The Multicultural Inter-Agency Group of Peel (MIAG), Peel Community Connections (PCC) and project partners have been working with the Muslim community to develop this resource book. Funding for this book has come from the Ontario Early Years Challenge Fund. As part of our “Diverse-city: A Strategy for Change” project, songs and stories from the Muslim community have been collected, translated and compiled into this book. BOOK FORMAT Keeping the Muslim Culture Alive has been designed to reinforce the importance of culture and tradition in the lives of our children. It has been designed to include songs and stories from various countries as well as to include some child rearing information for parents/caregivers. Countries have been sectioned off by continent to appear in the following order: North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. General parenting tips are found after the songs. A SPECIAL NOTE Although there is a great diversity in infant care practices in the different societies, babies are considered precious in every one. Appreciate Multiculturalism: Children are usually open to different cultures. Most of them have gone to fully integrated schools from the beginning. They have been provided a wealth of life experiences that are just not available to children living and studying in predominantly mono-cultural societies. Multicultural Inter-Agency Peel Community Connections (PCC) We recognize the Group of Peel (MIAG) 3034 Palstan Rd. Suite M3 Government of Ontario 3034 Palstan Rd. Suite 201 Mississauga, ON L4Y2Z6 for its financial support of Mississauga, ON L4Y2Z6 Tel: 905-270-2295 Fax: 905-270-6263 “Diverse-city: A Strategy Tel: 905-270-6252 Fax: 905-270-6263
[email protected] for Change”.