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CONTENTS Sealftce Laaflba Tndidoa .La CONTENTS Sealftce laAflba Tndidoa,._. Penpediw: Cornellu ()lowlo.....•.......•... -·······························--········--··--·-············· 3 Allla.......... tollleLeP»Marla Scott Jloret~~j tutd ./(llffG ICOIIIIbo ............................................................ _ •• TlleQUIItforeoopendoa,-.aud lteleYuce la 'l'heo~Pc~al F.daelldoa y... 7MnJA:i ••••••••..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 21 Exteladiai tile Feace: Sagelti0111for the Future oiTEE la Atriea Phillip 7lu'ky ............................................................................................... 3t Bookltevlews ....................................................................................................... 9 AnUCAJOURNALOFEVANGEUCALTHEOLOGY Geoeral Editor: Rev Isaac Simbiri, General Secretary, Evangelical Fellowship of Kenya Consulting Editors: Dr Tolamboh Adeyemo, AEAM Geneml Sccretacy, Nairobi, Kenya Dr Titus Kivunzi, Principal, Scott Theological College, Machakos, Kenya Rev Yemi Ladipo, Bible Churclunco's Missionary Society, London, England Or Josephat Yego, Deputy Principal (Administration), Jomo Kenyatta University College of Agriculture and Teclmology, Kenya Editorial Stair: Jacob Kibor, Titus Kivunzi, Julie Zimmennan. Evelyn Bowers, Christine Mmno Purpose: AJET is published twice a year by the staff of Scott Theological College, Machakos, Kenya, on behalf of the ACTEA Consorti\Dil of Theological Colleges, in order to provide African evangeli­ cal theological educators and students with articles and book reviews related to theology and ministry. Editorial Policy: We welcome articles and book revie M from an evangelical perspective. Material should be typed, with endnotes, and submitted to: The Editor, AJET, PO Box 49, Machakos, Kenya. Subscriptions: New annual rates (rates for three-year subscriptions supplied on request) Kenya (surface): Ksh 100/ Africa (airmail): US$10 Europe (airmail): US$12 Americas, Far East, Aus/NZ (airmail): US$15 Orders, renewals, and changes of address should be directed to: AJET Subscriptions, PO Box 49, Machakos, Kenya. Cheques should be made payable to"AJET ." Cover: The emblem of Scott Theological College, shown on the cover, features the Mumbu Tree, a historic and cultural landmark on the College grounds. The Mumbu Tree is used by AJET as a symbol of the gospel in Africa. The good neM of Christ, like the Mumbu Tree, is ageless, enduring and firmly rooted in African soil. AJET 1s indexed in Religion Index One: Periodicals, published by the American Theological Library Association, Chicago, available on line in the ATLA Religion Database through BRS lnforn.ation Technologies (Latham NY). and DIALOG Infonnati->n Services (Palo Alto CA). AJET is also indexed in New Testament Abstracts (Cambridge MA). The opinions r.xpressed in the- artides and reviews are those of their authors and do not necessarily reflt""t the of the editors or sponsors. AnUCAJOURNALOFEVANGEUCALTHEOLOGY Geueral Editor: Rev Isaac Simbiri, General Secretary, Evangelical Fellowship of Kenya Consulting Editors: Dr Tokunboh Adeyemo, AEAM General Secretary, Nairobi, Kenya Dr Titm Kivunzi, Principal, Scott Theological College, Machakos, Kenya Rev Yemi Ladipo, Bible Cllurcbmcn's Missionary Society, London. England Dr Josephat Yego, Deputy Principal (Administration), Jomo Kenyatta University College of Agriculture and Teclmology, Kenya Editorial Staff: Jacob Kibor, TituS Kivunzi, Julie Zimmcrman, Evelyn Bowers, Christine Mumo Purpose: AJET is published twice a year by the staff of Scott Titeological College, Macbakos, Kenya, on behalf of the ACTEA Consortiwn of Titeological Colleges, in order to provide African evangeli­ cal thoological educators and students with articles and book reviews related to theology and ministry. Editorial Policy: We welcome articles and book review.; from an evangelical perspective. Material should be typed, With endnotes, and submitted to: The Editor, AJET, PO Box49, Machakos, Kenya. Subscriptions: New annual rates (rates for three-year subscriptions supplied on request) Kenya (surface): Ksh 100/ Africa (ainnail): US$10 Europe (airmail): US$12 Americas, Far East, Aus{NZ (airmail): US$15 Orders, renewals, and changes of address should be directed to: AJET Subscriptions, PO Box 49, Machakos, Kenya. Cheques should be made payable to "AJET.M Cover: The emblem of Scott Theological College, shown on the cover, features the Mumbu Tree, a historic and cultural landmark on the College grounds. The Mumbu Tree is used by AJET as a symbol of the gospel in Africa. The good news of Christ, like the Mumbu Tree, is ageless, enduring and firmly rooted in African soil. AJET 1s indexed in Religion Index One: Periodicals, published by the American Theological Librarv Association, Chicago, available on line in the ATLA Religion Database through BRS lnfom.ation Technologies (Latham NY), and DIALOG lnformati->n Services (Palo Alto CA). AJET is also indexed in New Testament Abstracts (Cambridge MA). The opinions r.xpressed in the artides and reviews are those of their authors and do not necessarily ren.