Luppitt Packet

HELP!!! A new Treasurer is urgently needed to look after the Packet see page1


Parish Council: Chairman, John Thorne 01404 891412 m. 07748 780096 Clerk: Rosalind Buxton 01404 861481 Village Hall: Chairman: Brian Pulman 891324 Secretary: Mary Joyce 891328 Commoners: Secretary : Gavin Brake 892767 Luppitt Wives: Mrs Jean Hooper: 892969 PCC secretary: Wendy Watson 891959 Vicar: Rev Rik Peckham - 01404 891243 Church Administrator: Mrs Karen Davies 890121 (9:30 to 10:30 am) Churchwardens: Brian Pulman 891324 John Arbuthnott 891032 Mothers Union: Olive Clapp MBE 891386 Captain of Bellringers: Pearl Pulman 891324 Cricket Club: S Berry 891268 Luncheon Club: Jean Hooper 892969 Hartridge Buddhist Monastery: 891251

Highway Faults - online: road_maintenance.htm Alternatively, telephone 0845 155 1004 and give the fault information or email Police - non urgent - 101. Police - urgent : 999

OTHER USEFUL NUMBERS To get in touch with your MP - Dog Warden : 01395 517457 Write: Crimestoppers:: 0800 555111 Neil Parish MP Blackdown Practice: House of Commons 01823 681720 London Blackdown Support Group: SW1A 0AA (Hemyock) 01823 681036 Telephone: Medical Centre : 548544 0207 219 7172 Honiton Hospital: 540540 email: Dev.Air Ambulance: 01392 466666 [email protected] TRIP: 46529: community transport C.A.B.: 44213 Local Constituency Agent : Honiton Library: 41212 Lucille Baker E. Devon District Council: 01395 233503 [email protected] 01395 516551

The time has come to ask for help on the Packet. Our lovely Treasurer can no longer continue, so I am asking for help. We need a treasurer/fund raiser to help keep the Packet going to press each month to bring news, views and snippets to interest you. If you are interested, Katie will be pleased to talk to you about what is involved. So get in touch with me if you think this volunteer post is of interest. My email and number are on the inside back page.

Speaking of fund raising, we are having a pre Christmas Coffee Morning on Thursday November 26th at Mountstevens (see page 12). Robin and Michele Turner are very kindly hosting the event, so come and start the Christmas season with us!

Have a good month

Lindsey Dalgety

Light Up A Life and remember someone special Your local remembrance service will be at Honiton - St Paul's Church - 7pm, Wednesday 2nd December Parish Church - 7pm, Wednesday 9th December To put your dedication into our Book of Memories that will be at your local service please pick up a leaflet at our nearest shop, visit our website or contact us on 01392 688020 or [email protected]


Clerk’s report of a Meeting of Luppitt Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Tuesday, 6 October at 8 pm

Present: Cllrs Gavin Brake, David Barlow, Derek Hooper, Tom Nancarrow, Paul Prettejohn, Brian Pulman, Andrew Tucker, David Key (EDDC) and Rosalind Buxton (clerk)

Receive apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllrs John Thorne, Paul Diviani (DCC and EDDC), PC Vickery 4783 and PCSO Anning 30012. In the absence of Cllr Thorne, Cllr Brake took the chair.

Minutes of previous meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 1 September 2015 were unanimously agreed and signed as a correct record of that meeting (proposed by Cllr Barlow and seconded by Cllr Tucker).

Declaration of Interest There were no declarations of interest.

PLANNING Applications (for comment, support or objection) None received.

Neighbourhood Plan Roger Hicks had sent an update on the Neighbourhood Plan. He has made a start on writing the first draft and is making good progress. He has not yet had a meeting with Cllr Brake but this will hopefully take place shortly and he will continue to keep the Steering Group and the Parish Council updated on progress.

HIGHWAYS AND TRAFFIC Parish Highways programme The lengthsman had made an unexpected visit to the parish and carried out some work which was very welcome. However, if prior notice had been given, the lengthsman could have been given a list of work in order of priority. Clerk to pass on these comments to the Neighbourhood Highways Officer. Update on Items to Report as follows:

2 3 4 Update on road between Higher Wick Farm and Wick The holes have been patched and the road has been cleaned by EDDC.

Parish Maintenance Cllr Tucker will work through the extra work as time permits. The local projects listed above will be removed from this schedule and added to the list of extra work to be carried out by Cllr Tucker.

5 FOOTPATHS AND BRIDLEWAYS Cllr Nancarrow has been working his way through all the footpaths. He noted that Hensmoor (footpath 14) is very wet. As it is in an SSSI area, no sleepers or creosote can be used.

ENVIRONMENT/COMMUNITY FACILITIES Community policing report No crimes have been reported.

Luppitt Children’s Christmas party It was agreed to donate £150.00 towards the party (proposed by Cllr Barlow, seconded by Cllr Tucker).

Community Transport (TRIP) It was agreed to donate £55.00 for the year 2015/16 (proposed by Cllr Hooper, seconded by Cllr Tucker).

Clerk’s Report Parish Network Steering Group meeting in October The clerk read out the action points arising from the meeting that the BHPN Steering Group had had with constituency MPs on Wednesday, 2 September. A follow-up meeting with Parish Council chairmen or their representatives is being held on Wednesday, 7 October.

Quality Council Scheme The clerk advised that the free foundation year for Quality Councils ends at the end of 2015. The clerk will study the new scheme and report back to the Parish Council.

