Minutes of a meeting of Luppitt Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Tuesday, 7 November 2017 at 8 pm

Present: Cllrs John Thorne (Chairman), Gavin Brake (Vice-Chairman), David Barlow, Tom Nancarrow, Paul Prettejohn, Brian Pulman, Andrew Tucker, David Key (EDDC) and one member of the public In attendance: Rosalind Buxton (Parish Clerk) Apologies: Cllrs Derek Hooper, Iain Chubb (DCC and EDDC), PCSO Anning 30012

1.1 Receive apologies for absence Apologies were received as above.

1.2 Minutes of previous meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 3 October 2017, were unanimously agreed and signed as a correct record of that meeting (proposed by Cllr Barlow and seconded by Cllr Brake).

1.3 Declaration of Interest Cllr Pulman declared an interest in item 2.2.1 as he is related to the parishioner. Cllr Tucker declared an interest in items 3.1.1, 3.2 and 7.3 as he will be carrying out the work.

2.0 PLANNING 2.1 Applications (for comment, support or objection) 2.1.1 17/2326/FUL – Hartridge, Beacon, , EX14 4TU – amended plans to raise height of roof of dwelling house, construction of dormer windows to front and rear, balcony and side extension The Parish Council has already commented on the EDDC Planning website on the original plans saying “The client's architect has confirmed to the Parish Council that the overall increase in the height of the roof under the new proposals will be 500mm. On that basis, the Parish Council has no objections". This comment still stands and the following comment will be added. “The Parish Council would point out that the amended plans show no sign of any chimney on the new roof whilst it was understood from the home owner at the site visit that a chimney was going to be retained.”

2.1.2 Update on planning application 17/1381/MFUL – Higher Wick Farm – slurry lagoon The clerk had received a reply to her query, raised by a parishioner, about the possibility of contaminated soil having been used. Planning East were not aware of any testing that had been carried out and had forwarded the query to the Environmental Health department. Cllr Key was able to confirm that it has been established that the soil has come from and the site opposite King’s School in and that none has come from the Switchgear site. Cllr Key also stated that Planning East are still awaiting information that had been requested from the agent.

2.2 Neighbourhood Plan – additional funding The clerk has established that the additional funding comes from Locality, not EDDC. Applications close at the end of January 2018 and expenditure must be completed by March 2018. The clerk will contact Roger Hicks for his input.

2.2.1 Affordable rental housing in the village Cllr Brake, Roger Hicks and two Luppitt landowners had met with East District Councillor Geoff Pook who has been involved in a scheme for affordable housing in Beer. Seven houses have been built with four being rented out to local families at 80% of market value. The project has been carried out through the Community Land Trust. Before serious consideration can be given to possibly replicating this sort of scheme in Luppitt, it would be essential to establish if there is, in fact, a local need by carrying out a Housing Needs Survey. It was proposed by Cllr Brake and seconded by Cllr Tucker, with all in favour, that the clerk should contact Sue Southwold of the Community Council of Devon as a first step towards carrying out this survey. Cllr Brake stated that the clerk should be paid for extra time incurred on this.

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3.0 HIGHWAYS AND TRAFFIC 3.1 Parish Highways programme - update on Items to Report as follows:

