Samsun Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plant Project Final Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report

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Samsun Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plant Project Final Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report BORASCO ELECTRICITY GENERATION INDUSTRY AND TRADE INC. Süleyman Seba Cad. No. 17 34357 Beşiktaş - İSTANBUL / TÜRKİYE Tel: +90 (212) 261 48 00 (pbx) Fax: +90 (212) 261 48 50 SAMSUN PROVINCE, TERME DISTRICT SAMSUN NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESMENT (EIA) REPORT EIA Report Final EIA Report ENVY Energy andEnvironmental Investments Inc. Çetin Emeç Bulvarı 8. Cadde No: 7 Aşağı Öveçler 06450 ANKARA - TÜRKİYE Tel: +90 (312) 583 88 00 (Pbx) Faks: +90 (312) 472 67 10 e-posta: [email protected] ANKARA – 2009 BORASCO Electricity Generation Industry and Trade Inc. Samsun Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plant Project Final Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report TITLE PAGE Project Owners’ Name: BORASCO Elektrik Üretim Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Süleyman Seba Str. No.17 Address: 34357 Beşiktaş / İSTANBUL Telephone: +90 (212) 261 48 00 (pbx) Telephone and Fax Numbers: Fax : +90 (212) 261 48 50 Samsun Doğal Gaz Kombine Çevrim Santralı (Samsun Project Name: Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plant) Project Price: Approximately 499 million € Full Address of the Project Samsun Province Terme District Location (City, District, Location): Coordinates of the Project X: 344197; Y: 4557122 (Datum: ED50) Location, Zone: UTM Zon 37 Position of the Project in the EIA Regulation Scope (Sector, Sub Annex-I, 2.a Sector): Name of the Institution / Working ENVY Enerji ve Çevre Yatırımları A.Ş. Group Preparing the Report: Çetin Emeç Boulevard 8. Street No: 7 Address, Telephone and Fax Numbers of the Institution / 06540 Öveçler / ANKARA Working Group Preparing the Telephone: + 90 (312) 583 88 00 (Pbx) Report: Fax : + 90 (312) 472 67 10 Number, Date of the Compliance Certificate of the Institution 09, 11.04.2007 preparing the Report: Report Presentation Date (Day, 23 January 2009 Month, Year): i / xv BORASCO Electricity Generation Industry and Trade Inc. Samsun Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plant Project Final Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report CONTENTS Page Contents ii Appendixes viii List of Tables ix List of Figures xi Abbreviations xiii TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................................................. i LIST OF TABLES .........................................................................................................................xi LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... xiii ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................................................... xv I. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT ...........................................................1 I.1 Description, Life-time and Service Purposes of Proje Matter Activity ...........................1 I.2 Bazaar or Service Areas and Their Importance and Necessitations Economically and Socially ......................................................................................................................2 I.2.1 Energy Policy of Turkiye ..............................................................................2 I.2.2 Purpose of the Project .................................................................................5 I.2.3 Economic Importance of the Project.............................................................5 I.2.4 Social Importance of the Project ..................................................................6 I.3 Environmental Impact Assessment .............................................................................6 II. LOCATION OF THE SELECTED SITE FOR PROJECT .......................................................8 II.1 Project Site Selection (presentation on the Environment Plan scaled 1/25.000 in which the legend and plan notes of activity site verified by concerned Governorship or Municipality also take place (Plan notes and Provisions), Approved Structural Construction Plan and Execution Construction Plan, (Plan notes and legends), if not available on the present land use map).......................................................................8 II.1.1 Site Selection Criterias ................................................................................8 II.1.2 Activity Area ................................................................................................8 II.2 Location of the Acitivity Units within Project (Settlement plan of all administrative and social units, technical infrastructure units and other units if any, closed or open area magnitudes determined for them, floor quantities and heights of buildings, representational picture) ........................................................................................... 16 III. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DIMENSIONS OF THE PROJECT........................................... 19 III.1 Investment Programme and Financial Resources Concerning Materialization of the Project...................................................................................................................... 19 III.2 Flow Process Chart or Scheduling Table Related to Materialization of the Project ..... 19 III.3 Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Project .......................................................................... 23 III.4 Other Economic, Social and Infrastructural Activities Not to be in the Scope of the Project but Depending on Materialization of the Project Planned to be Executed by Investor Company or Other Companies .................................................................... 23 III.4.1 Water Supply and Waste Water Treatment ................................................ 23 III.4.2 Natural Gas Connection ............................................................................ 24 III.4.3 Electric Connections .................................................................................. 24 III.4.4 Enlightening .............................................................................................. 24 III.4.5 Park Lots and Service Roads..................................................................... 24 III.4.6 Landscaping .............................................................................................. 24 III.4.7 Security System ........................................................................................ 24 III.4.8 Quartering ................................................................................................. 25 ii / xv BORASCO Electricity Generation Industry and Trade Inc. Samsun Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plant Project Final Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report III.4.9 Fire-Protection System .............................................................................. 25 III.4.10 Telephone ................................................................................................. 25 III.5 Other Economic, Social and Infrastructural Activities Not to be in the Scope of the Project but Depending on Materialization of the Project Planned to be Executed by Investor Company or Other Companies .................................................................... 25 III.6 Other Considerations................................................................................................ 25 IV. DETERMINATION OF THE AREA TO BE IMPACTED BY THE PROJECT AND DESCRIPTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS WITHIN THIS AREA .......... 26 IV.1 Determination of Area to be Impacted by the Project, Projection of the Area to be Impacted on the Map ................................................................................................ 26 IV.2 Characteristics of Physical and Biological Environment and Usage of Natural Resources ................................................................................................................ 26 IV.2.1 Meteorological and Climatic Characteristics (Genera and local climatic conditions of the region, topographical structure of the position in which Project takes place, monthly, seasonal and annual temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, pressure and evaporation regimes and their graphics, number of days with inversion, stationery state, wind direction and speed, annual and seasonal windmill, number of gales etc.) .................................. 26 General Climate Conditions in the Region................................................................................ 26 Temperature Regime.................................................................................................................. 27 Precipitation ............................................................................................................................... 29 Wind Direction and Speed ......................................................................................................... 30 Relative Humidity ....................................................................................................................... 33 Local Pressure ........................................................................................................................... 34 Counted Days Distribution of the Region ................................................................................. 35 IV.2.2 Geological Characteristics (Physio-chemical characteristics, tectonic movements, topographical characteristics, mineral resources, landslide, unique formations, Specifying the geological units – acc to their lithologic characteristics- on 1/2.000 or 1/5.000 Scaled Engineering maps, geological and geotectonic study reports of the Project
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