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Zbiór artykułów naukowych recenzowanych. (1) Z 40 Zbiór artykułów naukowych z Konferencji Miedzynarodowej Naukowo- Praktycznej (on-line) zorganizowanej dla pracowników naukowych uczelni, jednostek naukowo-badawczych oraz badawczych z państw obszaru byłego Związku Radzieckiego oraz byłej Jugosławii.

(15.11.2018) - Warszawa, 2018. - 152 str. ISBN: 978-83-66030-61-9

Wydawca: Sp. z o.o. «Diamond trading tour» Adres wydawcy i redakcji: 00-728 Warszawa, ul. S. Kierbedzia, 4 lok.103 e-mail: [email protected]

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«Diamond trading tour» © Warszawa 2018

ISBN: 978-83-66030-61-9


Redaktor naukowy: W. Okulicz-Kozaryn, dr. hab, MBA, Institute of Law, Administration and Econom- ics of Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland; The International Scientific Associa- tion of Economists and Jurists «Consilium», Switzerland.

KOMITET NAUKOWY: W. Okulicz-Kozaryn (Przewodniczący), dr. hab, MBA, Institute of Law, Adminis- tration and Economics of Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland; The Interna- tional Scientific Association of Economists and Jurists «Consilium», Switzerland; C. Беленцов, д.п.н., профессор, Юго-Западный государственный универси- тет, Россия; Z. Čekerevac, Dr., full professor, «Union - Nikola Tesla» University Belgrade, Ser- bia; Р. Латыпов, д.т.н., профессор, Московский государственный машинострои- тельный университет (МАМИ), Россия; И. Лемешевский, д.э.н., профессор, Белорусский государственный универ- ситет, Беларусь; Е. Чекунова, д.п.н., профессор, Южно-Российский институт-филиал Россий- ской академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы, Россия.

KOMITET ORGANIZACYJNY: A. Murza (Przewodniczący), MBA, Ukraina; А. Горохов, к.т.н., доцент, Юго-Западный государственный университет, Рос- сия; А. Kasprzyk, Dr, PWSZ im. prof. S. Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu, Polska; А. Malovychko, dr, EU Business University, Berlin – London – Paris - Poznań, EU; S. Seregina, independent trainer and consultant, Netherlands; M. Stych, dr, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Kra- kowie, Polska; A. Tsimayeu, PhD, associate Professor, Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Belarus.

Recenzenci: L. Nechaeva, PhD, Instytut PNPU im. K.D. Ushinskogo, Ukraina; М. Ордынская, профессор, Южный федеральный университет, Россия.










Гизатулина О.И., преподаватель, Якунина А., студентка 2 курса Гулистанский государственный университет г. Гулистан. Узбекистан Аннотация. В статье проводится анализ метода смешанного обучения и мо- дели «Перевернутый класс», его преимуществ и недостатков; освещаются про- блемы, возникающие при реализации данного метода. На метод смешанного обуче- ния возлагается много надежд, и он призван решить комплекс задач, связанных с качеством подготовки, где на первый план выходят такие компетенции как рабо- та с информацией, нахождение способов ее получения и обработки. Ключевые слова: смешанное обучение, информационные технологии, взаи- модействие, модель «Перевернутый класс», индивидуализация обучения.

Быстрый процесс науки и техники диционного и электронного обучения. вызывает массовые изменения в про- Смешиваться могут очное и дистанци- цессе обучения русскому языку и ли- онное, структурированное и неструк- тературе. Одним из результатов раз- турированное, самостоятельное и кол- вития науки и техники является Ин- лаборативное обучение. В подобном тернет. Интернет позволяет человеку ключе можно смешивать учебу и рабо- делать множество вещей без ограни- ту, а также другие сферы, связанные чения времени и пространства. Люди с образованием. могут выполнять работу, даже не Технология начала развиваться присутствуя на рабочем месте. Ин- с 2006 года, с выхода книги К.Дж. Бон- тернет также широко применяется в ка и Ч.Р. Грэхема «Справочник сме- образовательном процессе. Одним из шанного обучения». В наше время применений является смешанное об- в образовании цифровые сервисы ис- учение. пользуют 34% учителей (по данным Смешанное обучение – это сочета- 2017 года). 1 ние традиционных форм аудиторного Плюсы смешанного обучения: обучения с элементами электронного • Расширение образовательных воз- обучения. В нем используются специ- можностей учащихся за счет до- альные информационные технологии ступности и гибкости образования. (компьютерная графика, аудио и ви- • Стимулирование формирования део, интерактивные элементы и т.д.). активной позиции ученика. Учебный процесс в этом случае пред- 1 ставляет собой чередование фаз тра- takoe-smeshannoe-obuchenie/


• Трансформация, актуализация Смена рабочих зон. Класс делится стиля преподавания. на группы, и организуются: 1. Зона • Индивидуализация и персонали- работы с учителем; 2. Зона работы зация образовательного процесса. в группе; 3. Зона работы онлайн. Мо- На сегодняшний день педагоги вы- дель чаще всего используется в сред- деляют ряд трудностей, с которыми ней и старшей школах. Группы дей- сталкиваются при переходе на сме- ствуют в соответствии с маршрутным шанное обучение: листом. Такие уроки открывают учите- • Технические проблемы: отсут- лю широкие возможности для обеспе- ствие технических устройств, за- чения индивидуализации в обучении. труднения доступа к интернету. «Персонализированность» • Методические проблемы: недо- Новый профиль. Если нескольким статочность практических нара- ученикам средней или старшей школы боток, значительные трудозатра- не подходит ни один из предложенных ты при подготовке, страх исполь- учреждением профилей, может быть зования технических устройств. выделена группа «Новый профиль» (что соответствует стандарту образо- Модели смешанного обучения: вания). Профильное обучение ведет «Ротация» педагог школы или приглашенный Автономная группа. Класс делится специалист. на две половины: одна группа Межшкольная группа. Аналогич- занимается по традиционной модели, но «Новому профилю», однако в груп- другая – по онлайн-курсам. Первой пу сотрудничества входят ученики необходим преподаватель, второй – из разных учреждений. Модель осо- тьютор. Возможно чередование групп. бенно актуальна для одаренных детей Критерий деления определяет учитель. и детей с ОВЗ из малокомплектных Численный состав может быть школ. постоянным или переменным. Индивидуальный учебный план. Перевернутый класс. Знакомство Расписание оптимизируется для каж- с новым учебным материалом перено- дого ученика с учетом его образова- сится на домашнее изучение, а отра- тельных потребностей. Модель целе- ботка производится уже в классе. Так сообразна для учащихся с особыми появляется возможность организовать образовательными потребностями. на уроке индивидуальную и группо- Все модели реализуются с исполь- вую работу, обсудить изученное, уде- зованием электронных форм учебни- лить время практическим задачам. Это ков. ЭФУ это: очень популярная модель. Основная • Содержание печатных учебников, сложность в ее использовании: сделать адаптированное для электронных так, чтобы все ученики действительно устройств и дополненное мульти- выполняли домашние задания. медийными компонентами.


• Эффективное средство контроля ние с учащимися сути технологии, ее и самоконтроля. плюсов и минусов, принятие решения • Использование закладок, заме- об апробации. ток, быстрый переход по ним, Следующий шаг – создание инфор- а также быстрый поиск страниц, мационной среды. Это может быть соответствующих печатному персональный сайт учителя, блог на учебнику. одном из образовательных ресурсов, С 2013 по 2016 годы, нами был изу- группа в одной из соцсетей. Нами был чен опыт зарубежных коллег («Das создан блог на платформе Google и за- umgedrethe Klassenzimmer» – Герма- действованы авторские образователь- ния, «Flipped Classroom» – США) по ные сайты и учебные контенты препо- внедрению технологии смешанного давателя. обучения (Blended Learning). Третий этап – создание и публика- В конце 2015 года эксперимент с про- ция в сети цифровых учебных матери- ведением «перевернутых уроков» был алов. Мы использовали специально проведен сразу в трех группах. Этот экс- подготовленные презентации по изу- перимент был признан крайне удачным, чаемым темам и видеолекции портала он показал, что так материал усваивает- ся лучше, к тому же дает учащимся на- На протяжении всего периода ис- выки самостоятельной работы. пользования технологии осуществлял- Причина, по которой мы обрати- ся контроль качества использования лись к данной технологии, заключает- цифровых учебных материалов. ся в необходимости оптимизировать Апробация технологии осущест- процесс обучения русскому языку и влялась в течение 2015/16 учебного литературе, повысить эффективность года. В конце периода апробации была домашней работы студентов. Цели, ко- проведена диагностика результатов торые мы поставили перед собой, применения технологии. Проведен- были следующими: ный опрос показал, что 87% учащихся • оптимизация процесса обучения положительно оценивают опыт ис- русскому языку и литературе; пользования «перевернутой» схемы • увеличение эффективности вы- обучения, 10% отнеслись к новации полнения домашних заданий; равнодушно и 3% 1 человек) – отрица- • повышение уровня мотивации тельно. 59% опрошенных сказали, что обучающихся; воспринимать новый материал стало • формирование у учащихся чувства легче. 64% отметили, что стали тра- ответственности за обучение; тить меньше времени на выполнение • превращение учащегося в активно- домашнего задания. К достоинствам го участника учебного процесса. технологии «перевернутый класс» уча- Внедрение технологии состояло из щиеся отнесли перераспределение и нескольких этапов. Первый – обсужде- экономию учебного времени (34%), до-


Рис.1. Перевернутый класс ступность учебного материала и про- умений в новой ситуации и на созда- стоту его восприятия (24%) и просто ние учениками нового учебного про- удобство (13%). На вопрос о недостат- дукта. ках 52% опрошенных ответили, что Таким образом, суть методики пе- таковые отсутствуют. 32% сказали, что ревернутого класса можно свести им сложно изучать новый материал к трём основным компонентам: без помощи учителя. 100% учащихся Подготовка (подбор или создание) хотели бы продолжить использование учителем виртуальной образователь- технологии «Перевернутый класс» в ной среды: видеоуроков, презентаций, дальнейшем. иных материалов и заданий к ним, а также выбор электронного сервиса для Что такое «Перевернутый класс»? обратной связи с учениками. «Перевернутый класс» – это инно- Организация учебной деятельно- вационный сценарий обучения. Его сти: определение учителем ключевых отличие от традиционного сценария компетенций по теме, форм работы с заключается в том, что теоретический учениками на уроке, подготовка зада- материал изучается самостоятельно до ний для работы учеников в классе. В начала урока (как правило, посред- то же время ученики в процессе со- ством информационных и коммуника- вместной работы с учителем решают ционных технологий: видеолекции, дополнительные задачи: углубление, аудиолекции, интерактивные материа- закрепление и повторение пройден- лы и т.п.), а высвобожденное время на ного материала. уроке направлено на решение про- Текущая и итоговая оценка знаний блем, сотрудничество, взаимодействие и компетенций учеников. Учитель мо- с учениками, применение знаний и жет выбрать совместно с учащимися


рис.2 несколько форм итоговой работы, на- вания, в меньшем объеме поставляет пример, в виде теста или проекта. ученикам информацию в готовом Основное преимущество переверну- виде, делая акцент на сопровождении того класса заключается в такой органи- обучения и создании условий для по- зации учебной работы, при которой: знавательной деятельности учащихся. Поддерживается развитие качеств Из следующей схемы можно сделать и умений XXI века, таких как сотруд- вывод, что традиционный подход ничество, творческий подход, способ- постепенно превращает ученика в ность решать проблемы, самостоя- потребителя, а это не соответствует тельность, грамотность в области ин- современным требованиям. формационно-коммуникационных Таким образом, можно выделить технологий (ИКТ); несколько главных компонентов, Обеспечивается возможность которые нужно учесть при подготовке для поддержки развития каждого урока по сценарию «перевернутого» учащегося. класса: В чем же преимущества «перевер- 1. Объем необходимых знаний, ко- нутого» обучения? торый должны получить студенты. Фасилитатор – в переводе с латин- Причем лучше всего разделить эти ского – лѐгкий, удобный. Это человек, знания на две группы: в первую группу который обеспечивает успешную войдут те знания, которые будут пере- групповую коммуникацию. даны непосредственно при помощи Как видно из представленных выше видеолекций учителя, а во вторую треугольников, учитель традиционного группу те, которые студенты получат в подхода в большем объеме передает уче- ходе самостоятельной практической никам информацию в готовом виде и в деятельности. меньшем проектирует учебную ситуацию. 2. Определить виды практических Учитель, работающий в парадигме работ, которые будут выполняться на личностно-ориентированного образо- занятиях совместно, индивидуаль-



ные и групповые работы, домашние они имели возможность самостоятель- задания. но оценить свою деятельность. Оцен- 3. Определить, какие материалы ки не должны наказывать ученика, но (продукты) в виде конспектов, презен- показывать ему возможности для таций, проектных работ должны раз- дальнейшего совершенствования. работать учащиеся во время прохож- 6. Установить виды и способы ком- дения курса. В какой форме они будут муникации с учениками и получения представлены преподавателю. Есть ли от них обратной связи. Продумать си- необходимость сохранить их после стему работы, при которой учитель завершения обучения или сделать сможет уделить достаточно внимания общедоступными в сети Интернет. каждому обучаемому. 4. Приготовить (создать или найти) Таким образом, смешанное видеолекции и задания к ним, вспомо- обучение позволяет сделать больше с гательные материалы, содержащие па- меньшими затратами и относится к мятки, алгоритмы, шаблоны, на кото- любому сочетанию традиционного и рые будут ориентироваться учащиеся, дистанционного обучения, где лучше выполняя свои работы. Ясно, что глав- контролируется, выполняет больше ным примером и эталоном для работ шагов и реализует индивидуальный учеников будут являться материалы путь обучения. (продукты), разработанные учителем, Преподаватели предпочитают особенно если он выполнил их само- смешанное обучение, потому что: стоятельно. • увеличивается количество и ка- 5. Придумать гибкую систему оце- чество взаимодействия участни- нивания работ учеников, конкретные ков учебного процесса; критерии для выставления отметок. • увеличивается возможность для Причем они должны быть максималь- активного совместного обучения; но доступны ученикам для того, чтобы • помогает подготовиться к дис-


куссиям или лабораторным ра- • включает в себя и старые, и но- ботам; вые технологии. • способствует разнообразию ис- • нацелено на существующих кли- пользования медиа для представ- ентов. ления содержания курса; • пытается выполнить работу тех- • добавляет в обучение новые типы ин- нологии, которая существовала терактивной учебной деятельности; ранее. • позволяет основное время ис- • менее «безопасный» и не приво- пользовать на активное обучение, дит к существенному снижению сдвигая освоение содержимого уровня знаний. курса в онлайновую среду; В заключении, можно сделать • помогает создать чувство общ- следующие выводы: ности в больших классах; – на основе обобщения опыта пре- • позволяет получить доступ к ма- подавателей и учителей ФРГ автор ста- териалам курса и осваивать их в тьи создал план действий по внедрению удобное время, в удобном месте, в модели «Перевернутый класс» в соб- своем темпе. ственную педагогическую практику; Выделяют четыре характеристики – после анализа недостатков дан- гибридного обучения: ной системы был использован творче-


ский подход к их устранению. Напри- сколько аспектов образовательного мер, отсутствие прямого контакта с процесса. преподавателем было заменено воз- Во-первых, преподаватель имеет можностью использования социаль- больше свободы презентаций учебных ной сети, и электронной почты учите- материалов. Он уже не обязан выда- ля для установления связи при необхо- вать все материалы во время занятий. димости по Skype; Преподаватель имеет возможность – смешанное обучение – это метод, разделить все материалы во время за- который сочетает в себе традиционное нятий, скажем, на две части и одну обучение лицом к лицу и некоторые представит во время аудиторной рабо- элементы дистанционного обучения. ты, а другая может быть получена уча- Применение смешанного обучения в щимися посредством самостоятельной преподавании русского языка и лите- работы в Сети или с другими источни- ратуры имеет ряд преимуществ и не- ками Интернет. достатков. Во-вторых, смешанное обучение – смешанное обучение сочетает в дает преподавателям больше гибкости себе преимущества как традиционно- и свободы в контроле и оценивании. го, так и дистанционного метода обу- Преподаватель имеет возможность чения. проводить онлайн тестирования, раз- С традиционного метода, смешан- мещать задания и тесты, и даже итого- ное обучение дает преподавателю и вый тест в конце семестра. Подобная студентам много возможностей взаи- возможность хороша как для препо- модействовать во время занятий. Все давателя, так и для студентов. Препо- время преподавателя занято препода- даватель имеет больше времени для ванием, наблюдением, оцениванием и оценки деятельности студентов, а сту- получением обратной связи от студен- денты имеют возможность работать тов. Обучение становиться более на- над своими заданиями из любого ме- пряженным и эффективным благодаря ста, не приходя в класс. плотному взаимодействию. Студентам традиционный метод дает много воз- Список литературы / можностей учиться, наблюдать, зада- Интернет- источники вать вопросы и получать обратную 1. Марина Куртвис «Модель «Переверну- тый класс», управление шко- связь от преподавателя. Это интенсив- лой,№5-6,6-7. ное взаимодействие дает благоприят- 2. Краснова Т.И. Смешанное обучение: ную среду для развития. опят, проблемы и перспективы // С позиции дистанционного обуче- В мире научных открытий. 2014. № 11. ния смешанная модель обеспечивает С. 10-26. 3. Смешанное обучение: ведущие образо- больше гибкости (свободы) в осу- вательные технологии современности. ществлении образовательного про- М.Л. Кондакова – к.п.н., директор На- цесса. Гибкость включает в себя не- учно-исследовательского центра от-


крытого образования; Е.В. Латыпова – Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, май директор Центра инновационных об- 2017 г.). – Казань: Бук, 2017. – С. 116- разовательных программ, «Вестник об- 118. – URL разования» М, 2013 5. Видеоуроки по русскому языку http:// 4. Гизатулина О. И. «Перевернутый» класс – инновационная модель обуче- 6. Видеолекции по литературе http:// ния [Текст] // Инновационные педаго- гические технологии: материалы VI po_literature/0-32


ЖАЛИЛОВ Жавохирбек Зокиржон ўғли Студент 3 курса кафедры русского языка и литературы фкультета филалогии Гулистанского государственного университета E-mail: [email protected]Тел: (99) 477 93 66

Славянские этносы в силу геополи- языка (А и Б) находятся в контакте, тических и экономических причин по- если речь (текст), порождаемая на стоянно были вынуждены находиться языке А, содержит в себе элементы и/ во взаимодействии с другими этноса- или отношения языка Б, или наоборот, ми и культурами. Об этом убедительно речь на языке Б включает в себя эле- пишет славянский этнолог К. Мошин- менты и/или отношения языка А, а ский: «...Этнографические факты кон- также если элементы и/или отношения статируют, что уже в „первобытных“ языка А проникают и обнаруживают- условиях жизни и даже при очень ред- ся в системе языка Б, и наоборот. При кой заселенности взаимное перекре- таком понимании языковых контактов щивание культурных влияний было мы фактически имеем дело только с очень сильным либо благодаря интен- результатом взаимодействия двух язы- сивному обмену культурными ценно- ков на всех уровнях (фонологическом, стями посредством примитивной, но морфемном, лексемном и грамматиче- порой удивительно интенсивной ме- ском), причем не только в области новой торговли, либо благодаря посто- речи (текста), но и в области системы» янным войнам, приводившим к обме- [3. С. 108]. ну женщинами...» [1. С. 58]. Лингвистическому изучению тюр- Термин «языковые контакты» ока- кизмов в словарном составе русского зался более емким и абстрактным по языка посвящено большое количество сравнению со всеми другими однород- работ как академика Э.И. Фазылова, ными терминами, уже имевшимися в памяти которому посвящена сегод- языкознании, отсюда и его быстрое рас- няшняя конференция. пространение и популярность. Некото- Под термином «тюркизм» понима- рые исследователи (например, Е. Вере- ются слова, вошедшие в русский язык щагин) видят в этом противоречие и посредством или непосредственно из считают, что понятие «языковые кон- тюркских языков. такты» должно использоваться только В научной литературе не раз отме- чисто в лингвистическом смысле. чалось, что интерес к тюркским язы- «В связи с этим значение термина кам проявляется, начиная с древней «языковые контакты» можно было бы Руси (в XIII в.), когда возрастает роль определить следующим образом: два устных переводчиков – толмачей – в


период монголо-татарского нашествия ния Киевской Руси (IX–XII вв.) – «ха- для поддержания связей древнерус- рактеризуется уже более тесными свя- ских княжеств с ханами Золотой Орды. зями и взаимодействием древнерус- Однако Х.Х. Махмудов указывает на ского языка сначала с языками тюрк- то, что «тюркизмы в русском языке – ских племенных союзов – печенегов и явление доисторическое, а не XIII в. т.д., а затем с языком «половцев». От В лингвистической и исторической заимствовании этого периода русский литературе существуют различные проникли считанные слова. Их место в точки зрения на периодизацию рус- лексической системе удобно оценить ско-тюркских языковых контактов, но, на примере «Слова о полку Игореве». как отмечает Х.Х. Махмудов, славян- Всего в главном памятнике древнерус- ские народы, прежде всего восточные ской словесности, около 45 тюркиз- славяне «с древнейших времен соседи- мов; практически все они относятся к ли с некоторыми народностями тюрк- половцам, о походе Игоря на которых ского происхождения, были связаны и идёт речь. В современном русском экономически и политически, вели не- представлены лишь редкие из них: это прерывные войны друг против друга, слова телега, жемчуг, болван,басурман, поэтому и заимствования (взаимные) башмак, камыш,и др.; Среди других в этих языках начинаются еще в дои- ярких домонгольских тюркизмов – сторический период. Отсутствие более слова боярин, лошадь, ватага. Русский древних памятников письма не дает богатырь тоже совсем не русский: сло- нам возможности дать более или менее во, означающее былинного героя, от- точную периодизацию (установить личающегося умом и силой, взялось из даты) проникновения тюркских эле- тюркских языков, где оно значит «сме- ментов в славянские языки и славян- лый, военачальник, герой»; ему род- ских элементов в тюркские языки» [13. ственно киргизское батыр. Появление С. 69]. «о» в первом слоге тут объясняют вли- Выделяется следующие периоды янием русского слова богатый. Дей- развития русско-тюркских языковых ствительно, например, в Смоленской и контактов: Курской областях слово богатырь зна- первый период – период до образо- чило «богач», что зафиксировано реги- вания Киевской Руси (I–VIII вв.) – «ха- ональным словарём; это же значит и рактеризуется взаимодействием сла- белорусское багатыр. вянских диалектов с диалектами иран- Да и саму Орду «ордой» на Руси назва- ских и финских племен, и с диалекта- ли ещё до Орды: это слово тюркского ми тюркских племен». В это время в происхождения было взято не у тюр- древнерусский язык проникают уст- ков, а скорее всего, у половцев. Оно ные заимствования типа алтын, товар, обозначает союз нескольких кочевых каган, ковер и мн. др.; племён, в переносном значении – бес- второй период – период образова- порядочную большую толпу или даже


банду. В древнерусском слово орда народов. В исходном монгольском оно значило лишь «стан, кочевье»; то, что у означало «тавро, клеймо»; в период этого слова не было связанного второ- Золотой Орды слово получило распро- го значения «армия», указывает на странение в странах Средней Азии, ранний срок заимствования; Восточной Европы, Ближнего и Сред- третий период – период после мон- него Востока, Кавказа и Закавказья, гольского нашествия (XIII–XV вв.), где, помимо прежних, приобрело но- «когда древнерусские княжества нахо- вые значения – «документ с ханской дились в вассальной зависимости от печатью», «(денежный) налог». И хоть Золотой Орды, а древнерусский язык деньги не происходят от слова тамга, подвергался значительному воздей- от него, несомненно, происходит со- ствию тюркских, кыпчакских диалек- временное слово таможня: на товары, тов, распространенных по всей об- облагаемые податью, ставились знаки- ширной территории, подвластной Зо- тамги. Таможенником уже в 1267 году лотой Орде».Многие из них относятся назывался сборщик особой подати к торговой сфере, отражая приспосо- при татарском управлении в Древней бленческий характер отношений Мо- Руси; глагол тамжить означал «обла- сквы с ханами. Типичный пример – гать пошлиной». это слово деньги. Деньгой называли Слово караул, значившее в тюрк- мелкую серебряную монету- ских языках дозор, стражу и происхо- «чешуйку», которая со второй полови- дившее от глагола «смотреть». В раз- ны XIV века чеканилась в Москве, ных тюркских языках это слово может Новгороде, Рязани и других центрах. значить не только сторожевой отряд Оно происходит от тюркского слова, или пост, но и, например, мушку на означавшего серебряную монету раз- ружье. ной стоимости, в том числе и рубль; Восточное происхождение оказы- название казахстанской валюты – тен- вается и у очень русского слова – и ге – этимологически родственно рос- русского предмета – кафтан («старин- сийским деньгам. Корень слова, от ко- ная долгополая верхняя мужская торого произошла деньга, в ряде тюрк- одежда, обычно шитая из сукна»): оно ских языков (узбекском, казахском, пришло либо из персидского при киргизском, татарском). тюркском посредничестве, либо непо- Прежде чем связать деньгу, о кото- средственно из тюркского. Заимство- рой уже шла речь, с тюркским назва- вание произошло в XIII–XV веках, по- нием монеты, учёные обсуждали ещё сле падения Киева. Исследователи счи- одну – как выяснилось, неверную – тают, что кафтан – составное слово из тюркскую этимологию: от слова тамга. двух корней, значивших соответствен- Сейчас оно значит родовой фамиль- но «мешок» и «платье». ный знак у абхазов, башкир, казахов, Тюркизмом, скорее всего, является киргизов, осетин, марийцев и других и слово таракан: наиболее убедитель-


ное его этимологическое толкование – ски оно родственно немецкому Tasse, «расползающийся во все стороны». французскому tasse, итальянскому Русское хозяин, встречающееся у tazza, которые значат «чашка». Кобура Афанасия Никитина – это, очевидно, происходит от турецкого слова «фут- персидское ходжа, пришедшее через ляр». тюркские языки. Даль производит слово карапуз от Собственно, «Хожение за три моря» слов короткий и пузо, однако это, оче- (1466-1474) и стоит считать апофеозом видно, так же неверно, как возводить проникновения тюркизмов в русскую его ко французскому crapoussin («ко- словесность. ротышка», «малыш»). На самом деле В это время в древнерусский язык слово, очевидно, восходит к тому же посредством кипчакского языка про- слову, что и слово арбуз, и получилось никают слова атаман, хаджи, хан и т.д.; путём метафоризации: карапуз – это четвертый период – период русской кто-то круглый, как арбуз. колонизации и присоединения к Рос- Как отмечает В.П. Гущина, с конца сии бывших Казанского, Астраханско- XVII–XVIII вв. начинается качествен- го, Сибирского и Крымского ханств, а но новый период для функционирова- также народов Кавказа, Средней Азии ния тюркизмов. При этом «происхо- (XVI–XIX вв.). дит некоторый спад активности тюр- В это время проникают через тюрк- кизмов, что объясняется значитель- ские и посредством тюркских языков ной конкуренцией лексических слова башибузук, бахрома, изюм, рун- заимствований из западноевропей- дук, кинжал, чалма, эфенди и др.; пя- ских языков: количество тюркизмов тый период – период активизации не выдерживает этой конкуренции и языковых контактов народов бывшего постепенно выходит из употребления СССР – начало XX в. по настоящее или закрепляется за более узкой сфе- время. В данный период проникают в рой функционирования». В результате современный русский язык слова, на- столкновения тюркизмов и западно- зываемые узбекизмами, казахизмами европеизмов определяется стабиль- и т.д., как, например, акын, басмач, ный пласт тюркских слов, который и душман и т.д.Число поздних заимство- сохранился в лексической системе ваний из турецкого языков можно русского языка до настоящего време- множить; среди них немало совершен- ни [14. С. 3]. но неожиданных. Слово изъян только Во второй половине XVII в. ввиду кажется происходящим от русского тесных контактов с Западом русский глагола изъять: на деле это персидское язык пополнился большим количе- слово, заимствованное через турец- ством заимствований (вертикальный, кий, со значением «ущерб, убыток». циркуль, фигура, фабула, трагедия, Простое слово таз также пришло от канцлер, капитан, майор, рота, шпага турок и крымских татар: этимологиче- и др.), а в XVIII в. наблюдается усилен-


ное употребление заимствованной и обычаи; во-вторых, в архивах Узбе- лексики (армия, батальон, гарнизон, кистана имеются фонды по русско- милиция, бригантин, каравелла, флот, тюркским взаимоотношениям XVI– мачта, трюм, адмирал, фабрика, цех, XIX вв., требующие комплексного из- кран, адмиралтейская коллегия, про- учения. В полилингвальном обществе курор и т.д.). Узбекистана наблюдаются тесные язы- Тюркизмы в русском языке – сло- ковые контакты, которые становятся ва, заимствованные из тюркских язы- предметом изучения не только линг- ков в русский, древнерусский и прас- вистов, но и историков, философов, лавянский языки в разные историче- психологов. ские периоды. Лингвистический тер- Литература[править | править код] мин тюркизм достаточно широк. 1. Древнетюркский словарь / Редакто- Во-первых, им называют простейшие ры: В.М. Наделяев, Д.М. Насилов, Э.Р. и самые распространённые случаи: за- Тенишев, А.М. Щербак; Авторы-соста- имствования тюркских слов из тюрк- вители словарных статей: Т.А. Боровко- ских языков. Однако также лингвисты ва, Л.В. Дмитриева, А.А. Зырин, И.В. Кормушин, Н.И. Летягина, Л.Ю. Тугу- говорят о тюркизмах, если слово из шева и др.; Институт языкознания АН других языков (персидского или араб- СССР. – Л.: Наука. Ленингр. отд-ние, ского, например) пришло в посред- 1969. – 676 с. – 6000 экз. (Словарь со- ством тюркского. Наконец, если эти- держит около 20 000 древнетюркских мологически тюркское слово появи- слов и устойчивых выражений) 2. Баскаков Н. А. Тюркизмы в восточно- лось в русском через голову другого славянских языках. – М.: Наука, 1974. языка, его тоже можно объявить тюр- 3. Шипова Е. Н. Словарь тюркизмов в кизмом. русском языке / Е. Н. Шипова (состави- Тюркизмами называются также тель); Отв. ред. акад. А. Н. Кононов; слова тюркского происхождения неза- Институт языкознания АН висимо от языка-посредника. Основ- КазССР. – Алма-Ата: «Наука» КазССР, 1976. – 444 с. – 3550 экз. (в пер.) ная масса заимствований приходится 4. Баскаков Н. А. Русские фамилии тюрк- на период XVI–XVII веков. ского происхождения. – М., 1979. Каждый из периодов различается 5. Мурзаев Э. М. Словарь народных гео- интенсивностью языковых контактов графических терминов. 1-е изд. – М., и составом заимствованной лексики. Мысль, 1984. – 656 с. 6. Мурзаев Э. М. Тюркские географические В настоящее время интерес к па- названия. – М., Вост. лит., 1996. – 256 с. мятникам русской письменности в Уз- 7. Исхакова Х. Ф. Сопоставительная бекистане не ослабевает по ряду при- грамматика татарских и русских соб- чин. Во-первых, в Узбекистане прожи- ственных имён / Отв. ред. д-р филол. вает русскийнарод, который, начиная наук А. В. Суперанская. – М.: Наука, с древнего периода, проживает на его 2000. – 112 с. – 500 экз. – ISBN 5-02- 011817-6. (обл.) территории, сохраняя при этом язык, 8. Ююкин М. А. Древнерусские летопис- культуру, вероисповедание, традиции ные ойконимы XIV–XVII вв., образо-


ванные от личных имён тюркского изучения тюркизмов в русском языке // происхождения Вопросы лексики и грамматики русско- 9. Добродомов И. Г. Некоторые вопросы го языка. – М., 1967. – С. 364–374.


Ж.Жалилов Мақолада туркий ва словян тилларнинг қўшилиши, рус тили ватуркий тил- ларгнинг тарихий туташиши масалаларикўрилиб. IX-XXаср турк ва рус халқларининг муносабатларига нисбатан «тиллар муносабатлари» тушунчаси очиб берилган. Туркий сўзларнинг рус тилидаги ўрни ва фаолияти тасвирланган. Таянч сўзлар: Етнографик фактлар, тил муносабатлари, рус-туркий тил алоқалари, мўғилларгача бўлган туркийлик, қадимги рус словян тиллари, тур- кийлик, мўғил-татар хужумлари. Аннотация МНОГООБРАЗИЯ ЯЗЫКОВ. ТЮРКСКО-СЛАВЯНСКИЕ ЯЗЫКЫ.

Ж.Жалилов В докладе рассматриваются вопросы изучения тюркских и славянских языко- вых контактов, раскрывается понятие «языковые контакты» применительно к тюркско-русским отношениям в IX– XX вв., описывается роль и функциониро- вание тюркизмов в русском языке. Ключевые слова: Этнографические факты,языковые контакты,русско- тюркские языковые контакты, домонгольскые тюркизмы, древнерусский и прас- лавянский языки, тюркизм, устные переводчики-толмачи, монголо-татарские нашествия. Annotation VARIETY OF LANGUAGES. TURK-SLAVIC LANGUAGES.

Jalilov Javohir. The report examines the study of Turkish and Slavian language contacts, reveals the concept of “language contacts” in relation to Turkish-Russian relations in the 9th – 20th centuries, describes the role and function of these languages. Key words: Ethnographic facts, language contacts, Russian-Turkish language contacts, pre-Mongolian Turkism, Old Russian and Proto-Slavic languages, Turkism, Mongolian-Tatar invasions.


Azizbek Bahriddinov, student of Namangan State University Annotation: In this article there is given information about advantages of using inter- active games in English classes. Effective outcomes that can be achieved through games are described and explained. As well as, some disadvantages of using games in class are shown and solutions to these problems are given. Key words: games, fun activities, motivating, advantages, disadvantages, coopera- tive learning, fluency

In teaching languages, games and fun flexibly”.1 Games provide a constructive activities play important role. There are a classroom environment where students number of reasons that games deserve a are central. place in the language classroom. The Games offer students a fun-filled and first of all, they are fun and they can eas- relaxing learning atmosphere. In this way ily get language learners involved in learners acquire new knowledge through teaching –learning process. Secondly, pleasure and without hard work. In other games and fun activities are estimated to words, students have the opportunity to be effective way of teaching language. use language in a non-stressful way. This Thirdly, they are the best tool of motiva- eases the fear of negative evaluation, the tion which is really needed in learning. If concern of being negatively judged in learners are motivated and encouraged, public, and which is one of the main fac- they feel free, confident. Games promote tors inhibiting language learners from interaction, thinking, learning, and using the target language in front of other problem solving strategies. Games often people. In a game oriented context anxi- have an aspect that permits the players to ety is reduced and speech fluency is gen- produce information in a short time pe- erated thus communicative competence is riod. Some games require the players to achieved. engage in a physical activity and com- According to the scholar Prasad, plete a mental challenge. As Martinson games introduce the element of competi- and Chu states, “Games are effective tion into language-building activities. tools for learning because they offer stu- This provides valuable impetuous to a dents a hypothetical environment in purposeful use of language. The competi- which they can explore alternative deci- tive feature of games also makes learners sions without the risk of failure. Thought 1 Martinson, Barbara, and Sauman Chu. “Impact and action are combined into purposeful of Learning Style on Achievement When Using Course Content Delivered Via a Game-based behavior to accomplish a goal. Playing Learning Object.” In Handbook of Research on games teaches us how to strategize, to Effective Electronic Gaming in Education, edited by R. E. Ferdig, 478-488. Pennsylvania: IGI Global, consider alternatives, and to think 2008.P. 478

22 SCIENCE, INFO RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT concentrate and think intensively during quire new experiences within a foreign the learning process, which enhances un- language with are not always possible conscious acquisition of inputs. Accord- during a typical lesson. Furthermore, to ing to the researcher Uberman most stu- quote Richard-Amato, they “add diver- dents who have experienced game ori- sion to the regular classroom activities,” ented activities hold positive attitudes to- break the ice, “but also they are used to wards them. introduce new ideas”. The scholar Wierus The benefits of using games in lan- added to mentioned ideas that in the easy, guage-learning can be summed up in fol- relaxed atmosphere which is created by lowing points. using games, students remember things Games are learner centered. Students faster and better. are in the centre of language learning. They There are many factors to consider are active participants of fun activities. while discussing games, one of which is Games are motivating and encourag- adequacy of their usage. Teachers should ing. Students can easily get involved in be very careful about choosing games if actions and fun activities. They with plea- they want to make them profitable for the sure carry out the tasks which are given. learning process. If games are to bring Games reduce stress and learning anxi- desired results, they must correspond to ety. Free stress atmosphere make learners either the student’s level, or age, or to the be confident and active. material that is to be introduced or prac- Games improve integrated language ticed. Not all games are appropriate for all skills. Through interactive games students students irrespective of their age. For ex- have a great opportunity to develop their ample, children benefit most from games reading, writing, speaking and listening which require moving around, imitating a skills. model, competing between groups and Games construct a cooperative learning the like. Furthermore, structural games environment. While learners are activat- that practice or reinforce a certain gram- ing games they support each other, work matical aspect of language have to relate cooperatively. In this way they take great to student’s abilities and prior knowledge. pleasure and also improve their real life Games become difficult when the task or skills. the topic is unsuitable or outside the stu- There are many advantages of using dent’s experience. games. According to Richard – Amato: Another factor influencing the choice “Games can lower anxiety, thus making of a game is its length and the time neces- the acquisition of input more likely”. The sary for its completion. Many games have scholar Hansen also mentioned that they a time limit, but the teacher can either are highly motivating by being entertain- allocate more or less time depending on ing, and they can give shy students more the students’ level, the number of people opportunity to express their opinions and in a group, or the knowledge of the rules feelings. They also enable learners to ac- of a games.


