Federal Register/Vol. 83, No. 187/Wednesday, September 26
48684 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 26, 2018 / Notices new airplane make, model, or series is DATES: Comments must be received on commitment by the FAA to financially introduced to an air carrier’s fleet, or or before October 26, 2018. assist in the disposal of the subject when an air carrier replaces the widest ADDRESSES: Documents are available for airport property nor a determination of or narrowest seats installed on an review by appointment at the FAA eligibility for grant-in-aid funding from existing airplane make, model, or series Chicago Airports District Office, Gary the FAA. FAA has requested the with wider or narrower seats. The Wilson, Program Manager, 2300 East Department of Defense to concur in the purpose of this collection is to facilitate Devon Avenue, Des Plaines, IL 60018, release of the National Emergency Use the use of child restraint systems Telephone: (847) 294–7631/Fax: (847) Provision (NEUP) from the subject onboard airplanes by providing greater 294–7046 and Eric Vences, Rantoul parcels. information to caregivers to help them National Aviation Center-Elliott Field, 6 Parcel A3a determine whether a particular child Aviation Center Drive (217) 892–6896. restraint system will fit in an airplane Written comments on the Sponsor’s A tract of land being a part of Section seat. request must be delivered or mailed to: 2, Township 21 North, Range 9 East of Respondents: 50 part 121 air carriers. Gary Wilson, Program Manager, Federal the Third Principal Meridian, Frequency: On occasion. Aviation Administration, Program Champaign County, Illinois, described Estimated Average Burden per Manager, Chicago Airports District as follows: Beginning at a Rantoul Brass Response: 7 hours.
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