Shirdi Sai Baba Ashtothara Sata Naamaavali- English 108 Names of Shirdi Sai Baba Translation, Meaning and Description in English

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Shirdi Sai Baba Ashtothara Sata Naamaavali- English 108 Names of Shirdi Sai Baba Translation, Meaning and Description in English Shirdi Sai Baba Ashtothara Sata Naamaavali- English 108 Names Of Shirdi Sai Baba Translation, Meaning and Description in English 1. Om Sri Sai Nathaaya Namah – Lord Sai – Sainath is peace incarnate. Recitation of His name is a mantra which by itself is as purifying as a dip in Holy Ganges. 2. Om Sri Sai Laxmi Narayanaaya Namah – Goddess Lakshmi’s Consort – Sai Baba, The Absolute Truth and Reality, is the incarnation of Lord Narayan, Lakshmi’s consort, who has come to free man of his ego and realise his self. 3. Om Sri Sai Krishna-Rama-Shiva Maruthyaadhi Roopaya Namah – Manifestation of Krishna-Rama-Shiva-Maruti, Et Al – Lord Sainath, the universal Master, is Absolute Truth. He is Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, Lord Shiva, the One God with numerous names who takes various forms and shapes. 4. Om Sri Sai Sheshashayine Namah – Manifestation of Vishnu On Shesha naga – Sai is Lord Vishnu, resting on the thousand-headed serpent. He is the Holiest of the Holy, and the Light of lights. 5. Om Sri Sai Godavari-thata Shirdhi-vaasine Namah – Making Abode In Shirdi On Godavari Banks – Having made the banks of Godavari in Shirdi His Dwelling place, Sai Baba sheds His light and grace from there and attracts His devotees with love and purity. 6. Om Sri Sai Bhaktahridalayaaya Namah – Dweller In Devotee’s Heart – Dwelling in every heart, Sai Baba wants each one to merge into Him by shedding off one’s ego. Shri Shirdi Sai Asthothram Page 1 of 14 7. Om Sri Sai Sarvahrinnilayaaya Namah – Dweller In all Beings – Sai Baba, the God who descended on earth to redeem mankind of all evils, dwells in the hearts of all beings, and guides their thoughts and actions which are merely expressions of the Divine and His energy. 8. Om Sri Sai Bhuta vaasaya Namah – Dweller In all Living Creatures – Sai Baba dwells in the heart of all living creatures, and kindles the flame of love and devotion in those who surrender to Him. 9. Om Sri Sai Bhutabhavishyadbhaava Varjitaya Namah – Dispeller of Tormenting Thoughts – Sai Baba does not allow past and future to torment the mind of His devotees, and inculcates into them the sublime emotion of devotion. 10. Om Sri Sai Kaala theetaaya Namah – Beyond Time Limitations – As the life breath of every soul, Sai Baba is beyond the limitations of time. He has no comparison, and is Infinite. 11. Om Sri Sai Kaalaaya Namah – Time Incarnate – Sai Baba is beyond time, beyond human comprehension, and His ways are beyond the reach of human mind and intellect. His divine time is beyond measure and is limitless. 12. Om Sri Sai Kaala kaalaaya Namah – Lord of Eternity – Sai Baba is Absolute Existence, Knowledge and Bliss. Sai ever present in all beings. Baba is all pervading, having no beginning or end. Sri Sai is Lord of Eternity. 13. Om Sri Sai Kaaladarpa damanaaya Namah – Destroyer of the Pride of Death – As Master of the universe, Sai destroys the evil spirit in man, so that he can transcend the worldly pleasures and overcome the pride of death. 14. Om Sri Sai Mrityunjayaya Namah – Conqueror of Death – Sai is beyond time and space, life and death. All elements of nature are subservient to His will. Shri Shirdi Sai Asthothram Page 2 of 14 15. Om Sri Sai Amarthyaaya Namah – Immortal – Sai Baba is Omniscient and Omnipresent, without attributes or forms. He has no beginning or end, and is immortal. 16. Om Sri Sai Martya-Abhay-Pradhaaya Namah – Granter of Freedom From Fear of Death. – By making Sai Baba the sole object of one’s thoughts and actions, one can be freed from the fear of death. 17. Om Sri Sai Jeeva-adhaaraaya Namah – Support of all Living Beings. – Sai Baba supports and sustains all living beings. He brings succor to one and all and offers them shelter under His umbrella of love and bliss. 18. Om Sri Sai Sarva-adharaay Namah – Support of the Universe – Sai Baba is everywhere and at all times. Though His physical body no longer remains, Sai tatva remains dormant in the whole universe and comes to the support of the needy. 19. Om Sri Sai Bhakthaavana Samarthaaya Namah – Bestower of Capacity to Achieve Results. – If a devotee meditates on Sai Baba with full faith and concentration, the merciful, compassionate Sai will grant spiritual power to Him. 20. Om Sri Sai Bhaktaavana Pratigynaaya Namah – One Who has Promised Protection to Devotees – Sai Baba lights the lamp of love and affection among the destitute, showering them with His grace and blessings, and dispelling their gloom. He who has vowed to protect His disciples is a beacon to them and leads them and leads them to self-realization. 