Sanyu Babies’ Home Quarterly Newsletter – Issue 41– October– December, 2018

IN THIS ISSUE Letter from the Chairman Letter from the Director Hello’s & Goodbye’s  Ezekiel’s life story  Samuel says goodbye to SBH  Livingstone weds Evelyn  The Guesthouse  SBH Celebrate Christmas  Staff Awards Update on Allan  Update on Gideon Volunteer Report: Bethany Wilson Volunteer Opportunities Sponsor a Child Donations Needed How to Donate Donors this quarter LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN- Dr Stephen Kituuka – Board Chairman We thank GOD who has brought us to the end of 2018, and made it possible for us to start 2019. SBH is concerned by the low rate of adopting boys relative to girls. There should be concerted efforts to cause a change in this pattern. We congratulate Livingstone and Evelyn Semakula on the successful wedding in the SBH family. We also thank all who got involved in the SBH Christmas Party and congratulate babies who received the Holy Sacrament of Baptism. Some SBH staff are traditionally given token appreciation awards. In the true sense of the word all workers in SBH indiscriminately deserve more good awards at a year end, in appreciation of their team work, commitment, dedication and sincerity. It is our request that more people of good will should donate to especially support this cause. SBH requires GOD’s providence in matters of funding development. There is a crisis in sourcing funding for development. Many funding agencies are (as a policy) not keen on financing development work of the cement and mortar type. They would rather support services, supplies, staffing, or items that are directly linked to the current betterment of orphaned children. At the same time our mother patron church currently has their capacity to help development over-stretched, as they have many other on-going big development projects. But we must recognize that the World is dynamic and SBH must grow in order to cope with this dynamism. We therefore require to rethink new areas of support, divorced from the traditional ones, and also seek advice on how to overcome this funding predicament. May GOD bless you all. Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, , Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 2

LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR Dear friends, Every New Year brings with it new ideas, new challenges and new promises. This coming year 2019, is special as we remember God’s faithfulness as we celebrate Ninety years of providing Christ-like love to babies and children deprived of parental love; and reintegrating them into the community, through reuniting them with their families, fostering or adoption. From the humble beginnings of “The missionary sister, the late Milnes Winfred Walker opening Sanyu Babies’ Home in 1929, God has blessed and enlarged this ministry in the country and worldwide. As we stand at the threshold of a new year and a new phase in the life of Sanyu Babies’ Home, it is appropriate for us to look back and give thanks to our God. “This is what the Lord says; ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls’” (Jeremiah 6:16). It would be good to join together to “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever” (Psalm 136:1) As I look back over 2018 I'm filled with gratitude for the many people involved in the Sanyu Babies’ Home ministry. I'm grateful for an outstanding Board of Governors that give their time to ensure that the Home’s resources are used wisely and the Home is well-governed, and consistently support me in my role as Director. I’m thankful for the hard working and committed staffs that selflessly give all their energy, time and love to the service of our precious children. I'm thankful for the groups of volunteers that join our staff in all manner of work, from feeding to changing and playing with the children; to assisting with the Domestic department, Nursing Station, Office & Administration and the general compound. I'm thankful for the many individuals, churches, fellowships, corporate companies, clubs, education institutions, and associations that provide financial resources/ donations to the Home. I’m thankful for the many foster and adoptive families that have opened their hearts to love and give forever loving families to our dear children. And I'm thankful for you. Whether you have volunteered, visited the babies, made a donation, attended a meeting, written a letter, shared a social media post, prayed for the Sanyu family, or cheered from the sidelines, you are an important part of our work, and my hope for the future. This is a time to look forward. In these times of uncertainty and difficulty, we can be encouraged by the quote from Minnie Haskin’s poem, “The Gate of the Year” read by King George VI on a New Year eve, “I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year, ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’ And he replied, ‘Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be better than light, and safer than a known way.” The Lord who has led us thus far will continue to do so in the coming year. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). What words of assurance! Can we have a better promise to begin this year! I wish to conclude with the Aaronic blessing, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace” (Numbers 6: 24-26). Barbara Nankya Mutagubya – Director

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 3

HELLOS AND GOODBYES In the past three months changes involved 13 children: 1 was re-united with family and 2 were fostered.

ADMISSIONS Precious Angel Sinza (5 months) arrived on 27th October 2018. She was abandoned by an unknown person at outpatient department at Kiboga Hospital. The case was reported to Kiboga Central Police Station and to the Kiboga Probation Officer who referred the child to Sanyu Babies’ Home for temporary custody as they carry out further investigations.

Divine Buyinza (1 year) arrived on 7th November 2018. He was found abandoned by an unknown person outside the gate of the LC1 Chairman in Nankulabye Zone 9 at around 4:00am. He was rescued by a Good Samaritan and the case was reported to the LC1 office that later reported the case to Nankulabye Police Post and after referred the child to Sanyu Babies’ Home for temporary custody as they carry out further investigations.

Brian Asiimwe (9months) arrived on 19th November 2018. He was abandoned by an unknown person at the veranda of Liberty Worship Centre Lugala. The case was reported to Old Kampala Police Station and thereafter referred the child to Sanyu Babies’ Home for temporary custody as they carry out further investigations.

