APRIL 2021 EDITION WWW.TURTON.UK.COM 01204 333293 Turton High School Bromley Cross Road Bromley Cross Bolton BL7 9LT Editor’s Note Finally, we are back in college! I am sure I speak on the behalf of many students when I say that the shift from Teams and Zoom to in-person contact has been such a relief. Of course, it is still not under ideal circumstances, but it is a start. I would like to begin by congratulating all Year 12 students for their efforts during Assessment Week, as well as my Year 13 peers who are also sitting assessments at the moment. It is definitely a difficult time for us all, but the hard work will be worth it in the end. As always, this edition has been extremely collaborative, and I would like to thank everyone who got involved! We have an impressive range of articles to read, from more light-hearted pieces to perhaps more politically motivated features… we have something for all occasions! If anyone would like to get involved in the next edition (whether that is writing an article or sending a suggestion for a topic), please feel free to contact me or James here: Raechel :
[email protected] James :
[email protected] Manchester Marathon for Crohns and Colitis Last month, while my family and I were sitting eating lunch, my mum alluded to the idea of entering the Manchester Marathon, that is set to take place in October, and of me doing it with her. Of course, I dismissed the idea (I thought she was joking) until she sprung it on me a few days later that she had in fact entered with a couple of other people from our gym.