Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study UK SOLAS: Programme Final Report Authors: Phil Williamson, Chris Adams & Kay Heuser UK SOLAS Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study Programme Final Report February 2011 Phil Williamson1,2, Chris Adams1 & Kay Heuser2 1. School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ 2. Natural Environment Research Council, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1EU Contact:
[email protected] +(44)1603 59311 UK SOLAS was a NERC Research Programme, with support of £10.3m mainly over the period 2004-2010. Data management and some projects are still ongoing. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the UK SOLAS Scientific Steering Committee and all other UK SOLAS participants (n = >180, see p 59-62) for ensuring the success of the programme. Their contributions to this programme Final Report are much appreciated, through project final reports, cruise reports, publications and other,material. Claire Hughes, Martin Johnson and Georgia Bayliss-Brown provided invaluable support for UK SOLAS science coordination in the initial and mid-phases of programme implementation, whilst the key roles of Swindon Office staff (Mike Webb, Programme Manager; Angela Collinge, Sophie Hodgson, Frances Collingborn and Michal Filtness, Programme Administrators; and Rebecca Farncombe, finale event coordinator) are also gratefully acknowledged. Co-support of component activities was provided by the UK Meteorological Office, the European COST Action 735, the Norwegian Meteorological Office, the Cape Verde