The Influence of Anthropopression on the Environment of Great Mazurian Lakes Region Az Emberi Beavatkozás Hatása a Mazuri-Tavak Környezetére Leszek Majgier
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ACTA GGM DEBRECINA Geology, Geomorphology, Physical Geography Series DEBRECEN Vol. 3, 141–144 2008 The influence of anthropopression on the environment of Great Mazurian Lakes Region Az emberi beavatkozás hatása a Mazuri-tavak környezetére Leszek Majgier Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Silesia Abstract – Forests are the important element of the Mazurian landscape. They have been the original flora of the region. However intensive settlement and general economic activity have resulted in decrease of the region’s forest area from 80% in the 13 th Century to about 20% in 1945. Nowadays it has increased due to the action of re-foresting carried out in 1945–1971. The Great Mazurian Lakes Region (GML) is one of the most interesting areas in Poland, both from the scientific point of view and tourism-recreation. As the preliminary research indicates, tourism has a vast negative impact on the ecosystem, especially on forest phytocenosis . Összefoglalás – E tanulmány a Mazuri-tóhátság területén lejátszódó antropogén behatásokból ered folyamatokkal és antropogén hatásra történ megszüntetésükkel foglalkozik. Az erd ségeket, melyek eredetileg a terület 80%-át borították 1945-re gyakorlatilag felszámolták, arányuk 20% alá csökkent. Ezt követ en 1945–1971 között intenzív erd sítésen esett át a terület, majd létrehozták a Nagy Mazuri Tavak régiót, mely a természeti értékek meg rzése mellett a turizmus célpontjává is vált. Ez utóbbi azonban káros hatásokat is kiváltott, mely az erd állomány degenerációjához és a tavak vizének elszennyezéséhez vezetett. Keywords – human impact, Great Mazurian Lakes, environment, water quality, tourism Tárgyszavak – emberi behatás, Mazuri-tóhátság, környezet, vízmin ség, turizmus Introduction The Great Mazurian Lakes Region (GML) is one of the most interesting areas in Poland, both from scientific Forests are important elements of the Mazurian and tourism- recreation points of view. As the preliminary landscape. They have been the original flora of the region – research indicates, tourism has an immense negative impact in the past they covered around 80% of the area. However, on the ecosystem, especially on forest phytocenosis. intensive settlement and general economic activity have The aim of this paper is to introduce the problem of resulted in the decrease of the region’s forest area from anthropopression impact on chosen ecosystems of the 80% in the 13th Century to about 20% in 1945. Nowadays Great Mazurian Lakes. The preliminary comparative it has increased due to the action of aforestation carried out analysis of the area was carried out on basis of potential in 1945–1971 (P OLAKOWSKI 1971). and actual maps of vegetation in this area (M APA POTENCJALNEJ RO &LINNO &CI NATURALNEJ POLSKI 1995), while the actual flora was analyzed during field investigations, carried out by the author. Additional attention was paid on anthropogenic activity that causes changes in different components of the landscape. General geographical characteristics of the region GML is a mesoregion located in the central part of the larger geographical unit, the Mazurian Lake District, NE Poland ( Fig. 2 ). It is the area protruding to the west of the macroregion of Wschodnioba tyckie Lakeland (K ONDRACKI 1998). Historically the area lies in the southeastern part of East Prussia (Z WECK 1900). Glacial relief is visible in the differentiation of the vegetation cover and soil mosaic. 2 Figure 1 Glacial relief (photo by L. Majgier) The area of Great Mazurian Lakes totals 1732km , with 486km 2 of lakes, which is about 20% of the region. 1. ábra Glaciális folyamatok formálta felszín The system of lakes connected with water surface on the level of 116m above sea level covers 302km 2 (K ONDRACKI The region is characteristic for its diversity of terrain 1998). The rest of lakes used to be unified, but because of relief ( Fig. 1 ) created by the last glaciations (Würm) in the lowering of water level they became divided. In the 18 th Poland. The glacial relief is a mosaic of ecological niches of century they have been connected in a system of channels, different floral groups. Apart from relief, the parent rock which were deepened by the end of the 19 th century plays an important role. These are rocks on which mainly (M IREK 1971). The region belongs entirely to the Baltic Sea cambisol (brown soil) type of soils are formed. This kind of watershed, Narew and Pergola rivers have their watersheds soil, due to its fertility, was widely used in agriculture, in area as well. Two biggest lakes in Poland, located in contributing largely to the deforestation of the area. GML, are &niardwy and Mamry. The landscape is uneven, with numerous hills, and lakes covering lower terrains. 