Treolet ik


471454)9 ati-4-r-Ati ch sb 1-1

o9 4-RW1V

IMO 4 Er9 fOrrri

MIR A' 49' fkIntn-4 tAFIT cm sm.! atarmtlwilt nr-4

cri4504-1 3tqrqui1---r-qr cwiict, • wrdwq *Tc-19.7■ 01t) T4

9 TT-6.W q qfi4i-- MliTT1

? 44

1--41311 q ipio fitli-FT

v Iftf 43. f-0-Fr •

311wT (T4)

-TITM cfift

.,11\51Rwict, TifiERTNT

~itia 44 *rya

TrIT 3O-Rtt-471- 3t41-q. 209


9. 1-41c-1-1 4 NI111-1 (-1 -1-9 R. 41 7.-4Tiru

vtai-gr ft&-fur

4-1 34-ifk 9Q -V?

(1. cl-itfuluT T . . (-SU

4-10114-1 1-sC - 991

• gmur4cou1 4 1r 99E, - 9R0

• f1T-Tf 4-4 1:Rj . 9R9 -1:Q0

chc,, qiunv-ic, 4)1 . 930 - (Q6

90. 4-1 ft71.4-1614-1 ,5co, 4-161 11= +iqi fci - 9V9


cfruco Itur ITFr #1 -144: cilLkcil TT-yr ,0.-11,41%=Tr c-11101 T11:1-ft LVS.04 -q=f1-9. 1cNlic,11 auf6r zrr q161-aligl muit a 4-1-Licilgl 4-iorcirr-11A-O-c -fi-rq-T0-4-4t

3Tt. t-Efir-d-r4tfl--41317{-d7 t41-41' f T-4I1=P cb71701a gitCf LIRMul. a ii 11 ttaIT cP144,riicf 4 c0f-c151411u1 3frOPMR4PN11c1 4-16-cc11-4 -21.17 300 TZITTP:f .W)isfTFT Tfl-crIff-81- 4-1-5V ftWd)r.

R. 07* 3T- 11-477- 31t 774i .4TErr 3Trft c41-c1sfrilu1 61c)z]. tT, (97* RPTI 6c111-11.-f, la-T4T-TRuT 4 311-tm 34T-TRuf 31TRIT1171141e1 WHT4I-th -cli+1011:01717. e10)'3iffirr -?=1.TTS5 Ocn-c-LIT Q-1

. 4t,t) a 6114-11-111.5 4. (311414)1,2-T. JUT PiTht. 07. cl-N-1-101-4 -14 cN cik-c100 TITP 410 TilpTh- *tt TiTz-FT w I T1. 31711-51MT 0-0.T1 fr i f it u r 1 3TT 4 ce-IIT-11 ucrzn-Tr F4-ftg ucr T 31t. cr,r-cr ket #R-uur, .3,-4lq-r 4 -hrirRrch zik-"NRtiqcp) 37f1 cil rTkai4 -m-r4 1 urf

3rrffr 14144 4 31- , q-9. 4 c115 31-rPT 44 4 c,i),T zrr-dr- 4-16-ccircz41 .11colk--Aqq44 Tait f1 f. cptc-ir TfrEfd---4t

. 4-11-4 34-1 7311L cp 4-1 -cr-11 t "itt0. cill cil ef Th-1-# 5sFTT.f 304 3111:6T T4PP 4 -1Icn r 11T1-- fF rcichk1 41 0140-)4-filo ftAisfff: Tit-814rd 61- aufb-r Tzrrz1-4 3rif44Rft 3I1PT 4 -g--qir4 olcb Tr-7 oa. irr c1I cIk ztll fir q-9-r-cfr 141-R-trzrrftts Trzi 31-1 +-1 -cc11-4 30 Tzlit TT-6 3177t f arr474m---4-r 7ft .

V. 07 ft4TP-rrwia- 07415 L11 31-ErT cOlqiu-11 fc),Aulitzu 31-m-rlOrF q6I Wqrczir 0,1c-11.1)cNn-f u0Icf

9. #0101-14 SPIN1-1.

R. 'i-iefq7.

vffruuT 4ffwu-r.

v. 49 -#41-R-uf 3rrft

ch-N14 zft7-9T.

Et. chilo4K-i,

t9. 4c6 iicio5ui 4 --lirejt.

c. f f ticrd7 47-7-R2

Q. cl.),31:100. 4)(11u1Dtizici.) ct>1

90. 1#FtTZ'- cPI41P71-f 3117 4-I6NN 7.177.

M. ?R -97 rtil col co,u,th Trela. 4 1.-Tt---4—d't cw-ir I414 1.--4t 7110

4,Q)(4 c1,1451,,r-1,-u-czu 4fi f41TP1fft09 ft' 41777 \iLleier-T cfrto-I f c c 13 11I ch12-1 3Trg7 k

. 41rR TJ:ft

col 451.),1 .

-,iRcper TrP'411 tut f i col4cp,r.

v. 1,1 cpcf ,AT r chlzist)41.

ti. w-Twicfl ffTM \3Liq

4-4tF col Trr f411-rrn-4 co14-1 lirrr T0T T-zrr ft1TrrrEvai 31-0 .<14-11 31T1T 30.


'11-11,( 4)1 5171-1



`.TITT 4 t4-W1T u 4174-e1 ATT)Th- c i ffi-u-KR-fr-81- 31I zll •141 1=t-q7 ct)I 311 TIT44, T(36111) .-4-rd'r TT 440-44 ch-P4, pittc ' c1i 5 , 311F1RIT) uf-c-TR-24T4-4, 44 i

#1TfI4111 TZTTt 4 4 c41e1I c114lud 3Tf- ThItt 4TN-r 4T4149 ckcjAl-rq 6)cf 31-ThA -41-U4 44.111-qefFbTur 4 1''1002-11 4114 4)e-1 3Tt. UTITIt OLIeei

'9. •fl ri I cl ri 4 AVTTil-

ff3-1-1-rtd*- ,4111, cr T1-4 Ocild -curU- Trfi N7r4u- ri-kffru41:ru-r9- Er-k-Nai-c, (47 4e1 TTr) • cqit-4r 31-f4TF-u-R3Fjt- 3u-ft q-4 ffrffur, , c.:Lticr-) 14 T'Lt)EfITh771 4 4 -4 v114, TT4 31-1-ek31.1r fq-ffr/z 31-14w1-41 4,117urr w4t W1-4.11--ET T. -1-TTV,111DI41 11CqT- T-T-4, 41'4 chiTilel 41- 4 I VI TITTT 4I414 444sP4-f-9 1=1 g'014414-6-14).

R. Tivr'ru-ff

34[ 51V14 TjEqi- 4 fl tr4T.14, 11/1417 4 APTE-ToT 71 4IT41 .11114 0-1Iql I eft 49. -RiVN-9-Tt ThTi Z1-41-V 4Ic '{Ico4f TT-7TWT 1I 472TTE14,Tha4 51■)10-41 e,-)-)11-4u-rutrit, 11-4-1-Aftr-41- 4414)ully4ickld TTPuTT, c c1)I4s1,41 MT4r -4TO saki. 41-41-4-d • 41c l4,4cti44i -cr-o-r41.

qftruur a ftruirr

(2-1cr -u-FT4{i -Tr-c'zio -r cbr 04-1N-F8't vita-To-r 31f04-rf1 4 44-1-cr 1--24 IT-ft 3TRP-4 4)11 311. VT6TV virt 12T1TT, 4 44m--44e-T44* Afti&-TuT c-N)TT 3jof1 q-110-ruirr i m-Fr T11 4144)-41ic1'ic.1 4l vi.-)T.1 l 4 i c l 6)d 31-RM. 4 I 4-140. 4)1 V1-3 Tr c 4WI441 44 41.

v. u9 -Riu-rvuT arerr ftwrRi

4414TILVT 4.1N1 4 14-) 11- 4 c111-f&,.1-75-fuT4 f4- 14k1t,41 it'll-711u 41044'2 ■14-4.-N17131-Td- 31-T-6-U. cErl 111114k1R.qI(4) E-)A 114 gaff, 44 afurr 4 -14,k11-41 triq 317-d-Tff . 4111 IT IN-1-ff 4 4.1{i{41, 4 I T) 1*-1737 4 -1411441, 1-9i4W), Th-r4 31rutq---4r -up 4 1 4T4rer,rp-tu- -R-urr21 (1-11(mur, q4D4,11 uriqqra4iu ,i-rrc--u-r42t 4)c, 31*-J. 41t-d. 416741T-zir 9-rft-tV1c-rw- 1ul—M044 441cilef 31 4.r -dt . 4 Au cr141-a-ir 91(1141 ,Ict,iziter cilocko, Rt4qrt-F l4 X19431 4-.1-tA-- - f4tsm: crTQI, (b)e-611F, 114d410O, ?Tr u-p-rr-41--6 ILTitft-TO) 1 . c1M-14) 311 . 3144 4T4I 4 4) LIAITi) T.1) ,44161,4") .-YLTT4-141. 1141-4--41 311* 4-TCql 41 c5Z11 441c4 c14 I cbsco 31113. 9so..s-6Et4 4 Rc114 Olt tlTfi dyk-full 4141.7=fr Ac cigifluff c.vaf evju iTql-Ri--g RR c-NRiun 7-2.11-4-k4lk1-1144-T41 fkt.

V.9. (9) tfur X ri4l4Uf1 1IcfdI RV c1131 -14-R-ff 3TRI0- 11 c1l111Uil 4-r-q-zift 44wr 31-R--fr 311*. 3-T 1 31-Lckkr4T41114741-11,3114q104) .5[1-414 -itIcfidt-- TITIT 31-4u p 61e1T1141-4 8 ck-r 4rd--Tft c44 411 3Tru-m-rrRi ci osfdul r r4 .7317 31451 31 0.141-r)qt814 qurrO't- 9 TITET41 31*-d. 114 ROOC-off 11IT) - a11- -4 ch+-1T41-4I-11 9?OQ 11-11uIE4ttu-4RT 3114 31-16d.

V.9. (R) VE4tV4T 4 'Tfu-r q--41-u4 r -4T TA-I)1& 44 4 Lft-dtRi 31-r445IT-TRI 3154 44117 c-114 TT +j•- '1H T14T 4* 91cm tdr- 1=1- 31=4 qc1-) 413111 311*.

V.R. TT T.6.1k 4 e11tff cI zlcoIITZar ch14 4PH414141 34Tcrl5a1ciU4IY11 11 4 1111-I -rfT 31I4Y44) 3114311op. 3TO cll IN t‘100417.1 3144 iUthtRitT c111T4 4 il4vilTzI1 I16qchl4I61 vie14 +1144-T414I--41c1I64I4r \34414 6:1747 • 193-0. 49. f41-Trnfl4 4111 1:11c1t9T vq1-R-4--614>VJLIIT) 3111*

. (9) 31IRT PiTcr4T F< ci 4 i 11 a-TuITUTITZ1 -4 4) 'I 6 vT11-41 tl t 4P 3114. 1isI I 1 ft11-19. , 9 QVR 411-1Z4 1 81T41 (F4r 31-111 RNI-NicN cr,scr, TIT 7.14-R-urtq-RTR 31117 fi'R-uft 4rco,14i 4144411 TI)-F 4 nq crr-:41-crft 1-Ri RE, 11410 11-4

(R) 33111 u4jTZII PzAcr 7T14 clIcILI4N1 61LIE11 3111;. 41iIY.EiIIrT4 41,31u41c1 4ETFT-q11 f 451 • F-41-4T 4#F 9-4t4 \3 4 I LI 4r1 i 111314 4I c1 317f1 131*.


ftWTRiWR. 4R:r4k9 rf ar-4--o1r :

V.V. 4:1-0TRT (T9- .M4>ki cf? 3TrefT1, ''10 T411 WCTI9' cr) q211:r 'flu4l-c-z11 144 cpc1 cfrflqqi -icH 3171F ulici&i cHo w-rick ‘

. 4-16-1u1

99 u-lf 9 zf 4 f ch -z0-q-47-41 flci 4-TPTrF W4-4itt clqq, 3TU Tur -ci&- -TOTITT 41 4-0-rpqr , • Rit-qm -11.11cro- c1,14;1,41-(1.9}1ifF

ft . 4-1 c-L11q-f

31-141-A-9-1 I .1:117th )106 I \_i) cl I ck c•TIF41- f s 1-*`-cr71-04-r Tiliut col Off flT4N41,1-114 ct-) fL-4T .c9-P-171-4.74 31411 Qi,1c1 411,1,1k 32TP:FT (Mu41-413M-9-19" -9TPTW RYfe-11c113TF*. 41411,:i TiEfra- k-c114.-11

19. 4cou14a5u1 4 1-T'IT4[

49i4ITRIffft4- 4-1 a-14 tT I J 4 41 1 qiv---TTI 47i f41TFTTUt \-41 . I-R--41-4 tiftWoT 4 -1D-1 0114 tzfir 4)1 5414-11 Rpf 3111 34t. c4RIT- -Jt 44144F17 +4 n 3TF rif f ftlirrr for 4)c,ir Tl sir 31-r . col 4c4,41--(9 Trritth 311k

. R1(44f -R-4-4tM a 4-44trvit-mtrr

71r9-q o11cHu1I f f cOfc1140111 Th-q-71N-711e/q,tRir f .4T-wff-zrr-v4-r 1,,fl cmacpl ,-ful cmuqrt f 11 31T4-FiT---dr 311*, 31t. T-4-131& fkRu 1itt4 ,514171-Fut f 14 c4 14I 4 -q 4 4Ir44 f4T211:1-9-T1R e4TM 4t 1 31-Er-R-o-rzt 311*. 4-4 . 4 31-4TTF-114j& TiT )1c-1-1 WRTFEIRTIth 31753T71M-af c1i4trn-cm, 340- ;R.

S. .TT-44 4 cbetliunti- cni4shii

99 4Tiri-q41U 7-21TIT9 \3 11.11 Tll 4 - ft 314-1719' 3101t. err 31-11.1I-4 4 c-4 ft Tif4qi4 rftR-oir zIT q1■31 -cl 3a-rpr 3#1 311-k 41WF3TIT-Jf 4514-41t crITN't c-kcjsq TTM 311*.


44 Iv' c116NI 4 -rr-t4-R)---A- '11C1c1)Y.1T 3U-ft 4111f J1cG11dlc1 4)411 -10'1 T2•1717 •Dc4-,Nikirot) 4s-ul. 4* lii lel 4f-1-et 42.1-T Th-RA qictOol zrr 41*7 Tcr4 194.00 diditilMr), 'Oft. fl-t R09-9V • R'1.00 vi (41 '51MRa cmuqici 31-F4- -4t

R. f4MTT, ftrktof 4 4r41ut

31-14W- 1/V14RTI4 al472-Ccri 4 4o-iRcoltii4F4f4.4 col co4-1 I4fclU4IdIc q tit-rUff 31f4*11*, 4-14qcfre tO3T7474W 37147- c41 tO I -gftWITTR1--78t 3Tfibi 01 144),5c1 494TOIT Ti I f d X11 411105111 aWIt411lq ITT i1 Ro9R-9 4 Tclt 9 cpE, o191tT1cHcl4 Ro9--941 cil11-42r WTERTici31-0-41. 31t.

3 . •#EiNur 3ufat ftwre

494-1M-4 tfc c 3T1-4-7401 4 4-16c-4t 414 31*. "),J)(-) -,-1 441-4 4-9--k6 a4-1-4J 4Titt ufitirrtr A1),-11-c-11 41-dTf Q111,110 91r1t, 41 cN 31.fst- 9uf 47:1-411 )m-11:1T4 41cc,11- 31*, fTh4tEru: 31411 311 -1=1-u-rr4 -1k-c-13M-FTT ci-*'T 3170,' c t1 TrU4- 431 i 1-14* '-141Rcl 4)(,)c) •0131,114-10- 4t-4 Rifli cr 1 314 tt1 ) i 1 cq4 f c-1.-4 n1rcl -fgt. arrfo-r -g-0t NIT 1:11-1,H11 ,11,1und 4 14),-Icncf 411 $11 (-4 I 1, c41 c1411c-f 31Tit aHRI--fu 31*. 3firdWffu1, t4WFT, 91ui4r>14-r 3O4) 41 UT f ci 31114 #4-r4-ff wcp,mic-r, c',14 4I cf cmw_nc-r 31-0 314. 1 41 T-Iid1 u41H10


3frft t'iii TT4 w{u1-Tr-rt Tiutt zIT 3ITPT c-41fH 3.4 3.17111 )44iti1 33-rt. vikilit413WITT-441,-i ti4 cfltzilT14Tfitt zufk fl4&9131, R141i4-),-f T1T4T 4-)1c,14 Th7F4M-ff ,(I4 \sift( 311 4-9'&1-q1u41 gtitf1171iep l lllc tIci 474W-47 3TraPiit- FfIIiITzi 1,1t6-1 3T-1 T -\rfff R09R-9 4)ut_vic,11)(-0 (1.00 'FF3f ckc-j4t. 401414 11' c 47 1t7ITITT4 31T-criT ow-no .(1081uT #txttzfi- IfN R09R--q TiTt •b-114 Li.00 Ro,q-9V -rRt zit-q-4RTE81 4.00'Fai 3i1 .

.9 . TF-VIETTPIT21 & cAcMuf.-t 1 1T .fl\rzilcnci 51117i iD1I 4IuiciM T1514uT 7ru4 M-TR31-rf--4Tt8,-)--RTF81- 'flu-4 4 'fluick-11011 -)k-N)• (ic c-Nclq•&-d1. R093-9V 7if zT 3Q0V.Vc ftITZ 3Trit4I 11 34N)\31.)c1 31*.

,fluil 1 --•T zftq-4 ataT1U tif 1:44;1Ti.---<1q 479T ti.i Ro90-99 "MT fir ci f 4,105uq1c1 3TIA41

4-11"4 TtMuf flu,2-1 4 N-- Ttil- at-arfd.-ui,pc,iiril a tc1 379-c4 -t aMET frei& 31-p1ttrr-{9 9-Mt1 \414 Ir-1117z1l 4 rft fel 3171 tt fit T`er ti 9-rer. Two TF-R-1-i-urri-i-rdt \341LN41,1-10forl ?o9?-93 T1-81 'nfl.114 -"(Tt CciV.(-Q (1K1141c-Nc1q '8-qt cqr4 ET 19 4-441041cr p4,41GH-ifik dt-miull 3711741, un4+II6-z4f 3"ft6r, Taf fkrri-ur 1R111, 4-&-r1-r Tal-Fir qi14414 3rrzat4T, chi quicii Ric, t,11,10 39-f 4mDc40-417Tur 3fr-

Vii ?o93-9X 1 e4IctW '<1■5- -1 .4t- 3tUT r fv c r 31c i *FT VtItl9QE,.33 7&.-T f4cici,44

8. fpl,( mut ztrA7I

8.0. Ttar461•64c1INATTairMI.-cruic41 1 (11414-c4f (T11M-rf Ougitlioc1 4)44 IIG w0-F-Tr 311T-4Ri311-4WFW-OT3RT. 12TT ,64411-2.4)14i7 c-1111ull'a .t a-et4f- \-311uil`C 9Terff. •0q. fl-r R09R-9 fl1eilcf31f 31-RTF-r1 tfl-TTA-fl-Ter ckc-1 3Trk tiH ?093--9VThltdT -71-7)' E,19V.193 'FM c-Nclq Hf 1IIlq 47,(u4ic-f zlci

15.9. f4TIZ 4-11.4 11.14-fictrOf.-T1t4r 4chk cl)ctikT \30-11 ,11-u-11 M141 • -t+intt M-71 N. Tsef4 9V.9-CR I1(1114 7 7 ,,ft 3iI Z ttMr t'flik 7-9_1-rfk -alm-L4t fkiz- 417Ferq fftltrur d'i4)1c04,-f .oiq r PrffrFrFp ti i 9S68-64 tflTiff Taff 'f'1112•fit f sic --4131t .41.-i-r-4farr ckclq R09R-9 TE4 3E,(9R.'10"FTf 3#. ti i Ro93-915 ViTfl 4414114fulT cr>1411.0181Trit VoS.19(-1 c1101-En .ff.'“Iq 1N-clad cMuLlIcf 3474f 3it.

3fttiffiTW 4 alltflft ■3,-V-1 111141 4-q $1151r411M6taii c11,14 zi179T- R090-Ro9 TTR0- fwcl colcouqld 31Ttd't 311t.

41-04 44141,01 471414)4i.-1-141fNulit 715r4 -Mira ticil um um 4fflmtuiltgirfl 31T tu4Nii 7TVT LT cr) st, i .41 4)•1431-driU R09R-9 7TO 9E,00.00 .F174741 ct

M. cm ci4i4-r

4.9. vIc61■37 4 Virfdi 11118 31TTINT4I Witt41.-V1-417 i71-6t ITTIT1t-F 471171-th a 1-11T-1 cl)ct) fry dIct)51-czir Til(7410 31117 ui+IriltflITITictrOlcrT4RiA4E-1 cfrO-N4H-11-dt d6r-i 3r70 f ft-writ \ik-ksw41-41 art twqr 31rt.

vt) 05 Ti ■Ic414-11-ciff4M7Ti.--fq % -hiR090-2099 11TiTTIltqt- ff- 4,1cOuqIcl 3IT1 3T1*.

E, • 4c6urif1ou1 1 TTRAI

qcoulcicouli-clITITT4ri--R--0-UT--82t 4 .11 ,<- -c)• fr) AT2TRic-F 31r . qa- c-qi Ct-ctr 9R000 Tft. 311*. 'fl•N-11-c)-11 vi 41(-4 4TTITTU Eh-4V 0.9E, ft". AI Ift.) cTc t 311 flchci ff31171T 0.19 ft . 1=ft. At t t. f . Tft Taer 311*. ti i R09R-9 414-71-ff 14. 3111 -41--#1 9R0V.9 ciEiTc0 ckclq q-- Tf47 aft . T-42t 7 131131T ci. cltltf Tfff ?093-98 f4-T7 31Tfk417# 9 .V A-- Te4c1

E, .9. fk4rift 4-wilete11-fv-ti,(f11441tMTI.-47 u)11-4l-ii-1 dr3111731-W7M r-6-ck31-1-4744)31-F. tlea4 hI sr 4-)141-M: 8-4-4t vl1dIci317TT Q11,114-I 5I-Fq til5f uL11-Ilort zr 47144141mic,11' T4t11-Frftrrt T4h1ci 6; qitrwrffFr41- qlcigkI1011 41501 ,&1109-4t9- Sri *41F11 4 4)41-41-41flioRf4m-f0-117 600.00 8-Ti--4t c-Nclq R093-9V Th-ftUT -11--4 3T*.


(9 . f41-ii igEh "1tiq TOT

Zn---43t-d-ri-d -arra 1,1,0-t-i TV-a- --ark4 3TlizfRuzTU MI-Muff ar-a- -f- R,flooar @ l X11 til 1 1 w i ci l clT-471-11 Titq-43icHicl R09R-9 1:Rt VVCC .00 rlIItfl c-Nclq Roci-c1V Th-tEdT feYr- Tclt 1N-dad 31t.

C. 3744 .4 c4)(4-11 I tiqcb 411 st)I4 4

4 Li ccbmi Ro9R-.9P lilt TIT z11Q11 4SCC.00 MIci +I +10,AI ■3s11-1Ic1 TA-M1)- -tf IIr cOlc-R11-a-11 49"1.4Z-9-RITt ck) -4 #Trff-o- t14ki1ociciti 209--925 TRir 3T1*. 3Tr . syNcElci ,P,IN -421 q1-1 fail J cmuql

g. c cb1I-1 VI4 3iftF 4-16N115 9-FrV

g. trtq, ,3k-Hiqq4-9-ff -)41c-N 4 4-1 - 5051-41 1") ttrt ct)i-i41c1 +161+-i50of -4 3T aiPT Tcra ml-tt 61a. ,-1614-iScol-Of

co 454-41 ki 81 g 4-11903ra-ii chlpf o-,4-HT111 flpi c115 (fr)l clopoo X11+Iltl 41 14 1 ctr uql-41 .Wct)('-1 11(41 ct)■FINTijI #7 4)(11 6)c11. c-LIIT-Ik ct)144),-1 9SCZ,--Cl9 -I1 LIM1100q14 f cT -(11dcr11. ITtg,

1ict)cA-1 3T 11 4-1614-i506 litrq ci-ncu1ITLII 4)14V-110 116ITI71 3)•1. 47441 I-TM ON1181 F4-41-4 T211-W-A-171Td1 TA-zrm-R-r-41c-ipt0k 311t. c(-(1a if3R4)-t1 'd•-1 ,0980 -9 19T.A. 7FT (-1.00 carte k-Nclq 1c11. Ro,p-cry 1-rdr (i.00 ckclq 31*.

: 4161 1 Ylk-11 \51-1 ql-c)ct)511c4 /(1)1. 922525, f 9F.,-R-Roo6 31 iIfrTuir fir 4Tf4- zit-A-9T 1 .4t -7-0a TIT 14 .R141-{td. ct)14,-k5c11 311=MM 3Trjt (fl4flm-rTor I r T X111 IIYf1 i -1Lidcziq . 1-1 3rf4wF ktrard- 3f1-6\

t14.-ROV-R ()

cbi4sb9 4 .mTera uil cp

cb T.11 tRIct) 1 1 k I


4)4-1-ca 014011 504110 4 -114 Rocp-RocQ ?093-?09v No. of Employees Performance No. and Name 2012-2013 2013-2014 (1) (2) (3)

9. fl-4Icrl-f I:PMTff

1. Direction and Aministration 892 806

?. T47017

2. Research 235 302

Plawr iffur

3. Extenstion, Education and Training . 176 77

V. 4T#ETRITI3Trfirr

4. Forest Conservation and Development. . 15430 18817

cl.-k qui thq---41

5. Plantation Programme 833 341


6. Forest Produce 2714 2073

o. qcouicobur -11-rit

7. Communication and Building 87 83

Th-Rift 347arT TUT

8. Nature Conservation and Wildlife Preservation 742 832

q. 47, 314444 corqlui1 ico 471 sP4-1

9. Forest, Park and Welfare Activities 1881 249

90. 41 4710 96141505 4121 ci

10. Forest Development Corporation Ltd., 1 1

TOT Total 22991 23580

&:1.-711,4-1 -1 1:1-6R0 4 49. F41-TPT, 11 11c14, 1:1504-114) 1t1-90609E,00/A. , 9QQC Tiara. \94 T-4K qqct, -crwfu 4,c4. m)-ci Trul cp4t4H4i-4 tr-<9-Fr (9)

7{4 cbl4b111j1c1 (11 r4I 1:1-4-q111, da.1Hi1 47nuI14



3T. 1:1-q-9Tff -i 15 4 11-K.sqr Serial Grade No. of Post Designation No. Scale Pay 2011- 2012- 2012 2013 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

11■44 cf4f94 — Rs. Gazetted— 9. 514Tff Ipsf cl-N-i41-T- (4-ff Glrf 511pf) 80,000 Fixed 1 1 Principal Chief Conser- vator of Forests. (Head of Forest Force)

A41ff ITC-04 (co-e1414) 75,500-80,000 HAG 1 1 Principal Chief Conser- vator of Forests (Wildlife).

Agrff Tc04 (\ict-uq-i i 75,500-80,000 -„- 1 1 Principal Chief Conser- -arg-T2.tr49.) vator of Forests (Produc- tion & Management).