Sabrina Kukiriza (4 months) arrived on 20th November 2018. She was abandoned by the biological mother at K.C.C.A Health Centre in Kisenyi at around 10:30am leaving the baby with the Nurse. The case was reported to Old Kampala Police Station that later referred the child to Sanyu Babies’ Home for temporary custody as they carry out further investigations.

Andrew Joram Kuteesa (7 months) arrived on 1st December 2018. He was abandoned by his biological mother Fatuma to Nancy Maturu a resident of Masanafu Kinyoro Rubaga Division. The case was reported to Old Kampala Police Station that later referred the child to Sanyu Babies’ Home for temporary custody as they carry out further investigations.

Jesse Abesiga (2 days) arrived on 5th December 2018. He was abandoned at a garbage dumping area in Nankulabye Zone 7. A Good Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 4

Samaritan picked him and reported the case to Nankulabye Police Post that referred the child to Sanyu Babies’ Home for temporary custody as they carry out further investigations.

Victor Kyeyune (1 month) arrived on 12th December 2018. He was abandoned by his mother at the salon of Asiimwe Edith at around 8 o’clock. She had come to dress her hair. After dressing her hair, she requested to be directed to mobile money agent leaving the baby behind and never returned. The case was reported to Old Kampala Police Station and later referred the child to Sanyu Babies’ Home for temporary custody as they carry out further investigations.

Neslon Kitiibwa (4 weeks) arrived on 19th December 2018. He was found abandoned on a garbage pit near Kiwatule Northern by Pass Bridge at around midnight. He was rescued by a Good Samaritan who reported the matter to Kiwatule Police Post that forwarded the case to Kira Road Police Station and after referred the child to Sanyu Babies’ Home for temporary custody as they carry out further investigations.

Noel Nakaketo (1 week) arrived on 24th December 2018. She was abandoned by a lady suspected to be the mother in Namayiba Bus Park. The matter was reported to Old Kampala Police Station and thereafter referred the child to Sanyu Babies’ Home for temporary custody as they carry out further investigations.

Emmanuel Chosen Wamala (1 year) arrived on 26th December 2018. He was abandoned by an unknown person outside Sanyu Babies’ Home gate at around 1 o’clock. He was found by Ayikobua John a security guard at Sanyu Babies’ Home. The case was reported at Bakuli Community Police Post that forwarded the matter to Old Kampala Police Station and thereafter referred the child to Sanyu Babies’ Home for temporary custody as they carry out further investigations.


Joana Joy Atuhairwe (9th November 2018)

Kato Samuel (13th December 2018)


Brian Asiimwe (20th November 2018)

Joana Joy

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 5

FEATURE: Ezekiel’s Life Story

Ezekiel came into Sanyu Babies’ Home after being abandoned by an unknown person outside Sanyu Babies’ Home gate on 1st September, 2017. He was rescued by the Sanyu Babies’ Home security guard- Bosco at 8:00pm. Ezekiel was too small for his age. He suffered from severe malnutrition and presented with wasted limbs, brown hair and distended abdomen. Everyone in the home immediately fell in love with this sweet boy. He had a joyful character and a smile that could light up any room. Ezekiel received the best possible care by our nurses, physiotherapist, maamas and volunteers and within a few weeks, his growth and development had started to stabilize.

On the afternoon of Friday 28th December 2018, Ezekiel was found to have malaria. Nurse Caroline immediately started him on malaria treatment. In the morning of Saturday 29th December 2018, Ezekiel’s condition become worse and was admitted at Mengo hospital where he received phenomenal care by Mengo’s doctors and nurses. Doctors began treatment for severe hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels), Hypovolemic shock (severe blood or fluid loss which make the heart unable to pump enough blood to the body) and renal failure. Despite the best efforts of doctors and nurses, Ezekiel Mbuga went home to be in the arms of Jesus on the morning of Sunday 30th December 2018. A funeral service was held at Sanyu Babies’ Home and he was buried at Lusaze cemetery.

We continue to thank the Lord and praise him for the life of Ezekiel and the joy he brought to those around him. We take comfort in knowing that Ezekeil is no longer in pain and is waiting for us in heaven and we will see him again one day in paradise.

Feature: Samuel says Goodbye to SBH

On the 19th Issue of our Newsletter, you may remember, that we wrote a story about the twins- Samuel and Silas. These twins were born on 1st April, 2013 to 25 year old Alice. Samuel only weighed 1.7Kgs and Silas weighed 1.4kgs on 6th April, 2013 when they arrived at Sanyu. Alice is a Karamajong, a member of a tribe of people from the Northern area of Uganda. Many people from that area have come to Kampala as a result of the wars in that area, led by Joseph Kony of the Lord’s Resistance Army. Alice is only one of the many Karamajongs who stay in the slums and on the streets of Kampala looking for any type of work to make money. At only 6 days old, the twins were found placed on a dirty piece of cloth along Namirembe Road Street. They were completely naked, shivering and crying. Their mother had hired them out to a friend to use them to beg for money on the streets because she did not have anything to eat. Samuel and Silas had so much to endure within their short life. Sadly on 22nd July 2013,

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 6

Silas passed away due to Severe Bronchopneumonia. Silas left Samuel by himself in the bunk baby bed they used to share.

