Friday, December 7, 2012

MINUTES Minutes of Meeting #9/12, held on November 2, 2012 637

GREENLANDS ACQUISITION PROJECT 2011-2015 Flood Plain and Conservation Component, Duffin's Creek Watershed Ravenscroft Holdings Inc. 638


CITY OF BRAMPTON Request for a Permanent Easement for the Construction of a Stormwater Outfall Etobicoke Creek Watershed, City of Brampton 645

REQUEST FOR EXCHANGE OF LANDS Vicinity of Bayview Avenue, between Lakeside Crescent and Bethesda Sideroad, Town of Richmond Hill, Regional Municipality of York 648


TORONTO ZOO New Governance Model 656

TOWN OF CALEDON Request for consideration to include Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) properties in a feasibility study for a new Fire/EMS station within the community of Bolton 661


SOUTH MIMICO TRAIL LINK Extension of Contract for Trail and Bridge Designs 666 WILKET CREEK REHABILITATION PROJECT - SITE 3 PHASE 1 Contract RSD12-151 667





The Executive Committee Meeting #10/12, was held in Weston Room B, Black Creek Pioneer Village, on Friday, December 7, 2012. The Chair Gerri Lynn O'Connor, called the meeting to order at 9:38 a.m.

PRESENT Ben Cachola Member Vincent Crisanti Member Glenn De Baeremaeker Member Michael Di Biase Member Jack Heath Member Mike Mattos Member Gerri Lynn O'Connor Chair Anthony Perruzza Member Richard Whitehead


ABSENT Maria Augimeri Member Jim Tovey Member

RES.#B164/12 - MINUTES

Moved by: Ben Cachola Seconded by: Vincent Crisanti

THAT the Minutes of Meeting #9/12, held on November 2, be approved. CARRIED ______


RES.#B165/12 - GREENLANDS ACQUISITION PROJECT 2011-2015 Flood Plain and Conservation Component, Duffin's Creek Watershed Ravenscroft Holdings Inc., CFN 48446. Acquisition of property located west of Ravenscroft Road and north of Rossland Road in the Town of Ajax, Regional Municipality of Durham, under the 'Greenlands Acquisition Project for 2011-2015', Flood Plain and Conservation Component, Duffin's Creek watershed.

Moved by: Jack Heath Seconded by: Glenn De Baeremaeker

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT 4.29 hectares (10.6 acres), more or less, of vacant land, being Part of Lot 13, Concession 3 and designated as Block 62 on 40M-2436 by J.D. Barnes Limited, Town of Ajax, Regional Municipality of Durham, be purchased from Ravenscroft Holdings Inc.;

THAT the purchase price be $2.00;

THAT Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) receive conveyance of the land free from encumbrance, subject to existing service easements;

THAT the firm of Gardiner Roberts LLP, be instructed to complete the transaction at the earliest possible date. All reasonable expenses incurred incidental to the closing for land transfer tax, legal costs, and disbursements are to be paid;

AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take the necessary action to finalize the transaction including obtaining all necessary approvals and the signing and execution of documents. CARRIED BACKGROUND Resolution #A94/10 at Authority Meeting #5/10, held on June 25, 2010, approved the Greenlands Acquisition Project for 2011-2015.

As a condition of a subdivision agreement, Ravenscroft Holdings Inc. is to transfer the valleylands to TRCA for a nominal consideration of $2.00.

Negotiations have been conducted with Barbara Inkpen of Polak, McKay & Hawkshaw, representative of the owner.

Attached is a plan showing the location of the subject lands.

RATIONALE The subject property falls within TRCA’s approved master plan for acquisition for the Duffins Creek watershed as outlined in the approved Greenlands Acquisition Project for 2011-2015. Through the review of the subdivision, TRCA staff established the limits of the open space lands (i.e. Block 62 on 40M-2436) which is comprised of valleylands.

638 TAXES AND MAINTENANCE Based on preliminary review of the environmental criteria for lands that are eligible to receive a property tax exemption under the provincial Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program, it would appear that all of the subject property would be eligible for exemption for the 2014 taxation year. The addition of the subject parcel of land will not significantly impact TRCA's maintenance costs at this location.

FINANCIAL DETAILS Funds for the costs related to this purchase are available in the TRCA land acquisition capital account.

Report prepared by: Edlyn Wong, extension 5711 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Edlyn Wong, extension 5711, Mike Fenning, extension 5223 Emails: [email protected], [email protected] Date: November 16, 2012 Attachments: 1

639 Attachment 1


640 RES.#B166/12 - REQUEST FOR DISPOSAL OF TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY-OWNED LAND 537 Conservation Drive, City of Brampton, CFN 47906. Recommends that the TRCA-owned rental property located at 537 Conservation Drive, City of Brampton, Regional Municipality of Peel, Etobicoke Creek watershed be retained for conservation purposes.

Moved by: Jack Heath Seconded by: Ben Cachola

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)-owned rental property located at 537 Conservation Drive, City of Brampton, Regional Municipality of Peel, be retained for conservation purposes. CARRIED BACKGROUND A letter has been received from Ms. Renee Clarke of Royal LePage Credit Valley Real Estate who is acting on behalf of a client that wishes to purchase the TRCA-owned rental property located at 537 Conservation Drive in the City of Brampton. This rental property is part of a larger parcel acquired from Allan E. Taylor on December 17, 1956, under the Heart Lake Conservation Area Project.

At Executive Committee Meeting #7/12, held on September 7, 2012, Resolution #B118/12 was approved as follows:

THAT the potential disposal of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)-owned rental property located at 537 Conservation Drive, City of Brampton, be referred to TRCA staff for review and discussion in accordance with established TRCA policies;

AND FURTHER THAT a report be brought forward to the Executive Committee at a future date recommending further action.

This request was circulated to staff of the City of Brampton, Regional Municipality of Peel and TRCA for review and comment. The following comments have been received:

City of Brampton Staff Comments City staff has no interest nor any concerns with the potential disposal of the subject land.

Regional Municipality of Peel Staff Comments The subject area is considered to be Core Regional Greenlands based on core woodlands, partially core valleylands and a Provincially Significant Wetland along the Heart Lake shoreline. It is also within a Regional significant Earth Science Area of Natural and Scientific Interest known as the Brampton Buried Esker. In addition, Heart Lake Conservation Area supports species of concern, threatened species and endangered species. The intent of the Regional Official Plan policy is to prohibit development and site alteration in Core Regional Greenlands.

641 Ownership of this property by TRCA provides permanent protection to the ecosystem, limits potential loss of mature hardwood forest features and functions and degradation of remaining natural areas, mitigation against climate change as well as provides a continued source of rental revenue and surveillance of that part of Heart Lake Conservation Area. Furthermore, continued ownership by TRCA implements Regional Official Plan policies, strategies and programs related to Greenlands stewardship and climate change.

It is, therefore, recommended that TRCA retain this parcel since disposal would not fulfill Regional Official Plan objectives as well as directions provided by TRCA's Etobicoke Creek Watershed Strategy plans and objectives and the Heart Lake Conservation Area master Plan.

TRCA Staff Comments The house located at 537 Conservation Drive has been rented by TRCA for over 20 years and the current tenants are taking very good care of the property. The house is in good condition; however, does require exterior painting and some minor interior updates. The annual gross revenue generated by this rental property is $16,512.00; consequently, the sale of this property would have a negative impact on TRCA's Basic Rental Budget.

Natural Features and Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program (VSCMP) A portion of the property adjacent to Heart Lake forms part of a Provincially Significant Wetland complex (i.e., Heart Lake PSW complex). A significant portion of the site contains a woodland feature that is contiguous to the Heart Lake wetlands and woodlands system. In addition, the subject property is partially located within the Heart Lake Forest and Bog Life Sciences Area of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI) and is located entirely within the Brampton Esker Earth Sciences ANSI.

The subject property is entirely Regulated by TRCA. A permit would be required prior to any development taking place on the property pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06. TRCA Regulates 120 metres from the limit of the Provincially Significant Heart Lake Wetland. A portion of the property is located below the crest of slope associated with Heart Lake. In accordance with TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program policies (1994), no new development is permitted within the greater of 10 metres of the stable top of bank associated with Heart Lake or 10 metres of a Significant Area immediately adjacent to the crest of slope associated with Heart Lake. The VSCMP defines Significant Areas as those areas that have been identified as, among others, an ANSI by the Ministry of Natural Resources. The ANSI that covers the majority of the property is contiguous to the crest of slope and would therefore be considered as part of the valley system. Section 4.1 of TRCA's VSCMP prohibits new development being located within valley corridors. TRCA staff does not support new development within a valley corridor.

In addition, VSCMP has the objective of protecting natural systems through the acquisition of valley corridors in order to foster regional linkages. This request for the disposal is contrary to this objective of the VSCMP policies.

642 TRCA's Terrestrial Natural Heritage Systems Strategy (TNHSS) As a component of TRCA’s vision for The Living City, TRCA has developed a Terrestrial and Natural Heritage System Strategy for the TRCA jurisdiction. TRCA's strategy is to achieve The Living City objective of Regional Biodiversity to protect and restore a regional system of natural areas by increasing the amount of forest and wetland habitat within TRCA’s jurisdiction from 17% to 30%, apply an ecological systems-based approach to natural heritage protection, and set specific targets for quantity, quality and distribution of terrestrial natural heritage to promote biodiversity and a sustainable region. In doing so, TRCA has developed a TNHSS ‘target system’ which illustrates the location and extent of natural areas identified for protection and/or enhancement. Please note that the subject lands are almost entirely located within existing natural cover under TRCA's Natural Heritage Systems Strategy. The disposal of publicly-owned lands identified as part of the natural system is contrary to TNHSS.

Etobicoke and Mimico Creeks Watersheds - Technical Update Report 2010 The technical update report for the watersheds identifies that only 12.4% of the natural cover remains in the two watersheds. The report also proposes a refined target of 14.1% natural cover, which represents a relatively small increase in natural cover due mainly to limited opportunities to expand the terrestrial natural heritage system in the watersheds. Considering that these lands form part of the existing natural cover on public lands that are already protected from potential loss to the natural system as a result of development, it is critical to maintain this property in public ownership in order to reach the 14.1% natural cover target for the watersheds.

CONCLUSION For the reasons noted in the above comments, staff is recommending that the subject parcel be retained by TRCA for conservation purposes.

A plan illustrating the location of the subject lands is outlined in Attachment 1.

Report prepared by: George Leja, extension 5342 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: George Leja, extension 5342, Mike Fenning, extension 5223 Emails: [email protected], [email protected] Date: November 16, 2012 Attachments: 1

643 Attachment 1


644 RES.#B167/12 - CITY OF BRAMPTON Request for a Permanent Easement for the Construction of a Stormwater Outfall Etobicoke Creek Watershed, City of Brampton, CFN 48415. Receipt of a request from the City of Brampton to provide a permanent easement for the construction of a stormwater outfall, south of Mayfield Road, east of Colonel Bertram Road, Etobicoke Creek watershed, City of Brampton.

