Index of Persons and Places

Aachen 117, 118, 128 Ancona 137 Abel, Danish king (1250–1252) 47, 92, 172– , Archbishop of (1201– 174, 185, 242, 244 1228) 164–167, 169, 177, 184, 191, 192, 207, Abodrites, land of the 126, 227, 228, 265 217, 237, 241, 335 , archbishop of Lund (1178–1201) 10, Angel, legendary king 51, 304 19, 20, 29, 48, 49, 54, 62, 66, 96, 103, 107, Ansgar (Anskarii), abbot of Corvey and 138, 156, 157, 161–163, 213, 232, 243, 282, missionary (801–865) 22, 80, 140, 309, 311 287–289, 291, 293, 304, 326, 334 Anulo, Danish king (d. 812) 77, 92 Accursius, Italian jurist (c. 1182–1263) 194, Api Hals, peasant (c. 1172) 211 197, 217, 220 Aquitaine 119 Adalbero, archbishop of Arabia 23 (1123–1148) 127 Aristotle (384bc–322bc) 41, 43, 44, 187, 188, Adalbert, archbishop of Hamburg–Bremen 194, 195, 220 (1043–1072) 322 Arkona 287 Adaldag, archbishop of Hamburg–Bremen Arnedal, location in 286 (937–988) 22 Asa, legendary Danish queen ruler 94 Adela, king, Cnut the Holly’s Flemish queen Asklak, Skjalm ’s helmsman (c. 1043) 46, 315 272 Adolf iii, count of Schauenburg and Asser, archbishop of Lund (1104–1137) 19, (c. 1174–1225) 133, 332, 333 127, 206, 210, 213, 231, 328, 330 Adolf iv, count of Schauenburg and Holstein Asser Rig 280 (1225–1238) 336 Asserbo, village in northern 213 Ætheldred, English king (979–1013) 320 Åsum 341 Agge, Danish clan leader 104, 279 Athelstan, English king (924–939) 37 Aggersborg 16, 23, 226, 266, 320 Augustus, Roman emperor (27bc–14ad) 43, Agilulf, Lombard king (591–616) 35 93 Albert of Orlamünde, count (1182–1245) 334, Aute, ’s brother 272 336 Avderød, cillage in northern Zealand 326 Albert von Buxhoevden, bishop af Riga (1201– Azo of , Italian jurist and glossator 1229) 333, 334, 335 (c. 1150–1225) 4, 135, 136, 138, 194, 197, 348 Albrecht, margrave of Brandenburg (1205– 1220) 133 Baldus, Italian jurist (1327–1400) 198, 220 Alcuin of York, abbot of Saint Martin’s at Bara, district in Scania 174, 176, 185 Tours (c. 735–804) 265, 309 Barcelona 73, 119 Alexander ii, pope (1061–1073) 90 Bartolus of Saxoferrato, Italian jurist and Alexander iii, pope (1159–1181) 132 commentator (1313–1357) 4, 5, 61, 136– Alexander iii, Scottish king (1249–1286) 74 138, 198, 220, 223, 347, 354 Alfred, king of the west Saxons (871–899) Bavaria 118, 119 310, 312, 313 Benedict, brother of Cnut the Holy (d. 1086) Al-Idrisi, Arabrian geographer (c. 1154) 335 85 Alphonso viii, king of Leon (1188–1230) 180 Benevento 119 Alsted, village on Mid-Zealand 213 Bern, duke, brother of Cnut the Great 83, 87 Ambrose, St bishop of Milan (337–397) 35 Biorn Ironside,warrior (c. 1134) 279 Anacletus ii, pope (1130–1138) 127 Bjørn, Wend 111 Anastasius, east Roman emperor (491–518) Bodilsen family, the 15, 16, 203, 247, 279, 281 35 Boleslaw i, Polish duke 124 378 index of persons and places

Bologna 135–137, 148, 149 Cnut the Great, Danish king (1018–1035) 8, Boniface, Corsican town 119 14, 59, 82, 83, 87, 89, 102, 112, 113, 154, 156, Börringe, location in Scania 202 225, 230, 231, 268–270, 315, 317n, 321, Bothild, German princess 111 323, 343, 352. Bremen 47, 81, 87, 123, 138, 332, 333 Cnut the Holy, Danish king (1086–1086) 9, Brittany 118 24, 25, 50, 52, 58, 64, 66, 84, 85, 88, 90, Bruno, archbishop of (953–965) 92, 101, 104, 108, 113, 150, 152, 183, 203, 121, 123 214, 236, 243, 246, 249, 315, 324, 330, 343, Brutus, legendary descendant of the Trojan 352 hero Aeneas 74 Cnut vi, Danish king (1182–1202) 12, 19, 20, Bugislav i, duke of (c. 1130–1187) 21, 32, 47, 53–55, 60, 62, 92, 101, 105, 108– 332 111, 132, 134, 135, 139, 163–166, 172, 179, Bukkerup, village in Mid-Zealand 247 184, 213, 237n, 249, 273, 332, 333, 344, Buris Henriksen, Danish duke 109, 179, 248, 348, 353 288 Cnut, Archbishop Eskil’s nephew 288 Burwin, Wendish prince 332 Cnut, legendary Danish king 95 Byorn, legendary Danish king 94 Compiègne 117 Byzantium 23, 35 Conrad ii, German–Roman emperor (1027– 1039) 130 Calabria 116 Conrad iii, German king (1138–1152) 128, Canterbury 151 348 Carloman, Frankish king (768–771) 36 Constantine i, Roman emperor (306–337) Celestine iii, pope (1191–1198) 126, 237n 36, 149, 188n, 210 Charlemagne (Charles), Frankish king (768– (Havn) 236n, 243, 291 800), emperor (800–814) 36, 76, 120, 123 Corsica 119 Charles the Bald, west Frankish king (843) and emperor (875–877) 78, 86, 225, 226 Dalby in Scania 125, 126, 200, 322, 223 Charles, Archbishop Eskil’s nephew 288 Dalmatia 119 Charles Martel, Frankish king (718–741) 309 Dan, legendary Danish king 55, 93, 98, 114, Chlochilaichum, Danish king (c. 815) 262, 330 308 Dante (1265–1321) 42, 43, 67 Chlodovech i, Frankish king (c. 486–?) 146 Danube, River 95, 117, 146, 313 Chnob, Danish king 81, 92 David, biblical king 93 Christiern, Danish clan leader (c. 1134) 104, Dhnupa, Danish king 121 279 Diocletian, Roman emperor (245–316) 251 Christopher i, Danish king (1252–1259) 92, Dnepr, River 28 161, 172, 174, 241, 298 Doberan, location in Mecklenburg-Vorporm- Christopher ii, Danish king (1320–1326) 101, mern 241 180, 253 Dôle 7, 129, 138, 139, 304 Christopher, duke of Hedeby, Valdemar i’s Dorestad 79 illegitimate son 111, 293 Dragør, village on the island 243, Clement i, bishop of Rome (88–99) 34 243n Cnut Lavard, , Knés of the land of the Abodrites (c. 1096–1131) 10, Eardulf, Northumbrian king 119 15, 19, 25, 64, 89, 105, 109, 111, 126–128, Ebbe de Bastrup, Zealand magnate 277, 141, 179, 239, 247, 276–279, 281, 286, 326– 277n 329, 348 Ebbe Suneson, Zealand magnate 292 Cnut Magnussen, Danish king (1147–1157) Ebo, archbishop of Reims (816–835) 117, 120 46, 92, 109, 348 Ecgfrith, English king 36