Samuel’s main challenge was poor weight gain. He had to be fed very little amounts very often, which was hard for the mamas because they are on such a strict schedule with the 50 other children and hardly had the time. But with the help of the nurses and volunteers, Samuel became well-nourished and grew into a very active, loving and caring boy. Samuel loved drumming during our daily morning devotion and leading praise songs. He brought so much joy into our lives. The Social workers made all possible efforts to trace for Samuel’s known relatives so he can be reunited but in vain. It was therefore decided that Samuel should be matched to a family for adoption. Once all arrangements had been finalized, Samuel’s prospective adoptive family started to visit him at Sanyu every afternoon for purposes of bonding. The mamas and teachers prepared Samuel very well and all the other children for the transition. 13th December 2018 was the long awaited day for Samuel to say goodbye to his Sanyu family. He was excited but at the same time nervous filled with mixture of emotions. Samuel and his new family cut a farewell cake which he served to all the children, mamas and volunteers. All the children, mamas and volunteers were sad to say goodbye to Samuel but at the same time thanked God for blessing him with a forever loving family (adoptive parents).

News: Livingstone weds Evelyn Samuel and Silas at 1 month old

On Saturday 15th December, our Crafts shop assistant Evelyn Nankabirwa got married to Livingston Semakula at St. Paul’s cathedral, Namirembe. We would like to offer our heartfelt congratulations and wish them all the best of luck for the future.

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 7

Feature: The Guesthouse Sanyu Babies’ Home is reliant on the funds generated from the onsite Guesthouse. This accommodation is available to both volunteers and visitors to Uganda. It is a great place to base yourself as you meet the children and / or explore other parts of the country. The guesthouse can accommodate individuals or groups as large as 14, provides warm African hospitality and a full range of services to make your stay comfortable and relaxing. If you would like to receive more information about the guesthouse or volunteering at Sanyu, please email us at [email protected] or call us on +256 414 274 032/ +256 788 162 147.

SBH celebrates Christmas: Through the Eyes of a volunteer- Jessica Vest (Youth with a Mission Las Vegas) On Friday, December 21st, my team and I experienced a festive day filled with joy, love, and excitement. The day started off with a thanks giving and baptism service where 23 little ones received the Holy Sacrament of Baptism. These included; Christine Mirembe Charity Ayinza Precious Angle Sinza James Allan Kasule Stephen Mugisha Divine Buyinza Henry Mubeezi Edwin Afuga Sabrina Kukiriza Eliphaz Mbabazi Blessing Daniel Waswa Andrew Joram Kuteesa Grace Moru Patience Kirabo Mesearch Jesse Abesiga Abraham Agaba Glorious Ndagire Victor Kyeyune & Jonah Birungibyayesu Timothy Ireankunda Nelson Kittibwa Suzan Akello John Bosco Mubiru

It was an exciting moment to witness! As the children were being baptized, it was very noticeable that they are so loved by each and every person who works at this babies’ home. While these children are in the care of Sanyu Babies’ Home, I have no doubt that they will be continually pointed in the direction of Jesus! After the baptisms, the Christmas Party began. The party was a time for the mamas to sit back, relax, and be served. However, throughout the party, many mamas still served children and each other. These women are absolutely incredible. Not only do they care for their own families, as well as the children in the babies’ home, but they even work when they are “off duty”. The children in this home have amazing women taking care of and loving them. One of the most exciting moments during the Christmas party, was when the mamas all received new aprons as gifts from one of the adoptive parents- Mrs. Margaret Kyeyune and Christmas cakes from Mrs. Priscilla Mugerwa of Cilla’s oven. They were absolutely ecstatic. These women were overjoyed by this, and it was so exciting to watch. However, the moment that really made the biggest impact on me, was when some of the mamas received awards. Every time a mama received an award, all the other mamas were so excited for them. You could tell that the babies’ home has Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 8

an environment of love and encouragement amongst the women. Overall, the day was so much fun, and we felt very blessed to get to celebrate Christmas with Sanyu Babies’ Home. We are so appreciative of all of the people who help run the babies’ home, and allow our team to help serve!

Thanks giving / baptism service and Christmas party in pictures

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 9

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 10

News: Staff Awards Here at Sanyu Babies’ Home, all of our staff members have achieved excellence. Every single one of our staff members are worthy of receiving recognition and we are grateful for all of them. On Friday 21st December at the Christmas/ end of year party, the staff members at Sanyu were appreciated for all their efforts throughout the year. The success of Sanyu Babies’ Home is built on the efforts of each of the staff. Each staff member was appreciated for their dedication, loyalty and commitment to the service of Sanyu Babies’ Home throughout the year. The Vice Board chairman – Mrs. Petrina Kawooya and another Board member- Mrs. Barbara Senkatuka handed over an appreciation envelope to each staff amidst great excitement and celebration. However, some staff members were recognized by giving them awards for going above and beyond. The Awards were categorized as follows; 1. Long Service Award- was given to Mama Maria Nampiima and Mama Catherine Makairwe in recognition of their dedication to the service of Sanyu Babies’ Home for a continuous period of 20 years. Through their service, so many children’s lives have been changed. Mama Catherine joined SBH on 1st April, 1998 and Mama Maria joined on 1st August, 1998.

