优化客户体验 Parking Asset Management, Property Value Enhancement, Optimized Customer Experience 提高城市综合实力,缓解城市“停车难” Enhancing City Parking Environment We Park We Inspire 1 本照片实拍于汇泊上海九院停车场 / Shanghai No.9 People's Hospital We Park We Inspire 2 一体化停车场方案提供者 One - Stop Parking Solutions Provider 楠焯资本 (LimeTree Capital) 是一家总部位于香港的私募股权投资管理公司, 侧重于各类尚未获得广泛关注、其价值有待进一步发掘的资产类别。目前在整 个亚太地区表现活跃,积极进行机构投资、风险管理和基础资产的前瞻性管理, 楠焯资本 以提升投资回报。 LimeTree Capital is a specialist private equity real estate manager headquartered in HK with a focus on under‐researched, under‐valued asset classes where we can bring an institutional investment & risk management process and proactive management of the underlying assets to enhance returns. 重 资 产 Asset-heavy 汇泊停车产业基金是楠焯资本 (LimeTree Capital) 旗下管理的基金,“汇泊停 车”是国内停车行业至今为止规模最大,投资及资产和运营管理团队最专业, 且持有停车场项目最多分布最广的专项基金,致力于为客户提供集停车场投资、 概念设计、建造和资产管理于一体的全方位服务。 We Park investments, a parking focused investment fund managed by 中国停车产业投资及资产管理先锋 LimeTree Capital, is the largest dedicated parking fund in China. We have Pioneers of Parking Investment and Parking Asset Management in China the best in class investment, asset services, and operations team in the 一体化停车方案提供专家 industry as we own and manage multiple car park assets across China. We One-stop Parking Solution Provider are dedicated to providing the complete solution that ranges from car park investments, design and construction, as well as car park operations. 南京紫峰大厦 / Nanjing Zifeng Tower We Park We Inspire 3 一体化停车场方案提供者 One - Stop Parking Solutions Provider 阳光海天停车产业集团创立于2006年8月8日,总部设立在北京,致力于提供 中国停车资产管理领航者 完善的停车资产管理整体解决方案。2015年,汇泊携手阳光海天停车产业集团, A Leading Car Park Manager in China 共同打造规模最大的停车产业金融平台。 Sunsea Parking Management was established on 8 August 2006. Headquartered in Beijing, Sunsea is committed to providing multiple services across the car parking industry value chain. In 2015, We Park Investments made a strategic investment in Sunsea to build the largest parking industry platform in China. 轻 资 产 Asset-light 中国停车规划设计研究院有限公司(PDI)成立于2012年,隶属于阳光海天停 车产业集团,形成政策、规划、设计、技术开发等多元业务协同发展的产业链 优势。 中国停车规划设计研究院 PDI was set up in 2012 by Sunsea. PDI’s strengths in planning, design, and smart parking technology provides the most comprehensive solutions for various parking needs. 南京紫峰大厦 / Nanjing Zifeng Tower We Park We Inspire 4 一体化停车场方案提供者 One - Stop Parking Solutions Provider “汇泊停车”,中国停车产业投资及资产管理先锋,一体化停车方案提供专家。 致力于为客户提供从停车场投资、规划设计、建造到资产及运营管理和一系列增值服务。 每个项目因地制宜,引入国际一流的停车理念,提升行业整体收益、提供品质卓越的停车服务和 增值服务。 打造规模最大、结构最完整的停车产业金融平台,为中国停车产业资产管理前进的方向领航。 We Park,the pioneer of parking investment and asset management in China, is a one-stop solutions provider that delivers the most comprehensive and best-in-class parking services that range from investments, design and planning, construction, as well as operations management. We Park will customize and tailor each individual parking solution to each client’s needs, leveraging on both international and local expertise, to raise the overall benefits and contributions of parking to the property’s value. We Park has built the largest parking investment and operations platform in China, and continues to lead the industry in terms of thought leadership, scope and scale of services, and geographical presence. 本照片实拍于汇泊成都西村停车场 / Chengdu West Village We Park We Inspire 5 本照片实拍于汇泊成都西村停车场 / Chengdu West Village We Park We Inspire 6 “汇泊停车产业基金”,第一期资金募集共获得美国及欧洲的大学基金、社保基金和欧洲家族基金及其 互联网+ / APP 国内停车行业至今为止规模最大、投资及资 他投资者3.39亿美元的投资(逾人民币21亿元)。目前正在筹划募集第二期总计超过10亿美元停车场 停车O2O / Parking O2O 产和运营管理团队最专业、持有停车场项目 精准实时车位查询 / Parking bay search 专项基金。 最多分布最广的专项基金。国内首屈一指的 电子支付 / Online payment We Park has US$339 million (i.e. RMB 2.1 billion) of private equity capital dedicated to investing in the 定位服务 / LBS services “一体化”全方位停车场方案提供者。基金 parking industry in China. Our secondary fundraising aims to increase our overall investments in the 信息发布 / Parking information 着眼于可持续性长线投资,专注于整体持有, industry to over 1 billion USD. 大数据分析 / Big data analysis 追求稳健回报,长远发展。 停车位预订 / Parking reservation 价值评估 / Investment underwriting 增值服务 / Value Added Services 产权收购 / Acquisition 工程承包 / Construction 资产管理&运营 汽车美容 / Car care 经营权收购 / Acquisition of use 翻新改造 / Refurbishment Operations & Management rights 智能设备 / Equipment improvement 汽修养护 / Auto repair 中短、长期租赁 / 劳务输出 / Labor management 机械停车场 / Mechanical car parking 汽车分时租赁 / Car sharing Long-term, Mid-term Lease 人员培训 / Staff training 地面停车场 / Ground parking lot 新能源汽车充电服务 / Electric vehicles BOT、PPP、TOT 服务管理体系 / Service charging 停车地产开发 / 建设&改造 management 客户激励计划 / Customer incentives and Parking property development 现场服务管控 / Service control Construction & Renovation loyalty programs 投资 / Investment We Park is the largest car parking fund in China’s parking industry. 