Devon Wheels 2 Work The clerk read out an email received from this organisation that helps people who live or work in Devon to travel to employment, training and education. She will arrange for the information to appear in the Luppitt Packet. ( page 51 - ed )

Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005 A letter had been received from EDDC and this was passed to Cllr Pulman.

Devon National Vintage Tractor Road Run The road run is taking place on Easter Sunday, 27 March 2016, with all proceeds going to Devon Air Ambulance, St Luke’s Hospice and

6 Devon Freewheelers. The Vice Chairman of the Tractor & Vintage Machinery club is already in contact with the Trustees of the Luppitt Commons.

CHAIRMAN’S DISCRETION There were no items.

QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC (The meeting to be closed before questions from the public.) There were no questions. The meeting closed at 9.05 pm.

Dates for next meetings – all to be held in Luppitt Village Hall at 8 pm:

Tuesday, 3 November 2015 Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Are you an experienced beekeeper who lacks space for your hives?

We have space and flowers in Luppitt but no hives or experience with bees .

If you would like to help us, in return for keeping hives in our fields, call or email Louisiana on 07761 858860 or [email protected]

7 Luppitt Entertainments Committee Dates for your diary

13 th November Quiz Night

12 th December Folk/ Acoustic Evening

Follow us on Facebook at Luppitt Events


Our next meeting will be held on FRIDAY 20TH November 2015 at 8pm.Mrs Joan Beckett, Cuckoo Cottage, when she will do some cooking for us.


Thursday12th November2015 Commences 12:30 for 1pm.

Glass of Sherry

Beef Casserole with Dumpling Potatoes Seasonal Vegetables

Bread & Butter Pudding with Custard

Tea & Coffee Raffle £5.00 Jean Hooper Tel - 01404 892 969

8 The Churchfitters

As part of this year’s entertainments programme we have been lucky enough to secure THE CHURCHFITTERS for a show at the village hall on December 12 th . Formed in 1978 they will be playing in Luppitt as part of their current UK tour and one of 12 shows they will be doing in December.

Chris, Rosie and Boris are all multi instrumentalists who play a wide mix of folk based roots music laced with a generous helping of humour to great effect. They all have broad musical backgrounds and bring their individual influences from Jazz, bluegrass, blues and folk to bear with consummate skill.

They will be playing material drawn from their nine albums interspersed with some Christmas favourites as part of their ‘Christmas Cracker’ show.

Tickets are now on sale and we suggest early booking to avoid disappointment! Tickets have already been sold as far away as Birmingham and will shortly be advertised to their UK fan base, so call now to secure your tickets!

A great band, food, bar and a festive atmosphere – suitable for everyone, and guaranteed to kick start Christmas and provide a really enjoyable evening of entertainment.

12 th December 2015

Tickets: £12 Robin 01404 892 785 or Steve 01404 891 268

Doors Open 7.00pm for 8.00pm start Luppitt Village Hall, Luppitt, Honiton EX14 4RT


M B Green

Gardening, Landscaping& Property Maintenance

Please call me for a chat to discuss your requirements, on: 01404 890101 07528562876 or 07807309702

• Window Cleaner • High reach hot water system • Frames and doors all in • Gutters/Facias Cleaned

Excellent references if required

For that personal service contact : Mr S. Harris Telephone: 01404 814963 or Mobile: 07737 419077


CHRISTMAS ORDERS NOW BEING TAKEN Free range Geese & Turkeys, Orchard reared Pork, High quality naturally fed Beef, Grass fed Lamb BLACKDOWN HILLS CHRISTMAS RAFFLE 1st PRIZE – TURKEY & TRIMMINGS 2nd PRIZE – JOINT OF TOPSIDE BEEF & TRIMMINGS 3rd PRIZE - ORCHARD REARED PORK JOINT & TRIMMINGS £1 per ticket available at Highlands Farm Shop all proceeds going to BLACKDOWN HILLS SUPPORT GROUP FRESH HOMEMADE CAKES, CHRISTMAS GOODIES, local free eggs, order and box locally sourced(where poss.) FRUIT & VEG at competitive prices. ANIMAL FEED – LIVESTOCK AND DOMESTIC, VIOLET FARM COMPOST

Dick Hewitson & Maisie Parker ‘Metamorphosis’

Woodhayes Gallery warmly invites you to an exhibition of the work by artists Dick Hewitson and Maisie Parker

7th -18 th November 10am – 4pm

Woodhayes Gallery, Luppitt, Honiton, Devon EX14 4TP T: 01404 46800

11 Meet Your Friends and Neighbours at the The Luppitt Packet

Bring & Buy Coffee Morning Mince Pies at Entrance £1 Mountstephens Raffle On Thursday, 26th November

10.30 to 12.00 noon

By kind invitation of Mr & Mrs Turner




01404 891305

Ladies of Luppitt Calendar 2016

Wall and Desk Calendars—£6.50 each. Profits to go to Devon Air Ambulance. Mandy Riley 01404 44783



We have trees for everyone from 3ft-40ft


Last year Christmas trees went to: Cathedrals, castles, hotels, pubs, shopping centers, garden centers, National Trust, schools, TV personalities and City Centers.

This year we hope YOU will come to us and choose YOUR fresh tree DIRECT FROM THE GROWER

Please contact Nick Stevens on Mobile—07860459745 Or Farm - 01404 891684 Home - 01884 841694



Calling all Luppitt Children You are invited to our Christmas Party on Saturday 19th December 2015 3.30 til 5.30 pm Hot food served at 5.00pm Visit from Santa Entertainment by: George The Magician To secure a place please email Mandy at [email protected] or text on 07817 517425 by 5th December 2015 (no bookings after this date please)

15 Gorgeous little gifts to make for Christmas - Christine Ryder

It’s that time of year again….when we start thinking about what we are going to buy everyone for Christmas. I find the build up to Christmas is a magical time full of wonderful scents and sounds and textures that can spark all sorts of great ideas for Christmas gifts.