Mama Maria Nampiima Mama Catherine Makairwe

2. Best Sense of Time Award (test of time award) - was given to Teacher Jacqueline Nassali for being a very good time manager. Teacher Jacqueline was recognized for being in the right place at the right time doing the right thing at all times.

3. Team Impact Award (Best team player) – was given to Mama Racheal Kitamirike for being a very good team player. Mama Racheal is exceptionaly reliable and responsible. She is a team leader who keeps her team members informed and she is always ready to help.

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 11

4. The Encouraging Word Award- was given to Mama Maria Nampiima. Maria is a calmer of storms, comforts children and staff who need to be comforted; recognizes others strengths and lets them know when they are doing a great job. Maria is a circle of joy.

5. Bright Beginning Award- was given to Sebastian Tugume for constantly being reliable day in and day out despite the fact that he has only worked at Sanyu for 9 months. Sebastian is also known to be a risk taker. He is fearless enough to take his team in a new direction.

6. Outstanding New Addition Award- was given to Nurse Christine Nabuuma for her outstanding contribution to SBH in the provision of expert nursing care to the children, staff and volunteers. Christine joined Sanyu in March and in just a few months, she has made an exceptional contribution to SBH. Christine shows empathy, she is sensitive and has excellent communication skills. She has the emotional resilience and stamina to deal with children under difficult circumstances. If she has been caring for a child throughout the day, but they still need her attention when it is time for her to go off duty, she chooses to stay with the child until they are well enough to be left in the caring hands of the mamas. She then stays in the on call room, here on site so she can check on the child throughout the night.

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 12

7. Employee of the year2018 Award– was given to Mama Rosira Nakibuuka for her excellence in all aspects of her service at Sanyu Babies’ Home. It’s not hard to find Mama Rosira- just look for the mama who has a bright smile and busy at work engaged in completing her daily tasks, but always has the time to stop by a baby’s crib to give them a little hug, a hi five, a tickle or simply chat with them. Mama Rosira can never pass by a child that is crying or sad. She will pick that baby up and keep on working with him at her side. She loves assisting the nurses in giving extra care to the sick children and will do whatever it takes to ensure that the sick children are well. Mama Rosira is so committed and dedicated to her work that you will find her assisting the staffs in other departments even when she is off duty. Mama Rosira has worked at Sanyu for the past 8 years. She is a single mother, raising three children: 2 boys and 1 girl. It’s because of people like Mama Rosira that Sanyu is able to be a sanctuary for many traumatized babies. Over the years, her loving arms have soothed many babies, wiped many tears and celebrated many victories in the lives of our babies. Thank you Mama Rosira for your dedicated service and for caring for those little ones who had no one else to. Congratulations!

Feature: Update on Allan Allan arrived at Sanyu Babies’ Home on 19th January, 2013 at approximately three months old after being abandoned by his mother at Kira- Kampala district. Our Social Workers made comprehensive investigations in an effort to trace for Allan’s relatives. This was not an easy task but by the grace of God, Allan’s relatives were later found deep in Rukungiri District on a village called Mabungo which is 10 hours’ drive from Kampala. Allan’s relatives found included his paternal grandparents, paternal aunt, step mother and his step siblings. Necessary arrangements were made to have Allan reunited with his family. A home detailed assessment was done; and Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 13

following a series of successful counseling sessions to both the identified family members and Allan, a reunion was made on 3rd May, 2018. Once children are placed in families by reuniting them with their families, fostering or adoption, it is our policy to carry out surprise post placement visits. On 8th November 2018, our Social worker Brasio made a surprise visit to Mabungo - Rukungiri district to monitor and find out how Allan’s progress with his family was. Allan attends school at Kiruhura Nursery and Primary School and he is a brilliant boy. He is physically healthy with normal development and has a strong immune system. Allan has bonded well with all his family members and loved by everyone at home. His grandparents report that the first few days were not easy for Allan as he was not used to their staple food- millet and the water in the village. But this took him a few days as he was so quick to cope up with the new culture. Allan’s grandparents are subsistence farmers growing a variety of food crops and raring cattle for a living. We thank God for enabling us to find Allan’s family and have him reunited. Update on Allan in pictures

2013 2015

2016 2017

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 14

May, 2018 November, 2018 in his school uniform

Feature: Update on Gideon On the 33rd issue of our newsletter, you may remember that we wrote a story about a little boy named Gideon. When Gideon came to us at Sanyu he was extremely malnourished as well as sick. Gideon was suffering from skin soars, a large wound on his backside and extreme malnutrition. The nurses at Sanyu decided it would be best to take him to the hospital. Gideon received treatment at the Mulago National referral hospital for a full month and returned to Sanyu with improvements. At one year old, Gideon came to us only weighing 3kgs. He quickly started healing well from his wounds and illness and we started to see a whole new side of Gideon. When Gideon arrived, he was very weak. Unable to cry, move or show emotion. It was difficult to see his personality shine through his weakness. After a few weeks in our care, Gideon started to cry, reach out with his arms, and kick his legs, smile, and even laugh! The Nurses and Mamas took wonderful care of our little Gideon. His need of weight gain was tended to and now Gideon is as healthy as can be. It has been a whole 2 years since Gideon’s arrival and the transformation we wanted to see has happened. Gideon participates during morning classes, interacts with all the other children, volunteers, mamas and his laugh can be heard from miles away. At a weight of 18 Kgs now compared to the 3 Kgs upon his arrival, its miraculous how well-nourished he has become. Gideon is one of the many children who have come from a very hard place to find a safe haven here at Sanyu Babies’ Home. Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 15

On Gideon’s behalf, we thank you for the love and prayers you have already sent him and will continue to do so. We thank God for Gideon’s progress, for his smile and for the gift of having him around.

