Annual Report The Foundation Table of Contents

2 A Year in Review

12 From the President

13 The

18 Culture

26 Coexistence

32 Community

40 Education

48 Financial Data 2006

51 Awards and Scholarships

52 Jerusalem Foundation Donors 2006

57 Jerusalem Foundation Board of Trustees Summer concerts 58 Jerusalem Foundation at Mishkenot Sha'ananim Leadership Worldwide opposite the walls A Year in Review

Installation of 5-ton sphere at the Bloomfield Science Museum

Shir Hashirim(Song of Songs) Garden at the Ein Yael Living Museum

Festival for a Shekel, Summer 2006 The Max Rayne School A Hand in Hand School for Bilingual Education in Jerusalem

First Annual Shirehov - Street Poetry Festival, June 2006 Art activities at the Djanogly Visual Arts Center

The Katie Manson Sensory Garden From the President

Dear Friends, The Jerusalem Foundation is proud of our 40 years of accomplishments on behalf of Jerusalem and all its residents. In every neighborhood of the city, one encounters landmarks of our long journey and the effort to promote a free, pluralistic, modern and tolerant Jerusalem. We are happy to share with you the Jerusalem Foundation’s Annual Report for 2006, another successful year in which we raised a total of $30.5 million in pledges and grants. This brings the total of all donations received by the Foundation in Jerusalem since its establishment to $691 million (about $1.1 billion if adjusted for inflation). The Foundation’s total assets increased over the past year from $115.3 million at the end of 2005 to $123.5 million at the end of 2006. The Foundation’s allocations for the purpose of initiating, developing and operating projects in 2006 totaled nearly $28 million, of which just over 50% funded programs and the balance funded physical projects 12 and preservation. In the course of 2006 the Jerusalem Foundation began a comprehensive process to help shape our strategic plan, looking ahead to the next 40 years of activities and reaffirming our commitment on all levels to strengthening community, culture and coexistence in the city. The Jerusalem Foundation’s ongoing contribution to all aspects of life in the city is only possible because of the loyalty and support of friends worldwide and the cooperation of various organizations and bodies, and their directors and staff. The Foundation is encouraged in its work by our board members in Israel and abroad, whose active personal involvement is imbued with love and devotion. In the past 40 years, Jerusalem has flourished from a sleepy, small border town to a vibrant metropolis. The Jerusalem Foundation has remained steadfast as the single most influential foundation dedicated solely to Jerusalem and harnessing the strengths of its communities, heritage, beauty and culture to build a better tomorrow, and our work continues. Thank you for your partnership. Sincerely yours,

Ruth Cheshin International President The Jerusalem Foundation

Jerusalem is a city revered and cherished around the world. It is the heart of the Jewish people - the eternal capital. The Jerusalem Foundation, understanding the importance of Jerusalem as a city central to so many, over the last 40 years pioneered much of the archaeological discovery and preservation of the history of the city through the excavations, the preservation and reconstruction of the major gates of the Old City walls, the Museum and much more.

Jerusalem would be unrecognizable without the Jerusalem Foundation, without its community centers, sports complexes, parks, children’s playgrounds, libraries, theaters and museums. 13 Without its arts schools and central science labs, with fewer daycares and homes for the elderly, with poorer school facilities and less educational innovation. Without so many of the building blocks that are essential for creating a civil and humane society. Someone, somewhere, benefits from a Jerusalem Foundation project every minute of every day and every night. The Foundation’s work touches every population — Jewish, Muslim and Christian — of every social group of every age, in every neighborhood of the city.

Over 40 years the Jerusalem Foundation has become the city’s preeminent leader of civil society. The Foundation has a huge passion and expertise in all aspects of life in Jerusalem. It has an unmatched track record in creating and nurturing philanthropy supported enterprises in Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Foundation links the international community to Jerusalem and together we aspire to make Jerusalem an inspiring capital, modern center and global city. The Jerusalem Foundation has only one agenda and that is Jerusalem. OUR VISION To support the growth of a vibrant, modern, flourishing city, rich with culture, economic vitality and strong and caring communities for all its residents.

15 OUR MISSION The Jerusalem Foundation continues its mission in Jerusalem. We advance a platform and a developed agenda around three programs:

Community Building and Economic Vitality

Coexistence — Living Together

Cultural Life and Creativity

OUR VALUES The Jerusalem Foundation is the only organization in Jerusalem that has a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of the city, has strong and lasting relationships with all authorities and organizations that play a major role in Jerusalem and has a record of 40 years of successful partnerships with Jerusalem communities and friends abroad.

The Foundation acts as an impartial arbitrator and objective broker in Jerusalem for the competing interests of the various government departments, non- governmental agencies, other charities and local community volunteers.

The Jerusalem Foundation provides full accountability and open reporting to its donors by maintaining ongoing contact with and supervision of all its 17 projects in Jerusalem.

The Jerusalem Foundation provides all services in-house through its overseas department, projects department, accounting and technical departments, legal department and more.

The Foundation holds regular meetings and seminars with policy makers, experts and academics on the changing needs in Jerusalem to consistently reassess projects and issues in need of attention.

The Jerusalem Foundation’s “designated donation” method, which pairs potential donors with projects in areas of their interest, encourages the donor’s ongoing personal involvement with the project and the community.

The Foundation builds a partnership between the donor and Jerusalem residents and creates a long-term relationship that can often last for generations. CULTURE Culture in Jerusalem

For 40 years the Jerusalem Foundation has been pursuing its strong belief that cultural activity reflects and gives expression to the intense spirituality, diversity, and uniqueness of Jerusalem. Culture enriches the lives of residents and a strong cultural identity lifts the spirits, it enlivens the city, strengthens social solidarity and expands the economy. In the varied cultural mosaic of Jerusalem, each community makes their own special cultural contribution to the multicultural fabric of the society. Making each of these groups strong through culture and then connecting them together, ultimately strengthens the whole community of Jerusalem with a rich tapestry of culture. CULTURE

In order to perpetuate the cultural diversity and traditions of Jerusalem, the Jerusalem Foundation seeks to:

● Deepen institutions’ involvement in the community ● Develop new audiences and new genres through community outreach ● Foster artistic excellence in existing cultural institutions ● Strengthen the use of the arts as a means for inter-cultural understanding 19 ● Encourage and develop creativity in Jerusalem

Challenges Responses

Diverse and heterogeneous populations with Community outreach through a multicultural approach, varying and widely different cultural identities strengthening the intercultural ties within Jerusalem’s cultural mosaic

Cultural institutions facing decreasing government Support of the cultural infrastructure through encouragement support of innovative new productions and exhibitions

Negative image of the city among residents and Culture as a vehicle to present a positive image and non-residents – ancient city representing conflict revitalize the city – bringing it alive and making it a place and history where young people will want to stay

Few opportunities for young artists Cultivating New Creativity – fostering young artists and creating opportunities for the future 20 CULTURE Festival. part oftheJerusalemSummerNights at 11 locationsthroughoutthecityasa more than20indoorandoutdoorevents 5,600 youngJerusalemites Festivals: Culture of AmateurArts. the Khan Theater aspartoftheJerusalemFestival place attheGerardBeharCenter, the YMCA and 17,000 people neighborhood ofEinKerem. and tookplaceduringtheholidayofSukkotin which wasproducedbythePsik Theater company 400 people neighborhood ofMusraraforatokenfee. photography andmusicperformancesinthe in theMusraraMixfestivalwhichincludedvideo, 2,000 artists Festival. under thestarsasapartofMoonlightCinema 6,000 movie-goers attended the"SukkahofEvents"Festival fromIsraelandabroadparticipated attendedover30eventsthat took attended4nightsofcinema Projects attended