V. 37F TRIT9. 71Cqf- 67,000-79,000 HAG 1 1 Additional Principal Chief Tti .dc1,f). Conservator of Forests (Administration Sub-ordi nate cadre).

y. 31117 g4T9. Do. )- 1 1 Additional Principal Chief (3T2WWFI, f41,31.-1 Conservator of Forests (Budget, Planning and Development).

3N W-TFISEq. 4-N1R41T (q-rTur) Do. -,)- 1 1 Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Convservation).

t9. AI TRT (3F-11" Do. 1 1 Additional Principal Chief ,<-Pqiur Conservator of Forests (NTFP, Monitering and Evaluation).

C. 3TER REIM 11-04 (Trritt Do. -,)- 1 1 Additional Principal Chief .1)7-Err). Conservator of Forests (Information Technology and Policy).

. 31-ER warff IfLvf cl-l'fl'aT ( am) Do. -2 - 1 1 Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Protection).

90. 3717 514T1 ITC0:1 i i ii C (c1-qvil4) Do. -»- 3 3 Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife). (6)

cictcl f-R —T4 lel,

TABLE-II—contd. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

' .31,-1 d 44 9 4 R - -41 c,I- Rs. Gazetteci-- Additional 'Principal Chief 9 9 . 311R ITqM 11- c.4 c1-1 -k&-i-T (7 T1 67,000-79,000 HAG 1 Conservator of Forests Dia-TUT (Research, Education and Training). Addi. Principal Chief 92. 371Z AqT-T 4-A•L9-1 49 fl'i-T (WFM-c) Do. 1 Conservator of Forests (Personnel). ___,..._ Addi. Principal Chief 9 . 311:17 AM-9 4- 1Z&1-- afT ( 4-) 04 31M---rfi) Do. 1 Conservator of Forests and (Nodal Officer). 9V. 3717 RUM Tp4 4-N- (TTEi 311 q) Do. —„— 2 Addi. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Working Plan). _,,_ Addi. Principal Chief 94. 311:7 RUM ITL-QT cl -NI x UT (fRI-li 9TIZ-9” 4 Do. 1 U.-1,,i1cf 'wikl-f) Conservator of Forests Administration (Wildlife). _"..._ Additional Principl 9Z,. 3197 Aq1-9. TC04- cl -I •6 8-.1- , ('-i'd 149. 39RITTT), Do. 1 Chief Conservator of Forests, (Resource Utilisation). ____,_ 919. 3177 Aqfq 11-@:1 ci -N1 , &-Tur (*TiTI) Do. 1 Addi. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Campa), Nagpur.

9G. ITL-Q=1 c1-1-k&-TT (Ri Pict)) 37,400-67000 10,000 11 Chief Conservator of Forests (T).

_,.____ 9Q. T ci -I fl: .&-i-T , ffiaTuT Do. 1 . Chief Conservator of Forests (Education).

____,_ . Chief Conservator of Ro . ITL-04 cil &-i, wiTi 3ilq vi-Ir itlirrr Do. 10 Forests, Working Plan Division.

-„- 1 Chief Conservator of 29. Tpq ci 1fl 11Pr Do. Forests,, Land Record Cell.

Chief Conservator of 22. Wq7-2-ill:n Do. 2 Forests (Joint Forest Management, Planning and Development).

Chief Conservator of R . U 1 ti (ITF9-4 u1-4721-1cF) Do. 1 Forests (Human Resource Management).

. 'J cl , 11(-2-1 I ch , JTiJ Do. 1 Chief Conservator of Forests, Evaluation, Nagpur.



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) eiwv(lct 9 4 R Rs. Gazetted-

Rci. ITL-04 ci-ki•M (31-21 Q.T c_lit-aai-r) 37,400-67,000 10,000 1 1 Chief Conservator of Forests (Budget & Audit).

R,. 11-cq' ci-k-(c.i-IftziTrff) Do. ---,,--- 1 1 Chief Conservator of Forest (Forest Regulization).

R(9. 11-7-gq ci.-k-N (qem-r q 44,4141 q-K-Litur) Do. ---„--- 1 1 Chief Conservator of Forest (Vigilance & Employers Welfare).

RC. TILVI 4-1 .211&--1 -Afl-(41c141, -q-rq iq)(A-r Do. ---22--- 1 1 Chief Conservator of J•caqld Forests and Field Director, Tiger Project, , Amravati.

R. TIL-04" ci.-i-t,m-T 21-r -- , 4-4 =r-r+q Do. ---,,--- 1 1 Chief Conservator of -Hcf)oAl, -9-!t Forests and Field Director, Pench Tiger Project, Nagpur.

(), il-L-4 q•-iflai-T m.ii &-)--74-qi-6-- , ctis ii Do. ---,,--- 1 1 Chief Conservator of 3Tq-rt arm si co cA4, ' ..--V Forests and Field Director, Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project, Chandrapur.

9. ITL-0:4 4-ifl1-- , (T1 .td), 11-4-4 Do. ---,7--- 1 Chief Conservator of Forests (Mangroves Cell), Mumbai.

R. 11-&:f q.-i-i' q q44-9. d Ti). Do. ---,,--- 1 1 Chief Conservator of Forests and Silviculturist, Pune.

. -41-cQT ci-R-Haff, ,o,t4 -Frit Tritzr \3V-11-1., Do. -7 7---- 1 1 Chief Conservator of il,aciell. Forests, Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Borivali.

w. lIco:r cl-N-f&-f- (1-W11Z q-9tcl) Do. ---,,--- 1 1 Chief Conservator of Forests (Non Timber Forest Produce). 4 '-s. ITE0=[ (4.-1,t-fa.ff, (r ,_1),11 q v=i-i-Wicri Do. ---"--- 1 1 Chief Conservator of cp-Lkillct Forests (Planning and Admin. wildlife).

. ci-iff- &-T- (ci-L1,414) Do. ---,,--- 1 1 Conservator of Forests (Wildlife)

19. cl.1,t-47e-ff, cnoTt) 4 ftcrul7 ffl-Trrr, Do. ---,,--- 1 . 1 Conservator of Forests, Gicc-mn Transport 86M., Ballarshah.

C. ■344-R1Ha14 15,600-39,100 7,600 64 64 Dy.Conservator of Forests. fig. Aftt q li-rf8--& 3TRrwit1, irriv Do. —„— 1 1 Publicity and Information Officer, Nagpur.

vo. Wirffi-40 Do. ---,,--- l 1 Principal.

V9. .1) lc,t) (f'4. q. 3T. qui l) Do. ---,,--- 1 1 Instructor (D.F.O.) vR. li-Eqf cfrk-iii- c61 15,600-39,100 6,600 1 1 Chief Forest Statistician.

V. ■34 ,&uidcp 1-1-1# 311 - Do. —,,-- 1 1 Dy. Director, Land Record. TABLE-II—contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

•1•44 d 44 9 4 R --.-clicl Rs. Gazetted— vw. 3Tfzizf-dT 15,600-39,100 6,600 1 Forest Engineer. vts. iiYlNi lLi A-W- t# Do —„— 1 Administrative Officer. v,. flHirict) Do. —„— 4 Director. vo. RtqT4 Do. —„— 1 Principal. vc . IT Tff 3T TT Do. —„— 24 Divisional Forest Officer. w<. q-Nii Do. —„— 2 Forest Statistician. Dy. Forest Engineer. (-so. \344h-f 31#RtUT Do. 5,400 13 es9. 4-9' \Ji+iiGkflaTtritf Do. —„— 4 Forest Settlement Officer. . . Logging Officer. t-t. 10,Ito RtcON-1-13114Wt 9,300-34,800 5,000 3 1 Assistant Librarian. (-1. fl61u--I4) T,f2Ttlf -c1 Do. —„— 1 (iv . IT-fklii-Trtzi qff &RI-Witt Do. 3 3 Sub-D.F.O. (ics. 't161. cl-N- Do. —„— 207 207 A.C.F. . t-i,. '66142-1c1) -itilcich Do. —,,— 3 Assistant ,Director .___,,_ LSO. 3017E-T- r) Do. Curator _,,_____ Assistant Forest Utilisation 46. '061. c1-1)44)413f14Thitt Do. 1 Officer.

(-s. '161.4.-N1c141 Do. —„— 1 Assistant Silviculturist. E,o. •ki61. 3TT2T c-II Do. —„— 1 Assistant Genetics. E,9. •-i6i u-I 4) Aitt 4 'Mitt 31f1M-Tt 9,300-34,800 5,000 2 Assistant Publicity and Information Officer.

Dy. Mechanical Engint.. EtR. \3L1411c•61 3fPrzi1T Do. 4,600 1 tzT fl6Iu-1ch Do. —,,— 9 Personal Asstt. Do. ---,,— 31 Office Superintendent. EM. (Pi ilcof 3TEftE 9,300-34,800 4,400 5 5 Workshop Superintendent. —,,— Assistant Forest Statistician. EtE,. fl6H-44)ci-Nii Do. 11 1,(9. .15l (hY1(1) (49.31) Do. 5,400 4 Sub-Instructor (R.F.O.) f#1•49 T 31#1-4zq Do. —,,— 3 Taluka Inspector of land Record. Veterinary, Officer. E,.S. 14 sl 4 301Thit Do. ---,,— 1 Technical Assistant. 00. -1'-- •<-161u-Ict, Do. 4,400 10 199. 3TRT fir tift 3T0141Th- Do. —,,— 0 Saw Mill Superintendent. 192. 4ff&-)71TIF Do. —,,— 760 Range Forest Officer. ATPT (qff&-t 1=1TF 4■T11) Do. 5,400 1 House Master (R.F.O.) Ylitqf 3ftRiUT Do. —,,— 11 Sectional Engineer.

TfuT • • Total , . 1246



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 313-Mcfr14. 44 4 — Rs. Non-Gazetted- 9. ,oit.gcr, tErtzr 3T-14m-fft (MBBS) 9,300-34,800 5,400 6 6 A. M.O. (MBBS) R . d tic.4 co ('-cu *ft) Do. 4,400 24 26 Stenographer (Higher Grade) . 'tmu4,1-> psi 4( 3awitt Do. 4,300 . . . A.M.O. (other) (Other than MBBS) v. ,161tL4ct) 3TruftrTuft 3ff -zt-d-r Do. . . Assistant Saw Mill Engineer. LI. 711-4:§1 (,)141c,f Do. 4,300 1 1 Head Accountant. . ei ki() '..q co (f lm4uft) Do. 4,300 24 23 Steno (Lower Grade). 9. q9 a-)"' fla9-- Do. 4,400 33 35 Range Surveyor C.. qiftu •<111 c) •-16l 14h Do. 4,300 15 15 Senior Statistical Assistant. S. Yn Rco itaTTf Yict-, Do. 4,300 1 1 Physical Education Inspector. 90. -EU 31f#471 Do. 18 17 Junior Engineer. 99. 1:11-413i R-iclla Tit4T itzFf f4-42tai-- Do. 4,300 1 1 Police Wireless sub-Inspector. '9R, 1j-cq4ccqi4id Do. 4,200 126 127 Chief Accountant. ci. ■34 0141(1 Do. 4,200 1 1 Deputy Accountant. 9V. \itil-f'R.&-iTh 5,200-20,200 . . Park Warden. 91-s. 3iTtzKrT 9,300-34,800 4,200 6 5 Draftsman. 9E,. afFT lc Do. 1 1 Saw Doctor. 919. chdlchlq =icor< 9,300-34,800 3,100 2 2 Artist. 9G. Azyff ctW4c411 Do. 1 . . Head Sawyer. 9S. 3T-- cONV-1 Do. 2,800 4 5 Aval Karkun. Ro. fil;rw Do. 1,900 7 7 Compounder. ?9. cq141c1 5,200-20,200 2,800 822 818 Accountant. RR. 7 53 9,300-34,800 4,200 2 2 House Master. R. tit-4Ni zrr fktt49-- 9,300-34,800 4,300 1 2 Police Sub-Inspector. R. flHa1c r< Do. 2,400 4 4 Nimatandar. ?4. 1'11-4ruft zinT 5,200-20,200 . . 2 2 Radio Mechanic R. 111-4-fftrra Do. 2,800 9 9 Store Keeper R9. qtti clocItsR6 Do. 2,400 24 42 Steno-Typist ?G. cnfatd WiR4E1Thft tI*111.4 ct) Do. —„— 47 46 Junior Statistical Assistant. RS. (414nc1 Do. —„— 2566 2267 Forester. (2.. 49 '(141F Do. —„— 153 160 Forest Surveyor 39. *L 1+ 3ift1141W Do. 3 3 Assistant Curator R . c11.1 Do. 2,400 10 10 Electrician ”. lirRIF 4-1 \NM Do. --„— 1 1 Revenue Circle Inspector. V. cMclOf Do. —„— 6 6 Sawyer. (1. i isi l gitilrict) Do. —„— 15 15 Wireless Operator. E,. cfrod iaiiiW Do. 3 3 Saw Sharpner. . (.9. .101 c-N*1 Do. 1 1 Wireless Technician. c . •24TF Do. 5 5 Latheman. S. •<-161e2ico cNcictii Do. —„—— . . Assistant Sawyer. vo. fikff-drtt #471 4.141 M. Do. Wireless Forester. V9. .<161u14> 3i} CP Do. 2 2 Assistant Draftsman. VR. WedT Do. Promotor. v. 4---F 31f4Witt Do. 1 1 Circle Officer. vV. 1-0-c41R4h1 Do. 2 2 Nurse. (9R)

cl ch-I f


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

arTr-AcrNa gif --r-Bel Rs. Non-Gazetted (Class I.11)— V4. chyiud fOTar 5,200-20,200 2,800 1 Drill Teacher. VE, . els c•N -ci I cl ct) Do. 3 3 Road Roller Driver. Wo. Tit-d-R clizi tildco Do. 2,000 2 Motor Launch Driver. VC,. clkd Do. 2,800 2 Wireman. V.s. --4z-R- -cildct) ' Do. 2,800 '29 Tractor Driver. (-so. 3r-RiT Do. 2,000 12 Tracer. 49. A-&-ftd. t4IcicP Do. 2,200 2 Project Operator. (-s. qi Do. 2,400 26 Mechanic. (-1. s ci-4,-6Elei Do. . 9 Head Constable. (-1.1---d--42R zficict) Do. 2 Bulldozer Operator. . . (-N. '-w-i-cic,fici -f ,ici-11 Do. Auto Electrician. LsE,. WI zr .C1c1 k Do. 0 Launch Khalasi. y19. fl161c1~1 fl 6 I al ct) Do. 2,000 1 Museum Assistant. 46. f'd-M- ---- ..ct)e).qct) Do. 1;900 1468 Clerk. (-s. q1t-71 -tit- Do. Store Clerk. E, 0 . 'fl 6162-ice LI i -gef Do. ---„--- 9 Assistant Mechanic. E,9. AzItri YlIc&ficl TER-M. Do. 2,800 2 Laboratory Attendant. E., R. 1.fl ch I Do. 1,900 3 Midwife. U. 116-r -clidct, Do. 1,900 462 Driver. W. uttr Tilt -ciicico Do. .. 1 Mini Train Driver, E,(s. cl 6 k Do. 1,900 3 Blacksmith. £F,. qt-5-Itt Do. ---„--- 6 Fitter. ,is'. Ti'rq-r-Jr Do. ---„--- 6 Welder. t,C. eA9. tildco Do. ---„--- Engine Driver. E,. 61 lql6f -1-)1-clIcIct) Do. 1 Air Compressor Operator. 00. q1-4- -r , .qcliciqR Do. 1,900 5 Keeper. 199. iii I .-,11 ,161qN Do. Saw Mill Jamadar. V. cilLirk q)3- -t Do. Boiler Fitter. (9. Tffirtt 'cittRi Do. 1,900 111 Armed Constable. t9V. '61u44) fffqrdi Do. —7 ,— 1 Assistant Welder. 04. c'r) -clidct)/ Liicicr) Do. 2,000 58 Truck Driver. uE„ f4-4t Gki -clIcict) Do. 1,900 . Mini Bus Driver. ot9. 61zzict) i1 Do. Assistant Welder. 196 . c6 -I -4 I el ct) Do. 1,900 3 Van Driver. 0S. tfr-A-Ri cpi ,- GI el Do. 7 Police Constable. Co. 4-11c1c-f Do. 1,800 27 Mahawat. C9. ci-k&-I Do. —„— 8578 Forest Guard. C?. c)c,i ciil Do. ---„--- Oilman. 6. cl 61-f 317-71rrt R-&-i-- Do. 1,600 1 Mini Train Guard. CV. 3iFT4TaT Do. Fireman. 64. 3113-wf u'llcoi6 cmum Do. 2 Log Fitter.

TfuT ez . . 15426 15426 Total Class-III .. (")



(1) ° (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

zrTmtrfta .44 v - Rs. Non-Gazetted(Class IV)— 9. qFft 4,440-7,440 1,600 29 29 Daftari. R. -11 q Do. 1,600 43 45 Naik. . -cict)4A5ui q-Avcrict) Do. 1 1 Reneo Operator. V. --41-4 31-c..- Do. 1 1 Cabin Attendant. 9. .11-1\9i+if-4=1-7-41- -#1-qk Do. 1,600 11 08 Khansama-cum-Chaukidar. . ii1 Do. 2 2 Nakedar. L9. '14cf millui111 Do. 1,600 11 17 Chara Cutter. C. 1Y1c116(1-) (ftl-ici141) Do. 2 2 Newsman (Wireless) . wurft &'-i- Do. 2 2 Animal Keeper. 90. .qclic.4q1'< Do. 1,600 7 3 Gate Keper. 99. 31T4TN Do. 1 1 Driller. 9R. 51 i 11-1c.t) Do. 1 1 Dark Room Asstt. ■ cl. 41 3,)54-1 Do. 1,600 1 1 Ground Man. 9V. 1j9-11d11 If34R- - Do. 1 1 Library Attendant. 9,-s. Tilc61qH---cP41-3 Do. 1,300 253 257 Chaukidar-cum-attendant. 9E,. 3i7TTT-j1'ff 461 (11 I Do. 1 1 Superannuary Chaukidar. is. 41 I clIcif Do. 1,300 11 11 Waterman. 96. 444-1 Do. 2 2 Gangman. _ ., 9Q. q1cNi c114 Do. . . Box Boy. Ro. cr, 4-1 Do. 1,300 01 01 Keyman. Rcl. til-mn (ft'lt) Do. —„— 439 445 Peon. RR. ITF4 Do. —,,— 154 156 Mali. R. Z41c1 116c-t) Do. —„— 13 13 Dak-Runner. ?V. TilFt (1)+4141N Do. 36 35 Sweeper. Rcs. t aTR- .cf).t Do. —„— 04 04 Care Taker. RE,. eM-161111,11*ci-coct) Do. —,,— 01 01 Mini Train Cleaner. ?t.9. ,,cizt§ct) Do. —,,— 173 170 Cleaner. 26. twig' Do. —„— 04 08 Mess Cook. ?e. Tat Do. —,,— 06 Food Surver. ,z). - a-T TI-4- Do. —,,— 04 06 Ward Boy. ci. Elt4t Do. 02 02 Washerman. oc.ifill Do. —„— 13 14 Khalashi. clici Do. —„— 01 02 Tandel. V. *ffI'm Do. —„— 10 11 Chainman. (-s. 41 I •t

7-Tur of x . . 7019 6498 Total Class IV

Cif ct) *ksll . . R91-16 ??W1 Total Post of Govt. Servent t14-1-?E, (9V)

4-1f41-d--d 7-FT 99 lir Ich c 4 e (Pm ci-tcr) 3TT-7. 99 ci-lt1cftic1f 11L--04 (AW7T0 W 1-17-414 cil ef cqilr f101z24cP 51z1--ct T-4ffizTRITriful V .<1•71`110 aTRrwrft iT4-ffr9RuNul citi R trzfU 31717c11 ch4"c114131-RMTU. celiv-11 4T44r4 14-1q 4)(c-qf cz41-all Alt71-W cil1IT241434tF -4T-4r-414w)

cot 4110-1cP 3r rfWz1- W 3N iscse4 3fRiff truf 31-Fdr4 41 clic4 afffUT-d. r7Itf M-19-r#41-11 1V3T-4 SlcP0-1, cP14 3Trztl-q9-, 41c, iich-1, #71141, ftrffur Aft ci-q,AlciT-4-f4rcrq- r-41- mlut tiff 1:1-Ed-d. There are in all 11 territorial circles and 9 functional circles. The 11 territorial circles are headed by the Chief Conservator of Forests (Territorial) who are in I.F.S. cadre and are assisted by an average 4 to 5 Gazetted Officers and 15 to 25 Non-Gazetted staff, with the help of this staff he controls, supervise the functions concerning the territorial circles as mentioned above so far as their respective charges are concermed. As far as functional circles are concerned they are headed by the Addi. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, who are also I.F.S. cadre. They control and supervise the special functions attached to them e.g. Working plan, Tiger Project, Evaluation, Education, Research and Wildlife Management etc.

f4nr=114 Ruv iArv:rr wr aa


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cbl 1041--2

TABLE-II (41-0 wrzilTrum iiNivr T f4-4r4 3t tklOcNtrt : (ii) Work-load summary and explanation of financial requirement : t4Icflcf c1ch-q1c1 A-rt-4- Tfrft-41- Reli 3ilt. The following table indicates the items of works carried out under the Forest Research. AR' : Forest Research :

31.T. C147 Clc11'1 41 Wale, 2099-?09? ?09?-?0c0 ATff114U,Rocl -?o9V

4-49T9 tk5411 fir trftzaTur •f ErftR.&,Tur 3T2141 liftwur gRfrfo. 4)(4(4 Sr. No. Particulars Actuals for 2011-2012 Anticipated during 2012-2013 Proposed for 2013-2014

Existing NO. Newly Maintenance New Maintenance New created or Maintenance established (8) (1) (2) (3) (4) • (5) (6) (7)

TtetTff • 5 1 A-Research Station 47 43 61cIlasc)ctI1 1-14-111 'd' 11 2 B-No. of Problems handled .. 36 4 23 9 tvilErff ‘ivI4 3 A-Research Garden 1111 7314. 4 B-Sample Plots 64 4 64 vt \3c4151 11734 5 C-Seed Production Plots .. 18 7 23 9 ■Ac1.1 11*3 6 D-Preservation Plots .. 59 5 60 6 7 ci qN t—.. #71*ff MET .. 2 2 2 3 3 8 TFT Efl■A‘if.411 114 3 114 3

9 `11191tri \3ell4 20 10 45 11 10 ilTri eN).ic114 &'-) t. 548 0.5 548 0.5 93

.4111, WitieuT 4 itguT (9) li I Cc1 l l cb : fkkruf 1-U) N fturi sifte.P9 4114-9r91-4 ,-11-cf it) cnizi 311*. Uff leiull=il v1E416141 trR 1-11Suellt 1IcRIO t2). *c1c1-A 71101 (q-9- l vy-ao 4 3TRT74ft-a 31vrl 7731 /1-CT 3TftTh-rt 31TtTh it*T trqiqz Amlwr cr'


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7TF4IR c1Uezl1t1 'q1141(1) T441-4117-11 THE FOLLOWING TABLE INDICATES THE WzWi' clUcii- TABLE-

1N 7TTIT •Risa-R-1 ?o99-Ro9p I1.114 qii-rfka qqa. $licka-r ei1k1 e17 (1. d1t1 099-R09R

Frch I 3IM- tritt .t-i'LcEIT trmat v.TH 10-1Trur

Total area Offences detected by the Loss sustained by Government Loss recovered Territory Year under territorial staff during 2011-2012 during 2011-2012 protection (in Sq. Kms.) Type No. of cases Type Quantity Value Type Quantity Value

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Territorial Circles

.PITTOt TIM-ft (-11cp,:-:, 2012-2013 148538 Theft 21380 (1) Timber 11254 9553502 (1) Timber 8749 6049347 (in cm.) (in cm.) ulco16-) (-Ticks ul0513 (2) Firewood 2161 176743 (2) Firewood 1054 185480 (in Cu. m.) (in Cu. m.) 4q (3) Bamboos (3) Bamboos (in No.) (in No.) 1-4( 6.1N (4) Ballies 4515 126 (4) Baffles 6498 94 ct? ffTi1 (5) Charcoal 290 3450 (5) Charcoal 25 2340 (M.T.) (M.T.)

(6) Other (6) Other 1,0 tt I Grazing (1) Hectare (1) Hectare (in cm.) (2) Cattle 6322 209631 (2) Cattle 5368 204421 (3) Grass (M.T.) (3) Grass (M.T.) 3rfli Fire 2013 Area in Ha. 14850 171705 Area in Ha. 1305 47232 Encroachment 969 Area in Ha, 2545 211 Area in Ha. 164


(9) ,105167 . . (9) ,iO3-13 dick

(R) (R) ~1c 1J

() TTITO't () (11cp cilTs

(V) 4f1 4i1 1419 (`) *cN 94 5420 ((i) *cN 108 441077 .—



111 f4.1.6 tl (7t,-1,-) miff 7i)

gm-TR. 1-04-nui -1(-4 11-- rru iilza-c4-crr T.s1E1. 91.4ii- Err... W/TRT9. ff- err 3.1-kplu gw-virr4- 2134F-fr 6\ cif 31{11:-q-1 ar- i1> 1 -4c1141- rct\ ", aw11.11- *itciri ...i.tgrr #L,zrr Net Loss No. of No. of No. of No. of Expenditure (Rs. in thousands) persons persons in persons persons Type Quantity Value found cases prosecuted convicted Administra- Other Total involved compounded tion

(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

(1) Timber 3346 3071175 3839 1948 334 76 1011722 33504 1035217 (in cm.) 7- 1T•Frcps (2) Firewood 181 18990 87 52

4ti (3) Bamboos

Wk.11\51' (4) Ballies -4,1a5Ri-r (5) Charcoal 25 2340 04

(6) Other

-r-N I (1) Grazing Hect (2) Catty No. 1333 5208 865 224 01 65 (3) Grass M.T. 31111. Fire 88717 129634 38 01 31ftlTuf Encroachment 150 500 189 93 44

(iii) Other, (9) 1c.513) M1 ck-3-

( )


(V) • • (4) *cis 712 317 17 05

fte cletrtftcf FV-i-arr tpiwi-41 THE FOLLOWING TABLE iNINCATES THE OFFENCES WRiaizT- ctch11.-- TABLE—

fewz- rr tr2T-0-4t 1:1T YI~T cllcle-4l wi-rffm Tptet 3PF \Lizrr ‘31,-c-f 4ic.)(fr T•TIc-1-114)

16k 43-4Trur T ERN-rur 7fr Loss availed due to detection No. of No. of offences No. of offences (Forest produce Loss sustained Territory Year Mobile reported by squads detected confiscated or attached) By Government Squads by squads Type No. Quantity Value Quantity Value

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Ict)/17,frcl vffrz-dt eilcks4 Territorial/ 2011-2012 93 (1) Theft 2059 1299 (1) Timber 451469 176237 451633 193281 Wildlife Circles (Cu.m.)

(2) Poles (Nos.) ulasi■37 5 5 (3) Fire cum 460 196 92 74 wood (M.T.) wig No. (4) Bamboos 209 1423 (No.) wl-affr (5) Charcoal (MT.) Itt

344 c116c1W (6) 315 11015 3TPT (2) Fire No.

(3) Grazing 9 16 Cattte 3Tftmxrur (4) Encroachment .. Hect.