Moved by: Colleen Jordan Seconded by: Ben Cachola

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT WHEREAS Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is in receipt of a request from the City of Brampton to provide a permanent easement for the construction of a stormwater outfall, south of Mayfield Road, east of Colonel Bertram Road, Etobicoke Creek watershed, City of Brampton;

AND WHEREAS it is in the best interest of TRCA in furthering its objectives as set out in Section 20 of the Conservation Authorities Act to cooperate with the City of Brampton in this instance;

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT a permanent easement containing a total of 0.05 hectares (0.18 acres), more or less, be granted to the City of Brampton for the construction of a stormwater outfall, said land being Part of Lot 68, Plan CH-8, City of Brampton, Regional Municipality of Peel; designated as Part 1 on a Draft Plan of Survey prepared by Holding Jones Vanderveen Inc., Ontario Land Surveyors, under their Job No. 11-2134-REF3;

THAT consideration be the nominal sum of $2.00, plus all legal, survey and other costs to be paid by the City of Brampton;

THAT the City of Brampton is to fully indemnify TRCA from any and all claims from injuries, damages or costs of any nature resulting in any way, either directly or indirectly, from the granting of this easement or the carrying out of construction;

THAT an archaeological investigation be completed, with any mitigative measures being carried out to the satisfaction of TRCA staff, at the expense of the City of Brampton;

THAT all TRCA lands disturbed by the proposed works be revegetated/stabilized following construction and, where deemed appropriate by TRCA staff, a landscape plan be prepared for TRCA staff review and approval in accordance with existing TRCA landscaping guidelines;

THAT a permit pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06 be obtained prior to commencement of construction;

THAT said easement be subject to approval of the Minister of Natural Resources in accordance with Section 21(2) of the Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter C.27, as amended; 645 AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take the necessary action to finalize the transaction including obtaining needed approvals and signing and execution of documents. CARRIED BACKGROUND As part of the development of subdivision 21T-99018B by Deepbrook Developments Inc., a stormwater outfall is being proposed on TRCA property as part of the overall stormwater management scheme for this site. The City of Brampton Works and Transportation Department requires a permanent easement across the subject TRCA-owned lands to maintain the stormwater outfall. The area of the outfall is situated within the regulated area of a tributary of the Etobicoke Creek at this location; however, is not located within a Regional Storm flood plain. A permit application pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06 for the proposed outfall is presently being reviewed by staff and is included in a separate report on this agenda.

A temporary working easement will not be required as part of the proposed construction.

The subject TRCA-owned lands were acquired from Albert & Frances Keuning on October 5, 1977 and Colin W. Kipfer & Lorna Horton on September 29, 1978 under the Etobicoke Creek Flood Plain Lands Acquisition Project.

Plantings All lands disturbed by construction will be stabilized and, where deemed appropriate by TRCA staff, revegetated with native woody and herbaceous plant material in accordance with existing TRCA landscaping guidelines. A landscape plan will be prepared and form part of the permit to be issued pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06.

A plan illustrating the permanent easement location is attached.

FINANCIAL DETAILS The City of Brampton has agreed to assume all legal, survey and other costs involved in completing this transaction.

Report prepared by: George Leja, extension 5342 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: George Leja, extension 5342, Mike Fenning, extension 5223 Emails: [email protected], [email protected] Date: November 13, 2012 Attachments: 1

646 Attachment 1


647 RES.#B168/12 - REQUEST FOR EXCHANGE OF LANDS Vicinity of Bayview Avenue, between Lakeside Crescent and Bethesda Sideroad, Town of Richmond Hill, Regional Municipality of York, CFN 44967. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority is in receipt of a request from the Town of Richmond Hill to enter into an exchange of lands in connection with the construction of a cul-de-sac for the partial closure of Olde Bayview Avenue, south of Lakeside Crescent.

Moved by: Colleen Jordan Seconded by: Ben Cachola

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT WHEREAS Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is in receipt of a request from the Town of Richmond Hill to enter into an exchange of lands in connection with the construction of a cul-de-sac for the partial closure of Olde Bayview Avenue, south of Lakeside Crescent;

AND WHEREAS it is in the opinion of TRCA that it is in the best interest of TRCA in furthering its objectives, as set out in Section 20 of the Conservation Authorities Act, to proceed with an exchange of lands in this instance;

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT TRCA enter into an exchange of lands on the following basis:

(a) The Town of Richmond Hill will convey to TRCA a parcel of land containing 0.02 hectares (0.04 acres), more or less, being Part of Lot 6, Concession 2 EYS and designated as Part 5 on Plan 65R-33975, Town of Richmond Hill, Regional Municipality of York;

(b) TRCA will convey to the Town of Richmond Hill a parcel of land containing 0.03 hectares (0.07 acres), more or less, Part of Lot 6, Concession 2 EYS and designated as Part 4 on Draft Plan 65R-33975, Town of Richmond Hill, Regional Municipality of York;

(c) All legal, survey and other costs to be paid by the Town of Richmond Hill;

(d) The Town of Richmond Hill is to fully indemnify TRCA from any and all claims from injuries, damages or costs of any nature resulting in any way, either directly or indirectly, from the exchange of lands or the carrying out of construction;

(e) An archaeological investigation be completed, with any mitigative measures being carried out to the satisfaction of TRCA staff, at the expense of the Town of Richmond Hill;

(f) All TRCA lands disturbed by the proposed works be revegetated/stabilized following construction and, where deemed appropriate by TRCA staff, a landscape plan be prepared for TRCA staff review and approval in accordance with existing TRCA landscaping guidelines;

648 (g) A permit pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06 be obtained prior to commencement of construction;

THAT the exchange of lands be subject to the approval of the Minister of Natural Resources in accordance with Section 21(2) of the Conservation Authorities Act C.27 as amended;

THAT the firm of Gardiner Roberts LLP, Barristers & Solicitors, be instructed to complete the transaction at the earliest possible date;

AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take the necessary action to finalize the transaction including obtaining needed approvals and signing and execution of documents. CARRIED BACKGROUND The Town of Richmond Hill has formally requested an exchange of lands in connection with the construction of a cul-de-sac for the partial closure of Olde Bayview Avenue, south of Lakeside Crescent. The former realignment of Bayview Avenue east of Lake Wilcox has created an opportunity to change the existing road network and allow improvements for pedestrian access to Sunset Beach Park as well as other recreational uses along the east side of the lake. The partial closure of Olde Bayview Avenue is required in order to construct a walkway and boardwalk along the lake frontage south of the proposed cul-de-sac.

Town of Richmond Hill property acquired for the Bayview Avenue realignment project isolated a triangular shaped parcel of Town-owned land east of the new road allowance. Richmond Hill staff has offered to exchange this remnant parcel for the TRCA land required for the proposed cul-de-sac; the exchanged parcel will be added to Lake St. George holdings.

The entire cul-de-sac property is located within the regulated area of the East (which originates at Lake Wilcox); the subject lands are not located within the Regional Storm flood plain. TRCA staff is presently reviewing a permit application for the cul-de-sac construction project which will be presented in a report at a future Executive Committee Meeting.

The subject TRCA-owned lands were acquired from S. C. and M. L. Snively on June 29, 1966 under the Lake St. George Conservation Area Project.

Plantings All lands disturbed by construction will be stabilized and, where deemed appropriate by TRCA staff, revegetated with native woody and herbaceous plant material in accordance with existing TRCA landscaping guidelines. A landscape plan will be prepared and form part of the eventual permit to be issued pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06.

A plan illustrating the permanent easement location is attached.

649 FINANCIAL DETAILS The Town of Richmond Hill has agreed to assume all legal, survey and other costs involved in completing this transaction.

Report prepared by: George Leja, extension 5342 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: George Leja, extension 5342, Mike Fenning, extension 5223 Emails: [email protected], [email protected] Date: November 15, 2012 Attachment: 1

650 Attachment 1


651 RES.#B169/12 - 2013 FEE SCHEDULE FOR PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PROGRAMMING Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 2013 Fee Schedule for Public Facilities and Programming.

Moved by: Colleen Jordan Seconded by: Ben Cachola

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT the 2013 Fee Schedule for Public Facilities and Programming be amended as set out in Attachment 1, and become effective January 5, 2013. CARRIED BACKGROUND Each year staff conducts a review of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) Fee Schedule for Public Facilities and Programming to determine any changes. The review of fees takes into account whether they are reflective of the value provided and in keeping with market conditions. The conclusion is that the fee schedule is reflective of market conditions and that no major changes are warranted for 2013, except for those noted. Staff has proposed streamlining of fees in order to enhance the customer experience, and to facilitate the ease of on-line bookings. Staff propose to increase fees in order to facilitate program offerings.

In support of the TRCA Admittance Policy, TRCA recognizes and promotes the full participation of all residents in educational, cultural and recreational programs and appropriate services including but not limited to, persons with disabilities, financially challenged individuals and groups, children and Active Transportation users (defined by the Public Health Agency of Canada as walking, jogging, running, cycling, in-line skating, skateboarding, wheelchairing and snowshoeing). To support the Admittance Policy (Res.#B91/12 - approved by Executive Committee on July 6, 2012) and in order to enhance customer experience, special promotions, discounts and value-added packaging may be offered exclusive of the fee schedule with approval of respective Managers.

RATIONALE The following outlines the proposed fee increases and restructuring which are outlined in Attachment 1. Copies of the full 2013 Fee Schedule for Public Facilities and Programming are available upon request.  Implement Admittance Policy initiative of free general admission for Active Transportation users to promote community health and well-being.  Remove angling fees at Heart Lake Conservation Area (HLCA) as fishing at HLCA will now require a valid Ontario resident Outdoors Card with valid fishing licence tag which will present an additional expenditure to users.  Change Albion Hills Conservation Area cross country ski trail and rental fees to one all day consolidated fee for a better customer experience and to allow for ease of on-line purchasing.  Change age classification of "adult" from age 16-59 to age 15-59 and "child" from age 5-15 to age 5-14, to be in line with exempt activities as per the Federal Excise Tax Act.  Bruce's Mill Maple Syrup guided tour increase to reflect the cost of program delivery reflective of newly added program initiatives.  Increase Kortright student program fees to support program costs.  Increase Black Creek Dickson Hill School program fee to support program costs. 652 In support of the Admittance Policy, programs and services that are delivered directly by TRCA will have financial assistance available to persons with disabilities and the financially challenged. Level of financial assistance provided will be based on a needs assessment currently determined by Ontario school boards, municipalities and community agencies.

Report prepared by: Martha Wilson, extension 5674 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Derek Edwards, extension 5672 Emails: [email protected] Date: November 26, 2012 Attachments: 1

653 Attachment 1 - Changes to the 2013 Fee Schedule for Public Facilities and Programming

1 Age categories Four general age groups are used throughout the fee schedule as follows:

Adult - any person from fifteen to fifty-nine. Child - any person from five to fourteen. Child (preschoolers) - any person four years of age or under. Senior - any person sixty years of age or over.

Some exceptions to this general age categorization apply to specific fee schedule items and are detailed under those items.

2012 2012 2013 2013 Item Description Net Gross Net Gross Exclusive HST Exclusive of HST of HST included HST included 14.0 For the use of cross-country ski trails at Albion Hills, inclusive of general admission; 14.1 for each person from fifteen to fifty 18.00 16.50 nine years of age. 14.2 for each child five to fourteen years 10.25 9.25 of age. 14.4 for each senior sixty years of age or 14.75 13.50 over. 14.5 for a family of one or two adults and 45.00 40.00 their children who are fourteen years of age or under.

15.0 For the use of cross-country ski trails at Albion Hills, inclusive of general admission, after 1 p.m.; 15.1 for each person fifteen to fifty nine 14.75 Consolidated years of age. as per Section 14.1 15.2 for each child five to fourteen years 8.00 Consolidated of age. as per Section 14.2 15.4 for each senior sixty years of age or 12.50 Consolidated over. as per Section 14.4 15.5 for a family of one or two adults and 34.00 Consolidated their children who are fourteen years as per of age or under. Section 14.5

654 2012 2012 2013 2013 Item Description Net Gross Net Gross Exclusive HST Exclusive of HST of HST included HST included 16.0 For the rental of a cross-country ski equipment package consisting of skis, boots and poles; 16.1 for each person fifteen years of age 19.75 17.25 or over, per day. 16.2 for each person fifteen years of age 14.75 Consolidated or over, per day, after 1:00 p.m. as per Section 16.1 16.3 for each child fourteen years of age 13.00 12.00 or under, per day. 16.4 for each child fourteen years of age 11.00 Consolidated or under, per day, after 1:00 p.m. as per Section 16.3

18.0 For a guided tour at Bruce's Mill 6.25 6.50 during the maple syrup program, subject to a minimum group size of twenty persons.

20.0 For general admission to the Black Creek Pioneer Village, during the regular operating season, per day; for each student participating in the 10.00 10.50 20.9 Dickson Hill School program, per day, subject to a minimum group size of twenty persons.