Games are often used as short warm- In conclusion, we agree that even if up activities or when there is some time games resulted only in noise and enter- left at the end of a lesson. Yet, as Lee ob- tained students, they are still worth pay- serves, a game “should not be regarded as ing attention to and implementing in the a marginal activity filling in odd moments classroom since they motivate learners, when the teacher and class have nothing promote communicative competence, better to do”. Games ought to be at the and generate fluency. heart of teaching foreign languages. Although games have a lot advantages REFERENCES: 1. Huyen N. Т. Т., Nga К. T. N. Learning in teaching languages, we can not deny Vocabulary Through Games. Asian EFL some disadvantages as following: Journal, 2003 Games are noisy. With their competi- 2. Lado Robert and Fries Charles C. English tive way games result in noise in class. pattern practices. Establishing the patterns as Games are time consuming. Because of habits. – University of Michigan press, 1970. being enjoyable, in some cases it is hard to 3. Lee Su Kim. Creative Games for the Lan- guage. Class Forum Vol. 33 №1 1995 finish on time. Participants don’t want to 4. Prasad E. Games in the Language, 2003. end and are eager to continue. 5. Rinvolueri М., Davis P. More grammar Games can lead to inconvenient cases, if games. – Cambridge University Press, any sides lose in it. 1992.


A.T. Sobitov student of NamSU

Abstract Vocabulary acquisition is one of the most important aspects of language learning. As it plays a big role in the development of second language. Present study aimed at finding out the effects of wordlists in vocabulary development and comparison between mobile phones and wordlists in the order of educational standards of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This study compared the use of two strategies for vocabulary learning among 100 (57 male and 43 female) students who are studying English Literature in Namangan State University. The results showed that the use of wordlists for enriching vocabulary would be a better strategy which is compared to other paramount techniques and strategies. Key words: wordlist learning, vocabulary development, learning environment, memorization, enhance, target vocabulary, adequate explanation, mobile phones.

Vocabulary learning is one of the most memorization (Baleghizadeh, 2010). Yet, important process of learning a foreign we consider that wordlists motivate the language. According to Ahmet Basal, vo- teachers and students to work together cabulary teaching is the heart of develop- with painstaking help to understand ing proficiency and achieving compe- each other. Michael Lessard Clouston tence in the target language (Basal et al, implies that the wordlists can guide both 2016). Vocabulary learning has been un- English teachers and students attention der investigation for along time. There are and efforts for comprehension and pro- a number of techniques and technologies duction of English vocabulary (Clous- which enhance vocabulary learning such ton, 2013). As vocabulary is the back- as wordlists, flashcards, learning by mo- bone of any language, developing lan- bile phones or computers. One of the old- guage skills effectively is up to the vo- est and unique vocabulary learning strat- cabulary richness. According to egies is a wordlist strategy. Sasan Talarposhti and Pourgharib, vocabulary Baleghizadeh stated that one of the old- is a care component of language profi- fashioned vocabulary learning is called ciency and provides much of the basis list learning. for how well learners speak, listen, read, Both teachers and students can gen- and write (Talarposhti and Pourgharib, erate the word list strategy; however, the 2014). Actually in the classroom, inter- words are learned out of context and the action abilities in target language has main emphasis is on repetition and been a concern for students. Conse-


Table 1. Group Number Word Mastering Total percent of students Experimental 50 600 580 96.6 % Control 50 600 400 66.6 quently, the place of vocabulary learning wordlists in the classroom, an experiment is becoming important in spoken inter- was held about two learning strategies. action and spoken production. Without This study compared the use of two strat- extensive vocabulary knowledge, even egies for vocabulary acquisition among those who show mastery of grammar 100 students who are studying English might experience the failure to commu- Literature in Namangan State University. nicate. Furthermore, writing also de- It is noticeable from the results that the mands knowing and using vocabularies use of wordlists for vocabulary learning appropriately. Additionally, we can see would be a better strategy in comparison the effects of vocabulary knowledge in to other techniques. The participants of reading and translation studies so vo- the study were 100 freshmen students of cabulary supports the four language Namangan State University where 50 skills of English. Jihyun Nam empha- (27 male & 23 female) of students were an sized that vocabulary supports not only experimental group and 50 (27 male & the four language skills of listening, 23 female) of them were under control speaking, reading, and writing, but also group. All students of two groups were mediates between ESL students and con- asked to learn the target words in twenty tent-area classes in that these students days. The target book was “Essential 1” by often find that lack of vocabulary knowl- Paul Nation. Experimental group were edge is an obstacle to learning (Nam, given wordlists and the control group 2010). were allowed to use mobile phones during In comparison to wordlist learning the testing days. In other words, an ex- technique, mobile phones are also being perimental group learned the target vo- used for learning the target language, but cabulary items through wordlists while which one is more effective, what kind of the control group learned the same vo- advantages and disadvantages they have? cabulary through mobile phones. After These questions demanded an experi- the planned period a paper-based vocab- ment. According to an educational stan- ulary was clarified. Results showed that dards of the Republic of Uzbekistan, stu- the using of wordlists is better strategy dents are not allowed to use mobile than mobile phones. By working in pairs, phones in the classroom, because using sticking the lists on the wall at home, mobile phones may interrupt others’ at- practicing over and over the experimental tention during the lesson. To find out the group managed to master target vocabu- students’ attitude towards the use of lary adequately and reached high results.


Table 2. Advantages Disadvantages ● Students can easily practice wordlists ● Students may come across to the ● Students can work out on wordlists – marking, words which are misunderstandable taking notes, crossing the words etc or without an adequate explanation ● Wordlists can be used as a game for ● If the student cannot remember the vocabulary learning among learners synonym or another version of the ● Students can easily revise unforgotten words target work while reviewing, it takes ● Wordlists can be used by sticking on the wall long time to find quickly ● Wordlists do not distract to the learning ● It is hard to pronounce difficult environment words without truly sounds of that words and transcription This remained the case, wordlist learn- motivate the learners with new strategies ing is an extraordinary and an effective in vocabulary learning (Azabdaftari and way, cause for that they can be easily prac- Mozaheb, 2012). ticed, revised. Additionally, they can be Discussion: used for interactive games by a teacher in As stated above, list learning is one of the classroom. Yet, the disadvantages of the old-fashioned vocabulary learning wordlists are also unavoidable. There are and this method is still in a line. Students some advantages and disadvantages of can learn the words on the paper without wordlists: confusion. Wordlists motivate a student as well as a teacher to work together. As a method: Working together helps both to create a It is necessary to use different and new closer bond between them. On the con- strategies in the classroom so as to make trary, mobile phones are being used as a the learners understand adequately and tool of language learning, but there are learn easily. On the other hand, different some disadvantages and problems with strategies are different learning environ- mobile phones. First of all, mobile phones ments, too. Especially, using a new strategy (smartphones, androids) are dangerous based on vocabulary learning is useful not for human body. Second of all, all the only for students, but also for teachers. The students do not have mobile phones to be teachers should spend their time on teach- used for vocabulary learning or phones ing vocabulary so as to help their students may have a small size of the screen. to deal with new words as much as possi- To sum up, we can emphasize that ble. Gilbert Dizon says “It is important for there are many important issues in teach- teachers to place emphasis on the second ing strategies which have not been opened language vocabulary that will be beneficial yet. As it is mentioned above, vocabulary to EFL students according to their abilities, learning has been under investigation for interests, and goals” (Dizon, 2016). along time by many researchers. Using By revising on and on, teachers also different strategies in teaching-learning improve their own experience. According process is so important to excellently cre- to Azabdaftari and Mozaheb, it is the re- ate an English environment and to achieve sponsibility of ESL and EFL teachers to tremendous results.


Reference: lary Acquisition and Instruction”, Journal 1. Basal, A, Yilmaz, S, Tanriverdi, A & Sari, L. of Language and Science & Linguistics, 2016. “Effectiveness of Mobile Applica- Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran. p.81 tions in vocabulary Teaching”, Contempo- 8. Nam, J. 2010. “Linking research and prac- rary Educational Technology, Yildiz Tech- tice: effective strategies for teaching vo- nical University, Turkey, 7 (1), p.47 cabulary in ESL classroom” TESL Canada 2. Available at: Journal/Revue TESL de Canada, 28 (1), cles/71/713.pdf p.127-135 3. Baleghizadeh, S & Ashoori, A. 2010. “The 9. Available at: Effect of Keyword and Word List Method 10. on Immediate Vocabulary Retention of article/view/1064/883 EFL Learners”, Pakistan Journal of Social 11. Dizon, G. 2016. “Quzilet in the EFL Class- Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University. Teh- room: enhancing academic vocabulary ran, Iran, p.252 acquisition of Japanese university stu- 4. Closuton, M, L. 2013. “Word Lists for Vo- dents”, Teaching English with Technology cabulary Learning and Teaching”, The Journal, Himeji Dokkyo University. Hime- CATESOL Journal, Biola University, p.299 ji, Japan. 16 (2), p.40 5. Available at: 12. Azabdaftari, B and Mozaheb, M, A. 2012. 6. “Comparing vocabulary learning of EFL tion/259000643_Word_Lists_for_Vocab- learners by using two different strategies: ulary_Learning_and_Teaching mobile learning vs. flashcards”, Islamic 7. Talarposhti, A, R & Pourgharib, B. 2014. Azad University, Tabriz Branch (Iran), The “The Possible effect of CALL on Vocabu- EUROCALL Review, p.54


Ulugbek Abdiev Sophomore student of the history faculty in NUUZ Annotation: There are a lot of ancient and rich history and places of worship in Uzbekistan. Over the years of independence, some of them have been restored and the surrounding landscapes have been beautified. At the same time, there are many historic sites and places of pilgrimage, which have not yet been studied, and have a voyage and travel destination. Studying, researching, and promoting them is one of the challenges facing today’s researchers. Located in the Kashkadarya Province, Langar ota is a historic- architectural complex that expects its in-depth study. Key words: Mausoleum, mosque, Bukhara masters, Abdisobir Rayimkulov, Ibn Khaval, Colonel Belyaev, B. Kastalsky, B.Litvinov, S.Kabanov, M.Masson

В современной политической карте приезжали из всего Мевароуннахра. Центральной Азии находится государ- Самый известный из шейхов это Мо- ство суверенная Республика Узбеки- хаммед Садик Ишкий, живший в стан, которая известна тем, что у неё 1460 – 1545 годах. Он руководил стро- богатая история и она вырастила вели- ительством мечети и после строитель- ких ученных, которые внесли огром- ством мавзолея, которое сохранилось ный вклад на развитие человеческой до наших дней. Среди народа Мохам- цивилизации, особенно известна тем, мед Садика называли «Лангарота» что на ее территории находится много («отцом Лангаря»).1 Сперва остано- паломнических мест для путешествия вимся на термине «Лангар». Лангар – и для паломничества. сохраняет стабильность действия и Одно из таких паломнических мест равновесия. Например, канатоходец – это архитектурный комплекс Ланга- что бы остаться на канате пользуется рота (Отец). Это паломническое место палкой лангар, чтобы остановит суд- находится в деревне Большой Лангар в но, пользуются крюкообразным ме- районе Камаши в Кашкадарьинской таллическим предметом. Место оста- области, которое относятся первой по- новки караванов для отдыха, которое ловине XVI столетия (предположи- находится на возвышенностях называ- тельно 1520 годы). Мечети и мавзолее ется лангаром, то и есть местом для построены в конце XV века и в начале остановки.2 Также, здесь в своё время XVIво время деятельности правления основались великие мыслители, кото- «шейхов Большого Лангаря», когда рые вмести с агитацией религиозных и они достигли власти и большого ува- мировых наук, побуждали народ за жение. Как пишется в источниках, в равновесие мира, непоколебимости и своё время что бы увидит и совершить 1 паломничество для больших шейхов 2


за равновесие солидарности. И поэто- Мы можем увидит высокое мастерство му в Узбекистане много деревень под стройки на окнах решетки из вырезан- названием Лангар. ного ганча, на столбах и на мраморных В мавзолее погребены отец Мохам- столбах. меда Садика шейх Абул – Хасан Иш- По декоративным надписям мече- кий (умер 1491 году), его сын (умер ти, основная часть стройки была за- 1560 году) и он сам. На могильных кончено 1519 году. Однако годы ( камнях мавзолея сохранены сведения 1748 год и 1807 – 1808 годы), которые нескольких представителей из этой высечены на вырезанных дверях и династии, а также в мавзолее есть бе- столбах означают то, что Бухарские зымянный камень, который принад- ходжи в эти годы вели реставрацион- лежит принцу из потомков Темура. ные дела.4 В архитектурной структуре мечети Памятники, которые находятся в вмести с традиционными элементами мавзолее Лангарота построены в кон- можно увидит и особенные черты. це XV века – в середине XVI века. Комплекс состоит из двух молельни и Гробница Мохаммед Садика (1465- в передней части есть веранда в соот- 1545), Абул Ҳасана (умер в 1491- ветствие с горной территорией Цен- 1492 годах) и других авторитетных лю- тральной Азии. На веранде установле- дей находится здесь, а также гробницы ны столбы с вырезанными рисунками Тимурскмх принсес и сохранились в двух рядах. На потолке собраны пе- надписи в могильных камнях. рекладины и Вассы в традиционном Мавзолей (140x12,5 м) опирается на стиле, и они красиво разукрашены, портальный куполь, на одно комнат- онив малой молельни опираются на ную (5,2x5,2) и на четырех пересечен- 4 столбах, а в большой молельни опи- ных арках. Шитовидные багалы, се- раются на 5 столбах. Малая молельня тичные нишы, декоративные арки рез- древнее, её стены построены на основе ной капительной деревянной колонны каркаса, потом рядом соорудили боль- декорированы двух слоёным цветным шую молельню и общая веранда.3 высеченным ганчом в подрезном сти- Стоит обратит внимание на декора- ле. Кирпичи расставлены в стилях тивные надписи внутри михраба, там «бандак» и «мавж» на лицевой стороне сохранены 1519 – 1520 годы, 1562 – мавзолея.5 1563 годы, 1748 год и 1807 – 1808 годы По мнению известного архиолога (даты стройки и реставрации). Абдисобира Раимкулова, в мавзолее Красота большой молельни состоит похоронены шейхе тариката (путь ду- в том, что цветы нарисованы изразцо- ховного совершенствования или на- выми декорациями. Михраб и настен- правление) ишкия в суфизма, Абул ные декорации хорошо сохранены. 4 3 Национальная энсиклопедия Узбекистана. 5 Национальная энсиклопедия Узбекистана. Пулат Захидов. Мечеть Лангарота Пулат Захидов. Мечеть Лангарота


Хасан Ишкий, его сын шейхзадаМо- архитектурные памятники, располо- хаммед Садик и его внук Абул Хасан женные в этой деревне. Он возрашаясь Охунд. По рукописям средневекового из Термеса останавливается в деревне писателя Ибн Хавкала, эта деревня Лангар и знакомится с местными па- входила в состав Сиямского района в мятниками, фотографировая их. Эти области Кеш. Название этого района фотоснимки были придемонстрирова- было известно, особенно, после 776 го- ны в 1888 году в Ташкенте в первой дов. Здесь основались восставшие фотовыставке Туркестана и заслужило местные повстанцы во главе с Мукан- внимание зрителей. После этого прие- ной против Арабского халифата.6 хавший в деревню Лангер художник Б. Полковник Бельявский, который в Литвинов, знакомится с местными 1889 году организовал военные похо- историческими памятниками и древ- ды восточные территории Бухарского неми сооружениями. Он собрав впе- Эмирата, записал в своих воспамина- чатления, пишет статью и в 1910 году ниях памятники, которые расположе- печатает в газете “Туркестанское ведо- ны в деревне Лангар. Русский военный мости”. Кроме этого, в 30 годы XX века инженер Б. Касталский в первые на- археолог С.Кабанов, в 60 годы М. Мас- учно оценил паломнические места и сон остановились в этой деревне и из- 6 учали местные историческиепамятни-


ки. Они прочитают надписи мавзолея качестве духовного богатство нашей и соберут много информации про страны. 7 жизнь Лангарских шейхов. REFERENCES: Исторически–архитектурный ком- 1. Шарапов Ш. Лангар ота зиёратгоҳи: плекс Лангарота (отец) считается ред- Асрлар силсиласидаги мувозанат. ким примером архитектура Централь- ной Азии, на основе изучения и иссле- 2. Ўзбекистон Миллий Энциклопедияси. ҳ дования этих памятников, мы можем Пўлат Зо идов. Лангарота масжиди. 3. удостоверится, что у наших предков 4. было высокое мастерство и способ- ThingsToDo/ThingsToDoView/2026; ность в архитектуре. Выше сказанные 5. слова свидетельствуют о глубоких зна- php?ID=1609; ниях и изящном вкусе наших предков 6. html; и вмести с этим ценный для всех нас в 7. 7 Шарапов Ш. Лангар ота зиёратгоҳи: Асрлар php?ID=1620 силсиласидаги мувозанат.


Jalilov Sh. Kh1*., Jabbarov O.O., Qodirova Sh.A., Khodjanova Sh.I., Khaydarova D.Q. *Department of Faculty and hospital therapy, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Abstract Most of women with dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease (CKD) come in stage-5 who are in the postmenopausal age group. Early menopause is reported for all CKD stages. The traditional explanation of menopause and pre-menopause is not applicable in CKD stage 5(D) because menses can resume with hormone replacement therapy or kid- ney transplantation methods. Treatment of vasomotor symptoms remains the primary indi- cation for hormone replacement therapy, without any research dosing, specifically designed for populations with CKD or kidney transplantation. Similarly, the risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis in menopause is well described in healthy women, but the role of menopause in accelerating the risk of transplantation of CKD/kidney remains to be explored. The lack of data and specific recommendations for the management doing the long-term effects of menopause one of the most underrated and forgotten problems of the patient in clinical nephrology. The effectiveness and side effects of commonly available therapeutic op- tions in healthy women for clinical manifestations associated with menopause, whether hormone replacement therapy vasomotor symptoms or antiresorptive agents for osteoporosis should be checked by kidney transplant and CKD populations. Longitudinal clinical trials require the definition of menopause in CKD and determining role played by CKD in the period of menopause and menopause on the manifestations of CKD. Keywords: menopause; chronic kidney disease; cardiovascular risk; vasomotor symptoms.

INTRODUCTION Vasomotor symptoms were associated Vasomotor symptoms (VMS) are with higher prevalence of cardiovascular common symptoms of menopause, oc- risk factors and subclinical markers of curring in 30-50% of cases of perimeno- cardiovascular disease. Consequently, the pause, and 30-80% of women in post- Navy can help to identify women with menopausal period. While the pathogen- increased cardiovascular risk. Indeed, esis of the Navy is not fully understood, participants in the Initiative for the pro- the Navy is believed to be due to thermo- tection of women’s health (PWH) that regulatory dysfunction, leading to exag- was developed by the Navy after meno- gerated activation of heat dissipation, in- pause (late VMS), were at increased risk cluding peripheral vasodilation and of cardiovascular events and mortality, sweating. whereas women with early VMS were

33 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA lower compared to women who had never women with kidney disease. Levels of sex experienced the Navy. It was reported that hormones in postmenopausal women af- chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects 15% fect renovascular physiology, but the clin- of all women in the United States, but ical impact of menopause on renal func- relatively little is known about the rela- tion is unclear. There are no recommen- tionship between CKD and menopause. dations on the use of postmenopausal Women with end-stage renal failure hormone therapy among the population have features of accelerated aging, prema- with kidney disease and study of the effect ture menopause, bone fractures and car- of postmenopausal hormone therapy in diovascular events. Women with earlier patients with kidney disease is limited to stages of CKD experience premature car- surrogate indicators of cardiovascular risk diovascular morbidity, but also may expe- and fractures. Study examining the effect rience an excessive burden of fractures, of postmenopausal hormone therapy on however research menopausal character- renal function and albuminuria, have re- istics across the entire spectrum of renal ported conflicting results, which probably function do not exist. In this study, we reflect differences in the composition, the sought to examine the Association be- route of administration, accompanying tween CKD, the symptoms of menopause progestin and the timing of the start of (particularly VMS), mortality and cardio- treatment. Large, prospective study exam- vascular events. We hypothesized that ining the relationship between renal func- women with CKD will have earlier and tion and menopause, as well as the impact more severe menopause symptoms. Giv- of postmenopausal hormone therapy on en that late VMS (i.e., not present during important clinical outcomes in women menopause, but appearing later) are as- with kidney disease. sociated with increased cardiovascular The time and duration of VMS was (CV) risk, we hypothesized that the rela- analyzed Catharine L. Cheung et al. using tionship between late VMS and mortality categories previously identified WHI as and CV events is increased in women follows: with CKD. (1) no VMS, if women reported that Premature menopause, defined as sec- had never experienced VMS ondary amenorrhea, is common in wom- (2) early VMS, if women reported en with kidney disease. In addition, an VMS that started before menopause, but aging population has led to increase in was not present at baseline of the study, postmenopausal women with kidney dis- (3) constant VMS, if the women re- ease. Although the pathophysiology is ported VMS, which began to menopause poorly understood, liver transplantation and was present at the initial study level, and more frequent hemodialysis may re- (4) late VMS, if women reported that store menstruation and fertility, high- had VMS to menopause, but reported lighting the problems of diagnosis and VMS at baseline of the study. management of menopausal transition We also evaluated, and changed if


Table 1. Diagnosis of CKD depending on the state of kidney function and the presence of damage markers Renal damage markers GFR, Yes No ≥ 90 CKD Norm 60-89 CKD Risk group < 60 CKD CKD

CKD the connection between late VMS of perimenopause, and 30-80% of women and mortality from all causes, coronary in post-menopausal period. While the heart disease (CHD) and cerebrovascular pathogenesis of VMS is not fully under- disease (CVD). Mortality was determined stood, VMS, believed to be due to ther- by a record of hospitalization from the moregulatory dysfunction, leading to ex- time of death and the corresponding hos- aggerated activation of heat dissipation, pitalization to death, if you were in-hospi- including peripheral vasodilation and tal death, and also records the opening sweating. Vasomotor symptoms were as- and the diagnoses of death certificates. To sociated with higher prevalence of cardio- find out the cause of death for all partici- vascular risk factors and subclinical pants, data were linked with national markers of cardiovascular disease. There- death index National center for health fore, VMS can help to identify women statistics throughout the study. Ischemic with increased cardiovascular risk. In- heart disease was defined as hospitalized deed, participants in the Initiative for myocardial infarction (MI), a certain qui- women’s health initiatives, who developed et MI and coronary death. Myocardial VMS after menopause (late VMS), were at infarction was defined by medical history, increased risk of cardiovascular events electrocardiogram and results of cardiac and mortality, whereas women with early enzymes / troponin. Cerebrovascular ac- VMS was lower compared to women who cident was defined as rapid onset of per- never experienced VMS. It was reported sistent (lasting more than 24 hours) neu- that chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects rological deficit associated with obstruc- 15% of all women in Uzbekistan, but rela- tion or rupture of the brain arterial system tively little is known about the relation- without evidence of another cause. The ship between CKD and menopause. events were considered officially trained Women with end-stage renal failure have judges after self-reporting through the features of accelerated aging, premature annual (observational studies) or semian- menopause, bone fractures and cardio- nual (clinical trials) questionnaires. vascular events. 10-14 women with earlier On the other hand, vasomotor symp- stages of CDK experience premature car- toms (VMS) are common symptoms of diovascular morbidity and may also expe- menopause, occurring in 30-50% of cases rience an excess burden of fractures, how-

35 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA ever research menopausal characteristics which leads to their functional overload, across the entire spectrum of renal func- damage with further hardening. However, tion do not exist. to date, increased glomerular filtration is Criteria for the diagnosis of CKD: not included among the independent di- 1) Presence of any markers of kidney agnostic criteria for CKD, but is consid- damage: ered a risk factor for its development. The a) Clinical and laboratory (first of presence of CKD in diabetes mellitus and all, increased albuminuria / protein- obesity is indicated only if there are mark- uria, confirmed with repeated studies ers of renal damage, first of all, increased and persisting for at least 3 months; albuminuria. b) Irreversible structural changes in The level of GFR in the range of 60- the kidney, detected by radiation stud- 89 ml / min / 1.73 m2 in the absence of ies (for example, ultrasound) or mor- signs of renal damage is referred to as the phological examination of the renal “initial decrease in GFR”, but a CKD diag- biopsy; nosis is not made. For persons 65 years and/or and older, this is regarded as a variant of 2) Reduction in glomerular filtration the age norm. Persons younger than this rate (GFR) to < 60 ml/min/1.73 m2, age are recommended to monitor kidney which lasts for three months or more. condition at least 1 time per year and to Thus, the concept of CKD consists of actively prevent CKD. two components: signs of kidney damage At the same time, a decrease in GFR to and a decrease in GFR. less than 60 ml / min / 1.73 m2, even in It is important to emphasize that at the the complete absence of signs of kidney beginning of the development of CKD, damage and regardless of age, not only the kidney function may remain intact for indicates the presence of CKD, but also a long time, despite the presence of pro- corresponds to its advanced stages (3-5). nounced signs of damage. In normal or For example, a CKD 3A stage will be diag- elevated GFR, as well as in patients with nosed in a patient with a GFR of 55 ml / its initial decrease (60≤ GFR <90 ml / min min / 1.73 m2 with absolutely normal / 1.73 m2), the presence of signs of kidney urine tests and an ultra-sonic picture of damage is a prerequisite for the diagnosis the kidneys. of CKD. Depending on the level of GFR, 5 stag- GFR more than 120 ml / min / es of CKD are distinguished. Patients with 1.73 m2 is also considered a deviation stage 3 CKD are most prevalent in the from the norm, since in persons suffering population, while at the same time, this from diabetes and obesity, it may reflect group is heterogeneous in the risk of car- the phenomenon of hyper-filtration, that diovascular complications, which increas- is, the glomerular disruption caused by es as the GFR decreases. Therefore, it was their increased perfusion with the devel- proposed to divide the CKD stage 3 into opment of glomerular hypertension, two substages – A and B.


Principles of CKD treatment in body, where diseases of aging appear early menopause period: in the course of life of CKD. Women with • The earliest possible start is re- CKD also had fewer and less persistent quired. VMS VMS, suggesting that CKD may • Diet and lifestyle correction are very prevent the pathogenesis of this condi- important. tion. Further studies are needed to fully • Many targeted clinical and labora- characterize how CKD affects other as- tory indicators have narrow range pects of gender-health. optimal values References • The importance of regular surveys 1. Thurston RC, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Everson- in order to verify the effectiveness Rose SA, Hess R, Matthews KA. Hot flash- and safety therapy es and subclinical cardiovascular disease: • Many components of the nephro- findings from the Study of Women’s protective strategy have increased Health Across the Nation Heart Study. Circulation. Sep 16; 2008 118(12):1234– risk of complications with reduced 1240. kidney function. Restriction of 2. Health NIo. State-of-Science Conference drugs with renal excretion statement: management of menopause-re- • Danger and, often, inevitability of lated symptoms. Annals of internal medi- polyphragmas cine. Jun 21; 2005 142(12 Pt 1):1003–1013. 3. Gerber LM, Sievert LL, Warren K, Picker- • Continuity and continuity of treat- ing TG, Schwartz JE. Hot flashes are asso- ment (inpatient clinic, department ciated with increased ambulatory systolic • Conservative Nephrology (Dialysis blood pressure. Menopause. Mar-Apr;2007 Center) 14(2):308–315. • The importance of active participa- 4. Lambrinoudaki I, Augoulea A, Armeni E, tion of the patient, self-control. Pa- et al. Menopausal symptoms are associated with subclinical atherosclerosis in healthy tient schools with CKD recently postmenopausal women. Climac- The main goal of the nephroprotective teric: the journal of the International strategy is to slow the progress or reverse Menopause Society. Aug; 2012 15(4):350– development of a decrease in renal func- 357. tion. It is this criterion used to assess the 5. Deecher DC, Dorries K. Understanding the pathophysiology of vasomotor symp- effectiveness of the treatment of CKD in toms (hot flushes and night sweats) that clinical studies. In practical nephrology, it occur in perimenopause, menopause, and is also possible to determine the effective- postmenopause life stages. Archives of ness of therapy by slowing the rate of GFR women’s mental health. 2007; 10(6):247– decline. 257. 6. Shoji T, Emoto M, Tabata T, et al. Ad- vanced atherosclerosis in predialysis pa- CONCLUSION tients with chronic renal failure. Kidney Thus, women with predominantly international. Jun; 2002 61(6):2187–2192. mild CKD reported earlier menopause in 7. Gast GC, Grobbee DE, Pop VJ, et al. accordance with other systems of the Menopausal complaints are associated


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А.Н. Муҳаммадиев СамИСИ, “Ахборот технологиялари” кафедраси ассистенти М.О. Бозоров СамИСИ, БХ-117 гурух талабаси

Аннотатсия Мақолада инновацон ғоялар ва технологияларнинг ижтимоий-иқтисодий ҳаётга тадбиқи, инновацион иқтисодиётга рақобатдош кадрларни тайёрлаш,ёшларни инновацияга қизиқишини ошириш,уларнинг инновацион ғояларини кашф этиш учун тўсиқ бўлаётган муаммолар ва уларни ечишга қаратилган фикрлар ёритиб ўтилган. Калит сўзлар: инноваця,инновацон технологиялар,инновацон фаолият, инно- вацон тадбиркорлик, Амарант, инновацон марказ,инновацон бизнес. Аннотация В статье излагаются проблемы,связанные с внедрением инноватсонных идей и технологий в социально-экономическую жизнь,подготовка высококвалифици- онных кадров в инноватсонной экономике, повышение интереса молодежи к инноватсям,открытие инноватсонных идей и их разрешение. Ключевые слова: инноватся,инноватсонные технологии,инноватсонная дея- тельность, инноватсонное предпринимательство,амарант, инноватсонный центр, инноватсонный бизнес. Annotation The article outlines the issues that are hindering the implementation of innovate ideas and technologies in socio-economic life,training highly qualified personnel in the innovation-driven economy,raising young people’s interest in innovation,discovery of their innovate ideas and their solutions. Key words: innotation, innovative technologies,innovative activity,innovative entr epreneurship,amarant,innovation center, innovative business.

Ҳозирги пайтда иқтисодий ривож- қолаверса шу мамлакатда яшаётган ланган ва ривожланаётган мамлакат- аҳолининг турмуш даражасининг ях- ларда инновацион ғоялар ва техноло- шиланишига катта ёрдам беради. Бу- гияларнинг қўлланилиши ва тадбиқ гунги кунда дунёнинг кўплаб мамла- қилиниши албатта давлатнинг катларида иқтисодиётни ривожланти- ижтимоий-иқтисодий жиҳатидан, риш учун ўзида фаннинг турли


соҳаларини қамраб олган, илмий ёнда- ни ривожлантиришга алоҳида эътибор шувни талаб қиладиган ишлаб қаратилмоқда. Шунингдек, Республи- чиқаришни ривожлантиришнинг стра- камиз Президенти Ш.М. Мирзиёев то- тегик вазифалари олиб борилмоқда. монидан янги 2018 йилни “Фаол тад- Албатта бундай ишларнинг натижала- биркорлик, инновацион ғоялар ва тех- рини ривожланган мамлакатларда яра- нологияларни қўллаб-қувватлаш йили” тилган миллий инновацион тизимлари деб эълон қилинганлиги ҳам бундай иқтисодий ўсишни юқори суръатларга йўналишларга алоҳида эътибор кўтараётганлигини ва уларнинг бугун- қаратилаётганлигидандир. 1Зероки, ги иқтисодий-ижтимоий Мухтарам Президентмиз Ш.Мирзиёев кўрсатгичларида яққол ўз ифодасини таъкидлаб ўтганларидек “ Бугун биз топаётганини кўришимиз мумкин.Бун- давлат ва жамият ҳаётининг барча дай инновацион ғояларни ва техноло- соҳаларини тубдан янгилашга гияларни асосан ишлаб чиқаришда ва қаратилган инновацион ривожланиш атроф муҳитга нисбатан тадбиқ қилиш йўлига ўтмоқдамиз. Бу бежиз эмас, албатта бу йўналишлардаги муаммо- албатта. Чунки замон шиддат билан ларни ечишга ва ишлаб чиқаришдаги ривожланиб бораётган ҳозирги даврда иш унумдорлигини оширишга ёрдам ким ютади? Янги фикр, янги ғояга, беради. Ҳозирги вақтда дунёда ишлаб инновацияга таянган давлат ютади. чиқаришда ҳам балки илм фан нуқтаи Инновация- бу келажак дегани. Биз назаридан ҳам инновацон ғоялар ва буюк келажагимизни барпо этишни технологияларга бўлган талаб ортиб, бугундан бошлайдиган бўлсак, уни ай- ёшларнинг бунга қизиқиши ва нан инновацион ғоялар, инновацион қолаверса ижтимоий-иқтисодий ёндашув асосида бошлашимиз керак”. ҳаётни яхшилашга қаратилган Албатта инновацион технологияларни ўзларининг инновацион ғоялари ва ва ғояларни ишлаб чиқиш ва амалда технологияларини тақдим этаётганла- тадбиқ этиш ўз самарасини бермай рини кўришимиз мумкин. Хусусан, қолмайди. Биргина мисол учун олтин Ўзбекистон Республикасида ҳам инно- таркибли маъданларни қазиш ва қайта вацион ғояларни қўллаб қўвватлашга ишлаш бўйича 2Навоий КМК саноат ва инновацион технологияларни яра- комплекси йиллар давомида юқори тиш уларни ишлаб чиқаришга қўллаш, техник-иқтисодий кўтсатгичлар ва ин- ёшларнинг илмий тадқиқот ва иннова- новацион технологиялар билан турғун цион фаолиятини ишлаб келмоқда. Бунинг натижасида ривожлантириш,инновацион техноло- мустақиллик йилларида олтин ишлаб гияларга қизиқиши баланд бўлган ёш- 1 O’zbekiston Rspublikasi Prezidenti Shavkat Mir- ларни кашф этиш ва уларнинг ziyoyevning Oliy Majlisga Murojatnomasi 2017-yil янги,рақобатдош инновацион 22-dekabr. documents/o-zbekiston-republikasi-prezidenti- ғояларини хаётга тадбиқ этишга ва shavkat-mirziyoyevning-o-22-12-2017 2 Eng yangi texnologiyalar Navoiy kon-metallur- қолаверса инновацион тадбиркорлик- giya kombinati


чиқариш 1,5 бараварга ўсди. Бу ютуқлар циялар индексини чоп этди. Рейтингда амалдаги корхоналарни тўлиқ техник илмий-тадқиқот фаолияти ривожлани- қайта жиҳозлаш ва инновацион техноло- ши, олий таълим самарадорлиги, патент- гияларни қўллаш,янги ишлаб лар миқдори, мамлакатда ишлаб чиқаришларни қуриш,шунингдек олтин чиқарилувчи инновацион маҳсулотлар ишлаб чиқариш самарадорлигини сези- ҳисобга олинади.Рейтингнинг биринчи ларли оширадиган энг янги илмий-тех- поғонасини 5 йилдан бери Жанубий Ко- ник ишланмаларни жорий этиш рея эгаллаб келмоқда.2-ўринда Швеция ҳисобига мумкин бўлди. Бундай самара- жойлашган, 3-ўринни эса Сингапур ли натижаларга эришишда албатта иш- эгаллади.Хусусан жанубий-шарқий Оси- лаб чиқилган инновацион технология- ёнинг юраги бўлмиш Сингапур иннова- ларни ва ғояларни қўллаб қувватлаш ҳам цион технологиялари,қатор лойиҳа ва муҳим ўрин касб этади. Ҳозирда юрти- ғоялари билан пешқадамликни қўлга мизда олимлар ва ёш тадқиқотчилар то- олган кичик-шаҳар давлатлардир.Сўнги монидан тақдим этилаётган инновацион пайтларда унга “инновациялар марка- ишланмалар ҳам диққатга сазовор зи”, ”юқори технологилар давлати” дея ҳисобланади.Хусусан Андижонлик таъриф берилмоқда.У маҳаллий валюта олимлар томонидан шўрланган тупроқда биржаси бўйича дунёда тўртинчи ўса оладиган, озиқ-овқат ва фарматсев- ўринни эгаллайди.Сингапур тика соҳасида ноёб табиий хусусиятга электроника,молия ва биотехнология эга бўлган “Амарант” ўсимлиги, “Мато- соҳасида фаолият юрутувчи кўплаб нат транс сервис” МЧЖ ходимлари то- корхоналар макони ҳамдир.Инноваци- монидан онлайн режимида ишлайдиган, он тараққиётга эришган давлатлардан бир қанча вазифани бажара оладиган бири Жанубий Кореядир. Жанубий Ко- терминал, ва бошқа ишланмаларни ай- рея ютуқларига қайси омиллар сабаб тиб ўтиш мумкин. Жаҳон бўлганини таҳлил қилар эканмиз, у иқтисодиётининг истиқболдаги иннова- авваламбор, юксак ривожланган хори- цион ривожланиш йўналишларини бел- жий давлатлар тажрибасини ўрганиш гиловчи асосий омиллар ҳисобланган орқали муфаққият пойдеворини фан-технология тараққиёти, инсон ин- қўйганини кўрамиз. Инновацион теллектуал салоҳияти ва ёш келажак ав- ғоялар ва технологиялар билан лоднинг юқори билимларни эгаллаши уйғунликда дунёда ижтимоий- уни янги чўққиларга олиб чиқадиган иқтисодий ривожланишнинг иннова- омиллардан бири ҳисобланади. Дунёда цион омили сифатида инновацион тад- бу йўналишларда етакчилик қилаётган биркорлик турфа ташкилий шакллари бир қанча мамлакатларини айтиб ўтиш ривожланмоқда ва унга бўлган талаб мумкин. Мисол учун3 Блоомберг нашри ҳам ортиб бормоқда.Инновациянинг дунё давлатларининг анъанавий иннова- зарурлигига асосланган, инновацион ғоялар базасининг пайдо бўлиши, ин- 3 hayot/1542-innovatsion-rivojlangan-mamlakatlar новацияни амалга ошириш мақсади