Gideon on arrival at Sanyu

Gideon after 1 month under Sanyu’s care


Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 16

Volunteer Report- Bethany Wilson (Youth with a Mission Las Vegas) My team and I have spent about 3 weeks at Sanyu Babies’ Home. Although some days may be more challenging than others, it has also been so much fun getting to interact with these children on a daily basis. I love when we get to play together because you can really see the individual personalities of each one of the children. Since being here, I have grown to love and appreciate not only the children, but also the mamas that work here. It takes a lot of time and energy to take care of over 50 children, but these mamas do it effortlessly every day because they truly do love and care for each one of the children. Leaving Sanyu Babies’ Home will definitely be a challenge for me, but I am grateful to have had the chance to show the children the love of Christ, and this will be an experience that will stick with me forever.

Volunteer Opportunities at Sanyu Babies’ Home

We offer a number of ongoing opportunities for one to come and volunteer at Sanyu. On site is our guesthouse, which provides each volunteer with a comfortable and safe place to stay while being steps away from the babies’ home. Please check our website for more information.www.sanyubabies.com. We hope to offer more guesthouse facilities, if our SBH Extension Project (referred to below) materializes. We’re on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sanyu- Babies-Home-Uganda/165778456790252LIKE AND SHARE! We’re also on Instagram; @sanyubabieshome LIKE AND SHARE!

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 17

Sponsor a Child

Every year, many babies in Uganda are abandoned or discarded at birth. They are found in garbage dumps, toilets/ pit latrines, by the road side, in the bushes, gardens, taxi parks, etc. The children are found from hours, days, weeks, or months old and often in very poor states of health. Their entire future relies on Sanyu Babies’ Home and friends like you.

There are many babies at Sanyu Babies’ Home that need sponsorship to give them hope. When you partner with Sanyu through sponsorship, you agree to make a regular contribution that enables Sanyu to provide Christ-like love to babies and children deprived of parental love; and reintegrating them into community, through reuniting them with their families, fostering or adoption. For just $15/UGX 60,000 each month, you can sponsor a child and give them hope. Please contact Barbara ([email protected]), the Director if you can help us by sponsoring one of our babies.

DONATIONS NEEDED 1. Consumables Sanyu Babies’ Home relies almost entirely on the generosity and support of friends like you. Over the years, we have received many donations which have been enormously valuable to the home and especially the children. We thank you for all your love and support. However, we are always in need of contributions to keep the home running. Our wish list is endless and includes some of the following;  Baby formula milk (0-6months)

 Feeding bottles  Pampers / disposable nappies in various sizes from newborn to toddlers’ pull ups  Baby wipes  Baby rocking chairs/ soother chairs for the classroom  Disposable gloves  Food – rice, milk, sugar, eggs, fresh fruits, vegetables, matooke, potatoes (sweet and Irish), fish, meat, peanut butter, blue band, ground nuts, etc...  Milton Sterilizing tablets or other brand sterilizing tablets.  Cleaning products – ie. Detergent, bleach, washing up liquid/soap, washing detergent, stationery for administration work and Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 18

classroom  Activities, toys, books, arts and crafts suitable for nursery class.  Children’s toothbrushes and children’s toothpaste  Children’s shoes – Croc style (rubber type flip flops)

2-TO PURSUE THE HOME EXPANSION PROGRAMME The Home’s Limited capacity has increasingly become a problem with the increasing numbers of abandoned/orphaned children, overwhelming SBH capacity. This very high Aid Dependency, is not healthy, as it cannot be sustained for-ever, and there is therefore need for expansion. The Home relies almost entirely on friends’ volunteer support and people’s generosity: from within the country and from individuals outside the country (the Diaspora). There is no any organization or institution that funds the Home on a regular basis. Whereas this person-to-person current sourcing of financial support policy, has worked in the past to sustain the Home (especially in terms of recurrent expenditure), it is proving to be completely inadequate for development needs to meet the growing numbers. The problem is compounded by the increasing population, high levels of poverty, change in society values and morals, family break ups, and diseases especially HIV/AIDS. Currently, SBH can only care for up to 50 babies at a time. Often-times, the number of children at the home exceeds capacity. This has the effect of compromising the quality of services and encouraging premature release of children from the home. The small capacity also poses a threat to children’s development. The few existing income generating projects are not in position to yield a sizable amount of income to care for the children at SBH and at the same time fund development projects. The Home has insufficient financial and material resources. This is mainly due to a small donor base and limited channels for revenue generation. This results in poor quality of infrastructure, compromised quality of services and limited growth (taking on new babies/children). A need was therefore conceived to develop part of Sanyu Babies’ Home prime land into a mixed-use commercial development (shown below) with shops and offices and a guest house to start generating additional income. The estimated cost for the project is USD 3,090,264.95. SBH is desperately looking for funds to finance this extension project that will mean so much to the babies. PROPOSED SBH EXTENSION PROJECT

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 19

SBH really wants to encourage Friends of Sanyu Babies’ Home and every one out there to help with whatever one can, so that the extension project can be done. So we really believe that with GOD’s grace and blessings that you can help us with any amount.