2006 visitors tofamousIsraelipoets. an effort toexposeJerusalemitesand first everJerusalemStreetPoetryFestival, bus stops,cafesandbusesaspartofthe Over 120poems and producedbylocalartists and residents. and foodbooths,themajorityof whichweremanned which includedstreettheater, danceperformances 3,000-4,000 people in Ramot. sponsored bytheBethAvrahamCommunityCenter 1,500 people held attheU.NahonMuseumofItalianJewish Art. 13,000 people Theater. which markedthe25th Anniversary ofthe Train 6,500 people the countryperformed. in itsproductionandpop-rockstarsfromallover and GoldmanPromenades.Localchildrenparticipated for aShekelwhichtookplacethisyearontheHaas 5,000 Jerusalemites attendedthePuppet Theater Festival participated inthePercussionFestival attendedtheannualPastaFestival attended theEinKeremFestival werepostedonsigns, participated intheFestival CULTURE 21 of by the "Sequential

of performance

"Annie Hopkins of the a new production by the took place in the center of took place by a cast and staff of new immigrants by a cast and staff

attended a special performance of attended a special attended the production of "Miracles attended the production the production and performance of attended the annual concert in memory attended the annual the Nissan Nativ Acting Studio's production the Nissan Nativ 8 free performances the city as the Psik Theater Company participated the Psik the city as project. Adopt a Community Artists in the 500 people of Gerard Behar. 500 students new performance, Dance Company's the Vertigo a special dance party "Sunny Side Up," including after the performance. 400 students cabaret about the trials and and Marriage" — a Jews tribulations of the dating world of Orthodox Jewish — developed for an audience of Orthodox students. Supported and performance of "Incubator." Supported The Lab. by HaMaabada — "Terminal" Subsidized the translation and performance "Tarantas a play by Ephraim Kishon by the Russian Theater" group for Jerusalem's Russian population. Supported "Mutants," group dealing with the issues faced Theater Psik into by new immigrants in their absorption process Israeli society. Supported the production World" Fairy Tale for children and families. Subsidized 10 performances Dance" at the Leo Model hall. Helped subsidize a dance Jerusalem Dance Theater Company. Jerusalem Dance at community at the Gerard Behar participated in the attended the 23rd International performances

attended the 7th attended the Street Performance attended the Street attended three nights of traditional Israeli Center were subsidized for students through the "New Spirit" student organization. centers throughout the city took place as a part of centers throughout the city took place as "Fun Fridays" program and 34 Theater's Train the special additional performances for children with needs throughout the city. 5 Hot Jazz performances 1000 people folk music performances with famous Israeli singers and Rachel Shapira. Haim Hefer, Taharlev, Yoram 23 puppet theater 14,000 people a circus tent, jugglers, Festival which included and hip hop performances, gymnasts, break dance food booths and more. Over 53,000 people "Hamshushalayim" winter campaign to bring tourism "Hamshushalayim" winter campaign to bring museums to Jerusalem and to highlight the city's and cultural facilities. Over 70,000 people Jerusalem Film Festival Chamber Music Festival Israel Festival Performances: 7,000 people Festival International Oud 2,200 people attended over 20 performances of "Tarat, Tarat" by the Hulgab Ethiopian Theater at the Zionist Confederation House, and the Foundation supported a new production - "The Widow." CULTURE 23 Jerusalem Music Center Jerusalem Quartet Submarine Yellow Kolben Dance Vertigo Hazira Psik Theater Group and Acting Studio 8 actors from the Nissan Nativ over 50 students participated in 5 acting workshops on conflict resolution. Naggar School of Photography Sam Spiegel School Theater School of Visual Artists Studios The Djanogly Print Workshop Subsidized the rental of the small Khan Theater of the small Khan Subsidized the rental Company. for the Hazira Performance.Art The Jerusalem Cinematheque Theater The Jerusalem The Lab HaMaabada — Blaustein Civic Center visited the Bloomfield visited Music: Performance Groups: Arts Schools and Incubators: Theaters: - an 200,000 people 200,000 a 5-ton floating Museum, and Science dedicated as was donated and sphere permanent exhibition. an addition to its visited the Nature Museum visited the Bible Lands Museum visited the Tower of David Museum Tower visited the visited the U. Nahon Museum of visited the L. Mayer Museum for visited the Museum on the Seam visited the Herzl Museum 85,926 people 38,755 people 19,553 people 194,343 people of the History of Jerusalem 58,960 people Art Italian Jewish 36,670 people Islamic Art The Court Museum Yishuv The Old 210,903 people Subsidized thousands of tickets for students, Subsidized thousands of tickets for adults the elderly and special needs children and Psik Theater, Khan at the Gerard Behar Center, of of David Museum of the History Tower Theater, Family Zoological Gardens, Eurofair, Tisch Jerusalem, and the Bloomfield Science Museum. Museums: Sponsored 6 Cocktail Art Parties Sponsored 6 Cocktail art exhibition cocktail party to help art exhibition cocktail artists to display encourage Jerusalem is one their work. Cost of admission work of art for display purposes. Subsidized tickets: Mishkenot Sha'ananim Activities and Events 2006

Heinrich Heine Lecture series and readings of poetry and prose are regular features of Mishkenot's literary On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the death programs: of Heinrich Heine, Mishkenot Sha’ananim held an evening in his memory and in honor of the inauguration Behind the Scenes of the Art World of the book “Heinrich Heine in Jerusalem,” published by Hoffmann & Campe. Renewed public interest has followed the great upheavals of the world of art and archeology in recent Contemporary Islam: years, in Israel as well as abroad. Renowned chief conservator and curator at the Museum of Variety and Unity, Consensus and Internal Conflict CULTURE Art, Dr. Doron Lurie, lectured on the stories behind A Conference to Commemorate the Publication of some of the most famous works of art, forgery and The Clash within Islam by Emmanuel Sivan deception in the art world, and revealed yet untold 24 stories. Bereavement, Grieving and the Soul Loss, grief and bereavement have become inseparable A Page from a Book from the Israeli experience. On April 30, 2006, the Michael Handelsaltz, the legendary editor of the International Dialogue Centre held a seminar studying Ha’aretz daily literary supplement, leads discussions different aspects of loss and bereavement.This seminar with authors, editors and translators on recently was held just prior to Israel’s Remembrance Day. published books in an intimate setting. CULTURE 25 A World-Class Guest - His Holiness World-Class A the 14th Dalai Lama Mishkenot Sha’ananim’s first guest of the year was Gyatso. Tenzin His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, The Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of millions of Buddhists in the world is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Concert Series concerts Following the successful series of summer Mishkenot taking place opposite the Old City Walls, August and held a series of 12 concerts during July with 2006 on the roof of its building, in cooperation the Jerusalem Music Centre. well as the link between music and poetry; therefore, well as the link between music and poetry; with the the participants worked in close cooperation a special Jerusalem Music Centre, which prepared the festival. program to be held every evening during - "Suite Francaise" by Irene Nemirovsky The Seventh International Poetry The Seventh International Festival the 2006 In addition to the twelve international poets, Festival also featured seventeen poets from across The artistic directors of this year’s festival were Israel. The Department Ariel Hirschfeld, Agi Mishol and poet The Hebrew University of of Hebrew Literature, and The focus of the festival was the presence Jerusalem. of poetry from ancient times in the modern world as in Hebrew Fantasy Writing Workshop Fantasy Writing Mishkenot Following the success of the 2005 workshop, Seminar with another continued its Fantasy Writing leadership 12 bi-weekly sessions under the expert an Asaf Osheri, formerly of author Gail Har Even and editor with the Opus Publishing Company. Book Launch COEXISTENCE Coexistence in Jerusalem Agreements made without resolving how residents will get along on a day to day basis will not be longstanding. This crucial and urgent ingredient for peace can only be created by developing a critical mass of grassroots support for mutual understanding and cooperation. Jerusalem is a special case and is unlike any other city in Israel regarding its population breakdown and its significance for the people in this region and around the world. Jerusalem cannot be understood in the same context as the rest of the country and needs a special strategic and social approach to bridging the gap between peoples and preparing for a better future. COEXISTENCE


The Jerusalem Foundation Creating a Culture of Peace To facilitate Jewish-Arab coexistence in Jerusalem, the Coexistence Forum developed a four-pronged approach, each addressing a separate challenge to coexistence:

Challenge Response

Coordinated, professional efforts among Directing coexistence — CORE existing organizations are needed to be programming that coordinates and develops more effective and train leaders the work of the coexistence forum

Wide diversity of populations — lack of Education — learning to respect the “other” respect and acceptance of the “other” in formal educational frameworks

Jews and Arabs live side by side but do From arts to sports — coming together not mix through activities of common interest

Jewish and Arab populations are not on — leveling the playing equal footing field in the Arab sector The Max Rayne School A Hand in Hand School for Bilingual Education in Jerusalem Coexistence Projects 2006

10 secular and religious Jewish youth participated 20 Jewish and Arab youth met 20 times to participate COEXISTENCE in a documentary filmmaking workshop at the in a program on recognition of the "other" at Beit International Cultural Center for Youth (ICCY), 12 Nechemia. secular and religious Jewish youth worked together on a photography workshop, 12 secular and religious 30 Jewish and Arab youth from east and west Jewish youth participated in a music workshop, all Jerusalem participated in the "I Am You Are — Films as part of the Gishur Program for strengthening and Identity" workshop at the Jerusalem Cinematheque. secular-religious Jewish relations. 15 participants per course took Hebrew-Arabic 45 children participated in a Jewish-Arab Youth and Arabic-Hebrew classes at the Jerusalem Inter- 29 Orchestra at Beit Alpert. Cultural Center.

