News of the Golf World in Brief

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News of the Golf World in Brief NEWS OF THE GOLF WORLD IN BRIEF Newspaper story about Hap- change for American pros py Chandler, ex-commissioner competing in Canadian Open of baseball, being considered at Mississauga GC, Toronto, for a job as commissioner of July 4-7 . Seagrams has in- pro golf had merely a locker- creased Canadian Open prize room chat foundation . PGA money from $10,000 to $15,000 has no money for a commis- . Smart public relations for sioner . Aspirin expense the Canadian distillers to as- alone for a commissioner sociate with golf . American would be $25,000 a year . liquor business association Pro golf had a commissioner for a period when Albert with the underworld's scum- Gates, a former president of HERB GRAFFIS miest bums has been frequent Western Golf Assn. held the job ... He unsavory revelation of Kefau- was an affable front man with poise and ver investigation ... In view of traditional class and handled legal business of the as- popularity of decent drinking in golf the golf club members and managers wonder > sociation ... Jack Mackie was PGA treas- why reputable elements in liquor business urer and did the back-stage work with such are backward about identifying themselves expert Scotch finesse the PGA kitty was with respectability . Profits on the fat ... That was before the tournament circuit got to be big business and show golfers' thirsts, as well as wisdom of being more favorably known by the company ( business brought complications . As will be understood when PGA releases a finan- they keep, recommends that clean liquor cial report so all members can study it companies give attention to their golf carefully, the tournament operations are business where club membership commit- not self-supporting ... But tournament tees select "the gentlemen of distinction." business as a PGA show window and play- ... In view of Kefauver and Cairo dis- ' ing and teaching training school is sound closures U.S. golf organizations now would investment. have to shy away from liquor company championship sponsorship such as is O.K. PGA making deal with Sportsvision, Inc. in Canada. for exclusive television rights to PGA co- At Royal Lytham and St. Annes dog- sponsored tournaments with film to be leg 17th there's a plaque on a bunker's > canned for national release after live TV edge commemorating a recovery shot Bob • is put on by local sponsors . Sports- Jones played in the final round winning vision televised Pacific Coast football the 1926 British Open with 291; two less games last fall with automobile company than A1 Watrous ... The Jones mashie- as sponsors . USGA answer to ques- iron used for the shot is in a glass case , tions about selection of Walker Cup team in the clubhouse . .. British Open of 1952 is that players couldn't be picked except will be played at Royal Lytham and St. on comparative basis of USGA amateur Annes ... Jose Jurado, veteran Argentine championship showing . Without this pro who competed in U.S. and Britain, common denominator the selecting job made mgr., new Buenos Aires muny , would be like trying to determine how course on which there's no green fee for 'many apples could go into eight bananas. public play on fine course with excellent Wm. J. Thombley switches as pro to formerly private clubhouse ... Australian Brook Hollow CC, Dallas, Tex., from Golf Union raising $12,000 fund for trip Arrowhead CC, San Bernardino, Calif. of team from Royal and Ancient to visit ... First competitive round Sam Snead Australia in 1952. > played after recovering from broken bone Sydney (Australia) Technical college in left hand was 63, 8-under par, tying has year-round course for greenkeepers course record in La Gorce CC (Miami with classes one night a week . About Beach, Fla.) pro-amateur . Event was 40 greenkeepers attend .. Locke's Aus- won with 57 of Willie Klein, La Gorce pro tralian tour with 61 exhibitions drew more ; for 25 years, and his three member com- than 35,000 ... Locke was under 70 score panions ... Women's tournaments out- 26 times . First British Women's Open drew some of men's shows in Florida this to be played this summer when American past winter. girl pros go across on Weathervane trip Seagram whisky people to make up dif- ... Ladies Golf Union of England has ap- , ference between US and Canadian ex- proved the competition. Pete Cooper in Century Club (NY Met. dist.) pro job ... British wanted to play next Ryder Cup matches at Pinehurst, N.C., on consecutive days early in Novem- ber but agreed with US PGA skip of Saturday, Nov. 4 to avoid football compe- tition for gallery ... W. E. Matthews now managing Hacienda CC (L.A. dist.) . Chick Harbert representing city of St. Petersburg, Fla. on tournament circuit. Golf Life, Aileen Covington's interest- LAWN SEED