Soil-testing on the building site has been under-way; and funds have been procured to meet all the preliminary costs of detailed professional building drawings and the cost of Development Control Authority building plan approvals.

In the longer term, there are also plans to expand the children and staff facilities into another SBH village at the Namirembe Diocese allocated five (5) acres of land (elsewhere - in ) to further upgrade the home.

3- IMPROVE TRANSPORTATION SBH must acquire a new pick-up double-cabin, and a van, as shown below. The estimated costs is US$ 60,000. This money ought to be found.

Proposed Pick up Double Cubin Proposed Van

How to Donate You can do international transfer via the following bank details or by cash and or cheque written out to: Beneficiary Bank Details:

Standard Chartered Bank Uganda Limited 5 Speke Road, Kampala, P.O. Box 7111 Account Name: Sanyu Babies’ Home UGX Account No: 0102010619500 USD Account No: 8702010619500 Sort Code: 08-02-47

Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited City Branch, Kampala Road Account Name: Sanyu Babies’ Home UGX Account Number: 9030005856247 Sort Code: 31008, Swift Code: SBICUGKX

You can also send money using the MTN Mobile money collection line – 0788162147. You can post items to: PO Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Please ensure you let the Director know if you send any donations so we can be looking out for them. Send us an email: [email protected] or call: +256 414 274 032/ +256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 20

Donors– We thank you! Every gift that is given to Sanyu is so appreciated and we want to thank everyone who has given to the children of Sanyu. The donors listed have given in cash and also in kind (formula, food, clothes, toys etc.) and we know that it is the heart of the giver, not the size of the donation. Thank you so much for your kind hearts! This list is for October- December, 2018.

Corporate Companies, Businesses, Clubs and Associations Abigail Confectionary Home Care for Women & Sheraton Hotel Kampala Africana Supermarket Youth Shop 10 Grand Imperial Agape Home Ministries Human Rights Awareness Spice and Sugar Anya International Forum Teens and Tots Safari Women & Youth Agency Inter aid Uganda Turkish Ladies’ Community Besusa Restaurant Ltd Jay Ltd Twegatte.Org Beta Health Care (U) Ltd Kampala City Council Uganda Institution of Cilla’s Oven Authority Rubaga Division Professional Engineers Crystal Dinning Amazing Lamberts Uganda Ltd Uganda Kings & Cultural Grace Max Imports & Exports Ltd Leaders Forum Secretariat Cuts International Rve Nile Humanitarian Unimoni Exchange Vermont Development Agency Services Limited F. Ssonko Uganda Ltd Pomegranate Investment United Pearl Exporters Ltd Fresh Dairy Brookside Ltd Ltd Universal Peace Global Paper Products Ltd Radhe Engineering. Co Ltd Federation Golden Tripod Casino Rafiki Foundation Ug

Schools and Education Institutions

Acacia International Progressive S.S Mummy’s Institute School Kampala Parents School Masaka Bukhaari Junior School Young Straight Talk Society Secondary School Charity Community School Katikamu Secondary Ndejje Secondary School Cream Land Junior School Peak Kindergarten Academy Little Cranes Bugolobi Precious One Christian Eliana Junior School Little Cranes Naguru Academy Hope Boarding School Makerere College School Rafiki Classical School

Fellowships and churches Amazing Grace COU Parish Godly Hood Group Ashby St Mary Church, Chapel Choir Ministries Universal Church Bergh Apton Church CMF, CWF & Youth Katwe Godly Wood Uganda Boys &Girls Brigade Martyrs Church of Uganda Heirs of Gold Watoto Namirembe Diocese COU Parish Church Bramerton Church Framingham Pigot Church Bunamwaya COU Parish COU Archdeaconry

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 21

Jesus Explosive Ministries Martyrs COU Fathers’ & St. Mark Bukasa Muyenga International –Muk Mothers’ Union Kawuku Parish COU Chapter Masooli COU Parish St .Stephens’ COU Kabowa Jjungo COU Parish Mbuya COU Parish Youth Department Kansaga COU Parish COU Parish St. Stephens’ Nfuufu COU Katwe II COU Parish COU Parish Mother’ Union Kavumba COU Parish Namasuba COU Parish Thiba Archdeaconry COU Parish COU Parish Watoto Choir 97 Kiteezi COU Parish COU Parish Watoto Church Kitende COU Parish Office of the Supreme Discipleship Kiwuunya COU Parish Mufti Yelverton Church Kkungu COU Parish Purse of Hope Luzira COU Parish St. John’s C.O.U Kitintale