билан ташкилий инновацион жараён- ғояларини қўллаб қўвватлаш,уларни лар ва технологияни қўллаш ва амалда қўллаш инсон турмуш тарзи- аниқлашни таъминлайди.Замонавий нинг янада яхшиланишига ва ижтимоий-иқтисодий ривожланиш- иқтисодий ривожланишни тезлашти- нинг тезлаштириш аҳамиятли даража- рилишига олиб келадиган омиллардан да инновацион жараённинг самарадор- бири ҳисобланади аммо шу билан бир- лиги билан боғлиқ. Ўз навбатида инно- га мамлакатимизда ёшлар инновация- вацион жараённинг самарадорлиги ларини амалда қўллаш,ракобатдош инновацион бизнес ташкилий тузил- кадрларни тайёрлаш, уларнинг бу бо- масининг мустаҳкамлиги, инновацион радаги билим ва кўникмаларини оши- тадбиркорлик билан аниқланади. Ин- ришдаги қуйидаги тизимли муаммо- новацион тадбиркорликнинг авзаллиги ларнинг мавжудлигини кўришимиз инновацион ғояларни қидиришга ин- мумкин, яъни: тилиш, янги лойиҳаларни амалга оши- Инновацион ғоялар ва технология- ришга интилиш ва қайта ишлаш адек- ларни ишлаб чиқиш ва жорий этиш татив ташкилий механизмларни талаб учун мавжуд имкониятлар ва қилади. Инновацион тадбиркорлик- салоҳиятлардан етарлича фойдалан- нинг ташкилий тузулмасининг маслик, мустаҳкамлиги инновацион жараён- Ёшларнинг инновацион ғояларини нинг аниқ топшириқларини қўллаб қувватлайдиган марказларнинг ривожланиши,заҳиралар билан таъ- мамлакатнинг кўпгина жойларида минланганлиги, аниқ маълумот баъза- йўқлиги ; сига эга эканлиги, инновацион Ёшларни иқтисодий-ижтимоий лойиҳани амалга ошириш доирасини ҳаётни яхшилашга қаратилган янгидан кўрсатади. Инновацион тадбиркорлик янги бўлаётган ўзгаришлар ва яратил- доимий равишда ўзгаришни,янги ғоя, ган инновацион технологиялардан янги товар модификатсияси ва бошқа етарлича хабардор бўлмаслиги; янгиликларни жорий қилувчи ташки- Маълум бир йўналишда чуқур би- лий формаларни жорий қилишни на- лимга ва шу йўналишдаги мавжуд му- зарда тутади. Умуман олганда замона- аммолар ҳақида етарлича маълумотга вий шароитларда жаҳон фани ва инно- эга эмаслиги; вация фаолиятининг ютуқларидан кенг Юзага келган янги фикр,ғоя ёки фойдаланиш жамият ва давлат технологияларни синовдан ўткариш ҳаётининг барча соҳаларини изчил ва учун моддий-техника баъзасини етиш- барқарор ривожлантиришнинг, мамла- маслиги ёки замон талабига жавоб катнинг муносиб келажагини барпо бермаслиги; этишнинг муҳим омили бўлиб Келтириб ўтилган муаммолар ёш- бормоқда.Ҳозирги пайтда Инновацион ларнинг инновацион ғояларида ғоялар ва технологияларни ишлаб кўзланган ислоҳотларни самарали чиқиш, ёшларнинг инновацион амалга оширилишига ҳамда мамлакат-


нинг жадал инновацион ривожлани- лаганларидек: “Энг янги замонавий шига тўсқинлик қилмоқда. ўқув воситалари билан таъминланган Юқорида келтирилган ва бошқа таълим муассаларида эскидан қолган ҳолатлар инновацион ғоялар ва техно- ўқитиш усулларининг давом этишига логияларни ишлаб чиқиш ва жорий йўл қуйиб бўлмайди”. этишни ташкил қилиш соҳасида дав- Мамлакатимиздаги инновацион лат бошқарувининг институтсионал ва ғоялар, ишланмалар ва технологиялар- ташкилий-ҳуқуқий асосларини тубдан ни тарғиб қилиш ва улардан амалий такомиллаштиришни талаб қилади. фойдаланишнинг механизмларини Илғор хорижий тажриба, жаҳон фани- шакллантириш, Ўрта махсус ва Олий нинг замонавий ютуқлари, инноваци- таълим муассаларида “Информатика” он ғоялар, ишланмалар ва технология- ва “Ахборот-коммуникация технологи- лар асосида иқтисодиётнинг барча ялари” фани билан биргаликда ёки тармоқларини ва ижтимоий соҳани алоҳида ҳолатда “Инновацион ғоялар жадал инновацион ривожлантиришни ва технологиялар” фанини жорий этиб, таъминлаш мумкин.Хусусан ёшларга бу дарс давомида ҳозирги кун замона- ўзларининг инновацион изланишлари- вий техника ва технологияларидан ха- ни қўшимча равишда маҳсулот олган бардор этиш, уларда бу нарсалар буйи- ҳолда маҳсулот таннархини тушириш ча қизиқиш уйғотиш, мавжуд муаммо- ёки кам харажатли, унумли бўлган лар юзасидан қандай ечимларни топиш ўринбосар маҳсулотларни ишлаб мумкинлиги юзасидан мунозаралар чиқариш, сарфланаётган материаллар- ўтказиш, Урта махсус ва Олий таълим га бўлган эҳтиёжларни қисқартириш, муассаларида “Инновация” марказла- ишлаб чиқариш қувватини ошириш рини ташкил қилиш, ўқувчиларга дарс ҳамда минтақада айрим экологик му- жараёнида амалиёт дарсларини уларда аммоларни ечишга йўналтириш ҳақида кўпроқ тасаввур уйғотиш учун уларга тушунча ва билимларни бериш йўналишга мос жойларда ўтиш,улар албатта мақсадга муофиқ бўлади.Биз томонидан ишлаб чиқилган ғоя ва тех- юқорида ёшларнинг инновацион нологияларни қўллаб қувватлаш, улар- ғоялари ва технологияларини синов- ни рағбатлантириш, бозорнинг тез дан ўткариш учун моддий –техника ўзгарувчан жаҳон конюнктурасини баъзасини етишмаслиги ҳам юртимиз- ҳисобга олган ҳолда миллий да Инновацион ривожланишнинг иқтисодиётни жадал ривожлантиришга кўрсатгичларига таъсир қилаётганини кўмаклашишга қаратилган илмий айтиб ўтдик аммо бу тизим ва тадқиқотлар ўтказиш албатта йўналишлар буйича ёшларга ёрдам бе- иқтисодий-ижтимоий соҳаларнинг тез ришда уларга ўзгача руҳдаги таълим фурсатда ўсишига ёрдам беради. Зеро- беришни ҳам тақозо этади. Зероки ки ўсиб келаётган ёш авлоднинг Ўзбекистон Республикасининг бирин- кучли билим, тафаккурга эга экан- чи Президенти И.А. Каримов таъкид- лиги ва юқори инновацион


технологиялар-тараққиётнинг бир- шавкат-мирзиёевнинг-о-22-12-2017 2. Энг янги технологиялар Навоий кон- ламчи белгисидир. металлургия комбинати ҳттпс://www. Фойдаланилган адабиётлар нгмк.уз/уз/абоут/теч рўйҳати: 3. ҳттпс://www.узҳуррият.уз/индех.пҳп/ 1. Ўзбекистон Рспубликаси Президенти ижтимоий-ҳаёт/1542-инновацион- Шавкат Мирзиёевнинг Олий Мажлис- ривожланган-мамлакатлар га Мурожатномаси 2017-йил 22-де- 4. И.А. Каримов “Юксак маънавият –ен- кабр. ҳттп://уза.уз/уз/доcументс/ гилмас куч.-Т,; “Маънавият”,2008.- о-збекистон-републикаси-президенти- 176б


Ro‘ziyev Elbek, Eshqulova Nargiza, Xursandov Mahmud, Nizomiddinov Obidxon Termiz davlat universiteti o‘zbek filologiyasi fakulteti talabalari. Annotatsiya Ushbu maqolada shimoliy Afg‘oniston o‘zbek tili shevalarining qiyosiy tasnifi keltirilgan. O‘zbek adabiy tili bilan shevalar o‘rtasidagi munosabat ko‘rsatib berilgan. Shevalarning milliy tilni boyitishdagi keng imkoniyatlari ochib berilgan. Kalit so‘z: sheva, dialekt, leksik xususiyat, lahja, qarluq, o‘g‘uz, qipchoq

O‘zbek tili qadimiy va boy tarixga 2) turk-barlos lahjasi ega tildir. Bu til nafaqat O‘zbekiston 3) xeva-urganch lahjasi1 hududida balki, o‘zbek xalqi istiqomat Olim ushbu tasnifida o‘zbek-qipchoq qiladigan Markaziy Osiyo mamlakatlari- lahjasiga O‘zbekistonning Ohangaron da, Afg‘oniston, Turkiya, Saudiya Ara- vodiysida, Mirzacho‘lda, Samarqand, bistoni, Avstraliya, Xitoy xalq Respub- Zarafshon, Buxoro atroflarida, Qashqa- likasi Uyg‘ur-Shinjon provinsiyasida, daryo va Surxondaryo vohalarida, shun- qisman Mongoliyada ham o‘zaro aloqa ingdek, Tojikistonda va Afg‘onistonning aralashuv vositasi sifatida iste’molda. shimolida yashovchi o‘zbek shevalarni Lekin shu bilan birgalikda bu tillar gar- kiritgan. chi, o‘zbek tili bo‘lsada, o‘ziga xos etnik Afg‘oniston o‘zbek tili lahjalarga boy hamda fonetik, leksik, morfologik, qis- tildir. Lekin u alohida til sifatida chuqur man sintaktik xususiyatlari bilan far- tadqiq etilgani yo‘q. Bunga ko‘pgina ijti- qlanuvchi belgilarga ega. Quyida biz, moiy-siyosiy omillar sabab bo‘lgan. Afg‘oniston o‘zbek tilidagi shevalar O‘zbeklar Bodg‘istondan Badaxshonga- haqida va ulardan ma’lum darajada cha bo‘lgan keng hududlarda yashab kel- na’munalar keltirishga harakat qildik. gan. Etnik o‘zbeklar Afg‘oniston shi- Maqsad, asli bir til bo‘lgan lekin, ikki xil moliy viloyatlaridan ko‘proq Faryob va taraqqiyot bosqichini bosib o‘tgan bu Taxorda yashaydilar. O‘zbek tili asosan tillarning dialektal o‘xshashliklarini qarluq, o‘g‘uz, qipchoq lahjalariga ko‘rsatish. Bunda Afg‘onistonda nashr bo‘lingani kabi Afg‘oniston o‘zbeklari qilingan Afg‘oniston o‘zbeklarining tilida ham bu lahjalarni uchratamiz. Jum- xalq maqollari va frazeologik iboralari- ladan hududiy jihatdan quyidagicha tavsi- ga oid kitoblarga tayanildi. flanadi: Professor G‘ozi Olim Yunusov o‘zbek Qarluq lahjasida so‘zlaydigan shevalarini uch lahjaga ajratadi. Bular: 1 Reshetov V.V. Shoabdurahmonov Sh. O’zbek 1) o‘zbek qipchoq lahjasi dialektologiyasi. T-1959. 20-bet.


هگگنیناج کنس هلیت لاج ندیگوج o‘zbeklar Badaxshon, Toxar, Qunduz, bo‘ldi یدلب الاب Balx, Juzjon, Sarpul, Faryob, Bog‘iz va Hirotda yashaydilar; Yo‘l so‘zi jo‘l tarzida ifodalangan. Qipchoq lahjasida so‘zlovchi qдж: رل هتا)’’Misollar “ Otalar so‘zi -aqlning ko‘zi 3 -to‘plab nashrga tayyorl ( یذوگ گنین یقع، یذوس Jo‘gidan jo‘l tilasang joningga balo agan Solih Muhammad Xassos hijriy 1392, mil- odiy 2013.26-bet 2 Olim Ko’hkan. “ Afg‘oniston o’zbek tilining 4 Uzbek language phraziologic dictionary ( in o‘tmishi va bugungi ahvoli’’ maqola. Afganistan uzbek language ) Prof. H. Yorqin elektron sayti. 2013-y.10-iyun. Tehron: 2013 106 bet.

46 SCIENCE, INFO RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT -To‘plab nashrga tayyor .ذوگ گنین یقع، :Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar 1. Reshetov V.V. Shoabdurahmonov Sh. lagan Solih Muhammad Xassos hijriy O‘zbek dialektologiyasi. –T.:1959. 1392, milodiy 2013. 2. Ashirboyev S. “O‘zbek dialektologiya- 5. Olim Ko‘hkan. “ Afg‘oniston o‘zbek tilining si” –T.: 2011. o‘tmishi va bugungi ahvoli’’ maqola. Turon- 3. Mahmud Halim Yorqin “Uzbek language elektron sayti. 2013-y.10-iyun. phraziologic dictionary (in Afganistan uz- 6. Nurulloh Oltoy “ Afg‘oniston o‘zbek ad- bek language)’’Tehron, 2013 abiy tili muammolari”. 25.01.2017. www. یذوس رل هتا ’”Otalar so‘zi -aqlning ko‘zi “ .4


Researcher: Nazarov Nodirjon Namozovich is a student of the Tashkent Financial Institute Research advisor: Tursunova M Annotation: Innovative ideas and projects play a crucial role in the socio-economic, political, cultural life of developed countries. Therefore, these countries are leaders in the world rating. In this article, we can see that the economy’s link to innovation is in line with the recommendations of the credit system. In the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan we can see that innovation is not only technical but also new ideas. The trends in eco- nomic development and how innovation can lead to positive changes, economic freedom for the state, entrepreneurship, and the importance of youth are analyzed in this article. Key words: Innovation, GDP, Estimation (russian Accounts’ plan, document), Modernization, Credit, IDB (Islamic Development Bank), Labor Distribution, Mort- gage, RR (Refinancing Rate)

We know that in history, armed wars were the most effective way to conquer a coun- try. In the twenty-first century of technology, we can say that in order to establish a government in any country, moral attacks, information wars, and economic struggles are the most alternative way. The potential of developed and developing countries is ana- lyzed in relation to its economic potential. Innovation, youth, technology and entrepre- neurship are an important link in the social-economical and political life of any devel- oped and developing country. Given the importance of these in the economy of the state, we can briefly say “innovative economy”. Looking at the systems of today’s developed countries, we can see that each of them has innovative experimental ideas. The answer to the question of how the innovative economy benefits the state is the following: 1. Sustainable economic growth 2. Modernization of production (service) 3. Proper organization of Labor Distribution 4. Demand for new innovative ideas As the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I. A. Karimov noted, «If economic growth, development is the body of our society, politics, spirituality and enlightenment is its spirit.» The economic development is so significant that it is also permissible to dwell on the banking system. In each country, the banking system has a unique perfect structure, and the major part of this system is the sector of loan. Loan – lending for a certain period of time with the obligation to repay the goods, services and cash on a mutually agreed basis. There are state, bank, consumer, com- mercial, international, mortgages and other types of loan. On the basis of this, entre- preneurs, legal entities and individuals will be able to prepare their own estimate and finance their activities. In every country, whether politically or economically, devel-

48 SCIENCE, INFO RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT opment comes from the needs of consumers and citizens in that country. As is stated above, loaning system is also based on the needs and demands of the people. If we analyze the social structure of developing Muslim countries, we will see that in some which is leading economic capabilities, there is a considerable number of applicants willing to go on a pilgrimage which is one of Islamic religion goals. In particular, in Uz- bekistan in 2013, 5200 people were sent on a pilgrimage trip, and 7200 in 2017, 10 000 in 2018, 4585 in Kyrgyzstan in 2017, and 2500 in Kazakhstan. Is not it time to introduce the “Hajj” loan project in the countries of the loaning system? Of course, religiously one should go to the pilgrimage of hajj only in accoun of his or her own money, however this type of loan is only for poor citizens who can not afford to make a high payment at once. It is not easy to implement this project in practice, but many Muslims will succeed if this project is implemented. The use of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) partnership in implementing the offer is of particular importance, or at least one bank is required to provide this project at a rate of 2-3% lower than the refinancing rate to create comforts for clients, on account of this rate, it is possible to establish a “hajj” fund within the bank. The goal of the “Hajj” Fund is to ensure that the client does not suffer from this type of loan refinancing rate (RR) on account of a low rate and is valid only within Uzbek citizens. It is possible to predict that the funds raised in this fund will cover 2-3% of losses from the RR (refinancing rate), in particular in Uzbekistan, with 2-3% profit. Particular attention has been paid to the banking system, when we have talked about economic development above, but it is not right to just link it to the economic growth. Economic growth is closely related to entrepreneurship in a particular country, the demography, GDP (Gross Domestic Product), the role of the state in the economy and so on. It should be noted that independence not only for economic but also for all-round development is the most im- portant factor. In particular, if we analyze the economic tendency of the post-indepen- dence economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan on GDP (Gross Domestic Product), we will get statistical growth in GDP by 2012-2017, as compared to the previous years:


While focusing on innovative development, it should be said that innovation is not just the technology, but a new set of ideas and concepts. As for global governance, we see the trend of economic and social development over the world is as a result of in- novation. It is a clear proof that the new ideas are just what young people should do in the future and any country’s future is related to the youth. References: 1. I. A. Karimov «Uzbekistan to the great future» Tashkent. 1999 2. Sh. R. Kobilov «Economic theory» Tashkent. 2013 3. 4. Scientific Conference «Problems of Intercultural Communication in the Republic of Uzbekistan on Continuous Education and Issues of Their Implementation» 2018. 228-229 p 5. Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the topic of «Priori- ties in raising the social activity of young people in the process of deepening democratic reforms.» Tashkent 2018. 138-139 p 6. «Money and banks» A. Omonov, M.Koraliyev «economics-finance» 2018. 164 p



Qutbiddin Jalolov Student of Tashkent Financial Institute: Scientific supervisor: Teacher of Tashkent Financial Institute Gulnur Adilova

Annotation. The article outlines the issues of improving the range of innovative insur- ance services in Uzbekistan’s insurance market, as well as the development challenges. Key concepts: adjuster, assistan service, insurance market, insurance premium, insurance payment, insurance service.

The Republic of Uzbekistan has en- nancial institutions and free resources of tered into a new stage of development of the population. the insurance market, as a full participant Sectors achieved in the economy, long- in reforming all the economic sectors of term goals for the future, real and predict- society. At this stage, it will be able to re- able situation on the world market, and flect that interest in a way that can offer the key priorities and priorities of the solutions to vital problems for the devel- 2018 economic program. It is also impor- opment of the insurance market in our tant that the development of the export- country. The role and importance of so- oriented products based on modern high- cial organizations of professional partici- tech technologies is a key component of pants of the insurance market consider- the country’s economic development, ably increases. long-term strategic goals, aimed at en- According to the Decree of the Presi- hancing the competitiveness of Uzbeki- dent of the Republic of Uzbekistan stan in the world market, and is focused Shavkat Mirziyoev on the Action Plan on. Uzbekistan pays great attention to the adopted in five priority areas of the devel- development of the insurance market in opment of the Republic of Uzbekistan for line with world standards and pays great 2017-2021 in 3.1 paragraph is focused on attention to cardinal modernization of the further strengthening macroeconomic insurance market. As you know, insurance stability and maintaining high economic services are rapidly developing worldwide. growth, with the focus on increasing the As well as developed countries, transition volume of insurance, leasing and other to quality insurance services in Uzbeki- financial services by introducing new stan is acknowledged to have an impor- ones and improving their quality, and the tant place in human activities. development of the stock market as an Further development of the liberaliza- alternative resource for the enterprise, fi- tion process in the sphere of insurance

51 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA services and expansion of the scale of Association operates under the Civil economic reforms, strengthening the eco- Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and nomic factors of its development in the other normative-legal acts of the Repub- country. In order to strengthen the mate- lic of Uzbekistan. rial and technical basis of insurance orga- The insurance market of Uzbekistan nizations and to ensure the financial sus- also covers all the new areas of rapidly tainability of communication, on January developing economic relations, along 31, 2002, the Decree of the President of with the certain of an insurance system, Uzbekistan “On measures for further lib- which provides insurance services that eralization and development of the insur- meet the international standards of insur- ance market” was published. ance business. Measures are crucial. In order to further improve the com- The result of the reforms being im- petitive market of insurance services, to plemented in our country indicates that develop and improve the quality of mod- the association of professional partici- ern types of insurances activities, to im- pants of the insurance market deter- prove capitalization and financial stability mines the further development of the of insurance companies, to strengthen current situation. This is because the their regional networks, as well as to im- growth of market indicators in the insur- prove insurance regulation, On Measures ance industry is due to the active work for Further Reforming and Developing on modification and additions to the the Market of the President of the Repub- regulatory legal acts for the formation of lic of Uzbekistan”. The decree adopted the the appropriate base that meets the cur- program of reforming and development rent market conditions, is being imple- of the insurance market of the Republic of mented at a rapid pace. It is particularly Uzbekistan for 2007-2010 is an important noteworthy that in our country, particu- step in the further development of the lar attention is paid to systematic im- system. provement of the legislation on insur- In addition, there are a number of ance activity. The Law the Republic of problems in the insurance market of Uzbekistan “ On Compulsory Civil Lia- Uzbekistan in the Republic of Uzbeki- bility Insurance of Vehicle Owners” testi- stan was registered by the Ministry of fies to the wide-ranging efforts under- Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on taken in this regard. July 16, 2007, number 87, with the par- The further development of the com- ticipation of professional participants of petitive market of insurance services in the insurance market of the Republic of the development of the insurance market Uzbekistan a non-profit organization of of the country and the development of the legal entities, a non-commercial organi- system will create new jobs, introduction zation, which organizes, coordinates, of mandatory insurance of insurance ac- promotes and protects interests, and tivity. On the other hand, the population, voluntarily joins its membership. The which is one the main problems in the


Table 1 Adjuster organizations No. Name of company Organizational legal form 1 ASCON SERVICE Limited Liability Company 2 Bovar Service Limited Liability Company 3 LABB Limited Liability Company Table 5 Assistant Organizations No. Name of company Organizational legal form 1 «Uzbekinvest Assistans» LLC Limited Liability Company 2 «Global Assist» LLC Limited Liability Company 3 «Bovar Servic» LLC Limited Liability Company 4 «ESADO» LLC Limited Liability Company 5 «ALSKOM ASSIST» LLC Limited Liability Company 6 «Top Assist» LLC Limited Liability Company industry, has been promoting the growth tion, the fact that insurances can not ad- of insurance culture, and, on the other dress the following issues naturally im- hand, has created a system of guaranteed plies the need for state-run insurance ac- reimbursement through the infringed in- tivities. surance mechanism, which has resulted The results of the adjuster service can in an increase in insurance coverage for be drawn up in the reporting form, which the victims. This will contribute to fur- can be used by the insurer to cover the ther strengthening of social protection of damages and dispute settlement. the population. At present, the following insurance Another noteworthy aspect of com- companies are operating in the insurance pulsory insurance is that positively im- market of Uzbekistan. pact on the further strengthening of the Adjuster is a legal entity having profes- competitive environment in the insurance sional staff of its own staff or a physical market. This in turn promotes the quality person having professional knowledge or of services offered by my company. qualification on the instructions of the It should be noted that the industrial insurer (insurer) and other customer. insurance system is characterized by the Adjuster carries out its activity accord- fact that many normative legal acts are ing to the contract with insurer (insurer) adequate to satisfy the needs of the in- and other customers. surer. It has the insurance rules, guide- • Insurance and reinsurance opera- lines for insurance and adaptation that tions as an insurer: can meet the most complex requirements • Carrying out insurance intermedia- of my insurer. On the other hand, it can tion activities: not solve some of the most important • It has no right to participate in the problems facing the community. In addi- statutory funds of the insurer.


700 600 500 400 Insurance payments 300 Insurance awards 200 100 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Form-1. Insurance awards appeared by voluntary insurance types and dynamics of paid insurance (mlrdsoums).4.

The author has been prepared by the soums. Compared with 2012, insurance author on the basis of the website of the premiums paid by voluntary types of insur- National News Agency. ance increased by 678.9%. It is clear from Insurance payments by types of volun- the information provided that the insur- tary insurance in 2017 amounted to ance industry is slowly developing its ser- 202.4 million soums, in 2012- 29.8 million vice sector. But we can not say the least.


Sarimsakova Dilafruz, Abdurahmanov Akmal Namangan state university, Uzbekistan Abstract: “Baburnama” is a historical, geographical and rare novel written by Zahirid- din Muhammad Babur who was known as a founder of an Empire of Baburids in India. “Baburnama” offers a lot of information on political and social history, gender relations, material culture and techniques, social behavior, kinship (mainly of the Temurids, but also of others), languages, religions, literature, medicine, warfare and military organization, demography, geography, minerals, flora, fauna, agriculture, handicrafts, trade, roads, irri- gation, settlement and fortifications of different size and type, cuisine, sports, poetry, and music of various areas visited by Babur. It is very rich with its own traditions, customs and other meaningful characters. There are many words, sentences, phrases, set expressions about cultural words. In this article we have tried to investigate English equivalents to the cultural words in Uzbek, here are analysis of some of them. Key words: Baburnama, cultural words, translation, scientist, research.

Our great ancestor, thinker, poet, ruler and military organization, demography, and the founder of an Empire of Baburids geography, minerals, flora, fauna, agricul- in India (in western sources it is known as ture, handicrafts, trade, roads, irrigation, Mughal Empire) Zahiriddin Muhammad settlement and fortifications of different Babur had left such a great heritage as size and type, cuisine, sports, poetry, and “Baburnama”, “Kabul Devoni”, “Hind De- music of various areas visited by Babur. voni”, “Mubayyin al-zakot”,” Muhtasar”, There are more than ten manuscript “Aruz risolasi”, “Hatti Boburiy”, “Volidi- copies of “Baburnama”. It includes into yya”, “Harb ishi” (as military work), “Mu- 3 seasons. They are Fergana, Afghanistan siqa ilmi” (The knowledge of music) and and India. This great work was translated others. The most popular and vastly dis- into more than 30 foreign languages and cussed Babur’s book is “Baburnama”. It became a well-known in the Eastern and was also called as “Vaqoye”. In this fine Western Countries. It needs to be stated autobiographical work (personal letters of that “Baburnama” has been being learned Babur which he had kept throughout his for about 528 years by scientists and re- life and collected in one work) he de- searchers. Near to five hundred scientific scribed the events from 1494 to 1529. articles, epistles, monographs about “Ba- “Baburnama” offers a lot of informa- burnama” were written and published in tion on political and social history, gender many different languages. European scien- relations, material culture and techniques, tists on oriental studies, such as, Vitsen, D. social behavior, kinship (mainly of the Derbelo, John Leyden, William Erskine, Temurids, but also of others), languages, R.M. Kaldekot, S.Leyn Paul, E.Holden, religions, literature, medicine, warfare M.Elfinston, Jam Lui Bakye Grammon,


G.M. Elliot, V.X. Moreland, A.Pavde Kur- They researched, compared and studied tail, F.G. Talbot, A.Denison Ross, Anita it according to diffirent view-of-points. Susanne Beveridge, Henry Beviridge, X. Many dissertations and thesises dedicat- Lemb, A.M. Shimmel, M.B. Koprilizoda, ed to “Baburnama” were defended such Russian scientists such as N.I. Ilminskiy, as “Лексикографические и текстологи- N.N. Pantusov, V.V. Vyatkin, ческие характеристики восточное- N.I. Vesedovskiy, V.V. Bartold, тюркского словаря” Пав де Куртейля и A.N. Samoilovich, M.Salye, A.A. Semyonov, перевода Бабурнаме by Fotima Salimo- A.Yu.Yakubovskiy, I.V. Stebleva and va in 1997, “The meaning pecularities of avghan scientists such as Ahmad Ali Ko- numbers in “Baburnama” by Nazokat Ji- hzod, Abdulhay Habibiy, Gulchin Maoniy, yanova in 2000, “The problems of recre- Indian scientists such as Zokir Husayin, ating literary and author’s style in English Nurul Xasan, Muni La’l, S.A. Sharmi, translations of “Baburnama” by Mahama- R.P. Tripatxi, P.Saran and Muhibbil Xasan tismoil Sobirov in 2002, “The translation translated into various world languages. and expressive means of historical-archa- Concisely, the first English translation was ic lexics in translation” by N.O’rmonova done by John Leyden and William Erskine in 2003, “Comparative analysis of poems in 1826. The second English translation in foriegn translations of “Baburnama” was made by Anita Susanne Beveridge and by R.Karimov in 2003, “Comparative Henry Beveridge in 1921. The third one analyse of “Baburnama” and “Shajarai was translated by the great talented person Turk” by M.Abdullayeva in 2004 and and the author of “Great Mogul Empire” so.on. Anna Maria Shimmel’s and the postgradu- As “Baburnama” is a historical, geo- ate Viler Taxton’s translation in 1996. graphical and rare novel. It is very rich In Uzbekistan the first Uzbek profes- with its own traditions, customs and oth- sor Fitrat announced two editions of er meaningful characters. Therefore you “Baburnama” in two volumes during can see many words, sentences, phrases, 1948-1949. Later other scientists such as set expressions about cultural words. In S.Azimjonova, Kh.Yokubov, Ya, Gulom- this article we have tried to investigate ov, V.Zohidov, I.Sultonov, A.Kayumov, English equivalents to the cultural words A.Khayitmetov, F.Sulaymonova, in Uzbek, here are analysis of some of Kh,Khasanov, N.Mallayev, S.Khasanov, them. Kh.Nazarova, P.Kodirov, S.Jamolov, B. Khanzada- it means the generosity of Valihodjayev, P.Nabiyev, A.Abdugafurov, the khan (king), was born from khan. We B.Kosimov,N.Komilov, J.Sharipov, M. can use the way of the translation is cul- Khlobekov, A.Abduazizov, B.Mamatov, tural equivalent when we are translating S.Rahimov, G.Khojayev, L.Khojayeva, F. this Uzbek cultural word “honzoda”. In Salimova, S.Shukrulleyev and N.Ota- English language we can use the prince jonov achieved to create Uzbek aburolo- and princess instead of this cultural word gy (people who work on Baburnoma). “honzoda”.


U Tirmudning xonzodasi edi. descriptive and functional equivalent. In She was of Tirmid’s khanzada. explanation of source language cultural Sultonzoda- Children of khan, gen- item there is two elements: one is descrip- eration of khan. Ex: He has a sign who- tive and another one would be functional. ever is he khanzada, podshozoda, xo- Descriptive equivalent talks about size, jazoda. (Etymological dictionary of Uzbek color and composition. The functional language) equivalent talks about the purpose of Men Hamza Sulton va Temur Sultonni cultural-specific word. yordamida sultonzodalarni mag’lubiyatga Bayqaro Mirzo har doim ham o’z taxt uchratdim va Xisorni qo’lga kiritdim. Bu- kursisida o’tirmasdi. U o’zini yumshoq taxt lar va boshqa sultonzodalar endi mening kursisi bo’lsa ham to’shakda o’tirardi. qo’lim ostida. Bayqaro Mirza was not always present When I defeated the sultans under at court, although at other than divan Hamza Sultan and Temur Sultan and took court they sat on one toshak. Hisor. These and other sultanzadas fell Bo’rk- Bork, qalpoq -the hat, tubitaika into my hands. which remade from korakul skin in cylin- Nastaliq- it is created from the types der form. Ex: At the moment Botir aka of writing “nasx” and “taliq” in 14th cen- worn a Bork on his head went out from tury and it is one of classic letter of Arabic shiypon ( farmers’ building which is built language was spread away the territory of near the field). (P. Kadirov, “Stary nights”) Central Asia. Ex: Singer became happy as We can use the way of the translation beggar changed into king with seeing the is cultural equivalent when we are trans- copy of this rare play was written with lating this Uzbek cultural word “bo’rk”. In beautiful nastaliq letter. (Xayriddin Sul- English language we can use hat and cap tonov, The fairytale of a night) instead of this cultural word “bo’rk” U nastaliq yozuvida yaxshi yozardi va Uning yoshi o’tib oppoq soqoli bo’lsa uning qo’li ham bo’yoqlarda yaxshi ishlardi. ham chiroyli qizil va yashil matoga yozar He wrote the nastaliq character very edi. U hatto qo’y terisidan tikilgan bork well and his hand was not bad at paintings yoki qalqopga ham yozardi. either. Even when he was very old and had a To’shak- a thing for prepared for sit- white beard he wrote beautiful red and ting and lying. It is made of material and green silk. He wrote either a lambskin cotton. The cotton is put into the material bork or a qalqop. and knitted. Ex: Down toshak, toshak Khutba- (1) admonitions and pre- covered with Duhoba. Ex: They were go- cepts which are told by Imam when he ing to make new toshak and buy down finished Sunnat pray on Fridays and Hay- toshak for wedding. (Abdulla Kadiriy, id days; (2) Bless is prayed during the “Passed days”) marriage in Islam religion. Ex: Imam be- While translating of this cultural gan to pray marriage khutba. (S. Ayniy, “to’shak”, “nastaliq” we can use the ways of “Memories”)


Alisherbek va boshqalar buni hohla- Most cultural words are easy to detect, magan bo’lsa ham u birinchi marta tojni since they are associated with a particular kiyganda u xutbada o’n ikkita imomni is- language and cannot be literally translat- mini o’qishni rejalashtirib qo’ygandi. ed, but many cultural customs are de- When he first took the throne he scribed in ordinary language where literal thought to have the twelve Imam’s names translation would distort the meaning read in the khutba; however, Alisher Beg and a translation may include an appro- and others prevented it. priate descriptive- functional equivalents. Batman- a measure of weight is equal to A list of used literature: 898.5 gram. (1) A measure of weight is equal 1. Z.M. Babur “Baburnama” in Uzbek pub- to different criterion, quantity in Central Asia, lished by International Fund of Babur, especially, different places of Uzbekistan. (2) Tashkent, 2008 A measure of distance equal to a hectare. 2. Annette S.Beveridge, The Babar-name in Uning arbaleti (kamoni) qirq batmon English (Memories of Babur), translated from the original Turki Text of Zahiruddin og’irlikda bo’lishi kerakligini aytdi. Muhammad Babur Padshah Ghazi. Issued His cross-bow is said to have weighed in four Fasciculi: -Farghana-1912-Kabul- forty batmans. 1914-II i nd tisi an 1917- Preface, Indices, Qizilbash – (1) wild duck related to ect. -London, 1921. diving ones of elder duck’s family.(2) Sol- 3. J.Leyden, W.Erskine, Memoirs of Zehired- din Muhanuned Babur, Emperor of Hin- diers were Turkic tribes came from Azer- dustan.- Edinburg, 1826. baijan and Northern Iran and serviced in 4. Babur The Tiger. By Harold Lamb, Printed the troop of Iran during the Savaii’s period. in Great Britain, 1962. Ex: Astrabodda uni qizilboshlilar qatl 5. D.Sarimsakova, (article) Baburnama-the qilishdi. jewel of Babur’s creative legacy published At Astrabad the qizilbashes executed in weekly newspaper “Youth of Andizhan”, 2011 him. 6. After thorough analysis of translation culture/literature.htm of cultural words into English we’ve come 7.­literature­and­ to the following conclusion: researches­


THE ROLE OF CEFR IN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF UZBEKISTAN Shahnoza Jamoliddinova, A student of Namangan State University, (Uzbekistan)

Abstract: This article deals with the role and implementation of CEFR in educational system of Uzbekistan. On December 10, 2012 the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a decree «On measures to further improve foreign language learning system». It is noted that in the framework of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On education» and the National Program for Training Staffs in the country, a comprehensive foreign languages’ teaching system, aimed at creating harmoniously developed, highly educated, modern-thinking young generation, further integration of the country to the world community, has been created. Key words: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the implementation of Presidential Decree, mixed-ability classes, Educational system of Uzbekistan, curriculum organization, sociolinguistic competence.

In order to providing effective higher language in everyday life. There are many Education, Uzbekistan accepted a causes for this: partly, it is because of significant reform by performing use of inadequate time allocated for language the Common European Framework of instructions; mixed-ability classes as a Reference for Languages – study, result, teachers often have a difficult time increasing the frequency of assessment provision the appropriate level of (CEFR) – and National Qualifications instructions in such classes and some Framework (NQF) in the country. CEFR others. It is important to point out that standards provide effective learning of from the current academic year foreign foreign language EFL classes. languages are taught beginning in the first Both projects will take part in the grade at schools. Up to now, foreign implementation of Presidential Decree № languages were taught from the fifth 1875 on December in 2012 in grade. [1] enhancement of the teaching and learning The CEFR expresses foreign language of foreign languages in order to strengthen qualification at six levels: A1 and A2, the communication skills and B1 and B2, C1 and C2. It also describes international effect of future Uzbekistan two “plus” levels A2+, B1+. specialists in all fields. The mentioned Based on experiential research and Decrees of the former President criticize prevalent consultation, this scheme makes the teaching of foreign languages under it potential to contrast tests and unsuited conditions and, as a result, examinations across languages and university graduates are not always national boundaries. It also be responsible erudite enough in using the foreign for a basis for recognizing language

59 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA proficiencies and thus facilitating requirements of the Common European educational and occupational mobility. Framework of Reference for Languages: Whereas they have been experientially Learning, Teaching, and Assessment authenticated, some of them still have (CEFR). Consequently, the highest level significant gaps, e.g. at the lowest level of foreign language facility will be A1and at the top of the scale the C2 levels. required be possessed by bachelor and Confident contexts are less well- master’s graduates of language faculties, elaborated, e.g. young learners. C1 level on CEFR, an effective operational The CEFR is not an international proficiency in a foreign language. standard or seal of approval. Most test The new standard provides for foreign suppliers, textbook writers and curriculum language command, which requires the designers now claim connections to the requirement for knowledge of phonetics, CEFR.. vocabulary and grammar, and speaking The CEFR is not language or context skills. The new standard pays great specific. It does not attempt to list specific attention to sociolinguistic competence, language grammatical rules, vocabulary, which describes the requirements for the etc. and cannot be used as a curriculum or skills of students in choosing the right checklist of learning points. Users need to linguistic forms and methods of adapt its use to fit the language they are expression, depending on the situation working with and their specific context. and communication goals. One of the most important ways of The new steps to transform training adapting the CEFR is the creation of system are taken, so we only need to wait language-specific Reference Level for the practical results. There is every Descriptions. Reference Level reason to believe that they will be Descriptions are already available for expressed in the economic stability and several languages. prosperity of the country. [2] Moreover, implementing of CEFR According to F.MacDuff and others causes to alteration of traditional this statement serve to motivate the approaches to recent approaches. To students in: a) providing students with an changing methods means elaboration of opportunity to recognize their own language syllabuses and curriculum accomplishments; b) encouraging guidelines, design teaching and learning students to take initiative in their learning, materials, the assessment of language particularly when they are able to proficiency. formulate their own “I can do” statements; Fundamentally new in the national c) providing students with a visual means standards is that now the foreign of proudly sharing their progress with languages are taught from the first grade. others d) being applicable for students of Another innovation is that now the all ages and all levels of language necessities for the foreign language skills proficiency from primary through college; at each grade are balanced to the e) being possible as a systematic means of

60 SCIENCE, INFO RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT rallying one’s own progress; (f) can be a teachers and teacher educators will look means by which students gauge their own for the best available information on perceived level of language proficiency. successful teaching styles, procedures and We agree with the opinions of many curriculum organization. leading specialists when they say that Implementing of CEFR in educational learners want to know how they are system of Uzbekistan improves step by progressing, and want some formal step. And it effects productively providing feedback. Parents want to know that their of learning English in different stages of children are receiving effective educational establishment. instructions, stakeholders and other Used literatures: government organizations want to know 1. Dr.Feruza. M.Rashidova UZTEA-annual- that teachers are not wasting precious international-conference-2015 resources by self-indulgence or laziness. 2. Source: “Uzbekistan Today” newspaper Another very important point here is: 3.

