11 November 2019 Waipara School 2 Loffhagen Drive, P.O. Box 11, Waipara 7447.Phone (03) 3146814 Fax (03) 3146815 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.waipara.school.nz o te moana HARAKEKE IN BLACK ON COLOUR DAY Or combinations thereof!! The next Dress Up Day is going to be a Ekea ka tiritiri o te moana te o tiritiri ka Ekea Free Choice Theme Day on Friday 6 December. On this day, fish and chips will be available for lunch and parents are more than welcome to come and join us for this. beingthebestwe can be ekeakatiritiri BOT Meeting The next meeting of the Waipara School BOT will be on Thursday 21 November, 6.30pm in Kanuka – all parents are welcome to attend. The Board of Trustees members are: Victoria McGuckin, Nathn Trethowen, Deb Dellaway-Curtis, Karen Duncan, Matt Ford, Scott Holland and Di Officer. AMBERLEY SHOW HANDWRITING WINNERS!!! Rosa, Mia and Lucy were our A CHALLENGE FOR YOU three handwriting winners this Fly a kite. year and have earned our school a free time afternoon each!!!!! Fly a Rosa’s will be taken by the end of the year….Thanks girls! The kindly donated by the PTA Chocolate Fish have been awarded to: Arina Kuznetsov – always trying hard and being the best that she can be Hannah Northover – always being helpful and having a positive and caring attitude Kyla Trethowen – really good thinking with the Maths Number of the Day Alex Berry – super duper reading Toby Coxon – helpfulness inside and outside the classroom Riley Girdlestone – great basic facts knowledge Martha Sidey – showing caring to others both young and old! and to these wonderful adults in our community: Dugald McLean – thanks for helping at long jump on Athletics’ Day Lynda Ball – thanks for hanging the artworks in the Tin Shed for Amberley Show Jayne Sidey – services rendered! Congratulations and well done to you all.