Individuals Aariya Unnisa Amin Patel Boaz Ahabwe Zimbe Abdul Karim Ssekitto Amit Upadhyay Bob & Cathy Tibasiima Aber Diana Amobi John Anoka Bosenge Boting Olivier Able Andrew Meynell, Brenda Lwanga Abu Lola Andrew Suubi Brenda & Olive Adam Kijjambu Angela Nalweyiso Brenda Mwagale Aelam Bhelijani Angela Smith Brenda Nalubega Afoora Unnisa Angelica Abrahame Brenda Smith, Agaba Family Angella Moore Brian & Marianne Agaba Ruhitsi Angella Najjuuko Emurwon Agatha K Ann-Etta Mann Brian Kayongo Angela Smith Aopan &Manali Shah Brian Senyondo Agnes Balemba Ardelle Amoding Burak Bali Ahmed Barakat Arinaitwe Nelly Carla Violet Kibirige Ahmed Zakaria Asan Kezimbira Caroline & Family Aida Obiga Asaph Kasozi Catherine & Allan Akber Gilani Augustine Charity Margaret Gibwa Akusa &Ezekiel Tuma Aysegul Yurdakul Charles Ssali Alex Kakule Barbara & Ian Johnson, Chloe Britney Alexander Kyamanywa Barbara Namawejje Christine Miklabaziga Ali Ousmane Barbara Nambi Christine Nassiwa Aline Shamazi Mwinja Beatrice Nagbirano Chrsitine Nandawula Allen & Alice Benjamin B. K Kawumi Christine Niwamanya Allen Nuwasiima Benson Sseruwagi Christopher Kamya Amani Christian Bethlehem Christopher Mugenyi Ambrose Kategaya Betty Christopher Sekimbugwe Ameer Hudda Betty Musaazi Cissy Nasansa Ameet Gheewala Biira Fortunate Tracy Clement Onuah Amin Kaija Birem Family Cynthia Cannaia Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 22

Daniel Kawana Fatumah Magala Hizuberu Gopal Danish Sultan Ali Fayza Hajara Hope Sserwanja David Kakembo Fernando Hudda Bhai David Kawana Fiona Nakalyango Hussein Jiveni Deborah Montgomery Fiona Nakalyango Hussein Kato Ssegawa Deep Kumar Flavia Angut Ibrahim Kakooza Denis Kizito Flavia Nakiganda Innocent Namwase Deon Busingye Francis Uwimana Irene Musaala & Night Deus Kaliisa Fred Kanakulya Irene Nankinga Diane Tumuheirwe Fred Kanakulya Isaac Wanume Dickens Mugumya Galilee Ismail Nsubuga Dinah Nakalungi Geoffrey Ivan Omara Dinah Suubi Geoffrey Namoso Ivan & Shiba Kituuka & Dionisia Kiminjo George Leko Family Donald Busingye Georgia Asiimwe James Kalibbala Bwogi Donald Byamugisha Georgia Asiimwe James O.K Doreen Nantongo Gerlinde Vettes James Ramsden Doreen Nawaal Gitta Zimmerman Jamiel Dorothy Nalunwama Godfrey Mulondo Jane Kalungi Dr. & Mrs. Kawooya Grace Falonne Janvi Vekariya Dr. & Mrs. Obiyo Grace Felix Kisame Jascinta Nalwoga Dr. Hannington Muhwezi Grace Laker Tendo Jenifer Keewa Dr. Isaiah Samuel Grace Mbabazi Jennifer Akugizibwe Dr. Joy & Ferdinand Ssali Gregory Mugisha Jeremiah & Priscilla Eddie Luyima Group from the Buganda Jerusalem Hunde Eddy Royal Family Jessica Komuhangi Edna Nyakaisiki Habibah Nansige\Faith Jessica Komuhangi Edwin Muyunga Namasinga Jimmy Lubinga Edwin Mwigombe Hakiza Mathew Silver Jo Threadgold Elaine. N Hanna Morell Joan & Jackie Eldred Muyanja Hannah Kwemaku Joan Mutesi Eli Hanni Rotzer Joanita & Michael Eliana Harriet Kakonge Joanna Hellstroum Elizabeth Kihunde Haruna Kabaseke John & Di Whittow, Elizabeth Kiyingi Hassan Masembe John & Ruth Everette Emmanuel Bizimana Hassan Mungefeni Patricia Roberts, Erick Mpagi Hawa Kiggundu John Kakooza Erick Mpagi Hawa Kiggungu John Mary Kinaalwa Espoir Aminu Ruhingana Hellen Nyilak Joseline Ayikoni Eva Strittmatter Henry & Agnes Yawe Joseph Ssekamanje Eve De Iscar Henry Benon Ndege Joseph Ssemanda Faisal Masoud Henry Ndege Joseph Ssempiira Fanta Diawana Henry Ssemwogerere Josephine Namwanje Farouq Katerega Hildegard Hass –Stotzel Joshua Virod Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 23