-,c~ the of the editors or sponsors. CONTRIBUTORS Dr Comelius Olowola is the deputy provost of ECWA Theological Seminary, lgbaja, Nigeria, and a deputy chairman of the Accrediting Council for Theological Education in Africa. He holds the ThM and ThD degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary. Dr Olowola's doctoral disseration was on Yoruba traditional religion. He has taught at Igbaja since 1977. He is author of the book, The Last Week: A Study of the Last Week ofJesus Christ on Earth (Jos: Challenge Publications, 1988). Dr Scott Moreau is cunently a lecturer in missiology at Wheaton College Graduate School in the United States. From 1984 to 1991 he was a lecturer at the Nairobi International School of Theology. Dr Moreau holds both an MDiv and a Doctor ofMissiology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (USA). Previous articles which have appeared in Dr Moreau 's series in AJET on religious movements in Africa are: "Introduction to Cults" AJET 6.2 (1987) 3-12; "Jehovah's Witnesses" AJET 7.1 (1988) 10-27; and "Branhamites" AJET 7.2 (1988) 1-18. MrJamesKombo is a teaching fellow at the Nairobi International School of Theology. He holds an MDiv degree from NIST, in connection with which lie did research on the Legio Maria movement. Mr Kombo has also assisted in pastoral ministery under the Church of Christ in Africa. Dr Yusufu Turaki is the general secretary of the Evangelical Churches of West Africa in Nigeria. Before that he was principal of Jos ECWA Theological Seminary from 1983 to 1987. Dr Turaki is also executive secretary of AEAM's Ethics, Peace and Justice Conunission, and an associate research fellow of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies in Nigeria. He is a graduate of ECWA Theological Seminary Igbaja, and holds an MA from Gordon-C.::m­ well Theologicl1l Seminary, USA, and a PhD in social ethics from Boston University, USA. Rev Phillip Turley ~a lecturer at Moffat College of Bible in Kijabe, Kenya. He was involved with the TEE programme of the Africa Inland Church of Kenya from 1986to 1991. RevTurleyhasserved in Africa since 1976,including teaching at Scott Theological College in Machakos, Kenya. He holds a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary in the United States. BOOK.·REVIEWS lames Sire, Disciples.hip of theMind. Learning to f,ove G~d in ille Ways We Think · · . - ' ,· Brian Walsh and J. Richard Middleton, 711e TratMforming Visio.n: Shaping a Christian World View Gene Edwarcl Veith, Loving God wiihA/l Your :Mind: How to. Sur.vive and Prosper as n Christian inth(• Secular Universityandfost-Christian Cuhwe David Gill , The Opening of 1hr r.lrristian Mind: Taki11g Every. T~ought Captive toChrist · JimMiller. Gt·ralcl Collier, i New Traching, A New Learning: A Guide tQ Teaching Jhrology Victor Babaji_de Cote AtchetH' IIH~u ··lllatna ( 'lt'nwnt ,· Raymond H assan, Moy6 Ozodo, and Bill Kornfi r- ld . Cros.\· Cultura/ Chrisrianiry · A Textbook in Cross-Cultural Com- 1111111 ·; ('(/Ill' 1/ Larry Niemeyer M Ieh;"' I Natir Ali. froHII.•·rs Ut Musltm - Chrisriull Encounter Michael Madal)y . · . · · . l{,,f>,·r1 Schrl'itl'r, Constructing Loca/Thcolog{rs. Scott Moreau · Si, lri< 'Y ( irci.laiJllS, nw ModenLPrrachrr and thl' Ancient Text Steve Strauss SACRIFICE IN AFRICAN TRADmON AND IN BmUCAL PERSPECI1VE1 Cornelius Olowola Comparing .~he <;oncepts of sacrifice manifest in African tradition and in the Bible can be an instructive exercise. Whereas the sacrificial system of African traditional religion is similar in some ways to that practised by Israel in the Old Testament, there ar~ also important differences. And the approach of the New Testament to sacrifice stands in sharp contrast to the approach.of African tradition, and supersedes that of the Old Testament. Comparisons between African .and Israelite Sacrifice In comparing attitudes towards sacrifice evident in ancient Israel and in traditional· Africa, we may first notice that both Israelites and Africans could look upon sacrifices as a means ofobtaining favour. If engaging upon some ·enterprise such as a war or a hunting expedition, it was felt wise to sacrifice before the undertaking in order to secure assistance, and to sacrifice after the undertaking in order to express thanks. Among both peoples could be found a hope that by giving gifts the deity could be induced to render in return more than they had given. Nevertheless, whatever some Israelites rnay have thought about sacrifice,
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