HENRY GOLF BALL WASHER Used on Leading Golf Courses Throughout the World You Get More Ball Washer for the Money with the Henry
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SAVE CLUB HOUSE FLOORS WITH SPIKC-RISISTANT PNSU • M AT RUNNERS Protect your floors from spike holes with rugge d Pneu-Mat Runners. Absolutely spike-resistant, th e_y provide a comfortable walking surface — improve the appearance of your club house. Woven of rubber-impregnated fabric, Pneu-Mat Runners are tougher than rubber runners. Reversible for STANDAUD WIDTHS double wear. Trial Section Money Bock Trial Offer: Order o trial see- jq- _ 4" . 30" 2 24" • 60* Han. Toil It on an area which gets especially 34* _ y _ II2.S0 pottpatd hard wear. Money not lathRed. bock If Write leder hr uiuitnted folder SUPERIOR RUBBER MFG. CO., INC. • 145 Woodland Ave., Westwood, N. j. Hebert, Nagle, deVicenzo Carry the Spa/d/ng Banner Only three months after its reappearance, the Spalding Silver King ball has achieved great success in the United Kingdom market. The new 5-star ball was used by Kel Nagle of Australia who shaded Arnold Palmer for the Centenary Open at St. Andrews. Twenty years ago the Silver King, at the height of its popularity, car- ried the slogan, "Ruler of the Fairways," Roberto de Vicenzo, also a Spalding staffer, used the Nagle Wilson products were displayed ot the British Silver King and Spalding's Top Flite clubs in the Centennial Open ot St. Andrews by Shelford En- British event. deVicenzo later won the French gineering Co., Ltd. of England, distributor of Wil- Open and Jay Hebert, rounded out the heroics son Sporting Goods in the British Isles. of the Spalding staff by capturing the PGA Champit nship. Royer Bulletin on Topdressing Brock Becomes Koneto VP "The Renaissance of Topdressing," fust re- leased by Royer Foundry & Machine Co., Kings- Ilarlao Lea, pres. of The Koneta Rubber Co., ton, Pa., describes techniques and equipment for Wapakoneta, O,, has announced the election of the preparation and distribution of topdressing. Ken E. Brock of Toledo to the office of vp. He The 4-page booklet, authored by tl. B. Musscr, also becomes a member of the board of directors. professor emeritus, Penn State University, dis- Koneta Rubber Co. manufactures floor tile and cusses past practices and proposes future turf runner matting. Brock is pres. of American Mat conditioning programs. Details of Royer shred- Corp. and D. W. Moor Co., both of which are ders arc listed. Free copies are available. Toledo firms. A Proven Golf Ball Washer for . HENRY GOLF BALL WASHER Used On Leading Golf Courses Throughout The World You get more ball washer for the money with The Henry. It costs less initially. Course Supt*. will find it requires minimum upkeep. Golfers throughout the world have found that The Henry, with its rubber A. C. Schendel, squeegee and gasket, cleans their balls faster and Distributor more efficiently. Rt. 5 Box 92, DEALERS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES Waukesha, Wis. TRANSPORT YOUR NATIONWIDE- GOLF CARS WORLDWIDE UNCRATED MOVING VIA TRANS-AMERICAN VAN SERVICE Authorized National Carrier. T>oo* to door from anywhere to anywhere. You'll like the ease of operation. No crating — no banging. Roll off ran, spic *nd span, at destination. You'll bene- fit treatl* Trom our skilled and specialized Phone; experience In this field. HEmlock 4-1000 7540 5. WESTERN AVE.. TRANS-AMERICAN VAN SERVICE, INC. CHICAGO 20. ILLINOIS. Kill WATER WEEDS! Water hazards and lakes now may b* cleaned of all rooted aquatic weed*, Lily, cattail, milfoil and many other aquatic weeds are easily killed with one applicaton of R-H GRANULAR WEEO RHAP. It is easily applied — will not harm fish or animals This inexpensive application usually lasts from 18 to 36 month*. Write for further information or ask your dealer. REASOR-HILL CORPORATION BOX 36GC. JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS Bag Hack, marketed by Norman G. Copland & Associates, 7720 Gr»ss Point rd., Skokie, III., is adjustable for alf style bags and areas. It is self ventilating, gives full vision and speeds bag service. Pfenning Is Ryan Manager Peter Pfenning has been appointed genl. mgr. of Ryan Landscaping Equipment Co., a div. of K & N Machine Works, Inc., St. Paul, Minn. Pfenning is in "barge of plant operations, pro- F.LS KiNC duct ion, engineering research and development. As sales mgr. since the firm's beginning in 1948, DIRECT PRICES DIKOUUtS I. TERMS Pfenning played an active part in development of worldwide distribution of Ryan .sod cutters, tocfcitlg, super I'lr-jV", cosy sealing. 