Sefer HaShiva Prayers and Ideas for Visitors to a House of Mourning Sefer HaShiva Prayers and Ideas for Visitors to a House of Mourning President: Stephen Pack Vice Presidents: Stephen Fenton, Russell Kett, Jonathan Miller Treasurers: Stephen Lubinsky, Brian Markeson, Russell Tenzer Women Representatives: Dalia Cramer, Naomi Landy, Leonie Lewis, Doreen Samuels Chief Executive: Jeremy Jacobs First Published in Great Britain 2013 by The United Synagogue Charity Number 242552 Enquiries:
[email protected] Website: Copyright 2013 The United Synagogue All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior permission in writing from the Publishers Copyright for “Israel and Jerusalem Will Comfort Us” Rabbi Dr Shlomo Riskin Copyright for “A Life that Matters” Lord Sacks Copyright for English translations of, and notes to prayers Lord Sacks Hebrew text reproduced by kind permission of Harper Collins Dedicated to the memory of Ronald and Lily Coffer and Simeon and Lena Conick Dedicated in loving memory of Dr J C (Joss) Leigh by his daughter Sara Dedicated to the memory of Judge Aron Owen אהרון בן אלימלך הכהן and Rose Owen שושנה בת אהרון זלמן Louis Moont אריה בן מרדכי and Joyce Moont לאה בת משה by their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren Thank You he US wants to give a huge thank you to the more than 200 volunteers, men and Twomen, that are on call to prepare bodies for burial - the Chevrah Kadishah. They never look for thanks, they just quietly get on with doing one of the most selfless mitzvot that anyone can do, since the person they are helping cannot say thank you.