24.0 For general admission to the Kortright Centre for Conservation; 24.5 for each student participating in a 7.00 7.50 general tour program, subject to a minimum group size. 24.6 for each student participating in a 7.75 8.00 specially designed tour program, subject to a minimum group size. D.3 Free general admission for Active Transportation users to TRCA Conservation Areas as per TRCA Admittance Policy



RES.#B170/12 - New Governance Model. Update on the status of the future governance of the Toronto Zoo.

Moved by: Jack Heath Seconded by: Glenn De Baeremaeker

THAT Chief Administrative Officer and the Senior Manager, Property Services be directed to work with the City of Toronto and the Toronto Zoo regarding the future governance and management of the Toronto Zoo;

AND FURTHER THAT a report regarding these discussions be brought forward to a future Executive Committee Meeting. CARRIED BACKGROUND At Authority Meeting #7/12, held on September 28, 2012, Resolution #A156/12 in regard to the Toronto Zoo was approved as follows:

THAT Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) request the City of Toronto to not proceed with the REOI for the Toronto Zoo;

AND FURTHER THAT the correspondence be referred to the TRCA Executive Committee for consideration.

City Council on October 2, 3 and 4, 2012, adopted the following:

1. City Council direct the City Manager to cancel the newly issued REOI Request for Expressions of Interest for Toronto Zoo options (REOI # 9101-12-7119). 2. City Council direct the City Manager, in conjunction with members of the Toronto Zoo Board of Management and including circulating the proposal to all Zoo membership holders for comment, to fully explore and consider the recommendations within the report, headed "The Future of Toronto Zoo Governance" being cognizant of the City's financial position and Council direction from the Core Service Review and report to the Executive Committee meeting in January, 2013.

The Board of Management of the Toronto Zoo adopted the following resolution on September 5, 2012:

1. Endorsed the following recommendations in the presentation report (September 5, 2012) on The Future of Toronto Zoo Governance by Mansfield Communications and Schultz & Williams: a. Create the Toronto Zoological Society to manage and operate the Toronto Zoo. b. Develop a Management Agreement with the City of Toronto to operate and manage the Toronto Zoo. c. Maintain labour agreement with CUPE 1600 (or their alternate).

656 d. Over time, reduce the City of Toronto's annual operating investment in the Zoo. e. Maintain annual funding for the State of Good Repair of City Assets. f. Create new partners and funding opportunities with the private sector. g. Develop a transition timeline to implement the shift in governance. h. Develop a plan to fulfill the Zoo's vision.

2. Requested the City Manager, in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Zoo and the City Solicitor, to make recommendations to the Executive Committee and City Council on a new governance model for the Toronto Zoo, with the request that the report entitled The Future of Toronto Zoo Governance provide a framework for the requested report.

3. Requested the City Manager to recommend that City Council defer changes to the present composition of the Zoo Board of Management appointments pending a transition to the new Board in December, 2012.

4. Referred the following motions to the City Manager for consideration and comment in his forthcoming report: a. Motion by Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker i. That any new Board honour the City and Board's current commitments with respect to its animal collections. ii. That the Toronto Zoo invite the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) to be a member of the new Board of Directors. iii. That the new governance model include the appointment of three (3) City Councillors from the City of Toronto. iv. That all future documents, including meeting minutes, meeting agendas, briefing reports, annual reports, that would currently be considered public information continue to be public information under any new governance and operating model adopted by the Zoo Board of Management, to the extent permitted by law.

b. Motion by Councillor Raymond Cho i. That the Toronto Zoo be audited by the City of Toronto's Auditor General every two years with full cooperation by the Toronto Zoo's Board of Management and staff. ii. That the City of Toronto retain the power to remove member(s) of the Board. iii. That the Board and its Committees determine the replacement of member(s) of the Board removed by City Council. iv. That any increases in admission fees to the Toronto Zoo be subject to approval by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board. v. That the composition of the new Board of Directors include federal and provincial representatives, past board member Dr. Ming Tat Cheung and some current citizen members with an automatic one year term limit, such appointments to be held no later than August 31, 2013.

657 5. Directed the public release of the presentation report (September 5, 2012) on The Future of Toronto Zoo Governance by Mansfield Communications and Schultz & Williams in its entirety.

History of the Toronto Zoo The Toronto Zoo is located on the east and west sides of Meadowvale Road between Finch Avenue and Sheppard Avenue East, City of Toronto and is approximately 280 hectares (700 acres) in size. Over 80% of the Zoo is located on lands owned by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), comprised of valley and table lands. The subject TRCA lands were acquired between 1962 and 1970 and are included in the June 14, 1961, Management Agreement with the City of Toronto (formerly Municipality of ).

On April 6, 1967, the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto (Metro Toronto) Council approved in principle a proposal to construct a new zoological park on a site in the area. In March of 1968, Raymond Moriyama Architect and Site Planner submitted to the Metropolitan Parks Commissioner a Feasibility Study and Master Development Plan for the Metropolitan Toronto Zoological Park, Glen Rouge. On April 29, 1969, the Metropolitan Toronto Zoological Society (the Society) was incorporated as a nonprofit corporation for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and operating zoological facilities in the Metropolitan Area. On October 17, 1969, Metro Toronto Council approved the Master Zoo Plan submitted by the Society for the long term development of the Zoo.

On November 1, 1970, Metro Toronto, TRCA and the Society entered into an agreement for the construction and operation of a zoological park and related facilities in the Rouge River watershed. On June 16, 1977, Metro Toronto served a notice of termination of this Agreement to TRCA and the Society, effective July 1, 1979. On April 28, 1978, Metro Toronto, TRCA and a newly constituted (by Metro Toronto) Board of Management of the Metropolitan Toronto Zoo (the Board) entered into an Agreement for the operation, management and maintenance of the Zoo by the Board.

The following are the general provisions of the 1978 Agreement:  TRCA approves the continued use of TRCA lands for a zoological garden;  TRCA approves the location and type of buildings in the Master Zoo Plan approved by Metro Toronto Council on October 17, 1969;  TRCA receives no compensation for the use of the TRCA lands for Zoo purposes;  the Board assumes all the assets and liabilities of the Society including all agreements;  the Board is responsible for the operation, management and maintenance of the Zoo as a public zoological garden in accordance with the agreement and any general policies established from time to time by Metro Toronto Council;  the role of the Society is to assist in maintaining the philosophical integrity of the Zoo and its facilities for the edification, education and enjoyment of the general public and for the advancement, encouragement of and research in zoology, conservation, wildlife and plant life;  Metro Toronto has financial responsibility for the operation of the Zoo including any surplus or deficit incurred by the Board and any capital improvements to the Zoo;  Metro Toronto or the Board can terminate the Agreement with three months' written notice.

658 RATIONALE As directed by City of Toronto Council and requested by the Board of Management of the Toronto Zoo, the City Manager will be reviewing and making recommendation relating to the future governance of the Toronto Zoo based on the recommendations within the report, titled "The Future of Toronto Zoo Governance". There are a number of recommendations in this report that affect TRCA lands included in the Zoo. These recommendations are as follows:  Create the Toronto Zoological Society to manage and operate the Toronto Zoo - As noted above 80% of the Zoo is located on land owned by TRCA and therefore TRCA will want to ensure that the Zoo continues to be properly managed and operated. Please note that the Board of Management is recommending that the City Manager consider and comment on an invitation to TRCA to be a member of the new Board of Directors.  Develop a Management Agreement with the City of Toronto to operate and manage the Toronto Zoo - The existing agreement with TRCA will need to be terminated and a new agreement will need to be developed and approved by TRCA. This agreement will also need the approval of the Minister of Natural Resources.  Develop a plan to fulfill the Zoo's vision - The Zoo is proposing to create a long-term master plan to achieve the Zoo's vision and core mandates which encompass conservation, species preservation, and scientific research-enabling the Zoo to act as a centre of excellence in education. There are a number of issues that need to be addressed through the master planning process such as, impacts on TRCA lands, what is the role of the Zoo as a major attraction adjacent to the proposed Rouge National Urban Park, and exploring possible partnership opportunities between TRCA and the Zoo.

DETAILS OF WORK TO BE DONE  provide input to the City of Toronto and the Toronto Zoo relating to the future governance of the Zoo;  work with the City Manager to determine TRCA's future representation on the new Board of Directors;  participate in the development of a management agreement for the operation and management of the Zoo; and  liaise with Parks Canada regarding the role of the Zoo as a major attraction adjacent to the proposed Rouge National Urban Park.

Report prepared by: Mike Fenning, extension 5223 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Mike Fenning, extension 5223 Emails: [email protected] Date: November 22, 2012 Attachments: 1

659 Attachment 1


660 RES.#B171/12 - TOWN OF CALEDON Request for consideration to include Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) properties in a feasibility study for a new Fire/EMS station within the community of Bolton, CFN 47043. Receipt of a request from the Town of Caledon for consideration to include TRCA properties, located north of King Street West, east of Duffy's Lane and north of Cross Country Boulevard, west of Regional Road 50, in a feasibility study for a new Fire/EMS station within the Village of Bolton.

Moved by: Ben Cachola Seconded by: Mike Mattos

THAT Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) consent to the Town of Caledon including TRCA properties located north of King Street West, east of Duffy's Lane and north of Cross Country Boulevard, west of Regional Road 50, in a feasibility study for a new Fire/EMS station within the community of Bolton;

AND FURTHER THAT a report be brought forward to the Executive Committee at a future date with the results of the completed feasibility study and recommending any further action required. CARRIED BACKGROUND Town of Caledon has formally requested that TRCA properties located north of King Street West, east of Duffy's Lane and north of Cross Country Boulevard, west of Regional Road 50 be included for consideration in a feasibility study for a new Fire/EMS station to service the Village of Bolton and surrounding area. The King Street West / Duffy's Lane site will be created as a result of the lands being conveyed to the Regional Municipality Peel for the proposed Bolton Arterial Road. It is the Town's intention to eliminate the existing fire hall operation presently situated within the Regional Storm flood plain of the Humber River and choose an optimal site beyond flood prone lands, in accordance with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2005, for locating new emergency services.

A plan illustrating the location of the subject locations is attached.

Report prepared by: George Leja, extension 5342 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: George Leja, extension 5342, Mike Fenning, extension 5223 Emails: [email protected], [email protected] Date: November 16, 2012 Attachments: 1

661 Attachment 1


662 RES.#B172/12 - SWAN LAKE RESIDENCE RENOVATION AND RETROFIT PROJECT Request For Proposal (RFP) PMO12-13. Award of contract for professional engineering services in support of the building retrofit of the Swan Lake residence (1229 Bethesda Road), Town of Richmond Hill, Regional Municipality of York.

Moved by: Ben Cachola Seconded by: Mike Mattos

THAT Contract PMO12-13 for the architectural, structural, electrical and mechanical engineering services required for the building retrofit of the Swan Lake residence be awarded to the engineering team led by MC Architects for a total cost not to exceed $110,500.00, plus HST, it being the highest ranked proponent resulting from evaluation criteria set out in the RFP;

THAT Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff be authorized to approve additional expenditures to a maximum of 25% of the contract cost as a contingency allowance if deemed necessary;

THAT should staff be unable to negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement with the above-mentioned proponent, staff be authorized to enter into contract negotiations with the next highest ranked proponent;

AND FURTHER THAT authorized officials be directed to take the necessary action to implement the contract including the signing and execution of documents. CARRIED BACKGROUND At Authority Meeting #4/08, held on May 23, 2008, Resolution #A122/08 approved the acquisition of 1229 Bethesda Road (Swan Lake) consisting of a 20.45 hectares (50.54 acres) rectangular shaped parcel of land which includes a two storey, 6,000 square foot, stone exterior finished single family residence, triple detached garage, and a nine acre kettle lake, said land being Part of Lot 5, Concession 2, Town of Richmond Hill, Regional Municipality of York.

With its close proximity to the Lake St. George Field Centre (LSGFC) and being situated within the Oak Ridges Moraine, the potential uses for the property would meet various TRCA programming and operational needs. Currently, TRCA Education staff is in discussions with potential partnership groups regarding the use of the Swan Lake building and lands for innovative teaching education programs; outdoor and experiential education teacher training; summer camp programs; laboratory schools (learning and application); and training facilities. The addition of TRCA staff resources and volunteers to support these uses will improve outdoor and environmental learning opportunities for elementary, secondary and post-secondary students within the Toronto region. The opportunity to partner with TRCA at Swan Lake, while still being able to access the amenities at LSGFC, will help expand TRCA's user groups and provide much needed outdoor classroom accommodations in the fast-growing community of Richmond Hill.