My answer, for many years, has been to give very simple, homemade gifts, given a little extra special treatment by their presentation. Most of the gifts I dream up are foodie based, but there are some little fragrant ones too. But you have to start preparing your gifts now as many of them need time to mature before Christmas.

For inspiration, I thoroughly recommend the RiverCottage Handbook No.2 – all about Preserving. In there, you will find marvelous recipes for everything from the most gorgeous Christmas sweet mincement – virtually fat free and packed with fruity flavour – to fruit liqueurs, cordials and vinegars you can make now using the Autumn fruit harvest and store until Christmas – and some unusual but very interesting ideas such as nasturtium capers – made out of nasturtium seeds. All of these delicious little gifts would be welcome, and made extra special by presenting them in pretty jars or bottles with Christmas labels – easily and economically sourced from websites such as www.jars – then wrapped in Florists Cellophane and tied with a pretty ribbon. You can buy 20 metres of florists cellophane from for just over £5 and in Honiton High Street, The Curtain Trader is a great place to buy every kind of ribbon including special Christmas ones.

Little Christmas cakes topped with a bit of marzipan and fondant icing also look extra special if you give them the florists cellophane and ribbon treatment – as do stacks of home made biscuits, chocolate truffles, chocolate dipped orange rind…..the list goes on and on.

For those who you want to give a larger gift to, try where you can buy 4 sizes of Cambridge Wicker empty hamper baskets from only £4 each. Crunch up some Christmassy paper into the empty basket, arrange jars or bottles of

16 home made goodies, wrap the whole thing in florists cellophane and finish with ribbon for an extra special gift.

A really nice gift for anyone foodie is a selection of pungent sweet and savoury spices. There is a wonderful little company up in the Midlands – Fox’s Spices – that still operates on the old fashioned principal whereby you actually have to phone them to place an order – and their list of spices is absolutely phenomenal. They also do gift selections, including a Festive Cooking gift set containing absolutely everything a foodie could possibly want in the larder for Christmas. You can contact them on 01789-266420 – they will happily send you out a catalogue.

For those of you who prefer to get the sewing machine out as Christmas approaches, little bags of fragrant lavender are still a welcome and pretty gift. You can use scraps of pretty fabric salvaged from slightly worn out summer blouses or skirts, or you can do another trip into The Curtain Trader in Honiton High Street where you can always find very well priced remnants. All you have to do is to cut a rectangle of fabric, turn in and edge one of the long sides, fold the fabric in half inside out, sew up two sides to make a bag, fill it with lavender and tie with a pretty ribbon. You can buy highly fragrant dried lavender for £10 a kilo from .

Or, if you like foraging, you might like to go down to the woods or out into the fields, gather lots of pine cones, rose hips, acorns, beech nuts…..spray the lot roughly with glittery gold paint, add in some pungent cinnamon sticks and vanilla pods, and make up your own Christmassy bags of Pot Pourri.

Honiton Mobile Library Village Hall


November 4th Arrive 12.30pm Depart 1.00pm December 2nd Arrive 12.30pm Depart 1.00pm

17 GARDEN JOTTINGS , by D.Street

It is November. Autumn is well under way. For weeks Christmas catalogues have been flooding into our post box, not to mention elastic bands. Do you get them too? We keep ours. There's quite a collection in a box on the kitchen table. Someday I must count them, when I've got time from the garden. Could be enough to flog at a Coffee Morning. You never know, someone might like them. Though when you come to think of it, they could all be stamped GPO in ultra- violet or something even higher tech. By November the garden does not ask for as much time. There're loads of leaves to sweep off the lawn. And there are hedges to prune. Dead stalks and haulms to cut back in the borders. Of course you may believe leaving them till the spring helps protect the roots from penetrating January frosts. Sometimes there's enough dry weather to get on to the soil, and dig in compost or lime ready for winter frosts to break down for the spring. Yet even at such a dead time - November is my least favourite month - new life is promising. Even in November autumn crocuses and autumn snowdrops open in sunshine. Daffodils are poking up too. Pink and white cyclamen flower from autumn onwards. Near a sheltered sunny wall Nerines are often still in vernal bloom in late autumn. Christmas roses are ready to open too, and varieties of viburnum and jasmine are in flower. November is a great season for colourful Chrysanthemums. Broad beans and peas (sweet or otherwise) can be sown in November - always remembering the adage "One for the mouse, one for the crow, one to rot and one to grow." Big Hen still has a wander on a sunny day, and JCS manages to find warm spots to watch the world go by, including Big Hen. "You've got to keep an eye on that hen, you know. Looks harmless enough? Don't you believe it. Big Hen a friendly vegetar- ian, my whiskers. It's a blood-thirsty dinosaur on two legs. Took a mouse off me the other week. Its great beak came out of nowhere. And it's had a slow worm and a grass snake too recently. Veggie seed isn't enough for it. I reckon it's a left over from the primitive Jurassic." As for me, I reckon the main trouble with November is being followed by all De- cember and all January.

FOR SALE White Nerines (Flexuosa Alba) in 3 litre pots in flower with leaves suit- able for conservatory or protected south wall £3.00 a pot at Catkins.