Item Reported Action Status

Report all items to NHO HIGHWAYS ([email protected]) Pennythorne Cross to Barn Cross – W17997496 Assessment completed 13.04.17 road subsidence W171026228 Assessment date 16.08.17 Potholes and severe drop-off at edge W17997499 and W17997501 Assessment completed 18.04.17 of tarmac from Overday Farm towards Gully Lane Numerous potholes close to W171006493 Assessment completed 19.05.17 Coombeshead junction towards Ringborough Cross – edge of road W171016196 and Assessment date 11.07.17 deterioration W171016198 Pothole outside Dolish Farmhouse W17980514 Completed Springbox at Sparrows Croft still awaiting completion Several potholes Ringborough Cross W17997507 Assessment completed 18.04.17 to Luppitt Common – road W171006497 and subsidence W171006503 Assessment completed 19.05.17 W171016212 Assessment date 11.07.17 Sharcombe to Mattys Cross – W17997529 Assessment completed 18.04.17 several potholes and general deterioration of road W171016204 Assessment date 11.07.17 Several potholes Beacon to W17997530 Assessment completed 18.04.17 Sharcombe and road deterioration above Shelves W171016209 Assessment date 11.07.17 Maple Cross to Pound Farm – road W17989887 Assessment completed 10.04.17 subsidence W171016212 Assessment date 11.07.17 At Robin’s Bungalow and W17989895 NHO has marked the area for Smithenhayes – road needs patching and a drainage channel. reinstating around the drain Clerk has reported to NHO Road closure so work will not be carried for a couple of months (from June). Marked area has now been increased. School Lane – severe drop-offs and W171018361s Completed degradation of the surface generally Uxford Bridge to Crook Cross Clerk to contact Combe No progress made to date with Raleigh clerk to see if any Highways by Combe Raleigh progress has been made clerk with Highways Clerk to report from Luppitt PC Pothole between the houses at Clerk to report New Millrise and the cattle grid

The meeting was then suspended to allow questions from the public.

3.1.1 The parishioner present has reported to the NHO damage that has been caused recently to the roadside verge and ditch near Littlefields by a lorry going into the ditch. This has resulted in a dangerous collapse of the road. The parishioner had to date received no acknowledgement of his complaint from Highways. It was agreed that the necessary work of creating a concrete haunch should be carried out as soon as possible. The clerk will investigate the possibility of obtaining funding from the Highway Community Enhancement Fund (proposed by Cllr Pulman, seconded by Cllr Brake). Cllr Thorne will meet Cllr Tucker on site to discuss the work needed.

The meeting then resumed.

3.2 Parish Maintenance

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Cllr Pulman reported that the work at School Lane has been completed. He had some items to add to Cllr Tucker’s list of work to be carried out. • The easement below Rosehayes needs to be cleared. • The easement below Dumpdon and past Palmerhayes needs to be cleared. • Replacement pipe and concrete needed above Messhayes and Goulds Farm. • Planings needed to make passing easier the Luppitt side of Ford Cottage. • Work on layby Saunders Lane to Mathayes junction.

3.2.1 Lengthsman It was agreed to put the following jobs on the list for the lengthsman’s next visit. • Clear out the ditch in Shelf Lane. • Clean the channel from Ford Bridge towards Shaugh Cross.

The clerk will establish when the lengthsman will next visit. If the lengthsman does not carry out this work, they will be added to Cllr Tucker’s list of work.

3.2.2 Highway Community Enhancement Fund The Parish Council has been successful in applying for funding towards two further projects – Sharcombe to Hillend and Coombeshead to Ringborough Cross. Dates for the work to be carried out have not yet been finalised.

4.0 FOOTPATHS AND BRIDLEWAYS Cllr Nancarrow reported that there is a broken footpath sign below Turf House. The sign points to footpath 14. The clerk will contact Ros Davies at for action.

5.0 ENVIRONMENT/COMMUNITY FACILITIES 5.1 Community policing report Two crimes reported between 05/09/2017 and 07/11/2017: • Threats to kill – domestic related incident, family member threatened another family member • Fraud – unknown offender attempted to take out insurance policy using another’s details.

PCSO Anning has asked the clerk to promote the police messaging service called Devon & Cornwall Alert.

Devon and Cornwall Alert is a two-way community messaging system operated by Devon and Cornwall Police. The system helps them to connect with their communities. It tells people what is happening in their area and allows them to respond directly with any information.

The system is designed to allow people who register to choose the type of information they would like to receive concerning crime and anti-social behaviour, witness appeals, crime prevention, community events and local good news.

Subscribers will not be notified about every crime or incident that happens in their community. The aim is to send relevant information where it is believed that to do so will reduce the opportunity for crime and anti- social behaviour or will help Devon and Cornwall Police to solve a crime. For further details and to subscribe follow the link https://alerts.dc.police.uk.

The clerk will post details of this service on the website www.luppittparishcouncil.co.uk.