(5) Others 130 51 486 292405 5000

11--6.11EINt-1 1Trft-at f4-4-41 aut DETECTED BY THE MCBLE SQUADS

(T. %.11N(cf) IV (Rs. in thousands)

TI-w-d- ftqc4c.tir tq crIT izrr- f4wzrr Irtrwf-4- ,orl 3iffwiff lictrOnfOTh 1-74Frf 0.

Expenditure on Mobile Squad No.of persons No.of persons No.of persons No.of persons Remarks involved in in cases prosecuted convicted Administra- Other (inclu- Total offence compounded tion ding Petrol etc.)

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)

424 230 20 05 48172 135933 184105

19 201 93 284

1369 1369

12 02. 02 02 260 86 345

CIckqid alfiVEfT 4 34i44 114 tileilcici 9If c fkAA 3fft. The following table indicates the information about the Fireline and Fire Offences. W14311c1-1? Och-11 rIT4 TABLE V ( -1-1-4 .0■51k1c1) (Rs. in thousands)

-6T-011 )cie)c,eir eil 31-Pt:I& w---4t 3P--4t3-4ft j (t.f.Tft.) 311Fittft err aTilz-uurr--4r a-4 a-R-s14 RA-4 qff (WIft.)

Length of Fire line undertaken Loss due to Fire Area No. of fire Expenditure Per Capital Territory Year Forest Area Non-Forest Protected occured Quantity Value of fire expenditure Kms. Area sq. Kms. sq. Km. (He.) Protection (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

111P1c0/c1.-el1/41111 4-111.) Territory/ 2011-2012 90641 16 66809 1670 26072 319815 1728520 28089 Wildlife N-RT) Circles 2012-2013 93353 16 62563 12266 10942 171723 1850868 21068 (mac) 2013-2014 (1Itclnd)

octil .4111-114 4)e)c.1 T 4,04m-4 -R445w t41611Eld tffffdi fttdt 3T1. The following table indicates the Forest areas Surveyed and to be Surveyed

cichiliTgT TABLE VI ( -11t 6•3iN1d) (Rs in thousands)

fl-f R099--R09 Uur Tf--4f4-d Tip R09-Ro9v fl(laiur ITT ,

Territory Total Ground area Surveyed during Balance at the Surveyed during Balance at the Survey during required to be 2011-2012 beginning of the 2012-2013 beginning of the 2013-2014 surveyed at the (Sq. Km.) year 2012-2013 (Sq. Km.) year 2013-2014 (Proposed) beginning of the (Sq. Km.) (Sq. Km.) year of 2011-2012 (Sq. Km.) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

141 Ict) q-9-0 Territorial Circles 20336 6484 13802 7217 23826 17389 .t14&94F4TF 61/45-111d) 114a1urrat-F Acz1 1 41.f .t.

Tiff ?o99-Ro9? 14c4R-T ?09?-Rocl 31q114 ?0”-?09V 1T-clfd-U Tfff R099-R092 ABLY R09?-20” 3f7rA" R0”-R09V 141-01 d Expenditure on survey (Rs. in thousands) Expenditure on survey per Sq. Km. (Rs. in thousands)

2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 (Actuals) (Estimated) (Proposed) (Actuals) (Estimated) (Proposed) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) 133736 84531 66509 51781 atsovilti icirmdaff .11A R1441.171 4 ItIch-i 6ri l Triftd1 PAgi- The following table indicates Information about the Survey and Demarcation of Forest g-11 cicivirTifff TABLE VII (TtIR). t ■JINIcf) (Rs. in thousands)

k14 ?099-Ro9R 144-II I 1=1 .01-- Tiff R099-R092 ?o9?-?o93 T271 Ro9R-09 i=f21 ftc-dct, trt rplf 511c:ic

31 Fi t1441-urr- 3Tddrd f~r C•Vt ch 1 (3t)- T-F1 cop-r 31rft zlirviLo4 4,14 TInTr7fr

41. Tit _qv 41. 41. .ritsql 41. 41 z11. ti~EiDT cNciG-zir f U541 fl4m-ur cNciG---41 `-Tuf U t ca 5711 iia&-Tur cNci5-?-11 .<-0m-ur

Territory Survey work in Work expected Work completed Balance at the Work expected Work completed balance and cairns to be completed during the year beginning of the to be completed during the year to be erected at the as per norms 2011-2012 year 2012-2013 as per norms 2012-2013 beginning of the year (Estimated) 2011-2012

Sq. Km No. Sq. Km. No Sq. Km. No. Sq. Km. No. Sq. Km. No. Sq. Km No . (Survey) (Cairns) (Survey) (Cairns) (Survey) (Cairns) (Survey) (Cairns) (Survey) (Cairns) (Survey) (Cairns)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

cfricj Territorial Circles 11321 4766927 11047 114758 10822 86744 13761 4682535 9381 93644 6777 63052

RoclocIV WIWI 1.114 54.91u ?o93-RociV "Ra9uT Risiict)-11c01c9 trf cbvim-r1.1 Tit45?4-41-11 c1)1 AN1c1) 3R944t cr1 ch 3T4f4 4)1 (311IRM)

R099-9R ?09R--9 ?o93-92f 099-9R ?097-98 R0(13-9 . •-i,trA 41. -# -0:1-r 41. Tit tKA. -RT4kTur ckci YT 1U1 UtU5~ll 1--44-Tur qR-4:4wr F-M-T 3 Acct! Ac i 3t4TI c TRiTftd

Balance at the Work expected Work to be Expenditure on Survey and Per Capital expenditure beginning of the to be completed during Demarcation Rs. year 2013-2014 completed 2013-2014 (Rs. in thousand) on Sq. Km. as per norms (Estimated)

Sq. Km. No. Sq. Km. No. Sq. Km. No. 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 (Survey) (Cairns) (Survey) (Cairns) (Survey) (Cairns) (Actuals) (Estimated) (Proposed) (Actuals) (Estimated) (Proposed)

(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25)

14829 519852 9199 124577 9191 109969 305439 3404674 4703817 217124 192323 185523

et4t RF,u-e 0) CD • 111 ■-• ' `Tr CO CT) ' if) CD 'mot 0) (.0 c..) co CO tt ' .17 CT) NI" CV CO CO (n O r- CV •ct CV 0 CO 1-- 0) T- 00 Cr CO 01 CO y- I,- TO CO CV CO TO 'I" k.0

CO CO 'M' CO tl) CO ' et CO CV CO • CO CO CON CD CO 00 ' CO CO CO CV CV I,. CD CO CV 1"..- 0") CO CV 0) CO Co CD CO CD CD CD CV 0) v- CO CO (NO el CO CD CO CO CD 0

0 CD (0 LO ' o° cs, CV CO M r- CV Imo- N C, O 1r-

C 0

Cs1 to. 01 a3 (r) • C) CO CD CO) CD CO CO 0) (t.) CV CO (0 CO CO C) .._ CV CV 1- .. co tp_ CO a2 0 (e)

Fi, d te

;13- n C C a Pla -

7a Area O O O C 0 _oc a) Co as0 _c 0 Eas °_c E sarn) C A 0 co •-• •- as a) " F- m020 ▪ o 2o

C- CY 1- CV CO T4' U) • CV el 'Cr in C Do tO 1.11 -o Cn O F- ea CV C.) 0


.c N- O CO te, CO as C.) 2

N- (NJ CV CV CV CD O (0 11) U) U) C CO

a) O U)




T Circ

0 z E- ,- 0 itory i-, r Ter

Wzi 3T141wqr3nfig .114-111ivu Timm 4 argarauzrrywp1. Revision and preparation of Working Plans and Grassing Settlement Reports. (3i) 311.41W4I zufett tmivir 401 zit* 1141•011 4 1:&441 Wil4 4 4,e)el 4T-41 31g4TF . (A) The Details of Work done under Revision and Preparation of. Working Plans.



Ro99-R09? Ro9?-R093 Tr7 Rocl--RoctV cl4Y WczNT 31-4 4,14 col4 Particular's

Actuals for Anticipated for Proposed for 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

(1) (2) (3) (4)

3TRIY-A-ffrt TJETR-urr

1. Revision of Working Plans 17 08 14

f41-1-Frrun TrIquft

2. Stock mapping of compartments 2530 6079 4686

14 RP! Trrftt Azr

3. Collection of data for Appendices 337 896 2055

cop) (141-r cppi

4.. Office Works

316 01cm-1109r 51-0=1- 6 31-1T Th-R14

5. Drafting of Preliminary Working Plan Reports 68 69 105

-fc01Y114 4)1

6. Map Works

-14)171I TVE4

7. Preparation of Management Maps 1249 791 332

-1c0IY11 ThRik

8. Preparation of Reference Maps 1340 553 255

Tn-q-9-r 3T04FF Th-R14

9. Drafting of Working Plans Reports 1 1 2

Ora' IZURTITE ct) u aff1- 11 Th-T-4 3TRITq-9tAt

10. Total No. of Working Plans due for Revision in future .. 5 3 6

cH I al-4TM 31- 1-FiyINITFE

11. Revision of Grazing Settlement 5 7 5 (1) q-1.6-ft I-14- ETRIA-41t--41 : c1-1 40-1 cr)Viqh-fTet it-41 1r-t41 4w, 1'4-tiEra: *21 3fit 31t 4t4 &kq 3f i'711ter ct)1u1V-11g1 9Te 1141 2.1-f-4r4u-4-ru 9-ret. c“1-4 71-4--#wollt \3`-il 1-1) \31-11 q9-Rt`wriA 47Pi a 11611c1" 11-gt uftR-orr X117ftwa.) Avrftt 't1 11-41 u. 4-iq-41Tf1, T1-917 T flA 4li—A7ft 'EVA t 4114 1=11370 WA. iy-Tr c41,-11-1-F4 a ip-Furr -T14 Aef Rk7rTm q-Prt ici161.N141 iim 111 Tftet qtqftrZERTF&t Ci‘ d rft •,11/14)t) WRI4 , ?1T 41-4RATA" *TO- 4 20co-2o9v .TRITT -R•14 -47i-4-Ott et c.t, 1-1 -cr-11-cii 6114 311t. Itra. dctrL11+fz1 2099-R09? 4 2092--209 sic 51~c11F~cf 814 4Yf(lc1 311*.


114111 4T TABLE X ('ffizl \INV° (Rs. in thousands)

+11 1:- q 4 .1.-1 •fl-I -I TM4Eg -T[4 W . 1 . r-4 ?099-?09? o99-?09? cil,lci,) rille)ee41 3T-Tr TT( TRt > -rth TM -r-OI 4.-- diiicigl-f1 Act tqZt EzINLII It(it kTPIT-F 31147 4 TO

g-Y . ---441- (N 7) M-14

Receipt Net Per capital Territory Year Area Area New Maintenance Expen- cost i.e. required .under plantation of plantation diture if any expenditure cost per to be under taken and Area planted in the hectare taken completed (in He.) previous year 2011-2012 2011-2012 (in He.)

(8) (10) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) , (6) (7) (9)


246410 83274 Territorial Circles 2011-2012 20753 11808 12836 11751 186425

316422 72435 2012-2013 25597 18911 12978 13380 254774

72435 2013-2014 25597 18911 12978 13380 254774 316422

N. B.—Including the Scheme reforestation of degraded forests afforestation for soil conservation in State R.V. Ps. rn 0 CY CY 0 CY 0 o o CY 0 0 - -- -

C - ui 0) a) '5 C C O

: U)

s C o source as e U .13 N O dder r a)

fo - ment of a) rea C

lop 0) he a ve C5 tes t 2 De 0 dica 1-2 in 0 ing table a)

O follow a) The a) . O a) 2 -4 > • -c 3a O 0 3 (75 to' 5 a) ca a) 0 -cs 0

2 N _c c; C _c CD • a) L )5 r E

. - c o ) O - N ) csi c) N .c

- 0. C a a) 1

Dia ar w .J 03 r lc/ J

(Rs. in thousands) 0 0 C 0 0 E a) O oirr 1 9 z fl 0 a) a) - a c 0 0 CY) N

03 N O h-- 0) N c.c N . ) 0 O N CO CD 0 0 N 0 CO U) CO co 0 O N O r- CO U)

tgienef 4-1141114 TITtii 6 vii-e41 iT44IuT 4bIt1 -00-11 W14004141 =ft 441 trzlIcf 31T WA aTft The following table indicates programme of work under the scheme Survey of Forest resources



'1051 f)qnc1 371f4" ct-A F&-Tif zitq7T

cl ch cT T 'ft- 4M Iltc1 ct) -m-71 ft4tzr41 tcifco M--zi fttzr q wag,F&'-zi f4--Atzr f. wit.) (T. QiItq id) (st..f. wil.) (T. dicqicr) (t. wit.) (T. ditvio) (1. ft. wit.) (T. ditqlo)

Target for the Proposed Target for the Period Expected achivement Proposed Target remaining Plan Period

Physical Financial Physical ' Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial (Sq. Km.) (Rs. in Lakhs) (Sq. Km.) (Rs. in Lakhs) (Sq. Km.) (Rs. in Lakhs) (Sq. Km.) (Rs. in Lakhs)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

2011-2012 3541 1822 1105 306 543 1125 1994 1340 2012-2013 3679 2866 1461 127 475 1555 1880 2826 2013-2014 3679 2866 1461 127 475 1555 1880 2826


cbleizif-v 1—fir


The following table indicates the information of circtewise Forest area/encroachment on Forest land/and action taken the Forest De.ptt. thereon.

tqlefl-F cic1c411cf 'Cvq1cnef qff/-49 ■71M-11cN co,<.qt atdpiur 4 c1ll. fkiTrirrAft Trzi-weR1--41t 9-rfe-di GYII 3rTc c 30.

Total Total Area remained Action taken by Serial Name of the Forests Encroachments Encroachments Encroachments Encroachments under encroach- the Forest Deptt. No. Circle area (in H.) upto end of done in the area in H. removed during ment (in H.) at for removed of Year Year 2010-2011 Year 2011.-2012 upto end of the the Year the end of Year encroachment 2010-2011 area in H. in H. Year 2011-2012 2011-2012 2011-2012 (Col. No. 4+5) area in H. (Col. No. 6-7) R19 Ro9 o-R099 777 3Tf'dm--Tfur FT ?o99- Tfff R099-R09:2 3T. TTMT q.ff&-)7 3T4RI4d (t.) ?09? litif 3fth 49-f4InTrr9- lid (t.) Tiff 317 R099-R092 31t041cf cni (41 09o-Ro99 spiv] 3T c1 (tT-C7) (T R-) (N)Iir alq (t-.) (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) (9)

416ffftK 85417.310 88517.361 3507.932 85009.429 3100.051


WIT . .85417.310 88517.361 3507.932 85009 429 3100.051 V2

rz6-1T-w victor-414r


cicfc-q1c-f 31-RT-ftTrzfr#4tt 4-11 1:1-1ftt 31T-41. 31Tt

The following table indicates the circlewise information of Saw Mills

TiTiffF c-M1- tilq'51sM. T-41(1 .41=4J R090-99 1-I cf 2099-709? i'4iET 2099-2097 3i-th Vq. 7V4T9T V . Td4711T1-4). TIT Tsfiff c.t) k u I R-cl cf 31-th al. . ci-icj .0. -licT tFT4T9T- cfricITivol-f -4F:rt i-N41-i,i1 q- 2099-97:IT TFT tT ak.t, T2.1--dt-d--1.0 3•TRTtRiTzfit -114)k c)c•-if l'OTTITT19. 1-i 41-441-4 77-4 MT alt Mkoe,lr ,6c.wr ii-tq 2099-9? 711-9t 7 711T 3:111 f

'-i.czif 'T TTCITcU R099-9? 19E?1 $41c)c'q F VI (-•-if 31TRIf TT oclo-99 $11e1c11 .441-11' 3fi-R-rtRu4ir N-FrfiTR0zitt j7...,-zrr 31-1TftRvZItt V- -441 •d•C‘i-if •-LY-.11 4N41-1 2099-9? .RQ)cq.rr 3TT-Trit-TcrzitA't-

,-1 ...q.i f (10) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

9 3114 Vl919 V Et 0

96 l9 9S 920 2 Vi 9cso 9

-rt=?4 (-16 9 2 29

V zi104-i 9S(i 2 9V 919S

V l9E, LS WV 1919

F. -rr3 - 1 99 99

?c,E, L9 31ITTrq71 209 9(9 co

( 31 +i14ie, E,199 (9 V q 9 VI 2(-S

;1-fll V k9S4 2C C 2 9 2S 1M

7 96 9S19 90 '-i6 RciE,

99 W ----11F 604 69 q C.19 19CE,

9V? (qc, - TITE • • W-SEk

cp-p< qui ti

(9) 1411-c-11 ch

3iTiff -{Eazf *c-N9I .9114 4,c-e4N4-iiii .tM11-c41 WirT '441f- er- 4-Y-TuTT R9% 4)--q 'EWE 3TITTIR 311* 41).-Turr- RTH Tfurr itT1T9 s'Yo31flIc44H-r trrfg cif m-111 31-Ti c41,-1 l 49-Ft 1-1-101 3-Tro-vm 3T1t. 317FT -49-al-qPit 14-161 cliduzirair iitr410.1194)kcp ,4 czIT 1i•Y1141-cil (11,146 \r1(1441 34c-1 qi-41 311t. 4N-1181-(4 414-f0 491411711-4 4-9art 144klci t9 4) Rip( 4•)14V-1 c1dt '4u4M 31F 31*-d. (Mu41-c2-11 1k ftftu cpigiRd 6)c-1 31-RT-d-m cZTTil=e1.4ale TT A-6-41 (9) 114- cActr(uf 5171-€04T4Z1T 4-9.&-I- P=Ft0. 41-1/1- .0 1:114R-TFS clw coviLik1lc1Z 11411ullci 6 :11a ---rlizt 4Iuqiym qp-PTarr 31Tth c cT r ciwawipoorl crizio,i Elmer vim). 4-16HNN-it tu-d-44-0- 111-rri-r-d* =fi-?; ,idRqc-1 -maK-1 gr41- - 31-4a cl \FIciM414-1 WIciIci Tz[i. HcPc414 -1-4&11TdT- A(117147114 71Tar0 co,-11 61c). ertiFTiiT fecpcilcmizil ]UT 6)3.) fllOu41-041 111-1 31414 31TV4c1-) 3Tf cT 314tT T-4T 1IUIc Titt 14-ior TrE covicr)91-4 zlIffith1=1--R-44R-ur cifctrur 4T coviviicvid clicfrtUllrl 4-A4-q-a-#q-Hui-F4 4r4 -ordl 4) Akd4'1c114 900 +16c4 311 icT'11;NIN .flu-414-R4 3171---F4T TfuT 3T1aRT q---7- 11c1)c,,-11-c4111-11u1c1)6. ,if 4r y 31-LaR-R-r4 t1t4pitrzIl or01 -40zriTirdl -4)--A-9-r3fr€1-a\--dt ohsok fl1,1f,3,1,,i-11-c1+-p- q,-iupi li4)ctil-c4f c01451141 ftcAT 7T c1i •14f4c11 y11ci31t.

cMuqI71 T-4-r a)-qrltarrqt (R) c).(uf *14141-qf 3-Tit ZIT 4Tuf tcT 1TI 311 Ott 311t. 41-41-4 1-tRu114-1 4 vi•i4titil t1 ciI ZI TT F44R 4,e-e4H-r 31-# ft-T{4 14c-e4e 1-Roft \3041-1 4 9-Fru cii l q-4 f oicq tgb4,1 0-1 -4 Off R1 T. zrr c=z1T4" --ATIi-frF -TfM ft 4581yr -zr* 34(16-T tfT44 v1 114titirl t Cwcr -ffrt4 11Rull9-lcf: 4r r l 4))uiczng1 Votic1lt1 61c-i tto51vii-4 3fRtFc czliti ct, Timm i chli -4 3(- liq.-rmit).3114pq4, 31*. c-N) -ci 1431r. 1-Tur ftwr{i- 4)c, +)c, c-41-41, c4141T-T 3c-414-1. ailT41)u16169 f4E1Thd1-1Rullii 6)c-19-rer, 11-r4-1-r 4r-St-e7r4T431- 9-rry f4-tikio Ncir71--45q- 4,1 viicv d f4R-IU TWITuffq T:TR-cif cif s 3041‹.-1 TAT- -44t- d141ci R=1--‹ turf1R- 9-ft 31-4rr 31-f4- ,oract, 3RR Willt 4 414c11-ci-II R-A-r-41 Titeft col 51,1 zirster c214ct, fttrt 1-11 , Tzfrt Tftul (4) f4r

(ii) Financial Requirements

in thousands) a- CL TS C C O co lG C co f c O a_ c . Cs/ CO ---- Cs1 7 5

A—Activity Classificatio ro CT CO 0 0 V - - s LO N. co OD

a- ■

Soil andMo isture Conse rvation . . LC) O O CD LCD 01 N r•-• Cs1 (0 LO LC) U) • a) ▪ CO CO tr CO CNI CO Cs" OD Lc) co CO 0.1 CO LO co CO CV CO CO co CNI :r .

CentralNu rsuries r- O O co CO CO CD (D 0 N .- .-- 0 CD) CNI' CD O 0 O 0 0 O CD • 0 ■ • ' •O r--- N- OD e- "02* ( NJ' N. r- CD .:r n cN .- 00 0.1 e- n CO CO (D VI •<— D -

Plantation ofGene ral Utility Timber (24060265)

eilticls (240602 74) U) U1 e- Lo C CO — 1- ao co O e- N. CD CO CO • ' st , O 1 Plantation of q uick growing specie e- •sr 0s1 e- to Lil Cs1 C \I CO a0 U) .4") •O CNI CO CD OD LO U) 04 V (C) co tc-) co CI m .— cti CO CD CD LO 0 II- O o o CD C0 CO CD CD (D (D 0 0 O o CD (vii) Massive Afforstation 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 N N 0 0 CD 0 0 0) N

CV 0 U) U) 066 CV U) U) U) 'I' N 01 N.- 0 N •--

- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CV 0 U) U) U) cr r--- 03 N.- 0 87261 1235 N a- 10

O N N 0 Oa N CV U)

7805 sr •Ch sr 14

sr o o o sr CV 0 0 0 cl' CV CO oo LO 0 CD U) Cr LO Cr C/' 0 CA r 03 N T- C.1 N-- CV

0 o a sr CO 0 0 o sr CO 0 o U) -4- CV CI 1- 1"-- N-- N.- CV


0 0 0 0 CD O 0 0 CO U) 0 0 0 0 "Ch 0 N CV

co 0 CO U) o oo Lc) u, O ,:r o co O) N T- N.- CV co

O 0 01 OD O O O CO N- U) o -4- U) 0 O ,--- -sr

CV "7 CO 0 U) N U) ct (0 0 a) CO U) CV U) CO CO CV U) CO O V Cn O 0 Cr e- co CrCO M ✓ CV

CV 't CO 0 LO ti U) 'Cr CO 0 0) CO CO CV U) CO O O 0 cr e-- N ' CO CO 'Cr CV CO

N N O co U) CV U) CO O Cn O O

238) 06 0 24 ( re tu is

es) Mo d ag n a t w — ion t Excep ( ica if ies r 0 la lass Sa

O C ise Non- ttu N.) bjec O B— VE,

CO ca O ds) CY) 0 n in (V CV •Lt- CD co "Nr CD N- sa co CV CD hou 0 0 O t 0 0 in O co 0sr CD Rs. (

•■1 CO O "4- CV '1" CV CO •ZI" LO N- CO


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M O O N- CO CO 1.0 CO OM N- N CO

V Lo co Lc) co 0 CD 0 0 0 0 CD 0,cr CV 0 N-- 0 0 O CV 1— CV CO 0 O CO O 03 CV CD •Cr 0 co CO CV (N ,-- N--

O co co O M O O co co O CD CV CD <1" O


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65) 2 0 06 24

-172 ( rrr — T 1 To ber

) im T es

ility Wag t l Ut ra cep ne Ex Ge f o n io a) t

rn ta -c- co Plan

iv) (

03 LO CO LO N00 0)

co 47 (N co

00 (f.) N- Csi O

co 0-) co co -4- co r-- 1--- N CD CO N N CO CO v-- .,-- c-.

CN1 O Lc; co LO 03 CO LO O CO



O0 (Rs. in thousands) O N- CD

(vii) Scheme Financed from receipts of

Forest Development Tax--(44060171) CO O C LO O CN./ LO Non-Salaries LC> w l VC O C OD IC) CO a U) •- • Csl CO CI 0 C.) CN CO CO co p z O 4) Cu 0- CO CY) CS) CO C> LO 0 (v) N CO a) O O CS1 C O LO O O O CO CD O O (.0 CD CD O O CO CD O O CD CO CD


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■ CO LID N- 0 r--- a) CD 00 N. 0 u-) •o- CV (N.1 0 co -4- CO V" V O CO N. co V N 1 I

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7 (NJ co co co CO CO 04 04 (•1 O O O O O CD CD 0.1 7r N- CD

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Lo (0 O CD O C cD ,r CO CD O CD r-- C) CD CS) LO h-- CO LO (9 0 T-- az)C) 0 00


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1--41,1 (-wigs zrY- - 9-1: Special Plantation Schemes : c1I4iciG1 1'14.<4 ftwm 41v1 iiji F4tEr N (014V1g1(471-e1ki (IVO 471,11-02.11 gzi -14,}.— In addition to artificial and natural regeneration special plantations are also raised according to various development schemes for augmenting supplies of industrial woods, such as those for pulp and newspapers, general utility timbers and for improtant minor forest produce. The following table indicates the information of the plantation under various Schemes :— TABLE IV st)41 swiict) Ls

(:1-4 6u1k1c1) (Rs. in Thousand)

(Area in Hectares)

411 -44 51-c-TR-T R099-209R 2092-loci M-Tf0 209 -ROI z11--A-- 1N 014

Y1-4 Year Actuals, Year (Estimates) Year (Proposed) 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Name of the Scheme Item Exp. Area Exp. Area Exp. Area

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1 . co chi dincksr$ 8941 401 1138 377 10730 764 Development of M.F.P. di 115 237 32 1671 82 3181 112 4230 608 11345 707 6700 609 2. .34el1 +SI Titt x114145 1 7684 641 8303 895 9708 807 di4icts General Utility Timber oi 3445 399 4891 906 8115 264 4704 945 7795 1582 3366 1036 3. fk-ftz cvicis •wr4:1 119324 3180 109909 9724 206753 7528

Reforestation of degraded Forests (11,145 38694 2030 65986 2921 60903 12760 • 11.1F 39652 26339 43549 7110 8230 8679 4. tRrur TTFT9- dpicks cP141 3998 138 2969 110 Development of Minor Forest Produce r1141 6019 274 1303 149 84 94 81 155 407 115 5. qi--41-4 4flch,tcl (pi spi-i 1 -4 m-T4 34247 857 26635 2223 4444 95 Massive Afforestation Programme c114145 8505 310 18907 992 38824 2243 5557 241 1484 401 12850 992 6. Tit-A- 3i--d-ri-u trzitt (1,41,1->u[ dr ,icks 54 9749 136 40911 1944 113072 2596 Alternative Plantation under Plan activities. 10748 3648 7124 297 4924 435 t€41.1TF 18207 6544 42036 5948 29216 5171 cichlt R--c41c1 TABLE IV—contd.