6ES models and i vi BIG NEW 1960 CATALOG FREE soil aerating and turf renovating equipment, Color pictures, Fuit line table*, clmira, table and chair trucks, plat- both hand and power types. Grant E. Tig well form-nstrs. portable partitions, bulletin boards. Our 52nd Y«f. succeeds Pfenning as sales mgr. THE MONROE CO., 12 Church St., Colfo*, Iowa • Insist on PAR TUBES For the best in quality LOOK FOR THE NAME ON THE TUBE • REGULAR MOISTURE-PROOF fibre board (regular) Rel, 30c ea. • POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC with rolled edge Rel. 40c ea. • KRALAFTIC PLASTIC with rolled edge Ret. 55* eo. Pocked in display cartons of 42 and 144 Contact Your DAD Tit DC S' Av*. Distributor or rflK TUBE CHICAGO 12, ILLINOIS Nationally known trophies carried in LOCKER NAMEPLATES stock for immediate Directory, bulletin and handicap Boards shipment. Professional discount 33 1/3% Write lor free Jf| catalog - I960 L. C. JAMES Our 18th Year SPORTS AWARDS CO. Write for sample and prices 429 W. Superior St., Chicago 10, III. SUperior 7-6034 KIRSCH CARD SERVICE BOX 426X, ELMS URST, II.L. Clay Named Manager of Dunlop's way through Vulcanol which decomposes after South Carolina Plant from one to six months and washes into the soil. It doesn't clog drains or sewers and is said to be Vaughn It. Clay has been named mgr. of Dun- cheaper to apply than the ordinary mulch, lop Tire & Rubber Corp's plant that is going Vulcanol was used at Firestone CC in getting into production in Westmin- ready for the PGA Championship. ster, S. C., this month. Golf and tennis balls will be pro- duced at the new site. Clay, Musf Have Been A Texan with Duulop since 1930, has Rip Arnold, pro at Cherry Hills, and a local been sports products produc- men's shop worked out an interesting promotion tion mgr. at the Tonawanda, with a display window at the Cosmopolitan N, Y,, plant since 1953, He is a graduate of Bowdoin College in Maine and is ac- tive in industrial manage- ment activities and civic af- fairs. New Vulcanol Prevents Erosion of Newly Seeded Areas Vulcanol, a synthetic rubber latex that comes ill a variety of bright colors, is being used in the landscape field as a means of preventing erosion of newly seeded areas. Alco Oil & Chemcal of Philadelphia is producing the ma- terial from elastomeric polymer supplied by Hotel in Denver during the Open, Ben Hogan Firestone Tire St Rubber Co. The product is clubs and golf balls were used against a back- diluted with water and sprayed over bare soil. gtound listing the top names in the game. An It forms a web-like coat that prevents erosion unsung display mao carefully turned all the halls during seed germination. New grass forces its so Hogan's name could be seen on each. GOLF BAG TAGS CLUB MEMBERSHIP TAGS PUNCH BOARDS "l-D" CLUB IDENTIFICATION STOPS SPQftT-GftJp SLIP! LABELS 350 Measured Sprays! GOLF PRO STATIONERY CADDIE & WAITERS BADGES Applies exactly GOLF CLUB DISPLAY FIXTURES the amount necessary! "CLUB CADDIE" CARRIERS Assures a naturai grip! Handy, compact, easy to use. GOLF COURSE SIGNS Order directly from your Hol- | IRVIN E SCHLOSS 1 Tite jobber or write for cata- | log sheet "G" MILLER GOLF PRINTING 2053 HARVARD AVE., DUNEOIN, FLA. 3ENO FOR CATALOGUE WITTEK for the best of the latest in RANGE - PAR 3 MINIATURE COMPLETE LINE OF COLF EQUIPMENT • SUPPLIES - FIXTURES EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Write for complete catalog Send For Illustrated Catalog. EASTERN GOLF CO. Wittek Golf Range Supply Co., Inc. 2537 BOSTON ROAD, BRONX 67, N. V. Dept. A S12B W. North A v., Chicago 39, 111. Croffon Utility Car Handles Lyon Metal Bag Rack Numerous Maintenance Jobs The golf bag rack The "Bug", made by Crofton Marine Engine made by Lyon Metal Co., 888 Coll st., San Diego 1, Calif., is capable Products, Inc., Aurora, of performing a wide variety of maintenance III., has four 36 in. wide x 18 in. deep sec- tions of Lyon steel shelving backcd up by four 18 in. deep sec- tions which provide a 36-in, overall depth. Shelving is adjustable without use of bolts and uuts with 'Clip and Stud' being used to secure it. Identification of bags on shelf can be made by use of letters and numbers on the up- rights. Details can be obtained from Lyon. K & M Appointments Emil F. Krynick has been named to the jobs around a club. Tlie oar weighs only 1,100 newly created position of operations research lbs. but, according to the manufacturer, easily analyst at Keasbey & Mattison, Co., Ambler, Pa, carries loads up to 1,000 lbs, at up to 50 mph. He holds a BS degree in Ecnnomics from the Addition of an optional 6-specd, compound U of Pennsylvania Wharton school and formerly transmission equips the Bug to handle all kinds of was connected with Ford Motor Co. John H. towing and tugging operations. Its power plant Wilson has been made plant engineer for K & M's is a descendant of the one used in America's Ambler plant, succeeding H. C. Kinney wiio original ST^JII car, the Crosley. died reeently after 40 years' service.