2018 Annual Report
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Federation for American Immigration Reform 2018 Annual Report CONTENTS 1 A Message from the Chairman 3 A Message from the President 7 Introduction 9 Research and Publications 13 FAIR In the Media 19 Digital Communications 25 Community Engagement 27 Legislative Resources 31 Member Education and Service 33 Financials FAIR is dedicated to promoting public understanding and critical thinking about immigration’s impact on every aspect of life in America. Our mission is to examine immigration trends and effects, to educate the American peo- ple on the impacts of sustained high-volume immigration, and to discern, put forward, and advocate immigration policies that will best serve American environmental, societal, and economic interests today and into the future. United with and supported by concerned citizens who are willing to take action to secure our nation’s future, we fight battles across the country against those who would exploit the national immigration policy to enhance their private interests or political power. • Record number of op-eds published in In 2018, immigration policy leading print and online journals dominated the news from • Groundbreaking studies of key aspects of immigration policy start to finish. • Greater policy influence at the state and local level through citizen activists A government shutdown over border securi- ty funding; organized “caravans” of migrants All of this was made possible by the hard work intent on exploiting our asylum laws; self-im- of FAIR’s dedicated staff and by our generous posed limitations on detention of migrants donors who supported our work in 2018. that led to separation of families at the bor- der; surges of unaccompanied minors; and Once again, FAIR’s signature event was our growing caseloads that threaten to paralyze annual “Hold Their Feet to the Fire” (F2F) ra- our federal judiciary, to name just a few. dio row. F2F 2018 was the largest and most successful such event to date, drawing more Against this backdrop of chaos and crisis, than 60 national and local talk radio hosts FAIR demonstrated its metal. During the who broadcast to listeners in all 50 states. course of the year, FAIR consulted closely Our social media reach – and increasingly with policymakers in the White House and important educational and advocacy tools – leading congressional figures seeking com- also grew. With more than 2 million Facebook monsense solutions to the nation’s immigra- followers, 293 thousand Twitter followers, and tion crises. FAIR provided a steady stream of 50 million YouTube views, FAIR not only has analysis of breaking events in the media, of- the ability to reach unprecedented numbers ten as the lone counterbalance to misleading of people directly, but generate thousands of coverage by the mainstream media itself. “shares” for our blogs and published op-eds. At the same time, FAIR fulfilled its education- This ability to reach ever-growing numbers al mission by turning out reports and stud- of Americans with commonsense ideas for ies about a wide array of immigration issues. true immigration reform translates into our And, around the country, FAIR worked with ability to influence policy decisions at all lev- citizens to enact state and local laws aimed els of government. at protecting the public interest, while fighting back against efforts to protect and reward im- On behalf of the entire FAIR Board of Directors, migration lawbreakers. Also, at the local lev- we are proud to be a part of the important el, FAIR solidified its relationship with sheriffs contributions we made in 2018 on an issue and other law enforcement departments. that is critical to the future of our country. In 2018, FAIR’s role in shaping U.S. immigra- tion policy included: • Frequent contact with high level poli- cymakers in the Executive Branch and high profile members of Congress Donald Collins, Jr. • Unprecedented traditional and social Chairman, Board of Directors media access to the American public FAIR 2018 Annual Report | 1 millions – shared understanding and com- “Energy directed by a unified mitment to ensure the existential threat that exists through uncontrolled borders can be will is almost the definition of brought back under some sensible controls. genius.” – W. Durant Our on-line engagement program contin- ues to grow every day. Innovative educa- So it was in 2018, as FAIR worked tirelessly tional content keeps tens of thousands of to educate the public on the wisdom behind Americans interested and engaged on a re- the needed policy reforms that would pre- curring basis. Our presence on radio, print vent the very crisis that emerged all along and TV (in an altered landscape) hit new our southern border. Anchored by a sym- heights. pathetic White House, FAIR members and activists reached across the country in the Indeed, FAIR reached new summits in its ed- single-minded pursuit of goals long-estab- ucational outreach undertakings. Major in- lished by commission after commission: structional videos on such topics as “chain Reduced immigration under policies that will migration” and “border operations” reached ensure respect for law as a cornerstone of millions of viewers, while innovative target- citizenship. ed initiatives brought activist opportunities to subpopulations that normally do not get As immigration policy touches on all aspects to hear tailored messages. The nimble field of American life, so the public debate over education programs help bring public un- immigration affects all Americans in all sta- derstanding of even the most sophisticated tions and circumstances. 