( 4- litt) (Area in Hectares)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

7. Trzt4 cvilcmui coleisp+1 8794 300 48125 1820 . . . 7051 2744 14678 2097 6625 1500 8. 3t1Titfir4 urrErrt 1N11 3438 163 16207 841 20342 650 52 1923 88 13222 563 1481 1183 2116 536 3385 742

82634 2465 48514 696 95693 3011 39289 2013 42622 1811 20033 10129 38762 4807 23093 8270 27973 13989

4655 690 19099 1460 1250 100 8555 715 11042 1660 17822 1870 1848 385 2581 750

• • • • 1595 395 18759 2185

395 25 4-9-ar-q-{QTrcF 01 115 462 25 637 25 2160 185 781 140 770 140 13. f4fOrEz 14 TF-R4ETRunv-t icks 1 4+1 20199 638 17191 356 105526 1475 q.-11cNur 8756 446 15958 688 15219 397 5931 4219 10349 2190 38125 2466

390 105 390 105 390 105

200 142

4714 242 20 25222 725 118313 2007 3145 62 217 20 26080 500 2

• • 755 195 1647 195 103617 7950 18. T--41-9-i1 1fcf1 di Kis 1:14 Th-r4 92411 1748 68157 6041 66036 2759 cimos 16832 991 22998 1411 kr4frF 33457 6346 42344 6008 60268 6269



TABLE IV—contd.

( TR,t) (Area in Hectares)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

19. \chic ci, 1V1721

ftwre cl-)E 4 14093 3077 17593 3077 18462 3077

20. '

8287 332 11729 725 . . 2479 95 2020 190 21. 31M--trwr , 16162-rz1177-1 14539 1035 37834 729 7748 729 22. x4114 tiq cif ickq ii-u/ •

3Trft4rift ftwr-fr eil+145 936 90

kT§p{FF 2840 600 2172 390 1784 390 23. ci-icoi+-i iN cocq-iluf 4 600 3

600 3 24. 4.ra• -a-r4u1

763 311 1921 311 3447 311 8598 470 25. 31-Tir3- 4-11 T-I (cNui 50 40 283 50 1250 90 252 40 26. f4411ftTRT col st)41 14030 1023 8865 1267 (coil ewict) 3540 843 . . 27. q-acmi 4-Ault 2121 400 5039 350 3500 400 kRI-Tft T4k4fr-4ft 438 250 479 51*0 363 75 2250 500 28. c70444 3td--Itu 1723 70 1231 50 785 70 Li6 cm)o-114-1

(9) Ul*c-11 cb :

06N11, l 1\-3-414-10 777 E-4-1T-V4T TATET - ?9ZT.T4TE .cr48q 49-47 1 '110. 3171- 4 of c.1T-Tezir 71-4 E,o Th-Tit 31-141191ulla cra 711 4q1ErRli victROleilcp ,i051,3, fli-Iuf 4 'nu( l Elio 37

-ffTT .3c-4-11-041. 1Is4141is-r .TFT-4-ru 416-zir

qf TJ=i-k-th ciicp 4 Acol 6') 111414 Z11-4 01941A4 61a . 1.11T-'414 c)1 7iTUT1Tra1 4)(4 Ala. (9) (R) X1',1N-11,1-1. TIT 44t TITUT9TO 0,-T-1q)A-f 4K4 Ala i1T ViThRlt A 4 I crr 1-fur---qaTtlt i-t-r 4 Acolo, 11ovUf Tit f45cicZlF 1-Trrt 4 Acoith TT[Pci 31-rIkt - T1F-Tff zrt4t cfro-r wIcl cr. 4, 414 9-1:F 3fit a t 4-6 u 4-1 f4.41-Frrlizit 4.1711:14 41A 4Ft < -114 TTTa:

-4T a1.-1 IttruPtrurt4 'it Th7-14 ■Al c1l-A111 04114K-1 61cE3119 4 .a1ci-r>11t4kT449 f 141-1-FT9 3ft4r (MI4410 614)c-f 4T.

4 (I,I941'< 4-M51 't1T4-1 A 4 4)ol. Ala T4-r diT.s 4 ,10616, ,wyui 4turr- 140-crvr w-ct -1371-m 1164-)01 't-14.31-TITaTU cZTT X14 t zl I zT 31114 ufic1-1,-114 -7c 111TI& \ -41441'i-1 1 7

49- a4---17:1-01F 49. i3TF . 'OTT TlA-1. 441 al-T- tT18.1 4-9. 0 40971 mR13ITZIT . 441 -r431-14)--A-9-11:1Tif W4-W (AI vzlT4-9-4qpizt wI441,111-ci? mt-t4 7th t4uz3r 4>e1c4344 4 44rt,pi11)-444 -----4t

,isa5r,241 9'SC19 51ICIeLI1 , IZ.quq11tiocl F4M-tt ■ -11z4z4)\TI-114140 vil titif w-4r T4-r 4419-dt 4&-Tdt oa WIet f4*-T oilqw-114140 '1 -4144 -k-1 $11(11. c-11-ic-k 14, 966 rft RTI&TTF-tfa- thxql 1SL--04 4-1114. 4.l Tit44 4(81 1#ZSTf TTP1=14 Tcf1 -czrr tritEr-Fr' ut(FR 4r0,41c-I str- rr .wrzi3Tratit---4-4t crldicit arita. 4-9-&----A-grzt 4,1uic4igl ¶41tr cols cfro 3TZTT l' -ufEr -E1-071-rd 3riFTP1& 7-fu1

,1405 \icica. (90 z-o 3rr-4FTr coloil4t 31-0c T*czlt cilampitt 0414 41,i-ti -41 W1431r-q1---AT 9-04r4 84 31-FA 311ta. 44 '0T-1 4)■31 -II 4) m-P4 zrf TT411-4-M- 3T1tt 31-11111t

Tzfra)-qMzi-9.1=f17t 0Iof 4 ■710513) 0•04uf 1:114-1)L-IvliT) ■30-114 4 f4--et -oturrR. .-k-k,41,:p .51-per 6)d) -zi-Frz.t tet qt 11 1T-q-u-R 31*.

'I UT Cfri \304K4

,?Nrleilcpc-r cp-A,NT (c2m411 1)q,1-1) 9SE,S 37 1, cic 31-rft 347111 tIT91-41 W14r1 (M N-1 -RTF-4 3Tt. ai 3ttft 3frcr-e-r ar4171R.irdt Tc i cr,oiLito 3TT-TT311*. al-114i-r-41qoclIcN014 96NNI-47T14(”S qt4) 9S0 Ff 04k ((1uzildaTT 61a. k=-4T11 ci 4)‘1(...61V 4 1I0). cfriq-cmilet fl4-itct,*41,1q..1N-coi-113Tvarftu -Ekftff c.HuLtict 31T 3-RTFIT4 TT-a{ e cfrvivird u,R tilt ,t) WIflia 8cmuct tdid 641 ',-It4h1'4

1:1tRM \3011 19.14 -rut111i1U1 7f11:t 31*. 0-1 X00£, 711'0-11') cl 1:1T9T 541 vr *FRT f 414,1 410-1 4') 14-0 a5,04')(14. 4)•041--11 114Vil1 ,-,41414c1-41 ftafzt c4N,H1-4 ct>ut1-41 40vilt c-01641(-04) TEetf 31*. III 80019, RooC 4 Roo S TIT 41s6U 5IlciczlI ai 04)(14151 qrct qqvi 19-4141 'ct-ct,'-r 3T1--14 '9.E0:3 4 49.Q? 4-t 1401T:1-9. 41E7 4rOLIIci .iTTt 311. TTY :?ocio

Till 'iNikii0r1 .S(1 T-Ytt 9Att 11319' qrdiT 4).0-114) u-AErt lj,l, 3Tt. 99 4-11-cl0,lc41 -.TTFW 4 V:1T 31T 1 4t4) 31-R17 M14). 411=iunip. 474iff 9 y4161 lci f . kS1TIT91- F4- 4TTerRITTd-T 4, 11 344 Ir Aia. • cc4 3TFI6I 91-1izzi I Er-dtl-vatr II 4 34FTET TTIT4 04>oi-f 4,1,4 1)--7 ■7111,L11018), 14')41-c,41 ,-116 614 uft-df --1T-dHvPlrZc4I c.0.1110-(211 fif e T it to-4-rc--t c't5, T 31-1CIET 1:1T9-M 04K14101or) f+-9-19. 0sPri 1 Y11.01 •-cklcN 1 4)(1 Atc). c.) 31-14---dt trr9t1 114,cl I , 4-rN4), 11 I c, 4 u!4, *cL1141 -nort zq-41;r cr)icit 41111c1

TfiUT l -floy :—"'16111 37- 4 4 1AUi 4-110414-11z2-11 91c14-4 6 -01cNul 06k11= .411:4 4-1)0-11q-11-04r 4-11oicar M-clIckur 4

115111 uT 4 ilckIG -r fa44-1.-r) (TA-R-7) 3truft411, 1l9 " 3r 3 Ri i4)---1-02rF 711044 Tit (R-rstzr 4 31-71-zi-RiTzr 4,146-l)31WM1341 41 33 114-)11-c2-11 (fir, ft-q, (111,-mick, f441 2141 •7z114-1I9,-i-414aTc2-11 pie

. 4 4,114-1 f0M-RT 11-Trrr 4131 c1-1 4Al-41 T-Ot 4 F4-4 cMIPTHIT81 Act tqfful c4T 1,11414-41z-1 .11 tuZTM 31-0 5rt 51-rf4p m-fM 3frt . i1 G i TrITIT 5 4)1 ftWRi 1-1514-i 50O 311.f4 .NT-17+1 tt 71-.7T .RT .317 .f4 .14 . - 9 0--R o o R 311t PM c4 fl co4lict, TIT--209/7.-(00 tiRT-2 , ft9t- #4-W-f 41 Li -4 VI 31-f . fm't /yr 15,q), a i f411-1-TT kcNicN cinas-d-r 41Err qtci7 6,u1 1 3r1O-d 3Tfit4nft e , . F4-0-1Tht pi z11 d cl -I I I oil I 4-1 '-2.1-t91 6-9 CI A I . tuT .1) Li Awn q-9tiaq .Tf .311. .14 . TfiulThITE MTF.Ti311.1t zftrzT 1t4C fr

ei,rcd-1(4->vUqid #Es- f q-9--am-21-rcr-r Ttfiur lzr Fro



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2012-2013 (Estima 2013-2014 (Proposed) z o • z

Name of Circle CV N- co O - r 5 . • . • • • • . co • C 0 o co a) Co (NI • UJ N- co O" to -

working (Main and thinning). O CO LC) 0) 01 a) tD CO CO •••- CD CO 01 CV CD 0) O CV U) N 0) co (NJ CO CO CO • 4 -

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2 N a) 9 O S 6 -o 0 2 0 cp. 7 76 cc; 76 S 0 CC1 0 U- r0" ■r) c- CO' CO 19a

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tirr 0 34-rq-e-r trr4. 4wA- fq-0 4,-er 0-14I4R-Tu0 ,f1 \'61, 914 Tilc.3--1 1Tqalft 11T414 414fit f4)71 - "111- 1 T TIT-ffil .,b--c4c,qf 1114141 111Cf(91-4 (f)-111 T TIP-(141 3id 41)-4 Roy? -RociR 711 4t-i-N-T ffc-1-711-0 0 R09R-R09 4 2o3t :209V zfr 4 ,11-41 311J Tendu leaves and Apta leaves.— The work in respect of collection, storage for sale of Tendu .ars' Apta leaves involves formation of units for collection of leaves, construction and renting of goclowns for storages of leaves and auctioning of the leaves collected, the details of which are given in - the following table fn; 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and proposed for the year 2012-2013 & 2013-2014

errs, TABLE III sb+cl1i 4, cicivIl

_I 11> o ,1 ' 1 - -1 (1 `1 1 .1.,I 01-1- -..)()II -4,, Ro'l-',' .),) i ,,i‹4',i, 3tF;116Ic1 (,1“likki Particulars 2011-2012 2012-2013 2012-2013 ?012 14 Actuals Estimated Propos.dd (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

FITcf4 -(-F011, .1,Z141' 311114 1(-F404 Collection. Purchase and Disposal of (3f) 010 ,A) lenou leaves 431 437 463 463

,M111,1 <4-3 (I) NG of Units formed 405 410 304 5,-1-(1/R51 .- t)c;i /

, I+Ab71-41 (ii) No of Units for which agents appointed 1-4J-11-4T1411,4,,T c8141 Il -qC-z1)1'41 1-f/°n No. 01 Units in which departmental collection purchase was undertaken

,j1H cir-cqt ,N t'ci-4A (L1141 (iv) No of Units sold on outrignt Oasis 3[1041(10 It ukf f (v) No of Units declared unproductive 32 18 Si I-4-5-M 0.,1-R41 3p11- 61 O RVAI (vi) No. of Units remained unsold 6483300 642184 620350 9111-1,1 411-r -31-11 411-cZT 4 1q 4k1-c-11 1.04ifuf (vii) Quantity collected and purchased in standard bags fclqk:Tc'-qf F1-411-uf Ilft9luf (viii) Quantity disposed of in standard bays /35000 751800 6/6900

14f -41- -9-Rkl ,fj-6-4 ( -T1 (ix) Value realised (Rs. in Thousands) 64605 933 ')3 997292

0.9111:,1 1 110- ..1 :.)-,i:a 1 1.1 ,.,;-:,.. Particulars ,01U-2011 2011-2_01) 2D1=,-2013 20'3-14 Actu:Is E_Stri ri a r..e‘i Proposed (1) (2.,\ 1,,i (4)

3111-; Apta leaves

(i) No. of Units formed 66 'p{ul 3u 7.r -:;11 5414654 4) Ziz,`Tf (in No of Units for vvnic'l agents were appointed 33 fi)4117T147(1- 1-1±651 i 15 -q (wan _ 3111 T.Te 41. 77911 (iii) No. of Units in which departmental coilect:on 33 21 and purchase was I is undertIkeri 9R

TABLE- Ill— Contd.

c14Ynci ?ocio-Rocis w-qa-T (:)cici-Rocp 344-Frqff Ro92--Ro9 Particulars 2010-2011 Actuals 2011-2012 Estimated 2012-2013 Proposed (1) (2) (3) (4)

31-To:rrqq5 e Q Eftftm fltql (iv) No. of units declared unproductive f4Thrt (v) No. of Units remained unsold 33 21 20 TITffi 4)0164 q crft9Tur (fidevizzl) (vi) Quantity collected and purchased (in quintals) 412 518 357 (Witc-H-1-t) (vii) Quantity disposed of (in quintals) 412 818 357 ffml-crvi fkoic.1,-4 o\yikid) (viii) Value realised (Rs. in thousands) 212 352 459 ~Ilgl+iitf R110-1141 2. No. of Godowns / Storage — (3T) ti-Nwur ,trurr\51*-4-Pl• (A) Godowns maintained 38 38 38 (q)11f-1--qt Titql/T (B) Goodowns rented 1800 1800 1800 (T)W4-41)q14- 11c-I 400 119luT I u 51 4-1114 (96,000 119!ul Litt 74-41 & 1Tc-TT) (C) At 500 Std. bags per godown (total capacity 18,000 std. bags) () TNT q-9)Trq- wT[ur 29847.91 75091 ( 16414 I qcitc,i 4-it) f s cic T Sl -lIUI TltuziT TI-RTI1T9

cbpi TtivN clv4lcI 2099- Ro9R, Xo -2ocQ 41-zitar 4 ids Roci-Rociv TI7 31(f49 c c cfritis

Forest Labours Co-o perative Society.—The following table gives the number of coupes allotted to societies on the revised formula and on logging basis during the year 2011-2012, 2012-2013 the expected to be allotted during 2013-2014.—


TABLE-IV cr) st)44 st)Hicr) , cicfcif 014-11cb-

R099-Rocp 09R-Ro(Q Roci-Roclv cc Of-4-1W (31-qTrq-d) (5IT) 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Particulars Name of Circle Estimated Actual Estimated Proposed (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

(9) •N-II-11 clefs tuzffd. 3TTct 370- 3TTTf 142 134 136 119 (1) Number of coupes allotted to Societies.

7711 .tkre-11-41 Total of State 142 134 136 119

(R) --trfra 3{1c FTF 4-1 fl-TFT, 116NN Tr\RT c1-1'651 (2) Number of coupes allotted to Societies. (ST) TAIVH 3-Wif 428 176 350 432 (A) On Revised Formula No. of Societies.

lel Total of State 428 176 350 432

(IT) 31fis cc-clIcH (B) On logging basis

7--Tur Total of State a) ttO



t 3 t


t tmen r a

te f Dep Sta o ct f l o ta Name To


) 201 T. M. 2013- d ( for woo d •0 te Fire ima t B) ( d es an


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CO CD O CO C) rn (D. CO '"1 (N Cl (N

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(C) O (Cl) O LC) O O O ,r) 'Cl (N U) fU (N

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te te te Sta Sta Sta f f f l o l o (7 l o ta ta ta To To To


Nos. t

-7_.- ( s


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O U) cn N N CO 00 -4- CO CO O CO CO co CO CO O Do ,71- cc) cr N O CD CY N 391648344 1 1391648344 r0, cr O 0 CY N CD CD CD cf) N N N N O N N-O CO N N

N N N- r- O CO CO O O O N N CO OD Tr Tr co O N N .4- co N C \ I Tr 0- N N O O 0 CY cv CY N o- O 0 Cy N CO 0) '4' V CI CO CD co 0) 0) 0 CV N co C 00 CO CO CO (13 CO (1) 0 00 r- N N N- N- CO co a CD O co CO

O a) co N O O O O co O co O

U) U) O rn O .1- rn CO O CO a) 01 O 01 N N 'Ei U) a) O co co CO CO U) co CO .4- O CO N O CO co O N O 00 co O CO N

O (.0 OD O O co CO CO N\ N CO CO O O O CD C") O O T-- v-- O t tmen ar

te te

N te r Dep f Sta Sta f o f Sta f l o l o l o ta ta

r ta Name To To To

r ) No. ( to- dles • 2 0 Z Bun 3 0 • O _o boo c6 a. IC ii r cam Bam

[6- D) (

O O O CD co 00 N co N cy)

U) cc o O O cc cc N O O ‘1" cc cc N O cc cc O O O O

O O O N N O O CO CV co •Cl" cc 1.11 CO N CO

O O O O cc cc cc O O cc O cc cc N O O cc CO O O O N-

O O O O co CO M O cr) co

O O cc CO 00 O O •NCr N CV CV O

O O cc N O CO cs, co •Cr O O 01 01 O CO

O O 01 N N CD O O O CD CD O O cc CV CV "cr CV CV N-


i i

r te Sta (.b.", I f cR l o

r, , 715 ta Z5 Tic) r - 1-- To TA 1—

t s

) Fore T.

r M. ( l I a

Mino rr o

r he lc yr Ot Charc a

fn1Tr1T cRwIlii Z13TiJ4T il1TEl irn TOTT . - fAlf ahl'vfl-cH 11-61\rft T?I'17.1

;!-111;k.1 f4T0 f4611- 3Tf:

TABLE VII witrairi iviiir-If

-(111!,)'11-.1 Ro9R


PartiGulars 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

Estimated Actuals Estlinated Proposed

(2) ( 3 ) (4) (5)

() ").-1-1W,;11c6q (I) Man-us (No.) . 13575869

(ii) Wages paid (Ps. in thousands) 4264923 ricto i-311Z TABLE—VI!!



cittc11 TABLE -4 Capital value of zff q-41-4& .

Rog cl-RocIR

Picrich z fa fig

q,N114-I llt1l 5TW7 Tift9Tur 31cr ri-Nrcrr 1c-4 trfPirtrr TIFT 2011-2012 Serial Type of Machinery No. Opening Balance Purchase Written off

Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value (1) (2) (3) (4) • (5) (6) (7) (8) 9 1 Tractors 73 5616 R 4 2 Buldozers 3 1158

3 Road Roller 18 315 2 RT-gf th-l- Pa-r* 4 Metal Crushers .. 1 47 ttiquft 5 Seasoning Plants.. .. 13 600 (11T ftwftrarr-41 tr-4 6 Wood preservation Plants.. 2 147 3TRT Mv-11-41 7 Saw mill machinery .. 42 250 G I k *, 8 Motor Boats, Launches, etc. 13 366

9 Metador 3 13 90 4-lIcti-fit

10 Trucks 65 8990 8 99 '1.9-TiTlf 11 Jeeps . 358 36216 16 9R Ot.41161 C icir \N"),DO 12 Tractmount Road Rollers.. 1 93 (161-1 41 13 Mini-Bus 17 403 9V c-16I-f 14 Mini Train 2 201 9(-s 6 Tgl64 ZN 15 Air Compressor 5 111 9E, itTainT 16 Motor Cycle 128 1863 16 919 1 (ON 17 Motor Car 53 950 96 AftW clI6-1 FM31-7 c -f 18 Publicity and Pickup Van.. 27 929 99, 41f611. 19 Balliny Machine 24 681 8 Ro

20 Cycles 541 311 3 6 69

31TU VIII ITE -Tqft- Tezt Plant and Machinery 'ffwzrrlit21 Ti-4•4 fli+-14141‘4ts241 r T.-4M 11-E----4-4t Tffir c11Iu4M 3ITt 3tr road-rollers,etc. and the following table shows the capital value No. and value (Tqt (Rs in thousand) RocR-Ro”

5rrtfTflv1CP fc1Rici Trrtftr- evi elftm q1juJ tftirtirl jc 1:ftfffur 1.1c,q ErftffroT 1(..q tritffror 41(-4 trNi-ur cl 2012-2013 2013-2014

Opening Balance Purchase Written off Opening Balance Purchase Written off

Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

81 5616

03 1158

18 315

1 47

13 600

2 147

42 250

21 366


62 8302

397 16356


17 403

2 201

6 111

128 1863

53 12349

32 929

24 681

318 241 TABLE

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

R9 (if, -1 TA-T 21 16 M.Cine Projector 13 100

RR 't-lX(1 1- ict) 22 Slide Projector .. 16 24 21 420 23 ITETh-th futilr Marutigipsi.. 20 5013 12 24 ft411.4=1)d-R .. 27 6 9 25 41. t.3T1. *itTr 1 1 26 Epidiascope 4 5 7 27 T. V. - 20 8

28 Battery Charger .. 42 4 41 29 Xerox plain papers copier.. 27 86 2

30 Photo Phone overhead Projector.. 14 8 2 31 41r. a. 317. 8 32 Gestetner rotary duplictators 26 37 5 33 Franking Machine.. 7 34 Jeep Trolly 18 67 73 35 Tractors Trolly 27 440 7 , — 36 Z4 Xci)15.t .. 8 37 eild)5 T4I-W-4 SilfiThPird.. 3 38 c7r)(1 Ti 143 206 18 6 39 --iRT o 71i. 71... 13 4 48 2 40-S-4°T 72 41 TO Fans 79 • 138 42 ,-Y1-1 (6)50 48 26

43 V-4-41 414 q)X-1c1 13 44 41.. tr. 311r. 4', . 112

45 l•-'6 c91 16 46 Titf3t tAbt .4c111,X.. 2 3 47 ql-d-R- tc-57 18 29 1

48 R -1d01T447T 4- i kiz1 .. 288 15 2 10 12 49 14),\-)1 t' 39 4 3 50 tvI 114c1 m-rcruft 47r .. 8 32 18 51 $c-i' LI-A/Other Machihes.. 106 7

52 4)144-Ad 313 2280 41

53 -117..4-iffTT 1 1 54 t 64 5 55 clIX 44 64 5 56 1:1)ZTRr 44 53 57 31-19) Trr grti-rr ;Tem 26 76 4 88 3R TO 281 351 62 59 --4- '[ ech -U19. 4A 72 100 2

60 TTRTer &Y) C'`I Lk 127 12 61 ci)5 31-16-41 519 10 62 clit, Tel' 68 37 31Td VIII (17) (18) (19) (20) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (9) (10) (11)

15 100

37 144 32 5013 36 4 14 7 46 6 92 6 25 85 12 8 10 32 38 9 33 3170

41 5237 10 8 180 217 79 4 89 2 1183 671 87 22 112 16 5 14 290 51 26 32 816

1144 34496 2 32 55 39 460 93 134 1030 2174

92 CV

otictr TABLE

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

63 ..t4)eile1W 56 16 9

64 z1-47T 1

65 q -ff4TNIT d144fl7It•<.. 9

66 tF-47B 1111-1 20 122 1 15

67 tirtt5ur L14 18 18

68 Aspee Balo Spray pump..

69 3rr4th Tettuf . 2

70 a ri 6

71 f3vildet Ric,p)-11 1

72 4-q741 22 3

73 V4-1 chi 13 3

74'attgt- -11+1•< 2

75 cf 417N 2

76 t. 3Thl-tnik(4 .11+N 4

77 1T- T-6. 9 81


78 Air Conditioner .. 92 217 10

3171%A.q1r4 4-A

79 Fire Extinguisher.... 42 24 3

80 t. 41. \-Fri. 4')'1 7 377


81 Diesel Engine 88 192


82 Grinder Machine .. 2 12

ta. IT4119

83 Drill Machine 2 2


84 Disc Flow 2 30 1

85 cpt, Trzfrff qA) 83 151

86 Transformer 1

87 Hand Roller 4 104


88 Mixer 1 7

flE141 1616. ttET

89 Submercible pump.. 4 100

90 Wolf Horizonted Sender. 1 2

91 Wolf Make Obital Sender 1 25

92 Weighy Grinder . 1 75

93 Power Low Miller.. 2 14 31rd Mil—contd.

(17) (18) (19) (20) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)

63 1 9

25 190


2 2

6 13 1

32 16


9 81

97 217

35 22

7 377

65 353

1 6

1 1

3 30 30

90 151 151


4 104

1 7 4 100

4 100 1 2

1 2 1 25 1 75 2 14

ocrof TABLE

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

94 1. It. \f1. 171 21

95 10 10 8

96 ,o)c14T1-t 4)ct) 31fC11di s 1 14

97 1--A-Tr ft-c41-rr 9711-ff 1 2

98 chs co 41-1171 ,t-4)Q1 1 8 1 8 99 3T1 c1 ,0414,1 76

100 aTh- thUurt 5

101 cr,,,,-N-c P+ 4Nfi r Tretff 1

102 4T- I zimt c 14

103 trr ft-JR' . 1

104 fru ' . 1

105 iiqe.r<* 114 t.. 1

106 9E, :cni. 73:f. 11 crt;< 3 9 107 OfTT tA 1 108 Tt c171' ritrq

109 . 1

110 fttF tfq 23

111 3Ttd7 fltiNul 105

112 'ffq)-ft 7 6

113 itTE4-4t 11

114 -AZI-tt ,‘"ct) 69

115 1f1 *sc.( 22 8

116 3cs 71'. 71. TiTftT-zr- 2

117 trdtR• ftf-a- 5 4

118 •Rit-4-41 L.C.D. Projector 24 11

119 FTM-41 6 15 120 clIt• - 1

121 31)----9- ff-41-TT 4>t 1-cid4,1 Irerff 3 122 ff-gr3t- 'r9 - 1 s, 123 2

124 C.P.U. 2 15

125 Key board 7

126 01(0 --4-a" 73 11

127 eilGrl 6 1

128 (114041 TI)IFT 74 31

129 7-21-a- / rfifiqR"f • 245 91 130 1-WX1 / tbfkqR-

131 1:01-- / ,r)P-ck 10 13 132 -ichmi 1 133 cgf)ar -EW 1 VIII—contd.