61 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA Karimov Abdugani University of world Economy and Diplomacy 2nd grade master program student Annotation It is no secret that the Asia-Pacific region now is the real “field of geopolitical struggle.” Sino-Japanese territorial disputes focused primarily on the area of ​the territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands (or in Chinese cartography – Diaoyu islands). In the fact This islands are the cause of territorial conflict between Japan and China two major in- ternational political power in the region that has enough power to bring huge changes and destabilize the region. The article can be conditionally divided into three parts, in the first part I will write about the meaning of “ territorial conflict” in the second part I will try to consider the arguments of both sides and in the final part of the article I look through the theories that researchers write about how to solve these problem and give my own plan to resolve the conflict Key words Territorial dispute, Diaoyu\ Senkaku Islands, Japan and China, conflict solving

What is territorial dispute? dispute is control of the territory and the Before considering the territorial dis- right to extract minerals in it. pute over the Senkaku Islands It will be Senkaku – is a group of small unin- good to clarify what does the term “terri- habited islands and reefs with a total area torial dispute” mean. This term has many of ​​6.32 square km. That located in the interpretations and meanings, and even southern part of East China Sea, about now there are no universal 200 kilometers east from Taiwan. Now the sense but I decided to stay on the most islands are controlling by Japan but China universally accepted by International also are interested in this territories and Court of Justice «The territorial dispute – rich oil and gas reserves under the water. a dispute the subject of which is acts, right to establish of the legal regime in the ter- Japan’s main position ritory. Territorial dispute is characterized Before finding solution of a problem by three elements together: actors-states, we must see official position of the parties the existence of the contested border or on this issue and the facts that they rely territory, and clearly define the coinci- on in their positions. arguments and how dence of the object and subject of the they explain their rights to the islands. dispute. » (Simmons B.А (2000) Japan’s main position is that the Sen- In this case, states are Japan and Chi- kaku Islands – an integral part of Japanese na, the disputed territory is island terri- territory. The argument is built primarily tory in the South China Sea, the subject of on the basis of contracts signed before.


According to official documents by the Islands and was placed under US control. Japanese government the main arguments Therefore, Japan hasn’t refused from Sen- of the Japanese side is kaku Islands at the end of World War II. 1) There is no historical evidence that 4) the first time China has put forward China effectively controlled Senkaku Is- its claims to this territory only after the lands until 1895 possibility of oil and gas reserves. The studies undertaken by the Japa- China ‘s main position nese side, with the support of the authori- China began to express their claims to ties of the prefecture of Okinawa, showed the islands only after a scientific expedi- that in the islands there was no trace of tion under the auspices of the UN in the population, or signs of control of the 1968. Before the discovery of oil and gas territory from China so that according in coastal waters, China has no any claims international law allowed Japan, add the to the territories island to their territory and There was no September 25, 2012 after the an- acquisition of the territory. As proof of nouncement Xi Jin Pin on the new con- this position, Japan leads the commission cept of «Great China» government pub- report by 1895. lished white paper where they announced 2) In 1895, the Senkaku Islands were that “Diaoyu Islands are indigenous terri- incorporated into Japan by the decision of tory of China”, (white paper 2015) and as the Cabinet, Island wasn’t captured dur- a part of the historical territory of China ing the first Sino-Japanese War; Beijing has all right to control the territo- Japan has officially included the terri- ries of island tory to the territory of Japan before the Based on the text of the White Paper, war, therefore, the territories was cap- and other official statements of Chinas tured by research and no annexed by officials you can make a list of the main force, a few months before the signing of arguments relied on by China in its claims the contract Simonoseki. Moreover, the to sovereignty over the islands. agreement between Japan and China had 1) the Diaoyu Islands are China’s in- no any words about belongings of Sen- digenous territory kaku Islands to the Taiwan, that trans- According the official position of the ferred to Japan. Chinese government, China first discover 3) The Senkaku Islands was not in- the island, gave them the name and start- cluded territory from which Japan re- ed their assimilation. According to Bei- nounced when they sign San Francisco jing, during the reign of the Ming Dy- Peace treaty 1951year contract; nasty, that was in power from 1368 to The Japanese side insists that the Sen- 1644, China includes the Diaoyu archi- kaku Islands are not part of Taiwan and the pelago in maritime defense area, there by Pescadores, from which Japan renounced referring to the its intention to defend the because the treaty. In this case, Senkaku island in case of war. Later, the Qing Dy- islands considered as part of the Nansei nasty, which replace the Ming Dynasty in


1644, the island moves under the admin- 4) Acquisition of Japanese govern- istrative control of the Taiwanese govern- ment 3 from the five islands in 2012 is il- ment. As evidence of this, China provides legal and violates the Chinese sovereignty a variety of ancient maps that confirm over the Diaoyu Islands. this fact. As can be seen from recent events, 2) Japan illegally seized the Diaoyu Is- Beijing perceives very sharply to the na- lands during the First Sino-Japanese War, tionalization of three from five islands by ended in the signing of the Treaty of Shi- the Japanese government. Japanese side monoseki in 1895, according to which the officially bought this three islands from island moved to Japan as the winning side; private individuals but China claims that The Chinese government, in their ar- the Diaoyu Islands – part of the Chinese guments often claims that the Diaoyu ar- territory. chipelago has always been a part of the Consequently, the acquisition of the territory of Taiwan (as evidenced by the islands by Japan in 2012, is a gross viola- provided maps and the history of the reign tion of Chinese sovereignty over the is- of Ming and Qing empires), therefore, any lands. movement or seizure of Taiwan island au- tomatically moves Diaoyu with it. Scenarios to solve the conflict 3) According to Cairo Declaration by Senkaku Islands a small piece of land 27 November 1943 and Potsdam Declara- close to Taiwan and although they have a tion by July 26 1945, the Diaoyu Islands size of less than 10 kilometers in this ter- were returned to China; ritory there are disputes between the two As is the case of the Treaty of Shimono- major players in the international arena, seki, China pass the island of Taiwan, to China and Japan. Japan as a wining party. But Japan declined Each side has its evidence and docu- islands as a result of adoption of the Cairo ments supporting their claims to the ter- Declaration and the Potsdam Declaration, ritory and don`t want to lose his interests as well as the signing of the San Francisco in that islands. Losing islands also will Peace Treaty. According to the official po- mean. Losing face at international area. sition of the Chinese government, at the That no one wants. Each side has its evi- end of World War II, the islands were fi- dence and documents supporting their nally returned to China. However, some claims to the territory. times after United States include this is- Although the islands are rich and lands under its wing, which again is illegal, some resources such as gas and oil, in es- since the archipelago was under the juris- sence, they do not bear any particular diction of China. In the White Paper, in value for the parties to the conflict, and at particular, it emphasizes that in the islands the moment many researchers studying Diaoyu US and Japan held inconsistent the matter and plans put forward the with China trade, which violates the terri- theory according to which the problem torial sovereignty of China. can be solved peacefully.


In conclusion I would like to summa- This was due to the idea of ​​a possibile rize all the above. We can say that Sen- armed clash between the two strong play- kaku territorial dispute between China ers on the world stage – China and Japan. and Japan has bright economic part and However, rumors of a possible armed also clear political influence. confrontation between the two major In general, there are two possible ways powers are extremely exaggerated, since for the development of the conflict. both states are highly dependent on each First is that if in the event that the sides other in many areas of life, and their inter- decide that the political factor is weightier, ests in another sphere prevail this conflict the solution of the territorial conflict will Another important reason, which tells be left with no reliance on the future. us that this conflict must to be resolved But if Japan and China tries to come to peacefully, is that the Senkaku Islands, is the table and with a clear goal to reach a not the only cause of dispute in the re- compromise and find a way to resolve the gion. In the South China Sea, 6 coun- conflict, this can lead to results that are tries – China, Vietnam, Taiwan, the Phil- beneficial for both sides, and we should ippines, Malaysia, and Brunei – each not forget that Japan and China have other have their dispute over the Spratly enormous economic opportunities and Islands. weight in the political arena, and their There located also controversial Para- cooperation in mining in the water area, it cel Islands, which can not be divided be- will greatly strengthen their position in tween China, Vietnam and Taiwan. The the international arena, and will be the islands of Liancourt (Tokdo) in the Sea impetus for closer cooperation in other also can`t be divided between South Ko- economic spheres. rea and Japan for many years. Japan also In other words, summing up, we can claims to the Kuril Islands, which nowa- say that in this conflict, as in any other days belongs to Russia. international conflict, it is preferable that So we can say that this region has ex- the parties solve their differences not tremely high conflict potential, so we through unilateral actions, but sitting at can`t exclude the possibility. that a force- the negotiating table and with a firm in- ful solution of the problem can lead to a tention to find a way to solve the problem domino effect, which can negatively affect by concessions and compromises it will the entire region, and opens old wounds. always be the beter ways than aggression That will lead to serious changes not only in that region, but worldwide. Conclusion References The territorial dispute around the Is- 1. Simmons B.А. Territorial Disputes and lands has escalated with a new force at the Their Resolution. United States Institute of beginning of the 21st century and re- Peace. Washington (2000) mains under the huge attantion of the 2. International Court. International Court media nowadays. of Justice Report. (1999) P. 328.


3. Akikazu H. Michael H. Wu X. A frame- work for resolving Japan-China dispute from_the_consul_of_the_Republic_of_ over islands. Los Angeles Times (Decem- China_in_Nagasaki ber 1 2014). 8. Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895) available at 4. Ryan Scoville. Japan Has the Better Claim over the Senkakus. The National interests. 9. The Potsdam Declaration (1945) available ( May 2015) at 5. Agita Briča. Who really owns the Senkaku c06.html islands? The Economist ( 22 April 2014) 10. The State Council Information Office of 6. Dingping Guo. Three Scenarios for the the People’s Republic of China. Military Diaoyu/Senkaku Dispute. China policy Strategy of China, Beijing ( May 2015) institute. Beijing (February 21, 2013) 11. Senkaku Islands Quetions and Answers 7. Letter of Consul of the Republic of China Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan avail- in Nagasaki (1920) available at able at


Kamola Hatamova OAV, Ommaviy kommunikatsiyaning muhim bo‘lagi sifatida.

ANOTATSIYA. Maqolada ommaviy axborot vositalarining jamiyat bilan uzviy bog‘liqligi, uning turlari, kommunikatsiya shakllari hamda yangi tendensiyalari, omma- viy kommunikatsiyaning tayanch funksiyalari tahlil ostiga olingan. Shu bilan bir qatorda ommaviy axborot vositalarining eng asosiy funksiyalari ularning auditoriyaga ta’siri ji- hatdan o‘rganilgan. AQSH olimi Jon Dyuining fikri, Lassuell nazariyasi, Makkueyl tadq- iqitlari keltirib o‘tilgan va tadqiq etilgan. KALIT SO‘ZLAR, ommaviy kommunikatsiya, ommaviy axborot vositalari, au- diovizual xususiyat, korrelyasiya qilish, konsensusga qo‘shilish, mobilizatsiya qilish (safarbar qilish), ijtimoiy maqsad, OAV funksiyalari, OKV funksiyalari.

Jahonning yetakchi journalist nazari- ommaviy kommunikatsiya vositalari ora- yotchilari Ommaviy kommunikatsiya vos- sida hukmronlik qilib kelmoqda. italari tarixini o‘rganishni bevosita bosma Bugungi kunda aniq bo‘ldiki, televide- kitob davridan boshlash kerak degan fikrni niedan g‘oliblikni hozircha faqat internet ma’qullashmaydi. Nega deganda, ommaviy olishi mumkin. Keyin esa vaqt ko‘rsatadi: kommunikatsiya vositalarini o‘rganish fan-texnika taraqqiyotining bu qadar jadal bevosita ushbu vositalardan ko‘ra inson- sur’atlari yaqin orada tag‘in ham ilg‘orroq ning ijtimoiy tabiati va psixologiyasiga aloqa va axborot vositalarini dunyoga kelti- ko‘proq bog‘liqdir. Ommaviy kommuni- rishi hech gap emas. Lekin nega shunday katsiya vositalari texnikasi – jonsiz, o‘lik bo‘ldi? Chunki insonning psixologiyasi va vosita. Unga hayot va ma’no bag‘ishlovchi ommaviy axborotni qabul qilish xususiyat- esa insonlardir. Misol keltiraylik: matbuot lari nafaqat matbuotga xos mantiqiy fikr- paydo bo‘lganiga besh yuz yil to‘lgan bo‘lsa, lashga, balki undan ham ko‘ra ko‘proq in- televidenie bor-yo‘g‘i yetmish yil oldin sonning audiovizual imkoniyatlariga aso- kashf etildi. Ya’ni, rasmiy xronologik yon- slangan. Audiovizual xususiyatlar va im- dashuvga ko‘ra, matbuot televideniedan koniyatlar esa, odamzodda uzoq mingyillik sakkiz marta ko‘proq umr ko‘rgan, demak, davomida shakllanib kelgan. Buni bilmas- tarixiy, kasbiy tajribasi va xizmatlari jihati- dan turib na insoniyat tarixini, na zamo- dan ommaviy kommunikatsiya vositalari naviy ommaviy kommunikatsiya vositalari orasida, so‘zsiz, birinchi o‘rinni egallashi samaradorligini tushunib bo‘lmaydi. kerak. Aslida esa, bunday emas. Doimiy AQSh olimi Jon Dyui aytganidek, teleko‘rsatuvlar efirga chiqqandan keyin jamiyat bu kommunikatsiyadir. Bu om- yigirma yil o‘tar-o‘tmas televidenie mat- maviy kommunikatsiyasiz kishilik jami- buotni ortda qoldirdi va hanuzgacha ham yatining nafaqat faoliyati, hatto, uning

67 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA paydo bo‘lishi ham mumkin emas edi de- bir funksiyani – mobilizatsiyalovchi (ya’ni, makdir. Chunki, shunchaki biologik bir- safarbar etuvchi) funksiyani taqdim qildi. lashish uzoqqa bormaydi, jamoatni faqat Natijada ommaviy axborot vositalar- ijtimoiy birlashuv, ya’ni ijtimoiy munosa- ining quyidagi asosiy funksiyalari to‘plami batlar orqali tashkil etish mumkin. Om- hosil bo‘ldi: maviy kommunikatsiyalar chizmasi ibti- 1. Axborot berish: doiy qabilada ham, bugungi jamiyatda • jamiyat va dunyodagi voqyealar ham bir xildir. Bunday shartli tasvir to‘rtta to‘g‘risida axborot bilan ta’minlash; asosiy qismdan iborat: ommaviy axborot- • hukumat bilan munosabatlar ni ishlab chiqaruvchilar – tayyor mahsu- to‘g‘risida ogohlantirish; lot – uzatuvchi vosita – auditoriya. • yangilanish, moslashish va taraqqi- Lassuell kommunikatsiyaning quyida- yotni yengillashtirish; gi tayanch funksiyalarini belgilab berdi: 2. Korrelyasiya qilish (ya’ni, voqyealar- atrofdagi muhitni kuzatish, muhitga javo- ni o‘zaro bog‘lash): ban jamiyatning turli qismlarini o‘zaro • voqea va axborotlarning ma’nosini bog‘lash; madaniy merosni boshqalarga tushuntirish, izohlash va sharhlash; yetkazish. Boshqacha qilib aytganda, om- • mavjud hokimiyat va me’yorlarning maviy axborot vositalari voqea to‘g‘risida qo‘llab-quvatlanishini ta’minlash; to‘liq tasavvur berishda va konsensusni • ijtimoiylashtirish; shakllantirishda odamlarga yordam ber- • faoliyatning turli shakllarini koordi- ish uchun axborotni yetkazishi, izohlashi natsiyalash; va tushuntirib berishi; ijtimoiy taraqqi- • konsensusga erishish; yotning o‘xshashligi va meros bo‘lib qol- • ustunlikni o‘rnatish va tegishlilik ish uchun hayotiy muhim bo‘lgan maqomi to‘g‘risida ogohlantirish; madaniy qadriyatlar va ramzlarni aks et- Meroslilikni ta’minlash: tirishi kerak. Rayt to‘rtinchi muhim funk- • hukmronlik qilayotgan madaniyatni siyani qo‘shdi – bu “ ko‘ngil ochish” funk- ifoda etish va shaxslar madaniyatini siyasi, u madaniyatni yetkazishdan va yangi madaniy oqimlarni tan olish; tashqari, yana bir jihatga ega – u, mukofot • umumiy qadriyatlarni shakllantirish olib keladi, bo‘shashtiradi, tanglikdan va qo‘llab-quvvatlash; ozod qiladi, shu tufayli odamlar hayotiy Ko‘ngil ochish: muammolarni osonroq yecha oladilar, • ko‘ngil ochishni, asosiy ishdan jamiyat esa inqirozlardan qutuladi. chalg‘itishni, bo‘shashtirish vositala- Modomiki, deyarli hamma yerda, ay- rini ta’minlash; niqsa inqirozlar paytida, ommaviy ax- • jamiyatdagi tanglikni kamaytirish; borot vositalari milliy manfaatlarga 5. Mobilizatsiya qilish (safarbar qilish): ko‘maklashishi va aniq belgilangan asosiy • ijtimoiy maqsadda siyosat, urush, qadriyatlar va xulq-atvorlar, axloq mod- iqtisodiy taraqqiyot, bandlik, ba’zan elini singdirishlari kerak ekan, Makkueyl din sohasiga tegishli kompaniyalar- shu sinflashtirishni davom ettirdi va yana ni o‘tkazish.


Makkueyl ta’kidlaganidek, yuqorida 1970 yillardayoq mavjud bo‘lgan. Dastlab aytib o‘tilgan yondashuvlarni ahamiyatiga ularni an’anaviy OAVning davomi sifatida qarab ham, nisbatan takrorlanish darajasi- qabul qilingan, endi esa, o‘z vazifalari aniq ga qarab ham farqlab bo‘lmaydi. Funksiya belgilab va keng tan olingach, ular ishlab bilan mazmun orasida aniq muvofiqlik chiqarishga va axborotning an’anaviy yo‘q, chunki OAVning faoliyati sohasida bir shakllarda tarqatilishiga soya tashlamoqda funksiya boshqasi ustiga yuklatilib borav- va nazariy tushunib yetilishini talab qilm- eradi, maqsadlar esa ko‘lami bilan farqla- oqda. OAVning jamiyatdagi o‘rnini xoliso- nadi. Tuzilmaviy funksionalizm na tahlil qilishga uringan Garold Lassuel, g‘oyalariga,ommaviy axborot vositalarning quyidagi xulosalarga keldi: “Buyuk jami- funksiyasi va disfunksiyasini auditoriyan- yatda shaxslarning tarqoqligini jangovar ing nuqtai nazaridan turib baholaydigan, raqs o‘chog‘ida bir butun qilib birlashti- individual funksionalizm konsepsiyasi rishning iloji yo‘q, minglab va hatto mil- kelib qo‘shiladi. Uning e’tibori markazida – lionlab odamlarni nafrat, iroda va ishon- shaxslarning xulq-atvori, uning sabablari chning umumiy ruhida tarbiyalash uchun va oqibatlari turadi. Nazariya o‘zining key- yangiroq va kuchliroq qurol kerak” ingi rivojini foyda olish va qoniqish erish- Yangi OAVning o‘ziga xos xususiyat- ish tadqiqotlarida topdi. O‘sha paytlarda lari bu: markazsizlashtirish – taklif va OAVdan auditoriyaga kelayotgan axborot tanlov endi axborot yetkazuvchilar bilan- oqimini baholash maqsadida o‘tkazilgan gina belgilanmaydi; yuqori o‘tkazuv­ barcha tadqiqotlarni ikkita asosiy guruhga chanlik qobiliyati – kabel va yo‘ldoshlar ajratsa bo‘ladi. Universitetga qarashli jur- orqali uzatish efir orqali uzatishga xos nalistika maktablarining bir guruh olim- bo‘lgan qat’iy cheklovlarni yengib o‘tishga lari, odamlar muayyan yangiliklarni qay imkon beradi; interaktivlik – qabul qiluv- tarzda tez bilib olishi mumkinligini chi axborotni tanlash, unga javob berish, o‘rganishsa, boshqalari federal hokimiyat- to‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri axborot almashish va ning grantlari asosida turli axborotlarni tez boshqa qabul qiluvchilar bilan ulanish va samarali tarqatish yo‘llarini o‘rganishdi. qobiliyatiga ega. Umumiy ish e’tiqodlarni o‘rganish uslubi bo‘yicha tuzilar edi, ammo ko‘rsatmalardagi Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar o‘zgarishlarni o‘lchash o‘rniga, axborot au- 1. Lasswell H. The Structure and Function of Communication in Society // The Com- ditoriyaga qanday yetib borishi aniqlanar- munication of Ideas/ Ed. By L. Bryson. N. di. Diqqat markazida affektiv effektlar Y.: Harper and Brothers, 1948. emas, kognitiv effektlar edi. Ma’lumot 2. McQuail D. Mass Communication Theo- to‘plash uchun boshqariladigan tajribalar ry: An Introduction. Beverly Hills: Sage emas, so‘rovlar o‘tkazilar edi. Publications, 1987. P. 71-72. 3. Lasswell H. D. Propaganda Technique in the World War.– N. Y., 1927. – P. 220-221 Xulosa 4. Lasswell H. D. Op. cit. P. 221 Bugungi kunda yangi deb atalayotgan 5. Lasswell H. D. World Politics and Personal ommaviy kommunikatsiya vositalari Insecurity. Chicago, 1934.

69 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA SONG ABOUT GREAT GRANDMOTHERS The image of historical people in works of Tulkin Hayitov

Hamroyeva Muhayyo Ahmadovna The doctoral of philogy subjects

Keywords: ancient monastery, Tumaris, unique hero, cultural heritage, clearest indication, announcement Abstract:Generally speaking, Tulkin Hayitov has a role to play in the development of a product, but not every evidence that the product has been used to calculate the value of the product. Every human being is a nation, a nation that works as well as a good work- place. In particular, Tulkin Hayitov’s”Amir Temur haqida hikoyalar” in 2009, “Eng ulug’,eng aziz” is the winner of the Republican Competition, and in the year 2011, the role of the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan in the field of work is the clearest indication of every citizen’s work.

Look at our history, not just for the if Bibihonim is right, and Ultimai Turkon sake of a better name, but also an unfor- has been working hard to find a solution gettable service to our country. Only to the problem, and the answer is: Tummaris, the monochrome-based an- –Thanks, Bibihamis are aware of the cient monastery, protects against mud- fact that the realities of the realities are slides of the ancient monastery. very small, the people of this world are At the same time, both mother and aware of the truth, but the history of the mother are immune to the death of our history of the world is very important, loved ones, and we have the right to ex- and that is the key to the fulfillment of press our sincere condolences to the car- this task. Kezi, the kick-off, the son of ers of our everyday life and to express our Turki, and the Sohibkiron are the main- condolences. One of the top executives in stay of the cemetery and the anxiety, the Uzbekistan– a member of the Uzbek par- mausoleum of the mausoleum. From time ty, Tulkin Hayitov, a long-standing jam in to time, Bobo Mirzo has not been able to history, has been the author of quality. rush into one of the men›s shoes, but he Uninging a gift, in 1989-1994, Amir has been crawling down his arms. How- Temurning was shot dead, a juvenile and ever, even if Turks Turki had not even a man, a commanding officer, and a borrowed money from the 62-year-old, spokesperson, Uldjoy Turkon Oga,who and even though he was imprisoned in was the author of a good-looking novel. the prison, he was not even aware of the Te first part of the novel– «Amir Temur» fact that Amir Temur had been killed or is the official announcement of the even killed. In the case of a whirlwind, the 1996edition of the «Uzbekistan» maga- pearl of the deities, the Mufti of the So- zine published in five copies. I›m not sure hibkiron is an amulet and an amulet, and

70 SCIENCE, INFO RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT the reputation of the Prophet is a lifestyle. Temur, and Uljoy Turkon, but I do not In Samarkand, Khorazmyn›s ruthlessly want to lose my job as a teacher, and I wound up the knife, greeted the wrestler want to say, «I›m sorry,» she says. If you of the world and prayed for the newborn do not want to make a mistake, just ask man. Mine, one of the pilgrimages of yourself, the person you›re talking to, grace and mercy! Do not you think that›s even the Abdulla Kodiriyev›s, is too much a good idea? Unfortunately, the image was of anxiety, too. During this period, Tulkin bad. Also, the mother of the nation was Hayitov has been in the forefront of the given the right to deliver to our people, story, the story of the musician, the crazy the calculation of the debt, and the good, crown, the croaking of the boat. « The the book, the publishing house published. doctortold me! We have created this evil, Was it not worth the money to pay for which is described as a sophistication, but it in 2006? it does not fit into the pseudo-wrestling, «This is the secret of my heart,» he but even the heroic, even the heroic. As a said. matter of fact, each executive has a unique However, the journalist or blogger, no hero, but not more love and love. questions asked. Tulkin Hayitov,in 1990, Generally speaking, Tulkin Hayitov was one of the most prominent workers in has a role to play in the development of a the 1990s, but he had a long way to go, product, but not every evidence that the even though he had been using the Amir product has been used to calculate the Temur for a long time. «Amir Temur is value of the product. Every human being the author of the book publishing, which is a nation, a nation that works as well as a makes it easy to publish, and even the good workplace. In particular, Tulkin puppies!» These events, of course, have Hayitov›s»Amir Temur haqida hikoyalar» just begun to rest. This is the first time in 2009, «Eng ulug›,eng aziz» is the winner I›ve ever had a life story– Mezzam was of the Republican Competition, and in the born on September 1, 1991, when I was year 2011, the role of the cultural heritage born. «- The Tulkin Hayitov killed by the of Uzbekistan in the field of work is the gunman. One of the best friends in the clearest indication of every citizen›s work. world is the «Family and Society» news- References: paper, the first one in the world, and it›s 1. T.Hayitov “Amir Temur haqida hikoyalar” happy to see that: «The President is also 2. Karimov I.A “Yuksak ma’naviyat yengil- mas kuch” T. Manaviyat 2008 the President of the United States, and we 3. Ibn Arabshah “Temur tarixi”. Work. 1992 have the privilege of committing to the 4. Amir Temur Yevropa elchilari nigohida. end of his life. Easter meals, I am Amir T. 2007


Муродова Гулмира Мухиддиновна (Термиз, Ўзбекистон) Аннотация: Ушбу мақолада Авестонинг уч тилдаги, яъни ўзбек, инглиз ва рус тилларида таржималари ўртасидаги ўхшашлик ва фарқлар Видевдатнинг биринчи фаргарди мисолида очиб берилган. Калит сўзлар: видевдат,Ахура Мазда, Ахриман, Ийрон Виж, Суғд, Марв, Балх, Нисоя, Ҳирот, Ваиха Гирта, Аврава, Гўрғондаги Xнинта, Харавята, Хийр- манд, Рай, Чаxра, Варина, Рангха ПЕРЕВОД АВЕСТО: РАСКРЫТИ СХОДСТВА И РАЗЛИЧИЯ Муродова Гулмира Мухиддиновна (Термез, Узбекистан) Аннотация:В данной статъе были раскрыти сходства и различия между переводами Авесто на трех языках, то естъ на узбекском, русском и английском языках, в случае с первое фрагард на Видевдате. Ключевые слова:Видевдат,Ахура Мазда, Ахриман, Ийрон Виж, Суғд, Марв, Балх, Нисоя, Хират, Ваиха Гирта, Аврава, Xнинта в Гургане, Харавята, Хийр- манд, Рай, Чаxра, Варина, Рангха TRANSLATES OF АVESTO: DIFFERENCES AND SIMILARITIES Murodova Gulmira Muxiddinovna (Termez, Uzbekistan) Abstract:in this article on the basic of Avesto translations in three language which are Uzbek, English, Russian languages is enlightened differences and similarities among translation of first fragart of Videvdat. Key words:Videvdat, Ahura Mazda, Ahriman, Iyron Vij, Sogd, Marv, Balkh, Ni- saya, Herat, Vaiha Girta, Avrava, Khninta in Gurgan, Haravyata, Hiyrmand, Ray, Chakhra, Varina, Rangha

Икки дарё оралиғи халқларининг ва маъна- виятининг буюк мероси жаҳон цивилизациясига, инсоният- бўлмиш «Авесто» китоби ҳам Икки нинг маънавий камолотига асрлар да- дарё оралиғи халқлари тарихининг энг вомида қўшиб келган ҳиссаси бугунги кўҳна саҳифаларини ёритишда муҳим кунда ҳеч кимда шубҳа уйғотмайди. манба бўлиб хизмат қилмоқда. Аммо Бугун узоқ аждодларимиз тафаккури сўнгги йиллардаги тадқиқотлар шуни


кўрсатдики, «Авесто» ва унинг турли Парфия ва Ария ўртасидаги тоғда ло- таржималари (ўзбек, рус ва инглиз ти- кализация қилади. Мамлакатлар ларидаги таржималар) ўртасида муам- рўйxатининг бошқа талқини Г.Гноли моли жиҳатлар талайгина. Мазкур [5]томонидан аниқланган. Юқоридаги мақолада «Авесто» ва унинг бугунги олимлар фикрига бироз қўшилмаган Г. турли таржималари ўртасидаайрим Гноли фикрига кўра барча мамлакат- фарқларни биринчи фаргард мисолида лар Шаркий Эрон дунёсига кўриб чиқишни жоиз деб топдик. тааллуқлидир. Юқоридагилардан шу Авесто қисмларидан бири бўлмиш хулоса келиб чиқадики ҳалигача ҳам Видевдат авваллари Вандидод Авесто географияси бўйича олимлар шаклида машҳур бўлган, унинг яхлит бир фикргакелмаган. Масала- қисмлари “Кичик Авесто” деб ҳам нинг яна бир жиҳати Видевдат бирин- аталади. Видевдатнинг матн тили чи фаргардидаги мамлакатлар номи, бошқалар билан таққослаганда, яъни xудолар номи ҳамда тузилиши «Гот»ларга қараганда сўзларда турли ўртасида турли олимлар таржималари- xил xатоликларга йўл кўйилган. Шу да фарқ хамда ўxшашликлар бор. Ма- сабабли ҳам якуний қисмнинг нисбий салан, Авестони ўзбек тилига таржима санаси И.Гершевич таклифига биноан қилган Асқар Маҳкам таржимасида Аҳамонийлар даврининг сўнгги даври биринчи фаргард 21 қисмдан иборат деб белгиланган.[1;] бўлган бўлса, Дарместетер таржимаси Видевдатнинг биринчи фаргарди [6]да биринчи фаргард 20 қисмдан Ахурамазда яратган ўн олти мамлакат иборат. Яна бир Авесто таржимаси ҳақидадир. 16 мамлакат рўйxати Ариа- билан шуғулланган Стеблин-Камен- на кенглигидаги Айранавайжа мамла- ский таржимасида эса биринчи фар- кати билан бошланиб, Рангха дарёси гард 20 қисмдан иборат қилиб бўйидаги мамлакатни эсга олиш билан кўрсатилган.[7]Бундан кўриниб туриб- тугайди. Шуни ҳам эслатиб ўтиш ке- дики, Асқар Маҳкам таржимаси қолган ракки, Видевдатнинг мазмуни ва тар- икки таржимадан 1 қисм кўпдир. Айни тиби анчайин баҳсли мавзу. Ўз вақтида пайтда Авесто таржималарида худо- унда келтирилган номлар изчиллиги ларнинг номларини келтиришда ҳам авестошунослардан Х.С. Нйберг[2] ва айрим муаммолар мавжуд. Жумладан, Д. Мончи-Задех[3]томонидан тушун- Бош xудо Ахура Мазда уч таржимада тириб берилган. Олимлар фикрига ҳам [8]бир xил номланган. Аммо ёвуз- кўра мамлакатларнинг кўп қисми лик xудоси ҳисобланган худо Асқар Шарқий Эронда ва бир қисми Ғарбий Маҳкам таржимасида Ахриман, Дар- Эронда жойлашган. местетер таржимасида Ангра Маиню, Хумбач[4] Шаркий ва Ғарбий Эрон- Стеблин-Каменский таржимасида да ўтказган изланишлари сабабли дав- Злой Дуx, шарҳида эса Ангра Маиню латлар жойлашувини Птоломей томо- деб номланган. Авесто шахсларидан нидан “Мосондро Орос” деб аталган бири Асқар Маҳкам таржимасида Фа-


ридун [9], Дарместетер таржимасида жимасида Балх 7-қисмда келтирилиб, Тратеон, Стеблин-Каменский таржи- бу ҳудудда Ахриман адоватдан Брава- масида ҳам Тратеон деб кўрсатилган. рани яратди дейилади.Дармстетер тар- Авесто худоларидан яна бири Асқар жимасида эса тўртинчи давлат Бакдхи Маҳкам таржимасида Xнасатай, Дар- шаклида 6-қисмда келтирилиб, бу местетер таржимасида Xнатхаити, ҳудудда Ахриманчумолини яратди Стеблин-Каменский таржимасида дейилади.Стеблин-Каменский таржи- Xнафаити деб таржима қилинган. масида худди шу давлат Бактрия ша- Асқар Маҳкам таржимасида Гар- клида 6-қисмда келтирилиб, бу ҳудудда шасп,[10] Дарместетер таржимасида Ахриман чумолини яратган дейилади. Керасаспа, Стеблин-Каменский таржи- Бешинчи давлат Асқар Маҳкам тар- масида Керсаспа тарзида эътироф жимасида Нисоя 8-қисмда келтирилиб, этилган. Ахриман бу ҳудудда умидсизликни Яна бир эътиборли жиҳатлардан яратди дейилади.Дарместетер таржи- бири Ахура Мазда ва Зардушт масида Нисоя 7-қисмда келтирилиб, мулоқоти Дарместетер ва Стеблин-Ка- Ахриман бу ерда гумонни яратди дей- менский таржимасида биринчи қисмда илган бўлса,Стеблин-Каменский тар- Асқар Маҳкам таржимасида биринчи жимасида Нису 7-қисмда ва иккинчи қисмда берилган. Таржи- келтирилиб,Ахриман бу ерда гумонни маларда кўринадиган жиҳатлардан яна яратганлиги эътироф этилади. бири бу давлатлар номинининг турли Олтинчи давлат Асқар таржималарда турлича қисмларда ке- Маҳкамтаржимасида Ҳирот 9-қисмда лишидир. келтирилиб, Ахриман бу ерда кўз-ёш Масалан, биринчи давлат [11]Ий- ва зардоб яратган бўлса, Дарместетер рон Виж Асқар Маҳкам таржимасида таржимасида Харою (Хариа) 8-қисмда, 3-4-қисмларда, Дарместетер таржима- Стеблин-Каменский таржимасида сида Аиряна Вайжа тарзида ҳамхудди шу номда 8-қисмда келтири- 2-3-қисмларда, Стеблин-Каменский либ, кўз-ёш ва зардоб яратганлиги таржимасида Арийский Простор ша- кўрсатилган. клида 2-3-қисмларда келтирилади. Еттинчи давлат Асқар Иккинчи давлат Асқар Маҳкам тар- Маҳкамтаржимасида Ваиха Гирта жимасида Суғд 5-қисмда, Дарместетер 10-қисмда, Дарместетер таржимасида таржимасида Сугдхашаклида4-қисмда, Ваекерата 9-қисмда, Стеблин-Камен- Стеблин-Каменский таржимасида эса ский таржимасида Векерту 9-қисмда Согд шаклида 4-қисмда келтирилган. келтирилган. Учинчи давлат Асқар Маҳкам тар- Саккизинчи давлат Асқар жимасида Марв 6-қисмда, Дарместе- Маҳкамтаржимасида Аврава тер ва Стеблин-Каменский таржимаси- 11-қисмда келтирилиб,Ахриман бу да эса5-қисмда келтириб ўтилган. ерга келиб, зулмпарвар фармонларни Тўртинчи давлат АсқарМаҳкам тар- яратганлиги, Дарместетер таржимаси-


да эса Урва 10-қисмда келтирилиб, ҳукмрон бўлганРага 15-қисмда эъти- Ахриманбу ерда мағрурликни яратган- кодсизликни яратди, – дейилади. лиги, Стеблин-Каменский таржимаси- Ўн учинчи давлат Асқар Маҳкам да Урва 10-қисмда келтирилиб, Ахри- таржимасида Чаxра 17-қисмда ман бу ерга келиб ёвуз хукмдорни келтирилиб,Ахриман бу ерда мурда яратганлиги баён этилган. ёқишни яратди дейилиб, худди шу дав- Тўққизинчи давлат Асқар лат Дарместетер ва Стеблин-Камен- Маҳкамтаржимасида Гўрғондаги ский таржимасида Чаxра шаклида Xнинта 12-қисмда, Дарместетер тар- 16-қисмда келтирилган ва Ахриман бу жимасида Вехрканас(Хйрцаниа)даги ерда мурда ёқишни яратди дейилади. Xнента 11-қисмда, Стеблин-Камен- Ўн тўртинчи давлат Асқар Маҳкам ский таржимасида Гиркания шаклида таржимасида Аждаҳони мағлуб этган 11-қисмда келтириб ўтилади. Фаридун дунёга келган тўрт гўшали Худди шу тарзда ўнинчи давлат Варина 18-қисмда келтирилиб, Ахри- Асқар Маҳкамтаржимасида Харавята ман бу ерга келиб, “бемаҳал ҳайз 13-қисмда келтирилиб, бу ерга кўрган аёллар қонини” ва ит Аҳриман келиб,”мурдаларни тупроққа ҳукмдорлар асоратини яратди дейила- топширишдек” кечирилмас гуноҳни ди. Худди шу давлат Дарместетер тар- яратди дейилган бўлса,Дарместетер жимасида Варена шаклида 17-қисмда таржимасида Харахваити (Араxвоиа) келтирилиб,Ахриман бу ерда аёллар ва Стеблин-Каменский таржимасида қонини ва варварлар зулмини яратди Араxосию шаклида 12-қисмда дейилган бўлса, Стеблин-Каменский келтирилиб,”мурдаларни тупроққа таржимасида эса Варна шаклида топширишдек” кечирилмас гуноҳни 17-қисмда келтирилиб,Ахриман бу яратди дейилган. ерга келиб арий бўлмаган хукмдорни Ўн биринчи давлат Асқар яратди деб таржима қилинади. Маҳкамтаржимасида Хийрманд Ўн бешинчи давлат Асқар Маҳкам 14-15-қисмда, Дарместетер таржима- таржимасида Xафтруд 19-қисмда кел- сида Хаетумант 13-14-қисмда, Сте- тирилиб, Ахриман бу ерда “бемаҳал блин-Каменский таржимасида Хаету- ҳайз кўрган аёллар қонини” ва қаттиқ мант 13-14-қисмда келтирилган. иссиқликни яратди дейилган бўлса, Ўн иккинчи давлат Асқар Маҳкам Дарместетер таржимасида Севен таржимасида уч баҳодир ҳукмрон Ривер(Хапта хиндава) шаклида бўлган Рай 16-қисмда келтирилиб, ху- 18-қисмда келтирилиб, Ахриман келиб суматдан суст эътиқодлилик гуноҳини бу ерда аёллар қони ва кучли иссиқни яратди дейилган, Дарместетер таржи- яратди дейилади. Стеблин-Каменский масида 3 қабила ҳукмрон бўлганРагха таржимасида эса Индия шаклида 15-қисмда келтирилиб, Ахриман бу 18-қисмда келтирилиб, Ахриман бу ерда эътикодсизликни, Стеблин-Ка- ерда ўлдирадиган иссиқни яратди ша- менский таржимасида 3 қабила клида баён этилган.