663 In order to provide the required accommodations and services needed to carry-out these ventures, TRCA plans to conduct a complete building retrofit and renovation as part of a change of use from its current single family residence to an educational/training facility. The building will need to meet Ontario Building Code (OBC) requirements through upgrades, renovations and repairs to the building envelope (interior and exterior) and its operational systems due to its increase in occupancy. TRCA will need the assistance of an architectural firm to lead a diverse team of consultants to complete design drawings that not only meets OBC requirements, but the needs of TRCA and its potential partners.

Working closely with TRCA staff, the objective is to identify the proposed building classification in order to develop working drawings to implement the retrofit. The retrofit will involve architectural, mechanical, structural and electrical upgrades that both meets OBC requirements and incorporates TRCA's mandate for sustainability and green building technologies. The major retrofit items include the roof; windows and doors; safety features such as fire protection, emergency access routes and barrier free accessibility (washrooms); HVAC and septic system; and broadband infrastructure. Additionally, the second floor of the building will be renovated for TRCA office space to accommodate 20-25 staff.

RATIONALE RFP PMO12-13 was publically advertised on the procurement website on October 2, 2012. A site meeting was conducted on October 15, 2012 to investigate the site and clarify the scope of work of the project.

On October 25, 2012, TRCA received nine proposals as follows:  Stile Architect;  Peter Archer & Associates Architects;  Ten-2-Four Architecture Inc.;  Gow Hastings Architects Inc.;  MC Architects;  Plus VG Architects;  Levitt Goodman Architects;  Bortolotto Performance Architects; and  Virtual Engineers Consulting.

At Authority Meeting #8/12 held on October 26, 2012, the Tender Opening Committee opened the fee proposals with the following results:

Consulting Firms Fees (Plus HST) Stile Architect $32,165.00 Peter Archer & Associates Architects $70,457.50 Ten-2-Four Architecture Inc. $74,850.00 Gow Hastings Architects Inc. $83,315.00 Plus VG Architects $99,700.00 Levitt Goodman Architects $105,000.00 MC Architects $110,500.00 Bortolotto Performance Architects $123,500.00 Virtual Engineers Consulting $195,067.50 664 Members of the Selection Committee, consisting of TRCA staff (Aaron D'Souza, Darryl Gray and Violetta Tkaczuk), reviewed proposals based on a weighted scoring system consisting of 80% based on the technical review of the proposal and the remaining 20% on the fee proposal. The criteria used to evaluate the submissions and to select the recommended consultant included the following:

 applicable experience of the responding lead firm and their engineering team;  experience, qualifications and availability of individual team members proposed for this project;  consultant understanding of the scope of work;  proposed approach and methodology for this assignment including an assessment of any anticipated difficulties and the proposed approach to overcome them;  proposed schedule and work plan, and ability to comply with the proposed schedule; and  detailed cost breakdown.

The results of the evaluation is as follows:

Consulting Firms Ranking (out of 100%) MC Architects 90 Levitt Goodman Architects 87 Gow Hastings Architects Inc. 87 Ten-2-Four Architecture Inc. 79 Bortolotto Performance Architects 77 Plus VG Architects 74 Peter Archer & Associates Architects 73 Virtual Engineers Consulting 61 Stile Architect 44

Given the complexity of the proposed work and the close scoring of the top three proposals, three firms (Gow Hastings Architects Inc., Levitt Goodman Architects and MC Architects) were evaluated further through proposal clarifications and reference checks. At the conclusion of the evaluation, it was determined that the technical proposal and fee proposal (valued at $110,500.00) submitted by MC Architects offered the best service for value. MC Architects had the most complete proposal and met the requirements of the RFP.

FINANCIAL DETAILS Funds are available within TRCA's Major Facilities Retrofit budget from TRCA's municipal funding partners in account # 006-35 (Swan Lake).

Report prepared by: Aaron D'Souza, extension 5775 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Aaron D'Souza, extension 5775 Emails: [email protected] Date: November 16, 2012


665 RES.#B173/12 - SOUTH MIMICO TRAIL LINK Extension of Contract for Trail and Bridge Designs. Authorization to increase the approved contract amount for AECOM for the completion of additional scope of work not included in the original contract.

Moved by: Ben Cachola Seconded by: Mike Mattos

THAT Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff be authorized to increase the amount of the approved contract awarded to AECOM for additional scope of work for the South Mimico Trail link along the lower Mimico Creek, west of Park Lawn Avenue between and the Gardiner Expressway, at an upset limit of $30,670.00 plus HST, for a revised total contract value of $125,676.00 plus HST;

AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take the necessary action to implement the contract including obtaining necessary approvals and the signing and execution of documents. CARRIED BACKGROUND In June of 2011, Chief Administrative Officer approval was received to award a competitive Request for Proposal to AECOM for the preparation of detail design drawings and construction cost estimates for the South Mimico Trail link for a total value of $85,031.00, plus 10% contingency, plus HST, as per spending limits in TRCA's Purchasing Policy.

In July 2011 AECOM commenced an analysis of the proposed locations for the three pedestrian bridge crossings to determine if conditions are suitable to support and sustain the bridge crossings. Through this contract AECOM conducted geotechnical investigations, vegetation inventories and other investigations deemed necessary to obtain additional knowledge related to the existing conditions. This knowledge would determine all access options for construction materials and equipment, and federal/provincial/municipal regulations pertaining to the work to be undertaken.

Upon analyzing the geotechnical information provided by TRCA, AECOM concluded that additional boreholes and analysis would be required to complete the geotechnical investigation for the bridge designs. On June 7, 2012, staff approved a “Change Order” to increase the contract by $9,975.00 to allow AECOM to proceed with three additional boreholes and analysis as part of the geotechnical investigation work.

RATIONALE During the geotechnical analysis, and through consultations with TRCA Water Resources and City of Toronto staff, unforeseen issues arose. These issues included:  Hydraulic analysis requiring alternative designs: A hydraulic analysis was conducted by the consultant, modeled as per TRCA criteria. Upon technical review, TRCA staff concluded that the proposed location of the pedestrian bridges would result in severe increases in water levels. These increased levels would have consequences on private properties and the nearby Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) ramp which is not acceptable. There was not enough flexibility in changing the existing designs to make them feasible from a hydraulic perspective. Staff suggested that the consultant explore alternate designs and bridge abutment placement and conduct new hydraulic analysis. 666  Study area extension: Councillor Mark Grimes' office requested that this project be expanded to extend the proposed trail link from Legion Road to the Queensway.

Based on the above listed issues, AECOM was asked to submit a fee proposal to update the hydraulic analysis and complete the detailed design drawings and specifications for the bridge and trail links.

TRCA staff technical project team reviewed AECOM’s proposed fees and have concluded that the fees are appropriate, and reflected the efforts the consultant would provide to accommodate the additional works requested for this project. To address these issues and requests, staff recommend that the contract be increased by $30,670, plus HST, for a total cost not to exceed $125,676.00 plus HST. The project is scheduled to be completed by February 1, 2013.

FINANCIAL DETAILS Funding for this study will be made available through a City of Toronto Commitment of Section 37 Development Charges for South Mimico Trail account (117-35).

Report prepared by: Vince D’Elia, extension 5667 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Rob Grech, extension 5220 Emails: [email protected] Date: November 16, 2012


RES.#B174/12 - WILKET CREEK REHABILITATION PROJECT - SITE 3 PHASE 1 Contract RSD12-151. Award of Contract RSD12-151 for the supply and delivery of approximately 2500 tonnes of 600 mm- 1300 mm granite rip rap stone.

Moved by: Ben Cachola Seconded by: Mike Mattos

THAT Contract RSD12-151 for the supply and delivery of approximately 2500 tonnes of 600 mm - 1300 mm granite rip rap stone to the Wilket Creek Rehabilitation Project - Site 3 Phase 1, in the City of Toronto, be awarded to Glenn Windrem Trucking for a total unit price of $45.90 per tonne and a total cost not to exceed $114,750.00, plus a contingency amount of 25% to be expended as authorized by TRCA staff, plus HST, it being the lowest bid meeting Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff cost estimates and specifications;

THAT should staff be unable to achieve an acceptable contract with the awarded supplier, staff be authorized to enter into and conclude contract negotiations with the other suppliers that submitted tenders, beginning with the next lowest bidder meeting TRCA specifications;

667 AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take all necessary actions to implement the foregoing, including the signing and execution of any documents. CARRIED ACKGROUND The Wilket Creek tributary of the East was one of the watercourses that suffered a th significant amount of damage as a result of the August 19 , 2005 storm event. The City of Toronto subsequently retained TRCA in 2007 to manage, design and implement large-scale restoration works within Edwards Gardens, and 10 repair projects focused on infrastructure protection and public safety within Wilket Creek Park, to return the park system to a state of good repair.

Shortly following completion of the aforementioned restoration work, another severe storm rd event hit the Toronto area on June 23 , 2008, damaging three of the sites in Wilket Creek Park recently repaired by TRCA. It was evident by this point that a comprehensive study and rehabilitation plan was required to provide long-term protection for municipal infrastructure and public safety within Wilket Creek Park.

In 2009, Toronto Parks, Forestry & Recreation (PF&R) and Toronto Water identified multi-year funding commencing in 2010 for the “Wilket Creek Channel within Wilket Creek Park Rehabilitation Study and Geomorphic Systems and Habitat Study” (the project) requesting TRCA’s assistance to manage the Project on their behalf, including the implementation of any works recommended.

Following an initial assessment by Parish Geomorphic, the consulting firm retained by TRCA to assist with the study and design components of the Project, three areas within Wilket Creek Park were identified as requiring immediate attention due to the risk to municipal infrastructure and/or public safety. These Sites are collectively referred to as Site 3, Site 6 and Site 7 by TRCA and the City of Toronto.

Given the anticipated length of time required to complete the study phase, the repair of Sites 3, 6 and 7 were recommended to be expedited for repair as emergency works, with the understanding that the designs for these sites will be in alignment with the overall strategy for Wilket Creek within Wilket Creek Park. TRCA retained Parish Geomorphic Ltd. to draft a design that will address the deficiencies at these locations. In light of the exposed sanitary sewer, Site 6 and Site 7 were addressed first and completed in May of 2012.

Site 3 will be completed in 2 phases. Phase 1 will include all channel works upstream of and including the replacement of the bridge crossing, while Phase 2 will include the sanitary sewer protection and associated channel works downstream.

The rip rap material will be used for the construction of the vegetated buttress and riffles.

RATIONALE Request for Quotation (RFQ) packages were sent to 13 suppliers as follows:  Brock Aggregates;  C.D.R. Young’s Aggregates Inc.;  Dufferin Aggregates;

668  Glenn Windrem Trucking;  J.C. Rock Limited;  James Dick Construction Ltd.;  Miller Paving Ltd.;  Nelson Aggregate Co.;  R.W. Tomlinson Ltd.;  Strada Aggregates;  Fowler Construction Ltd.;  Brent Quarry;  B-Town Group.

RFQ's were opened on Tuesday November 20, 2012 by Restoration Services staff (James Dickie, Kirk Onken and Mark Preston) with the following results:

Contract RSD12-151- Supply and Delivery of Approximately 2500 tonnes of 600 mm - 1300 mm Granite Rip-rap. TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL VALUE OF BIDDERS PER TONNE CONTRACT (Plus HST) (Plus HST) Glenn Windrem Trucking $45.90 $114,750.00 Fowler Construction $46.63 $116,575.00 J.C. Rock Ltd. $99.24 $248,100.00

The original RFQ was issued as three separate material contracts, however several suppliers responded stating that they could not meet the specified size. TRCA staff subsequently issued an addendum, combining the two larger stone ranges of 600 mm - 1150 mm and 1150 mm - 1300 mm into one contract, changing the specification tolerance to a range that can be readily manufactured.