18 Luppitt Quiz Night

Friday 13 th November 8pm at Luppitt Village Hall

Teams of 6

Names to Jean Hooper 01404 892969

£5 per head to include supper

Look forward to seeing you

Follow us on Facebook at Luppitt Events

19 Luppitt Flower Show Results

Section A . Hussey Cup for Vegetables Glass 1. Potatoes,white lst:Tracy Rosewell.2 nd : G.Crabb.3rd:J.Derryman. Class 2. Potatoes,red: 1st:G.Crabb.2 nd :S.Wilson.3rd:J.Derryman. Class 3. Peas: 1st:G.Crabb.2nd:S.Wilcon.3rd:J.Gardiner. Class 4. Beans :1st:S.Jenkins.2nd:S.Smith.3rd:J.Gardiner. HC: 0.Clapp. Class 5. French beans: 1st:G.Crabb.2nd:S.Wilson.3rd:S.Smith.HC: J.Gardiner. Class 6.Carrots: 1st:J.Gardiner. 2nd:G.Crabb.3rd:J.Derryman. Class 7.Onions: 1st: S. Wilson.2nd:G.Crabb.3rd:J.Gardiner. Class 8.Tomatoes :1st:J.Gardiner.2nd:S.Jenkins. 3 rd :J.Derryman. Class 9.Courgettes. 1st:G.Crabb 2nd:S.Jenkins. 3rd:J.Gardiner. Class 10. Radish: 1st:J.Gardiner. 2nd:P.Pulman. 3rd:S.Wilson. Class 11.Cabbage: 1st:J.Gardiner. Class 12.Herbs: lst:J.Gardiner. 2nd: S.Jenkins. 3rd:M.Bowhser. Winners: Tie, Gordon Crabb & Jean Gardiner

Section B . Beacon Cup for Flowers Class 1. perrenials: 1st:S.Wilson. 2 nd :S.Jenkins. 3rd: S.Crabb. Class 2.Annuals : 1st:S.Jenkins. 2nd: S.Crabb. 3rd:J.Gardiner. HC:S.Wilson. Class 3.Marigolds:1st:S.Crabb.2 nd :J.Gardiner. 3rd:S.Wilson. Class 4.Pansies:1st:S.Wilson. 2nd:S.Crabb.3rd:S.Jenkins. Class 5 :1 st : S.Bond. 2nd: S.Wilson. 3rd:S.Crabb. Class 6. Gladiolus : 1st:S.Crabb. 2nd:S.Wilson.3rd: J.Gardiner. Class 7.Crocosmia: 1st:S.Crabb.2nd:S.Jenkins. 3rd:S.Wilson. HC:S.Bond. Class 8.Cactus: 1 st :J.Street. 2nd:J.Gardiner. Winner : Shirley Crabb.

Section C . Red Doors Rose Bowl for Arranging Class 1: Small: 1st:P.Pulman.2nd:S.Russell 3rd:S.Jenkins. Class 2.Medium: 1st: J&SKellett. 2nd:S.Russell. Class 3. Devon: 1st:P.Pulman 2nd: S.Russell.3rd: L.Murray. Winners : Tie: Sandra Russell & Pearl Pulman

20 Luppitt Flower Show Results. Cont . Section E . Phillip Simon Cup for Homecraft Class.1. Eggs: lst:S.Jenkins. 2 nd :S.Wilson. Class 2.Strawberry Jam:1 st :S.Bond. 2 nd :Tracy Rosewell HC: MBowsher. HC:0.Clapp. HC:J.Street. Class 3. Gooseberry Jam: 1 st :J.Street.2 nd :S.Crabb.3 rd :S.Bond. Class 4 Marmalade: lst:J.Street.2 nd :S.Crabb. 3 rd :J.Gardiner. HC:0.Clapp. Class 5. Lemon M Pie: lst: B. Murray.2 nd :S.Wilson.3 rd :J.Tofts. HC:T.Rosewell. Class 6.Rolls :1 st :L.Murray. 2 nd :S.Wilson.3 rd :S.Crabb.HC:J.Street. Class 7. Jam Tart :1 st :T.Rosewell.2 nd :S.Bond.3 rd :S.Crabb.HC:J.Street. Class 8. Fudge:1 st :T.Rosewell.2 nd : S. Crabb. 3 rd :J. Gardiner. HC : J. Street. Class 9. Cake:lst:S.Crabb.2 nd :J.Speer. 3 rd : T.Rosewell. HC:J.Gardeiner. Class 10. Knitting: 1 st :J.Gardiner.2 nd :J.Street : 3 rd :J.Tofts. Class 11.Sewing: lst:J.Gardiner. 2 nd :J.Tofts. Winner : Shirley Crabb.

Section F . Flutterby Cup for Sugarcraft: Class 1. Icing figures: 1st :J.Tofts.2 nd :J.Gardiner.3 rd :S.Bond.HC:S.Jenkins.HC:S.Wilson. Winner : Joy Tofts

Section G . Hartridge Tankard for Men Only: Class 1. Open Sandwich:l st:P.Wilson. 2 nd :J.Kellett. Class 2.Light Beer:1st:P.Jenkins. 2nd:S.Smith.3 rd :P.Wilson. Class 3. Hay:1 st :P.Wilson. Winner : Peter Wilson

Section H . Village Hall Cup for Children 8 & under Classl. Jam Tarts:1st:Kieran Whitrow. 2nd:Tia Whitrow. 3rd : Josie Whitrow. Class 2. Lego: 1 st :Tia Whitrow. 2 nd :Kieran Whitrow. 3 rd :Josie Whitrow. Class 3. Picture: lst:Tia Whitrow. 2nd:Josie Whitrow. 3 rd :Kieran Whitrow Winner : Tia Whitrow