Juliet Anne Nanyunja Mariam Namutebi Mr. Ssewagudde & Julius Bazanye Mariam Nansamba Mbabazi Kalpesh Patel Marina Nassanga Mrs MJ Wright Karampal Kaur Marjorine Kwagala Mrs. Christine Kintu Karina Loewen Marta Miartos Mulimira Kasimu Bava Marvin Wesonga Mrs. Christine Nakaweesa Kauya Mary Babirye Lutaaya Mrs. Emilly Ssejaaka Kelly Keiran Mathew Silver Hakiza Mrs. Esther Birungi Kevin Parfitt, Maximilian Krehl Mrs. Muwanga Kevina Anyango Ojwang May Mwaka Mrs. Okumu King Gracenppe Mehari Mrs. Tracy Gorretti Kiran Patse & Family Melanie & Joelyne Mrs. Vijayamalar Kirunda Mercy Thambirajah Kitty Lamero Miaan Kitiibwa Mugabi Lamberts Family Michael Kifle & Family Mulur Scovia Lamero Ketty Michael Ogulleni Mya Limaru Agaba Michelle Kirabo Najib Kabazi Linda Wannyana Million Magese Naomi Nambeko Lixiao Lui Mimi Mutoni Naveen Jain Liz & Christopher Meynell Miriam Nelly Arinitwe Liz Hoare, Mohammed Ishak Nisar Unnisa Liz, Jordan, Gabriel Mohammed Lubowa Nizar Hudda &Esther Monica Dwiwaru Clarisse Nkomejje Family Lorie Lain Rogers Monikel Patel Nnalongo Prossy Louis Tembo Moureen Lembrie Mollel Noordin Baagala Lule Family Mourine Asiimwe Norah Ikinyom Lydia Birimuye Mr. & Mrs. Agaba Nosakhare Osahon Daniel Lydia Namubiru Mr. & Mrs. Ahumuza Noubissie Odette Rosine M. K .Isaac Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Wilson Odur Bernard Maama Nabagereka Mr. & Mrs. Kayizzi Olivia Akampa Maama Sam Mr. & Mrs. Lwanga Olivia Kaitesi Maimuna Nalubega Mr. & Mrs. Muganga Olivia Kwagala Makurah Kromah Mr. & Mrs. Mukasa Olivia Namuyanja Mandy Ansell, Mr. & Mrs. Musoke Olivia Zalwango Manish Mathur Mr. & Mrs. Ssettuba Omubulizi Ssevume Margaret Kabahuma Mr. & Mrs. Zziwa Omuzaana Lubanjwa Margaret Kiggundu Mr. &Mrs. Kalungi Opoka Margaret Nakabugo Mr. Aliba Clement Ord. Nathan Mugalu Margaret Nampijja Mr. Ashu Midha Osman Dawa Margaret, Alice & Christine Mr. Grace Kawerere Pamela & Baagala Margie Mr. Henry Benon Ndege Pamela Klaso Maria Naluzze Mr. Mayanja Pascal Dusabe Maria Phillips, Mr. Mrs. Idigo Pat Mlejnecky, Mariah Amanishamazi Mr. Ronald Bbule Patel Bhumika Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 24

Patel Jignesh Robert Waters, Sophia Tugume Patel Rikin Robinah Nansinjo Sophie Masagazi Patrick Kalungi Rohan & Shreyan Khetai Ssenyonga Family Patrick Manyangenda Ronald Nsibambi Stanch Katongole Paul Day Ronald Nyiringabo Stella Austin Paul Kavuma Ronnet Kimuli Stella Kakai Peggy Madona Namusoke Rose Nuwagira Stella Maris Kayaga Peter & Lorna Allies, Rosemary Stella Nakiyimba Peter Mukasa Binaisa Stella Nayunja Phiona Bukirwa Roshi Watanabe Stella Tumusiime Phionah Kyoshabire Roy Mirembe Stefan Muller Pongpithak & Chanronglam Royce Namugenyi Stephanie Crome, Pr. Antonio Kazibwe Ruth & Paula Stephen Kasingye Pr. Ruth Aluwazi & Family Ruth Nakato Stephen Kijjambu Preeti MathurProf. & Mrs. Ruth Nalukwago Steven B Kawooya Sahib Singh Stuart Sserwadda Prossy Mirembe Salimah Kahwenge Susan Asiimwe Prossy Namuwulya Sally Morris, Susanna Steper Prossy Tumushabe Salome Susanne Stieger Pumlet & Olga Kisitu Samali Anyanwu Suzan Andrew Putin Kwesiga Sandra Kebirungi Sylvia Kashemeirwe Racheal Kemigisha Sandra Nalukenge Sylvia Tumwebaze Rahim Sarong Sandy Schroder Sylvia Wiltshire Agaba Rahma Masagazi Sarah Ranveer Sheorah Sarah Girgis Teo Nanyange Rebecca Mirembe Sarah Kimuda Tendo Rebekka Sarah Mulwana The Luyima Family Regina Nakitto Sarah Namwanje The Muwaga Family Rehabot Saripher Timothy Kalugye Rehema Nalubega Scofield Lugya Balagadde Tina & Buyondo Rehema Nassuna Semhar Tracy Fortunate Biira Rev. Kalibba Samuel Shakirah Namuyomba Treasure Rev. Samuel Ssali Shamiah Trudy, Winnie & Hellen Rhita Kahunde Sharifah Umar Kiseka Rhoda Kisakye Shawn Echum Victor George Chinwe Richard Omuut & Family Sheila Mbabazi Wahe Keishna Richard Ssentongo Sheila Wandege Wendy Premachandra, Riko Lim Shillah & Friends Winnie Nakinga Robert Kwesiga Shirat Winnie Nassali Robert Kyewakabye & Family Shyam Chag Yves Uwimana Robert Rwekwama Skylar & Suzan Ziria Mukodha Robert Walusimbi Solomon Kyazze Zwew Omelera


Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected]: www.sanyubabies.com “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) 25