5.2 Repairs to play area at Millrise The clerk had been given the name of a person in who repairs playground equipment. He had inspected the equipment and had come back with some suggestions. After discussion, it was agreed that the swings should be repaired but the slide was in such a poor state that it should be removed. The clerk will follow up and make arrangements for this to be done. 5.3 Overhanging hedges There has been no progress on some of the hedges. However, the Parish Council is grateful to those landowners who have cut back the overhanging hedges and vegetation at their property. 5.4 Update on Battle’s Over commemoration events November 2018 Various activities are being arranged nationwide on Sunday, 11 November 2018, to mark the day 100 years ago that the guns fell silent at the end of the First World War. At 7 pm on that date, more than 1,000 beacons will be lit across the , Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK Overseas Territories. Minute Book Page Number 494


At 7.05 pm bells will be rung in churches and cathedrals throughout the country. As part of this commemoration, a bonfire will be lit at Hartridge and, provided there are enough ringers available, bells will be rung from St Mary’s Church, Luppitt. The Commoners have been approached for permission to hold the bonfire at Hartridge and Cllr Brake undertook to raise the matter at the next Commoners’ meeting.

5.5 Grade II listing of Luppitt War Memorial The clerk has been advised that the War Memorial has been added to the List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historical Interest and is now listed at Grade II. In the report that was compiled by Historic the following principal reasons were given for the designation decision:

Historic interest: • As an eloquent witness to the tragic impact of world events on this local community, and the sacrifice it made in the First World War. Architectural interest: • A simple yet poignant granite memorial cross. • Unusually, the memorial has not been adapted for Second World War commemoration, and thus retains its original design intent.

6.0 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION The clerk updated the figures as follows:

£ 6.1 Receipts None

Account balances at last statement P3 balance 288.28 Neighbourhood Plan Grant (balance) 638.17 As per bank reconciliation end October Luppitt Parish Council 21,213.63

6.2 Cheque payment for approval and Steve Potbury – connection of 240.00 signing defibrillators

6.3 Agree S137 payments (donations) It was agreed to give S137 payments to TRIP (£55.00), Citizens Advice Bureau (£55.00), Royal British Legion (£20.00) and Devon Air Ambulance (£100.00). It was proposed by Cllr Tucker and seconded by Cllr Pulman to give £50.00 to British Heart Foundation in recognition of provision of the defibrillator. This was agreed with one abstention. This donation will be reviewed for 2018/19.

Cllr Brake proposed, seconded by Cllr Barlow, with all in agreement, that the Parish Council’s contribution to the Luppitt Packet should be increased to £160.00.

6.4 Correspondence Correspondence and brochures from Campaign to Protect Rural England were noted. The clerk will forward the brochure to Roger Hicks as it contains information on Neighbourhood Plans.

6.5 Meeting Dates It was agreed that the Parish Council will meet in 2018 on the first Tuesday of each month starting with Tuesday, 2 January 2018.

7.0 Chairman’s Discretion The following two planning applications were received shortly before the meeting which did not allow enough time for them to be published allowing for the statutory three days required before a meeting.

7.1 17/2575/FUL – The Barn, Ford Bridge, Luppitt, Honiton, EX14 4TR – retention of existing stable building, expansion of existing yard and siting of 2 no field shelters for agricultural use No plans were available on the EDDC Planning website. The clerk will forward them to Parish Councillors as soon as they become available.

Cllrs Brake, Prettejohn and Tucker declared an interest in the following item (7.2) because they attended the applicants’ wedding.

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7.2 17/2466/FUL – Barn to the south west of Windsor Farm, Luppitt, Honiton, EX14 4SY – change of barn to dwelling The plans were studied in detail. The eligible Parish Councillors (Cllrs Barlow, Nancarrow, Pulman and Thorne) fully support the application especially as the property will provide a home for local young people. Cllr Key also expressed his full support of the application.

7.3 A parishioner had suggested that another layby between the two Shelves turnings would be beneficial. It was agreed that this was a good idea and would be paid for by the Parish Council (proposed by Cllr Pulman, seconded by Cllr Nancarrow). This will be added to Cllr Tucker’s list of work to be carried out.

8.0 Questions from the Public There were no further questions and the meeting closed at 10 pm.

Date for next meeting to be held in Luppitt Village Hall at 8 pm:

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

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