02 Chapter 1 Stoessel
Prologue La harpe de melodie faite saunz mirancholie par plaisir doit bien cescun resjorr pour l'armonie orr, sonner et vei'r. J With the prior verses begins one of the most fascinating musical works in the ars subtilior style, composed by the master musician Jacob de Senleches. This composer, as his name suggests, was a native of northern France whose scant biographical details indicate he was a valued musician at courts in the south at Castile, Navarre and possibly Avignon.2 La harpe de melodie typifies several aspects of the present study. Firstly, its presence in a n1anuscripe copied in the city of Pavia in Lombardy indicates the cultivation of ostensibly French music in the ars subtilior style in northern Italy. Secondly, its musical notation contains novel, experimental notational devices and note shapes that parallel intellectual developments in other fields of culture in this period. I "The melodious harp made without melancholy to please, well may each person rejoice to hear, sing and hear its harmony." (All translations are mine, unless otherwise specified.) 2 The conclusion that Jacob de Senleches was a native of northern France is made on the premise that Senleches is the near-homophone of Senlecques, a village just south of Calais in the County of Artois. The only surviving archival evidence concerning Jacob de Senleches consists of a dispensation made at the Court of Navarre by Charles II of Navarre on 21 sl August, 1383 which speCifies: ... 100 libras a Jacomill de Sen/aches, juglar de harpe, para regresar a donde se encontraba el cardenal de Aragon, su maestro (" 100 libras for Jacob de Senleches, player of the harp, to return to where he was to meet the Cardinal of Aragon, his master."), Jlid.
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