(16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)


18 10

2 14

1 2 1 2 1 8

3 76










23 116





2 2 6














260 66



tIt-?f,9V-9E, CG

cats TABLE (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

134 20 135 Ph-a:FR-4TV .. 1 136 ,<11.105 41cr • 137 311Mcm.8.s-pT 1

138 Photophone Camera . 2

139 Audio Music System 1

140 A. H. P. Transferring 1

141 Chain Se cabinet 1

142 Vench Handle . 1

143 Buth Cutter 30

144 Aquaguard . . 2

145 Weight lifting stantd 2

146 450 111 147 *3171•F

148 aWt .14) tTi 13 149 -4-417

150 471T Off 2

151 tic! 141 14

152 ritIWIE 3

153 ORTZ +1aun ztl. 3

154 tiT47 8

155 6 156 4-1-97. 441T littff 1

157 Ttt-Wf ET4t1 1 158 tjtkt v141

159 ,t-tNnt

160 CT 3 44

161 4)-c,{ (Mini Truck) 3 162 1

163 v441 tqa• corci Z14 2 164 Horizontal plans Filling .. 1 165 1.4sei I o5 1 14

166 *1:1,(vi a'rt . 9 2

167 tt 93 2

168 4)1 if-Alt (2000) 3.1)-""q"&dTd1ulcfc.< 2 2

169 7'1 -4'1 (c,11\'-c019/4.11451,)t4h)4) 5 3

170 MW•gt tscf 2 10

171 TefF 12 CS

VIII—contd. (20) (14) (16) (17) (18) (19) (9) (10) . (11) (12) (13) (15)




1 • 1






681 4484









2 1








10 So


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

172 611(4-c1 •Rti-F 24

173 (f*Rt) 22 18

174 (1-c4X-c94>) 30

175 4b-Rfq7UIc ect) 1 1 176 Rc61eP41 A-3R 5 5

177 tq--6/Tb(141uIct)) 40 53 178 i (ffrd7) 1

179 TcfZFITI . . 1

180 Exercise Cycle 1

181 Tata Phone 1 1 182 -41tWR' 2

183 2

184 31-1p1 312 1-ch-PR.. 2

185 Zct>I 11-3R 71T. cgl. 1

186 c11■3') ctr< 2

187 31.1- 31 f c6 2 1

188 6 -4)7Z-•-k 1 1 1 189 -4Z- 6-14 '

190 7 .t-tsfivf 9 19t9 ft ct-PIC 1

191 rf5 4T-4 3

192 2 2 1 2

193 34-4=41=b-1717 1 1

194 4r4T 41 gc,f 3 2

195 BPL Video Cassette Recorder (5301). . 1

196 Philips High Fye System .. 1

197 Computer wouk Station . 1

198 Starter 5 HP 1

199 Monoblock Pump 2900 RPM 1 200 One Touch basic meter ..

201 Translight Tansformer 1

202 Double cassette recorder 2

203 Sunit Projector 1

204 Kneeding machine. 1

205 Mini master pump set 1

206 DH Cine projctor 1

207 Liseting Micro seed 1 208 Philips deck

209 Hormonim case & Puftable 1

210 Kodac camera. . 2 13 49

ZITU-7411, VI II—contd.

(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)























15 SR

ctcfctf TABLE

(1) (21 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

211 Breath alcohol exam machine.. 1

212 Water filter machine .. 1

213 Grind stand manual stand 1

214 Photo phone .. 1

215 Stereo Inters/aged Cassette Recorder 1

216 1-ttilt 231 27

217 tc:i. -4

213 FlWet 5 219 4t.

220 T-Ptc)t-Pt9. 1

221 Tift 52

222 (cPrk) 58 1 223 tqF ft-cioV .. • 1

224 I 511ct-ei&6 t3R 1 8

225 Rirci").11SvN 2

226 LIM 2

227 cPcN 1

228 4-4 .q.--4-Fft P-11070 1 9

229 .t-ct)-1.< 3

230 f4)citt-cM . . 26 6

231 3T1 Uzi.. 2

232 2.11-6E1 TTTITZ-43R 1

233 61) 1

234 401 9 235 f4,-D4)0/44I 2

236 •<-1 -1 6

237 I '‹IsS 15

234 e)c6c41,1 . . 3

239 1:514-41 Tra. ,c110 tut .. 11

240 Rotering Pen set Japan Made 9

241 Pad meter 1

242 Survey Umbrella .. 2

243 Instrument Box .. 3

244 Tower soft make Microstic Thredolight 5 5 245 Varier transist Thredolight Pattern . 6

246 Pentotram Improve Pattern Full brass 2

247 Pretaling Lable 2

244 C. D. Writer 2

24S Plestic/4001Roller scotch 38 VIII—contd.

(9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)




















5 SV


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

250 Steel/Sagwani Bench 7

251 3t-FR-I1J1c1141 Tca' 19

252 R . 2

253 s41 177117 1

254 Water Tank 5000 Lt. 1

255 *r1q .<(t) co .. 11

256 t,t1..- 4 /#017 50

257 titf 63 (10) (12) (13) (15) (17) !!8) (2D)




50 66 1688

63 116 1902

47, C

- ABLE Aklef cictrew-tdr The following table indicates circiewise

3-1 11Hi1t4 Th! d71,‘ 415itt—jt qc114-1:,1 ,31Rft Urlit "47 cp!r-w.T1,7.

Sr. Type of Machinery Nagour Chandra- Gadchi- Yavat- Amra- -"Aire Thane Dhuie NashIk Auran- 40. urroN ma; .,aboL!

(5) , S) (11 '2

Tracto:-s 22 5

5 Si:, ,' ;nts !0 - cri! 6 Waco, Pcesers.iation Pla;:s.. 2 0 7 Saw MW Machinery.. 2 30 10 S 441c1 -'4rcji, 114)1, *cq1';

8 Motor Boats, Launches, etc. 9 1 'I 2 Q 4-1r-H

9 Metador 4 7 14 4 2 gO 4-11d4-{ t,

10 Trucks 9 2 7 4 10 2 1 2 2 1 99 4,11s-zir 11 Jeeps 37 25 - . 36 30 17 10 45 31 20 23 24 92 cl-t!+11■37t !“-c-If

12 Tractmount Road Rollers .. 5 1 93 (161,1 GI 0 13 Mini Bus 1 *t (161-1 3117FTTe) 14 Mini Train 1 94 -c11 q161 LI 15 Air Compressor 1 2 1 9f, fitNiuT q I -I

16 Motor Car 4 1 1 4 4 1 15 1 1 4 2 9(9 ART4Mcp3I-Er c116-1

17 Publicity and Pickup Van 1 9 8 2 6 2 2 96 JIcIct ilA 4fETuft 44 18 Balling Machine . 10 4 6 9S -4 ci 1 q 7 CP

19 Cine Projector 1 1

9 to a-


tiL1 +alztr cf.-Rix-14K c1141 ‹Yiractf Development of Machinery, Mart etc.

mizt- Trzi- arm 31IF '<-114-1 I ^e-I 3N qt1T9. FizTiff 509-41 1J-€QT 3iRft- Mc c4 .114 civl 49- ftbrff '143t. 11.4.. 4 zrf#- tiircbricierip& 31trtz w 1r Ail- I , 9T37 601cleil . f41111T cfrq q 9-ftth f.Tf ITT (tmitH) T4T7 41=r0F 31RWItl Th 9-11TEF 3tftif TIT7 ,oRqlur ffrtp-31-$TTr4-01 9-11.11F t cNUJ Re- Edu- Work- Work- Tiger Wildlife Wildlife Wildlife Addl. Prin. Gen- IT -RT. P.C.C.F Publicity Land Chief CF Total search cation ing ing Project circle circle circle Chief eral Addl. Prin Wildlife and Record forest Ballar- circle circle plan plan Melghat, Nagpur Borivali Nasik Conser- Direc- Chief M. S. Informa- Cell Statisti- sha Pune Pune circle circle Parat- vator of Nagpur tion Nagpur cian Forests tion Pune Nagpur wad a, DivisionDi Monitary(NTFP, Officer M. S. Amravati (Resource Nagpur & Nagpur Nagpur Utilisation) Nagpur Evaluation (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

2 2 5 3 6 81


1 1 18





7 21

3 7 41

1 2 19 62

7 5 11 6 13 22 11 15 1 1 1 3 3 397


6 3 2 3 15

1 2

1 1 2 1 9

2 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 53

1 1 32

5 3 28

1 5 2 2 3 15

(2) ( 1) (4) (6) 7 f (8) (9) (10) (12'

Ro , ,jr-qcr-i-6

20 :\,;oLc,i- Cycle 10 7 9 9 9 3 4 9 3 3 79 77-7-6 ,-1-'r.1 -4,,,,I,F) 21 Slide Projector FT11

22 Cycles 41 3 2 28 77 23 F-reez 4 5 2 4 3 24 Frr,-,77--Fr4I -R- 25 Epidiascope 8 2 19 2 3 R, -:-1. 9). \rq-t-I' -i-c-f 26 T V 5 13 R(9 -- 79 ---,1,-N 27 Battery Charger 1 2 15 24 28 Xerox plain papers copier 2 4 5 1 29 zzg'T .4'[31-k 1 30 Photo Phone overhead 14 8 2 2 Prcector 39 --c',r-T T-J. 31 Gestner Rotary Duplicator 4 5 2 2 3 32 Franking Machine 1 2 1 33 Jeep Trolly 3 4 4 6 1 4 3 2 '-'? -(1'51 - c',-Ft

34 Tractors Trolly 8 10 6 4 6 35 •,1T -.4-4-A- 4 36 F1,39:-.: 1: 4-1- 411-6l':- 3 37 '1%.,:.1) r-1-r.'.7{(fft7i Ti(cil 39 10

38 Carrera 3 ,W, ,-,,, ri -1 39 l?,, ,r:acular 2 6 3 2 ?,'0

40 F.-,ns :,.., 123 77 '15 72 i. 41 -7',-it-'.:- : 9 4 2 2 a2 zi,r-c),-,:(;:;-• Orr Thic,N 12 --- --,1-':

43 -91 ' T:1-,7,- -4 ,-11-L-- HIf 7 45 ,7,,,i'', i1 \r4311k1coNR- 46 -1-,-f,: ''..,-T.-,,r. 82

,, 7 H. 1. 1''-1.1r 817,T1, ,r-il .1 Tj -,.--, ii 2 6 : ,3 12 18 '''T.,!'H,7-.: 2 49 / , ---71 .,1-7lu l'ilLit '-:., l 7-i---)1(IcR0; -, f,,i, H,

71y 2 40 • 14


( 1 6) (17) (195 (21) (22) 23) (24) (26) 28)

.2 17 35

2 6 2 37

6 4 106 55 1 :318

4 35 1 16 87 4 4 3 4

15 6 1 36

33 4 95 1 36 1 20 0

4 6 1 3 42 2 9 2 1 3

2 2 3 3 2 14 2 24 6 7 4 "97

4 2 42 6 ! 32

63 1 3 2 59

76 49 125 63 5 44 5 2 26 1'133 15 1 :00 3 1 23


9 5:5 20 2 39 /' 117 16 10 5 '62


81 2 31 2,5. 29 13


(5! Ks)

62 Th-T-rit. 47 63 56 93 65 149 39 104 -,:, 63 1.-11c-II!:_'C, , 64 *eicIV cNi dl t-I,Mfd 1 65 'Ti lifOM 1 2 4 3 3 1 2 6 66 mishi95uf g,1 3 3 3 2 3 2 6 67 .<-1)ei frT 7 6 68*47:111- -97 7 3 5 1 9 1 3 69 T4-I chi 1 1 70 ct,N 4177 2 71 clIcIllTc-nd LI1 (A.G.) 8 2 8 6 15 9 6 4 7 l9? 3TIT1 $.1 mi 4-4 72 Fire Extinguisher... 84 7 6 5 30 11 13 t.9 ittF eA.--ff

73 Diesel Engine 11 7 17 8 2 5 l9V A 145 TTYitff

74 Grinder Machine 1 1 Ili Ira. Treri

75 Drill Machine 1 2 19E, ft-- ict-

76 Disc Flow 2 10 LSO ,Ictcf cbi4w.11 .i->1

77 Chop Cutter Machine 62 6 10 9 t9C 1 --,w4,1,4

78 Transformer 3 19' i5 )c•H 79 Hand Roller 4 Co q717 80 Mixer 1 1 69 Tf44:1iffq-F 1#1-

81 Submercible Pump . . 1 1 2 82 Wolf Horioented Sender . 83 Wolf Make artical Sender . 84 Weight Grinder

85 Power Low Miller .. 1 86 . t. ' -f. 23 17 18 23 21 59 87 A cl) chi-IN1. .. 6 4 4 41 29 88 1-hlc t-h)-1 +14) 3t( . . 1 .-ci I 5 .0-1Z7 89 Tdfrr- .1 1-Zif7T Trvit9... 90 3fr-d •-ice(il,r If'qz.. 2 1 91 t-W-1:03-Erft 4-)I 4 92 4,44-I)-t f ,N-11r Trerff 2 13 93 It-)-. til k

94 4--er zlmct .1t . 54 19 15 95 119-131t (30) 17) 15) ;. 19) (20) ;211 (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (23) (29)

19,1 44 125

4 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 14 6 4 2 12 300 5 3 46 3 1 15 1 1 2


94 105 110 309 88 1 (2) (3) ;5)

f,)7f=tiqif )417),171


91.); 7'15' , 100 lc ol 6 102 &];')NR:t1 t() 52 103 'IR '1 7 3

104 3'1 TT"q . 105 crc'T•

106 P1-11 L.C.D. Projector 2 1 4 107 &TWA' 74 108 crIC 1 109 ftA— -Tr .

109-A 1r1d'4>1.4 lifvffff

110 ( -gt3TWIff 111 111-4-q-e-, 61 29 112 C.P.U. 61 33 54 113 Key Board 110 17 54 114 - FW-41' 20 2 115 -0)-€1-tl 1 116 Q11441" '111-r>1.<)d 68 17 117 -d1 9 / th-fkr17. . 90 118 / . 13 119 1-0c-S / rfiffW.. 1 120 -1(4,1Ylf );q-a; 5 121 cgfAM

122 d.

123 WCAT ft?ffT 124 'th■3.)5

125 31TVT- 126 Photophone Projector 127 A. H. P. Transferring.. 128 Chain Se cabinet 129 Vench Handle 130 Bush Cutter 131 Aquagaurd 32 Weight lifting stant 133 7T41uicr, 24 14 86 58 19 103 104 34 134 -43Rtc&, 135 f):11. ...41i qcl iT 1 136 1c,i;1'111i1') 1

137 4T; 2 yob

1\1,--iics IX--Contd.

(27) (28) (29) (30) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) 1 3 16 16 2 5 4 1 1 100 99 1 . 37 3 1 3 1 6 3 38 11

1 128 51 11 17 34 1 1 14 19 3 96 8 12


6 21 3 2 11 44 19 2 2 3 99 2 2 2 12


1 1 2 3 1 5 149 183 3 16 16 198 4 16 2 31 16 2 1 31 1 1 6 268 44 10 74 107 2 29 1

318 20 30 16 1 116 55 1 249 13 10 1 14

1 7

20 20


1 1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 30 3 0 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 2 8 1 04 23 687 09 109 4 12 02 8 34 07 65 18 10 6 4

tt-41-ROV-9L 9oW

dcmi TABLE

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

138 ZIdT 5 3 6

139 147 X1C 3 140 -)-7F 11---crft ->1 3 141 Ettf

142 ch-CX- (Mini Truck) .. 1 143 S. E Padiwater Puffer

144 .eq- ffl-A-31 1+,1 16 145 Horizontal plans filling

146 -1.S?-11c6 16 147 *4-IX 4 1 148 X1 T1Mi d 1 2 149 1-h) a t-h) -11-Nt 1 (2000) 3116- li),3)C1CY. 150 p=i-

151 MT-A. . . 14 1 152 Z1 (fth—X-th) 11 2 153 thP:FR- Th-T43-frIT 154 f4-#1-tr

155 th171-q- cif Cch 2 156 -4--6./t6f4-7 (11,1ulch) 25 3 157 1 1 158 3f4t 1T-- 147 159 7E011

160 Exercise Cycle 161 Tata Phone 162 'zfrWR.

163 11)ulct-CX 1 164 31TFT 34-4 frch-TF 1 165 R3F

4t. 166 e1k+)5X ctiX 167 31-r-p-r

168 15T 11X-C.-17 169 1c. 49. 611 Te:4-A- 7RF-4M 9 go

170 ffrE7

9 1919 '1.1,311

171 1 172 1 173 341 11chlqX 174 IX—contd.

(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

16 3

1 1 5

1 3 4 1 1 1

26 2 3 16 1 6 31 4 23 2 9 1 1 5 2

2 8 10

26 6 47 22 1 1 1 1 9 44 34 69 3 4 35 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2

2 2 1 1

3 4 3 4 1 1 1 2 dad! TABLE

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

175 BPI.. Video Cassette. Recorder (5301) 176 Philp High Eye System 177 Compute,: Work Station 'I 78 Stater 5 HP 179 Monohlock Pump 2900 RMP 180 One touch basic meter 181 Translight Transformer 182 Double Cassette Recorder

183 Sunit pro)ector 1 184 Kneedinq machine 185 Mini Master pump set 186 DH dine projector 187 Liseting Micro seed 188 Philip deck 189 Hormonium case and puftable

190 Kodac camera 1 191 Breath alkohol exam machine 192 Water filter machine

193 Grind stand manual stand 1

194 clkcj

195 1--R M-(T) Tit 196 crilch 197 .

198 Lbte219-4-.1 t 71741.

199 4-1-11 13 52 200 3 2

201 3-1-1 fAc': 11 ft, -41Arcrf3,75 • 202 11 2 1 2 17 2

203 c(1N-€TR:vl 1 1

204 zfircifel ft-A- 10 32

205 -4=HT

206 7ft-t-qT 745317 2

207 -1->t57(=.4

208 41. 41. vVii ch'fl 1 209 chciR cdfaR1-,T


(14) (15) (16) (AR) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)



1 1

1 1

2 2

1 2

1 1


1 1



1 1

2 2 11 15

1 1

2 2

1 1

258 258

3 78 81

8 5 5




3 3 8 2 39 18


1 3 4

4 1 7

8 5 13

9 6 16

1 9 8 1 18

6 8 1 3 3 1 24 2 3 2 1 116 906

duo' TABLE

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

211 37%311' 41 212 &ic-r 12 213 7,41 122 124 60 214 co A.3-17 215 cb-TE "chtq 216 (4t--ft3f3 cp,)t

217 JI)q 31fcbti t4F 1 218 I \51(11 c6 219 Arl.

220 AF-tf i 11=1)-qu?t 12 (Geprs. Germini--072 Hand Kill track plotter) 221 Tf-ffN 4 3 4 5 2 8 222 Intercom syslen 2 26 223 *-,st.f 12 11 24 8 11 23 12 IX--Contd.

(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

2 3 5 2 10 24 24 78 10 418 5 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 2 4 2 8 72

03 06 01 04 04 10 02 03 66 28 12 6 119


dcl-c-11-f TABLE-X f411-r4Trwa cilLNIT-11 cl€1,chcila c;InA The following table given information about percentage utilisation of Machinery/Plants lying with the Department.

317J -4=1FcF tfA'6711.120/T-1711-JTt tr-Tm4-1.1 cT(4-4,(1 I 1 c11 31-

Sr. No. Name of Machinery/Plant No. Utilisation Percentage of idleness Percentage r . A B C D E (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

9 -c-h-ft4 1 Tractors 81 100 R 2 Buldozers 3 TETT - a5 3 Road Rollers 18 100 ,Ffi -T-1 0-41--cti 71-1- 4 Metal Crushers .. 1 100 Ls 04740 TO 5 Seasoning Plants.. .. 13 100 • tftutrit 6 Wood Preservation Plants.. 2 100 S PR-13fit 717E-ft 7 Saw Mill machinery .. 42 100 41cm, c.E1-r- t 8 Motor Boats, Launches, etc. 21 100

9 Metador 41 100 90 411i tft. 10 Trucks 62 100 fullT14[ 11 Jeeps 397 100 9R -c-Thfi 12 Mini-Bus 15 100 (-Q ,-1-t4-11 TT-1/4=1T 79 13 Tractmount Road Rollers.. 6 100 9V d6I4 31P1,11,') 14 Mini Train 2 100 9Ls 15 Air Compressor 9 100 LT1- 9. 16 Observation Coach 90 -1! c-R- ‘t-11-ich 17 Motor Cycle 135 100 f17 chk. 18 Motor Car 53 100

19 Pickup Van .. 32 100 Rf-R1-qqr Publicity Van Ro 144 q-Orift 20 Balling Machine .. 24 100 R9 Iftf(t- , 21 Cycles 318 100 RR ri 22 Cine Projector 15 100

23 Slide Projector 37 100 RV 24 Freez 4 100 f4), c1-,)o5 w4t 1icpm#4t -zi-A,64-141, (a) -4-J1 s ,zAt- -cnq 31-RTI (11) cimuLiroqi 3rp-R--07f 41,1l41f1, '39-T1111313NlAt 4=N-114-11.11. Note :--(A) Machinery not in working condition, (B) Machinery under minor repairs, (C) Machinery under major repairs, (D) Machinery in unserviceable condition, (E) Machinery not in use for want of accessories. 999

04c11-461--cilci TABLE-X—contd

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

25 - rf1T 87 100 25-A c&ttltTr-g-1311 4 100 23 Epidiascope 24 80 20 — T. V.

28 Bittery Charger .. 46 100 29 Xerox plain papers copier.. 95 100 30 Photo Phone Overhead Projector 50 100 31 4-1-#t311. 10 80 20 32 Gestetner rotary duplictatorNk-cWPMTE) 20 100 33 Franking Machine. 42 100 34 Jeep Trolly 9 80 20 35 Tractors Trolly 33 90 10 36 a,o(big4 41 100 37 ellyin5 T4--11- 1 341:11=h-TzIA, '(.1)1g.t- c 1.141 11 100 38 cOrcp d• 6 100 30 4zi-1 197 100 40 ifruft 132 100 41 i-Rai-41 89 100 42 -1 33 100 43 vI.1 ct 1183 90 10 44 'Ott311 cl.)1t 106 100 45 -1-- 1 (.11t 114 100 46 Ter#311 ttrA ,-Oct,ig, .. 16 100 .. 47 Ild•< -).< 17 100 48 Rici141TitT -il fl-ci .. 17 80 20 49 Ibr)‘.714 . . 304 100 50 tt-IYN ilLici MT4T1t Li . 59 80 20 51 4cH 44 4 -.c,,tfIT 1'fit9. 39 80 20 52 c'11-c'< 162 100 53 '0,111 4l1t--7 1194 100 54 61d 2 70 30 55 glct lig 55 100 56 IltdT? r-itf 41 100 57 31tft41 ffel-TI litt9- 53 100 58 7.17 yffR- 59 100 59 .12-41 ccile4tq•-f 430 100 60 ITZTt c ch '?.9-1 86 100 61 t'Ettr 31Tc1IT41 .. 110 100 62 clid I---d-R- 1030 100 63 t< cilL1*-1 175 100 . 64 ti cPicf 68 100 65 $c1gl 4ti c1 4N14.. 2 100 66 15. 1. lift-9- 13 100 67 tist>415u14-J 47 100 68 37 100 69 dc-f 26 100 69-A *aiyf 13 100

70 T-9-1-41cFr 41 100

71 cW 4f7TR. 20 100

317 99?


(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (6) (9)

72 4-<1-. 1 ,51 t .. 309 100 73 <-1101•ATAcf 4-A (AC) 172 100 74 31FT $-1 Lil Li•71 178 100 74-A 11. 41. 7- 9- (-11,-t) -I- 16 100 75 tf4c 4M- 100 76 1.11 5 1Tel-9- 94 100 77 ,old Tferff 54 100 78 1:--i.--- -TA 3 100 79 -4,cb cbt. 11711-9. (11c1c1 criquLii 4-)i).. 88 100 80 1.-'i14;14-1 3 100 81 F•-5 '<)C1 4 100 82 PITZTR- 4 100 83 1141-I lislcd 144 5 100 84 Wolf Horizonted Sender.. 1 100 85 Wolf Make Obital Sender.. 1 100 86 Wolf Grinder 2 100 87 Power Low Miller.. 14 100 88 .. Ir. yi. 300 100 89 v1 4/ ci)LIN-1... 15 100 90 i_om,_01.-1 44, 31ft .-,iii.s ‘.,Ict,t., 1 100 91 Ehl-E*471. . 2 100 92 r fTr Trvfl-ff . 1 100 93 -. It. 41. \TTa.. 1---dT I -.t. 117Z- -Tf. 1 100 (.0,5 del. fir t ci.. 15 100 94 3if-d1 flcbilt11,I 1-ft-e. 2 100 95 t-- ml---uf) Li-›i 6 100 96 4)4-1-1).t-t fill-4-TITTITRIT9. 15 100 97 4fer zi--- t ,‹ 88 100 111cH km -r-d't31 1 100 98 f4Truft 16 100 99 Gil el (,N T4t11-44Z . . 1 100 100 9E, T. 71. 11) cl-t• 100 100 101 Oi-TT 'k- I 1-(4t . . 2 100 102-A 31-ceill lit-1 .. .. 87 100

102 31td- •1-c11•<14 L1,1(tct)-1 4-1) 100 103 ',SJ 7ft-d-r-4. 38 100 103-A ff.--Aff 128 100 104 ii-B-4-Al 96 100 105 cl.t1G9. .'ict, 5 100 ,, 106 ei(N51 .<-5,c1 .. 1 100

107 (-1 71i. 79-. Tint-0:f 6 100

108 1:07 Mc( .. 44 100 109 Atttf L.C.D. Projector.... 99 100 110 rWl . (1-/ 12 100 111 clid. i -T,.-t. r7 .. 1 100 112 311-- fteiTT if'ff Le4d,t;14 9711ff.. 2 100 113 ffill31WIff- • 3 100 , • 114 14•• 1-85 ; ... • • 993

dcfvli 461---cilq TABLE X—contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

115 C. P. U. 149 100 116 key board 183 100 117 -rw-gt X61( 167 100 118 - Ti-tr 30 100 119 crikp Titcn-r . 268 100 120 -Ttra' . 318 100 121 -rwt El--41/Ent 350 100 122 . 14 100 123 1.1-)i7n tq-F 7 100 124 20 100 125 ‘-c-,11 1 100 126 fir fZUi+asp 1 100 127 '41frT 1 100 128 31TVIT . . 1 100 Photo Phone Projector 1 100 129 Audio Music System 1 100 A. N. P. Transtering 1 100 130 Chain se cabinet. 30 100 131 Vench Handle 30 100 132 Bush Cutter 2 100 133 Aquaguard . . 2 100 134 Weight lifting stand 21 100 135 681 100 136 t31-Rtd 10 100 137 d lct) lei 1 100 138 TrA1-9• 7 100 139 1='N 12 100 140 tIti 16 100 141 EN 3 100 142 ?.)-vrR 5 100 143 4 100 144 c1,{ qrtt-Tr TrAfff . 2 100 145 S/E. PadkArater Pufter 1 100 146 1.4,( ch-T-IT 16 100 147 fir 4,1 . 16 100 148 Horizontal plans filling 31 100 149 }-45-?..IIce 23 100 150 *4-11.-d) ci . . 9 100 151 7 100

152 ,4-,1t14,1.-r ''IC)t (R000) 2 100 153 ( 10 100 154 01[4)8-1 47 100 155 (f) 22 100 156 TI-4/ 418 100 157 1-1)(Lk Th7713tTT 1 100 158 fit 1 100 159 1-1-)1-N c c tct) 69 100 tichlf el TABLE X—contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