A computer room at the Community Center was opened up together with the Machshava Tovah organization.

18 Jewish and Arab social work students participated in the Social Working Together program for students from the Hebrew University and Al- Quds University.

Over 16,000 Arabs and Jews, , 400 disposable cameras were handed out to 200 children from east Jerusalem and 200 children from Palestinians, schoolchildren, new to take pictures of Jerusalem from immigrants, Israelis, soldiers, police their perspective. Sponsored by the Naggar School officers and inmates at correctional of Photography, Media and New Music, the program culminated in an exhibition of the best photos. institutions were reached by the Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace's The "Tolerance in the Community" program for educational workshops and programming. schools was held including Tolerance Day for the general public. 70 professional Jewish and Arab artists and performers participated and 400 spectators attended the music and theater workshops of the 3rd Annual Speaking Art Conference that examined the possibility for Jewish Arab dialogue through the arts. COEXISTENCE 31 built a human Over 100 Jewish and Arab youth Over 100 Jewish and Christmas, pyramid to celebrate Hanukah, Id-al-Adha, The Jerusalem Circus as part of Years and New through — dedicated to fostering coexistence teamwork and the circus arts 16 Coexistence Project Managers in open were trained to engage students efforts dialogue and to lead coexistence Center. at the Jerusalem Inter-Cultural were took art participated recognition of the recognition to participate in a came to the Jerusalem from all sectors of Jerusalem visited An exhibition about tolerance, An exhibition children and youth conflict resolution for "other" and Science Museum, at the Bloomfield was held camp. Jewish-Arab summer including a times 14 students met six to be a part of a seminar day Inter-Cultural Center managers. for coexistence project basketball teams Arab 65 Jewish and program run by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel program run by the lack of faith in the resolution Studies about doubt and Conflict. of the Israeli-Palestinian 70 participants in 4 courses at the Koret Tournament Annual Streetball in the 4th Liberty Bell Park. Arab children Hundreds of Jewish and common able to express their creativity and find a days, 2 language through 40 special art activity and workshops for children with special needs Arts Center. summer camp at the Djanogly Visual 15,000 children from east Jerusalem Arts Center including summer courses at the Paley ceremony. camp and an end of the year exhibit and 683,000 people Family Zoological Gardens. Tisch and interacted at the COMMUNITY Community in Jerusalem , the founder of the Jerusalem Foundation, was often quoted as saying that creating a state was ultimately far easier than the craft of building a society. Nowhere is this more apparent than in Jerusalem where a great fault line exists between east and west, between the disadvantaged and advantaged, between religions, ethnicities and sectors. The challenges in Jerusalem are enormous but the goal of the Jerusalem Foundation is to invest in the human potential of Jerusalem. The Foundation cannot replace the government but we can make a real difference by cultivating local initiatives, cooperating with each community to identify their own needs and empowering residents. We can help to develop and sustain the ability to successfully integrate into a work environment and provide the COMMUNITY tools to initiate change, away from dependence on the system toward creating social solidarity and strengthening community networks. Overcoming all the obstacles, the Jerusalem Foundation is creating a community in Jerusalem.

Community Challenges and Responses 33 The Jerusalem Foundation believes that there are sustainable tools available to respond to the unique challenges of Jerusalem which will lead to improving the lives of residents.

Challenge Response

Creating independence Weak and struggling communities through empowerment, employment Communities, groups and individuals that are dependent on the state Providing equal opportunities for all members of the Widening socio-economic gaps community within the community and between different groups Strengthening social solidarity - creating community A fractured and sectored society networks with groups living on the fringes of community, dealing with alienation Advancing civil rights and victimization Community Projects Throughout Jerusalem Community Projects 2006

Youth Supported the Visitor's Center and Arts Center at 6 courses on computer usage, graphic design the Sally and Philip Lown Community Center in and animation programs were held for youth at the Kiryat Yovel. Intel computer clubhouse which is COMMUNITY open every day from 4-9 pm. 3 plays were produced by the Mifgash community theater for secular and religious residents of Ramot. Over 40 youth arrive at the Alfred Lewy Youth Club each day to participate in sports activities and Renovated the Smouha Sports Field. other extracurricular activities. Students received scholarships and the Einstein 100 Israelis were sent to 8 locations in as Telescope was refurbished as part of the Magnet part of the European-Israeli youth exchange. Courses for Youth program's "Einstein Year."

26 young Arab women met five times per week Micro-loans were given to small businesses. 35 to take courses on family planning, women's health, computers, drama and needlecraft at the Supported a volunteer program for students as Community Center. part of the New Spirit student organization.

82 children participated in the early childhood Renovated the Djanogly Swimming Pool at the program at the Beit David Community Center. Beth Avraham Community Center in Ramot.

250 children participated in sport activities and 25 scholarships were given to poor students to visited old age homes before holidays and festivals attend the Jerusalem College of Engineering. as part of the program for youth at the Beit David Community Center. Opened up a computer room at the Scheuer- Bressler Community Center in Kiryat Menachem. Assisted the Abna El Quds Community Center program that provides community and social welfare Music programming for the elderly at the Leo assistance to residents of east Jerusalem. Hofmann Senior Citizens Center through the Jerusalem Music Center. Assisted the Sally and Philip Lown Community Center in Kiryat Yovel programming includied: Emergency Assistance computer courses, classes for disabled adults and 850 volunteers and 30 organizations participated youth, and youth leadership courses. in the Time Bank program in Kiryat Menachem, Ramot 36 COMMUNITY Children and Youth atRisk Women CookingupaBusinessproject. 8 graduatesofthecourseasapart community kitchenwasopeneduptoemploy 20 women Women a weektoparticipateinscouts program. 15 youthat-risk a trade. in sheltersandfullscholarshipsto3womenstudying leaving theshelters,summercampsto70children provided monthlyrentalassistanceto20women The SheltersforBatteredWomen program departments. held thisyearforemergencymedicineandchildren's with traumasituations,specialworkshopswere Hadassah MountScopusHospitalonhowtocope workshops andactivitiesfor60hospitalstaff at Funded theHelpingHelpersprogram of theprograminothercities. including theproductionofafilmtoenablereplication infrastructure andayearlyplanforeveryneighborhood, — recruitingvolunteersandcreatingthenecessary appropriately toemergenciesthataffect theneighborhood enable communitiestorespondimmediatelyand Supported CommunityEmergencyCenters opened inEast , GiloandFrenchHill. branch andGinotHaIr, andnewbrancheswere tookacookingcourse,and fromKiryatMenachemmettwice —3 —to for 300youth. held specialactivitiesandworkshops gave toursto45childrenperweekand school. Intheafternoon,theseyouth attempt tostreamlinethembackinto at theEin Yael LivingMuseuminan 9 youthatrisk and staff certification. enrichment activities,psychological counseling, Shusterman CenterforChildren andFamilies- 15 childrenresided programs. Tekumat Aryeh, BeitShermanandEthiopianimmigrant 500 youthat-risk Haderech" program. participated inasupportgroupaspartofthe"Em afternoon programming,and10oftheirparents rehabilitation programsparticipatedinmorningand 40 youth photography, makeupartistryandadrumcircle. cake andspecialeventsincludingcoursesin twice aweekinKiryatMenachemoffering coffee, The CoffeeHouseforyouthat-risk generation gap. and togetherwiththeirfamiliestohelpbridgethe Ethiopia participatedingroupworkshopsbothalone 100 immigrantyouthat-risk whohavebeenreleasedfromdrug tookhighschoolcourses attendedsummercamps— attheSuccatShalom fromRussiaand wasopen 14 community centers participated in the summer activities program in various neighborhoods around the city, including 4 sports events at the Koret Liberty Bell Park and 4 performances. Hundreds of children from all over Jerusalem participated.