Ўн олтинчи давлат Асқар Маҳкам 5. Гноли. Г “Ариане: Постилла ад Аирёса- яна” РСО 1966 таржимасида Рангха 20-қисмда келти- 6. Darmsteter Y. The Zend – Avesta, I. рилиб, зимистонни оламга ғолиб қилди Oxford, 1880 деб эсга олинган, Дарместетер таржима- 7. Стеблин – КаменскимИ. М.. «Авеста в сида ҳам Рангха шаклида 19-қисмда русских переводах (1861 – 1996)». келтирилиб,Ахриманниинг бу ерда СПб., 1998. қишни яратганлиги, Стеблин-Камен- 8. Бунда Асқар Маҳкам, Дарместетер ва Стеблин-Каменский. таржималари на- ский таржимасида эса Ранха шаклида зарда тутилмоқда. 19-қисмда келтирилиб, Ахриман бу ерда 9. “Авесто”да “Сраитуна”, “Осваяннинг ҳамқишни яратганлиги эсга олинган. ўғли”. Паҳлавийда “Фридун”. Энг Бундан ташқари Асқар Маҳкам­ қадимий асотирий қаҳрамонлардан таржи­масида 21-қисмда Ахурамазда- бири. У “Авесто”дан ташқари бир қатор Исломдан кейинги арабий, фор- нинг бошқа ўлкалар яратгани ҳам ай- сий ва туркий адабиётларда кенг тилади. Худди шу ҳолат Дарместетер кўламда иштирок этади. Фаридун уч ва Стеблин-Каменский таржимасида оғизли, уч калла, олти кўзли Ажи дахо- ҳам берилиб, 20-қисмда келтирилган. ни маҳф этиб унга банд солади. У Ажи Юқорида биз учта Авесто таржимаси дахонинг икки xотини (ёxуд билан шуғулланган авестошуносларнинг Жамшиднингқизлари) ни ҳам тортиб олади. Жамшидга мансуб бўлган таржимасидаги фарқ ва ўхшашликларни шоҳлик нишонини – Вориған қуши та- кўриб чиқдик. Аммо учала таржима ҳам насидан ажралиб, Фаридунга ўтади ва бир манба устида кетаётганлигини ино- унинг нурлари туфайли энг саодатли батга оладиган бўлсак, бу йўналишда инсонлардан бирига айланади.» Ванди- ҳали талайгтна масалаларни ҳал этиши- дод» да Варина номли юрт Фаридун- нинг юрти дейилади. миз кераклиги аён бўлади. 10. Сом-Гаршасп. “Авесто”да “Гаршаспа”. Ilovalar Маъноси – лоғар от соҳиби. Қадимий 1. Gershavitch.I “Тhe Аvestan hymn to шарқ асотирларининг порлоқ Mithra” Kambridge, 1959 чеҳраларидан бири. Гаршасп адабиётга 2. Нйберг.Х.С “Дие Религионен дес ал- дахлдор зотлардан бўлиб, Сушёнт ёрла- терн Иран. Леипзиг 1938 ридандир.Сушёнт – “Авесто”да маъно- 3. Мончи-Задех. Д. “Топографисч-хисто- си – фойдали ёxуд фойда келтирувчи. рисче Студиен зум иранисчен Натионал Кўпинча “қуткарувчи”,“халос қилу­ эпос” Виесбаден, 1975 вчи”маъноларида кўлланилади. 4. Хумбач.Х “Дие авестисче Ландер ли- 11. Авесто. А. Маҳкам таржимаси. Т., сте” 1960 “Шарқ” 2001., 107-бет


Y.Kamalov, Kh.Abdullayev students, National University of Uzbekistan.

Abstract This article highlights the principles Nurota people there are many narratives related to the personality of Alexander the Great. Some of the modern Nurota names are com- posed of Mongolian and Uzbek words. Many caravans came to Nur through the ancient ski slopes. Those who are grateful to him say that they respect Nurota. Key words: Nurota, ato, Narshakhi, Nuri miyanol, light.

Nurota is one of the oldest in Uzbeki- water through its blood vessels. In addi- stan. Nurata was first mentioned in Nar- tion, the word “ato” is specific to the local shaki’s “History of Bukhara” in the X phonetics, in the city sayyidato, and Nur- century, in the form of Nur (in the name gulato is pronounced like Nurato. of the well-known “Nur”)1. There are It is worth noting that the term “Nu- various opinions on the formation of the rota” was originally not the city’s name, Light and Nurata tape. but the name of the saint-grandfather In fact, the term “light” appears to Sheikh Abul Hasan Nuri, buried in the have a fountain in the city’s shahristan. In sacred grave. Later the city was called the spring and winter months, the water is Nurota2. evaporated from the floodplain at the bot- About the term “light”, which forms tom of the mountain, where water is ex- the basis of the Nurata toponimi, Nar- posed to the water in the morning, and shaki writes: “... It is a great place. There is the light rises from the ground. The rain- a mosque in it; It has many rhuboves. bow is formed and the surrounding envi- People from Bukhara and elsewhere go ronment is exposed to light. They did not there every year to visit.The residents of understand it at first. They call the place Bukhara have done much in this work; A Nur, for the light to come out of the Earth. person who visits a nûr of light has the Light-Arabic word means “light”. The in- virtue of the one who has performed hajj; habitants of the city know about dozens of when he comes back from the sacred narrations. place, they decorate the city with a good The local people called their city Nou- mood. This Nur is called Nuri Bukhara in rota, themselves – “nuratoyi”. Ato is an other regions. Many of the slaves are bur- Arabic and Persian language, meaning “to ied there, and God is pleased with them give”, “to give it a gift”, and to say that the all!” flood is a reality by means of a flow of Considering that Narshakhi lived in

1 “O‘zbekiston Milliy Ensiklopediyasi”–T.: Davlat 2 Annaqulov Sh.G‘. Nurota vohasi ilmiy nashriyoti, 2003. –B. 342 tarixi(Magistrlik dissertatsiyasi) – T.: 2013. –B. 21

77 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA the IX-X centuries, and given the fact that jo and between Karadarya and Akdarya. it was written at that time, it is doubtful He called it Nuri Miyanol to distinguish it that it was ancient in nature. At that time, from others. Thus, Nur has gradually this place was also visited by pilgrims. gone to Nurota: the word light (arabic) He also prophesied that the city of Is- means “light”, and the father in the geo- kandar Zulkarneyn was founded in the graphical names means “saints of saints”3. narrations of the people. Among the Nu- In some sources, there are other details rota people there are many narratives re- about the origins of this toponym: Some lated to the personality of Alexander the legends about the history of the Nurata Great. In one narrative, Alexander scolds District have been preserved.Many cara- the giant devils, and in one narration, he vans came to Nur through the ancient ski is described as a just Muslim king. In one slopes. Genghis Khan’s troops went to narration, Alexander made the castle, but Bukhara the same way (January 1220) to in another version there are other Bukhara. Therefore, the ski run is called thoughts related to the events. “Khan Road”. The Nurota Somoni was an Later, the city began to be called Nu- important strategic fortress in the Abdul- rota in honor of the famous Shaikh Abul- laxon era (XVI century) and later. hasan Nuri (IX century) who lived here. Some of the modern Nurota names The Nurota has been a tradition of the are composed of Mongolian and Uzbek Great Silk Road. It has a military-strategic words, and both say that the word “moun- significance in the past and is also consid- tain means” more than a year ago. ered to be the largest shopping center. The Bukhara historian Abu Bakr Muham- “Nur” fortress was the second gateway to mad ibn Ja’far Narshahi writes in his book ’s Bukhara and Samarkand oasis. Bukhara’s history, written in 934-944, that Nurata (ancient “Nur”) is a remote town he is called Nur as Nuri Bukhara in other in the north of Bukhara and is located on provinces. According to Narshaki, Nuri the border of the mountainous popula- Bukhara, other than Nurhan Bukhara. tion and nomadic peoples. For example, Zarafshan’s two branches are Some of the modern Nurota names a village called Nur, on the island of Mya- are composed of Mongolian and Uzbek jo and between Karadarya and Akdarya. words, and both say that the word “moun- He called it Nuri Miyanol to distinguish it tain means” more than a year ago. from others. Thus, Nur has gradually Bukhara historian Abu Bakr Muham- gone to Nurota: the word light (arabic) mad ibn Ja’far Narshahi writes in his book means “light”, and the father in the geo- Bukhara’s history, written in 934-944, that graphical names means “saints of saints”. he is called Nur as Nuri Bukhara in other In some sources, there are other de- provinces. According to Narshaki, Nuri tails about the origins of this toponym: Bukhara, other than Nurhan Bukhara. Some legends about the history of the For example, Zarafshan’s two branches are Nurata District have been preserved. Ac- a village called Nur, on the island of Mya- 3 Qorayev S. Toponimika –T.: 2006. –B. 7

78 SCIENCE, INFO RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT cording to myths, nobody lived in the re- The old man’s name was Light. Those gion at first. It was a deserted wilderness who are grateful to him say that they re- surrounded by four sides. The merchants’ spect Nurota. This place is called the caravan passes through here. One day a “Nurota Spring”. Over time, people began caravan from the caravan went astray and to come to this place. The region has ex- left. It is a long way from the desert to get panded. The name of the place was called rid of the scorching heat. Finally, he came Nurota4. Speaking of Nurota’s location, to a high hill. The old man ran up the hill Karayeva said: Light – the light, the light, and watched it around. Then there was a the light, the light. Prof. E.M. According grass of grass in his sight. The old man to Murzaev, this Arabic word is not actu- was astonished at the heat of the summer ally a geographical term, but in the geo- on the heat of the summer. As he ap- graphical nomenclature of the Middle proached the utopia, he felt the moisture. and Central Asia, Middle East and the He then threw his hand around his hand, Middle East. For example, the Nurota to- and after a little rush, the clay came out. ponimi originally was Nuri Bukhara be- The old man was not aware of fatigue. cause Samurai had a place called Nuri The water jumped from where he had dug Miyanol. it. The old man was very happy. He dug a Academician Z.K. Zokirov points out pile of water around it and began to live that Nurata is the first thing that scatters there. The merchants passing through the sting, and the other is the fountain. here were about to stay in the valley, drink 4 Nabiyev A. Tarixiy o‘lkashunoslik –T.: a few days and then drain and then go. O’qituvchi, 1996. –B. 220


Uktam Meliev 2nd course student of National of university of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan Ozodbek Nematov, 2nd course student of National of university of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan

Annotation: one of theologian thinkers, great poets, who created a number of significant masterpiece in philosophical artistic and propagandistic manner in the history of Uzbek classic literature. From we have a great spiritual heritage from Sufi Allayar. The didactic works of this great nobleman still serve as a leading key for us. Key words: Sufism, Tariqat, Kattakurgan, Vakhshivor, Sabot ul-A’jizin, Sheikh Navruz Eshman, Valiullah

Наша родина – Узбекистан с древ- ские традиции литературы в Узбек- них времен поставляла всему миру ской классической литературе, он та- ученных – интеллигентов, чудотвор- лантливый поэт, который создал свое- цев. Суфи Аллаяр один из таких высо- образную литературную школу, он ве- кочтимых людей. ликий писатель и богословный Суфи Аллаяр один из видных лю- мыслитель. Он родился 1644 году в се- дей в суфизме Накшбандия1 в цен- мье Темиряра, который был из рода тральный Азии, он известный пред- Утарчи из китай – кипчакского племе- ставитель исторической литературы ни, который находился в деревне Минг суфизма, суфический поэт, прослав- в Каттакурганском бекстве.2 ленный ученный по религии, и он как В городе Каттакурган в Самаркад- государственный деятель заслужил ской области с древних времен есть пре- высокого уважения среди народов дание. По преданию Суфи Аллаяр бро- Туркестана. Особенности его духовно- сив должность, вернулся в свою родную го наследство мы начали изучать бес- деревню, которая находится в бекстве пристрастно, оценивая и очищая от Пайшанба, и он там мирно молился богу. пыли в годы Независимости. В послед- Смотря как убежденный народ тянется ние годы творчеством этого великого к нему брат Аллаяря бек Пайшанбин- мыслителя занимались ученные – ака- ского бекства Фархад аталик построил демики литературоведы Б.Валиходжа- для него обиталище там, где воздух чист ев, И.Хаккулов, Р.Сайфиддинов, Захид и свеж, который находится рядом при- Рашид, НилуфарАллаярова и нодира током НарпайЗарафшанской реки. Баратова. Сперва это обиталище было ханакахом Суфи Аллаяр продолжил ислам- 2 OrzibekovRahmonqul. O‘zbekadabiyotitarixi.O‘z 1 Направление суфизма основанное bekistonYozuvchilaruyushmasiAdabiyotjamg‘armas БахауддиномНакшбандом в XIVвеке. inashriyoti – T.:2006.B – 68


и состояло из нескольких худжра (ком- характера дервиша и властелин писа- нат) для него и его жены. Постепенно с тельского сердца Суфи Аллаяр отказы- увеличением числа учеников и последо- вается от этой должности и становятся вателей Суфи Аллаяря, его брат Фархад учеником великого шейха Навруза. аталик расширил границы его обитали- При обучении и влияние великих шей- ще и воздвиг стену вокруг него. Вскоре хов Бухары Суфи Аллаяр после две- обиталище превращается в крепость, и в надцати лет достигает степени шейха, него входить образ жизни города. Бек- и становятся валиаллахом (владеле- стваПайшанба находится на границы цом чуда). Бухары и Самарканда и состоит Караул- Суфи Алляр писал произведения тепа и из нескольких больших и малых произведения на двух языках на Узбек- крепостей. Из – за того что крепость ском и на персидо – таджикских язы- Суфи Аллаяря была намного больше по ках. От него в наследство нам остались сравнению с остальными крепостями и несколько произведений. Это «Маслак выполняло функции центра среди на- ул – муттакин», «Сабатул – аджизин», рода крепомть Суфи Аллаяря называли «Махзан ул – мутеен» и «Мурод ул – Каттакурганом.3 арифин», эти произведения посвяше- Суфи Аллаяр после того как окон- ны на догмы Исламской религии и на чил начальную школу в деревне шей- толкование суфической науки.4 Из хов, он в 12 лет пошёл в Бухару, чтобы этих произведений мы можем удосто- получит образование медресе. Отец верится что Суфи Аллаяр был религи- великого мыслителя Аллакули был оведным ученным, который глубоко передовым в науке, праведным и бла- знал историю Ислама, Коран, толкова- гочестивым человеком своего време- ние Хадисов, науку теологии и в каче- ни, и обращал особое значение, чтобы стве поэта и писателя, который мог с его дети обучались исламской науке, в помощью высокого искусство слово с том числе и Аллаяря. У Суфи Аллаяря высоким мастерством побуждать. У были старшие братья по имени Фархад Суфи Аллаяря «Маслак ул – муттакин» аталик и Алланазарбий. У Суфи Алла- самая большое произведение и, по его яря было тяжелая жизнь. Он видел словам, он закончил это произведение много трудностей жизни и много ис- в пятницу в месяце Курбан в 1111 году пытаний судьбы. Смерть его старшего по хиджирскому летоисчислению. сына, казнь его старшего брата Фарха- Произведение написано на персид- да аталика, хоть он был и в высокой ском, и его обьеисостовляет более должности при Абулфайзхане. 12000 байтов. «Сабат ул- аджизин» это Суфи Аллаяр после годов обучения произведение, которое дано толкова- работал собирателем таможенных на- ние на тюркском языке, посвящена логов при Абдулазизхане. Властитель проблемам по самому важному пред-

3 SirojiddinovShuhrat. So‘fi Olloyor ilohiyoti. 4 Sirojiddinov Shuhrat. So‘fi Olloyor ilohiyoti. 1-qism.Toshkent – 2001. B-12,13. 1-qism.Toshkent – 2001. B-12,13.


мету – Догма ( акида или акоид) по чал. В это время отовсюду змеи собра- обучению основ Исламской религии. лись вокруг короля, и отправились за Произведение «Сабат ул – аджизин» ним. Вслед за белой змеей ушли все было широко распростенена в мусуль- малые и большие змеи.5 манских странах, когда еще был жив Выше сказанное предание под- его автор, и в школах и медресах поль- тверждает, что Суфи Аллаяр был по- зовалась в качестве учебника. После читаемым великим человеком. Место появление типографии это произведе- его смерти – Вахшивар стало святым и ние было напечатано в Казане, Боку, местом паломничество. В этом палом- Ташкенте и в Хиве. ническом месте есть его худжра и по- Суфи Аллаяр последние годы своей саженное им тутовое дерево. Местное жизни прожил в области Денав в Гу- население считает это дерево свяшен- зарском бекстве, из – за осторожности ным. Ширина тутового дерево состав- преследования Бухарского эмира. По- ляет размах рук шести человек. В годы следние дни своей жизни Суфи Аллаяр независимости начали профессио- прожил в деревне Большой Вахшивар. нально изучать произведения этого По преданию, до приезда Суфи Ал- великого мыслителя. Суфи Аллаяр лаяря в Большой Вахшивар, никто там был высоко оценен в духовности Исла- не жил. Это место было местом змей. ма и он ставится на ровне с Имамам По этому, название этого место озна- Аъзам Джиланий (Гилоний), который чает ВахшиМар – «место змей». А считается предводителем направления Суфи Аллаяр был послан сюда, что бы Ханафия («Абу Ханифаивактаст»). изгнать змей отсюда. Суфи Аллаяр дал Идеи в произведениях этого великого письмо своему халифу (последовате- мыслителя до сих пор не потеряли лю), в которым было написано молит- своё значение, а наоборот и для сегод- ва. Суфи Аллаяр дав письмо халифу, няшнего дня считается значимым. приказал ему отнести письмо королю References: змей, который находится на большом 1. Sirojiddinov Shuhrat. So‘fi Olloyor камне в верхней части ущелье Вахши- ilohiyoti. 1-qism.Toshkent – 2001. B-12,13. вар. Халиф держав высоко письмо 2. Orzibekov Rahmonqul. O‘zbek adabiyoti продолжил путь. Почуявший запах че- tarixi. O‘zbekiston Yozuvchilar uyushmasi ловека большие змеи хотели набросит- Adabiyot jamg‘armasi 3. Mirzayev Ravshan.So’fi Olloyorga zamon ся на него выходя из деревьев и из – boqajak.Fan-T:2007.B-41 под камней. Однако увидив письмо, в которым написано молитва змеи очи- щали путь, чтоб он мог пройти. В кон- це он пришел к большому камню. Он дал письмо белой змее, которая сидела на камне. Король змей – белая змея 5 Мирзаев Равшан.Сўфи Оллоёрга замон прочитав указ об уходе, громко закри- боқажак.Фан-Т:2007.Б-41


Ozodbek Nematov, 2nd course student of National of university of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan Abstract: In the center of Central Asia, In the territory of Uzbekistan, there are unique sites of history dating back to the ancient times. One of such campgrounds is Hazrati Zaynulobidin, a mosque in the village of Mojurum in Forish district of . Studying such ancient history sites will help us to understand the history of our ancestors as great saintly manifestation. Key words: Hazrati Zaynulobidin, Mojurum village, Kulfisar ota, Abduqodir Jilaniy, holy place.

According to the “Xizonat ul-asfiyo” anything to help. He was born approxi- which is being kept in the fun of Tashkent mately 895 year of Hijri and died in 915- state Oriental studies called “ Abu Ray- year of Hijri. hon Beruniy”, two men got the nickname According to the “ Xizonat ul-asfiyo”, as Zaynulobiddin in the Islamic world. Sayyid Alouddin was 12th generation of And the first Man named as Zaynulobid- Sayyid Ghavsul A’zam Abdulqodir Jiloniy. din was Imam Ali, who was born in Ma- Hazrat Abdulqodir Jilaniy is the 12th dinah. His mother Shahribonu was the generation of Hasan bin Ali bin Abu Tal- daughter of the king of Iran. ib. Abduqodir Jilaniy was born in 470 AH The book mentioned above tells that (1079 AD) and lived for ninety years, when Imam Ali was praying, the devil seven months, 9 days. This great man had came as a dragon In order to bother him. 42 children, and nine of his children were But Imam did not pay attention to him. At given great status, and were familiar with this time The God informed to him that the secular and religious knowledge. His the dragon was a devil. Imam punched fourth son was Sheikh Tajib al-Abduraz- the dragon after finishing the Duah “ la zaq, and he had five children. These are: 1. havla”. Then, Imam heard some voice Sheikh Abu Saleh, 2. Shaykh Abulqasim, whispering “ hey, Zaynulobiddin”. After- 3. Sheikh Abdurahim, 4. Sheikh Abulma- wards, he was called as Zaynulobiddin. hosin, 5. Sayyid Jamolullah. 1 (page 35) Sheikh Sayyid Jamalullah’s grandfa- The second who got the same nick- ther was very similar to Abdulqadir name as Zaynulobiddin was the 24th gen- Jilaniy, and his great-grandson Ghavsul eration of Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abu Talib, Azam loved his grandchildren. Sheikh namely, 25th generate on of Ali. His name Sayyid Jamilullah’s grandchildren had was Alouddin, but he was also called as lived longer than their prayers. This great Zaynulobiddin. He was killed near the man spent most of his life in Samarkand. Nogur in by local bullies, at that time his 1 Рустамжон Раҳматуллозода. Аждодлар father was also there but could not do меросига эҳтиром.-Т.:2006. Б-47.


There is a village and a place called Gavs One old woman was living here with (Gus) in the Urgut district of the Samar- her sons. The woman was the one who be- kand Province. As long as the grandsons lieves in God. When she woke up for the of Sayyid Abdulqadir Jilaniy lived in Sa- sake of prayer, he saw the light falling from markand, it is clear that his descendants the sky to the lanced head between the came to Urgut and lived here. And if we sleeping soldiers and the head was praying talk about Zaynulobiddin, his grandfa- itself. The old woman quickly woke her thers lived in Samarkand and Urgut, that sons and said, “These soldiers are bad guys, means he was also came to Mojurum. and it seems that a they killed one of the The above-mentioned evidence sug- best known saint in Islamic world. They are gests that the piligrimage was named for trying to take the head with themselves, but Zaynulobiddin who was the 24th genera- we have to keep it.” Then, with the approval tion of Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abu Tolib, 25th of Allah, a son of the old woman agreed to generation of Ali. And there are other give her head as a martyr. The bridegroom reasons claim this opinion: took his son’s head and brought the head of Firstly, the viewpoint of being named the saint to his chest. When the soldiers left, the pilgrimage as Zaynulobiddin and the the old woman joined the head with son’s folktale about his death has been being body and buried it. told for hundreds of years. And that was Fourthly, in this area, there have been written in “Hizonat ul-Asfiyo”. dozens of scholars who have been known Secondly, it is written on page 124 of to have inherited the Islamic world from the book Hizanat ul-asfiyâ that he was ancient times, as well as the religious and killed in front of his father and his body secular knowledge that has originated in remained in the Mojurum; Mojurum. Thirdly, in the narration about the Nowadays a madrassah has been set up Kulfisar-Ata sanctuary to the north of the in the village of Mojurum for Zaynulobid- Nurata-Forish-Jizzakh direction of the inn. Visitors visit pilgrims from different ancient caravan, it is exactly the same as regions of the country to visit this venue. saying that “ancient times, the time of idol References: worshiper, the king ordered his soldiers to 1. Rustamjon Rahmatullozoda. Ajdodlar me- kill and cut the head of Zaynulobiddin. rosiga ehtirom.-T.:2006. B-47. When they were coming back after finish- 2. Eraliev B.O’zbekiston ziyoratgohlari va qa- damjolari. 4- qism. Toshkent – “Turon za- ing their work they stopped near the min ziyo”, 2017.B-109 Kulfisar-Ata sanctuary, because it was late 3. Oga Burgutli. Jizzax viloyati ziyorat- and walking was impossible. gohlari. Fan. -T.: 2008. B.36-37.


Annotation: When the warrior, the statesman, Kara Churin, entered the world of politics, there were wars, divisions, conflicts between the princes. His efforts to unite the roots of the Turkish were important for the country’s further development. Key words: Kara Churin, tribe Ashina, Chronicle “Vendi”, Byzantine historian Menandr, Istami.

В золотые страницы истории каж- «Ашина»3 означает «верховный волк дая нация внесла не мыслимый вклад в господин». В тюркском языке понятие все мирную цивилизацию. Оставив- волк дается с словом «кашкир», кото- шая большой след в истории Средних рое означает «волк». А в монгольском веков, династия Ашина основали языке дается в виде «шоно». На китай- Тюркский каганат в середине VI века, ском языка приставка «А» считается которые завоевали многие государства символом уважения. Слова Ашина в от Дальнего Востока до берегов Ка- арабских источниках встречается в спийского моря. Сперва в состав кага- виде «шане».4 Племя Ашина прожива- ната входили Алтай, Южный Сибирь, ла на западной территории Ордоса, на Еттисув (Восточный Туркестан), бас- локте реки Хуанхе, в промежутке Нан- сейн Орхуна, Северная часть Китая.1 шаня. По летописям китайским дина- В науке существует несколько тео- стий Чжоу Шу, Бей Си Шу, Бей Ши, рий о династии Ашина. Ашина – это тюркские племена проживали в горах имя основателя династии. Дегин, Е. (в долине Турфана) на севере Гаонча- Шаван, Станислав Жюлен, Ф.Симокат- ня. По мнению востоковеда Аристова, та, Н.Я. Бтчурин, Н.А. Аристов, предки тюркских племен жили в обла- А.А. Григорев, Н.В. Кюнер, В.Бартолд, сти Со. Основываясь на выше сказан- Л.Н. Гумилёв вели исследования о ных словах, что тюркские племена ос- Тюркском каганате и о изменениях в новали союз в Сибири и на северной стране во время правления Кара Чури- территории Алтая. на.2 В частности, по мнению востоко- В 460 – 545 годах Асан (Асян), Шад веда Магоундина, значение слово и Туу из племени Ашина основали союз племен. Их социальныйстрой 1 Гумилев Л.Н. Древние тюрки. –Москва был своеобразным. В Тюркском кага- :Наука, 1967.-С.,35-37. 2 Бичурин Н.Я. Собраниесведений о народах нате отрасль производства была осно- обитавших в Средней Азии в древние времена – М;-Л.1950; Гумилев Л.Н. Древние тюрки. 3 Гумилев Л.Н. Древние тюрки. –Москва Mосква,Наука.1967.; Аристов Н. А. Труды по :Наука, 1967.-C., 60 истории и этническому составу тюркских 4 Алимов Д.А. Узбекистондавлатчилигитарихи племен .- Бишкек ., -2000.C€ очерклари. –Т,: Шарк ,2001.-С.,55..


вана на кочевом скотоводстве, они принцев, конфликты династий, раз- смогли создать своеобразный Тюрк- бросанность были на пики. Достиже- ский каганат. Как подчеркивает учен- ние Кара Чурина состояла в том, что ный востоковед А.Н. Бернштам, «со- он смог объединить страну, хоть и на циальный строй древних тюрков – это короткий срок. Великий Кара Чурин начальная форма возникновения пер- Тюрк смог быть достойным приемни- вобытных феодальных отношений». ком Истами(553-576). Первые походы Когда дискуссия идет о социальном он совершил против Эфталитов в строе Тюркского каганата, надо заме- 555 году во главе Истами. В походах тить то, что их родовая община про- против эфталитов Кара Чурин смог питала в себя военную демократию. показать своё мастерство полковод- Особенность военной демократии ства племенным предводителям дина- страны, основанная династии Ашина стии Ашина. Не мыслимая отвага Кара состоит в том, что действовала единая Чурина зазывала завоевать западные система, которая включала в себя территории. С 558 года Кара Чурин на- гражданские и войсковые права. чал поход к берегам Урал и Волга. В ре- Основная сила Тюркского государ- зультате победных походов завоеван- ство состоит в его армии и в системе ные земли достались его брату Турса- правления. Сперва тюркский народ фу и его двоюродному брату Бурихану вёл новые войны из – за не хватки зем- в качестве улус.7 О солнце закатных ли, потом они вели войны грабить. Это походах польные сведенья предостав- становится основным занятием насе- ляет нам византийский историк Ме- ления тюркского каганата.5 Хоть и нандр. было так, но из Тюркского каганата 576 – году, когда умер Истами, Кара вышли великие политики. Чурин как его приемник захватил выс- Важные сведения о Кара Чурине мы шую власть на западе. Кара Чурин можем получить из китайских источ- удостоился звания Тардушхан. Кроме ников «Суйшу» и «Таньшу», из произ- этого, Кара Чурин8 за «величествен- ведения византийского историка Ме- ность» заслужился звания «Бука нандра, из произведенияЛебо «Исто- (Бык)» (герой). рия Византии», и из произведения Хоть и Кара Чурин несколько раз Станислава Жюлена.6 совершил походы против Кавказа, Ви- Когда искусный полководец, госу- зантии, Эргиси (Лазики), и Ирана, он дарственный деятель Кара Чурин Тюрк пытался сохранит дружеские отноше- Бугухан пришел в мир политики, когда ния. 558 году отправления посла Кара шли междоусобные войны среды Чурина в Константинополь к импера- 7 Бичурин Н. Я. Собрание сведений о народах 5 Бичурин Н.Я. Собраниесведений о народах обитавших в Средней Азии в древние обитавших в Средней Азии в древние времена –М ,:Л.1950 Т. 2 .C. 265. времена –М: Л.1950 Т. 2 .-C., 280-281. 8 QoraChurin - “qoradard” balkimoxovligiuchun. 6 Stanislas Julien Documentchistoriques sur les Абу БакрНаршахий, Бухоротарихи .- T.: Tou-kioue(Turcs) .1864. –P.( Фан,1966 –Б. 98.


тору Маврикию (539-602)доказывает, участии в политической жизни кагана- что он пытался возродит дружеские та. Даже Согдийская знать стала уста- отношения. Послы во главе с Маниа- навливать родственные связи с пред- хом отправились через северный берег ставителями династии Ашина.11 Если Каспийского моря, они достигли Ви- будем основываться на сведеньях ки- зантии через Кавказ. Основная цель тайского источника «Суйшу», жена этой экспедиции заключалась в том, правителя Согдианы была дочкою что они должны были устоновить по- Кара Чурина Тюрка. Все мы знаем, по литические связи с врагом Ирана – с тюркским традициям важно то, что Византии.9 В результате этой экспеди- женщина из какого сословия происхо- ции был заключен договор против дить. Женитьба правителя Согдианы с Ирана. Осенью того же года послы предстательницей династии Ашина, Византии во главе С Замархом были подняло его положение в каганате. Как отправлены в Тюркский каганат. Сле- упоминается в воспоминанияхЦянь дующая экспедиция была организова- Цзяна, половина населения Согдианы на в 598 году. С помощью послов в занималось торговлей. Основываясь стране Кара Чурина подчеркивается на сведеньях Цянь Цзяна, мы мщжем то, что была остановлена внутренная сказать то, что Согдиана была одной из противоречивая войны, которая дли- центров Западного Тюркского кагана- лась несколько лет, и был нанесен со- та. Делая с этого вывод, Согдиана до- крушительный удар врагам. Кара Чу- стигла пика своего развития в начале рин этими словами хотел сказать, что VII века. он установил в стране крепкую страну И сам Кара Чурин поддерживал как чинар и в стране стало дуть ве- знать Согдианы. Потому что китай- тром мира. Причина того, что Кара ский император Вей – Чжоу дарил в Чурин хотел установить связи с Визан- больших количествах шелк, из –за тии состоит в том, что он намеривался того, сто только по документам поко- оперится на Византию чтобы прекра- рялась империи Китая. Он хотел вы- тить конфликты в Кавказе.10 вести этот шелк в Византию с помо- Важная территория для Кара Чури- щью согдийских торговцев.12 на была Центральная Азия. Шелк, ко- Одно из задач, которые стоят перед торый отправлялся с Китая на Визан- историками в том, что в летописях тию проходил через территорию Со- «Венди» существует некоторые разно- гдианы. Согдиана считалась центром гласия о походах Кара Чурина в Китай. торговли шелка. Постепенно на основе Тардушхан приводить следующие при- этих прав Согдиана пыталась принять чины отступления во время пика бит- 11 Бичурин Н. Я.Собрание сведений о народах 9 Гумилев Л.Н. Древние тюрки. –Москва:Наука, обитавших в Средней Азии в древние 1967. -С.,90 времена –М,:Л.1950 Т. 2 .C. 283-284. 10 Пигулевская Н. В. Византия на путях 12 Пигулевская Н. В .Византия на путях в в Индию. Из истории торговли Византии Индию. Из истории торговли Византии с с Востоком в IV-VI вв. –М,: Л , 1951.- С. 203. Востоком в IV-VI вв. –М,:Л , 1951.- С. 209.


вы. В летописях «Венди» говорится Кара Чурина от этого похода состоя- так: против Тардушхана поднимается лась в том, что он хотел завоевать го- восстание с персами, эфталитами и сударства Эргиси и Лазики через Кав- хотансами. По этому Кара Чурин Тюрк каз. Безуспешность этого похода видна был вынужден отступить. Про эти в том, что численность жертв состав- восстания нет никаких сведений в ляла 300 тысяч человек, и их тела лежа- дневниках тюркского хана. Весьте Ки- ли на 160 километровом расстоянии. тайского императора о расширение Кара Чурин не осмелился входить в войны на западе очень сомнительно. последующие большие битвы с Визан- В следующих веках об этом в источни- тией. ках «Суйшу» и «Таншу» ничего нет. С одной стороны, беспрерывные Потому что, именно в это время, то и войны, походы на Иран и Византию есть в последней четверти VI века во увеличил опыт тюркского каганата, с обще не подходит к политическому по- другой стороны стало причиной рас- ложения в Иране и в Центральной пада каганата. Только в 600 году Кара Азии. Например, поднятие восстания Чурин объявил себя ханом, из – за против Тюркского каганата такого ма- междоусобной войны за престол.15 ленького государство как Хотан, не Сделав вывод можно сказать, Кара подходит к здравому смыслу. В Хотан- Чурин поднял военную, экономиче- ском бекстве в это время численность скую и политическую мощь Тюркского армии составляла четыре тысячи чело- каганата на еще одну ступень. Благо- век. Если будем останавливаться на даря большим достижениям в военной эфталитах, то они сами были под эги- сфере экономика страны процветала дой Ирана. А Иранские правители предельно высоко. Но великое госу- вели беспощадные войны с Византией дарство, которое конкурировало с им- в Месопотамии.13 перией Китай во время правления Несмотря на то, что Кара Чурин Кара Чурина, распалось в междоусоб- установил дружеские отношения с Ви- ной битве за трон после его смерти. зантией, возникали войны из – за кон- References: фликтов на торговых путях. В 576 – 1. Пигулевская Н. В.Византия на путях в 583 годах Тардушхан вел войну с Ви- Индию. Из истории торговли Византии с зантией. Он доверил главенство в этих Востоком в IV-VI вв. –М,:Л, 1951.- С. 209. походах своему двоюродному брату 2. Гумилев Л.Н Древние тюрки. –Москва: Бурихану. Последнее сражение с Ви- Наука,1967 С.118 14 3. Бичурин Н. Я. Собрание сведений о на- зантией было в 584 году . Но намечен- родах, обитавших в Средней Азии в ной цели не добились. Основная цель древние времена М-Л.1950 Т. 2. с 159-162 4. Гумилев Л.Н. Древние тюрки. – 13 Гумилев Л.Н Древние тюрки. –Москва: Москва:Наука, 1967. -С.,90 Наука,1967 С .118 14 Бичурин Н. Я. Собрание сведений о народах, обитавших в Средней Азии в древние времена 15 Rahmonov .N “Turk xoqonligi” – T .:A.Qodiriy М-Л.1950 Т. 2. с 159-162 nomidagi xalq me`rosi. 1993. –B.52.