咨询顾问 / Consultation We have the best in class investment, asset services, and 交通设计 / Traffic design operations team in the industry as we own and manage multiple car 环境设计 / Environment park assets across China. We are dedicated to providing complete 动线优化 / Optimized traffic flow solutions to our clients from car park investment, innovative design 智慧停车 / Smart parking and construction to asset management. We Park is a one‐stop 规划设计 / Design parking solution provider, focusing on investment and title acquisition of car park assets on an en‐bloc basis to realize steady investment return and long‐term development. We Park We Inspire 7 专业资产管理,提升物业价值,优化客户体验 Parking Asset Management, Property Value Enhancement, Optimized Customer Experience 凭借业内最佳的运营模式以及资深的停车场专家团队,汇泊使停车成为一种互动式体验,进而为其带来全 新的现代化设计与服务。通过改进停车业务,我们使您的物业不断升值。 With our team of seasoned investment experts and parking professionals, we bring the industry’s best in class solutions to our clients. We strive to closely collaborate and communicate with our clients in order to best meet their every specific parking situation and need. 经验丰富的投资团队 – 辨别优质资产 Experienced Investment Professionals – Identify Premium Investment Targets. 全方位的投资前期尽调 – 分析投资回报及风险 Comprehensive Investment Due Diligence – Analyze Investment Return and Risk. 互惠双赢的商业合作宗旨 – 最大化业主利益并降低管理风险 Win-Win Commercial Terms – Maximizing Parking Value For Landlords and Lower Operating Risks. We Park We Inspire 8 专业资产管理,提升物业价值,优化客户体验 Parking Asset Management, Property Value Enhancement, Optimized Customer Experience 我们致力于 WE PARK is dedicated to 提高客户停车体验 吸引优质租户 提升物业价值 Improving customers’ parking experience Attracting quality tenants Increasing property values 获得较高使用率和租金回报 创造潜在机遇 创新停车服务 Achieving higher occupancy and higher Creating potential business Innovative parking services rental receipts opportunities 自助缴费机 月租车辆专用车位 女士专用停车位 在线轻松车位预定 轻松扫码支付宝支付 APS(Auto-Pay System) Dedicated Monthly Ladies Only Parking Online booking of Convenient mobile Parking Zones parking space payment via QR code We Park We Inspire 9 提高城市综合实力,缓解城市“停车难” Enhancing City Parking Environment 专注优化公共停车服务系统提高城市综合实力。 汇泊在中国乃至亚洲首次引入绿色停车库概念。绿色停车库认证是由美国绿色停车协会颁发的。 该机构附属于美国绿色建筑协会,是国际高度认可的绿色建筑LEED标准的认证机构。 打造适合中国的绿色停车场标准,形成可持续的良性发展模式。 We Park is focusing to optimize the public and private parking systems across multiple cities in china. We Park is the first to introduce the green garage concept in Asia and also in China, following guidelines governed by the Green Parking Council (now also part of US Green Building Council that governs the LEED building standards). We Park is a firm believer in sustainability, and has taken the pioneering role to promote higher awareness of progressive improvements and green standards in China. We Park We Inspire 10 提高城市综合实力,缓解城市“停车难” Enhancing City Parking Environment We Park We Inspire 11 提高城市综合实力,缓解城市“停车难” Enhancing City Parking Environment 绿色停车库认证 / Green Garage Certification 绿色停车场认证是国际唯一针对停车场结构管理、 规划、设计和技术作出定义并制定可持续发展的评分系统。 Green Garage Certification is the world’s only rating system defining and recognizing sustainable practices in parking structure management, planning, design and technology. 缓解交通压力 / Improving traffic congestion 通过高效停车系统和快速导引,让车主以最快速度找到停车位,实现交通畅通无阻。 Efficiently designed car parks with proper ingress and egresses will enable driver to find parking quickly to relieve urban street traffic congestion. 优化城市功能 / Optimizing the city’s parking capacity 通过停车网络,提升城市软实力并促进良性循环,优化城市功能。 By increasing individual car park’s efficiencies and occupancies, we can increase the city’s existing parking capacity. 减少碳排放量 美化城市环境 / Saving energy and reducing the carbon footprint 车主能迅速准确地找到车位,并安全停放,从而减少尾气排放,降低环境污染。 When car owners can find a parking space quickly, this results in a reduction in emissions and environmental pollution. 提升公共服务水平 / Improving services for the public 解决“交通难”问题,还路于民,充分利用社会资源,杜绝随意占道停车现象,改善城市面貌。 By removing illegal parking from public streets, we are able to improve the urban landscape and improve pedestrian flows. We Park We Inspire 12 汇泊优势 Why WE PARK 资金保障 15亿美元专项基金,确保中国停车场投资项目的顺利启动与运营,通过全面的分析,确保投资的准确性和收益率。 专业性 国际化的停车场设计、施工标准及智能停车方案,优化物业品质及停车体验。 一站式 从投资、设计、施工到资产管理停车产业链全覆盖,各业务无缝对接,高效落地。 先进性 先进的技术支持,提供包括但不限于自动付费系统/LED照明/自动导航系统/中央控制室等。
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