Supported activities and events at the downtown youth center — Lev HaIr Community Center

Community 1000 Arab residents of the city made use of the East Jerusalem Citizens Information Bureau. Plans Three one-day seminars were held on COMMUNITY are underway to open a second branch in and to work together and lobby the Knesset with the topic of stopping violence against the Citizens Rights Bureau. the elderly, and a director was hired to build a program to raise awareness and 200 members joined the new food cooperative in which operates a grocery store run entirely by to care for the abused and neglected volunteers so that the purchase of groceries can elderly citizens of Jerusalem be made with no overhead or markup of goods by the supermarket. Special Needs 37 Elderly 85-90 disabled residents in each of the three Grey Action — a new forum was set up to protect participating neighborhoods of the city are connected and advance the rights of the elderly in Jerusalem, to an emergency hotline, receive support from a a director and PR manager oversee the 60 volunteers house father and participate in community activities that man the hotline which has received nearly as part of the Supportive Communities for the 1,000 phonecalls. Knesset lobbying activities center Disabled Program. around the issues of city taxes, holocaust survivors and access for the infirm and disabled, new hotlines A community worker and a social worker worked were opened up in Arabic and Russian. at the Beit Zusman center for the hearing impaired and ran courses and classes in self-empowerment, Culture activities for the elderly - cultural performances a mother's group, a family night, and other related and various lecture series were subsidized at various programs for the hearing impaired. community centers throughout the city. Group therapy through art for children was 40 elderly citizens of Jerusalem received a hot subsidized through the Misholim program. meal once a week at the Shmuel Hanavi center A greenhouse was built at the Magen Hostel for 100 Impoverished Elderly Arab residents of the benefit of the disabled residents, who garden Jerusalem received 1200 NIS per month for the and cultivate plants in the greenhouse as part of purchase of refrigerators, stovetops and heaters. their therapy. 120 single mothers in Pisgat Zeev and Kiryat Yovel were given assistance in finding a job, exercising their rights, community involvement and enriching their lives with various courses. Health 25 volunteers were trained as a new unit of on- 30 disabled Arab adults from east Jerusalem call neighborhood paramedics received free dental care. A summer camp was held in Nofshon for children with disabilities

Supported community health and sport days in various neighborhoods

Subsidized psychological treatment for victims of trauma from terror, divorce and unemployment at the Israeli Trauma Center. COMMUNITY

Provided therapuetic exercise and art courses for cancer victims and their families as part of the Maagan center for the enrichment and care of adult cancer victims. Carried out an assessment of the health services available in east Jerusalem and identified 5 areas of need. 39

50 Arab children with Downs Syndrome and their families visited the Holistic Center for the Care and Support of Children with Downs Syndrome for meetings with doctors, social workers and psychologists to create treatment plans.

20 youth counselors were trained to develop a health related program in topics such as sex education, the environment and addiction to be taught in schools around the city.

A new program to support diabetes patients including periodic medical checkups and health education was begun as part of the Clalit health system and a film was developed in multiple languages

Sex education workshops for high school girls and their mothers were held at two Arab high schools in east Jerusalem. EDUCATION Education in Jerusalem

Education is an essential element in the regeneration of Jerusalem and the means to fulfilling our vision. Quality education leads to higher education, which leads to better employment, which leads to a broader economic base for the city. Education empowers people and develops the city’s human capital. Education influences the next generation to be more pluralistic, creative and involved in the community. Education helps to generate a healthy civil and democratic society. EDUCATION

The Jerusalem Foundation has established the following long- term goals and objectives: ● Foster a comprehensive approach to education in disadvantaged communities ● Cultivate better scholastic achievement ● Encourage the study of advanced science and technology ● Enable all young people to take advantage of the wealth 41 of cultural, educational and historical treasures in Jerusalem ● Improve the learning environment in schools ● Increase tolerance among different population groups The Jerusalem Foundation The Jerusalem Challenge Response

Improving educational achievement Educating toward excellence

Diverse populations Educating toward tolerance, coexistence and democratic values

Annual Report 2006/7 Annual Report Deepening poverty - widening socio- Creating equal educational opportunities economic gaps and disadvantaged and advantages for struggling communities communities - empowerment

Shrinking government resources Improved educational infrastructure

EDUCATION 43 was to 65 were HaSadna Music

participated in the

Model Library in Gilo. for the Kiryat Menachem was renovated and re- from 30 kindergartens in Kiryat at the Joseph Meyerhoff Library at the Joseph Meyerhoff children attended each event. children attended each

sticker story book that they could took part in digital photography and website the Kiryat Menachem Library were loaded up the Kiryat Menachem Library were loaded 2006/7 Wonderful World of Books program and were Wonderful World of Books program provided with a fill with stickers upon presenting the book at a fill with stickers upon presenting the library. The Djanogly Library carpeted. Conservatory at the Rose Music Library, an average Conservatory at the Rose of 20 adults and The card catalogs Rasco Library, in , the Morris Walk and onto the internet. The Sam Spiegel Film School Library renovated and provided with new equipment. Computers were provided Library. Music activities for adults and children Music activities for of the provided through members Breakfast and sandwiches were provided children with behavioral and emotional problems Arazim School at the 18 youth Over 1,000 children Menachem and Kiryat HaYovel building courses at the Leo

Special Education: children

authors: † Projects

Kiryat Menachem Library Zeev Pisgat Ronald Neufeld Memorial Library, Dr. (220 new books) Arab Central Library, Wadi el-Joz Library Torah Talmud Taschnov Brandt School (150 new books) Yaakov Neve Arnold Bernhard Library, Argentina David J. Neufeld Memorial Library at the School Gilo Leo Model Library, Meuhad and Brandt schools in the Arnold Bernhard Meuhad and Brandt schools in the Library in Neve Yaakov Library Givat Gonen School at the Joseph Meyerhoff in Library Guatemala School at the Kiryat Menachem Morris 20% increase in attendance at Beit HaKerem, Walk Rasco, Baka, Libraries (26 average attendance, twice a week) 50 children per week at the Leo Model Library in Gilo 50 children per week at the Leo Model Library 30 children once a week at the Djanogly Library 30 children once a in Baka Story Hour: New books were purchased for: School activities in libraries: Libraries: for parents and children, Enrichment activities meeting with including plays and Education 320 children with special needs took part in a long 85 students took a carpentry course at the Alonim school day enrichment program including courses School as a result of the renovation of a new carpentry in carpentry, gardening, and percussion at the Arazim, studio and the provision of carpentry equipment the Bertha Goodman Broshim, the Simon Rothschild and supplies. Ben-Yehuda, the Beit Bubis Alonim, and the Sam and Ruthie Gan Rimonim special education schools. Kindergartens: The playground was renovated at the Tidhar School. The Hammerman Kindergarten's playground was renovated. The Simon Rothschild Ben Yehuda School was renovated. 8 religious and secular preschools in Neve Yaakov received new equipment including easels, art The Hettena Preschool was renovated and new supplies, puppet theaters, books and more. equipment was purchased. 2,000 children from Kiryat Menachem and Gilo 13 children with special needs benefited from the participated in enrichment activitiessuch as puppet purchase of new books, toys and musical instruments theater and photography. for the Shefa Kindergarden at the Jacqueline du Pré Center. EDUCATION 112 children received scholarships to attend the YMCA Peace Kindergarten. 1,230 children with special needs visited the Tisch 44 Family Zoological Gardens, the Israel Museum, the Bloomfield Science Museum, the Ein Yael Living Elementary Schools: Museum, Tower of David Museum, the Train Theater, the Jerusalem Cinematheque, and the Bird Research 56 children received scholarships, 3 parent-teacher Center. activities took place at theCinematheque, 14 computers were purchased, new books were 100 students at the Bertha Goodman Broshim School purchased, art activities took place at the Djanogly benefited from the purchase of new music equipment. School, a music program together with the Jerusalem Music Center gave students the choice of learning 100 children at the Hattie Friedland School for the flute, darbuka drums or mandolin, an air-conditioner Deaf participated in a long school day enrichment was purchased for the kindergarden, and the salary program which included Judo classes, swimming of a second principal was subsidized at the Max instruction, visits tofactories and an annual school Rayne School, A Hand in Hand School for Bilingual trip. Education in Jerusalem.