Saydimurod I. Ismailov1, Iroda Sh. Djamalutdinova2*, 1 Doctor of Medical Sciences, associate Professor, Department of Organization, Economics and Health Management 2 Candidate of medical sciences, Department of Organization, Economics and Health Management

Background. Reproductive health of 21 years. Questionnaires were compiled girls, girls and women is a national asset, by our institution and implemented in the However, in recent years, the medical com- practice of sports medicine. munity has become concerned about the Results of the discussion: When problem of the increased incidence of the studying the questionnaire, it was re- sexual sphere in women and, most impor- vealed that 70.6% of adolescents (130 peo- tantly, in girls and girls. Since ancient ple) had acute respiratory viral infections times, throughout the world in the life of of acute respiratory infections, parainflu- man, the problem of sport has been and enza, adenovirus infection, as well as continues to be one of the most important. childhood diseases, in the form of hepati- In all sports, only young people are in- tis A (13%), otitis 8%) and rhinitis (8%). volved. A large proportion of athletes falls In general, it can be noted that students to adolescence. According to WHO, the engaged in sports were sick rarely, this adolescent period is 10 to 19 years old, indicates that engaging in any sport in- which covers the period of life from the creases the body’s immune system that onset of puberty to adulthood. affects the health of a person. The aim of the study: To study the Conclusions. The survey of female state of health of girls engaged in sports, athletes has established that the age gra- according to the data of outpatient cards dation ranged from 11 to 21 years. The and questionnaires – questionnaires leading of the somatic diseases are dis- Materials and methods of examina- eases of 70.6% of adolescents (130 peo- tion: The study includes all teenagers en- ple), acute respiratory viral infections in- gaged in one sport – handball. We based fluenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus infec- on questionnaires and outpatient cards tion, as well as childhood diseases, in the conducted a comprehensive study of the form of hepatitis A (13%), otitis (8%) and health status of 184 girls aged 11 to rhinitis (8%).


Iroda Sh. Djamalutdinova1*, Sayidmurod I. Ismailov2 1 Candidate of medical sciences, Department of Organization, Economics and Health Management 2 Doctor of Medical Sciences, associate Professor, Department of Organization, Economics and Health Management

The urgency of the problem. Today in sonal anxiety by the method of Spielberg- the country millions of children and teen- er-Khanin and Lusher. agers are engaged in sports and most of Results. When testing the personality them are also girls and girls. In sports, characteristics of girls involved in sports, many factors work simultaneously on the the psychological method was used with female body, the main of them are the the help of Spielberger-Khanin and Lush- increasing physical loads, and not least er tests, light anxiety-depressive disorders the psychological stresses, which in turn were detected in 45.0%, violations of become stressors that have a trigger moderate severity were detected in 40% mechanism in the development of viola- and severe in 15% when tested on the age tions of adaptive physiological processes. of 70% of girls were scary for 17 years. Purpose of the study. To study the 30% of cases accounted for the age grada- mental state of health of female athletes tion of up to 17 years, which is the most on the basis of psychological testing. prosperous age. Materials and methods of research. Conclusions. Experimental-psycholog- The object of testing were 184 girls who ical testing of girls after high loads revealed underwent experimental-psychological mild anxiety-depressive disorders in 45%, testing including tests of the level of per- moderate severity 40% and severe 15%.


Yulduz Isamukhametova, PhD student, Department of Traditional medicine, Rehabilitology Physical education and the Department of Neurology Supervisors: Adiba Usmankhodjaeva, Anna Prokhorova

Background. Analysis of the frequen- studies using methods of computed to- cy of treatment in the outpatient network mography and magnetic resonance imag- of our country showed that more than ing (MRI). It is important to remember 40% of patients in polyclinics come to the that imaging techniques with high fre- doctor with a complaint of pain. Epide- quency reveal degenerative-dystrophic miological studies conducted in recent changes in the spine, even in patients years in several countries of the world without back pain. Thus, according to the have shown a high prevalence of pain MRI of the lumbar spine, asymptomatic syndromes among the adult population. hernias of intervertebral discs are detect- For example, in Europe, according to a ed in individuals under 40 in 30-40% of large-scale epidemiological study, chronic cases, and in individuals over 60 years – pain affects about 20% of the population. in 100% of cases. Osteochondrosis can be The most common cause of non-oncolog- considered only a prerequisite for the oc- ical chronic pain syndromes are arthral- currence of back pain, but not its immedi- gia and arthritis (35%), as well as back ate cause. pain (24%). Treatment and rehabilitation. Treat- The purpose of the study was identify ment of patients with nonspecific pain in effective method of the treatment and re- the back should be directed primarily to habilitation in patients with back pain in the regress of pain symptoms, which helps ambulatory condition. restore the patient’s activity and reduce Diagnosis. When interviewing and the risk of chronic pain. In the acute pe- examining a patient with back pain, the riod, it is necessary to limit physical activ- doctor should remember the “symptoms ity, avoid lifting weights, prolonged sitting of the threat”, the presence of which may or lying down. Rehabilitation is a key indicate the possibility of the patient hav- point in the therapy and prevention of ing a serious, sometimes life-threatening back pain of any type, it helps to ease the disease. According to international stan- patient’s condition and restore function- dards, in the absence of a patient with ing (as far as possible). Rehabilitation back pain “symptoms of threat” or radicu- should be started as soon as possible, lar pain, there is no need to conduct labo- specific methods depend on the strength ratory and instrumental examinations, and duration of the pain syndrome. The including radiography of the spine or effectiveness of rehabilitation measures is

91 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA assessed by VAS. Rehabilitation can be ities. Typically, it is acetylsalicylic acid, carried out both individually and within anticoagulants, as well as drugs that have the framework of group sessions under hepatotoxic properties, for example, the supervision of a rehabilitation special- paracetamol. When prescribing drug ist. The purpose of the classes is to give therapy, one should adhere to the princi- the patient information about safe move- ple: the minimum dose of NSAIDs for the ment and self-care at home, at work, etc. shortest possible time. Physiotherapeutic It is important to train the patient to keep methods of treatment, for example, heat the correct posture and to observe ergo- and/or cold treatment, massage, ultra- nomic (optimal) conditions for making sound, electrostimulation methods, trac- movements, as well as to perform basic tion, manual therapy, acupuncture and household movements without causing stretching exercises are more effective aggravation of pain. It is also important than drug based treatment. However, the for the patient to teach the basics of only thing that provides a favorable prog- household back protection. nosis for back pain is continuation of Conclusion. Treatment of patient normal activity. It is proved that simple with back pain is always personalized, exercises are useful for chronic, subacute includes the entire available arsenal of and postoperative pain syndromes in the medicinal and non-drug methods, taking back. At the same time, the rest of the into account the age of the patient and the physiotherapy methods to date there is no treatment that he receives for co-morbid- convincing evidence of effectiveness.


Jalilov Sh. Kh1*., Jabbarov O.O., Qodirova Sh.A., Khodjanova Sh.I., Khaydarova D.Q. *Department of Faculty and hospital therapy, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

ABSTRACT Premature menopause, defined as secondary amenorrhea, is common in women with kidney disease. In addition, an aging population has led to increase in postmenopausal women with kidney disease. Although the pathophysiology is poorly understood, liver transplantation and more frequent hemodialysis may restore menstruation and fertility, highlighting the problems of diagnosis and management of menopausal transition women with kidney disease. Levels of sex hormones in postmenopausal women affect renovascu- lar physiology, but the clinical impact of menopause on renal function is unclear. There are no recommendations on the use of postmenopausal hormone therapy among the population with kidney disease and study of the effect of postmenopausal hormone ther- apy in patients with kidney disease is limited to surrogate indicators of cardiovascular risk and fractures. Study examining the effect of postmenopausal hormone therapy on renal function and albuminuria, have reported conflicting results, which probably reflect differences in the composition, the route of administration, accompanying progestin and the timing of the start of treatment. Large, prospective study examining the relationship between renal function and menopause, as well as the impact of postmenopausal hor- mone therapy on important clinical outcomes in women with kidney disease. Keywords: Amenorrhea, chronic kidney disease, end-stage kidney disease, estro- gen, menopause, postmenopausal hormone therapy.

On the other hand, vasomotor symp- markers of cardiovascular disease. There- toms (VMS) are common symptoms of fore, VMS can help to identify women menopause, occurring in 30-50% of cases with increased cardiovascular risk. In- of perimenopause, and 30-80% of women deed, participants in the Initiative for in post-menopausal period. While the women’s health initiatives (WHI), who pathogenesis of SMS is not fully under- developed VMS after menopause (late stood, VMS, believed to be due to ther- VMS), were at increased risk of cardio- moregulatory dysfunction, leading to ex- vascular events and mortality, whereas aggerated activation of heat dissipation, women with early VMS was lower com- including peripheral vasodilation and pared to women who never experienced sweating. Vasomotor symptoms were as- VMS. It was reported that chronic kidney sociated with higher prevalence of car- disease (CKD) affects 15% of all women diovascular risk factors and subclinical in Uzbekistan, but relatively little is

93 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA known about the relationship between ity, previous use of hormone therapy CKD and menopause. Women with end- (HT) and longitudinal analyses of the ac- stage renal failure have features of accel- tive arm HT for participants in clinical erated aging, premature menopause, trials hormone therapy. Diabetes was de- bone fractures and cardiovascular events. fined as self-report of taking pills or insu- 10-14 women with earlier stages of CDK lin and / or serum fasting blood glucose > experience premature cardiovascular 126 mg/DL. Hypertension was defined as morbidity and may also experience an systolic blood pressure > 140 mm Hg. St. excess burden of fractures, however re- On the other hand, diastolic blood pres- search menopausal characteristics across sure > 90 mm Hg. St. Alternatively, took the entire spectrum of renal function do the pills for hypertension. Hyperlipidemia not exist. was defined as total cholesterol= 240 mg/ We considered several baseline factors DL or LDL > 160 mg / DL or taking as covariates in these analyses that can medications that reduce cholesterol lev- lead to an Association between CKD and els. The history of the survey, alcohol VMS, including age, race/ethnicity (self- consumption, previous cardiovascular assessment black, white, Uzbek or Rus- disease and previous use and duration of sian, black or African-American), diabe- hormone were set in the questionnaire. tes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cardio- Physical activity was established by using vascular disease (cardiovascular disease), personal data about personal habits and body mass index (BMI), history of Smok- classified in the total metabolic equivalent ing, alcohol consumption, physical activ- (MET) per week.


Jalilov Sh. Kh1*., Jabbarov O.O., Qodirova Sh.A., Khodjanova Sh.I., Khaydarova D.Q. *Department of Faculty and hospital therapy, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Summary Vasomotor symptoms (VMS) are common symptoms of menopause, occurring in 30- 50% of cases of perimenopause, and 30-80% of women in post-menopausal period. While the pathogenesis of VMS is not completely understood, VMS, believed to be due to thermo- regulatory dysfunction, leading to exaggerated activation of heat dissipation, including peripheral vasodilation and sweating. Vasomotor symptoms were associated with higher prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and subclinical markers of cardiovascular disease. Keywords: chronic kidney disease; menopause; vasomotor symptoms; coronary heart disease.

ABSTRACT baseline of the study, late of VMS is Background. This study aims to de- present only at baseline of the study, termine whether the different symptoms the permanent VMS-present before of menopause between women with menopause and study baseline data) chronic kidney disease (CKD) and wom- and Cox regression to determine en without CKD, and whether CKD mod- whether CKD modified associations ified associations of late vasomotor symp- between late VMS and or fatal cardio- toms (VMS) can cause and / or cardiovas- vascular events. cular events. Findings. In women with CKD Materials and Methods. CKD, de- (41 out of 72, the average estimate of glo- fined as estimated glomerular filtration merular filtration rate, a 50.7 ml / min / rate less than 60 ml / min / 1.73 m (us- 1.73 m), more likely to have had meno- ing equation combines epidemiology of pause before the age of 45 years (28% vs chronic kidney disease) were identified 24%, P = 0.02), but less likely to VMS in 72 postmenopausal women aged (37% vs 45%, P =0.001) than women 50 to 79 years. The primary outcome without CKD. Women with CKD are not was the presence, severity, and time / more likely than women without CKD, duration of VMS (self-test hot flashes experiencing late VMS. Late VMS (haz- and night sweats) at baseline. We used ard ratio, 1.15 m, 94% CI, 1,05-1,31) and multi-volume logistic regression to test CKD (risk ratio of 1.76, 95% CI 1,53-of associations among CKD and four 1.96) were independently associated with VMS categories (no VMS, early VMS- increased risk of mortality, but CKD did present before menopause but not at not change the Association of late VMS

95 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA with mortality (Pinteraction = 0,52), cor- Conclusion. Women with mild CKD onary heart disease (Pinteraction = 0,13) experience earlier menopause and fewer or stroke (Pinteraction = 0,67). VMS than women without CKD.


Uktam M. Kurbankulov1*, Abrorbek A. Yusupbekov2 1 Researcher and MD at the Department of Oncology, Tashkent Medical Academy 2 Doctor of medical sciences, Deputy Director at the Republican Cancer Research Center, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Background. Despite achievements of (60.4 %) women. modern clinical surgery, modernisation When entering the hospital complex of reanimation service and introduction methods of diagnostics were conducted of new medical technologies, there is a for all patients according to algorithm of multitude of pathologies which the medi- primary inspection of colon cancer pa- cine should control in the century XXI. tients. One of such pathological states which On the basis of the obtained results demands special attention and waits for and expression of clinic of impassability the decision is acute intestinal obstruc- the patients were divided into 3 groups: tion (AIO). I – compensated – 18 (9,9%) patients; The urgency of a problem of diagnos- II – subcompensated – 90 (49,4%) pa- tics and treatment of AIO is conditioned tients; by that lethality at this disease is 16-27% III – decompensated (full retentive and has no tendency to depression and obstruction) – 74 (40.7%) patients. surgeons are often needed to operate pa- Results. According to anatomical tients of elderly and senile age with ac- structure of a colonic intestine at our pa- companying diseases of cardiovascular tients, following localizations of the path- system and breath organs. ological centre are revealed: tumor was Proceeding from the above-stated, the localized in the right half of colonic intes- purpose of the present report is improve- tine at 54 (29.7%) patients, in cross-co- ment of results of timely diagnostics and lonic intestine at 10 (5.5%), in the left half surgical treatment for AIO patients of a of colonic intestine – at 118 (64.8 %) pa- tumoral genesis by the retrospective anal- tients. ysis of National Center of Oncology of At 108 (59 %) out of 182 patients the Uzbekistan materials. tumor was of Stage III and Stage IV at 74 Material and methods. We have ana- (41%). lyzed results of treatment of 182 patients Histological research has revealed ad- at the age from 18 until 80 years with enocarcinoma of various differentiation AIO, which were subjected to various degree at 144 (79.1 %) patients, undiffer- surgical procedures concerning verified entiated cancer at 8 (4.4 %) patients, solid colorectal cancer diagnosis during 2011 – at 15 (8.2 %) patients, mucous at 12 2015. Middle age of patients was 61.2 + (6.6%) and carcinoid tumor at 3 (1.7 %) 0.2 years including 72 (39.6 %) men, 110 patients.


As emergency 53.8 % of patients have (6). Besides it, at 4 patients the perienteric been operated, urgently – 42.0 % and in abscess was found out as a result of tumor the delayed order – 4.2 % of patients. In microperforation. all cases, operation was started from me- The analysis has shown that in the dian access. postoperative period the general frequen- Out of 54 patients with right tumor cy of complications connected with car- localization the right hemicolectomy was ried out surgical manipulation was 18.6 % performed at 37 (68.5%); at 5 (9.3%) there (34 patients). was imposed bypass ileo-transverse anas- At the same time we differed compli- tomosis as the first stage of radical treat- cations both local and general character. ment, subsequently they were subjected So out of 34 patients at 25 (13.7 %) there to radical surgery. 8 (14.8 %) cancer pa- was presence of complications of local tients of Stage IV were imposed to ileo- character which are directly connected to transverse anastomosis as a palliative in- the carried out operation. At the others 9 tervention, to 4 (7.4%) patients double- (4.9%) patients there were observed com- barreled ileostomу have been raised. plications of the general character – extra There were operated 118 colon cancer surgical complications, i.e. functions of patients with left localization of which 75 the vital organs and systems against ab- (63.6%) were subjected by Gartman radi- sence of organic changes from a zone of cal operation or left hemicolectomy, out operational impact. of 43 (36.4%) the acute intestinal obstruc- Among complications of a local gene- tion was eliminated by applying double- sis mostly often there was observed pyesis barreled colostomy without removal of development of postoperative wound – at tumor at 39 patients, bypass transverse- 11 patients. Besides, inefficiency of anas- sigmo anastomosis at 3 patients, cecosto- tomosis seams took place at 8 patients, ma at one patient. Out of the indicated ostomy immersing in an abdominal cavi- 43 patients at 24 there was a cancer of ty with the subsequent peritonitis – at Stage IV, and at 19 patients the interven- 4 patients, parastomal abscesses – at 2 pa- tions unloading intestine were the first tients. stage of radical treatment. Among complications of the general Out of 10 patients with tumor local- character there were observed: acute car- ization in cross-colic intestine 2 have had diovascular and respiratory insufficien- expanded right hemicolectomy, 3 patients cy – at 5, acute thromboembolism of had left hemicolectomy, 3 patients had pulmonary artery – at 2, acute hepatore- resection of cross colic intestines and nal insufficiency – at 1 and acute multiple 2 patients had bypass anastomosis, organ failure – at 1 patient. At 78 (42.8%) patients the acute intes- It is necessary to note that despite the tinal obstruction has been complicated by carried out actions at 19 (10,4 %) were peritonitis: serohemorrhagic or serofibri- observed lethal outcomes out of 34 pa- nous (32), fibrinopurulent (40) and fecal tients with postoperative complications.


Out of 120 (66%) patients radically man operation). 3. Unloading and drain- operated under the presence of acute in- ing operations are carried out in cases of testinal obstruction 12 (10.7%) have died. a serious initial condition of the patient, All 12 patients who were operated to re- expressed intoxication, presence of unre- move a tumor after preliminary elimina- sectable tumors or generalization of ma- tion of acute intestinal obstruction surgi- lignant process. cally, have safely survived the operation. References Out of 62 (34%) patients who had pallia- 1. Aliev S.A.//Surgery. – 2011. – №8. – p. 44-50. tive intervention, have died in the early 2. Bryusov P. G, Lysenko V. N, Malahov J.P.// postoperative period 14 (24%), including Modern possibilities of the surgical com- at 3 of stage III cancer, and at 11 of stage bined and complex treatment of colorectal IV has been defined. cancer. – Perm, 2003. – p. 16-17. 3. Bryusov P. G, Malahov J.P. «Evolution of The death reason was progressing approaches to surgical treatment of the peritonitis at 12 patients, anastomosis patients with colonic intestine cancer seams inefficiency at 2 patients, thrombo- complicated by acute intestinal obstruc- embolism complications at 3 patients, tion» //Russian oncologic journal. – cancer cachexia at 2 patients, cardiovas- 2004 – №5. – p. 4-8. 4. Vasilev I.T., Mumladze R. B, SkorobogAIOv cular complications at 5 patients. of MB., Guseva S.A.// Actual possibilities of Conclusions 1. At the colon cancer modern surgery. – М, 2003. – p. 132. to be complicated by obturative obstruc- 5. Efimenko N.A., Ushakov I.I. Standardized tion it is necessary to aspire not only to approaches to diagnostics and treatment liquidate complication but also to per- of the most widespread forms of malig- form radical primary operation which nant neoplasms. Part I. М, 2001. – p. 28. 6. Litvinov R. P, Dolgushin B.I., Nechushkin favorably differs by that the tumor is re- M. I et al.// Modern possibilities of the sur- moved as source of intoxication and gical combined and complex treatment of a metastasis. 2. At right localisation of a colorectal cancer. – Perm, 2003. – p. 57-58. tumor it is admissible to perform hemi- 7. Pugaev A.V., Achkasov E.E., Negrebov M. colectomy with applying of ileo-trans- G, and co-authors.// Russian oncologic journal. – 2004 – No. – p. 8-15. verse anastomosis. At left localization in 8. Fedorov V. D, Vorobyev G.I, Rivkin V. L. case of little changes in intestine wall the Clinical operative coloproctology. – М, 1994. resection with anastomosis applying is 9. Ambrosetti P., Mishel J.M., Morel P. – possible, and in case of the expressed 1999. – Vol. 53, N 19. – p. 11585–1587. obstruction the operation is carried out 10. Umbach T. W., Dorazio R.A. // Am. in volume of obstructive resection (Gart- Surg. – 1999. Vol. 65.


Dilfuza Yuldasheva, a teacher of English Philology, Namangan State University ( Uzbekistan)

Abstract: This article deals with the importance of using cooperative learning and group work to actuate the learners’ participation in EFL classes. They are beneficial for learners to express their opinions freely and confidently. As features of Communicative Language Teaching cooperative learning and group work give opportunity for learners to be confident and work collaboratively, strengthen communication skills and their aca- demic language proficiency. Key words: Communication, Communicative Language Teaching, productive and receptive skills, a student-centered, positive interdependence, collaboratively, confi- dence, community of learners, new pedagogical principles.

Nowadays English language is accept- work together in small groups to achieve a ed as a language of communication all common goal. Cooperative learning has over the world and it is paid great atten- become increasingly popular as a feature tion to teach this foreign language in our of Communicative Language Teaching Uzbekistan. And the main sources of sci- (CLT) with benefits that include increased entific and intellectual personnel are student interest due to the quick pace of qualified specialists that graduate univer- cooperative tasks, improved critical think- sities and make their contribution in de- ing ability, and the opportunity to practice veloping of the country by investigating both the productive and receptive skills in the languages. This is a new generation a natural context. The array of benefits that helps the progress to move on in all of extends beyond increased language learn- the spheres of the language study. New ing to include increased self-esteem and methodical recommendations, strategies tolerance of diverse points of view. and manuals are designed on the basis of Although cooperative learning has nu- their research works. merous variations, Johnson and Johnson In order to activate students the teach- (1999) indicated five features of a success- ers use various activities in their classes. ful cooperative learning activity: As an English teacher I noticed from my (1) students learn that their success investigations that cooperative learning depends upon working together interde- and group work are more beneficial for pendently; (2) students are individually learners to express their opinions freely accountable while achieving group goals; and confidently. (3) students support and assist one an- Cooperative learning, put quite simply, other’s success through face-to-face inter- is a type of instruction whereby students actions; (4) students develop social skills

100 SCIENCE, INFO RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT by cooperating and working together ef- The teacher can create discussions fectively; and (5) students as a group have that overlap and build upon the students’ the opportunity to reflect on the effective- ideas by providing different statements to ness of working together. initiate discussion. When these principles are realized, While cooperative learning is often cooperative learning creates a rich envi- time-consuming, by working together, ronment for students to learn language students simultaneously strengthen both and simultaneously develop their capaci- their basic interpersonal communication ties for collaborative twenty-first-century skills and their academic language profi- communication and problem solving. ciency. Students can reap all of these benefits by Group work is a student-centered way working cooperatively in the classroom, of teaching that emphasizes collaboration, so it is no wonder that teachers desire to cooperation, and teamwork. Sometimes pool the resources in our classrooms, teachers use groups to work on short ac- namely our students, to maximize student tivities in an informal way. However, a learning through cooperative learning more formal structure to group work can opportunities. provide many benefits for the students as well. The culture of cooperative learning As teachers of English language learn- Why use group work? ers, we often forget that many of the strat- Researchers have found that social egies that our discipline embraces as the support is important for learners to be most appropriate means for reaching our successful in the classroom. Working in students are, in fact, culturally specific groups allows students to be in an interac- and driven by assumptions about com- tive environment. This interaction helps munication that, at times, need to be them to develop language and social taught explicitly in order for such activi- skills. During group work, students are ties. Consider providing students with engaging with the task, increasing their opportunities to practice communication confidence, and becoming responsible for within a group by allowing whole class their own learning. Working together is conversations to occur freely without effective because students interact mean- constant teacher direction. By creating an ingfully in the target language and get atmosphere that encourages social inter- helpful feedback from peers. Students action within a group, teachers allow stu- develop “positive interdependence.” This dents to become more comfortable with means that they encourage and help each the structure of the cooperative learning other by sharing ideas and knowledge to lesson design. Allow students the freedom reach a common goal. to discuss ideas in class discussions open- In many cases, group work can help ly without raising their hands for permis- you manage your classroom successfully sion to speak. regardless of class size or content. Group

101 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA work creates an atmosphere that encour- communication skills for group work, ages successful behaviors. Working in strategies for dealing with conflict, and groups engages students with others who classroom expectations for working in may have different sets of language and groups. For group work to be effective, social skills. Using smaller groups to meet students need to understand the purpose classroom goals allows students to devel- and goals of the group task and the crite- op skills that are valuable in life and work, ria for success. Teachers should also plan tasks that What if groups are noisy or arguing? promote learning and are meaningful and Students who are focused, engaged, authentic. Small groups might practice for and working collaboratively can seem a larger whole class presentation. Each noisy at times. Teachers should have clear student could create a piece of informa- expectations and assign student roles and tion for their group that helps complete a responsibilities. There will still be noise, learning task. Group members could dis- but this will be the positive noise of stu- cuss ideas related to a topic and decide on dents completing meaningful learning the top three ideas. tasks. In addition, some groups will expe- To summarize, students cannot iden- rience conflict and disagreement with tify themselves in the mass and loose any their members. Teachers can show ways interest in studying. The implementation to deal with conflict and help students of cooperative learning and group work learn to manage themselves. in small classes gives a chance to a student Group work takes thought and plan- to express himself in a group which is ning. However, even in large groups, if composed of students with similar back- there is clear instruction, group work can ground. However, everything is based on be an extremely successful tool for engag- new pedagogical principles. ing students in the classroom and helping References: them to remember key concepts. 1. Harmer, J. (1991). The Practice of English Organization is one of the most im- Language Teaching. New ed. New York: portant features of effective group work. Longman. For group work to run smoothly, the 2. McCafferty, S. G. Jacobs 2006.Cooperative teacher must plan carefully. learning and second language teaching. First, teachers should structure an ear- Cambridge University Press 3. Buckley, P. (1982). Is group work feasible ly lesson to help students understand the in monolingual class? Practical English elements of group work. The lesson Teaching. should have four key components: a re- 4. Byrne, D. (1995). Techniques for Class- spectful and safe community of learners, room Interaction. Harlow Essex. Longman.


Toshpulotova Z.A.

Key words: fundamental approach, cognitive approach, communicative approach, learning strategies, deductive approach, inductive approach Ключевые слова: Основной подход, когнитивный подход, коммуникатив- ный подход, стратегии, дедуктивный подход, индуктивный подход Аннотация Данная статья посвящается исследованию новейших методов и подходов преподавания иностранного языка. В статье также подробно описивается не- которые методы и подходы, а также ихные эфективности в процессе обучения. Abstract The article is devoted to the investigation of modern methods of teaching foreign lan- guages. Moreover the article describes some approaches and methods which effective in teaching process. A lot of examples are given in article.

The term «method» has two meanings: ing to which the student is an active par- the method as a methodical system or fun- ticipant in the teaching process rather damental approach in teaching the subject than the object of the teacher training at a particular historical period of develop- activities. ment of science and technique as a means Different qualities of students also re- of achieving a certain goal in teaching. fer to cognitive style: a willingness to take In Europe 1960-70-ies were marked risks (risk-taking), it is necessary to study on the development of so-called human- a foreign language and to overcome the istic approach to teaching, the essence of psychological barrier; ability of self- which is to focus on the identity of the awareness and self-esteem (self-esteem); student, his interests, needs and abilities anxiety, preoccupation, anxiety (anxiety) as well as the teaching methods that in the learning process, fear of doing mis- match his individual characteristics. This take; empathy, capacity for empathy, approach is characterized by the reorien- which is revealed during the execution of tation of the whole learning process from different exercises, where students should a teacher and his methods on the indi- take into account the abilities and possi- viduality of student and the teaching bilities of the interlocutor, tolerant atti- methods that correspond the students’ tude to his mistakes. needs and abilities. Cognitive style specific to a particular The cognitive approach is based on student defines his teaching style (learn- the principle of consciousness in learning ing style) and influence the choice of in- and socioconstructivizm theory, accord- structional strategies (learning strategies).


The cognitive approach is the theory cess should be based on the model of real of teaching foreign languages which was communication, as the possession of the developed on the basis of cognitive psy- system of language (grammar and vocab- chology. Its authors are considered to be ulary) is not sufficient for the effective use Dzh. Bruner and U. Rivers. With regard to of language for communication purposes. learning a foreign language, cognitivism Learning strategies (1earning strate- means that the study of a linguistic phe- gies) are the actions and operations of nomenon must be based on mental pro- students used to optimize the processe of cesses and actions that underlie the un- production and storing information, as derstanding and use of the phenomenon well as processes of using accumulated in question. This approach emphasizes information. The student commits these the need to take into account features of actions to speed up the learning process mastering by students whatever linguistic and make it easier, interesting and effec- phenomenon, but also draws attention to tive. Teaching strategies depend on psy- ability of students to organize their learn- chological and personal features of stu- ing activities consciously. dents and the cognitive style appropriate The humanistic approach is based on to them. the humanistic direction in psychology; This approach is usually contrasted based on the thoughts, feelings and emo- with teacher-centered approach, when the tions of students in the process of learn- teacher dominates the learning process, ing, education and development, as well which is contrary to the idea of human​​ - as cognitive processes that provide knowl- ization of education, hinders creativity edge of the world and self-knowledge, and initiative of students, and limits their and contribute to the teaching. Humanis- activity. An approach that focuses on tic approach to teaching is reflected in the teachers relates to the traditional teaching teaching of foreign languages ​​methodics methods. and implemented in the method of «quiet The approach to learning which is learning» (The silent way), the method of concentrated on getting results is called «community» (Community language product – oriented approach. It is as- learning) and a number of other methods. sumed that a certain training period ends The communicative approach to lan- up with the creation by a student certain guage learning appeared in the 1970s in speech pattern: separate statements, dia- the UK in connection with the nomina- logue, letters, etc., which is the purpose of tion of new learning objectives – acquisi- learning, the achievement on which tion of language as a means of communi- teachers activities are directed. Special cation (communication). education programs were developed on In accordance with the communica- the basis of this approach to learning, and tive language teaching approach the pecu- the various aspects of the learning activi- liarities of real communication should be ties act as learning objectives. taken into account, and the learning pro- The approach of training that focuses

104 SCIENCE, INFO RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT on the formation of knowledge, skills and language as a body of grammatical rules abilities is called process-oriented ap- and an enormous number of words that proach. This approach has been a major are combined according to the rules. development in teaching writing. Re- Traditional methodology thus focuses on searchers point out that pronounced grammatical structures and isolated items «procedural» nature of the letter, as an of vocabulary. Jim Scrivener adds that essay or a story can not be written directly «the teacher spends quite a lot of class in the final version. Product writing ap- time using the board and explaining pears in the process of planning, writing things – as if ‹transmitting› the abstracts, sketches, reformulating phras- knowledge». Students are expected to es, changes parts of the text, etc. This ap- learn the rules and the items of lexis, and proach to learning is implemented in the it is supposed that they will be able to use analytical type of curricula. the language. However, students mostly The deductive approach to teaching is explore only narrow avenues of the based on the deduction – kind of mind- language, because, according to conclusion from the general to the par- Broughton and Scrivener, the syllabuses ticular. With regard to the teaching of are grammatical and the language is foreign languages, ​​deductive approach grouped by purpose. The primary skills, provides an explanation of rules and their such as reading, writing, listening and implementation into practice, that is, the speaking, are generally taught at an path from the general to the particular, insufficient level. Nevertheless, as from the shape to its implementation. Scrivener says, this method, with all its The inductive approach, in contrast, potential disadvantages, has been used suggests the path from particular to gen- very often in schools worldwide, «and is eral. still the predominant classroom method In the foreign language teaching, the in some cultures». term «inductive approach» is often used Traditional methods are effective for as a synonym for «natural approach» and teaching academic English, for training deductive cooresponds with the terms reading and writing skills. Traditional «formal, cognitive.» This inductivity is methodology is more useful to be used treated as modern direction in learning with elder learners as it is not very and deductivity as a traditional, outdated. motivating. Modern methodology is An inductive approach to training in effective to be used with younger learners modern foreign methodology is widely and specializes on training communicative used, which led to the emergence of a new skills. Modern methods make students term «consciousness-raising approach». feel like in real life situations and demand To sum up the above mentioned ideas, from them to take part in communication. we can say that traditional language Data of a number of researches teaching is based on a traditional approach supports the point of view that the form – to the target language, which regards the focused training and the correct feedback

105 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA is provided in the context of the Whenever method you would follow, communicative programs which are it is important to be convinced that your limited exclusively to emphasis accuracy students receive as much time as it is on one hand or exclusive emphasis on possible to communicate. Therefore it is fluency on another. Thus, we claim that very important to include work in small teachers of second language can provide groups or pairs as part of your lessons. It guidance on the basis of form-based gives students much more time to speak instruction and correction feedback in English during lessons. certain circumstances. For example, Undoubtedly, complex methods will teachers shouldn›t hesitate to correct grow in popularity in the near future, errors which students make constantly but depending on the method or not paying close attention to them. combination of methods, you will follow Teachers have to be especially informed all of them will give you useful ideas to about mistakes that most of students in use in class. class do when they have the same THE LIST languages. OF USED LITERATURE Teachers can also try to become more 1. Corno L., Snow R. Adapting Teaching to informed on those approaches and Individual Differences among Learners. – methods which they feel only begin to Handbook of Research on Teaching appear in development of the second MacMillan, New York, 1968. – 267 p. 2. Michael R. Encyclopedia of Language language of students and provide some Teaching and Learning. – London: guidance in instruction in use of these Routledge, 1999. – 366 p. forms at that moment to see if any benefits 3. Randall J. M., Morris, B. A., Wetzel, C. D., are made. It can be useful to stimulate Whitehill, B. V. The effectiveness of games pupils to participate in process, make for educational purposes: A review of actions which draw attention of pupils to recent research. Simulation & Gaming, 1992. – 276 p. forms which they use in communicative 4. Richards Jack & Rodgers, Theodore. practice, develop contexts in which they Approaches and Methods in Language can provide feedback and encourage them Teaching. – Cambridge. Cambridge to ask questions. University Press, 1998. – 357 p. Decisions on when and how to use 5. Richards, Jack C., Rodgers, Theodore S. Approaches and Methods in Language distinctive methods depends on the skills Teaching (2nd ed.). – Cambridge, New of teacher and teaching situation. York: Cambridge University Press, 2001.- Absolutely different approaches should be 201 p. used with the fourth or fifth grade 6. Thornbury S. A Comparison of Inductive language students, small children and Deductive Approaches to Teaching beginning to learn second language, Foreign Languages. – The Modern Language Journal. 1999. – P. 395-403. immigrant who isn›t able to read and 7. Гальскова Н.Д. Современная методика write in the language and the teenager обучения иностранным языкам. – М., learning foreign language at school. 2000. – 213 c.


If the poet who is left alone with words and souls is iman, this is worship A.Mahkam Munira Nurmuhamedova, Rushana Zaripova the students of Termiz State University Keywords: poet, poems,Vestnik Europe,patriotism,literature,educational. Abstract: Pushkin’s artistic creation. His feelings of patriotism in his contribution to Russian literature and his poems

Aleksander Sergeevich Pushkin, the elder man. He prophesied that he would genius of Russian literature, was born on become a mature poet in the future. June 6, 1799 in the family of ex-mayor The words «The Russian poetry origi- Sergei Pushkin, one of the oldest dwarfs nates from Pushkin» by the great Russian in the German city of St. Petersburg. critic V.Gelinsky is worthy of the poet›s From his youth, he grew up fondly of lit- work. erary literature. Arina Radionovna, a Pushkin was one of the founders of nurse who knows the folk oratory in her Russian romanticism. The poets started heart, has grown up in love and affection. to write down his works. It was an exam- It is worth noting that Pushkin’s role as a ple of a great talent for the Russian litera- poet is one of the most advanced educa- ture. Recognizing this, Jukovsky wrote to tional institutions at that time, the Sar- Pushkin, writing a leaflet titled «Defeat a skoe Selo Lyceum. He is known as a poet Teacher to the Student». with his own voice during his school His essay was a major event in writing years, and soon he gets into his mouth. the poem «Evgeny Onegin» in 1833. In the A.S. In Pushkin›s early poems, in his translation of the verse, some of the wise poems written in recent years, we can see words of the poet, which is not repeated by a unique image of patriotism and national the poet in this work, which is astonishing traditions. to his reader›s art and essence, The poem was first published in the What is worse in the world? journal Vestnik Europe in 1814, entitled From such a family, it is impossible. «The Poet to My Friend». This poem was It is difficult for a woman to cry out of one of the other poems which had been cre- desolate place, ated at that time, much higher in terms of its Both day and night, he is alone. artistic scope and essence. Her personality Pushkin emphasizes the greatness of and her poetry are unique and original. The the family through these passages. As you poem dedicated to the poet›s farewell lyce- can see, family violence is «worse than um is highly appreciated by Derjavin, an anything else in the world,» says the poet.


In addition, you will find that there are one of the episodes closest to the hearts of deep and meaningful meanings in the children. Russian fairy tales, songs, and meaning of «mischief and misery». In legends give this wonderful work an ex- order to comprehend the following point, traordinary content. The bright talent, a deeper human is required in the art: which embodies the highest humanism, «The mind that loves the bread corrupts can create such a work. the heart.» Pushkin condemns the envi- Famous Russian romantic poet Ju- ronment by using this figure. According kovskiy, after publishing the poem «Rus- to the poet, the mind can not live in a lan and Lyudimila,» will give Pushkin a trivial way to the broader world, to free- portrait of «My Brother is a Brother of a dom. As a result, the heart begins to suf- Steward». It was an impartial assessment fer. To avoid such torture, the poet must of the genius of the great poet, who came always live in freedom. from the master and was a fierce man We look at another great byte analysis who had advanced his time. with such a philosophical meaning: To deepen our appreciation of One wheat that fell to the ground Pushkin›s genius, we need to learn and It›s like a spring frost. study the beautiful works of his centuries- It is well-known that spring is de- olds. The great Russian poet has long scribed as a brilliant person in the litera- turned into an Uzbek poet. It is probably ture. If we regard the wheat as good, then not Uzbek who has not heard his name the poet›s parentheses are given as the and has not read his works. His works embodiment of spring prosperity. have been translated into Uzbek and Pushkin makes good use of compari- translated into many languages. A.S. Push- sons in his statement and disclosure, and kin, the national poet of Uzbekistan, said: achieves his intended goal. Here is what «Pushkin, in the space of Russian litera- we can see from the following compari- ture, has enriched it with his ornamental sons that the reflection of such a youthful works». It is not enough for us to enjoy the and old age reflects a beautiful expression: works of the poet to feel the truth of these Happy at the time lines. Perhaps, we need high artistic po- Happy in youth. tential, deep understanding and strong In fact, intellectual preparation on this path. The happiness of the stone is good. References: These lines, translated exclusively by 1. Pushkin A.S. Selected Works. Two vol- Mirzo Kenjabek, are so impressive with umes. First Volume: Bows. Doston. Tash- their simplicity of language. The poet kent: Literature and Art, 1979. 272 b. searches for answers to the question 2. Pushkin A.S. Selected Works. Two vol- «What is the happiness?» And finds the umes. Second volume: Nasriy works. – Tashkent: Literature and Arts, 1979.- 280 b. answer to the reader. 3. Pushkin A.S. Ruslan and Lyudmila. Mos- The poem «Ruslan and Lyudmila,» by cow: Pravda, 1982. 176 p. Alexander Pushkin, based on folk tales, is 4. Pushkin A.S. Captain›s daughter: The


story. Tashkent: Teacher, 1983. 104 p. 6. Pushkin A.S. Yevgeny Onegin: The poetry 5. Pushkin AS, Lermontov M.Yu. Captain›s novel. Tashkent: Literature and Art, daughter. Stories from the late Ivan Petro- 1988. – 232 b. vich Belkin. Dubrovsiky. Tashkent: Litera- 7. Pushkin A.S. Fairy tales. Tashkent: East, ture and Art, 1986. B. 5-234. 2004. 112 b.