Based on the bids received, staff recommends that Glenn Windrem Trucking be awarded Contract RSD12-151 for the supply and delivery of approximately 2500 tonnes of 600mm - 1300 mm granite rip rap for the unit cost of $45.90 per tonne and a total amount not to exceed $114,750.00, plus HST, it being the lowest bid that meets TRCA staff cost estimates and specifications. The contract is subject to a 25% contingency to be expended as authorized by TRCA staff.

FINANCIAL DETAILS The cost of the Wilket Creek Rehabilitation Project - Site 3 Phase 1 is 100% recoverable from the City of Toronto under account 185-60.

Report prepared by: Jordan Budway, 416-392-9721 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: James Dickie, 416-392-9702 Emails: [email protected] Date: November 20, 2012

______669 RES.#B175/12 - REGION OF PEEL CLIMATE AND EXTREME WEATHER RESILIENCE PROJECT Contract. Award of contract to provide technical services to support the implementation of Region of Peel Climate and Extreme Weather Resilience Project.

Moved by: Ben Cachola Seconded by: Mike Mattos

THAT the contract to provide technical services to support the implementation of Region of Peel Climate and Extreme Weather Resilience project be awarded to Risk Science International (RSI) at a total cost not to exceed $95,000.00 plus HST;

THAT Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff be authorized to approve additional expenditures to a maximum of ten percent (10%) of the total cost of the contract as a contingency allowance, if deemed necessary;

AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take the necessary action to implement the contract including obtaining necessary approvals and the signing and execution of documents. CARRIED BACKGROUND Region of Peel Climate Change Strategy (June 2011), completed by the Regional Municipality of Peel, cities of Brampton and Mississauga, Town of Caledon, Credit Valley Conservation Authority and TRCA identified the need to conduct risk assessments and detailed adaptation plans for a number of key sectors, including water resources infrastructure, agriculture, coastal communities and natural ecosystems.

In order to move ahead with accomplishing the risk assessment aspect of the Peel Climate Change Strategy, TRCA, under the umbrella of the Ontario Regional Climate Change Consortium (ORCCC), led the development of a terms of reference for a pilot climate change risk assessment project. Concurrently, TRCA successfully secured matching funding from the Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessments Centre (GLISA), a branch of the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the University of Michigan.

The project is scheduled to be completed by September, 2013 and will be implemented in two phases with the following deliverables:

a) Phase 1: Development of “decision ready” local climate data sets, comprised of suitable baseline climate and future climate ensembles (Phase 1 work will be supported by Region of Peel Climate Change Funding to TRCA).

b) Phase 2: Conduct two pilot risk assessments for (i) the agricultural sector, and (ii) the shoreline of Port Credit, using data sets developed in Phase 1 (Phase 2 work will be supported by GLISA Grant).

670 The risk assessment process and data sets developed through Phase 1 of this project will be used in subsequent risk assessments to be led by the Region of Peel and its partners. TRCA will also use the down-scaled local data to pilot a recently developed natural heritage risk assessment framework in the Region of Peel.

RATIONALE Risk Science International Inc. was formed in 2006 in a unique partnership with the University of Ottawa, building upon many years of activity in the risk sciences at the McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment at the University of Ottawa. RSI has significant in-house skills and a strong track record in the development of decision-support tools and web environments. RSI has worked on climate change impacts and adaptation issues for a range of clients, including Health Canada, Engineers Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Environment Canada and Canadian Standards Association, among others, with many of these relating to climate data, climate information, codes and standards, and risk-informed analytical methods or tools. RSI has also recently enhanced their climate change expertise by bringing onboard former Environment Canada climate scientists and experts (Dr. Neil Comer and Heather Auld) who have also been engaged with TRCA’s ORCCC activities.

In June 2012, TRCA, under the umbrella of the ORCCC, signed an MOU with RSI to collaborate on climate science projects and proposals. In light of this existing MOU, RSI was invited to: a) collaborate on the GLISA grant; and b) based on a detailed Terms of Reference, submit a detailed proposal to support technical components of the “Region of Peel Climate and Extreme Weather Resilience” project.

Procurement Process A non-competitive procurement process was utilized to develop this project, under Section 1.14.5 of TRCA’s Purchasing Policy as follows:

The required goods and services are to be supplied by a particular vendor or supplier having special knowledge, skills, expertise or experience that cannot be provided by any other supplier.

RSI meets this criteria as they have the level of climate science experience and expertise required for this project. RSI has on their team, former Environment Canada scientist (Dr. Neil Comer and Heather Auld) who were instrumental in leading Environment Canada’s Impacts and Adaptation program and are very familiar with global, Canadian and regional climate model outputs required for this project. In their proposal, RSI demonstrated significant value for money, providing a minimum of $20,000 of in-kind contributions to the project, and all charge-out rates for proposed work are significantly discounted.

Given these factors, TRCA staff believes that engaging RSI in this work is a strategic opportunity to leverage technical expertise to advance work on municipal climate change adaptation in our jurisdiction.

671 FINANCIAL DETAILS The cost of this contract will be covered from the Region of Peel capital funding in the amount of approximately $68,000 (account #412-88) and $50,000 US GLISA Grant (account #412-88).

Report prepared by: Chandra Sharma, extension 5237; Harris Switzman, extension 5931 Emails: [email protected]; [email protected] For Information contact: Chandra Sharma, extension 5237; Harris Switzman, extension 5931 Emails: [email protected]; [email protected] Date: November 05, 2012


RES.#B176/12 - WWK RECREATION INC. (WILD WATER KINGDOM) Deferral of 2012 Rent. Recommends acceptance of proposal from WWK Recreation Inc. for deferral of 2012 rent.

Moved by: Ben Cachola Seconded by: Mike Mattos

THAT staff be directed to take the action necessary to implement a proposal for deferral of the 2012 rent for WWK Recreation Inc.;

AND FURTHER THAT the deferral of rent be subject to any terms and conditions required by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff and solicitors, including any required third party approvals and agreements. CARRIED RATIONALE TRCA is in receipt of a written request from WWK Recreation Inc. for the deferral of the balance of 2012 rent. The tenant is requesting the deferral of payment for the following reasons: (1) WWK Recreation Inc. is still being impacted by the recovering economy (2) the sports dome bookings for the fall of 2011 and the winter/spring of 2012 were significantly reduced because of the loss of the Sports Dome general manager, and (3) the opening of a zip-line and driving range, as new attractions, for 2012 were delayed until August resulting in a significant reduction in projected revenue. WWK Recreation Inc. advises significant efforts are being made to add to WWK's revenue capacity beyond the summer months when the water park operates.

Staff has determined the final amount due and owing to TRCA as of September 3, 2012 is $275,417.79 plus interest and applicable taxes. Under the terms of the existing lease, interest is payable on deferred rent in the amount of prime plus 1%. Although the tenant has a long history of not meeting payment due dates, rent for the leased lands has always been paid and staff continues to have a good working relationship with the owner/manager.

The following is payment schedule proposed by WWK Recreation Inc.:  monthly payments of $75,000 commencing December 15, 2012, and ending February 15, 2013, for a total of $225,000; 672  payment of the remaining $50,417.79 plus interest, applicable taxes and TRCA's reasonable costs on March 15, 2013;

Under the terms of the lease, if there is a default, TRCA may decide to terminate the lease, in which case, the tenant's lender has the option of paying the arrears and putting the lease in good standing. Failing action by the lender, TRCA would be entitled to take the lands, improvements and fixtures and either lease the water park with the equipment etc. to another operator, close the water park or operate the water park.

Staff recommends that the proposal be accepted subject to third party approvals and agreements as required and the necessary legal arrangements being put in place. The third party approvals and agreements relate to the leasehold mortgage held by the Business Development Bank of Canada and ESC Chongsim Corporation, the parent company of WWK Recreation Inc. TRCA has agreed to such proposals in the past and payment has always been made. The interest rate charged under the lease is favourable to TRCA. Further, TRCA is in a secure position in terms of any default by the tenant.

Report prepared by: Mike Fenning, extension 5223 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Mike Fenning, extension 5223 Emails: [email protected] Date: November 30, 2012


Moved by: Michael Di Biase Seconded by: Jack Heath

THAT item EX8.7 - WWK Recreation Inc. (Wild Water Kingdom) be reopened. CARRIED


Moved by: Michael Di Biase Seconded by: Glenn De Baeremaeker

THAT the following be inserted after the main motion:

AND FURTHER THAT staff report back with further details on the report on WWK Recreation Inc. CARRIED


THAT staff be directed to take the action necessary to implement a proposal for deferral of the 2012 rent for WWK Recreation Inc.; 673 THAT the deferral of rent be subject to any terms and conditions required by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff and solicitors, including any required third party approvals and agreements;

AND FURTHER THAT staff report back with further details on the report on WWK Recreation Inc.


RES.#B179/12 - LOWEST BID NOT ACCEPTED Receipt of report approved by the Chief Administrative Officer on award of contract to bidder other than the lowest bidder.

Moved by: Glenn De Baeremaeker Seconded by: Ben Cachola

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer on award of contract for restoration of the fencing surrounding Fisherville Church and Townline Cemetery at Black Creek Pioneer Village to Byte Construction Limited, who was not the lowest bidder, be received. CARRIED BACKGROUND At Authority Meeting #5/05, held on June 24, 2005, Resolution #A124/05 approved the Purchasing Policy. As per Schedule 'A' of the policy, if the lowest bidder is not selected, a report shall be provided to the Executive Committee for their information at the next available meeting.

In this regard, the report awarding the contract for restoration of the fencing surrounding Fisherville Church and Townline Cemetery at Black Creek Pioneer Village, that was approved by the Chief Administrative Officer on November 14, 2012 is provided for information in Attachment 1.

Report prepared by: Kathy Stranks, extension 5264 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Kathy Stranks, extension 5264 Emails: [email protected] Date: November 14, 2012 Attachments: 1

674 Attachment 1 TO: Chair and Members of the Procurement Not Requiring Board Approval Meeting RFQ Lowest Bid Not Accepted ($10,000 up to $25,000) - July 1 to December 31, 2012, December 31, 2012

FROM: Derek Edwards, Director, Parks and Culture

RE: BLACK CREEK PIONEER VILLAGE Fisherville Church and Townline Cemetery Fence Restoration ______KEY ISSUE Award of contract for the restoration of the fencing surrounding the Fisherville Church and Townline Cemetery.


THAT the contract for the restoration of the fencing surrounding Fisherville Church and Townline Cemetery be awarded to Byte Construction Limited at a cost not to exceed $17,755.00 plus 10% contingency, plus HST.

BACKGROUND The fencing surrounding the Fisherville Church (c. 1856 Thornhill) and Townline Cemetery (c. 1845-1920's) has not been maintained for many years and as a result is in a very poor state of repair. The fence is a unique example of Victorian fencing and appropriate in both style and construction for the time. It is complex, decorative and reflective of the high level of skills of 19th century carpentry. The Fisherville Church is a signature building at Black Creek Pioneer Village (BCPV) that is used for weddings, education and public programs and special events. For these functions it needs to be kept in a good state of repair and its attractive visual aspects need to be maintained to attract wedding business. The upkeep of the cemetery is also important as a mark of respect for the deceased, for historic preservation and for legal reasons in the maintenance of cemeteries.

The scope of work required to restore the fence is as follows:  repair/replace existing fence as required;  complete cemetery fencing providing the bulk of the materials required for that purpose and also utilizing some pre-cut materials provided by BCPV;  install three gates;  gates are to fitted with period style hardware;  prime any new wood.

RATIONALE Request for Quotation (RFQ) documents were sent to three vendors as follows:  D & L Lauren Construction;  G.V. Miller Custom Contracting Ltd.;  Byte Construction Limited.