21. Om Sri Sai Anna-Vastra-Daaya Namah – Bestower of Food and Clothing – Sai Baba given a commitment that there shall be no dearth of food and clothing in the houses of His devotees. He is ever conscious of their needs and sustains them with His grace and benevolence. 22. Om Sri Sai Arogya-Kshema-Daaya Namah – Bestower of Health and Happiness Shri Shirdi Sai Asthothram Page 3 of 14 – Sai Baba, provides health and happiness to His devotees. His Udi, the spirituality power-packed ashes, acts as a panacea of all ailments of body and soul. 23. Om Sri Sai Dhana-Maangalya-Pradaaya Namah – Granter of Wealth and Well-being – If one takes to Baba with all one’s heart and soul, He bestows on him not only worldly possessions, but also spiritual wealth, i.e.m Brahma Gyaan. 24. Om Sri Sai Buddhi-Siddhi-Daaya Namah – Bestower of Spiritual Psychic Powers – Blessed is he who has become one with Him. Sai bestows spiritual-psychic powers on one who surrenders unto Him totally. 25. Om Sri Sai Putra-Mitra-Kalatra-Bandhu-Daaya Namah – Granter of Sons, Friends, Wives and Kin – Sai Baba is ever caring for those who place implicit faith in Him. He grants sons, friends, wives and kin, to those who pray to Him sincerely. 26. Om Sri Sai Yoga-Kshema-Vahaay Namah – Provider and Sustainer of Yogic Powers – Sai Baba undertakes the responsibility of providing for and sustaining the devotees, leading them on the virtuous path to God realization. 27. Om Sri Sai Apad-Bandhavaaya Namah – Protector of the Distressed – Like a true friend, Sai Baba gives His devotees courage, succor and solace to face the vicissitudes of life with hope and aspirations. 28. Om Sri Sai Maarga-Bandhave Namah – Companion On Life’s Path – Sai Baba leads the true followers on the path of virtue, to realize the Self and attain eternal bliss and oneness with the Omniscient. 29. Om Sri Sai Bhukti-Mukti-Swargapavarga-Daaya Namah – Bestower of Worldly Pleasures and Salvation – Sai Baba grants His devotees what they desire, and at the same time guides them on the virtuous path of seeking realization of the self. He bestows salvation, and the nectar of bliss. 30. Om Sri Sai Priyaaya Namah – Beloved Shri Shirdi Sai Asthothram Page 4 of 14 – Sai Baba is an embodiment of pure love – the love that permeates the heart and soul of His devotees, who in sheer ecstasy consider Him their very own and look to Him as their Beloved. 31. Om Sri Sai Preeti-Vardhanaaya Namah – Provider of Boundless Love – Sai Baba Provides the capacity for boundless love. His message of harmony, unity and love is vibrantly alive in the minds of His devotees. 32. Om Sri Sai Antaryamine Namah – Knower of Innermost Secrets – Sai Baba, eternally existent, knows the innermost secrets of the heart, and is the revealer of truth. He is knowledge personified. He is Omniscient and Omnipresent. 33. Om Sri Sai Sat-chidaatmane Namah – Symbol of Truth and Pure Consciousness – Sainath personifies truth and pure consciousness. He preaches that no religion is higher than truth, the inner Self is the same in all people realize this. 34. Om Sri Sai Nitya-anandaya Namah – Eternal Bliss – Sai Baba is the bosom of bliss in which devotees pray for a small corner to reside in. 35. Om Sri Sai Parama-Sukha-Daaya Namah – Bestower of Supreme Happiness – On anyone who takes to Him, Sai bestows knowledge and wisdom, and takes him beyond the ocean of mundane existence, thus providing divine bliss. 36. Om Sri Sai Parameshwaraaya Namah – Supreme Lord – Sainath is the indisputable Supreme Lord, the father of the Universe. 37. Om Sri Sai Parabrahmane Namah – Absolute Lord – Sai Baba is the Brahman, who is Maya, formless, and is in everything. He fills all space and is Omnipresent. 38. Om Sri Sai Paramaatmane Namah – Supreme Self Shri Shirdi Sai Asthothram Page 5 of 14 – Sai abides in the heart of everyone. From Him emanate memory, knowledge and their absence. He is beyond the destructible, and commands reverence from all. 39. Om Sri Sai Gyaana-Swaroopine Namah – Embodiment of Knowledge – Sai Baba, the Eternal Being, is the personification of pure knowledge. He is eternal, pure, immovable and imperishable. 40. Om Sri Sai Jagatah-Pitre Namah – Father of the Universe – Lord Sainath is the Venerable Father of the Universe who loves those who seek refuge in Him. 41. Om Sri Sai Bhaktanaam Maatru-Dhaatru-Pitamahaya Namah – Mother, Bearer and Great Sire of Devotees – When a devotee cries out to Sai in distress, Sai baba, like a mother who brings up her child lovingly, and like a grandfather who dotes on his grandchild, responds instantly with love and affection. 42. Om Sri Sai Bhakta-Abhaya-Pradaya Namah – Granter of Freedom from Fear – If one has complete faith in Sai Baba, He will take him beyond the seven seas, beyond fear, and beyond worldly matters.
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