Annotation The article considers the interpretation of the concept of “soft power”, analyzes the implementation of “soft” strategies in practice, and also describes the characteristics of China’s policy regarding the spread of Chinese culture both within the country and abroad. Key words international institutes/ soft power/spreading of chineese culture/world arena/image of country/applying of consept “soft power” Аннотация В статье рассматривается интерпретации концепции «мягкая сила», ана- лизируется воплощение «мягких» стратегий на практике, а также представле- на характеристика политики КНР в отношении распространения китайской культуры как в пределах страны, так и за рубежом. Ключевые слова: международные институты/распространение китайской культуры / применение концепции мягкой силы/ имидж страны /мировая арена

В последние годы Китайская На- привлекательного образа страны. Вто- родная Республика была во многом рая задача – стремление заставить дру- успешна благодаря использованию гие страны принять культурные цен- «мягкой силы», это помогло обрести ности данного государства и проведе- статус великой державы. Одна из ос- ние своей идеологии. Нельзя не при- новных задач ее использования на знать успех проведения данной международном уровне – это создание политики китайскими лидерами и воз-


растающую роль Китая как глобально- модели расширения своего политиче- го игрока на мировой арене. Он стано- ского влияния, стала концепция «мяг- вится все в большей степени интегри- кой силы». Понятие «мягкая сила» рованным в международные институ- («soft power») ввел в теорию междуна- ты, капиталистическим и современным родных отношений профессор Гар- государством. Благодаря бурному эко- вардского университета, американ- номическому росту у современного ский политолог Джозеф Най. «Мягкая Китая появляется все больше ресурсов сила» представляет собой искусство для решения своих геополитических и убеждения, использование нематери- экономических интересов, которые альных ресурсов культуры и полити- распространяются далеко за пределы ческих идеалов в интересах оказания Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона. влияния на людей в других странах. КНР заявляет о себе как о лидере во Используя «мягкую силу» государство многих сферах, в частности и как о приобретает возможность влиять на космической державе1. объект, не отдавая команды. Если объ- В настоящее время Китай занимает ект воздействия верит в благоразум- передовые позиций в международной ность твоих целей, то можно убедить структуре, а именно, в таких междуна- его сделать что-то без применения родных организациях, как ООН, МВФ, силы или какого-либо дополнительно- Всемирный Банк и т.д., а также в раз- го стимула2. личных проектах – форумах БРИКС, Джозеф Най считает, что «На За- ШОС, АТЭС, АСЕАН и т.д. паде уже давно с интересом относятся На международной арене мы мо- к традиционной культуре Китая, а в жем увидеть, как мировые державы будущем влияние современной куль- все больше хотят расширения страте- туры последнего возрастет еще боль- гического влияния своего государства ше. К примеру, Нобелевская премия по и распространения его по всей терри- литературе в прошлом году досталась тории остальных субъектов междуна- китайскому автору, это определенно родных отношений. В этом контексте положительное воздействие. По мере государство должно учитывать два ос- развития современной культуры по- новных фактора, которые доминируют вышается и значение мягкой силы»3. в международном поле – это экономи- Использование «мягкой силы» ческий и культурный факторы. в политике Китая мы можем наблю- Помимо экономических стратегий, дать на протяжении последнего деся- одной из последних концепций при- нятых к рассмотрению странами, как 2 Гревцова А. Н. Мягкая сила Китая как способ расширения его политического влияния 1 Ирина Троян «МЯГКАЯ СИЛА» КИТАЯ: на страны АСЕАН // Молодой ученый. — КУЛЬТУРНАЯ ЭКСПАНСИЯ «КРАСНОГО 2012. — №3. — С. 313-315. — URL https:// ДРАКОНА» HTTP://CHINA-INC.RU/NEWS/ . MJAGKAJA_SILA_KITAJA_KULTURNAJA_EHK- 3 Джозеф Най: «Мягкая сила Китая SPANSIJA_KRASNOGO_DRAKO- в китайской мечте» NA/2016-04-15-605 world/20131221/215796739.html


тилетия, она направлена не только на ном использовании важных стратеги- развивающиеся страны, но и на запад- ческих шансов для Китая, обеспечить ные в том числе, расширяя данную поступательное развитие и улучшение внешнюю политику в сфере культуры, качества жизни народа основываясь СМИ, экономики, тем самым наращи- на инновационные развития, а также вая усилия в формировании глобаль- продолжить политику открытости и ного пространства и создавая привле- реформ. Одной из важных аспектов кательный образ своей страны. Оче- внешнеполитической стратегии КНР видно, что данная внешняя политика это создание мирного и благоприятно- носит мирный и ответственный харак- го международного климата для раз- тер. Она нацелена на обеспечение на- вития страны. циональных интересов страны, ее це- Список литературы: 4 лостности и стабильности» . 1. Ирина Троян «Мягкая сила» Китая: На государственном уровне ядром Культурная экспансия «красного дра- «мягкой силы» КНР была признана кона» http:// С культура, поэтому данному направле- mjagkaja_sila_kitaja_kulturnaja_ нию уделяется особое внимание. Упор ehkspansija_krasnogo_drakona/ 2016-04- 15-605 делается на продвижение традицион- 2. Гревцова А. Н. Мягкая сила Китая как ной культуры страны. Китайские уче- способ расширения его политического ные и политики также связывают влияния на страны АСЕАН // Молодой «мягкую силу» с брендингом. Олим- ученый. – 2012. – №3. – С. 313-315. – пийские игры в 2008 г., Азиатские URL 3. Джозеф Най: «Мягкая сила Китая в Игры в Гуанчжоу в 2010 г., Шанхай китайской мечте» -ЭКСПО в 2010 г., строительство не- world/20131221/215796739.html боскребов, исследования Луны, – все 4. Басов А.Н. Китай как новая космиче- эти мероприятия имеют символиче- ская держава // Проблемы Дальнего ское значение, демонстрирующие миру Востока. 2010. №5. С. 20-31 рост КНР5. 5. Hard Decisions on Soft Power / Opportunities and Difficulties for Chinese В XXI в во внешних делах Китая Soft Power by Joseph Nye, Wang Jisi первоочередная и самая главная зада- Agriculture, Vol. 31 (2) – Summer ча заключается в обеспечении и успеш- 2009 Issue. – Режим доступа: URL: http:// 4 Ирина Троян «МЯГКАЯ СИЛА» КИТАЯ: article&id=1905&p=3 КУЛЬТУРНАЯ ЭКСПАНСИЯ «КРАСНОГО 6. Кузык Б.Н. Титаренко М.Л. Китай-Рос- ДРАКОНА» HTTP://CHINA-INC.RU/NEWS/ сия 2050: стратегия соразвития. М., MJAGKAJA_SILA_KITAJA_KULTURNAJA_EHK- SPANSIJA_KRASNOGO_DRAKO- 2006. С.525-526 NA/2016-04-15-605 7. Ковба Д. М. «МЯГКАЯ СИЛА» В КИ- 5 Ковба Д. М. «МЯГКАЯ СИЛА» ТАЙСКОЙ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЙ НАУКЕ В КИТАЙСКОЙ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЙ НАУКЕ И ПРАКТИКЕ И ПРАКТИКЕ stream/10995/46754/1/klo_2017_223.pdf bitstream/10995/46754/1/klo_2017_223.pdf


Ruzmatov I. B., Ergashev B. B. Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute Republican Perinatal Center

Purpose: meeting of associated pathologies with omphalocele in newborns.

Material and methods: Under our mainly observed in patients with large observation there were 103 newborns omphalocele sizes. Key words: Newborns, with omphalocele in the neonatal surgery omphalocele, treatment. department of the educational-therapeu- Objective: To determine the incidence tic center at the ROC for 2006-2017. Of of concomitant pathologies in omphalo- these, 84 (81.6%) newborns were full- cele in newborns. term; 19 (18.4%) premature. All patients Materials and methods: Under our underwent review radiography of the ab- observation there were 103 newborns dominal cavity, ultrasound of the abdom- with omphalocele in the neonatal surgery inal organs and hernial sac, echocardiog- department of the educational-therapeu- raphy, neurosonography. We divided pa- tic center at the ROC for 2006-2017. Of tients into two groups: the control group these, 84 (81.6%) newborns were full- – 48 (2006–2010) and the main group – term; 19 (18.4%) premature. All patients 55 newborns (2011–2017). Results: underwent review radiography of the ab- Among concomitant pathologies, anoma- dominal cavity, ultrasound of the abdom- lies of the cardiovascular system were inal organs and hernial sac, echocardiog- observed in 21 (47.7%) children; in 13 raphy, neurosonography. We divided pa- (29.5%) patients with anomalies of the tients into two groups: the control group gastrointestinal system; in 10 (22.7%) de- – 48 (2006–2010) and the main group – velopmental anomalies of other organs. It 55 newborns (2011–2017). should be noted that the dimensions of Results and its discussion. In 24 omphalocele is of great importance. Since (23.3%) of newborns, a large sized ompha- the size of omphalocele is larger, the num- locele was detected; 39 (37.9%) – the aver- ber of associated anomalies increased. Of age size; in 40 (38.8%) patients – omphalo- the 24 patients with large omphalocele cele of small size. Concomitant multiple sizes, 23 (95.8%) had multiple abnormali- abnormalities were detected in 44 (42.7%) ties in the development of the cardiovas- of 103 observed patients, and in 59 (57.3%) cular and gastrointestinal system. Con- patients, omphalocele was the only devel- clusion: Thus, a connection was found opmental anomaly. Of the 48 newborns in between the size of the embryonic hernia the control group, 16 had comorbidities, and related anomalies. Concomitant mul- and 55 newborns from the main group had tiple developmental abnormalities were 20 pathology departments. Multiple asso-

113 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA ciated defects were found in 8 (7.8%) pa- gastrointestinal system; in 10 (22.7%) de- tients out of 103 and this had its effect on velopmental anomalies of other organs. It the results of treatment. A lethal outcome should be noted that the dimensions of was observed in 6 (75%) of 8 patients who omphalocele is of great importance. Since had multiple defects detected simultane- the size of omphalocele is larger, the num- ously, and in 2 (25%) patients due to early ber of associated anomalies increased. Of diagnosis and the optimal treatment cho- the 24 patients with large omphalocele sen after the operation, the outcome was sizes, 23 (95.8%) had multiple abnormali- satisfactory. It should be noted that in ties in the development of the cardiovascu- 4 patients from the main group, 4 patients lar and gastrointestinal system. in the control group several concomitant Conclusion. Thus, a connection was pathologies were simultaneously detected: found between the size of the embryonic Among concomitant pathologies, anoma- hernia and related anomalies. Concomi- lies of the cardiovascular system were ob- tant multiple developmental abnormali- served in 21 (47.7%) children; in 13 ties were mainly observed in patients with (29.5%) patients with anomalies of the large omphalocele sizes.


Yulduz Isamukhamedova, Adiba Usmankhodjaeva Department of Rehabilitation, traditional medicine and physical culture, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Introduction. Optimization of exist- cal data, the results of ultrasound of the ing methods of treating pain syndrome in lumbosacral spine and indicators of QOL. the back with regard to modern ap- At the beginning of the observation, pa- proaches in rehabilitation allows acceler- tients in most percent of the cases re- ating the recovery of patients and reduc- ceived diclofenac when the disease wors- ing labor and time costs. Of particular ened. Physiotherapy was administered to importance is the problem of carrying out all patients for 10 days – phonophoresis outpatient treatment due to the fact that with 1% hydrocortisone ointment in the the methods of therapeutic measures lumbar region. used in most medical institutions are Patients during the entire period un- adapted exclusively to the inpatient stage. derwent 4 courses of treatment with Hon- The stereotypes of therapeutic approach- drolon, each with 20 intramuscular injec- es in daily clinical practice are based on tions (i/m) at a dose of 0.1 g 1 ampoule) drug therapy, while the possibilities of every other day. In patients after the 4th other influencing factors are underesti- course of treatment with Hondrolon, a mated and undeservedly forgotten. significant decrease in fibrous ring frag- The purpose of the study is to evaluate mentation on the upper intervertebral the effectiveness of treatment of patients discs was observed. with lower back pain. Findings. All patients underwent a Material and methods: The object and course of anti-inflammatory treatment subject of the study were 130 patients with diclofenac + 4 courses of treatment (46 men and 84 women) with vertebral with Hondrolon + 10 days of physiother- back pain, and were on outpatient treat- apy, as well as after the course, patients ment in the neurological department of took nise, the side effects of which were TMA. Patients with acute and chronic back not noted. The efficacy of treatment was pain between the ages of 20 and 55 years. compared using an ultrasound method, Results. Evaluation of the effective- in conclusion of which there was a de- ness of therapy was carried out on the crease in the fragmentation of the fibrous basis of the dynamics of changes in clini- ring on the upper intervertebral disks.


Yulduz Isamukhamedova, Adiba Usmankhodjaeva Department of Rehabilitation, traditional medicine and physical culture, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Relevance of the topic. One of the most In the group with chronic pain disorders, pressing problems of medicine is pain syn- almost every third respondent indicated dromes, which are a heterogeneous group two localizations – 32 people (32.3%), and of common conditions, the medical and three or more – 16 people (16.2%). To re- social significance of which is difficult to lieve pain, the subjects took analgesics: ir- overestimate. The reason for patients to regularly – 41.4% of men and 57.5% of seek medical help is often the emergence or women, regularly – 10.3% and 24.6%, re- increase of pain. The most common cause spectively. of back pain is dystrophic spinal lesions. Ac- Relief or sleep contributed to the relief of cording to experts of the International As- pain –79.5% of men and 85.2% of women, sociation for the Study of Pain, pain lasting sedatives – 30.1% of men and 49.5% of more than 3 months is considered chronic. women. Patients awoke because of the pain It is the relief of chronic pain in the back is of 25.1% of men and 58.5% of women. the main task in the treatment of this cate- Thus, women regularly resorted to more gory of patients. At the same time, in 80% of painkillers than men. patients the pain disappears under the in- Findings. Significant gender differences fluence of treatment within a month, but in were revealed both in the clinic and in the the rest they take a chronic course. attitude of patients to pain syndromes. Both Purpose of the study. Compare the re- acute and chronic pain syndromes are more sults of treatment in patients with acute and often recorded in women, the percentage of chronic back pain. women in groups with chronic pain is Material and methods: The object and higher than in groups with acute pain, al- subject of the study were 130 patients though the difference is within the margin (46 men and 84 women) with vertebral of error – 30% and 33%, respectively. But, back pain, and were on outpatient treat- with acute pain syndromes, men were al- ment in the neurological department of most 2 times less likely to be referred for TMA. Patients with acute and chronic back examination and treatment (44%) than pain between the ages of 20 and 55 years. women (66%). A comparative analysis of Results. Thus, in the group with acute the ways to relieve pain revealed that wom- pain, only 29 (16.9%) respondents com- en more often (49.5%) than men (30.1%) plained of pain in the two other zones and use both drug and non-drug methods (85% only 5 (2.9%) in three or more respondents. and 79.5%, respectively).


Dildora D. Yuldasheva Department of Normal and Pathologic physiology, Tashkent Medical Academy. (dily. [email protected])

The progression of any disease is ac- Results and discussion. In the kidney, companied by changes in the rheological peritubular capillaries of the outer corti- properties of the blood, especially at the cal layer are available for biomicroscopy. level of the microcirculatory bed of the The tissue of the kidneys of intact animals circulatory system. Issues related to the available for research in biomicroscopy is behavior of blood in the microvascula- represented by loops of the proximal con- ture, as well as the features of the periph- voluted tubules between which vessels of eral blood circulation system in hyperthy- capillary type with a dark shade and clear roid conditions, have not been adequately contours are visible. investigated. It is precisely these aspects of On the 7th day of research, the an- the pathogenesis of hyperthyroidism that gioarchitecture of the cortical layer of determine the goal of the present study, the kidneys is preserved. The blood flow which was to study the disorders of the in the vessels of the fast, smooth, con- dynamic and statistical parameters of the tinuous flow, the walls of the capillaries microcirculation system of the cortical of the proximal convoluted tubules clear, layer of the kidneys in experimental hy- smooth. There is a lack of characteristic perthyroidism. luminescence of the individual tubules. Materials and research methods. The Nonfunctioning capillaries in the visual experiments were carried out on field is not observed. After 14 days of 100 white outbred rats – males with an research, single foci of erosion of the initial body weight of 130 – 180 g. The rat boundaries between the walls of the cap- thyrotoxicosis model was reproduced by illary and the convoluted tubule are ob- daily administration of L-thyroxine (Ber- served, possibly due to the plasma satu- lin-Chemie, Germany) at a dose of ration of the capillary wall. On day 21, 100 µg/kg for 28 days. Biomicroscopic microcirculatory disorders of the corti- examination of the microcirculatory bed cal layer of the kidneys are not so pro- of the liver and kidneys of the experi- nounced. Angioarchitecture is pre- mental animals was carried out with a served, the contours of the capillaries LUMAM-IZ fluorescent microscope are smooth, clear, but some areas of the (LOMO, Russia) using a 10x0.40 contact vessels in which there are aggregations lens. Studies were conducted on the 7th, of aggregates have become widespread. 14th, 21st and 28th day after the start of The last study period (28 days) changes L-thyroxin administration. in the kidneys were not so pronounced.


Figure 1. Microcirculation of the cortical layer of the kidneys on the 28th day of the experiment. The angioarchitecture of the cortical ripheral circulation of the cortical layer layer of the kidneys is generally pre- of the kidneys. served. There are areas of the microvas- Findings. cular bed with the blood flow turned off 1. Hyperthyroidism is accompanied by dis- and the microvessel contour is blurring orders of dynamic and static parameters in the peripheral blood circulation system of (Figure 1.). The results indicate a less the cortical layer of the kidneys. pronounced violation of the parameters 2. The severity of violations associated with the of microcirculation in the system of pe- statute of limitations of hyperthyroidism.


Shahnoza Jamoliddinova, A student of Namangan State University, (Uzbekistan)

Abstract: This article deals with the role and implementation of CEFR in educational system of Uzbekistan. On December 10, 2012 the First President of the Republic of Uz- bekistan Islam Karimov signed a decree «On measures to further improve foreign lan- guage learning system». It is noted that in the framework of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On education» and the National Program for Training Staffs in the country, a comprehensive foreign languages’ teaching system, aimed at creating harmoniously developed, highly educated, modern-thinking young generation, further integration of the country to the world community, has been created. Key words: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the imple- mentation of Presidential Decree, mixed-ability classes, Educational system of Uzbeki- stan, curriculum organization, sociolinguistic competence.

In order to providing effective higher the foreign language in everyday life. Education, Uzbekistan accepted a signifi- There are many causes for this: partly, it is cant reform by performing use of the because of inadequate time allocated for Common European Framework of Refer- language instructions; mixed-ability ence for Languages – study, increasing the classes as a result, teachers often have a frequency of assessment (CEFR) – and difficult time provision the appropriate National Qualifications Framework level of instructions in such classes and (NQF) in the country. CEFR standards some others. It is important to point out provide effective learning of foreign lan- that from the current academic year for- guage EFL classes. eign languages are taught beginning in Both projects will take part in the im- the first grade at schools. Up to now, for- plementation of Presidential Decree № eign languages were taught from the fifth 1875 on December in 2012 in enhance- grade. [1] ment of the teaching and learning of for- The CEFR expresses foreign language eign languages in order to strengthen the qualification at six levels: A1 and A2, communication skills and international B1 and B2, C1 and C2. It also de- effect of future Uzbekistan specialists in scribes two “plus” levels A2+, B1+. all fields. The mentioned Decrees of the Based on experiential research and former President criticize the teaching of prevalent consultation, this scheme makes foreign languages under unsuited condi- it potential to contrast tests and examina- tions and, as a result, university graduates tions across languages and national are not always erudite enough in using boundaries. It also be responsible for a

119 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA basis for recognizing language proficien- work of Reference for Languages: Learn- cies and thus facilitating educational and ing, Teaching, and Assessment (CEFR). occupational mobility. Whereas they have Consequently, the highest level of foreign been experientially authenticated, some language facility will be required be pos- of them still have significant gaps, e.g. at sessed by bachelor and master’s graduates the lowest level A1and at the top of the of language faculties, C1 level on CEFR, scale the C2 levels. Confident contexts are an effective operational proficiency in a less well-elaborated, e.g. young learners. foreign language. The CEFR is not an international stan- The new standard provides for foreign dard or seal of approval. Most test suppli- language command, which requires the ers, textbook writers and curriculum de- requirement for knowledge of phonetics, signers now claim connections to the vocabulary and grammar, and speaking CEFR.. skills. The new standard pays great atten- The CEFR is not language or context tion to sociolinguistic competence, which specific. It does not attempt to list specific describes the requirements for the skills language grammatical rules, vocabulary, of students in choosing the right linguistic etc. and cannot be used as a curriculum or forms and methods of expression, de- checklist of learning points. Users need to pending on the situation and communi- adapt its use to fit the language they are cation goals. working with and their specific context. The new steps to transform training One of the most important ways of adapt- system are taken, so we only need to wait ing the CEFR is the creation of language- for the practical results. There is every specific Reference Level Descriptions. reason to believe that they will be ex- Reference Level Descriptions are already pressed in the economic stability and available for several languages. prosperity of the country. [2] Moreover, implementing of CEFR According to F.MacDuff and others causes to alteration of traditional ap- this statement serve to motivate the stu- proaches to recent approaches. To chang- dents in: a) providing students with an ing methods means elaboration of lan- opportunity to recognize their own ac- guage syllabuses and curriculum guide- complishments; b) encouraging students lines, design teaching and learning mate- to take initiative in their learning, partic- rials, the assessment of language ularly when they are able to formulate proficiency. their own “I can do” statements; c) pro- Fundamentally new in the national viding students with a visual means of standards is that now the foreign lan- proudly sharing their progress with oth- guages are taught from the first grade. ers d) being applicable for students of all Another innovation is that now the neces- ages and all levels of language proficiency sities for the foreign language skills at from primary through college; e) being each grade are balanced to the require- possible as a systematic means of rallying ments of the Common European Frame- one’s own progress; (f) can be a means by

120 SCIENCE, INFO RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT which students gauge their own perceived tors will look for the best available infor- level of language proficiency. mation on successful teaching styles, pro- We agree with the opinions of many cedures and curriculum organization. leading specialists when they say that Implementing of CEFR in educational learners want to know how they are pro- system of Uzbekistan improves step by gressing, and want some formal feedback. step. And it effects productively providing Parents want to know that their children of learning English in different stages of are receiving effective instructions, stake- educational establishment. holders and other government organiza- Used literatures: tions want to know that teachers are not 1. Dr.Feruza. M.Rashidova UZTEA-annual- wasting precious resources by self-indul- international-conference-2015 gence or laziness. Another very important 2. Source: “Uzbekistan Today” newspaper point here is: teachers and teacher educa- 3.


Karimov Abdugani 2nd grade master program student University of world Economy and Diplomacy

Annotation It is no secret that the Asia-Pacific region now is the real “field of geopolitical struggle.” Sino-Japanese territorial disputes focused primarily on the area of ​​the territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands (or in Chinese cartography – Diaoyu islands). In the fact This islands are the cause of territorial conflict between Japan and China two major in- ternational political power in the region that has enough power to bring huge changes and destabilize the region. The article can be conditionally divided into three parts, in the first part I will write about the meaning of “ territorial conflict” in the second part I will try to consider the arguments of both sides and in the final part of the article I look through the theories that researchers write about how to solve these problem and give my own plan to resolve the conflict Key words Territorial dispute, Diaoyu\ Senkaku Islands, Japan and China, conflict solving

What is territorial dispute? na, the disputed territory is island terri- Before considering the territorial dis- tory in the South China Sea, the subject of pute over the Senkaku Islands It will be dispute is control of the territory and the good to clarify what does the term “terri- right to extract minerals in it. torial dispute” mean. This term has many Senkaku – is a group of small unin- interpretations and meanings, and even habited islands and reefs with a total area now there are no universal of ​​6.32 square km. That located in the sense but I decided to stay on the most southern part of East China Sea, about universally accepted by International 200 kilometers east from Taiwan. Now the Court of Justice «The territorial dispute – islands are controlling by Japan but China a dispute the subject of which is acts, right also are interested in this territories and to establish of the legal regime in the ter- rich oil and gas reserves under the water. ritory. Territorial dispute is characterized by three elements together: actors-states, Japan’s main position the existence of the contested border or Before finding solution of a problem territory, and clearly define the coinci- we must see official position of the parties dence of the object and subject of the on this issue and the facts that they rely dispute. » (Simmons B.А (2000) on in their positions. arguments and how In this case, states are Japan and Chi- they explain their rights to the islands.


Japan’s main position is that the Sen- kaku Islands are not part of Taiwan and kaku Islands – an integral part of Japanese the Pescadores, from which Japan re- territory. The argument is built primarily nounced because the treaty. In this case, on the basis of contracts signed before. Senkaku islands considered as part of the According to official documents by the Nansei Islands and was placed under US Japanese government the main arguments control. Therefore, Japan hasn’t refused of the Japanese side is from Senkaku Islands at the end of World 1) There is no historical evidence that War II. China effectively controlled Senkaku Is- 4) the first time China has put forward lands until 1895 its claims to this territory only after the The studies undertaken by the Japa- possibility of oil and gas reserves. nese side, with the support of the authori- ties of the prefecture of Okinawa, showed China ‘s main position that in the islands there was no trace of China began to express their claims to the population, or signs of control of the the islands only after a scientific expedi- territory from China so that according tion under the auspices of the UN in international law allowed Japan, add the 1968. Before the discovery of oil and gas island to their territory and There was no in coastal waters, China has no any claims acquisition of the territory. As proof of to the territories this position, Japan leads the commission September 25, 2012 after the an- report by 1895. nouncement Xi Jin Pin on the new con- 2) In 1895, the Senkaku Islands were cept of «Great China» government pub- incorporated into Japan by the decision of lished white paper where they announced the Cabinet, Island wasn’t captured dur- that “Diaoyu Islands are indigenous terri- ing the first Sino-Japanese War; tory of China”, (white paper 2015) and as Japan has officially included the terri- a part of the historical territory of China tory to the territory of Japan before the Beijing has all right to control the territo- war, therefore, the territories was cap- ries of island tured by research and no annexed by Based on the text of the White Paper, force, a few months before the signing of and other official statements of Chinas the contract Simonoseki. Moreover, the officials you can make a list of the main agreement between Japan and China had arguments relied on by China in its claims no any words about belongings of Sen- to sovereignty over the islands. kaku Islands to the Taiwan, that trans- 1) the Diaoyu Islands are China’s in- ferred to Japan. digenous territory 3) The Senkaku Islands was not in- According the official position of the cluded territory from which Japan re- Chinese government, China first discover nounced when they sign San Francisco the island, gave them the name and start- Peace treaty 1951year contract; ed their assimilation. According to Bei- The Japanese side insists that the Sen- jing, during the reign of the Ming Dy-

123 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA nasty, that was in power from 1368 to times after United States include this is- 1644, China includes the Diaoyu archi- lands under its wing, which again is illegal, pelago in maritime defense area, there by since the archipelago was under the juris- referring to the its intention to defend the diction of China. In the White Paper, in island in case of war. Later, the Qing Dy- particular, it emphasizes that in the islands nasty, which replace the Ming Dynasty in Diaoyu US and Japan held inconsistent 1644, the island moves under the admin- with China trade, which violates the terri- istrative control of the Taiwanese govern- torial sovereignty of China. ment. As evidence of this, China provides 4) Acquisition of Japanese govern- a variety of ancient maps that confirm ment 3 from the five islands in 2012 is il- this fact. legal and violates the Chinese sovereignty 2) Japan illegally seized the Diaoyu over the Diaoyu Islands. Islands during the First Sino-Japanese As can be seen from recent events, War, ended in the signing of the Treaty of Beijing perceives very sharply to the na- Shimonoseki in 1895, according to which tionalization of three from five islands by the island moved to Japan as the winning the Japanese government. Japanese side side; officially bought this three islands from The Chinese government, in their private individuals but China claims that arguments often claims that the Diaoyu the Diaoyu Islands – part of the Chinese archipelago has always been a part of territory. the territory of Taiwan (as evidenced by Consequently, the acquisition of the the provided maps and the history of islands by Japan in 2012, is a gross viola- the reign of Ming and Qing empires), tion of Chinese sovereignty over the is- therefore, any movement or seizure of lands. Taiwan island automatically moves Di- aoyu with it. Scenarios to solve the conflict 3) According to Cairo Declaration by Senkaku Islands a small piece of land 27 November 1943 and Potsdam Declara- close to Taiwan and although they have a tion by July 26 1945, the Diaoyu Islands size of less than 10 kilometers in this ter- were returned to China; ritory there are disputes between the two As is the case of the Treaty of Shimono- major players in the international arena, seki, China pass the island of Taiwan, to China and Japan. Japan as a wining party. But Japan declined Each side has its evidence and docu- islands as a result of adoption of the Cairo ments supporting their claims to the ter- Declaration and the Potsdam Declaration, ritory and don`t want to lose his interests as well as the signing of the San Francisco in that islands. Losing islands also will Peace Treaty. According to the official po- mean. Losing face at international area. sition of the Chinese government, at the That no one wants. Each side has its evi- end of World War II, the islands were fi- dence and documents supporting their nally returned to China. However, some claims to the territory.


Although the islands are rich and by concessions and compromises it will some resources such as gas and oil, in es- always be the beter ways than aggression sence, they do not bear any particular value for the parties to the conflict, and at Conclusion the moment many researchers studying The territorial dispute around the Is- the matter and plans put forward the lands has escalated with a new force at the theory according to which the problem beginning of the 21st century and re- can be solved peacefully. mains under the huge attantion of the In conclusion I would like to summa- media nowadays. rize all the above. We can say that Sen- This was due to the idea of ​​a possibile kaku territorial dispute between China armed clash between the two strong play- and Japan has bright economic part and ers on the world stage – China and Japan. also clear political influence. However, rumors of a possible armed In general, there are two possible ways confrontation between the two major for the development of the conflict. powers are extremely exaggerated, since First is that if in the event that the both states are highly dependent on each sides decide that the political factor is other in many areas of life, and their inter- weightier, the solution of the territorial ests in another sphere prevail this conflict conflict will be left with no reliance on the Another important reason, which tells future. us that this conflict must to be resolved But if Japan and China tries to come to peacefully, is that the Senkaku Islands, is the table and with a clear goal to reach a not the only cause of dispute in the re- compromise and find a way to resolve the gion. In the South China Sea, 6 coun- conflict, this can lead to results that are tries – China, Vietnam, Taiwan, the Phil- beneficial for both sides, and we should ippines, Malaysia, and Brunei – each not forget that Japan and China have other have their dispute over the Spratly enormous economic opportunities and Islands. weight in the political arena, and their There located also controversial Para- cooperation in mining in the water area, it cel Islands, which can not be divided be- will greatly strengthen their position in tween China, Vietnam and Taiwan. The the international arena, and will be the islands of Liancourt (Tokdo) in the Sea impetus for closer cooperation in other also can`t be divided between South Ko- economic spheres. rea and Japan for many years. Japan also In other words, summing up, we can claims to the Kuril Islands, which nowa- say that in this conflict, as in any other days belongs to Russia. international conflict, it is preferable that So we can say that this region has ex- the parties solve their differences not tremely high conflict potential, so we through unilateral actions, but sitting at can`t exclude the possibility. that a force- the negotiating table and with a firm in- ful solution of the problem can lead to a tention to find a way to solve the problem domino effect, which can negatively affect

125 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA the entire region, and opens old wounds. 6. Dingping Guo. Three Scenarios for the Diaoyu/Senkaku Dispute. China policy That will lead to serious changes not only institute. Beijing (February 21, 2013) in that region, but worldwide. 7. Letter of Consul of the Republic of China References in Nagasaki (1920) available at 1. Simmons B.А. Territorial Disputes and Their Resolution. United States Institute of from_the_consul_of_the_Republic_of_ Peace. Washington (2000) China_in_Nagasaki 2. International Court. International Court 8. Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895) available at of Justice Report. (1999) P. 328. 3. Akikazu H. Michael H. Wu X. A frame- 9. The Potsdam Declaration (1945) available work for resolving Japan-China dispute at over islands. Los Angeles Times (Decem- c06.html ber 1 2014). 10. The State Council Information Office of 4. Ryan Scoville. Japan Has the Better Claim the People’s Republic of China. Military over the Senkakus. The National interests. Strategy of China, Beijing ( May 2015) ( May 2015) 11. Senkaku Islands Quetions and Answers 5. Agita Briča. Who really owns the Senkaku Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan avail- islands? The Economist ( 22 April 2014) able at



H.Rabbimov1,S.Latipov2,G.Xursanov3,I.Karimov4,B.Eshtovov 5 1Hasan Rabbimov teacher of Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan. 2Sukhrob Latipov, student of Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan. 3Khursanov Gayrat, student of Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan. 4Islom Karimov, student of Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan. 5Bakhrillo Eshtovov, student of Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan

Anotation: It was pointed out that the organization of labor protection services in enterprises and organizations and market participants can also engage in contractual work, including legal entities providing services on a contractual basis in the field of labor protection, are professional participants in the field of labor protection services. Анотация: было указано, что организация служб охраны труда на предприятиях, организациях и участниках рынка также может участвовать в контрактной работе, включая профессиональное участие в этой области службы охраны труда. Key words: labor relations of employees, government policy, protection services, the list of industries

The management of the Republic of Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis Uzbekistan, the protection of workers, of the Republic of Uzbekistan on March the working conditions created for 10, 2016 and adopted on August 25 by them are growing. the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Re- It is known that labor law is a con- public of Uzbekistan. It was signed on stitutional human right, which is a set September 22, 2016 by the President of rules that arise from labor relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirz- of employees working on a contractual iev. basis, at the disposal of enterprises, The new version of the law consists institutions, organizations regardless of 36 articles that were agreed with the of their form of ownership. new norms and norms of the interna- It can be recognized that this is hap- tional law of the Republic of Uzbeki- pening in our country in the coming stan, introduced new norms and norms years. Many modern enterprises have established by the current legislation been restored, and this company has and hindering entrepreneurial activity made new demands on employee pro- being produced today. tection. The draft law provides for generally The new edition of the Law on La- recognized principles and norms of inter- bor Protection was approved by the national law, recommendations of the In-

127 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA ternational Labor Organization Conven- management systems, state examination tion on Labor and Social Protection and of working conditions, accidents and in- experience of more than 20 countries in dustrial accidents, standards of labor pro- the EU, Japan, South Korea and other tection, use of labor protection means, are countries aimed at improving the existing strictly defined that they cannot be used regulatory framework. The purpose of the for other purposes. draft law was to study and implement the Certification in the workplace is based provisions on legislation in the field of on the norms and regulations in the field labor protection in foreign countries and of technical regulation of labor protec- to introduce the measures stipulated in it. tion, working conditions, the severity and The law on legal technology has been intensity of labor in the workplace and revised, the structure of the law has been their traumatization (or) of a dangerous updated, government policy and adminis- production factor. tration have been revised, specially autho- Certification of workplaces in working rized state bodies, as well as other state conditions should be: and economic authorities that have sepa- jobs provided to employees on work- rate powers under the law; powers and ing conditions, with benefits and com- responsibilities of local government. the pensation in the manner prescribed by main participants of the labor relations law; were clearly defined rights and obliga- busy people with disabilities; tions of the employer and the employee; jobs listed in the list of industries, in- It was stated that the organization of stitutions, jobs, professions, positions and labor protection services at enterprises indicators that provide the right to retire and organizations and market partici- on preferential terms; pants may also engage in contract work, workplaces at hazardous production including legal entities providing services facilities. on a contractual basis in the field of labor This law is based on modern require- protection, which are professional partici- ments, the introduction of new technolo- pants in the field of labor protection. gies in production, on the work done to Professional market participants in create favorable and safe conditions for the labor market: employees, public oversight of labor pro- Implementation of the duties of the tection, employer and staff responsibility labor protection service in organizations; and was developed in accordance with all Certification in the workplace; its obligations on transport, road and retraining and advanced training of capital construction, as well as enterprises labor protection specialists; and organizations of the trade union of can conduct an audit of the OSH man- workers in the construction industry. agement system in the organization. The network enterprises and organi- Employment standards, such as certi- zations focus on the organization of work fication of working conditions, audit of on labor protection, ensuring the safety of

128 SCIENCE, INFO RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT personnel for vocational training, ma- Summary, suggestions and recommen- chinery, equipment and production facili- dations. Regulation of labor relations in ties, buildings and structures, sanitary industrial enterprises is primarily intended and hygienic working conditions, protec- to protect the rights and interests of work- tion of workers, preventive and preventive ers in this area. Employers should be aware services and labor protection of many aspects that they can consider Another important point of this law is when negotiating employment contracts, the basic concepts of labor protection, not as well as the nature of work in each indus- mentioned in the previous law. try. Based on the Labor Code and the Law The occurrence of an accident. Occu- on Labor Protection, it is important to pay pation of an employee in connection with attention to the protection of labor. the performance of his duties both on the To do this, various round tables were employer’s territory and beyond, includ- held to improve the legal literacy of the ing his / his, which resulted in further employer and the worker in the work- damage to the victim and the need to place, as well as representatives of advo- transfer the employee to another job that cacy groups consisting of local govern- temporarily or permanently loses the ments, justice and district and district ability to work or die; prosecutors, we would have made signifi- occupational disease – an acute or cant improvements in labor relations in chronic disease caused by a harmful pro- each area, especially when the legal agree- duction factor of an employee or a danger- ment and the terms of the employment ous production factor, causing a temporary contract were under special control. or permanent loss of his ability to work; Literature: working conditions – the sum of social 1. Fuqaro muhofazasi asoslari (ma‘ruzalar and production factors during labor; to‗plami). Toshkent, FMI, 2003 yil. labor protection – a system of legal, 2. Tojiev M., Ne‘matov N., Ilxomov M “Fa- vqulotda vaziyatlar va fuqaro muhofazasi”. socio-economic, organizational, techni- T. 2005 y. cal, sanitary and hygienic, therapeutic, 3. Boynazarov O‗.R. ―Hayot faoliyati xavf- preventive, rehabilitation measures and sizligi‖ (ma‘ruzalar matnlari to‗plami) Q.: means of ensuring the safety, health and 2010. life of a person; 4. Bezopasnost jiznedeyatelnosti. (Oxrana truda). Uchebnoe posobie dlya VUZov. work-related disability – temporary or Kukin P.P., Lapin V.L., Podgornыx E.A. i permanent loss of ability to work as a re- dr. M.: Vыsshaya shkola, 1999 sult of an industrial accident; 5. Ekologiya i bezopasnost jiznedeyatelnos- unfavorable factors of production – the ti – pod. Red. prof.Muravya L.A., M.: presence of harmful production factors YUNITI, 2000 ― and (or) hazardous production factors; 6. YOrmatov.G.E. Hayot faoliyati xavfsi- zligi‖ T.: 2003/ azardous production factor – a factor 7. A. S. Grinin, V. N. Novikov Bezopasnost of production that can affect the impact of jiznedeyatelnosti. Uchebnoe posobie Izda- an employee; telstvo: Fair-Press 2002


М.Саъдуллаев1 М.Хожиев2, З.Турсунова3 ,К.Бахромов4, У.Мингбоев5 1Mardullo Sadullayev senior teacher of the Department of Electric Power Engineering of Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan. 2Mirkomil Khojiyev, student of the Department of Electric Power Engineering of Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan. 3Zarinaxon Tursunova, student of Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan. 4Kahramon Baxromov, student of the Department of Electric Power Engineering of Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan. 5Uchkun Mingboyev, student of the Department of Electric Power Engineering of Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan.

