POLITICAL SCIENCE Mary; Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Programs
GRYNAVISKI, JEFFREY D.: Ph.D., M.A., Duke University; B.A., William and POLITICAL SCIENCE Mary; Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Programs Office: 2040 Faculty/Administration Building; 313-577-2630 HELFER, ARIEL: Ph.D., M.A., The University of Texas at Austin; B.A., Chairperson: Daniel S. Geller Kenyon College; Assistant Professor Undergraduate Academic advisor: Ryan Ferrante HERRING, MARY: Ph.D., University of Georgia; M.A., B.A., University of https://clas.wayne.edu/politicalscience (https://clas.wayne.edu/ West Florida; Associate Professor politicalscience/) JUN, KYU-NAHM: Ph.D., University of Southern California; MPA, Seoul The study of political science is focused on understanding the nature and National University; B.A., Ewha Womans University; Associate Professor problems of government and the role of politics in contemporary society. This is accomplished through systematic exploration of the structure LEAN, SHARON F.: Ph.D., University of California, Irvine; M.A.,Facultad and processes of government at different levels and across nations, Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales; B.A., Brown University; Associate through study of individual and collective political behavior, and through Professor analyses of policy problems and the processes through which public policies are formulated and administered. Political science contributes to MARINOVA, NADEJDA K.: Ph.D., University of Southern California; the goals of general education by promoting civic literacy and cultivating M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology; B.A., Georgia College and State an awareness of the opportunities and obligations of citizenship at local, University; Assistant Professor state, and national levels. MOLDAVANOVA, ALISA V.: Ph.D., M.P.A., University of Kansas; B.
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