141 ACTA GGM DEBRECINA Geology, Geomorphology, Physical Geography Series Vol. 3 2008 Pomerania–vicariant, mesotrophic (poor) communities, also eutrophic (rich) communities. Hornbeam forms forest islands in the area. Among its tree types, the following species are present: Carpinus betulus , Quercus robur, Tilia cordata, Picea abies, Populus tremula, Betula pendula, Larix decidua . In the undergrowth Sorbus aucuparia, Corylus avellana, Euonymus europaeus, E. verrucosus and others can be observed (M ATUSZKIWICZ 2003) . Small fragments of Subxero-thermophilous sarmatian oak, and pine-oak forest (Potentilo albae–Quercetum typicum ) used to grow in the proximity of hornbeam forest and similarly to them was cut down in order to prepare fields for agriculture. On moraine hills grew the continental mesotrophic oak-pine mixed forest (Querco roboris–Pinetum and Serratulo– Pinetum) . Survival rate of those sets was best when compared to other potential sets, although permanent activity of humans – i.e. cutting and reforesting – is present in their areas. Continental East-European pine forest in middle complex (Peucedano–Pinetum) , dry complex (Cladonia– Pinetum) , moist complex (Molinio–Pinetum) , subboreal vicariant with spruce are placed in irregular pattern on the area, depending on the qualities of habitats especially the moisture of the ground. This kind of assembly is strongly anthropogenised both in floral and habitual aspects (especially by the melioration of swamps). Lowland subboreal spruce forests (Querco–Piceetum, Sphagno girgensohinii–Piceetum) cover damp areas, one can also observe actual plantings of Picea abies. From the floristic point of view, the GML region is the area of high biodiversity. Some interesting species connected with damp, swamp-like and covered in turf; are: Comarum palustre, Calla palustris,, Caltha palustris, Drosera rotundifolia , Galium uliginosum (the only in Poland ), Eleocharis palustris, Rhynchospora alba, Menyanthes trifoliata and others . The glacial relict Chamaedaphne calyculata is worth consideration, as a species characteristic for Oxycocco- Figure 2 Location of Great Mazurian Lakes Region Empetrion hermaphroditi (Z AJ AC 2001, MATUSZKIEWICZ 2. ábra A Mazuri Nagy Tavak Régió elhelyezkedése 2001). Biotic values of the Great Mazurian Lakes region Potential natural flora of Great Mazurian Lakes region Nowadays set of fauna and flora of GML region had The flora of the region can be found mainly in mosaics fixed as a result of climatic and edaphic changes and conditioned by local habitats. On damp areas periodically migration of plants from various phytogeographic areas covered by swamp or watercourses, riparian forests (P ANFIL 1978). The activity of humankind had had its emerged, with the most characteristic trees for the region impact as well. The plant cover of GML is rich in species, being lowland alder and ash-alder forests ( Circaeo-Alnetum) . composing numerous floral groups much different from Habitats with isolated relief depression and difficult water those of other regions of Poland. In the flora numerous outflow were forested by such groups as Middle– arctic and boreal species can be numbered, many of them European alder fen forest ( Ribo nigri–Alnetum and Sphagno considered to be postglacial relicts (for example squarrosi – Alnetum ). Nowadays, in most maps of potential Chamaedaphne calyculata ). Especially valuable relicts are flora, the riparian associations do not exist. This is preglacial Dicranum longifolius and tertiary Diphyscium foliosum ; associated with melioration and the cultivation of those but the most common are glacial relicts, represented by areas. This fact had an impact on decreasing biodiversity in Scorpidium scorpioides , Thuidium delicatulum , Cinclidium stygium the region. Small fragments of lowland alder and ash-alder and Hypnum pratense as given by O CHYRA (1994). That floral forests ( Fraxino-Alnetum ) are still present in Natural group shaped in lakes is of doubtless natural value, the Reserves. most natural elements of plants in the region. Their The most visible forms of the relief in the area of diversity is great due to different chemical qualities of water Great Mazurian Lakes are eskers covered by subatlantic in different lakes. Around numerous dystrophic lakes, beech – oak – hornbeam forest ( Tilio-Carpinetum ), especially in the northern and eastern parts of the region; 142 Majgier L.: The influence of anthropopression on the environment of… ANTHROPIC GEOMORPHOLOGY low moor and transitional moor appear. Their floristic Agriculture is a special case here, as it began to develop composition is very similar to those peat bogs of other rapidly in the 20th century. Increased fertility of lakes is parts of Poland (M ATUSZKIEWICZ 2001). The largest forest