2018 brought a policy questions to the minds of Americans renewed debate at a fever pitch, driven by in communities across the country. vocal politicians and the unrelenting driving force of people with everything to gain and Our work could never be possible without nothing to lose by making the attempt to get the committed membership and dedicated here. activists who put aside their time and talents to be a force multiplier in countering the ir- At the beginning of 2018, we fully expected responsible actions of cheap labor interests to see major changes and perhaps even sig- and professional power brokers. 2018 was a nificant action in the Congress to bring our year that produced significant action within laws up to date. But alas, as John Keegan the Executive Branch, and all of us played observed (with reference to the Schlieffen a role in helping ensure those activities pro- plan), “Plans do not determine outcomes.” duced the best possible results. My hat is off So it was that the political deadlock prevent- to each and every one of you. ed effective action at a time when it would have made the most difference. Yet we pro- ceed undaunted into the future. Throughout this year, FAIR reached out to affected Americans and impact communi- ties with our broad public education initia- tives. Engagement is the watchword as we Dan Stein continue to build a national network in the FAIR President FAIR 2018 Annual Report | 3 “Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children’s children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.” ― Theodore Roosevelt, 1907 There were many exciting developments Founded in 1979, the in 2018: refugee admissions were reduced considerably and more stringent limitations Federation for American to asylum claims were imposed; sanctions were levied against nations that refused to Immigration Reform (FAIR) take back deported citizens, and immigra- tion judges were ordered to discontinue the has worked for nearly four practice of administratively closing immi- gration cases—long considered an “amnes- decades to educate the ty by stealth.” Best of all, in June 2018, the Supreme Court released its ruling in Trump public about the critical v. Hawaii which upheld the Trump adminis- tration’s travel ban on aliens from countries need for sound immigration linked to terrorism. policies which would bring Of course, as the victories have grown, so have the challenges. In 2018, immigration population flows to a more maximalists continued to obstruct other meaningful reforms in the interest of fulfill- natural level. ing their base agendas: Big business and Big agriculture pushed for a steady stream After all, this is the only way the U.S. can of cheap, low-skilled labor. Meanwhile, sup- conserve its lands and natural resources, porters of open borders hung their hopes of sustain its considerable system of public future electoral success on massive amnes- services and infrastructural developments ty proposals in more attempts to guarantee and, most importantly, maintain its right to a loyal voting base for decades to come. national self-determination in the 21st cen- tury. FAIR responded at every step. Backed by our grassroots base of nearly 3 million, and The events of 2018 confirmed FAIR’s long- wearing our hard-earned reputation as one standing conviction that immigration is the of the only single-issue organizations in defining issue of our time. This has been mir- Washington, D.C. which has committed it- rored by the present administration, which self to entirely honest immigration reporting rose to victory in 2016 on a platform buoyed and analysis—In 2018, FAIR was a force to almost entirely by the issue of uncontrolled be reckoned with. We now have a prominent mass immigration. This remained the con- seat at the table, and an audible voice, in all sistent focus of the Trump administration— substantial immigration reform discussions and the general public—throughout 2018. nationwide. FAIR 2018 Annual Report | 7 The Fiscal Cost of Resettling Refugees in FAIR’s Research Department the United States is a core component of our This groundbreaking online study outlines the cost of refugee resettlement to U.S.