30 students participated in the Beit Rachel Strauss digital photography project.

150 children participated in a photography enrichment program at the Naggar School of Photography, Media and New Music from the Beit Bubis Alonim, Tidhar and the Simon Rothschild Ben Yehuda Schools. Over 135 9th and 10th graders from Pisgat Zeev Junior High Schools: and Ramot participated in science enrichment courses at the Bloomfield Science Museum and 7 schools participated in the City as a School the Belmonte Science Laboratory. program in which students visitedmuseums and cultural institutions throughout the city. Participating neighborhoods: Ramot, EastTalpiot, Gilo, Pisgat 250 children from Neve Yaakov received hot meals Zeev and Kiryat Menachem. at the Brandt School.

The Pelech High School for Girls received 4 1000 children from east and west Jerusalem computers, a projector, a DVD player and air- participated in a special health education program. conditioning for its auditorium.

The Efrata-Cuenca School was provided with 2 80 outstanding science students, 113 Arab and EDUCATION greenhouses and animal rooms. 213 Jewish, received science scholarships.

Computer equipment was purchased and the 370 students received psychological counseling computer room was outfitted for the Gertrude and at the Audre Rapoport Givat Gonen School, Gymnasia Theodore Horwich Computer Laboratory at the School and†the Greenberg Junior/Senior High Schools Henrietta Szold School. in Gilo as part of the Revachat HaPrat program which works to further†the communication between students and teachers and to help the students that Holiday activities for students and parents fall†between the cracks. deepened their understanding of the Jewish tradition 45 at Kibbutz Reishit. 2 performances were sponsored at the Gerard Behar Center by students from the Shalit Academy 50 4th graders from the Keshet School visited for Music and Dance. the Ein Yael Living Museum once a week. 30 students received a scholarship to attend the The Experimental School was aided in the creating Polinsky Vocational High School, equipment was of a computer/resource room. purchased to enable the offering of a carpentry course, and the garden was fixed up. 700 5th and 6th grade students visited the Islamic Museum and the Watar Music Center. An advisory company was brought in to asses the needs of the school and a support program was set up for students who have difficulties in school 14 computers were purchased for the Audre at the Audre Rapoport Givat Gonen High School. Rapoport Givat Gonen School. New equipment was purchased and two 3rd grade students from the Henrietta Szold performances were supported at the School. School, Ramat HaSharet School and Korzak Schools took courses in reading music, piano, flute 80 students benefited from the Support Center at and Hebrew poetry through Jerusalem Music the Esther Greenberg Comprehensive School in Center Chavrutav program. Gilo. 8 schools participated in the Language as a Cultural Bridge program in which 5th graders learned spoken Arabic. EDUCATION 47 was Hebrew

and adults visited a and adults from 41 schools learned 21 from Ulpanat Pisgat Zeev and ORT Pisgat Zeev and from Ulpanat 130 students the Science Campus. Ramot visited children 600 ultra-Orthodox by the Bloomfield Science science exhibit sponsored Community Center where Museum at the Bucharim also set up, as part of the a computer lab was in the Ultra Orthodox Enhancing Science Education Sector Project. Philosophy to Children program to teach A partnership of the carried out with the Foundation. University and CRB 980 students Nature, subjects in the Humanities, Arts as part of the Community and the new A Citywide Magnet Courses program. program was opened up in Multicultural Arab, Jewish and Christian Studies for youth, and a new medical program that is working together with Hadassah Hospital. Every student earned a 92% or above on their matriculation exams. related to value-

Day, and Shefa Day. Students

were run by the Adam Institute were run by the participated in the Bezalel Flowers 4 special programs for Democracy and Peace that driven secular holidays such as Woman's Day, driven secular holidays such as Woman's Tolerance Day, Labor Katamon Neve Yaakov - A-Tur Kiryat Menachem from the Audre Rapoport Givat Gonen, Evelina and Audre Rapoport Givat Gonen, Evelina from the also took Amalia Schools participated, and activities place in two schools in Shuafat. 100 students children Program, designed to encourage artistic of Art to pursue careers in art at the Bezalel School and Design. High Schools: The Caring Community Project was active in building The Caring Community Project was active communities in: A new social club was opened up at the new social A school. Maale Djanogly FINANCIAL DATA 2006

INCOME In 2006 a total of $30.5 million was raised by the Jerusalem Foundation United States 57% Contributions by Country

Spain/Italy 1%

FINANCIAL DATA United French Speaking Countries Canada 3% Kingdom 5% 10% 48 Israel German 6% Speaking Other Countries 8% 9%

Contributions by Type of Donor (in percentages) Private Amount Raised Worldwide for Projects Donors 55 in Jerusalem (in millions of dollars) 50 55% 45 40 $35 35 $30.5 30 $30.2 $30.1 Governments $30 25 Estates and and Public $26.6 20 Support Foundations Bequests $25 15 $22.4 10 16% 15% 14% $20 5

$15 $15.1 9.8% of the Jerusalem Foundation's contribution income went to administrative and fundraising costs. 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 EXPENDITURES ON PROJECTS

A total of $29.2 million was received in Project Expenditures According to Area Jerusalem, $27 million was invested in of Activity (in percentages) initiation, development, construction, implementation and support of physical projects and of programs, excluding salaries. Education 16%

Expenditures According to FINANCIAL DATA Type of Project Culture 40%

51.9% 48.1% Coexistence 20% Programs Construction, and Preservation and Renovation Activities

Community 24% 49

Expenditures on Projects (In millions of dollars)

11 Arts and Culture Expenditures 2001- 2006 (In millions of dollars) 10 $10.8 9 $27 $27 $26 8 $25 7 Community $24 $24 6 Coexistence $23 5 $6.6 $22 Education $20.8 4 $5.4 $21 $20 3 $4.2 $19 2 $18.5 $18 $17 1 $17 $17 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

* Note: The difference between contributions received and expenditure on projects during the year — or during any specified period of time — derives from: a) contributions received for endowment funds; b) the lapse in time between the receipt of funds and expenditure; and c) expenditure for administrative and fundraising costs. The Jerusalem Print Workshop AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS 2006

During the past year the Jerusalem Foundation Jerusalem Foundation Teddy Kollek Prize for awarded a number of prizes and scholarships, Leadership and Public Excellence: as outlined below: David Sporer, Founder and Chairman of "Halon"

The Teddy Kollek Award for a significant contribution Jerusalem Cinematheque / International Film to the city of Jerusalem was awarded to: Festival: (Israel) — Lifetime Achievement The Wolgin Award for a Full-length Feature Film: AWARDS AND SCHOLASHIPS Award Dead End, Director Dror Sabo and Producers Ori Dickshtein and Michal Dvash Hans J. Baer () The Wolgin Award for Full-length Documentary Film: Dr. h.c. Johannes Gerster () 9 Star Hotel, Direcotr Ido Haar and Bil`in Habibti, The Hon. Marion and Guy Naggar (United Kingdom) Director Shai Carmeli Pollack. Jack Rudin (United States) The Wolgin Award for a Short Film: Road Marks, Prof. Dr. Helmut Zilk (Austria) Director Shimon Shai Lawrence and Leonore Zusman (United States) Screenwriting: Shemi Zarhin, Aviva My Love. Photography Award in Memory of Jerzee Lipman: Shai Goldman, Three Mothers Jerusalem Foundation Marthe Prize for Tolerance 51 and Democratic Values: Acting Award in a Full-Length Feature Film: Actress: Yevgenia Dudina, Dear Mr. Waldman and The Jerusalem Rape Crisis Center Assi Levy, Aviva My Love. The Interreligious Coordinating Council Actor: Assi Dayan, Things Behind the Sun and Gal Amin Khalaf founder of the Hand in Hand Center Zayid, Dead End. for Jewish Arab Education