675 Quotations were received and opened by TRCA staff (Chris Bagley, Donal O'Connor and Melanie Book) on June 28, 2012 with the following results:

Company Project Total (Plus HST) D & L Lauren Construction $8,545.63 G.V. Miller Custom Contracting Ltd. $14,102.40 Byte Construction Limited $17,755.00

The quote received from G.V. Miller Custom Contracting did not include materials and is thus not a firm price. Byte Construction and G.V. Miller Custom Contracting spent a great deal of time inspecting the fence and examining the labour and materials required to restore it. Their prices reflect more what we would expect the restoration of the fence to cost based on the labour, materials and time required for such work. The quote received from D & L Lauren is too far out in cost to account for the completion of the restoration required. It was not deemed sufficient to complete the scope of work to the extent and quality of work required.

Staff therefore recommends that the contract be awarded to Byte Construction Ltd. at a cost not to exceed $17,755.00 plus 10% contingency, plus HST.

FINANCIAL DETAILS Funds are available through the BCPV 2012 capital budget from the City of Toronto.

Report prepared by: Melanie Book, extension 5428 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Chris Bagley, cell: 416-356-6288 Emails: [email protected] Date: October 30, 2012



RES.#B180/12 - APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS PURSUANT TO ONTARIO REGULATION 166/06 Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses. Pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06, written permission from the Authority is required for: a) straightening, changing, diverting or interfering in any way with the existing channel of a river, creek, stream or watercourse, or for changing or interfering in any way with a wetland; b) development, if in the opinion of the authority, the control of flooding, erosion, dynamic beaches or pollution or the conservation of land may be affected by the development.

A permit may be refused through a Hearing Process, if in the opinion of the Authority, the control of flooding, erosion, dynamic beaches, pollution or the conservation of land is affected.

Moved by: Ben Cachola Seconded by: Vincent Crisanti

THAT permits be granted in accordance with Ontario Regulation 166/06 for the applications (EX10.1 & EX10.2, EX10.7 - EX10.21 and EX10.58 - EX10.62, with the exception of EX10.59 which was withdrawn) which are listed below. CARRIED


Moved by: Jack Heath Seconded by: Michael Di Biase

THAT a permit be granted in accordance with Ontario Regulation 166/06 for the application EX10.59 - Imperial Oil Limited, which is listed below. CARRIED



EX10.1 WOLVERLEIGH CONSTRUCTION LTD. To site grade, temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere and alter a watercourse on Lot 16, 17, Concession 4, between Countryside Drive and Mayfield Road, East of Dixie Road, in the City of Brampton, Etobicoke Creek Watershed as located on the property owned by Wolverleigh Construction Ltd.. The purpose is to site grade within the Regulated Area of the Etobicoke Creek Watershed to facilitate topsoil stripping and construct temporary sediment ponds associated with a residential draft plan of subdivision.

677 CFN: 48449 - Application #: 0967/12/BRAM Report Prepared by: Leilani Lee-Yates, extension 5370 For information contact: Leilani Lee-Yates, extension 5370 Date: November 28, 2012


EX10.2 LEBOVIC ENTERPRISES LIMITED To site grade on Part Lot 11, 12, Concession 3, Aurora Golf Course Community - Leslie Street and Bloomington Road East, in the Town of Aurora, Rouge River Watershed as located on the property owned by Lebovic Enterprises Limited. The purpose is to undertake works within the TRCA Regulated Area of the Rouge River Watershed in order to facilitate the development of portions of a golf course and residential condominium community..

CFN: 48077 - Application #: 0732/12/AUR Report Prepared by: June Little, extension 5756 For information contact: June Little, extension 5756 Date: November 27, 2012



Moved by: Ben Cachola Seconded by: Vincent Crisanti

THAT permits be granted in accordance with Ontario Regulation 166/06 for the applications (EX10.3 - EX10.6 and EX10.22 - EX10.29), that had been scheduled on the agenda as errata applications, for which all the required information was received and finalized. CARRIED


EX10.3 DEEPBROOK DEVELOPMENTS INC. To site grade on Lot 52, 53, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 68, (southeast corner of Mayfield Road and Colonel Bertram Road), in the City of Brampton, Humber River Watershed as located on the property owned by Deepbrook Developments Incorporated. The purpose is to undertake earthworks and servicing within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Etobicoke Creek Watershed associated with a proposed residential plan of subdivision located south of Mayfield Road and east of Colonel Bertram Road, in the City of Brampton.

678 CFN: 47901 - Application #: 0641/12/BRAM Report Prepared by: Adam Miller, extension 5244 For information contact: Adam Miller, extension 5244 Date: November 28, 2012


EX10.4 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Bayly Street from Shoal Point Road to Halls Road, in the Town of Ajax, Carruthers Creek Watershed, as located on property owned by the Regional Municipality of Durham and three (3) private landowners, all of whom have provided the Regional Municipality of Durham with Permission to Enter. The purpose is to widen and reconstruct Bayly Street/Victoria Street from just east of Shoal Point Road to east of Halls Road including the construction of a multi-use path on the south side of the road and a sidewalk on the north side of the road. No in-water works will take place.

CFN: 46285 - Application #: 0724/11/AJAX Report Prepared by: Sharon Lingertat, extension 5717 For information contact: Sharon Lingertat, extension 5717 Date: November 26, 2012


EX10.5 CASA EAST DEVELOPMENT INC. To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Part Lot 4, 5, Concession 2, Bayview Avenue and Bethesda Sideroad, in the Town of Richmond Hill, Humber River Watershed as located on the property owned by Casa East Development Inc.. The purpose is to place fill, site grade and construct stormwater management infrastructure within a Regulated Area, to facilitate the construction of a new residential subdivision.

CFN: 48448 - Application #: 0966/12/RH Report Prepared by: Quentin Hanchard, extension 5324 For information contact: Quentin Hanchard, extension 5324 Date: November 27, 2012


EX10.6 31 GARDEN AVENUE To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure on Lot 116, Plan 1984, 31 Garden Avenue, in the Town of Richmond Hill, Don River Watershed. The purpose is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Don River Watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a replacement single family dwelling.

CFN: 48354 - Application #: 0962/12/RH Report Prepared by: Uton Samuels, extension 5386 For information contact: Uton Samuels, extension 5386 Date: November 27, 2012


EX10.7 CITY OF BRAMPTON To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere at Chinguacousy Park, north of Queen Street East and east of Central Park Drive, in the City of Brampton, Etobicoke Creek Watershed, as located on the property owned by City of Brampton. The purpose is to construct two picnic shelters at Chinguacousy Park located just north of Queen Street East and east of Central Park Drive. No in-water or near water works are required to complete the project.

CFN: 48257 - Application #: 0867/12/BRAM Report Prepared by: Shirin Varzgani, extension 5785 For information contact: Shirin Varzgani, extension 5785 Date: November 22, 2012

EX10.8 HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO AS REPRESENTED BY THE MINISTER OF INFRASTRUCTURE To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure and site grade on Lot 13, Plan 12630, 91 Sandalwood Parkway East, in the City of Brampton, Mimico Creek Watershed as located on the property owned by Her Majesty The Queen In Right of Ontario As Represented by The Minister of Infrastructure. The purpose is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Mimico Creek Watershed in order to demolish an existing paramedic station and facilitate the construction of a new paramedic satellite station at 91 Sandalwood Parkway, in the City of Brampton associated with a municipal site plan application.

CFN: 48418 - Application #: 0958/12/BRAM Report Prepared by: Adam Miller, extension 5244 For information contact: Adam Miller, extension 5244 Date: November 28, 2012 680 CITY OF BRAMPTON

EX10.9 CITY OF MARKHAM To temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere and alter a watercourse on Reesor Road, 300m south of Highway 407, in the City of Markham, Rouge River Watershed as located on property owned by the City of Markham. The purpose is to rehabilitate the culvert located on Reesor Road, 300 meters south of Highway 407. The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) warmwater fisheries timing window will be applied to this project unless otherwise specified in writing by MNR. A Letter of Advice will be written by TRCA staff on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) for this project.

CFN: 47399 - Application #: 0366/12/MARK Report Prepared by: Harsha Gammanpila, extension 5629 For information contact: Harsha Gammanpila, extension 5629 Date: November 27, 2012

EX10.10 CITY OF MARKHAM To temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere and alter a watercourse on Tuclor Lane, 120 meters south of Billy Joel Crescent and Rouge Valley Park, 40 meters east of Tuclor Lane, in the City of Markham, Rouge River Watershed as located on property owned by the City of Markham. The purpose is to undertake rehabilitation of the culvert (C39) located on Tuclor Lane, 120 meters south of Billy Joel Crescent and the culvert (C110) located on Rouge Valley Park, 40 meters east of Tuclor Lane, north of Highway 407 and east of Markham Road. The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) warmwater fisheries timing window will apply to this project unless otherwise specified in writing by MNR. A Letter of Advice will be written by TRCA staff on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO).

CFN: 47442 - Application #: 0381/12/MARK Report Prepared by: Harsha Gammanpila, extension 5629 For information contact: Harsha Gammanpila, extension 5629 Date: November 27, 2012

EX10.11 ZEH TECHNOLOGIES INC. To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure and site grade on Lot 22, Plan 1324, 16 Dale Park Court, in the City of Markham, Don River Watershed as located on the property owned by ZEH Technologies Incorporated. The purpose is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Don River Watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a new 447 square metre (4,801 sq. ft.) single family dwelling on the subject property associated with a municipal building permit.

681 CFN: 48105 - Application #: 0752/12/MARK Report Prepared by: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 For information contact: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 Date: November 27, 2012


EX10.12 A. MANTELLA & SONS LIMITED To site grade, temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere, interfere with a wetland and alter a watercourse on Part Lot 3, Concession 4, Southeast Corner of Highway 401 and Dixie Road, in the City of Mississauga, Etobicoke Creek Watershed as located on the property owned by Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation. The purpose is to site grade within the Regulated Area of the Etobicoke Creek Watershed to facilitate topsoil stripping and construct a temporary sediment pond associated with a commercial development.

CFN: 47455 - Application #: 0391/12/MISS Report Prepared by: Leilani Lee-Yates, extension 5370 For information contact: Leilani Lee-Yates, extension 5370 Date: November 28, 2012


EX10.13 31 LONEY AVENUE To change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units on Lot 216, Plan 3855, 31 Loney Avenue, in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed. The purpose is to construct a second storey above the existing single family detached dwelling at 31 Loney Avenue in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York).

CFN: 48132 - Application #: 0785/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Vanessa Aubrey, extension 5662 For information contact: Mark Rapus, extension 5259 Date: November 27, 2012


EX10.14 39 GWENDOLEN AVENUE To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on, 39 Gwendolen Avenue, in the City of Toronto (North York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed. The purpose is to construct a new two-storey replacement dwelling with rear raised wood deck and basement walk-out at 39 Gwendolen Avenue in the City of Toronto (North York Community Council Area). 682 CFN: 47886 - Application #: 0619/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Jessica Bester, extension 5250 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: November 26, 2012


EX10.15 3 KINGSBURY CRESCENT To change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Part Block E, Plan 1538, 3 Kingsbury Crescent, in the City of Toronto (Scarborough Community Council Area), Waterfront Watershed. The purpose is to construct two side yard additions, a new second storey addition with partial projection beyond the rear dwelling wall and new second storey balcony that also projects beyond the rear dwelling wall at 3 Kingsbury Crescent in the City of Toronto (Scarborough Community Council Area).

CFN: 48421 - Application #: 0968/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Jessica Bester, extension 5250 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: November 27, 2012


EX10.16 74 FOUR OAKS GATE To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure on Lot 2, Plan 3028, 74 Four Oaks Gate, in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed. The purpose is to construct a new two storey single family detached dwelling and integral garage at 74 Four Oaks Gate in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York).

CFN: 48225 - Application #: 0858/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Vanessa Aubrey, extension 5662 For information contact: Mark Rapus, extension 5259 Date: November 27, 2012

EX10.17 ONEX CORPORATION To change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units on Lot 12, Plan 603E, Part Lot 13, Plan 603E, 361 Inglewood Drive, in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed as located on the property owned by Onex Corporation. The purpose is to construct a basement walkout to the rear, and one, two and three storey additions to the side and rear of the existing single family detached dwelling at 361 Inglewood Drive in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York). 683 CFN: 48329 - Application #: 0892/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Vanessa Aubrey, extension 5662 For information contact: Mark Rapus, extension 5259 Date: November 27, 2012


EX10.18 11 RYCROFT DRIVE To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure on, 11 Rycroft Drive, in the City of Markham, Rouge River Watershed. The purpose is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Rouge River Watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a new 356 square metre (3,835 sq. ft.) single family dwelling on the subject property associated with a municipal building permit..

