RENESAN Institute for Lifelong Learning Fall 2018 Catalog of Courses, Lectures, and Trips REGISTRATION begins: Online – Monday, August 13, at 8AM In-Person – Tuesday, August 14, at 10AM Sciences Social Philosophy Technology Current Events RENESAN Reads! Geopolitics Performance Arts Local Trips Religions Political Arts Film Weekly Lectures Theater Media Science Music Science History Literature American The Southwest World Cultures RENESAN Institute for Lifelong Learning RENESAN Institute for Lifelong Learning St. John’s United Methodist Church 1200 Old Pecos Trail Santa Fe, NM 87505 505-982-9274
[email protected] RENESAN is an independent, volunteer-supported, nonprofit organization that provides affordable, academically oriented courses, lectures, and local trips for adults in Northern New Mexico. RENESAN® is the registered name of our nonprofit organization, tax- exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations to RENESAN are tax-deductible as allowed by law. For those who have hearing loss RENESAN provides support through a Hearing Loop. To request this service please call the RENESAN office at 505-982-9274 one week before the course or lecture you will be attending. The Hearing Loop is only available in the Gathering Room. Mark Your Calendar! Online Registration begins at 8AM, Monday, August 13 In-Person Registration begins at 10AM, Tuesday, August 14 Classes begin on Tuesday, September 4 Classes end on Thursday, November 15 RENESAN Institute for Lifelong Learning Catalog of Courses, Lectures, and Trips Fall 2018 Table of Contents President’s Welcome ............................................................................ 2 RENESAN Board of Directors, Committees, and Staff ..................... 3 Fall 2018 at a Glance ........................................................................... 4 Courses Art .................................................................................................