160 1:3---r-d-r-rr t317 614 5 100

161 ---4-&/EF-41-q-R- (iu145) 35 100

162 Z4M (grz- ) 4 100

163 3-T-4-d1 1 100

164 -T9--J1-ri 1 100 165 Exercise Cycle 1 100 166 Tata Phone (Push Butten) 2 100 167 T41----,t 1 100

168 2 100

169 3frq-q-r 4ilzifrtm7 1 100

170 cbi t4317 7-4. fir. 2 100

171 (-,11,3,-,-11cm 2 100

172 31-r-p-r 1 100 173 61sf 1 100

174 ftt ,yr ,r1 X 40 1 100 sac

175 7 fir •4 1 77 1 100 4), )t

176 d -cl 4 100

177 •TIT-1 4 100

178 34-- #1rb-1zF 1 100

179 2 100 180 BPL Video Cassette Recorder (5301) 1 100 181 Philips High-Fye System . . 1 100 182 Computer work station 1 100 183 Stater 5 HP 3 100 184 Monoblock Pump 2900 RPM 2 100 185 One tuch basic meter 1 100 186 Translight Transformer 1 100 187 Double cassette recorder 2 100 188 Sunit projector 2 100 189 Kneeding machine 1 100 190 Mini master pump set 1 100 191 DH cine projector . . 1 100 192 Listing Micro seed 1 100 193 Philips deck 1 100 194 Hormonium case & ~affable 1 100

195 Kodac Cainera 15 100 cichi( 1-- T-I I el TABLE X—contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

196 Breath alcohol exam. machine 1 100 197 Water filter machine . . 2 100 198 Grind stand, manual stand 1 100 199 TF-4N7 258 100 200 i-c-41lcr, th-4sr-4R- 82 100 201 . . 5 100 202 ,t))t),-0).1 35-7i7ff dieriftw . 1 100 203 65 100 204 93 100

205 ct) 7 100

206 ,-11 4g/4-11\3,,u. 18 100 207 39 100 208 18 100 209 qrsrrt 42 100 210 c4t-i zip 116 100 211 41),; ,f zfrIch'ITi . 1 100 212 4 100

213 ,-k-ci->t 13 100

214 tifq7ti t-c1 I LI•t-i 2 100 215 Steroinergrated Cassette Recorder 5 100 216 Photo Phone 1 100 217 Rlt. 41. tt. 1 100 218 ■-(-4t4,14 1 100 219 (Mini Truck) 2 100 220 Vq--4t trThZE (ofri 38 100 221 wdar 26 100 222 f3,11tcrf 15 100

223 - 1-€1--g/114k 2 100 224 t. 8 100 225 Intercom system 28 100 226 Xerox machine 66 100 227 Inverter 119 100


l9. qadoulcithul TM-al

(9) 11111-11 :

I1111TG 11u-414-10 3f-r-gT T-N 1116f41T-1 TIT SiN 11rwrz4 1 31-t c41 q- 41TrO , 16u11-41 ,f-ic)r-41 ftftzr Ic-41Q141efi 416-cric441z) 3171-FTRT, -c-11-a-11. V-Ick 4Ac;5 31TfIT. 411)1414 1I171-zill-rrrm u-1.1c)(11 416q4-4111-4-0, 1114uP4) 1116V) 1141, TIT 1-14 11)41-1111-c-41-c4f

c1 cllilcl. .II1 1414 ZIT ttcrq- dc4II cl 61c-4 (ZITU 4'1)4 ci 41---Fflt ft0- - 4)1,1 cr

41 1-4i-r-11 31T-474-WM 31-1)--4.zucE41- -R-r7z,- r 4.1 fka-Trrrroir ( 1411 4)1u41(-1 31 3fft--0, err 11-014 \`)-1 1114v1 41 416 cr) 1141 ■39(164 1 31111 IFP T41 7111FFMa Alc)cir tg- ftli-Kr4 dziN 4) ,)c1, 'T%tzr 31-1T1'11-ft4 -Yordli- 11-0 44 31-1Trk0 41414 c1 f4-17T. f 111 l l f cl 4,(,)(4 31-1-t0. err f)cptihrk 44-rt 4-q al-qmrt > 4 f4)01,11t, 1.11-crr 11-14 c-11 \ -4111Aci rc1 p--411. ft. It. 4.-1rRi-rc1 o .i9Ls t9-9-Ft 31A f 31-rgm zrf Icowiczti rT1tr11, 11■3-41c-N11----#M, cp-t -,4i4-10 31-14-W W-a 61°414 Fq-d-r 311474W0-1


T-1Tr zzrr 4.1 4)4T-41-41z) TglIc14 rifrq-u 411u410311- 311* 141cH 11fg fkv, Ylchci 1. cr)k r T-I 11-rrrp- tR--4t cc -zT w4=frurk1 3R1 -ar*3-17114-q 4p4z11-41 1(44 6111 4 c4i0f cr, n4111121-ffr1r 3P1rft fi c co4-cri-41141 vr4Ti-R asi-tzr P4H1N-2-fri 1411 31-rt. qtr zrrcef 41n14 44qt -4w fti-Rft TffrR--4f ?rmiz r-ar 4o14st,,r 1 a c ci I ar T -dt T11 • ‘3-1 R4c1c2-14 W T 6)c1) qt tiA I 31-111-1q& 11,5414-F-t R,000 4-9. 4)41a 3rrtd-, n1I,614 f4N-H21m

3ft , c41,)(1 31tarr TA-1:rr ,000 cr,411-411r f- cikl,o-rr-4 f4Irr41r-4 311--d-6-1 4)1)0 to-410 31-01* 31110. 1T1-6--itl 4) T4 TA.--11111 1)4141'2r- trquzrr-rr col4r4,4111 Prasui visw-c-r 31-t. 31WU-a:FT 41411441 41,,1ari 4)1(11441 4'1 4)4-41---111118) f4111121-14 tfq-ozrrtr .96-c4y4a1aft cr)1451-)41 -m-diNcr 4,(101, 31*. 4.1 c1,44-rrr-41-11 coo4Ismiusi-cr 4-1 4)14 c141111 f40-10 T11211 11•041410 fI41T c1)141c14 t 71-1---afT *41111141 41-1c4c11 3111- -0 ThFitclq I -a-11 ti1a-11 14)4)110 '11P0-4 .111=1-1 19.(-10 0-4 144)41 R1-4 4111181 111111 ‘1L1 *41I1 4140-1IT-41 416 c114)ie1 41144141 37-6--a=rr 4-cr4lf4c1 N-c-liNc-f 411u41c1 311191 6 I.

14 1P1c114 1k)-41-c41 119. 7114-1 TY-11e14 .r) -42-0 r=r-cp 7)-2.1 cfrm 11431-1-4-P1- 3114-414H111 4441e-141111 4) \-r4'0. 1R1111(04 *41110 M-97 4-14011111 31-01*311*. ( -91149-)

-w4-4rf1 q-rf

f411-prr4 trqt T49-Ft 111 Tc4 Err cri 1f cP 41 i cl f ci f m-r4 f 111 311 -04311-0-11-14M-0'11.111441 4111181 4-1 114 4)14V-1i-4) 41•1-114s5 31-rzult TTERTRIT-J1 -ftli-Frr41031f4zi-rft0 n(q131f ---o-m3ft . zrr Trurrq-1Tr 3r-Rrwrt1, col4cr,t3rfkzr-ffr

111 31f -rt131 floiur -cklck 1161. \3431-1 311- 41P1414 Th-r01Z 31f*I- 11421131, arr- {q) Th-Tkrtlq 1IE - 11: -1d1 -44T0- 311*. 111 Tr-41TO 71-R-th zrrt r17 4,111 4 , 1441--01 114F1Qf1111 flci 4)1441411111o11 TIT Y111.44 cF 1161L4 44401 q9- 414-41-4101 11411 6111. 990

• ▪ ▪

O (-- N • LO (NI CO CO


CD CO N N O U O N) N O aD co

O O 0 0 co N N co st 0 O O O 0) V O r-- (D

O • o O O

N C'') Co O CO N- Cs4 •O' TT CO '4" O 0 0 O 0) v-- •Ct

0 C., • 0 0 CO O O co co (0 Nt O CO co a) .- 0 C') •t- 'Cr O ▪O (.0

• o co CO O

CO -1- • CO oo • O CC) oo

CO e- CV N N LO co ,ct N 0) CO O 0) r... (.1 M CO M N N 0

• Nr co O

OD .- N ill Vl 0) Ch N- N C., 7


s ie No. lar d Sa

p - Non

C,) Deman chi Sb1-1 st)41Itb-t9

dch1f-R TABLE-II

( tht sh4-Ilte.11WzbiTiT-4T ,(1H1Y1-4 flu 31I4WITh—dt4 tt-ItactrOf :

l ctczllci49. f41-TTTTFv4T 3ftzl1ft YIK5i4). '-1-1R090-RocIcl/R099-?ocIR TR-7). licqaT ct'TfR 4 RocIR-?ocl TO(cV1T fcT 3ft. 31-1=rur ft4R-ft 4 v161-f *c- -114-c211 61144c1 9-T-ft 3tFq T1Tt nc413it.- The following table indicates the number of plans and estimates expected to be prepared and actually prepared by the Engineering branches of Forest Department in respect of resident and buildings, roads, bridges, culverts, etc. during the years 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 and that expected during the year 2012-2013.

31414-ff .t-is-zir 3T4 f4 3r4f4ff 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

Expected No. Actual No. Expected No. Expected No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

-14)17114 .1R-Q-11 T 3i-TE- cr 1) No. of Plan and Estimates— T4=1-1Tt (a) Residential Buildings 561 940 1471H14q -PTRt (b) Administrative Buildings.. 84 100 *cid .11TTth (c) Other Buildings 173 163

(d) Roads 13 13 Ta' (e) Bridges c-161-1. (f) Culverts c-N TA. (g) Other Works 452 452 R7czitt 41F-TWITi ft-O)TitaLTITEt) (2) Construction of Roads (in Km.)— T§l (a) Metal Roads 442 294

(b) Murum Roads 1420 1282 Tfitt (c) Earth Roads 957 602 ZI4-tr (d) Tar Roads 42 51 (e)RIT)Z 135 200 4ft7aiDT (f+-atTitd-RTRt) (3) Maintenance of Roads (in Km.)

(a) Metal Roads 190 186 ip-4=11 (b) Murum Roads 1729 1734

(c) Earth Roads 1433 1580 Z14-tt (d) Tar Roads 129 98 (e) f#1=17 15 15 920


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

cn T.) ire fl(Pc.+-f- WT F (4) Construction of Buildings-Type Design-

-T-4-qt q-rrN't f1-417TT-2-1-114 (a) Staff quarters—

Type—I 381 408

-541-)N-2 Type—II 279 270 111-)N-3 109 127 lict)N-V

Type—IV 12 30

Type—V 3 8 WT-E,

Type—VI 2 4 TTI-Tth (b) Administrative Buildings 56 58

(c) Rest Houses 9 34

(d) Others 32 32

1:0-Rawr tif,411 *1 tg-II ,m.sqf (5) Maintenance and repairs of Buildings .. Number Number Number 1-41I 1,1 ft-4F1111$ (a) Staff Quarters .. 19503 6674

(b) Administrative Buildings 5270 618

(c) Rest Houses 5162 309 *cif

(d) Others 1284 1174

qtzTO-- rr

(6) No. of Bridges constructed .. 59 59 To-ft \-iccqi

(7) Number of Culverts 67 84

4e)(q.111- 1\5141 titwr (8) No. of Wells constructed .. 13 16 cP1 (9) Borewells


c. itffri #44--q 4-44 tri

(9) 1111-cii

41191 ,ficitair ftEi coiciiqzfrvai 1-47$N 4.-q 4 liVIIcf1 4,1 4-> flai-urr F1-4- f4 3Tr4z7N-41 311t . cqk-flo1 c161-1 (1611 U& Li-rozrrqr ,teipI4, Wit-9 tT viol ,

4 R. ti 1f Tzir Z1T '"711 Tl `71013f{Rti T-zftt ")fl(~l t94rth ti Tzff Tta-TuT 346T #44ff LIITA4 r Ttr4X14 cl-LI lil J gjz1 trftR-&iur T cPI4cNl 311t.

-4r cot4oilk.qic41 3T TI-I&r4 \311,=1 311-ftf c-4 501 31-11-4R-071 -4-ft ITT tI 317R- fifty41- 4-). 41 . 49- ftll-rm-4* 4 Ti&Ftzt 3 4-4 ATt 3111-41-7-4 31TRIT V9 49- 3-QT4 (11.0,4 id &rt. T-t&14 37[1-4 4 q-4 Wit 3P-T4R-0-4 f9-11-NT ct>c)ccC) ■3-41 4 AP41 4T41724-F-97 rtf Tr10-- 4-4 ffizt 0-4 rcril m-11-L-0414 fk-q-ff T14-ru wrr vf1cRIN -ilzwr . Truf 4,<.z41-4 st1-4 clyclIcH cl- 0J4Ici 31-EA -TP&1-4 c3 .11-11c1- 4 q-4 l4 3T1-7117-13-7M ATE 4 traft qi113 't-k-TET1firaiff -4II4rd -2-1-Tff, Va. 311474 4 - 17a-Tuftu-41--d f411T1T 311-0:13qZ 71H--)lictrf 4-0 c4cNQTr11-9-ruz c1:41Tik c41Tz11 4141-a-1( Tzr-1 RR1iTsi4c-MIci 31*.

V. flcklIziRul- ul-11-11-kild 4 f4R111- : 414Plci 4-InV1). E41-4 fti:rtur 7u7:171T81/4-1dN7-11-9Ter lfceIf11gh, a44f ,,N44-) c-N1-4 3-ar-4 cmuqici. 311--44t 31-r-4. 49 \341.-ti-c) 11tr 4.-H-Hcil 4 W 31-11-4TRiT4T4- -d- 31143- ft41-ful- 4,1141.t-r JO) f ftt-94: 31T7TTJuTT 114114,0-111 4Ao 4 AIV 311-a -uTPPi.14ccpiiF 31717 q-)t-41-& 49 £T T1 311M-a7 0)c).

4. 111 WRIM-7[Fftt 11t4c).1- .11-zrq0w4ra114.- 1=1-- c-N 11-1- •-kci1N-r)70)-4 " uTrvr -11414) tA7T T17 990 9 42.174: 41coMt 4A a)-q1-0. (1-)141Rd cMuqIci- 31TA- TIT 415e4q),Y1.)cl .tict)tIcf 3RT4-F4T q1 1 4T q-4 v 1#V4 •1'<8i7 to-4m 31T 31717 qlqizi) 11 41 4r64-0-4171-1.8) 31-4-ft -c~f UT c 311*. tqiUqiNUqrairmil,P14F1\1-c2-11 Tfq-Zfl, \A)4,1st)4-1 cAllqciTi-&d- 311z1R-i > T -41 1ci-)c--II413t7T 37*. TIT 3ictK-11-4 Alpf 31t41Ttill-Cojf 31717 cqi-tr &40 &T[4 11q->eq 3174 #--4acr4-1U -T1-4 "c---zit 61c1R.q1c1) R 4k-i-c1Iel4), 9 T1-`&17 31-14- 5Ttt 4 *ck 4,4-41.11 (4i-f ciA4,1-i) m-R174 -gTgtT1 31-1 T f -41,flcr c41-4 111:17 4 T17e-TuTRITe1 73t4T, *fit, 11-4, 31411 ul-ra lic110-11 tf1 7-2.1717T q),0341cf 31F't

(4-)14sWilt-141d 4-4 vfl4TTA .t-kai-ur 4 •-icf.h flci -ur4R214 > 1-cr-afTif{1 T-141c1 4 1-1 u114-14Pk4, 4Ic1- 310-4t 31*. ft e1 Ic I1 ,At.,-qc-c)ct)•t,)-1 Titer4 3T1-14, 3111-4f7Trz 4 4 3-EIT 14MRi zn741 4/'041-4 -1?1 ct>c). cHl -4 9902 u:IT 0-4-15frit 7478. -Tu1 4,14c41-a41 3 v T tic 31f47EfT 4 q - ATuft u3 14-116114d)c-1 IcR, eior 4J 414ci1a fr403-4T109-r0 4114141-1 ac). 4-4 5rroft v11411-4 ui-47--Q-M1-9- ffu-f al-4W4M-

4.-4 ,Al4At144) ti4r4ffr-J1NATsm499 4)41-c) sc r14 Th--trff 3111. VIE 74 31f , 51EIT9 11C04 49 T47-81zF -4f 4Q11-4131719- c4i-II Atl-FITCql (4-21•))(1) ITV Tt-4-1-t -47 T-Errt 30[93 31-TT vm-1 (ci ,1,1)cl) 3 TL-04 (ci-Lluncf), alTV AWFcf (q -4Q4), €, \3,-1 (c1-4v)14) • .140-N- 181 (q -4414)t Th747a31717 fl0162-14) 4 4-9---q-rrqm--r41- *cid (114-41417E cqi-il .06114

31. 9i7

(9) (R)

(9) Jlcotillc 1TTAllq)c-4 (2) 4F-A-41--3111-1#

() e • (V) TT-61-er 3P1-4R11-4)

col c-,gl y


0 0 0 CD CD 0 0 0 0 CO 14 CO LC) 20

CD 2013- CD 0 CD CD 0 .0 0 0 tN 0 h- tes, LO ,_ OD a ,.._ a_ CO


CO c0 0 h- 01 CD CO .4- c) 3 co a) 0 1 C \ I 0 0 CO LC/ ,— 20 12-

20 CO CO CO 01 C N. .4- tes, 0) co cr, .:1-V o Lc) ima t Es

d O O e C co OCD O . co N- 0 (NI

'4" 0 0 0 01 0 CD 0 CO 0 CD CD 0 CO 3 CO 0 v-- %— CD CO 12 CO l. V-• 201 2- 1

20 O CD 0 CD O C tes, co •Cr CO a

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co 0- O OC — CO Cr (6c co

arT N- rn co CD

O 1495) 06 24 ( ok d o


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Pr ly r r l e e 3 2

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a) C • 0 CD in CI) • 0 0 01 C•1 0 0 .- 0 O CJ) 1:7) CL C O 0 CO CO

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' O -cr •:r ' 0 O CD CD O (0 CO O VI VI O0 O C0 C0

• CV O 0 CN O 5 0 O O N N 9 0


- (N a) — ,-- 99 sr 0 C sr I

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FI To 0.1 CN tO CO CO C9 rn CO 00 U CO CO 0 0 01 (,)

5 Fa

ife 0 4406 ldl

a) 10 Wi C- cr7 d an d No. n C try C C Dema Fores •• -TztliTRT TT flNI71 i ft4t4 3TT-47z1M—dt V-Itcnctrtuf (Ill) Workload summary and explanation of Financial requirements :

(.41eld cictOld TrtzT 371[4, *c-I q 3a1-4 3err c1-q 1:RI-tret 3PIIITTuzi qlzi) 114 •4 it-Wf0 ETRT-6. The following table indicates the exisiting and proposed National Parks, other Forest Parks and Wildlife sanctuaries. chi 011 st)91cb— ocictr-Mi- TABLE-H

31-1m- h- \3VI-1/3TITTITTErzff -1Icf ft---rur (f ----r) (t. i". Tft. ITO) Serial Name of the park of sanctuary • Location (District) Area No. (Sq. Km.) (1) (2) (3) (4)

(31) ,

1 11c1 It---Fr 4 Nawegaon Bhandara 133.88 ITTPT0 TfE& \isii-r 3PTRTIt 5 Gugaml National Park Amravati 361.28 (4) 41 tic/ 3PP:ITTIM 8= Wildlife Sanctuaries -44F ■31064114 1 Yawal Jalgaon 177.52 z1ur9-1-rft (qp-Ni-i) mt---r17 2 Radhanagri (Bision) Kolhapur 351.16 Th-9•1•UF (1(kft) TrfTrA 3 Karnala (Bird) Sangli 12.155 ONNIT '

cich-11 TABLE II—contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4)


13 Bhimashankar Pune-Thane 130.78 fl1,1Ycl'< X11 c11 l 14 Sagareshwar Satara 10.87

ITTJTRIT - .flq 4 I5 15 Phansad Raigad 69.79 V TrzzikTI7 (Ufalt)

16 Nandur Nadyameshwar Nasik 100.12

3iIft -q1DF 17 Andhari Chandrapur 509.27 3T-6-1=1- -fl)cl 18 Kalasubai-Harishchandragad Ahemadnagar/Solapur 361.71 -r-44kleof +15 19 Chaparala Gadchiroli 134.78 if--3k9-EIT psleo1 lIcr 20 Gautala-Autramghat Aurangabad/Solapur 260.61 t)-9-T17rr 11 5 / 4c1c1'1105 21 Painganga Nanded Yavatmal 424.89

22 Aner Dam Dhule 82.94 AILIctKIlgt

23 Jaikwadi Aurangabad 341.05 +11c1c1 I RTW1 24 Malwan Sindhudurg 29.12 31m-1-FT 25 Katepurna Akola 73.69 Ilci ITV 3T11 417DT1

26 Naigaon Beed 29.89 .14c1+-I1eo 27 Tipeshwar Sanctuary Yavatmal 148.63 3T.41-77r4 qddi If 28 Ambabarava Sanctuary Buldana 127.11 v11-1,1 ,IT 3P-TT

29 Dnyanganga Sanctuary Buldana 205.63 1-1PTFT 3177[17074

30 Bhamragarh Sanctuary Gadchiroli 104.38 c~+Icily 311171TR1371 31 Yedsiram Lingaghat Sanctuary Aurangabad 22.38 co n=raft 3TITEITTozr 31Thltal 32 Bird Sanctuary Akola 12.35 41.1 3P-1711-771. 3717redt 33 Van Sanctuary Amravati 211.00 Ti4 31l1 zfRljal 114 34 Mayureshwar Supe Sanctuary Pune 5.15

qc,w11-111 35 Lonar Buldana 3.83 TAR uro'r 36 Tungareshwar Thane 85.70


TABLE II—contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

9 (;g) ■ic.1I-1 4.) I. D. Forest Parks

,< tm--tr Seminery Hills Nagpur 0.71 Ntddl 314f-0i 311 T4t 2 Chikhaldara Amzari Amravarti 0.09 3TIT714t- 3 Wadali Amravati 0.08

ITT ldfi 4 Botha Buldhana 2.00 41c{ \.054I1c1 5 Pal Jalgaon 0.0240 d V-1141105 6 Toranmal Dhule 0.2900 *TM4g- 7 Ajanta Aurangabad 2.56 TrrORm •tP-1415 8 Raigad 2.9521 +Ilt -115 9 Mahur Nanded 2.60 R16+15 10 Sinhgad Pune 0.255

ftrqktt 1114 11 Shiveneri Pune 1.4426

12 Satara 0.04

('1> 1c. tilcUfT 13 Pratapsinh () Satara 0.10 3iTa 14 Atte Kolhapur dcich Th-t-"TcF 15 Tabak Kolhapur 0.03

-4131-41t Pt 16 Dandoba Hilts Sangli 11.03

31t4A 141TO 17 Amboli Sindhudurg 0.05

18 Patanadevi Jalgaon 0.1971 ‘319 19 Unapdeo Jalgaon

(ERft) 114 20 Muthamutha (Bird) Pune 0.134 triwrt-4 tr4t q-44-6-r7 1i* 21 Panchagaon Parwati Van Vihar Pune 2.45

1{10 22 Bhamburda Pune 0.9714

'141-F.9V-R9 3r dctof TABLE II--contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

4ST- -4C 111e145 3p=m-q-41

23 Wadali Malkhed Amravati . 144.16 .5)4H

24 Narendra Dongar Sawantwadi 0.05 dcoc-Pc,11,1 ffiTS41 25 Talkatbag Sindhudurg fl41Rj,11,15 TWw

26 Sapta Shrungi Gad Nasik 0.20 74H -1S.<611(

27 Kondeshwar Nandurbar 0.2000 3T9tar ot u

28 Arnala Thane 0.1503

29 Baneshwar Pune 0.830 3frt

30 Doulatabad Aurangabad 2.00 mar RIT4 31 Koyana Sindhudurg 0.tri

32 Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Nasik 0.03 •fl4-ici-> flOR TTTIT

33 Ramtek Mrug Vihar Nagpur '91 I4) IS

34 Manikgarh Chandrapur 0.3520 3T-4Tift BIZ 114 35 Awasory Ghat Pune 0.1 1TRruft flic-110

36 Mayni Satara 0.06

37 Kotharud Pune 2.0350

1171- 7 q4c14-1105 38 Dhumnapur Yavatmal 0.2 ei 3TW)-dt 39 Lonibar Linga Akola 2.07 ii f~I 40 Soutada Bend 0.61 l c Iu1 41 Gharapuri Thana ffrtrrcift 4T-if 42 Sarangpuri Wardha Ycl.t -i5•<61K 43 Kondeshwar Nandurbar 0.2000 92S

TABLE II—contd.

Roof-Roos Roo-Rocio Roco-Rogq 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 (1) (2) (3) (4)

R () c1-1.3c11-1H-1/3PTTIRTF4W "3-tt Ro)(-Lir (D) No. of visitors 951455 842734

() (Mei (Wcft 6v1H1cf) III (E) Charges recovered (Rs. in Thousand) 3369176 27668852

v:frq +PH, 9SCV R090 trzi-dt cr-11c-41ch liTftt

wErilI .-kW r

3T . -•; q-Ei 9-R- ur4 f -Ti..ff 3Trditor TTur 7H1

(f) 31)- 1--4 vr-d= 31F-1-ft

(9) (?) (3) (V) ((-1) (0 (0) (6) M

9SCV 9Vo 90R VR 919 . . ' 09 1,541c-nci {E i i

9SCS 9C? 9IiR . . V9(.9 a.-)-. 4 3F-4 4- 4 e4 vi,t

a). --1-4t--icit-A-oft (ISS 19 Co n 90 SO R19

9SS19 S6 99 S Li P RI-1(9

R009 C19 904 9V 99 R9 RC.

Root' CS 99Q YI "S RV RE,C

Roo, (-so CV 9? . . 9S ny Eh-4U ii714

R000 V4 Q Ro 0 9VC &-‘1"-- #r-A-uft

Rooc Roof TM- #R-14 - -TTcr 4-qS1ludl-cil .I'lui-lf Iccc .

90 Roos RooCQ t R c ]WIU.1141 vial9T -grd4t irel.

ml-a- I$1- --4-z- 0ii-1 iLl441-- $110.)0qr lytuil -cg f -wtsi

31-.. citi , 1,-Liicil0r Ott , t,-qicilci 41-9-tt (fu4Iucr cII .Itt 7r

fr9 , iisz1r v110T , -k..-Lir TTR-RT-41 11s.2-ir

(9) (R) 0) (w) (1-s) (0

99 Root, 19E, VI clo l4.11u1.1-4Ffilli R0019 liEt VT/t4 ar151 c•fal" • ' . ARTa ft-d-T.

9R R090 9E0 9SE, 9E,S 1Iful.11-11 f)Wi R099 1F-,t T1=0-4 u:fra

.14a9. • I . ' gRi-g- -Fr--d-r.


(4) allt4 AWFI

3T.T. m-r-d-r-41tqtt .arry 1,r)e{-11 licr FOTPT vi(v1

(1. fk. t.)

