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Ambition Document Strong SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY ARNHEM NIJMEGEN REGION | AMBITION DOCUMENT STRONG COOPERATION ON REGIONAL ECONOMIC STRENGTH Nowhere in the Netherlands do economic The Hague strength, urban dynamics and a fantastic living environment converge so naturally as in the Arnhem Nijmegen region! It is a sustainable, connected region with a strong economy. Arnhem Nijmegen is the region’s largest urban network and the economic focal point of East Netherlands, with nearly 800,000 inhabitants. Berlin The Arnhem Nijmegen region is the driving force behind the Gelderland economy. Favourably located on international corridors by road, rail and water. We dispose of high-quality knowledge locations, a highly educated and creative population and education & knowledge institutes of world stature. Our Motorways Health, HighTech and Energy top sectors make an important contribution to the Railways international competitive position of the Freight railways Netherlands. Moreover, our region has a splendid living environment with nature, Airport culture and history. A unique combination Logistics hub of which we are rightly proud. ▪ 1 ▪ 2 Big challenges require a regional strategy Our region has a high level of urbanisation. Partly as a result of the acclaimed quality of the living environment, our region grows rapidly. ty Ec ili on 40,000 extra houses are needed, among REGIONAL b o a m others because of the region’s increasing in a y COOPERATION t overlap with daily urban systems of the s Amsterdam-Rotterdam conurbation u S Randstad. This makes our region the together It is our ambition number one growth region outside the to rank among the Randstad, a considerable challenge! For more robust Dutch regions with the further growth will lead to increasing strongest performance. mobility in an already-stretched mobility and stronger Reinforcement of the y system. It is our aim to facilitate this t During the treatment of the discussion paper competitive position is H li growth in such a manner that it will o i ‘regional cooperation - together more robust needed to enable further u b produce a qualitative addition to the s o and stronger’ in April 2019, all Executives of the economic growth. Internati- in M urban environment. g cooperating municipalities committed to the onalisation is booming and as Our location on the main rivers and reinforcement of regional cooperation. The ambi- such the region will increasingly de- (Natura 2000) nature conservation areas tion was formulated as follows: velop into a collaborative network that is only make the task extra challenging. part of all kinds of broader networks, national This is also apparent from the tasks We want to maintain and reinforce our as well as European and global. concerning the Nitrogen Strategy unique combination of economic strength and Programme PAS. The attractive spatial “quality of life for our residents, businesses and Through Healthy Growth, we contribute to the quality and high quality of life that knowledge institutes. We want to be a top region internationally established ‘Sustainable Development form the basis of our growth, must in the Netherlands and at the same time distin- Goals’ and we present ourselves as a European-orien- be preserved. That’s why we aim for guish ourselves from other regions. Our efforts ted border region. The ambitions and investments sustainable facilitation of the spatial are aimed at the combination of sustainable and are increasingly and more logically connected growth by densification and expansion healthy choices in terms of housing, working and between the different policy fields, agendas and linked to the existing infrastructure and mobility, on our way to a circular economy. With a activities of the Arnhem Nijmegen region. The regional great deal of attention for human capital, to offer sustainable mobility and accessibility links the “ Energy mobility hubs. Customised solutions room and (wo)manpower to innovations and eco- Transition Roadmap with the cooperation in the Source: Discussion paper are needed to realise housing with nomic activity in our top sectors, partly in relation Regional Energy Strategy and the Administrative Regional Cooperation sufficient quality standards that is to important social challenges (such as the energy Agreement on the Investment agenda. Together more robust and stronger affordable as well as future-proof. This transition and mobility). This to ensure that in- requires a strong regional cooperation creasing numbers of our residents can join in and Through the investment agenda by now on the themes of housing, sustainability, benefit from the opportunities and the healthy some 200 million euro has been invested in economy and mobility. growth we strive for in this great urban region. the