013_guidelines 2015/07/11 09:29 Page 173 GuidelinesGuidelines for Contributors 1. The journal publishes longer studies, short essays, documentarydocumentary papers, and rere-- views in English, French, andand GermanGerman inin the the field field of of musicology musicology in in the the broadest broadest sense,sense, with special respect to subjects connected with the history of Hungarian music and folk (traditional) music.music. Please sendsend booksbooks andand editions editions for for review review to to Péter Péter Bozó, Halász, Institute Institute of Musicology, of Musicology, Re- searchResearch Centre Centre for forthe theHumanities, Humanities, Hungarian Hungarian Academy Academy of Sciences, of Sciences, Táncsics Táncsics M. u. 7,M. u. Bu 7,- dapest,Budapest, H-1014, H-1014, Hungary; Hungary; postal (Postal address: address: P.O. BoxP.O. 9,Box H-1250 9, H-1250 Budapest, Budapest, Hungary; Hungary); email: <
[email protected]>.email: <
[email protected]>. 2. Submissions Submissions shouldshould be be sent prefaced electronically by a covering and prefaced page givingby a covering full title, page name giving of fullthe writer,title, name affiliation of the (ifwriter, any) affiliationand contact (if details any) and(email contact and postaldetails address).(email and An postal English ad- dress).language An abstract English (not language more abstractthan 200 (not words) more and than keywords 200 words) (not and more keywords than five, (not also more in thanEnglish) five, should also in also English) be presented. should also be presented. 3. Paragraphs should be indicated with indentations rather than with empty lines, and these indentations should be made with tab stops, not by spacing.