The Jerusalem Foundation Award for Experimental 75 Edelstein Scholarships were given out to Video Works: outstanding arts students from respected Gal Tushia, 1948 conservatories and art schools throughout the city. Noam Kuzar, A One Frame Movie About Artists in the Intersection 10 scholarships to the Naggar School of Photography Effie Weiss and Amir Borenstein, Color 12 scholarships to the Sam Spiegel School 5 scholarships to the Nissan Nativ Acting Studio 6 scholarships to the School of Visual Theater Leah Cheshin Scholarships: 6 scholarships to the Center for Middle Eastern Music 5 students at the Bezalel Art Academy 9 scholarships to the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance Varon Scholarships: 9 scholarships to the Bezalel Art Academy 64 conservatory students received scholarships 15 scholarships to the Hadassah Jerusalem College including three special scholarships to outstanding 4 scholarships to the Maale School music students. JERUSALEM FOUNDATION DONORS 2006

Abraham Fund Basger, Beverley & Harvey Bretter Estate, Ernest Abramson, Karen & Martin Basger, Lynne & Stuart Brickman, Mark & Cheryl Achtentuch, Marion Batshaw, Manuel Bronfman Foundation, Marjorie & Gerald Alliance Israelite Universalle Batshaw, Mark Brunschwig Foundation, Dr. Silvain Amar & Co, R.H. Becker, Ruth & Alan Buckstein, Michael Anonymous U.K. Behrman, Renata Burda, Frieder & Monika Anonymous U.S. Ben Avram Burton, A. & S. 1960 Charitable Anonymous via Dr. Josef Bollag Bensadoun Family Foundation, Trus Aldo APA Advanced Technology Caja Madrid Foundation Bentolila, Fortunato Appel, Bluma & Brahm Carter Estate, Victor Beracha Fund DONORS Asher, Robert H. Chaytow, Iris & Barry Berg, Pamela & Adrian Austrian Association for Chaytow, Karen & Andrew Development and Cooperation Berlin Charitable Trust 52 Cheshin, Ruth Austrian Chancellery Bernhard, Inge Chiara, Judith L. Austrian Embassy Bernstein, Alex & Angela Chinn, Sir Trevor Austrian Ministry of Education and Besnainou, Pierre Christenen Voor Israel Science Bialkin Family Foundation Clark, Aaron Axel Springer Foundation Bild Hilft e.V. Clayton, Sylvia & David Axel Springer Publisher Binah Charitable Foundation, Cline, Marilyn & Sidney Azrieli Foundation Henry & Julia Koschitzky Cohen, Abraham & Yvonne Bachér, Peter Blaustein Foundation, Jacob & Hilda Cohen, Milly & David Baden Wurttemberg, State of Bloch, Linda & Geoffrey Cohen, Naomi & Nehemia Baer, Hans J. Bloch, Sylvia Foundation Bank Hapoalim Bloom, Nan Cohen, Sir Ronald Bank of Jerusalem Cohen, Victor BMW Group Bär-Kälin Foundation Cohn-Hoffman, Daniella Bnai Brith Austria Barclay Jewish Trust Colmobil, Ltd. Bollag-Bloch Foundation, Barkat, Nir Raymond & Janine Comune di Napoli Barnea, Nahum & Tamar Bosch Foundation, Robert Constantiner, Jaime Barnett, Ellen Bottoms Jr., David N. Constantiner, Leon Barrday, Inc. Bredski, Shirley & Cecil Constantiner, Arturo Constantiner, Roberto Frankel Family Foundation, Aaron Grossman, Louis & Patricia Cowan, Irving & Marjorie Freeman, Ralph & Eva Guez, Philippe Craps Charitable Trust Fromer, Jacqueline Guggenheim Foundation, Dr. Georg & Josi Crown, Lester & Renee Frommer, Saly Glazer, Guilford & Diane Crown Memorial Fund, Arie & Ida Fromkin, David Guth-Dreyfus, Prof. Hans Crown, Daniel Furgatch, Harvey Guy Michael Holdings Cummings Foundation, Nathan Gabbie, Gail & Roy Haas Philanthropic Fund DaimlerChrysler Gablinger Foundation, Daniel Haggiag, Mirella Petteni Dan Family Foundation, Leslie GALIN Foundation Hammerson Charitable Trust, Dent Charitable Trust Gass, Edna & Oscar Sue Harris, Joan DONORS DEZA — Swiss Agency for Geneva Municipality Hartenbach-Schweizer, Development and Cooperation Gercek, Rivkah-Regina & Moshe Dr. med. Thomas & Renate Djanogly, Sir Harry & Lady Carol Gerlitz, Shechi Hartman Philanthropic Fund, Mervin J. Donn, Angela & Nigel Gertler, Herta Hassenfeld, Sylvia Donn, Diane & Raymond Gideon-Wyler, Erika Hassenfeld, Alan G. Dorset Foundation Gidwitz, Betsy Hatchwell, David Dougherty, Edward Gleich, Martin L. & Enid P. Hauser, Jürgen Drache, Arthur & Judy Glencore Foundation for Education and Welfare HDA Food Limited 53 Duffield, Dame Vivien, DBE, through the Clore Israel Foundation Gluskin Sheff & Associates, Ltd. Hedges, Shmuel Edelstein Estate, Lou Goddard, Michael & Pierre Help the Jews Home Einbinder, Alvin Godfrey Family Foundation, Hertie Foundation Gina & Paul Einstein, Margot Herz, Gerda Göhner Foundation, Ernst Eisenberg, Viviane Hippocrate Foundation Goldberg, Gary & Linda Eldee Foundation, Bloomfield Horowitz, Sara & Richler, Jonathan Goldman, Aaron & Cecile Family Humanitarian Trust Goldman, Lisa & Douglas Eshel/Idan Indian Trail Groves Goldman, Richard N. Evangelischer Arbeitskreis Kirche Istituto Banco di Napoli, und Israel in Hessen und Nassau Goldman, Ralph Fondazione, Presidente Prof. Adriano Giannola Excalibur Systems Ltd. Goldsmith Foundation, Horace W. Jaros, Baum & Bolles Falus, Tom Goodall, Pat / in memory of Feldman, David Peter Goodall Jerusalem Foundation Spain Jesselson, Linda Fine, Nicola & Simon Gorham, Walter & Alice Gottlieb, Howard L. Jewish Federation of Chicago FMR Computers Grahame Charitable Foundation JFEF Inc. Interest Fondazione Idis, Citta della Scienza di Napoli Green, Thomas & Karole Kagan, Jonathan H. Frankel Foundation, Raymond Greenberg, Alan C. & Kathryn Kampelman, Ambassador Max M. Kaplan, Mendel Lloyd, Frank Orion Foundation Katz, Joseph Loeb Family Fund, Ostrovsky Family Foundation John L. & Frances Kekst, Gershon P.F.I. Lozowick Family Foundation Kennedy Leigh Charitable Trust Pachner, Janice Magna International Khalastchi, David Palevsky, Max Mandel Associated Foundations Khalastchi, Frank Paley Foundation, William S. Manson, Avril & Jonny Kimel, Debbie Palumbo, Lord & Lady Hayat Manson, Judy & Tony Ebdon Kleidman, Reine Pascal, Dr. Naomi Margulies Family Fund Klein, Baruch - OSY Inc. Parnis Livingston Foundation, Markovitz, Michael & Ling Mollie Koschitzky Charitable Family Foundation Marks, Carol & Victor Pastor, Rafael Korn, Helene & Jerry Marks, Maxine & Stuart PEF Endowment Fund Koeppel, Lynne Mason, Hilary & Tony Penner, Dr. & Mrs. Stanford Kraft, Robert & Myra Mautner Charitable Trust, Jack Phillips, Michael Kravis, Henry Mayer, Irene Pletka, Irene Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Meyerhoff Fund, Joseph Plum, Bernard M. DONORS Foundation, Alfried Mil Foundation, Adolf & Mary Polar Investments Lakonishok, Josef & Margot Milwaukee Jewish Federation - Polinsky Rivkin Family Foundation 54 Lantos, Robert S. Ben and Ceil Marcus Family Philanthropic Fund Porter, Dame Shirley Lappin, Avril & Phillip, the family of the late Hannah Lappin Ministero degli Esteri (Ministry of Power Corporation, Desmarais Foreign Affairs), Italy Ministry of Family Laub, Abraham & Martha Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Pratt Foundation Laura Julia Foundation of Spain Price, Robert E. Legacy Heritage Fund Mirvis, Ted & Ruth Price Sol (Price Family) Leibinger Foundation, Berthold Mitz, Lewis Prigoff Estate, Jerome Bank Association Model Foundation, Leo Proskauer Rose Liechtenstein Principality Model, Allen Provincia di Napoli Leigh Foundation, Morris Muller, Siegfried & Daniel and Friends Pulver, Jeffrey & Risa Leight, Nathan Naggar, Guy & Marion Rademacher, Rudolf Leir, Henry J. - Ridgefield Foundation Nash Family Foundation Radzyner, Dr. jur. Harry Levene, Rosalind & Ronnie Nathan, Paul Ram Cafe Investments Levine Foundation, Joseph M. Nathaniel, Carole & David Rapoport, Bernard & Audre Lewy, Jules Newhouse, Donald and Susan Rayne Foundation Lipton, Martin North Rhine-Westphalia, State of Recanati, Dina Little Dream OEF Inc. Interest Recanati, David Livingstone, Janice & Jack Olson Jr., Ambassador Lyndon Recht, Arnie & Sharyn DONORS 55 Teva Pharmaceuticals Teva Olam Foundation Tikkun Merryl H. Tisch, & Meyer Sonia Tobias, Maurice Toledano, LLP, Arbus Manes Cohen Torkin Joseph Feldman Barry CBE Townsley, Sevilla Foundation Culturas Tres & Friends of Trustees UK Board of UK the Jerusalem Foundation, Ultramar-Przybylsk & Thelma Yossef Vardi, Laura Vassalli, de Genève Ville Georg Holtzbrinck Family, Von Israel Ltd. Vringo Nutrition Group, Ltd., Weider Ben Weider Family Foundation Wein Foundation, Herbert C. Wenske Winnick Family Foundation Whitehead, Hon. John C. Wilf Family Foundation Wingate Foundation, Harold Hyam Kaufmann, Heide Wolf Jack Wolgin, Fred & Della Worms, Avi Hayishuv Yad Foundation Yerosolimit Zeit Foundation/ Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius Zilkha, Marc & Patricia Zilkha, Mireille Zilkha, Nathaliea Schreiber Charitable Trust Charitable Schreiber h.c. Erich Dr. Schumann, Family Foundation, Schusterman Lynn Charles & Segal, Jean & Charles Alan Share, Ros & Shira Chadasha Congregation & Lily, Silver Foundation, Nathan Shoel Silvert, Marcia & Sidney Skirball Foundation Slade Estate, John H. James Slaughter, Slifka, Alan Sobell Foundation Soning, Harvey Soref, Helen & Bernard Spektor Family Foundation Spiegel Estate, Sam Spiro, Herzl & Barbara Kohl Stammer-Mayer Foundation, & Ilse Alfred Starr Foundation Stein Foundation, Louis & Bessie Stein, Erica Steinberg Family Foundation, Nathan / Murray Steindling, Rudolfine Armand Stemmer, Steppuhn Foundation, Charlotte S. Stern, Vera Helen & Stanley Steyer, Swig, Roselyne C. Swiss Government (DEZA) & Management Trusteeship T+M Services S.A. Ventures Tamar Irving & Edith Taylor, Reemtsma, Prof. Dr. Jan Philipp / Jan Philipp Prof. Dr. Reemtsma, Foundation for the of Science and Culture Promotion Craig Reicher, R. Stephen Reiner, Regione Campania Charles H. Revson Foundation, Rich Foundation for Education Marc Culture and Welfare, Rifkind, Barbara Rifkind, Robert Righteous Persons Foundation Rishon Foundation Ronson Foundation The Estate of Frederick Rose, Rosenbloom Foundation, Ben & Esther Rosenfeld, Pat Rosenkranz, Dieter Rosenkranz, Ricardo Rosenthal, Miriam Rothenberg, Harvey Rothschild, Kurt Rothschild, Simon Rubinstein, Rochelle Rudin Foundation, Samuel & May Rueth, Nancy Trust S.A.S. Charitable S.G. Holdings Ltd. Salomon, Naomi Lotte Salzberger, Samuels, Pamela & Brian Samuels, Ruth & David Schapiro, Charles Scheinfeld, Steven Scheinfeld, Larry Schiller Foundation, Paul