CFN: 48386 - Application #: 0934/12/MARK Report Prepared by: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 For information contact: Quentin Hanchard, extension 5324 Date: November 27, 2012


EX10.19 ENBRIDGE GAS DISTRIBUTION INC. To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on 74 Gamble Road, in the Town of Richmond Hill, Rouge River Watershed as located on the property owned by Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. The purpose is to construct an Enbridge gas main district station at 74 Gamble Road.

CFN: 48182 - Application #: 0801/12/RH Report Prepared by: Scott Smith, extension 5758 For information contact: Scott Smith, extension 5758 Date: November 23, 2012

EX10.20 15 KEBLE COURT To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure on Lot 143, Plan 65M3829, (15 Keble Court), in the Town of Richmond Hill, Don River Watershed. The purpose is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Don River Watershed to facilitate the construction of a proposed deck.

CFN: 48353 - Application #: 0961/12/RH Report Prepared by: Uton Samuels, extension 5386 For information contact: Uton Samuels, extension 5386 Date: November 27, 2012 684 TOWN OF WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE

EX10.21 MEMORIAL GARDENS CANADA LIMITED To alter a waterway and construct in a flood plain on Part Lot 2, Concession 3, west side of Woodbine Avenue north of Stouffville Road, Gormley, in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, Rouge River Watershed as located on the property owned by Memorial Gardens Canada Limited. The purpose is to construct an internal driveway crossing across the Berczy Creek to permit access to west half of property.

CFN: 32647 - Application #: 333/01/WS Report Prepared by: Chris Jones, extension 5718 For information contact: Chris Jones, extension 5718 Date: November 19, 2012



EX10.22 19 HERITAGE WOODS MANOR To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure on Lot 10, Plan, 19 Heritage Woods Manor, in the City of Markham, Rouge River Watershed. The purpose is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Rouge River Watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a new single family dwelling on a vacant parcel of land.

CFN: 48374 - Application #: 0923/12/MARK Report Prepared by: Uton Samuels, extension 5386 For information contact: Uton Samuels, extension 5386 Date: November 27, 2012


EX10.23 159 SYMES ROAD To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure and change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units on Part Of Lot 43 Lot 44, Plan 1956, 159 Symes Road, in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed. The purpose is to construct a new two-storey single family detached dwelling on the existing building foundation at 159 Symes Road, Toronto (Etobicoke York).

CFN: 48340 - Application #: 0896/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Vanessa Aubrey, extension 5662 For information contact: Mark Rapus, extension 5259 Date: November 27, 2012 685 CITY OF TORONTO [NORTH YORK COMMUNITY COUNCIL AREA]

EX10.24 139 THREE VALLEYS DRIVE To change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Lot 315, Plan 5112, 139 Three Valleys Drive, in the City of Toronto (North York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed. The purpose is to construct a small front and rear addition with deck above at 139 Three Valleys Drive in Toronto (North York Community Council Area).

CFN: 48100 - Application #: 0764/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Jessica Bester, extension 5250 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: November 26, 2012

EX10.25 11 CAMPBELL CRESCENT To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Lot 13, Plan 3510, 11 Campbell Crescent, in the City of Toronto (North York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed. The purpose is to carry out front and rear yard landscaping which includes re-grading, plantings, hardscaping, and decking at 11 Campbell Crescent in the City of Toronto (North York Community Council Area).

CFN: 48315 - Application #: 0885/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Jessica Bester, extension 5250 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: November 27, 2012


EX10.26 51 WOODVALLEY CRESCENT To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Lot 15, Plan 65M-4130, (51 Woodvalley Crescent), in the City of Vaughan, Don River Watershed. The purpose is to conduct minor grading and landscaping works as well as construct an inground pool, cabana and patio area within a Regulated Area of the Don River watershed at 51 Woodvalley Crescent in the City of Vaughan..

CFN: 48351 - Application #: 0913/12/VAUG Report Prepared by: Anthony Sun, extension 5724 For information contact: June Little, extension 5756 Date: November 28, 2012

686 EX10.27 115 LADY NADIA DRIVE To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Lot 27, Plan 65M-4167, 115 Lady Nadia Drive, in the City of Vaughan, Don River Watershed. The purpose is to conduct minor grading and landscaping works as well as construct an in-ground pool and patio area within a Regulated Area of the Don River watershed at.

CFN: 48427 - Application #: 0948/12/VAUG Report Prepared by: Anthony Sun, extension 5724 For information contact: June Little, extension 5756 Date: November 26, 2012

EX10.28 TILZEN HOLDINGS LTD. To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units and site grade on Lot 12, Concession 3 Lot 12, Plan 65R-21817, 8755 Keele Street, in the City of Vaughan, Don River Watershed as located on the property owned by Tilzen Holdings Ltd.. The purpose is to construct an addition to an existing industrial building and an storm water infiltration trench within a Regulated Area of the Don River watershed at 8755 Keele Street in the City of Vaughan.

CFN: 48426 - Application #: 0947/12/VAUG Report Prepared by: Anthony Sun, extension 5724 For information contact: June Little, extension 5756 Date: November 27, 2012


EX10.29 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure and site grade on Lot 65, Concession 1, Sunset Beach Road and Bayview Park Lane, in the Town of Richmond Hill, Humber River Watershed as located on the property owned by Town of Richmond Hill. The purpose is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Humber River Watershed in order to construct an intake structure and 450mm diameter storm sewer adjacent to Catfish pond on lands owned by the Town of Richmond Hill.

CFN: 48450 - Application #: 0969/12/RH Report Prepared by: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 For information contact: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 Date: November 27, 2012



Moved by: Ben Cachola Seconded by: Vincent Crisanti

THAT permission for routine infrastructure granted by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority staff in accordance with applications (EX10.30 - EX10.40, inclusive), which are listed below, be received. CARRIED CITY OF BRAMPTON

EX10.30 CITY OF BRAMPTON To undertake borehole investigations on the north and south sides of Williams Parkway, near the Etobicoke Creek West Branch, in the City of Brampton, Etobicoke Creek Watershed, as located on the property owned by City of Brampton. The purpose is to undertake geotechnical investigation on the north and south sides of Williams Parkway, near the Etobicoke Creek West Branch, in the City of Brampton. No in-water works will take place.

CFN: 48190 - Application #: 0813/12/BRAM Report Prepared by: Shirin Varzgani, extension 5785 For information contact: Shirin Varzgani, extension 5785 Date: November 5, 2012

EX10.31 ENBRIDGE GAS DISTRIBUTION INC. To undertake sewer and watermain or utility installation or maintenance above an existing culvert over a tributary of Etobicoke Creek on Templehill Road, approximately 50 m west of Naperton Drive, in the City of Brampton, Etobicoke Creek Watershed as located on the property owned by the City of Brampton. The purpose is to install a gas pipeline above a culvert over a tributary of Etobicoke Creek on Templehill Road, approximately 50 m west of Naperton Drive. No in-water or near water works are required to complete this project.

CFN: 47939 - Application #: 0720/12/BRAM Report Prepared by: Shirin Varzgani, extension 5785 For information contact: Shirin Varzgani, extension 5785 Date: November 14, 2012


EX10.32 CITY OF MARKHAM To undertake structure maintenance on Bayview Avenue, 45m north of Proctor Avenue, in the City of Markham, Don River Watershed as located on property owned by the City of Markham. The purpose is to remove and replace insulation on a 15m section of 300mm diameter watermain suspended under bridge deck located on Bayview Avenue. The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) cold water fisheries timing window will apply to this project unless otherwise specified in writing by MNR. A Letter of Advice will be written by TRCA staff on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) for this project.

CFN: 47943 - Application #: 0747/12/MARK Report Prepared by: Harsha Gammanpila, extension 5629 For information contact: Harsha Gammanpila, extension 5629 Date: October 26, 2012


EX10.33 CITY OF TORONTO To undertake borehole investigations at 130 The Queensway, in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed, as located on the property owned by the City of Toronto. The purpose is to undertake borehole investigations at the Humber Treatment Plant. Works will involve drilling seven (7) boreholes, with a pump test to be conducted at one of them. No in-water works are associated with this project.

CFN: 48264 - Application #: 0881/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Daniel Brent, extension 5774 For information contact: Daniel Brent, extension 5774 Date: November 6, 2012

EX10.34 IMPERIAL OIL To undertake sewer and watermain or utility installation or maintenance within an existing roadway on Albion Road near Bankfield Drive, in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed, as located on the property owned by Imperial Oil and the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation. The purpose is to perform repairs to the Waterdown-North Toronto oil pipeline. Works will involve excavating a trench to clean the pipe and install a protective sleeve. No in-water works are associated with this project.

CFN: 48362 - Application #: 0910/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Daniel Brent, extension 5774 For information contact: Jonathan Pounder, extension 5304 Date: October 29, 2012


EX10.35 CITY OF TORONTO To undertake road/pathway resurfacing or reconstruction, sewer and watermain or utility installation or maintenance at 125 Pharmacy Avenue, in the City of Toronto (Scarborough Community Council Area), Don River Watershed, as located on property owned by the City of Toronto. The purpose is to construct a dog off-leash area (DOLA) in Warden Woods Park. Works will involve construction of a granular surface and irrigation system within an existing maintenance yard, as well as a concrete walkway, retaining walls and fences. No in-water works are associated with this project.

CFN: 48123 - Application #: 0810/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Daniel Brent, extension 5774 For information contact: Daniel Brent, extension 5774 Date: November 28, 2012


EX10.36 CITY OF TORONTO To undertake structure maintenance at Hanlan's Point on the - near the Billy Bishop Airport, in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Waterfront Watershed as located on property owned by the City of Toronto. The purpose is to undertake rehabilitation works to the existing ferry dock fender system. Works will include the removal and replacement of the existing rubber fenders. A Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Letter of Advice will be issued by TRCA for this project.

CFN: 48184 - Application #: 0804/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Jonathan Pounder, extension 5304 For information contact: Jonathan Pounder, extension 5304 Date: November 12, 2012

EX10.37 CITY OF TORONTO To perform structure maintenance at 1 Centre Island Park, in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Waterfront Watershed, as located on property owned by the City of Toronto. The purpose is to upgrade a canopy structure on Centre Island. Works will involve replacement and extension of the existing canopy structure. No in-water works are associated with this project.

CFN: 48364 - Application #: 0920/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Daniel Brent, extension 5774 For information contact: Daniel Brent, extension 5774 Date: November 22, 2012


EX10.38 BELL CANADA To undertake sewer and watermain or utility installation or maintenance within an existing roadway on Bayly Street East, from approximately 40 m east of Shoal Point Road to Lakeridge Road South, in the Town of Ajax, Carruthers Creek Watershed, as located on the property owned by the Regional Municipality of Durham. The purpose is to install communication cable conduits on Bayly Street East, from Shoal Point Road to Lakeridge Road South, in the Town of Ajax. No in-water or near water works will take place.

CFN: 48261 - Application #: 0894/12/AJAX Report Prepared by: Shirin Varzgani, extension 5785 For information contact: Shirin Varzgani, extension 5785 Date: November 8, 2012


EX10.39 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF PEEL To undertake borehole investigations on the south side of King Street approximately 350m east of Hurontario Street (Highway 10), in the Town of Caledon, Etobicoke Creek Watershed, as located on property owned by the Regional Municipality of Peel. The purpose is to undertake borehole investigations and install a monitoring well within the study limits of the future proposed Zone 6 Reservoir and Feedermain, in the Town of Caledon, Etobicoke Creek Watershed, as located on property owned by the Region of Peel.

