Scientific and Research Memoir Of Mostafa Mokhtabad, PhD Course of study: Theater, film, communications and art philosophy, Scientific Rank: Professor, Doctorate: Film, Theater, communications, Postgraduate course: Performing Arts and criticism, Graduate course: Dramatic Literature Address: Art and Architecture course, faculty, Tarbiat Modares University Phone number: 88008090 Fax number: 88008090 E-mail:
[email protected] Interested Research subjects: East theater, Iran: (Tazie, RuHozi, and traditional local short performances, and the Iranian contemporary theater), India: (Sanskrit and Katagali), Japan: (Ceremonial performance and Beijing opera), West theater, Greece, Neoclassic, intermediate and post modern eras (history, theory, philosophy, criticism, sociology, aesthetics, anthropology etc.). Cinema: The Iranian, west and Japan cinemas. Interdisciplinary studies: anthropology, aesthetics, semiology, linguistics, sociology, philosophy, architecture, economics, etc. Academic studies: Doctorate: Cinema, theater and communication, Brigham Yang University, United states, 1991. Postgraduate course: Performing arts and criticism, Utah state University, United states, 1988. Graduate course: Performing literature art University, Iran, 1982. Researches: Management of the Iranian theater development, theater, research deputy of the Islamic culture and guidance ministry, Iran, 1997-1998. Study position: postmodernism and art, United States, 2003-2004 Instructed subjects: Communications basics, public relations, anthropology and communications