Известно что, горно-электромеха- ременного тока. Основные электроме- нические машины используется для ханические оборудование экскавато- землеройной работы, бурение сква- ров употребляет постоянный электри- жин, передачи и распределение полез- ческой энергию от сетевого ных ископаемых по определенному на- электродвигателям соединенный к правлениями проводится под усилия- (генератору) электрическими двигате- ми напора. Экскаваторы представляют лями постоянного тока. Комплектный собой выемочно-погрузочные маши- распределительный устройства экска- ны циклического действия, предназна- ватора КРУЭ-6 кВ лини передает 6 кВ, ченные для выемки породы или грунта линию на сетевой двигател который и последующей погрузки его на транс- имеет СДЭ-15-34-6 У2 мощность портные машины. По области приме- 630 кВти через КРУЭ-6 кВ одновре- нения экскаваторы делятся на горные менно передается высокий напряже- и строительные. Горные экскаваторы, ния 6 кВ на трансформатор ТМЭ- по сравнению со строительными ха- 160/6 чтобы обеспечить электрической рактеризуются большей массой, габа- энергии вспомогательных частей экс- ритами, мощностью и более тяжелыми каватора. Все вспомогательные устрой- условиями работы [1]. ства экскаваторов употребляет 0,4 кВ Карьерные гусеничные экскавато- напряжение и они коммутируется на ры имеют многодвигательный привод, цепь с помощью электромагнитного состоящий из главных приводов: при- пускателя [2]. воды механизмов напора, подъёма, по- Электромагнитные пускатели это ворота и хода, а также вспомогатель- коммутирующие устройства работаю- ных: приводы компрессора, насосов и щий с электромагнитным действиям вентиляторов, двигателей. Электро- который предназначено для пуска и привод может быть постоянного и пе- защиты электродвигателей экскавато-


Рис.1. Схема питания главных цепей ЭКГ- 8И

ра и буровых машин. Известно что, ных устройств создает благоприятные раньше электромагнитные пускатели условия для повышения качества элек- использовались широкомасштабно, но трических аппаратов путем использо- развития прогресс показало что, полу- вания при их построении элементов проводниковые элементы является по- электронной техники [4]. зитивным так как, эти элементы вклю- чает себе селективность и надежности На рис. 1 и 2 показано припуски и остановки электродвигате- лей во время колебание напряжение схема питания главных и или лавина напряжение [3]. Интенсивное развитие силовой вспомогательных цепей электроники в последние время, ре- зультатом которого явилось создание экскаватора ЭКГ-8И. силовые электронные аппаратыспо- собных коммутировать с высоким по- током мощности. Также внедрение ин- тегральных схем и микропроцессор-


Рис.2. Схема питания вспомогательных цепей ЭКГ-8И В горном отрасли уделяется много с использованием тиристоров, оп- внимания на разработки рациональ- тронным тиристорам, мощными бипо- ных решений электромеханического лярными транзисторами и симистора- оборудование горного машины и так ми), которые сегодня в состоянии ком- как управления бесконтактными мутировать токи в электрических це- устройствами является на столько пях от сотен ампер до нескольких важным для управления горного элек- тысяч при рабочих напряжениях в тромеханического оборудование. При- сотни и тысячи вольт и мощности менение электронные коммутацион- управления [4]. ные аппараты повышает качества ком- Мощных полупроводниковых дио- мутационных аппаратов и особенно дов и однооперационных тиристоров их коммутационной и механической начался производство с середины 60-х износостойкости. В силовой электро- годов и начала использоваться этих ники они становятся все более впечат- приборов в силовых коммутационных ляющими. К этим силовым полупро- аппаратах управления и защиты (кон- водниковым приборам (одно операци- такторах, пускателях, выключателях). онные и двух операционные приборы Применение в них длябез дуговой


Рис.3. коммутации электрической цепи в ка- гических процессов. Силовые бескон- честве основного силового элемента тактные тиристорные выключатели электронного коммутирующего аппа- переменного и постоянного тока, име- рата (КА), выполненного на базе ука- ющие высокую износостойкость и занных силовые полупроводниковые обеспечивающие высокий уровень ток приборы (СПП), дало возможность не ограничения при отключении корот- только повысить износостойкость и кого замыкания в нагрузке [5]. быстродействие новых аппаратов, но и Созданы мощные однооперацион- осуществлять более сложные процес- ные тиристоры, способные выдержи- сы управления, чем операция «вклю- вать кратковременные токовые пере- чено-выключено». Оно также способ- грузки до несколько десятковкило ам- ствует улучшении качества защиты пер. Все это позволяет проектировать электрооборудования. Это создало полупроводниковую автоматику, за- благоприятные условия в различных щиты и регулирования переменного и отраслях промышленности для полу- постоянного токас улучшенными тех- чения значительного экономического нико-экономическими показателями. эффекта за счет оптимизации техноло- Высокие технико-экономические по-


казатели полупроводниковой автома- гатель мы проверяем контрольный тика, гибкость их регулировочных ха- управляющий электрод симистора, рактеристик и возможность выполне- тогда мы можем определить за сколько ние в одном устройстве функции раз- передачи электрического тока на кон- личных аппаратов. Удобство их трольный управляющий электрод оно сопряжения с элементами автоматики открывается. Следовательно что, опре- и микропроцессорной техники созда- делили импульсный ток полупрово- ли благоприятные условия для разра- дниковый электронный ключа, тогда ботки на основе этих аппаратов авто- мы выбираем диод VD1, VD2, VD3, матизированных низковольтных ком- для открытые контрольный управляю- плектных устройств (НКУ), отвечаю- щего электрода на каждом симистре. щих самым высоким требованиям По правилам электроники каждый современного промышленного произ- электрический цепь должен быть сое- водства [5]. динен с соответствующим параметром На рис.3, показано лабораторная сопротивления, чтобы обеспечить ста- программа UNTITLED-Proteus 8 Pro- бильную работоспособности электри- fessional для соединения электриче- ческих цепях и предостерегать от ко- ских цепей, данная программа дало роткого замыкание электрических нам анализировать бесконтактный оборудование. Тогда по правилам способ управления вспомогательных электроники присоединили резистор- оборудование экскаватора ЭКГ-8И. сопротивление к диодом и получали Предлагаемая бесконтактная ус­т­ позитивный анализ бесконтактного рой­ства отличается тем, что имеет пуска электрических приводов горных простая схема управления и конструк- электрических машины. ции. Эта устройства можно использо- Использование бесконтактных эле- вать как коммутирующий аппарат в ментов в управление электродвигате- цепях постоянного тока и переменно- лей, экологически без вредных и во го тока. многих предприятиях защищает от Прежде чем, выполнять какой ни повреждения электродвигателей и будь операцию мы ознакомились тех- предостерегает от пожара.В настоя- нологическим паспортном данным щие время в электрических установ- электродвигателей и выбирали 3-х ках внедряется бесконтактные элек- фазный асинхронный двигатель имею- тронные устройства употребляющий щий активный мощность 3 кВт.Соот- малый мощность, бесшумность, мало- ветственно с параметром асинхронно- габаритность, точно и надёжно рабо- го электродвигателя мы соединили тающие. полупроводниковые симисторы Использование тиристоров для VS1,VS2,VS3, на каждый фазе асин- коммутации в электроустановках и их хронного электродвигателя. После схемы работающие по новому способу установление полупроводника на дви- является важным и экономичным.


Список использованных литератур: 3. Шопен Л.В. Бесконтактные электриче- 1. Экскаватор ЭКГ-8И. Электрооборудо- ские аппараты автоматики. 2-е изд., вание. Техническое описание и ин- перераб. и доп.-М.: Энергоатомиздат, струкция по эксплуатации 44.52800. 1986г-568с. ТО.–’Свердловск; ПО «Уралмаш», 1987. 4. А.Г. Сосков, И.А. Соскова Полупрово- 2. Розмыслов Ю. С. Разработка месторож- дниковые аппараты: коммутация, дений полезных ископаемых открытым управление, защита. Киев, Каравелла способом.– М.: Недра, 1991–174 с. 2005г – 344с.



Namozov X, Abdullaev S, Koraxonov A, Xodjasov М.

In this article given analysis of modern conditions and salted problems and the melio- ration of irrigation in barren steppe. Key words: cotton growing, agricultural, fertility, melioration, fertilizer, geomor- phology, mineralization, territory.

One of them big regions of cotton foothills region, flat attributive plain (Bar- growing in Central Asia (Aral Sea) named ren steppe plateau) lower (Djebsay, Sar- Barren steppe located in left shore of doba, Karay Arnasay) alluvial valley in Syrdarya river, area about 1 million hect- river Syrdarya. are. All of irrigation of area there included Mainly geology – litology and geomor- above 800 thousand hectare, from them phology forms in hydrological regyme and about 300 thousand hectare irrigated sys- others. For official documents (National tems “Dustlik” magisterial channel and RUz, Yergeodezkadastr, 2010) salted soil above 300 thousand hectare systems 413,7 thousand hectare land in republic, South Barren steppe channel (SBS) and from this 54,2 thousand hectare in Barren named now zone Barren steppe. steppe (Syrdarya and Jizzak region) land The border of between zone worked with high (>2,0 m) level deposit of soil Central Barren steppe’s collector. The ter- 16,5 thousand hectare with high level salt- ritory of Barren steppe agro climatic re- ed 14,0 thousand hectare, others 23,6 hect- gions shared for three (3) groups. are, ex-irrigation of land, lack of water. “Paxtaralskaya” group characterized Founding modern condition of mead- sums positive temperature for the period ow land – land meadow and meadow ir- of vegetation from 4050 to 42500C, from rigation soil barren steppe and character this spring period lack of termic resources of meliorative condition “Uzyergeodezca- (200-4000). dastre” in Uzbek scientific research insti- For “Mirzachul” groups sum tempera- tute Soil science and agro chemistry in ture is 4300-46000 spring period middle 8 territory of monitoring researching. (sums effective temperature 400-7000) Total reserve of salt and soil high two “Ursatskaya” group has total sums meters (377-395), from this reserves of positive temperature for vegetation peri- chlorine included 16-26 t/hectare in od 4900-50800C, sums effective tempera- forms M.Uzakov, Siddikova and Paxtakor, ture for spring period included 700-10000. Syrdarya region. Geomorphology territory included In finally total reserve of salts and next main types of relief, hills regions, chlorine shared for 5 groups:


Table 1 The dynamics changing depth of bed, mineralization of subsoil’s waters and structure of watering salts in soils of Barren steppe. № Farming, Depth, Mineraliza- General reserves of salt, t/h Region, cm tion, g/l Soil Solid Chloride remainder limit middle limit middle limit midd le limit midd le Сырдарьинская область I Named 180- 199 3,130- 5,900 316,68- 355,88 7,00- 11,72 M.Uzakov, 215 7,250 395,08 16,62 Sardoba. Grey land- meadow II Named U.Nosir, 170- 185 4,890- 6,026 197,96- 208,60 14,00- 14,98 Ak-altin. Grey 210 7,100 219,24 15,96 land-meadow III Named 180- 196 4,380- 5,437 305,48- 341,60 5,60- 7,00 S.Siddikov, 220 6,530 377,72 8,40 Ak-altin. Meadow- grey land IV «Paxtakor», 130- 155 5,230- 6,719 365,96- 377,86 25,48- 26,04 Xavatsk. 170 8,110 389,76 26,60 Meadow Djizak region V «Tashkent», 170- 190 4,360- 5,433 124,04- 130,06 7,56- 10,64 Mirzachul. Grey 210 6,860 136,08 13,72 land-meadow VI «Kazakhstan», 150- 160 4,360- 5,934 182,84- 196,56 9,24- 15,82 Arnasay. Grey 170 7,640 210,28 22,40 land-meadow

VII Named 130- 144 4,350- 5,615 371,28- 373,94 4,48- 6,02 H.Alimjan, 160 7,210 376,60 7,56 Zafarabad. Meadow – grey land VIII «Andijan», 150- 172 3,360- 5,006 131,60- 136,78 7,28- 8,26 . 200 6,420 141,96 9,24 Meadow – grey land

Soils with salts 0-50, chlorine 0-1,4 t/ reserve of soil lower, meliorative condi- hectare, reserve of salts very low, meliora- tion is good. tive condition is very good. Soils with salts 100-200 t/hectare, chlorine Soils with salts 50-100 t/hectare, chlo- 4,9-9,8 t/hectare, middle salted – total reserve rine 1,4-4,9 t/hectare, weak salted – total of soil lower, meliorative condition is middle.


Soils with salts 200-300 t/hectare, Literature chlorine 9,8-19,6 t/hectare, strong salt- 1. Babushkin I.N. Agro climatic regions of cotton-growing zones in Central Asia, Hy- ed – total reserve is high, meliorative drometeopublish, 1960. condition is unsatisfactory. 2. Pankov M.A. Meliorative soilscience. Salt- Soils with salts above 300 t/hectare, ed soils in Central Asia and their meliora- chlorine 19,6 t/hectare, very strong salt- tion. Tashkent, Uqituvchi, 1974. ed – total reserve of soil is high, meliora- 3. Fedorov B.V. Agromeliorativ zones irriga- tion of Central Asia. Tashkent, publisher tive condition is bad. AnUzSSR, 1953. For all groups of soil recommend agro 4. Shuravilin A.V. Regularly watering – salt- meliorative and optimal norms of irrigation. ed regime soils of Barren steppe.


Mashrabov Javohir Voxidjon ugli Student of the History faculty of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute named after Abdulla Kodiriy Scientific supervisor: Majidov Anvar Sirojovich, Senior lecturer of the Department of History

Annotation: This article deals with the first rare written source of the history of Uzbekistan “Avesta”. Key words: Zoroastrianism, Yasna, Yasht, Visparad, Videvdat, Sel – Ungur, Kulbulak, Avesta, Ahura Mazda, Aryanam Vayjakh, Spitoma, Fragard.

The history of the peoples of Central given the names of ancient civilizations Asia is very ancient. It dates back to the and peoples of Central Asia. ancient Ashel stages of the Stone Age Indeed, “Avesta” was the sacred book (between 1 million and 200 thousand of the Zoroastrian religion, which our years). Archaeological monuments of this ancestors believed in until the end of the period were studied in the territory of Islamic religion (VIII century AD).2 This Uzbekistan on the example of Sel-Ungur book is a great heritage that has come to and Kulbulak monuments. In Sel – Ungur, our forefathers as long as we have believed even the remains of human bones were in the monotheistic beliefs of our found, along with the labor weapon of our ancestors as the fruits of the spiritual first parents. It is known as Fergantrop, disciplines that have come to our senses which dates back to 1 million years or of self-consciousness. even older.1 The religion of Zoroastrianism is The monuments of history and stages conditional on the name of the prophet of the history of ancestors after the Zaratushtra, who brought good Ferganctropic person of personality information about this religion. In fact, in history in Central Asia, including the book Avesta, this religion is called the Uzbekistan, have also been discovered. “mazdayasna religion”. This word is Ninety-nine per cent of this centuries-old translated as “worship to the Mazda” and history is studied on archeological the word “Mazda” means “wise, sources. Because, there was no writing at intelligent”.3 that time. The first source of information All good things are believed to have about the ancient history of Central Asia been created by the will of the Mazda. is Avesta, and its first book, Videvdat, 2 Historiography of Uzbekistan. Volume 1. Oldest written sources. Avesto. T., Fan, 2014, p.124 1 A.Askarov. Origin of the Uzbek people. T., 3 A.Askarov. Origin of the Uzbek people. T., Uzbekistan, 2015. P 91 Uzbekistan. 2015, p 91


Before word Mazda added the word greatest religious reforms? He has come Ahura – “praise” and the name of the god to the conclusion that the world has come of zoroastrianism – the name of the god closer to the end of its existence and that Ahura Mazda has been created. The now good and bad are separated from one Mazdayasna religion has begun to slip as another – it has given this vision to the the religion during the spread of Islam, humanity.”6 especially after the VIII century. His holy Indeed, the Avesta, the holy book of book, like many books created by our the Zoroastrian religion, has not come up ancestors until Islam, has disappeared to now fully. Its fragments came from the and forgotten. book called Yasna, Yasht, Visparad, The religion of Zoroastrian formed in Videvdat. Avesta’s Videvdat is a book that VII-VI centuries BC. The Zoroastrian is a very young, but fully-preserved book religion, which is one of the oldest among the parts of Avesta, which consists spiritual values, played an important role of 22 Chapters. Its chapters are called in the spiritual development of the peoples “Fragard”. In the Fragards there are of Central Asia, Iran, Azerbaijan, information about 16 valleys of Ahura Khorezm and other counties of the East.4 Mazda, including Hvarizam (Khorezm), The main reformer of this religion was Gava in Sugd (Sugd), Mouri (Marv), Spitoma Zaratushtra. He was not a Bakhdi (Balh), about good deeds of legendary person but a historical person. farming and livestock.7 The name Zaratushtra means “owner “Avesta” can provide interesting of an old camel” or “old camel owner”. information for ancient history, religion, According to our scholars, at the end of ethnography, ethical philosophical views, the II millennium and early in the 1st cosmogony, theology and many other millennium, Khorezm was a rich and spheres. At the same time, “Avesta” is one culturally rich country in Aryanam – of the first works of art and literature. Vayjakh. In the book Avesta, the place of It contains the oldest commentaries, residence of the Khorezmian people narrations, heroic epics. Hushan, means “Aryanam – Vayjax”, means the Takhmuras, Jamshid, Kayumars, Faridun, Ariyan land.5 Zahhok and others, included in the The essence and essence of system of Avesta’s supernatural imagery, Zaratushtra’s doctrine differ from also entered medieval literature. previous beliefs by the German Kayhusrav, Afrosiab, Siyovush, Rustam, anthropologist H. Humbakh as follows: Suhrob and many others have been living “... What was the essence of the idea that for centuries. destroyed all the cohorts and Brahmins, 6 Кляшторный С.Г., Султанов Т.I. Kazakhstan. who worshipped to the cow to one of the Chronicle of three thousand years. http://pddabut. com/d.php?id=34693.str.19. 7 Iskhaqov M. Wisdom, kind words and good 4 History and values. T., 2015, p 45 deeds. Materials of scientific-practical seminar 5 Matniyazov M. History of Khorezm. Khorezm «Avesto – the first written source of our history and Urgench. 1997 spirituality». T., 2000, pp. 14-17


The most important ethical idea of In summary, the ancient geo-territorial Zoroastrianism in Avesta expresses this: If concepts of Avesta – ethnic tribes and you are want to win the world of region names, social and economic Ahrimanus, the furthest of Ahura Mazda, relations, and the social structure of the who created the good, and to achieve the Avesta society are a unique source for the literary happiness of humanity, be good in history of the ethno genesis and the word and deed, and speak good words history of the first states of Central Asia. and good deeds. A person who follows It reflects the primitive and ancient divine these three principles in his life does not concepts of Uzbek and Tadjik, Persian go on the path of evil. This is the simplest and Afghan, Azerbaijani and other goal of life – the only goal in the right nations, concepts related to the creation path. Zoroastrianism is called a free of the universe and the earth, myths and choice of humanity, which can be stand in traditions, and philosophical-moral the side of good or bad8. views.

8 A.Askarov. Origin of the Uzbek people. T., Tur- key, 2015, p. 94.


Murodova Gulmira Muhiddin kizi Termez State University

Annotation: The article deals with the issue of observing the similar and different aspects between the localization of Khorezm and translation of Avesta in three languages, such as Uzbek, English and Russian under example of the first fargard of Videvdat. Key words: Videvdat, Avesta, Ahura Mazda, Airyana Vaeja, Vendidad, Aral, Van- guhi Daitya

The contribution of the people who first meaning of the word “Vai-” means lived between the two rivers to the world “distant”, “seperation” which was added to civilization, to the spiritual perfection of the many verbs and names in Avesta. Sec- mankind for centuries is no doubtful to- ond word “Daeva” is the plural form of day. Today, Avesta, the great heritage of the word “giant”, the meaning of the third the minds and the spirituality of our word “data” means “law”, “statute”. long-lived ancestors, serves as an impor- It can be concluded that the term tant source of coverage of the earliest “Vendidad” or “Vaydaevadata” was also pages of the people who lived between known as the “The law keeps away from the two rivers. the giants” or “statute against the giants”, But recent studies have shown that which is also called the “Small Avesta”. there are many troublesome problems When Videvdat’s textual language was between “Avesta” and its various transla- compared with the others i.e. Gathas tions (translations from Uzbek, Russian there were some mistakes. Therefore, the and English). In this article, we find it relative date of the final part is defined as necessary to dwell on the differences be- the last period of the Ahamonists’ era ac- tween the “Avesta” and the names of cording to the I.Gershevich. [1] Khorezm and its localization in today’s The first fargard of Videvdat is about translations of it. sixteen countries, created by Ahura Maz- One of the parts of Avesta, Videvdat, da. The list of 16 countries begins with the was originally Vendidad (Vendidad – one country Airyana Vaeja in the Ariana-lati- of the next parts of the New Avesta, but, tude and ends with a remembrance of the according to some scientists who works country on the river Ragha. It should be on Avesta, it was a complete work, and noted that the content and the structure expressed ancient mougs’ tradition, mor- of Videvdat are quite controversial. The als, culture and education. “Vendidad” is sequence of the names explained by the a compact form of the word “Vai-Daeva- scientists H.S. Nyberg [2] and D.Monchi- Data”, which consists of three parts: the Zadex [3]. According to scientists, most

142 SCIENCE, INFO RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT of the countries are located in East Iran formation about winter which is long and and some in Western Iran. cold that is given in the Videvdat. Still, Hombach [4] localized the location of there are doubts about the country’s un- the states in the mountain between Parfia natural existence. and Aria according to the studies in East- The name of the land itself is more ern and Western Iran which was called legendary, with the name Ayrana Vayja in Mosondro Oros by Ptolomey. Another fargard being identified as a definite geo- interpretation of the list of countries was graphical entity. Since two countries – identified by G.Gnoli [5]. According to Sogd, Marv, Balkh, Nissa, and Herat – are Gnoli, all the countries were related to the located in one direction from north to Eastern Iranian world. From the above, it south, we can say that the first country in seems that scientists have not come to a the fargard is located in the north of conclusion on the Avesta geography. Sughd. All references to Airyana Vayja in Aryanam Vayja, which was often re- Avesta refer to the data on the location of ferred to as the coldest country in the text, the country on the northern shores of is often identified as ancient Khorezm. Syrdarya. This identification was given by the sco- In all parts of Avesta, i.e. Videvdat and lars J. Markvart and Vilgelm Geigerto- Yasht, the country’s name was given as mon. Other scholars, E.Benvenista and A. Airyana Vayja the country on the Daitya Christensen [8] identified Aryana Vayja coast. The Daitya geographical name is in the list of 16 countries as Hvarizam in hydrotroponim. According to Hodzhae- Mekhr Yasht. According to the concept of va, Daitya is the Oxus, the present Amu Kharasmia, the land of the Aryans is Darya. Daitya was called Oxus during the Khorezm. Sassanid period. We can see this from the hypothesis of In summary, Khorezm is the first state Hare’s Horezmia. Henning learned the in the first fargard was written as Iyron main part of his research by Geradot and Vij, in the 3-4 parts of the translations by Gekatey works and Based on this findings Askar Mahkam [6]. In the 2-3 sections of he concluded that the Horezmites living the translations of Darmsteter [7] shown in the south of the Aral Sea before the at- in the form of Airyana Vayja. As to the2- tacks of Ahamonists to the East i.e. in the 3 parts of translations by Steblin-Kamen- 550 BC-530 BC had ruled over the lands skovo [8] was given as Ariysky Prostor. as Areyan and Margiana. Airyana Vayja can be considered as the Gnoli created his own theory about state which was located on the shores the identification of Ayrana Vayja. Ac- Aral Sea. cording to him, the localization of the References: country is located near present Seistan. 1. Gershavitch I. “The Avesta Hymen to Mi- However, it is logical to place the localiza- tra” Cambridge, 1959 tion of the country in the north due to the 2. Nyberg.H.S “Die Religionen des Altern climatic feature of the land, as to the in- Iran. Leipzig 1938


3. Mönch Zadeh D. “Topographische Ge- 6. Avesta. Translation of A. Makhkam. T., schichtsstudien Studio zum Iraniern Na- “East” 2001. tional Epik” Wiesbaden, 1975 7. Darmsteter J. The zend – Avesta, I. Ox- 4. Hombach. X “Die Awestische Länderliste” ford, 1880 1960, S. 34-46 8. Steblin – Kamenski I. M. “Avesta in rus- 5. Gnoli. D „Ariane: Die Hölle von Araya“, sian translations (1861 – 1996)”. SPb., RSO 1966 1998.



Т.Саъдуллаев 1,Р.Абдуллаева2 ,А.Идиева3,Н.Ортиков4,И.Тогаев5

Наиболее трудоемким процес- гательных: приводы компрессора, на- сом при открытом способе разработки сосов и вентиляторов, двигателей [1- полезных ископаемых являются вые- 2]. мочно-погрузочные работы. Механи- Известно что, электропривод зация их должна уделят основное вни- экскаватора ЭКГ-8И имеет постоянно- мание. Наиболее прогрессивные бес- го и переменного тока управления. транспортные схе­мы экскавации с Основные электромеханические применением высокопроизводитель- оборудование экскаватора употре- ных машин, способ­ных перемещать бляет постоянную электрическую породы на значительное расстояние. энергию от сетевого электродвига- Несмотря на развитие бестранспорт- теля соединенный к (генератору) ных систем разработки преобладаю- электрическими двигателями по- щими являются транспортные спосо- стоянного тока. Комплектный рас- бы введения работ с применением экс- пределительный устройства экска- каваторов. Экскаваторы применяются ватора КРУЭ-6кВ лини передает 6 для вскрышных работ и для добычи кВ, линию на сетевой двигатель угля, руд, строительных материалов который имеет СДЭ-15-34-6 У2, открытым способом [1]. мощность 630 кВ через КРУЭ-6кВ Экскаватором называется ма- одновременно передается высокий шины для зачерпывания горной мас- напряжения 6кВ на трансформа- сы, перемещения ее на относительно торТМЭ-160/6 чтобы обеспечить небольшие расстояния и погрузки на электрической энергии вспомогатель- транспортные средства или отвал. По ных частей экскаватора. Все вспомога- области применения экскаваторы де- тельные устройства экскаватора упо- лятся на горные и строитель­ные. Гор- требляет 0,4 кВ напряжение, и они ные экскаваторы, по сравнению со коммутируется на цепь с помощью строительными характеризуются электромагнитного пускателя [3]. большей мас­сой, габаритами, мощно- стью и более тяжелыми условиями ра- 1.Tuymurod Sadullayev teacher of the боты. Карьерные гусеничные экскава- Department of Electric Power Engineer- торы имеют многодвигательный при- ing of Navoi вод, состоящий из главных приводов: State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan. приводы механизмов напора, подъёма, 2.Rukhsora Abdullayeva, student of the поворота и хода, а также вспомо­ Department of Electric Power Engineer-

145 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA ing of Navoi В горной отрасли уделяется State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan. много внимания на разработки рацио- 3.Aziza Idiyeva, student of the Depart- нальных решений электромеханиче- ment of Electric Power Engineering of ского оборудования горных машин и Navoi так как управления бесконтактными State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan. устройствами является, важным для 4.Nodir Ortikov, student of the Depart- управления горного электромеханиче- ment of Electric Power Engineering of ского оборудования. Применение Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan. элект­ронных коммутационных аппа- 5.Islom Togayev, student of the De- ратов повышает качества коммута- partment of Electric Power Engineering ционных аппаратов и особенно их of Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbeki- коммутационную и механичес­кую из- stan. носостойкость. К этим силовым полу- Электромагнитные пускатели это проводниковым приборам (одни опе- коммутационные устройства, работа- рационные и двух операционные ющие с электромагнитными действия- приборы с использованием тири- ми которые предназначены для пуска сторов, оптронным тиристорам, и защиты электродвигателей экскава- мощными бипо­лярными транзи- тора ЭКГ-8И. Раньше электромагнит- сторами и симисторами), которые ные пускатели использовались широ- сегодня в состоянии коммутиро- комасштабно, но развитие прогресса вать токи в электрических цепях показало что, полупроводниковые от со­тен ампер до нескольких ты- элементы является позитивным так сяч при рабочих напряжениях в как, эти элементы включают в себя сотни и тысячи вольт и мощности селективность и надежности пуска управления [4]. и остановки электродвигателей во время колебания напряжение или Мощных полупроводнико- лавина напряжения [4]. вых диодов и однооперационных Интенсивное развития сило- тиристоров началось производ- вой электроники в последнее вре- ство с середины 60-х годов и на- мя, результатом которого явилось, чалось использоваться эти прибо- создание силовых элект­ронных ком- ры в силовых коммутационных ап- мутационных аппаратов с высоким паратах управления и защиты потоком мощнос­ти. Также внедре- (контакторах, пускателях, выклю- ние интегральных схем и микропро- чателях). Применение в них для цессорных устройств создает благо- бездуговой коммутации электри- приятные условия для повышения ческой цепи в качестве основного качества электрических аппаратов сило­вого элемента электронного путем использо­вания при их по- коммутирующего аппарата (КА), вы- строения элементов электронной [5]. полненного на базе указанных си-


ловые полупроводниковые прибо- пе­регрузки до несколько десятков ки- ры (СПП), дало возможность не лоампер. Все это позволяет проекти- только повысить износостойкость ровать полупроводниковую автомати- и быстро­действие новых аппара- ку, защиты и регулирования перемен- тов, но и осуществлять более слож- ного и постоянного тока с улучшен- ные процессы управ­ления, чем ными технико-экономическими операция «включено-выключено». показателями. Высокие технико- Оно также способствует улучше- экономи­ческие показатели полу- нию качества защиты электрообо- проводниковой автоматики, гибкость рудования. Это создало благопри- их регулировочных характеристик ятные условия в различных отрас- и возмож­ность выполнение в од- лях промышленности для получе- ном устройстве функции различ- ния значительного экономического ных аппаратов. Удобство их сопря- эффекта за счет оптимизации тех- жения с элементами автоматики и нологических процессов. Силовые микропроцессорной техники создали бесконтактные тиристорные вы- благоприятные условия для разра- ключатели переменного­ и постоян- ботки на основе этих аппаратов ного тока, имеющие высокую из- автоматизированных низковольтных носостойкость и обеспечивающие комплектных устройств (НКУ), от- высокий уровень ток ограничения вечающих самыми высокими тре- при отключении короткого замы- бованиями современного кания в нагрузке [5]. промышленного­ производства [5].

Созданы мощные одноопера- На рис.1 и 2 показано схема ционные тиристоры, способные вы- питания главных и вспомогательных держивать кратковременные токовые цепей экскаватора ЭКГ-8И.

Рис. 1. Схема питания главных цепей ЭКГ- 8И


Рис. 2. Схема питания вспомогательных цепей ЭКГ-8И

время коммутаций контакторов и Данное время, для управления электромагнитных пускателей проис- электроприводами вспомогательных ходила подгорание контактов и зали- частей ЭКГ-8И используются, кон- пание контактов. Кроме того, во время тактны электромагнитные пускатели и коммутации контактны электромаг- контакторы. Контактные электромаг- нитные пускатели и контакторы не нитные пускатели и контакторы ис- могли осуществлять большое количе- пользуются для реверсивного пуска и ство коммутаций в ЭКГ-8И. управления вспомогательных частей Предлагаемая бесконтактное электроприводами ЭКГ-8И, вспомога- устройство отличается тем, что имеет тельных частей горных машин, буро- простую схему управления и кон- вых агрегатов и автоматических цепях струкцию. Это устройство можно ис- электроустановок. Но рост потребле- пользовать как коммутирующий аппа- ния электроэнергии и усложнение си- рат в цепях постоянного тока и пере- стем электроустановок требуют огром- менного тока. ное внимание на качество коммутаци- онных установок. Наблюдался что, во


Рис.3. Схема пуска двигателя постоянного тока с помощью бескон- тактного устройства.

можность осуществления большого Целью данной работы является количества коммутаций и одновремен- создание полупроводникового автома- ное отключение фаз питающей сети, и тического устройства для пуска и значительное снижение мощности по- управления электроприводов ЭКГ-8И. требления цепями управления для Для этой цели, используется полупро- пуска и управления электроприводами водниковые автоматические устрой- экскаватора карьерного гусеничного ства, для реверсивного пуска и тормо- типа. жения электроприводов. Важным пре- На рисунки-3, показано лабо- имуществом полупроводниковых ап- раторная программа UNTITLED-Pro- паратов является их быстродействие, teus 8 Professional для соединения элек- высокая скорость и частота переклю- трических цепей, данная программа чения, долговечность, простота обслу- дало нам анализировать бесконтакт- живания, механическая стойкость ный способ управления основных обо- способность к работе во взрывоопас- рудования экскаватора ЭКГ-8И. ных и загрязненных средах, умень- Прежде чем, выполнять какую шенный уровень радиопомех, бесшум- нибудь операцию мы ознакомились ность, малые габариты. На полупрово- технологическим паспортном данным дниковых автоматических блоках ис- электродвигателей и выбирали двига- пользуются симисторные, тель постоянного тока имеющий ак- тиристорные полупроводниковые тивный мощность 50 кВт. Соответ- устройства которые, имеет в себя воз- ственно с параметром двигателя по-


стоянного тока мы соединили полу- баритность, точно и надёжно работаю- проводниковые симисторы щие.

VS1,VS2,VS3, на каждый электропривод Эксперименты показали, что экскаватора. После установление по- полупроводниковые устройства для лупроводника на двигатель мы про- коммутации в электрических цепях, в веряем контрольный управляющий частности пуска электрооборудование электрод симистора, тогда мы можем используется в местных условиях на определить за сколько передачи элек- промышленных предприятиях. Ис- трического тока на контрольный пользование тиристоров для коммута- управляющий электрод оно открыва- ции в электроустановках и их схема ется. что определили импульсный ток работающая по новому способу явля- полупроводниковый электронный ется важным и экономичным.

ключа, тогда мы выбираем диод VD1,

VD2, VD3, для открытые контрольный Список использованных лите- управляющего электрода на каждом ратур: симистори. 1. Подерни Р.Ю. Горные маши- По правилам электроники ны и комплексы для открытых гор- каждая электрическая цепь должна ных работ. Учебник для ВУЗов по на- быть соединена с соответствующим правлению «Горное дело», М.: Изда- параметром сопротивления, чтобы тельство МГГУ, 1999. обеспечить стабильную работоспособ- 2. Гетопанов В.Н. , Гудилин Н.С., ность электрических цепей и предо- Чугреев Л.И. Горные и транспортные стерегать от короткого замыкание машины и комплексы. Учебник для электрических оборудований. Тогда по вузов. – М.: Недра, 1991. правилам электроники присоединили 3. Под общей редакцией Шадова резистор-сопротивление к диодом и М.И. Справочник механика открытых получали позитивный анализ бескон- работ. М.Недра 1987г. 390 с. тактного пуска электрических приво- 4. А.А.Федоров, Б.В.Каменева. дов горных электрических машины [4- Основы электроснабжения промыш- 5]. ленных предприятий. М.: Использование бесконтакт- Энергоатомиздат,1984г ных элементов в управление электро- 5. А.Г Сосков, И.А.Соскова. По- двигателей, экологически без вредных лупроводниковые аппараты: коммута- и во многих предприятиях защищает ция, управление, защита. Учебник/ от повреждения электродвигателей и Под.ред. А.Г.Соскова-К: Каравелла, предостерегает от пожара. В настоя- 2005.-344с щие время в электрических установках внедряется бесконтактные электрон- ные устройства употребляющие ма- лую мощность, бесшумность, малога-