Editor US Geological Survey Circular
THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY IN ALASKA: ACCOMPLISHMENTS DURING 1984 Susan BartschmWinkler, Editor U.S. Geological Survey Circular 967 SHORT PAPERS DESCRIBING RESULTS OF RECENT GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS -- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR DONALD PAUL HODEL, Secretary U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 76-608093 Free on application to Distribution Branch, Text Products Section, U.S. Geological Survey, 604 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304 CONTENTS Page ITxalmNALASKA Gravity lms may indicate Pleistocene deposits beneath Glacial Lake Noatak, by Dsvid F. Barnes. ....................................1 Use of stream-sediment insoluble residues in geo- chmical exploration for carbonate-hosted mineral deposits in the Baird Mountains, by Peter I?. Folger, Richard J. Goldfarb, Elizabeth A. Eailey, Richard M. OILeary, and Stephen J. Sutley ..................................5 Selected anamlous rock and sediment sanples frm central and northwestern Baird Mountains quadrangle, by Susan M. Kar 1, Jeanine M. Schmidt, and Peter F. Folger ........................................8 mhiolitic ultramefic rocks of the Jade Mountains- Cosmos Hills area, southwestern Brooks Range, by Robert A. Loney and Glen R. Himnelberg .............13 Sedimentology of meandering-stream cycles, upper part of the Ear Peak Marber of the Kanayut Conglanerate, central Brooks Range, by Thamas E. Moore and Tor H. Ni lsen.. ............... .15 WESTCEemAL ALASKA Greenschist-facies metmrphic rocks of the north- central Iditarod quadrangle, by Linda M. Angeloni and Marti L. Miller ............. .19 Early Cretaceous evolution of the northeastern Yukon-Koyukuk Basin, -st-central Alaska, by Stephen E. Box, William W. Patton, Jr., and Qlristine Carlson .................................21 Preliminary results of Pb-isotope analyses of deposits from the Seward Peninsula, by Stanley E.
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