Tcus As Engaged Institutions
Building Strong Communities Tribal Colleges as Engaged Institutions Prepared by: American Indian Higher Education Consortium & The Institute for Higher Education Policy A product of the Tribal College Research and Database Initiative Building Strong Communities: Tribal Colleges as Engaged Institutions APRIL 2001 American Indian Higher Education Consortium The Institute for Higher Education Policy A product of the Tribal College Research and Database Initiative, a collaborative effort between the American Indian Higher Education Consortium and the American Indian College Fund ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report is the fourth in a series of policy reports produced through the Tribal College Research and Database Initiative. The Initiative is supported in part by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Native Ameri- cans (ANA) and the Pew Charitable Trusts. A collaborative effort between the American Indian Higher Education Consor- tium (AIHEC) and the American Indian College Fund, the project is a multi-year effort to improve understanding of Tribal Colleges. AIHEC would also like to thank the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for its continued support. This report was prepared by Alisa Federico Cunningham, Senior Research Analyst, and Christina Redmond, Research Assis- tant, at The Institute for Higher Education Policy. Jamie Merisotis, President, Colleen O’Brien, Vice President, and Deanna High, Project Editor, at The Institute, as well as Veronica Gonzales, Jeff Hamley, and Sara Pena at AIHEC, provided writing and editorial assistance. We also would like to acknowledge the individuals and organizations who offered information, advice, and feedback for the report. In particular, we would like to thank the many Tribal College presidents who read earlier drafts of the report and offered essential feedback and information.
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