Jerusalem Foundation Board of Trustees

The Jerusalem Foundation, Israel POB 10185 Jerusalem 91101 Israel Tel: +972-2-675-1711 BOARD of TRUSTEES Fax: +972-2-673-4462 Board of Governors: Rizek Abusharr Gary Leibler* Founder: Teddy Kollek (deceased) Zvi Agmon* Ephraim Levy Danny Angel Amos Mar-Haim International Chairman: David Arad Raphael Molcho Avraham Asheri Shlomit Molho President: 57 Ruth Cheshin Tamara Barnea Yaakov Ner-David Yoram Belizovsky* Martin Paisner* Chairman of the Executive Committee: David Brodet Shlomo Belkind Eitan Raff* Tamar Ben David* Moshe Raviv Amnon Eisenberg Doron Rechlevsky Dr. Moshe Eliash Yaron Sadan General Director: Daniel Mimran Michael Federmann George Saman Prof. Ruth Gavison Micha Shagrir Vice President of Overseas Coordination: Alan Freeman Martin Gerstel Imad Talhami Ruth Gorenstein Ron Tuttnauer Desk Head in Jerusalem: Miki (Michael) Cohen David Hacohen Yosef Uziely [email protected] Alan Hassenfeld* Yossi Vardi* Prof. Meir Heth* Moshe Vidman* Nechama Hillman Prof. Menachem Ya'ari Richard Hirsch Rina Zamir

* Member of the Executive Committee Ya'acov Hirsch Dan Ziskind Jerusalem Foundation Leadership Worldwide