(9) . M W (v) (`-s) ()

9 ft-#47/9(0 kffEira- alTV 3-FfiT4-01 31-ITTF4t 9EI19


2 i9S4 OIAG11-3fEriT1 iTTPF ----V f.M.t9f,


ull.cll'a/9M 44 .wiTr 5rwezT TTTL TrTtj RLso.Ro

v ,filcal/Roos TTaft- -arm -)---ry ml----rp-Ritri--41/flidkrR,-Ilnl 195 ' .22


R. 31:144 cbc-Inut t.14)

(9) Ult-cinct) :

4.4 f4f4q- MT4s04-11-041 zrr ft1Tr TvF =-Ivcr -04r Tzit4 c-ildIckuf clqk cfr0.-f t4T7417 N,4,3-N-4 4 fl64,14 -art Icz11 ti of q-ruf1q31-r. mi-c241 T-rineqr, flpilfcr-),3rrfirT cR-IIT-2-11 1=Fdlp 'N,ir d ■icN-11011 •,11 Wic•-1ThIM 3Tr cll ITT cbc"Lilul 4Plzsh,dci1c4T:4 4i46T, 1-11W cl(114, Wet, ,4-Prwrur-dl fo-Tfqr -a ciqN TR-c4, $11 -z417fqMe1m-T-44 c4.-1 cb1,141RPild -IT 4-a1)171- 4-1c,d cfrlicf c-).1(.614 \34-ciN11ilt q41(11417-24-ftm- cMu4ItiaTi3iTt-U. zrrftr-q-Fr cl l --TITrA- Ai qv' uicico 41c-r T 3TR1-17T T czlizzli liTcN-1 101 .q1c414-111-1)(1 4-7T4-1 4111-414 4)'

4itim--Frrqr cp-i4d

(9) (R)


94 co t C O - u-) 5 cn 4 N 1 20 O c ry 13- 20 CC - C

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406, 4 9Tt

•-f) (IA,'-11u4[ 3Trffr f=4-404 3T1-4v:r ,e-racfroir : (Ill) Workload Summary and Explanation of Financial Requirements :

tglc3lrl c1cM1ld q9. cwpiki-air zi-4Err clT coeqm cpvisw-f, *olqilqfc4cr 3741)-Truzifff 31T- ft 'Art 3114- R ?099-R09? 31Tf6T R09R-R°9 /TO 3Tfft Tir-i 09Q Ro9V ITO 3ft 416111c11,1-rffc1 ftd1 3Tr. The following table gives the Welfare Activities in respect of Forest Villages and Forest Labour, No. of Seedling distributed during the Vanamahotsava and the privileges availed of under NiStar etc., during 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 and those expected during 2012-2013.

chi St)14 Sblilcb-g

cichlf - TABLE - II

Rosci-oq Ro9R-R09 ?09-9v Frame cppis 4)14 m-p4 (51T-4 (3-rfa) (w{qif ) Works under- Works Estima- Works proposed taken during ted during during 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 (1) (2) (3) (4)

coi=pikifli (I) Labour Shed 3 41f4f8t---4Krr -41 (II) No. of Wells constructed 2 4 V-11 cPE (Ill) Tubewells 1 2 ttlWitt- T '-k_.q41 (9 ) qT4E0 (IV) No. of Dams constructed . . 5 5 5 arikw-e-f-41 (?) 4-TT& 2 (V) No. of anicuts constructed . . 1 2 2 ct)19,1Nkf vf4E4 (a-r4T9-rTw fltsql) (VI) Supply of Bicycles to Forest Labourers (Beneficiaries No.) yfki31- (-a-PTETR- ,(its,41) (VII) Supply of Bullock-carts to Forest labourers qff AWEd \i4ctr0-}1 Vit4 (MITETR-W (WI) Supply of Instruments to Forest Labourers . . (Beneficiaries No.) 3ilf* itAtr ,

TrrglliR (1) Cart loads '11131'614 CIIV ULNA it( ITR (2) Head loads . . *cf.? 1=1:r (Ttit > slkici) (3) Value of the product (Rs in thousand) 4347 6349 7358 ticicicnTLIT rffi ( (4) Value at concessional rates (Rs. in thousand) 3657 4687 5090 fffiY01 (5) Manufacture of fertilizer .

3r q-9--41,F.ftF 1-ur-zrrRit t9- \3sli-1ict TTRit-cti m-r4 311-1u tff l oil (-1 ci4-cqin ft-4-41 The following table indicates the names of Forest Parks where Development Works are undertaken as Social Activity, so as to increase beauty scene amongst the public.

chl4st)4{ sb4iI4)-S

TABLE - Ill gig Name of the Forest Park : TT-7 w3 49. 37T1-4 "EIT-41:11Z 4)4114) 922 9? Ti.zIkuzfra 3-TT13T1t. f4--14P Itwru wr14 3fft-ff

ittrd 61uqkif tff ‘3v.41-ficr flpiAct) 4,14 .1r-cv Tire-14414A TSt- t1cicle3l 311td clgYilef dlol -1dicr (TTY o,fmci)

31- -•. cmilci fl-f R099-R092 2092-209Q Roc -9X ffEff-F Wzi&T lit& 3i--rrqa- -qz.ftF 31-Cad m-p4 m--P4 m-r4 (9) (?) (3) (v) (`-s)

9 1-niTtrgt 9-Or 7P-1t417 clk 3ci Ic1-9. wo V`S 2 1707F ifft724712.frF-19 4161 .ffUrt .RIURITIT. . Rt-S 2V0 ?Vti TrrOw- firtri- -2im -4. ErFrOf X121 144)1,11-41 Th-P4 q 41TJ V99 532, V2ti V .-1-tt t2Tha' 14 14 1 I .-1 1 81 ffdri a . . 9 20 goo is 19121qff-e-ra- \3.4r.-ti -4-Yr - ,iifci - rt- t m-R-i4 sui-s Roo boo \3v.iilicr -zlR m7i4 csE, Eo goo (9 Lneico mi-ry Ql soil suit 919Ls G Errutp \3en-ticilo q111-ff TiTR-uff Rtio boo boo e ErR-Fif ,3sit-rici ft-R-4-z 9-me- --Tr4 scso Roo Roo 90 172)7T49-i . \3U-11c1 RAWITIT csoo g000 g000 99 11,114 tql1TI-9- 4)5 tO c-i131TRT4 gclo Roo Roo 92 31firf t2-fr -1-- )--4t 3It4 -o-aril-41•RF-R-0-rf Roo Roo Roo .1 ctAricl clIolEV-1141 't1-11-11 /Z-Mci,15/1)Z TIT ftTh-Tull 1-141dcbill 3T1- lififf 000 goo° g000 g-r

9V 44 Tffitt 4)5 4 Iluffr- t-t 11-r--q1q - i----4t. . Rtso woo woo

• °° VVE,0 tIck14410-p cNicf 14-1 qcIc-111105

Rogg-9R RogR-9Q 2o94-9v 9 70-140. $1151-41c11,145 2 7ftlfitff -R11-41 IckS 4wcr 4.1werti

Rt-S 0 0 4131-R --4F

fib Ptchi-4ff giso 0 0

9E,00 left t€11-TIF 0 400 .T 1-frcrcTWit eillIg5 RCA( 6H11461-90 woo



(9) (?) (w) (cs)

g4c11-11c0- -V

?(-10 90 RPtd- Id '1 4iP-T- Fi E,00 99 c'ik Th-re-TT Jiit9 900


.V1T1 4ff M-&-4t 61'145 1-4TZT 92511 0 93 qW•M CNI■319.--Vtf4-4 $111 CMIJ 9V0 925 ufT21-4 N c6I 0 9t1 3M-1-4 citz-u-R- ciqk c6I 0 9 9 0 0 T.TT-41 k-4ZiliTO RRC R°(-1 90 (-Soo c3 Zia1T-41 61+1c15 R 0 96 tatff' -*f Th-TO RoLl


14cicci 9 411 6 N.-Tit6TV- cl.)‘1- 6 T-24-171T (900 4•=wH \icAl—trqr f'4m—RT-4-1 RREM 2l9E1 5'r-qktt— fr t1-2 f 939 9



chi st)1-1 5#71-11cb-9,

- TABLE - IV c-ki-k-Li kiszTTU zl-urpl-r l9 c ci-4,1--r TT Tr- 31T419T c 9711.qi 31-1 :— The following table indicates the 7 per cent Forest Revenue Grants given to Zilla Parishad.— (Rs. in Lakh) 3T. (-6-11 -119 R099-RocIR TV 31719- 4.1-1 209?-?093 4 .51c4U 73-4 Serial Name of District Sanctioned grants and Actual Expenditure Sanctioned Grants Remarks No. during 2011-2012 during 2012-2013

-14-T fl.-1R099-2o9? ?099-R09R 4c-q&-T Rr-4 Sanctioned grants Actual Expenditure during 2011-2012 during 2011-2012 (9) (R) (V) (4) 9 clos

.CC c,W1 1-J11 o 0.64 .(6 Li 990,-1106 9CE, .(:) 96E, .os .ITTTEF .R(.1 9LS 19 9E, 4-13RT SAN 19.6V 93?.90 90 9.45 9.4Q 9.00 99 o.R6 o .?6 9? -115 O.VG (9.VC 4,30 93 1 :M-Tuft o ,EtV on 9V 41•• o 0.39 91 \3'5-91-11919 0,0 o .019 9E, T11-6-7 9,90 9.90 0.194 9(9 3.94 :94 96 ffTgi lt .19E, R Roo R0 96.219 .?l9 .T? R9 '5- 11c111 RAN ?.?C RR TitTrA't 9.2 3 o.t” 23 ut-o (:1( .o6 RV 4.00 4.00 ts.ov 2(1 -9-ftrw 93.3 9?.E,0 R.9F, R.9E, 9.194 2t9 .9 RC 7UTT•fq 9 00 93 .00 93.619 41,5R) (C.E .CV ?It .CX SE,t9.2 30 diT 0 .vig 0 .WL9 o .VC 39 R R 90 YR ,rP ffTific-41- ?19 .1959 0.194 0.69 33 Trftzrr ?19 .194.9 119 .019 woo?

9',X Aft; <, 90. 4-qI r 11$11-15c6 4-161'M

(7T) .srprcti :

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F1 ftWRI 116111505 1-16 NN 4-1411R FOREST DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF flu 3TI4VWdT : Financial Requirement :

ct)I 44)1-f 5171-11 (17— 9 0 d chit - 9 TABLE - I

cfrincmi 30T 196viNicr) 'Iv"-11 el CfrIncr)Ni 96195CO Tfur qff 3Tftr- 0r -ur4 41-Fr cb4 (t4Z-T9I+t) Year Total forest area Forest area in Contribution to F.D.C.M. (Rs. in thousands) in Maharashtra Possesion of F.D. 2406 4406 6406 (in Hect.) C.M. (in Hect.) Agency charges Share Capital Loan Total (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

RooE,-R00(.9 9'0

During 2006-07 Do 432480 11121 11121 Root9-?006

During 2007-08 Do 399011 11121 500 11621


During 2008-09 Do 393992 11121 0 11121 Roos-?090

During 2009-10 Do 393051 11121 0 11121 090-?099 ITO

During 2010-11 Do 393085 11121 500 11621 c,99-Roci?

During 2011-12 Do 393085 32295 33775 ?09?-RocQ 1=Ft

During 2012-13 393085 26177 36485 62662

?09 -R09V

During 2013-14 39305 26177 36485 62662


CY 0- 0 kr 5 Cr 0-Do '59

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Next to area under Agriculture, Forests occupy Major portion of the land in our State. Out of the total area of the state a 'e? the extent of about 59 05% io under Agriculture, whereas the area under Forests is to the extent of 20.80%. Land, Water & Forests are important natural resources, as far as the Agriculture & Forestry are concerned. Forestry is an activity of long-term gestation, whereas, Agriculture crops are purely 'seasonal. Precisely for this reason, considerable importance is attached long-term planning in respect of Forests. In respect of agricultural programme as well as for Industrial development, Forests play an important key role & besides sizeable revenue is also accrued to the State Exchequer from the forests.

2. Forests not only provide the required timber, firewood fuel & other minor forest produce but are also responsible for bringing about a perceptible change in the Micro-climate. Soil & Moisture Conservation & the depth f ‘./a‘er able in th,- area. Forests thereby provide effective protection to the land under Agriculture against hostile micro, climatic conditions & adverse site conditions. Forests not only provide a habitat for varied flora but those also provide the habitat for varied fauna. This special status; of forests in ecological pyramid makes it responsible to restore the ecological balance. Thus, forests play varied roles and their uses are also humorous. Forest perform simultaneously the three functions viz — i) protective, ii) productive and iii) aesthetic. These three functions of the forests are closely related with three the important biological links viz. Forest & Food, Forests & wood and Forests & People.

3. Another significant aspen =spec: of forests is that of Forestry works, which are primarily labour-oriented, Naturally, any developmental works taken up in the Forests area generates increase in employment potential, which in turn ameliorates socio-economic conditions in respect of tribals and Forest dwellers. The protective role, which the forests play in drought prone areas, is of vital importance and needs no further emphasis.

4. , Though 21% of the total area of the.State is categories as Forests, the description of the forests area in the state is neither equitable nor the density of the forests in equitable. Naturally, the productivity varies from region to region and this influence mostly on the goods and services derived from the forests. Out of total forest area in the State, around 60% of the forests are could be considered as productive in varying extent. The remaining forest area plays the protective roles in conserving soil, by arresting soil erosion mainly in the sloppy and hilly areas by arresting erosion and run-off due to vegetal cover.

5. Due to lack of scientific management or due to mismanagement, the area of private forests was rapidly in the process of degradation. In order to prevent further degradation of these privately owned forestlands. Government enacted Maharashtra Private Forests (Acquision) Act 1975. Due to enforcement of this Act, private forests admeasuring 390985 ha. come to be vested with Govt. As Reserved forests, under the provisions of the Indian Forest Act, 1927 on the 30th August 1975.

6. Besides the important roles which the forests play with regard to protection and conservation, the Forests also provide fuel wood, fodder and timber and industrial timber and taking into consideration the ever-increasing demand, it has become exceedingly important to ensure scientific management of the forests, with a view of effect increased production from limited forests area. With regard to the Conservation aspect of the forest, it is imperative to take up large scale afforestation works on the hilly slopes and in the catchments areas of river-valley projects as well as in drought prones areas so as to arrest rate of erosion and siltation of the reservoirs. The aesthetic, value, which the forests have, has also be considered with desired importance.

7. Taking into consideration the various activities which are performed by the Forests Department, the following 10 programmes have been identified as the activities of performance by the Forest Department :

713-2614 - - 2 -

1. Direction and Administration, 2. Research, 3. Extension, Education and Training, 4. Forest Conservation and Development, 5. Plantation Programme, 6. Forests Produce, 7. Communication and Building, 8. Nature Conservation and Wildlife Preservation, 9. Forests Parks and Welfare Activities and 10.Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra Ltd.,

8. As per the modality of formulation of the performance budget the information pertaining to each activity is provided in three sections. First section covers the introduction, second covers the summary of the programme proposed to be taken up and financial requirement and the personnel requirements. The second section has been subdivided in three parts on basis of the i) activity wise, ii) object wise & iii) resource wise classification. The activity wise classification indicates the purpose of expenditure, object wise classification indicates mode method & agency through which the expenditure is proposed to be incurred & resource wise classification indicates the major head of expenditure under which provision has been made duly authorized by the State Legislature.

9. It is an accepted fact that performance budget should not be a photocopy of the evaluation reports. Nevertheless an effort has been made to indicate the performance of the department in respect of above activities with the help of relevant statistical information so as to enable the reader to acquire first hand knowledge regarding working of the department.

10. For implementation of the above activities Government has provided budgetary grants under 'Revenue' Capital Expenditure. In addition, the scope of programme is augmented by security grants under the following programme :-

1. Employment Guarantee Scheme, 2. Drought prone area Programme, 3. Integrated Development of Wasteland Ghats, 4. Integrated Rural Development Programme, 5. Tribal area sub-plan.

The performance of the Forest Department in respect of the above categories programmes has been included in the performance budget of the respective department.


The Government has sanctioned the working plan for every Forest Division according to which the activities pertaining to the Management, Conservation, Protection and Development of Forests are carried out in each Forests Division. The works prescribed by the Working Plan during 2003-04, like Silvicultural and Natural regeneration, Plantation thinning etc., harvesting of Forests, maintenance of timber depot, forest protection, demarcation and also the expenditure incurred in the officers and staff are carried out from the non-plan provisions made in the advance budget. The works mentioned above are classified under different programme which are given as follows :

1. DIRECTION AND ADMINSTRATION : All activities under plan or non-plan executed by the Forests Department are controlled, directed and administrated by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Maharashtra State, Nagpur through the territorial Chief Conservator of Forests and Officers specially appointed .for Forests, Research, Wildlife, Working Plan, Nationalisation and Evaluation. All Non-plan expenditure of the office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Territorial Conservator of - 3 -

Forests and Chief Forest Statistician is booked under this head of expenditure in addition to the plan provision. The preface in programme-1 may be referred to in this regard.

2. RESEARCH : The activities under Forest Research are continued under the guidance of the Chief Conservator of Forests, Research from the non-plan provision. The management of different research centers, field trials of new species, improvement in the technique of artificial regeneration and . natural regeneration etc., are the items included in this programme. The preface in programme-2 may be referred in this regard.

3. EXTENSION, EDUCATION AND TRAINING : The trained persons are essential for the implementation of various development activities in the Forest Department. The management of training school at Pal and Shahapur established prior to VII plan and importing training to Foresters and Forest Guards as well as the activity of Refreshers courses are the activities charged against the non-plan provision. The preface in programme-2 may referred to in this regard.

4. FOREST CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT : The Dy. Conservator of Forests, Divisional Forest Officer are working at division level under the direction of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Territorial Chief Conservator of Forests. The works of Forest Protection, Forests Survey and Demarcation and Development Scheme are carried out under the guidance of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and territorial Conservator of Forests. The information regarding forest protection is as given below. The problem of illicit cutting of trees and illicit transport of Forests material has become a grave one. The state of affairs in respect of forest protection, especially, in Thane, Kolhapur, Yavatmal, Nagpur, Pune, Nashik, Amravati and has become a matter of great concern. The routes and important check posts are required to be kept under intensive surveillance through which illicit forest produce is like to be transported. In order to fulfil, these requirements, Government has sanctioned to established 22 check nakas with 3 forest guards on each Naka in the year 1985-86.

4.1 Out of 332 checking nakas, 36 nakas are now working round the clock. It has also been noticed that unsocial elements and orgainised gangs are involved in illicit cutting a inter sate border. In order to keep strict vigilance over illegal activities of Forests Criminals and to communicate, the information of their illegal activities to the Forest Officers promptly. The Government has sanctioned telecommunication systems. 4.1 (2) Telephone system proved to be very convenient to Forest Officers as well as Police Officer to round up and arrest the offenders and seize the vehicles involved in such offences red handed i.e. while the offence being committed. 4.2 In order to curb the activities of offenders and organized gangs, round the clock patrolling is essential. It is also observed that the Forest Offenders and organized gangs to transport illicit cut forest produce are using fast moving vehicles. The combat this menace a decision has been taken by the Government to provide jeeps to the R.F.O.'s of Pune, Bhamragad, Dahanu & Shahapur Divisions in addition to Mobile Squad, R.F.O. of Sawantwadi and Kolhapur Divisions. 4.3 Saw mill is also an important unit in Forest Protection. Control over saw amending the Bombay Forest Rules of 1942 has further strengthened mills. 4.3.2 As per section 6 of Maharashtra Forest Development Tax Act, 1983. Tax recovered is first remitted to the consolidated Fund. The Government places amount of tax recovered at the disposal of Forests Department after deducting the amount spent for recovery of such tax. The main object of the scheme is to utilise, these funds for forestry works, afforestation or Forest Development programme or any programme supporting these works as well as the development of poor and downtrodden people residing in Forest or people who are depending on forest produce for their livelihood. - 4 -

5. PLANTATION PROGRAMME : Maintenance of schemes completed during VII Five Year Plan & Staff sanctioned thereof is included in this programme under non-plan budget. Therefore, provision for a plantation activity is share under plan and non-plan budgets vide introduction programme-5.

6. FOREST PRODUCE : This programme includes the exploitation of Timber, Firewood etc., from forests as per the prescriptions of working plan. Exploitation work is either done through Government Agency or through F.C.S. is primer in establishing such F.L.C.S. vide introduction to Programme-6.

7. COMMUNICATION & BUILDING : Forest Department under take the Construction works of Building and Roads in Forests Areas required for the management of Forests.

The main object of this programme is to maintain the existing roads and building as well as to undertake new constructions for this purpose on independent Engineering branch has been created in Forest Department. Details are given in the introduction to Programme-7.

8. NATURE CONSERVATION & WILDLIFE PRESERVATION : It is essential, for the Welfare of mankind to protect the rate species of Wildlife which are important from Biological point of view.

It is therefore, imperative to establish National parks sanctuaries for the Development of Wildlife according to the Scientific Management Practices. Since the Wildlife precious National Wealth the stress has been given in this programme to develop their shelter and for protection, Conservation and Development of Wildlife.

9. FORESTS, FOREST PARKS & WELFARE ACTIVITIES : The maintenance of Forests Parks and Tourism Complexes established for tourists during VIllth Five Year Plan period is done from non-plan budget. This non-plan activity is primarily implemented to conserve parks and amenities provided therein. The staff required for this work is included in the programme vides introduction to programme-9.



A provision of Rs. 25.00 lakhs was made for the year 2013-14 for Development of Forest Research Centres established at Lohara in Chandrapur Distt. Hemalkasa in Gadchiroli Distt. & Kamare in during sanction Budget for Rs. 75.00 lakh & Proposed for 2013-14 is Rs.25.00 lakhs..


Training of personal trained officers and R.F.O.'s are required for the implementation of Forestry Development works and Forest Management. Rs. 1129.36 lakhs is sanctioned for during 2012-13 for their training programme.proposed the Budget for the year 2013-14 is Rs.953.16 lakh.


Demarcation of the Forests areas is very necessary and important so that Forest Boundary is known to every body including the forest subordinates in the field. The tendency to encroach upon the forestland is increasing because of growing population and land hunger especially where there is no demarcation of forest boundaries. Areas of Protected Forests, Unclassed Forest & Acquired Private Forests are not yet well demarcated. Prosecution cases of valuable forest land unauthorised constructions, mining and illegal sales of land in areas - 5 - adjoining to Murnbai, Thane and Pune Municipal limit have been lodged in different courts involving huge expenditure and wastage of time. Forest land and the forest standing on it is worth crores of rupees.' A time bond programme survey, settlement and deMarcation for protection and conservation of such valuable Government property is under implementation. Forest areas, on complete demarcation, survey and demarcation of the private forests acquired by the Government sanctioned Budget for 2013-13 Rs.5.00 lakh. & peoposed Budget for Rs.05.00 lakh for the year 2013-14. 3.1 AFFORESTATION FOR SOIL CONSERVATION IN SPECIAL AREAS : This scheme is implemented in the catchment areas in main River Valley Project depending upon the intensity and gravity of the erosion. In the year 2012-13 the provision for non-tribal tribal areas was Rs. 3358.83 lakhs and Tribal area ,Rs. -Nil- lakhs respectively. During 2013-14 the provision of Rs. 3904..48 lakhs is made for non-tribal area and Rs. Nil lakhs for tribal area.


This scheme also deleted from District Plan from the year 2010-11

3.3 FOREST PROTECTION : Under the state plan & District plan scheme The existing measures such as development of mobile squads are not sufficient to protect forests from illicit cutting, unauthorized transport of forest produce, forest fires etc., during 2012-13 an amount of Rs. 854.00 lakhs has been sanctioned by the Government for various protective measures under this scheme viz. creation of staff for checking Saw mills, Installation of telephones in Range Offices, Establishment of check posts, providing Jeeps to R.F.O.'s creation vigilance cell etc. In addition to this, modern fire fighting project is being undertaken by Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra Ltd., Nagpur for protecting forests areas from the fire by applying modern technique in . amount of Rs. 796.30 lakhs proposed for the year 2013-14 . 4.0 PLANTATION SCHEME : ESTABLISHMENT OF CENTRAL NURSERY : For successful implementation of any plantation programme availability of well green planting stock prerequisite. The existing nurseries would not be also to satisfy the plantation requirements. It is, therefore, proposed to maintain and expand existing nurseries during the year 2012-13. An amount of Rs. 613.39 lakhs the trible has been sanctioned for the purpose for nurseries under tribal and non-tribal.proposed Budget Rs.674.73 lakh for the year 2013-14


With a view to involve poor and unemployed persons in productive activity, Government during 1981-82 sanctioned this scheme. Willing landless and unemployed local inhabitants were selected under this scheme as beneficiaries. However, the response from local populace was not encouraging and it was decided not to select any new beneficiary than 1984-85 onwards. Provision for maintenance work only has been proposed during 2012-13 i.e. Rs. 3672.50 lakhs and proposed Budget Rs.4039.75 lakh. 4.2 PLANTATION OF FOREST SPECIES FOR INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL USES :

The present annual production of Industrial and Commercial wood from the forest fall short of the present annual consumption. It is, therefore, proposed to expand this activity by undertaking plantation over additional area; with this object in view, it has been proposed to have pre-monsoon works in non-tribal areas within the sanction outlay of Rs. 247.89 lakhs during 2008-09 and outlay of Rs. 133.06 lakhs is proposed under tribal sub plan. It is proposed to take up plantation during 2009-10 for which an outlay of Rs. 00.00 lakhs has been provided for non- tribal area Rs. 154.65 lakh for tribal area and the total provision during 2009-10 is Rs. 154.65 lakhs.

- 6 -


As directed by the Hon. Prime Minister, the Government of has decided to take up an over of 60000 ha. for the afforestation of the degraded forests. Out of this 40000 ha. area would be tackled by F.L.C.S. As a part of this scheme a provision of Rs. 1600.00 lakhs for the year 2012-13 It is proposed to take up plantation during 2013-14 for Rs. 1000.61 lakh has been provided for non-tribal area . 5. FOREST PRODUCTION :


This scheme consists of establishing firewood depots and sale of fuel to curb the destruction of forests done by the rural and urban population by head loads.


This scheme deleted for the year 2010-11.


The construction of forest roads is prerequisite for better forest management and utilization. The total length of the forest roads is 12000 km. The present road density in forest areas of the state is only 0.16 km / The activity of road construction is therefore taken up in such a manner that the density would be 0.7 km / sq. km. and 1 km / sq. km. in plans and hilly regions respectively.

For the year 2012-13 a provision of Rs.1204.91Iakhs has been sanctioned by government for non tribal areas for development and tribal area for metalling, C.D. works and construction of walls etc. and it is proposed to take up maintenance of road during the year 2013-14. Rs.1325.40 lakhs for non-tribal plan .


Forest subordinates who are required to stay in the interior areas do not find suitable accommodation for their stay. Similarly it of the forest officers are located in the rented building. In order to solve this problem, it is proposed to under take construction programme under this scheme. For the year 2012-13 a provision of Rs.800.00 lakhs has been proposed for the year 2013-14 Rs.325.00 lakh part completion of the existing buildings as well as to undertake new construction work.