21 Section I. Village Hall Cup for Children 9-16 Class 1. Jam Tarts: 1 st : Ellie Goff. 2 nd :Aidan Whitrow. Class 2. Legos 1st:Aidan Whitrow. 2 nd : Ellie Goff. Class 3. Pictures 1st:Aidan Whitrow. 2 nd : Ellie Goff. Winner : Aidan Whitrow. Section N . Dumpdon Hill Cup for Adults Novelty Class 1.Certificate : 1 st :J.Gardiner. 2 nd :J.Street. 3 rd : S. Bond & S.Wilson. Class 2. Bird: 1 st :S.Bond.2 nd :S.Russ ell.3 rd :J.Tofts. HC: J.Gardiner & S.Wilson. Class 3. Twig Basket 1st :S.Wilson.2 nd :J.Street.3 rd :S.Bond.HC:J.Gardiner. Winner: Sue Bond

WALDEN CUP For the winner of most points in the show: Jean Gardiner .

Congratulations to the winners, and many thanks to all who took part and helped make the day a success. Sue and Joan SOME ENCHANTED EVENING by Heather Plummer

The advert for the Musical Event at Tracey on the 26th September did not do justice to the gardens and the setting. Unfortunately the big three storey estancia had to be demolished due to the excessive demands of the listed buildings people, but after extensive clearing the gardens, designed by Incombe and Pince, show a wonderful crop of exotic trees, which were silhouetted from the terrace with a view to Honiton in the distance. There is another terrace below the house base, and to the left side there is a beautiful sunken garden, which is a perfect oval shape with a stone fountain in the middle. To the back is an ancient wood, but flowing away in front is parkland and the river Otter. We were regaled by a still warm evening of Indian summer and perfect acoustics to hear Fantasiastiche by Schuman. The alto quivered and warbled with a delightful plain background. Then the tenor singer gave us a rendering of "Marie, there's never been a girl like Marie", and "Somewhere over the rainbow”, “There's a place for us", the hits from South Pacific played at a West End show. It was the most magical setting and a wonderful evening.

22 The University of the Third Age

The next meeting of the Honiton U3A will take place on Wednesday 18 th November when we welcome our speaker – Mr. Sam Scriven, Earth Science Adviser (Jurassic Coast World Heritage Team) who will give a talk on our own local World Heritage Site – The Jurassic Coast – how it is looked after, the challenges it presents and the fantastic ways communities have embraced the opportunities it brings, together with information on the new Seaton Jurassic Centre.

Venue: The Beehive Centre, Dowell St., Honiton Doors open 1.45pm for a 2pm start

Members Free and Visitors welcome (suggested donation of £2.00)

Further information: 01404 43799 Website:

Charity Fundraiser The Bottle Top Boogie Band & Stardust At Throgmorton Community Hall Dunkeswell Friday 20th November 7.30pm Start Tickets £10 Booking Preferable (under 14s Free) Bring & Share Supper To Book Call 01823 665896 or 01404 891412

All Proceeds To WHERE

23 Orchard Fruit Sewing and alteration service

 Clothing repairs and alterations (sorry—no men’s tailoring)  Curtains and blinds  Soft furnishings

Contact Nicola at Appletrees, Tapsterwater, Luppitt 01404 891202 07808705298 [email protected] Also handmade items for sale at

24 Answers to Flower Show Quiz How does a loofah grow? It’s a gourd. What is a Pragles? Its a flower. What grows on primus Amygdalus? Almonds Which castle is Hogwarts? Alnwick The largest of the Canary Islands? Tenerife Where is Queen Mary's Doll House? Windsor What is CFCs? Chlorafloracarbon * What element is 28% of the Earth? Oxygen How many stars on the EU flag? 12 What animals dung is made into paper? Elephant What does the dotted line on OS map mean? Footpath What is made of 44 inches of wire? Coathanger What theme park is at Windsor? Legoaland Which is Britains favourite fruit? Banana

The winner with 9 points is Margaret Jarman, (*or- Chelsea Football Club!)


A resident in Luppitt received a letter from a “solicitor” stating that a long lost relative had died, and it would be to their adventage to contact them.

The “relative” needless to say, was a complete fiction, but the letter was very plausible and I’m sure people would be taken in. I daresay it would involve sending money or your bank details.

NEVER give any os this information to ANYONE—there are many clever crooks out there.

Joan Beckett

For Sale

Baby tabletop oven. Roast - Bake - Grill. As new : £40 ono. Ring 891308


The Unknown Soldier

They call me the “Unknown Soldier” But you know who I am. I am the one who fell at Dunkirk, at Mons, at The Somme and in No-Man’s Land.

I am the lad who died in the trench, the pilot who fell from the sky when my plane was the target of enemy fire And the Angel of Death was flying nearby.

I am the father, husband, brother and son, The friend who lived next door. Did we pass in the street, on a bus or a train, did we come face to face in theatre of War?

So don’t call me the “Unknown Soldier” Just keep my poppy aflame. With my soul in a cloud, I still stand tall and proud. So stand with me and say loudly my name.