CFN: 48397 - Application #: 0926/12/CAL Report Prepared by: Sharon Lingertat, extension 5717 For information contact: Sharon Lingertat, extension 5717 Date: November 14, 2012


EX10.40 BAIF DEVELOPMENTS To undertake off-line stormwater management pond maintenance on (Tollbar Park (Canyon Hills Drive and Yonge Street)), in the Town of Richmond Hill, Don River Watershed as located on the property owned by Baif Developments. The purpose is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Don River Watershed in order to facilitate the clean out of an existing Stormwater Management facility (i.e., GM3 Pond), located in Toll Bar Park in the Town of Richmond Hill, prior to the assumption of the facility by the Town of Richmond Hill.

691 CFN: 47233 - Application #: 0215/12/RH Report Prepared by: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 For information contact: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 Date: November 20, 2012



Moved by: Ben Cachola Seconded by: Vincent Crisanti

THAT minor works letter of approval granted by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority staff in accordance with applications (EX10.41 - EX10.57, inclusive), which are listed below, be received. CARRIED CITY OF BRAMPTON

EX10.41 20 MCARTHUR HEIGHTS To install a swimming pool on (20 McArthur Heights), in the City of Brampton, Etobicoke Creek Watershed.

CFN: 48399 - Application #: 0927/12/BRAM Report Prepared by: Anant Patel, extension 5618 For information contact: Anant Patel, extension 5618 Date: November 13, 2012


EX10.42 CITY OF PICKERING To construct a non-habitable accessory structure up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) on Lot 24, Concession 1, (1150 Glenanna Road), in the City of Pickering, Frenchman's Bay Watershed as located on the property owned by City of Pickering.

CFN: 48407 - Application #: 0940/12/PICK Report Prepared by: Vanessa Aubrey, extension 5662 For information contact: Chris Jones, extension 5718 Date: November 16, 2012


EX10.43 27 KATRINA COURT To construct a non-habitable accessory structure up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) on Part Lot 7, Part Block A, Plan 2525, (27 Katrina Court), in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed.

CFN: 48380 - Application #: 0911/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Vanessa Aubrey, extension 5662 For information contact: Mark Rapus, extension 5259 Date: November 7, 2012

EX10.44 19 PARK LANE To change the use, size, or number of dwelling units of a structure, or undertake work that does not change the footprint of the existing structure on , (19 Park Lane), in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Mimico Creek Watershed.

CFN: 48371 - Application #: 0921/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Vanessa Aubrey, extension 5662 For information contact: Mark Rapus, extension 5259 Date: November 7, 2012

EX10.45 95 OLD MILL DRIVE To construct a non-habitable accessory structure up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) and change the use, size, or number of dwelling units of a structure, or undertake work that does not change the footprint of the existing structure on Lot 1, Plan 2657, (95 Old Mill Drive), in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed.

CFN: 48221 - Application #: 0854/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Vanessa Aubrey, extension 5662 For information contact: Mark Rapus, extension 5259 Date: October 25, 2012

EX10.46 MONTANA ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS To change the use, size, or number of dwelling units of a structure, or undertake work that does not change the footprint of the existing structure on Part Lot 18, 19, Plan R-P 4308, (15 Greenbrook Drive), in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed as located on the property owned by Montana Electrical Contractors.

CFN: 48245 - Application #: 0843/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Tara Jahanarai, extension 5284 For information contact: Mark Rapus, extension 5259 Date: October 25, 2012 693 CITY OF TORONTO [NORTH YORK COMMUNITY COUNCIL AREA]

EX10.47 4 CRAIGMONT DRIVE To construct a ground floor addition up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) and change the use, size, or number of dwelling units of a structure, or undertake work that does not change the footprint of the existing structure on Lot 146, Plan 7800, (4 Craigmont Drive), in the City of Toronto (North York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed.

CFN: 48367 - Application #: 0917/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Tara Jahanarai, extension 5284 For information contact: Mark Rapus, extension 5259 Date: November 23, 2012


EX10.48 15 FENWOOD HEIGHTS To change the use, size, or number of dwelling units of a structure, or undertake work that does not change the footprint of the existing structure on Lot 55 Plan 3757, (15 Fenwood Heights), in the City of Toronto (Scarborough Community Council Area), Waterfront Watershed.

CFN: 48051 - Application #: 0701/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Tara Jahanarai, extension 5284 For information contact: Mark Rapus, extension 5259 Date: November 22, 2012


EX10.49 623 RUSTON ROAD To construct a non-habitable accessory structure up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft), construct a ground floor addition up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) and change the use, size, or number of dwelling units of a structure, or undertake work that does not change the footprint of the existing structure on Lot 2, Plan 2612, (623 Rushton Road), in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed.

CFN: 48103 - Application #: 0770/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Vanessa Aubrey, extension 5662 For information contact: Mark Rapus, extension 5259 Date: November 19, 2012

EX10.50 49 WESTLAKE CRESCENT To construct a non-habitable accessory structure up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) on Lot 527, Plan 1770, (49 Westlake Crescent), in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed. 694 CFN: 48172 - Application #: 0806/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Tara Jahanarai, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: November 7, 2012

EX10.51 LUGANO VIEW LIMITED To undertake minor landscaping involving the placement, removal or regrading of material of less than 30 cubic metres (equivalent to 3 truckloads) on Lot 12, Concession 2 Lot 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, Part Block A, Plan 1221, (1010 Broadview Avenue), in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed as located on the property owned by Lugano View Limited.

CFN: 48316 - Application #: 0886/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Tara Jahanarai, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: November 1, 2012

EX10.52 22 HAMSTEAD AVENUE To construct a ground floor addition up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) and change the use, size, or number of dwelling units of a structure, or undertake work that does not change the footprint of the existing structure on Lot 509, Plan 1770, (22 Hamstead Avenue), in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed.

CFN: 48339 - Application #: 0895/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Tara Jahanarai, extension 5284 For information contact: Mark Rapus, extension 5259 Date: November 9, 2012


EX10.53 19 PINEBROOK CIRCLE To construct a non-habitable accessory structure up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) on Lot 103, Plan 43-1217, (19 Pinebrook Circle), in the Town of Caledon, Etobicoke Creek Watershed.

CFN: 48345 - Application #: 0903/12/CAL Report Prepared by: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 For information contact: Quentin Hanchard, extension 5324 Date: October 24, 2012

EX10.54 19353 GLEN HAFFY ROAD To undertake a municipal or utility project on Lot 37, Concession 2, (19353 Glen Haffy Road), in the Town of Caledon, Humber River Watershed. 695 CFN: 48342 - Application #: 0898/12/CAL Report Prepared by: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 For information contact: Quentin Hanchard, extension 5324 Date: November 14, 2012

EX10.55 233 LONGWOOD DRIVE To install a swimming pool on Lot 10, Plan M-298, (233 Longwood Drive), in the Town of Caledon, Humber River Watershed.

CFN: 48282 - Application #: 0866/12/CAL Report Prepared by: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 For information contact: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 Date: November 14, 2012


EX10.56 469 WEBB ROAD To undertake minor landscaping involving the placement, removal or regrading of material of less than 30 cubic metres (equivalent to 3 truckloads) and construct a ground floor addition or structure greater than 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) but less than 150 sq. m (1614 sq. ft) on Part Lot 5, Concession 4 Plan 40R-10042, (469 Webb Road), in the Township of Uxbridge, Duffins Creek Watershed.

CFN: 48346 - Application #: 0902/12/UXB Report Prepared by: Vanessa Aubrey, extension 5662 For information contact: Chris Jones, extension 5718 Date: October 25, 2012

EX10.57 2829 YORK DURHAM ROAD 30 To construct a non-habitable accessory structure up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) on Part Lot 10, Concession 1, (2829 York Durham Road 30), in the Township of Uxbridge, Duffins Creek Watershed.

CFN: 48372 - Application #: 0922/12/UXB Report Prepared by: Vanessa Aubrey, extension 5662 For information contact: Chris Jones, extension 5718 Date: November 19, 2012


EX10.58 CITY OF TORONTO To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Edenbridge Drive from Bearwood Drive to Scarlett Road, in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed as located on property owned by the City of Toronto and TRCA. The purpose is to undertake the major rehabilitation of Edenbridge Drive from Bearwood Drive to Scarlett Road. Works include the replacement of the existing sanitary sewer, watermain and the construction of a new storm sewer. No in-water works are associated with this proposal.

CFN: 47742 - Application #: 0534/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Jonathan Pounder, extension 5304 For information contact: Jonathan Pounder, extension 5304 Date: December 3, 2012

EX10.59 IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED To temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere and alter a watercourse west of Weston Road south of Lanyard Road, in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed as located on the property owned by Hydro One. The purpose is to undertake maintenance works to restore the minimum depth of cover over an Imperial Oil Pipeline. Works will include the excavation of the existing pipeline within Emery Creek and the placement of rip-rap to protect the subsurface structure. A Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Letter of Advice will be issued by TRCA for this project.

CFN: 47929 - Application #: 0685/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Jonathan Pounder, extension 5304 For information contact: Jonathan Pounder, extension 5304 Date: December 3, 2012


EX10.60 CITY OF TORONTO To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade, temporarily or permanently place, dump, or remove any material originating on the site or elsewhere between Rosedale Valley Road and the east side of the Don Valley Parkway, in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed, as located on property owned by the City of Toronto and TRCA. The purpose is to undertake maintenance to an existing 400mm watermain crossing the Lower Don River. Works will involve relining the watermain in four locations. A Letter of Advice will be written by TRCA staff on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) for this project.

697 CFN: 48370 - Application #: 0938/12/TOR Report Prepared by: Daniel Brent, extension 5774 For information contact: Daniel Brent, extension 5774 Date: November 30, 2012


EX10.61 TRIBECCA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION To change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units and alter a watercourse on Lot 43, 19, Plan 4061, 3319, (Pondview Road), in the City of Vaughan, Don River Watershed as located on the property owned by City of Vaughan. The purpose is to construct a new headwall and outfall associated with stormwater management infrastructure improvements within a Regulated Area of the Don River watershed between Thornridge Drive and Pondview Road in the City of Vaughan.

CFN: 47873 - Application #: 0649/12/VAUG Report Prepared by: Anthony Sun, extension 5724 For information contact: June Little, extension 5756 Date: December 4, 2012


EX10.62 623970 ONTARIO LIMITED To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Part Lot 56, Concession 1 EYS, (360 19th Avenue), in the Town of Richmond Hill, Rouge River Watershed as located on the property owned by 623970 Ontario Limited. The purpose is to undertake site preparation and grading, temporarily or permanently place materials originating from the site or elsewhere, and to construct the appropriate sediment and erosion controls, in support of draft approved plan of subdivision 19T(R)-97010.

CFN: 46783 - Application #: 0008/12/RH Report Prepared by: Doris Cheng, extension 5306 For information contact: Doris Cheng, extension 5306 Date: December 4, 2012



Moved by: Glenn De Baeremaeker Seconded by: Anthony Perruzza

THAT staff provide a supplementary report to Authority item AUTH8.1 - Potential Hazards from Crude Oil Spill from Authority Meeting #9/12, held on November 30, 2012 on the specific items outlined in the email dated December 7, 2012 and the motion passed by Toronto Council at its November 28, 2012 meeting;

THAT TRCA request party status to the proceedings at the National Energy Board prior to the next meeting if timelines require;

AND FURTHER THAT TRCA work with City of Toronto and City of Hamilton. CARRIED ______


Moved by: Colleen Jordan Seconded by: Glenn De Baeremaeker

THAT the committee move into closed session to discuss a matter that pertains to personnel records. CARRIED ARISE AND REPORT RES.#B187/12 - PERSONNEL RECORD

Moved by: Colleen Jordan Seconded by: Anthony Perruzza

THAT the committee arise and report from closed session. CARRIED RES.#B188/12 - PERSONNEL RECORD

Moved by: Michael Di Biase Seconded by: Glenn De Baeremaeker

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT the confidential item in regard to Personnel Record be approved. CARRIED ______


ON MOTION, the meeting terminated at 11:25 a.m., on Friday, December 7, 2012.

Gerri Lynn O'Connor Brian Denney Chair Secretary-Treasurer