In this programme different works conductive to wildlife preservation & protection are executed in different National Parks & Wildlife Sanctuaries and also in the Tiger Project in Project in Melghat area which has been a sponsored by the Govt. of India. Budget provision district plan and state plan Rs.3050.00 and propoeds for 2013-14 Rs.3431.80 Lak


During 2012-13 it is proposed to provide Tourism, fascilities in & outside protected areas, the sanctioned outlay of Rs. 5988.80 lakhs are included in the budget. A provision of Rs. 5260.63 lakhs sanctioned for first during 2013-14. - 7 -


In the year 1974 Government of Maharashtra established FDCM for converting potentially productive forest areas but having less valuable species into productive forests. Share capital of the FDCM was Rs.35 crores. The Government earmarked 4529.59 Sq. Km. forests area to the Corporation. According to the programme, corporation was carrying out teak plantation over an area of about 10000 ha. annually, for which NABARD had sanctioned a project for grant of loan. This was continued upto the rains of 1986-87. However, this project had to be discontinued because the Government of Maharashtra stopped the clear felling activity of the Corporation. Now the corporation is participating in Government programme of Massive afforestation by taking up area of 51000 ha. annually. The efforts are being made to procure 'institutional finance for this project. The Government participation in the form of equity will have to be arranged. Budget provision for equity share capital for the year 2012-13 Rs.5.00 lakh & proposed for Rs.5.00 lakh - 8 -



Forests play an important role in maintaining the environmental balance and hence it is exceedingly essential to manage the forest areas on scientific lines. The scientific management of the forest is carried out by Government though its department of forest. The forests are managed in such a manner that this natural resource remains intact. The department has to pay a special attention while managing the affairs of the forests taking into consideration the different tree species growing in the forests area, different species of fauna for which the forests constitute the habitat and hence the conservation on scientific lines has to be attained. The department has also to perform the special functions pertaining to foret production and forest protection. The total area under forests in Maharashtra State is around 64,000 To manage such as extensive forest areas on scientific lines, there is a specific administrative organisation of the Department. The details of which are given in the Table under caption "Establishment".

In Maharashtra State, the Head of the Forest Organization is the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, and there are two Officer of the rank of the Chief Conservator of Forests, who assist him in formulating the policy proposals regarding 'Forest Protection' and 'Forest Conservation'. At the regional level, there are 11 territorial Forest Circles, which are headed by an Officer of the rank of Conservator of Forests. In each territorial forest circle, there are 4 to 6 territorial Forest Divisions, each of which headed by an officer of the rank of Deputy Conservator of Forests. In each Forest Division under the control of the Deputy Conservator of Forests, there are Range Forest Officer, Foresters and Forest Guards for different forest areas under their respective jurisdiction. Besides, in order to facilitate the Deputy Conservator of Forests to carry out his administrative and execute functions smoothly under each Deputy Conservator of Forests, there are 3 to 4 officers of the rank of Assistant Conservator(s) of Forests.

Taking into consideration the enormous workload of the Department and to ensure that the Forest administration is carried out in an orderly manner, information pertaining to various forest activities is required to be complied at different levels? Complied this information and to draw inferences on basis of the information complied so as to enable the department to decide whether any basic change(s) in the Forest Management are desired or otherwise, there is a separate wing called the "Forest Statistics Cell" which functions under the control of the Chief Forest Statistician. This cell performs the functions pertaining to survey of forest resources, their comparative studies, evaluation of the statistical designs, review of the results of the statistical experiments and their analysis.

Out of the total forest area in the state, a sizeable forest area has become devoid of any vegetal cover, due to excessive grazing and unauthorised fellings. Naturally, in order to reclothe these barren forest areas with vegetal cover an ambitious prtgramme of raising plantations has been taken up by the Forest Department under various plan schemes. These plantation programmes are evaluated in the proper manner by evaluation cell, which is headed by an officer of the rank of Conservator of Forests, Evaluation. He is assisted in the evaluation work by 6 officers of the rank of Dy. Conservator of Forests of forests.

In order to ensure scientific management of the forests areas, for each Fordst Division, Working Plan has to be formulated. The working plan prescribes the systems of forest management which are to be technically sound and which would promote Conservator of Forests and while prescribing the forests management systems, the needs of the rural populace are given paramount consideration. The details as to which specific works are to be carried out in the given forest area are also elaborately prescribed in the Working Plan document. An officer of the rank of Deputy Conservator of Forests accomplishes the work of formulation for the Working Plan. They are offered requisite technical guidance and their work of formulation of Working Plan is monitored by an officer of the rank of Conservator of Forests and is designated as Conservator of Forests Working Plan. The existence of forests and wildlife is essential to maintain the environmental balance. In orcer to ensure management of viillolife on scientific lines as well as to create congenial conditionsfor multiplication of wildlife species, which are on the beige of extinction, natural parks and vvildirfe sanctuaries are reeled. In Maharashtra State theta are in all 5 National Parks, 35 Wildlife Sanctuaries and 3 Game reserves. To manage thuse National Parks- and Wildlife Saitrtut-ri-ics ch scientific, iines, there iS a separate wildlife. organization ia tne State, headed by an • officer. of the rank of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildl:fe). Ho is assisted in this task by otters of the rank of Conservator of Forest,. Deput t, Conisierwiter of Forests(s) and the or Forests.

The Forest Deoartment credits sizeable revenue to State exchequer by sale of timber and fir EiCACIT!Orl, Goi-1;:jriE:;rzble,;•ver- -iue is aise teaiizec.i by sale of minor forest i)r-ocittee. Out r-,f zeta, reventie 6rat is reaiiserd isaie of minor forest hettiiliicc teadir iftiave constitutes rnarol soai-eie, wnicet is re pa for giving revenue to the Grate, exchequer Censequent to tne enact,tirieri. tne IvIraaarasiatra Minor Forest Produce (Regulation Or rtrii:,le)- 19-ii9 in the entire. State of iVaitaiashtra. Saie of tendu leaves is conducted by the State Government._ In rvianaresittra State the eaetiii eicii..;00!1 Cf tendu leaves is to the extent of 7 tojS Clh standard oage and as each. in circle, to regulate the frattle of ti ..'-'0dUC,r; with clesiied etfy, higher responsibility is irvolved and hence aacidi officer of rank of the Chief Conservatar 7.7:orests has crab appointed for the same.

The Chief Con er n, n (Policy. Tech-lc:logy Strategic Plariiiirig> oversees the no: KS of or at'fing policy as per national coordinating policy arid planning, preparing forestry proiect,•sind polio) arid firiz:tairial iSSUeS, as per criariging needs, contacting ya:hit SOW:3 IN(,1!7..;-nriE.- ..:nt- organisations, co-operative sooie,ties and private undertakings, et,iel:io iit....[E,lsoni publicsity treinirio rented works Crliryind out strategic planning and corroutensittion, amending ti.trart•st mar:iiaui.s developing management information systems; touririg tne teircie.ti for i•Ispoctions for 7:',:,Upiz,.:"viscig and mcicitoinng pier and non plea vti:onas. He also woos :sea b. sty committee and supervises the StEi'd3Tic2i wings of the eepaittitment.

2. FOREST q±: 1,111:

Forest constitutas :around 217, of the total geographical L-ii•ea of our Sate However, this forest area is not continuous not congroous whereby there is sizeable difference in the piocuctivitv or the.r forestry- area in ditfei-ent keivenue Divisions of the state. Out of total forest area in the state, _only 60P/ of the forest area could be considered as productive potential in varying extent. !ft crdnr to incicase the productivity of the forest areas, there is a direct need to evolve ways and means and also ti.) ensure that oOmunti production is from natural and man made forests. Preciously for cos masons it is essential to determine which particular forest species could be planted in an economical manner in panicular type of area, what should be optimum spacer in the plantations, what specific care needs to be taken in raising nursery saplings of different forest species, what exactly is the water requirement of samplings of different species in the nursery stage in different periods, what specific measures are required to be different periods, vti.hat spechio measures are required to he ttaken to ensure vigorous growth of the sampiings planed in the plantation areas etc. and these various problems could he sorted out only by tiridert:e7ikino an in depth research Recognising this need to conduct an in depth rese,arch intr.) t:]'S:2; vary area a separate wing cailed s a "Research Wing- hos been eist•aolisheo in tie Department when is litetaideci by an ofticer of the rank of Conservator of Forests. r his wing undertakes different field trials & experiments pertaining to different research problems and the finding of the research field triers and e,(periments are informed to the field officers. 1- he research wing also undertakes fundamental research by taking up experiments to tne exact impact of forests in arresting soil erosion, the impact of forests on recharging geTiiiiivi identification of the fungus and insect attacks on different tree species in the foroat cire:as ano oeteimination or the damage caused cv these eiements. All these problems reotilie an ini-deolh and prolonged research. ifhe research Wing also maintains a close liaison vvith i Acitichitere Universities in q-K, state as weli as :with the Forest Research institute, Detirainun eri Foi•,nee: azetiiearoia, institute located in oiiiierent states. The research organisation - to - also exchanges the inferences / findings drawn at the end of various research experiments with these Research Institutes. There are in all 31 forestry Research Centres in the State, which undertake the work of forestry research. A high level committee of Senior Forest Officers finalized the quinquennial research programmes which are to be undertaken by the research organization.


Education and training is an important programme of the Forest Department Trained technical personal of gazetted and non-gazetted cadre are required to be posted on various posts of Forest Department. The Forest Guards are being trained at Shahapur and Jalna and the Foresters are being trained at Pal. The Range Forest Officers are trained at Dehr Dun, Koimtore, Chikhaldara and Chandrapur. The officers of state Forest Service are trained at Burnihat in Assam and Coimbtore in Tamilnadu. The officers of the Indian Forest Service are trained at Dehra Dun. In Service training the subject of Wildlife Management is being imparted to the officers at Wildlife Institute at Dehra Dun. The ministerial staff is being trained at Shahapur. In addition to this, the officers are given opportunities for trained abroad under various international aids.

The officers are sent for refresher courses at Soil and Moisture Conservation institute at Dehra Dun and Soil and Land Survey Institute at Nagpur.

The Forest area in the state constitutes to 31% of the total geographical area and hence the scarcity of timber and fuel wood is felt. The prices of these commodities are increased every year. Due to the scarcity and increasing prices of these commodities the open forest resources are prone to illicit cutting and illicit transporting the same. Though the forest personnel are vigilant against these Malpractices, the antisocial elements have established orcianized poaching practices with the help of improved arms and fast moving vehicles. The scheme for imparting police training to forest personnel is being implemented for the effective control of the organized forest offence practices. The Range Forest Officer is toned at the Police College at Nashik and the Foresters and Forest Guards are trained at Jalna Police School, Training of 1-12.:-ioling and successful use of 12 bore pump action gun was imparted to the staff of wildlife wing at gun carriage factory Jabalpur in 2002-03.


Since forests play an important role in maintaining the ecological balance, the protection and conservation of these forests are of vital importances. This natural resource needs to be protected from the adverse effects of three basic factors viz. Human beings, live-stock and forest fires. Due to intensive grazing in the forest areas by the livestock, the natural regeneration of any forest tree species is a distinct possibility. Besides, due to persistent encroachment on forest areas for purpose of agriculture the forest area has strunk to a sizeable extent. Besides, organized illicit felling in the forest areas has almost become an unsorroundable problem. In order to counter-check incidences of organized forest offices, Mobile,.Squads have been established in each of the territorial division of the state. Nevertheless, due to ever increasing demand for the forest produce in market, there is an increase in the incidence of the organized forest officers which cannot be effectively abated by these Mobile Squads. Hence establishment of Wireless Communication system in the Forest Divisions which are more prone to the incidence of illicit felling, supply of fast-moving vehicles, supply of arms, so as to counter-check the organized forest offenders is under consideration. The time reason for encroachment on forestlands for purpose of agriculture is that the forest boundaries are not well delineated. To remove this deficienced, a time bound programme of survey, settlement and demarcation of the forest boundaries is on the anvil. Consequent to proper delineation and demarcation of the forest boundaries, the incidences of encroachment on forestland for purpose of agriculture could not be considerable minimized. In the forest areas where the density of the forest crop is low, efforts are made to increase the density by taking up plantation programme wherein appropriate species are raised. The pre-requisite for successful plantation is availability of well-grown planting stock. As such, large number of saplings of teak, bamboo and other tree species are grown in the forest nurseries in the state.

In order to minimize the damage to the forest areas due to forest fires, a specific project viz. Modern Forest Fire Control Project is under implementation in the State since 1984. Forest areas are protected from forest fires with the use of modern forest fire control equipments and technique. Presently, the operational areas of the Project are restricted to Chandrapur district. It is proposed to extend the cope of the project in other forest areas in adjoining forest circles in near future.

To ensure management of forest is done on a scientific basis by two working plan circles namely Nagpur and Pune. The traditional method of preparing Working Plans has been changed and presently modern technologies like remote sensing ,and work of classifications of tree density through use of satellite image processing being employed to prepare working plans. Maps of different scales, such as 1:5000, 1:50000, 4" = 1 mile and 16" = 1 mile, obtained from the Survey of India are also utilised for preparation of working plans. In order to ensure higher efficacy in the evaluation work and also to ensure efficient Forest administration in the state, it is proposed to strengthen the existing Evaluation unit as well as to create an Audit and Accounts Cell, a Confidential Cell, a Pension cell etc. in office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests. Presently, as per the provisions under the Forest (Conservsation) Act, 1980 whenever any forest area is required for any non-forest purposes, specific proposals are required to be submitted to Government of India for their approval, Presently, there is a small cell in the office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, which handless processing of these proposals. However, to enable this cell to pursue and monitor the proposals in a more vigorous manner, it is proposed to strengthen the existing cell. In addition, as proposed earlier a Land Record cell has been created in the office of PCCF, Nagpur. So as to ensure that the relevant records pertaining to forest areas would be maintained and updated in a proper manner.


INTRODUCTION : The Forest area under the control of Government of Maharashtra is nearly twenty one percent of the total geographical area on the state, according to forest area mentioned in elsewhere, which is very less than the minimum percentage mentioned in National Forest Policy which is 33%. It is a fact that the large parts of Forests Lands in the State are in a state of deterouration. Therefore, rehabilitation of degraded lands by afforestation has assumed utmost urgency. To copy with this problem, various plantation schemes are being implemented in the Forest Department. Out of which some important plantation schemes are mentioned below :

1. AFFORESTATION FOR SOIL CONSERVATION : The object of the scheme is to arrest the soil and moisture by afforestation so as to increase the ground water able and redeem the degraded area. Siltations is one of the reasons behind decrease in irrigation potential of Major Irrigation dams in the state and to arrest the siltations, it is necessary to increase the tree density of the catchments areas of such irrigation dams under the Soil Conservation sector. Government of India provides 100% Central Assistance to the scheme of afforestatidn and Soil Conservation in the catchment areas of Interstate River Valley ProjectsPresently, the catchment areas of the interstate RVPs, such as Poachampad, Nagarjunsagar, Nijamsagar, Ukai and Damanganga are being treated under this scheme.


There exists a vide gap between demand and supply of fodder resources as the number of domestic cattles is more that the forests areas available for grazing to them and when leads to overgrazing of forests and hardening of soil which ultimately affects the regeneration. To avoid this, it is necessary to increase the production of abddre by undertaking intensive development and improvement existing grass lands and kurans, so also steps should be taken up for starting up the practice of stall feeding the domestic cattles by convincing the people. Under this scheme, the forestland, which is not suitable for timber species, is utilized for rasing up of various species of grasses and legumes. It is proposed to take up development of fodder resources this year also. DEVELOPMENT OF MINOR FOREST PRODUCE :

In the state of Maharashtra, minor forest produce; such .as baraono, drass e , gum and tendu leave etc. is amply available and has a 'potential for developae,rit {.!nicer scneme, minor forest produce yielding species are raised. One of the important minor forests producing species is tendu, as the tendu leaves are used in manufacturing of bids. which is source of considerable revenue for state. Under. Maharashtra Minor Forest Pi-oduce (Regulation of Trade in Tendu Leaves) Rules, 1969 'Government have all rights regarding . trade in Tendu Leaves. In view of employment generation the work of tendu leaves collection, classification and this transport is very important. ••• 1. SCHEME FOR RAISING PLANTATION OF FORESTS SPECIES FOR INDUSTRIAL. & COMMERCIAL USES :

The present annual production of industrial and commercial ,lucid from the forest fails short of the present annual consumption. Some industries require wood of specific species as a raw material for their finished produce, but in adequate supply of this rev' material has affected concerned industries very badly. To abridge the gap between supply & demand of forests based raw materials. it is proposed to undertake the plantation of industrially and commercially useful species.


An ambitious programme of taking up of afforestation work over extensive area in the state has been launched since 1987. Under this scheme, suitable species for specific forest areas are raised.


Forest area in Maharashtra State is only about 21% of geographical area of the State Even then, demands for forest area for various schemes of other departments like Hyde electric Projects, Percolation Tanks: Roads; and Constructions etc. are raised. Therefore, Government of India enacted Forest Conservation Act 1980. Approval of the Govt. of India is necessary for the transife of forestland for non-forestry purpose under this Act. Govt. of India stipulates conditions for compensatory afforestation with the funds from project agency in exchange on the non-forest area equal to the forest area to be transferred and such afforested area is notified as Reserved/Protected Forests. In case non-forest area are required a compensatory afforestation is riot available then such afforestations is carried out on double the degraded forest area with the funds recovered from the concerned Project Agency.



Although 21% of total geographical area of State of Maharashtra has been notified as forest area. Out of this only 60% area is more or less productive and large revenue is received from sale of timber, firewood and M.F.P. produced from this area.

The exploitation of timber and firewood is carried out through two different agencies (1) Government, Forest Labourer Co-operative Societies. Exploitation operation includes felling of timber and firewood trees, across cutting logging extraction and transport to sale depot. Both the agencies carry out these operations by following modern techniques and using modern logging equipment and tools. One this is to be specifically mentioned here that the harvesting of forest through Contractors has been completely stopped and now it is carried out through above mentioned two agencies. Forest Labourers Co-operative Societies gets the share of not profit earned from the sale of Timber and Firewood for the areas worked by them which indirectly help uplifting the economic .status of its members.

The entire forest area is divided into felling series compartment and coupes. A detailed work plan based on scientific principles is prepared for the conservation and development of forests and the coupes are exploited every year as per the prescriptions of work plan. In spite of this Central Forestry Board had decided to impose certain restrictions of felling of trees to maintain encroachment balance. It was communicated citing the reference the joint meeting of the Forest Secretaries and Chief Conservator of Forests of all States held in may, 88 that no forest exploitation should be undertaken where the period ot Working Plan was over which ultimately resulted in discontinuation of exploitation work over 70% Forests area whose work plans period was over, till the new work plans are made applicable. Due to the above mentioned decision there will be a considerable set back to Revenue carried by the Department and ultimately to the State exchequer due to non-availability of timber and fire wood from this area.

Production of Minor Forest Produce :

Nationalised Forest Produce :- As per the provision of Maharashtra Minor Forest Produce (Regulation of trade in Tendu Leaves) Rules 1969. the State Government has a monopoly right in the trade of Tendu and Apta Leaves Under this rule, for disposal of tendu and apta !eaves, units are formed as per geographical area. In the year 1983, a total of 739 units had been constituted in Maharashtra for cl:sposal of tendu leaves. Out of these, all the units in Kolhapur and Pune circles being permanently declared as unproductive. Presently 699 units in 9 circles are kept for sale. The notified yield of these units is 8 lakh bags standard bags and an annual revenue of Rs 40 crores accrues to the Government from sale of these units. Out of the 11 forest circle, apta !eaves units are formed in the 5 forest circle of the Kolhapur. Pune, Thane. Nasik and Dhule, but due lack of demand, the annual revenue obtained form these units is between 1 and 3 lakhs Disposal of tendu leaves is carried out on the basis of 'modified lumpsum method'. For disposal ot tendu and apta leaves units, sealed bids, quoting lumps( im amounts are invited by placing advertisement in newspapers, toward collection rights of tendu and apta leaves. Bids of these contractors offering optimum prices, are accepted. The minimum collection charges for collection of tendu and apta leaves is decided at the government level Expenditure incurred towards the collection, transportation, and storage etc. of tendu and apta leaves are requires to be borne by the contractor himself.

Minor Forest Produce As per provision laid down in the Maharashtra transfer of ownership of Minor Forest Produce in the Scheduled Areas and the Maharashtra Minor Forest Produce {Regulation of trade} {Amendment} Act 1997, ownership right on 33 types of minor forest produce (hada, gum, tamarind, shikakai etc) found in public land (excluding National Parks and Sanctuaries) of Scheduled Areas shall vest on the Gram Panchayat under whose jurisdiction • such area falls. The Maharashtra State Cooperative Tribal Development Corporation (MSCTDC) is authorised to purchase and sell the above minor forest produce by the Water Conservation and Rural Development Department. The royalty of such minor forest produce is fixed Ca), Rs 5/- per quintal vide Govt. no. PRAJ — 2001/C.R. 43 (06)/PRA-2 dated 29/10/2002 and it is binding on MSCTDC to pay this amount to the concerned Gram Panchayat.

All minor forest produces other than the nationalised forest produce (excluding notified minor forest produce occurring in the scheduled areas) is disposed off at the forest divisional level by public auction. The Gram Panchayat and cooperative societies are given preference in such sales. But in OTSP areas, collection of notified 33 minor forest produce is done through MSCTDC. For collection of such minor forest produce, the local villagers are paid adequate wages by the MSCTDC. - 14 -



Forests area largely confined to inaccessible area in Maharashtra. It is obviously a matter of hazarded that is difficult for the Adiwasi populace in these inaccessible areas to commute from their numerous jobs for wants of good roads. They are also deprived of the modern means of easy communication and Transport facilities. Apart from this, there is also a constant need for haulage of Forest Produce, produced by Government agencies in these in accessible forest areas to be transported to the Sale Depots. Creation of Roads by Forest Department in the past has proved been for the public transport vehicles in this context. ,The National Agricultural Commission has already prescribed the norms for optimum quantum of length of roads for such inaccessible.terrains in the country. As per these recommendations, they have prescribed a length of minimum 1 km for sq. km. of level and plan forests areas and 0.75 km. road for 1 Sqkm. undulating forest lands etc. and likewise. In contract with these recommendations, there is still along need to create more roads in the forest areas.


There is always a dearth of residential facility for the Forest subordinates whose headquarters are located inside the inaccessible forest because basically the habitation is very spare in the annaccepssible tracts of forests. Resultantly, such forest subordinates are put to embarrassing situations for want of residential quarters in such forest and are benefit of harmonious family life and peace of mind. It is obligatory for the Government to provide the residential facility free of rent and cost, to the non-gazetted subordinates of the Forests Department as per the basic service condition of the Forests Department. Though Forest Department had taken up a programme of construction of residential buildings for the forest subordinates, it is still very scanty to provide for 14000 forest subordinates who are entitled to rent-free quarters. Up till new residential quarters are provided to only 3850 Forest subordinates only. It is, therefore, necessary that adequate financial provision be made for construction of residential buildings for the Forest subordinates. It has, therefore, been proposed to take up ambition programme of construction of residential buildings for the forest subordinates in the VIllth Five-Year Plan. Equality there is also need to construct office building proportional is along with the construction of residential buildings too to house the forest offices in these interior forest areas. Presently most of Forest Officers are located in the rented private buildings only, which coats Government surplus outlay of about Rs.-Nil- lakhs for this purpose. The ambitious th programme of constructions of administrative buildings is, therefore, sine-quanon in the Vlll five- year Plan proposals.

Besides this, a big self contained adlnistrative building is proposed on priority to be constructed at Nagpur for accommodation the office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and the offices of the various ancillary officers under Principal Chief Conservator of Forests office, which are part and parcel of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests office due to the shifting of age-old office from Pune to Nagpur in April 1987. The proposal is, therefore, included in this draft Vlllth five:year Plan.

The State Government have established 'Project Tigers and at Melghat in 1973 with the initiative by the Government of India (G01) for preservation of Tiger which was a threatened species then. The Melghat Tiger Sanctuary and Gugamal N.P. has been established in Project Tiger area and it is under scientific management covering all the aspects of lifestyle of Tiger and its associates project Tiger, Melghat is headed by an officer, who is from the, rank of the Conservator of Forests and is designated as Field Director. 2 Deputy Director, 1 Research Officer and other subordinate staff assist him. -15- -


An organisation has been established for nature Conservation and Wildlife preservation under this programme. This organization formulated development schemes for N.P. Sanctuaries and Forest Parks and it other implements and afford guidance in respect of the Wildlife Preservation Act, 1972 and Management of these areas. This organisation headed by The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) and following officers' works under him. 2 CCF (Wildlife), 1 CF (Wildlife), 2 CF and Field Directors of Project Tiger, 13 Dy. CF (Wildlife). Further assisted by Assistant Conservator of Forest and Range Forest Officer and other staff in wildlife.


The work of Forest Department is labour oriented and hence large number of labourers are engaged on various works in the forest department. The department is aware that the labour must be provided with changeable atmosphere by creating infrastructure for better working conditions. The labour welfare programme includes constructions of small dams. Plantations tanks, wells, labour sheds, roads, huts etc. The Forest labourers are provided medical facilities by establishing dispensaries in the interior forest area. In addition to this mobile dispensaries have been provided to the labourers for better health. The table showing facilities provided to the forest labourers till the year 1989-90. Sr. No. Particular of works Nos 1. Wells 160 2. Lakes 8 3. Small dams 34 4. Labour sheds 97 5.. Cultural halls 15 6. Tube Wells 4 L 7. Mobile dispensaries 6


The total revenue per hector per annum from our forests is fail, low primarily, because of past exploitation and lack of adequate investment of lead to improve productivity of stands, both qualitative and quantitative. The low production revenue does not reflect the inherent increpacity of the productive forest site but failure to made adequate investment convey present mixed stands of low value on good sites to fully stocked stands of valuable species and complitentary development of forest communication, improved logging. Quick conversation of large areas of potentially productive forests in the state to stand of economic timber and industrial wood alone would lead the multiple revenue within two decades.

Financial constraints of funds on sustained term basic intensive jurisdiction and normal development procedure have been handicapped in intensive management envisaged. It is indeed ill advised to stagnate the forest capital and keep forests sites unproductive where forests can certainly be a commercial enterprise yielding fair dividents and motivated by economic considerations. Extensive forest areas are available in the state for intensive development.

The Forest Development Board was, therefore, established in March 1969. The board had undertaken felling, plantation, sale of produce and all other forestry activities in compact block of mainly miscellaneous forests and their conversion within the shortest period possible into valuable stand yielding high returns. Further, it has adopted measures for the industrial utilization of the available forest resources in an integrated manner, promoted skills and widened he avenues of employment in forests.

Initially the activities of the board were confined to four units each covering an area to 24000 to 30000 ha. approximately 1)Nagpur, 2) Bhandara, 3) West Chada, 4) Central Chanda -16-

Forest Divisions. As a further step, Forest Development Corporation Maharashtra State, has been constituted to effectively implement and expand the Development Programme. Originally the envisaged under the Forest Development Board. The activities of the Forest Development Board along with staff have been 'merged with the corporation from 251h,October 1974.

The VVorld Food Programme Project has been transferred to the F.D C.M. with effect from 25th October 1974.

Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra is a Government enterprise and share capital loan annually contributed by the GovernmeeL to this corporation.

However, the main activity of plantation as per oric41naily project has been sopped due to stop paged of clear felling the forest area by the Corporation As per Government Resoli tar of the degiaded ferc-?st 3id June 1987, the Corporation has bee asked to carry out plantation (7,n areas as apart of massive afforestation programme. The corporation has been asked to prepaie a project for submission to the financial institutions for obtaining institutional finance. lquileie-f, 9T1TV.