region by authorities and third parties. ▪ 3 ▪ 4 ▪ 4 We are working on urban and Our commitment is laid down regional accessibility in the ambition document: Sustainable Mobility and SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY Accessibility We want to attract, interest and perma- Healthy towns as meeting centres and AND ACCESSIBILITY nently bind residents and businesses, a healthy region to live in. Our region The Arnhem Nijmegen region has employees and students. An excellent has good railway connections with both the level of scale required to tackle We are working on sustainable accessibility is of strategic importance the Amsterdam-Rotterdam conurbati- the challenges of sustainable the 6 WORK TRACKS mobility for an attractive business climate. Fast, on Randstad, the Ruhr area and North mobility and accessibility. We see for Sustainable Mobility direct and reliable connections from and & South Netherlands. Arnhem Central many opportunities to make more We are committed to sustainable to the surrounding urban regions and functions in this respect as the East effective use of the innovation and Accessibility mobility. This is line with our regional Germany respond to the spatial scale-up Netherlands hub. The international force of our region in the area of character. For we have the cleanest of the knowledge economy. Our public transport strategy (vision smart mobility/traffic management, bus concessions of the Netherlands residents can travel to the centre of PT2040) is currently at the level of sustainable automotive techno- ROBUST ROAD NETWORK including a unique trolley system in Amsterdam, Mainport Schiphol and connecting border regions and crea- logy and the further development Arnhem, we are forerunners in the area Düsseldorf in 45 minutes. Border-cros- ting fast and sustainable connections of our main railway structure (ICE of fast cycling routes and Nijmegen was sing connections will be further develo- between the Netherlands and the main and PHS), bicycle and high-quality RELIABLE RAIL elected European Green Capital of 2018. ped in the coming period. economic core areas in the surroun- public transport. Structural coope- In our spatial development we prioritise Alternative transport options between ding countries. The IC networks in the ration and a shared ambition, vision our mobility hubs. Comprehensive area our residential and work locations will Netherlands are linked to IC stations and agenda constitute the basis. development is realised on Arnhem be necessary to sustainably cope with across the border with connections to The result: a dynamic ambition (HIGH-QUALITY) PT FOR ALL and Nijmegen Central and on Nijmegen the increase in urbanisation. Our cycling the ICE and HSL networks. We support document to promote the required Heyendaal. We continue our strategy network offers our residents and these starting principles. sustainable mobility and to guaran- to use our existing mobility networks employees an attractive, comfortable, tee essential urban accessibility. The ATTRACTIVE CYCLING NETWORK more effectively. We specifically target safe and quick commute option. More Ambition Document Sustainable zero-emission mobility (bicycle, public ‘clean travelling’ is needed to strengthen Mobility and Accessibility categori- transport, e-transport, etc.). We strive the living climate in our cities and ses these tasks in six cohesive work for more clean mileage in our daily centres. And logistics can make a tracks. CLEAN TRANSPORT movements. These efforts are closely contribution. Think of sustainable fuels related to strengthening our living for logistics transport, more last-mile environment and the Regional Energy solutions and sustainable inland water- SAFE TRAFFIC ENVIRONMENT Strategy. way transport. You will find the details of our commitment on the 6 work tracks for Sustainable Mobility ” and Accessibility on the next pages. >>>> ▪ 5 ▪ 6 ROBUST ROAD NETWORK The main road network in the Arnhem situation is clearly linked to the widening Nijmegen region is vulnerable. The acces- of the A12 motorway. The extension and sibility of the Arnhem Nijmegen region is partial widening of the A15 (3) and the increasingly under pressure and a joint widening of the A12 (project ViA15) will 1 Improvement of the approach to road improvement is urgent- tackle major bottlenecks in the main road A50 / Bankhoef ly required! Especially with respect to the network. The ViA15 project will contribute main roads, robust solutions are needed to a solution for the daily problems on to preserve the quality of life in the towns the Pleyroute and the A12 in the corridor 2 Improvement Eastern and centres. With congestion, various between Arnhem and De Achterhoek flank Arnhem / undesired short cuts emerge in the region and is closely linked to the approach of De
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