Broken Toys 22 is a personalzine by Taral Wayne. Despite the best of intentions, I’ve made little progress on backlogged projects since last month. The usual excuses apply … as well as others that will become evident in the issue. Without intending to, I have almost too much material, as well as a letter column that just won’t quit… But that’s okay; bring it on! As I have for the last 22 years, I live with a view to die for at 245 Dunn Ave., Apt. 2111, Toronto, Ontario M6K 1S6. If you can’t drop by to share the view, contact or loc me at
[email protected] . The date is October 2013 … Halloween! This is ExtraTaraltoriality (or Kiddelidivee Books & Art) 272, © 2013 Taral Wayne , the Parkdale Phantom! The October Country “Nothing really matters, Anyone can see. Nothing really matters, Nothing really matters to me.” If you’re old enough to recognize those lines from Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody,” you may be old enough to be feeling a bit like I have lately. The month began a bit on the down side, with a Fall cold and the usual inconveniences. As well as the stuffy nose, cough and general lassitude, colds in my 60s seem to be accompanied with several days of insomnia, which aggravates everything. How do you get better if you don’t rest? Amazingly, I do … and finally sleep returns. My birthday was on the 12 th , and I was lucky to be over the cold so that I could enjoy dinner one night with my sister, Christine, and on another night with my friends, Bob, Sharry and Hope.