Austria Canada Dr. Sara Horowitz Boris Levine The Jerusalem Foundation National Office & Greater Montreal Lewis Mitz Maria-Theresienstr. 9/5a Area Dr. Maureen Appel Molot A-1090 Wien 5165 Queen Mary Road, Suite 204 Prof. Jean Ouellette Tel: +43-664-9112286 Montreal, Quebec H3W 1X7 Aaron Platt Fax: +43-1-91243864 National Toll Free: (877) 484-1289 Amy Platt [email protected] Fax: (514) 482-9640 [email protected] Connie Putterman Chairman: Zeev Rosenzweig Dr. Peter Jankowitsch, Minister ret. Greater Toronto Area Office Dorothy Schwartz Deputy Chairmen: 267 Champagne Drive Shoel Silver Morty Wexler Dr. Rudolf Scholten, Minister ret. Toronto, Ontario M3J 2C6 Allen Zysblat Prof. Peter Weiser Local Tel.: (416) 635-5491 Prof. Helmut Zilk, Mayor ret. Fax: (416) 484-9129 Honorary Members: LEADERSHIP WORLDWIDE jerusalemfoundationtoronto@roger Charles S. Coffey Treasurer: Gina Godfrey Adolf Wala, KR 58 President: Sen. Yoine Goldstein Secretary: Moshe Safdie David J. Azrieli, C.M., C.Q., M.Arch Dr. Peter Poech Immediate Past President: National Executive Director: Members: Manny Batshaw Monica E. Berger Dr. Daniel Charim Vice-President: Executive Director, Greater Toronto Dr. Emil L. Mezgolits Area: Julia Koschitzky Thomas Moskovics Ian Leventhal Guenther Rhomberg Treasurer: Director, Canada Desk, Israel: Dr. Ludwig Scharinger Arthur Drache Steve Solomon H.E. Cardinal Dr. Christoph Secretary: Schoenborn [email protected] David Golden Dr. Walter Schwimmer At Large: Rudolfine Steindling, KR France Victor Wagner, KR Elaine Goldstein c/o La Fondation du Judaïsme Dr. Leon Zelman Shoel Silver Members of the Board: Français General Secretary: 72 rue de Bellechasse Naomi Azrieli Phillippe-Guiseppe Kupfer 75007 Paris Claude Bédard Tel.: (33-1) 535 94747 Desk Head in Jerusalem: Patrick Benaroche Fax.: (33-1) 535 9450 Irene Pollak-Rein Aldo Bensadoun [email protected] Raquel Benzacar-Savatti Honorary President: Special Advisor to the President: David Berger Theo Klein Ambassador (ret.) Yissakhar Ben- Neri J. Bloomfield President: Yaacov Ariella Cotler Annie-Claude Chouraqui Administrative Council: Ruth Cheshin Italy Patrick Arfi Prof. h.c. Ernst Cramer Via Parigi 11 Jacques Attali Albert Darboven Roma 00187 Ruth Cheshin Ambassador Rudolf Dressler, ret. Tel.: 06.473901 Michel Cicurel Hans Eichel, MdB, Minister, ret. Fax.: 06.4819833 Yanou Collart Dr. Manfred Gentz Arielle Dombasle Dr. h.c. Johannes Gerster Executive Chairman: Dan Mayer Heinrich Gruetering Edouard de Rothschild Dr. Niels Hansen Contessa Marisa Pinto Olori del Poggio Eric de Rothschild Dr. Stephan J. Holhoff-Pfoertner Directors: Yazid Sabeg Dr. Michael J. Inacker Prof. Massimo Cacciari Executive Committee: Peter Lagemann On. Furio Colombo Odette Chertok Prof. Manfred Lahnstein, Federal Prof. Renato Dulbecco

Minister, ret. LEADERSHIP WORLDWIDE Evy Cohen Sigra. Anna Fendi Dr.h.c. Georg Leber, Federal Minster, Sigra. Maria Teresa Venturini Fendi Nelly Hansson ret. Avv. Franco L. Incutti Marina Nahmias Prof. Dr. Berthold Leibinger Eva Perrot Prof. Dr. Jutta Limbach Sigra. Tamar Millo Claude Roche Reinhard Meier Principessa Maria Camilla Pallavicini Ralph Toledano Liz Mohn Prof. Umberto Veronesi Sidonie Larizzi Reinhard Mohn Desk Head in Jerusalem: Desk Head in Jerusalem: Dr. Heinrich von Pierer Tamar Millo Yaacov Loupo Dr. Manfred Rommel, Mayor ret. [email protected] [email protected] Prof. Dr. Tilo Schabert Dr. Annette Schavan, MdB, Federal 59 Minister Germany Monika Schoeller-von Holtzbrinck Principality of Liechtenstein Die Jerusalem Foundation Prof. Dr. Bernhard Servatius The Jerusalem Foundation Deutschland e.V. Peer Steinbrueck, Finance Minister 11 Rivka St. Martin-Buber-Str. 12 PM Dr. Edmund Stoiber POB 10185 14163 Berlin Prof. Dr. Rita Suessmuth, President Jerusalem 91101 Tel.: +49-30-80907028 of the Bundestag, ret. Israel Fax.: +49-30-80907031 PM Erwin Teufel, ret. Tel:+972-2-6751714 [email protected] Dr. Lothar Ulsamer Ulla Unseld-Berkewicz Fax:+972-2-5651010 First Chairman: PM Dr. Bernhard Vogel, ret. Desk Head: Dr. Juergen Ruettgers, PM North Dieter Weiland Irene Pollak-Rein Rhine-Westphalia Hans Wertz [email protected] Second Chairman: Executive Director: Matthias Platzeck, PM Brandenburg Hildegard Radhauer Treasurer: Desk Head in Jerusalem: Spanish Speaking Countries Anke Eymer, MdB Irene Pollak-Rein Members: [email protected] Rivka 11, Jerusalem 91101 Tel.: (972-2) 675 1735 Brigitte Blumenfeld Special Advisor to the President: Fax.: (972-2) 672 2384 Dr. Henning von Boehmer Ambassador (ret.) Yissakhar Ben- Jochen Borchert, MdB Yaacov Desk Head in Jerusalem: Gerd von Brandenstein Development Advisor: Ambassador (ret.) Herzl Inbar Frieder Burda Astrid Gottwald [email protected]

Switzerland Executive: International Chairman: Anthony Bloom The Jerusalem Foundation in Zurich Dan Meridor Howard Leigh POB 9310 Founding Secretary/Treasurer: Guy Naggar CH-8036 Zurich Harvey Rothenberg Martin Paisner, CBE Tel.: +41-44- 4620421 International President: Michael Phillips Fax.: +41-44- 4627775 Ruth Cheshin Fred Worms, OBE [email protected] General Counsel: Trustees: Steven Scheinfeld, Esq. Jane Biran Chairman: Janet Wolfson de Botton Board Members: Josef Estermann, Mayor, ret. Ruth Cheshin David N. Bottoms, Jr. Deputy Chairperson: Sir Harry Djanogly, CBE Daniel Crown Erika Gideon-Wyler Dame Vivien Clore Duffield, CBE Lester Crown

Arnold Forster, Esq. LEADERSHIP WORLDWIDE Treasurer: Peter Halban Ralph Goldman Jacques Berlowitz Jack Livingstone Richard Goldman Members: Lord Moser David Pannick, QC Linda Jesselson Ruth Cheshin Lady Jane Rayne Jonathan H. Kagan Prof. Dr. Felix Gutzwiller, National Lynne Koeppel Counselor The Hon. Robert Rayne Nathan Leight Dr. h.c. Michael Kohn Lord Weidenfeld Theodore Mirvis, Esq. Dr. Egon Meyer Lord Woolf Allen Model Dr. Michael Rabner Administrator: Ambassador Lyndon Olson, Jr. Prof. Dr. Hans Michael Riemer Sheila Ford Rafael Pastor Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Vetter Desk Head in Jerusalem: Bernard Plum, Esq. 61 Executive Director: Nurit Gordon Jeffrey Pulver Walter L. Blum [email protected] Bernard Rapoport Desk Head in Jerusalem: David Recanati Irene Pollak-Rein Craig Reicher [email protected] The United States Barbara Rifkind Erica J. Stein The Jerusalem Foundation, Inc. Merryl H. Tisch 420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1645 Hon. John C. Whitehead The United Kingdom New York, NY 10170 Leonard A. Wilf Tel.: 212-697-4188 ORT House Executive Director in New York and Fax.: 212-697-4022 Desk Head in Jerusalem: 126 Albert St Moshe Fogel London NW1 7NE [email protected] Tel. (44-207) 482-6076 Chairman: Senior Director: Fax.: (44-207) 482-6025 Alan G. Hassenfeld Roy Hasak, New York President: Vice Chairman: Lord Bernstein Kenneth J. Bialkin, Esq. [email protected] Chairman: Secretary/Treasurer: Director of Community Affairs: Martin Paisner, CBE Stephen R. Reiner Eyal Sher, Los Angeles Founder: Honorary Chairman: [email protected] Leslie Paisner (deceased) Alvin Einbender Chairman Emeritus: Ambassador Max. M. Kampelman Lois Sieff OBE Martin Lipton, Esq. “As an Israeli and as a Jew, I view helping to safeguard Jerusalem as a relevant and leading city as the Jerusalem Foundation’s role and my personal duty.”

Dan Meridor, International Chairmam Tower of David Sound & Light The Jerusalem Foundation P.O.B. 10185 Jerusalem, 91101 Israel Tel: 972 - 2 - 675 1711 Fax: 972 - 2 - 673 4462 [email protected]

Design: Youval Hefetz, Abstract Design: Youval