Joy Tofts

26 Forthcoming Services at St Mary's

Sunday 1 November 9:30 am Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion Sunday 8 November 10:50 am Remembrance Day Service Sunday 15 November 11:00 am Common Worship Holy Communion & Baptism Sunday 22 November 11:00 am All Age Worship Sunday 29 November no service at Luppitt: Five Worship Together at Sheldon

Sunday 6 December 9:30 am Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion

Other Services in the Mission Community

St Andrew’s St Nicholas’ St James the Greater St Mary the Virgin Broadhembury Dunkeswell Sheldon

Sunday 9:30 am CW 11:00 am CW 9:30 am 11:00 am 1 November Holy Communion Holy Communion Family Service Matins 3:00 pm (Throgmorton Hall) Service in Memory of Loved Ones

Sunday 10:00 am 10:50 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 8 November Remembrance Service Remembrance Service Remembrance Service Remembrance Service

Sunday 9:30 am CW 9:30 am (Abbey) 9:30 am 8:00 am BCP 15 November Holy Communion Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion 11:00am 11:00 am Morning Worship All Age Worship

Sunday 9:30 am 11:00 am CW 9:30 am BCP 11:00 am CW 22 November All Age Worship & Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion & Baptism Baptism

Sunday 11:00 am Five Worship Together at Sheldon 29 November every 9:00 am Wednesday Morning Prayer

27 By the Revd Peter Horder - Assistant Priest

As November unfolds, perhaps our minds turn to the centuries-old song ‘Remember, remember the fifth of November’ - celebrating the ‘failure’ of Guy Fawkes - reminding us that this month is indeed a month of remembrance.

However, from our church calendar, we should be thinking first and foremost about All Saints and All Souls days on the 1 st and 2 nd respectively, when we give thanks, and honour the spiritual ‘Great & Good’ - the known and unknown - among whom those we personally have loved, and who have guided and inspired us in our lives. Of course, on Remembrance day itself, our nations remembers and mourns those who laid down their lives in two world wars, and in the many subsequent campaigns, most recently in Afghanistan. Our thoughts are with their families and the soldiers who thankfully returned, but with horrendous injuries, who have shown great determination and courage to rebuild their lives.

This year we have good reason to celebrate the 62 year reign of our gracious Queen Elizabeth, reminding us of her long and exemplary life of selfless service and faithfulness; also to give thanks for the 70 years of peace for our country since the end of the 2 nd World War. These are positive signs of hope in our troubled times - ones for which we should be thankful to God.

There are many others who will be in our thoughts at this season of remembrance. In recent months we have seen cataclysmic events in the world: thousands have lost their lives to devastating tsunamis, earthquakes and landslides. Acts of terrorism and violent crime continue to cause thousands of refugees to flee from war-torn countries, or worse still, to face sudden death.

Closer to home, most of us know what it means to be stunned by the often unexpected passing of a close family member or a dedicated friend; and in the utter bewilderment and desperation to question “Why O God? Why?” We know the impact these people made, and we cannot help but think of the good they might have continued to do, had they lived a little longer. It is hard to accept - but accept we should - that the death of the righteous is no accident. Do we think that God, whose watchful eye notes the sparrows fall, and who knows the numbers of hairs on our heads, would turn his back on any of his children in their hour of peril? With God there are no accidents, no tragedies and no catastrophes, as far as his children are concerned.

28 It was Sir Walter Scott who asked “Is death the last sleep? No - it is the final awakening!” That is true for us and for every believer. Even when grief overwhelms us, or confusion assails us, we can still trust God’s all-knowing, all-encompassing love.

The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15 ‘If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men’. If there is no life after death - no heaven - no promise of a better world - then life in this world is empty, hopeless, without meaning or purpose. Someday we will join the countless number of faithful witnesses in God’s heavenly home of happiness, joy, and peace. How barren our lives would be if we didn’t have this hope!

Our Remembrance season will understandably bring sadness and re-open feelings of loss for families directly affected, but this poignant time should also rekindle in us a universal sense of service, sacrifice, comradeship and community - fourfold positive acts to be worthy of our deepest remembrance and tributes - and to which we should faithfully re-commit ourselves and our world.

In the precious days we are given in our earthly journey - and to honour the memory of the fallen and departed - may we live our lives in faithful service to God and one another, giving sacrificially of ourselves in a spirit of true comradeship and so building our community in relationships of love, care and trust.

Note from the Rectory:

A great big ‘thank you’ to all who responded to my call for clothes for refugees last month (September). Our Mission Community was able to collect over 50 black bags full of clothes, gumboots, shoes and personal items which have duly been delivered to Exeter for ongoing transmission to a charity which will distribute to those who require them in Calais. A wonderful response from all.

Again, thank You

Rik the Vic

The Magic of Mozart

From operas to arias, Helen will be singing her way through some of Mozart's most famous works, revealing the joy, despair and exquisite writing of the nation's favourite composer.

St Andrew's Church, Broadhembury, 7:00 pm, Friday 27th November 2015 Tickets: £5 on the door (Funds in aid of St Andrew's Church and Broadhembury playing fields)

29 Church cleaning and flower rota 7 November Carole Thorne & Jean Hooper 14 November Wendy Clapp & Pearl Pulman 21November Iris Selway & Mary Joyce 28 November Christy Page-Turner & Olive Clapp 5 December Shirley Crabb & Beryl Hardwick If you would like to help with the cleaning or flowers, please contact Pearl on 891324.


During November, collectors will be calling on houses in the parish on behalf of St Mary’s Church.

The money raised is put towards the upkeep of our beautiful church; and it’s true to say that without your generosity, the church funds would be very strained indeed.

Not everyone is aware that, in addition to our work in this parish, we also support a range of charities, locally, nationally and internationally.

If you miss our collectors and would like to contribute, do please give me a call.