ing Southern California monthly carries page story by Ted Stoneman expressing You can't argue pride of the district in election of Bill with results . Johnson, L.A. muny courses supt., as pres.. National Greenkeeping Supts. Assn. and Turf-Maker's popularity is due ... Bill's the first Californian so honored entirely to the results obtained by Nur- in the association's 25 years ... Willie Goggin goes to Upper Montclair (N.J.) CC serymen and Greenskeepers all over the as pro. country. You can depend on Turf-Maker Paul Scott, Willard Hutchison and Robt. for a deep rooted, perennial turf. Lutton staging big junior class lessons twice a week at Griffith Park, LA ... Problems? Lewis Nash now pro at Riverview CC, Write for Woodruff's "Something about Turf." Redding, Calif... Glen Holden signed as pro by Green Valley CC, Vallejo, Calif. ... What Carolina PGA members headed by Pres. Dugan Aycock have done in ar- F.H.WOODRUFF.^ ranging the Carolina-Texas All-Star pro matches to give Skip Alexander a broth- erly hand in picking up doctor and hospi- Milford, Conn., Bellerose, N.Y., Atlanta tal tabs is latest of the many grand stories Sacramento, Dallas, Mercedes, Tex., Toledo in pro closing ranks when there's a helpful cer wosi weeD ROOTS! GO TO THE ROOT OF YOUR WEED PROBLEM WITH THESE DOLGE PRODUCTS DOLGE SS WEED-KILLER E.W.T. SELECTIVE WEED-KILLER (2-4-D) Where no vegetation whatever is desired such as your parking places, walks and tennis The efficient way to control weeds on your courts. Penetrates deep down to plant roots fairways. Works its way down into the roots and kills. Sterilizes the soil, preventing normal sprouting of wind-blown seeds. Weeding the of brush, dandelion, plantain, poison ivy, rag- thorough modern chemical way eliminates weed, sumac and other obnoxious plants, but backbreaking toil and saves the cost of many labor-hours. does not injure most turf grasses. Please write for descriptive literature explaining how these tested DOLGE products can best be used for YOUR weeding requirements. OLGE WESTPORT, CONNECTICUT job to be done ... The boys can jaw all over the sports pages about tournament affairs but when a guy needs a pal the playing stars and the home club pros GRASS SEED work together cheerfully. i Ralph Cripe named pro at Decatur, 111., of "Known Quality Scovill public course . Woodmont CC, Washington, D.C., gave its greenkeeper Tested for Purity and Germination Rudy Wills a television set as a 20th anniversary present ... Rudy and Green Velvet Bent chmn. Leopold V. Freudberg make one of Illahee Creeping Fescue those great course maintenance teams Alta Fescue highly valuable to a club . Bill Steed- Triple A Bent man, Seattle (Wash.) Times veteran golf Seaside Bent (Coos Co Strain) columnist devoted column recently to Zoysia Japonica lauding greenkeepers .. Column was based on interview with Glen Barclay, And other turf grasses and mix- Sand Point CC supt., about NGSA con- tures for same day shipment vention at Chicago, the superintendents' Quick service on equipment and extensive practical and scientific service supplies for the golf course to golf and general lack of recognition of Brown Patch Remedies and greenkeepers' achievements .. Bill also 2-4D Weed Killers referred to new problems in course main- PMAS for both fungus and crabgrass tenance, especially in approach areas, control caused by bag cart use. New 7951 Golf Price List on Request Keg Renfree, supt., Sacramento (Calif.) Recreation dept. to file application for government permit to construct clubhouse on new Bing Maloney public course ... Proposed clubhouse to cost $45,000 ... In- Grass Seed, Fertilizers, Golf Equipment dications are that government restrictions 132 Church Street New York 8, N. Y. on course construction will be eased on application, especially in cases of public There is PMAS the proven Only One ••• HERBICIDE- Product of I FUNGICIDE W. A. CLEARY Corp. 2-FISTED TURF PROTECTION 1 CRAB GRASS \{ * COLLAR SPOT 4 COPPER SPOT 2 SNOW MOLD / j 5 PINK PATCH DON'T WAIT .. start with the first warm days. PMAS is your most economical controlling agent for BOTH diseases and crab grass. Same strength spray (ll^ oz. per 1000 sq. ft.) applied every eight days throughout warm weather will keep turf free of fungus and crab grass. 2-in-l application saves time and money. Get PMAS from your golf TXT |f Z^1 T U A DV ^ ——. complete6ormat7on^ i nc 1 ud - W- A. OL.El/\l\ I KuOip. SS °f test$ by 'eadin* NEW BRUNSWICK, N. j. courses ... Also seems to be promise of relaxing ban on some private construction where earth moving and planting comes under classification of permissable land ' scaping, where no critical materials are used (meaning second-hand or composi- tion pipe is used), and where labor is mostly club's regular labor. Dave Todd now pro at Columbia (S.C.) CC .
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