Also, please remember that you can give by Gift Aid if you pay tax on your income. This will allow us to reclaim tax from the Inland Revenue at a rate equivalent to 25p for every pound donated.

Your support is very much appreciated. Philip Watson (PCC Treasurer) 891959

Remembrance Day Service Sunday, 8 November

Please meet at the War Memorial at 10:50 am


Would Commoners with grazing rights on the above Commons who wish to bid for a hay or silage plot in 2016 please advise either Phil or David of their requirements by the 31st December 2015 at the latest.

Phil Smith Tel: 07984735663 David Barlow Tel: 01404-42141

SENIOR FIT CLASS 10.15-11.00am

Metafit classes at:- -A class specific for all levels of fitness Dunkerswell from 60+ Ladies and Men Awliscombe -Concentrating on Stamina, Fitness, Offwell Tipton St John Strength, Flexibility, Co-ordination and 9.15am – TERM TIME ONLY - £5/class or block Balance book for great savings -Exercises will be changed on a regular High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). basis as the class will be in a circuit style Short, Intense, Rewarding & Addictive. -Designed on your hobbies with all Metabolic fat burning workout using body health related issues taken into account weight exercises. -Pay as you go £3.50 Classes at Options given for all different levels of DUNKERSWELL (Tues) & TIPTON ST fitness. JOHN (Mon) Working major muscle groups involving -Cardiac Rehabilitation and GP Referral the core 100% of the time -Specialist Instructor You are in safe hands Contact Paula for details on both classes Positive EnerJe Health & Fitness - Stay Stronger – Live Longer - Have Fun t. 07719 218112 / 01404 41135 e. [email protected] f. Positiveenerjehealthfitness w.




Baby and Toddler Soft Play Session

This group meets in the Village Hall on Tuesdays Term time only at 1.30-3.15 pm

All welcome! For further information, Please contact Maria 891058. Music and Movement for Children.

Luppitt Village Hall. Wednesdays, term time only.

Starts at 9.30 am with approximately 45 minutes of singing and dancing.

Price is only £1.00 per child, to include a drink and a biscuit, also coffee or tea for the adults.

From babies till school age. Any enquires contact Maria 01404 891058.


In the last few weeks at Pre School we have been looking at the letters B, C, D and E and have been very busy making blue play dough, bread rolls, cauliflower cheese, lemon drizzle cakes from lemon scented play dough and Eccles cakes! The children have been on welly walks on the playing field and playing stuck in the mud followed by a warming hot chocolate. We are working on a wall display based on the book 'Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs'. The AGM has taken place now and Katie Hollyer remains as chair and Ali Fone has taken the role of secretary and Amy Tucker is now the treasurer. We would like to say a big thank you to the previous committee members Caroline Parris and Tracey Parris for all their hard work and commitment over the years! Our website is now up and running and can be found at

Upottery Primary School October 2015 e-mail: [email protected] website: TEL : 01404 861292 : F AX : 01404 861152

This month saw several new clubs starting with lots of children taking up the opportunity to try something that they are particularly interested in. I am very grateful to the class teachers for giving up their time to run them particularly with all the pressures they are under. We are also grateful for the enthusiastic help we receive from so many parents in these activities

We also had of one of many PE events that Upottery takes part in. Several Y3/4 children were very successful in a Honiton Learning Community cross-country event and will now go through to the East Devon finals in November - a huge well done to them! Nine of our pupils took part in the Cotleigh Canter on Sunday and won the Alan Rowe Primary School Cup.


A big thank-you for all your contributions of food for our harvest collection; I know they will be gratefully received. It was fantastic to see such a large turnout for our harvest festival at the church this morning. The children sang and spoke beautifully and it is always such a rewarding experience for them to perform publically.

Our Highlights

Wren Class enjoyed going to the church, singing our Harvest songs and saying our poem; Reception children enjoyed staying for lunch, finding out about Spitfires and the Battle of Britain, lots of counting and snakes and ladders and dominoes, Year 1s enjoyed lots of adding and taking away in Maths, using geoboards and Forest School

Kingfisher Class enjoyed visiting the church for Harvest and singing our class songs, learning how to sort shapes in venn diagrams, trying gymnastics in PE, creating pastel pictures using cold and warm colours using smudging techniques and learning about the digestive system, carbohydrates, proteins and fats in science.

Kestrel Class enjoyed Harvest Festival – especially the singing, writing our Non Chronological reports, creating our dictionary of technical words, practising Handball ready for a tournament, perspective drawing in Art, Maths – 3D shapes and symmetry, Year 3 and Year 4 Cross Country Tournament at Honiton Community College and making volcanoes out of twigs in Forest School with Miss Boswell.

Falcon Class enjoyed performing at Harvest Festival, tidying up Forest school area and creating a shelter, discovering the Amazon and learning how to play Handball, drawing plant pictures, writing Literacy diary entries and starting fractions in Maths, writing adjective poems in Literacy, our visitors from Exeter University who taught us about how oxygen travels around our body and all the clubs starting!





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38 Need to rejuvenate old metal objects?

We provide a variety of services ranging from powder coating to hot zinc spray and shot blasting. We keep a range of about 100 colours in stock. Most are exterior polyesters, which provide excellent durability and colour retention on gates, railings and garden furniture.

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Grass Cutting Service

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46 THE SIDMOUTH ARMS UPOTTERY OPEN ALL DAY Great Drinks! Great Food! Great Choice!

Extensive daytime and evening menus using locally sourced ingredients, freshly prepared and cooked on

Food available from 12 noon until 9pm weekdays (8.30 Sundays) Book early for our ever-popular Sunday Roast (12 until 5)

Function Room Available Outside Functions Catered For

For your meeting, training For your wedding or other day or group presentation. special event, we can supply full Equipped with audio-visual catering and bar facilities to suit facilities including a hi-def your requirements. Any number projector and large drop- of people catered for. down screen.

Upottery, Honiton, Devon. EX14 9PN Telephone 01404 861252 [email protected]

Sidmouth Arms

47 48 49 Upottery Pre-School CIO

Experienced and qualified staff - Purpose built building - Secure outside play area and garden 2* - 5 year olds Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9am – 3.30pm Tuesdays 9am – 1pm Thursdays 9am – 2pm To find out more or arrange a visit contact Abi Few 01404 861705 email

Parent and toddler group Thursdays 2 – 4pm, with music from 2-2.30pm. Small charge applies

Registered charity number 1157940 *from the term after their 2 nd birthday

Website : Email : [email protected]

50 01409 253942 [email protected] Devon Wheels 2 Work CIC Unit 1 Neet Way Dobles Lane Industrial Estate Devon EX22 6ES

Transport Solutions for Devon

Devon Wheels 2 Work can help people that live or work in Devon to travel to employment, training and education. We provide a motorcycle and scooter rental scheme to help anyone aged 16 and over to meet their transport needs. Our fleet of insured, taxed and maintained 50cc and 125cc vehicles which are available across the whole of Devon.

In order to take advantage of the scheme you need to be aged between 16 and 65, live and / or work within Devon, and have a provisional driving licence and Compulsory Basic Training Certificate.

The rental cost of the bikes includes tax, insurance, maintenance, servicing and a six- weekly safety check on the machine. Our mobile workshops mean that we are able to provide this service wherever you are in Devon. For more information please contact us on 01409 253942 or [email protected], or visit our website http:// We can provide a supply of leaflets or posters for information points in your town or parish if required.

Devon Wheels 2 Work is now entering it's 15th year, and will celebrate 10 years as a Social Enterprise in 2016.

We subsidise the motorcycle rental scheme through our motorcycle showroom and workshop in Holsworthy. We stock a comprehensive range of helmets, clothing, accessories, used motorcycles and other motorcycling equipment. Our workshop is open to the general public and can provide servicing, repairs and MOT's for all makes and models of motorcycles.


November 2nd, Bowls. Village Hall, 7.30pm 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th November 4th, Social Club, Village Hall, 8pm 11th, 18th, 25th November 6th, Friday Market, Village Hall, 11am-1pm 13th, 20th, 27th November 3rd Parish Council Meeting, Village Hall, 8pm

November 12th Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 12.30 for 1pm

November 13th QUIZ NIGHT Village Hall, 8pm. To back a team contact Jean Hooper - 01404 892969 (page 19) November 26th Luppitt Packet Christmas Coffee Morning. Mountstevens, 10.30-12.00midday (Page 12) November 27th Wives Group Skittles , Village Hall, 8pm

November 20th Upottery Football Club Quiz , Manor Rooms, Upottery. To book a team contact Philip Joyce 01404 891328



Copy for the December/January issue is invited by November 20th. The Luppitt Packet is put together by Lindsey Dalgety, Whites Plot, Luppitt, EX14 4RZ 01404 891560 : email

ADVERTISING RATES EDITORIAL BOARD For 10 issues (1 year) David Street 1 Page: £60 Joan Beckett 1/2 page: £30 Lindsey Dalgety 1/4 page: £20 Christine Ryder—features Katie Hollyer—treasurer Back Cover: £80 if available 1 only 1 page £20 The views of contributors are not 1 only 1/2 page £10 necessarily those of the Editorial Board. 1 only 1/4 page £6 The Editor’s decision is final. Katie Hollyer Smithenhayes Farm, Luppitt Devon, EX14 4RT. The Luppitt Packet is published ten times a year, 01404 234189 and is delivered to most households in the Parish Email of Luppitt.

The Luppitt Packet accepts no liability for: 1) Any claims made by the advertiser; 2) Any errors or omissions in the advertisement as submitted by the advertiser; 3) Any legal action as a result of the advertisement. 4) Any opinion expressed in articles in the Luppitt Packet may be those of the author but not necessarily those of the editorial team.


Church Services ...... 27 Luncheon Club ...... 8 Mobile Library Times...... 17 Luppitt Wives Group ...... 8 Garden Jottings ...... 18 Parish Council ...... 2 What’s On ...... 8 Upottery Pre School Report ...... 33 Upottery Primary School Report ...... 33

Luppitt Packet is printed by A Dimond & Co. Honiton


Now taking bookings for Christmas

Carol Singing Monday 7th December £8.95 per person Includes Hot Buffet – arrive 6.30, food 7.00pm Proceeds to the local Church Funds

Christmas Party Available Dec 1 st – December 24 th 3 Course Menu inc. Coffee and Mints Monday – Friday Lunch/Monday – Thursday Dinner £16.95 Friday and Saturday – Party Night £21.95 (includes disco)


Lunchtime Spring Saver Monday to Saturday 12.00 – 2.00pm £11.95 two courses/£14.95 three courses

A La Carte Menu Served daily from 6.30 – 9.000pm

Sunday Carvery 12.00 – 3.00pm Adults £9.95/£13.45/£16.95 Children £7.95/£11.45/£14.95

Visit our website for all available offers Lakeview Manor, Dunkeswell, Honiton, EX14 4SH Tel: 01404 891358/891287 Fax: 01404 891109 Email: [email protected]